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2025-01-06 02:51:20 +00:00
title: Sheets in UI5 Sites
sidebar_label: OpenUI5 / SAPUI5
description: Build enterprise-grade applications with OpenUI5. Seamlessly integrate spreadsheets into your app using SheetJS. Bring Excel-powered workflows and data to the modern web.
pagination_prev: demos/index
pagination_next: demos/grid/index
sidebar_position: 10
import current from '/version.js';
import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock';
2025-01-06 02:51:20 +00:00
[OpenUI5]( is a JavaScript framework for building
enterprise-ready web applications. It is compatible with the SAPUI5 framework.
[SheetJS]( is a JavaScript library for reading and writing
data from spreadsheets.
This demo shows how to handle spreadsheet data in OpenUI5 apps using SheetJS.
You'll learn how to load spreadsheet files, process their data, and generate
new spreadsheet exports.
2025-01-06 02:51:20 +00:00
:::info pass
[Docs Issue #20](
includes a complete example starting from the OpenUI5 "Worklist App Tutorial".
## Installation
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
SheetJS libraries conform to the UI5 ECMAScript requirements[^1]. SheetJS
2025-01-06 02:51:20 +00:00
libraries can be loaded in a UI5 site at different points in the app lifecycle.
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
#### HTML {#installation-html}
2025-01-06 02:51:20 +00:00
UI5 is typically loaded in a `SCRIPT` tag in `webapp/index.html`. Similarly,
[SheetJS Standalone scripts](/docs/getting-started/installation/standalone)
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
can be loaded with a `SCRIPT` tag in the same HTML page:
2025-01-06 02:51:20 +00:00
<CodeBlock language="html" value="html">{`\
<script src="${current}/package/dist/xlsx.full.min.js"></script>
This will expose the `XLSX` global object, which includes the functions listed
in the ["API Reference"](/docs/api/) section of the documentation.
:::caution pass
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
**The SheetJS Standalone script must be loaded before the UI5 bootstrap script**:
2025-01-06 02:51:20 +00:00
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
<CodeBlock language="html" value="html" title="webapp/index.html (loading the SheetJS standalone script)">{`\
2025-01-06 02:51:20 +00:00
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>UI5 Walkthrough</title>
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
<!-- The SheetJS Standalone script must be loaded before the UI5 bootstrap -->
2025-01-06 02:51:20 +00:00
<script src="${current}/package/dist/xlsx.full.min.js"></script>
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
<!-- UI5 bootstrap script -->
2025-01-06 02:51:20 +00:00
...(other attributes)...
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
2025-01-06 02:51:20 +00:00
2025-01-06 02:51:20 +00:00
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
#### UI5 Module {#installation-define}
2025-01-06 02:51:20 +00:00
The [SheetJS Standalone scripts](/docs/getting-started/installation/standalone)
comply with AMD `define` semantics. They support `sap.ui.define` out of the box.
If the SheetJS Standalone script is saved to `webapp/xlsx.full.min.js`, the base
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
script `webapp/index.js` can load the `./xlsx.full.min` dependency:
2025-01-06 02:51:20 +00:00
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
```js title="webapp/index.js (loading the SheetJS dependency)"
2025-01-06 02:51:20 +00:00
// highlight-next-line
"./xlsx.full.min", // relative path to script, without the file extension
/* ... other libraries ... */
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
], function (
2025-01-06 02:51:20 +00:00
// highlight-next-line
_XLSX // !! NOTE: this is not XLSX! A different variable name must be used
/* ... variables for the other libraries ... */,
) {
// highlight-next-line
alert(XLSX.version); // use XLSX in the callback
2025-01-06 02:51:20 +00:00
:::info pass
In some deployments, the function argument was `undefined`.
The standalone scripts add `window.XLSX`, so it is recommended to use `_XLSX`
in the function arguments and access the library with `XLSX` in the callback.
## Internal State
The various SheetJS APIs work with various data shapes. The preferred state
depends on the application.
