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2023-08-17 20:30:13 +00:00
Copyright (c) 2004-2016, The JS Foundation All Rights Reserved.
Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
see: for details
This is an optimized version of Dojo, built for deployment and not for
development. To get sources and documentation, please visit:
// summary:
// This is the "source loader" and is the entry point for Dojo during development. You may also load Dojo with
// any AMD-compliant loader via the package main module dojo/main.
// description:
// This is the "source loader" for Dojo. It provides an AMD-compliant loader that can be configured
// to operate in either synchronous or asynchronous modes. After the loader is defined, dojo is loaded
// IAW the package main module dojo/main. In the event you wish to use a foreign loader, you may load dojo as a package
// via the package main module dojo/main and this loader is not required; see dojo/package.json for details.
// In order to keep compatibility with the v1.x line, this loader includes additional machinery that enables
// the dojo.provide, dojo.require et al API. This machinery is loaded by default, but may be dynamically removed
// via the has.js API and statically removed via the build system.
// This loader includes sniffing machinery to determine the environment; the following environments are supported:
// - browser
// - node.js
// - rhino
// This is the so-called "source loader". As such, it includes many optional features that may be discarded by
// building a customized version with the build system.
// Design and Implementation Notes
// This is a dojo-specific adaption of bdLoad, donated to the dojo foundation by Altoviso LLC.
// This function defines an AMD-compliant (
// loader that can be configured to operate in either synchronous or asynchronous modes.
// Since this machinery implements a loader, it does not have the luxury of using a load system and/or
// leveraging a utility library. This results in an unpleasantly long file; here is a road map of the contents:
// 1. Small library for use implementing the loader.
// 2. Define the has.js API; this is used throughout the loader to bracket features.
// 3. Define the node.js and rhino sniffs and sniff.
// 4. Define the loader's data.
// 5. Define the configuration machinery.
// 6. Define the script element sniffing machinery and sniff for configuration data.
// 7. Configure the loader IAW the provided user, default, and sniffing data.
// 8. Define the global require function.
// 9. Define the module resolution machinery.
// 10. Define the module and plugin module definition machinery
// 11. Define the script injection machinery.
// 12. Define the window load detection.
// 13. Define the logging API.
// 14. Define the tracing API.
// 16. Define the AMD define function.
// 17. Define the dojo v1.x provide/require machinery--so called "legacy" modes.
// 18. Publish global variables.
// Language and Acronyms and Idioms
// moduleId: a CJS module identifier, (used for public APIs)
// mid: moduleId (used internally)
// packageId: a package identifier (used for public APIs)
// pid: packageId (used internally); the implied system or default package has pid===""
// pack: package is used internally to reference a package object (since javascript has reserved words including "package")
// prid: plugin resource identifier
// The integer constant 1 is used in place of true and 0 in place of false.
// The "foreign-loader" has condition is defined if another loader is being used (e.g. webpack) and this code is only
// needed for resolving module identifiers based on the config. In this case, only the functions require.toUrl and
// require.toAbsMid are supported. The require and define functions are not supported.
// define global
var globalObject = (function(){
if (typeof global !== 'undefined' && typeof global !== 'function') {
// global spec defines a reference to the global object called 'global'
// `global` is also defined in NodeJS
return global;
else if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
// window is defined in browsers
return window;
else if (typeof self !== 'undefined') {
// self is defined in WebWorkers
return self;
return this;
// define a minimal library to help build the loader
var noop = function(){
isEmpty = function(it){
for(var p in it){
return 0;
return 1;
toString = {}.toString,
isFunction = function(it){
return == "[object Function]";
isString = function(it){
return == "[object String]";
isArray = function(it){
return == "[object Array]";
forEach = function(vector, callback){
for(var i = 0; i < vector.length;){
mix = function(dest, src){
for(var p in src){
dest[p] = src[p];
return dest;
makeError = function(error, info){
return mix(new Error(error), {src:"dojoLoader", info:info});
uidSeed = 1,
uid = function(){
// Returns a unique identifier (within the lifetime of the document) of the form /_d+/.
return "_" + uidSeed++;
// FIXME: how to doc window.require() api
// this will be the global require function; define it immediately so we can start hanging things off of it
req = function(
config, //(object, optional) hash of configuration properties
dependencies, //(array of commonjs.moduleId, optional) list of modules to be loaded before applying callback
callback //(function, optional) lambda expression to apply to module values implied by dependencies
return contextRequire(config, dependencies, callback, 0, req);
// the loader uses the has.js API to control feature inclusion/exclusion; define then use throughout
global = globalObject,
doc = global.document,
element = doc && doc.createElement("DiV"),
has = req.has = function(name){
return isFunction(hasCache[name]) ? (hasCache[name] = hasCache[name](global, doc, element)) : hasCache[name];
hasCache = has.cache = defaultConfig.hasCache;
if (isFunction(userConfig)) {
userConfig = userConfig(globalObject);
has.add = function(name, test, now, force){
(hasCache[name]===undefined || force) && (hasCache[name] = test);
return now && has(name);
0 && has.add("host-node", userConfig.has && "host-node" in userConfig.has ?
userConfig.has["host-node"] :
(typeof process == "object" && process.versions && process.versions.node && process.versions.v8));
if( 0 ){
// fixup the default config for node.js environment
// remember node's require (with respect to baseUrl==dojo's root)
defaultConfig.loaderPatch.nodeRequire = require;
0 && has.add("host-rhino", userConfig.has && "host-rhino" in userConfig.has ?
userConfig.has["host-rhino"] :
(typeof load == "function" && (typeof Packages == "function" || typeof Packages == "object")));
if( 0 ){
// owing to rhino's lame feature that hides the source of the script, give the user a way to specify the baseUrl...
for(var baseUrl = userConfig.baseUrl || ".", arg, rhinoArgs = this.arguments, i = 0; i < rhinoArgs.length;){
arg = (rhinoArgs[i++] + "").split("=");
if(arg[0] == "baseUrl"){
baseUrl = arg[1];
load(baseUrl + "/_base/configRhino.js");
rhinoDojoConfig(defaultConfig, baseUrl, rhinoArgs);
has.add("host-webworker", ((typeof WorkerGlobalScope !== 'undefined') && (self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope)));
mix(defaultConfig.hasCache, {
"host-browser": 0,
"dom": 0,
"dojo-dom-ready-api": 0,
"dojo-sniff": 0,
"dojo-inject-api": 1,
"host-webworker": 1,
"dojo-guarantee-console": 0 // console is immutable in FF30+, see
defaultConfig.loaderPatch = {
injectUrl: function(url, callback){
// TODO:
// This is not async, nor can it be in Webworkers. It could be made better by passing
// the entire require array into importScripts at. This way the scripts are loaded in
// async mode; even if the callbacks are ran in sync. It is not a major issue as webworkers
// tend to be long running where initial startup is not a major factor.
}catch(e){"failed to load resource (" + url + ")");
// userConfig has tests override defaultConfig has tests; do this after the environment detection because
// the environment detection usually sets some has feature values in the hasCache.
for(var p in userConfig.has){
has.add(p, userConfig.has[p], 0, 1);
// define the loader data
// the loader will use these like symbols if the loader has the traceApi; otherwise
// define magic numbers so that modules can be provided as part of defaultConfig
var requested = 1,
arrived = 2,
nonmodule = 3,
executing = 4,
executed = 5;
if( 0 ){
// these make debugging nice; but using strings for symbols is a gross rookie error; don't do it for production code
requested = "requested";
arrived = "arrived";
nonmodule = "not-a-module";
executing = "executing";
executed = "executed";
var legacyMode = 0,
sync = "sync",
xd = "xd",
syncExecStack = [],
dojoRequirePlugin = 0,
checkDojoRequirePlugin = noop,
transformToAmd = noop,
if( 1 ){
req.isXdUrl = noop;
req.initSyncLoader = function(dojoRequirePlugin_, checkDojoRequirePlugin_, transformToAmd_){
// the first dojo/_base/loader loaded gets to define these variables; they are designed to work
// in the presence of zero to many mapped dojo/_base/loaders
dojoRequirePlugin = dojoRequirePlugin_;
checkDojoRequirePlugin = checkDojoRequirePlugin_;
transformToAmd = transformToAmd_;
return {
getLegacyMode:function(){return legacyMode;},
if( 1 || has("host-webworker")){
// in legacy sync mode, the loader needs a minimal XHR library
var locationProtocol = location.protocol,
locationHost =;
req.isXdUrl = function(url){
// begins with a dot is always relative to page URL; therefore not xdomain
return false;
// for v1.6- backcompat, url starting with // indicates xdomain
return true;
// get protocol and host
// \/+ takes care of the typical file protocol that looks like file:///drive/path/to/file
// locationHost is falsy if file protocol => if locationProtocol matches and is "file:", || will return false
var match = url.match(/^([^\/\:]+\:)\/+([^\/]+)/);
return match && (match[1] != locationProtocol || (locationHost && match[2] != locationHost));
// note: to get the file:// protocol to work in FF, you must set security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy to false in about:config
1 || has.add("dojo-xhr-factory", 1);
has.add("dojo-force-activex-xhr", 1 && !doc.addEventListener && window.location.protocol == "file:");
has.add("native-xhr", typeof XMLHttpRequest != "undefined");
if(has("native-xhr") && !has("dojo-force-activex-xhr")){
getXhr = function(){
return new XMLHttpRequest();
// if in the browser an old IE; find an xhr
for(var XMLHTTP_PROGIDS = ['Msxml2.XMLHTTP', 'Microsoft.XMLHTTP', 'Msxml2.XMLHTTP.4.0'], progid, i = 0; i < 3;){
progid = XMLHTTP_PROGIDS[i++];
if(new ActiveXObject(progid)){
// this progid works; therefore, use it from now on
// squelch; we're just trying to find a good ActiveX progid
// if they all fail, then progid ends up as the last attempt and that will signal the error
// the first time the client actually tries to exec an xhr
getXhr = function(){
return new ActiveXObject(progid);
req.getXhr = getXhr;
has.add("dojo-gettext-api", 1);
req.getText = function(url, async, onLoad){
var xhr = getXhr();'GET', fixupUrl(url), false);
if(xhr.status == 200 || (! && !xhr.status)){
onLoad(xhr.responseText, async);
throw makeError("xhrFailed", xhr.status);
return xhr.responseText;
req.async = 1;
// loader eval
var eval_ = has("csp-restrictions") ?
// noop eval if there are csp restrictions
function(){} :
// use the function constructor so our eval is scoped close to (but not in) in the global space with minimal pollution
new Function('return eval(arguments[0]);');
req.eval =
function(text, hint){
return eval_(text + "\r\n//# sourceURL=" + hint);
// loader micro events API
var listenerQueues = {},
error = "error",
signal = req.signal = function(type, args){
var queue = listenerQueues[type];
// notice we run a copy of the queue; this allows listeners to add/remove
// other listeners without affecting this particular signal
forEach(queue && queue.slice(0), function(listener){
listener.apply(null, isArray(args) ? args : [args]);
on = req.on = function(type, listener){
// notice a queue is not created until a client actually connects
var queue = listenerQueues[type] || (listenerQueues[type] = []);
return {
for(var i = 0; i<queue.length; i++){
queue.splice(i, 1);
// configuration machinery; with an optimized/built defaultConfig, all configuration machinery can be discarded
// lexical variables hold key loader data structures to help with minification; these may be completely,
// one-time initialized by defaultConfig for optimized/built versions
// a vector of pairs of [regexs or string, replacement] => (alias, actual)
= [],
// CommonJS paths
= {},
// list of (from-path, to-path, regex, length) derived from paths;
// a "program" to apply paths; see computeMapProg
= [],
// a map from packageId to package configuration object; see fixupPackageInfo
= {},
map =
// AMD map config variable; dojo/_base/kernel needs to figure out the scope map
= {},
// vector of quads as described by computeMapProg; map-key is AMD map key, map-value is AMD map value
= [],
// A hash:(mid) --> (module-object) the module namespace
// pid: the package identifier to which the module belongs (e.g., "dojo"); "" indicates the system or default package
// mid: the fully-resolved (i.e., mappings have been applied) module identifier without the package identifier (e.g., "dojo/io/script")
// url: the URL from which the module was retrieved
// pack: the package object of the package to which the module belongs
// executed: 0 => not executed; executing => in the process of traversing deps and running factory; executed => factory has been executed
// deps: the dependency vector for this module (vector of modules objects)
// def: the factory for this module
// result: the result of the running the factory for this module
// injected: (0 | requested | arrived) the status of the module; nonmodule means the resource did not call define
// load: plugin load function; applicable only for plugins
// Modules go through several phases in creation:
// 1. Requested: some other module's definition or a require application contained the requested module in
// its dependency vector or executing code explicitly demands a module via req.require.
// 2. Injected: a script element has been appended to the insert-point element demanding the resource implied by the URL
// 3. Loaded: the resource injected in [2] has been evaluated.
// 4. Defined: the resource contained a define statement that advised the loader about the module. Notice that some
// resources may just contain a bundle of code and never formally define a module via define
// 5. Evaluated: the module was defined via define and the loader has evaluated the factory and computed a result.
= {},
// query string to append to module URLs to bust browser cache
= "",
// hash:(mid | url)-->(function | string)
// A cache of resources. The resources arrive via a config.cache object, which is a hash from either mid --> function or
// url --> string. The url key is distinguished from the mid key by always containing the prefix "url:". url keys as provided
// by config.cache always have a string value that represents the contents of the resource at the given url. mid keys as provided
// by configl.cache always have a function value that causes the same code to execute as if the module was script injected.
// Both kinds of key-value pairs are entered into cache via the function consumePendingCache, which may relocate keys as given
// by any mappings *iff* the config.cache was received as part of a module resource request.
// Further, for mid keys, the implied url is computed and the value is entered into that key as well. This allows mapped modules
// to retrieve cached items that may have arrived consequent to another namespace.
= {},
// the prefix to prepend to a URL key in the cache.
= "url:",
// hash:(mid)-->(function)
// Gives a set of cache modules pending entry into cache. When cached modules are published to the loader, they are
// entered into pendingCacheInsert; modules are then pressed into cache upon (1) AMD define or (2) upon receiving another
// independent set of cached modules. (1) is the usual case, and this case allows normalizing mids given in the pending
// cache for the local configuration, possibly relocating modules.
= {},
// map of configuration variables
// give the data-dojo-config as sniffed from the document (if any)
= {},
// the nodes used to locate where scripts are injected into the document
= 0;
if( 1 ){
if (!has("foreign-loader")) {
var consumePendingCacheInsert = function(referenceModule, clear){
clear = clear !== false;
var p, item, match, now, m;
for(p in pendingCacheInsert){
item = pendingCacheInsert[p];
match = p.match(/^url\:(.+)/);
cache[urlKeyPrefix + toUrl(match[1], referenceModule)] = item;
}else if(p=="*now"){
now = item;
}else if(p!="*noref"){
m = getModuleInfo(p, referenceModule, true);
cache[m.mid] = cache[urlKeyPrefix + m.url] = item;
pendingCacheInsert = {};
var escapeString = function(s){
return s.replace(/([\.$?*|{}\(\)\[\]\\\/\+^])/g, function(c){ return "\\" + c; });
computeMapProg = function(map, dest){
// This routine takes a map as represented by a JavaScript object and initializes dest, a vector of
// quads of (map-key, map-value, refex-for-map-key, length-of-map-key), sorted decreasing by length-
// of-map-key. The regex looks for the map-key followed by either "/" or end-of-string at the beginning
// of a the search source. Notice the map-value is irrelevant to the algorithm
dest.splice(0, dest.length);
for(var p in map){
new RegExp("^" + escapeString(p) + "(\/|$)"),
dest.sort(function(lhs, rhs){ return rhs[3] - lhs[3]; });
return dest;
computeAliases = function(config, dest){
forEach(config, function(pair){
// take a fixed-up copy...
dest.push([isString(pair[0]) ? new RegExp("^" + escapeString(pair[0]) + "$") : pair[0], pair[1]]);
fixupPackageInfo = function(packageInfo){
// calculate the precise (name, location, main, mappings) for a package
var name =;
// packageInfo must be a string that gives the name
name = packageInfo;
packageInfo = {name:name};
packageInfo = mix({main:"main"}, packageInfo);
packageInfo.location = packageInfo.location ? packageInfo.location : name;
// packageMap is deprecated in favor of AMD map
map[name] = packageInfo.packageMap;
packageInfo.main = packageInfo.main.substring(2);
// now that we've got a fully-resolved package object, push it into the configuration
packs[name] = packageInfo;
// module config cannot be consumed until the loader is completely initialized; therefore, all
// module config detected during booting is memorized and applied at the end of loader initialization
// TODO: this is a bit of a kludge; all config should be moved to end of loader initialization, but
// we'll delay this chore and do it with a final loader 1.x cleanup after the 2.x loader prototyping is complete
= [],
config = function(config, booting, referenceModule){
for(var p in config){
req.waitms = (config[p] || 0) * 1000;
cacheBust = config[p] ? (isString(config[p]) ? config[p] : (new Date()).getTime() + "") : "";
if(p=="baseUrl" || p=="combo"){
req[p] = config[p];
if( 1 && p=="async"){
// falsy or "sync" => legacy sync loader
// "xd" => sync but loading xdomain tree and therefore loading asynchronously (not configurable, set automatically by the loader)
// "legacyAsync" => permanently in "xd" by choice
// "debugAtAllCosts" => trying to load everything via script injection (not implemented)
// otherwise, must be truthy => AMD
// legacyMode: sync | legacyAsync | xd | false
var mode = config[p];
req.legacyMode = legacyMode = (isString(mode) && /sync|legacyAsync/.test(mode) ? mode : (!mode ? sync : false));
req.async = !legacyMode;
// accumulate raw config info for client apps which can use this to pass their own config
req.rawConfig[p] = config[p];
p!="has" && has.add("config-"+p, config[p], 0, booting);
// make sure baseUrl exists
req.baseUrl = "./";
// make sure baseUrl ends with a slash
req.baseUrl += "/";
// now do the special work for has, packages, packagePaths, paths, aliases, and cache
for(p in config.has){
has.add(p, config.has[p], 0, booting);
// for each package found in any packages config item, augment the packs map owned by the loader
forEach(config.packages, fixupPackageInfo);
// for each packagePath found in any packagePaths config item, augment the packageConfig
// packagePaths is deprecated; remove in 2.0
for(var baseUrl in config.packagePaths){
forEach(config.packagePaths[baseUrl], function(packageInfo){
var location = baseUrl + "/" + packageInfo;
packageInfo = {name:packageInfo};
packageInfo.location = location;
// notice that computeMapProg treats the dest as a reference; therefore, if/when that variable
// is published (see dojo-publish-privates), the published variable will always hold a valid value.
// this must come after all package processing since package processing may mutate map
computeMapProg(mix(map,, mapProgs);
forEach(mapProgs, function(item){
item[1] = computeMapProg(item[1], []);
if(item[0]=="*"){ = item;
// push in any paths and recompute the internal pathmap
computeMapProg(mix(paths, config.paths), pathsMapProg);
// aliases
computeAliases(config.aliases, aliases);
if (!has("foreign-loader")) {
for(p in config.config){
var module = getModule(p, referenceModule);
module.config = mix(module.config || {}, config.config[p]);
// push in any new cache values
pendingCacheInsert = config.cache;
//inject now all depencies so cache is available for mapped module
consumePendingCacheInsert(0, !!config.cache["*noref"]);
signal("config", [config, req.rawConfig]);
// execute the various sniffs; userConfig can override and value
if(has("dojo-cdn") || 1 ){
// the sniff regex looks for a src attribute ending in dojo.js, optionally preceded with a path.
// match[3] returns the path to dojo.js (if any) without the trailing slash. This is used for the
// dojo location on CDN deployments and baseUrl when either/both of these are not provided
// explicitly in the config data; this is the 1.6- behavior.
var scripts = doc.getElementsByTagName("script"),
i = 0,
script, dojoDir, src, match;
while(i < scripts.length){
script = scripts[i++];
if((src = script.getAttribute("src")) && (match = src.match(/(((.*)\/)|^)dojo\.js(\W|$)/i))){
// sniff dojoDir and baseUrl
dojoDir = match[3] || "";
defaultConfig.baseUrl = defaultConfig.baseUrl || dojoDir;
// remember an insertPointSibling
insertPointSibling = script;
// sniff configuration on attribute in script element
if((src = (script.getAttribute("data-dojo-config") || script.getAttribute("djConfig")))){
dojoSniffConfig = req.eval("({ " + src + " })", "data-dojo-config");
// remember an insertPointSibling
insertPointSibling = script;
// sniff requirejs attribute
if( 0 ){
if((src = script.getAttribute("data-main"))){
dojoSniffConfig.deps = dojoSniffConfig.deps || [src];
if( 0 ){
// pass down doh.testConfig from parent as if it were a data-dojo-config
if(window.parent != window && window.parent.require){
var doh = window.parent.require("doh");
doh && mix(dojoSniffConfig, doh.testConfig);
// configure the loader; let the user override defaults
req.rawConfig = {};
config(defaultConfig, 1);
// do this before setting userConfig/sniffConfig to allow userConfig/sniff overrides
packs.dojo.location = dojoDir;
dojoDir += "/";
packs.dijit.location = dojoDir + "../dijit/";
packs.dojox.location = dojoDir + "../dojox/";
config(userConfig, 1);
config(dojoSniffConfig, 1);
// no config API, assume defaultConfig has everything the loader needs...for the entire lifetime of the application
paths = defaultConfig.paths;
pathsMapProg = defaultConfig.pathsMapProg;
packs = defaultConfig.packs;
aliases = defaultConfig.aliases;
mapProgs = defaultConfig.mapProgs;
modules = defaultConfig.modules;
cache = defaultConfig.cache;
cacheBust = defaultConfig.cacheBust;
// remember the default config for other processes (e.g., dojo/config)
req.rawConfig = defaultConfig;
if (!has("foreign-loader")) {
if( 0 ){
req.combo = req.combo || {add:noop};
var comboPending = 0,
combosPending = [],
comboPendingTimer = null;
// build the loader machinery iaw configuration, including has feature tests
var injectDependencies = function(module){
// checkComplete!=0 holds the idle signal; we're not idle if we're injecting dependencies
forEach(module.deps, injectModule);
if( 0 && comboPending && !comboPendingTimer){
comboPendingTimer = setTimeout(function() {
comboPending = 0;
comboPendingTimer = null;
req.combo.done(function(mids, url) {
var onLoadCallback= function(){
// defQ is a vector of module definitions 1-to-1, onto mids
runDefQ(0, mids);
injectingModule = mids;
req.injectUrl(url, onLoadCallback, mids);
injectingModule = 0;
}, req);
}, 0);
contextRequire = function(a1, a2, a3, referenceModule, contextRequire){
var module, syntheticMid;
// signature is (moduleId)
module = getModule(a1, referenceModule, true);
if(module && module.executed){
return module.result;
throw makeError("undefinedModule", a1);
// a1 is a configuration
config(a1, 0, referenceModule);
// juggle args; (a2, a3) may be (dependencies, callback)
a1 = a2;
a2 = a3;
// signature is (requestList [,callback])
a2 && a2();
syntheticMid = "require*" + uid();
// resolve the request list with respect to the reference module
for(var mid, deps = [], i = 0; i < a1.length;){
mid = a1[i++];
deps.push(getModule(mid, referenceModule));
// construct a synthetic module to control execution of the requestList, and, optionally, callback
module = mix(makeModuleInfo("", syntheticMid, 0, ""), {
injected: arrived,
deps: deps,
def: a2 || noop,
require: referenceModule ? referenceModule.require : req,
gc: 1 //garbage collect
modules[module.mid] = module;
// checkComplete!=0 holds the idle signal; we're not idle if we're injecting dependencies
// try to immediately execute
// if already traversing a factory tree, then strict causes circular dependency to abort the execution; maybe
// it's possible to execute this require later after the current traversal completes and avoid the circular dependency.
// ...but *always* insist on immediate in synch mode
var strict = checkCompleteGuard && legacyMode!=sync;
execModule(module, strict);
// some deps weren't on board or circular dependency detected and strict; therefore, push into the execQ
return contextRequire;
createRequire = function(module){
return req;
var result = module.require;
result = function(a1, a2, a3){
return contextRequire(a1, a2, a3, module, result);
module.require = mix(result, req);
result.module = module;
result.toUrl = function(name){
return toUrl(name, module);
result.toAbsMid = function(mid){
return toAbsMid(mid, module);
if( 0 ){
result.undef = function(mid){
req.undef(mid, module);
if( 1 ){
result.syncLoadNls = function(mid){
var nlsModuleInfo = getModuleInfo(mid, module),
nlsModule = modules[nlsModuleInfo.mid];
if(!nlsModule || !nlsModule.executed){
cached = cache[nlsModuleInfo.mid] || cache[urlKeyPrefix + nlsModuleInfo.url];
nlsModule = modules[nlsModuleInfo.mid];
return nlsModule && nlsModule.executed && nlsModule.result;
return result;
execQ =
// The list of modules that need to be evaluated.
defQ =
// The queue of define arguments sent to loader.
waiting =
// The set of modules upon which the loader is waiting for definition to arrive
setRequested = function(module){
module.injected = requested;
waiting[module.mid] = 1;
waiting[module.url] = module.pack || 1;
setArrived = function(module){
module.injected = arrived;
delete waiting[module.mid];
delete waiting[module.url];
1 && legacyMode==xd && (legacyMode = sync);
execComplete = req.idle =
// says the loader has completed (or not) its work
return !defQ.length && isEmpty(waiting) && !execQ.length && !checkCompleteGuard;
var runMapProg = function(targetMid, map){
// search for targetMid in map; return the map item if found; falsy otherwise
for(var i = 0; i < map.length; i++){
return map[i];
return 0;
compactPath = function(path){
var result = [],
segment, lastSegment;
path = path.replace(/\\/g, '/').split('/');
segment = path.shift();
if(segment==".." && result.length && lastSegment!=".."){
lastSegment = result[result.length - 1];
}else if(segment!="."){
result.push(lastSegment= segment);
} // else ignore "."
return result.join("/");
makeModuleInfo = function(pid, mid, pack, url){
if( 1 ){
var xd= req.isXdUrl(url);
return {pid:pid, mid:mid, pack:pack, url:url, executed:0, def:0, isXd:xd, isAmd:!!(xd || (packs[pid] && packs[pid].isAmd))};
return {pid:pid, mid:mid, pack:pack, url:url, executed:0, def:0};
getModuleInfo_ = function(mid, referenceModule, packs, modules, baseUrl, mapProgs, pathsMapProg, aliases, alwaysCreate, fromPendingCache){
// arguments are passed instead of using lexical variables so that this function my be used independent of the loader (e.g., the builder)
// alwaysCreate is useful in this case so that getModuleInfo never returns references to real modules owned by the loader
var pid, pack, midInPackage, mapItem, url, result, isRelative, requestedMid;
requestedMid = mid;
isRelative = /^\./.test(mid);
if(/(^\/)|(\:)|(\.js$)/.test(mid) || (isRelative && !referenceModule)){
// absolute path or protocol of .js filetype, or relative path but no reference module and therefore relative to page
// whatever it is, it's not a module but just a URL of some sort
// note: pid===0 indicates the routine is returning an unmodified mid
return makeModuleInfo(0, mid, 0, mid);
// relative module ids are relative to the referenceModule; get rid of any dots
mid = compactPath(isRelative ? (referenceModule.mid + "/../" + mid) : mid);
throw makeError("irrationalPath", mid);
// at this point, mid is an absolute mid
// map the mid
if(!fromPendingCache && !isRelative &&{
mapItem = runMapProg(mid,[1]);
if(!mapItem && referenceModule){
mapItem = runMapProg(referenceModule.mid, mapProgs);
mapItem = mapItem && runMapProg(mid, mapItem[1]);
mid = mapItem[1] + mid.substring(mapItem[3]);
match = mid.match(/^([^\/]+)(\/(.+))?$/);
pid = match ? match[1] : "";
if((pack = packs[pid])){
mid = pid + "/" + (midInPackage = (match[3] || pack.main));
pid = "";
// search aliases
var candidateLength = 0,
candidate = 0;
forEach(aliases, function(pair){
var match = mid.match(pair[0]);
if(match && match.length>candidateLength){
candidate = isFunction(pair[1]) ? mid.replace(pair[0], pair[1]) : pair[1];
return getModuleInfo_(candidate, 0, packs, modules, baseUrl, mapProgs, pathsMapProg, aliases, alwaysCreate);
result = modules[mid];
return alwaysCreate ? makeModuleInfo(, result.mid, result.pack, result.url) : modules[mid];
// get here iff the sought-after module does not yet exist; therefore, we need to compute the URL given the
// fully resolved (i.e., all relative indicators and package mapping resolved) module id
// note: pid!==0 indicates the routine is returning a url that has .js appended unmodified mid
mapItem = runMapProg(mid, pathsMapProg);
url = mapItem[1] + mid.substring(mapItem[3]);
}else if(pid){
url = (pack.location.slice(-1) === '/' ? pack.location.slice(0, -1) : pack.location) + "/" + midInPackage;
}else if(has("config-tlmSiblingOfDojo")){
url = "../" + mid;
url = mid;
// if result is not absolute, add baseUrl
url = baseUrl + url;
url += ".js";
return makeModuleInfo(pid, mid, pack, compactPath(url));
getModuleInfo = function(mid, referenceModule, fromPendingCache){
return getModuleInfo_(mid, referenceModule, packs, modules, req.baseUrl, mapProgs, pathsMapProg, aliases, undefined, fromPendingCache);
if (!has("foreign-loader")) {
var resolvePluginResourceId = function(plugin, prid, referenceModule){
return plugin.normalize ? plugin.normalize(prid, function(mid){return toAbsMid(mid, referenceModule);}) : toAbsMid(prid, referenceModule);
dynamicPluginUidGenerator = 0,
getModule = function(mid, referenceModule, immediate){
// compute and optionally construct (if necessary) the module implied by the mid with respect to referenceModule
var match, plugin, prid, result;
match = mid.match(/^(.+?)\!(.*)$/);
// name was <plugin-module>!<plugin-resource-id>
plugin = getModule(match[1], referenceModule, immediate);
if( 1 && legacyMode == sync && !plugin.executed){
if(plugin.injected===arrived && !plugin.executed){
// we are in xdomain mode for some reason
if(plugin.executed === executed && !plugin.load){
// executed the module not knowing it was a plugin
// if the plugin has not been loaded, then can't resolve the prid and must assume this plugin is dynamic until we find out otherwise
prid = resolvePluginResourceId(plugin, match[2], referenceModule);
mid = (plugin.mid + "!" + (plugin.dynamic ? ++dynamicPluginUidGenerator + "!" : "") + prid);
prid = match[2];
mid = plugin.mid + "!" + (++dynamicPluginUidGenerator) + "!waitingForPlugin";
result = {plugin:plugin, mid:mid, req:createRequire(referenceModule), prid:prid};
result = getModuleInfo(mid, referenceModule);
return modules[result.mid] || (!immediate && (modules[result.mid] = result));
var toAbsMid = req.toAbsMid = function(mid, referenceModule){
return getModuleInfo(mid, referenceModule).mid;
toUrl = req.toUrl = function(name, referenceModule){
var moduleInfo = getModuleInfo(name+"/x", referenceModule),
url= moduleInfo.url;
return fixupUrl( ?
// if pid===0, then name had a protocol or absolute path; either way, toUrl is the identify function in such cases
name :
// "/x.js" since getModuleInfo automatically appends ".js" and we appended "/x" to make name look like a module id
url.substring(0, url.length-5)
if (!has("foreign-loader")) {
var nonModuleProps = {
injected: arrived,
executed: executed,
def: nonmodule,
result: nonmodule
makeCjs = function(mid){
return modules[mid] = mix({mid:mid}, nonModuleProps);
cjsRequireModule = makeCjs("require"),
cjsExportsModule = makeCjs("exports"),
cjsModuleModule = makeCjs("module"),
runFactory = function(module, args){
req.trace("loader-run-factory", [module.mid]);
var factory = module.def,
1 && syncExecStack.unshift(module);
result= isFunction(factory) ? factory.apply(null, args) : factory;
signal(error, module.result = makeError("factoryThrew", [module, e]));
result= isFunction(factory) ? factory.apply(null, args) : factory;
module.result = result===undefined && module.cjs ? module.cjs.exports : result;
1 && syncExecStack.shift(module);
abortExec = {},
defOrder = 0,
promoteModuleToPlugin = function(pluginModule){
var plugin = pluginModule.result;
pluginModule.dynamic = plugin.dynamic;
pluginModule.normalize = plugin.normalize;
pluginModule.load = plugin.load;
return pluginModule;
resolvePluginLoadQ = function(plugin){
// plugins is a newly executed module that has a loadQ waiting to run
// step 1: traverse the loadQ and fixup the mid and prid; remember the map from original mid to new mid
// recall the original mid was created before the plugin was on board and therefore it was impossible to
// compute the final mid; accordingly, prid may or may not change, but the mid will definitely change
var map = {};
forEach(plugin.loadQ, function(pseudoPluginResource){
// manufacture and insert the real module in modules
var prid = resolvePluginResourceId(plugin, pseudoPluginResource.prid, pseudoPluginResource.req.module),
mid = plugin.dynamic ? pseudoPluginResource.mid.replace(/waitingForPlugin$/, prid) : (plugin.mid + "!" + prid),
pluginResource = mix(mix({}, pseudoPluginResource), {mid:mid, prid:prid, injected:0});
if(!modules[mid] || !modules[mid].injected /*for require.undef*/){
// create a new (the real) plugin resource and inject it normally now that the plugin is on board
injectPlugin(modules[mid] = pluginResource);
} // else this was a duplicate request for the same (plugin, rid) for a nondynamic plugin
// pluginResource is really just a placeholder with the wrong mid (because we couldn't calculate it until the plugin was on board)
// mark is as arrived and delete it from modules; the real module was requested above
map[pseudoPluginResource.mid] = modules[mid];
delete modules[pseudoPluginResource.mid];
plugin.loadQ = 0;
// step2: replace all references to any placeholder modules with real modules
var substituteModules = function(module){
for(var replacement, deps = module.deps || [], i = 0; i<deps.length; i++){
replacement = map[deps[i].mid];
deps[i] = replacement;
for(var p in modules){
forEach(execQ, substituteModules);
finishExec = function(module){
req.trace("loader-finish-exec", [module.mid]);
module.executed = executed;
module.defOrder = defOrder++;
1 && forEach(module.provides, function(cb){ cb(); });
// the module was a plugin
// remove all occurrences of this module from the execQ
for(i = 0; i < execQ.length;){
if(execQ[i] === module){
execQ.splice(i, 1);
// delete references to synthetic modules
if (/^require\*/.test(module.mid)) {
delete modules[module.mid];
circleTrace = [],
execModule = function(module, strict){
// run the dependency vector, then run the factory for module
if(module.executed === executing){
req.trace("loader-circular-dependency", [circleTrace.concat(module.mid).join("->")]);
return (!module.def || strict) ? abortExec : (module.cjs && module.cjs.exports);
// at this point the module is either not executed or fully executed
return abortExec;
var mid = module.mid,
deps = module.deps || [],
arg, argResult,
args = [],
i = 0;
if( 0 ){
req.trace("loader-exec-module", ["exec", circleTrace.length, mid]);
// for circular dependencies, assume the first module encountered was executed OK
// modules that circularly depend on a module that has not run its factory will get
// the pre-made cjs.exports===module.result. They can take a reference to this object and/or
// add properties to it. When the module finally runs its factory, the factory can
// read/write/replace this object. Notice that so long as the object isn't replaced, any
// reference taken earlier while walking the deps list is still valid.
module.executed = executing;
while((arg = deps[i++])){
argResult = ((arg === cjsRequireModule) ? createRequire(module) :
((arg === cjsExportsModule) ? module.cjs.exports :
((arg === cjsModuleModule) ? module.cjs :
execModule(arg, strict))));
if(argResult === abortExec){
module.executed = 0;
req.trace("loader-exec-module", ["abort", mid]);
0 && circleTrace.pop();
return abortExec;
runFactory(module, args);
0 && circleTrace.pop();
// at this point the module is guaranteed fully executed
return module.result;
checkCompleteGuard = 0,
guardCheckComplete = function(proc){
throw e;
signal("idle", []);
checkComplete = function(){
// keep going through the execQ as long as at least one factory is executed
// plugins, recursion, cached modules all make for many execution path possibilities
for(var currentDefOrder, module, i = 0; i < execQ.length;){
currentDefOrder = defOrder;
module = execQ[i];
// defOrder was bumped one or more times indicating something was executed (note, this indicates
// the execQ was modified, maybe a lot (for example a later module causes an earlier module to execute)
i = 0;
// nothing happened; check the next module in the exec queue
var fixupUrl= typeof userConfig.fixupUrl == "function" ? userConfig.fixupUrl : function(url){
url += ""; // make sure url is a Javascript string (some paths may be a Java string)
return url + (cacheBust ? ((/\?/.test(url) ? "&" : "?") + cacheBust) : "");
if( 0 ){
req.undef = function(moduleId, referenceModule){
// In order to reload a module, it must be undefined (this routine) and then re-requested.
// This is useful for testing frameworks (at least).
var module = getModule(moduleId, referenceModule);
mix(module, {def:0, executed:0, injected:0, node:0, load:0});
if( 1 ){
has.add("dojo-loader-eval-hint-url", 1);
var injectPlugin = function(
// injects the plugin module given by module; may have to inject the plugin itself
var plugin = module.plugin;
if(plugin.executed === executed && !plugin.load){
// executed the module not knowing it was a plugin
var onLoad = function(def){
module.result = def;
plugin.load(module.prid, module.req, onLoad);
}else if(plugin.loadQ){
// the unshift instead of push is important: we don't want plugins to execute as
// dependencies of some other module because this may cause circles when the plugin
// loadQ is run; also, generally, we want plugins to run early since they may load
// several other modules and therefore can potentially unblock many modules
plugin.loadQ = [module];
// for IE, injecting a module may result in a recursive execution if the module is in the cache
cached = 0,
injectingModule = 0,
injectingCachedModule = 0,
evalModuleText = function(text, module){
// see def() for the injectingCachedModule bracket; it simply causes a short, safe circuit
text = text.replace(/(["'])use strict\1/g, '');
injectingCachedModule = 1;
req.eval(text, has("dojo-loader-eval-hint-url") ? module.url : module.mid);
signal(error, makeError("evalModuleThrew", module));
req.eval(text, has("dojo-loader-eval-hint-url") ? module.url : module.mid);
injectingCachedModule = 0;
injectModule = function(module){
// Inject the module. In the browser environment, this means appending a script element into
// the document; in other environments, it means loading a file.
// If in synchronous mode, then get the module synchronously if it's not xdomainLoading.
var mid = module.mid,
url = module.url;
if(module.executed || module.injected || waiting[mid] || (module.url && ((module.pack && waiting[module.url]===module.pack) || waiting[module.url]==1))){
if( 0 ){
var viaCombo = 0;
if(module.plugin && module.plugin.isCombo){
// a combo plugin; therefore, must be handled by combo service
// the prid should have already been converted to a URL (if required by the plugin) during
// the normalize process; in any event, there is no way for the loader to know how to
// to the conversion; therefore the third argument is zero
req.combo.add(module.plugin.mid, module.prid, 0, req);
viaCombo = 1;
}else if(!module.plugin){
viaCombo = req.combo.add(0, module.mid, module.url, req);
comboPending= 1;
} // else a normal module (not a plugin)
var onLoadCallback = function(){
if(module.injected !== arrived){
// the script that contained the module arrived and has been executed yet
// nothing was added to the defQ (so it wasn't an AMD module) and the module
// wasn't marked as arrived by dojo.provide (so it wasn't a v1.6- module);
// therefore, it must not have been a module; adjust state accordingly
signal(error, makeError("noDefine", module));
mix(module, nonModuleProps);
req.trace("loader-define-nonmodule", [module.url]);
if( 1 && legacyMode){
// must call checkComplete even in for sync loader because we may be in xdomainLoading mode;
// but, if xd loading, then don't call checkComplete until out of the current sync traversal
// in order to preserve order of execution of the dojo.required modules
!syncExecStack.length && checkComplete();
cached = cache[mid] || cache[urlKeyPrefix + module.url];
req.trace("loader-inject", ["cache", module.mid, url]);
evalModuleText(cached, module);
if( 1 && legacyMode){
// switch to async mode temporarily; if current legacyMode!=sync, then is must be one of {legacyAsync, xd, false}
legacyMode==sync && (legacyMode = xd);
// fall through and load via script injection
}else if(module.isAmd && legacyMode!=sync){
// fall through and load via script injection
// mode may be sync, xd/legacyAsync, or async; module may be AMD or legacy; but module is always located on the same domain
var xhrCallback = function(text){
// the top of syncExecStack gives the current synchronously executing module; the loader needs
// to know this if it has to switch to async loading in the middle of evaluating a legacy module
// this happens when a modules dojo.require's a module that must be loaded async because it's xdomain
// (using unshift/shift because there is no back() methods for Javascript arrays)
evalModuleText(text, module);
// maybe the module was an AMD module
// legacy modules never get to defineModule() => cjs and injected never set; also evaluation implies executing
// while synchronously evaluating this module, dojo.require was applied referencing a module
// that had to be loaded async; therefore, the loader stopped answering all dojo.require
// requests so they could be answered completely in the correct sequence; module.finish gives
// the list of dojo.requires that must be re-applied once all target modules are available;
// make a synthetic module to execute the dojo.require's in the correct order
// compute a guaranteed-unique mid for the synthetic finish module; remember the finish vector; remove it from the reference module
// TODO: can we just leave the module.finish...what's it hurting?
var finishMid = mid + "*finish",
finish = module.finish;
delete module.finish;
def(finishMid, ["dojo", ("dojo/require!" + finish.join(",")).replace(/\./g, "/")], function(dojo){
forEach(finish, function(mid){ dojo.require(mid); });
// unshift, not push, which causes the current traversal to be reattempted from the top
text = transformToAmd(module, text);
evalModuleText(text, module);
// if transformToAmd returned falsy, then the module was already AMD and it can be script-injected
// do so to improve debugability(even though it means another download...which probably won't happen with a good browser cache)
injectingModule = module;
req.injectUrl(fixupUrl(url), onLoadCallback, module);
injectingModule = 0;
req.trace("loader-inject", ["xhr", module.mid, url, legacyMode!=sync]);
req.getText(url, legacyMode!=sync, xhrCallback);
signal(error, makeError("xhrInjectFailed", [module, e]));
req.getText(url, legacyMode!=sync, xhrCallback);
} // else async mode or fell through in xdomain loading mode; either way, load by script injection
req.trace("loader-inject", ["script", module.mid, url]);
injectingModule = module;
req.injectUrl(fixupUrl(url), onLoadCallback, module);
injectingModule = 0;
defineModule = function(module, deps, def){
req.trace("loader-define-module", [module.mid, deps]);
if( 0 && module.plugin && module.plugin.isCombo){
// the module is a plugin resource loaded by the combo service
// note: check for module.plugin should be enough since normal plugin resources should
// not follow this path; module.plugin.isCombo is future-proofing belt and suspenders
module.result = isFunction(def) ? def() : def;
return module;
var mid = module.mid;
if(module.injected === arrived){
signal(error, makeError("multipleDefine", module));
return module;
mix(module, {
deps: deps,
def: def,
cjs: {
id: module.mid,
uri: module.url,
exports: (module.result = {}),
setExports: function(exports){
module.cjs.exports = exports;
return module.config;
// resolve deps with respect to this module
for(var i = 0; deps[i]; i++){
deps[i] = getModule(deps[i], module);
if( 1 && legacyMode && !waiting[mid]){
// the module showed up without being asked for; it was probably in a <script> element
if(!isFunction(def) && !deps.length){
module.result = def;
return module;
runDefQ = function(referenceModule, mids){
// defQ is an array of [id, dependencies, factory]
// mids (if any) is a vector of mids given by a combo service
var definedModules = [],
module, args;
args = defQ.shift();
mids && (args[0]= mids.shift());
// explicit define indicates possible multiple modules in a single file; delay injecting dependencies until defQ fully
// processed since modules earlier in the queue depend on already-arrived modules that are later in the queue
// TODO: what if no args[0] and no referenceModule
module = (args[0] && getModule(args[0])) || referenceModule;
definedModules.push([module, args[1], args[2]]);
forEach(definedModules, function(args){
injectDependencies(defineModule.apply(null, args));
var timerId = 0,
clearTimer = noop,
startTimer = noop;
if( 1 ){
// Timer machinery that monitors how long the loader is waiting and signals an error when the timer runs out.
clearTimer = function(){
timerId && clearTimeout(timerId);
timerId = 0;
startTimer = function(){
timerId = global.setTimeout(function(){
signal(error, makeError("timeout", waiting));
}, req.waitms);
if ( 1 ) {
// Test for IE's different way of signaling when scripts finish loading. Note that according to
//, IE9 also needs to follow the
// IE specific code path even though it has an addEventListener() method.
// Unknown if special path needed on IE10+, which also has a document.attachEvent() method.
// Should evaluate to false for Opera and Windows 8 apps, even though they document.attachEvent()
// is defined in both those environments.
has.add("ie-event-behavior", doc.attachEvent && typeof Windows === "undefined" &&
(typeof opera === "undefined" || opera.toString() != "[object Opera]"));
if( 1 && ( 1 || 1 )){
var domOn = function(node, eventName, ieEventName, handler){
// Add an event listener to a DOM node using the API appropriate for the current browser;
// return a function that will disconnect the listener.
node.addEventListener(eventName, handler, false);
return function(){
node.removeEventListener(eventName, handler, false);
node.attachEvent(ieEventName, handler);
return function(){
node.detachEvent(ieEventName, handler);
windowOnLoadListener = domOn(window, "load", "onload", function(){
req.pageLoaded = 1;
doc.readyState!="complete" && (doc.readyState = "complete");
if( 1 ){
// if the loader is on the page, there must be at least one script element
// getting its parent and then doing insertBefore solves the "Operation Aborted"
// error in IE from appending to a node that isn't properly closed; see
// dojo/tests/_base/loader/requirejs/simple-badbase.html for an example
// don't use scripts with type dojo/... since these may be removed; see #15809
// prefer to use the insertPoint computed during the config sniff in case a script is removed; see #16958
var scripts = doc.getElementsByTagName("script"),
i = 0,
if(!/^dojo/.test((script = scripts[i++]) && script.type)){
insertPointSibling= script;
req.injectUrl = function(url, callback, owner){
// insert a script element to the insert-point element with src=url;
// apply callback upon detecting the script has loaded.
var node = owner.node = doc.createElement("script"),
onLoad = function(e){
e = e || window.event;
var node = || e.srcElement;
if(e.type === "load" || /complete|loaded/.test(node.readyState)){
callback && callback();
loadDisconnector = domOn(node, "load", "onreadystatechange", onLoad),
errorDisconnector = domOn(node, "error", "onerror", function(e){
signal(error, makeError("scriptError: " + url, [url, e]));
node.type = "text/javascript";
node.charset = "utf-8";
node.src = url;
insertPointSibling.parentNode.insertBefore(node, insertPointSibling);
return node;
if( 1 ){
req.log = function(){
for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++){
req.log = noop;
if( 0 ){
var trace = req.trace = function(
group, // the trace group to which this application belongs
args // the contents of the trace
// Tracing interface by group.
// Sends the contents of args to the console iff (req.trace.on && req.trace[group])
if(trace.on &&[group]){
signal("trace", [group, args]);
for(var arg, dump = [], text= "trace:" + group + (args.length ? (":" + args[0]) : ""), i= 1; i<args.length;){
arg = args[i++];
text += ", " + arg;
dump.length && dump.push(".");
req.log.apply(req, dump);
mix(trace, {
set:function(group, value){
if(isString(group)){[group]= value;
mix(, group);
trace.set(mix(mix(mix({}, defaultConfig.trace), userConfig.trace), dojoSniffConfig.trace));
on("config", function(config){
config.trace && trace.set(config.trace);
req.trace = noop;
if (!has("foreign-loader")) {
var def = function(
mid, //(commonjs.moduleId, optional)
dependencies, //(array of commonjs.moduleId, optional) list of modules to be loaded before running factory
factory //(any)
// Advises the loader of a module factory. //Implements
// CommonJS factory scan courtesy of
var arity = arguments.length,
defaultDeps = ["require", "exports", "module"],
// the predominate signature...
args = [0, mid, dependencies];
args = [0, (isFunction(mid) ? defaultDeps : []), mid];
}else if(arity==2 && isString(mid)){
args = [mid, (isFunction(dependencies) ? defaultDeps : []), dependencies];
}else if(arity==3){
args = [mid, dependencies, factory];
if( 0 && args[1]===defaultDeps){
.replace(/(\/\*([\s\S]*?)\*\/|\/\/(.*)$)/mg, "")
.replace(/require\(["']([\w\!\-_\.\/]+)["']\)/g, function(match, dep){
req.trace("loader-define", args.slice(0, 2));
var targetModule = args[0] && getModule(args[0]),
if(targetModule && !waiting[targetModule.mid]){
// given a mid that hasn't been requested; therefore, defined through means other than injecting
// consequent to a require() or define() application; examples include defining modules on-the-fly
// due to some code path or including a module in a script element. In any case,
// there is no callback waiting to finish processing and nothing to trigger the defQ and the
// dependencies are never requested; therefore, do it here.
injectDependencies(defineModule(targetModule, args[1], args[2]));
}else if(!has("ie-event-behavior") || ! 1 || injectingCachedModule){
// not IE path: anonymous module and therefore must have been injected; therefore, onLoad will fire immediately
// after script finishes being evaluated and the defQ can be run from that callback to detect the module id
// IE path: possibly anonymous module and therefore injected; therefore, cannot depend on 1-to-1,
// in-order exec of onLoad with script eval (since it's IE) and must manually detect here
targetModule = targetModule || injectingModule;
for(mid in waiting){
module = modules[mid];
if(module && module.node && module.node.readyState === 'interactive'){
targetModule = module;
if( 0 && !targetModule){
for(var i = 0; i<combosPending.length; i++){
targetModule = combosPending[i];
if(targetModule.node && targetModule.node.readyState === 'interactive'){
targetModule= 0;
if( 0 && isArray(targetModule)){
injectDependencies(defineModule(getModule(targetModule.shift()), args[1], args[2]));
combosPending.splice(i, 1);
}else if(targetModule){
injectDependencies(defineModule(targetModule, args[1], args[2]));
signal(error, makeError("ieDefineFailed", args[0]));
def.amd = {
if( 0 ){
req.def = def;
} else {
var def = noop;
// allow config to override default implementation of named functions; this is useful for
// non-browser environments, e.g., overriding injectUrl, getText, log, etc. in node.js, Rhino, etc.
// also useful for testing and monkey patching loader
mix(mix(req, defaultConfig.loaderPatch), userConfig.loaderPatch);
// now that req is fully initialized and won't change, we can hook it up to the error signal
on(error, function(arg){
if(arg instanceof Error){
for(var p in arg){
console.log(p + ":", arg[p]);
// always publish these
mix(req, {
if( 0 ){
mix(req, {
// these may be interesting to look at when debugging
// these are used for testing
// TODO: move testing infrastructure to a different has feature
// these are used by the builder (at least)
// the loader can be defined exactly once; look for global define which is the symbol AMD loaders are
// *required* to define (as opposed to require, which is optional)
if( 1 ){
signal(error, makeError("defineAlreadyDefined", 0));
global.define = def;
global.require = req;
if( 0 ){
require = req;
if( 0 && req.combo && req.combo.plugins){
var plugins = req.combo.plugins,
for(pluginName in plugins){
mix(mix(getModule(pluginName), plugins[pluginName]), {isCombo:1, executed:"executed", load:1});
if( 1 && !has("foreign-loader")){
forEach(delayedModuleConfig, function(c){ config(c); });
var bootDeps = dojoSniffConfig.deps || userConfig.deps || defaultConfig.deps,
bootCallback = dojoSniffConfig.callback || userConfig.callback || defaultConfig.callback;
req.boot = (bootDeps || bootCallback) ? [bootDeps || [], bootCallback] : 0;
if(! 1 ){
!req.async && req(["dojo"]);
req.boot && req.apply(null, req.boot);
(function(global){ return global.dojoConfig || global.djConfig || global.require || {}; }, {
define(["./_base/loader"], function(loader){
return {
normalize:function(id){return id;},
define(["./kernel", "../has", "require", "module", "../json", "./lang", "./array"], function(dojo, has, require, thisModule, json, lang, array) {
// module:
// dojo/_base/loader
// This module defines the v1.x synchronous loader API.
// signal the loader in sync mode...
if (! 1 ){
console.error("cannot load the Dojo v1.x loader with a foreign loader");
return 0;
1 || has.add("dojo-fast-sync-require", 1);
var makeErrorToken = function(id){
return {, id:id};
slashName = function(name){
return name.replace(/\./g, "/");
buildDetectRe = /\/\/>>built/,
dojoRequireCallbacks = [],
dojoRequireModuleStack = [],
dojoRequirePlugin = function(mid, require, loaded){
array.forEach(mid.split(","), function(mid){
var module = getModule(mid, require.module);
checkDojoRequirePlugin = ( 1 ?
// This version of checkDojoRequirePlugin makes the observation that all dojoRequireCallbacks can be released
// when all *non-dojo/require!, dojo/loadInit!* modules are either executed, not requested, or arrived. This is
// the case since there are no more modules the loader is waiting for, therefore, dojo/require! must have
// everything it needs on board.
// The potential weakness of this algorithm is that dojo/require will not execute callbacks until *all* dependency
// trees are ready. It is possible that some trees may be ready earlier than others, and this extra wait is non-optimal.
// Still, for big projects, this seems better than the original algorithm below that proved slow in some cases.
// Note, however, the original algorithm had the potential to execute partial trees, but that potential was never enabled.
// There are also other optimization available with the original algorithm that have not been explored.
var module, mid;
for(mid in modules){
module = modules[mid];
// tag the module as either a loadInit or require plugin or not for future reference
module.noReqPluginCheck = /loadInit\!/.test(mid) || /require\!/.test(mid) ? 1 : 0;
if(!module.executed && !module.noReqPluginCheck && module.injected==requested){
var oldCallbacks = dojoRequireCallbacks;
dojoRequireCallbacks = [];
array.forEach(oldCallbacks, function(cb){cb(1);});
} : (function(){
// Note: this is the original checkDojoRequirePlugin that is much slower than the algorithm above. However, we know it
// works, so we leave it here in case the algorithm above fails in some corner case.
// checkDojoRequirePlugin inspects all of the modules demanded by a dojo/require!<module-list> dependency
// to see if they have arrived. The loader does not release *any* of these modules to be instantiated
// until *all* of these modules are on board, thereby preventing the evaluation of a module with dojo.require's
// that reference modules that are not available.
// The algorithm works by traversing the dependency graphs (remember, there can be cycles so they are not trees)
// of each module in the dojoRequireModuleStack array (which contains the list of modules demanded by dojo/require!).
// The moment a single module is discovered that is missing, the algorithm gives up and indicates that not all
// modules are on board. dojo/loadInit! and dojo/require! are ignored because there dependencies are inserted
// directly in dojoRequireModuleStack. For example, if "your/module" module depends on "dojo/require!my/module", then
// *both* "dojo/require!my/module" and "my/module" will be in dojoRequireModuleStack. Obviously, if "my/module"
// is on board, then "dojo/require!my/module" is also satisfied, so the algorithm doesn't check for "dojo/require!my/module".
// Note: inserting a dojo/require!<some-module-list> dependency in the dojoRequireModuleStack achieves nothing
// with the current algorithm; however, having such modules present makes it possible to optimize the algorithm
// Note: prior versions of this algorithm had an optimization that signaled loaded on dojo/require! dependencies
// individually (rather than waiting for them all to be resolved). The implementation proved problematic with cycles
// and plugins. However, it is possible to reattach that strategy in the future.
// a set from module-id to {undefined | 1 | 0}, where...
// undefined => the module has not been inspected
// 0 => the module or at least one of its dependencies has not arrived
// 1 => the module is a loadInit! or require! plugin resource, or is currently being traversed (therefore, assume
// OK until proven otherwise), or has been completely traversed and all dependencies have arrived
var touched,
traverse = function(m){
touched[m.mid] = 1;
for(var t, module, deps = m.deps || [], i= 0; i<deps.length; i++){
module = deps[i];
if(!(t = touched[module.mid])){
if(t===0 || !traverse(module)){
touched[m.mid] = 0;
return false;
return true;
return function(){
// initialize the touched hash with easy-to-compute values that help short circuit recursive algorithm;
// recall loadInit/require plugin modules are dependencies of modules in dojoRequireModuleStack...
// which would cause a circular dependency chain that would never be resolved if checked here
// notice all dependencies of any particular loadInit/require plugin module will already
// be checked since those are pushed into dojoRequireModuleStack explicitly by the
// if a particular loadInitPlugin module's dependencies are not really
// on board, that *will* be detected elsewhere in the traversal.
var module, mid;
touched = {};
for(mid in modules){
module = modules[mid];
if(module.executed || module.noReqPluginCheck){
touched[mid] = 1;
// tag the module as either a loadInit or require plugin or not for future reference
module.noReqPluginCheck = /loadInit\!/.test(mid) || /require\!/.test(mid) ? 1 : 0;
touched[mid] = 1;
}else if(module.injected!==arrived){
// not executed, has not arrived, and is not a loadInit or require plugin resource
touched[mid] = 0;
}// else, leave undefined and we'll traverse the dependencies
for(var t, i = 0, end = dojoRequireModuleStack.length; i<end; i++){
module = dojoRequireModuleStack[i];
if(!(t = touched[module.mid])){
if(t===0 || !traverse(module)){
var oldCallbacks = dojoRequireCallbacks;
dojoRequireCallbacks = [];
array.forEach(oldCallbacks, function(cb){cb(1);});
dojoLoadInitPlugin = function(mid, require, loaded){
// mid names a module that defines a "dojo load init" bundle, an object with two properties:
// * names: a vector of module ids that give top-level names to define in the lexical scope of def
// * def: a function that contains some some legacy loader API applications
// The point of def is to possibly cause some modules to be loaded (but not executed) by dojo/require! where the module
// ids are possibly-determined at runtime. For example, here is dojox.gfx from v1.6 expressed as an AMD module using the dojo/loadInit
// and dojo/require plugins.
// // dojox/gfx:
// define("*loadInit_12, {
// names:["dojo", "dijit", "dojox"],
// def: function(){
// dojo.loadInit(function(){
// var gfx = lang.getObject("dojox.gfx", true);
// //
// // code required to set gfx properties ommitted...
// //
// // now use the calculations to include the runtime-dependent module
// dojo.require("dojox.gfx." + gfx.renderer);
// });
// }
// });
// define(["dojo", "dojo/loadInit!" + id].concat("dojo/require!dojox/gfx/matric,dojox/gfx/_base"), function(dojo){
// // when this AMD factory function is executed, the following modules are guaranteed downloaded but not executed:
// // "dojox.gfx." + gfx.renderer
// // dojox.gfx.matrix
// // dojox.gfx._base
// dojo.provide("dojo.gfx");
// dojo.require("dojox.gfx.matrix");
// dojo.require("dojox.gfx._base");
// dojo.require("dojox.gfx." + gfx.renderer);
// return lang.getObject("dojo.gfx");
// });
// })();
// The idea is to run the legacy loader API with global variables shadowed, which allows these variables to
// be relocated. For example, dojox and dojo could be relocated to different names by giving a map and the code above will
// execute properly (because the plugin below resolves the load init bundle.names module with respect to the module that demanded
// the plugin resource).
// Note that the relocation is specified in the runtime configuration; relocated names need not be set at build-time.
// Warning: this is not the best way to express dojox.gfx as and AMD module. In fact, the module has been properly converted in
// v1.7. However, this technique allows the builder to convert legacy modules into AMD modules and guarantee the codepath is the
// same in the converted AMD module.
require([mid], function(bundle){
// notice how names is resolved with respect to the module that demanded the plugin resource
require(bundle.names, function(){
// bring the bundle names into scope
for(var scopeText = "", args= [], i = 0; i<arguments.length; i++){
scopeText+= "var " + bundle.names[i] + "= arguments[" + i + "]; ";
var callingModule = require.module,
// the list of modules that need to be downloaded but not executed before the callingModule can be executed
requireList = [],
// the list of i18n bundles that are xdomain; undefined if none
syncLoaderApi = {
// mark modules that arrive consequent to multiple provides in this module as arrived since they can't be injected
moduleName = slashName(moduleName);
var providedModule = getModule(moduleName, callingModule);
require:function(moduleName, omitModuleCheck){
moduleName = slashName(moduleName);
omitModuleCheck && (getModule(moduleName, callingModule).result = nonmodule);
requireLocalization:function(moduleName, bundleName, locale){
// since we're going to need dojo/i8n, add it to i18nDeps if not already there
// don't have to map since that will occur when the dependency is resolved
i18nDeps = ["dojo/i18n"];
// figure out if the bundle is xdomain; if so, add it to the i18nDepsSet
locale = (locale || dojo.locale).toLowerCase();
moduleName = slashName(moduleName) + "/nls/" + (/root/i.test(locale) ? "" : locale + "/") + slashName(bundleName);
if(getModule(moduleName, callingModule).isXd){
// don't have to map since that will occur when the dependency is resolved
i18nDeps.push("dojo/i18n!" + moduleName);
}// else the bundle will be loaded synchronously when the module is evaluated
hold = {},
// hijack the correct dojo and apply bundle.def
for(p in syncLoaderApi){
hold[p] = dojo[p];
dojo[p] = syncLoaderApi[p];
bundle.def.apply(null, args);
signal("error", [makeErrorToken("failedDojoLoadInit"), e]);
for(p in syncLoaderApi){
dojo[p] = hold[p];
requireList = requireList.concat(i18nDeps);
dojoRequirePlugin(requireList.join(","), require, loaded);
extractApplication = function(
text, // the text to search
startSearch, // the position in text to start looking for the closing paren
startApplication // the position in text where the function application expression starts
// find end of the call by finding the matching end paren
// Warning: as usual, this will fail in the presence of unmatched right parans contained in strings, regexs, or unremoved comments
var parenRe = /\(|\)/g,
matchCount = 1,
parenRe.lastIndex = startSearch;
while((match = parenRe.exec(text))){
if(match[0] == ")"){
matchCount -= 1;
matchCount += 1;
if(matchCount == 0){
if(matchCount != 0){
throw "unmatched paren around character " + parenRe.lastIndex + " in: " + text;
//Put the master matching string in the results.
return [dojo.trim(text.substring(startApplication, parenRe.lastIndex))+";\n", parenRe.lastIndex];
// The following regex matches all comments and strings, with the strings in the capturing group.
// Replacing all matches with "$1" will remove comments and keep strings.
// It accounts for single quotes, double quotes, backslashes (line continuations and escaped characters), and template strings.
removeCommentRe = /\/\/.*|\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/|("(?:\\.|[^"])*"|'(?:\\.|[^'])*'|`(?:\\.|[^`])*`)/mg,
syncLoaderApiRe = /(^|\s)dojo\.(loadInit|require|provide|requireLocalization|requireIf|requireAfterIf|platformRequire)\s*\(/mg,
amdLoaderApiRe = /(^|\s)(require|define)\s*\(/m,
extractLegacyApiApplications = function(text, noCommentText){
// scan the noCommentText for any legacy loader API applications. Copy such applications into result (this is
// used by the builder). Move dojo.loadInit applications to loadInitApplications string. Copy all other applications
// to otherApplications string. If no applications were found, return 0, signalling an AMD module. Otherwise, return
// loadInitApplications + otherApplications. Fixup text by replacing
// dojo.loadInit(// etc...
