--- title: NextJS pagination_prev: demos/net/index pagination_next: demos/mobile/index --- import current from '/version.js'; import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem'; import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock'; NextJS is a server-side framework for building static and dynamic sites. For pure static sites, [Webpack loaders](/docs/demos/static/webpack) can preprocess files and NextJS can build static pages from spreadsheets. For dynamic sites, NextJS lifecycle methods can read files on the server side. The [NodeJS module](/docs/getting-started/installation/nodejs) can be imported from pages or loaded in Webpack loaders. :::warning [`import`](/docs/getting-started/installation/nodejs#esm-import) does not load NodeJS native modules. The Installation section includes a note on dynamic import of `fs` within lifecycle methods. ::: NextJS best practices have evolved over time, but there are three key parts: 1) [Loading Data](#loading-data): NextJS can read files in lifecycle methods OR custom Webpack loaders can create asset modules. 2) [Lifecycle Methods](#nextjs-strategies): NextJS includes strategies for static pages (`getStaticProps`) as well as dynamic pages (`getServerSideProps`). 3) [Data Presentation](#data-presentation): Pages use React and JSX. :::caution Next 13+ and SWC Next 13 switched to the SWC minifier. There are known issues with the minifier. Until those issues are resolved, SWC should be disabled in `next.config.js`: ```js title="next.config.js" module.exports = { // highlight-next-line swcMinify: false }; ``` ::: :::warning Telemetry NextJS collects telemetry by default. The `telemetry` subcommand can disable it: ```js npx next@13.4.4 telemetry disable ``` The setting can be verified by running ```js npx next@13.4.4 telemetry status ``` ::: :::note The following deployments were tested: | NextJS | Date | |:-------|:-----------| | 13.1.1 | 2023-01-14 | | 13.4.4 | 2023-05-26 | ::: ## Loading Data At a high level, there are two ways to pull spreadsheet data into NextJS apps: loading an asset module or performing the file read operations from the NextJS lifecycle methods. Asset modules are appropriate for static sites when the file names are known in advance. Performing file read operations in lifecycle methods is more flexible but does not support live reloading. ### Asset Module :::caution When the demo was last tested, Turbopack did not support true raw loaders. For development use, the normal `npx next dev` should be used. ::: The following diagram depicts the workbook waltz: ```mermaid flowchart LR file[(workbook\nfile)] subgraph SheetJS operations base64(base64\nstring) aoo(array of\nobjects) end html{{HTML\nTABLE}} file --> |base64-loader.js\ncustom plugin| base64 base64 --> |page\nlifecycle method| aoo aoo --> |page\nIndex method| html ``` In this flow, it is strongly recommended to make a loader return a Base64 string: ```js title="base64-loader.js" function loader(content) { /* since `loader.raw` is true, `content` is a Buffer */ return `export default '${content.toString("base64")}'`; } /* ensure the function receives a Buffer */ loader.raw = true; module.exports = loader; ``` The webpack configuration is controlled in `next.config.js`: ```js title="next.config.js" module.exports = { webpack: (config) => { // highlight-start /* add to the webpack config module.rules array */ config.module.rules.push({ /* `test` matches file extensions */ test: /\.(numbers|xls|xlsx|xlsb)/, /* use the loader script */ use: [ { loader: './base64-loader' } ] }); // highlight-end return config; } }; ``` Module alias directories can be defined in `jsconfig.json` or `tsconfig.json`: ```json title="jsconfig.json" { "compilerOptions": { "baseUrl": ".", "paths": { // highlight-next-line "@/*": ["*"] } } } ``` Pages can import the files directly. It is strongly recommended to store files in a `data` folder. This example uses `getStaticProps` to parse `sheetjs.xlsx`: ```jsx title="index.js" import { read, utils } from 'xlsx'; // highlight-next-line import base64 from '@/data/sheetjs.xlsx'; export async function getStaticProps() { /* parse base64 data */ // highlight-next-line const