--- title: WebSQL and SQLite pagination_prev: demos/desktop/index pagination_next: demos/local/index sidebar_custom_props: type: web sql: true --- import current from '/version.js'; import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock'; WebSQL is a popular SQL-based in-browser database available on Chrome. In practice, it is powered by SQLite, and most simple SQLite-compatible queries work as-is in WebSQL. The public demo generates a database from workbook. :::caution pass WebSQL is only supported in Chromium-based browsers including Chrome. Safari historically supported WebSQL but Safari 13 dropped support. Legacy browsers including Internet Explorer and Firefox never added support. ::: ## WebSQL Details Importing data from spreadsheets is straightforward using the `generate_sql` helper function from ["Generating Tables"](/docs/demos/data/sql#generating-tables). The Web SQL Database API is callback-based. The following snippet wraps transactions in Promise objects: ```js const db = openDatabase('sheetql', '1.0', 'SheetJS WebSQL Test', 2097152); const stmts = generate_sql(ws, wsname); // NOTE: tx.executeSql and db.transaction use callbacks. This wraps in Promises for(var stmt of stmts) await new Promise((res, rej) => { db.transaction(tx => tx.executeSql(stmt, [], (tx, data) => res(data), // if the query is successful, return the data (tx, err) => rej(err) // if the query fails, reject with the error )); }); ``` The result of a SQL SELECT statement is a `SQLResultSet`. The `rows` property is a `SQLResultSetRowList`. It is an "array-like" structure that has `length` and properties like `0`, `1`, etc. However, this is not a real Array object! A real Array can be created using `Array.from`: ```js db.readTransaction(tx => tx.executeSQL("SELECT * FROM DatabaseTable", [], (tx, data) => { // data.rows is "array-like", so `Array.from` can make it a real array const aoo = Array.from(data.rows); const ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoo); // ... perform an export here OR wrap in a Promise }) ); ``` ### Live Demo :::note This browser demo was tested in the following environments: | Browser | Date | |:------------|:-----------| | Chrome 117 | 2023-10-11 | Some lesser-used browsers do not support WebSQL: | Browser | Date | Support | |:------------|:-----------|:------------------------------------| | Safari 17.0 | 2023-10-11 | Error `Web SQL is deprecated` | | Firefox 118 | 2023-10-11 | Error `openDatabase is not defined` | ::: The following demo generates a database with 5 fixed SQL statements. Queries can be changed in the Live Editor. The WebSQL database can be inspected in the "WebSQL" section of the "Application" Tab of Developer Tools: ![WebSQL view in Developer Tools](pathname:///files/websql.png) ```jsx live function SheetQL() { const [out, setOut] = React.useState(""); const queries = [ 'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Presidents', 'CREATE TABLE Presidents (Name TEXT, Idx REAL)', 'INSERT INTO Presidents (Name, Idx) VALUES ("Barack Obama", 44)', 'INSERT INTO Presidents (Name, Idx) VALUES ("Donald Trump", 45)', 'INSERT INTO Presidents (Name, Idx) VALUES ("Joseph Biden", 46)' ]; const xport = React.useCallback(async() => { /* prep database */ const db = openDatabase('sheetql', '1.0', 'SheetJS WebSQL Test', 2097152); for(var q of queries) await new Promise((res, rej) => { db.transaction((tx) => { tx.executeSql(q, [], (tx, data) => res(data), (tx, err) => rej(err)); }); }); /* pull data and generate rows */ db.readTransaction(tx => { tx.executeSql("SELECT * FROM Presidents", [], (tx, data) => { const aoo = Array.from(data.rows); setOut("QUERY RESULT:\n" + aoo.map(r => JSON.stringify(r)).join("\n") + "\n") const ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoo); const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new(); XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Presidents"); XLSX.writeFile(wb, "SheetQL.xlsx"); }); }); }); return (