// with
// \n 0 && dojo.loadInit(// etc...
// Which results in the dojo.loadInit from *not* being applied. This design goes a long way towards protecting the
// code from an over-agressive removeCommentRe. However...
// WARNING: the removeCommentRe will cause an error if a detected comment removes all or part of a legacy-loader application
// that is not in a comment.
var match, startSearch, startApplication, application,
loadInitApplications = [],
otherApplications = [],
allApplications = [];
// noCommentText may be provided by a build app with comments extracted by a better method than regex (hopefully)
noCommentText = noCommentText || text.replace(removeCommentRe, "$1");
// find and extract all dojo.loadInit applications
while((match = syncLoaderApiRe.exec(noCommentText))){
startSearch = syncLoaderApiRe.lastIndex;
startApplication = startSearch - match[0].length;
application = extractApplication(noCommentText, startSearch, startApplication);
syncLoaderApiRe.lastIndex = application[1];
allApplications = loadInitApplications.concat(otherApplications);
if(allApplications.length || !amdLoaderApiRe.test(noCommentText)){
// either there were some legacy loader API applications or there were no AMD API applications
return [text.replace(/(^|\s)dojo\.loadInit\s*\(/g, "\n0 && dojo.loadInit("), allApplications.join(""), allApplications];
// legacy loader API *was not* detected and AMD API *was* detected; therefore, assume it's an AMD module
return 0;
transformToAmd = function(module, text){
// This is roughly the equivalent of dojo._xdCreateResource in 1.6-; however, it expresses a v1.6- dojo
// module in terms of AMD define instead of creating the dojo proprietary xdomain module expression.
// The module could have originated from several sources:
// * amd require() a module, e.g., require(["my/module"])
// * amd require() a nonmodule, e.g., require(["my/resource.js"')
// * amd define() deps vector (always a module)
// * dojo.require() a module, e.g. dojo.require("my.module")
// * dojo.require() a nonmodule, e.g., dojo.require("my.module", true)
// * dojo.requireIf/requireAfterIf/platformRequire a module
// The module is scanned for legacy loader API applications; if none are found, then assume the module is an
// AMD module and return 0. Otherwise, a synthetic dojo/loadInit plugin resource is created and the module text
// is rewritten as an AMD module with the single dependency of this synthetic resource. When the dojo/loadInit
// plugin loaded the synthetic resource, it will cause all dojo.loadInit's to be executed, find all dojo.require's
// (either directly consequent to dojo.require or indirectly consequent to dojo.require[After]If or
// dojo.platformRequire, and finally cause loading of all dojo.required modules with the dojo/require plugin. Thus,
// when the dojo/loadInit plugin reports it has been loaded, all modules required by the given module are guaranteed
// loaded (but not executed). This then allows the module to execute it's code path without interupts, thereby
// following the synchronous code path.
// Notice that this function behaves the same whether or not it happens to be in a mapped dojo/loader module.
var extractResult, id, names = [], namesAsStrings = [];
if(buildDetectRe.test(text) || !(extractResult = extractLegacyApiApplications(text))){
// buildDetectRe.test(text) => a built module, always AMD
// extractResult==0 => no sync API
return 0;
// manufacture a synthetic module id that can never be a real mdule id (just like require does)
id = module.mid + "-*loadInit";
// construct the dojo/loadInit names vector which causes any relocated names to be defined as lexical variables under their not-relocated name
// the dojo/loadInit plugin assumes the first name in names is "dojo"
for(var p in getModule("dojo", module).result.scopeMap){
namesAsStrings.push('"' + p + '"');
// rewrite the module as a synthetic dojo/loadInit plugin resource + the module expressed as an AMD module that depends on this synthetic resource
// don't have to map dojo/init since that will occur when the dependency is resolved
return "// xdomain rewrite of " + module.mid + "\n" +
"define('" + id + "',{\n" +
"\tnames:" + json.stringify(names) + ",\n" +
"\tdef:function(" + names.join(",") + "){" + extractResult[1] + "}" +
"});\n\n" +
"define(" + json.stringify(names.concat(["dojo/loadInit!"+id])) + ", function(" + names.join(",") + "){\n" + extractResult[0] + "});";
loaderVars = require.initSyncLoader(dojoRequirePlugin, checkDojoRequirePlugin, transformToAmd),
sync =
requested =
arrived =
nonmodule =
executing =
executed =
syncExecStack =
modules =
execQ =
getModule =
injectModule =
setArrived =
signal =
finishExec =
execModule =
getLegacyMode =
guardCheckComplete =
// there is exactly one dojoRequirePlugin among possibly-many dojo/_base/loader's (owing to mapping)
dojoRequirePlugin = loaderVars.dojoRequirePlugin;
dojo.provide = function(mid){
var executingModule = syncExecStack[0],
module = lang.mixin(getModule(slashName(mid), require.module), {
result:lang.getObject(mid, true)
(executingModule.provides || (executingModule.provides = [])).push(function(){
module.result = lang.getObject(mid);
delete module.provides;
module.executed!==executed && finishExec(module);
}// else dojo.provide called not consequent to loading; therefore, give up trying to publish module value to loader namespace
return module.result;
has.add("config-publishRequireResult", 1, 0, 0);
dojo.require = function(moduleName, omitModuleCheck) {
// summary:
// loads a Javascript module from the appropriate URI
// moduleName: String
// module name to load, using periods for separators,
// e.g. "". Module paths are de-referenced by dojo's
// internal mapping of locations to names and are disambiguated by
// longest prefix. See `dojo.registerModulePath()` for details on
// registering new modules.
// omitModuleCheck: Boolean?
// if `true`, omitModuleCheck skips the step of ensuring that the
// loaded file actually defines the symbol it is referenced by.
// For example if it called as `dojo.require("a.b.c")` and the
// file located at `a/b/c.js` does not define an object `a.b.c`,
// and exception will be throws whereas no exception is raised
// when called as `dojo.require("a.b.c", true)`
// description:
// Modules are loaded via dojo.require by using one of two loaders: the normal loader
// and the xdomain loader. The xdomain loader is used when dojo was built with a
// custom build that specified loader=xdomain and the module lives on a modulePath
// that is a whole URL, with protocol and a domain. The versions of Dojo that are on
// the Google and AOL CDNs use the xdomain loader.
// If the module is loaded via the xdomain loader, it is an asynchronous load, since
// the module is added via a dynamically created script tag. This
// means that dojo.require() can return before the module has loaded. However, this
// should only happen in the case where you do dojo.require calls in the top-level
// HTML page, or if you purposely avoid the loader checking for dojo.require
// dependencies in your module by using a syntax like dojo["require"] to load the module.
// Sometimes it is useful to not have the loader detect the dojo.require calls in the
// module so that you can dynamically load the modules as a result of an action on the
// page, instead of right at module load time.
// Also, for script blocks in an HTML page, the loader does not pre-process them, so
// it does not know to download the modules before the dojo.require calls occur.
// So, in those two cases, when you want on-the-fly module loading or for script blocks
// in the HTML page, special care must be taken if the dojo.required code is loaded
// asynchronously. To make sure you can execute code that depends on the dojo.required
// modules, be sure to add the code that depends on the modules in a dojo.addOnLoad()
// callback. dojo.addOnLoad waits for all outstanding modules to finish loading before
// executing.
// This type of syntax works with both xdomain and normal loaders, so it is good
// practice to always use this idiom for on-the-fly code loading and in HTML script
// blocks. If at some point you change loaders and where the code is loaded from,
// it will all still work.
// More on how dojo.require
// `dojo.require("A.B")` first checks to see if symbol A.B is
// defined. If it is, it is simply returned (nothing to do).
// If it is not defined, it will look for `A/B.js` in the script root
// directory.
// `dojo.require` throws an exception if it cannot find a file
// to load, or if the symbol `A.B` is not defined after loading.
// It returns the object `A.B`, but note the caveats above about on-the-fly loading and
// HTML script blocks when the xdomain loader is loading a module.
// `dojo.require()` does nothing about importing symbols into
// the current namespace. It is presumed that the caller will
// take care of that.
// example:
// To use dojo.require in conjunction with dojo.ready:
// | dojo.require("foo");
// | dojo.require("bar");
// | dojo.addOnLoad(function(){
// | //you can now safely do something with foo and bar
// | });
// example:
// For example, to import all symbols into a local block, you might write:
// | with (dojo.require("A.B")) {
// | ...
// | }
// And to import just the leaf symbol to a local variable:
// | var B = dojo.require("A.B");
// | ...
// returns:
// the required namespace object
function doRequire(mid, omitModuleCheck){
var module = getModule(slashName(mid), require.module);
if(syncExecStack.length && syncExecStack[0].finish){
// switched to async loading in the middle of evaluating a legacy module; stop
// applying dojo.require so the remaining dojo.requires are applied in order
return undefined;
// recall module.executed has values {0, executing, executed}; therefore, truthy indicates executing or executed
return module.result;
omitModuleCheck && (module.result = nonmodule);
// rcg...why here and in two lines??
var currentMode = getLegacyMode();
// recall, in sync mode to inject is to *eval* the module text
// if the module is a legacy module, this is the same as executing
// but if the module is an AMD module, this means defining, not executing
// the inject may have changed the mode
currentMode = getLegacyMode();
// in sync mode to dojo.require is to execute
if(module.executed!==executed && module.injected===arrived){
// the module was already here before injectModule was called probably finishing up a xdomain
// load, but maybe a module given to the loader directly rather than having the loader retrieve it
return module.result;
// the only way to get here is in sync mode and dojo.required a module that
// * was loaded async in the injectModule application a few lines up
// * was an AMD module that had deps that are being loaded async and therefore couldn't execute
// the module was an AMD module; unshift, not push, which causes the current traversal to be reattempted from the top
// the module was a legacy module
syncExecStack.length && (syncExecStack[0].finish= [mid]);
// the loader wasn't in sync mode on entry; probably async mode; therefore, no expectation of getting
// the module value synchronously; make sure it gets executed though
return undefined;
var result = doRequire(moduleName, omitModuleCheck);
if(has("config-publishRequireResult") && !lang.exists(moduleName) && result!==undefined){
lang.setObject(moduleName, result);
return result;
dojo.loadInit = function(f) {
dojo.registerModulePath = function(/*String*/moduleName, /*String*/prefix){
// summary:
// Maps a module name to a path
// description:
// An unregistered module is given the default path of ../[module],
// relative to Dojo root. For example, module acme is mapped to
// ../acme. If you want to use a different module name, use
// dojo.registerModulePath.
// example:
// If your dojo.js is located at this location in the web root:
// | /myapp/js/dojo/dojo/dojo.js
// and your modules are located at:
// | /myapp/js/foo/bar.js
// | /myapp/js/foo/baz.js
// | /myapp/js/foo/thud/xyzzy.js
// Your application can tell Dojo to locate the "foo" namespace by calling:
// | dojo.registerModulePath("foo", "../../foo");
// At which point you can then use dojo.require() to load the
// modules (assuming they provide() the same things which are
// required). The full code might be:
// | <script type="text/javascript"
// | src="/myapp/js/dojo/dojo/dojo.js"></script>
// | <script type="text/javascript">
// | dojo.registerModulePath("foo", "../../foo");
// | dojo.require("");
// | dojo.require("foo.baz");
// | dojo.require("foo.thud.xyzzy");
// | </script>
var paths = {};
paths[moduleName.replace(/\./g, "/")] = prefix;
dojo.platformRequire = function(/*Object*/modMap){
// summary:
// require one or more modules based on which host environment
// Dojo is currently operating in
// description:
// This method takes a "map" of arrays which one can use to
// optionally load dojo modules. The map is indexed by the
// possible dojo.name_ values, with two additional values:
// "default" and "common". The items in the "default" array will
// be loaded if none of the other items have been chosen based on
// dojo.name_, set by your host environment. The items in the
// "common" array will *always* be loaded, regardless of which
// list is chosen.
// example:
// | dojo.platformRequire({
// | browser: [
// | "foo.sample", // simple module
// | "foo.test",
// | ["", true] // skip object check in _loadModule (dojo.require)
// | ],
// | default: [ "foo.sample._base" ],
// | common: [ "important.module.common" ]
// | });
var result = (modMap.common || []).concat(modMap[dojo._name] || modMap["default"] || []),
if(lang.isArray(temp = result.shift())){
dojo.require.apply(dojo, temp);
dojo.requireIf = dojo.requireAfterIf = function(/*Boolean*/ condition, /*String*/ moduleName, /*Boolean?*/omitModuleCheck){
// summary:
// If the condition is true then call `dojo.require()` for the specified
// resource
// example:
// | dojo.requireIf(dojo.isBrowser, "my.special.Module");
dojo.require(moduleName, omitModuleCheck);
dojo.requireLocalization = function(/*String*/moduleName, /*String*/bundleName, /*String?*/locale){
require(["../i18n"], function(i18n){
i18n.getLocalization(moduleName, bundleName, locale);
return {
// summary:
// This module defines the v1.x synchronous loader API.
define(["../global", "../has", "./config", "require", "module"], function(global, has, config, require, module){
// module:
// dojo/_base/kernel
// This module is the foundational module of the dojo boot sequence; it defines the dojo object.
// loop variables for this module
i, p,
// create dojo, dijit, and dojox
// FIXME: in 2.0 remove dijit, dojox being created by dojo
dijit = {},
dojox = {},
dojo = {
// summary:
// This module is the foundational module of the dojo boot sequence; it defines the dojo object.
// notice dojo takes ownership of the value of the config module
// Configure the scope map. For a 100% AMD application, the scope map is not needed other than to provide
// a _scopeName property for the dojo, dijit, and dojox root object so those packages can create
// unique names in the global space.
// Built, legacy modules use the scope map to allow those modules to be expressed as if dojo, dijit, and dojox,
// where global when in fact they are either global under different names or not global at all. In v1.6-, the
// config variable "scopeMap" was used to map names as used within a module to global names. This has been
// subsumed by the AMD map configuration variable which can relocate packages to different names. For backcompat,
// only the "*" mapping is supported. See for details.
// The following computations contort the packageMap for this dojo instance into a scopeMap.
var scopeMap =
// a map from a name used in a legacy module to the (global variable name, object addressed by that name)
// always map dojo, dijit, and dojox
dojo:["dojo", dojo],
dijit:["dijit", dijit],
dojox:["dojox", dojox]
packageMap =
// the package map for this dojo instance; note, a foreign loader or no pacakgeMap results in the above default config
( &&[[^\/]+/)[0]]),
// process all mapped top-level names for this instance of dojo
for(p in packageMap){
// mapped dojo, dijit, or dojox
scopeMap[p][0] = packageMap[p];
// some other top-level name
scopeMap[p] = [packageMap[p], {}];
// publish those names to _scopeName and, optionally, the global namespace
for(p in scopeMap){
item = scopeMap[p];
item[1]._scopeName = item[0];
global[item[0]] = item[1];
dojo.scopeMap = scopeMap;
/*===== dojo.__docParserConfigureScopeMap(scopeMap); =====*/
// FIXME: dojo.baseUrl and dojo.config.baseUrl should be deprecated
dojo.baseUrl = dojo.config.baseUrl = require.baseUrl;
dojo.isAsync = ! 1 || require.async;
dojo.locale = config.locale;
var rev = "$Rev:$".match(/[0-9a-f]{7,}/);
dojo.version = {
// summary:
// Version number of the Dojo Toolkit
// description:
// Hash about the version, including
// - major: Integer: Major version. If total version is "1.2.0beta1", will be 1
// - minor: Integer: Minor version. If total version is "1.2.0beta1", will be 2
// - patch: Integer: Patch version. If total version is "1.2.0beta1", will be 0
// - flag: String: Descriptor flag. If total version is "1.2.0beta1", will be "beta1"
// - revision: Number: The Git rev from which dojo was pulled
major: 1, minor: 17, patch: 3, flag: "",
revision: rev ? rev[0] : NaN,
toString: function(){
var v = dojo.version;
return v.major + "." + v.minor + "." + v.patch + v.flag + " (" + v.revision + ")"; // String
// If 1 is truthy, then as a dojo module is defined it should push it's definitions
// into the dojo object, and conversely. In 2.0, it will likely be unusual to augment another object
// as a result of defining a module. This has feature gives a way to force 2.0 behavior as the code
// is migrated. Absent specific advice otherwise, set extend-dojo to truthy.
1 || has.add("extend-dojo", 1);
(Function("d", "d.eval = function(){return ?[0]) : eval(arguments[0]);}"))(dojo);
dojo.eval = function(scriptText){
// summary:
// A legacy method created for use exclusively by internal Dojo methods. Do not use this method
// directly unless you understand its possibly-different implications on the platforms your are targeting.
// description:
// Makes an attempt to evaluate scriptText in the global scope. The function works correctly for browsers
// that support indirect eval.
// As usual, IE does not. On IE, the only way to implement global eval is to
// use execScript. Unfortunately, execScript does not return a value and breaks some current usages of dojo.eval.
// This implementation uses the technique of executing eval in the scope of a function that is a single scope
// frame below the global scope; thereby coming close to the global scope. Note carefully that
// dojo.eval("var pi = 3.14;");
// will define global pi in non-IE environments, but define pi only in a temporary local scope for IE. If you want
// to define a global variable using dojo.eval, write something like
// dojo.eval("window.pi = 3.14;")
// scriptText:
// The text to evaluation.
// returns:
// The result of the evaluation. Often `undefined`
if( 0 ){
dojo.exit = function(exitcode){
dojo.exit = function(){
// console is immutable in FF30+,
1 || has.add("dojo-guarantee-console",
// ensure that console.log, console.warn, etc. are defined
if( 1 ){
// IE 9 bug:
has.add("console-as-object", function () {
return Function.prototype.bind && console && typeof console.log === "object";
typeof console != "undefined" || (console = {}); // intentional assignment
// Be careful to leave 'log' always at the end
var cn = [
"assert", "count", "debug", "dir", "dirxml", "error", "group",
"groupEnd", "info", "profile", "profileEnd", "time", "timeEnd",
"trace", "warn", "log"
var tn;
i = 0;
while((tn = cn[i++])){
var tcn = tn + "";
console[tcn] = ('log' in console) ? function(){
var a =;
a.unshift(tcn + ":");
console["log"](a.join(" "));
} : function(){};
console[tcn]._fake = true;
}else if(has("console-as-object")){
console[tn] =[tn], console);
// include dojo.deprecated/dojo.experimental implementations
dojo.deprecated = dojo.experimental = function(){};
dojo.deprecated = function(/*String*/ behaviour, /*String?*/ extra, /*String?*/ removal){
// summary:
// Log a debug message to indicate that a behavior has been
// deprecated.
// behaviour: String
// The API or behavior being deprecated. Usually in the form
// of "myApp.someFunction()".
// extra: String?
// Text to append to the message. Often provides advice on a
// new function or facility to achieve the same goal during
// the deprecation period.
// removal: String?
// Text to indicate when in the future the behavior will be
// removed. Usually a version number.
// example:
// | dojo.deprecated("myApp.getTemp()", "use myApp.getLocaleTemp() instead", "1.0");
var message = "DEPRECATED: " + behaviour;
if(extra){ message += " " + extra; }
if(removal){ message += " -- will be removed in version: " + removal; }
dojo.experimental = function(/* String */ moduleName, /* String? */ extra){
// summary:
// Marks code as experimental.
// description:
// This can be used to mark a function, file, or module as
// experimental. Experimental code is not ready to be used, and the
// APIs are subject to change without notice. Experimental code may be
// completed deleted without going through the normal deprecation
// process.
// moduleName: String
// The name of a module, or the name of a module file or a specific
// function
// extra: String?
// some additional message for the user
// example:
// | dojo.experimental("");
// example:
// | dojo.experimental("", "PENDING approval from NOAA");
var message = "EXPERIMENTAL: " + moduleName + " -- APIs subject to change without notice.";
if(extra){ message += " " + extra; }
1 || has.add("dojo-modulePaths",
// consume dojo.modulePaths processing
if( 1 ){
// notice that modulePaths won't be applied to any require's before the dojo/_base/kernel factory is run;
// this is the v1.6- behavior.
dojo.deprecated("dojo.modulePaths", "use paths configuration");
var paths = {};
for(p in config.modulePaths){
paths[p.replace(/\./g, "/")] = config.modulePaths[p];
1 || has.add("dojo-moduleUrl",
// include dojo.moduleUrl
if( 1 ){
dojo.moduleUrl = function(/*String*/module, /*String?*/url){
// summary:
// Returns a URL relative to a module.
// example:
// | var pngPath = dojo.moduleUrl("acme","images/small.png");
// | console.dir(pngPath); // list the object properties
// | // create an image and set it's source to pngPath's value:
// | var img = document.createElement("img");
// | img.src = pngPath;
// | // add our image to the document
// | dojo.body().appendChild(img);
// example:
// you may de-reference as far as you like down the package
// hierarchy. This is sometimes handy to avoid lengthy relative
// urls or for building portable sub-packages. In this example,
// the `acme.widget` and `acme.util` directories may be located
// under different roots (see `dojo.registerModulePath`) but the
// the modules which reference them can be unaware of their
// relative locations on the filesystem:
// | // somewhere in a configuration block
// | dojo.registerModulePath("acme.widget", "../../acme/widget");
// | dojo.registerModulePath("acme.util", "../../util");
// |
// | // ...
// |
// | // code in a module using acme resources
// | var tmpltPath = dojo.moduleUrl("acme.widget","templates/template.html");
// | var dataPath = dojo.moduleUrl("acme.util","resources/data.json");
dojo.deprecated("dojo.moduleUrl()", "use require.toUrl", "2.0");
// require.toUrl requires a filetype; therefore, just append the suffix "/*.*" to guarantee a filetype, then
// remove the suffix from the result. This way clients can request a url w/out a filetype. This should be
// rare, but it maintains backcompat for the v1.x line (note: dojo.moduleUrl will be removed in v2.0).
// Notice * is an illegal filename so it won't conflict with any real path map that may exist the paths config.
var result = null;
result = require.toUrl(module.replace(/\./g, "/") + (url ? ("/" + url) : "") + "/*.*").replace(/\/\*\.\*/, "") + (url ? "" : "/");
return result;
dojo._hasResource = {}; // for backward compatibility with layers built with 1.6 tooling
return dojo;
if (typeof global !== 'undefined' && typeof global !== 'function') {
// global spec defines a reference to the global object called 'global'
// `global` is also defined in NodeJS
return global;
else if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {
// window is defined in browsers
return window;
else if (typeof self !== 'undefined') {
// self is defined in WebWorkers
return self;
return this;
define(["./global", "require", "module"], function(global, require, module){
// module:
// dojo/has
// summary:
// Defines the has.js API and several feature tests used by dojo.
// description:
// This module defines the has API as described by the project has.js with the following additional features:
// - the has test cache is exposed at has.cache.
// - the method has.add includes a forth parameter that controls whether or not existing tests are replaced
// - the loader's has cache may be optionally copied into this module's has cahce.
// This module adopted from; thanks has.js team!
// try to pull the has implementation from the loader; both the dojo loader and bdLoad provide one
// if using a foreign loader, then the has cache may be initialized via the config object for this module
// WARNING: if a foreign loader defines require.has to be something other than the has.js API, then this implementation fail
var has = require.has || function(){};
if(! 1 ){
isBrowser =
// the most fundamental decision: are we in the browser?
typeof window != "undefined" &&
typeof location != "undefined" &&
typeof document != "undefined" &&
window.location == location && window.document == document,
// has API variables
doc = isBrowser && document,
element = doc && doc.createElement("DiV"),
cache = (module.config && module.config()) || {};
has = function(name){
// summary:
// Return the current value of the named feature.
// name: String|Integer
// The name (if a string) or identifier (if an integer) of the feature to test.
// description:
// Returns the value of the feature named by name. The feature must have been
// previously added to the cache by has.add.
return typeof cache[name] == "function" ? (cache[name] = cache[name](global, doc, element)) : cache[name]; // Boolean
has.cache = cache;
has.add = function(name, test, now, force){
// summary:
// Register a new feature test for some named feature.
// name: String|Integer
// The name (if a string) or identifier (if an integer) of the feature to test.
// test: Function
// A test function to register. If a function, queued for testing until actually
// needed. The test function should return a boolean indicating
// the presence of a feature or bug.
// now: Boolean?
// Optional. Omit if `test` is not a function. Provides a way to immediately
// run the test and cache the result.
// force: Boolean?
// Optional. If the test already exists and force is truthy, then the existing
// test will be replaced; otherwise, add does not replace an existing test (that
// is, by default, the first test advice wins).
// example:
// A redundant test, testFn with immediate execution:
// | has.add("javascript", function(){ return true; }, true);
// example:
// Again with the redundantness. You can do this in your tests, but we should
// not be doing this in any internal has.js tests
// | has.add("javascript", true);
// example:
// Three things are passed to the testFunction. `global`, `document`, and a generic element
// from which to work your test should the need arise.
// | has.add("bug-byid", function(g, d, el){
// | // g == global, typically window, yadda yadda
// | // d == document object
// | // el == the generic element. a `has` element.
// | return false; // fake test, byid-when-form-has-name-matching-an-id is slightly longer
// | });
(typeof cache[name]=="undefined" || force) && (cache[name]= test);
return now && has(name);
// since we're operating under a loader that doesn't provide a has API, we must explicitly initialize
// has as it would have otherwise been initialized by the dojo loader; use has.add to the builder
// can optimize these away iff desired
1 || has.add("host-browser", isBrowser);
0 && has.add("host-node", (typeof process == "object" && process.versions && process.versions.node && process.versions.v8));
0 && has.add("host-rhino", (typeof load == "function" && (typeof Packages == "function" || typeof Packages == "object")));
1 || has.add("dom", isBrowser);
1 || has.add("dojo-dom-ready-api", 1);
1 || has.add("dojo-sniff", 1);
if( 1 ){
// Common application level tests
has.add("dom-addeventlistener", !!document.addEventListener);
// Do the device and browser have touch capability?
has.add("touch", "ontouchstart" in document
|| ("onpointerdown" in document && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 0)
|| window.navigator.msMaxTouchPoints);
// Touch events support
has.add("touch-events", "ontouchstart" in document);
// Test if pointer events are supported and enabled, with either standard names ("pointerdown" etc.) or
// IE specific names ("MSPointerDown" etc.). Tests are designed to work on embedded C# WebBrowser Controls
// in addition to IE, Edge, and future versions of Firefox and Chrome.
// Note that on IE11, has("pointer-events") and has("MSPointer") are both true.
has.add("pointer-events", "pointerEnabled" in window.navigator ?
window.navigator.pointerEnabled : "PointerEvent" in window);
has.add("MSPointer", window.navigator.msPointerEnabled);
// The "pointermove"" event is only continuously emitted in a touch environment if
// the target node's "touch-action"" CSS property is set to "none"
has.add("touch-action", has("touch") && has("pointer-events"));
// I don't know if any of these tests are really correct, just a rough guess
has.add("device-width", screen.availWidth || innerWidth);
// Tests for DOMNode.attributes[] behavior:
// - dom-attributes-explicit - attributes[] only lists explicitly user specified attributes
// - dom-attributes-specified-flag (IE8) - need to check attr.specified flag to skip attributes user didn't specify
// - Otherwise, in IE6-7. attributes[] will list hundreds of values, so need to do outerHTML to get attrs instead.
var form = document.createElement("form");
has.add("dom-attributes-explicit", form.attributes.length == 0); // W3C
has.add("dom-attributes-specified-flag", form.attributes.length > 0 && form.attributes.length < 40); // IE8
has.clearElement = function(element){
// summary:
// Deletes the contents of the element passed to test functions.
element.innerHTML= "";
return element;
has.normalize = function(id, toAbsMid){
// summary:
// Resolves id into a module id based on possibly-nested tenary expression that branches on has feature test value(s).
// toAbsMid: Function
// Resolves a relative module id into an absolute module id
tokens = id.match(/[\?:]|[^:\?]*/g), i = 0,
get = function(skip){
var term = tokens[i++];
if(term == ":"){
// empty string module name, resolves to 0
return 0;
// postfixed with a ? means it is a feature to branch on, the term is the name of the feature
if(tokens[i++] == "?"){
if(!skip && has(term)){
// matched the feature, get the first value from the options
return get();
// did not match, get the second value, passing over the first
return get(skip);
// a module
return term || 0;
id = get();
return id && toAbsMid(id);
has.load = function(id, parentRequire, loaded){
// summary:
// Conditional loading of AMD modules based on a has feature test value.
// id: String
// Gives the resolved module id to load.
// parentRequire: Function
// The loader require function with respect to the module that contained the plugin resource in it's
// dependency list.
// loaded: Function
// Callback to loader that consumes result of plugin demand.
parentRequire([id], loaded);
return has;
define(["../global", "../has", "require"], function(global, has, require){
// module:
// dojo/_base/config
return {
// summary:
// This module defines the user configuration during bootstrap.
// description:
// By defining user configuration as a module value, an entire configuration can be specified in a build,
// thereby eliminating the need for sniffing and or explicitly setting in the global variable dojoConfig.
// Also, when multiple instances of dojo exist in a single application, each will necessarily be located
// at an unique absolute module identifier as given by the package configuration. Implementing configuration
// as a module allows for specifying unique, per-instance configurations.
// example:
// Create a second instance of dojo with a different, instance-unique configuration (assume the loader and
// dojo.js are already loaded).
// | // specify a configuration that creates a new instance of dojo at the absolute module identifier "myDojo"
// | require({
// | packages:[{
// | name:"myDojo",
// | location:".", //assume baseUrl points to dojo.js
// | }]
// | });
// |
// | // specify a configuration for the myDojo instance
// | define("myDojo/config", {
// | // normal configuration variables go here, e.g.,
// | locale:"fr-ca"
// | });
// |
// | // load and use the new instance of dojo
// | require(["myDojo"], function(dojo){
// | // dojo is the new instance of dojo
// | // use as required
// | });
// isDebug: Boolean
// Defaults to `false`. If set to `true`, ensures that Dojo provides
// extended debugging feedback to the console.
isDebug: false,
// locale: String
// The locale to assume for loading localized resources in this page,
// specified according to [RFC 3066](
// Must be specified entirely in lowercase, e.g. `en-us` and `zh-cn`.
// See the documentation for `dojo.i18n` and `dojo.requireLocalization`
// for details on loading localized resources. If no locale is specified,
// Dojo assumes the locale of the user agent, according to `navigator.userLanguage`
// or `navigator.language` properties.
locale: undefined,
// extraLocale: Array
// No default value. Specifies additional locales whose
// resources should also be loaded alongside the default locale when
// calls to `dojo.requireLocalization()` are processed.
extraLocale: undefined,
// baseUrl: String
// The directory in which `dojo.js` is located. Under normal
// conditions, Dojo auto-detects the correct location from which it
// was loaded. You may need to manually configure `baseUrl` in cases
// where you have renamed `dojo.js` or in which `<base>` tags confuse
// some browsers (e.g. IE 6). The variable `dojo.baseUrl` is assigned
// either the value of `djConfig.baseUrl` if one is provided or the
// auto-detected root if not. Other modules are located relative to
// this path. The path should end in a slash.
baseUrl: undefined,
// modulePaths: [deprecated] Object
// A map of module names to paths relative to `dojo.baseUrl`. The
// key/value pairs correspond directly to the arguments which
// `dojo.registerModulePath` accepts. Specifying
// `djConfig.modulePaths = { "foo": "../../bar" }` is the equivalent
// of calling `dojo.registerModulePath("foo", "../../bar");`. Multiple
// modules may be configured via `djConfig.modulePaths`.
modulePaths: {},
// addOnLoad: Function|Array
// Adds a callback via dojo/ready. Useful when Dojo is added after
// the page loads and djConfig.afterOnLoad is true. Supports the same
// arguments as dojo/ready. When using a function reference, use
// `djConfig.addOnLoad = function(){};`. For object with function name use
// `djConfig.addOnLoad = [myObject, "functionName"];` and for object with
// function reference use
// `djConfig.addOnLoad = [myObject, function(){}];`
addOnLoad: null,
// parseOnLoad: Boolean
// Run the parser after the page is loaded
parseOnLoad: false,
// require: String[]
// An array of module names to be loaded immediately after dojo.js has been included
// in a page.
require: [],
// defaultDuration: Number
// Default duration, in milliseconds, for wipe and fade animations within dijits.
// Assigned to dijit.defaultDuration.
defaultDuration: 200,
// dojoBlankHtmlUrl: String
// Used by some modules to configure an empty iframe. Used by dojo/io/iframe and
// dojo/back, and dijit/popup support in IE where an iframe is needed to make sure native
// controls do not bleed through the popups. Normally this configuration variable
// does not need to be set, except when using cross-domain/CDN Dojo builds.
// Save dojo/resources/blank.html to your domain and set `djConfig.dojoBlankHtmlUrl`
// to the path on your domain your copy of blank.html.
dojoBlankHtmlUrl: undefined,
// ioPublish: Boolean?
// Set this to true to enable publishing of topics for the different phases of
// IO operations. Publishing is done via dojo/topic.publish(). See dojo/main.__IoPublish for a list
// of topics that are published.
ioPublish: false,
// transparentColor: Array
// Array containing the r, g, b components used as transparent color in dojo.Color;
// if undefined, [255,255,255] (white) will be used.
transparentColor: undefined,
// deps: Function|Array
// Defines dependencies to be used before the loader has been loaded.
// When provided, they cause the loader to execute require(deps, callback)
// once it has finished loading. Should be used with callback.
deps: undefined,
// callback: Function|Array
// Defines a callback to be used when dependencies are defined before
// the loader has been loaded. When provided, they cause the loader to
// execute require(deps, callback) once it has finished loading.
// Should be used with deps.
callback: undefined,
// deferredInstrumentation: Boolean
// Whether deferred instrumentation should be loaded or included
// in builds.
deferredInstrumentation: true,
// useDeferredInstrumentation: Boolean|String
// Whether the deferred instrumentation should be used.
// * `"report-rejections"`: report each rejection as it occurs.
// * `true` or `1` or `"report-unhandled-rejections"`: wait 1 second
// in an attempt to detect unhandled rejections.
useDeferredInstrumentation: "report-unhandled-rejections"
var result = {};
if( 1 ){
// must be the dojo loader; take a shallow copy of require.rawConfig
var src = require.rawConfig, p;
for(p in src){
result[p] = src[p];
var adviseHas = function(featureSet, prefix, booting){
for(p in featureSet){
p!="has" && has.add(prefix + p, featureSet[p], 0, booting);
result = 1 ?
// must be a built version of the dojo loader; all config stuffed in require.rawConfig
require.rawConfig :
// a foreign loader
global.dojoConfig || global.djConfig || {};
adviseHas(result, "config", 1);
adviseHas(result.has, "", 1);
if(!result.locale && typeof navigator != "undefined"){
// Default locale for browsers (ensure it's read from user-settings not download locale).
var language = (navigator.languages && navigator.languages.length) ? navigator.languages[0] :
(navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage);
result.locale = language.toLowerCase();
return result;
define(["./has"], function(has){
"use strict";
var hasJSON = typeof JSON != "undefined";
has.add("json-parse", hasJSON); // all the parsers work fine
// Firefox 3.5/Gecko 1.9 fails to use replacer in stringify properly
has.add("json-stringify", hasJSON && JSON.stringify({a:0}, function(k,v){return v||1;}) == '{"a":1}');
return {
// summary:
// Functions to parse and serialize JSON
parse: function(str, strict){
// summary:
// Parses a [JSON]( string to return a JavaScript object.
// description:
// This function follows [native JSON API](
// Throws for invalid JSON strings. This delegates to eval() if native JSON
// support is not available. By default this will evaluate any valid JS expression.
// With the strict parameter set to true, the parser will ensure that only
// valid JSON strings are parsed (otherwise throwing an error). Without the strict
// parameter, the content passed to this method must come
// from a trusted source.
// str:
// a string literal of a JSON item, for instance:
// `'{ "foo": [ "bar", 1, { "baz": "thud" } ] }'`
// strict:
// When set to true, this will ensure that only valid, secure JSON is ever parsed.
// Make sure this is set to true for untrusted content. Note that on browsers/engines
// without native JSON support, setting this to true will run slower.
stringify: function(value, replacer, spacer){
// summary:
// Returns a [JSON]( serialization of an object.
// description:
// Returns a [JSON]( serialization of an object.
// This function follows [native JSON API](
// Note that this doesn't check for infinite recursion, so don't do that!
// value:
// A value to be serialized.
// replacer:
// A replacer function that is called for each value and can return a replacement
// spacer:
// A spacer string to be used for pretty printing of JSON
// example:
// simple serialization of a trivial object
// | define(["dojo/json"], function(JSON){
// | var jsonStr = JSON.stringify({ howdy: "stranger!", isStrange: true });
// |'{"howdy":"stranger!","isStrange":true}', jsonStr);
return JSON;
var escapeString = function(/*String*/str){
// summary:
// Adds escape sequences for non-visual characters, double quote and
// backslash and surrounds with double quotes to form a valid string
// literal.
return ('"' + str.replace(/(["\\])/g, '\\$1') + '"').
replace(/[\f]/g, "\\f").replace(/[\b]/g, "\\b").replace(/[\n]/g, "\\n").
replace(/[\t]/g, "\\t").replace(/[\r]/g, "\\r"); // string
return {
parse: has("json-parse") ? JSON.parse : function(str, strict){
if(strict && !/^([\s\[\{]*(?:"(?:\\.|[^"])*"|-?\d[\d\.]*(?:[Ee][+-]?\d+)?|null|true|false|)[\s\]\}]*(?:,|:|$))+$/.test(str)){
throw new SyntaxError("Invalid characters in JSON");
return eval('(' + str + ')');
stringify: function(value, replacer, spacer){
var undef;
if(typeof replacer == "string"){
spacer = replacer;
replacer = null;
function stringify(it, indent, key){
it = replacer(key, it);
var val, objtype = typeof it;
if(objtype == "number"){
return isFinite(it) ? it + "" : "null";
if(objtype == "boolean"){
return it + "";
if(it === null){
return "null";
if(typeof it == "string"){
return escapeString(it);
if(objtype == "function" || objtype == "undefined"){
return undef; // undefined
// short-circuit for objects that support "json" serialization
// if they return "self" then just pass-through...
if(typeof it.toJSON == "function"){
return stringify(it.toJSON(key), indent, key);
if(it instanceof Date){
return '"{FullYear}-{Month+}-{Date}T{Hours}:{Minutes}:{Seconds}Z"'.replace(/\{(\w+)(\+)?\}/g, function(t, prop, plus){
var num = it["getUTC" + prop]() + (plus ? 1 : 0);
return num < 10 ? "0" + num : num;
if(it.valueOf() !== it){
// primitive wrapper, try again unwrapped:
return stringify(it.valueOf(), indent, key);
var nextIndent= spacer ? (indent + spacer) : "";
/* we used to test for DOM nodes and throw, but FF serializes them as {}, so cross-browser consistency is probably not efficiently attainable */
var sep = spacer ? " " : "";
var newLine = spacer ? "\n" : "";
// array
if(it instanceof Array){
var itl = it.length, res = [];
for(key = 0; key < itl; key++){
var obj = it[key];
val = stringify(obj, nextIndent, key);
if(typeof val != "string"){
val = "null";
res.push(newLine + nextIndent + val);
return "[" + res.join(",") + newLine + indent + "]";
// generic object code path
var output = [];
for(key in it){
var keyStr;
if(typeof key == "number"){
keyStr = '"' + key + '"';
}else if(typeof key == "string"){
keyStr = escapeString(key);
// skip non-string or number keys
val = stringify(it[key], nextIndent, key);
if(typeof val != "string"){
// skip non-serializable values
// At this point, the most non-IE browsers don't get in this branch
// (they have native JSON), so push is definitely the way to
output.push(newLine + nextIndent + keyStr + ":" + sep + val);
return "{" + output.join(",") + newLine + indent + "}"; // String
return stringify(value, "", "");
define(["./kernel", "../has", "../sniff"], function(dojo, has){
// module:
// dojo/_base/lang
has.add("bug-for-in-skips-shadowed", function(){
// if true, the for-in iterator skips object properties that exist in Object's prototype (IE 6 - ?)
for(var i in {toString: 1}){
return 0;
return 1;
// Helper methods
var _extraNames =
has("bug-for-in-skips-shadowed") ?
"hasOwnProperty.valueOf.isPrototypeOf.propertyIsEnumerable.toLocaleString.toString.constructor".split(".") : [],
_extraLen = _extraNames.length,
getProp = function(/*Array*/parts, /*Boolean*/create, /*Object*/context){
if(parts[0] && dojo.scopeMap[parts[0]]) {
// Voodoo code from the old days where "dojo" or "dijit" maps to some special object
// rather than just window.dojo
context = dojo.scopeMap[parts.shift()][1];
context =;
for(var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++){
var p = parts[i];
// Fix for prototype pollution CVE-2021-23450
if (p === '__proto__' || p === 'constructor') {
if(!(p in context)){
context[p] = {};
return; // return undefined
context = context[p];
return context; // mixed
// "p in context" throws an exception when context is a number, boolean, etc. rather than an object,
// so in that corner case just return undefined (by having no return statement)
opts = Object.prototype.toString,
efficient = function(obj, offset, startWith){
return (startWith||[]).concat(, offset||0));
_pattern = /\{([^\}]+)\}/g;
// Module export
var lang = {
// summary:
// This module defines Javascript language extensions.
// _extraNames: String[]
// Lists property names that must be explicitly processed during for-in iteration
// in environments that have has("bug-for-in-skips-shadowed") true.
_mixin: function(dest, source, copyFunc){
// summary:
// Copies/adds all properties of source to dest; returns dest.
// dest: Object
// The object to which to copy/add all properties contained in source.
// source: Object
// The object from which to draw all properties to copy into dest.
// copyFunc: Function?
// The process used to copy/add a property in source; defaults to the Javascript assignment operator.
// returns:
// dest, as modified
// description:
// All properties, including functions (sometimes termed "methods"), excluding any non-standard extensions
// found in Object.prototype, are copied/added to dest. Copying/adding each particular property is
// delegated to copyFunc (if any); copyFunc defaults to the Javascript assignment operator if not provided.
// Notice that by default, _mixin executes a so-called "shallow copy" and aggregate types are copied/added by reference.
var name, s, i, empty = {};
for(name in source){
// the (!(name in empty) || empty[name] !== s) condition avoids copying properties in "source"
// inherited from Object.prototype. For example, if dest has a custom toString() method,
// don't overwrite it with the toString() method that source inherited from Object.prototype
s = source[name];
if(!(name in dest) || (dest[name] !== s && (!(name in empty) || empty[name] !== s))){
dest[name] = copyFunc ? copyFunc(s) : s;
for(i = 0; i < _extraLen; ++i){
name = _extraNames[i];
s = source[name];
if(!(name in dest) || (dest[name] !== s && (!(name in empty) || empty[name] !== s))){
dest[name] = copyFunc ? copyFunc(s) : s;
return dest; // Object
mixin: function(dest, sources){
// summary:
// Copies/adds all properties of one or more sources to dest; returns dest.
// dest: Object
// The object to which to copy/add all properties contained in source. If dest is falsy, then
// a new object is manufactured before copying/adding properties begins.
// sources: Object...
// One of more objects from which to draw all properties to copy into dest. sources are processed
// left-to-right and if more than one of these objects contain the same property name, the right-most
// value "wins".
// returns: Object
// dest, as modified
// description:
// All properties, including functions (sometimes termed "methods"), excluding any non-standard extensions
// found in Object.prototype, are copied/added from sources to dest. sources are processed left to right.
// The Javascript assignment operator is used to copy/add each property; therefore, by default, mixin
// executes a so-called "shallow copy" and aggregate types are copied/added by reference.
// example:
// make a shallow copy of an object
// | var copy = lang.mixin({}, source);
// example:
// many class constructors often take an object which specifies
// values to be configured on the object. In this case, it is
// often simplest to call `lang.mixin` on the `this` object:
// | declare("acme.Base", null, {
// | constructor: function(properties){
// | // property configuration:
// | lang.mixin(this, properties);
// |
// | console.log(this.quip);
// | // ...
// | },
// | quip: "I wasn't born yesterday, you know - I've seen movies.",
// | // ...
// | });
// |
// | // create an instance of the class and configure it
// | var b = new acme.Base({quip: "That's what it does!" });
// example:
// copy in properties from multiple objects
// | var flattened = lang.mixin(
// | {
// | name: "Frylock",
// | braces: true
// | },
// | {
// | name: "Carl Brutanananadilewski"
// | }
// | );
// |
// | // will print "Carl Brutanananadilewski"
// | console.log(;
// | // will print "true"
// | console.log(flattened.braces);
if(!dest){ dest = {}; }
for(var i = 1, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++){
lang._mixin(dest, arguments[i]);
return dest; // Object
setObject: function(name, value, context){
// summary:
// Set a property from a dot-separated string, such as "A.B.C"
// description:
// Useful for longer api chains where you have to test each object in
// the chain, or when you have an object reference in string format.
// Objects are created as needed along `path`. Returns the passed
// value if setting is successful or `undefined` if not.
// name: String
// Path to a property, in the form "A.B.C".
// value: anything
// value or object to place at location given by name
// context: Object?
// Optional. Object to use as root of path. Defaults to
// ``.
// example:
// set the value of ``, regardless of whether
// intermediate objects already exist:
// | lang.setObject("", value);
// example:
// without `lang.setObject`, we often see code like this:
// | // ensure that intermediate objects are available
// | if(!obj["parent"]){ obj.parent = {}; }
// | if(!obj.parent["child"]){ obj.parent.child = {}; }
// | // now we can safely set the property
// | obj.parent.child.prop = "some value";
// whereas with `lang.setObject`, we can shorten that to:
// | lang.setObject("parent.child.prop", "some value", obj);
var parts = name.split("."), p = parts.pop(), obj = getProp(parts, true, context);
return obj && p ? (obj[p] = value) : undefined; // Object
getObject: function(name, create, context){
// summary:
// Get a property from a dot-separated string, such as "A.B.C"
// description:
// Useful for longer api chains where you have to test each object in
// the chain, or when you have an object reference in string format.
// name: String
// Path to an property, in the form "A.B.C".
// create: Boolean?
// Optional. Defaults to `false`. If `true`, Objects will be
// created at any point along the 'path' that is undefined.
// context: Object?
// Optional. Object to use as root of path. Defaults to
// ''. Null may be passed.
return !name ? context : getProp(name.split("."), create, context); // Object
exists: function(name, obj){
// summary:
// determine if an object supports a given method
// description:
// useful for longer api chains where you have to test each object in
// the chain. Useful for object and method detection.
// name: String
// Path to an object, in the form "A.B.C".
// obj: Object?
// Object to use as root of path. Defaults to
// ''. Null may be passed.
// example:
// | // define an object
// | var foo = {
// | bar: { }
// | };
// |
// | // search the global scope
// | lang.exists(""); // true
// | lang.exists(""); // false
// |
// | // search from a particular scope
// | lang.exists("bar", foo); // true
// | lang.exists("bar.baz", foo); // false
return lang.getObject(name, false, obj) !== undefined; // Boolean
// Crockford (ish) functions
isString: function(it){
// summary:
// Return true if it is a String
// it: anything
// Item to test.
return (typeof it == "string" || it instanceof String); // Boolean
isArray: Array.isArray || function(it){
// summary:
// Return true if it is an Array.
// it: anything
// Item to test.
return == "[object Array]"; // Boolean
isFunction: function(it){
// summary:
// Return true if it is a Function
// it: anything
// Item to test.
return === "[object Function]";
isObject: function(it){
// summary:
// Returns true if it is a JavaScript object (or an Array, a Function
// or null)
// it: anything
// Item to test.
return it !== undefined &&
(it === null || typeof it == "object" || lang.isArray(it) || lang.isFunction(it)); // Boolean
isArrayLike: function(it){
// summary:
// similar to isArray() but more permissive
// it: anything
// Item to test.
// returns:
// If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, return `true`
// description:
// Doesn't strongly test for "arrayness". Instead, settles for "isn't
// a string or number and has a length property". Arguments objects
// and DOM collections will return true when passed to
// isArrayLike(), but will return false when passed to
// isArray().
return !!it && // Boolean
// keep out built-in constructors (Number, String, ...) which have length
// properties
!lang.isString(it) && !lang.isFunction(it) &&
!(it.tagName && it.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'form') &&
(lang.isArray(it) || isFinite(it.length));
isAlien: function(it){
// summary:
// Returns true if it is a built-in function or some other kind of
// oddball that *should* report as a function but doesn't
return it && !lang.isFunction(it) && /\{\s*\[native code\]\s*\}/.test(String(it)); // Boolean
extend: function(ctor, props){
// summary:
// Adds all properties and methods of props to constructor's
// prototype, making them available to all instances created with
// constructor.
// ctor: Object
// Target constructor to extend.
// props: Object
// One or more objects to mix into ctor.prototype
for(var i=1, l=arguments.length; i<l; i++){
lang._mixin(ctor.prototype, arguments[i]);
return ctor; // Object
_hitchArgs: function(scope, method){
var pre = lang._toArray(arguments, 2);
var named = lang.isString(method);
return function(){
// arrayify arguments
var args = lang._toArray(arguments);
// locate our method
var f = named ? (scope||[method] : method;
// invoke with collected args
return f && f.apply(scope || this, pre.concat(args)); // mixed
}; // Function
hitch: function(scope, method){
// summary:
// Returns a function that will only ever execute in the given scope.
// This allows for easy use of object member functions
// in callbacks and other places in which the "this" keyword may
// otherwise not reference the expected scope.
// Any number of default positional arguments may be passed as parameters
// beyond "method".
// Each of these values will be used to "placehold" (similar to curry)
// for the hitched function.
// scope: Object
// The scope to use when method executes. If method is a string,
// scope is also the object containing method.
// method: Function|String...
// A function to be hitched to scope, or the name of the method in
// scope to be hitched.
// example:
// | lang.hitch(foo, "bar")();
// runs in the scope of foo
// example:
// | lang.hitch(foo, myFunction);
// returns a function that runs myFunction in the scope of foo
// example:
// Expansion on the default positional arguments passed along from
// hitch. Passed args are mixed first, additional args after.
// | var foo = { bar: function(a, b, c){ console.log(a, b, c); } };
// | var fn = lang.hitch(foo, "bar", 1, 2);
// | fn(3); // logs "1, 2, 3"
// example:
// | var foo = { bar: 2 };
// | lang.hitch(foo, function(){ = 10; })();
// execute an anonymous function in scope of foo
if(arguments.length > 2){
return lang._hitchArgs.apply(dojo, arguments); // Function
method = scope;
scope = null;
scope = scope ||;
if(!scope[method]){ throw(['lang.hitch: scope["', method, '"] is null (scope="', scope, '")'].join('')); }
return function(){ return scope[method].apply(scope, arguments || []); }; // Function
return !scope ? method : function(){ return method.apply(scope, arguments || []); }; // Function
delegate: (function(){
// boodman/crockford delegation w/ cornford optimization
function TMP(){}
return function(obj, props){
TMP.prototype = obj;
var tmp = new TMP();
TMP.prototype = null;
lang._mixin(tmp, props);
return tmp; // Object
delegate: function(obj, props){
// summary:
// Returns a new object which "looks" to obj for properties which it
// does not have a value for. Optionally takes a bag of properties to
// seed the returned object with initially.
// description:
// This is a small implementation of the Boodman/Crockford delegation
// pattern in JavaScript. An intermediate object constructor mediates
// the prototype chain for the returned object, using it to delegate
// down to obj for property lookup when object-local lookup fails.
// This can be thought of similarly to ES4's "wrap", save that it does
// not act on types but rather on pure objects.
// obj: Object
// The object to delegate to for properties not found directly on the
// return object or in props.
// props: Object...
// an object containing properties to assign to the returned object
// returns:
// an Object of anonymous type
// example:
// | var foo = { bar: "baz" };
// | var thinger = lang.delegate(foo, { thud: "xyzzy"});
// | == "baz"; // delegated to foo
// | foo.thud == undefined; // by definition
// | thinger.thud == "xyzzy"; // mixed in from props
// | = "thonk";
// | == "thonk"; // still delegated to foo's bar
_toArray: has("ie") ?
function slow(obj, offset, startWith){
var arr = startWith||[];
for(var x = offset || 0; x < obj.length; x++){
return arr;
return function(obj){
return ((obj.item) ? slow : efficient).apply(this, arguments);
})() : efficient,
_toArray: function(obj, offset, startWith){
// summary:
// Converts an array-like object (i.e. arguments, DOMCollection) to an
// array. Returns a new Array with the elements of obj.
// obj: Object
// the object to "arrayify". We expect the object to have, at a
// minimum, a length property which corresponds to integer-indexed
// properties.
// offset: Number?
// the location in obj to start iterating from. Defaults to 0.
// Optional.
// startWith: Array?
// An array to pack with the properties of obj. If provided,
// properties in obj are appended at the end of startWith and
// startWith is the returned array.
partial: function(/*Function|String*/ method /*, ...*/){
// summary:
// similar to hitch() except that the scope object is left to be
// whatever the execution context eventually becomes.
// description:
// Calling lang.partial is the functional equivalent of calling:
// | lang.hitch(null, funcName, ...);
// method:
// The function to "wrap"
var arr = [ null ];
return lang.hitch.apply(dojo, arr.concat(lang._toArray(arguments))); // Function
clone: function(/*anything*/ src){
// summary:
// Clones objects (including DOM nodes) and all children.
// Warning: do not clone cyclic structures.
// src:
// The object to clone
if(!src || typeof src != "object" || lang.isFunction(src)){
// null, undefined, any non-object, or function
return src; // anything
if(src.nodeType && "cloneNode" in src){
// DOM Node
return src.cloneNode(true); // Node
if(src instanceof Date){
// Date
return new Date(src.getTime()); // Date
if(src instanceof RegExp){
// RegExp
return new RegExp(src); // RegExp
var r, i, l;
// array
r = [];
for(i = 0, l = src.length; i < l; ++i){
if(i in src){
r[i] = lang.clone(src[i]);
// we don't clone functions for performance reasons
// }else if(d.isFunction(src)){
// // function
// r = function(){ return src.apply(this, arguments); };
// generic objects
r = src.constructor ? new src.constructor() : {};
return lang._mixin(r, src, lang.clone);
trim: String.prototype.trim ?
function(str){ return str.trim(); } :
function(str){ return str.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, ''); },
trim: function(str){
// summary:
// Trims whitespace from both sides of the string
// str: String
// String to be trimmed
// returns: String
// Returns the trimmed string
// description:
// This version of trim() was selected for inclusion into the base due
// to its compact size and relatively good performance
// (see [Steven Levithan's blog](
// Uses String.prototype.trim instead, if available.
// The fastest but longest version of this function is located at
// lang.string.trim()
replace: function(tmpl, map, pattern){
// summary:
// Performs parameterized substitutions on a string. Throws an
// exception if any parameter is unmatched.
// tmpl: String
// String to be used as a template.
// map: Object|Function
// If an object, it is used as a dictionary to look up substitutions.
// If a function, it is called for every substitution with following parameters:
// a whole match, a name, an offset, and the whole template
// string (see
// for more details).
// pattern: RegEx?
// Optional regular expression objects that overrides the default pattern.
// Must be global and match one item. The default is: /\{([^\}]+)\}/g,
// which matches patterns like that: "{xxx}", where "xxx" is any sequence
// of characters, which doesn't include "}".
// returns: String
// Returns the substituted string.
// example:
// | // uses a dictionary for substitutions:
// | lang.replace("Hello, {name.first} {name.last} AKA {nick}!",
// | {
// | nick: "Bob",
// | name: {
// | first: "Robert",
// | middle: "X",
// | last: "Cringely"
// | }
// | });
// | // returns: Hello, Robert Cringely AKA Bob!
// example:
// | // uses an array for substitutions:
// | lang.replace("Hello, {0} {2}!",
// | ["Robert", "X", "Cringely"]);
// | // returns: Hello, Robert Cringely!
// example:
// | // uses a function for substitutions:
// | function sum(a){
// | var t = 0;
// | arrayforEach(a, function(x){ t += x; });
// | return t;
// | }
// | lang.replace(
// | "{count} payments averaging {avg} USD per payment.",
// | lang.hitch(
// | { payments: [11, 16, 12] },
// | function(_, key){
// | switch(key){
// | case "count": return this.payments.length;
// | case "min": return Math.min.apply(Math, this.payments);
// | case "max": return Math.max.apply(Math, this.payments);
// | case "sum": return sum(this.payments);
// | case "avg": return sum(this.payments) / this.payments.length;
// | }
// | }
// | )
// | );
// | // prints: 3 payments averaging 13 USD per payment.
// example:
// | // uses an alternative PHP-like pattern for substitutions:
// | lang.replace("Hello, ${0} ${2}!",
// | ["Robert", "X", "Cringely"], /\$\{([^\}]+)\}/g);
// | // returns: Hello, Robert Cringely!
return tmpl.replace(pattern || _pattern, lang.isFunction(map) ?
map : function(_, k){ return lang.getObject(k, false, map); });
1 && lang.mixin(dojo, lang);
return lang;
define(["./has"], function(has){
// module:
// dojo/sniff
return function(){
// summary:
// This module sets has() flags based on the current browser.
// It returns the has() function.
if( 1 ){
var n = navigator,
dua = n.userAgent,
dav = n.appVersion,
tv = parseFloat(dav);
has.add("air", dua.indexOf("AdobeAIR") >= 0);
has.add("wp", parseFloat(dua.split("Windows Phone")[1]) || undefined);
has.add("msapp", parseFloat(dua.split("MSAppHost/")[1]) || undefined);
has.add("khtml", dav.indexOf("Konqueror") >= 0 ? tv : undefined);
has.add("edge", parseFloat(dua.split("Edge/")[1]) || undefined);
has.add("opr", parseFloat(dua.split("OPR/")[1]) || undefined);
// NOTE:
has.add("webkit", !has("wp") // NOTE: necessary since Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1, see #18540
&& !has("edge") && parseFloat(dua.split("WebKit/")[1]) || undefined);
has.add("chrome", !has("edge") && !has("opr")
&& parseFloat(dua.split("Chrome/")[1]) || undefined);
has.add("android", !has("wp") // NOTE: necessary since Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1, see #18528
&& parseFloat(dua.split("Android ")[1]) || undefined);
has.add("safari", dav.indexOf("Safari") >= 0
&& !has("wp") // NOTE: necessary since Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1, see #18540
&& !has("chrome") && !has("android") && !has("edge") && !has("opr") ?
parseFloat(dav.split("Version/")[1]) : undefined);
has.add("mac", dav.indexOf("Macintosh") >= 0);
has.add("quirks", document.compatMode == "BackCompat");
if(!has("wp") // NOTE: necessary since Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1, see #18528
&& dua.match(/(iPhone|iPod|iPad)/)){
var p = RegExp.$1.replace(/P/, "p");
var v = dua.match(/OS ([\d_]+)/) ? RegExp.$1 : "1";
var os = parseFloat(v.replace(/_/, ".").replace(/_/g, ""));
has.add(p, os); // "iphone", "ipad" or "ipod"
has.add("ios", os);
has.add("bb", (dua.indexOf("BlackBerry") >= 0 || dua.indexOf("BB10") >= 0) && parseFloat(dua.split("Version/")[1]) || undefined);
has.add("trident", parseFloat(dav.split("Trident/")[1]) || undefined);
has.add("svg", typeof SVGAngle !== "undefined");
// Opera
if(dua.indexOf("Opera") >= 0){
// see and
// 9.8 has both styles; <9.8, 9.9 only old style
has.add("opera", tv >= 9.8 ? parseFloat(dua.split("Version/")[1]) || tv : tv);
// Mozilla and firefox
if(dua.indexOf("Gecko") >= 0 && !has("wp") // NOTE: necessary since Windows Phone 8.1 Update 1
&& !has("khtml") && !has("trident") && !has("edge")){
has.add("mozilla", tv);
//We really need to get away from this. Consider a sane isGecko approach for the future.
has.add("ff", parseFloat(dua.split("Firefox/")[1] || dua.split("Minefield/")[1]) || undefined);
// IE
if(document.all && !has("opera")){
var isIE = parseFloat(dav.split("MSIE ")[1]) || undefined;
//In cases where the page has an HTTP header or META tag with
//X-UA-Compatible, then it is in emulation mode.
//Make sure isIE reflects the desired version.
//document.documentMode of 5 means quirks mode.
//Only switch the value if documentMode's major version
//is different from isIE's major version.
var mode = document.documentMode;
if(mode && mode != 5 && Math.floor(isIE) != mode){
isIE = mode;
has.add("ie", isIE);
// Wii
has.add("wii", typeof opera != "undefined" && opera.wiiremote);
return has;
define(["./kernel", "../has", "./lang"], function(dojo, has, lang){
// module:
// dojo/_base/array
// our old simple function builder stuff
var cache = {}, u;
var buildFn;
buildFn = function (fn){
return cache[fn] = new Function("item", "index", "array", fn); // Function
// magic snippet: if(typeof fn == "string") fn = cache[fn] || buildFn(fn);
// every & some
function everyOrSome(some){
var every = !some;
return function(a, fn, o){
var i = 0, l = a && a.length || 0, result;
if(l && typeof a == "string") a = a.split("");
if(typeof fn == "string"){
throw new TypeError("callback must be a function");
fn = cache[fn] || buildFn(fn);
for(; i < l; ++i){
result = !, a[i], i, a);
if(some ^ result){
return !result;
for(; i < l; ++i){
result = !fn(a[i], i, a);
if(some ^ result){
return !result;
return every; // Boolean
// indexOf, lastIndexOf
function index(up){
var delta = 1, lOver = 0, uOver = 0;
delta = lOver = uOver = -1;
return function(a, x, from, last){
if(last && delta > 0){
// TODO: why do we use a non-standard signature? why do we need "last"?
return array.lastIndexOf(a, x, from);
var l = a && a.length || 0, end = up ? l + uOver : lOver, i;
if(from === u){
i = up ? lOver : l + uOver;
if(from < 0){
i = l + from;
if(i < 0){
i = lOver;
i = from >= l ? l + uOver : from;
if(l && typeof a == "string") a = a.split("");
for(; i != end; i += delta){
if(a[i] == x){
return i; // Number
return -1; // Number
var array = {
// summary:
// The Javascript v1.6 array extensions.
every: everyOrSome(false),
every: function(arr, callback, thisObject){
// summary:
// Determines whether or not every item in arr satisfies the
// condition implemented by callback.
// arr: Array|String
// the array to iterate on. If a string, operates on individual characters.
// callback: Function|String
// a function is invoked with three arguments: item, index,
// and array and returns true if the condition is met.
// thisObject: Object?
// may be used to scope the call to callback
// returns: Boolean
// description:
// This function corresponds to the JavaScript 1.6 Array.every() method, with one difference: when
// run over sparse arrays, this implementation passes the "holes" in the sparse array to
// the callback function with a value of undefined. JavaScript 1.6's every skips the holes in the sparse array.
// For more details, see:
// example:
// | // returns false
// | array.every([1, 2, 3, 4], function(item){ return item>1; });
// example:
// | // returns true
// | array.every([1, 2, 3, 4], function(item){ return item>0; });
some: everyOrSome(true),
some: function(arr, callback, thisObject){
// summary:
// Determines whether or not any item in arr satisfies the
// condition implemented by callback.
