--- title: Loader Tutorial pagination_prev: getting-started/installation/index pagination_next: getting-started/roadmap sidebar_position: 6 --- import current from '/version.js'; import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem'; import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock'; Many existing systems and platforms include support for loading data from CSV files. Many users prefer to work in spreadsheet software and multi-sheet file formats including XLSX. SheetJS libraries help bridge the gap by translating complex workbooks to simple CSV data. The goal of this example is to load spreadsheet data into a vector store and use a large language model to generate queries based on English language input. The existing tooling supports CSV but does not support real spreadsheets. In ["SheetJS Conversion"](#sheetjs-conversion), we will use SheetJS libraries to generate CSV files for the LangChain CSV loader. These conversions can be run in a preprocessing step without disrupting existing CSV workflows. In ["SheetJS Loader"](#sheetjs-loader), we will use SheetJS libraries in a custom loader to directly generate documents and metadata. ["SheetJS Loader Demo"](#sheetjs-loader-demo) is a complete demo that uses the SheetJS Loader to answer questions based on data from a XLS workbook. :::note Tested Deployments This demo was tested in the following configurations: | Date | Platform | |:-----------|:--------------------------------------------------------------| | 2024-06-19 | Apple M2 Max 12-Core CPU + 30-Core GPU (32 GB unified memory) | | 2024-06-19 | NVIDIA RTX 4080 SUPER (16 GB VRAM) + i9-10910 (128 GB RAM) | | 2024-06-19 | NVIDIA RTX 3090 (24 GB VRAM) + Ryzen 9 3900XT (128 GB RAM) | This explanation was verified against LangChain 0.2. ::: ## CSV Loader Document loaders generate data objects ("documents") and associated metadata from data sources. LangChain offers a `CSVLoader`[^1] component for loading CSV data from a file: ```js title="Generating Documents from a CSV file" import { CSVLoader } from "@langchain/community/document_loaders/fs/csv"; const loader = new CSVLoader("pres.csv"); const docs = await loader.load(); console.log(docs); ``` The CSV loader uses the first row to determine column headers and generates one document per data row. For example, the following CSV holds Presidential data: ```csv Name,Index Bill Clinton,42 GeorgeW Bush,43 Barack Obama,44 Donald Trump,45 Joseph Biden,46 ``` Each data row is translated to a document whose content is a list of attributes and values. For example, the third data row is shown below:
CSV RowDocument Content
``` Name,Index Barack Obama,44 ``` ``` Name: Barack Obama Index: 44 ```
The LangChain CSV loader will include source metadata in the document: ```js title="Document generated by the CSV loader" Document { pageContent: 'Name: Barack Obama\nIndex: 44', metadata: { source: 'pres.csv', line: 3 } } ``` ## SheetJS Conversion The [SheetJS NodeJS module](/docs/getting-started/installation/nodejs) can be imported in NodeJS scripts that use LangChain and other JavaScript libraries. A simple pre-processing step can convert workbooks to CSV files that can be processed by the existing CSV tooling: ```mermaid flowchart LR file[(Workbook\nXLSX/XLS)] subgraph SheetJS Structures wb(((SheetJS\nWorkbook))) ws((SheetJS\nWorksheet)) end csv(CSV\nstring) docs[[Documents\nArray]] file --> |readFile\n\n| wb wb --> |wb.Sheets\nselect sheet| ws ws --> |sheet_to_csv\n\n| csv csv --> |CSVLoader\n\n| docs linkStyle 0,1,2 color:blue,stroke:blue; ``` The SheetJS `readFile` method[^2] can read general workbooks. The method returns a workbook object that conforms to the SheetJS data model[^3]. Workbook objects represent multi-sheet workbook files. They store individual worksheet objects and other metadata. Each worksheet in the workbook can be written to CSV text using the SheetJS `sheet_to_csv`[^4] method. For example, the following NodeJS script reads `pres.xlsx` and displays CSV rows from the first worksheet: ```js title="Print CSV data from the first worksheet" /* Load SheetJS Libraries */ import { readFile, set_fs, utils } from 'xlsx'; /* Load 'fs' for readFile support */ import * as fs from 'fs'; set_fs(fs); /* Parse `pres.xlsx` */ const wb = readFile("pres.xlsx"); /* Print CSV rows from first worksheet */ const first_ws = wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]; const csv = utils.sheet_to_csv(first_ws); console.log(csv); ``` :::note pass A number of demos cover spiritually similar workflows: - [Stata](/docs/demos/extensions/stata), [MATLAB](/docs/demos/extensions/matlab) and [Maple](/docs/demos/extensions/maple/) support XLSX data import. The SheetJS integrations generate clean XLSX workbooks from user-supplied spreadsheets. - [TensorFlow.js](/docs/demos/math/tensorflow), [Pandas](/docs/demos/math/pandas) and [Mathematica](/docs/demos/extensions/mathematica) support CSV. The SheetJS integrations generate clean CSVs and use built-in CSV processors. - The ["Command-Line Tools"](/docs/demos/cli/) demo covers techniques for making standalone command-line tools for file conversion. ::: ### Single Worksheet For a single worksheet, a SheetJS pre-processing step can write the CSV rows to file and the `CSVLoader` can load the newly written file.
