--- title: SvelteKit pagination_prev: demos/net/index pagination_next: demos/mobile/index --- import current from '/version.js'; import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock'; :::note This demo covers SvelteKit. The [Svelte demo](/docs/demos/frontend/svelte) covers general client-side strategies. This demo uses ["Base64 Loader"](/docs/demos/static/vitejs#base64-loader) from the ViteJS demo. ::: SvelteKit projects use ViteJS under the hood. They expose the `vite.config.js` script. The [ViteJS demo](/docs/demos/static/vitejs) examples work as expected! The following diagram depicts the workbook waltz: ```mermaid flowchart LR file[(workbook\nfile)] subgraph SheetJS operations base64(base64\nstring) aoa(array of\nobjects) end html{{HTML\nTABLE}} file --> |vite.config.js\ndata loader| base64 base64 --> |+page.server.js\nload function| aoa aoa --> |+page.svelte\ncomponent| html ``` ## Integration `+page.server.js` scripts can be pre-rendered by exporting `prerender` from the script. If the SheetJS operations are performed in the server script, only the results will be added to the generated pages! For static site generation, `@sveltejs/adapter-static` must be used. ### Loader :::note The ViteJS demo used the query `?b64` to identify files. To play nice with SvelteKit, this demo matches the file extensions directly. ::: The loader should be added to `vite.config.js`. The code is nearly identical to the ["Base64 Loader" ViteJS example.](/docs/demos/static/vitejs#base64-loader) ```js title="vite.config.js" import { sveltekit } from '@sveltejs/kit/vite'; import { defineConfig } from 'vite'; import { readFileSync } from 'fs'; export default defineConfig({ assetsInclude: ['**/*.numbers', '**/*.xlsx'], plugins: [sveltekit(), { name: "sheet-base64", transform(code, id) { if(!id.match(/\.(numbers|xlsx)$/)) return; var data = readFileSync(id, "base64"); return `export default '${data}'`; } }] }); ``` #### Types For VSCodium integration, types can be specified in `src/app.d.ts`. The example data loader returns Base64 strings. Declarations should be added for each file extension supported in the loader: ```ts title="src/app.d.ts" declare global { declare module '*.numbers' { const data: string; export default data; } declare module '*.xlsx' { const data: string; export default data; } } ``` ### Data Processing For static sites, SheetJS operations should be run in `+page.server.js` . Assuming `pres.xlsx` is stored in the `data` directory from the project root, the relative import ```js import b64 from "../../data/pres.xlsx" ``` will return a Base64 string which can be parsed in the script. The workbook object can be post-processed using utility functions. The following example uses `sheet_to_json` to generate arrays of row objects for each worksheet. The data presented to the page will be an object whose keys are worksheet names: ```js title="src/routes/+page.server.js" import b64 from "../../data/pres.xlsx"; import { read, utils } from "xlsx"; export const prerender = true; /** @type {import('./$types').PageServerLoad} */ export async function load({ params }) { const wb = read(b64); /** @type {[string, any[]][]} */ const data = wb.SheetNames.map(n => [n, utils.sheet_to_json(wb.Sheets[n])]); return Object.fromEntries(data); } ``` ### Data Rendering The shape of the data is determined by the loader. The example loader returns an object whose keys are worksheet names and whose values are arrays of objects. Using standard Svelte patterns, HTML tables can be generated from the data: ```html title="src/routes/+page.svelte"


{#each pres as p}{/each}
{p.Name} {p.Index}
``` When built using `npm run build`, SvelteKit will perform the conversion and emit a simple HTML table without any reference to the existing spreadsheet file! ## Complete Example :::note This demo was tested on 2023 April 30 using SvelteKit `1.15.9` ::: ### Initial Setup 1) Create a new site: ```bash npm create svelte@latest sheetjs-svelte cd sheetjs-svelte npm i ``` When prompted: - `Which Svelte app template?` select `Skeleton Project` - `Add type checking with TypeScript?` select `Yes, using JavaScript with JSDoc` - `Select additional options` press Enter (do not select options) 2) Fetch the example file [`pres.xlsx`](https://sheetjs.com/pres.xlsx) and move to a `data` subdirectory in the root of the project: ```bash mkdir -p data curl -Lo data/pres.xlsx https://sheetjs.com/pres.xlsx ``` 3) Install the SheetJS library: {`\ npm i --save https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-${current}/xlsx-${current}.tgz`} 4) Replace the contents of `vite.config.js` with the contents of the code block named [`vite.config.js` in the "Loader" section](#loader) 5) Append the lines from [`src/app.d.ts` snippet in the "Types" section](#types) to the `src/app.d.ts` file. 6) Replace the contents of `src/routes/+page.server.ts` with the contents of the code block named [`src/routes/+page.server.ts` in "Data Processing"](#data-processing) 7) Replace the contents of `src/routes/+page.svelte` with the contents of the code block named [`src/routes/+page.svelte` in "Data Rendering"](#data-rendering) ### Live Reload 8) Open `data/pres.xlsx` in a spreadsheet editor like Apple Numbers or Excel. 9) Start the development server: ```bash npm run dev ``` Open the displayed URL (typically `http://localhost:5173`) in a web browser and observe that the data from the spreadsheet is displayed in the page. 10) In the spreadsheet, set cell A7 to `SheetJS Dev` and cell B7 to `47`. Save the file. After saving, the browser should automatically refresh with new data. ### Static Site 11) Stop the development server and install the static adapter: ```bash npm i --save @sveltejs/adapter-static ``` 12) Edit `svelte.config.js` to use the new adapter: ```diff title="svelte.config.js" -import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-auto'; +import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-static'; ``` 13) Build the static site: ```bash npm run build ``` 14) Open a web browser and access the displayed URL (`http://localhost:8080`). View the page source and confirm that the raw HTML table includes the data.