### JSON Model
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
The UI5 `JSONModel`[^2] is a client-side model implementation for JavaScript
object data. Think of it like a container that holds your spreadsheet data.
`JSONModel` provides powerful two-way data binding capabilities. UI5 will
automatically updates your webpage whenever the data changes. It will also
respond to changes when users interact with components in the webpage.
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
#### State {#json-state}
The example [presidents sheet]( has one
header row with "Name" and "Index" columns. The natural JS representation is an
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
object for each row, where the keys are specified in the first row:
![`pres.xlsx` data](pathname:///pres.png)
{ Name: "Bill Clinton", Index: 42 },
{ Name: "GeorgeW Bush", Index: 43 },
{ Name: "Barack Obama", Index: 44 },
{ Name: "Donald Trump", Index: 45 },
{ Name: "Joseph Biden", Index: 46 }
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
Here is a basic example of initializing a model. A more complete implementation
will be shown later.
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
```js title="UI5 JSONModel for rows of data"
sap.ui.define(["sap/ui/model/json/JSONModel"], function (JSONModel) {
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
// highlight-next-line
const oModel = new JSONModel({ presidents: [] });
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
#### Updating State {#json-update}
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
Starting from a spreadsheet file, the SheetJS [`read`](/docs/api/parse-options)
method parses the data into a SheetJS workbook object[^6]. After selecting a
worksheet, the [`sheet_to_json`](/docs/api/utilities/array#array-output) method
generates row objects that can be assigned to the model.
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
Here is a sample flow diagram and method for downloading a workbook, generating
rows from the first worksheet, and updating a UI5 `JSONModel`:
flowchart LR
aoo(array of\nobjects)
url --> |fetch\n\n| ab
ab --> |read\n\n| wb
wb --> |wb.Sheets\nselect sheet| ws
ws --> |sheet_to_json\n\n| aoo
aoo --> |setProperty\nfrom model| model
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
linkStyle 1,2,3 color:blue,stroke:blue;
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
```js title="Download workbook, extract data from first worksheet, and update JSONModel"
_loadExcelFile: async function () {
/* Download from */
const f = await (await fetch("")).arrayBuffer();
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
// highlight-start
/* parse */
const wb =; // parse the array buffer
/* generate array of objects from first worksheet */
const ws = wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]; // get the first worksheet
const data = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws); // generate objects
/* update JSONModel */
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
this.getView().getModel().setProperty("/presidents", data);
// highlight-end
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
#### Rendering Data {#json-render}
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
In UI5, the "Model-View-Controller"[^3] pattern is used to organize code and
separate concerns. The view defines the UI structure, the controller handles the
logic, and the model manages the data.
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
```xml title="Example View XML for displaying an array of objects"
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
<!-- The Table component binds to the presidents array -->
<!-- highlight-next-line -->
<Table width="300px" items="{/presidents}">
<!-- Column definitions specify the table structure -->
<Column><header><Text text="Name" /></header></Column>
<Column><header><Text text="Value" /></header></Column>
<!-- ColumnListItem template defines how each row should be rendered -->
<!-- highlight-start -->
<Text text="{Name}" />
<Text text="{Index}" />
<!-- highlight-end -->
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
#### Exporting Data {#json-export}
The [`writeFile`](/docs/api/write-options) and [`json_to_sheet`](/docs/api/utilities/array#array-of-objects-input)
functions simplify exporting data. They are typically used in event handlers attached to buttons or other elements.
A button press handler can generate a local file when clicked:
flowchart LR
state --> |json_to_sheet\n\n| ws
ws --> |book_new\nbook_append_sheet| wb
wb --> |writeFile\n\n| file
/* get model data and export to XLSX */
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
onExport: function () {
const data = this.getView().getModel().getProperty("/presidents");
/* generate worksheet from model data */
// highlight-next-line
const ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(data);
/* create workbook and append worksheet */
const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Data");
/* export to XLSX */
XLSX.writeFileXLSX(wb, "SheetJSOpenUI5AoO.xlsx");
#### Complete Component
This complete component example fetches a test file and displays the contents in a table.