wb = read(base64, { type: "base64" }); return { props: { /* generate array of objects from the first sheet */ data: utils.sheet_to_json(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]) } }; } ``` ### Raw Operations Files can be read using `readFile` in lifecycle methods. The `cwd` method from the `process` module will point to the root of the project. The following diagram depicts the workbook waltz: ```mermaid flowchart LR file[(workbook\nfile)] subgraph SheetJS operations buffer(NodeJS\nBuffer) aoo(array of\nobjects) end html{{HTML\nTABLE}} file --> |page\nlifecycle method| buffer buffer --> |page\nlifecycle method| aoo aoo --> |page\nIndex method| html ``` This example reads the file `sheetjs.xlsx` in the `data` folder in the project: ```js import { readFile, utils, set_fs } from 'xlsx'; import { join } from 'path'; import { cwd } from 'process'; export async function getServerSideProps() { // highlight-start set_fs(await import("fs")); // dynamically import 'fs' when needed const filename = join(cwd(), "data", "sheetjs.xlsx"); // /data/sheetjs.xlsx const wb = readFile(filename); // highlight-end /* generate and return the html from the first worksheet */ const data = utils.sheet_to_json(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]); return { props: { data } }; } ``` :::warning Reading and writing files during the build process As the NextJS workaround is non-traditional, it bears repeating: `fs` cannot be statically imported from the top level in NextJS pages. The dynamic import must happen within a lifecycle function. ::: ## NextJS Strategies NextJS currently provides 3 strategies: - "Static Site Generation" using `getStaticProps` - "SSG with Dynamic Routes" using `getStaticPaths` - "Server-Side Rendering" using `getServerSideProps` ### Static Site Generation When using `getStaticProps`, the file will be read once during build time. This example reads `sheetjs.xlsx` from the `data` folder: ```js import { read, utils } from 'xlsx'; import base64 from '@/data/sheetjs.xlsx'; export async function getStaticProps() { const wb = read(base64, { type: "base64" }); /* generate and return the html from the first worksheet */ const html = utils.sheet_to_html(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]); return { props: { html } }; }; ``` ```js import { readFile, set_fs, utils } from 'xlsx'; import { join } from 'path'; import { cwd } from 'process'; export async function getStaticProps() { set_fs(await import("fs")); const filename = join(cwd(), "data", "sheetjs.xlsx"); // /data/sheetjs.xlsx const wb = readFile(filename); /* generate and return the html from the first worksheet */ const html = utils.sheet_to_html(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]); return { props: { html } }; }; ``` ### Dynamic Routes Typically a static site with dynamic routes has an endpoint `/sheets/[id]` that implements both `getStaticPaths` and `getStaticProps`. - `getStaticPaths` should return an array of worksheet indices: ```js import { read } from 'xlsx'; import base64 from '@/data/sheetjs.xlsx'; export async function getStaticPaths() { /* read file */ const wb = read(base64, { type: "base64" }); /* generate an array of objects that will be used for generating pages */ const paths = wb.SheetNames.map((name, idx) => ({ params: { id: idx.toString() } })); return { paths, fallback: false }; }; ``` ```js import { readFile, set_fs } from 'xlsx'; import { join } from 'path'; import { cwd } from 'process'; export async function getStaticPaths() { /* read file */ set_fs(await import("fs")); const filename = join(cwd(), "data", "sheetjs.xlsx"); // /data/sheetjs.xlsx const wb = readFile(path); /* generate an array of objects that will be used for generating pages */ const paths = wb.SheetNames.map((name, idx) => ({ params: { id: idx.toString() } })); return { paths, fallback: false }; }; ``` :::note For a pure static site, `fallback` must be set to `false`! ::: - `getStaticProps` will generate the actual HTML for each page: ```js import { read, utils } from 'xlsx'; import base64 from '@/data/sheetjs.xlsx'; export async function getStaticProps(ctx) { /* read file */ const wb = read(base64, { type: "base64" }); /* get