// arr: Array|String
// the array to iterate over. If a string, operates on individual characters.
// callback: Function|String
// a function is invoked with three arguments: item, index,
// and array and returns true if the condition is met.
// thisObject: Object?
// may be used to scope the call to callback
// returns: Boolean
// description:
// This function corresponds to the JavaScript 1.6 Array.some() method, with one difference: when
// run over sparse arrays, this implementation passes the "holes" in the sparse array to
// the callback function with a value of undefined. JavaScript 1.6's some skips the holes in the sparse array.
// For more details, see:
// example:
// | // is true
// | array.some([1, 2, 3, 4], function(item){ return item>1; });
// example:
// | // is false
// | array.some([1, 2, 3, 4], function(item){ return item<1; });
indexOf: index(true),
indexOf: function(arr, value, fromIndex, findLast){
// summary:
// locates the first index of the provided value in the
// passed array. If the value is not found, -1 is returned.
// description:
// This method corresponds to the JavaScript 1.6 Array.indexOf method, with two differences:
// 1. when run over sparse arrays, the Dojo function invokes the callback for every index
// whereas JavaScript 1.6's indexOf skips the holes in the sparse array.
// 2. uses equality (==) rather than strict equality (===)
// For details on this method, see:
// arr: Array
// value: Object
// fromIndex: Integer?
// findLast: Boolean?
// Makes indexOf() work like lastIndexOf(). Used internally; not meant for external usage.
// returns: Number
lastIndexOf: index(false),
lastIndexOf: function(arr, value, fromIndex){
// summary:
// locates the last index of the provided value in the passed
// array. If the value is not found, -1 is returned.
// description:
// This method corresponds to the JavaScript 1.6 Array.lastIndexOf method, with two differences:
// 1. when run over sparse arrays, the Dojo function invokes the callback for every index
// whereas JavaScript 1.6's lasIndexOf skips the holes in the sparse array.
// 2. uses equality (==) rather than strict equality (===)
// For details on this method, see:
// arr: Array,
// value: Object,
// fromIndex: Integer?
// returns: Number
forEach: function(arr, callback, thisObject){
// summary:
// for every item in arr, callback is invoked. Return values are ignored.
// If you want to break out of the loop, consider using array.every() or array.some().
// forEach does not allow breaking out of the loop over the items in arr.
// arr:
// the array to iterate over. If a string, operates on individual characters.
// callback:
// a function is invoked with three arguments: item, index, and array
// thisObject:
// may be used to scope the call to callback
// description:
// This function corresponds to the JavaScript 1.6 Array.forEach() method, with one difference: when
// run over sparse arrays, this implementation passes the "holes" in the sparse array to
// the callback function with a value of undefined. JavaScript 1.6's forEach skips the holes in the sparse array.
// For more details, see:
// example:
// | // log out all members of the array:
// | array.forEach(
// | [ "thinger", "blah", "howdy", 10 ],
// | function(item){
// | console.log(item);
// | }
// | );
// example:
// | // log out the members and their indexes
// | array.forEach(
// | [ "thinger", "blah", "howdy", 10 ],
// | function(item, idx, arr){
// | console.log(item, "at index:", idx);
// | }
// | );
// example:
// | // use a scoped object member as the callback
// |
// | var obj = {
// | prefix: "logged via obj.callback:",
// | callback: function(item){
// | console.log(this.prefix, item);
// | }
// | };
// |
// | // specifying the scope function executes the callback in that scope
// | array.forEach(
// | [ "thinger", "blah", "howdy", 10 ],
// | obj.callback,
// | obj
// | );
// |
// | // alternately, we can accomplish the same thing with lang.hitch()
// | array.forEach(
// | [ "thinger", "blah", "howdy", 10 ],
// | lang.hitch(obj, "callback")
// | );
// arr: Array|String
// callback: Function|String
// thisObject: Object?
var i = 0, l = arr && arr.length || 0;
if(l && typeof arr == "string") arr = arr.split("");
if(typeof callback == "string"){
throw new TypeError("callback must be a function");
callback = cache[callback] || buildFn(callback);
for(; i < l; ++i){, arr[i], i, arr);
for(; i < l; ++i){
callback(arr[i], i, arr);
map: function(arr, callback, thisObject, Ctr){
// summary:
// applies callback to each element of arr and returns
// an Array with the results
// arr: Array|String
// the array to iterate on. If a string, operates on
// individual characters.
// callback: Function|String
// a function is invoked with three arguments, (item, index,
// array), and returns a value
// thisObject: Object?
// may be used to scope the call to callback
// returns: Array
// description:
// This function corresponds to the JavaScript 1.6 method, with one difference: when
// run over sparse arrays, this implementation passes the "holes" in the sparse array to
// the callback function with a value of undefined. JavaScript 1.6's map skips the holes in the sparse array.
// For more details, see:
// example:
// | // returns [2, 3, 4, 5]
// |[1, 2, 3, 4], function(item){ return item+1 });
// TODO: why do we have a non-standard signature here? do we need "Ctr"?
var i = 0, l = arr && arr.length || 0, out = new (Ctr || Array)(l);
if(l && typeof arr == "string") arr = arr.split("");
if(typeof callback == "string"){
throw new TypeError("callback must be a function");
callback = cache[callback] || buildFn(callback);
for(; i < l; ++i){
out[i] =, arr[i], i, arr);
for(; i < l; ++i){
out[i] = callback(arr[i], i, arr);
return out; // Array
filter: function(arr, callback, thisObject){
// summary:
// Returns a new Array with those items from arr that match the
// condition implemented by callback.
// arr: Array
// the array to iterate over.
// callback: Function|String
// a function that is invoked with three arguments (item,
// index, array). The return of this function is expected to
// be a boolean which determines whether the passed-in item
// will be included in the returned array.
// thisObject: Object?
// may be used to scope the call to callback
// returns: Array
// description:
// This function corresponds to the JavaScript 1.6 Array.filter() method, with one difference: when
// run over sparse arrays, this implementation passes the "holes" in the sparse array to
// the callback function with a value of undefined. JavaScript 1.6's filter skips the holes in the sparse array.
// For more details, see:
// example:
// | // returns [2, 3, 4]
// | array.filter([1, 2, 3, 4], function(item){ return item>1; });
// TODO: do we need "Ctr" here like in map()?
var i = 0, l = arr && arr.length || 0, out = [], value;
if(l && typeof arr == "string") arr = arr.split("");
if(typeof callback == "string"){
throw new TypeError("callback must be a function");
callback = cache[callback] || buildFn(callback);
for(; i < l; ++i){
value = arr[i];
if(, value, i, arr)){
for(; i < l; ++i){
value = arr[i];
if(callback(value, i, arr)){
return out; // Array
clearCache: function(){
cache = {};
1 && lang.mixin(dojo, array);
return array;
define(["./_base/kernel", "require", "./has", "./request"], function(dojo, require, has, request){
// module:
// dojo/text
var getText;
if( 1 ){
getText= function(url, sync, load){
request(url, {sync:!!sync, headers: { 'X-Requested-With': null } }).then(load);
// Path for node.js and rhino, to load from local file system.
// TODO: use node.js native methods rather than depending on a require.getText() method to exist.
getText= require.getText;
console.error("dojo/text plugin failed to load because loader does not support getText");
theCache = {},
strip= function(text){
//Strips <?xml ...?> declarations so that external SVG and XML
//documents can be added to a document without worry. Also, if the string
//is an HTML document, only the part inside the body tag is returned.
text= text.replace(/^\s*<\?xml(\s)+version=[\'\"](\d)*.(\d)*[\'\"](\s)*\?>/im, "");
var matches= text.match(/<body[^>]*>\s*([\s\S]+)\s*<\/body>/im);
text= matches[1];
text = "";
return text;
notFound = {},
pending = {};
dojo.cache = function(/*String||Object*/module, /*String*/url, /*String||Object?*/value){
// summary:
// A getter and setter for storing the string content associated with the
// module and url arguments.
// description:
// If module is a string that contains slashes, then it is interpretted as a fully
// resolved path (typically a result returned by require.toUrl), and url should not be
// provided. This is the preferred signature. If module is a string that does not
// contain slashes, then url must also be provided and module and url are used to
// call `dojo.moduleUrl()` to generate a module URL. This signature is deprecated.
// If value is specified, the cache value for the moduleUrl will be set to
// that value. Otherwise, dojo.cache will fetch the moduleUrl and store it
// in its internal cache and return that cached value for the URL. To clear
// a cache value pass null for value. Since XMLHttpRequest (XHR) is used to fetch the
// the URL contents, only modules on the same domain of the page can use this capability.
// The build system can inline the cache values though, to allow for xdomain hosting.
// module: String||Object
// If a String with slashes, a fully resolved path; if a String without slashes, the
// module name to use for the base part of the URL, similar to module argument
// to `dojo.moduleUrl`. If an Object, something that has a .toString() method that
// generates a valid path for the cache item. For example, a dojo._Url object.
// url: String
// The rest of the path to append to the path derived from the module argument. If
// module is an object, then this second argument should be the "value" argument instead.
// value: String||Object?
// If a String, the value to use in the cache for the module/url combination.
// If an Object, it can have two properties: value and sanitize. The value property
// should be the value to use in the cache, and sanitize can be set to true or false,
// to indicate if XML declarations should be removed from the value and if the HTML
// inside a body tag in the value should be extracted as the real value. The value argument
// or the value property on the value argument are usually only used by the build system
// as it inlines cache content.
// example:
// To ask dojo.cache to fetch content and store it in the cache (the dojo["cache"] style
// of call is used to avoid an issue with the build system erroneously trying to intern
// this example. To get the build system to intern your dojo.cache calls, use the
// "dojo.cache" style of call):
// | //If template.html contains "<h1>Hello</h1>" that will be
// | //the value for the text variable.
// | //Note: This is pre-AMD, deprecated syntax
// | var text = dojo["cache"]("my.module", "template.html");
// example:
// To ask dojo.cache to fetch content and store it in the cache, and sanitize the input
// (the dojo["cache"] style of call is used to avoid an issue with the build system
// erroneously trying to intern this example. To get the build system to intern your
// dojo.cache calls, use the "dojo.cache" style of call):
// | //If template.html contains "<html><body><h1>Hello</h1></body></html>", the
// | //text variable will contain just "<h1>Hello</h1>".
// | //Note: This is pre-AMD, deprecated syntax
// | var text = dojo["cache"]("my.module", "template.html", {sanitize: true});
// example:
// Same example as previous, but demonstrates how an object can be passed in as
// the first argument, then the value argument can then be the second argument.
// | //If template.html contains "<html><body><h1>Hello</h1></body></html>", the
// | //text variable will contain just "<h1>Hello</h1>".
// | //Note: This is pre-AMD, deprecated syntax
// | var text = dojo["cache"](new dojo._Url("my/module/template.html"), {sanitize: true});
// * (string string [value]) => (module, url, value)
// * (object [value]) => (module, value), url defaults to ""
// * if module is an object, then it must be convertable to a string
// * (module, url) module + (url ? ("/" + url) : "") must be a legal argument to require.toUrl
// * value may be a string or an object; if an object then may have the properties "value" and/or "sanitize"
var key;
if(typeof module=="string"){
// module is a version 1.7+ resolved path
key = module;
value = url;
// module is a version 1.6- argument to dojo.moduleUrl
key = require.toUrl(module.replace(/\./g, "/") + (url ? ("/" + url) : ""));
key = module + "";
value = url;
val = (value != undefined && typeof value != "string") ? value.value : value,
sanitize = value && value.sanitize;
if(typeof val == "string"){
//We have a string, set cache value
theCache[key] = val;
return sanitize ? strip(val) : val;
}else if(val === null){
//Remove cached value
delete theCache[key];
return null;
//Allow cache values to be empty strings. If key property does
//not exist, fetch it.
if(!(key in theCache)){
getText(key, true, function(text){
theCache[key]= text;
return sanitize ? strip(theCache[key]) : theCache[key];
return {
// summary:
// This module implements the dojo/text! plugin and the dojo.cache API.
// description:
// We choose to include our own plugin to leverage functionality already contained in dojo
// and thereby reduce the size of the plugin compared to various foreign loader implementations.
// Also, this allows foreign AMD loaders to be used without their plugins.
// CAUTION: this module is designed to optionally function synchronously to support the dojo v1.x synchronous
// loader. This feature is outside the scope of the CommonJS plugins specification.
// the dojo/text caches it's own resources because of dojo.cache
dynamic: true,
normalize: function(id, toAbsMid){
// id is something like (path may be relative):
// "path/to/text.html"
// "path/to/text.html!strip"
var parts= id.split("!"),
url= parts[0];
return (/^\./.test(url) ? toAbsMid(url) : url) + (parts[1] ? "!" + parts[1] : "");
load: function(id, require, load){
// id: String
// Path to the resource.
// require: Function
// Object that include the function toUrl with given id returns a valid URL from which to load the text.
// load: Function
// Callback function which will be called, when the loading finished.
// id is something like (path is always absolute):
// "path/to/text.html"
// "path/to/text.html!strip"
parts= id.split("!"),
stripFlag= parts.length>1,
absMid= parts[0],
url = require.toUrl(parts[0]),
requireCacheUrl = "url:" + url,
text = notFound,
finish = function(text){
load(stripFlag ? strip(text) : text);
if(absMid in theCache){
text = theCache[absMid];
}else if(require.cache && requireCacheUrl in require.cache){
text = require.cache[requireCacheUrl];
}else if(url in theCache){
text = theCache[url];
var pendingList = pending[url] = [finish];
getText(url, !require.async, function(text){
theCache[absMid]= theCache[url]= text;
for(var i = 0; i<pendingList.length;){
delete pending[url];
'./promise/Promise' =====*/
], function(request/*=====, declare, Promise =====*/){
request = function(url, options){
// summary:
// Send a request using the default transport for the current platform.
// url: String
// The URL to request.
// options: dojo/request.__Options?
// Options for the request.
// returns: dojo/request.__Promise
request.__Promise = declare(Promise, {
// response: dojo/promise/Promise
// A promise resolving to an object representing
// the response from the server.
request.__BaseOptions = declare(null, {
// query: String|Object?
// Query parameters to append to the URL.
// data: String|Object?
// Data to transfer. This is ignored for GET and DELETE
// requests.
// preventCache: Boolean?
// Whether to append a cache-busting parameter to the URL.
// timeout: Integer?
// Milliseconds to wait for the response. If this time
// passes, the then the promise is rejected.
// handleAs: String?
// How to handle the response from the server. Default is
// 'text'. Other values are 'json', 'javascript', and 'xml'.
request.__MethodOptions = declare(null, {
// method: String?
// The HTTP method to use to make the request. Must be
// uppercase.
request.__Options = declare([request.__BaseOptions, request.__MethodOptions]);
request.get = function(url, options){
// summary:
// Send an HTTP GET request using the default transport for the current platform.
// url: String
// URL to request
// options: dojo/request.__BaseOptions?
// Options for the request.
// returns: dojo/request.__Promise
}; = function(url, options){
// summary:
// Send an HTTP POST request using the default transport for the current platform.
// url: String
// URL to request
// options: dojo/request.__BaseOptions?
// Options for the request.
// returns: dojo/request.__Promise
request.put = function(url, options){
// summary:
// Send an HTTP POST request using the default transport for the current platform.
// url: String
// URL to request
// options: dojo/request.__BaseOptions?
// Options for the request.
// returns: dojo/request.__Promise
request.del = function(url, options){
// summary:
// Send an HTTP DELETE request using the default transport for the current platform.
// url: String
// URL to request
// options: dojo/request.__BaseOptions?
// Options for the request.
// returns: dojo/request.__Promise
return request;
], function(exports, require, has){
var defId = has('config-requestProvider'),
if( 1 || has('host-webworker')){
platformId = './xhr';
}else if( 0 ){
platformId = './node';
/* TODO:
}else if( 0 ){
platformId = './rhino';
defId = platformId;
exports.getPlatformDefaultId = function(){
return platformId;
exports.load = function(id, parentRequire, loaded, config){
require([id == 'platform' ? platformId : defId], function(provider){
define(["./_base/kernel", "require", "./has", "./_base/array", "./_base/config", "./_base/lang", "./_base/xhr", "./json", "module"],
function(dojo, require, has, array, config, lang, xhr, json, module){
// module:
// dojo/i18n
// if true, define the preload localizations machinery
1 || has.add("dojo-v1x-i18n-Api",
// if true, define the v1.x i18n functions
thisModule = dojo.i18n =
// summary:
// This module implements the dojo/i18n! plugin and the v1.6- i18n API
// description:
// We choose to include our own plugin to leverage functionality already contained in dojo
// and thereby reduce the size of the plugin compared to various loader implementations. Also, this
// allows foreign AMD loaders to be used without their plugins.
nlsRe =
// regexp for reconstructing the master bundle name from parts of the regexp match
// nlsRe.exec("foo/bar/baz/nls/en-ca/foo") gives:
// ["foo/bar/baz/nls/en-ca/foo", "foo/bar/baz/nls/", "/", "/", "en-ca", "foo"]
// nlsRe.exec("foo/bar/baz/nls/foo") gives:
// ["foo/bar/baz/nls/foo", "foo/bar/baz/nls/", "/", "/", "foo", ""]
// so, if match[5] is blank, it means this is the top bundle definition.
// courtesy of
getAvailableLocales = function(
// summary:
// return a vector of module ids containing all available locales with respect to the target locale
// For example, assuming:
// - the root bundle indicates specific bundles for "fr" and "fr-ca",
// - bundlePath is "myPackage/nls"
// - bundleName is "myBundle"
// Then a locale argument of "fr-ca" would return
// ["myPackage/nls/myBundle", "myPackage/nls/fr/myBundle", "myPackage/nls/fr-ca/myBundle"]
// Notice that bundles are returned least-specific to most-specific, starting with the root.
// If root===false indicates we're working with a pre-AMD i18n bundle that doesn't tell about the available locales;
// therefore, assume everything is available and get 404 errors that indicate a particular localization is not available
for(var result = [bundlePath + bundleName], localeParts = locale.split("-"), current = "", i = 0; i<localeParts.length; i++){
current += (current ? "-" : "") + localeParts[i];
if(!root || root[current]){
result.push(bundlePath + current + "/" + bundleName);
result.specificity = current;
return result;
cache = {},
getBundleName = function(moduleName, bundleName, locale){
locale = locale ? locale.toLowerCase() : dojo.locale;
moduleName = moduleName.replace(/\./g, "/");
bundleName = bundleName.replace(/\./g, "/");
return (/root/i.test(locale)) ?
(moduleName + "/nls/" + bundleName) :
(moduleName + "/nls/" + locale + "/" + bundleName);
getL10nName = dojo.getL10nName = function(moduleName, bundleName, locale){
return moduleName = + "!" + getBundleName(moduleName, bundleName, locale);
doLoad = function(require, bundlePathAndName, bundlePath, bundleName, locale, load){
// summary:
// get the root bundle which instructs which other bundles are required to construct the localized bundle
require([bundlePathAndName], function(root){
var current = lang.clone(root.root || root.ROOT),// 1.6 built bundle defined ROOT
availableLocales = getAvailableLocales(!root._v1x && root, locale, bundlePath, bundleName);
require(availableLocales, function(){
for (var i = 1; i<availableLocales.length; i++){
current = lang.mixin(lang.clone(current), arguments[i]);
// target may not have been resolve (e.g., maybe only "fr" exists when "fr-ca" was requested)
var target = bundlePathAndName + "/" + locale;
cache[target] = current;
current.$locale = availableLocales.specificity;
normalize = function(id, toAbsMid){
// summary:
// id may be relative.
// preload has form `*preload*<path>/nls/<module>*<flattened locales>` and
// therefore never looks like a relative
return /^\./.test(id) ? toAbsMid(id) : id;
getLocalesToLoad = function(targetLocale){
var list = config.extraLocale || [];
list = lang.isArray(list) ? list : [list];
return list;
load = function(id, require, load){
// summary:
// id is in one of the following formats
// 1. <path>/nls/<bundle>
// => load the bundle, localized to config.locale; load all bundles localized to
// config.extraLocale (if any); return the loaded bundle localized to config.locale.
// 2. <path>/nls/<locale>/<bundle>
// => load then return the bundle localized to <locale>
// 3. *preload*<path>/nls/<module>*<JSON array of available locales>
// => for config.locale and all config.extraLocale, load all bundles found
// in the best-matching bundle rollup. A value of 1 is returned, which
// is meaningless other than to say the plugin is executing the requested
// preloads
// In cases 1 and 2, <path> is always normalized to an absolute module id upon entry; see
// normalize. In case 3, it <path> is assumed to be absolute; this is arranged by the builder.
// To load a bundle means to insert the bundle into the plugin's cache and publish the bundle
// value to the loader. Given <path>, <bundle>, and a particular <locale>, the cache key
// <path>/nls/<bundle>/<locale>
// will hold the value. Similarly, then plugin will publish this value to the loader by
// define("<path>/nls/<bundle>/<locale>", <bundle-value>);
// Given this algorithm, other machinery can provide fast load paths be preplacing
// values in the plugin's cache, which is public. When a load is demanded the
// cache is inspected before starting any loading. Explicitly placing values in the plugin
// cache is an advanced/experimental feature that should not be needed; use at your own risk.
// For the normal AMD algorithm, the root bundle is loaded first, which instructs the
// plugin what additional localized bundles are required for a particular locale. These
// additional locales are loaded and a mix of the root and each progressively-specific
// locale is returned. For example:
// 1. The client demands "dojo/i18n!some/path/nls/someBundle
// 2. The loader demands load(some/path/nls/someBundle)
// 3. This plugin require's "some/path/nls/someBundle", which is the root bundle.
// 4. Assuming config.locale is "ab-cd-ef" and the root bundle indicates that localizations
// are available for "ab" and "ab-cd-ef" (note the missing "ab-cd", then the plugin
// requires "some/path/nls/ab/someBundle" and "some/path/nls/ab-cd-ef/someBundle"
// 5. Upon receiving all required bundles, the plugin constructs the value of the bundle
// ab-cd-ef as...
// mixin(mixin(mixin({}, require("some/path/nls/someBundle"),
// require("some/path/nls/ab/someBundle")),
// require("some/path/nls/ab-cd-ef/someBundle"));
// This value is inserted into the cache and published to the loader at the
// key/module-id some/path/nls/someBundle/ab-cd-ef.
// The special preload signature (case 3) instructs the plugin to stop servicing all normal requests
// (further preload requests will be serviced) until all ongoing preloading has completed.
// The preload signature instructs the plugin that a special rollup module is available that contains
// one or more flattened, localized bundles. The JSON array of available locales indicates which locales
// are available. Here is an example:
// *preload*some/path/nls/someModule*["root", "ab", "ab-cd-ef"]
// This indicates the following rollup modules are available:
// some/path/nls/someModule_ROOT
// some/path/nls/someModule_ab
// some/path/nls/someModule_ab-cd-ef
// Each of these modules is a normal AMD module that contains one or more flattened bundles in a hash.
// For example, assume someModule contained the bundles some/bundle/path/someBundle and
// some/bundle/path/someOtherBundle, then some/path/nls/someModule_ab would be expressed as follows:
// define({
// some/bundle/path/someBundle:<value of someBundle, flattened with respect to locale ab>,
// some/bundle/path/someOtherBundle:<value of someOtherBundle, flattened with respect to locale ab>,
// });
// E.g., given this design, preloading for locale=="ab" can execute the following algorithm:
// require(["some/path/nls/someModule_ab"], function(rollup){
// for(var p in rollup){
// var id = p + "/ab",
// cache[id] = rollup[p];
// define(id, rollup[p]);
// }
// });
// Similarly, if "ab-cd" is requested, the algorithm can determine that "ab" is the best available and
// load accordingly.
// The builder will write such rollups for every layer if a non-empty localeList profile property is
// provided. Further, the builder will include the following cache entry in the cache associated with
// any layer.
// "*now":function(r){r(['dojo/i18n!*preload*<path>/nls/<module>*<JSON array of available locales>']);}
// The *now special cache module instructs the loader to apply the provided function to context-require
// with respect to the particular layer being defined. This causes the plugin to hold all normal service
// requests until all preloading is complete.
// Notice that this algorithm is rarely better than the standard AMD load algorithm. Consider the normal case
// where the target locale has a single segment and a layer depends on a single bundle:
// Without Preloads:
// 1. Layer loads root bundle.
// 2. bundle is demanded; plugin loads single localized bundle.
// With Preloads:
// 1. Layer causes preloading of target bundle.
// 2. bundle is demanded; service is delayed until preloading complete; bundle is returned.
// In each case a single transaction is required to load the target bundle. In cases where multiple bundles
// are required and/or the locale has multiple segments, preloads still requires a single transaction whereas
// the normal path requires an additional transaction for each additional bundle/locale-segment. However all
// of these additional transactions can be done concurrently. Owing to this analysis, the entire preloading
// algorithm can be discard during a build by setting the has feature dojo-preload-i18n-Api to false.
var match = nlsRe.exec(id),
bundlePath = match[1] + "/",
bundleName = match[5] || match[4],
bundlePathAndName = bundlePath + bundleName,
localeSpecified = (match[5] && match[4]),
targetLocale = localeSpecified || dojo.locale || "",
loadTarget = bundlePathAndName + "/" + targetLocale,
loadList = localeSpecified ? [targetLocale] : getLocalesToLoad(targetLocale),
remaining = loadList.length,
finish = function(){
split = id.split("*"),
preloadDemand = split[1] == "preload";
// use cache[id] to prevent multiple preloads of the same preload; this shouldn't happen, but
// who knows what over-aggressive human optimizers may attempt
cache[id] = 1;
preloadL10n(split[2], json.parse(split[3]), 1, require);
// don't stall the loader!
if(preloadDemand || (waitForPreloads(id, require, load) && !cache[loadTarget])){
else if (preloadDemand) {
// If a build is created with nls resources and 'dojo-preload-i18n-Api' has not been set to false,
// the built file will include a preload in the cache (which looks about like so:)
// '*now':function(r){r(['dojo/i18n!*preload*dojo/nls/dojo*["ar","ca","cs","da","de","el","en-gb","en-us","es-es","fi-fi","fr-fr","he-il","hu","it-it","ja-jp","ko-kr","nl-nl","nb","pl","pt-br","pt-pt","ru","sk","sl","sv","th","tr","zh-tw","zh-cn","ROOT"]']);}
// If the consumer of the build sets 'dojo-preload-i18n-Api' to false in the Dojo config, the cached
// preload will not be parsed and will result in an attempt to call 'require' passing it the unparsed
// preload, which is not a valid module id.
// In this case we should skip this request.
array.forEach(loadList, function(locale){
var target = bundlePathAndName + "/" + locale;
doLoad(require, bundlePathAndName, bundlePath, bundleName, locale, finish);
if(has("dojo-preload-i18n-Api") || 1 ){
var normalizeLocale = thisModule.normalizeLocale = function(locale){
var result = locale ? locale.toLowerCase() : dojo.locale;
return result == "root" ? "ROOT" : result;
isXd = function(mid, contextRequire){
return ( 1 && 1 ) ?
contextRequire.isXdUrl(require.toUrl(mid + ".js")) :
preloading = 0,
preloadWaitQueue = [],
preloadL10n = thisModule._preloadLocalizations = function(/*String*/bundlePrefix, /*Array*/localesGenerated, /*boolean?*/ guaranteedAmdFormat, /*function?*/ contextRequire){
// summary:
// Load available flattened resource bundles associated with a particular module for dojo/locale and all dojo/config.extraLocale (if any)
// description:
// Only called by built layer files. The entire locale hierarchy is loaded. For example,
// if locale=="ab-cd", then ROOT, "ab", and "ab-cd" are loaded. This is different than v1.6-
// in that the v1.6- would only load ab-cd...which was *always* flattened.
// If guaranteedAmdFormat is true, then the module can be loaded with require thereby circumventing the detection algorithm
// and the extra possible extra transaction.
// If this function is called from legacy code, then guaranteedAmdFormat and contextRequire will be undefined. Since the function
// needs a require in order to resolve module ids, fall back to the context-require associated with this dojo/i18n module, which
// itself may have been mapped.
contextRequire = contextRequire || require;
function doRequire(mid, callback){
if(isXd(mid, contextRequire) || guaranteedAmdFormat){
contextRequire([mid], callback);
syncRequire([mid], callback, contextRequire);
function forEachLocale(locale, func){
// given locale= "ab-cd-ef", calls func on "ab-cd-ef", "ab-cd", "ab", "ROOT"; stops calling the first time func returns truthy
var parts = locale.split("-");
function preloadingAddLock(){
function preloadingRelLock(){
while(!preloading && preloadWaitQueue.length){
load.apply(null, preloadWaitQueue.shift());
function cacheId(path, name, loc, require){
// path is assumed to have a trailing "/"
return require.toAbsMid(path + name + "/" + loc)
function preload(locale){
locale = normalizeLocale(locale);
forEachLocale(locale, function(loc){
if(array.indexOf(localesGenerated, loc) >= 0){
var mid = bundlePrefix.replace(/\./g, "/") + "_" + loc;
doRequire(mid, function(rollup){
for(var p in rollup){
var bundle = rollup[p],
match = p.match(/(.+)\/([^\/]+)$/),
bundleName, bundlePath;
// If there is no match, the bundle is not a regular bundle from an AMD layer.
if (!match){continue;}
bundleName = match[2];
bundlePath = match[1] + "/";
// backcompat
var localized;
if(loc === "ROOT"){
var root = localized = bundle._localized;
delete bundle._localized;
root.root = bundle;
cache[require.toAbsMid(p)] = root;
localized = bundle._localized;
cache[cacheId(bundlePath, bundleName, loc, require)] = bundle;
if(loc !== locale){
// capture some locale variables
var improveBundle = function improveBundle(bundlePath, bundleName, bundle, localized){
// locale was not flattened and we've fallen back to a less-specific locale that was flattened
// for example, we had a flattened 'fr', a 'fr-ca' is available for at least this bundle, and
// locale==='fr-ca'; therefore, we must improve the bundle as retrieved from the rollup by
// manually loading the fr-ca version of the bundle and mixing this into the already-retrieved 'fr'
// version of the bundle.
// Remember, different bundles may have different sets of locales available.
// we are really falling back on the regular algorithm here, but--hopefully--starting with most
// of the required bundles already on board as given by the rollup and we need to "manually" load
// only one locale from a few bundles...or even better...we won't find anything better to load.
// This algorithm ensures there is nothing better to load even when we can only load a less-specific rollup.
// note: this feature is only available in async mode
// inspect the loaded bundle that came from the rollup to see if something better is available
// for any bundle in a rollup, more-specific available locales are given at localized.
var requiredBundles = [],
cacheIds = [];
forEachLocale(locale, function(loc){
requiredBundles.push(require.toAbsMid(bundlePath + loc + "/" + bundleName));
cacheIds.push(cacheId(bundlePath, bundleName, loc, require));
contextRequire(requiredBundles, function(){
// requiredBundles was constructed by forEachLocale so it contains locales from
// less specific to most specific.
// the loop starts with the most specific locale, the last one.
for(var i = requiredBundles.length - 1; i >= 0 ; i--){
bundle = lang.mixin(lang.clone(bundle), arguments[i]);
cache[cacheIds[i]] = bundle;
// this is the best possible (maybe a perfect match, maybe not), accept it
cache[cacheId(bundlePath, bundleName, locale, require)] = lang.clone(bundle);
// this is the best possible (definitely not a perfect match), accept it
cache[cacheId(bundlePath, bundleName, locale, require)] = bundle;
improveBundle(bundlePath, bundleName, bundle, localized);
return true;
return false;
array.forEach(dojo.config.extraLocale, preload);
waitForPreloads = function(id, require, load){
preloadWaitQueue.push([id, require, load]);
return preloading;
checkForLegacyModules = function()
if( 1 ){
// this code path assumes the dojo loader and won't work with a standard AMD loader
var amdValue = {},
l10nCache = {},
syncRequire = function(deps, callback, require){
var results = [];
array.forEach(deps, function(mid){
var url = require.toUrl(mid + ".js");
function load(text){
if (!evalBundle) {
// use the function ctor to keep the minifiers away (also come close to global scope, but this is secondary)
evalBundle = new Function(
"__bundle", // the bundle to evalutate
"__checkForLegacyModules", // a function that checks if __bundle defined __mid in the global space
"__mid", // the mid that __bundle is intended to define
// returns one of:
// 1 => the bundle was an AMD bundle
// a legacy bundle object that is the value of __mid
// instance of Error => could not figure out how to evaluate bundle
// used to detect when __bundle calls define
"var define = function(mid, factory){define.called = 1; __amdValue.result = factory || mid;},"
+ " require = function(){define.called = 1;};"
+ "try{"
+ "define.called = 0;"
+ "eval(__bundle);"
+ "if(define.called==1)"
// bundle called define; therefore signal it's an AMD bundle
+ "return __amdValue;"
+ "if((__checkForLegacyModules = __checkForLegacyModules(__mid)))"
// bundle was probably a v1.6- built NLS flattened NLS bundle that defined __mid in the global space
+ "return __checkForLegacyModules;"
+ "}catch(e){}"
// evaulating the bundle was *neither* an AMD *nor* a legacy flattened bundle
// either way, re-eval *after* surrounding with parentheses
+ "try{"
+ "return eval('('+__bundle+')');"
+ "}catch(e){"
+ "return e;"
+ "}"
var result = evalBundle(text, checkForLegacyModules, mid, amdValue);
// the bundle was an AMD module; re-inject it through the normal AMD path
// we gotta do this since it could be an anonymous module and simply evaluating
// the text here won't provide the loader with the context to know what
// module is being defined()'d. With browser caching, this should be free; further
// this entire code path can be circumvented by using the AMD format to begin with
results.push(cache[url] = amdValue.result);
if(result instanceof Error){
console.error("failed to evaluate i18n bundle; url=" + url, result);
result = {};
// nls/<locale>/<bundle-name> indicates not the root.
results.push(cache[url] = (/nls\/[^\/]+\/[^\/]+$/.test(url) ? result : {root:result, _v1x:1}));
var bundle = require.syncLoadNls(mid);
// need to check for legacy module here because there might be a legacy module for a
// less specific locale (which was not looked up during the first checkForLegacyModules
// call in load()).
// Also need to reverse the locale and the module name in the mid because syncRequire
// deps parameters uses the AMD style package/nls/locale/module while legacy code uses
// package/nls/module/locale.
bundle = checkForLegacyModules(mid.replace(/nls\/([^\/]*)\/([^\/]*)$/, "nls/$2/$1"));
require.getText(url, true, load);
results.push(cache[url] = {});
results.push(cache[url] = {});
callback && callback.apply(null, results);
checkForLegacyModules = function(target){
// legacy code may have already loaded [e.g] the raw bundle x/y/z at x.y.z; when true, push into the cache
for(var result, names = target.split("/"), object =[names[0]], i = 1; object && i<names.length-1; object = object[names[i++]]){}
result = object[names[i]];
// fallback for incorrect bundle build of 1.6
result = object[names[i].replace(/-/g,"_")];
cache[target] = result;
return result;
thisModule.getLocalization = function(moduleName, bundleName, locale){
var result,
l10nName = getBundleName(moduleName, bundleName, locale);
if (l10nCache[l10nName]) {
return l10nCache[l10nName];
// isXd() and syncRequire() need a context-require in order to resolve the mid with respect to a reference module.
// Since this legacy function does not have the concept of a reference module, resolve with respect to this
// dojo/i18n module, which, itself may have been mapped.
(!isXd(l10nName, require) ? function(deps, callback){ syncRequire(deps, callback, require); } : require),
l10nCache[l10nName] = result_;
result = result_;
return result;
else {
thisModule.getLocalization = function(moduleName, bundleName, locale){
var key = moduleName.replace(/\./g, '/') + '/nls/' + bundleName + '/' + (locale || config.locale);
return this.cache[key];
return lang.mixin(thisModule, {
getL10nName: getL10nName
/*===== "./declare", =====*/
], function(dojo, has, require, ioq, /*===== declare, =====*/ dom, domForm, Deferred, config, json, lang, array, on, aspect, watch, _xhr, util){
// module:
// dojo/_base/xhr
dojo._xhrObj = function(){
// summary:
// does the work of portably generating a new XMLHTTPRequest object.
dojo._xhrObj = _xhr._create;
var cfg = dojo.config;
// mix in io-query and dom-form
dojo.objectToQuery = ioq.objectToQuery;
dojo.queryToObject = ioq.queryToObject;
dojo.fieldToObject = domForm.fieldToObject;
dojo.formToObject = domForm.toObject;
dojo.formToQuery = domForm.toQuery;
dojo.formToJson = domForm.toJson;
// need to block async callbacks from snatching this thread as the result
// of an async callback might call another sync XHR, this hangs khtml forever
// must checked by watchInFlight()
dojo._blockAsync = false;
// MOW: remove dojo._contentHandlers alias in 2.0
var handlers = dojo._contentHandlers = dojo.contentHandlers = {
// summary:
// A map of available XHR transport handle types. Name matches the
// `handleAs` attribute passed to XHR calls.
// description:
// A map of available XHR transport handle types. Name matches the
// `handleAs` attribute passed to XHR calls. Each contentHandler is
// called, passing the xhr object for manipulation. The return value
// from the contentHandler will be passed to the `load` or `handle`
// functions defined in the original xhr call.
// example:
// Creating a custom content-handler:
// | xhr.contentHandlers.makeCaps = function(xhr){
// | return xhr.responseText.toUpperCase();
// | }
// | // and later:
// | dojo.xhrGet({
// | url:"foo.txt",
// | handleAs:"makeCaps",
// | load: function(data){ /* data is a toUpper version of foo.txt */ }
// | });
"text": function(xhr){
// summary:
// A contentHandler which simply returns the plaintext response data
return xhr.responseText;
"json": function(xhr){
// summary:
// A contentHandler which returns a JavaScript object created from the response data
return json.fromJson(xhr.responseText || null);
"json-comment-filtered": function(xhr){
// summary:
// A contentHandler which expects comment-filtered JSON.
// description:
// A contentHandler which expects comment-filtered JSON.
// the json-comment-filtered option was implemented to prevent
// "JavaScript Hijacking", but it is less secure than standard JSON. Use
// standard JSON instead. JSON prefixing can be used to subvert hijacking.
// Will throw a notice suggesting to use application/json mimetype, as
// json-commenting can introduce security issues. To decrease the chances of hijacking,
// use the standard `json` contentHandler, and prefix your "JSON" with: {}&&
// use djConfig.useCommentedJson = true to turn off the notice
console.warn("Consider using the standard mimetype:application/json."
+ " json-commenting can introduce security issues. To"
+ " decrease the chances of hijacking, use the standard the 'json' handler and"
+ " prefix your json with: {}&&\n"
+ "Use djConfig.useCommentedJson=true to turn off this message.");
var value = xhr.responseText;
var cStartIdx = value.indexOf("\/*");
var cEndIdx = value.lastIndexOf("*\/");
if(cStartIdx == -1 || cEndIdx == -1){
throw new Error("JSON was not comment filtered");
return json.fromJson(value.substring(cStartIdx+2, cEndIdx));
"javascript": function(xhr){
// summary:
// A contentHandler which evaluates the response data, expecting it to be valid JavaScript
// FIXME: try Moz and IE specific eval variants?
return dojo.eval(xhr.responseText);
"xml": function(xhr){
// summary:
// A contentHandler returning an XML Document parsed from the response data
var result = xhr.responseXML;
if(result && has("dom-qsa2.1") && !result.querySelectorAll && has("dom-parser")){
// IE9 supports a CSS3 querySelectorAll implementation, but the DOM implementation
// returned by IE9 xhr.responseXML does not. Manually create the XML DOM to gain
// the fuller-featured implementation and avoid bugs caused by the inconsistency
result = new DOMParser().parseFromString(xhr.responseText, "application/xml");
if((!result || !result.documentElement)){
//WARNING: this branch used by the xml handling in,
//so be sure to test if making changes below.
var ms = function(n){ return "MSXML" + n + ".DOMDocument"; };
var dp = ["Microsoft.XMLDOM", ms(6), ms(4), ms(3), ms(2)];
array.some(dp, function(p){
var dom = new ActiveXObject(p);
dom.async = false;
result = dom;
}catch(e){ return false; }
return true;
return result; // DOMDocument
"json-comment-optional": function(xhr){
// summary:
// A contentHandler which checks the presence of comment-filtered JSON and
// alternates between the `json` and `json-comment-filtered` contentHandlers.
if(xhr.responseText && /^[^{\[]*\/\*/.test(xhr.responseText)){
return handlers["json-comment-filtered"](xhr);
return handlers["json"](xhr);
// kwargs function parameter definitions. Assigning to dojo namespace rather than making them local variables
// because they are used by dojo/io modules too
dojo.__IoArgs = declare(null, {
// url: String
// URL to server endpoint.
// content: Object?
// Contains properties with string values. These
// properties will be serialized as name1=value2 and
// passed in the request.
// timeout: Integer?
// Milliseconds to wait for the response. If this time
// passes, the then error callbacks are called.
// form: DOMNode?
// DOM node for a form. Used to extract the form values
// and send to the server.
// preventCache: Boolean?
// Default is false. If true, then a
// "dojo.preventCache" parameter is sent in the request
// with a value that changes with each request
// (timestamp). Useful only with GET-type requests.
// handleAs: String?
// Acceptable values depend on the type of IO
// transport (see specific IO calls for more information).
// rawBody: String?
// Sets the raw body for an HTTP request. If this is used, then the content
// property is ignored. This is mostly useful for HTTP methods that have
// a body to their requests, like PUT or POST. This property can be used instead
// of postData and putData for dojo/_base/xhr.rawXhrPost and dojo/_base/xhr.rawXhrPut respectively.
// ioPublish: Boolean?
// Set this explicitly to false to prevent publishing of topics related to
// IO operations. Otherwise, if djConfig.ioPublish is set to true, topics
// will be published via dojo/topic.publish() for different phases of an IO operation.
// See dojo/main.__IoPublish for a list of topics that are published.
load: function(response, ioArgs){
// summary:
// This function will be
// called on a successful HTTP response code.
// ioArgs: dojo/main.__IoCallbackArgs
// Provides additional information about the request.
// response: Object
// The response in the format as defined with handleAs.
error: function(response, ioArgs){
// summary:
// This function will
// be called when the request fails due to a network or server error, the url
// is invalid, etc. It will also be called if the load or handle callback throws an
// exception, unless djConfig.debugAtAllCosts is true. This allows deployed applications
// to continue to run even when a logic error happens in the callback, while making
// it easier to troubleshoot while in debug mode.
// ioArgs: dojo/main.__IoCallbackArgs
// Provides additional information about the request.
// response: Object
// The response in the format as defined with handleAs.
handle: function(loadOrError, response, ioArgs){
// summary:
// This function will
// be called at the end of every request, whether or not an error occurs.
// loadOrError: String
// Provides a string that tells you whether this function
// was called because of success (load) or failure (error).
// response: Object
// The response in the format as defined with handleAs.
// ioArgs: dojo/main.__IoCallbackArgs
// Provides additional information about the request.
dojo.__IoCallbackArgs = declare(null, {
// args: Object
// the original object argument to the IO call.
// xhr: XMLHttpRequest
// For XMLHttpRequest calls only, the
// XMLHttpRequest object that was used for the
// request.
// url: String
// The final URL used for the call. Many times it
// will be different than the original args.url
// value.
// query: String
// For non-GET requests, the
// name1=value1&name2=value2 parameters sent up in
// the request.
// handleAs: String
// The final indicator on how the response will be
// handled.
// id: String
// For dojo/io/script calls only, the internal
// script ID used for the request.
// canDelete: Boolean
// For dojo/io/script calls only, indicates
// whether the script tag that represents the
// request can be deleted after callbacks have
// been called. Used internally to know when
// cleanup can happen on JSONP-type requests.
// json: Object
// For dojo/io/script calls only: holds the JSON
// response for JSONP-type requests. Used
// internally to hold on to the JSON responses.
// You should not need to access it directly --
// the same object should be passed to the success
// callbacks directly.
dojo.__IoPublish = declare(null, {
// summary:
// This is a list of IO topics that can be published
// if djConfig.ioPublish is set to true. IO topics can be
// published for any Input/Output, network operation. So,
// dojo.xhr, and can all
// trigger these topics to be published.
// start: String
// "/dojo/io/start" is sent when there are no outstanding IO
// requests, and a new IO request is started. No arguments
// are passed with this topic.
// send: String
// "/dojo/io/send" is sent whenever a new IO request is started.
// It passes the dojo.Deferred for the request with the topic.
// load: String
// "/dojo/io/load" is sent whenever an IO request has loaded
// successfully. It passes the response and the dojo.Deferred
// for the request with the topic.
// error: String
// "/dojo/io/error" is sent whenever an IO request has errored.
// It passes the error and the dojo.Deferred
// for the request with the topic.
// done: String
// "/dojo/io/done" is sent whenever an IO request has completed,
// either by loading or by erroring. It passes the error and
// the dojo.Deferred for the request with the topic.
// stop: String
// "/dojo/io/stop" is sent when all outstanding IO requests have
// finished. No arguments are passed with this topic.
dojo._ioSetArgs = function(/*dojo/main.__IoArgs*/args,
// summary:
// sets up the Deferred and ioArgs property on the Deferred so it
// can be used in an io call.
// args:
// The args object passed into the public io call. Recognized properties on
// the args object are:
// canceller:
// The canceller function used for the Deferred object. The function
// will receive one argument, the Deferred object that is related to the
// canceller.
// okHandler:
// The first OK callback to be registered with Deferred. It has the opportunity
// to transform the OK response. It will receive one argument -- the Deferred
// object returned from this function.
// errHandler:
// The first error callback to be registered with Deferred. It has the opportunity
// to do cleanup on an error. It will receive two arguments: error (the
// Error object) and dfd, the Deferred object returned from this function.
var ioArgs = {args: args, url: args.url};
//Get values from form if requested.
var formObject = null;
var form = dom.byId(args.form);
//IE requires going through getAttributeNode instead of just getAttribute in some form cases,
//so use it for all. See #2844
var actnNode = form.getAttributeNode("action");
ioArgs.url = ioArgs.url || (actnNode ? actnNode.value : (dojo.doc ? dojo.doc.URL : null));
formObject = domForm.toObject(form);
// set up the query params
var miArgs = {};
// potentially over-ride url-provided params w/ form values
lang.mixin(miArgs, formObject);
// stuff in content over-rides what's set by form
lang.mixin(miArgs, args.content);
miArgs["dojo.preventCache"] = new Date().valueOf();
ioArgs.query = ioq.objectToQuery(miArgs);
// .. and the real work of getting the deferred in order, etc.
ioArgs.handleAs = args.handleAs || "text";
var d = new Deferred(function(dfd){
dfd.canceled = true;
canceller && canceller(dfd);
var err = dfd.ioArgs.error;
err = new Error("request cancelled");
dfd.ioArgs.error = err;
return err;
//Support specifying load, error and handle callback functions from the args.
//For those callbacks, the "this" object will be the args object.
//The callbacks will get the deferred result value as the
//first argument and the ioArgs object as the second argument.
var ld = args.load;
if(ld && lang.isFunction(ld)){
return, value, ioArgs);
var err = args.error;
if(err && lang.isFunction(err)){
return, value, ioArgs);
var handle = args.handle;
if(handle && lang.isFunction(handle)){
return, value, ioArgs);
// Attach error handler last (not including topic publishing)
// to catch any errors that may have been generated from load
// or handle functions.
return errHandler(error, d);
//Plug in topic publishing, if dojo.publish is loaded.
if(cfg.ioPublish && dojo.publish && ioArgs.args.ioPublish !== false){
dojo.publish("/dojo/io/load", [d, res]);
return res;
dojo.publish("/dojo/io/error", [d, res]);
return res;
dojo.publish("/dojo/io/done", [d, res]);
return res;
d.ioArgs = ioArgs;
// FIXME: need to wire up the xhr object's abort method to something
// analogous in the Deferred
return d;
var _deferredOk = function(/*Deferred*/dfd){
// summary:
// okHandler function for dojo._ioSetArgs call.
var ret = handlers[dfd.ioArgs.handleAs](dfd.ioArgs.xhr);
return ret === undefined ? null : ret;
var _deferError = function(/*Error*/error, /*Deferred*/dfd){
// summary:
// errHandler function for dojo._ioSetArgs call.
return error;
//Use a separate count for knowing if we are starting/stopping io calls.
var _checkPubCount = function(dfd){
if(_pubCount <= 0){
_pubCount = 0;
if(cfg.ioPublish && dojo.publish && (!dfd || dfd && dfd.ioArgs.args.ioPublish !== false)){
var _pubCount = 0;
aspect.after(watch, "_onAction", function(){
_pubCount -= 1;
aspect.after(watch, "_onInFlight", _checkPubCount);
dojo._ioCancelAll = watch.cancelAll;
dojo._ioCancelAll = function(){
// summary:
// Cancels all pending IO requests, regardless of IO type
// (xhr, script, iframe).
dojo._ioNotifyStart = function(/*Deferred*/dfd){
// summary:
// If dojo.publish is available, publish topics
// about the start of a request queue and/or the
// the beginning of request.
// Used by IO transports. An IO transport should
// call this method before making the network connection.
if(cfg.ioPublish && dojo.publish && dfd.ioArgs.args.ioPublish !== false){
_pubCount += 1;
dojo.publish("/dojo/io/send", [dfd]);
dojo._ioWatch = function(dfd, validCheck, ioCheck, resHandle){
// summary:
// Watches the io request represented by dfd to see if it completes.
// dfd: Deferred
// The Deferred object to watch.
// validCheck: Function
// Function used to check if the IO request is still valid. Gets the dfd
// object as its only argument.
// ioCheck: Function
// Function used to check if basic IO call worked. Gets the dfd
// object as its only argument.
// resHandle: Function
// Function used to process response. Gets the dfd
// object as its only argument.
var args = dfd.ioArgs.options = dfd.ioArgs.args;
lang.mixin(dfd, {
response: dfd.ioArgs,
isValid: function(response){
return validCheck(dfd);
isReady: function(response){
return ioCheck(dfd);
handleResponse: function(response){
return resHandle(dfd);
var _defaultContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
dojo._ioAddQueryToUrl = function(/*dojo.__IoCallbackArgs*/ioArgs){
// summary:
// Adds query params discovered by the io deferred construction to the URL.
// Only use this for operations which are fundamentally GET-type operations.
ioArgs.url += (ioArgs.url.indexOf("?") == -1 ? "?" : "&") + ioArgs.query;
ioArgs.query = null;
dojo.__XhrArgs = declare(dojo.__IoArgs, {
// summary:
// In addition to the properties listed for the dojo._IoArgs type,
// the following properties are allowed for dojo.xhr* methods.
// handleAs: String?
// Acceptable values are: text (default), json, json-comment-optional,
// json-comment-filtered, javascript, xml. See `dojo/_base/xhr.contentHandlers`
// sync: Boolean?
// false is default. Indicates whether the request should
// be a synchronous (blocking) request.
// headers: Object?
// Additional HTTP headers to send in the request.
// failOk: Boolean?
// false is default. Indicates whether a request should be
// allowed to fail (and therefore no console error message in
// the event of a failure)
// contentType: String|Boolean
// "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" is default. Set to false to
// prevent a Content-Type header from being sent, or to a string
// to send a different Content-Type.
dojo.xhr = function(/*String*/ method, /*dojo.__XhrArgs*/ args, /*Boolean?*/ hasBody){
// summary:
// Deprecated. Use dojo/request instead.
// description:
// Sends an HTTP request with the given method.
// See also dojo.xhrGet(), xhrPost(), xhrPut() and dojo.xhrDelete() for shortcuts
// for those HTTP methods. There are also methods for "raw" PUT and POST methods
// via dojo.rawXhrPut() and dojo.rawXhrPost() respectively.
// method:
// HTTP method to be used, such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. Should be uppercase.
// hasBody:
// If the request has an HTTP body, then pass true for hasBody.
var rDfd;
//Make the Deferred object for this xhr request.
var dfd = dojo._ioSetArgs(args, function(dfd){
rDfd && rDfd.cancel();
}, _deferredOk, _deferError);
var ioArgs = dfd.ioArgs;
//Allow for specifying the HTTP body completely.
if("postData" in args){
ioArgs.query = args.postData;
}else if("putData" in args){
ioArgs.query = args.putData;
}else if("rawBody" in args){
ioArgs.query = args.rawBody;
}else if((arguments.length > 2 && !hasBody) || "POST|PUT".indexOf(method.toUpperCase()) === -1){
//Check for hasBody being passed. If no hasBody,
//then only append query string if not a POST or PUT request.
var options = {
method: method,
handleAs: "text",
timeout: args.timeout,
withCredentials: args.withCredentials,
ioArgs: ioArgs
if(typeof args.headers !== 'undefined'){
options.headers = args.headers;
if(typeof args.contentType !== 'undefined'){
options.headers = {};
options.headers['Content-Type'] = args.contentType;
if(typeof ioArgs.query !== 'undefined'){ = ioArgs.query;
if(typeof args.sync !== 'undefined'){
options.sync = args.sync;
rDfd = _xhr(ioArgs.url, options, true);
// If XHR creation fails, dojo/request/xhr throws
// When this happens, cancel the deferred
return dfd;
// sync ioArgs
dfd.ioArgs.xhr = rDfd.response.xhr;
ioArgs.error = error;
error.status = error.response.status;
error.responseText = error.response.text;
error.xhr = error.response.xhr;
return dfd; // dojo/_base/Deferred
dojo.xhrGet = function(/*dojo.__XhrArgs*/ args){
// summary:
// Sends an HTTP GET request to the server.
return dojo.xhr("GET", args); // dojo/_base/Deferred
dojo.rawXhrPost = dojo.xhrPost = function(/*dojo.__XhrArgs*/ args){
// summary:
// Sends an HTTP POST request to the server. In addition to the properties
// listed for the dojo.__XhrArgs type, the following property is allowed:
// postData:
// String. Send raw data in the body of the POST request.
return dojo.xhr("POST", args, true); // dojo/_base/Deferred
dojo.rawXhrPut = dojo.xhrPut = function(/*dojo.__XhrArgs*/ args){
// summary:
// Sends an HTTP PUT request to the server. In addition to the properties
// listed for the dojo.__XhrArgs type, the following property is allowed:
// putData:
// String. Send raw data in the body of the PUT request.
return dojo.xhr("PUT", args, true); // dojo/_base/Deferred
dojo.xhrDelete = function(/*dojo.__XhrArgs*/ args){
// summary:
// Sends an HTTP DELETE request to the server.
return dojo.xhr("DELETE", args); // dojo/_base/Deferred
dojo.wrapForm = function(formNode){
// summary:
// A replacement for FormBind, but not implemented yet.
// FIXME: need to think harder about what extensions to this we might
// want. What should we allow folks to do w/ this? What events to
// set/send?
throw new Error("dojo.wrapForm not yet implemented");
dojo._isDocumentOk = function(x){
return util.checkStatus(x.status);
dojo._getText = function(url){
var result;
dojo.xhrGet({url:url, sync:true, load:function(text){
result = text;
return result;
// Add aliases for static functions to dojo.xhr since dojo.xhr is what's returned from this module
lang.mixin(dojo.xhr, {
_xhrObj: dojo._xhrObj,
fieldToObject: domForm.fieldToObject,
formToObject: domForm.toObject,
objectToQuery: ioq.objectToQuery,
formToQuery: domForm.toQuery,
formToJson: domForm.toJson,
queryToObject: ioq.queryToObject,
contentHandlers: handlers,
_ioSetArgs: dojo._ioSetArgs,
_ioCancelAll: dojo._ioCancelAll,
_ioNotifyStart: dojo._ioNotifyStart,
_ioWatch: dojo._ioWatch,
_ioAddQueryToUrl: dojo._ioAddQueryToUrl,
_isDocumentOk: dojo._isDocumentOk,
_getText: dojo._getText,
get: dojo.xhrGet,
post: dojo.xhrPost,
put: dojo.xhrPut,
del: dojo.xhrDelete // because "delete" is a reserved word
return dojo.xhr;
define(["./kernel", "./lang", "../sniff"], function(dojo, lang, has){
// module:
// dojo/_base/sniff
return {
// summary:
// Deprecated. New code should use dojo/sniff.
// This module populates the dojo browser version sniffing properties like dojo.isIE.
if(! 1 ){
return has;
// no idea what this is for, or if it's used
dojo._name = "browser";
lang.mixin(dojo, {
// isBrowser: Boolean
// True if the client is a web-browser
isBrowser: true,
// isFF: Number|undefined
// Version as a Number if client is FireFox. undefined otherwise. Corresponds to
// major detected FireFox version (1.5, 2, 3, etc.)
isFF: has("ff"),
// isIE: Number|undefined
// Version as a Number if client is MSIE(PC). undefined otherwise. Corresponds to
// major detected IE version (6, 7, 8, etc.)
isIE: has("ie"),
// isKhtml: Number|undefined
// Version as a Number if client is a KHTML browser. undefined otherwise. Corresponds to major
// detected version.
isKhtml: has("khtml"),
// isWebKit: Number|undefined
// Version as a Number if client is a WebKit-derived browser (Konqueror,
// Safari, Chrome, etc.). undefined otherwise.
isWebKit: has("webkit"),
// isMozilla: Number|undefined
// Version as a Number if client is a Mozilla-based browser (Firefox,
// SeaMonkey). undefined otherwise. Corresponds to major detected version.
isMozilla: has("mozilla"),
// isMoz: Number|undefined
// Version as a Number if client is a Mozilla-based browser (Firefox,
// SeaMonkey). undefined otherwise. Corresponds to major detected version.
isMoz: has("mozilla"),
// isOpera: Number|undefined
// Version as a Number if client is Opera. undefined otherwise. Corresponds to
// major detected version.
isOpera: has("opera"),
// isSafari: Number|undefined
// Version as a Number if client is Safari or iPhone. undefined otherwise.
isSafari: has("safari"),
// isChrome: Number|undefined
// Version as a Number if client is Chrome browser. undefined otherwise.
isChrome: has("chrome"),
// isMac: Boolean
// True if the client runs on Mac
isMac: has("mac"),
// isIos: Number|undefined
// Version as a Number if client is iPhone, iPod, or iPad. undefined otherwise.
isIos: has("ios"),
// isAndroid: Number|undefined
// Version as a Number if client is android browser. undefined otherwise.
isAndroid: has("android"),
// isWii: Boolean
// True if client is Wii
isWii: has("wii"),
// isQuirks: Boolean
// Page is in quirks mode.
isQuirks: has("quirks"),
// isAir: Boolean
// True if client is Adobe Air
isAir: has("air")
return has;
define(["./_base/lang"], function(lang){
// module:
// dojo/io-query
var backstop = {};
return {
// summary:
// This module defines query string processing functions.
objectToQuery: function objectToQuery(/*Object*/ map){
// summary:
// takes a name/value mapping object and returns a string representing
// a URL-encoded version of that object.
// example:
// this object:
// | {
// | blah: "blah",
// | multi: [
// | "thud",
// | "thonk"
// | ]
// | };
// yields the following query string:
// | "blah=blah&multi=thud&multi=thonk"
// FIXME: need to implement encodeAscii!!
var enc = encodeURIComponent, pairs = [];
for(var name in map){
var value = map[name];
if(value != backstop[name]){
var assign = enc(name) + "=";
for(var i = 0, l = value.length; i < l; ++i){
pairs.push(assign + enc(value[i]));
pairs.push(assign + enc(value));
return pairs.join("&"); // String
queryToObject: function queryToObject(/*String*/ str){
// summary:
// Create an object representing a de-serialized query section of a
// URL. Query keys with multiple values are returned in an array.
// example:
// This string:
// | "foo=bar&foo=baz&thinger=%20spaces%20=blah&zonk=blarg&"
// results in this object structure:
// | {
// | foo: [ "bar", "baz" ],
// | thinger: " spaces =blah",
// | zonk: "blarg"
// | }
// Note that spaces and other urlencoded entities are correctly
// handled.
var dec = decodeURIComponent, qp = str.split("&"), ret = {}, name, val;
for(var i = 0, l = qp.length, item; i < l; ++i){
item = qp[i];
var s = item.indexOf("=");
if(s < 0){
name = dec(item);
val = "";
name = dec(item.slice(0, s));
val = dec(item.slice(s + 1));
if(typeof ret[name] == "string"){ // inline'd type check
ret[name] = [ret[name]];
ret[name] = val;
return ret; // Object
define(["./sniff", "./_base/window", "./_base/kernel"],
function(has, win, kernel){
// module:
// dojo/dom
// FIXME: need to add unit tests for all the semi-public methods
if(has("ie") <= 7){
document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true);
// sane browsers don't have cache "issues"
// =============================
// DOM Functions
// =============================
// the result object
var dom = {
// summary:
// This module defines the core dojo DOM API.
dom.byId = function(id, doc){
if(typeof id != "string"){
return id || null;
var _d = doc || win.doc, te = id && _d.getElementById(id);
// is better than just id in case the
// user has a name=id inside a form
if(te && ( == id || == id)){
return te;
var eles = _d.all[id];
if(!eles || eles.nodeName){
eles = [eles];
// if more than 1, choose first with the correct id
var i = 0;
while((te = eles[i++])){
if((te.attributes && && == id) || == id){
return te;
return null;
dom.byId = function(id, doc){
// inline'd type check.
// be sure to return null per documentation, to match IE branch.
return ((typeof id == "string") ? (doc || win.doc).getElementById(id) : id) || null; // DOMNode
dom.byId = function(id, doc){
// summary:
// Returns DOM node with matching `id` attribute or falsy value (ex: null or undefined)
// if not found. If `id` is a DomNode, this function is a no-op.
// id: String|DOMNode
// A string to match an HTML id attribute or a reference to a DOM Node
// doc: Document?
// Document to work in. Defaults to the current value of
// dojo/_base/window.doc. Can be used to retrieve
// node references from other documents.
// example:
// Look up a node by ID:
// | require(["dojo/dom"], function(dom){
// | var n = dom.byId("foo");
// | });
// example:
// Check if a node exists, and use it.
// | require(["dojo/dom"], function(dom){
// | var n = dom.byId("bar");
// | if(n){ doStuff() ... }
// | });
// example:
// Allow string or DomNode references to be passed to a custom function:
// | require(["dojo/dom"], function(dom){
// | var foo = function(nodeOrId){
// | nodeOrId = dom.byId(nodeOrId);
// | // ... more stuff
// | }
// | });
// Test for DOMNode.contains() method, available everywhere except FF8-
// and IE8-, where it's available in general, but not on document itself,
// and also problems when either ancestor or node are text nodes.
var doc =["document"] || null;
has.add("dom-contains", !!(doc && doc.contains));
dom.isDescendant = has("dom-contains") ?
// FF9+, IE9+, webkit, opera, iOS, Android, Edge, etc.
function(/*DOMNode|String*/ node, /*DOMNode|String*/ ancestor){
return !!( (ancestor = dom.byId(ancestor)) && ancestor.contains(dom.byId(node)) );
} :
function(/*DOMNode|String*/ node, /*DOMNode|String*/ ancestor){
// summary:
// Returns true if node is a descendant of ancestor
// node: DOMNode|String
// string id or node reference to test
// ancestor: DOMNode|String
// string id or node reference of potential parent to test against
// example:
// Test is node id="bar" is a descendant of node id="foo"
// | require(["dojo/dom"], function(dom){
// | if(dom.isDescendant("bar", "foo")){ ... }
// | });
node = dom.byId(node);
ancestor = dom.byId(ancestor);
if(node == ancestor){
return true; // Boolean
node = node.parentNode;
}catch(e){ /* squelch, return false */ }
return false; // Boolean
// TODO: do we need setSelectable in the base?