When the export button is clicked, an event handler will export a file:
##### View Implementation {#view-implementation}
```xml title="webapp/view/Main.view.xml"
core:require="{formatter: 'sheetjs/openui5/model/formatter'}">
<VBox width="auto" alignItems="Start">
<Table width="300px" items="{/presidents}">
<Text text="Name" />
<Text text="Value" />
<Text text="{Name}" />
<Text text="{Index}" />
<Button text="Export XLSX" press=".onExport" />
##### Controller Implementation {#controller-implementation}
```js title="webapp/controller/Main.controller.js"
["./BaseController", "sap/ui/model/json/JSONModel"],
function (BaseController, JSONModel) {
"use strict";
return BaseController.extend("com.demo.xlsx.controller.Main", {
onInit: function () {
/* initialize model */
const oModel = new JSONModel({
presidents: [],
/* load data when component is initialized */
_loadExcelFile: async function () {
const f = await (await fetch("")).arrayBuffer();
const wb =;
const ws = wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]];
const data = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws);
this.getView().getModel().setProperty("/presidents", data);
onExport: function () {
const data = this.getView().getModel().getProperty("/presidents");
const ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(data);
const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Data");
XLSX.writeFileXLSX(wb, "SheetJSOpenUI5AoO.xlsx");
<details open>
<summary><b>How to run the example</b> (click to hide)</summary>
:::note Tested Deployments
This demo was tested in the following environments:
| OpenUI5 | generator-easy-ui5 | Date |
| `1.131.1` | `3.8.1` | 2025-01-07 |
1) Create a new site:
npm i --global generator-easy-ui5
npx yo easy-ui5 app
:::note Use the provided defaults:
- Application id: `sheetjs.openui5`
- Framework: `OpenUI5`
- Version: `1.131.1`
- Author: `SheetJS`
- Create new directory: `Y`
- Initialize git: `N`
2) Install the dependencies and start server:
cd sheetjs.openui5
npm install
npm start
3) Open a web browser and access the displayed URL (`http://localhost:8080`)
4) Add SheetJS to your project by including this script tag in `webapp/index.html`:
<CodeBlock language="html" value="html" title="webapp/index.html">
{`<script src="${current}/package/dist/xlsx.full.min.js"></script>`}
5) Replace `webapp/view/Main.view.xml` with the complete [implementation above](#view-implementation).
6) Replace `webapp/controller/Main.controller.js` with the complete [implementation above](#controller-implementation).
The page will refresh and show a table with an Export button. Click the button and the page will
attempt to download `SheetJSOpenUI5AoO.xlsx`.
7) Build the site:
npm run build
The generated site will be placed in the `dist` folder.
8) Start a local web server:
npm run start:dist
Access the displayed URL (typically http://localhost:8080) with a web browser and test the page.
When the page loads, the app will fetch and
display the data from the first worksheet in a TABLE. The "Export XLSX" button
will generate a workbook that can be opened in a spreadsheet editor.
### HTML
The main disadvantage of the Array of Objects approach is the specific nature
of the columns. For more general use, passing around an Array of Arrays works.
2025-01-06 02:51:20 +00:00
However, this does not handle merge cells[^4] well!
The [`sheet_to_html`](/docs/api/utilities/html#html-table-output) function generates HTML that is aware of merges and other worksheet
2025-01-06 02:51:20 +00:00
features. Using OpenUI5's `core:HTML`[^5] control, we can render this HTML directly. During export, we extract the table element from the
rendered HTML and use [`table_to_book`](/docs/api/utilities/html#html-table-input) to create a workbook that maintains all the worksheet
2025-01-06 02:51:20 +00:00
In this example, the component directly renders the HTML table in the model through OpenUI5's `core:HTML`[^5] control. For export, we extract
the inner table from the rendered HTML using `getElementsByTagName("table")[1]`, then pass it to [`table_to_book`](/docs/api/utilities/html#html-table-input)
to create a workbook that preserves all features.