Code example (click to hide) ```js title="Pulling data from the first worksheet of a workbook" import { CSVLoader } from "@langchain/community/document_loaders/fs/csv"; import { readFile, set_fs, utils } from 'xlsx'; /* Load 'fs' for readFile support */ import * as fs from 'fs'; set_fs(fs); /* Parse `pres.xlsx`` */ const wb = readFile("pres.xlsx"); /* Generate CSV and write to `pres.xlsx.csv` */ const first_ws = wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]; const csv = utils.sheet_to_csv(first_ws); fs.writeFileSync("pres.xlsx.csv", csv); /* Create documents with CSVLoader */ const loader = new CSVLoader("pres.xlsx.csv"); const docs = await loader.load(); console.log(docs); // ... ```
### Workbook A workbook is a collection of worksheets. Each worksheet can be exported to a separate CSV. If the CSVs are written to a subfolder, a `DirectoryLoader`[^5] can process the files in one step.
Code example (click to hide) In this example, the script creates a subfolder named `csv`. Each worksheet in the workbook will be processed and the generated CSV will be stored to numbered files. The first worksheet will be stored to `csv/0.csv`. ```js title="Pulling data from the each worksheet of a workbook" import { CSVLoader } from "@langchain/community/document_loaders/fs/csv"; import { DirectoryLoader } from "langchain/document_loaders/fs/directory"; import { readFile, set_fs, utils } from 'xlsx'; /* Load 'fs' for readFile support */ import * as fs from 'fs'; set_fs(fs); /* Parse `pres.xlsx`` */ const wb = readFile("pres.xlsx"); /* Create a folder `csv` */ try { fs.mkdirSync("csv"); } catch(e) {} /* Generate CSV data for each worksheet */ wb.SheetNames.forEach((name, idx) => { const ws = wb.Sheets[name]; const csv = utils.sheet_to_csv(ws); fs.writeFileSync(`csv/${idx}.csv`, csv); }); /* Create documents with DirectoryLoader */ const loader = new DirectoryLoader("csv", { ".csv": (path) => new CSVLoader(path) }); const docs = await loader.load(); console.log(docs); // ... ```
## SheetJS Loader The `CSVLoader` that ships with LangChain does not add any Document metadata and does not generate any attributes. A custom loader can work around limitations in the CSV tooling and potentially include metadata that has no CSV equivalent. ```mermaid flowchart LR file[(Workbook\nXLSX/XLS)] subgraph SheetJS Structures wb(((SheetJS\nWorkbook))) ws((SheetJS\nWorksheet)) end aoo[(Array of\nObjects)] docs[[Documents\nArray]] file --> |readFile\n\n| wb wb --> |wb.Sheets\nEach worksheet| ws ws --> |sheet_to_json\n\n| aoo aoo --> |new Document\nEach Row| docs linkStyle 0,1,2 color:blue,stroke:blue; ``` The demo [`LoadOfSheet` loader](pathname:///loadofsheet/loadofsheet.mjs) will generate one Document per data row across all worksheets. It will also attempt to build metadata and attributes for use in self-querying retrievers. ```js title="Sample usage" /* read and parse `data.xlsb` */ const loader = new LoadOfSheet("./data.xlsb"); /* generate documents */ const docs = await loader.load(); /* synthesized attributes for the SelfQueryRetriever */ const attributes = loader.attributes; ```
Sample SheetJS Loader (click to show) This example loader pulls data from each worksheet. It assumes each worksheet includes one header row and a number of data rows. ```js title="loadofsheet.mjs" import { Document } from "@langchain/core/documents"; import { BufferLoader } from "langchain/document_loaders/fs/buffer"; import { read, utils } from "xlsx"; /** * Document loader that uses SheetJS to load documents. * * Each