// Add feature test for user-select CSS property
// (currently known to work in all but IE < 10 and Opera)
// TODO: The user-select CSS property as of May 2014 is no longer part of
// any CSS specification. In IE, -ms-user-select does not do the same thing
// as the unselectable attribute on elements; namely, dijit Editor buttons
// do not properly prevent the content of the editable content frame from
// unblurring. As a result, the -ms- prefixed version is omitted here.
has.add("css-user-select", function(global, doc, element){
// Avoid exception when dom.js is loaded in non-browser environments
if(!element){ return false; }
var style =;
var prefixes = ["Khtml", "O", "Moz", "Webkit"],
i = prefixes.length,
name = "userSelect",
// Iterate prefixes from most to least likely
if(typeof style[name] !== "undefined"){
// Supported; return property name
return name;
}while(i-- && (name = prefixes[i] + "UserSelect"));
// Not supported if we didn't return before now
return false;
dom.setSelectable = function(node, selectable){
// summary:
// Enable or disable selection on a node
// node: DOMNode|String
// id or reference to node
// selectable: Boolean
// state to put the node in. false indicates unselectable, true
// allows selection.
// example:
// Make the node id="bar" unselectable
// | require(["dojo/dom"], function(dom){
// | dom.setSelectable("bar");
// | });
// example:
// Make the node id="bar" selectable
// | require(["dojo/dom"], function(dom){
// | dom.setSelectable("bar", true);
// | });
var cssUserSelect = has("css-user-select");
dom.setSelectable = cssUserSelect ? function(node, selectable){
// css-user-select returns a (possibly vendor-prefixed) CSS property name
dom.byId(node).style[cssUserSelect] = selectable ? "" : "none";
} : function(node, selectable){
node = dom.byId(node);
// (IE < 10 / Opera) Fall back to setting/removing the
// unselectable attribute on the element and all its children
var nodes = node.getElementsByTagName("*"),
i = nodes.length;
node.setAttribute("unselectable", "on");
nodes[i].setAttribute("unselectable", "on");
return dom;
define(["./kernel", "./lang", "../sniff"], function(dojo, lang, has){
// module:
// dojo/_base/window
var ret = {
// summary:
// API to save/set/restore the global/document scope.
global: {
// summary:
// Alias for the current window. 'global' can be modified
// for temporary context shifting. See also withGlobal().
// description:
// Use this rather than referring to 'window' to ensure your code runs
// correctly in managed contexts.
doc:["document"] || null,
doc: {
// summary:
// Alias for the current document. 'doc' can be modified
// for temporary context shifting. See also withDoc().
// description:
// Use this rather than referring to 'window.document' to ensure your code runs
// correctly in managed contexts.
// example:
// | n.appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement('div'));
body: function(/*Document?*/ doc){
// summary:
// Return the body element of the specified document or of dojo/_base/window::doc.
// example:
// | win.body().appendChild(dojo.doc.createElement('div'));
// Note: document.body is not defined for a strict xhtml document
// Would like to memoize this, but dojo.doc can change vi dojo.withDoc().
doc = doc || dojo.doc;
return doc.body || doc.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; // Node
setContext: function(/*Object*/ globalObject, /*DocumentElement*/ globalDocument){
// summary:
// changes the behavior of many core Dojo functions that deal with
// namespace and DOM lookup, changing them to work in a new global
// context (e.g., an iframe). The varibles and dojo.doc
// are modified as a result of calling this function and the result of
// `dojo.body()` likewise differs. = = globalObject;
dojo.doc = ret.doc = globalDocument;
withGlobal: function( /*Object*/ globalObject,
/*Function*/ callback,
/*Object?*/ thisObject,
/*Array?*/ cbArguments){
// summary:
// Invoke callback with globalObject as and
// globalObject.document as dojo.doc.
// description:
// Invoke callback with globalObject as and
// globalObject.document as dojo.doc. If provided, globalObject
// will be executed in the context of object thisObject
// When callback() returns or throws an error, the
// and dojo.doc will be restored to its previous state.
var oldGlob =;
try{ = = globalObject;
return, globalObject.document, callback, thisObject, cbArguments);
}finally{ = = oldGlob;
withDoc: function( /*DocumentElement*/ documentObject,
/*Function*/ callback,
/*Object?*/ thisObject,
/*Array?*/ cbArguments){
// summary:
// Invoke callback with documentObject as dojo/_base/window::doc.
// description:
// Invoke callback with documentObject as dojo/_base/window::doc. If provided,
// callback will be executed in the context of object thisObject
// When callback() returns or throws an error, the dojo/_base/window::doc will
// be restored to its previous state.
var oldDoc = ret.doc,
oldQ = has("quirks"),
oldIE = has("ie"), isIE, mode, pwin;
dojo.doc = ret.doc = documentObject;
// update dojo.isQuirks and the value of the has feature "quirks".
// remove setting dojo.isQuirks and dojo.isIE for 2.0
dojo.isQuirks = has.add("quirks", dojo.doc.compatMode == "BackCompat", true, true); // no need to check for QuirksMode which was Opera 7 only
if((pwin = documentObject.parentWindow) && pwin.navigator){
// re-run IE detection logic and update dojo.isIE / has("ie")
// (the only time parentWindow/navigator wouldn't exist is if we were not
// passed an actual legitimate document object)
isIE = parseFloat(pwin.navigator.appVersion.split("MSIE ")[1]) || undefined;
mode = documentObject.documentMode;
if(mode && mode != 5 && Math.floor(isIE) != mode){
isIE = mode;
dojo.isIE = has.add("ie", isIE, true, true);
if(thisObject && typeof callback == "string"){
callback = thisObject[callback];
return callback.apply(thisObject, cbArguments || []);
dojo.doc = ret.doc = oldDoc;
dojo.isQuirks = has.add("quirks", oldQ, true, true);
dojo.isIE = has.add("ie", oldIE, true, true);
1 && lang.mixin(dojo, ret);
return ret;
define(["./_base/lang", "./dom", "./io-query", "./json"], function(lang, dom, ioq, json){
// module:
// dojo/dom-form
function setValue(/*Object*/ obj, /*String*/ name, /*String*/ value){
// summary:
// For the named property in object, set the value. If a value
// already exists and it is a string, convert the value to be an
// array of values.
// Skip it if there is no value
if(value === null){
var val = obj[name];
if(typeof val == "string"){ // inline'd type check
obj[name] = [val, value];
}else if(lang.isArray(val)){
obj[name] = value;
var exclude = "file|submit|image|reset|button";
var form = {
// summary:
// This module defines form-processing functions.
fieldToObject: function fieldToObject(/*DOMNode|String*/ inputNode){
// summary:
// Serialize a form field to a JavaScript object.
// description:
// Returns the value encoded in a form field as
// as a string or an array of strings. Disabled form elements
// and unchecked radio and checkboxes are skipped. Multi-select
// elements are returned as an array of string values.
// inputNode: DOMNode|String
// returns: Object
var ret = null;
inputNode = dom.byId(inputNode);
var _in =, type = (inputNode.type || "").toLowerCase();
if(_in && type && !inputNode.disabled){
if(type == "radio" || type == "checkbox"){
ret = inputNode.value;
}else if(inputNode.multiple){
ret = [];
var nodes = [inputNode.firstChild];
for(var node = nodes.pop(); node; node = node.nextSibling){
if(node.nodeType == 1 && node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "option"){
ret = inputNode.value;
return ret; // Object
toObject: function formToObject(/*DOMNode|String*/ formNode){
// summary:
// Serialize a form node to a JavaScript object.
// description:
// Returns the values encoded in an HTML form as
// string properties in an object which it then returns. Disabled form
// elements, buttons, and other non-value form elements are skipped.
// Multi-select elements are returned as an array of string values.
// formNode: DOMNode|String
// example:
// This form:
// | <form id="test_form">
// | <input type="text" name="blah" value="blah">
// | <input type="text" name="no_value" value="blah" disabled>
// | <input type="button" name="no_value2" value="blah">
// | <select type="select" multiple name="multi" size="5">
// | <option value="blah">blah</option>
// | <option value="thud" selected>thud</option>
// | <option value="thonk" selected>thonk</option>
// | </select>
// | </form>
// yields this object structure as the result of a call to
// formToObject():
// | {
// | blah: "blah",
// | multi: [
// | "thud",
// | "thonk"
// | ]
// | };
var ret = {}, elems = dom.byId(formNode).elements;
for(var i = 0, l = elems.length; i < l; ++i){
var item = elems[i], _in =, type = (item.type || "").toLowerCase();
if(_in && type && exclude.indexOf(type) < 0 && !item.disabled){
setValue(ret, _in, form.fieldToObject(item));
if(type == "image"){
ret[_in + ".x"] = ret[_in + ".y"] = ret[_in].x = ret[_in].y = 0;
return ret; // Object
toQuery: function formToQuery(/*DOMNode|String*/ formNode){
// summary:
// Returns a URL-encoded string representing the form passed as either a
// node or string ID identifying the form to serialize
// formNode: DOMNode|String
// returns: String
return ioq.objectToQuery(form.toObject(formNode)); // String
toJson: function formToJson(/*DOMNode|String*/ formNode, /*Boolean?*/ prettyPrint){
// summary:
// Create a serialized JSON string from a form node or string
// ID identifying the form to serialize
// formNode: DOMNode|String
// prettyPrint: Boolean?
// returns: String
return json.stringify(form.toObject(formNode), null, prettyPrint ? 4 : 0); // String
return form;
], function(dojo, NewDeferred, Promise, CancelError, has, lang, when){
// module:
// dojo/_base/Deferred
var mutator = function(){};
var freeze = Object.freeze || function(){};
// A deferred provides an API for creating and resolving a promise.
var Deferred = dojo.Deferred = function(/*Function?*/ canceller){
// summary:
// Deprecated. This module defines the legacy dojo/_base/Deferred API.
// New code should use dojo/Deferred instead.
// description:
// The Deferred API is based on the concept of promises that provide a
// generic interface into the eventual completion of an asynchronous action.
// The motivation for promises fundamentally is about creating a
// separation of concerns that allows one to achieve the same type of
// call patterns and logical data flow in asynchronous code as can be
// achieved in synchronous code. Promises allows one
// to be able to call a function purely with arguments needed for
// execution, without conflating the call with concerns of whether it is
// sync or async. One shouldn't need to alter a call's arguments if the
// implementation switches from sync to async (or vice versa). By having
// async functions return promises, the concerns of making the call are
// separated from the concerns of asynchronous interaction (which are
// handled by the promise).
// The Deferred is a type of promise that provides methods for fulfilling the
// promise with a successful result or an error. The most important method for
// working with Dojo's promises is the then() method, which follows the
// CommonJS proposed promise API. An example of using a Dojo promise:
// | var resultingPromise = someAsyncOperation.then(function(result){
// | ... handle result ...
// | },
// | function(error){
// | ... handle error ...
// | });
// The .then() call returns a new promise that represents the result of the
// execution of the callback. The callbacks will never affect the original promises value.
// The Deferred instances also provide the following functions for backwards compatibility:
// - addCallback(handler)
// - addErrback(handler)
// - callback(result)
// - errback(result)
// Callbacks are allowed to return promises themselves, so
// you can build complicated sequences of events with ease.
// The creator of the Deferred may specify a canceller. The canceller
// is a function that will be called if Deferred.cancel is called
// before the Deferred fires. You can use this to implement clean
// aborting of an XMLHttpRequest, etc. Note that cancel will fire the
// deferred with a CancelledError (unless your canceller returns
// another kind of error), so the errbacks should be prepared to
// handle that error for cancellable Deferreds.
// example:
// | var deferred = new Deferred();
// | setTimeout(function(){ deferred.callback({success: true}); }, 1000);
// | return deferred;
// example:
// Deferred objects are often used when making code asynchronous. It
// may be easiest to write functions in a synchronous manner and then
// split code using a deferred to trigger a response to a long-lived
// operation. For example, instead of register a callback function to
// denote when a rendering operation completes, the function can
// simply return a deferred:
// | // callback style:
// | function renderLotsOfData(data, callback){
// | var success = false
// | try{
// | for(var x in data){
// | renderDataitem(data[x]);
// | }
// | success = true;
// | }catch(e){ }
// | if(callback){
// | callback(success);
// | }
// | }
// | // using callback style
// | renderLotsOfData(someDataObj, function(success){
// | // handles success or failure
// | if(!success){
// | promptUserToRecover();
// | }
// | });
// | // NOTE: no way to add another callback here!!
// example:
// Using a Deferred doesn't simplify the sending code any, but it
// provides a standard interface for callers and senders alike,
// providing both with a simple way to service multiple callbacks for
// an operation and freeing both sides from worrying about details
// such as "did this get called already?". With Deferreds, new
// callbacks can be added at any time.
// | // Deferred style:
// | function renderLotsOfData(data){
// | var d = new Deferred();
// | try{
// | for(var x in data){
// | renderDataitem(data[x]);
// | }
// | d.callback(true);
// | }catch(e){
// | d.errback(new Error("rendering failed"));
// | }
// | return d;
// | }
// | // using Deferred style
// | renderLotsOfData(someDataObj).then(null, function(){
// | promptUserToRecover();
// | });
// | // NOTE: addErrback and addCallback both return the Deferred
// | // again, so we could chain adding callbacks or save the
// | // deferred for later should we need to be notified again.
// example:
// In this example, renderLotsOfData is synchronous and so both
// versions are pretty artificial. Putting the data display on a
// timeout helps show why Deferreds rock:
// | // Deferred style and async func
// | function renderLotsOfData(data){
// | var d = new Deferred();
// | setTimeout(function(){
// | try{
// | for(var x in data){
// | renderDataitem(data[x]);
// | }
// | d.callback(true);
// | }catch(e){
// | d.errback(new Error("rendering failed"));
// | }
// | }, 100);
// | return d;
// | }
// | // using Deferred style
// | renderLotsOfData(someDataObj).then(null, function(){
// | promptUserToRecover();
// | });
// Note that the caller doesn't have to change his code at all to
// handle the asynchronous case.
var result, finished, canceled, fired, isError, head, nextListener;
var promise = (this.promise = new Promise());
function complete(value){
throw new Error("This deferred has already been resolved");
result = value;
finished = true;
function notify(){
var mutated;
while(!mutated && nextListener){
var listener = nextListener;
nextListener =;
if((mutated = (listener.progress == mutator))){ // assignment and check
finished = false;
var func = (isError ? listener.error : listener.resolved);
if(isError && NewDeferred.instrumentRejected){
NewDeferred.instrumentRejected(result, !!func);
var newResult = func(result);
if (newResult && typeof newResult.then === "function"){
newResult.then(lang.hitch(listener.deferred, "resolve"), lang.hitch(listener.deferred, "reject"), lang.hitch(listener.deferred, "progress"));
var unchanged = mutated && newResult === undefined;
if(mutated && !unchanged){
isError = newResult instanceof Error;
listener.deferred[unchanged && isError ? "reject" : "resolve"](unchanged ? result : newResult);
this.isResolved = promise.isResolved = function(){
// summary:
// Checks whether the deferred has been resolved.
// returns: Boolean
return fired == 0;
this.isRejected = promise.isRejected = function(){
// summary:
// Checks whether the deferred has been rejected.
// returns: Boolean
return fired == 1;
this.isFulfilled = promise.isFulfilled = function(){
// summary:
// Checks whether the deferred has been resolved or rejected.
// returns: Boolean
return fired >= 0;
this.isCanceled = promise.isCanceled = function(){
// summary:
// Checks whether the deferred has been canceled.
// returns: Boolean
return canceled;
// calling resolve will resolve the promise
this.resolve = this.callback = function(value){
// summary:
// Fulfills the Deferred instance successfully with the provide value
this.fired = fired = 0;
this.results = [value, null];
// calling error will indicate that the promise failed
this.reject = this.errback = function(error){
// summary:
// Fulfills the Deferred instance as an error with the provided error
isError = true;
this.fired = fired = 1;
NewDeferred.instrumentRejected(error, !!nextListener);
this.results = [null, error];
// call progress to provide updates on the progress on the completion of the promise
this.progress = function(update){
// summary:
// Send progress events to all listeners
var listener = nextListener;
var progress = listener.progress;
progress && progress(update);
listener =;
this.addCallbacks = function(callback, errback){
// summary:
// Adds callback and error callback for this deferred instance.
// callback: Function?
// The callback attached to this deferred object.
// errback: Function?
// The error callback attached to this deferred object.
// returns:
// Returns this deferred object.
this.then(callback, errback, mutator);
return this; // Deferred
// provide the implementation of the promise
promise.then = this.then = function(/*Function?*/resolvedCallback, /*Function?*/errorCallback, /*Function?*/progressCallback){
// summary:
// Adds a fulfilledHandler, errorHandler, and progressHandler to be called for
// completion of a promise. The fulfilledHandler is called when the promise
// is fulfilled. The errorHandler is called when a promise fails. The
// progressHandler is called for progress events. All arguments are optional
// and non-function values are ignored. The progressHandler is not only an
// optional argument, but progress events are purely optional. Promise
// providers are not required to ever create progress events.
// This function will return a new promise that is fulfilled when the given
// fulfilledHandler or errorHandler callback is finished. This allows promise
// operations to be chained together. The value returned from the callback
// handler is the fulfillment value for the returned promise. If the callback
// throws an error, the returned promise will be moved to failed state.
// returns:
// Returns a new promise that represents the result of the
// execution of the callback. The callbacks will never affect the original promises value.
// example:
// An example of using a CommonJS compliant promise:
// | asyncComputeTheAnswerToEverything().
// | then(addTwo).
// | then(printResult, onError);
// | >44
var returnDeferred = progressCallback == mutator ? this : new Deferred(promise.cancel);
var listener = {
resolved: resolvedCallback,
error: errorCallback,
progress: progressCallback,
deferred: returnDeferred
head = = listener;
nextListener = head = listener;
return returnDeferred.promise; // Promise
var deferred = this;
promise.cancel = this.cancel = function(){
// summary:
// Cancels the asynchronous operation
var error = canceller && canceller(deferred);
if (!(error instanceof Error)){
error = new CancelError(error);
error.log = false;
canceled = true;
lang.extend(Deferred, {
addCallback: function(/*Function*/ callback){
// summary:
// Adds successful callback for this deferred instance.
// returns:
// Returns this deferred object.
return this.addCallbacks(lang.hitch.apply(dojo, arguments)); // Deferred
addErrback: function(/*Function*/ errback){
// summary:
// Adds error callback for this deferred instance.
// returns:
// Returns this deferred object.
return this.addCallbacks(null, lang.hitch.apply(dojo, arguments)); // Deferred
addBoth: function(/*Function*/ callback){
// summary:
// Add handler as both successful callback and error callback for this deferred instance.
// returns:
// Returns this deferred object.
var enclosed = lang.hitch.apply(dojo, arguments);
return this.addCallbacks(enclosed, enclosed); // Deferred
fired: -1
Deferred.when = dojo.when = when;
return Deferred;
], function(has, lang, CancelError, Promise, instrumentation){
"use strict";
// module:
// dojo/Deferred
var PROGRESS = 0,
var FULFILLED_ERROR_MESSAGE = "This deferred has already been fulfilled.";
var freezeObject = Object.freeze || function(){};
var signalWaiting = function(waiting, type, result, rejection, deferred){
if( 1 ){
if(type === REJECTED && Deferred.instrumentRejected && waiting.length === 0){
Deferred.instrumentRejected(result, false, rejection, deferred);
for(var i = 0; i < waiting.length; i++){
signalListener(waiting[i], type, result, rejection);
var signalListener = function(listener, type, result, rejection){
var func = listener[type];
var deferred = listener.deferred;
var newResult = func(result);
if(type === PROGRESS){
if(typeof newResult !== "undefined"){
signalDeferred(deferred, type, newResult);
if(newResult && typeof newResult.then === "function"){
listener.cancel = newResult.cancel;
// Only make resolvers if they're actually going to be used
makeDeferredSignaler(deferred, RESOLVED),
makeDeferredSignaler(deferred, REJECTED),
makeDeferredSignaler(deferred, PROGRESS));
signalDeferred(deferred, RESOLVED, newResult);
signalDeferred(deferred, REJECTED, error);
signalDeferred(deferred, type, result);
if( 1 ){
if(type === REJECTED && Deferred.instrumentRejected){
Deferred.instrumentRejected(result, !!func, rejection, deferred.promise);
var makeDeferredSignaler = function(deferred, type){
return function(value){
signalDeferred(deferred, type, value);
var signalDeferred = function(deferred, type, result){
var Deferred = function(canceler){
// summary:
// Creates a new deferred. This API is preferred over
// `dojo/_base/Deferred`.
// description:
// Creates a new deferred, as an abstraction over (primarily)
// asynchronous operations. The deferred is the private interface
// that should not be returned to calling code. That's what the
// `promise` is for. See `dojo/promise/Promise`.
// canceler: Function?
// Will be invoked if the deferred is canceled. The canceler
// receives the reason the deferred was canceled as its argument.
// The deferred is rejected with its return value, or a new
// `dojo/errors/CancelError` instance.
// promise: dojo/promise/Promise
// The public promise object that clients can add callbacks to.
var promise = this.promise = new Promise();
var deferred = this;
var fulfilled, result, rejection;
var canceled = false;
var waiting = [];
if( 1 && Error.captureStackTrace){
Error.captureStackTrace(deferred, Deferred);
Error.captureStackTrace(promise, Deferred);
this.isResolved = promise.isResolved = function(){
// summary:
// Checks whether the deferred has been resolved.
// returns: Boolean
return fulfilled === RESOLVED;
this.isRejected = promise.isRejected = function(){
// summary:
// Checks whether the deferred has been rejected.
// returns: Boolean
return fulfilled === REJECTED;
this.isFulfilled = promise.isFulfilled = function(){
// summary:
// Checks whether the deferred has been resolved or rejected.
// returns: Boolean
return !!fulfilled;
this.isCanceled = promise.isCanceled = function(){
// summary:
// Checks whether the deferred has been canceled.
// returns: Boolean
return canceled;
this.progress = function(update, strict){
// summary:
// Emit a progress update on the deferred.
// description:
// Emit a progress update on the deferred. Progress updates
// can be used to communicate updates about the asynchronous
// operation before it has finished.
// update: any
// The progress update. Passed to progbacks.
// strict: Boolean?
// If strict, will throw an error if the deferred has already
// been fulfilled and consequently no progress can be emitted.
// returns: dojo/promise/Promise
// Returns the original promise for the deferred.
signalWaiting(waiting, PROGRESS, update, null, deferred);
return promise;
}else if(strict === true){
return promise;
this.resolve = function(value, strict){
// summary:
// Resolve the deferred.
// description:
// Resolve the deferred, putting it in a success state.
// value: any
// The result of the deferred. Passed to callbacks.
// strict: Boolean?
// If strict, will throw an error if the deferred has already
// been fulfilled and consequently cannot be resolved.
// returns: dojo/promise/Promise
// Returns the original promise for the deferred.
// Set fulfilled, store value. After signaling waiting listeners unset
// waiting.
signalWaiting(waiting, fulfilled = RESOLVED, result = value, null, deferred);
waiting = null;
return promise;
}else if(strict === true){
return promise;
var reject = this.reject = function(error, strict){
// summary:
// Reject the deferred.
// description:
// Reject the deferred, putting it in an error state.
// error: any
// The error result of the deferred. Passed to errbacks.
// strict: Boolean?
// If strict, will throw an error if the deferred has already
// been fulfilled and consequently cannot be rejected.
// returns: dojo/promise/Promise
// Returns the original promise for the deferred.
if( 1 && Error.captureStackTrace){
Error.captureStackTrace(rejection = {}, reject);
signalWaiting(waiting, fulfilled = REJECTED, result = error, rejection, deferred);
waiting = null;
return promise;
}else if(strict === true){
return promise;
this.then = promise.then = function(callback, errback, progback){
// summary:
// Add new callbacks to the deferred.
// description:
// Add new callbacks to the deferred. Callbacks can be added
// before or after the deferred is fulfilled.
// callback: Function?
// Callback to be invoked when the promise is resolved.
// Receives the resolution value.
// errback: Function?
// Callback to be invoked when the promise is rejected.
// Receives the rejection error.
// progback: Function?
// Callback to be invoked when the promise emits a progress
// update. Receives the progress update.
// returns: dojo/promise/Promise
// Returns a new promise for the result of the callback(s).
// This can be used for chaining many asynchronous operations.
var listener = [progback, callback, errback];
// Ensure we cancel the promise we're waiting for, or if callback/errback
// have returned a promise, cancel that one.
listener.cancel = promise.cancel;
listener.deferred = new Deferred(function(reason){
// Check whether cancel is really available, returned promises are not
// required to expose `cancel`
return listener.cancel && listener.cancel(reason);
if(fulfilled && !waiting){
signalListener(listener, fulfilled, result, rejection);
return listener.deferred.promise;
this.cancel = promise.cancel = function(reason, strict){
// summary:
// Inform the deferred it may cancel its asynchronous operation.
// description:
// Inform the deferred it may cancel its asynchronous operation.
// The deferred's (optional) canceler is invoked and the
// deferred will be left in a rejected state. Can affect other
// promises that originate with the same deferred.
// reason: any
// A message that may be sent to the deferred's canceler,
// explaining why it's being canceled.
// strict: Boolean?
// If strict, will throw an error if the deferred has already
// been fulfilled and consequently cannot be canceled.
// returns: any
// Returns the rejection reason if the deferred was canceled
// normally.
// Cancel can be called even after the deferred is fulfilled
var returnedReason = canceler(reason);
reason = typeof returnedReason === "undefined" ? reason : returnedReason;
canceled = true;
// Allow canceler to provide its own reason, but fall back to a CancelError
if(typeof reason === "undefined"){
reason = new CancelError();
return reason;
}else if(fulfilled === REJECTED && result === reason){
return reason;
}else if(strict === true){
Deferred.prototype.toString = function(){
// returns: String
// Returns `[object Deferred]`.
return "[object Deferred]";
return Deferred;
define(["./create"], function(create){
// module:
// dojo/errors/CancelError
return function(){
// summary:
// Default error if a promise is canceled without a reason.
return create("CancelError", null, null, { dojoType: "cancel", log: false });
define(["../_base/lang"], function(lang){
return function(name, ctor, base, props){
base = base || Error;
var ErrorCtor = function(message){
if(base === Error){
Error.captureStackTrace(this, ErrorCtor);
// operates on the returned error
// object rather than operating on |this|
var err =, message),
// Copy own properties from err to |this|
for(prop in err){
this[prop] = err[prop];
// messsage is non-enumerable in ES5
this.message = message;
// stack is non-enumerable in at least Firefox
this.stack = err.stack;
base.apply(this, arguments);
ctor.apply(this, arguments);
ErrorCtor.prototype = lang.delegate(base.prototype, props); = name;
ErrorCtor.prototype.constructor = ErrorCtor;
return ErrorCtor;
], function(lang){
"use strict";
// module:
// dojo/promise/Promise
function throwAbstract(){
throw new TypeError("abstract");
return lang.extend(function Promise(){
// summary:
// The public interface to a deferred.
// description:
// The public interface to a deferred. All promises in Dojo are
// instances of this class.
}, {
then: function(callback, errback, progback){
// summary:
// Add new callbacks to the promise.
// description:
// Add new callbacks to the deferred. Callbacks can be added
// before or after the deferred is fulfilled.
// callback: Function?
// Callback to be invoked when the promise is resolved.
// Receives the resolution value.
// errback: Function?
// Callback to be invoked when the promise is rejected.
// Receives the rejection error.
// progback: Function?
// Callback to be invoked when the promise emits a progress
// update. Receives the progress update.
// returns: dojo/promise/Promise
// Returns a new promise for the result of the callback(s).
// This can be used for chaining many asynchronous operations.
cancel: function(reason, strict){
// summary:
// Inform the deferred it may cancel its asynchronous operation.
// description:
// Inform the deferred it may cancel its asynchronous operation.
// The deferred's (optional) canceler is invoked and the
// deferred will be left in a rejected state. Can affect other
// promises that originate with the same deferred.
// reason: any
// A message that may be sent to the deferred's canceler,
// explaining why it's being canceled.
// strict: Boolean?
// If strict, will throw an error if the deferred has already
// been fulfilled and consequently cannot be canceled.
// returns: any
// Returns the rejection reason if the deferred was canceled
// normally.
isResolved: function(){
// summary:
// Checks whether the promise has been resolved.
// returns: Boolean
isRejected: function(){
// summary:
// Checks whether the promise has been rejected.
// returns: Boolean
isFulfilled: function(){
// summary:
// Checks whether the promise has been resolved or rejected.
// returns: Boolean
isCanceled: function(){
// summary:
// Checks whether the promise has been canceled.
// returns: Boolean
"finally": function(callback) {
// summary:
// Add a callback to the promise that will fire whether it
// resolves or rejects.
// description:
// Conforms to ES2018's `Promise.prototype.finally`.
// Add a callback to the promise that will fire whether it
// resolves or rejects. No value is passed to the callback.
// Returns a promise that reflects the state of the original promise,
// with two exceptions:
// - If the callback return a promise, the outer promise will wait
// until the returned promise is resolved, then it will resolve
// with the original value.
// - If the callback throws an exception or returns a promise that
// is rejected (or rejects later), the outer promise will reject
// with the inner promise's rejection reason.
// callback: Function?
// Callback to be invoked when the promise is resolved
// or rejected. Doesn't receive any value.
// returns: dojo/promise/Promise
// Returns a new promise that reflects the state of the original promise,
// with two small exceptions (see description).
return this.then(function (value){
var valueOrPromise = callback();
if (valueOrPromise && typeof valueOrPromise.then === "function"){
return valueOrPromise.then(function (){
return value;
return value;
}, function(reason) {
var valueOrPromise = callback();
if (valueOrPromise && typeof valueOrPromise.then === "function"){
return valueOrPromise.then(function (){
throw reason;
throw reason;
always: function(callbackOrErrback){
// summary:
// Add a callback to be invoked when the promise is resolved
// or rejected.
// callbackOrErrback: Function?
// A function that is used both as a callback and errback.
// returns: dojo/promise/Promise
// Returns a new promise for the result of the callback/errback.
return this.then(callbackOrErrback, callbackOrErrback);
"catch": function(errback){
// summary:
// Add new errbacks to the promise. Follows ECMA specification naming.
// errback: Function?
// Callback to be invoked when the promise is rejected.
// returns: dojo/promise/Promise
// Returns a new promise for the result of the errback.
return this.then(null, errback);
otherwise: function(errback){
// summary:
// Add new errbacks to the promise.
// errback: Function?
// Callback to be invoked when the promise is rejected.
// returns: dojo/promise/Promise
// Returns a new promise for the result of the errback.
return this.then(null, errback);
trace: function(){
return this;
traceRejected: function(){
return this;
toString: function(){
// returns: string
// Returns `[object Promise]`.
return "[object Promise]";
], function(tracer, has, lang, arrayUtil){
has.add("config-useDeferredInstrumentation", "report-unhandled-rejections");
function logError(error, rejection, deferred){
if(error && error.log === false){
var stack = "";
if(error && error.stack){
stack += error.stack;
if(rejection && rejection.stack){
stack += "\n ----------------------------------------\n rejected" + rejection.stack.split("\n").slice(1).join("\n").replace(/^\s+/, " ");
if(deferred && deferred.stack){
stack += "\n ----------------------------------------\n" + deferred.stack;
console.error(error, stack);
function reportRejections(error, handled, rejection, deferred){
logError(error, rejection, deferred);
var errors = [];
var activeTimeout = false;
var unhandledWait = 1000;
function trackUnhandledRejections(error, handled, rejection, deferred){
// try to find the existing tracking object
if(!arrayUtil.some(errors, function(obj){
if(obj.error === error){
// found the tracking object for this error
// if handled, update the state
obj.handled = true;
return true;
// no tracking object has been setup, create one
error: error,
rejection: rejection,
handled: handled,
deferred: deferred,
timestamp: new Date().getTime()
activeTimeout = setTimeout(logRejected, unhandledWait);
function logRejected(){
var now = new Date().getTime();
var reportBefore = now - unhandledWait;
errors = arrayUtil.filter(errors, function(obj){
// only report the error if we have waited long enough and
// it hasn't been handled
if(obj.timestamp < reportBefore){
logError(obj.error, obj.rejection, obj.deferred);
return false;
return true;
activeTimeout = setTimeout(logRejected, errors[0].timestamp + unhandledWait - now);
activeTimeout = false;
return function(Deferred){
// summary:
// Initialize instrumentation for the Deferred class.
// description:
// Initialize instrumentation for the Deferred class.
// Done automatically by `dojo/Deferred` if the
// `deferredInstrumentation` and `useDeferredInstrumentation`
// config options are set.
// Sets up `dojo/promise/tracer` to log to the console.
// Sets up instrumentation of rejected deferreds so unhandled
// errors are logged to the console.
var usage = has("config-useDeferredInstrumentation");
tracer.on("resolved", lang.hitch(console, "log", "resolved"));
tracer.on("rejected", lang.hitch(console, "log", "rejected"));
tracer.on("progress", lang.hitch(console, "log", "progress"));
var args = [];
if(typeof usage === "string"){
args = usage.split(",");
usage = args.shift();
if(usage === "report-rejections"){
Deferred.instrumentRejected = reportRejections;
}else if(usage === "report-unhandled-rejections" || usage === true || usage === 1){
Deferred.instrumentRejected = trackUnhandledRejections;
unhandledWait = parseInt(args[0], 10) || unhandledWait;
throw new Error("Unsupported instrumentation usage <" + usage + ">");
], function(lang, Promise, Evented){
"use strict";
// module:
// dojo/promise/tracer
return {
// summary:
// Trace promise fulfillment.
// description:
// Trace promise fulfillment. Calling `.trace()` or `.traceError()` on a
// promise enables tracing. Will emit `resolved`, `rejected` or `progress`
// events.
on: function(type, listener){
// summary:
// Subscribe to traces.
// description:
// See `dojo/Evented#on()`.
// type: String
// `resolved`, `rejected`, or `progress`
// listener: Function
// The listener is passed the traced value and any arguments
// that were used with the `.trace()` call.
var evented = new Evented;
var emit = evented.emit;
evented.emit = null;
// Emit events asynchronously since they should not change the promise state.
function emitAsync(args){
emit.apply(evented, args);
}, 0);
Promise.prototype.trace = function(){
// summary:
// Trace the promise.
// description:
// Tracing allows you to transparently log progress,
// resolution and rejection of promises, without affecting the
// promise itself. Any arguments passed to `trace()` are
// emitted in trace events. See `dojo/promise/tracer` on how
// to handle traces.
// returns: dojo/promise/Promise
// The promise instance `trace()` is called on.
var args = lang._toArray(arguments);
function(value){ emitAsync(["resolved", value].concat(args)); },
function(error){ emitAsync(["rejected", error].concat(args)); },
function(update){ emitAsync(["progress", update].concat(args)); }
return this;
Promise.prototype.traceRejected = function(){
// summary:
// Trace rejection of the promise.
// description:
// Tracing allows you to transparently log progress,
// resolution and rejection of promises, without affecting the
// promise itself. Any arguments passed to `trace()` are
// emitted in trace events. See `dojo/promise/tracer` on how
// to handle traces.
// returns: dojo/promise/Promise
// The promise instance `traceRejected()` is called on.
var args = lang._toArray(arguments);
emitAsync(["rejected", error].concat(args));
return this;
return evented;
define(["./aspect", "./on"], function(aspect, on){
// module:
// dojo/Evented
"use strict";
var after = aspect.after;
function Evented(){
// summary:
// A class that can be used as a mixin or base class,
// to add on() and emit() methods to a class
// for listening for events and emitting events:
// example:
// | define(["dojo/Evented", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/Stateful"
// | ], function(Evented, declare, Stateful){
// | var EventedStateful = declare([Evented, Stateful], {...});
// | var instance = new EventedStateful();
// | instance.on("open", function(event){
// | ... do something with event
// | });
// |
// | instance.emit("open", {name:"some event", ...});
Evented.prototype = {
on: function(type, listener){
return on.parse(this, type, listener, function(target, type){
return after(target, 'on' + type, listener, true);
emit: function(type, event){
var args = [this];
args.push.apply(args, arguments);
return on.emit.apply(on, args);
return Evented;
define([], function(){
// module:
// dojo/aspect
"use strict";
var undefined;
function advise(dispatcher, type, advice, receiveArguments){
var previous = dispatcher[type];
var around = type == "around";
var signal;
var advised = advice(function(){
return previous.advice(this, arguments);
signal = {
remove: function(){
advised = dispatcher = advice = null;
advice: function(target, args){
return advised ?
advised.apply(target, args) : // called the advised function
previous.advice(target, args); // cancelled, skip to next one
// create the remove handler
signal = {
remove: function(){
var previous = signal.previous;
var next =;
if(!next && !previous){
delete dispatcher[type];
if(previous){ = next;
dispatcher[type] = next;
next.previous = previous;
// remove the advice to signal that this signal has been removed
dispatcher = advice = signal.advice = null;
id: dispatcher.nextId++,
advice: advice,
receiveArguments: receiveArguments
if(previous && !around){
if(type == "after"){
// add the listener to the end of the list
// note that we had to change this loop a little bit to workaround a bizarre IE10 JIT bug
while( && (previous ={} = signal;
signal.previous = previous;
}else if(type == "before"){
// add to beginning
dispatcher[type] = signal; = previous;
previous.previous = signal;
// around or first one just replaces
dispatcher[type] = signal;
return signal;
function aspect(type){
return function(target, methodName, advice, receiveArguments){
var existing = target[methodName], dispatcher;
if(!existing || != target){
// no dispatcher in place
target[methodName] = dispatcher = function(){
var executionId = dispatcher.nextId;
// before advice
var args = arguments;
var before = dispatcher.before;
args = before.advice.apply(this, args) || args;
before =;
// around advice
var results = dispatcher.around.advice(this, args);
// after advice
var after = dispatcher.after;
while(after && < executionId){
var newResults = after.advice.apply(this, args);
// change the return value only if a new value was returned
results = newResults === undefined ? results : newResults;
results =, results, args);
after =;
return results;
dispatcher.around = {advice: function(target, args){
return existing.apply(target, args);
} = target;
dispatcher.nextId = dispatcher.nextId || 0;
var results = advise((dispatcher || existing), type, advice, receiveArguments);
advice = null;
return results;
// TODOC: after/before/around return object
var after = aspect("after");
after = function(target, methodName, advice, receiveArguments){
// summary:
// The "after" export of the aspect module is a function that can be used to attach
// "after" advice to a method. This function will be executed after the original method
// is executed. By default the function will be called with a single argument, the return
// value of the original method, or the the return value of the last executed advice (if a previous one exists).
// The fourth (optional) argument can be set to true to so the function receives the original
// arguments (from when the original method was called) rather than the return value.
// If there are multiple "after" advisors, they are executed in the order they were registered.
// target: Object
// This is the target object
// methodName: String
// This is the name of the method to attach to.
// advice: Function
// This is function to be called after the original method
// receiveArguments: Boolean?
// If this is set to true, the advice function receives the original arguments (from when the original mehtod
// was called) rather than the return value of the original/previous method.
// returns:
// A signal object that can be used to cancel the advice. If remove() is called on this signal object, it will
// stop the advice function from being executed.
var before = aspect("before");
before = function(target, methodName, advice){
// summary:
// The "before" export of the aspect module is a function that can be used to attach
// "before" advice to a method. This function will be executed before the original method
// is executed. This function will be called with the arguments used to call the method.
// This function may optionally return an array as the new arguments to use to call
// the original method (or the previous, next-to-execute before advice, if one exists).
// If the before method doesn't return anything (returns undefined) the original arguments
// will be preserved.
// If there are multiple "before" advisors, they are executed in the reverse order they were registered.
// target: Object
// This is the target object
// methodName: String
// This is the name of the method to attach to.
// advice: Function
// This is function to be called before the original method
var around = aspect("around");
around = function(target, methodName, advice){
// summary:
// The "around" export of the aspect module is a function that can be used to attach
// "around" advice to a method. The advisor function is immediately executed when
// the around() is called, is passed a single argument that is a function that can be
// called to continue execution of the original method (or the next around advisor).
// The advisor function should return a function, and this function will be called whenever
// the method is called. It will be called with the arguments used to call the method.
// Whatever this function returns will be returned as the result of the method call (unless after advise changes it).
// example:
// If there are multiple "around" advisors, the most recent one is executed first,
// which can then delegate to the next one and so on. For example:
// | around(obj, "foo", function(originalFoo){
// | return function(){
// | var start = new Date().getTime();
// | var results = originalFoo.apply(this, arguments); // call the original
// | var end = new Date().getTime();
// | console.log("foo execution took " + (end - start) + " ms");
// | return results;
// | };
// | });
// target: Object
// This is the target object
// methodName: String
// This is the name of the method to attach to.
// advice: Function
// This is function to be called around the original method
return {
// summary:
// provides aspect oriented programming functionality, allowing for
// one to add before, around, or after advice on existing methods.
// example:
// | define(["dojo/aspect"], function(aspect){
// | var signal = aspect.after(targetObject, "methodName", function(someArgument){
// | this will be called when targetObject.methodName() is called, after the original function is called
// | });
// example:
// The returned signal object can be used to cancel the advice.
// | signal.remove(); // this will stop the advice from being executed anymore
// | aspect.before(targetObject, "methodName", function(someArgument){
// | // this will be called when targetObject.methodName() is called, before the original function is called
// | });
before: before,
around: around,
after: after
define(["./has!dom-addeventlistener?:./aspect", "./_base/kernel", "./sniff"], function(aspect, dojo, has){
"use strict";
if( 1 ){ // check to make sure we are in a browser, this module should work anywhere
var major = window.ScriptEngineMajorVersion;
has.add("jscript", major && (major() + ScriptEngineMinorVersion() / 10));
has.add("event-orientationchange", has("touch") && !has("android")); // TODO: how do we detect this?
has.add("event-stopimmediatepropagation", window.Event && !!window.Event.prototype && !!window.Event.prototype.stopImmediatePropagation);
has.add("event-focusin", function(global, doc, element){
return 'onfocusin' in element;
has.add("touch-can-modify-event-delegate", function(){
// This feature test checks whether deleting a property of an event delegate works
// for a touch-enabled device. If it works, event delegation can be used as fallback
// for browsers such as Safari in older iOS where deleting properties of the original
// event does not work.
var EventDelegate = function(){};
EventDelegate.prototype =
document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); // original event
// Attempt to modify a property of an event delegate and check if
// it succeeds. Depending on browsers and on whether dojo/on's
// strict mode is stripped in a Dojo build, there are 3 known behaviors:
// it may either succeed, or raise an error, or fail to set the property
// without raising an error.
var eventDelegate = new EventDelegate; = null;
return === null;
return false; // cannot use event delegation
var on = function(target, type, listener, dontFix){
// summary:
// A function that provides core event listening functionality. With this function
// you can provide a target, event type, and listener to be notified of
// future matching events that are fired.
// target: Element|Object
// This is the target object or DOM element that to receive events from
// type: String|Function
// This is the name of the event to listen for or an extension event type.
// listener: Function
// This is the function that should be called when the event fires.
// returns: Object
// An object with a remove() method that can be used to stop listening for this
// event.
// description:
// To listen for "click" events on a button node, we can do:
// | define(["dojo/on"], function(on){
// | on(button, "click", clickHandler);
// | ...
// Evented JavaScript objects can also have their own events.
// | var obj = new Evented;
// | on(obj, "foo", fooHandler);
// And then we could publish a "foo" event:
// | on.emit(obj, "foo", {key: "value"});
// We can use extension events as well. For example, you could listen for a tap gesture:
// | define(["dojo/on", "dojo/gesture/tap", function(on, tap){
// | on(button, tap, tapHandler);
// | ...
// which would trigger fooHandler. Note that for a simple object this is equivalent to calling:
// | obj.onfoo({key:"value"});
// If you use on.emit on a DOM node, it will use native event dispatching when possible.
if(typeof target.on == "function" && typeof type != "function" && !target.nodeType){
// delegate to the target's on() method, so it can handle it's own listening if it wants (unless it
// is DOM node and we may be dealing with jQuery or Prototype's incompatible addition to the
// Element prototype
return target.on(type, listener);
// delegate to main listener code
return on.parse(target, type, listener, addListener, dontFix, this);
on.pausable = function(target, type, listener, dontFix){
// summary:
// This function acts the same as on(), but with pausable functionality. The
// returned signal object has pause() and resume() functions. Calling the
// pause() method will cause the listener to not be called for future events. Calling the
// resume() method will cause the listener to again be called for future events.
var paused;
var signal = on(target, type, function(){
return listener.apply(this, arguments);
}, dontFix);
signal.pause = function(){
paused = true;
signal.resume = function(){
paused = false;
return signal;
on.once = function(target, type, listener, dontFix){
// summary:
// This function acts the same as on(), but will only call the listener once. The
// listener will be called for the first
// event that takes place and then listener will automatically be removed.
var signal = on(target, type, function(){
// remove this listener
// proceed to call the listener
return listener.apply(this, arguments);
return signal;
on.parse = function(target, type, listener, addListener, dontFix, matchesTarget){
var events;
// event handler function
// on(node,, touchListener);
return, target, listener);
if(type instanceof Array){
// allow an array of event names (or event handler functions)
events = type;
}else if(type.indexOf(",") > -1){
// we allow comma delimited event names, so you can register for multiple events at once
events = type.split(/\s*,\s*/);
var handles = [];
var i = 0;
var eventName;
while(eventName = events[i++]){ // intentional assignment
handles.push(on.parse(target, eventName, listener, addListener, dontFix, matchesTarget));
handles.remove = function(){
for(var i = 0; i < handles.length; i++){
return handles;
return addListener(target, type, listener, dontFix, matchesTarget);
var touchEvents = /^touch/;
function addListener(target, type, listener, dontFix, matchesTarget){
// event delegation:
var selector = type.match(/(.*):(.*)/);
// if we have a selector:event, the last one is interpreted as an event, and we use event delegation
type = selector[2];
selector = selector[1];
// create the extension event for selectors and directly call it
return on.selector(selector, type).call(matchesTarget, target, listener);
// test to see if it a touch event right now, so we don't have to do it every time it fires
// touch event, fix it
listener = fixTouchListener(listener);
if(!has("event-orientationchange") && (type == "orientationchange")){
//"orientationchange" not supported <= Android 2.1,
//but works through "resize" on window
type = "resize";
target = window;
listener = fixTouchListener(listener);
// add stopImmediatePropagation if it doesn't exist
listener = addStopImmediate(listener);
// normal path, the target is |this|
// the target has addEventListener, which should be used if available (might or might not be a node, non-nodes can implement this method as well)
// check for capture conversions
var capture = type in captures,
adjustedType = capture ? captures[type] : type;
target.addEventListener(adjustedType, listener, capture);
// create and return the signal
return {
remove: function(){
target.removeEventListener(adjustedType, listener, capture);
type = "on" + type;
if(fixAttach && target.attachEvent){
return fixAttach(target, type, listener);
throw new Error("Target must be an event emitter");
on.matches = function(node, selector, context, children, matchesTarget) {
// summary:
// Check if a node match the current selector within the constraint of a context
// node: DOMNode
// The node that originate the event
// selector: String
// The selector to check against
// context: DOMNode
// The context to search in.
// children: Boolean
// Indicates if children elements of the selector should be allowed. This defaults to
// true
// matchesTarget: Object|dojo/query?
// An object with a property "matches" as a function. Default is dojo/query.
// Matching DOMNodes will be done against this function
// The function must return a Boolean.
// It will have 3 arguments: "node", "selector" and "context"
// True is expected if "node" is matching the current "selector" in the passed "context"
// returns: DOMNode?
// The matching node, if any. Else you get false
// see if we have a valid matchesTarget or default to dojo/query
matchesTarget = matchesTarget && (typeof matchesTarget.matches == "function") ? matchesTarget : dojo.query;
children = children !== false;
// there is a selector, so make sure it matches
if(node.nodeType != 1){
// text node will fail in native match selector
node = node.parentNode;
while(!matchesTarget.matches(node, selector, context)){
if(node == context || children === false || !(node = node.parentNode) || node.nodeType != 1){ // intentional assignment
return false;
return node;
on.selector = function(selector, eventType, children){
// summary:
// Creates a new extension event with event delegation. This is based on
// the provided event type (can be extension event) that
// only calls the listener when the CSS selector matches the target of the event.
// The application must require() an appropriate level of dojo/query to handle the selector.
// selector:
// The CSS selector to use for filter events and determine the |this| of the event listener.
// eventType:
// The event to listen for
// children:
// Indicates if children elements of the selector should be allowed. This defaults to
// true
// example:
// | require(["dojo/on", "dojo/mouse", "dojo/query!css2"], function(on, mouse){
// | on(node, on.selector(".my-class", mouse.enter), handlerForMyHover);
return function(target, listener){
// if the selector is function, use it to select the node, otherwise use the matches method
var matchesTarget = typeof selector == "function" ? {matches: selector} : this,
bubble = eventType.bubble;
function select(eventTarget){
return on.matches(eventTarget, selector, target, children, matchesTarget);
// the event type doesn't naturally bubble, but has a bubbling form, use that, and give it the selector so it can perform the select itself
return on(target, bubble(select), listener);
// standard event delegation
return on(target, eventType, function(event){
// call select to see if we match
var eventTarget = select(;
// if it matches we call the listener
if (eventTarget) {
// We save the matching target into the event, so it can be accessed even when hitching (see #18355)
event.selectorTarget = eventTarget;
return, event);
function syntheticPreventDefault(){
this.cancelable = false;
this.defaultPrevented = true;
function syntheticStopPropagation(){
this.bubbles = false;
var slice = [].slice,
syntheticDispatch = on.emit = function(target, type, event){
// summary:
// Fires an event on the target object.
// target:
// The target object to fire the event on. This can be a DOM element or a plain
// JS object. If the target is a DOM element, native event emitting mechanisms
// are used when possible.
// type:
// The event type name. You can emulate standard native events like "click" and
// "mouseover" or create custom events like "open" or "finish".
// event:
// An object that provides the properties for the event. See
// for some of the properties. These properties are copied to the event object.
// Of particular importance are the cancelable and bubbles properties. The
// cancelable property indicates whether or not the event has a default action
// that can be cancelled. The event is cancelled by calling preventDefault() on
// the event object. The bubbles property indicates whether or not the
// event will bubble up the DOM tree. If bubbles is true, the event will be called
// on the target and then each parent successively until the top of the tree
// is reached or stopPropagation() is called. Both bubbles and cancelable
// default to false.
// returns:
// If the event is cancelable and the event is not cancelled,
// emit will return true. If the event is cancelable and the event is cancelled,
// emit will return false.
// details:
// Note that this is designed to emit events for listeners registered through
// dojo/on. It should actually work with any event listener except those
// added through IE's attachEvent (IE8 and below's non-W3C event emitting
// doesn't support custom event types). It should work with all events registered
// through dojo/on. Also note that the emit method does do any default
// action, it only returns a value to indicate if the default action should take
// place. For example, emitting a keypress event would not cause a character
// to appear in a textbox.
// example:
// To fire our own click event
// | require(["dojo/on", "dojo/dom"
// | ], function(on, dom){
// | on.emit(dom.byId("button"), "click", {
// | cancelable: true,
// | bubbles: true,
// | screenX: 33,
// | screenY: 44
// | });
// We can also fire our own custom events:
// | on.emit(dom.byId("slider"), "slide", {
// | cancelable: true,
// | bubbles: true,
// | direction: "left-to-right"
// | });
// | });
var args =, 2);
var method = "on" + type;
if("parentNode" in target){
// node (or node-like), create event controller methods
var newEvent = args[0] = {};
for(var i in event){
newEvent[i] = event[i];
newEvent.preventDefault = syntheticPreventDefault;
newEvent.stopPropagation = syntheticStopPropagation; = target;
newEvent.type = type;
event = newEvent;
// call any node which has a handler (note that ideally we would try/catch to simulate normal event propagation but that causes too much pain for debugging)
target[method] && target[method].apply(target, args);
// and then continue up the parent node chain if it is still bubbling (if started as bubbles and stopPropagation hasn't been called)
}while(event && event.bubbles && (target = target.parentNode));
return event && event.cancelable && event; // if it is still true (was cancelable and was cancelled), return the event to indicate default action should happen
var captures = has("event-focusin") ? {} : {focusin: "focus", focusout: "blur"};
var stopImmediatePropagation =function(){
this.immediatelyStopped = true;
this.modified = true; // mark it as modified so the event will be cached in IE
var addStopImmediate = function(listener){
return function(event){
if(!event.immediatelyStopped){// check to make sure it hasn't been stopped immediately
event.stopImmediatePropagation = stopImmediatePropagation;
return listener.apply(this, arguments);
// emitter that works with native event handling
on.emit = function(target, type, event){
if(target.dispatchEvent && document.createEvent){
// use the native event emitting mechanism if it is available on the target object
// create a generic event
// we could create branch into the different types of event constructors, but
// that would be a lot of extra code, with little benefit that I can see, seems
// best to use the generic constructor and copy properties over, making it
// easy to have events look like the ones created with specific initializers
var ownerDocument = target.ownerDocument || document;
var nativeEvent = ownerDocument.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
nativeEvent.initEvent(type, !!event.bubbles, !!event.cancelable);
// and copy all our properties over
for(var i in event){
if(!(i in nativeEvent)){
nativeEvent[i] = event[i];
return target.dispatchEvent(nativeEvent) && nativeEvent;
return syntheticDispatch.apply(on, arguments); // emit for a non-node
// no addEventListener, basically old IE event normalization
on._fixEvent = function(evt, sender){
// summary:
// normalizes properties on the event object including event
// bubbling methods, keystroke normalization, and x/y positions
// evt:
// native event object
// sender:
// node to treat as "currentTarget"
var w = sender && (sender.ownerDocument || sender.document || sender).parentWindow || window;
evt = w.event;
if(!evt){return evt;}
if(lastEvent && evt.type == lastEvent.type && evt.srcElement =={
// should be same event, reuse event object (so it can be augmented);
// accessing evt.srcElement rather than since not set on IE until fixup below
evt = lastEvent;
// will occur on IE on lastEvent.type reference if lastEvent points to a previous event that already
// finished bubbling, but the setTimeout() to clear lastEvent hasn't fired yet
if(!{ // check to see if it has been fixed yet = evt.srcElement;
evt.currentTarget = (sender || evt.srcElement);
if(evt.type == "mouseover"){
evt.relatedTarget = evt.fromElement;
if(evt.type == "mouseout"){
evt.relatedTarget = evt.toElement;
evt.stopPropagation = stopPropagation;
evt.preventDefault = preventDefault;
case "keypress":
var c = ("charCode" in evt ? evt.charCode : evt.keyCode);
if (c==10){
// CTRL-ENTER is CTRL-ASCII(10) on IE, but CTRL-ENTER on Mozilla
evt.keyCode = 13;
}else if(c==13||c==27){
c=0; // Mozilla considers ENTER and ESC non-printable
}else if(c==3){
c=99; // Mozilla maps CTRL-BREAK to CTRL-c
// Mozilla sets keyCode to 0 when there is a charCode
// but that stops the event on IE.
evt.charCode = c;
return evt;
var lastEvent, IESignal = function(handle){
this.handle = handle;
IESignal.prototype.remove = function(){
delete _dojoIEListeners_[this.handle];
var fixListener = function(listener){
// this is a minimal function for closing on the previous listener with as few as variables as possible
return function(evt){
evt = on._fixEvent(evt, this);
var result =, evt);
// cache the last event and reuse it if we can
lastEvent = null;
lastEvent = evt;
return result;
var fixAttach = function(target, type, listener){
listener = fixListener(listener);
if(((target.ownerDocument ? target.ownerDocument.parentWindow : target.parentWindow || target.window || window) != top ||
has("jscript") < 5.8) &&
// IE will leak memory on certain handlers in frames (IE8 and earlier) and in unattached DOM nodes for JScript 5.7 and below.
// Here we use global redirection to solve the memory leaks
if(typeof _dojoIEListeners_ == "undefined"){
_dojoIEListeners_ = [];
var emitter = target[type];
if(!emitter || !emitter.listeners){
var oldListener = emitter;
emitter = Function('event', 'var callee = arguments.callee; for(var i = 0; i<callee.listeners.length; i++){var listener = _dojoIEListeners_[callee.listeners[i]]; if(listener){,event);}}');
emitter.listeners = [];
target[type] = emitter; = this;
emitter.listeners.push(_dojoIEListeners_.push(oldListener) - 1);
var handle;
emitter.listeners.push(handle = ( - 1));
return new IESignal(handle);
return aspect.after(target, type, listener, true);
var _setKeyChar = function(evt){
evt.keyChar = evt.charCode ? String.fromCharCode(evt.charCode) : '';
evt.charOrCode = evt.keyChar || evt.keyCode; // TODO: remove for 2.0
// Called in Event scope
var stopPropagation = function(){
this.cancelBubble = true;
var preventDefault = on._preventDefault = function(){
// Setting keyCode to 0 is the only way to prevent certain keypresses (namely
// ctrl-combinations that correspond to menu accelerator keys).
// Otoh, it prevents upstream listeners from getting this information
// Try to split the difference here by clobbering keyCode only for ctrl
// combinations. If you still need to access the key upstream, bubbledKeyCode is
// provided as a workaround.
this.bubbledKeyCode = this.keyCode;
// squelch errors when keyCode is read-only
// (e.g. if keyCode is ctrl or shift)
this.keyCode = 0;
this.defaultPrevented = true;
this.returnValue = false;
this.modified = true; // mark it as modified (for defaultPrevented flag) so the event will be cached in IE
var EventDelegate = function(){};
var windowOrientation = window.orientation;
var fixTouchListener = function(listener){
return function(originalEvent){
//Event normalization(for ontouchxxx and resize):
//1.incorrect e.pageX|pageY in iOS
//2.there are no "e.rotation", "e.scale" and "onorientationchange" in Android
//3.More TBD e.g. force | screenX | screenX | clientX | clientY | radiusX | radiusY
// see if it has already been corrected
var event = originalEvent.corrected;
var type = originalEvent.type;
delete originalEvent.type; // on some JS engines (android), deleting properties makes them mutable
// Deleting the property of the original event did not work (this is the case of
// browsers such as older Safari iOS), hence fallback:
// If deleting properties of delegated event works, use event delegation:
EventDelegate.prototype = originalEvent;
event = new EventDelegate;
// Otherwise last fallback: other browsers, such as mobile Firefox, do not like
// delegated properties, so we have to copy
event = {};
for(var name in originalEvent){
event[name] = originalEvent[name];
// have to delegate methods to make them work
event.preventDefault = function(){
event.stopPropagation = function(){
// deletion worked, use property as is
event = originalEvent;
event.type = type;
originalEvent.corrected = event;
if(type == 'resize'){
if(windowOrientation == window.orientation){
return null;//double tap causes an unexpected 'resize' in Android
windowOrientation = window.orientation;
event.type = "orientationchange";
return, event);
// We use the original event and augment, rather than doing an expensive mixin operation
if(!("rotation" in event)){ // test to see if it has rotation
event.rotation = 0;
event.scale = 1;
if (window.TouchEvent && originalEvent instanceof TouchEvent) {
// use event.changedTouches[0].pageX|pageY|screenX|screenY|clientX|clientY|target
var firstChangeTouch = event.changedTouches[0];
for(var i in firstChangeTouch){ // use for-in, we don't need to have dependency on dojo/_base/lang here
delete event[i]; // delete it first to make it mutable
event[i] = firstChangeTouch[i];
return, event);
return on;
], function(Deferred, Promise){
"use strict";
// module:
// dojo/when
return function when(valueOrPromise, callback, errback, progback){
// summary:
// Transparently applies callbacks to values and/or promises.
// description:
// Accepts promises but also transparently handles non-promises. If no
// callbacks are provided returns a promise, regardless of the initial
// value. Foreign promises are converted.
// If callbacks are provided and the initial value is not a promise,
// the callback is executed immediately with no error handling. Returns
// a promise if the initial value is a promise, or the result of the
// callback otherwise.
// valueOrPromise:
// Either a regular value or an object with a `then()` method that
// follows the Promises/A specification.
// callback: Function?
// Callback to be invoked when the promise is resolved, or a non-promise
// is received.
// errback: Function?
// Callback to be invoked when the promise is rejected.
// progback: Function?
// Callback to be invoked when the promise emits a progress update.
// returns: dojo/promise/Promise
// Promise, or if a callback is provided, the result of the callback.
var receivedPromise = valueOrPromise && typeof valueOrPromise.then === "function";
var nativePromise = receivedPromise && valueOrPromise instanceof Promise;
if(arguments.length > 1){
return callback ? callback(valueOrPromise) : valueOrPromise;
return new Deferred().resolve(valueOrPromise);
}else if(!nativePromise){
var deferred = new Deferred(valueOrPromise.cancel);
valueOrPromise.then(deferred.resolve, deferred.reject, deferred.progress);
valueOrPromise = deferred.promise;
if(callback || errback || progback){
return valueOrPromise.then(callback, errback, progback);
return valueOrPromise;
define(["./kernel", "../json"], function(dojo, json){
// module:
// dojo/_base/json
return {
// summary:
// This module defines the dojo JSON API.
dojo.fromJson = function(/*String*/ js){
// summary:
// Parses a JavaScript expression and returns a JavaScript value.
// description:
// Throws for invalid JavaScript expressions. It does not use a strict JSON parser. It
// always delegates to eval(). The content passed to this method must therefore come
// from a trusted source.
// It is recommend that you use dojo/json's parse function for an
// implementation uses the (faster) native JSON parse when available.
// js:
// a string literal of a JavaScript expression, for instance:
// `'{ "foo": [ "bar", 1, { "baz": "thud" } ] }'`
return eval("(" + js + ")"); // Object
dojo._escapeString = function(){
// summary:
// Adds escape sequences for non-visual characters, double quote and
// backslash and surrounds with double quotes to form a valid string
// literal.
dojo._escapeString = json.stringify; // just delegate to json.stringify
dojo.toJsonIndentStr = "\t";
dojo.toJson = function(/*Object*/ it, /*Boolean?*/ prettyPrint){
// summary:
// Returns a [JSON]( serialization of an object.
// description:
// Returns a [JSON]( serialization of an object.
// Note that this doesn't check for infinite recursion, so don't do that!
// It is recommend that you use dojo/json's stringify function for an lighter
// and faster implementation that matches the native JSON API and uses the
// native JSON serializer when available.
// it:
// an object to be serialized. Objects may define their own
// serialization via a special "__json__" or "json" function
// property. If a specialized serializer has been defined, it will
// be used as a fallback.
// Note that in 1.6, toJson would serialize undefined, but this no longer supported
// since it is not supported by native JSON serializer.
// prettyPrint:
// if true, we indent objects and arrays to make the output prettier.
// The variable `dojo.toJsonIndentStr` is used as the indent string --
// to use something other than the default (tab), change that variable
// before calling dojo.toJson().
// Note that if native JSON support is available, it will be used for serialization,
// and native implementations vary on the exact spacing used in pretty printing.
