--- title: ViteJS Spreadsheet Plugins sidebar_class_name: red sidebar_label: ViteJS description: Make static websites from spreadsheets using ViteJS. Seamlessly integrate data into your website using SheetJS. Empower non-technical people to write content from Excel. pagination_prev: demos/net/index pagination_next: demos/mobile/index sidebar_custom_props: type: bundler --- import current from '/version.js'; import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock'; [ViteJS](https://vitejs.dev/) is a build tool for generating static websites. It has a robust JavaScript-powered plugin system[^1]. [SheetJS](https://sheetjs.com) is a JavaScript library for reading and writing data from spreadsheets. This demo uses ViteJS and SheetJS to pull data from a spreadsheet and display the content in an HTML table. We'll explore how to load SheetJS in a ViteJS plugin and evaluate data loading strategies. The ["Complete Demo"](#complete-demo) section creates a complete website powered by a XLSX spreadsheet. :::info pass This demo covers use cases where data is available at build time. This flow is suitable for end of week or end of month (EOM) reports published in HTML tables. For processing user-submitted files in the browser, the [ViteJS "Bundlers" demo](/docs/demos/frontend/bundler/vitejs) shows client-side bundling of SheetJS libraries. The ["ReactJS" demo](/docs/demos/frontend/react) shows example sites using ViteJS with the ReactJS starter. ::: ## Plugins ViteJS supports static asset imports[^2], but the default raw loader interprets data as UTF-8 strings. This corrupts binary formats including XLSX and XLS. A custom loader can bypass the raw loader and directly read files. Since a custom loader must be used, some data processing work can be performed by the loader. Three approaches are explored in this demo. The following diagrams show the ViteJS data flow. The pink "Main Script import" boxes represent the division between the loader and the main script. The green "SheetJS Operations" boxes represent the steps performed by SheetJS libraries.
[HTML](#html-plugin) [Data](#pure-data-plugin) [Base64](#base64-plugin)
```mermaid flowchart TB file[(workbook\nfile)] buffer(NodeJS\nBuffer) sheetjs[[SheetJS Operations]] tabeller{{HTML\nString}} handoff[[Main Script import]] html{{HTML\nTABLE}} style handoff fill:#FFC7CE style sheetjs fill:#C6EFCE file --> buffer buffer --> sheetjs sheetjs --> tabeller tabeller --> handoff handoff --------> html ``` ```mermaid flowchart TB file[(workbook\nfile)] buffer(NodeJS\nBuffer) sheetjs[[SheetJS Operations]] aoo(array of\nobjects) handoff[[Main Script import]] import(array of\nobjects) html{{HTML\nTABLE}} style handoff fill:#FFC7CE style sheetjs fill:#C6EFCE file --> buffer buffer --> sheetjs sheetjs --> aoo aoo --> handoff handoff ------> import import --> html ``` ```mermaid flowchart TB file[(workbook\nfile)] base64(Base64\nString) handoff[[Main Script import]] import(Base64\nString) sheetjs[[SheetJS Operations]] aoo(array of\nobjects) html{{HTML\nTABLE}} style handoff fill:#FFC7CE style sheetjs fill:#C6EFCE file --> base64 base64 ------> handoff handoff --> import import --> sheetjs sheetjs --> aoo aoo --> html ```
For simple tables of data, ["Pure Data Plugin"](#pure-data-plugin) is strongly recommended. The file processing is performed at build time and the generated site only includes the raw data. For more complex parsing or display logic, ["Base64 Plugin"](#base64-plugin) is preferable. Since the raw parsing logic is performed in the page, the library will be included in the final bundle. The ["HTML Plugin"](#html-plugin) generates HTML in the loader script. The SheetJS HTML writer renders merged cells and other features. ### Pure Data Plugin For a pure static site, a plugin can load data into an array of row objects. The SheetJS work is performed in the plugin. The library is not loaded in the page! The