--- title: Deno Deploy pagination_prev: demos/local/index pagination_next: demos/extensions/index --- import current from '/version.js'; import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock'; Deno Deploy offers "Serverless Functions" powered by Deno. The [Deno installation](/docs/getting-started/installation/deno) instructions apply to Deno Deploy scripts. :::warning pass Deno Deploy does not offer any sort of temporary file access in functions. This breaks web frameworks that use the filesystem in body parsing. ::: :::caution When the demo was last tested, Deno Deploy required a GitHub account. ::: ## Supported Frameworks When the demo was last tested, the `drash` server framework used an in-memory approach for parsing POST request bodies. ### Parsing Data When files are submitted via HTTP POST, the `bodyParam` method can fetch data. The `content` property of the returned object can be parsed with `XLSX.read`. The following example assumes the file is submitted at field name `file`: {`\ // @deno-types="https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-${current}/package/types/index.d.ts" import { read, utils } from 'https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-${current}/package/xlsx.mjs'; import * as Drash from "https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/drashland/drash@v2.8.0/mod.ts"; \n\ class SheetJSResource extends Drash.Resource { public paths = ["/"]; \n\ public POST(request: Drash.Request, response: Drash.Response) { // highlight-start /* get data from body */ const file = request.bodyParam("file"); /* parse */ var wb = read(file.content, {type: "buffer", dense: true}); // highlight-end /* generate HTML from first worksheet */ return response.html(utils.sheet_to_html(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]])); } }`} ## Demo :::note This demo was last tested on 2023 June 05. The service was implemented using this exact sequence. ::: 1) Register and Sign in. 2) Click "New Project" to create a new Project. In the next screen, look for the "Hello World" sample and click the corresponding "Fork" button. 3) Download [`s2c.ts`](pathname:///deno/s2c.ts). Open with a text editor and copy the contents into the playground editor (left pane). 4) Click "Save and Deploy". ### Testing 5) Download the test file 6) In the browser window, click "Choose File" and select the downloaded file. Click "Submit" and the page will show the contents in a HTML TABLE. 7) Click the "Fullscreen" icon in the top-right corner of the page window. 8) Open a terminal window and download : ```bash curl -LO https://sheetjs.com/pres.numbers ``` 9) Copy the first `curl` line from the page and run in the terminal. For example, if the deployment is `clean-badger-69`, the command would be ```bash curl -X POST -F"file=@pres.numbers" https://clean-badger-69.deno.dev/ ``` The output will be an HTML table 10) Copy the second `curl` line from the page and run in the terminal. For example, if the deployment is `clean-badger-69`, the command would be ```bash curl -X POST -F"file=@pres.numbers" -F"type=csv" https://clean-badger-69.deno.dev/ ``` The output will be CSV.