// returns:
// A JSON string serialization of the passed-in object.
// example:
// simple serialization of a trivial object
// | var jsonStr = dojo.toJson({ howdy: "stranger!", isStrange: true });
// |'{"howdy":"stranger!","isStrange":true}', jsonStr);
// example:
// a custom serializer for an objects of a particular class:
// | dojo.declare("Furby", null, {
// | furbies: "are strange",
// | furbyCount: 10,
// | __json__: function(){
// | },
// | });
// use dojo/json
return json.stringify(it, function(key, value){
var tf = value.__json__||value.json;
if(typeof tf == "function"){
return value;
}, prettyPrint && dojo.toJsonIndentStr); // String
return dojo;
], function(util, RequestTimeoutError, CancelError, array, win, on){
// avoid setting a timer per request. It degrades performance on IE
// something fierece if we don't use unified loops.
var _inFlightIntvl = null,
_inFlight = [];
function watchInFlight(){
// summary:
// internal method that checks each inflight XMLHttpRequest to see
// if it has completed or if the timeout situation applies.
var now = +(new Date);
// we need manual loop because we often modify _inFlight (and therefore 'i') while iterating
for(var i = 0, dfd; i < _inFlight.length && (dfd = _inFlight[i]); i++){
var response = dfd.response,
options = response.options;
if((dfd.isCanceled && dfd.isCanceled()) || (dfd.isValid && !dfd.isValid(response))){
_inFlight.splice(i--, 1);
watch._onAction && watch._onAction();
}else if(dfd.isReady && dfd.isReady(response)){
_inFlight.splice(i--, 1);
watch._onAction && watch._onAction();
}else if(dfd.startTime){
// did we timeout?
if(dfd.startTime + (options.timeout || 0) < now){
_inFlight.splice(i--, 1);
// Cancel the request so the io module can do appropriate cleanup.
dfd.cancel(new RequestTimeoutError('Timeout exceeded', response));
watch._onAction && watch._onAction();
watch._onInFlight && watch._onInFlight(dfd);
_inFlightIntvl = null;
function watch(dfd){
// summary:
// Watches the io request represented by dfd to see if it completes.
// dfd: Deferred
// The Deferred object to watch.
// response: Object
// The object used as the value of the request promise.
// validCheck: Function
// Function used to check if the IO request is still valid. Gets the dfd
// object as its only argument.
// ioCheck: Function
// Function used to check if basic IO call worked. Gets the dfd
// object as its only argument.
// resHandle: Function
// Function used to process response. Gets the dfd
// object as its only argument.
dfd.startTime = +(new Date);
// bail out if the deferred is already fulfilled
_inFlightIntvl = setInterval(watchInFlight, 50);
// handle sync requests separately from async:
watch.cancelAll = function cancelAll(){
// summary:
// Cancels all pending IO requests, regardless of IO type
array.forEach(_inFlight, function(dfd){
dfd.cancel(new CancelError('All requests canceled.'));
if(win && on && win.doc.attachEvent){
// Automatically call cancel all io calls on unload in IE
on(, 'unload', function(){
return watch;
], function(exports, RequestError, CancelError, Deferred, ioQuery, array, lang, Promise, has){
function isArrayBuffer(value) {
return has('native-arraybuffer') && value instanceof ArrayBuffer
function isBlob(value) {
return has('native-blob') && value instanceof Blob
function isElement(value) {
if(typeof Element !== 'undefined') { //all other
return value instanceof Element;
return value.nodeType === 1;
function isFormData(value) {
return has('native-formdata') && value instanceof FormData;
function shouldDeepCopy(value) {
return value &&
typeof value === 'object' &&
!isFormData(value) &&
!isElement(value) &&
!isBlob(value) &&
exports.deepCopy = function(target, source) {
for (var name in source) {
var tval = target[name],
sval = source[name];
if (name !== '__proto__' && tval !== sval) {
if (shouldDeepCopy(sval)) {
if ( === '[object Date]') { // use this date test to handle crossing frame boundaries
target[name] = new Date(sval);
} else if (lang.isArray(sval)) {
target[name] = exports.deepCopyArray(sval);
} else {
if (tval && typeof tval === 'object') {
exports.deepCopy(tval, sval);
} else {
target[name] = exports.deepCopy({}, sval);
} else {
target[name] = sval;
return target;
exports.deepCopyArray = function(source) {
var clonedArray = [];
for (var i = 0, l = source.length; i < l; i++) {
var svalItem = source[i];
if (typeof svalItem === 'object') {
clonedArray.push(exports.deepCopy({}, svalItem));
} else {
return clonedArray;
exports.deepCreate = function deepCreate(source, properties){
properties = properties || {};
var target = lang.delegate(source),
name, value;
for(name in source){
value = source[name];
if(value && typeof value === 'object'){
target[name] = exports.deepCreate(value, properties[name]);
return exports.deepCopy(target, properties);
var freeze = Object.freeze || function(obj){ return obj; };
function okHandler(response){
return freeze(response);
function dataHandler (response) {
return !== undefined ? : response.text;
exports.deferred = function deferred(response, cancel, isValid, isReady, handleResponse, last){
var def = new Deferred(function(reason){
cancel && cancel(def, response);
if(!reason || !(reason instanceof RequestError) && !(reason instanceof CancelError)){
return new CancelError('Request canceled', response);
return reason;
def.response = response;
def.isValid = isValid;
def.isReady = isReady;
def.handleResponse = handleResponse;
function errHandler(error){
error.response = response;
throw error;
var responsePromise = def.then(okHandler).otherwise(errHandler);
lang.hitch(exports.notify, 'emit', 'load'),
lang.hitch(exports.notify, 'emit', 'error')
var dataPromise = responsePromise.then(dataHandler);
// The following works around a leak in IE9 through the
// prototype using lang.delegate on dataPromise and
// assigning the result a property with a reference to
// responsePromise.
var promise = new Promise();
for (var prop in dataPromise) {
if (dataPromise.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
promise[prop] = dataPromise[prop];
promise.response = responsePromise;
// End leak fix
def.then(function(response){, response);
}, function(error){, response, error);
def.promise = promise;
def.then = promise.then;
return def;
exports.addCommonMethods = function addCommonMethods(provider, methods){
array.forEach(methods||['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'], function(method){
provider[(method === 'DELETE' ? 'DEL' : method).toLowerCase()] = function(url, options){
options = lang.delegate(options||{});
options.method = method;
return provider(url, options);
exports.parseArgs = function parseArgs(url, options, skipData){
var data =,
query = options.query;
if(data && !skipData){
if(typeof data === 'object' && (!(has('native-xhr2')) || !(isArrayBuffer(data) || isBlob(data) ))){ = ioQuery.objectToQuery(data);
if(typeof query === 'object'){
query = ioQuery.objectToQuery(query);
query += (query ? '&' : '') + 'request.preventCache=' + (+(new Date));
}else if(options.preventCache){
query = 'request.preventCache=' + (+(new Date));
if(url && query){
url += (~url.indexOf('?') ? '&' : '?') + query;
return {
url: url,
options: options,
getHeader: function(headerName){ return null; }
exports.checkStatus = function(stat){
stat = stat || 0;
return (stat >= 200 && stat < 300) || // allow any 2XX response code
stat === 304 || // or, get it out of the cache
stat === 1223 || // or, Internet Explorer mangled the status code
!stat; // or, we're Titanium/browser chrome/chrome extension requesting a local file
define(['./create'], function(create){
// module:
// dojo/errors/RequestError
return function(){
// summary:
return create("RequestError", function(message, response){
this.response = response;
define(['./create', './RequestError'], function(create, RequestError){
// module:
// dojo/errors/RequestTimeoutError
return function(){
// summary:
return create("RequestTimeoutError", null, RequestError, {
dojoType: "timeout"
'../_base/declare' =====*/
], function(RequestError, watch, handlers, util, has/*=====, request, declare =====*/){
has.add('native-xhr', function(){
// if true, the environment has a native XHR implementation
return typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined';
has.add('dojo-force-activex-xhr', function(){
return has('activex') && window.location.protocol === 'file:';
has.add('native-xhr2', function(){
if(!has('native-xhr') || has('dojo-force-activex-xhr')){ return; }
var x = new XMLHttpRequest();
return typeof x['addEventListener'] !== 'undefined' &&
(typeof opera === 'undefined' || typeof x['upload'] !== 'undefined');
has.add('native-formdata', function(){
// if true, the environment has a native FormData implementation
return typeof FormData !== 'undefined';
has.add('native-blob', function(){
// if true, the environment has a native Blob implementation
return typeof Blob !== 'undefined';
has.add('native-arraybuffer', function(){
// if true, the environment has a native ArrayBuffer implementation
return typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined';
has.add('native-response-type', function(){
return has('native-xhr') && typeof new XMLHttpRequest().responseType !== 'undefined';
has.add('native-xhr2-blob', function(){
if(!has('native-response-type')){ return; }
var x = new XMLHttpRequest();
// The URL used here does not have to be reachable as the XHR's `send` method is never called.
// It does need to be parsable/resolvable in all cases, so it should be an absolute URL.
// XMLHttpRequest within a Worker created from a Blob does not support relative URL paths.'GET', '', true);
x.responseType = 'blob';
// will not be set if unsupported
var responseType = x.responseType;
return responseType === 'blob';
// Google Chrome doesn't support "json" response type
// up to version 30, so it's intentionally not included here
var nativeResponseTypes = {
'blob': has('native-xhr2-blob') ? 'blob' : 'arraybuffer',
'document': 'document',
'arraybuffer': 'arraybuffer'
function handleResponse(response, error){
var _xhr = response.xhr;
response.status = response.xhr.status;
try {
// Firefox throws an error when trying to access
// xhr.responseText if response isn't text
response.text = _xhr.responseText;
} catch (e) {}
if(response.options.handleAs === 'xml'){ = _xhr.responseXML;
var handleError;
handleError = e;
error = new RequestError('Unable to load ' + response.url + ' status: ' + _xhr.status, response);
error = new RequestError('Unable to load ' + response.url + ' status: ' + _xhr.status +
' and an error in handleAs: transformation of response', response);
var isValid, isReady, addListeners, cancel;
// Any platform with XHR2 will only use the watch mechanism for timeout.
isValid = function(response){
// summary:
// Check to see if the request should be taken out of the watch queue
return !this.isFulfilled();
cancel = function(dfd, response){
// summary:
// Canceler for deferred
addListeners = function(_xhr, dfd, response, uploadProgress){
// summary:
// Adds event listeners to the XMLHttpRequest object
function onLoad(evt){
function onError(evt){
var _xhr =;
var error = new RequestError('Unable to load ' + response.url + ' status: ' + _xhr.status, response);
dfd.handleResponse(response, error);
function onProgress(transferType, evt){
response.transferType = transferType;
response.loaded = evt.loaded; =;
} else if(response.xhr.readyState === 3){
response.loaded = ('loaded' in evt) ? evt.loaded : evt.position;
function onDownloadProgress(evt) {
return onProgress('download', evt);
function onUploadProgress(evt) {
return onProgress('upload', evt);
_xhr.addEventListener('load', onLoad, false);
_xhr.addEventListener('error', onError, false);
_xhr.addEventListener('progress', onDownloadProgress, false);
if (uploadProgress && _xhr.upload) {
_xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', onUploadProgress, false);
return function(){
_xhr.removeEventListener('load', onLoad, false);
_xhr.removeEventListener('error', onError, false);
_xhr.removeEventListener('progress', onDownloadProgress, false);
_xhr.upload.removeEventListener('progress', onUploadProgress, false);
_xhr = null;
isValid = function(response){
return response.xhr.readyState; //boolean
isReady = function(response){
return 4 === response.xhr.readyState; //boolean
cancel = function(dfd, response){
// summary:
// canceller function for util.deferred call.
var xhr = response.xhr;
var _at = typeof xhr.abort;
if(_at === 'function' || _at === 'object' || _at === 'unknown'){
function getHeader(headerName){
return this.xhr.getResponseHeader(headerName);
var undefined,
defaultOptions = {
data: null,
query: null,
sync: false,
method: 'GET'
function xhr(url, options, returnDeferred){
var isFormData = has('native-formdata') && options && && instanceof FormData;
var response = util.parseArgs(
util.deepCreate(defaultOptions, options),
url = response.url;
options = response.options;
var hasNoData = ! && options.method !== 'POST' && options.method !== 'PUT';
if(has('ie') <= 10){
// older IE breaks point 9 in and sends fragment, so strip it
url = url.split('#')[0];
var remover,
last = function(){
remover && remover();
//Make the Deferred object for this xhr request.
var dfd = util.deferred(
var _xhr = response.xhr = xhr._create();
// If XHR factory somehow returns nothings,
// cancel the deferred.
dfd.cancel(new RequestError('XHR was not created'));
return returnDeferred ? dfd : dfd.promise;
response.getHeader = getHeader;
remover = addListeners(_xhr, dfd, response, options.uploadProgress);
// IE11 treats data: undefined different than other browsers
var data = typeof( === 'undefined' ? null :,
async = !options.sync,
method = options.method;
// IE6 won't let you call apply() on the native function., url, async, options.user || undefined, options.password || undefined);
_xhr.withCredentials = options.withCredentials;
if(has('native-response-type') && options.handleAs in nativeResponseTypes) {
_xhr.responseType = nativeResponseTypes[options.handleAs];
var headers = options.headers,
contentType = (isFormData || hasNoData) ? false : 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
for(var hdr in headers){
if(hdr.toLowerCase() === 'content-type'){
contentType = headers[hdr];
}else if(headers[hdr]){
//Only add header if it has a value. This allows for instance, skipping
//insertion of X-Requested-With by specifying empty value.
_xhr.setRequestHeader(hdr, headers[hdr]);
if(contentType && contentType !== false){
_xhr.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', contentType);
if(!headers || !('X-Requested-With' in headers)){
_xhr.setRequestHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');
util.notify.emit('send', response, dfd.promise.cancel);
_xhr = null;
return returnDeferred ? dfd : dfd.promise;
xhr = function(url, options){
// summary:
// Sends a request using XMLHttpRequest with the given URL and options.
// url: String
// URL to request
// options: dojo/request/xhr.__Options?
// Options for the request.
// returns: dojo/request.__Promise
xhr.__BaseOptions = declare(request.__BaseOptions, {
// sync: Boolean?
// Whether to make a synchronous request or not. Default
// is `false` (asynchronous).
// data: String|Object|FormData?
// Data to transfer. This is ignored for GET and DELETE
// requests.
// headers: Object?
// Headers to use for the request.
// user: String?
// Username to use during the request.
// password: String?
// Password to use during the request.
// withCredentials: Boolean?
// For cross-site requests, whether to send credentials
// or not.
// uploadProgress: Boolean?
// Upload progress events cause preflighted requests. This
// option enables upload progress event support but also
// causes all requests to be preflighted.
xhr.__MethodOptions = declare(null, {
// method: String?
// The HTTP method to use to make the request. Must be
// uppercase. Default is `"GET"`.
xhr.__Options = declare([xhr.__BaseOptions, xhr.__MethodOptions]);
xhr.get = function(url, options){
// summary:
// Send an HTTP GET request using XMLHttpRequest with the given URL and options.
// url: String
// URL to request
// options: dojo/request/xhr.__BaseOptions?
// Options for the request.
// returns: dojo/request.__Promise
}; = function(url, options){
// summary:
// Send an HTTP POST request using XMLHttpRequest with the given URL and options.
// url: String
// URL to request
// options: dojo/request/xhr.__BaseOptions?
// Options for the request.
// returns: dojo/request.__Promise
xhr.put = function(url, options){
// summary:
// Send an HTTP PUT request using XMLHttpRequest with the given URL and options.
// url: String
// URL to request
// options: dojo/request/xhr.__BaseOptions?
// Options for the request.
// returns: dojo/request.__Promise
xhr.del = function(url, options){
// summary:
// Send an HTTP DELETE request using XMLHttpRequest with the given URL and options.
// url: String
// URL to request
// options: dojo/request/xhr.__BaseOptions?
// Options for the request.
// returns: dojo/request.__Promise
xhr._create = function(){
// summary:
// does the work of portably generating a new XMLHTTPRequest object.
throw new Error('XMLHTTP not available');
if(has('native-xhr') && !has('dojo-force-activex-xhr')){
xhr._create = function(){
return new XMLHttpRequest();
}else if(has('activex')){
new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');
xhr._create = function(){
return new ActiveXObject('Msxml2.XMLHTTP');
new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
xhr._create = function(){
return new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
return xhr;
'../selector/_loader' // only included for has() qsa tests
], function(JSON, kernel, array, has){
has.add('activex', typeof ActiveXObject !== 'undefined');
has.add('dom-parser', function(global){
return 'DOMParser' in global;
var handleXML;
// GUIDs obtained from
var dp = [
'MSXML.DOMDocument' // 2.0
var lastParser;
handleXML = function(response){
var result =;
var text = response.text;
if(result && has('dom-qsa2.1') && !result.querySelectorAll && has('dom-parser')){
// IE9 supports a CSS3 querySelectorAll implementation, but the DOM implementation
// returned by IE9 xhr.responseXML does not. Manually create the XML DOM to gain
// the fuller-featured implementation and avoid bugs caused by the inconsistency
result = new DOMParser().parseFromString(text, 'application/xml');
function createDocument(p) {
var dom = new ActiveXObject(p);
dom.async = false;
result = dom;
lastParser = p;
}catch(e){ return false; }
return true;
if(!result || !result.documentElement){
// The creation of an ActiveX object is expensive, so we cache the
// parser type to avoid trying all parser types each time we handle a
// document. There is some concern that some parser types might fail
// depending on the document being parsed. If parsing using the cached
// parser type fails, we do the more expensive operation of finding one
// that works for the given document.
if(!lastParser || !createDocument(lastParser)) {
array.some(dp, createDocument);
return result;
var handleNativeResponse = function(response) {
if(!has('native-xhr2-blob') && response.options.handleAs === 'blob' && typeof Blob !== 'undefined'){
return new Blob([ response.xhr.response ], { type: response.xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Type') });
return response.xhr.response;
var handlers = {
'javascript': function(response){
return kernel.eval(response.text || '');
'json': function(response){
return JSON.parse(response.text || null);
'xml': handleXML,
'blob': handleNativeResponse,
'arraybuffer': handleNativeResponse,
'document': handleNativeResponse
function handle(response){
var handler = handlers[response.options.handleAs]; = handler ? handler(response) : ( || response.text);
return response;
handle.register = function(name, handler){
handlers[name] = handler;
return handle;
define(["../has", "require"],
function(has, require){
"use strict";
if (typeof document !== "undefined") {
var testDiv = document.createElement("div");
has.add("dom-qsa2.1", !!testDiv.querySelectorAll);
has.add("dom-qsa3", function(){
// test to see if we have a reasonable native selector engine available
testDiv.innerHTML = "<p class='TEST'></p>"; // test kind of from sizzle
// Safari can't handle uppercase or unicode characters when
// in quirks mode, IE8 can't handle pseudos like :empty
return testDiv.querySelectorAll(".TEST:empty").length == 1;
var fullEngine;
var acme = "./acme", lite = "./lite";
return {
// summary:
// This module handles loading the appropriate selector engine for the given browser
load: function(id, parentRequire, loaded, config){
if (config && config.isBuild) {
//Indicate that the optimizer should not wait
//for this resource any more and complete optimization.
//This resource will be resolved dynamically during
//run time in the web browser.
var req = require;
// here we implement the default logic for choosing a selector engine
id = id == "default" ? has("config-selectorEngine") || "css3" : id;
id = id == "css2" || id == "lite" ? lite :
id == "css2.1" ? has("dom-qsa2.1") ? lite : acme :
id == "css3" ? has("dom-qsa3") ? lite : acme :
id == "acme" ? acme : (req = parentRequire) && id;
if(id.charAt(id.length-1) == '?'){
id = id.substring(0,id.length - 1);
var optionalLoad = true;
// the query engine is optional, only load it if a native one is not available or existing one has not been loaded
if(optionalLoad && (has("dom-compliant-qsa") || fullEngine)){
return loaded(fullEngine);
// load the referenced selector engine
req([id], function(engine){
if(id != "./lite"){
fullEngine = engine;
"./_base/kernel", // kernel.isAsync
], function(kernel, has, require, sniff, lang, array, config, ready){
// module:
// dojo/main
// summary:
// This is the package main module for the dojo package; it loads dojo base appropriate for the execution environment.
// Load code to fix IE's console
// dojoConfig.require is deprecated; use the loader configuration property deps
1 || has.add("dojo-config-require", 1);
if( 1 ){
var deps= config.require;
// config.require may be dot notation
deps= ? deps : [deps], function(item){ return item.replace(/\./g, "/"); });
// this is a bit janky; in 1.6- dojo is defined before these requires are applied; but in 1.7+
// dojo isn't defined until returning from this module; this is only a problem in sync mode
// since we're in sync mode, we know we've got our loader with its priority ready queue
ready(1, function(){require(deps);});
return kernel;
define(["./_base/kernel", "./has", "require", "./domReady", "./_base/lang"], function(dojo, has, require, domReady, lang){
// module:
// dojo/ready
// note:
// This module should be unnecessary in dojo 2.0
// truthy if DOMContentLoaded or better (e.g., window.onload fired) has been achieved
isDomReady = 0,
// The queue of functions waiting to execute as soon as dojo.ready conditions satisfied
loadQ = [],
// prevent recursion in onLoad
onLoadRecursiveGuard = 0,
handleDomReady = function(){
isDomReady = 1;
dojo._postLoad = dojo.config.afterOnLoad = true;
onEvent = function(){
// Called when some state changes:
// - dom ready
// - dojo/domReady has finished processing everything in its queue
// - task added to loadQ
// - require() has finished loading all currently requested modules
// Run the functions queued with dojo.ready if appropriate.
//guard against recursions into this function
onLoadRecursiveGuard = 1;
// Run tasks in queue if require() is finished loading modules, the dom is ready, and there are no
// pending tasks registered via domReady().
// The last step is necessary so that a user defined dojo.ready() callback is delayed until after the
// domReady() calls inside of dojo. Failure can be seen on dijit/tests/robot/Dialog_ally.html on IE8
// because the dijit/focus.js domReady() callback doesn't execute until after the test starts running.
while(isDomReady && (!domReady || domReady._Q.length == 0) && (require.idle ? require.idle() : true) && loadQ.length){
var f = loadQ.shift();
// force the dojo.js on("error") handler do display the message = e.message;
require.signal("error", e);
throw e;
onLoadRecursiveGuard = 0;
// Check if we should run the next queue operation whenever require() finishes loading modules or domReady
// finishes processing it's queue.
require.on && require.on("idle", onEvent);
domReady._onQEmpty = onEvent;
var ready = dojo.ready = dojo.addOnLoad = function(priority, context, callback){
// summary:
// Add a function to execute on DOM content loaded and all requested modules have arrived and been evaluated.
// In most cases, the `domReady` plug-in should suffice and this method should not be needed.
// When called in a non-browser environment, just checks that all requested modules have arrived and been
// evaluated.
// priority: Integer?
// The order in which to exec this callback relative to other callbacks, defaults to 1000
// context: Object?|Function
// The context in which to run execute callback, or a callback if not using context
// callback: Function?
// The function to execute.
// example:
// Simple DOM and Modules ready syntax
// | require(["dojo/ready"], function(ready){
// | ready(function(){ alert("Dom ready!"); });
// | });
// example:
// Using a priority
// | require(["dojo/ready"], function(ready){
// | ready(2, function(){ alert("low priority ready!"); })
// | });
// example:
// Using context
// | require(["dojo/ready"], function(ready){
// | ready(foo, function(){
// | // in here, this == foo
// | });
// | });
// example:
// Using dojo/hitch style args:
// | require(["dojo/ready"], function(ready){
// | var foo = { dojoReady: function(){ console.warn(this, "dojo dom and modules ready."); } };
// | ready(foo, "dojoReady");
// | });
var hitchArgs = lang._toArray(arguments);
if(typeof priority != "number"){
callback = context;
context = priority;
priority = 1000;
callback = callback ?
lang.hitch.apply(dojo, hitchArgs) :
callback.priority = priority;
for(var i = 0; i < loadQ.length && priority >= loadQ[i].priority; i++){}
loadQ.splice(i, 0, callback);
1 || has.add("dojo-config-addOnLoad", 1);
if( 1 ){
var dca = dojo.config.addOnLoad;
ready[(lang.isArray(dca) ? "apply" : "call")](dojo, dca);
if( 1 && dojo.config.parseOnLoad && !dojo.isAsync){
ready(99, function(){
dojo.deprecated("Add explicit require(['dojo/parser']);", "", "2.0");
return ready;
define(['./global', './has'], function(global, has){
var doc = document,
readyStates = { 'loaded': 1, 'complete': 1 },
fixReadyState = typeof doc.readyState != "string",
ready = !!readyStates[doc.readyState],
readyQ = [],
function domReady(callback){
// summary:
// Plugin to delay require()/define() callback from firing until the DOM has finished loading.
if(ready){ processQ(); }
domReady.load = function(id, req, load){
// Export queue so that ready() can check if it's empty or not.
domReady._Q = readyQ;
domReady._onQEmpty = function(){
// summary:
// Private method overridden by dojo/ready, to notify when everything in the
// domReady queue has been processed. Do not use directly.
// Will be removed in 2.0, along with domReady._Q.
// For FF <= 3.5
if(fixReadyState){ doc.readyState = "loading"; }
function processQ(){
// Calls all functions in the queue in order, unless processQ() is already running, in which case just return
if(recursiveGuard){ return; }
recursiveGuard = true;
console.error(err, "in domReady callback", err.stack);
recursiveGuard = false;
// Notification for dojo/ready. Remove for 2.0.
// Note that this could add more tasks to the ready queue.
var tests = [],
detectReady = function(evt){
evt = evt || global.event;
if(ready || (evt.type == "readystatechange" && !readyStates[doc.readyState])){ return; }
// For FF <= 3.5
if(fixReadyState){ doc.readyState = "complete"; }
ready = 1;
on = function(node, event){
node.addEventListener(event, detectReady, false);
readyQ.push(function(){ node.removeEventListener(event, detectReady, false); });
on = function(node, event){
event = "on" + event;
node.attachEvent(event, detectReady);
readyQ.push(function(){ node.detachEvent(event, detectReady); });
var div = doc.createElement("div");
if(div.doScroll && global.frameElement === null){
// the doScroll test is only useful if we're in the top-most frame
// Derived with permission from Diego Perini's IEContentLoaded
return 1;
on(doc, "DOMContentLoaded");
on(global, "load");
if("onreadystatechange" in doc){
on(doc, "readystatechange");
}else if(!fixReadyState){
// if the ready state property exists and there's
// no readystatechange event, poll for the state
// to change
return readyStates[doc.readyState];
var poller = function(){
if(ready){ return; }
var i = tests.length;
setTimeout(poller, 30);
return domReady;
define(["./kernel", "../has", "./lang"], function(dojo, has, lang){
// module:
// dojo/_base/declare
var mix = lang.mixin, op = Object.prototype, opts = op.toString,
xtor, counter = 0, cname = "constructor";
// 'new Function()' is preferable when available since it does not create a closure
xtor = new Function;
xtor = function(){};
function err(msg, cls){ throw new Error("declare" + (cls ? " " + cls : "") + ": " + msg); }
// C3 Method Resolution Order (see
function c3mro(bases, className){
var result = [], roots = [{cls: 0, refs: []}], nameMap = {}, clsCount = 1,
l = bases.length, i = 0, j, lin, base, top, proto, rec, name, refs;
// build a list of bases naming them if needed
for(; i < l; ++i){
base = bases[i];
err("mixin #" + i + " is unknown. Did you use dojo.require to pull it in?", className);
}else if( != "[object Function]"){
err("mixin #" + i + " is not a callable constructor.", className);
lin = base._meta ? base._meta.bases : [base];
top = 0;
// add bases to the name map
for(j = lin.length - 1; j >= 0; --j){
proto = lin[j].prototype;
proto.declaredClass = "uniqName_" + (counter++);
name = proto.declaredClass;
nameMap[name] = {count: 0, refs: [], cls: lin[j]};
rec = nameMap[name];
if(top && top !== rec){
top = rec;
// remove classes without external references recursively
top = roots.pop();
// optimization: follow a single-linked chain
while(refs = top.refs, refs.length == 1){
top = refs[0];
if(!top || --top.count){
// branch or end of chain => do not end to roots
top = 0;
// branch
for(i = 0, l = refs.length; i < l; ++i){
top = refs[i];
err("can't build consistent linearization", className);
// calculate the superclass offset
base = bases[0];
result[0] = base ?
base._meta && base === result[result.length - base._meta.bases.length] ?
base._meta.bases.length : 1 : 0;
return result;
function inherited(args, a, f, g){
var name, chains, bases, caller, meta, base, proto, opf, pos,
cache = this._inherited = this._inherited || {};
// crack arguments
if(typeof args === "string"){
name = args;
args = a;
a = f;
f = g;
if(typeof args === "function"){
// support strict mode
caller = args;
args = a;
a = f;
caller = args.callee;
}catch (e){
if(e instanceof TypeError){
// caller was defined in a strict-mode context
err("strict mode inherited() requires the caller function to be passed before arguments", this.declaredClass);
throw e;
name = name || caller.nom;
err("can't deduce a name to call inherited()", this.declaredClass);
f = g = 0;
meta = this.constructor._meta;
bases = meta.bases;
pos = cache.p;
if(name != cname){
// method
if(cache.c !== caller){
// cache bust
pos = 0;
base = bases[0];
meta = base._meta;
if(meta.hidden[name] !== caller){
// error detection
chains = meta.chains;
if(chains && typeof chains[name] == "string"){
err("calling chained method with inherited: " + name, this.declaredClass);
// find caller
meta = base._meta;
proto = base.prototype;
if(meta && (proto[name] === caller && proto.hasOwnProperty(name) || meta.hidden[name] === caller)){
}while(base = bases[++pos]); // intentional assignment
pos = base ? pos : -1;
// find next
base = bases[++pos];
proto = base.prototype;
if(base._meta && proto.hasOwnProperty(name)){
f = proto[name];
opf = op[name];
proto = base.prototype;
f = proto[name];
if(f && (base._meta ? proto.hasOwnProperty(name) : f !== opf)){
}while(base = bases[++pos]); // intentional assignment
f = base && f || op[name];
// constructor
if(cache.c !== caller){
// cache bust
pos = 0;
meta = bases[0]._meta;
if(meta && meta.ctor !== caller){
// error detection
chains = meta.chains;
if(!chains || chains.constructor !== "manual"){
err("calling chained constructor with inherited", this.declaredClass);
// find caller
while(base = bases[++pos]){ // intentional assignment
meta = base._meta;
if(meta && meta.ctor === caller){
pos = base ? pos : -1;
// find next
while(base = bases[++pos]){ // intentional assignment
meta = base._meta;
f = meta ? meta.ctor : base;
f = base && f;
// cache the found super method
cache.c = f;
cache.p = pos;
// now we have the result
return a === true ? f : f.apply(this, a || args);
// intentionally no return if a super method was not found
function getInherited(name, args, a){
if(typeof name === "string"){
if (typeof args === "function") {
return this.__inherited(name, args, a, true);
return this.__inherited(name, args, true);
else if (typeof name === "function") {
return this.__inherited(name, args, true);
return this.__inherited(name, true);
function inherited__debug(args, a1, a2, a3){
var f = this.getInherited(args, a1, a2);
return f.apply(this, a3 || a2 || a1 || args);
// intentionally no return if a super method was not found
var inheritedImpl = dojo.config.isDebug ? inherited__debug : inherited;
// emulation of "instanceof"
function isInstanceOf(cls){
var bases = this.constructor._meta.bases;
for(var i = 0, l = bases.length; i < l; ++i){
if(bases[i] === cls){
return true;
return this instanceof cls;
function mixOwn(target, source){
// add props adding metadata for incoming functions skipping a constructor
for(var name in source){
if(name != cname && source.hasOwnProperty(name)){
target[name] = source[name];
for(var extraNames= lang._extraNames, i= extraNames.length; i;){
name = extraNames[--i];
if(name != cname && source.hasOwnProperty(name)){
target[name] = source[name];
// implementation of safe mixin function
function safeMixin(target, source){
// summary:
// Mix in properties skipping a constructor and decorating functions
// like it is done by declare().
// target: Object
// Target object to accept new properties.
// source: Object
// Source object for new properties.
// description:
// This function is used to mix in properties like lang.mixin does,
// but it skips a constructor property and decorates functions like
// declare() does.
// It is meant to be used with classes and objects produced with
// declare. Functions mixed in with dojo.safeMixin can use
// this.inherited() like normal methods.
// This function is used to implement extend() method of a constructor
// produced with declare().
// example:
// | var A = declare(null, {
// | m1: function(){
// | console.log("A.m1");
// | },
// | m2: function(){
// | console.log("A.m2");
// | }
// | });
// | var B = declare(A, {
// | m1: function(){
// | this.inherited(arguments);
// | console.log("B.m1");
// | }
// | });
// | B.extend({
// | m2: function(){
// | this.inherited(arguments);
// | console.log("B.m2");
// | }
// | });
// | var x = new B();
// | dojo.safeMixin(x, {
// | m1: function(){
// | this.inherited(arguments);
// | console.log("X.m1");
// | },
// | m2: function(){
// | this.inherited(arguments);
// | console.log("X.m2");
// | }
// | });
// | x.m2();
// | // prints:
// | // A.m1
// | // B.m1
// | // X.m1
var name, t;
// add props adding metadata for incoming functions skipping a constructor
for(name in source){
t = source[name];
if((t !== op[name] || !(name in op)) && name != cname){
if( == "[object Function]"){
// non-trivial function method => attach its name
t.nom = name;
target[name] = t;
if(has("bug-for-in-skips-shadowed") && source){
for(var extraNames= lang._extraNames, i= extraNames.length; i;){
name = extraNames[--i];
t = source[name];
if((t !== op[name] || !(name in op)) && name != cname){
if( == "[object Function]"){
// non-trivial function method => attach its name
t.nom = name;
target[name] = t;
return target;
function extend(source){
declare.safeMixin(this.prototype, source);
return this;
function createSubclass(mixins, props){
// crack parameters
if(!(mixins instanceof Array || typeof mixins === 'function')){
props = mixins;
mixins = undefined;
props = props || {};
mixins = mixins || [];
return declare([this].concat(mixins), props);
// chained constructor compatible with the legacy declare()
function chainedConstructor(bases, ctorSpecial){
return function(){
var a = arguments, args = a, a0 = a[0], f, i, m,
l = bases.length, preArgs;
if(!(this instanceof a.callee)){
// not called via new, so force it
return applyNew(a);
//this._inherited = {};
// perform the shaman's rituals of the original declare()
// 1) call two types of the preamble
if(ctorSpecial && (a0 && a0.preamble || this.preamble)){
// full blown ritual
preArgs = new Array(bases.length);
// prepare parameters
preArgs[0] = a;
for(i = 0;;){
// process the preamble of the 1st argument
a0 = a[0];
f = a0.preamble;
a = f.apply(this, a) || a;
// process the preamble of this class
f = bases[i].prototype;
f = f.hasOwnProperty("preamble") && f.preamble;
a = f.apply(this, a) || a;
// one peculiarity of the preamble:
// it is called if it is not needed,
// e.g., there is no constructor to call
// let's watch for the last constructor
// (see ticket #9795)
if(++i == l){
preArgs[i] = a;
// 2) call all non-trivial constructors using prepared arguments
for(i = l - 1; i >= 0; --i){
f = bases[i];
m = f._meta;
f = m ? m.ctor : f;
f.apply(this, preArgs ? preArgs[i] : a);
// 3) continue the original ritual: call the postscript
f = this.postscript;
f.apply(this, args);
// chained constructor compatible with the legacy declare()
function singleConstructor(ctor, ctorSpecial){
return function(){
var a = arguments, t = a, a0 = a[0], f;
if(!(this instanceof a.callee)){
// not called via new, so force it
return applyNew(a);
//this._inherited = {};
// perform the shaman's rituals of the original declare()
// 1) call two types of the preamble
// full blown ritual
// process the preamble of the 1st argument
f = a0.preamble;
t = f.apply(this, t) || t;
f = this.preamble;
// process the preamble of this class
f.apply(this, t);
// one peculiarity of the preamble:
// it is called even if it is not needed,
// e.g., there is no constructor to call
// let's watch for the last constructor
// (see ticket #9795)
// 2) call a constructor
ctor.apply(this, a);
// 3) continue the original ritual: call the postscript
f = this.postscript;
f.apply(this, a);
// plain vanilla constructor (can use inherited() to call its base constructor)
function simpleConstructor(bases){
return function(){
var a = arguments, i = 0, f, m;
if(!(this instanceof a.callee)){
// not called via new, so force it
return applyNew(a);
//this._inherited = {};
// perform the shaman's rituals of the original declare()
// 1) do not call the preamble
// 2) call the top constructor (it can use this.inherited())
for(; f = bases[i]; ++i){ // intentional assignment
m = f._meta;
f = m ? m.ctor : f;
f.apply(this, a);
// 3) call the postscript
f = this.postscript;
f.apply(this, a);
function chain(name, bases, reversed){
return function(){
var b, m, f, i = 0, step = 1;
i = bases.length - 1;
step = -1;
for(; b = bases[i]; i += step){ // intentional assignment
m = b._meta;
f = (m ? m.hidden : b.prototype)[name];
f.apply(this, arguments);
// forceNew(ctor)
// return a new object that inherits from ctor.prototype but
// without actually running ctor on the object.
function forceNew(ctor){
// create object with correct prototype using a do-nothing
// constructor
xtor.prototype = ctor.prototype;
var t = new xtor;
xtor.prototype = null; // clean up
return t;
// applyNew(args)
// just like 'new ctor()' except that the constructor and its arguments come
// from args, which must be an array or an arguments object
function applyNew(args){
// create an object with ctor's prototype but without
// calling ctor on it.
var ctor = args.callee, t = forceNew(ctor);
// execute the real constructor on the new object
ctor.apply(t, args);
return t;
function declare(className, superclass, props){
// summary:
// Create a feature-rich constructor from compact notation.
// className: String?
// The optional name of the constructor (loosely, a "class")
// stored in the "declaredClass" property in the created prototype.
// It will be used as a global name for a created constructor.
// superclass: Function|Function[]
// May be null, a Function, or an Array of Functions. This argument
// specifies a list of bases (the left-most one is the most deepest
// base).
// props: Object
// An object whose properties are copied to the created prototype.
// Add an instance-initialization function by making it a property
// named "constructor".
// returns: dojo/_base/declare.__DeclareCreatedObject
// New constructor function.
// description:
// Create a constructor using a compact notation for inheritance and
// prototype extension.
// Mixin ancestors provide a type of multiple inheritance.
// Prototypes of mixin ancestors are copied to the new class:
// changes to mixin prototypes will not affect classes to which
// they have been mixed in.
// Ancestors can be compound classes created by this version of
// declare(). In complex cases all base classes are going to be
// linearized according to C3 MRO algorithm
// (see for more
// details).
// "className" is cached in "declaredClass" property of the new class,
// if it was supplied. The immediate super class will be cached in
// "superclass" property of the new class.
// Methods in "props" will be copied and modified: "nom" property
// (the declared name of the method) will be added to all copied
// functions to help identify them for the internal machinery. Be
// very careful, while reusing methods: if you use the same
// function under different names, it can produce errors in some
// cases.
// It is possible to use constructors created "manually" (without
// declare()) as bases. They will be called as usual during the
// creation of an instance, their methods will be chained, and even
// called by "this.inherited()".
// Special property "-chains-" governs how to chain methods. It is
// a dictionary, which uses method names as keys, and hint strings
// as values. If a hint string is "after", this method will be
// called after methods of its base classes. If a hint string is
// "before", this method will be called before methods of its base
// classes.
// If "constructor" is not mentioned in "-chains-" property, it will
// be chained using the legacy mode: using "after" chaining,
// calling preamble() method before each constructor, if available,
// and calling postscript() after all constructors were executed.
// If the hint is "after", it is chained as a regular method, but
// postscript() will be called after the chain of constructors.
// "constructor" cannot be chained "before", but it allows
// a special hint string: "manual", which means that constructors
// are not going to be chained in any way, and programmer will call
// them manually using this.inherited(). In the latter case
// postscript() will be called after the construction.
// All chaining hints are "inherited" from base classes and
// potentially can be overridden. Be very careful when overriding
// hints! Make sure that all chained methods can work in a proposed
// manner of chaining.
// Once a method was chained, it is impossible to unchain it. The
// only exception is "constructor". You don't need to define a
// method in order to supply a chaining hint.
// If a method is chained, it cannot use this.inherited() because
// all other methods in the hierarchy will be called automatically.
// Usually constructors and initializers of any kind are chained
// using "after" and destructors of any kind are chained as
// "before". Note that chaining assumes that chained methods do not
// return any value: any returned value will be discarded.
// example:
// | declare("",, {
// | // properties to be added to the class prototype
// | someValue: 2,
// | // initialization function
// | constructor: function(){
// | this.myComplicatedObject = new ReallyComplicatedObject();
// | },
// | // other functions
// | someMethod: function(){
// | doStuff();
// | }
// | });
// example:
// | var MyBase = declare(null, {
// | // constructor, properties, and methods go here
// | // ...
// | });
// | var MyClass1 = declare(MyBase, {
// | // constructor, properties, and methods go here
// | // ...
// | });
// | var MyClass2 = declare(MyBase, {
// | // constructor, properties, and methods go here
// | // ...
// | });
// | var MyDiamond = declare([MyClass1, MyClass2], {
// | // constructor, properties, and methods go here
// | // ...
// | });
// example:
// | var F = function(){ console.log("raw constructor"); };
// | F.prototype.method = function(){
// | console.log("raw method");
// | };
// | var A = declare(F, {
// | constructor: function(){
// | console.log("A.constructor");
// | },
// | method: function(){
// | console.log("before calling F.method...");
// | this.inherited(arguments);
// | console.log("...back in A");
// | }
// | });
// | new A().method();
// | // will print:
// | // raw constructor
// | // A.constructor
// | // before calling F.method...
// | // raw method
// | // ...back in A
// example:
// | var A = declare(null, {
// | "-chains-": {
// | destroy: "before"
// | }
// | });
// | var B = declare(A, {
// | constructor: function(){
// | console.log("B.constructor");
// | },
// | destroy: function(){
// | console.log("B.destroy");
// | }
// | });
// | var C = declare(B, {
// | constructor: function(){
// | console.log("C.constructor");
// | },
// | destroy: function(){
// | console.log("C.destroy");
// | }
// | });
// | new C().destroy();
// | // prints:
// | // B.constructor
// | // C.constructor
// | // C.destroy
// | // B.destroy
// example:
// | var A = declare(null, {
// | "-chains-": {
// | constructor: "manual"
// | }
// | });
// | var B = declare(A, {
// | constructor: function(){
// | // ...
// | // call the base constructor with new parameters
// | this.inherited(arguments, [1, 2, 3]);
// | // ...
// | }
// | });
// example:
// | var A = declare(null, {
// | "-chains-": {
// | m1: "before"
// | },
// | m1: function(){
// | console.log("A.m1");
// | },
// | m2: function(){
// | console.log("A.m2");
// | }
// | });
// | var B = declare(A, {
// | "-chains-": {
// | m2: "after"
// | },
// | m1: function(){
// | console.log("B.m1");
// | },
// | m2: function(){
// | console.log("B.m2");
// | }
// | });
// | var x = new B();
// | x.m1();
// | // prints:
// | // B.m1
// | // A.m1
// | x.m2();
// | // prints:
// | // A.m2
// | // B.m2
// crack parameters
if(typeof className != "string"){
props = superclass;
superclass = className;
className = "";
props = props || {};
var proto, i, t, ctor, name, bases, chains, mixins = 1, parents = superclass;
// build a prototype
if( == "[object Array]"){
// C3 MRO
bases = c3mro(superclass, className);
t = bases[0];
mixins = bases.length - t;
superclass = bases[mixins];
bases = [0];
if( == "[object Function]"){
t = superclass._meta;
bases = bases.concat(t ? t.bases : superclass);
err("base class is not a callable constructor.", className);
}else if(superclass !== null){
err("unknown base class. Did you use dojo.require to pull it in?", className);
for(i = mixins - 1;; --i){
proto = forceNew(superclass);
// stop if nothing to add (the last base)
// mix in properties
t = bases[i];
(t._meta ? mixOwn : mix)(proto, t.prototype);
// chain in new constructor
if (has("csp-restrictions")) {
ctor = function () {};
else {
ctor = new Function;
ctor.superclass = superclass;
ctor.prototype = proto;
superclass = proto.constructor = ctor;
proto = {};
// add all properties
declare.safeMixin(proto, props);
// add constructor
t = props.constructor;
if(t !== op.constructor){
t.nom = cname;
proto.constructor = t;
// collect chains and flags
for(i = mixins - 1; i; --i){ // intentional assignment
t = bases[i]._meta;
if(t && t.chains){
chains = mix(chains || {}, t.chains);
chains = mix(chains || {}, proto["-chains-"]);
if(superclass && superclass.prototype && superclass.prototype["-chains-"]) {
chains = mix(chains || {}, superclass.prototype["-chains-"]);
// build ctor
t = !chains || !chains.hasOwnProperty(cname);
bases[0] = ctor = (chains && chains.constructor === "manual") ? simpleConstructor(bases) :
(bases.length == 1 ? singleConstructor(props.constructor, t) : chainedConstructor(bases, t));
// add meta information to the constructor
ctor._meta = {bases: bases, hidden: props, chains: chains,
parents: parents, ctor: props.constructor};
ctor.superclass = superclass && superclass.prototype;
ctor.extend = extend;
ctor.createSubclass = createSubclass;
ctor.prototype = proto;
proto.constructor = ctor;
// add "standard" methods to the prototype
proto.getInherited = getInherited;
proto.isInstanceOf = isInstanceOf;
proto.inherited = inheritedImpl;
proto.__inherited = inherited;
// add name if specified
proto.declaredClass = className;
lang.setObject(className, ctor);
// build chains and add them to the prototype
for(name in chains){
if(proto[name] && typeof chains[name] == "string" && name != cname){
t = proto[name] = chain(name, bases, chains[name] === "after");
t.nom = name;
// chained methods do not return values
// no need to chain "invisible" functions
return ctor; // Function
declare.__DeclareCreatedObject = {
// summary:
// dojo/_base/declare() returns a constructor `C`. `new C()` returns an Object with the following
// methods, in addition to the methods and properties specified via the arguments passed to declare().
inherited: function(name, caller, args, newArgs){
// summary:
// Calls a super method.
// name: String?
// The optional method name. Should be the same as the caller's
// name. Usually "name" is specified in complex dynamic cases, when
// the calling method was dynamically added, undecorated by
// declare(), and it cannot be determined.
// caller: Function?
// The reference to the calling function. Required only if the
// call to "this.inherited" occurs from within strict-mode code.
// If the caller is omitted within strict-mode code, an error will
// be thrown.
// The best way to obtain a reference to the calling function is to
// use a named function expression (i.e. place a function name
// after the "function" keyword and before the open paren, as in
// "function fn(a, b)"). If the function is parsed as an expression
// and not a statement (i.e. it's not by itself on its own line),
// the function name will only be accessible as an identifier from
// within the body of the function.
// args: Arguments
// The caller supply this argument, which should be the original
// "arguments".
// newArgs: Object?
// If "true", the found function will be returned without
// executing it.
// If Array, it will be used to call a super method. Otherwise
// "args" will be used.
// returns:
// Whatever is returned by a super method, or a super method itself,
// if "true" was specified as newArgs.
// description:
// This method is used inside method of classes produced with
// declare() to call a super method (next in the chain). It is
// used for manually controlled chaining. Consider using the regular
// chaining, because it is faster. Use "this.inherited()" only in
// complex cases.
// This method cannot me called from automatically chained
// constructors including the case of a special (legacy)
// constructor chaining. It cannot be called from chained methods.
// If "this.inherited()" cannot find the next-in-chain method, it
// does nothing and returns "undefined". The last method in chain
// can be a default method implemented in Object, which will be
// called last.
// If "name" is specified, it is assumed that the method that
// received "args" is the parent method for this call. It is looked
// up in the chain list and if it is found the next-in-chain method
// is called. If it is not found, the first-in-chain method is
// called.
// If "name" is not specified, it will be derived from the calling
// method (using a methoid property "nom").
// example:
// | var B = declare(A, {
// | method1: function(a, b, c){
// | this.inherited(arguments);
// | },
// | method2: function(a, b){
// | return this.inherited(arguments, [a + b]);
// | }
// | });
// | // next method is not in the chain list because it is added
// | // manually after the class was created.
// | B.prototype.method3 = function(){
// | console.log("This is a dynamically-added method.");
// | this.inherited("method3", arguments);
// | };
// example:
// | var B = declare(A, {
// | method: function(a, b){
// | var super = this.inherited(arguments, true);
// | // ...
// | if(!super){
// | console.log("there is no super method");
// | return 0;
// | }
// | return super.apply(this, arguments);
// | }
// | });
// example:
// | "use strict";
// | // class is defined in strict-mode code,
// | // so caller must be passed before arguments.
// | var B = declare(A, {
// | // using a named function expression with "fn" as the name.
// | method: function fn(a, b) {
// | this.inherited(fn, arguments);
// | }
// | });
return {}; // Object
getInherited: function(name, caller, args){
// summary:
// Returns a super method.
// name: String?
// The optional method name. Should be the same as the caller's
// name. Usually "name" is specified in complex dynamic cases, when
// the calling method was dynamically added, undecorated by
// declare(), and it cannot be determined.
// caller: Function?
// The caller function. This is required when running in
// strict-mode code. A reference to the caller function
// can be obtained by using a named function expression
// (e.g. function fn(a,b) {...}).
// args: Arguments
// The caller supply this argument, which should be the original
// "arguments".
// returns:
// Returns a super method (Function) or "undefined".
// description:
// This method is a convenience method for "this.inherited()".
// It uses the same algorithm but instead of executing a super
// method, it returns it, or "undefined" if not found.
// example:
// | var B = declare(A, {
// | method: function(a, b){
// | var super = this.getInherited(arguments);
// | // ...
// | if(!super){
// | console.log("there is no super method");
// | return 0;
// | }
// | return super.apply(this, arguments);
// | }
// | });
// example:
// | "use strict;" // first line of function or file
// | //...
// | var B = declare(A, {
// | // Using a named function expression with "fn" as the name,
// | // since we're in strict mode.
// | method: function fn(a, b){
// | var super = this.getInherited(fn, arguments);
// | if(super){
// | return super.apply(this, arguments);
// | }
// | }
// | });
return {}; // Object
isInstanceOf: function(cls){
// summary:
// Checks the inheritance chain to see if it is inherited from this
// class.
// cls: Function
// Class constructor.
// returns:
// "true", if this object is inherited from this class, "false"
// otherwise.
// description:
// This method is used with instances of classes produced with
// declare() to determine of they support a certain interface or
// not. It models "instanceof" operator.
// example:
// | var A = declare(null, {
// | // constructor, properties, and methods go here
// | // ...
// | });
// | var B = declare(null, {
// | // constructor, properties, and methods go here
// | // ...
// | });
// | var C = declare([A, B], {
// | // constructor, properties, and methods go here
// | // ...
// | });
// | var D = declare(A, {
// | // constructor, properties, and methods go here
// | // ...
// | });
// |
// | var a = new A(), b = new B(), c = new C(), d = new D();
// |
// | console.log(a.isInstanceOf(A)); // true
// | console.log(b.isInstanceOf(A)); // false
// | console.log(c.isInstanceOf(A)); // true
// | console.log(d.isInstanceOf(A)); // true
// |
// | console.log(a.isInstanceOf(B)); // false
// | console.log(b.isInstanceOf(B)); // true
// | console.log(c.isInstanceOf(B)); // true
// | console.log(d.isInstanceOf(B)); // false
// |
// | console.log(a.isInstanceOf(C)); // false
// | console.log(b.isInstanceOf(C)); // false
// | console.log(c.isInstanceOf(C)); // true
// | console.log(d.isInstanceOf(C)); // false
// |
// | console.log(a.isInstanceOf(D)); // false
// | console.log(b.isInstanceOf(D)); // false
// | console.log(c.isInstanceOf(D)); // false
// | console.log(d.isInstanceOf(D)); // true
return {}; // Object
extend: function(source){
// summary:
// Adds all properties and methods of source to constructor's
// prototype, making them available to all instances created with
// constructor. This method is specific to constructors created with
// declare().
// source: Object
// Source object which properties are going to be copied to the
// constructor's prototype.
// description:
// Adds source properties to the constructor's prototype. It can
// override existing properties.
// This method is similar to dojo.extend function, but it is specific
// to constructors produced by declare(). It is implemented
// using dojo.safeMixin, and it skips a constructor property,
// and properly decorates copied functions.
// example:
// | var A = declare(null, {
// | m1: function(){},
// | s1: "Popokatepetl"
// | });
// | A.extend({
// | m1: function(){},
// | m2: function(){},
// | f1: true,
// | d1: 42
// | });
createSubclass: function(mixins, props){
// summary:
// Create a subclass of the declared class from a list of base classes.
// mixins: Function[]
// Specifies a list of bases (the left-most one is the most deepest
// base).
// props: Object?
// An optional object whose properties are copied to the created prototype.
// returns: dojo/_base/declare.__DeclareCreatedObject
// New constructor function.
// description:
// Create a constructor using a compact notation for inheritance and
// prototype extension.
// Mixin ancestors provide a type of multiple inheritance.
// Prototypes of mixin ancestors are copied to the new class:
// changes to mixin prototypes will not affect classes to which
// they have been mixed in.
// example:
// | var A = declare(null, {
// | m1: function(){},
// | s1: "bar"
// | });
// | var B = declare(null, {
// | m2: function(){},
// | s2: "foo"
// | });
// | var C = declare(null, {
// | });
// | var D1 = A.createSubclass([B, C], {
// | m1: function(){},
// | d1: 42
// | });
// | var d1 = new D1();
// |
// | // this is equivalent to:
// | var D2 = declare([A, B, C], {
// | m1: function(){},
// | d1: 42
// | });
// | var d2 = new D2();
// For back-compat, remove for 2.0
dojo.safeMixin = declare.safeMixin = safeMixin;
dojo.declare = declare;
return declare;
define(["./kernel", "../on", "../topic", "../aspect", "./event", "../mouse", "./sniff", "./lang", "../keys"], function(dojo, on, hub, aspect, eventModule, mouse, has, lang){
// module:
// dojo/_base/connect
has.add("events-keypress-typed", function(){ // keypresses should only occur a printable character is hit
var testKeyEvent = {charCode: 0};
testKeyEvent = document.createEvent("KeyboardEvent");
(testKeyEvent.initKeyboardEvent || testKeyEvent.initKeyEvent).call(testKeyEvent, "keypress", true, true, null, false, false, false, false, 9, 3);
return testKeyEvent.charCode == 0 && !has("opera");
function connect_(obj, event, context, method, dontFix){
method = lang.hitch(context, method);
if(!obj || !(obj.addEventListener || obj.attachEvent)){
// it is a not a DOM node and we are using the dojo.connect style of treating a
// method like an event, must go right to aspect
return aspect.after(obj ||, event, method, true);
if(typeof event == "string" && event.substring(0, 2) == "on"){
event = event.substring(2);
obj =;
// dojo.connect has special handling for these event types
case "keypress":
event = keypress;
case "mouseenter":
event = mouse.enter;
case "mouseleave":
event = mouse.leave;
return on(obj, event, method, dontFix);
var _punctMap = {
var evtCopyKey = has("mac") ? "metaKey" : "ctrlKey";
var _synthesizeEvent = function(evt, props){
var faux = lang.mixin({}, evt, props);
// FIXME: would prefer to use lang.hitch: lang.hitch(evt, evt.preventDefault);
// but it throws an error when preventDefault is invoked on Safari
// does Event.preventDefault not support "apply" on Safari?
faux.preventDefault = function(){ evt.preventDefault(); };
faux.stopPropagation = function(){ evt.stopPropagation(); };
return faux;
function setKeyChar(evt){
evt.keyChar = evt.charCode ? String.fromCharCode(evt.charCode) : '';
evt.charOrCode = evt.keyChar || evt.keyCode;
var keypress;
// this emulates Firefox's keypress behavior where every keydown can correspond to a keypress
var _trySetKeyCode = function(e, code){
// squelch errors when keyCode is read-only
// (e.g. if keyCode is ctrl or shift)
return (e.keyCode = code);
return 0;
keypress = function(object, listener){
var keydownSignal = on(object, "keydown", function(evt){
// munge key/charCode
var k=evt.keyCode;
// These are Windows Virtual Key Codes
var unprintable = (k!=13) && k!=32 && (k!=27||!has("ie")) && (k<48||k>90) && (k<96||k>111) && (k<186||k>192) && (k<219||k>222) && k!=229;
// synthesize keypress for most unprintables and CTRL-keys
var c = unprintable ? 0 : k;
if(k==3 || k==13){
return, evt); // IE will post CTRL-BREAK, CTRL-ENTER as keypress natively
}else if(c>95 && c<106){
c -= 48; // map CTRL-[numpad 0-9] to ASCII
}else if((!evt.shiftKey)&&(c>=65&&c<=90)){
c += 32; // map CTRL-[A-Z] to lowercase
c = _punctMap[c] || c; // map other problematic CTRL combinations to ASCII
// simulate a keypress event
var faux = _synthesizeEvent(evt, {type: 'keypress', faux: true, charCode: c});, faux);
_trySetKeyCode(evt, faux.keyCode);
var keypressSignal = on(object, "keypress", function(evt){
var c = evt.charCode;
c = c>=32 ? c : 0;
evt = _synthesizeEvent(evt, {charCode: c, faux: true});
return, evt);
return {
remove: function(){
keypress = function(object, listener){
return on(object, "keypress", function(evt){
var c = evt.which;
c=99; // Mozilla maps CTRL-BREAK to CTRL-c
// can't trap some keys at all, like INSERT and DELETE
// there is no differentiating info between DELETE and ".", or INSERT and "-"
c = c<32 && !evt.shiftKey ? 0 : c;
if(evt.ctrlKey && !evt.shiftKey && c>=65 && c<=90){
// lowercase CTRL-[A-Z] keys
c += 32;
return, _synthesizeEvent(evt, { charCode: c }));
keypress = function(object, listener){
return on(object, "keypress", function(evt){
return, evt);
var connect = {
// summary:
// This module defines the dojo.connect API.
// This modules also provides keyboard event handling helpers.
// This module exports an extension event for emulating Firefox's keypress handling.
// However, this extension event exists primarily for backwards compatibility and
// is not recommended. WebKit and IE uses an alternate keypress handling (only
// firing for printable characters, to distinguish from keydown events), and most
// consider the WebKit/IE behavior more desirable.
connect:function(obj, event, context, method, dontFix){
// summary:
// `dojo.connect` is a deprecated event handling and delegation method in
// Dojo. It allows one function to "listen in" on the execution of
// any other, triggering the second whenever the first is called. Many
// listeners may be attached to a function, and source functions may
// be either regular function calls or DOM events.
// description:
// Connects listeners to actions, so that after event fires, a
// listener is called with the same arguments passed to the original
// function.
// Since `dojo.connect` allows the source of events to be either a
// "regular" JavaScript function or a DOM event, it provides a uniform
// interface for listening to all the types of events that an
// application is likely to deal with though a single, unified
// interface. DOM programmers may want to think of it as
// "addEventListener for everything and anything".
// When setting up a connection, the `event` parameter must be a
// string that is the name of the method/event to be listened for. If
// `obj` is null, `` is assumed, meaning that connections
// to global methods are supported but also that you may inadvertently
// connect to a global by passing an incorrect object name or invalid
// reference.
// `dojo.connect` generally is forgiving. If you pass the name of a
// function or method that does not yet exist on `obj`, connect will
// not fail, but will instead set up a stub method. Similarly, null
// arguments may simply be omitted such that fewer than 4 arguments
// may be required to set up a connection See the examples for details.
// The return value is a handle that is needed to
// remove this connection with `dojo.disconnect`.
// obj: Object?
// The source object for the event function.
// Defaults to `` if null.
// If obj is a DOM node, the connection is delegated
// to the DOM event manager (unless dontFix is true).
// event: String
// String name of the event function in obj.
// I.e. identifies a property `obj[event]`.
// context: Object|null
// The object that method will receive as "this".
// If context is null and method is a function, then method
// inherits the context of event.
// If method is a string then context must be the source
// object object for method (context[method]). If context is null,
// is used.
// method: String|Function
// A function reference, or name of a function in context.
// The function identified by method fires after event does.
// method receives the same arguments as the event.
// See context argument comments for information on method's scope.
// dontFix: Boolean?
// If obj is a DOM node, set dontFix to true to prevent delegation
// of this connection to the DOM event manager.
// example:
// When obj.onchange(), do ui.update():
// | dojo.connect(obj, "onchange", ui, "update");
// | dojo.connect(obj, "onchange", ui, ui.update); // same
// example:
// Using return value for disconnect:
// | var link = dojo.connect(obj, "onchange", ui, "update");
// | ...
// | dojo.disconnect(link);
// example:
// When onglobalevent executes, watcher.handler is invoked:
// | dojo.connect(null, "onglobalevent", watcher, "handler");
// example:
// When ob.onCustomEvent executes, customEventHandler is invoked:
// | dojo.connect(ob, "onCustomEvent", null, "customEventHandler");
// | dojo.connect(ob, "onCustomEvent", "customEventHandler"); // same
// example:
// When ob.onCustomEvent executes, customEventHandler is invoked
// with the same scope (this):
// | dojo.connect(ob, "onCustomEvent", null, customEventHandler);
// | dojo.connect(ob, "onCustomEvent", customEventHandler); // same
// example:
// When globalEvent executes, globalHandler is invoked
// with the same scope (this):
// | dojo.connect(null, "globalEvent", null, globalHandler);
// | dojo.connect("globalEvent", globalHandler); // same
// normalize arguments
var a=arguments, args=[], i=0;
// if a[0] is a String, obj was omitted
args.push(typeof a[0] == "string" ? null : a[i++], a[i++]);
// if the arg-after-next is a String or Function, context was NOT omitted
var a1 = a[i+1];
args.push(typeof a1 == "string" || typeof a1 == "function" ? a[i++] : null, a[i++]);
// absorb any additional arguments
for(var l=a.length; i<l; i++){ args.push(a[i]); }
return connect_.apply(this, args);
// summary:
// Remove a link created by dojo.connect.
// description:
// Removes the connection between event and the method referenced by handle.
// handle: Handle
// the return value of the dojo.connect call that created the connection.
subscribe:function(topic, context, method){
// summary:
// Attach a listener to a named topic. The listener function is invoked whenever the
// named topic is published (see: dojo.publish).
// Returns a handle which is needed to unsubscribe this listener.
// topic: String
// The topic to which to subscribe.
// context: Object?
// Scope in which method will be invoked, or null for default scope.
// method: String|Function
// The name of a function in context, or a function reference. This is the function that
// is invoked when topic is published.
// example:
// | dojo.subscribe("alerts", null, function(caption, message){ alert(caption + "\n" + message); });
// | dojo.publish("alerts", [ "read this", "hello world" ]);
return hub.subscribe(topic, lang.hitch(context, method));
publish:function(topic, args){
// summary:
// Invoke all listener method subscribed to topic.
// topic: String
// The name of the topic to publish.