following diagram depicts the workbook waltz: ```mermaid flowchart LR file[(workbook\nfile)] subgraph SheetJS operations buffer(NodeJS\nBuffer) aoo(array of\nobjects) end html{{HTML\nTABLE}} file --> |vite.config.js\ncustom plugin| buffer buffer --> |vite.config.js\ncustom plugin| aoo aoo --> |main.js\nfrontend code| html ``` This ViteJS plugin will read spreadsheets using the SheetJS `read` method[^3] and generate arrays of row objects with the SheetJS `sheet_to_json`[^4] method: ```js title="vite.config.js" import { readFileSync } from 'fs'; import { read, utils } from 'xlsx'; import { defineConfig } from 'vite'; export default defineConfig({ assetsInclude: ['**/*.xlsx'], // xlsx file should be treated as assets plugins: [ { // this plugin handles ?sheetjs tags name: "vite-sheet", transform(code, id) { if(!id.match(/\?sheetjs$/)) return; var wb = read(readFileSync(id.replace(/\?sheetjs$/, ""))); var data = utils.sheet_to_json(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]); return `export default JSON.parse('${JSON.stringify(data).replace(/\\/g, "\\\\")}')`; } } ] }); ``` :::info pass ViteJS plugins are expected to return strings representing ECMAScript modules. The plugin uses `JSON.stringify` to encode the array of objects. The generated string is injected into the new module code. When ViteJS processes the module, `JSON.parse` recovers the array of objects. ::: In frontend code, the loader will look for all modules with a `?sheetjs` query string. The default export is an array of row objects. The following example script displays the data in a table: ```js title="main.js" import data from './data/pres.xlsx?sheetjs'; document.querySelector('#app').innerHTML = ` ${data.map(row => ``).join("\n")}
${row.Name} ${row.Index}
`; ``` ### HTML Plugin A plugin can generate raw HTML strings that can be added to a page. The SheetJS libraries are used in the plugin but will not be added to the site. The following diagram depicts the workbook waltz: ```mermaid flowchart LR file[(workbook\nfile)] subgraph SheetJS operations buffer(NodeJS\nBuffer) tavolo{{HTML\nString}} end html{{HTML\nTABLE}} file --> |vite.config.js\ncustom plugin| buffer buffer --> |vite.config.js\ncustom plugin| tavolo tavolo --> |main.js\nfrontend code| html ``` This ViteJS plugin will read spreadsheets using the SheetJS `read` method[^5] and generate HTML using the SheetJS `sheet_to_html`[^6] method: ```js title="vite.config.js" import { readFileSync } from 'fs'; import { read, utils } from 'xlsx'; import { defineConfig } from 'vite'; export default defineConfig({ assetsInclude: ['**/*.xlsx'], // xlsx file should be treated as assets plugins: [ { // this plugin handles ?html tags name: "vite-sheet-html", transform(code, id) { if(!id.match(/\?html/)) return; var wb = read(readFileSync(id.replace(/\?html/, ""))); var html = utils.sheet_to_html(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]); return (`export default JSON.parse('${JSON.stringify(html).replace(/\\/g, "\\\\")}')`); } } ] }); ``` :::info pass ViteJS plugins are expected to return strings representing ECMAScript modules. The plugin uses `JSON.stringify` to encode the HTML string. The generated string is injected into the new module code. When ViteJS processes the module, `JSON.parse` recovers the original HTML string. ::: In frontend code, the loader will look for all modules with a `?html` query string. The default export is a string that can be directly added to the page. The following example script sets the `innerHTML` property of the container: ```js title="main.js" import html from './data/pres.xlsx?html'; document.querySelector('#app').innerHTML = html; ``` ### Base64 Plugin This plugin pulls in data as a Base64 string that can be read with `read`[^7]. While this approach works, it is not recommended since it loads the library in the front-end site. The following diagram depicts the workbook waltz: ```mermaid flowchart LR file[(workbook\nfile)] subgraph SheetJS operations base64(base64\nstring) aoo(array of\nobjects) end html{{HTML\nTABLE}} file --> |vite.config.js\ncustom plugin| base64 base64 --> |main.js\nfrontend code| aoo aoo --> |main.js\nfrontend code| html ``` This ViteJS plugin will read spreadsheet files and export the data as a Base64 string. SheetJS is not imported in the plugin: ```js title="vite.config.js" import { readFileSync } from 'fs'; import { defineConfig } from 'vite'; export default defineConfig({ assetsInclude: ['**/*.xlsx'], // mark that xlsx file should be treated as assets plugins: [ { // this plugin handles ?b64 tags name: "vite-b64-plugin", transform(code, id) { if(!id.match(/\?b64$/)) return; var path = id.replace(/\?b64/, ""); var data = readFileSync(path, "base64"); return `export default '${data}'`; } } ] }); ``` When importing using the `b64` query, the raw Base64 string will be exposed. `read` will process the Base64 string using the `base64` input type[^8]: ```js title="main.js" import { read, utils } from "xlsx"; /* import workbook data */ import b64 from './data.xlsx?b64'; /* parse workbook and pull data from the first worksheet */ const wb = read(b64, { type: "base64" }); const wsname = wb.SheetNames[0]; const data = utils.sheet_to_json(wb.Sheets[wsname]); document.querySelector('#app').innerHTML = ` ${data.map(row => ``).join("\n")}
${row.Name} ${row.Index}
`; ``` ## Complete Demo The demo walks through the process of creating a new ViteJS website from scratch. A Git repository with the completed site can be cloned[^9]. :::note Tested Deployments This demo was tested in the following environments: | ViteJS | Date | |:---------|:-----------| | `5.2.12` | 2024-06-02 | | `4.5.3` | 2024-06-02 | | `3.2.10` | 2024-06-02 | | `2.9.18` | 2024-06-02 | ::: ### Initial Setup 1) Create a new site with the `vue-ts` template and install the SheetJS package: :::note pass To force an older major version of ViteJS, change the `vite@5` to the desired major version. For example, `npm create vite@3` will use ViteJS major version 3. ::: {`\ npm create vite@5 sheetjs-vite -- --template vue-ts cd sheetjs-vite npm i npm i --save https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-${current}/xlsx-${current}.tgz`} 2) Download and replace [`vite.config.ts`](pathname:///vitejs/vite.config.ts) ```bash curl -O https://docs.sheetjs.com/vitejs/vite.config.ts ``` 3) Make a `data` folder and download https://docs.sheetjs.com/pres.xlsx : ```bash mkdir -p data curl -L -o data/pres.xlsx https://docs.sheetjs.com/pres.xlsx ``` ### Pure Data Test 4) Run the dev server: ```bash npm run dev ``` Open a browser window to the displayed URL (typically `http://localhost:5173` ) 5) Replace the component `src/components/HelloWorld.vue` with: ```html title="src/components/HelloWorld.vue" ``` Save and refresh the page. A data table should be displayed 6) Stop the dev server and build the site ```bash npm run build npx http-server dist/ ``` The terminal will display a URL, typically `` . Access that page with a web browser. :::caution pass When this demo was tested against ViteJS `2.9.18`, the build failed: ``` src/App.vue:8:3 - error TS7026: JSX element implicitly has type 'any' because no interface 'JSX.IntrinsicElements' exists. 8 Vue logo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``` **As it affects the project template, this is a bug in ViteJS.