worksheet is parsed into an array of row objects using the SheetJS * `sheet_to_json` method and projected to a `Document`. Metadata includes * original sheet name, row data, and row index */ export default class LoadOfSheet extends BufferLoader { /** @type {import("langchain/chains/query_constructor").AttributeInfo[]} */ attributes = []; /** * Document loader that uses SheetJS to load documents. * * @param {string|Blob} filePathOrBlob Source Data */ constructor(filePathOrBlob) { super(filePathOrBlob); this.attributes = []; } /** * Parse document * * NOTE: column labels in multiple sheets are not disambiguated! * * @param {Buffer} raw Raw data Buffer * @param {Document["metadata"]} metadata Document metadata * @returns {Promise} Array of Documents */ async parse(raw, metadata) { /** @type {Document[]} */ const result = []; this.attributes = [ { name: "worksheet", description: "Sheet or Worksheet Name", type: "string" }, { name: "rowNum", description: "Row index", type: "number" } ]; const wb = read(raw, {type: "buffer", WTF:1}); for(let name of wb.SheetNames) { const fields = {}; const ws = wb.Sheets[name]; if(!ws) return; const aoo = utils.sheet_to_json(ws); aoo.forEach((row, idx) => { result.push({ pageContent: "Row " + (idx + 1) + " has the following content: \n" + Object.entries(row).map(kv => `- ${kv[0]}: ${kv[1]}`).join("\n") + "\n", metadata: { worksheet: name, rowNum: row["__rowNum__"], ...metadata, ...row } }); Object.entries(row).forEach(([k,v]) => { if(v != null) (fields[k] || (fields[k] = {}))[v instanceof Date ? "date" : typeof v] = true } ); }); Object.entries(fields).forEach(([k,v]) => this.attributes.push({ name: k, description: k, type: Object.keys(v).join(" or ") })); } return result; } }; ```
### From Text to Binary Many libraries and platforms offer generic "text" loaders that process files assuming the UTF8 encoding. This corrupts many spreadsheet formats including XLSX, XLSB, XLSM and XLS. :::note pass This issue affects many JavaScript tools. Various demos cover workarounds: - [ViteJS plugins](/docs/demos/static/vitejs#plugins) receive the relative path to the workbook file and can read the file directly. - [Webpack Plugins](/docs/demos/static/webpack#sheetjs-loader) have a special option to instruct the library to pass raw binary data rather than text. ::: The `CSVLoader` extends a special `TextLoader` that forces UTF8 text parsing. There is a separate `BufferLoader` class, used by the PDF loader, that passes the raw data using NodeJS `Buffer` objects.
```ts title="pdf.ts (structure)" export class PDFLoader extends BufferLoader { // ... public async parse( raw: Buffer, metadata: Document["metadata"] ): Promise { // ... } // ... } ``` ```ts title="csv.ts (structure)" export class CSVLoader extends TextLoader { // ... protected async parse( raw: string ): Promise { // ... } // ... } ```
### NodeJS Buffers The SheetJS `read` method supports NodeJS Buffer objects directly[^6]: ```js title="Parsing a workbook in a BufferLoader" import { BufferLoader } from "langchain/document_loaders/fs/buffer"; import { read, utils } from "xlsx"; export default class LoadOfSheet extends BufferLoader { // ... async parse(raw, metadata) { // highlight-next-line const wb = read(raw, {type: "buffer"}); // At this point, `wb` is a SheetJS workbook object // ... } } ``` The `read` method returns a SheetJS workbook object[^7]. ### Generating Content The SheetJS `sheet_to_json` method[^8] returns an array of data objects whose keys are drawn from the first row of the worksheet.