// args: Array?
// An array of arguments. The arguments will be applied
// to each topic subscriber (as first class parameters, via apply).
// example:
// | dojo.subscribe("alerts", null, function(caption, message){ alert(caption + "\n" + message); };
// | dojo.publish("alerts", [ "read this", "hello world" ]);
return hub.publish.apply(hub, [topic].concat(args));
connectPublisher:function(topic, obj, event){
// summary:
// Ensure that every time obj.event() is called, a message is published
// on the topic. Returns a handle which can be passed to
// dojo.disconnect() to disable subsequent automatic publication on
// the topic.
// topic: String
// The name of the topic to publish.
// obj: Object?
// The source object for the event function. Defaults to
// if null.
// event: String
// The name of the event function in obj.
// I.e. identifies a property obj[event].
// example:
// | dojo.connectPublisher("/ajax/start", dojo, "xhrGet");
var pf = function(){ connect.publish(topic, arguments); };
return event ? connect.connect(obj, event, pf) : connect.connect(obj, pf); //Handle
isCopyKey: function(e){
// summary:
// Checks an event for the copy key (meta on Mac, and ctrl anywhere else)
// e: Event
// Event object to examine
return e[evtCopyKey]; // Boolean
connect.unsubscribe = connect.disconnect;
connect.unsubscribe = function(handle){
// summary:
// Remove a topic listener.
// handle: Handle
// The handle returned from a call to subscribe.
// example:
// | var alerter = dojo.subscribe("alerts", null, function(caption, message){ alert(caption + "\n" + message); };
// | ...
// | dojo.unsubscribe(alerter);
1 && lang.mixin(dojo, connect);
return connect;
define(["./Evented"], function(Evented){
// module:
// dojo/topic
var hub = new Evented;
return {
// summary:
// Pubsub hub.
// example:
// | topic.subscribe("some/topic", function(event){
// | ... do something with event
// | });
// | topic.publish("some/topic", {name:"some event", ...});
publish: function(topic, event){
// summary:
// Publishes a message to a topic on the pub/sub hub. All arguments after
// the first will be passed to the subscribers, so any number of arguments
// can be provided (not just event).
// topic: String
// The name of the topic to publish to
// event: Object
// An event to distribute to the topic listeners
return hub.emit.apply(hub, arguments);
subscribe: function(topic, listener){
// summary:
// Subscribes to a topic on the pub/sub hub
// topic: String
// The topic to subscribe to
// listener: Function
// A function to call when a message is published to the given topic
return hub.on.apply(hub, arguments);
define(["./kernel", "../on", "../has", "../dom-geometry"], function(dojo, on, has, dom){
// module:
// dojo/_base/event
var fixEvent = on._fixEvent;
on._fixEvent = function(evt, se){
// add some additional normalization for back-compat, this isn't in on.js because it is somewhat more expensive
evt = fixEvent(evt, se);
return evt;
var ret = {
// summary:
// This module defines dojo DOM event API. Usually you should use dojo/on, and evt.stopPropagation() +
// evt.preventDefault(), rather than this module.
fix: function(/*Event*/ evt, /*DOMNode*/ sender){
// summary:
// normalizes properties on the event object including event
// bubbling methods, keystroke normalization, and x/y positions
// evt: Event
// native event object
// sender: DOMNode
// node to treat as "currentTarget"
return on._fixEvent(evt, sender);
return evt; // Event
stop: function(/*Event*/ evt){
// summary:
// prevents propagation and clobbers the default action of the
// passed event
// evt: Event
// The event object. If omitted, window.event is used on IE.
if(has("dom-addeventlistener") || (evt && evt.preventDefault)){
evt = evt || window.event;
evt.cancelBubble = true;;
if( 1 ){
dojo.fixEvent = ret.fix;
dojo.stopEvent = ret.stop;
return ret;
define(["./sniff", "./_base/window","./dom", "./dom-style"],
function(has, win, dom, style){
// module:
// dojo/dom-geometry
// the result object
var geom = {
// summary:
// This module defines the core dojo DOM geometry API.
// Box functions will assume this model.
// On IE/Opera, BORDER_BOX will be set if the primary document is in quirks mode.
// Can be set to change behavior of box setters.
// can be either:
// "border-box"
// "content-box" (default)
geom.boxModel = "content-box";
// We punt per-node box mode testing completely.
// If anybody cares, we can provide an additional (optional) unit
// that overrides existing code to include per-node box sensitivity.
// Opera documentation claims that Opera 9 uses border-box in BackCompat mode.
// but experiments (Opera 9.10.8679 on Windows Vista) indicate that it actually continues to use content-box.
// IIRC, earlier versions of Opera did in fact use border-box.
// Opera guys, this is really confusing. Opera being broken in quirks mode is not our fault.
if(has("ie") /*|| has("opera")*/){
// client code may have to adjust if compatMode varies across iframes
geom.boxModel = document.compatMode == "BackCompat" ? "border-box" : "content-box";
geom.getPadExtents = function getPadExtents(/*DomNode*/ node, /*Object*/ computedStyle){
// summary:
// Returns object with special values specifically useful for node
// fitting.
// description:
// Returns an object with `w`, `h`, `l`, `t` properties:
// | l/t/r/b = left/top/right/bottom padding (respectively)
// | w = the total of the left and right padding
// | h = the total of the top and bottom padding
// If 'node' has position, l/t forms the origin for child nodes.
// The w/h are used for calculating boxes.
// Normally application code will not need to invoke this
// directly, and will use the functions instead.
// node: DOMNode
// computedStyle: Object?
// This parameter accepts computed styles object.
// If this parameter is omitted, the functions will call
// dojo/dom-style.getComputedStyle to get one. It is a better way, calling
// dojo/dom-style.getComputedStyle once, and then pass the reference to this
// computedStyle parameter. Wherever possible, reuse the returned
// object of dojo/dom-style.getComputedStyle().
node = dom.byId(node);
var s = computedStyle || style.getComputedStyle(node), px = style.toPixelValue,
l = px(node, s.paddingLeft), t = px(node, s.paddingTop), r = px(node, s.paddingRight), b = px(node, s.paddingBottom);
return {l: l, t: t, r: r, b: b, w: l + r, h: t + b};
var none = "none";
geom.getBorderExtents = function getBorderExtents(/*DomNode*/ node, /*Object*/ computedStyle){
// summary:
// returns an object with properties useful for noting the border
// dimensions.
// description:
// - l/t/r/b = the sum of left/top/right/bottom border (respectively)
// - w = the sum of the left and right border
// - h = the sum of the top and bottom border
// The w/h are used for calculating boxes.
// Normally application code will not need to invoke this
// directly, and will use the functions instead.
// node: DOMNode
// computedStyle: Object?
// This parameter accepts computed styles object.
// If this parameter is omitted, the functions will call
// dojo/dom-style.getComputedStyle to get one. It is a better way, calling
// dojo/dom-style.getComputedStyle once, and then pass the reference to this
// computedStyle parameter. Wherever possible, reuse the returned
// object of dojo/dom-style.getComputedStyle().
node = dom.byId(node);
var px = style.toPixelValue, s = computedStyle || style.getComputedStyle(node),
l = s.borderLeftStyle != none ? px(node, s.borderLeftWidth) : 0,
t = s.borderTopStyle != none ? px(node, s.borderTopWidth) : 0,
r = s.borderRightStyle != none ? px(node, s.borderRightWidth) : 0,
b = s.borderBottomStyle != none ? px(node, s.borderBottomWidth) : 0;
return {l: l, t: t, r: r, b: b, w: l + r, h: t + b};
geom.getPadBorderExtents = function getPadBorderExtents(/*DomNode*/ node, /*Object*/ computedStyle){
// summary:
// Returns object with properties useful for box fitting with
// regards to padding.
// description:
// - l/t/r/b = the sum of left/top/right/bottom padding and left/top/right/bottom border (respectively)
// - w = the sum of the left and right padding and border
// - h = the sum of the top and bottom padding and border
// The w/h are used for calculating boxes.
// Normally application code will not need to invoke this
// directly, and will use the functions instead.
// node: DOMNode
// computedStyle: Object?
// This parameter accepts computed styles object.
// If this parameter is omitted, the functions will call
// dojo/dom-style.getComputedStyle to get one. It is a better way, calling
// dojo/dom-style.getComputedStyle once, and then pass the reference to this
// computedStyle parameter. Wherever possible, reuse the returned
// object of dojo/dom-style.getComputedStyle().
node = dom.byId(node);
var s = computedStyle || style.getComputedStyle(node),
p = geom.getPadExtents(node, s),
b = geom.getBorderExtents(node, s);
return {
l: p.l + b.l,
t: p.t + b.t,
r: p.r + b.r,
b: p.b + b.b,
w: p.w + b.w,
h: p.h + b.h
geom.getMarginExtents = function getMarginExtents(node, computedStyle){
// summary:
// returns object with properties useful for box fitting with
// regards to box margins (i.e., the outer-box).
// - l/t = marginLeft, marginTop, respectively
// - w = total width, margin inclusive
// - h = total height, margin inclusive
// The w/h are used for calculating boxes.
// Normally application code will not need to invoke this
// directly, and will use the functions instead.
// node: DOMNode
// computedStyle: Object?
// This parameter accepts computed styles object.
// If this parameter is omitted, the functions will call
// dojo/dom-style.getComputedStyle to get one. It is a better way, calling
// dojo/dom-style.getComputedStyle once, and then pass the reference to this
// computedStyle parameter. Wherever possible, reuse the returned
// object of dojo/dom-style.getComputedStyle().
node = dom.byId(node);
var s = computedStyle || style.getComputedStyle(node), px = style.toPixelValue,
l = px(node, s.marginLeft), t = px(node, s.marginTop), r = px(node, s.marginRight), b = px(node, s.marginBottom);
return {l: l, t: t, r: r, b: b, w: l + r, h: t + b};
// Box getters work in any box context because offsetWidth/clientWidth
// are invariant wrt box context
// They do *not* work for display: inline objects that have padding styles
// because the user agent ignores padding (it's bogus styling in any case)
// Be careful with IMGs because they are inline or block depending on
// browser and browser mode.
// Although it would be easier to read, there are not separate versions of
// _getMarginBox for each browser because:
// 1. the branching is not expensive
// 2. factoring the shared code wastes cycles (function call overhead)
// 3. duplicating the shared code wastes bytes
geom.getMarginBox = function getMarginBox(/*DomNode*/ node, /*Object*/ computedStyle){
// summary:
// returns an object that encodes the width, height, left and top
// positions of the node's margin box.
// node: DOMNode
// computedStyle: Object?
// This parameter accepts computed styles object.
// If this parameter is omitted, the functions will call
// dojo/dom-style.getComputedStyle to get one. It is a better way, calling
// dojo/dom-style.getComputedStyle once, and then pass the reference to this
// computedStyle parameter. Wherever possible, reuse the returned
// object of dojo/dom-style.getComputedStyle().
node = dom.byId(node);
var s = computedStyle || style.getComputedStyle(node), me = geom.getMarginExtents(node, s),
l = node.offsetLeft - me.l, t = node.offsetTop - me.t, p = node.parentNode, px = style.toPixelValue, pcs;
if((has("ie") == 8 && !has("quirks"))){
// IE 8 offsetLeft/Top includes the parent's border
pcs = style.getComputedStyle(p);
l -= pcs.borderLeftStyle != none ? px(node, pcs.borderLeftWidth) : 0;
t -= pcs.borderTopStyle != none ? px(node, pcs.borderTopWidth) : 0;
return {l: l, t: t, w: node.offsetWidth + me.w, h: node.offsetHeight + me.h};
geom.getContentBox = function getContentBox(node, computedStyle){
// summary:
// Returns an object that encodes the width, height, left and top
// positions of the node's content box, irrespective of the
// current box model.
// node: DOMNode
// computedStyle: Object?
// This parameter accepts computed styles object.
// If this parameter is omitted, the functions will call
// dojo/dom-style.getComputedStyle to get one. It is a better way, calling
// dojo/dom-style.getComputedStyle once, and then pass the reference to this
// computedStyle parameter. Wherever possible, reuse the returned
// object of dojo/dom-style.getComputedStyle().
// clientWidth/Height are important since the automatically account for scrollbars
// fallback to offsetWidth/Height for special cases (see #3378)
node = dom.byId(node);
var s = computedStyle || style.getComputedStyle(node), w = node.clientWidth, h,
pe = geom.getPadExtents(node, s), be = geom.getBorderExtents(node, s), l = node.offsetLeft + pe.l + be.l,
t = node.offsetTop + pe.t + be.t;
w = node.offsetWidth - be.w;
h = node.offsetHeight - be.h;
h = node.clientHeight;
if((has("ie") == 8 && !has("quirks"))){
// IE 8 offsetLeft/Top includes the parent's border
var p = node.parentNode, px = style.toPixelValue, pcs;
pcs = style.getComputedStyle(p);
l -= pcs.borderLeftStyle != none ? px(node, pcs.borderLeftWidth) : 0;
t -= pcs.borderTopStyle != none ? px(node, pcs.borderTopWidth) : 0;
return {l: l, t: t, w: w - pe.w, h: h - pe.h};
// Box setters depend on box context because interpretation of width/height styles
// vary wrt box context.
// The value of boxModel is used to determine box context.
// boxModel can be set directly to change behavior.
// Beware of display: inline objects that have padding styles
// because the user agent ignores padding (it's a bogus setup anyway)
// Be careful with IMGs because they are inline or block depending on
// browser and browser mode.
// Elements other than DIV may have special quirks, like built-in
// margins or padding, or values not detectable via computedStyle.
// In particular, margins on TABLE do not seems to appear
// at all in computedStyle on Mozilla.
function setBox(/*DomNode*/ node, /*Number?*/ l, /*Number?*/ t, /*Number?*/ w, /*Number?*/ h, /*String?*/ u){
// summary:
// sets width/height/left/top in the current (native) box-model
// dimensions. Uses the unit passed in u.
// node:
// DOM Node reference. Id string not supported for performance
// reasons.
// l:
// left offset from parent.
// t:
// top offset from parent.
// w:
// width in current box model.
// h:
// width in current box model.
// u:
// unit measure to use for other measures. Defaults to "px".
u = u || "px";
var s =;
s.left = l + u;
if(!isNaN(t)){ = t + u;
if(w >= 0){
s.width = w + u;
if(h >= 0){
s.height = h + u;
function isButtonTag(/*DomNode*/ node){
// summary:
// True if the node is BUTTON or INPUT.type="button".
return node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "button" ||
node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "input" && (node.getAttribute("type") || "").toLowerCase() == "button"; // boolean
function usesBorderBox(/*DomNode*/ node){
// summary:
// True if the node uses border-box layout.
// We could test the computed style of node to see if a particular box
// has been specified, but there are details and we choose not to bother.
// TABLE and BUTTON (and INPUT type=button) are always border-box by default.
// If you have assigned a different box to either one via CSS then
// box functions will break.
return geom.boxModel == "border-box" || node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "table" || isButtonTag(node); // boolean
function getBoundingClientRect(/*DomNode*/ node) {
// summary:
// Gets the bounding client rectangle for a dom node.
// node: DOMNode
// This will return the result of node.getBoundingClientRect if node is in the dom, and
// {x:0, y:0, width:0, height:0, top:0, right:0, bottom:0, left:0} if it throws an error or the node is not on the dom
// This will handle when IE throws an error or Edge returns an empty object when node is not on the dom
var retEmpty = { x: 0, y: 0, width: 0, height: 0, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 },
try {
ret = node.getBoundingClientRect();
} catch (e) {
// IE throws an Unspecified Error if the node is not in the dom. Handle this by returning an object with 0 values
return retEmpty;
// Edge returns an empty object if the node is not in the dom. Handle this by returning an object with 0 values
if (typeof ret.left === "undefined") { return retEmpty; }
return ret;
geom.setContentSize = function setContentSize(/*DomNode*/ node, /*Object*/ box, /*Object*/ computedStyle){
// summary:
// Sets the size of the node's contents, irrespective of margins,
// padding, or borders.
// node: DOMNode
// box: Object
// hash with optional "w", and "h" properties for "width", and "height"
// respectively. All specified properties should have numeric values in whole pixels.
// computedStyle: Object?
// This parameter accepts computed styles object.
// If this parameter is omitted, the functions will call
// dojo/dom-style.getComputedStyle to get one. It is a better way, calling
// dojo/dom-style.getComputedStyle once, and then pass the reference to this
// computedStyle parameter. Wherever possible, reuse the returned
// object of dojo/dom-style.getComputedStyle().
node = dom.byId(node);
var w = box.w, h = box.h;
var pb = geom.getPadBorderExtents(node, computedStyle);
if(w >= 0){
w += pb.w;
if(h >= 0){
h += pb.h;
setBox(node, NaN, NaN, w, h);
var nilExtents = {l: 0, t: 0, w: 0, h: 0};
geom.setMarginBox = function setMarginBox(/*DomNode*/ node, /*Object*/ box, /*Object*/ computedStyle){
// summary:
// sets the size of the node's margin box and placement
// (left/top), irrespective of box model. Think of it as a
// passthrough to setBox that handles box-model vagaries for
// you.
// node: DOMNode
// box: Object
// hash with optional "l", "t", "w", and "h" properties for "left", "right", "width", and "height"
// respectively. All specified properties should have numeric values in whole pixels.
// computedStyle: Object?
// This parameter accepts computed styles object.
// If this parameter is omitted, the functions will call
// dojo/dom-style.getComputedStyle to get one. It is a better way, calling
// dojo/dom-style.getComputedStyle once, and then pass the reference to this
// computedStyle parameter. Wherever possible, reuse the returned
// object of dojo/dom-style.getComputedStyle().
node = dom.byId(node);
var s = computedStyle || style.getComputedStyle(node), w = box.w, h = box.h,
// Some elements have special padding, margin, and box-model settings.
// To use box functions you may need to set padding, margin explicitly.
// Controlling box-model is harder, in a pinch you might set dojo/dom-geometry.boxModel.
pb = usesBorderBox(node) ? nilExtents : geom.getPadBorderExtents(node, s),
mb = geom.getMarginExtents(node, s);
// on Safari (3.1.2), button nodes with no explicit size have a default margin
// setting an explicit size eliminates the margin.
// We have to swizzle the width to get correct margin reading.
var ns =;
if(w >= 0 && !ns.width){
ns.width = "4px";
if(h >= 0 && !ns.height){
ns.height = "4px";
if(w >= 0){
w = Math.max(w - pb.w - mb.w, 0);
if(h >= 0){
h = Math.max(h - pb.h - mb.h, 0);
setBox(node, box.l, box.t, w, h);
// =============================
// Positioning
// =============================
geom.isBodyLtr = function isBodyLtr(/*Document?*/ doc){
// summary:
// Returns true if the current language is left-to-right, and false otherwise.
// doc: Document?
// Optional document to query. If unspecified, use win.doc.
// returns: Boolean
doc = doc || win.doc;
return (win.body(doc).dir || doc.documentElement.dir || "ltr").toLowerCase() == "ltr"; // Boolean
geom.docScroll = function docScroll(/*Document?*/ doc){
// summary:
// Returns an object with {node, x, y} with corresponding offsets.
// doc: Document?
// Optional document to query. If unspecified, use win.doc.
// returns: Object
doc = doc || win.doc;
var node = doc.parentWindow || doc.defaultView; // use UI window, not window. TODO: use dojo/window::get() except for circular dependency problem
return "pageXOffset" in node ? {x: node.pageXOffset, y: node.pageYOffset } :
(node = has("quirks") ? win.body(doc) : doc.documentElement) &&
{x: geom.fixIeBiDiScrollLeft(node.scrollLeft || 0, doc), y: node.scrollTop || 0 };
geom.getIeDocumentElementOffset = function(/*Document?*/ doc){
// summary:
// Deprecated method previously used for IE6-IE7. Now, just returns `{x:0, y:0}`.
return {
x: 0,
y: 0
geom.fixIeBiDiScrollLeft = function fixIeBiDiScrollLeft(/*Integer*/ scrollLeft, /*Document?*/ doc){
// summary:
// In RTL direction, scrollLeft should be a negative value, but IE
// returns a positive one. All codes using documentElement.scrollLeft
// must call this function to fix this error, otherwise the position
// will offset to right when there is a horizontal scrollbar.
// scrollLeft: Number
// doc: Document?
// Optional document to query. If unspecified, use win.doc.
// returns: Number
// In RTL direction, scrollLeft should be a negative value, but IE
// returns a positive one. All codes using documentElement.scrollLeft
// must call this function to fix this error, otherwise the position
// will offset to right when there is a horizontal scrollbar.
doc = doc || win.doc;
var ie = has("ie");
if(ie && !geom.isBodyLtr(doc)){
var qk = has("quirks"),
de = qk ? win.body(doc) : doc.documentElement,
pwin =; // TODO: use winUtils.get(doc) after resolving circular dependency b/w dom-geometry.js and dojo/window.js
if(ie == 6 && !qk && pwin.frameElement && de.scrollHeight > de.clientHeight){
scrollLeft += de.clientLeft; // workaround ie6+strict+rtl+iframe+vertical-scrollbar bug where clientWidth is too small by clientLeft pixels
return (ie < 8 || qk) ? (scrollLeft + de.clientWidth - de.scrollWidth) : -scrollLeft; // Integer
return scrollLeft; // Integer
geom.position = function(/*DomNode*/ node, /*Boolean?*/ includeScroll){
// summary:
// Gets the position and size of the passed element relative to
// the viewport (if includeScroll==false), or relative to the
// document root (if includeScroll==true).
// description:
// Returns an object of the form:
// `{ x: 100, y: 300, w: 20, h: 15 }`.
// If includeScroll==true, the x and y values will include any
// document offsets that may affect the position relative to the
// viewport.
// Uses the border-box model (inclusive of border and padding but
// not margin). Does not act as a setter.
// node: DOMNode|String
// includeScroll: Boolean?
// returns: Object
node = dom.byId(node);
var db = win.body(node.ownerDocument),
ret= getBoundingClientRect(node);
ret = {x: ret.left, y:, w: ret.right - ret.left, h: ret.bottom -};
if(has("ie") < 9){
// fixes the position in IE, quirks mode
ret.x -= (has("quirks") ? db.clientLeft + db.offsetLeft : 0);
ret.y -= (has("quirks") ? db.clientTop + db.offsetTop : 0);
// account for document scrolling
// if offsetParent is used, ret value already includes scroll position
// so we may have to actually remove that value if !includeScroll
var scroll = geom.docScroll(node.ownerDocument);
ret.x += scroll.x;
ret.y += scroll.y;
return ret; // Object
// random "private" functions wildly used throughout the toolkit
geom.getMarginSize = function getMarginSize(/*DomNode*/ node, /*Object*/ computedStyle){
// summary:
// returns an object that encodes the width and height of
// the node's margin box
// node: DOMNode|String
// computedStyle: Object?
// This parameter accepts computed styles object.
// If this parameter is omitted, the functions will call
// dojo/dom-style.getComputedStyle to get one. It is a better way, calling
// dojo/dom-style.getComputedStyle once, and then pass the reference to this
// computedStyle parameter. Wherever possible, reuse the returned
// object of dojo/dom-style.getComputedStyle().
node = dom.byId(node);
var me = geom.getMarginExtents(node, computedStyle || style.getComputedStyle(node));
var size = getBoundingClientRect(node);
return {
w: (size.right - size.left) + me.w,
h: (size.bottom - + me.h
geom.normalizeEvent = function(event){
// summary:
// Normalizes the geometry of a DOM event, normalizing the pageX, pageY,
// offsetX, offsetY, layerX, and layerX properties
// event: Object
if(!("layerX" in event)){
event.layerX = event.offsetX;
event.layerY = event.offsetY;
if(!("pageX" in event)){
// FIXME: scroll position query is duped from dojo/_base/html to
// avoid dependency on that entire module. Now that HTML is in
// Base, we should convert back to something similar there.
var se =;
var doc = (se && se.ownerDocument) || document;
// DO NOT replace the following to use dojo/_base/window.body(), in IE, document.documentElement should be used
// here rather than document.body
var docBody = has("quirks") ? doc.body : doc.documentElement;
event.pageX = event.clientX + geom.fixIeBiDiScrollLeft(docBody.scrollLeft || 0, doc);
event.pageY = event.clientY + (docBody.scrollTop || 0);
// TODO: evaluate separate getters/setters for position and sizes?
return geom;
define(["./sniff", "./dom", "./_base/window"], function(has, dom, win){
// module:
// dojo/dom-style
// =============================
// Style Functions
// =============================
// getComputedStyle drives most of the style code.
// Wherever possible, reuse the returned object.
// API functions below that need to access computed styles accept an
// optional computedStyle parameter.
// If this parameter is omitted, the functions will call getComputedStyle themselves.
// This way, calling code can access computedStyle once, and then pass the reference to
// multiple API functions.
// Although we normally eschew argument validation at this
// level, here we test argument 'node' for (duck)type,
// by testing nodeType, ecause 'document' is the 'parentNode' of 'body'
// it is frequently sent to this function even
// though it is not Element.
var getComputedStyle, style = {
// summary:
// This module defines the core dojo DOM style API.
getComputedStyle = function(/*DomNode*/ node){
var s;
if(node.nodeType == 1){
var dv = node.ownerDocument.defaultView;
s = dv.getComputedStyle(node, null);
if(!s &&{ = "";
s = dv.getComputedStyle(node, null);
return s || {};
}else if(has("ie") && (has("ie") < 9 || has("quirks"))){
getComputedStyle = function(node){
// IE (as of 7) doesn't expose Element like sane browsers
// currentStyle can be null on IE8!
return node.nodeType == 1 /* ELEMENT_NODE*/ && node.currentStyle ? node.currentStyle : {};
getComputedStyle = function(node){
if(node.nodeType === 1 /* ELEMENT_NODE*/){
var dv = node.ownerDocument.defaultView,
w = dv.opener ? dv :;
return w.getComputedStyle(node, null);
return {};
style.getComputedStyle = getComputedStyle;
style.getComputedStyle = function(node){
// summary:
// Returns a "computed style" object.
// description:
// Gets a "computed style" object which can be used to gather
// information about the current state of the rendered node.
// Note that this may behave differently on different browsers.
// Values may have different formats and value encodings across
// browsers.
// Note also that this method is expensive. Wherever possible,
// reuse the returned object.
// Use the dojo/dom-style.get() method for more consistent (pixelized)
// return values.
// node: DOMNode
// A reference to a DOM node. Does NOT support taking an
// ID string for speed reasons.
// example:
// | require(["dojo/dom-style", "dojo/dom"], function(domStyle, dom){
// | domStyle.getComputedStyle(dom.byId('foo')).borderWidth;
// | });
// example:
// Reusing the returned object, avoiding multiple lookups:
// | require(["dojo/dom-style", "dojo/dom"], function(domStyle, dom){
// | var cs = domStyle.getComputedStyle(dom.byId("someNode"));
// | var w = cs.width, h = cs.height;
// | });
return; // CSS2Properties
var toPixel;
toPixel = function(element, value){
// style values can be floats, client code may want
// to round for integer pixels.
return parseFloat(value) || 0;
toPixel = function(element, avalue){
if(!avalue){ return 0; }
// on IE7, medium is usually 4 pixels
if(avalue == "medium"){ return 4; }
// style values can be floats, client code may
// want to round this value for integer pixels.
if(avalue.slice && avalue.slice(-2) == 'px'){ return parseFloat(avalue); }
var s =, rs = element.runtimeStyle, cs = element.currentStyle,
sLeft = s.left, rsLeft = rs.left;
rs.left = cs.left;
// 'avalue' may be incompatible with style.left, which can cause IE to throw
// this has been observed for border widths using "thin", "medium", "thick" constants
// those particular constants could be trapped by a lookup
// but perhaps there are more
s.left = avalue;
avalue = s.pixelLeft;
avalue = 0;
s.left = sLeft;
rs.left = rsLeft;
return avalue;
style.toPixelValue = toPixel;
style.toPixelValue = function(node, value){
// summary:
// converts style value to pixels on IE or return a numeric value.
// node: DOMNode
// value: String
// returns: Number
// FIXME: there opacity quirks on FF that we haven't ported over. Hrm.
var astr = "DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha";
var af = function(n, f){
return n.filters.item(astr);
return f ? {} : null;
var _getOpacity =
has("ie") < 9 || (has("ie") < 10 && has("quirks")) ? function(node){
return af(node).Opacity / 100; // Number
return 1; // Number
} :
return getComputedStyle(node).opacity;
var _setOpacity =
has("ie") < 9 || (has("ie") < 10 && has("quirks")) ? function(/*DomNode*/ node, /*Number*/ opacity){
if(opacity === ""){ opacity = 1; }
var ov = opacity * 100, fullyOpaque = opacity === 1;
// on IE7 Alpha(Filter opacity=100) makes text look fuzzy so disable it altogether (bug #2661),
// but still update the opacity value so we can get a correct reading if it is read later:
// af(node, 1).Enabled = !fullyOpaque;
if(fullyOpaque){ = "";
if(af(node)){ =
new RegExp("\\s*progid:" + astr + "\\([^\\)]+?\\)", "i"), "");
}else{ = 1;
af(node, 1).Opacity = ov;
}else{ += " progid:" + astr + "(Opacity=" + ov + ")";
af(node, 1).Enabled = true;
if(node.tagName.toLowerCase() == "tr"){
for(var td = node.firstChild; td; td = td.nextSibling){
if(td.tagName.toLowerCase() == "td"){
_setOpacity(td, opacity);
return opacity;
} :
function(node, opacity){
return = opacity;
var _pixelNamesCache = {
left: true, top: true
var _pixelRegExp = /margin|padding|width|height|max|min|offset/; // |border
function _toStyleValue(node, type, value){
//TODO: should we really be doing string case conversion here? Should we cache it? Need to profile!
type = type.toLowerCase();
// Adjustments for IE and Edge
if(value == "auto"){
if(type == "height"){ return node.offsetHeight; }
if(type == "width"){ return node.offsetWidth; }
if(type == "fontweight"){
case 700: return "bold";
case 400:
default: return "normal";
if(!(type in _pixelNamesCache)){
_pixelNamesCache[type] = _pixelRegExp.test(type);
return _pixelNamesCache[type] ? toPixel(node, value) : value;
var _floatAliases = {cssFloat: 1, styleFloat: 1, "float": 1};
// public API
style.get = function getStyle(/*DOMNode|String*/ node, /*String?*/ name){
// summary:
// Accesses styles on a node.
// description:
// Getting the style value uses the computed style for the node, so the value
// will be a calculated value, not just the immediate value.
// Also when getting values, use specific style names,
// like "borderBottomWidth" instead of "border" since compound values like
// "border" are not necessarily reflected as expected.
// If you want to get node dimensions, use `dojo/dom-geometry.getMarginBox()`,
// `dojo/dom-geometry.getContentBox()` or `dojo/dom-geometry.getPosition()`.
// node: DOMNode|String
// id or reference to node to get style for
// name: String?
// the style property to get
// example:
// Passing only an ID or node returns the computed style object of
// the node:
// | require(["dojo/dom-style", "dojo/dom"], function(domStyle, dom){
// | domStyle.get("thinger");
// | });
// example:
// Passing a node and a style property returns the current
// normalized, computed value for that property:
// | require(["dojo/dom-style", "dojo/dom"], function(domStyle, dom){
// | domStyle.get("thinger", "opacity"); // 1 by default
// | });
var n = dom.byId(node), l = arguments.length, op = (name == "opacity");
if(l == 2 && op){
return _getOpacity(n);
name = _floatAliases[name] ? "cssFloat" in ? "cssFloat" : "styleFloat" : name;
var s = style.getComputedStyle(n);
return (l == 1) ? s : _toStyleValue(n, name, s[name] ||[name]); /* CSS2Properties||String||Number */
style.set = function setStyle(/*DOMNode|String*/ node, /*String|Object*/ name, /*String?*/ value){
// summary:
// Sets styles on a node.
// node: DOMNode|String
// id or reference to node to set style for
// name: String|Object
// the style property to set in DOM-accessor format
// ("borderWidth", not "border-width") or an object with key/value
// pairs suitable for setting each property.
// value: String?
// If passed, sets value on the node for style, handling
// cross-browser concerns. When setting a pixel value,
// be sure to include "px" in the value. For instance, top: "200px".
// Otherwise, in some cases, some browsers will not apply the style.
// example:
// Passing a node, a style property, and a value changes the
// current display of the node and returns the new computed value
// | require(["dojo/dom-style"], function(domStyle){
// | domStyle.set("thinger", "opacity", 0.5); // == 0.5
// | });
// example:
// Passing a node, an object-style style property sets each of the values in turn and returns the computed style object of the node:
// | require(["dojo/dom-style"], function(domStyle){
// | domStyle.set("thinger", {
// | "opacity": 0.5,
// | "border": "3px solid black",
// | "height": "300px"
// | });
// | });
// example:
// When the CSS style property is hyphenated, the JavaScript property is camelCased.
// font-size becomes fontSize, and so on.
// | require(["dojo/dom-style", "dojo/dom"], function(domStyle, dom){
// | domStyle.set("thinger",{
// | fontSize:"14pt",
// | letterSpacing:"1.2em"
// | });
// | });
// example:
// dojo/NodeList implements .style() using the same syntax, omitting the "node" parameter, calling
// dojo/dom-style.get() on every element of the list. See: `dojo/query` and `dojo/NodeList`
// | require(["dojo/dom-style", "dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-dom"],
// | function(domStyle, query){
// | query(".someClassName").style("visibility","hidden");
// | // or
// | query("#baz > div").style({
// | opacity:0.75,
// | fontSize:"13pt"
// | });
// | });
var n = dom.byId(node), l = arguments.length, op = (name == "opacity");
name = _floatAliases[name] ? "cssFloat" in ? "cssFloat" : "styleFloat" : name;
if(l == 3){
return op ? _setOpacity(n, value) :[name] = value; // Number
for(var x in name){
style.set(node, x, name[x]);
return style.getComputedStyle(n);
return style;
define(["./_base/kernel", "./on", "./has", "./dom", "./_base/window"], function(dojo, on, has, dom, win){
// module:
// dojo/mouse
has.add("dom-quirks", win.doc && win.doc.compatMode == "BackCompat");
has.add("events-mouseenter", win.doc && "onmouseenter" in win.doc.createElement("div"));
has.add("events-mousewheel", win.doc && 'onmousewheel' in win.doc);
var mouseButtons;
if((has("dom-quirks") && has("ie")) || !has("dom-addeventlistener")){
mouseButtons = {
LEFT: 1,
// helper functions
isButton: function(e, button){ return e.button & button; },
isLeft: function(e){ return e.button & 1; },
isMiddle: function(e){ return e.button & 4; },
isRight: function(e){ return e.button & 2; }
mouseButtons = {
LEFT: 0,
// helper functions
isButton: function(e, button){ return e.button == button; },
isLeft: function(e){ return e.button == 0; },
isMiddle: function(e){ return e.button == 1; },
isRight: function(e){ return e.button == 2; }
dojo.mouseButtons = mouseButtons;
dojo.mouseButtons = {
// LEFT: Number
// Numeric value of the left mouse button for the platform.
LEFT: 0,
// MIDDLE: Number
// Numeric value of the middle mouse button for the platform.
// RIGHT: Number
// Numeric value of the right mouse button for the platform.
isButton: function(e, button){
// summary:
// Checks an event object for a pressed button
// e: Event
// Event object to examine
// button: Number
// The button value (example: dojo.mouseButton.LEFT)
return e.button == button; // Boolean
isLeft: function(e){
// summary:
// Checks an event object for the pressed left button
// e: Event
// Event object to examine
return e.button == 0; // Boolean
isMiddle: function(e){
// summary:
// Checks an event object for the pressed middle button
// e: Event
// Event object to examine
return e.button == 1; // Boolean
isRight: function(e){
// summary:
// Checks an event object for the pressed right button
// e: Event
// Event object to examine
return e.button == 2; // Boolean
function eventHandler(type, selectHandler){
// emulation of mouseenter/leave with mouseover/out using descendant checking
var handler = function(node, listener){
return on(node, type, function(evt){
return selectHandler(evt, listener);
if(!dom.isDescendant(evt.relatedTarget, node)){
return, evt);
handler.bubble = function(select){
return eventHandler(type, function(evt, listener){
// using a selector, use the select function to determine if the mouse moved inside the selector and was previously outside the selector
var target = select(;
var relatedTarget = evt.relatedTarget;
if(target && (target != (relatedTarget && relatedTarget.nodeType == 1 && select(relatedTarget)))){
return, evt);
return handler;
var wheel;
wheel = 'mousewheel';
}else{ //firefox
wheel = function(node, listener){
return on(node, 'DOMMouseScroll', function(evt){
evt.wheelDelta = -evt.detail;, evt);
return {
// summary:
// This module provide mouse event handling utility functions and exports
// mouseenter and mouseleave event emulation.
// example:
// To use these events, you register a mouseenter like this:
// | define(["dojo/on", "dojo/mouse"], function(on, mouse){
// | on(targetNode, mouse.enter, function(event){
// | dojo.addClass(targetNode, "highlighted");
// | });
// | on(targetNode, mouse.leave, function(event){
// | dojo.removeClass(targetNode, "highlighted");
// | });
_eventHandler: eventHandler, // for dojo/touch
// enter: Synthetic Event
// This is an extension event for the mouseenter that IE provides, emulating the
// behavior on other browsers.
enter: eventHandler("mouseover"),
// leave: Synthetic Event
// This is an extension event for the mouseleave that IE provides, emulating the
// behavior on other browsers.
leave: eventHandler("mouseout"),
// wheel: Normalized Mouse Wheel Event
// This is an extension event for the mousewheel that non-Mozilla browsers provide,
// emulating the behavior on Mozilla based browsers.
wheel: wheel,
isLeft: mouseButtons.isLeft,
isLeft: function(){
// summary:
// Test an event object (from a mousedown event) to see if the left button was pressed.
isMiddle: mouseButtons.isMiddle,
isMiddle: function(){
// summary:
// Test an event object (from a mousedown event) to see if the middle button was pressed.
isRight: mouseButtons.isRight
, isRight: function(){
// summary:
// Test an event object (from a mousedown event) to see if the right button was pressed.
define(["./_base/kernel", "./sniff"], function(dojo, has){
// module:
// dojo/keys
return dojo.keys = {
// summary:
// Definitions for common key values. Client code should test keyCode against these named constants,
// as the actual codes can vary by browser.
TAB: 9,
CLEAR: 12,
ENTER: 13,
SHIFT: 16,
CTRL: 17,
ALT: 18,
META: has("webkit") ? 91 : 224, // the apple key on macs
PAUSE: 19,
SPACE: 32,
PAGE_UP: 33,
END: 35,
HOME: 36,
HELP: 47,
NUMPAD_0: 96,
NUMPAD_1: 97,
NUMPAD_2: 98,
NUMPAD_3: 99,
NUMPAD_4: 100,
NUMPAD_5: 101,
NUMPAD_6: 102,
NUMPAD_7: 103,
NUMPAD_8: 104,
NUMPAD_9: 105,
F1: 112,
F2: 113,
F3: 114,
F4: 115,
F5: 116,
F6: 117,
F7: 118,
F8: 119,
F9: 120,
F10: 121,
F11: 122,
F12: 123,
F13: 124,
F14: 125,
F15: 126,
NUM_LOCK: 144,
UP_DPAD: 175,
// virtual key mapping
copyKey: has("mac") && !has("air") ? (has("safari") ? 91 : 224 ) : 17
define(["./kernel", "./lang", "./array", "./config"], function(dojo, lang, ArrayUtil, config){
var Color = dojo.Color = function(/*Array|String|Object*/ color){
// summary:
// Takes a named string, hex string, array of rgb or rgba values,
// an object with r, g, b, and a properties, or another `Color` object
// and creates a new Color instance to work from.
// example:
// Work with a Color instance:
// | require(["dojo/_base/color"], function(Color){
// | var c = new Color();
// | c.setColor([0,0,0]); // black
// | var hex = c.toHex(); // #000000
// | });
// example:
// Work with a node's color:
// |
// | require(["dojo/_base/color", "dojo/dom-style"], function(Color, domStyle){
// | var color = domStyle("someNode", "backgroundColor");
// | var n = new Color(color);
// | // adjust the color some
// | n.r *= .5;
// | console.log(n.toString()); // rgb(128, 255, 255);
// | });
if(color){ this.setColor(color); }
// there's got to be a more space-efficient way to encode or discover
// these!! Use hex?
Color.named = {
// summary:
// Dictionary list of all CSS named colors, by name. Values are 3-item arrays with corresponding RG and B values.
"black": [0,0,0],
"silver": [192,192,192],
"gray": [128,128,128],
"white": [255,255,255],
"maroon": [128,0,0],
"red": [255,0,0],
"purple": [128,0,128],
"green": [0,128,0],
"lime": [0,255,0],
"olive": [128,128,0],
"yellow": [255,255,0],
"navy": [0,0,128],
"blue": [0,0,255],
"teal": [0,128,128],
"aqua": [0,255,255],
"transparent": config.transparentColor || [0,0,0,0]
lang.extend(Color, {
r: 255, g: 255, b: 255, a: 1,
_set: function(r, g, b, a){
var t = this; t.r = r; t.g = g; t.b = b; t.a = a;
setColor: function(/*Array|String|Object*/ color){
// summary:
// Takes a named string, hex string, array of rgb or rgba values,
// an object with r, g, b, and a properties, or another `Color` object
// and sets this color instance to that value.
// example:
// | require(["dojo/_base/color"], function(Color){
// | var c = new Color(); // no color
// | c.setColor("#ededed"); // greyish
// | });
Color.fromString(color, this);
}else if(lang.isArray(color)){
Color.fromArray(color, this);
this._set(color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a);
if(!(color instanceof Color)){ this.sanitize(); }
return this; // Color
sanitize: function(){
// summary:
// Ensures the object has correct attributes
// description:
// the default implementation does nothing, include dojo.colors to
// augment it with real checks
return this; // Color
toRgb: function(){
// summary:
// Returns 3 component array of rgb values
// example:
// | require(["dojo/_base/color"], function(Color){
// | var c = new Color("#000000");
// | console.log(c.toRgb()); // [0,0,0]
// | });
var t = this;
return [t.r, t.g, t.b]; // Array
toRgba: function(){
// summary:
// Returns a 4 component array of rgba values from the color
// represented by this object.
var t = this;
return [t.r, t.g, t.b, t.a]; // Array
toHex: function(){
// summary:
// Returns a CSS color string in hexadecimal representation
// example:
// | require(["dojo/_base/color"], function(Color){
// | console.log(new Color([0,0,0]).toHex()); // #000000
// | });
var arr =["r", "g", "b"], function(x){
var s = this[x].toString(16);
return s.length < 2 ? "0" + s : s;
}, this);
return "#" + arr.join(""); // String
toCss: function(/*Boolean?*/ includeAlpha){
// summary:
// Returns a css color string in rgb(a) representation
// example:
// | require(["dojo/_base/color"], function(Color){
// | var c = new Color("#FFF").toCss();
// | console.log(c); // rgb('255','255','255')
// | });
var t = this, rgb = t.r + ", " + t.g + ", " + t.b;
return (includeAlpha ? "rgba(" + rgb + ", " + t.a : "rgb(" + rgb) + ")"; // String
toString: function(){
// summary:
// Returns a visual representation of the color
return this.toCss(true); // String
Color.blendColors = dojo.blendColors = function(
/*Color*/ start,
/*Color*/ end,
/*Number*/ weight,
/*Color?*/ obj
// summary:
// Blend colors end and start with weight from 0 to 1, 0.5 being a 50/50 blend,
// can reuse a previously allocated Color object for the result
var t = obj || new Color();
t.r = Math.round(start.r + (end.r - start.r) * weight);
t.g = Math.round(start.g + (end.g - start.g) * weight);
t.b = Math.round(start.b + (end.b - start.b) * weight);
t.a = start.a + (end.a - start.a) * weight;
return t.sanitize(); // Color
Color.fromRgb = dojo.colorFromRgb = function(/*String*/ color, /*Color?*/ obj){
// summary:
// Returns a `Color` instance from a string of the form
// "rgb(...)" or "rgba(...)". Optionally accepts a `Color`
// object to update with the parsed value and return instead of
// creating a new object.
// returns:
// A Color object. If obj is passed, it will be the return value.
var m = color.toLowerCase().match(/^rgba?\(([\s\.,0-9]+)\)/);
return m && Color.fromArray(m[1].split(/\s*,\s*/), obj); // Color
Color.fromHex = dojo.colorFromHex = function(/*String*/ color, /*Color?*/ obj){
// summary:
// Converts a hex string with a '#' prefix to a color object.
// Supports 12-bit #rgb shorthand. Optionally accepts a
// `Color` object to update with the parsed value.
// returns:
// A Color object. If obj is passed, it will be the return value.
// example:
// | require(["dojo/_base/color"], function(Color){
// | var thing = new Color().fromHex("#ededed"); // grey, longhand
// | var thing2 = new Color().fromHex("#000"); // black, shorthand
// | });
var t = obj || new Color(),
bits = (color.length == 4) ? 4 : 8,
mask = (1 << bits) - 1;
color = Number("0x" + color.substr(1));
return null; // Color
ArrayUtil.forEach(["b", "g", "r"], function(x){
var c = color & mask;
color >>= bits;
t[x] = bits == 4 ? 17 * c : c;
t.a = 1;
return t; // Color
Color.fromArray = dojo.colorFromArray = function(/*Array*/ a, /*Color?*/ obj){
// summary:
// Builds a `Color` from a 3 or 4 element array, mapping each
// element in sequence to the rgb(a) values of the color.
// example:
// | require(["dojo/_base/color"], function(Color){
// | var myColor = new Color().fromArray([237,237,237,0.5]); // grey, 50% alpha
// | });
// returns:
// A Color object. If obj is passed, it will be the return value.
var t = obj || new Color();
t._set(Number(a[0]), Number(a[1]), Number(a[2]), Number(a[3]));
if(isNaN(t.a)){ t.a = 1; }
return t.sanitize(); // Color
Color.fromString = dojo.colorFromString = function(/*String*/ str, /*Color?*/ obj){
// summary:
// Parses `str` for a color value. Accepts hex, rgb, and rgba
// style color values.
// description:
// Acceptable input values for str may include arrays of any form
// accepted by dojo.colorFromArray, hex strings such as "#aaaaaa", or
// rgb or rgba strings such as "rgb(133, 200, 16)" or "rgba(10, 10,
// 10, 50)"
// returns:
// A Color object. If obj is passed, it will be the return value.
var a = Color.named[str];
return a && Color.fromArray(a, obj) || Color.fromRgb(str, obj) || Color.fromHex(str, obj); // Color
return Color;
require.has.add("config-selectorEngine", "acme");
"./connect", // until we decide if connect is going back into non-browser environments
"./fx"], function(dojo){
// module:
// dojo/_base/browser
return {
// summary:
// This module causes the browser-only base modules to be loaded.
return dojo;
define(["./kernel", "./lang", "../on"], function(dojo, lang, on){
// module:
// dojo/unload
var win = window;
var unload = {
// summary:
// This module contains the document and window unload detection API.
// This module is deprecated. Use on(window, "unload", func)
// and on(window, "beforeunload", func) instead.
addOnWindowUnload: function(/*Object|Function?*/ obj, /*String|Function?*/ functionName){
// summary:
// Registers a function to be triggered when window.onunload fires.
// Deprecated, use on(window, "unload", lang.hitch(obj, functionName)) instead.
// description:
// The first time that addOnWindowUnload is called Dojo
// will register a page listener to trigger your unload
// handler with. Note that registering these handlers may
// destroy "fastback" page caching in browsers that support
// it. Be careful trying to modify the DOM or access
// JavaScript properties during this phase of page unloading:
// they may not always be available. Consider
// addOnUnload() if you need to modify the DOM or do
// heavy JavaScript work since it fires at the equivalent of
// the page's "onbeforeunload" event.
// example:
// | var afunc = function() {console.log("global function");};
// | require(["dojo/_base/unload"], function(unload) {
// | var foo = {bar: function(){ console.log("bar unloading...");},
// | data: "mydata"};
// | unload.addOnWindowUnload(afunc);
// | unload.addOnWindowUnload(foo, "bar");
// | unload.addOnWindowUnload(foo, function(){console.log("",;});
// | });
if (!dojo.windowUnloaded){
on(win, "unload", (dojo.windowUnloaded = function(){
// summary:
// signal fired by impending window destruction. You may use
// dojo.addOnWindowUnload() to register a listener for this
// event. NOTE: if you wish to dojo.connect() to this method
// to perform page/application cleanup, be aware that this
// event WILL NOT fire if no handler has been registered with
// addOnWindowUnload(). This behavior started in Dojo 1.3.
// Previous versions always triggered windowUnloaded(). See
// addOnWindowUnload for more info.
on(win, "unload", lang.hitch(obj, functionName));
addOnUnload: function(/*Object?|Function?*/ obj, /*String|Function?*/ functionName){
// summary:
// Registers a function to be triggered when the page unloads.
// Deprecated, use on(window, "beforeunload", lang.hitch(obj, functionName)) instead.
// description:
// The first time that addOnUnload is called Dojo will
// register a page listener to trigger your unload handler
// with.
// In a browser environment, the functions will be triggered
// during the window.onbeforeunload event. Be careful of doing
// too much work in an unload handler. onbeforeunload can be
// triggered if a link to download a file is clicked, or if
// the link is a javascript: link. In these cases, the
// onbeforeunload event fires, but the document is not
// actually destroyed. So be careful about doing destructive
// operations in a dojo.addOnUnload callback.
// Further note that calling dojo.addOnUnload will prevent
// browsers from using a "fast back" cache to make page
// loading via back button instantaneous.
// example:
// | var afunc = function() {console.log("global function");};
// | require(["dojo/_base/unload"], function(unload) {
// | var foo = {bar: function(){ console.log("bar unloading...");},
// | data: "mydata"};
// | unload.addOnUnload(afunc);
// | unload.addOnUnload(foo, "bar");
// | unload.addOnUnload(foo, function(){console.log("",;});
// | });
on(win, "beforeunload", lang.hitch(obj, functionName));
dojo.addOnWindowUnload = unload.addOnWindowUnload;
dojo.addOnUnload = unload.addOnUnload;
return unload;
define(["./kernel", "../dom", "../dom-style", "../dom-attr", "../dom-prop", "../dom-class", "../dom-construct", "../dom-geometry"], function(dojo, dom, style, attr, prop, cls, ctr, geom){
// module:
// dojo/dom
return {
// summary:
// This module is a stub for the core dojo DOM API.
// mix-in dom
dojo.byId = dom.byId;
dojo.isDescendant = dom.isDescendant;
dojo.setSelectable = dom.setSelectable;
// mix-in dom-attr
dojo.getAttr = attr.get;
dojo.setAttr = attr.set;
dojo.hasAttr = attr.has;
dojo.removeAttr = attr.remove;
dojo.getNodeProp = attr.getNodeProp;
dojo.attr = function(node, name, value){
// summary:
// Gets or sets an attribute on an HTML element.
// description:
// Handles normalized getting and setting of attributes on DOM
// Nodes. If 2 arguments are passed, and a the second argument is a
// string, acts as a getter.
// If a third argument is passed, or if the second argument is a
// map of attributes, acts as a setter.
// When passing functions as values, note that they will not be
// directly assigned to slots on the node, but rather the default
// behavior will be removed and the new behavior will be added
// using `dojo.connect()`, meaning that event handler properties
// will be normalized and that some caveats with regards to
// non-standard behaviors for onsubmit apply. Namely that you
// should cancel form submission using `dojo.stopEvent()` on the
// passed event object instead of returning a boolean value from
// the handler itself.
// node: DOMNode|String
// id or reference to the element to get or set the attribute on
// name: String|Object
// the name of the attribute to get or set.
// value: String?
// The value to set for the attribute
// returns:
// when used as a getter, the value of the requested attribute
// or null if that attribute does not have a specified or
// default value;
// when used as a setter, the DOM node
// example:
// | // get the current value of the "foo" attribute on a node
// | dojo.attr(dojo.byId("nodeId"), "foo");
// | // or we can just pass the id:
// | dojo.attr("nodeId", "foo");
// example:
// | // use attr() to set the tab index
// | dojo.attr("nodeId", "tabIndex", 3);
// |
// example:
// Set multiple values at once, including event handlers:
// | dojo.attr("formId", {
// | "foo": "bar",
// | "tabIndex": -1,
// | "method": "POST",
// | "onsubmit": function(e){
// | // stop submitting the form. Note that the IE behavior
// | // of returning true or false will have no effect here
// | // since our handler is connect()ed to the built-in
// | // onsubmit behavior and so we need to use
// | // dojo.stopEvent() to ensure that the submission
// | // doesn't proceed.
// | dojo.stopEvent(e);
// |
// | // submit the form with Ajax
// | dojo.xhrPost({ form: "formId" });
// | }
// | });
// example:
// Style is s special case: Only set with an object hash of styles
// | dojo.attr("someNode",{
// | id:"bar",
// | style:{
// | width:"200px", height:"100px", color:"#000"
// | }
// | });
// example:
// Again, only set style as an object hash of styles:
// | var obj = { color:"#fff", backgroundColor:"#000" };
// | dojo.attr("someNode", "style", obj);
// |
// | // though shorter to use `` in this case:
// |"someNode", obj);
if(arguments.length == 2){
return attr[typeof name == "string" ? "get" : "set"](node, name);
return attr.set(node, name, value);
// mix-in dom-class
dojo.hasClass = cls.contains;
dojo.addClass = cls.add;
dojo.removeClass = cls.remove;
dojo.toggleClass = cls.toggle;
dojo.replaceClass = cls.replace;
// mix-in dom-construct
dojo._toDom = dojo.toDom = ctr.toDom; =;
dojo.create = ctr.create;
dojo.empty = function(node){ ctr.empty(node); };
dojo._destroyElement = dojo.destroy = function(node){ ctr.destroy(node); };
// mix-in dom-geometry
dojo._getPadExtents = dojo.getPadExtents = geom.getPadExtents;
dojo._getBorderExtents = dojo.getBorderExtents = geom.getBorderExtents;
dojo._getPadBorderExtents = dojo.getPadBorderExtents = geom.getPadBorderExtents;
dojo._getMarginExtents = dojo.getMarginExtents = geom.getMarginExtents;
dojo._getMarginSize = dojo.getMarginSize = geom.getMarginSize;
dojo._getMarginBox = dojo.getMarginBox = geom.getMarginBox;
dojo.setMarginBox = geom.setMarginBox;
dojo._getContentBox = dojo.getContentBox = geom.getContentBox;
dojo.setContentSize = geom.setContentSize;
dojo._isBodyLtr = dojo.isBodyLtr = geom.isBodyLtr;
dojo._docScroll = dojo.docScroll = geom.docScroll;
dojo._getIeDocumentElementOffset = dojo.getIeDocumentElementOffset = geom.getIeDocumentElementOffset;
dojo._fixIeBiDiScrollLeft = dojo.fixIeBiDiScrollLeft = geom.fixIeBiDiScrollLeft;
dojo.position = geom.position;
dojo.marginBox = function marginBox(/*DomNode|String*/node, /*Object?*/box){
// summary:
// Getter/setter for the margin-box of node.
// description:
// Getter/setter for the margin-box of node.
// Returns an object in the expected format of box (regardless
// if box is passed). The object might look like:
// `{ l: 50, t: 200, w: 300: h: 150 }`
// for a node offset from its parent 50px to the left, 200px from
// the top with a margin width of 300px and a margin-height of
// 150px.
// node:
// id or reference to DOM Node to get/set box for
// box:
// If passed, denotes that dojo.marginBox() should
// update/set the margin box for node. Box is an object in the
// above format. All properties are optional if passed.
// example:
// Retrieve the margin box of a passed node
// | var box = dojo.marginBox("someNodeId");
// | console.dir(box);
// example:
// Set a node's margin box to the size of another node
// | var box = dojo.marginBox("someNodeId");
// | dojo.marginBox("someOtherNode", box);
return box ? geom.setMarginBox(node, box) : geom.getMarginBox(node); // Object
dojo.contentBox = function contentBox(/*DomNode|String*/node, /*Object?*/box){
// summary:
// Getter/setter for the content-box of node.
// description:
// Returns an object in the expected format of box (regardless if box is passed).
// The object might look like:
// `{ l: 50, t: 200, w: 300: h: 150 }`
// for a node offset from its parent 50px to the left, 200px from
// the top with a content width of 300px and a content-height of
// 150px. Note that the content box may have a much larger border
// or margin box, depending on the box model currently in use and
// CSS values set/inherited for node.
// While the getter will return top and left values, the
// setter only accepts setting the width and height.
// node:
// id or reference to DOM Node to get/set box for
// box:
// If passed, denotes that dojo.contentBox() should
// update/set the content box for node. Box is an object in the
// above format, but only w (width) and h (height) are supported.
// All properties are optional if passed.
return box ? geom.setContentSize(node, box) : geom.getContentBox(node); // Object
dojo.coords = function(/*DomNode|String*/node, /*Boolean?*/includeScroll){
// summary:
// Deprecated: Use position() for border-box x/y/w/h
// or marginBox() for margin-box w/h/l/t.
// Returns an object that measures margin-box (w)idth/(h)eight
// and absolute position x/y of the border-box. Also returned
// is computed (l)eft and (t)op values in pixels from the
// node's offsetParent as returned from marginBox().
// Return value will be in the form:
//| { l: 50, t: 200, w: 300: h: 150, x: 100, y: 300 }
// Does not act as a setter. If includeScroll is passed, the x and
// y params are affected as one would expect in dojo.position().
dojo.deprecated("dojo.coords()", "Use dojo.position() or dojo.marginBox().");
node = dom.byId(node);
var s = style.getComputedStyle(node), mb = geom.getMarginBox(node, s);
var abs = geom.position(node, includeScroll);
mb.x = abs.x;
mb.y = abs.y;
return mb; // Object
// mix-in dom-prop
dojo.getProp = prop.get;
dojo.setProp = prop.set;
dojo.prop = function(/*DomNode|String*/node, /*String|Object*/name, /*String?*/value){
// summary:
// Gets or sets a property on an HTML element.
// description:
// Handles normalized getting and setting of properties on DOM
// Nodes. If 2 arguments are passed, and a the second argument is a
// string, acts as a getter.
// If a third argument is passed, or if the second argument is a
// map of attributes, acts as a setter.
// When passing functions as values, note that they will not be
// directly assigned to slots on the node, but rather the default
// behavior will be removed and the new behavior will be added
// using `dojo.connect()`, meaning that event handler properties
// will be normalized and that some caveats with regards to
// non-standard behaviors for onsubmit apply. Namely that you
// should cancel form submission using `dojo.stopEvent()` on the
// passed event object instead of returning a boolean value from
// the handler itself.
// node:
// id or reference to the element to get or set the property on
// name:
// the name of the property to get or set.
// value:
// The value to set for the property
// returns:
// when used as a getter, the value of the requested property
// or null if that attribute does not have a specified or
// default value;
// when used as a setter, the DOM node
// example:
// | // get the current value of the "foo" property on a node
// | dojo.prop(dojo.byId("nodeId"), "foo");
// | // or we can just pass the id:
// | dojo.prop("nodeId", "foo");
// example:
// | // use prop() to set the tab index
// | dojo.prop("nodeId", "tabIndex", 3);
// |
// example:
// Set multiple values at once, including event handlers:
// | dojo.prop("formId", {
// | "foo": "bar",
// | "tabIndex": -1,
// | "method": "POST",
// | "onsubmit": function(e){
// | // stop submitting the form. Note that the IE behavior
// | // of returning true or false will have no effect here
// | // since our handler is connect()ed to the built-in
// | // onsubmit behavior and so we need to use
// | // dojo.stopEvent() to ensure that the submission
// | // doesn't proceed.
// | dojo.stopEvent(e);
// |
// | // submit the form with Ajax
// | dojo.xhrPost({ form: "formId" });
// | }
// | });
// example:
// Style is s special case: Only set with an object hash of styles
// | dojo.prop("someNode",{
// | id:"bar",
// | style:{
// | width:"200px", height:"100px", color:"#000"
// | }
// | });
// example:
// Again, only set style as an object hash of styles:
// | var obj = { color:"#fff", backgroundColor:"#000" };
// | dojo.prop("someNode", "style", obj);
// |
// | // though shorter to use `` in this case:
// |"someNode", obj);
if(arguments.length == 2){
return prop[typeof name == "string" ? "get" : "set"](node, name);
// setter
return prop.set(node, name, value);
// mix-in dom-style
dojo.getStyle = style.get;
dojo.setStyle = style.set;
dojo.getComputedStyle = style.getComputedStyle;
dojo.__toPixelValue = dojo.toPixelValue = style.toPixelValue; = function(node, name, value){
// summary:
// Accesses styles on a node. If 2 arguments are
// passed, acts as a getter. If 3 arguments are passed, acts
// as a setter.
// description:
// Getting the style value uses the computed style for the node, so the value
// will be a calculated value, not just the immediate value.
// Also when getting values, use specific style names,
// like "borderBottomWidth" instead of "border" since compound values like
// "border" are not necessarily reflected as expected.
// If you want to get node dimensions, use `dojo.marginBox()`,
// `dojo.contentBox()` or `dojo.position()`.
// node: DOMNode|String
// id or reference to node to get/set style for
// name: String|Object?
// the style property to set in DOM-accessor format
// ("borderWidth", not "border-width") or an object with key/value
// pairs suitable for setting each property.
// value: String?
// If passed, sets value on the node for style, handling
// cross-browser concerns. When setting a pixel value,
// be sure to include "px" in the value. For instance, top: "200px".
// Otherwise, in some cases, some browsers will not apply the style.
// returns:
// when used as a getter, return the computed style of the node if passing in an ID or node,
// or return the normalized, computed value for the property when passing in a node and a style property
// example:
// Passing only an ID or node returns the computed style object of
// the node:
// |"thinger");
// example:
// Passing a node and a style property returns the current
// normalized, computed value for that property:
// |"thinger", "opacity"); // 1 by default
// example:
// Passing a node, a style property, and a value changes the
// current display of the node and returns the new computed value
// |"thinger", "opacity", 0.5); // == 0.5
// example:
// Passing a node, an object-style style property sets each of the values in turn and returns the computed style object of the node:
// |"thinger", {
// | "opacity": 0.5,
// | "border": "3px solid black",
// | "height": "300px"
// | });
// example:
// When the CSS style property is hyphenated, the JavaScript property is camelCased.
// font-size becomes fontSize, and so on.
// |"thinger",{
// | fontSize:"14pt",
// | letterSpacing:"1.2em"
// | });
// example:
// dojo/NodeList implements .style() using the same syntax, omitting the "node" parameter, calling
// on every element of the list. See: `dojo/query` and `dojo/NodeList`
// | dojo.query(".someClassName").style("visibility","hidden");
// | // or
// | dojo.query("#baz > div").style({
// | opacity:0.75,
// | fontSize:"13pt"
// | });
case 1:
return style.get(node);
case 2:
return style[typeof name == "string" ? "get" : "set"](node, name);
// setter
return style.set(node, name, value);
return dojo;
define(["exports", "./sniff", "./_base/lang", "./dom", "./dom-style", "./dom-prop"],
function(exports, has, lang, dom, style, prop){
// module:
// dojo/dom-attr
// summary:
// This module defines the core dojo DOM attributes API.
// TODOC: summary not showing up in output see
// =============================
// Element attribute Functions
// =============================
// This module will be obsolete soon. Use dojo/prop instead.