##### View Implementation {#view-implementation-html}
```xml title="webapp/view/Main.view.xml"
<core:HTML content="{/tableHTML}" />
<Button text="Export XLSX" press=".onExport"/>
##### Controller Implementation {#controller-implementation-html}
```js title="webapp/controller/Main.controller.js"
function (Controller, JSONModel) {
"use strict";
return Controller.extend("sheetjs.openui5.controller.Main", {
onInit: function () {
/* the component state is an HTML string */
const oModel = new JSONModel({
tableHTML: "",
/* load data when component is initialized */
_loadExcelFile: async function () {
const f = await (await fetch("")).arrayBuffer();
const wb =; // parse the array buffer
const ws = wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]; // get the first worksheet
const opts = {
header: `<table id="excel-table">`,
footer: `</table>`
const tableHTML = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_html(ws, opts); // generate HTML
this.getView().getModel().setProperty("/tableHTML", tableHTML); // update state
/* get live table and export the XLSX */
onExport: function () {
const tableHTML = this.getView().getModel().getProperty("/tableHTML"); // get HTML string from the model
const div = document.createElement("div"); // create temporary div to parse HTML
div.innerHTML = tableHTML; // insert HTML into div
const table = div.getElementsByTagName("table")[1]; // get inner table (bypasses outer wrapper)
const wb = XLSX.utils.table_to_book(table); // convert table element to workbook
XLSX.writeFileXLSX(wb, "SheetJSOpenUI5HTML.xlsx");
<details open>
<summary><b>How to run the example</b> (click to hide)</summary>
:::note Tested Deployments
This demo was tested in the following environments:
| OpenUI5 | generator-easy-ui5 | Date |
| `1.131.1` | `3.8.1` | 2025-01-07 |
1) Create a new site:
npm i --global generator-easy-ui5
npx yo easy-ui5 app
:::note Use the provided defaults:
- Application id: `sheetjs.openui5`
- Framework: `OpenUI5`
- Version: `1.131.1`
- Author: `SheetJS`
- Create new directory: `Y`
- Initialize git: `N`
2) Install the dependencies and start server:
cd sheetjs.openui5
npm install
npm start
3) Open a web browser and access the displayed URL (`http://localhost:8080`)
4) Add SheetJS to your project by including this script tag in `webapp/index.html`:
<CodeBlock language="html" value="html" title="webapp/index.html">
{`<script src="${current}/package/dist/xlsx.full.min.js"></script>`}
5) Replace `webapp/view/Main.view.xml` with the complete [implementation above](#view-implementation-html).
6) Replace `webapp/controller/Main.controller.js` with the complete [implementation above](#controller-implementation-html).
The page will refresh and show a table with an Export button. Click the button and the page will
attempt to download `SheetJSOpenUI5HTML.xlsx`.
7) Build the site:
npm run build
The generated site will be placed in the `dist` folder.
8) Start a local web server:
npm run start:dist
Access the displayed URL (typically http://localhost:8080) with a web browser and test the page.
When the page loads, the app will fetch and
display the data from the first worksheet in a TABLE. The "Export XLSX" button
will generate a workbook that can be opened in a spreadsheet editor.
2025-01-06 02:51:20 +00:00
[^1]: See ["ECMAScript Support"]( for more details about OpenUI5 compatibility.
[^2]: See [`JSONModel`]( in the OpenUI5 documentation.
[^3]: See OpenUI5's [MVC Documentation]( for detailed explanation of the pattern implementation.
[^4]: See ["Merged Cells" in "SheetJS Data Model"](/docs/csf/features/merges) for more details.
2025-01-15 18:43:08 +00:00
[^5]: See [`core:HTML`]( in the OpenUI5 documentation.
[^6]: See ["SheetJS Data Model"](/docs/csf/)