SpreadsheetArray of Objects
![`pres.xlsx` data](pathname:///pres.png) ```js [ { Name: "Bill Clinton", Index: 42 }, { Name: "GeorgeW Bush", Index: 43 }, { Name: "Barack Obama", Index: 44 }, { Name: "Donald Trump", Index: 45 }, { Name: "Joseph Biden", Index: 46 } ] ```
The original `CSVLoader` wrote one row for each key-value pair. This text can be generated by looping over the keys and values of the data row object. The `Object.entries` helper function simplifies the conversion: ```js function make_csvloader_doc_from_row_object(row) { return Object.entries(row).map(([k,v]) => `${k}: ${v}`).join("\n"); } ``` ### Generating Documents The loader must generate row objects for each worksheet in the workbook. In the SheetJS data model, the workbook object has two relevant fields: - `SheetNames` is an array of sheet names - `Sheets` is an object whose keys are sheet names and values are sheet objects. A `for..of` loop can iterate across the worksheets: ```js title="Looping over a workbook (skeleton)" const wb = read(raw, {type: "buffer", WTF:1}); for(let name of wb.SheetNames) { const ws = wb.Sheets[name]; const aoa = utils.sheet_to_json(ws); // at this point, `aoa` is an array of objects } ``` This simplified `parse` function uses the snippet from the previous section: ```js title="BufferLoader parse function (skeleton)" async parse(raw, metadata) { /* array to hold generated documents */ const result = []; /* read workbook */ const wb = read(raw, {type: "buffer", WTF:1}); /* loop over worksheets */ for(let name of wb.SheetNames) { const ws = wb.Sheets[name]; const aoa = utils.sheet_to_json(ws); /* loop over data rows */ aoa.forEach((row, idx) => { /* generate a new document and add to the result array */ result.push({ pageContent: Object.entries(row).map(([k,v]) => `${k}: ${v}`).join("\n") }); }); } return result; } ``` ### Metadata and Attributes It is strongly recommended to generate additional metadata and attributes for self-query retrieval applications.
Implementation Details (click to show) **Metadata** Metadata is attached to each document object. The following example appends the raw row data to the document metadata: ```js title="Document with metadata (snippet)" /* generate a new document and add to the result array */ result.push({ pageContent: Object.entries(row).map(([k,v]) => `${k}: ${v}`).join("\n"), metadata: { worksheet: name, // name of the worksheet rowNum: idx, // data row index ...row // raw row data } }); ``` **Attributes** Each attribute object specifies three properties: - `name` corresponds to the field in the document metadata - `description` is a description of the field - `type` is a description of the data type. While looping through data rows, a simple type check can keep track of the data type for each column: ```js title="Tracking column types (sketch)" for(let name of wb.SheetNames) { /* track column types */ const fields = {}; // ... aoo.forEach((row, idx) => { result.push({/* ... */}); /* Check each property */ Object.entries(row).forEach(([k,v]) => { /* Update fields entry to reflect the new data point */ if(v != null) (fields[k] || (fields[k] = {}))[v instanceof Date ? "date" : typeof v] = true }); }); // ... } ``` Attributes can be generated after writing the worksheet data. Storing attributes in a loader property will make it accessible to scripts that use the loader. ```js title="Adding Attributes to a Loader (sketch)" export default class LoadOfSheet extends BufferLoader { // highlight-next-line attributes = []; // ... async parse(raw, metadata) { // Add the worksheet name and row index attributes // highlight-start this.attributes = [ { name: "worksheet", description: "Sheet or Worksheet Name", type: "string" }, { name: "rowNum", description: "Row index", type: "number" } ]; // highlight-end const wb = read(raw, {type: "buffer", WTF:1}); for(let name of wb.SheetNames) { // highlight-next-line const fields = {}; // ... const