// dojo/dom-attr.get() should conform to
// attribute-related functions (to be obsolete soon)
var forcePropNames = {
innerHTML: 1,
className: 1,
htmlFor: has("ie") ? 1 : 0,
value: 1
attrNames = {
// original attribute names
classname: "class",
htmlfor: "for",
// for IE
tabindex: "tabIndex",
readonly: "readOnly"
function _hasAttr(node, name){
var attr = node.getAttributeNode && node.getAttributeNode(name);
return !!attr && attr.specified; // Boolean
// There is a difference in the presence of certain properties and their default values
// between browsers. For example, on IE "disabled" is present on all elements,
// but it is value is "false"; "tabIndex" of <div> returns 0 by default on IE, yet other browsers
// can return -1.
exports.has = function hasAttr(/*DOMNode|String*/ node, /*String*/ name){
// summary:
// Returns true if the requested attribute is specified on the
// given element, and false otherwise.
// node: DOMNode|String
// id or reference to the element to check
// name: String
// the name of the attribute
// returns: Boolean
// true if the requested attribute is specified on the
// given element, and false otherwise
var lc = name.toLowerCase();
return !!forcePropNames[prop.names[lc] || name] || _hasAttr(dom.byId(node), attrNames[lc] || name); // Boolean
exports.get = function getAttr(/*DOMNode|String*/ node, /*String*/ name){
// summary:
// Gets an attribute on an HTML element.
// description:
// Handles normalized getting of attributes on DOM Nodes.
// node: DOMNode|String
// id or reference to the element to get the attribute on
// name: String
// the name of the attribute to get.
// returns:
// the value of the requested attribute or null if that attribute does not have a specified or
// default value;
// example:
// | // get the current value of the "foo" attribute on a node
// | require(["dojo/dom-attr", "dojo/dom"], function(domAttr, dom){
// | domAttr.get(dom.byId("nodeId"), "foo");
// | // or we can just pass the id:
// | domAttr.get("nodeId", "foo");
// | });
// |
node = dom.byId(node);
var lc = name.toLowerCase(),
propName = prop.names[lc] || name,
forceProp = forcePropNames[propName],
value = node[propName]; // should we access this attribute via a property or via getAttribute()?
if(forceProp && typeof value != "undefined"){
// node's property
return value; // Anything
if(propName == "textContent"){
return prop.get(node, propName);
if(propName != "href" && (typeof value == "boolean" || lang.isFunction(value))){
// node's property
return value; // Anything
// node's attribute
// we need _hasAttr() here to guard against IE returning a default value
var attrName = attrNames[lc] || name;
return _hasAttr(node, attrName) ? node.getAttribute(attrName) : null; // Anything
exports.set = function setAttr(/*DOMNode|String*/ node, /*String|Object*/ name, /*String?*/ value){
// summary:
// Sets an attribute on an HTML element.
// description:
// Handles normalized setting of attributes on DOM Nodes.
// When passing functions as values, note that they will not be
// directly assigned to slots on the node, but rather the default
// behavior will be removed and the new behavior will be added
// using `dojo.connect()`, meaning that event handler properties
// will be normalized and that some caveats with regards to
// non-standard behaviors for onsubmit apply. Namely that you
// should cancel form submission using `dojo.stopEvent()` on the
// passed event object instead of returning a boolean value from
// the handler itself.
// node: DOMNode|String
// id or reference to the element to set the attribute on
// name: String|Object
// the name of the attribute to set, or a hash of key-value pairs to set.
// value: String?
// the value to set for the attribute, if the name is a string.
// returns:
// the DOM node
// example:
// | // use attr() to set the tab index
// | require(["dojo/dom-attr"], function(domAttr){
// | domAttr.set("nodeId", "tabIndex", 3);
// | });
// example:
// Set multiple values at once, including event handlers:
// | require(["dojo/dom-attr"],
// | function(domAttr){
// | domAttr.set("formId", {
// | "foo": "bar",
// | "tabIndex": -1,
// | "method": "POST"
// | }
// | });
node = dom.byId(node);
if(arguments.length == 2){ // inline'd type check
// the object form of setter: the 2nd argument is a dictionary
for(var x in name){
exports.set(node, x, name[x]);
return node; // DomNode
var lc = name.toLowerCase(),
propName = prop.names[lc] || name,
forceProp = forcePropNames[propName];
if(propName == "style" && typeof value != "string"){ // inline'd type check
// special case: setting a style
style.set(node, value);
return node; // DomNode
if(forceProp || typeof value == "boolean" || lang.isFunction(value)){
return prop.set(node, name, value);
// node's attribute
node.setAttribute(attrNames[lc] || name, value);
return node; // DomNode
exports.remove = function removeAttr(/*DOMNode|String*/ node, /*String*/ name){
// summary:
// Removes an attribute from an HTML element.
// node: DOMNode|String
// id or reference to the element to remove the attribute from
// name: String
// the name of the attribute to remove
dom.byId(node).removeAttribute(attrNames[name.toLowerCase()] || name);
exports.getNodeProp = function getNodeProp(/*DomNode|String*/ node, /*String*/ name){
// summary:
// Returns an effective value of a property or an attribute.
// node: DOMNode|String
// id or reference to the element to remove the attribute from
// name: String
// the name of the attribute
// returns:
// the value of the attribute
node = dom.byId(node);
var lc = name.toLowerCase(), propName = prop.names[lc] || name;
if((propName in node) && propName != "href"){
// node's property
return node[propName]; // Anything
// node's attribute
var attrName = attrNames[lc] || name;
return _hasAttr(node, attrName) ? node.getAttribute(attrName) : null; // Anything
define(["exports", "./_base/kernel", "./sniff", "./_base/lang", "./dom", "./dom-style", "./dom-construct", "./_base/connect"],
function(exports, dojo, has, lang, dom, style, ctr, conn){
// module:
// dojo/dom-prop
// summary:
// This module defines the core dojo DOM properties API.
// TODOC: summary not showing up in output, see
// =============================
// Element properties Functions
// =============================
// helper to connect events
var _evtHdlrMap = {}, _ctr = 1, _attrId = dojo._scopeName + "attrid";
has.add('dom-textContent', function (global, doc, element) { return 'textContent' in element; });
exports.names = {
// properties renamed to avoid clashes with reserved words
"class": "className",
"for": "htmlFor",
// properties written as camelCase
tabindex: "tabIndex",
readonly: "readOnly",
colspan: "colSpan",
frameborder: "frameBorder",
rowspan: "rowSpan",
textcontent: "textContent",
valuetype: "valueType"
function getText(/*DOMNode*/node){
// summary:
// recursion method for get('textContent') to use. Gets text value for a node.
// description:
// Juse uses nodedValue so things like <br/> tags do not end up in
// the text as any sort of line return.
var text = "", ch = node.childNodes;
for(var i = 0, n; n = ch[i]; i++){
//Skip comments.
if(n.nodeType != 8){
if(n.nodeType == 1){
text += getText(n);
text += n.nodeValue;
return text;
exports.get = function getProp(/*DOMNode|String*/ node, /*String*/ name){
// summary:
// Gets a property on an HTML element.
// description:
// Handles normalized getting of properties on DOM nodes.
// node: DOMNode|String
// id or reference to the element to get the property on
// name: String
// the name of the property to get.
// returns:
// the value of the requested property or its default value
// example:
// | // get the current value of the "foo" property on a node
// | require(["dojo/dom-prop", "dojo/dom"], function(domProp, dom){
// | domProp.get(dom.byId("nodeId"), "foo");
// | // or we can just pass the id:
// | domProp.get("nodeId", "foo");
// | });
node = dom.byId(node);
var lc = name.toLowerCase(), propName = exports.names[lc] || name;
if(propName == "textContent" && !has("dom-textContent")){
return getText(node);
return node[propName]; // Anything
exports.set = function setProp(/*DOMNode|String*/ node, /*String|Object*/ name, /*String?*/ value){
// summary:
// Sets a property on an HTML element.
// description:
// Handles normalized setting of properties on DOM nodes.
// When passing functions as values, note that they will not be
// directly assigned to slots on the node, but rather the default
// behavior will be removed and the new behavior will be added
// using `dojo.connect()`, meaning that event handler properties
// will be normalized and that some caveats with regards to
// non-standard behaviors for onsubmit apply. Namely that you
// should cancel form submission using `dojo.stopEvent()` on the
// passed event object instead of returning a boolean value from
// the handler itself.
// node: DOMNode|String
// id or reference to the element to set the property on
// name: String|Object
// the name of the property to set, or a hash object to set
// multiple properties at once.
// value: String?
// The value to set for the property
// returns:
// the DOM node
// example:
// | // use prop() to set the tab index
// | require(["dojo/dom-prop"], function(domProp){
// | domProp.set("nodeId", "tabIndex", 3);
// | });
// example:
// Set multiple values at once, including event handlers:
// | require(["dojo/dom-prop"], function(domProp){
// | domProp.set("formId", {
// | "foo": "bar",
// | "tabIndex": -1,
// | "method": "POST",
// | });
// | });
node = dom.byId(node);
var l = arguments.length;
if(l == 2 && typeof name != "string"){ // inline'd type check
// the object form of setter: the 2nd argument is a dictionary
for(var x in name){
exports.set(node, x, name[x]);
return node; // DomNode
var lc = name.toLowerCase(), propName = exports.names[lc] || name;
if(propName == "style" && typeof value != "string"){ // inline'd type check
// special case: setting a style
style.set(node, value);
return node; // DomNode
if(propName == "innerHTML"){
// special case: assigning HTML
// the hash lists elements with read-only innerHTML on IE
if(has("ie") && node.tagName.toLowerCase() in {col: 1, colgroup: 1,
table: 1, tbody: 1, tfoot: 1, thead: 1, tr: 1, title: 1}){
node.appendChild(ctr.toDom(value, node.ownerDocument));
node[propName] = value;
return node; // DomNode
if(propName == "textContent" && !has("dom-textContent")) {
return node;
// special case: assigning an event handler
// clobber if we can
var attrId = node[_attrId];
attrId = _ctr++;
node[_attrId] = attrId;
_evtHdlrMap[attrId] = {};
var h = _evtHdlrMap[attrId][propName];
delete node[propName];
// ensure that event objects are normalized, etc.
//_evtHdlrMap[attrId][propName] = on(node, propName, value);
_evtHdlrMap[attrId][propName] = conn.connect(node, propName, value);
node[propName] = null;
return node; // DomNode
node[propName] = value;
return node; // DomNode
define(["exports", "./_base/kernel", "./sniff", "./_base/window", "./dom", "./dom-attr"],
function(exports, dojo, has, win, dom, attr){
// module:
// dojo/dom-construct
// summary:
// This module defines the core dojo DOM construction API.
// TODOC: summary not showing up in output, see
// support stuff for toDom()
var tagWrap = {
option: ["select"],
tbody: ["table"],
thead: ["table"],
tfoot: ["table"],
tr: ["table", "tbody"],
td: ["table", "tbody", "tr"],
th: ["table", "thead", "tr"],
legend: ["fieldset"],
caption: ["table"],
colgroup: ["table"],
col: ["table", "colgroup"],
li: ["ul"]
reTag = /<\s*([\w\:]+)/,
masterNode = {}, masterNum = 0,
masterName = "__" + dojo._scopeName + "ToDomId";
// generate start/end tag strings to use
// for the injection for each special tag wrap case.
for(var param in tagWrap){
var tw = tagWrap[param];
tw.pre = param == "option" ? '<select multiple="multiple">' : "<" + tw.join("><") + ">"; = "</" + tw.reverse().join("></") + ">";
// the last line is destructive: it reverses the array,
// but we don't care at this point
var html5domfix;
if(has("ie") <= 8){
html5domfix = function(doc){
doc.__dojo_html5_tested = "yes";
var div = create('div', {innerHTML: "<nav>a</nav>", style: {visibility: "hidden"}}, doc.body);
if(div.childNodes.length !== 1){
('abbr article aside audio canvas details figcaption figure footer header ' +
'hgroup mark meter nav output progress section summary time video').replace(
/\b\w+\b/g, function(n){
function _insertBefore(/*DomNode*/ node, /*DomNode*/ ref){
var parent = ref.parentNode;
parent.insertBefore(node, ref);
function _insertAfter(/*DomNode*/ node, /*DomNode*/ ref){
// summary:
// Try to insert node after ref
var parent = ref.parentNode;
if(parent.lastChild == ref){
parent.insertBefore(node, ref.nextSibling);
exports.toDom = function toDom(frag, doc){
// summary:
// instantiates an HTML fragment returning the corresponding DOM.
// frag: String
// the HTML fragment
// doc: DocumentNode?
// optional document to use when creating DOM nodes, defaults to
// dojo/_base/window.doc if not specified.
// returns:
// Document fragment, unless it's a single node in which case it returns the node itself
// example:
// Create a table row:
// | require(["dojo/dom-construct"], function(domConstruct){
// | var tr = domConstruct.toDom("<tr><td>First!</td></tr>");
// | });
doc = doc || win.doc;
var masterId = doc[masterName];
doc[masterName] = masterId = ++masterNum + "";
masterNode[masterId] = doc.createElement("div");
if(has("ie") <= 8){
if(!doc.__dojo_html5_tested && doc.body){
// make sure the frag is a string.
frag += "";
// find the starting tag, and get node wrapper
var match = frag.match(reTag),
tag = match ? match[1].toLowerCase() : "",
master = masterNode[masterId],
wrap, i, fc, df;
if(match && tagWrap[tag]){
wrap = tagWrap[tag];
master.innerHTML = wrap.pre + frag +;
for(i = wrap.length; i; --i){
master = master.firstChild;
master.innerHTML = frag;
// one node shortcut => return the node itself
if(master.childNodes.length == 1){
return master.removeChild(master.firstChild); // DOMNode
// return multiple nodes as a document fragment
df = doc.createDocumentFragment();
while((fc = master.firstChild)){ // intentional assignment
return df; // DocumentFragment
}; = function place(node, refNode, position){
// summary:
// Attempt to insert node into the DOM, choosing from various positioning options.
// Returns the first argument resolved to a DOM node.
// node: DOMNode|DocumentFragment|String
// id or node reference, or HTML fragment starting with "<" to place relative to refNode
// refNode: DOMNode|String
// id or node reference to use as basis for placement
// position: String|Number?
// string noting the position of node relative to refNode or a
// number indicating the location in the childNodes collection of refNode.
// Accepted string values are:
// - before
// - after
// - replace
// - only
// - first
// - last
// "first" and "last" indicate positions as children of refNode, "replace" replaces refNode,
// "only" replaces all children. position defaults to "last" if not specified
// returns: DOMNode
// Returned values is the first argument resolved to a DOM node.
// .place() is also a method of `dojo/NodeList`, allowing `dojo/query` node lookups.
// example:
// Place a node by string id as the last child of another node by string id:
// | require(["dojo/dom-construct"], function(domConstruct){
// |"someNode", "anotherNode");
// | });
// example:
// Place a node by string id before another node by string id
// | require(["dojo/dom-construct"], function(domConstruct){
// |"someNode", "anotherNode", "before");
// | });
// example:
// Create a Node, and place it in the body element (last child):
// | require(["dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/_base/window"
// | ], function(domConstruct, win){
// |"<div></div>", win.body());
// | });
// example:
// Put a new LI as the first child of a list by id:
// | require(["dojo/dom-construct"], function(domConstruct){
// |"<li></li>", "someUl", "first");
// | });
refNode = dom.byId(refNode);
if(typeof node == "string"){ // inline'd type check
node = /^\s*</.test(node) ? exports.toDom(node, refNode.ownerDocument) : dom.byId(node);
if(typeof position == "number"){ // inline'd type check
var cn = refNode.childNodes;
if(!cn.length || cn.length <= position){
_insertBefore(node, cn[position < 0 ? 0 : position]);
case "before":
_insertBefore(node, refNode);
case "after":
_insertAfter(node, refNode);
case "replace":
refNode.parentNode.replaceChild(node, refNode);
case "only":
case "first":
_insertBefore(node, refNode.firstChild);
// else fallthrough...
default: // aka: last
return node; // DomNode
var create = exports.create = function create(/*DOMNode|String*/ tag, /*Object*/ attrs, /*DOMNode|String?*/ refNode, /*String?*/ pos){
// summary:
// Create an element, allowing for optional attribute decoration
// and placement.
// description:
// A DOM Element creation function. A shorthand method for creating a node or
// a fragment, and allowing for a convenient optional attribute setting step,
// as well as an optional DOM placement reference.
// Attributes are set by passing the optional object through `dojo/dom-attr.set`.
// See `dojo/dom-attr.set` for noted caveats and nuances, and API if applicable.
// Placement is done via `dojo/`, assuming the new node to be
// the action node, passing along the optional reference node and position.
// tag: DOMNode|String
// A string of the element to create (eg: "div", "a", "p", "li", "script", "br"),
// or an existing DOM node to process.
// attrs: Object
// An object-hash of attributes to set on the newly created node.
// Can be null, if you don't want to set any attributes/styles.
// See: `dojo/dom-attr.set` for a description of available attributes.
// refNode: DOMNode|String?
// Optional reference node. Used by `dojo/` to place the newly created
// node somewhere in the dom relative to refNode. Can be a DomNode reference
// or String ID of a node.
// pos: String?
// Optional positional reference. Defaults to "last" by way of `dojo/`,
// though can be set to "first","after","before","last", "replace" or "only"
// to further control the placement of the new node relative to the refNode.
// 'refNode' is required if a 'pos' is specified.
// example:
// Create a DIV:
// | require(["dojo/dom-construct"], function(domConstruct){
// | var n = domConstruct.create("div");
// | });
// example:
// Create a DIV with content:
// | require(["dojo/dom-construct"], function(domConstruct){
// | var n = domConstruct.create("div", { innerHTML:"<p>hi</p>" });
// | });
// example:
// Place a new DIV in the BODY, with no attributes set
// | require(["dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/_base/window"], function(domConstruct, win){
// | var n = domConstruct.create("div", null, win.body());
// | });
// example:
// Create an UL, and populate it with LI's. Place the list as the first-child of a
// node with id="someId":
// | require(["dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/_base/array"],
// | function(domConstruct, arrayUtil){
// | var ul = domConstruct.create("ul", null, "someId", "first");
// | var items = ["one", "two", "three", "four"];
// | arrayUtil.forEach(items, function(data){
// | domConstruct.create("li", { innerHTML: data }, ul);
// | });
// | });
// example:
// Create an anchor, with an href. Place in BODY:
// | require(["dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/_base/window"], function(domConstruct, win){
// | domConstruct.create("a", { href:"foo.html", title:"Goto FOO!" }, win.body());
// | });
var doc = win.doc;
refNode = dom.byId(refNode);
doc = refNode.ownerDocument;
if(typeof tag == "string"){ // inline'd type check
tag = doc.createElement(tag);
if(attrs){ attr.set(tag, attrs); }
if(refNode){, refNode, pos); }
return tag; // DomNode
function _empty(/*DomNode*/ node){
// TODO: remove this if() block in 2.0 when we no longer have to worry about IE memory leaks,
// and then uncomment the emptyGrandchildren() test case from html.html.
// Note that besides fixing #16957, using removeChild() is actually faster than setting node.innerHTML,
// see
if("innerHTML" in node){
// fast path
node.innerHTML = "";
// innerHTML is readOnly (e.g. TABLE (sub)elements in quirks mode)
// Fall through (saves bytes)
// SVG/strict elements don't support innerHTML
for(var c; c = node.lastChild;){ // intentional assignment
exports.empty = function empty(/*DOMNode|String*/ node){
// summary:
// safely removes all children of the node.
// node: DOMNode|String
// a reference to a DOM node or an id.
// example:
// Destroy node's children byId:
// | require(["dojo/dom-construct"], function(domConstruct){
// | domConstruct.empty("someId");
// | });
function _destroy(/*DomNode*/ node, /*DomNode*/ parent){
// in IE quirks, node.canHaveChildren can be false but firstChild can be non-null (OBJECT/APPLET)
// removeNode(false) doesn't leak in IE 6+, but removeChild() and removeNode(true) are known to leak under IE 8- while 9+ is TBD.
// In IE quirks mode, PARAM nodes as children of OBJECT/APPLET nodes have a removeNode method that does nothing and
// the parent node has canHaveChildren=false even though removeChild correctly removes the PARAM children.
// In IE, SVG/strict nodes don't have a removeNode method nor a canHaveChildren boolean.
has("ie") && parent.canHaveChildren && "removeNode" in node ? node.removeNode(false) : parent.removeChild(node);
var destroy = exports.destroy = function destroy(/*DOMNode|String*/ node){
// summary:
// Removes a node from its parent, clobbering it and all of its
// children.
// description:
// Removes a node from its parent, clobbering it and all of its
// children. Function only works with DomNodes, and returns nothing.
// node: DOMNode|String
// A String ID or DomNode reference of the element to be destroyed
// example:
// Destroy a node byId:
// | require(["dojo/dom-construct"], function(domConstruct){
// | domConstruct.destroy("someId");
// | });
node = dom.byId(node);
if(!node){ return; }
_destroy(node, node.parentNode);
define(["./_base/lang", "./_base/array", "./dom"], function(lang, array, dom){
// module:
// dojo/dom-class
var className = "className";
/* Part I of classList-based implementation is preserved here for posterity
var classList = "classList";
has.add("dom-classList", function(){
return classList in document.createElement("p");
// =============================
// (CSS) Class Functions
// =============================
var cls, // exports object
spaces = /\s+/, a1 = [""];
function str2array(s){
if(typeof s == "string" || s instanceof String){
if(s && !spaces.test(s)){
a1[0] = s;
return a1;
var a = s.split(spaces);
if(a.length && !a[0]){
if(a.length && !a[a.length - 1]){
return a;
// assumed to be an array
return [];
return array.filter(s, function(x){ return x; });
/* Part II of classList-based implementation is preserved here for posterity
// new classList version
cls = {
contains: function containsClass(node, classStr){
var clslst = classStr && dom.byId(node)[classList];
return clslst && clslst.contains(classStr); // Boolean
add: function addClass(node, classStr){
node = dom.byId(node);
classStr = str2array(classStr);
for(var i = 0, len = classStr.length; i < len; ++i){
remove: function removeClass(node, classStr){
node = dom.byId(node);
if(classStr === undefined){
node[className] = "";
classStr = str2array(classStr);
for(var i = 0, len = classStr.length; i < len; ++i){
replace: function replaceClass(node, addClassStr, removeClassStr){
node = dom.byId(node);
if(removeClassStr === undefined){
node[className] = "";
removeClassStr = str2array(removeClassStr);
for(var i = 0, len = removeClassStr.length; i < len; ++i){
addClassStr = str2array(addClassStr);
for(i = 0, len = addClassStr.length; i < len; ++i){
toggle: function toggleClass(node, classStr, condition){
node = dom.byId(node);
if(condition === undefined){
classStr = str2array(classStr);
for(var i = 0, len = classStr.length; i < len; ++i){
cls[condition ? "add" : "remove"](node, classStr);
return condition; // Boolean
// regular DOM version
var fakeNode = {}; // for effective replacement
cls = {
// summary:
// This module defines the core dojo DOM class API.
contains: function containsClass(/*DomNode|String*/ node, /*String*/ classStr){
// summary:
// Returns whether or not the specified classes are a portion of the
// class list currently applied to the node.
// node: String|DOMNode
// String ID or DomNode reference to check the class for.
// classStr: String
// A string class name to look for.
// example:
// Do something if a node with id="someNode" has class="aSillyClassName" present
// | if(domClass.contains("someNode","aSillyClassName")){ ... }
return ((" " + dom.byId(node)[className] + " ").indexOf(" " + classStr + " ") >= 0); // Boolean
add: function addClass(/*DomNode|String*/ node, /*String|Array*/ classStr){
// summary:
// Adds the specified classes to the end of the class list on the
// passed node. Will not re-apply duplicate classes.
// node: String|DOMNode
// String ID or DomNode reference to add a class string too
// classStr: String|Array
// A String class name to add, or several space-separated class names,
// or an array of class names.
// example:
// Add a class to some node:
// | require(["dojo/dom-class"], function(domClass){
// | domClass.add("someNode", "anewClass");
// | });
// example:
// Add two classes at once:
// | require(["dojo/dom-class"], function(domClass){
// | domClass.add("someNode", "firstClass secondClass");
// | });
// example:
// Add two classes at once (using array):
// | require(["dojo/dom-class"], function(domClass){
// | domClass.add("someNode", ["firstClass", "secondClass"]);
// | });
// example:
// Available in `dojo/NodeList` for multiple additions
// | require(["dojo/query"], function(query){
// | query("ul > li").addClass("firstLevel");
// | });
node = dom.byId(node);
classStr = str2array(classStr);
var cls = node[className], oldLen;
cls = cls ? " " + cls + " " : " ";
oldLen = cls.length;
for(var i = 0, len = classStr.length, c; i < len; ++i){
c = classStr[i];
if(c && cls.indexOf(" " + c + " ") < 0){
cls += c + " ";
if(oldLen < cls.length){
node[className] = cls.substr(1, cls.length - 2);
remove: function removeClass(/*DomNode|String*/ node, /*String|Array?*/ classStr){
// summary:
// Removes the specified classes from node. No `contains()`
// check is required.
// node: String|DOMNode
// String ID or DomNode reference to remove the class from.
// classStr: String|Array
// An optional String class name to remove, or several space-separated
// class names, or an array of class names. If omitted, all class names
// will be deleted.
// example:
// Remove a class from some node:
// | require(["dojo/dom-class"], function(domClass){
// | domClass.remove("someNode", "firstClass");
// | });
// example:
// Remove two classes from some node:
// | require(["dojo/dom-class"], function(domClass){
// | domClass.remove("someNode", "firstClass secondClass");
// | });
// example:
// Remove two classes from some node (using array):
// | require(["dojo/dom-class"], function(domClass){
// | domClass.remove("someNode", ["firstClass", "secondClass"]);
// | });
// example:
// Remove all classes from some node:
// | require(["dojo/dom-class"], function(domClass){
// | domClass.remove("someNode");
// | });
// example:
// Available in `dojo/NodeList` for multiple removal
// | require(["dojo/query"], function(query){
// | query("ul > li").removeClass("foo");
// | });
node = dom.byId(node);
var cls;
if(classStr !== undefined){
classStr = str2array(classStr);
cls = " " + node[className] + " ";
for(var i = 0, len = classStr.length; i < len; ++i){
cls = cls.replace(" " + classStr[i] + " ", " ");
cls = lang.trim(cls);
cls = "";
if(node[className] != cls){ node[className] = cls; }
replace: function replaceClass(/*DomNode|String*/ node, /*String|Array*/ addClassStr, /*String|Array?*/ removeClassStr){
// summary:
// Replaces one or more classes on a node if not present.
// Operates more quickly than calling domClass.remove and domClass.add
// node: String|DOMNode
// String ID or DomNode reference to remove the class from.
// addClassStr: String|Array
// A String class name to add, or several space-separated class names,
// or an array of class names.
// removeClassStr: String|Array?
// A String class name to remove, or several space-separated class names,
// or an array of class names.
// example:
// | require(["dojo/dom-class"], function(domClass){
// | domClass.replace("someNode", "add1 add2", "remove1 remove2");
// | });
// example:
// Replace all classes with addMe
// | require(["dojo/dom-class"], function(domClass){
// | domClass.replace("someNode", "addMe");
// | });
// example:
// Available in `dojo/NodeList` for multiple toggles
// | require(["dojo/query"], function(query){
// | query(".findMe").replaceClass("addMe", "removeMe");
// | });
node = dom.byId(node);
fakeNode[className] = node[className];
cls.remove(fakeNode, removeClassStr);
cls.add(fakeNode, addClassStr);
if(node[className] !== fakeNode[className]){
node[className] = fakeNode[className];
toggle: function toggleClass(/*DomNode|String*/ node, /*String|Array*/ classStr, /*Boolean?*/ condition){
// summary:
// Adds a class to node if not present, or removes if present.
// Pass a boolean condition if you want to explicitly add or remove.
// Returns the condition that was specified directly or indirectly.
// node: String|DOMNode
// String ID or DomNode reference to toggle a class string
// classStr: String|Array
// A String class name to toggle, or several space-separated class names,
// or an array of class names.
// condition:
// If passed, true means to add the class, false means to remove.
// Otherwise domClass.contains(node, classStr) is used to detect the class presence.
// example:
// | require(["dojo/dom-class"], function(domClass){
// | domClass.toggle("someNode", "hovered");
// | });
// example:
// Forcefully add a class
// | require(["dojo/dom-class"], function(domClass){
// | domClass.toggle("someNode", "hovered", true);
// | });
// example:
// Available in `dojo/NodeList` for multiple toggles
// | require(["dojo/query"], function(query){
// | query(".toggleMe").toggleClass("toggleMe");
// | });
node = dom.byId(node);
if(condition === undefined){
classStr = str2array(classStr);
for(var i = 0, len = classStr.length, c; i < len; ++i){
c = classStr[i];
cls[cls.contains(node, c) ? "remove" : "add"](node, c);
cls[condition ? "add" : "remove"](node, classStr);
return condition; // Boolean
return cls;
define(["./kernel", "../query", "./array", "./html", "../NodeList-dom"], function(dojo, query, array){
// module:
// dojo/_base/NodeList
return {
// summary:
// This module extends dojo/NodeList with the legacy connect(), coords(),
// blur(), focus(), change(), click(), error(), keydown(), keypress(),
// keyup(), load(), mousedown(), mouseenter(), mouseleave(), mousemove(),
// mouseout(), mouseover(), mouseup(), and submit() methods.
var NodeList = query.NodeList,
nlp = NodeList.prototype;
nlp.connect = NodeList._adaptAsForEach(function(){
// don't bind early to dojo.connect since we no longer explicitly depend on it
return dojo.connect.apply(this, arguments);
nlp.connect = function(methodName, objOrFunc, funcName){
// summary:
// Attach event handlers to every item of the NodeList. Uses dojo.connect()
// so event properties are normalized.
// Application must manually require() "dojo/_base/connect" before using this method.
// methodName: String
// the name of the method to attach to. For DOM events, this should be
// the lower-case name of the event
// objOrFunc: Object|Function|String
// if 2 arguments are passed (methodName, objOrFunc), objOrFunc should
// reference a function or be the name of the function in the global
// namespace to attach. If 3 arguments are provided
// (methodName, objOrFunc, funcName), objOrFunc must be the scope to
// locate the bound function in
// funcName: String?
// optional. A string naming the function in objOrFunc to bind to the
// event. May also be a function reference.
// example:
// add an onclick handler to every button on the page
// | query("div:nth-child(odd)").connect("onclick", function(e){
// | console.log("clicked!");
// | });
// example:
// attach to every odd div's onmouseover
// | query("div:nth-child(odd)").connect("onmouseover", foo, "bar");
return null; // NodeList
nlp.coords = NodeList._adaptAsMap(dojo.coords);
nlp.coords = function(){
// summary:
// Deprecated: Use position() for border-box x/y/w/h
// or marginBox() for margin-box w/h/l/t.
// Returns the box objects of all elements in a node list as
// an Array (*not* a NodeList). Acts like `domGeom.coords`, though assumes
// the node passed is each node in this list.
return []; // Array
=====*/ = [
// summary:
// list of all DOM events used in NodeList
"blur", "focus", "change", "click", "error", "keydown", "keypress",
"keyup", "load", "mousedown", "mouseenter", "mouseleave", "mousemove",
"mouseout", "mouseover", "mouseup", "submit"
// FIXME: pseudo-doc the above automatically generated on-event functions
// syntactic sugar for DOM events
array.forEach(, function(evt){
var _oe = "on" + evt;
nlp[_oe] = function(a, b){
return this.connect(_oe, a, b);
// FIXME: should these events trigger publishes?
return (a ? this.connect(_oe, a, b) :
// listeners get buried by
// addEventListener and can't be dug back
// out to be triggered externally.
// see:
console.log(n, evt, _oe);
// FIXME: need synthetic event support!
var _e = { target: n, faux: true, type: evt };
// dojo._event_listener._synthesizeEvent({}, { target: n, faux: true, type: evt });
try{ n[evt](_e); }catch(e){ console.log(e); }
try{ n[_oe](_e); }catch(e){ console.log(e); }
dojo.NodeList = NodeList;
return NodeList;
define(["./_base/kernel", "./has", "./dom", "./on", "./_base/array", "./_base/lang", "./selector/_loader", "./selector/_loader!default"],
function(dojo, has, dom, on, array, lang, loader, defaultEngine){
"use strict";
has.add("array-extensible", function(){
// test to see if we can extend an array (not supported in old IE)
return lang.delegate([], {length: 1}).length == 1 && !has("bug-for-in-skips-shadowed");
var ap = Array.prototype, aps = ap.slice, apc = ap.concat, forEach = array.forEach;
var tnl = function(/*Array*/ a, /*dojo/NodeList?*/ parent, /*Function?*/ NodeListCtor){
// summary:
// decorate an array to make it look like a `dojo/NodeList`.
// a:
// Array of nodes to decorate.
// parent:
// An optional parent NodeList that generated the current
// list of nodes. Used to call _stash() so the parent NodeList
// can be accessed via end() later.
// NodeListCtor:
// An optional constructor function to use for any
// new NodeList calls. This allows a certain chain of
// NodeList calls to use a different object than dojo/NodeList.
var nodeList = new (NodeListCtor || this._NodeListCtor || nl)(a);
return parent ? nodeList._stash(parent) : nodeList;
var loopBody = function(f, a, o){
a = [0].concat(, 0));
o = o ||;
return function(node){
a[0] = node;
return f.apply(o, a);
// adapters
var adaptAsForEach = function(f, o){
// summary:
// adapts a single node function to be used in the forEach-type
// actions. The initial object is returned from the specialized
// function.
// f: Function
// a function to adapt
// o: Object?
// an optional context for f
return function(){
this.forEach(loopBody(f, arguments, o));
return this; // Object
var adaptAsMap = function(f, o){
// summary:
// adapts a single node function to be used in the map-type
// actions. The return is a new array of values, as via `dojo/_base/`
// f: Function
// a function to adapt
// o: Object?
// an optional context for f
return function(){
return, arguments, o));
var adaptAsFilter = function(f, o){
// summary:
// adapts a single node function to be used in the filter-type actions
// f: Function
// a function to adapt
// o: Object?
// an optional context for f
return function(){
return this.filter(loopBody(f, arguments, o));
var adaptWithCondition = function(f, g, o){
// summary:
// adapts a single node function to be used in the map-type
// actions, behaves like forEach() or map() depending on arguments
// f: Function
// a function to adapt
// g: Function
// a condition function, if true runs as map(), otherwise runs as forEach()
// o: Object?
// an optional context for f and g
return function(){
var a = arguments, body = loopBody(f, a, o);
if( ||, a)){
return; // self
return this; // self
var NodeList = function(array){
// summary:
// Array-like object which adds syntactic
// sugar for chaining, common iteration operations, animation, and
// node manipulation. NodeLists are most often returned as the
// result of dojo/query() calls.
// description:
// NodeList instances provide many utilities that reflect
// core Dojo APIs for Array iteration and manipulation, DOM
// manipulation, and event handling. Instead of needing to dig up
// functions in the dojo package, NodeLists generally make the
// full power of Dojo available for DOM manipulation tasks in a
// simple, chainable way.
// example:
// create a node list from a node
// | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/dom"
// | ], function(query, dom){
// | query.NodeList(dom.byId("foo"));
// | });
// example:
// get a NodeList from a CSS query and iterate on it
// | require(["dojo/on", "dojo/dom"
// | ], function(on, dom){
// | var l = query(".thinger");
// | l.forEach(function(node, index, nodeList){
// | console.log(index, node.innerHTML);
// | });
// | });
// example:
// use native and Dojo-provided array methods to manipulate a
// NodeList without needing to use dojo.* functions explicitly:
// | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/dom"
// | ], function(query, domConstruct, dom){
// | var l = query(".thinger");
// | // since NodeLists are real arrays, they have a length
// | // property that is both readable and writable and
// | // push/pop/shift/unshift methods
// | console.log(l.length);
// | l.push(domConstruct.create("span"));
// |
// | // dojo's normalized array methods work too:
// | console.log( l.indexOf(dom.byId("foo")) );
// | // ...including the special "function as string" shorthand
// | console.log( l.every("item.nodeType == 1") );
// |
// | // NodeLists can be [..] indexed, or you can use the at()
// | // function to get specific items wrapped in a new NodeList:
// | var node = l[3]; // the 4th element
// | var newList =, 3); // the 2nd and 4th elements
// | });
// example:
// chainability is a key advantage of NodeLists:
// | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-dom"
// | ], function(query){
// | query(".thinger")
// | .onclick(function(e){ /* ... */ })
// | .at(1, 3, 8) // get a subset
// | .style("padding", "5px")
// | .forEach(console.log);
// | });
var isNew = this instanceof nl && has("array-extensible");
if(typeof array == "number"){
array = Array(array);
var nodeArray = (array && "length" in array) ? array : arguments;
if(isNew || !nodeArray.sort){
// make sure it's a real array before we pass it on to be wrapped
var target = isNew ? this : [],
l = target.length = nodeArray.length;
for(var i = 0; i < l; i++){
target[i] = nodeArray[i];
// called with new operator, this means we are going to use this instance and push
// the nodes on to it. This is usually much faster since the NodeList properties
// don't need to be copied (unless the list of nodes is extremely large).
return target;
nodeArray = target;
// called without new operator, use a real array and copy prototype properties,
// this is slower and exists for back-compat. Should be removed in 2.0.
lang._mixin(nodeArray, nlp);
nodeArray._NodeListCtor = function(array){
// call without new operator to preserve back-compat behavior
return nl(array);
return nodeArray;
var nl = NodeList, nlp = nl.prototype =
has("array-extensible") ? [] : {};// extend an array if it is extensible
// expose adapters and the wrapper as private functions
nl._wrap = nlp._wrap = tnl;
nl._adaptAsMap = adaptAsMap;
nl._adaptAsForEach = adaptAsForEach;
nl._adaptAsFilter = adaptAsFilter;
nl._adaptWithCondition = adaptWithCondition;
// mass assignment
// add array redirectors
forEach(["slice", "splice"], function(name){
var f = ap[name];
//Use a copy of the this array via this.slice() to allow .end() to work right in the splice case.
// CANNOT apply ._stash()/end() to splice since it currently modifies
// the existing this array -- it would break backward compatibility if we copy the array before
// the splice so that we can use .end(). So only doing the stash option to this._wrap for slice.
nlp[name] = function(){ return this._wrap(f.apply(this, arguments), name == "slice" ? this : null); };
// concat should be here but some browsers with native NodeList have problems with it
// add array.js redirectors
forEach(["indexOf", "lastIndexOf", "every", "some"], function(name){
var f = array[name];
nlp[name] = function(){ return f.apply(dojo, [this].concat(, 0))); };
lang.extend(NodeList, {
// copy the constructors
constructor: nl,
_NodeListCtor: nl,
toString: function(){
// Array.prototype.toString can't be applied to objects, so we use join
return this.join(",");
_stash: function(parent){
// summary:
// private function to hold to a parent NodeList. end() to return the parent NodeList.
// example:
// How to make a `dojo/NodeList` method that only returns the third node in
// the dojo/NodeList but allows access to the original NodeList by using this._stash:
// | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/_base/lang", "dojo/NodeList", "dojo/NodeList-dom"
// | ], function(query, lang){
// | lang.extend(NodeList, {
// | third: function(){
// | var newNodeList = NodeList(this[2]);
// | return newNodeList._stash(this);
// | }
// | });
// | // then see how _stash applies a sub-list, to be .end()'ed out of
// | query(".foo")
// | .third()
// | .addClass("thirdFoo")
// | .end()
// | // access to the orig .foo list
// | .removeClass("foo")
// | });
this._parent = parent;
return this; // dojo/NodeList
on: function(eventName, listener){
// summary:
// Listen for events on the nodes in the NodeList. Basic usage is:
// example:
// | require(["dojo/query"
// | ], function(query){
// | query(".my-class").on("click", listener);
// This supports event delegation by using selectors as the first argument with the event names as
// pseudo selectors. For example:
// | query("#my-list").on("li:click", listener);
// This will listen for click events within `<li>` elements that are inside the `#my-list` element.
// Because on supports CSS selector syntax, we can use comma-delimited events as well:
// | query("#my-list").on("li button:mouseover, li:click", listener);
// | });
var handles ={
return on(node, eventName, listener); // TODO: apply to the NodeList so the same selector engine is used for matches
handles.remove = function(){
for(var i = 0; i < handles.length; i++){
return handles;
end: function(){
// summary:
// Ends use of the current `NodeList` by returning the previous NodeList
// that generated the current NodeList.
// description:
// Returns the `NodeList` that generated the current `NodeList`. If there
// is no parent NodeList, an empty NodeList is returned.
// example:
// | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-dom"
// | ], function(query){
// | query("a")
// | .filter(".disabled")
// | // operate on the anchors that only have a disabled class
// | .style("color", "grey")
// | .end()
// | // jump back to the list of anchors
// | .style(...)
// | });
return this._parent;
//Just return empty list.
return new this._NodeListCtor(0);
// FIXME: handle return values for #3244
// need to wrap or implement:
// join (perhaps w/ innerHTML/outerHTML overload for toString() of items?)
// reduce
// reduceRight
slice: function(begin, end){
// summary:
// Returns a new NodeList, maintaining this one in place
// description:
// This method behaves exactly like the Array.slice method
// with the caveat that it returns a `dojo/NodeList` and not a
// raw Array. For more details, see Mozilla's [slice
// documentation](
// begin: Integer
// Can be a positive or negative integer, with positive
// integers noting the offset to begin at, and negative
// integers denoting an offset from the end (i.e., to the left
// of the end)
// end: Integer?
// Optional parameter to describe what position relative to
// the NodeList's zero index to end the slice at. Like begin,
// can be positive or negative.
return this._wrap(a.slice.apply(this, arguments));
splice: function(index, howmany, item){
// summary:
// Returns a new NodeList, manipulating this NodeList based on
// the arguments passed, potentially splicing in new elements
// at an offset, optionally deleting elements
// description:
// This method behaves exactly like the Array.splice method
// with the caveat that it returns a `dojo/NodeList` and not a
// raw Array. For more details, see Mozilla's [splice
// documentation](
// For backwards compatibility, calling .end() on the spliced NodeList
// does not return the original NodeList -- splice alters the NodeList in place.
// index: Integer
// begin can be a positive or negative integer, with positive
// integers noting the offset to begin at, and negative
// integers denoting an offset from the end (i.e., to the left
// of the end)
// howmany: Integer?
// Optional parameter to describe what position relative to
// the NodeList's zero index to end the slice at. Like begin,
// can be positive or negative.
// item: Object...?
// Any number of optional parameters may be passed in to be
// spliced into the NodeList
return this._wrap(a.splice.apply(this, arguments)); // dojo/NodeList
indexOf: function(value, fromIndex){
// summary:
// see `dojo/_base/array.indexOf()`. The primary difference is that the acted-on
// array is implicitly this NodeList
// value: Object
// The value to search for.
// fromIndex: Integer?
// The location to start searching from. Optional. Defaults to 0.
// description:
// For more details on the behavior of indexOf, see Mozilla's
// [indexOf
// docs](
// returns:
// Positive Integer or 0 for a match, -1 of not found.
return d.indexOf(this, value, fromIndex); // Integer
lastIndexOf: function(value, fromIndex){
// summary:
// see `dojo/_base/array.lastIndexOf()`. The primary difference is that the
// acted-on array is implicitly this NodeList
// description:
// For more details on the behavior of lastIndexOf, see
// Mozilla's [lastIndexOf
// docs](
// value: Object
// The value to search for.
// fromIndex: Integer?
// The location to start searching from. Optional. Defaults to 0.
// returns:
// Positive Integer or 0 for a match, -1 of not found.
return d.lastIndexOf(this, value, fromIndex); // Integer
every: function(callback, thisObject){
// summary:
// see `dojo/_base/array.every()` and the [Array.every
// docs](
// Takes the same structure of arguments and returns as
// dojo/_base/array.every() with the caveat that the passed array is
// implicitly this NodeList
// callback: Function
// the callback
// thisObject: Object?
// the context
return d.every(this, callback, thisObject); // Boolean
some: function(callback, thisObject){
// summary:
// Takes the same structure of arguments and returns as
// `dojo/_base/array.some()` with the caveat that the passed array is
// implicitly this NodeList. See `dojo/_base/array.some()` and Mozilla's
// [Array.some
// documentation](
// callback: Function
// the callback
// thisObject: Object?
// the context
return d.some(this, callback, thisObject); // Boolean
concat: function(item){
// summary:
// Returns a new NodeList comprised of items in this NodeList
// as well as items passed in as parameters
// description:
// This method behaves exactly like the Array.concat method
// with the caveat that it returns a `NodeList` and not a
// raw Array. For more details, see the [Array.concat
// docs](
// item: Object?
// Any number of optional parameters may be passed in to be
// spliced into the NodeList
//return this._wrap(apc.apply(this, arguments));
// the line above won't work for the native NodeList, or for Dojo NodeLists either :-(
// implementation notes:
// Array.concat() doesn't recognize native NodeLists or Dojo NodeLists
// as arrays, and so does not inline them into a unioned array, but
// appends them as single entities. Both the original NodeList and the
// items passed in as parameters must be converted to raw Arrays
// and then the concatenation result may be re-_wrap()ed as a Dojo NodeList.
var t =, 0),
m =, function(a){
return, 0);
return this._wrap(apc.apply(t, m), this); // dojo/NodeList
map: function(/*Function*/ func, /*Function?*/ obj){
// summary:
// see `dojo/_base/`. The primary difference is that the acted-on
// array is implicitly this NodeList and the return is a
// NodeList (a subclass of Array)
return this._wrap(, func, obj), this); // dojo/NodeList
forEach: function(callback, thisObj){
// summary:
// see `dojo/_base/array.forEach()`. The primary difference is that the acted-on
// array is implicitly this NodeList. If you want the option to break out
// of the forEach loop, use every() or some() instead.
forEach(this, callback, thisObj);
// non-standard return to allow easier chaining
return this; // dojo/NodeList
filter: function(/*String|Function*/ filter){
// summary:
// "masks" the built-in javascript filter() method (supported
// in Dojo via `dojo/_base/array.filter`) to support passing a simple
// string filter in addition to supporting filtering function
// objects.
// filter:
// If a string, a CSS rule like ".thinger" or "div > span".
// example:
// "regular" JS filter syntax as exposed in `dojo/_base/array.filter`:
// | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-dom"
// | ], function(query){
// | query("*").filter(function(item){
// | // highlight every paragraph
// | return (item.nodeName == "p");
// | }).style("backgroundColor", "yellow");
// | });
// example:
// the same filtering using a CSS selector
// | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-dom"
// | ], function(query){
// | query("*").filter("p").styles("backgroundColor", "yellow");
// | });
var a = arguments, items = this, start = 0;
if(typeof filter == "string"){ // inline'd type check
items = query._filterResult(this, a[0]);
if(a.length == 1){
// if we only got a string query, pass back the filtered results
return items._stash(this); // dojo/NodeList
// if we got a callback, run it over the filtered items
start = 1;
return this._wrap(array.filter(items, a[start], a[start + 1]), this); // dojo/NodeList
instantiate: function(/*String|Object*/ declaredClass, /*Object?*/ properties){
// summary:
// Create a new instance of a specified class, using the
// specified properties and each node in the NodeList as a
// srcNodeRef.
// example:
// Grabs all buttons in the page and converts them to dijit/form/Button's.
// | var buttons = query("button").instantiate(Button, {showLabel: true});
var c = lang.isFunction(declaredClass) ? declaredClass : lang.getObject(declaredClass);
properties = properties || {};
return this.forEach(function(node){
new c(properties, node);
}); // dojo/NodeList
at: function(/*===== index =====*/){
// summary:
// Returns a new NodeList comprised of items in this NodeList
// at the given index or indices.
// index: Integer...
// One or more 0-based indices of items in the current
// NodeList. A negative index will start at the end of the
// list and go backwards.
// example:
// Shorten the list to the first, second, and third elements
// | require(["dojo/query"
// | ], function(query){
// | query("a").at(0, 1, 2).forEach(fn);
// | });
// example:
// Retrieve the first and last elements of a unordered list:
// | require(["dojo/query"
// | ], function(query){
// | query("ul > li").at(0, -1).forEach(cb);
// | });
// example:
// Do something for the first element only, but end() out back to
// the original list and continue chaining:
// | require(["dojo/query"
// | ], function(query){
// | query("a").at(0).onclick(fn).end().forEach(function(n){
// | console.log(n); // all anchors on the page.
// | })
// | });
var t = new this._NodeListCtor(0);
forEach(arguments, function(i){
if(i < 0){ i = this.length + i; }
if(this[i]){ t.push(this[i]); }
}, this);
return t._stash(this); // dojo/NodeList
function queryForEngine(engine, NodeList){
var query = function(/*String*/ query, /*String|DOMNode?*/ root){
// summary:
// Returns nodes which match the given CSS selector, searching the
// entire document by default but optionally taking a node to scope
// the search by. Returns an instance of NodeList.
if(typeof root == "string"){
root = dom.byId(root);
return new NodeList([]);
var results = typeof query == "string" ? engine(query, root) : query ? (query.end && query.on) ? query : [query] : [];
if(results.end && results.on){
// already wrapped
return results;
return new NodeList(results);
query.matches = engine.match || function(node, selector, root){
// summary:
// Test to see if a node matches a selector
return query.filter([node], selector, root).length > 0;
// the engine provides a filtering function, use it to for matching
query.filter = engine.filter || function(nodes, selector, root){
// summary:
// Filters an array of nodes. Note that this does not guarantee to return a NodeList, just an array.
return query(selector, root).filter(function(node){
return array.indexOf(nodes, node) > -1;
if(typeof engine != "function"){
var search =;
engine = function(selector, root){
// Slick does it backwards (or everyone else does it backwards, probably the latter)
return search(root || document, selector);
return query;
var query = queryForEngine(defaultEngine, NodeList);
query = function(selector, context){
// summary:
// This modules provides DOM querying functionality. The module export is a function
// that can be used to query for DOM nodes by CSS selector and returns a NodeList
// representing the matching nodes.
// selector: String
// A CSS selector to search for.
// context: String|DomNode?
// An optional context to limit the searching scope. Only nodes under `context` will be
// scanned.
// example:
// add an onclick handler to every submit button in the document
// which causes the form to be sent via Ajax instead:
// | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/request", "dojo/dom-form", "dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/dom-style"
// | ], function(query, request, domForm, domConstruct, domStyle){
// | query("input[type='submit']").on("click", function(e){
// | e.preventDefault(); // prevent sending the form
// | var btn =;
// |"", {
// | data: domForm.toObject(btn.form)
// | }).then(function(response){
// | // replace the form with the response
// | domConstruct.create(div, {innerHTML: response}, btn.form, "after");
// | domStyle.set(btn.form, "display", "none");
// | });
// | });
// | });
// description:
// dojo/query is responsible for loading the appropriate query engine and wrapping
// its results with a `NodeList`. You can use dojo/query with a specific selector engine
// by using it as a plugin. For example, if you installed the sizzle package, you could
// use it as the selector engine with:
// | require(["dojo/query!sizzle"], function(query){
// | query("div")...
// The id after the ! can be a module id of the selector engine or one of the following values:
// - acme: This is the default engine used by Dojo base, and will ensure that the full
// Acme engine is always loaded.
// - css2: If the browser has a native selector engine, this will be used, otherwise a
// very minimal lightweight selector engine will be loaded that can do simple CSS2 selectors
// (by #id, .class, tag, and [name=value] attributes, with standard child or descendant (>)
// operators) and nothing more.
// - css2.1: If the browser has a native selector engine, this will be used, otherwise the
// full Acme engine will be loaded.
// - css3: If the browser has a native selector engine with support for CSS3 pseudo
// selectors (most modern browsers except IE8), this will be used, otherwise the
// full Acme engine will be loaded.
// - Or the module id of a selector engine can be used to explicitly choose the selector engine
// For example, if you are using CSS3 pseudo selectors in module, you can specify that
// you will need support them with:
// | require(["dojo/query!css3"], function(query){
// | query('#t > h3:nth-child(odd)')...
// You can also choose the selector engine/load configuration by setting the query-selector:
// For example:
// | <script data-dojo-config="query-selector:'css3'" src="dojo.js"></script>
return new NodeList(); // dojo/NodeList
// the query that is returned from this module is slightly different than dojo.query,
// because dojo.query has to maintain backwards compatibility with returning a
// true array which has performance problems. The query returned from the module
// does not use true arrays, but rather inherits from Array, making it much faster to
// instantiate.
dojo.query = queryForEngine(defaultEngine, function(array){
// call it without the new operator to invoke the back-compat behavior that returns a true array
return NodeList(array); // dojo/NodeList
query.load = function(id, parentRequire, loaded){
// summary:
// can be used as AMD plugin to conditionally load new query engine
// example:
// | require(["dojo/query!custom"], function(qsa){
// | // loaded selector/custom.js as engine
// | qsa("#foobar").forEach(...);
// | });
loader.load(id, parentRequire, function(engine){
loaded(queryForEngine(engine, NodeList));
dojo._filterQueryResult = query._filterResult = function(nodes, selector, root){
return new NodeList(query.filter(nodes, selector, root));
dojo.NodeList = query.NodeList = NodeList;
return query;
"../dom", "../sniff", "../_base/array", "../_base/lang", "../_base/window"
], function(dom, has, array, lang, win){
// module:
// dojo/selector/acme
acme architectural overview:
acme is a relatively full-featured CSS3 query library. It is
designed to take any valid CSS3 selector and return the nodes matching
the selector. To do this quickly, it processes queries in several
steps, applying caching where profitable.
The steps (roughly in reverse order of the way they appear in the code):
1.) check to see if we already have a "query dispatcher"
- if so, use that with the given parameterization. Skip to step 4.
2.) attempt to determine which branch to dispatch the query to:
- JS (optimized DOM iteration)
- native (FF3.1+, Safari 3.1+, IE 8+)
3.) tokenize and convert to executable "query dispatcher"
- this is where the lion's share of the complexity in the
system lies. In the DOM version, the query dispatcher is
assembled as a chain of "yes/no" test functions pertaining to
a section of a simple query statement (".blah:nth-child(odd)"
but not "div div", which is 2 simple statements). Individual
statement dispatchers are cached (to prevent re-definition)
as are entire dispatch chains (to make re-execution of the
same query fast)
4.) the resulting query dispatcher is called in the passed scope
(by default the top-level document)
- for DOM queries, this results in a recursive, top-down
evaluation of nodes based on each simple query section
- for native implementations, this may mean working around spec
bugs. So be it.
5.) matched nodes are pruned to ensure they are unique (if necessary)
// Toolkit aliases
// if you are extracting acme for use in your own system, you will
// need to provide these methods and properties. No other porting should be
// necessary, save for configuring the system to use a class other than
// dojo/NodeList as the return instance instantiator
var trim = lang.trim;
var each = array.forEach;
var getDoc = function(){ return win.doc; };
// NOTE(alex): the spec is idiotic. CSS queries should ALWAYS be case-sensitive, but nooooooo
var cssCaseBug = (getDoc().compatMode) == "BackCompat";
// Global utilities
var specials = ">~+";
// global thunk to determine whether we should treat the current query as
// case sensitive or not. This switch is flipped by the query evaluator
// based on the document passed as the context to search.
var caseSensitive = false;
// how high?
var yesman = function(){ return true; };
// Tokenizer
var getQueryParts = function(query){
// summary:
// state machine for query tokenization
// description:
// instead of using a brittle and slow regex-based CSS parser,
// acme implements an AST-style query representation. This
// representation is only generated once per query. For example,
// the same query run multiple times or under different root nodes
// does not re-parse the selector expression but instead uses the
// cached data structure. The state machine implemented here
// terminates on the last " " (space) character and returns an
// ordered array of query component structures (or "parts"). Each
// part represents an operator or a simple CSS filtering
// expression. The structure for parts is documented in the code
// below.
// NOTE:
// this code is designed to run fast and compress well. Sacrifices
// to readability and maintainability have been made. Your best
// bet when hacking the tokenizer is to put The Donnas on *really*
// loud (may we recommend their "Spend The Night" release?) and
// just assume you're gonna make mistakes. Keep the unit tests
// open and run them frequently. Knowing is half the battle ;-)
if(specials.indexOf(query.slice(-1)) >= 0){
// if we end with a ">", "+", or "~", that means we're implicitly
// searching all children, so make it explicit
query += " * ";
// if you have not provided a terminator, one will be provided for
// you...
query += " ";
var ts = function(/*Integer*/ s, /*Integer*/ e){
// trim and slice.
// take an index to start a string slice from and an end position
// and return a trimmed copy of that sub-string
return trim(query.slice(s, e));
// the overall data graph of the full query, as represented by queryPart objects
var queryParts = [];
// state keeping vars
var inBrackets = -1, inParens = -1, inMatchFor = -1,
inPseudo = -1, inClass = -1, inId = -1, inTag = -1, currentQuoteChar,
lc = "", cc = "", pStart;
// iteration vars
var x = 0, // index in the query
ql = query.length,
currentPart = null, // data structure representing the entire clause
_cp = null; // the current pseudo or attr matcher
// several temporary variables are assigned to this structure during a
// potential sub-expression match:
// attr:
// a string representing the current full attribute match in a
// bracket expression
// type:
// if there's an operator in a bracket expression, this is
// used to keep track of it
// value:
// the internals of parenthetical expression for a pseudo. for
// :nth-child(2n+1), value might be "2n+1"
var endTag = function(){
// called when the tokenizer hits the end of a particular tag name.
// Re-sets state variables for tag matching and sets up the matcher
// to handle the next type of token (tag or operator).
if(inTag >= 0){
var tv = (inTag == x) ? null : ts(inTag, x); // .toLowerCase();
currentPart[ (specials.indexOf(tv) < 0) ? "tag" : "oper" ] = tv;
inTag = -1;
var endId = function(){
// called when the tokenizer might be at the end of an ID portion of a match
if(inId >= 0){ = ts(inId, x).replace(/\\/g, "");
inId = -1;
var endClass = function(){
// called when the tokenizer might be at the end of a class name
// match. CSS allows for multiple classes, so we augment the
// current item with another class in its list
if(inClass >= 0){
currentPart.classes.push(ts(inClass + 1, x).replace(/\\/g, ""));
inClass = -1;
var endAll = function(){
// at the end of a simple fragment, so wall off the matches
var endPart = function(){
if(inPseudo >= 0){
currentPart.pseudos.push({ name: ts(inPseudo + 1, x) });
// hint to the selector engine to tell it whether or not it
// needs to do any iteration. Many simple selectors don't, and
// we can avoid significant construction-time work by advising
// the system to skip them
currentPart.loops = (
currentPart.pseudos.length ||
currentPart.attrs.length ||
currentPart.classes.length );
currentPart.oquery = currentPart.query = ts(pStart, x); // save the full expression as a string
// otag/tag are hints to suggest to the system whether or not
// it's an operator or a tag. We save a copy of otag since the
// tag name is cast to upper-case in regular HTML matches. The
// system has a global switch to figure out if the current
// expression needs to be case sensitive or not and it will use
// otag or tag accordingly
currentPart.otag = currentPart.tag = (currentPart["oper"]) ? null : (currentPart.tag || "*");
// if we're in a case-insensitive HTML doc, we likely want
// the toUpperCase when matching on element.tagName. If we
// do it here, we can skip the string op per node
// comparison
currentPart.tag = currentPart.tag.toUpperCase();
// add the part to the list
if(queryParts.length && (queryParts[queryParts.length-1].oper)){
// operators are always infix, so we remove them from the
// list and attach them to the next match. The evaluator is
// responsible for sorting out how to handle them.
currentPart.infixOper = queryParts.pop();
currentPart.query = currentPart.infixOper.query + " " + currentPart.query;
console.debug( "swapping out the infix",
"and attaching it to",
currentPart = null;
// iterate over the query, character by character, building up a
// list of query part objects
for(; lc=cc, cc=query.charAt(x), x < ql; x++){
// cc: the current character in the match
// lc: the last character (if any)
// someone is trying to escape something, so don't try to match any
// fragments. We assume we're inside a literal.
if(lc == "\\"){ continue; }
if(!currentPart){ // a part was just ended or none has yet been created
// NOTE: I hate all this alloc, but it's shorter than writing tons of if's
pStart = x;
// rules describe full CSS sub-expressions, like:
// #someId
// .className:first-child
// but not:
// thinger > div.howdy[type=thinger]
// the indidual components of the previous query would be
// split into 3 parts that would be represented a structure like:
// [
// {
// query: "thinger",
// tag: "thinger",
// },
// {
// query: "div.howdy[type=thinger]",
// classes: ["howdy"],
// infixOper: {
// query: ">",
// oper: ">",
// }
// },
// ]
currentPart = {
query: null, // the full text of the part's rule
pseudos: [], // CSS supports multiple pseud-class matches in a single rule
attrs: [], // CSS supports multi-attribute match, so we need an array
classes: [], // class matches may be additive, e.g.: .thinger.blah.howdy
tag: null, // only one tag...
oper: null, // ...or operator per component. Note that these wind up being exclusive.
id: null, // the id component of a rule
getTag: function(){
return caseSensitive ? this.otag : this.tag;
// if we don't have a part, we assume we're going to start at
// the beginning of a match, which should be a tag name. This
// might fault a little later on, but we detect that and this
// iteration will still be fine.
inTag = x;
// Skip processing all quoted characters.
// If we are inside quoted text then currentQuoteChar stores the character that began the quote,
// thus that character that will end it.
if(cc == currentQuoteChar){
currentQuoteChar = null;
}else if (cc == "'" || cc == '"'){
currentQuoteChar = cc;
if(inBrackets >= 0){
// look for a the close first
if(cc == "]"){ // if we're in a [...] clause and we end, do assignment
// no attribute match was previously begun, so we
// assume this is an attribute existence match in the
// form of [someAttributeName]
_cp.attr = ts(inBrackets+1, x);
// we had an attribute already, so we know that we're
// matching some sort of value, as in [attrName=howdy]
_cp.matchFor = ts((inMatchFor||inBrackets+1), x);
var cmf = _cp.matchFor;
// try to strip quotes from the matchFor value. We want
// [attrName=howdy] to match the same
// as [attrName = 'howdy' ]
if( (cmf.charAt(0) == '"') || (cmf.charAt(0) == "'") ){
_cp.matchFor = cmf.slice(1, -1);
// remove backslash escapes from an attribute match, since DOM
// querying will get attribute values without backslashes
_cp.matchFor = _cp.matchFor.replace(/\\/g, "");
// end the attribute by adding it to the list of attributes.