** The simplest workaround is to force upgrade the `vue-tsc` dependency: ```bash npm i vue-tsc@latest ``` ::: 7) To confirm that only the raw data is present in the page, view the page source. The code will reference a script `/assets/index-HASH.js` where `HASH` is a string of characters. Open that script. Searching for `Bill Clinton` reveals the following: ```js {"Name":"Bill Clinton","Index":42} ``` Searching for `BESSELJ` should reveal no results. The SheetJS scripts are not included in the final site! :::info pass ViteJS also supports "Server-Side Rendering". In SSR, only the HTML table would be added to the final page. Details are covered in the ViteJS docs[^10]. ::: ### HTML Test 8) Run the dev server: ```bash npm run dev ``` Open a browser window to the displayed URL (typically `http://localhost:5173` ) 9) Replace the component `src/components/HelloWorld.vue` with: ```html title="src/components/HelloWorld.vue" ``` Save and refresh the page. A data table should be displayed 10) Stop the dev server and build the site ```bash npm run build npx http-server dist/ ``` The terminal will display a URL, typically `` . Access that page with a web browser. :::caution pass When this demo was tested against ViteJS `2.9.18`, the build failed: ``` src/App.vue:8:3 - error TS7026: JSX element implicitly has type 'any' because no interface 'JSX.IntrinsicElements' exists. 8 Vue logo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``` **As it affects the project template, this is a bug in ViteJS.** The simplest workaround is to force upgrade the `vue-tsc` dependency: ```bash npm i vue-tsc@latest ``` ::: 11) To confirm that only the raw HTML is present in the page, view the page source. The code will reference a script `/assets/index-HASH.js` where `HASH` is a string of characters. Open that script. Searching for `Bill Clinton` reveals the following encoded HTML element: ``` Bill Clinton ``` Searching for `BESSELJ` should reveal no results. The SheetJS scripts are not included in the final site! :::info pass The HTML code is still stored in a script and is injected dynamically. ViteJS "Server-Side Rendering" offers the option to render the site at build time, ensuring that the HTML table is directly added to the page. ::: ### Base64 Test 12) Run the dev server: ```bash npm run dev ``` Open a browser window to the displayed URL (typically `http://localhost:5173` ) 13) Replace the component `src/components/HelloWorld.vue` with: ```html title="src/components/HelloWorld.vue" ``` 14) Stop the dev server and build the site ```bash npm run build npx http-server dist/ ``` The terminal will display a URL ( `` ). Access that page with a web browser. :::caution pass When this demo was tested against ViteJS `2.9.18`, the build failed: ``` src/App.vue:8:3 - error TS7026: JSX element implicitly has type 'any' because no interface 'JSX.IntrinsicElements' exists. 8 Vue logo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ``` **As it affects the project template, this is a bug in ViteJS.** The simplest workaround is to force upgrade the `vue-tsc` dependency: ```bash npm i vue-tsc@latest ``` ::: 15) To confirm that the object data is not present in the page, view the page source. The code will reference a script `/assets/index-HASH.js` where `HASH` is a string of characters. Open that script. Searching for `BESSELJ` should match the code: ``` 425:"BESSELJ" ``` Searching for `Bill Clinton` should yield no results. The SheetJS library is embedded in the final site and the data is parsed when the page is loaded. [^1]: See ["Using Plugins"](https://vitejs.dev/guide/using-plugins.html) in the ViteJS documentation. [^2]: See ["Static Asset Handling"](https://vitejs.dev/guide/assets.html) in the ViteJS documentation. [^3]: See [`read` in "Reading Files"](/docs/api/parse-options) [^4]: See [`sheet_to_html` in "Utilities"](/docs/api/utilities/html#html-table-output) [^5]: See [`read` in "Reading Files"](/docs/api/parse-options) [^6]: See [`sheet_to_json` in "Utilities"](/docs/api/utilities/array#array-output) [^7]: See [`read` in "Reading Files"](/docs/api/parse-options) [^8]: See [the "base64" type in "Reading Files"](/docs/api/parse-options#input-type) [^9]: See [`examples/sheetjs-vite`](https://git.sheetjs.com/examples/sheetjs-vite/) on the SheetJS git server. [^10]: See ["Server-Side Rendering"](https://vitejs.dev/guide/ssr.html) in the ViteJS documentation.