); } ``` ## Server-Side SQLite Most platforms offer a simple way to query SQLite database files. The following example shows how to query for each table in an SQLite database, query for the data for each table, add each non-empty table to a workbook, and export as XLSX. The Chinook database is a MIT-licensed sample database. The original source code repository `http://chinookdatabase.codeplex.com` is no longer available, so the [raw SQL queries are mirrored here](pathname:///sqlite/chinook.sql). :::note This demo was last tested on 2023 May 28 ::: ### NodeJS The `better-sqlite3` module provides an API for working with SQLite databases. `Statement#all` runs a prepared statement and returns an array of objects: ```js import Database from "better-sqlite3"; import * as XLSX from "xlsx"; /* open database */ var db = Database("chinook.db"); /* get data from the `Invoice` table */ var aoo = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM 'Invoice' LIMIT 100000").all(); /* create worksheet from the row objects */ var ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoo, {dense: true}); ``` 0) Build `chinook.db` from [the SQL statements](pathname:///sqlite/chinook.sql): ```bash curl -LO https://docs.sheetjs.com/sqlite/chinook.sql sqlite3 chinook.db ".read chinook.sql" ``` 1) Install the dependencies: {`\ npm i --save https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-${current}/xlsx-${current}.tgz better-sqlite3@8.1.0`} 2) Download [`SheetJSQLiteNode.mjs`](pathname:///sqlite/SheetJSQLiteNode.mjs): ```bash curl -LO https://docs.sheetjs.com/sqlite/SheetJSQLiteNode.mjs ``` 3) Run `node SheetJSQLiteNode.mjs` and open `SheetJSQLiteNode.xlsx` ### Bun Bun ships with a built-in high-performance module `bun:sqlite`: ```js import { Database } from "bun:sqlite"; import * as XLSX from "xlsx"; /* open database */ var db = Database.open("chinook.db"); /* get data from the `Invoice` table */ var aoo = db.prepare("SELECT * FROM 'Invoice' LIMIT 100000").all(); /* create worksheet from the row objects */ var ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(aoo, {dense: true}); ``` 0) Build `chinook.db` from [the SQL statements](pathname:///sqlite/chinook.sql): ```bash curl -LO https://docs.sheetjs.com/sqlite/chinook.sql sqlite3 chinook.db ".read chinook.sql" ``` 1) Install the dependencies: {`\ npm i --save https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-${current}/xlsx-${current}.tgz`} 2) Download [`SheetJSQLiteBun.mjs`](pathname:///sqlite/SheetJSQLiteBun.mjs): ```bash curl -LO https://docs.sheetjs.com/sqlite/SheetJSQLiteBun.mjs ``` 3) Run `bun run SheetJSQLiteBun.mjs` and open `SheetJSQLiteBun.xlsx` ### Deno Deno `sqlite` library returns raw arrays of arrays: {`\ import { DB } from "https://deno.land/x/sqlite/mod.ts"; // @deno-types="https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-${current}/package/types/index.d.ts" import * as XLSX from "https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-${current}/package/xlsx.mjs"; \n\ /* open database */ var db = new DB("chinook.db"); \n\ /* get data from the \`Invoice\` table */ var aoa = db.prepareQuery("SELECT * FROM 'Invoice' LIMIT 100000").all(); \n\ /* create worksheet from the row objects */ var data = [query.columns().map(x => x.name)].concat(aoa); var ws = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet(data, {dense: true});`} 0) Build `chinook.db` from [the SQL statements](pathname:///sqlite/chinook.sql): ```bash curl -LO https://docs.sheetjs.com/sqlite/chinook.sql sqlite3 chinook.db ".read chinook.sql" ``` 1) Download [`SheetJSQLiteDeno.ts`](pathname:///sqlite/SheetJSQLiteDeno.ts): ```bash curl -LO https://docs.sheetjs.com/sqlite/SheetJSQLiteDeno.ts ``` 2) Run `deno run --allow-read --allow-write SheetJSQLiteDeno.ts` and open `SheetJSQLiteDeno.xlsx`