_cp = null; // necessary?
inBrackets = inMatchFor = -1;
}else if(cc == "="){
// if the last char was an operator prefix, make sure we
// record it along with the "=" operator.
var addToCc = ("|~^$*".indexOf(lc) >=0 ) ? lc : "";
_cp.type = addToCc+cc;
_cp.attr = ts(inBrackets+1, x-addToCc.length);
inMatchFor = x+1;
// now look for other clause parts
}else if(inParens >= 0){
// if we're in a parenthetical expression, we need to figure
// out if it's attached to a pseudo-selector rule like
// :nth-child(1)
if(cc == ")"){
if(inPseudo >= 0){
_cp.value = ts(inParens+1, x);
inPseudo = inParens = -1;
}else if(cc == "#"){
// start of an ID match
inId = x+1;
}else if(cc == "."){
// start of a class match
inClass = x;
}else if(cc == ":"){
// start of a pseudo-selector match
inPseudo = x;
}else if(cc == "["){
// start of an attribute match.
inBrackets = x;
// provide a new structure for the attribute match to fill-in
_cp = {
attr: null, type: null, matchFor: null
}else if(cc == "("){
// we really only care if we've entered a parenthetical
// expression if we're already inside a pseudo-selector match
if(inPseudo >= 0){
// provide a new structure for the pseudo match to fill-in
_cp = {
name: ts(inPseudo+1, x),
value: null
inParens = x;
}else if(
(cc == " ") &&
// if it's a space char and the last char is too, consume the
// current one without doing more work
(lc != cc)
return queryParts;
// DOM query infrastructure
var agree = function(first, second){
// the basic building block of the yes/no chaining system. agree(f1,
// f2) generates a new function which returns the boolean results of
// both of the passed functions to a single logical-anded result. If
// either are not passed, the other is used exclusively.
if(!first){ return second; }
if(!second){ return first; }
return function(){
return first.apply(window, arguments) && second.apply(window, arguments);
var getArr = function(i, arr){
// helps us avoid array alloc when we don't need it
var r = arr||[]; // FIXME: should this be 'new d._NodeListCtor()' ?
if(i){ r.push(i); }
return r;
var _isElement = function(n){ return (1 == n.nodeType); };
// FIXME: need to coalesce _getAttr with defaultGetter
var blank = "";
var _getAttr = function(elem, attr){
if(!elem){ return blank; }
if(attr == "class"){
return elem.className || blank;
if(attr == "for"){
return elem.htmlFor || blank;
if(attr == "style"){
return || blank;
return (caseSensitive ? elem.getAttribute(attr) : elem.getAttribute(attr, 2)) || blank;
var attrs = {
"*=": function(attr, value){
return function(elem){
// E[foo*="bar"]
// an E element whose "foo" attribute value contains
// the substring "bar"
return (_getAttr(elem, attr).indexOf(value)>=0);
"^=": function(attr, value){
// E[foo^="bar"]
// an E element whose "foo" attribute value begins exactly
// with the string "bar"
return function(elem){
return (_getAttr(elem, attr).indexOf(value)==0);
"$=": function(attr, value){
// E[foo$="bar"]
// an E element whose "foo" attribute value ends exactly
// with the string "bar"
return function(elem){
var ea = " "+_getAttr(elem, attr);
var lastIndex = ea.lastIndexOf(value);
return lastIndex > -1 && (lastIndex==(ea.length-value.length));
"~=": function(attr, value){
// E[foo~="bar"]
// an E element whose "foo" attribute value is a list of
// space-separated values, one of which is exactly equal
// to "bar"
// return "[contains(concat(' ',@"+attr+",' '), ' "+ value +" ')]";
var tval = " "+value+" ";
return function(elem){
var ea = " "+_getAttr(elem, attr)+" ";
return (ea.indexOf(tval)>=0);
"|=": function(attr, value){
// E[hreflang|="en"]
// an E element whose "hreflang" attribute has a
// hyphen-separated list of values beginning (from the
// left) with "en"
var valueDash = value+"-";
return function(elem){
var ea = _getAttr(elem, attr);
return (
(ea == value) ||
"=": function(attr, value){
return function(elem){
return (_getAttr(elem, attr) == value);
// avoid testing for node type if we can. Defining this in the negative
// here to avoid negation in the fast path.
// NOTE: Firefox versions 25-27 implemented an incompatible change
// to the spec,
// and ,
// where nextElementSibling was implemented on the DocumentType
var htmlElement = getDoc().documentElement;
var _noNES = !(htmlElement.nextElementSibling ||
"nextElementSibling" in htmlElement);
var _ns = !_noNES ? "nextElementSibling" : "nextSibling";
var _ps = !_noNES ? "previousElementSibling" : "previousSibling";
var _simpleNodeTest = (_noNES ? _isElement : yesman);
var _lookLeft = function(node){
// look left
while(node = node[_ps]){
if(_simpleNodeTest(node)){ return false; }
return true;
var _lookRight = function(node){
// look right
while(node = node[_ns]){
if(_simpleNodeTest(node)){ return false; }
return true;
var getNodeIndex = function(node){
var root = node.parentNode;
root = root.nodeType != 7 ? root : root.nextSibling; // PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE
var i = 0,
tret = root.children || root.childNodes,
ci = (node["_i"]||node.getAttribute("_i")||-1),
cl = (root["_l"]|| (typeof root.getAttribute !== "undefined" ? root.getAttribute("_l") : -1));
if(!tret){ return -1; }
var l = tret.length;
// we calculate the parent length as a cheap way to invalidate the
// cache. It's not 100% accurate, but it's much more honest than what
// other libraries do
if( cl == l && ci >= 0 && cl >= 0 ){
// if it's legit, tag and release
return ci;
// else re-key things
if(has("ie") && typeof root.setAttribute !== "undefined"){
root.setAttribute("_l", l);
root["_l"] = l;
ci = -1;
for(var te = root["firstElementChild"]||root["firstChild"]; te; te = te[_ns]){
te.setAttribute("_i", ++i);
te["_i"] = ++i;
if(node === te){
// NOTE:
// shortcutting the return at this step in indexing works
// very well for benchmarking but we avoid it here since
// it leads to potential O(n^2) behavior in sequential
// getNodexIndex operations on a previously un-indexed
// parent. We may revisit this at a later time, but for
// now we just want to get the right answer more often
// than not.
ci = i;
return ci;
var isEven = function(elem){
return !((getNodeIndex(elem)) % 2);
var isOdd = function(elem){
return ((getNodeIndex(elem)) % 2);
var pseudos = {
"checked": function(name, condition){
return function(elem){
return !!("checked" in elem ? elem.checked : elem.selected);
"disabled": function(name, condition){
return function(elem){
return elem.disabled;
"enabled": function(name, condition){
return function(elem){
return !elem.disabled;
"first-child": function(){ return _lookLeft; },
"last-child": function(){ return _lookRight; },
"only-child": function(name, condition){
return function(node){
return _lookLeft(node) && _lookRight(node);
"empty": function(name, condition){
return function(elem){
// DomQuery and jQuery get this wrong, oddly enough.
// The CSS 3 selectors spec is pretty explicit about it, too.
var cn = elem.childNodes;
var cnl = elem.childNodes.length;
// if(!cnl){ return true; }
for(var x=cnl-1; x >= 0; x--){
var nt = cn[x].nodeType;
if((nt === 1)||(nt == 3)){ return false; }
return true;
"contains": function(name, condition){
var cz = condition.charAt(0);
if( cz == '"' || cz == "'" ){ //remove quote
condition = condition.slice(1, -1);
return function(elem){
return (elem.innerHTML.indexOf(condition) >= 0);
"not": function(name, condition){
var p = getQueryParts(condition)[0];
var ignores = { el: 1 };
if(p.tag != "*"){
ignores.tag = 1;
ignores.classes = 1;
var ntf = getSimpleFilterFunc(p, ignores);
return function(elem){
return (!ntf(elem));
"nth-child": function(name, condition){
var pi = parseInt;
// avoid re-defining function objects if we can
if(condition == "odd"){
return isOdd;
}else if(condition == "even"){
return isEven;
// FIXME: can we shorten this?
if(condition.indexOf("n") != -1){
var tparts = condition.split("n", 2);
var pred = tparts[0] ? ((tparts[0] == '-') ? -1 : pi(tparts[0])) : 1;
var idx = tparts[1] ? pi(tparts[1]) : 0;
var lb = 0, ub = -1;
if(pred > 0){
if(idx < 0){
idx = (idx % pred) && (pred + (idx % pred));
}else if(idx>0){
if(idx >= pred){
lb = idx - idx % pred;
idx = idx % pred;
}else if(pred<0){
pred *= -1;
// idx has to be greater than 0 when pred is negative;
// shall we throw an error here?
if(idx > 0){
ub = idx;
idx = idx % pred;
if(pred > 0){
return function(elem){
var i = getNodeIndex(elem);
return (i>=lb) && (ub<0 || i<=ub) && ((i % pred) == idx);
condition = idx;
var ncount = pi(condition);
return function(elem){
return (getNodeIndex(elem) == ncount);
var defaultGetter = (has("ie") < 9 || has("ie") == 9 && has("quirks")) ? function(cond){
var clc = cond.toLowerCase();
if(clc == "class"){ cond = "className"; }
return function(elem){
return (caseSensitive ? elem.getAttribute(cond) : elem[cond]||elem[clc]);
} : function(cond){
return function(elem){
return (elem && elem.getAttribute && elem.hasAttribute(cond));
var getSimpleFilterFunc = function(query, ignores){
// generates a node tester function based on the passed query part. The
// query part is one of the structures generated by the query parser
// when it creates the query AST. The "ignores" object specifies which
// (if any) tests to skip, allowing the system to avoid duplicating
// work where it may have already been taken into account by other
// factors such as how the nodes to test were fetched in the first
// place
if(!query){ return yesman; }
ignores = ignores||{};
var ff = null;
if(!("el" in ignores)){
ff = agree(ff, _isElement);
if(!("tag" in ignores)){
if(query.tag != "*"){
ff = agree(ff, function(elem){
return (elem && ((caseSensitive ? elem.tagName : elem.tagName.toUpperCase()) == query.getTag()));
if(!("classes" in ignores)){
each(query.classes, function(cname, idx, arr){
// get the class name
var isWildcard = cname.charAt(cname.length-1) == "*";
cname = cname.substr(0, cname.length-1);
// I dislike the regex thing, even if memoized in a cache, but it's VERY short
var re = new RegExp("(?:^|\\s)" + cname + (isWildcard ? ".*" : "") + "(?:\\s|$)");
var re = new RegExp("(?:^|\\s)" + cname + "(?:\\s|$)");
ff = agree(ff, function(elem){
return re.test(elem.className);
ff.count = idx;
if(!("pseudos" in ignores)){
each(query.pseudos, function(pseudo){
var pn =;
ff = agree(ff, pseudos[pn](pn, pseudo.value));
if(!("attrs" in ignores)){
each(query.attrs, function(attr){
var matcher;
var a = attr.attr;
// type, attr, matchFor
if(attr.type && attrs[attr.type]){
matcher = attrs[attr.type](a, attr.matchFor);
}else if(a.length){
matcher = defaultGetter(a);
ff = agree(ff, matcher);
if(!("id" in ignores)){
ff = agree(ff, function(elem){
return (!!elem && ( ==;
if(!("default" in ignores)){
ff = yesman;
return ff;
var _nextSibling = function(filterFunc){
return function(node, ret, bag){
while(node = node[_ns]){
if(_noNES && (!_isElement(node))){ continue; }
(!bag || _isUnique(node, bag)) &&
return ret;
var _nextSiblings = function(filterFunc){
return function(root, ret, bag){
var te = root[_ns];
if(bag && !_isUnique(te, bag)){
te = te[_ns];
return ret;
// get an array of child *elements*, skipping text and comment nodes
var _childElements = function(filterFunc, recursive){
var _toArray = function (iterable) {
var result = [];
try {
result =;
} catch(e) {
// IE8- throws an error when we try convert HTMLCollection
// to array using
for(var i = 0, len = iterable.length; i < len; i++) {
return result;
filterFunc = filterFunc||yesman;
return function(root, ret, bag){
// get an array of child elements, skipping text and comment nodes
var te, x = 0, tret = []; tret = _toArray(root.children || root.childNodes);
if(recursive) {
array.forEach(tret, function (node) {
if(node.nodeType === 1) {
tret = tret.concat(_toArray(node.getElementsByTagName("*")));
while(te = tret[x++]){
_simpleNodeTest(te) &&
(!bag || _isUnique(te, bag)) &&
(filterFunc(te, x))
return ret;
// test to see if node is below root
var _isDescendant = function(node, root){
var pn = node.parentNode;
if(pn == root){
pn = pn.parentNode;
return !!pn;
var _getElementsFuncCache = {};
var getElementsFunc = function(query){
var retFunc = _getElementsFuncCache[query.query];
// if we've got a cached dispatcher, just use that
if(retFunc){ return retFunc; }
// else, generate a new on
// NOTE:
// this function returns a function that searches for nodes and
// filters them. The search may be specialized by infix operators
// (">", "~", or "+") else it will default to searching all
// descendants (the " " selector). Once a group of children is
// found, a test function is applied to weed out the ones we
// don't want. Many common cases can be fast-pathed. We spend a
// lot of cycles to create a dispatcher that doesn't do more work
// than necessary at any point since, unlike this function, the
// dispatchers will be called every time. The logic of generating
// efficient dispatchers looks like this in pseudo code:
// # if it's a purely descendant query (no ">", "+", or "~" modifiers)
// if infixOperator == " ":
// if only(id):
// return def(root):
// return d.byId(id, root);
// elif id:
// return def(root):
// return filter(d.byId(id, root));
// elif cssClass && getElementsByClassName:
// return def(root):
// return filter(root.getElementsByClassName(cssClass));
// elif only(tag):
// return def(root):
// return root.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
// else:
// # search by tag name, then filter
// return def(root):
// return filter(root.getElementsByTagName(tagName||"*"));
// elif infixOperator == ">":
// # search direct children
// return def(root):
// return filter(root.children);
// elif infixOperator == "+":
// # search next sibling
// return def(root):
// return filter(root.nextElementSibling);
// elif infixOperator == "~":
// # search rightward siblings
// return def(root):
// return filter(nextSiblings(root));
var io = query.infixOper;
var oper = (io ? io.oper : "");
// the default filter func which tests for all conditions in the query
// part. This is potentially inefficient, so some optimized paths may
// re-define it to test fewer things.
var filterFunc = getSimpleFilterFunc(query, { el: 1 });
var qt = query.tag;
var wildcardTag = ("*" == qt);
var ecs = getDoc()["getElementsByClassName"];
// if there's no infix operator, then it's a descendant query. ID
// and "elements by class name" variants can be accelerated so we
// call them out explicitly:
// testing shows that the overhead of yesman() is acceptable
// and can save us some bytes vs. re-defining the function
// everywhere.
filterFunc = (!query.loops && wildcardTag) ?
yesman :
getSimpleFilterFunc(query, { el: 1, id: 1 });
retFunc = function(root, arr){
var te = dom.byId(, (root.ownerDocument||root));
// We can't look for ID inside a detached dom.
// loop over all elements searching for specified id.
if(root.ownerDocument && !_isDescendant(root, root.ownerDocument)) {
// document-fragment or regular HTMLElement
var roots = root.nodeType === 11? root.childNodes: [root];
array.some(roots, function (currentRoot) {
var elems = _childElements(function (node) {
return ===;
}, true)(currentRoot, []);
if(elems.length) {
te = elems[0];
return false;
if(!te || !filterFunc(te)){ return; }
if(9 == root.nodeType){ // if root's a doc, we just return directly
return getArr(te, arr);
}else{ // otherwise check ancestry
if(_isDescendant(te, root)){
return getArr(te, arr);
}else if(
ecs &&
// isAlien check. Workaround for Prototype.js being totally evil/dumb.
/\{\s*\[native code\]\s*\}/.test(String(ecs)) &&
query.classes.length &&
// it's a class-based query and we've got a fast way to run it.
// ignore class and ID filters since we will have handled both
filterFunc = getSimpleFilterFunc(query, { el: 1, classes: 1, id: 1 });
var classesString = query.classes.join(" ");
retFunc = function(root, arr, bag){
var ret = getArr(0, arr), te, x=0;
var tret = root.getElementsByClassName(classesString);
while((te = tret[x++])){
if(filterFunc(te, root) && _isUnique(te, bag)){
return ret;
}else if(!wildcardTag && !query.loops){
// it's tag only. Fast-path it.
retFunc = function(root, arr, bag){
var ret = getArr(0, arr), te, x=0;
var tag = query.getTag(),
tret = tag ? root.getElementsByTagName(tag) : [];
while((te = tret[x++])){
if(_isUnique(te, bag)){
return ret;
// the common case:
// a descendant selector without a fast path. By now it's got
// to have a tag selector, even if it's just "*" so we query
// by that and filter
filterFunc = getSimpleFilterFunc(query, { el: 1, tag: 1, id: 1 });
retFunc = function(root, arr, bag){
var ret = getArr(0, arr), te, x=0;
// we use getTag() to avoid case sensitivity issues
var tag = query.getTag(),
tret = tag ? root.getElementsByTagName(tag) : [];
while((te = tret[x++])){
if(filterFunc(te, root) && _isUnique(te, bag)){
return ret;
// the query is scoped in some way. Instead of querying by tag we
// use some other collection to find candidate nodes
var skipFilters = { el: 1 };
skipFilters.tag = 1;
filterFunc = getSimpleFilterFunc(query, skipFilters);
if("+" == oper){
retFunc = _nextSibling(filterFunc);
}else if("~" == oper){
retFunc = _nextSiblings(filterFunc);
}else if(">" == oper){
retFunc = _childElements(filterFunc);
// cache it and return
return _getElementsFuncCache[query.query] = retFunc;
var filterDown = function(root, queryParts){
// NOTE:
// this is the guts of the DOM query system. It takes a list of
// parsed query parts and a root and finds children which match
// the selector represented by the parts
var candidates = getArr(root), qp, x, te, qpl = queryParts.length, bag, ret;
for(var i = 0; i < qpl; i++){
ret = [];
qp = queryParts[i];
x = candidates.length - 1;
if(x > 0){
// if we have more than one root at this level, provide a new
// hash to use for checking group membership but tell the
// system not to post-filter us since we will already have been
// guaranteed to be unique
bag = {};
ret.nozip = true;
var gef = getElementsFunc(qp);
for(var j = 0; (te = candidates[j]); j++){
// for every root, get the elements that match the descendant
// selector, adding them to the "ret" array and filtering them
// via membership in this level's bag. If there are more query
// parts, then this level's return will be used as the next
// level's candidates
gef(te, ret, bag);
if(!ret.length){ break; }
candidates = ret;
return ret;
// the query runner
// these are the primary caches for full-query results. The query
// dispatcher functions are generated then stored here for hash lookup in
// the future
var _queryFuncCacheDOM = {},
_queryFuncCacheQSA = {};
// this is the second level of splitting, from full-length queries (e.g.,
// " .bar") into simple query expressions (e.g., ["",
// ".bar"])
var getStepQueryFunc = function(query){
var qparts = getQueryParts(trim(query));
// if it's trivial, avoid iteration and zipping costs
if(qparts.length == 1){
// we optimize this case here to prevent dispatch further down the
// chain, potentially slowing things down. We could more elegantly
// handle this in filterDown(), but it's slower for simple things
// that need to be fast (e.g., "#someId").
var tef = getElementsFunc(qparts[0]);
return function(root){
var r = tef(root, []);
if(r){ r.nozip = true; }
return r;
// otherwise, break it up and return a runner that iterates over the parts recursively
return function(root){
return filterDown(root, qparts);
// * we can't trust QSA for anything but document-rooted queries, so
// caching is split into DOM query evaluators and QSA query evaluators
// * caching query results is dirty and leak-prone (or, at a minimum,
// prone to unbounded growth). Other toolkits may go this route, but
// they totally destroy their own ability to manage their memory
// footprint. If we implement it, it should only ever be with a fixed
// total element reference # limit and an LRU-style algorithm since JS
// has no weakref support. Caching compiled query evaluators is also
// potentially problematic, but even on large documents the size of the
// query evaluators is often < 100 function objects per evaluator (and
// LRU can be applied if it's ever shown to be an issue).
// * since IE's QSA support is currently only for HTML documents and even
// then only in IE 8's "standards mode", we have to detect our dispatch
// route at query time and keep 2 separate caches. Ugg.
// we need to determine if we think we can run a given query via
// querySelectorAll or if we'll need to fall back on DOM queries to get
// there. We need a lot of information about the environment and the query
// to make the determination (e.g. does it support QSA, does the query in
// question work in the native QSA impl, etc.).
// IE QSA queries may incorrectly include comment nodes, so we throw the
// zipping function into "remove" comments mode instead of the normal "skip
// it" which every other QSA-clued browser enjoys
var noZip = has("ie") ? "commentStrip" : "nozip";
var qsa = "querySelectorAll";
var qsaAvail = !!getDoc()[qsa];
//Don't bother with n+3 type of matches, IE complains if we modify those.
var infixSpaceRe = /\\[>~+]|n\+\d|([^ \\])?([>~+])([^ =])?/g;
var infixSpaceFunc = function(match, pre, ch, post){
return ch ? (pre ? pre + " " : "") + ch + (post ? " " + post : "") : /*n+3*/ match;
//Don't apply the infixSpaceRe to attribute value selectors
var attRe = /([^[]*)([^\]]*])?/g;
var attFunc = function(match, nonAtt, att){
return nonAtt.replace(infixSpaceRe, infixSpaceFunc) + (att||"");
var getQueryFunc = function(query, forceDOM){
//Normalize query. The CSS3 selectors spec allows for omitting spaces around
//infix operators, >, ~ and +
//Do the work here since detection for spaces is used as a simple "not use QSA"
//test below.
query = query.replace(attRe, attFunc);
// if we've got a cached variant and we think we can do it, run it!
var qsaCached = _queryFuncCacheQSA[query];
if(qsaCached && !forceDOM){ return qsaCached; }
// else if we've got a DOM cached variant, assume that we already know
// all we need to and use it
var domCached = _queryFuncCacheDOM[query];
if(domCached){ return domCached; }
// TODO:
// today we're caching DOM and QSA branches separately so we
// recalc useQSA every time. If we had a way to tag root+query
// efficiently, we'd be in good shape to do a global cache.
var qcz = query.charAt(0);
var nospace = (-1 == query.indexOf(" "));
// byId searches are wicked fast compared to QSA, even when filtering
// is required
if( (query.indexOf("#") >= 0) && (nospace) ){
forceDOM = true;
var useQSA = (
qsaAvail && (!forceDOM) &&
// as per CSS 3, we can't currently start w/ combinator:
(specials.indexOf(qcz) == -1) &&
// IE's QSA impl sucks on pseudos
(!has("ie") || (query.indexOf(":") == -1)) &&
(!(cssCaseBug && (query.indexOf(".") >= 0))) &&
// need to tighten up browser rules on ":contains" and "|=" to
// figure out which aren't good
// Latest webkit (around 531.21.8) does not seem to do well with :checked on option
// elements, even though according to spec, selected options should
// match :checked. So go nonQSA for it:
(query.indexOf(":contains") == -1) && (query.indexOf(":checked") == -1) &&
(query.indexOf("|=") == -1) // some browsers don't grok it
// TODO:
// if we've got a descendant query (e.g., "> .thinger" instead of
// just ".thinger") in a QSA-able doc, but are passed a child as a
// root, it should be possible to give the item a synthetic ID and
// trivially rewrite the query to the form "#synid > .thinger" to
// use the QSA branch
var tq = (specials.indexOf(query.charAt(query.length-1)) >= 0) ?
(query + " *") : query;
return _queryFuncCacheQSA[query] = function(root){
// the QSA system contains an egregious spec bug which
// limits us, effectively, to only running QSA queries over
// entire documents. See:
// despite this, we can also handle QSA runs on simple
// selectors, but we don't want detection to be expensive
// so we're just checking for the presence of a space char
// right now. Not elegant, but it's cheaper than running
// the query parser when we might not need to
if(9 == root.nodeType || nospace){
var r = root[qsa](tq);
// skip expensive duplication checks and just wrap in a NodeList
r[noZip] = true;
return r;
// if root[qsa](tq), fall through to getQueryFunc() branch below
// else run the DOM branch on this query, ensuring that we
// default that way in the future
return getQueryFunc(query, true)(root);
// DOM branch
var parts = query.match(/([^\s,](?:"(?:\\.|[^"])+"|'(?:\\.|[^'])+'|[^,])*)/g);
return _queryFuncCacheDOM[query] = ((parts.length < 2) ?
// if not a compound query (e.g., ".foo, .bar"), cache and return a dispatcher
getStepQueryFunc(query) :
// if it *is* a complex query, break it up into its
// constituent parts and return a dispatcher that will
// merge the parts when run
var pindex = 0, // avoid array alloc for every invocation
ret = [],
while((tp = parts[pindex++])){
ret = ret.concat(getStepQueryFunc(tp)(root));
return ret;
var _zipIdx = 0;
// NOTE:
// this function is Moo inspired, but our own impl to deal correctly
// with XML in IE
var _nodeUID = has("ie") ? function(node){
// XML docs don't have uniqueID on their nodes
return (node.getAttribute("_uid") || node.setAttribute("_uid", ++_zipIdx) || _zipIdx);
return node.uniqueID;
} :
return (node._uid || (node._uid = ++_zipIdx));
// determine if a node in is unique in a "bag". In this case we don't want
// to flatten a list of unique items, but rather just tell if the item in
// question is already in the bag. Normally we'd just use hash lookup to do
// this for us but IE's DOM is busted so we can't really count on that. On
// the upside, it gives us a built in unique ID function.
var _isUnique = function(node, bag){
if(!bag){ return 1; }
var id = _nodeUID(node);
if(!bag[id]){ return bag[id] = 1; }
return 0;
// attempt to efficiently determine if an item in a list is a dupe,
// returning a list of "uniques", hopefully in document order
var _zipIdxName = "_zipIdx";
var _zip = function(arr){
if(arr && arr.nozip){ return arr; }
if(!arr || !arr.length){ return []; }
if(arr.length < 2){ return [arr[0]]; }
var ret = [];
// we have to fork here for IE and XML docs because we can't set
// expandos on their nodes (apparently). *sigh*
var x, te;
if(has("ie") && caseSensitive){
var szidx = _zipIdx+"";
for(x = 0; x < arr.length; x++){
if((te = arr[x]) && te.getAttribute(_zipIdxName) != szidx){
te.setAttribute(_zipIdxName, szidx);
}else if(has("ie") && arr.commentStrip){
for(x = 0; x < arr.length; x++){
if((te = arr[x]) && _isElement(te)){
}catch(e){ /* squelch */ }
for(x = 0; x < arr.length; x++){
if((te = arr[x]) && te[_zipIdxName] != _zipIdx){
te[_zipIdxName] = _zipIdx;
return ret;
// the main executor
var query = function(/*String*/ query, /*String|DOMNode?*/ root){
// summary:
// Returns nodes which match the given CSS3 selector, searching the
// entire document by default but optionally taking a node to scope
// the search by. Returns an array.
// description:
// dojo.query() is the swiss army knife of DOM node manipulation in
// Dojo. Much like Prototype's "$$" (bling-bling) function or JQuery's
// "$" function, dojo.query provides robust, high-performance
// CSS-based node selector support with the option of scoping searches
// to a particular sub-tree of a document.
// Supported Selectors:
// --------------------
// acme supports a rich set of CSS3 selectors, including:
// - class selectors (e.g., `.foo`)
// - node type selectors like `span`
// - ` ` descendant selectors
// - `>` child element selectors
// - `#foo` style ID selectors
// - `*` universal selector
// - `~`, the preceded-by sibling selector
// - `+`, the immediately preceded-by sibling selector
// - attribute queries:
// - `[foo]` attribute presence selector
// - `[foo='bar']` attribute value exact match
// - `[foo~='bar']` attribute value list item match
// - `[foo^='bar']` attribute start match
// - `[foo$='bar']` attribute end match
// - `[foo*='bar']` attribute substring match
// - `:first-child`, `:last-child`, and `:only-child` positional selectors
// - `:empty` content emtpy selector
// - `:checked` pseudo selector
// - `:nth-child(n)`, `:nth-child(2n+1)` style positional calculations
// - `:nth-child(even)`, `:nth-child(odd)` positional selectors
// - `:not(...)` negation pseudo selectors
// Any legal combination of these selectors will work with
// `dojo.query()`, including compound selectors ("," delimited).
// Very complex and useful searches can be constructed with this
// palette of selectors and when combined with functions for
// manipulation presented by dojo/NodeList, many types of DOM
// manipulation operations become very straightforward.
// Unsupported Selectors:
// ----------------------
// While dojo.query handles many CSS3 selectors, some fall outside of
// what's reasonable for a programmatic node querying engine to
// handle. Currently unsupported selectors include:
// - namespace-differentiated selectors of any form
// - all `::` pseduo-element selectors
// - certain pseudo-selectors which don't get a lot of day-to-day use:
// - `:root`, `:lang()`, `:target`, `:focus`
// - all visual and state selectors:
// - `:root`, `:active`, `:hover`, `:visited`, `:link`,
// `:enabled`, `:disabled`
// - `:*-of-type` pseudo selectors
// dojo.query and XML Documents:
// -----------------------------
// `dojo.query` (as of dojo 1.2) supports searching XML documents
// in a case-sensitive manner. If an HTML document is served with
// a doctype that forces case-sensitivity (e.g., XHTML 1.1
// Strict), dojo.query() will detect this and "do the right
// thing". Case sensitivity is dependent upon the document being
// searched and not the query used. It is therefore possible to
// use case-sensitive queries on strict sub-documents (iframes,
// etc.) or XML documents while still assuming case-insensitivity
// for a host/root document.
// Non-selector Queries:
// ---------------------
// If something other than a String is passed for the query,
// `dojo.query` will return a new `dojo/NodeList` instance
// constructed from that parameter alone and all further
// processing will stop. This means that if you have a reference
// to a node or NodeList, you can quickly construct a new NodeList
// from the original by calling `dojo.query(node)` or
// `dojo.query(list)`.
// query:
// The CSS3 expression to match against. For details on the syntax of
// CSS3 selectors, see <>
// root:
// A DOMNode (or node id) to scope the search from. Optional.
// returns: Array
// example:
// search the entire document for elements with the class "foo":
// | require(["dojo/query"], function(query) {
// | query(".foo").forEach(function(q) { console.log(q); });
// | });
// these elements will match:
// | <span class="foo"></span>
// | <span class="foo bar"></span>
// | <p class="thud foo"></p>
// example:
// search the entire document for elements with the classes "foo" *and* "bar":
// | require(["dojo/query"], function(query) {
// | query("").forEach(function(q) { console.log(q); });
// | });
// these elements will match:
// | <span class="foo bar"></span>
// while these will not:
// | <span class="foo"></span>
// | <p class="thud foo"></p>
// example:
// find `<span>` elements which are descendants of paragraphs and
// which have a "highlighted" class:
// | require(["dojo/query"], function(query) {
// | query("p span.highlighted").forEach(function(q) { console.log(q); });
// | });
// the innermost span in this fragment matches:
// | <p class="foo">
// | <span>...
// | <span class="highlighted foo bar">...</span>
// | </span>
// | </p>
// example:
// set an "odd" class on all odd table rows inside of the table
// `#tabular_data`, using the `>` (direct child) selector to avoid
// affecting any nested tables:
// | require(["dojo/query"], function(query) {
// | query("#tabular_data > tbody > tr:nth-child(odd)").addClass("odd");
// | );
// example:
// remove all elements with the class "error" from the document:
// | require(["dojo/query"], function(query) {
// | query(".error").orphan();
// | );
// example:
// add an onclick handler to every submit button in the document
// which causes the form to be sent via Ajax instead:
// | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/request", "dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/dom-style"
// | ], function (query, request, domConstruct, domStyle) {
// | query("input[type='submit']").on("click", function (e) {
// | e.stopPropagation();
// | e.preventDefault();
// | var btn =;
// |"", { data: btn.form, timeout: 2000 })
// | .then(function (data) {
// | // replace the form with the response
// | domConstruct.create("div", { innerHTML: data }, btn.form, "after");
// | domStyle.set(btn.form, "display", "none");
// | });
// | });
// | });
root = root || getDoc();
// throw the big case sensitivity switch
var od = root.ownerDocument || root; // root is either Document or a node inside the document
caseSensitive = (od.createElement("div").tagName === "div");
// NOTE:
// adding "true" as the 2nd argument to getQueryFunc is useful for
// testing the DOM branch without worrying about the
// behavior/performance of the QSA branch.
var r = getQueryFunc(query)(root);
// need to investigate this branch WRT #8074 and #8075
if(r && r.nozip){
return r;
return _zip(r); // dojo/NodeList
query.filter = function(/*Node[]*/ nodeList, /*String*/ filter, /*String|DOMNode?*/ root){
// summary:
// function for filtering a NodeList based on a selector, optimized for simple selectors
var tmpNodeList = [],
parts = getQueryParts(filter),
filterFunc =
(parts.length == 1 && !/[^\w#\.]/.test(filter)) ?
getSimpleFilterFunc(parts[0]) :
return array.indexOf(query(filter, dom.byId(root)), node) != -1;
for(var x = 0, te; te = nodeList[x]; x++){
if(filterFunc(te)){ tmpNodeList.push(te); }
return tmpNodeList;
return query;
define(["./_base/kernel", "./query", "./_base/array", "./_base/lang", "./dom-class", "./dom-construct", "./dom-geometry", "./dom-attr", "./dom-style"], function(dojo, query, array, lang, domCls, domCtr, domGeom, domAttr, domStyle){
// module:
// dojo/NodeList-dom.js
return function(){
// summary:
// Adds DOM related methods to NodeList, and returns NodeList constructor.
var magicGuard = function(a){
// summary:
// the guard function for dojo/dom-attr() and dojo/dom-style()
return a.length == 1 && (typeof a[0] == "string"); // inline'd type check
var orphan = function(node){
// summary:
// function to orphan nodes
var p = node.parentNode;
// FIXME: should we move orphan() to dojo/_base/html?
var NodeList = query.NodeList,
awc = NodeList._adaptWithCondition,
aafe = NodeList._adaptAsForEach,
aam = NodeList._adaptAsMap;
function getSet(module){
return function(node, name, value){
if(arguments.length == 2){
return module[typeof name == "string" ? "get" : "set"](node, name);
// setter
return module.set(node, name, value);
lang.extend(NodeList, {
_normalize: function(/*String||Element||Object||NodeList*/content, /*DOMNode?*/refNode){
// summary:
// normalizes data to an array of items to insert.
// description:
// If content is an object, it can have special properties "template" and
// "parse". If "template" is defined, then the template value is run through
// dojo/string.substitute (if dojo/string.substitute() has been required elsewhere),
// or if templateFunc is a function on the content, that function will be used to
// transform the template into a final string to be used for for passing to dojo/dom-construct.toDom().
// If content.parse is true, then it is remembered for later, for when the content
// nodes are inserted into the DOM. At that point, the nodes will be parsed for widgets
// (if dojo/parser has been required elsewhere).
//Wanted to just use a DocumentFragment, but for the array/NodeList
//case that meant using cloneNode, but we may not want that.
//Cloning should only happen if the node operations span
//multiple refNodes. Also, need a real array, not a NodeList from the
//DOM since the node movements could change those NodeLists.
var parse = content.parse === true;
//Do we have an object that needs to be run through a template?
if(typeof content.template == "string"){
var templateFunc = content.templateFunc || (dojo.string && dojo.string.substitute);
content = templateFunc ? templateFunc(content.template, content) : content;
var type = (typeof content);
if(type == "string" || type == "number"){
content = domCtr.toDom(content, (refNode && refNode.ownerDocument));
if(content.nodeType == 11){
//DocumentFragment. It cannot handle cloneNode calls, so pull out the children.
content = lang._toArray(content.childNodes);
content = [content];
}else if(!lang.isArrayLike(content)){
content = [content];
}else if(!lang.isArray(content)){
//To get to this point, content is array-like, but
//not an array, which likely means a DOM NodeList. Convert it now.
content = lang._toArray(content);
//Pass around the parse info
content._runParse = true;
return content; //Array
_cloneNode: function(/*DOMNode*/ node){
// summary:
// private utility to clone a node. Not very interesting in the vanilla
// dojo/NodeList case, but delegates could do interesting things like
// clone event handlers if that is derivable from the node.
return node.cloneNode(true);
_place: function(/*Array*/ary, /*DOMNode*/refNode, /*String*/position, /*Boolean*/useClone){
// summary:
// private utility to handle placing an array of nodes relative to another node.
// description:
// Allows for cloning the nodes in the array, and for
// optionally parsing widgets, if ary._runParse is true.
//Avoid a disallowed operation if trying to do an innerHTML on a non-element node.
if(refNode.nodeType != 1 && position == "only"){
var rNode = refNode, tempNode;
//Always cycle backwards in case the array is really a
//DOM NodeList and the DOM operations take it out of the live collection.
var length = ary.length;
for(var i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--){
var node = (useClone ? this._cloneNode(ary[i]) : ary[i]);
//If need widget parsing, use a temp node, instead of waiting after inserting into
//real DOM because we need to start widget parsing at one node up from current node,
//which could cause some already parsed widgets to be parsed again.
if(ary._runParse && dojo.parser && dojo.parser.parse){
tempNode = rNode.ownerDocument.createElement("div");
node = tempNode.firstChild;
if(i == length - 1){, rNode, position);
rNode.parentNode.insertBefore(node, rNode);
rNode = node;
position: aam(domGeom.position),
position: function(){
// summary:
// Returns border-box objects (x/y/w/h) of all elements in a node list
// as an Array (*not* a NodeList). Acts like `dojo/dom-geometry-position`, though
// assumes the node passed is each node in this list.
return, dojo.position); // Array
attr: awc(getSet(domAttr), magicGuard),
attr: function(property, value){
// summary:
// gets or sets the DOM attribute for every element in the
// NodeList. See also `dojo/dom-attr`
// property: String
// the attribute to get/set
// value: String?
// optional. The value to set the property to
// returns:
// if no value is passed, the result is an array of attribute values
// If a value is passed, the return is this NodeList
// example:
// Make all nodes with a particular class focusable:
// | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-dom"], function(query){
// | query(".focusable").attr("tabIndex", -1);
// | });
// example:
// Disable a group of buttons:
// | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-dom"], function(query){
// | query("").attr("disabled", true);
// | });
// example:
// innerHTML can be assigned or retrieved as well:
// | // get the innerHTML (as an array) for each list item
// | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-dom"], function(query){
// | var ih = query("li.replaceable").attr("innerHTML");
// | });
return; // dojo/NodeList|Array
style: awc(getSet(domStyle), magicGuard),
style: function(property, value){
// summary:
// gets or sets the CSS property for every element in the NodeList
// property: String
// the CSS property to get/set, in JavaScript notation
// ("lineHieght" instead of "line-height")
// value: String?
// optional. The value to set the property to
// returns:
// if no value is passed, the result is an array of strings.
// If a value is passed, the return is this NodeList
return; // dojo/NodeList
return; // Array
addClass: aafe(domCls.add),
addClass: function(className){
// summary:
// adds the specified class to every node in the list
// className: String|Array
// A String class name to add, or several space-separated class names,
// or an array of class names.
return; // dojo/NodeList
removeClass: aafe(domCls.remove),
removeClass: function(className){
// summary:
// removes the specified class from every node in the list
// className: String|Array?
// An optional String class name to remove, or several space-separated
// class names, or an array of class names. If omitted, all class names
// will be deleted.
// returns:
// this list
return; // dojo/NodeList
toggleClass: aafe(domCls.toggle),
toggleClass: function(className, condition){
// summary:
// Adds a class to node if not present, or removes if present.
// Pass a boolean condition if you want to explicitly add or remove.
// condition: Boolean?
// If passed, true means to add the class, false means to remove.
// className: String
// the CSS class to add
return; // dojo/NodeList
replaceClass: aafe(domCls.replace),
replaceClass: function(addClassStr, removeClassStr){
// summary:
// Replaces one or more classes on a node if not present.
// Operates more quickly than calling `removeClass()` and `addClass()`
// addClassStr: String|Array
// A String class name to add, or several space-separated class names,
// or an array of class names.
// removeClassStr: String|Array?
// A String class name to remove, or several space-separated class names,
// or an array of class names.
return; // dojo/NodeList
empty: aafe(domCtr.empty),
empty: function(){
// summary:
// clears all content from each node in the list. Effectively
// equivalent to removing all child nodes from every item in
// the list.
return this.forEach("item.innerHTML='';"); // dojo/NodeList
// FIXME: should we be checking for and/or disposing of widgets below these nodes?
removeAttr: aafe(domAttr.remove),
removeAttr: function(name){
// summary:
// Removes an attribute from each node in the list.
// name: String
// the name of the attribute to remove
return; // dojo/NodeList
marginBox: aam(domGeom.getMarginBox),
marginBox: function(){
// summary:
// Returns margin-box size of nodes
return; // dojo/NodeList
// FIXME: connectPublisher()? connectRunOnce()?
destroy: function(){
// summary:
// destroys every item in the list.
// FIXME: should we be checking for and/or disposing of widgets below these nodes?
place: function(/*String||Node*/ queryOrNode, /*String*/ position){
// summary:
// places elements of this node list relative to the first element matched
// by queryOrNode. Returns the original NodeList. See: `dojo/`
// queryOrNode:
// may be a string representing any valid CSS3 selector or a DOM node.
// In the selector case, only the first matching element will be used
// for relative positioning.
// position:
// can be one of:
// - "last" (default)
// - "first"
// - "before"
// - "after"
// - "only"
// - "replace"
// or an offset in the childNodes property
var item = query(queryOrNode)[0];
return this.forEach(function(node){, item, position); }); // dojo/NodeList
orphan: function(/*String?*/ filter){
// summary:
// removes elements in this list that match the filter
// from their parents and returns them as a new NodeList.
// filter:
// CSS selector like ".foo" or "div > span"
// returns:
// NodeList containing the orphaned elements
return (filter ? query._filterResult(this, filter) : this).forEach(orphan); // dojo/NodeList
adopt: function(/*String||Array||DomNode*/ queryOrListOrNode, /*String?*/ position){
// summary:
// places any/all elements in queryOrListOrNode at a
// position relative to the first element in this list.
// Returns a dojo/NodeList of the adopted elements.
// queryOrListOrNode:
// a DOM node or a query string or a query result.
// Represents the nodes to be adopted relative to the
// first element of this NodeList.
// position:
// can be one of:
// - "last" (default)
// - "first"
// - "before"
// - "after"
// - "only"
// - "replace"
// or an offset in the childNodes property
return query(queryOrListOrNode).place(this[0], position)._stash(this); // dojo/NodeList
// FIXME: do we need this?
query: function(/*String*/ queryStr){
// summary:
// Returns a new list whose members match the passed query,
// assuming elements of the current NodeList as the root for
// each search.
// example:
// assume a DOM created by this markup:
// | <div id="foo">
// | <p>
// | bacon is tasty, <span>dontcha think?</span>
// | </p>
// | </div>
// | <div id="bar">
// | <p>great comedians may not be funny <span>in person</span></p>
// | </div>
// If we are presented with the following definition for a NodeList:
// | require(["dojo/dom", "dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-dom"
// | ], function(dom, query){
// | var l = new NodeList(dom.byId("foo"), dom.byId("bar"));
// it's possible to find all span elements under paragraphs
// contained by these elements with this sub-query:
// | var spans = l.query("p span");
// | });
// FIXME: probably slow
if(!queryStr){ return this; }
var ret = new NodeList;{
// FIXME: why would we ever get undefined here?
query(queryStr, node).forEach(function(subNode){
if(subNode !== undefined){
return ret._stash(this); // dojo/NodeList
filter: function(/*String|Function*/ filter){
// summary:
// "masks" the built-in javascript filter() method (supported
// in Dojo via `dojo.filter`) to support passing a simple
// string filter in addition to supporting filtering function
// objects.
// filter:
// If a string, a CSS rule like ".thinger" or "div > span".
// example:
// "regular" JS filter syntax as exposed in dojo.filter:
// | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-dom"
// | ], function(query){
// | query("*").filter(function(item){
// | // highlight every paragraph
// | return (item.nodeName == "p");
// | }).style("backgroundColor", "yellow");
// | });
// example:
// the same filtering using a CSS selector
// | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-dom"
// | ], function(query){
// | query("*").filter("p").styles("backgroundColor", "yellow");
// | });
var a = arguments, items = this, start = 0;
if(typeof filter == "string"){ // inline'd type check
items = query._filterResult(this, a[0]);
if(a.length == 1){
// if we only got a string query, pass back the filtered results
return items._stash(this); // dojo/NodeList
// if we got a callback, run it over the filtered items
start = 1;
return this._wrap(array.filter(items, a[start], a[start + 1]), this); // dojo/NodeList
// FIXME: should this be "copyTo" and include parenting info?
clone: function(){
// summary:
// creates node clones of each element of this list
// and returns a new list containing the clones
addContent: function(/*String||DomNode||Object||dojo/NodeList*/ content, /*String||Integer?*/ position){
// summary:
// add a node, NodeList or some HTML as a string to every item in the
// list. Returns the original list.
// description:
// a copy of the HTML content is added to each item in the
// list, with an optional position argument. If no position
// argument is provided, the content is appended to the end of
// each item.
// content:
// DOM node, HTML in string format, a NodeList or an Object. If a DOM node or
// NodeList, the content will be cloned if the current NodeList has more than one
// element. Only the DOM nodes are cloned, no event handlers. If it is an Object,
// it should be an object with at "template" String property that has the HTML string
// to insert. If dojo.string has already been dojo.required, then dojo.string.substitute
// will be used on the "template" to generate the final HTML string. Other allowed
// properties on the object are: "parse" if the HTML
// string should be parsed for widgets (dojo.require("dojo.parser") to get that
// option to work), and "templateFunc" if a template function besides dojo.string.substitute
// should be used to transform the "template".
// position:
// can be one of:
// - "last"||"end" (default)
// - "first||"start"
// - "before"
// - "after"
// - "replace" (replaces nodes in this NodeList with new content)
// - "only" (removes other children of the nodes so new content is the only child)
// or an offset in the childNodes property
// example:
// appends content to the end if the position is omitted
// | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-dom"
// | ], function(query){
// | query("h3 > p").addContent("hey there!");
// | });
// example:
// add something to the front of each element that has a
// "thinger" property:
// | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-dom"
// | ], function(query){
// | query("[thinger]").addContent("...", "first");
// | });
// example:
// adds a header before each element of the list
// | require(["dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-dom"
// | ], function(query){
// | query(".note").addContent("<h4>NOTE:</h4>", "before");
// | });
// example:
// add a clone of a DOM node to the end of every element in
// the list, removing it from its existing parent.
// | require(["dojo/dom", "dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-dom"
// | ], function(dom, query){
// | query(".note").addContent(dom.byId("foo"));
// | });
// example:
// Append nodes from a templatized string.
// | require(["dojo/string", "dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-dom"
// | ], function(string, query){
// | query(".note").addContent({
// | template: '<b>${id}: </b><span>${name}</span>',
// | id: "user332",
// | name: "Mr. Anderson"
// | });
// | });
// example:
// Append nodes from a templatized string that also has widgets parsed.
// | require(["dojo/string", "dojo/parser", "dojo/query", "dojo/NodeList-dom"
// | ], function(string, parser, query){
// | var notes = query(".note").addContent({
// | template: '<button dojoType="dijit/form/Button">${text}</button>',
// | parse: true,
// | text: "Send"
// | });
// | });
content = this._normalize(content, this[0]);
for(var i = 0, node; (node = this[i]); i++){
this._place(content, node, position, i > 0);
// if it is an empty array, we empty the target node
return this; // dojo/NodeList
return NodeList;
define(["./kernel", "./config", /*===== "./declare", =====*/ "./lang", "../Evented", "./Color", "../aspect", "../sniff", "../dom", "../dom-style"],
function(dojo, config, /*===== declare, =====*/ lang, Evented, Color, aspect, has, dom, style){
// module:
// dojo/_base/fx
// notes:
// Animation loosely package based on Dan Pupius' work, contributed under CLA; see
var _mixin = lang.mixin;
// Module export
var basefx = {
// summary:
// This module defines the base dojo/_base/fx implementation.
var _Line = basefx._Line = function(/*int*/ start, /*int*/ end){
// summary:
// Object used to generate values from a start value to an end value
// start: int
// Beginning value for range
// end: int
// Ending value for range
this.start = start;
this.end = end;
_Line.prototype.getValue = function(/*float*/ n){
// summary:
// Returns the point on the line
// n:
// a floating point number greater than 0 and less than 1
return ((this.end - this.start) * n) + this.start; // Decimal
var Animation = basefx.Animation = function(args){
// summary:
// A generic animation class that fires callbacks into its handlers
// object at various states.
// description:
// A generic animation class that fires callbacks into its handlers
// object at various states. Nearly all dojo animation functions
// return an instance of this method, usually without calling the
// .play() method beforehand. Therefore, you will likely need to
// call .play() on instances of `Animation` when one is
// returned.
// args: Object
// The 'magic argument', mixing all the properties into this
// animation instance.
_mixin(this, args);
this.curve = new _Line(this.curve[0], this.curve[1]);
Animation.prototype = new Evented();
lang.extend(Animation, {
// duration: Integer
// The time in milliseconds the animation will take to run
duration: 350,
// curve: _Line|Array
// A two element array of start and end values, or a `_Line` instance to be
// used in the Animation.
curve: null,
// easing: Function?
// A Function to adjust the acceleration (or deceleration) of the progress
// across a _Line
easing: null,
// repeat: Integer?
// The number of times to loop the animation
repeat: 0,
// rate: Integer?
// the time in milliseconds to wait before advancing to next frame
// (used as a fps timer: 1000/rate = fps)
rate: 20 /* 50 fps */,
// delay: Integer?
// The time in milliseconds to wait before starting animation after it
// has been .play()'ed
delay: null,
// beforeBegin: Event?
// Synthetic event fired before a Animation begins playing (synchronous)
beforeBegin: null,
// onBegin: Event?
// Synthetic event fired as a Animation begins playing (useful?)
onBegin: null,
// onAnimate: Event?
// Synthetic event fired at each interval of the Animation
onAnimate: null,
// onEnd: Event?
// Synthetic event fired after the final frame of the Animation
onEnd: null,
// onPlay: Event?
// Synthetic event fired any time the Animation is play()'ed
onPlay: null,
// onPause: Event?
// Synthetic event fired when the Animation is paused
onPause: null,
// onStop: Event
// Synthetic event fires when the Animation is stopped
onStop: null,
_percent: 0,
_startRepeatCount: 0,
_getStep: function(){
var _p = this._percent,
_e = this.easing
return _e ? _e(_p) : _p;
_fire: function(/*Event*/ evt, /*Array?*/ args){
// summary:
// Convenience function. Fire event "evt" and pass it the
// arguments specified in "args".
// description:
// Convenience function. Fire event "evt" and pass it the
// arguments specified in "args".
// Fires the callback in the scope of this Animation
// instance.
// evt:
// The event to fire.
// args:
// The arguments to pass to the event.
var a = args||[];
this[evt].apply(this, a);
this[evt].apply(this, a);
// squelch and log because we shouldn't allow exceptions in
// synthetic event handlers to cause the internal timer to run
// amuck, potentially pegging the CPU. I'm not a fan of this
// squelch, but hopefully logging will make it clear what's
// going on
console.error("exception in animation handler for:", evt);
return this; // Animation
play: function(/*int?*/ delay, /*Boolean?*/ gotoStart){
// summary:
// Start the animation.
// delay:
// How many milliseconds to delay before starting.
// gotoStart:
// If true, starts the animation from the beginning; otherwise,
// starts it from its current position.
// returns: Animation
// The instance to allow chaining.
var _t = this;
if(_t._delayTimer){ _t._clearTimer(); }
_t._active = _t._paused = false;
_t._percent = 0;
}else if(_t._active && !_t._paused){
return _t;
_t._fire("beforeBegin", [_t.node]);
var de = delay || _t.delay,
_p = lang.hitch(_t, "_play", gotoStart);
if(de > 0){
_t._delayTimer = setTimeout(_p, de);
return _t;
return _t; // Animation
_play: function(gotoStart){
var _t = this;
if(_t._delayTimer){ _t._clearTimer(); }
_t._startTime = new Date().valueOf();
_t._startTime -= _t.duration * _t._percent;
_t._active = true;
_t._paused = false;
var value = _t.curve.getValue(_t._getStep());
_t._startRepeatCount = _t.repeat;
_t._fire("onBegin", [value]);
_t._fire("onPlay", [value]);
return _t; // Animation
pause: function(){
// summary:
// Pauses a running animation.
var _t = this;
if(_t._delayTimer){ _t._clearTimer(); }
if(!_t._active){ return _t; /*Animation*/ }
_t._paused = true;
_t._fire("onPause", [_t.curve.getValue(_t._getStep())]);
return _t; // Animation
gotoPercent: function(/*Decimal*/ percent, /*Boolean?*/ andPlay){
// summary:
// Sets the progress of the animation.
// percent:
// A percentage in decimal notation (between and including 0.0 and 1.0).
// andPlay:
// If true, play the animation after setting the progress.
var _t = this;
_t._active = _t._paused = true;
_t._percent = percent;
if(andPlay){; }
return _t; // Animation
stop: function(/*boolean?*/ gotoEnd){
// summary:
// Stops a running animation.
// gotoEnd:
// If true, the animation will end.
var _t = this;
if(_t._delayTimer){ _t._clearTimer(); }
if(!_t._timer){ return _t; /* Animation */ }
_t._percent = 1;
_t._fire("onStop", [_t.curve.getValue(_t._getStep())]);
_t._active = _t._paused = false;
return _t; // Animation
destroy: function(){
// summary:
// cleanup the animation
status: function(){
// summary:
// Returns a string token representation of the status of
// the animation, one of: "paused", "playing", "stopped"
return this._paused ? "paused" : "playing"; // String
return "stopped"; // String
_cycle: function(){
var _t = this;
var curr = new Date().valueOf();
// Allow durations of 0 (instant) by setting step to 1 - see #13798
var step = _t.duration === 0 ? 1 : (curr - _t._startTime) / (_t.duration);
if(step >= 1){
step = 1;
_t._percent = step;
// Perform easing
step = _t.easing(step);
_t._fire("onAnimate", [_t.curve.getValue(step)]);
if(_t._percent < 1){
_t._active = false;
if(_t.repeat > 0){
_t.repeat--;, true);
}else if(_t.repeat == -1){, true);
_t.repeat = _t._startRepeatCount;
_t._startRepeatCount = 0;
_t._percent = 0;
_t._fire("onEnd", [_t.node]);
!_t.repeat && _t._stopTimer();
return _t; // Animation
_clearTimer: function(){
// summary:
// Clear the play delay timer
delete this._delayTimer;
// the local timer, stubbed into all Animation instances
var ctr = 0,
timer = null,
runner = {
run: function(){}
lang.extend(Animation, {
_startTimer: function(){
this._timer = aspect.after(runner, "run", lang.hitch(this, "_cycle"), true);
timer = setInterval(lang.hitch(runner, "run"), this.rate);
_stopTimer: function(){
this._timer = null;
if(ctr <= 0){
timer = null;
ctr = 0;
var _makeFadeable =
has("ie") ? function(node){
// only set the zoom if the "tickle" value would be the same as the
// default
var ns =;
// don't set the width to auto if it didn't already cascade that way.
// We don't want to f anyones designs
if(!ns.width.length && style.get(node, "width") == "auto"){
ns.width = "auto";
} :
basefx._fade = function(/*Object*/ args){
// summary:
// Returns an animation that will fade the node defined by
// args.node from the start to end values passed (args.start
// args.end) (end is mandatory, start is optional)
args.node = dom.byId(args.node);
var fArgs = _mixin({ properties: {} }, args),
props = ( = {});
props.start = !("start" in fArgs) ?
return +style.get(fArgs.node, "opacity")||0;
} : fArgs.start;
props.end = fArgs.end;
var anim = basefx.animateProperty(fArgs);
aspect.after(anim, "beforeBegin", lang.partial(_makeFadeable, fArgs.node), true);
return anim; // Animation
var __FadeArgs = declare(null, {
// node: DOMNode|String
// The node referenced in the animation
// duration: Integer?
// Duration of the animation in milliseconds.
// easing: Function?
// An easing function.
basefx.fadeIn = function(/*__FadeArgs*/ args){
// summary:
// Returns an animation that will fade node defined in 'args' from
// its current opacity to fully opaque.
return basefx._fade(_mixin({ end: 1 }, args)); // Animation
basefx.fadeOut = function(/*__FadeArgs*/ args){
// summary:
// Returns an animation that will fade node defined in 'args'
// from its current opacity to fully transparent.
return basefx._fade(_mixin({ end: 0 }, args)); // Animation
basefx._defaultEasing = function(/*Decimal?*/ n){
// summary:
// The default easing function for Animation(s)
return 0.5 + ((Math.sin((n + 1.5) * Math.PI)) / 2); // Decimal
var PropLine = function(properties){
// PropLine is an internal class which is used to model the values of
// an a group of CSS properties across an animation lifecycle. In
// particular, the "getValue" function handles getting interpolated
// values between start and end for a particular CSS value.
this._properties = properties;
for(var p in properties){
var prop = properties[p];
if(prop.start instanceof Color){
// create a reusable temp color object to keep intermediate results
prop.tempColor = new Color();
PropLine.prototype.getValue = function(r){
var ret = {};
for(var p in this._properties){
var prop = this._properties[p],
start = prop.start;
if(start instanceof Color){
ret[p] = Color.blendColors(start, prop.end, r, prop.tempColor).toCss();
}else if(!lang.isArray(start)){
ret[p] = ((prop.end - start) * r) + start + (p != "opacity" ? prop.units || "px" : 0);
return ret;
var __AnimArgs = declare(__FadeArgs, {
// properties: Object?
// A hash map of style properties to Objects describing the transition,
// such as the properties of _Line with an additional 'units' property
properties: {}
//TODOC: add event callbacks
basefx.animateProperty = function(/*__AnimArgs*/ args){
// summary:
// Returns an animation that will transition the properties of
// node defined in `args` depending how they are defined in
// ``
// description:
// Foundation of most `dojo/_base/fx`
// animations. It takes an object of "properties" corresponding to
// style properties, and animates them in parallel over a set
// duration.
// example:
// A simple animation that changes the width of the specified node.
// | basefx.animateProperty({
// | node: "nodeId",
// | properties: { width: 400 },
// | }).play();
// Dojo figures out the start value for the width and converts the
// integer specified for the width to the more expressive but
// verbose form `{ width: { end: '400', units: 'px' } }` which you
// can also specify directly. Defaults to 'px' if omitted.
// example:
// Animate width, height, and padding over 2 seconds... the
// pedantic way:
// | basefx.animateProperty({ node: node, duration:2000,
// | properties: {
// | width: { start: '200', end: '400', units:"px" },
// | height: { start:'200', end: '400', units:"px" },
// | paddingTop: { start:'5', end:'50', units:"px" }
// | }
// | }).play();
// Note 'paddingTop' is used over 'padding-top'. Multi-name CSS properties
// are written using "mixed case", as the hyphen is illegal as an object key.
// example:
// Plug in a different easing function and register a callback for
// when the animation ends. Easing functions accept values between
// zero and one and return a value on that basis. In this case, an
// exponential-in curve.
// | basefx.animateProperty({
// | node: "nodeId",
// | // dojo figures out the start value
// | properties: { width: { end: 400 } },
// | easing: function(n){
// | return (n==0) ? 0 : Math.pow(2, 10 * (n - 1));
// | },
// | onEnd: function(node){
// | // called when the animation finishes. The animation
// | // target is passed to this function
// | }
// | }).play(500); // delay playing half a second
// example:
// Like all `Animation`s, animateProperty returns a handle to the
// Animation instance, which fires the events common to Dojo FX. Use `aspect.after`
// to access these events outside of the Animation definition:
// | var anim = basefx.animateProperty({
// | node:"someId",
// | properties:{
// | width:400, height:500
// | }
// | });
// | aspect.after(anim, "onEnd", function(){
// | console.log("animation ended");
// | }, true);
// | // play the animation now:
// |;
// example:
// Each property can be a function whose return value is substituted along.
// Additionally, each measurement (eg: start, end) can be a function. The node
// reference is passed directly to callbacks.
// | basefx.animateProperty({
// | node:"mine",
// | properties:{
// | height:function(node){
// | // shrink this node by 50%
// | return domGeom.position(node).h / 2
// | },
// | width:{
// | start:function(node){ return 100; },
// | end:function(node){ return 200; }
// | }
// | }
// | }).play();
var n = args.node = dom.byId(args.node);
if(!args.easing){ args.easing = dojo._defaultEasing; }
var anim = new Animation(args);
aspect.after(anim, "beforeBegin", lang.hitch(anim, function(){
var pm = {};
for(var p in{
// Make shallow copy of properties into pm because we overwrite
// some values below. In particular if start/end are functions
// we don't want to overwrite them or the functions won't be
// called if the animation is reused.
if(p == "width" || p == "height"){
this.node.display = "block";
var prop =[p];
prop = prop(n);
prop = pm[p] = _mixin({}, (lang.isObject(prop) ? prop: { end: prop }));
prop.start = prop.start(n);
prop.end = prop.end(n);
var isColor = (p.toLowerCase().indexOf("color") >= 0);
var getStyle = function getStyle(node, p){
// domStyle.get(node, "height") can return "auto" or "" on IE; this is more reliable:
var v = { height: node.offsetHeight, width: node.offsetWidth }[p];
if(v !== undefined){ return v; }
v = style.get(node, p);
return (p == "opacity") ? +v : (isColor ? v : parseFloat(v));
if(!("end" in prop)){
prop.end = getStyle(n, p);
}else if(!("start" in prop)){
prop.start = getStyle(n, p);
prop.start = new Color(prop.start);
prop.end = new Color(prop.end);
prop.start = (p == "opacity") ? +prop.start : parseFloat(prop.start);
this.curve = new PropLine(pm);
}), true);
aspect.after(anim, "onAnimate", lang.hitch(style, "set", anim.node), true);
return anim; // Animation
basefx.anim = function( /*DOMNode|String*/ node,
/*Object*/ properties,
/*Integer?*/ duration,
/*Function?*/ easing,
/*Function?*/ onEnd,
/*Integer?*/ delay){
// summary:
// A simpler interface to `animateProperty()`, also returns
// an instance of `Animation` but begins the animation
// immediately, unlike nearly every other Dojo animation API.
// description:
// Simpler (but somewhat less powerful) version
// of `animateProperty`. It uses defaults for many basic properties
// and allows for positional parameters to be used in place of the
// packed "property bag" which is used for other Dojo animation
// methods.
// The `Animation` object returned will be already playing, so
// calling play() on it again is (usually) a no-op.
// node:
// a DOM node or the id of a node to animate CSS properties on
// duration:
// The number of milliseconds over which the animation
// should run. Defaults to the global animation default duration
// (350ms).
// easing:
// An easing function over which to calculate acceleration
// and deceleration of the animation through its duration.
// A default easing algorithm is provided, but you may
// plug in any you wish. A large selection of easing algorithms
// are available in `dojo/fx/easing`.
// onEnd:
// A function to be called when the animation finishes
// running.
// delay:
// The number of milliseconds to delay beginning the
// animation by. The default is 0.
// example:
// Fade out a node
// | basefx.anim("id", { opacity: 0 });
// example:
// Fade out a node over a full second
// | basefx.anim("id", { opacity: 0 }, 1000);
return basefx.animateProperty({ // Animation
node: node,
duration: duration || Animation.prototype.duration,
properties: properties,
easing: easing,
onEnd: onEnd
}).play(delay || 0);
if( 1 ){
_mixin(dojo, basefx);
// Alias to drop come 2.0:
dojo._Animation = Animation;
return basefx;
// must use this.require to make this work in node.js
var require = this.require;
// consume the cached dojo layer
!require.async && require(["dojo"]);
require.boot && require.apply(null, require.boot);