aoo = utils.sheet_to_json(ws); aoo.forEach((row, idx) => { result.push({/* ... */}); /* Check each property */ Object.entries(row).forEach(([k,v]) => { /* Update fields entry to reflect the new data point */ if(v != null) (fields[k] || (fields[k] = {}))[v instanceof Date ? "date" : typeof v] = true }); }); /* Add one attribute per metadata field */ // highlight-start Object.entries(fields).forEach(([k,v]) => this.attributes.push({ name: k, description: k, /* { number: true, string: true } -> "number or string" */ type: Object.keys(v).join(" or ") })); // highlight-end } // ... } ```
## SheetJS Loader Demo The demo performs the query "Which rows have over 40 miles per gallon?" against a [sample cars dataset](pathname:///cd.xls) and displays the results. :::caution pass This demo was tested using the ChatQA-1.5 model[^9] in Ollama[^10]. The tested model requires 9.2GB VRAM. It is strongly recommended to run the demo on a newer Apple Silicon Mac or a PC with an Nvidia GPU with at least 12GB VRAM. ::: 0) Create a new project: ```bash mkdir sheetjs-loader cd sheetjs-loader npm init -y ``` 1) Download the demo scripts: - [`loadofsheet.mjs`](pathname:///loadofsheet/loadofsheet.mjs) - [`query.mjs`](pathname:///loadofsheet/query.mjs) ```bash curl -LO https://docs.sheetjs.com/loadofsheet/query.mjs curl -LO https://docs.sheetjs.com/loadofsheet/loadofsheet.mjs ``` 2) Install the SheetJS NodeJS module: {`\ npm i --save https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-${current}/xlsx-${current}.tgz`} 3) Install LangChain and HNSWLib dependencies: ```bash npm i --save @langchain/community@0.2.0 @langchain/core@0.2.6 langchain@0.2.5 hnswlib-node@3.0.0 peggy@3.0.2 ``` 4) Download the [cars dataset](pathname:///cd.xls): ```bash curl -LO https://docs.sheetjs.com/cd.xls ``` 5) Install the `llama3-chatqa:8b-v1.5-q8_0` model using Ollama: ```bash ollama pull llama3-chatqa:8b-v1.5-q8_0 ``` :::note pass If the command cannot be found, install Ollama[^10] and run the command in a new terminal window. ::: 6) Run the demo script ```bash node query.mjs ``` The demo performs the query "Which rows have over 40 miles per gallon?". It will print the following nine results: ```js title="Expected output" { Name: 'volkswagen rabbit custom diesel', MPG: 43.1 } { Name: 'vw rabbit c (diesel)', MPG: 44.3 } { Name: 'renault lecar deluxe', MPG: 40.9 } { Name: 'honda civic 1500 gl', MPG: 44.6 } { Name: 'datsun 210', MPG: 40.8 } { Name: 'vw pickup', MPG: 44 } { Name: 'mazda glc', MPG: 46.6 } { Name: 'vw dasher (diesel)', MPG: 43.4 } { Name: 'vw rabbit', MPG: 41.5 } ``` To find the expected results: - Open the `cd.xls` spreadsheet in Excel - Select Home > Sort & Filter > Filter in the Ribbon - Select the filter option for column B (`Miles_per_Gallon`) - In the popup, select "Greater Than" in the Filter dropdown and type 40 The filtered results should match the following screenshot: ![Expected Results](pathname:///loadofsheet/expected.png) [^1]: See ["How to load CSV data"](https://js.langchain.com/v0.2/docs/how_to/document_loader_csv) in the LangChain documentation [^2]: See [`readFile` in "Reading Files"](/docs/api/parse-options) [^3]: See ["SheetJS Data Model"](/docs/csf/) [^4]: See [`sheet_to_csv` in "CSV and Text"](/docs/api/utilities/csv#delimiter-separated-output) [^5]: See ["Folders with multiple files"](https://js.langchain.com/v0.2/docs/integrations/document_loaders/file_loaders/directory/) in the LangChain documentation [^6]: See ["Supported Output Formats" type in "Writing Files"](/docs/api/write-options#supported-output-formats) [^7]: See ["Workbook Object"](/docs/csf/book) [^8]: See [`sheet_to_json` in "Utilities"](/docs/api/utilities/array#array-output) [^9]: See [the official ChatQA website](https://chatqa-project.github.io/) for the ChatQA paper and other model details. [^10]: See [the official Ollama website](https://ollama.com/download) for installation instructions.