the corresponding worksheet and generate HTML */ const ws = wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[ctx.params.id]]; // id from getStaticPaths const html = utils.sheet_to_html(ws); return { props: { html } }; }; ``` ```js import { readFile, set_fs, utils } from 'xlsx'; import { join } from 'path'; import { cwd } from 'process'; export async function getStaticProps(ctx) { /* read file */ set_fs(await import("fs")); const filename = join(cwd(), "data", "sheetjs.xlsx"); // /data/sheetjs.xlsx const wb = readFile(path); /* get the corresponding worksheet and generate HTML */ const ws = wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[ctx.params.id]]; // id from getStaticPaths const html = utils.sheet_to_html(ws); return { props: { html } }; }; ``` ### Server-Side Rendering :::caution Do not use on a static site These routes require a NodeJS dynamic server. Static page generation will fail! `getStaticProps` and `getStaticPaths` support static site generation (SSG). `getServerSideProps` is suited for NodeJS hosted deployments where the workbook changes frequently and a static site is undesirable. ::: When using `getServerSideProps`, the file will be read on each request. :::caution Consider using a static strategy When using asset modules, the file names and file paths are processed during the build step. The content is fixed. In this situation, a static approach such as `getStaticProps` is strongly recommended. ::: ```js import { read } from 'xlsx'; import base64 from '@/data/sheetjs.xlsx'; export async function getServerSideProps() { /* read file */ const wb = read(base64, { type: "base64" }); /* generate and return the html from the first worksheet */ const html = utils.sheet_to_html(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]); return { props: { html } }; }; ``` ```js import { readFile, set_fs, utils } from 'xlsx'; import { join } from 'path'; import { cwd } from 'process'; export async function getServerSideProps() { /* read file */ set_fs(await import("fs")); const filename = join(cwd(), "data", "sheetjs.xlsx"); // /data/sheetjs.xlsx const wb = readFile(path); /* generate and return the html from the first worksheet */ const html = utils.sheet_to_html(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]); return { props: { html } }; }; ``` ## Data Presentation [The React demo](/docs/demos/frontend/react) compares common approaches. ### HTML HTML output can be generated using `XLSX.utils.sheet_to_html` and inserted into the document using the `dangerouslySetInnerHTML` attribute: ```mermaid flowchart LR subgraph SheetJS operations data(File\nData) code{{HTML\nTABLE}} end html{{Rendered\nPage}} data --> |lifecycle\nsheet_to_html| code code --> |Index\ninnerHTML| html ``` ```jsx export default function Index({html, type}) { return (
); } ``` ### Arrays of Objects Arrays of objects can be generated using `XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json` and inserted into the document using standard JSX: ```mermaid flowchart LR subgraph SheetJS operations data(File\nData) aoo(array of\nobjects) end html{{Rendered\nPage}} data --> |lifecycle\nsheet_to_json| aoo aoo --> |Index\nReact + JSX| html ``` ```jsx export default function Index({aoo, type}) { return ( // highlight-start {aoo.map(row => ( ))} // highlight-end
{row.Name} {row.Index}
); } ``` ## Demo :::note This demo showcases the following SheetJS + NextJS flows: | Page | Loading Data | Lifecycle Method | SheetJS API | |:----------------------|:-------------|:---------------------|:----------------| | `/getStaticProps` | asset module | `getStaticProps` | `sheet_to_json` | | `/sheets/[id]` | asset module | `getStaticPaths` | `sheet_to_html` | | `/getServerSideProps` | lifecycle | `getServerSideProps` | `sheet_to_html` | ::: ### Initial Setup 0) Disable NextJS telemetry: ```js npx next@13.4.4 telemetry disable ``` Confirm it is disabled by running ```js npx next@13.4.4 telemetry status ``` 1) Set up folder structure. At the end, a `pages` folder with a `sheets` subfolder must be created. On Linux or MacOS or WSL: ```bash mkdir sheetjs-next cd sheetjs-next mkdir -p pages/sheets/ ``` 2) Download the [test