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2024-06-13 08:30:01 +00:00
title: Tabulator
pagination_prev: demos/frontend/index
pagination_next: demos/net/index
import current from '/version.js';
import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock';
[Tabulator]( is a powerful data table library designed
for ease of use.
[SheetJS]( is a JavaScript library for reading and writing
data from spreadsheets.
Tabulator offers deep integration with SheetJS for importing and exporting data.
This demo covers additional detail including document customization.
[Click here for a live standalone integration demo.](pathname:///tabulator/)
:::note Tested Deployments
This demo was tested in the following deployments:
| Browser | Version | Date |
| Chromium 125 | `6.2.1` | 2024-06-13 |
## Integration Details
The [SheetJS Standalone scripts](/docs/getting-started/installation/standalone)
are appropriate for sites that use the Tabulator CDN scripts.
[The "Frameworks" section](/docs/getting-started/installation/frameworks) covers
installation instructions for projects using a framework.
:::info pass
**The Tabulator script must be loaded after the SheetJS scripts!**
<!-- Load SheetJS Scripts -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Tabulator must be loaded after SheetJS scripts -->
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
### Previewing Data
Tabulator offers a special `setData` method for assigning data after the table
is created. Coupled with the `autoColumns` option, Tabulator will automatically
refresh the table.
:::info pass
The library scans the first row object to determine the header labels. If a
column is missing a value in the first object, it will not be loaded!
#### Fetching Files
When files are stored remotely, the recommended approach is to fetch the files,
parse with the SheetJS `read` method, generate arrays of objects from the target
sheet using `sheet_to_json`, and load data with the Tabulator `setData` method.
The following snippet fetches a sample file and loads the first sheet:
```html title="Fetching a spreadsheet and Displaying the first worksheet"
<!-- Tabulator DIV -->
<div id="htmlout"></div>
/* Initialize Tabulator with the `autoColumns: true` setting */
var tbl = new Tabulator('#htmlout', { autoColumns: true });
/* fetch and display */
(function() { try {
.then(function(res) { return res.arrayBuffer(); })
.then(function(ab) {
/* parse ArrayBuffer */
var wb =;
/* get first worksheet from SheetJS workbook object */
var ws = wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]];
/* generate array of row objects */
var data = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]);
/* update Tabulator */
} catch(e) {} })();
#### Local Files
Tabulator provides a special `import` method to show a dialog and load data.
Since the importer requires the raw binary data, the method must be called with
the third argument set to `"buffer"`:
```html title="Parsing a local spreadsheet and Displaying the first worksheet"
<button id="imp"><b>Click here to import from XLSX file</b></button>
<!-- Tabulator DIV -->
<div id="htmlout"></div>
/* Initialize Tabulator with the `autoColumns: true` setting */
var tbl = new Tabulator('#htmlout', { autoColumns: true });
/* use Tabulator SheetJS integration to import data */
document.getElementById("imp").addEventListener("click", function() {
tbl.import("xlsx", ".xlsx", "buffer");
### Saving Data
Tabulator provides a special `download` method to initiate the export:
```html title="Exporting data from Tabulator to XLSX"
<input type="submit" value="Export to XLSX!" id="xport" onclick="export_xlsx();">
<!-- Tabulator DIV -->
<div id="htmlout"></div>
/* Initialize Tabulator with the `autoColumns: true` setting */
var tbl = new Tabulator('#htmlout', { autoColumns: true });
/* use Tabulator SheetJS integration to import data */
function export_xlsx() {
/* use Tabulator SheetJS integration */"xlsx", "SheetJSTabulator.xlsx");
[The official documentation](
covers supported options.
#### Post-processing
The `documentProcessing` event handler is called after Tabulator generates a
SheetJS workbook object. This allows for adjustments before creating the final
workbook file. The following example adds a second sheet that includes the date:
```js title="Exporting data and metadata""xlsx", "SheetJSTabulator.xlsx", {
documentProcessing: function(wb) {
/* create a new worksheet */
var ws = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet([
["SheetJS + Tabulator Demo"],
["Export Date:", new Date()]
/* add to workbook */
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Metadata");
return wb;