file](pathname:///next/sheetjs.xlsx) and place in the project root. On Linux or MacOS or WSL: ```bash curl -LO https://docs.sheetjs.com/next/sheetjs.xlsx ``` 3) Install dependencies: {`\ npm i --save https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-${current}/xlsx-${current}.tgz next@13.4.4`} 4) Download NextJS config scripts and place in the root folder: - [`base64-loader.js`](pathname:///next/base64-loader.js) - [`jsconfig.json`](pathname:///next/jsconfig.json) - [`next.config.js`](pathname:///next/next.config.js) - [`styles.css`](pathname:///next/styles.css) On Linux or MacOS or WSL: ```bash curl -LO https://docs.sheetjs.com/next/base64-loader.js curl -LO https://docs.sheetjs.com/next/jsconfig.json curl -LO https://docs.sheetjs.com/next/next.config.js curl -LO https://docs.sheetjs.com/next/styles.css ``` 5) Download test scripts: Download and place the following scripts in the `pages` subfolder: - [`_app.js`](pathname:///next/_app.js) - [`index.js`](pathname:///next/index.js) - [`getServerSideProps.js`](pathname:///next/getServerSideProps.js) - [`getStaticPaths.js`](pathname:///next/getStaticPaths.js) - [`getStaticProps.js`](pathname:///next/getStaticProps.js) Download [`[id].js`](pathname:///next/%5Bid%5D.js) and place in the `pages/sheets` subfolder. :::caution Percent-Encoding in the script name The `[id].js` script must have the literal square brackets in the name. If your browser saved the file to `%5Bid%5D.js`. rename the file. ::: On Linux or MacOS or WSL: ```bash cd pages curl -LO https://docs.sheetjs.com/next/_app.js curl -LO https://docs.sheetjs.com/next/index.js curl -LO https://docs.sheetjs.com/next/getServerSideProps.js curl -LO https://docs.sheetjs.com/next/getStaticPaths.js curl -LO https://docs.sheetjs.com/next/getStaticProps.js cd sheets curl -LOg 'https://docs.sheetjs.com/next/[id].js' cd ../.. ``` ### Testing 6) Test the deployment: ```bash npx next@13.4.4 ``` Open a web browser and access: - `http://localhost:3000` landing page - `http://localhost:3000/getStaticProps` shows data from the first sheet - `http://localhost:3000/getServerSideProps` shows data from the first sheet - `http://localhost:3000/getStaticPaths` shows a list (2 sheets) The individual worksheets are available at - `http://localhost:3000/sheets/0` - `http://localhost:3000/sheets/1` 7) While the development server is running, open the `/getStaticProps` page and open `sheetjs.xlsx` with a spreadsheet editor. In the editor, add a row to the bottom of the "Indices" worksheet. After saving the file, the website should refresh with the new row. ### Production Build 8) Stop the server and run a production build: ```bash npx next@13.4.4 build ``` The final output will show a list of the routes and types: ``` Route (pages) Size First Load JS ┌ ○ / 563 B 74.4 kB ├ /_app 0 B 73.9 kB ├ ○ /404 182 B 74.1 kB ├ λ /getServerSideProps 522 B 74.4 kB ├ ● /getStaticPaths 2.89 kB 76.8 kB ├ ● /getStaticProps 586 B 74.5 kB └ ● /sheets/[id] 522 B 74.4 kB ├ /sheets/0 └ /sheets/1 ``` As explained in the summary, the `/getStaticPaths` and `/getStaticProps` routes are completely static. 2 `/sheets/#` pages were generated, corresponding to 2 worksheets in the file. `/getServerSideProps` is server-rendered. 9) Try to build a static site: ```bash npx next@13.4.4 export ``` :::note The static export will fail! A static page cannot be generated at this point because `/getServerSideProps` is still server-rendered. ::: ### Static Site 10) Delete `pages/getServerSideProps.js` and rebuild: ```bash rm -f pages/getServerSideProps.js npx next@13.4.4 build ``` Inspecting the output, there should be no lines with the `λ` symbol: ``` Route (pages) Size First Load JS ┌ ○ / 563 B 74.4 kB ├ /_app 0 B 73.9 kB ├ ○ /404 182 B 74.1 kB ├ ● /getStaticPaths 2.89 kB 76.8 kB ├ ● /getStaticProps 586 B 74.5 kB └ ● /sheets/[id] 522 B 74.4 kB ├ /sheets/0 └ /sheets/1 ``` 11) Generate the static site: ```bash npx next@13.4.4 export ``` The static site will be written to the `out` subfolder 12) Serve the static site: ```bash npx http-server out ``` The command will start a local HTTP server for testing the generated site. Note that `/getServerSideProps` will 404 since the page was removed.