--- title: Electronic Mail pagination_prev: demos/net/server/index pagination_next: demos/net/headless/index --- import current from '/version.js'; import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock'; Electronic mail ("email" or "e-mail") is an essential part of modern business workflows. Spreadsheets are commonly passed around and processed. There are NodeJS and other server-side solutions for sending email with attached spreadsheets as well as processing spreadsheets in inboxes. This demo covers three workflows: - [Sending mail](#sending-mail) covers libraries for sending messages - [Reading mail](#reading-mail) covers libraries for reading messages - [Data files](#data-files) covers mailbox file formats :::danger pass There are a number of caveats when dealing with live mail servers. It is advised to follow connector module documentation carefully and test with new accounts before integrating with important inboxes or accounts. ::: ## Live Servers :::danger pass It is strongly advised to use a test email address before using an important address. One small mistake could erase decades of messages or result in a block or ban from Google services. ::: ### App Passwords Many email providers (including GMail and Yahoo Mail) require "app passwords" or passwords for "less secure apps". Attempting to connect and send using the account password will throw errors. ### Test Account It is strongly recommended to first test with a separate account. #### Gmail This demo will start with a free Gmail account. When the demo was last tested, no payment details were required. :::caution pass A valid phone number (for SMS verification and 2FA) was required. ::: 0) Create a new Gmail email account and verify with a mobile number. _Create App Password_ 1) Click the icon in the top-right corner and click "Manage your Google Account" 2) Click "Security" in the left column 3) Enable 2-Step Verification (if it is not currently enabled) 4) Click "2-Step Verification" 5) Click the right arrow (`>`) next to "App passwords". If that option is not available, open https://myaccount.google.com/apppasswords 6) Type a name ("SheetJS Test") and click "Create". A new password will be displayed. This is the app password that will be used in the demo script. **Copy the displayed password or write it down.** ## Operations ### Sending Mail Many SheetJS users deploy the `nodemailer` module in production. `nodemailer` supports NodeJS Buffer attachments generated from `XLSX.write`: ```js /* write workbook to buffer */ // highlight-start const buf = XLSX.write(workbook, { bookType: "xlsb", // <-- write XLSB file type: "buffer" // <-- generate a buffer }); // highlight-end /* create a message */ const msg = { from: "*", to: "*", subject: "*", text: "*", attachments: [ // highlight-start { filename: "SheetJSMailExport.xlsb", // <-- filename content: buf // <-- data } // highlight-end ] } ``` :::caution pass The file name must have the expected extension for the `bookType`! ["Supported Output Formats"](/docs/api/write-options#supported-output-formats) includes a table showing the file extension required for each supported type. ::: #### Send Demo :::note Tested Deployments This demo was tested in the following deployments: | Email Provider | Date | Library | Version | |:---------------|:-----------|:-------------|:---------| | `gmail.com` | 2025-01-05 | `nodemailer` | `6.9.16` | ::: 0) Create a [new account](#test-account) 1) Create a new project and install dependencies: {`\ mkdir sheetjs-send cd sheetjs-send npm i --save https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-${current}/xlsx-${current}.tgz nodemailer@6.9.12`} 2) Save the following script to `SheetJSend.js`: ```js title="SheetJSend.js" const XLSX = require('xlsx'); const nodemailer = require('nodemailer'); const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({ // highlight-next-line service: 'gmail', auth: { // highlight-start user: '**', pass: '**' // highlight-end } }); const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new(); const ws = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet([["Sheet","JS"], ["Node","Mailer"]]); XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Sheet1"); const buf = XLSX.write(wb, { bookType: "xlsb", type: "buffer" }); const mailOptions = { // highlight-start from: "**", to: "**", // highlight-end subject: "Attachment test", text: "if this succeeded, there will be an attachment", attachments: [{ filename: "SheetJSMailExport.xlsb", // <-- filename content: buf // <-- data }] } transporter.sendMail(mailOptions, function (err, info) { if(err) console.log(err); else console.log(info); }); ``` 3) Edit `SheetJSend.js` and replace the highlighted lines: - `service: 'gmail',` the value should be one of the supported providers[^1] - `user: "**",` the value should be the sender email address - `pass: "**"` the value should be the app password from earlier - `from: "**",` the value should be the sender email address - `to: "**",` the value should be your work or personal email address 4) Run the script: ```bash node SheetJSend.js ``` If the process succeeded, the terminal will print a JS object with fields including `accepted` and `response`. The recipient inbox should receive an email shortly. The email will include an attachment `SheetJSMailExport.xlsb` which can be opened in Excel. :::caution pass The app password must be entered in step 3. If the account password was used, the mailer will fail with a message that includes: ``` Sorry, you need to create an app password to use this service ``` ::: ### Reading Mail `imapflow` is a modern IMAP client library. Parsing attachments is a multi-step dance: 1) Fetch a message and parse the body structure: ```js let m = await client.fetchOne(client.mailbox.exists, { bodyStructure: true }); let children = message.bodyStructure.childNodes; ``` 2) Find all attachments with relevant file extensions: ```js for(let bs of message.bodyStructure.childNodes) { if(bs.disposition?.toLowerCase() != "attachment") continue; // look for attachments with certain extensions if(!/\.(numbers|xls[xbm]?)$/i.test(bs?.parameters?.name)) continue; await process_attachment(bs); } ``` 3) Download data and collect into a NodeJS Buffer: ```js /* helper function to concatenate data from a stream */ const concat_RS = (stream) => new Promise((res, rej) => { var buffers = []; stream.on("data", function(data) { buffers.push(data); }); stream.on("end", function() { res(Buffer.concat(buffers)); }); }); async function process_attachment(bs) { const { content } = await client.download('*', bs.part); /* content is a stream */ const buf = await concat_RS(content); return process_buf(buf, bs.parameters.name); } ``` 4) Parse Buffer with `XLSX.read`: ```js function process_buf(buf, name) { const wb = XLSX.read(buf); /* DO SOMETHING WITH wb HERE */ // print file name and CSV of first sheet const wsname = wb.SheetNames[0]; console.log(name); console.log(XLSX.utils.sheet_to_csv(wb.Sheets[wsname])); } ``` #### Receive Demo :::note Tested Deployments This demo was tested in the following deployments: | Email Provider | Date | Library | Version | |:---------------|:-----------|:-----------|:----------| | `gmail.com` | 2025-01-05 | `imapflow` | `1.0.172` | ::: 0) Create a [new account](#test-account) 1) Create a new project and install dependencies: {`\ mkdir sheetjs-recv cd sheetjs-recv npm i --save https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-${current}/xlsx-${current}.tgz imapflow@1.0.172`} 2) Save the following script to `SheetJSIMAP.js`: ```js title="SheetJSIMAP.js" const XLSX = require('xlsx'); const { ImapFlow } = require('imapflow'); const client = new ImapFlow({ // highlight-next-line host: 'imap.gmail.com', port: 993, secure: true, logger: false, auth: { // highlight-start user: '**', pass: '**' // highlight-end } }); const concat_RS = (stream) => new Promise((res, rej) => { var buffers = []; stream.on("data", function(data) { buffers.push(data); }); stream.on("end", function() { res(Buffer.concat(buffers)); }); }); (async() => { await client.connect(); let lock = await client.getMailboxLock('INBOX'); // INBOX try { // fetch latest message source with body structure let message = await client.fetchOne(client.mailbox.exists, { bodyStructure: true }); for(let bs of message.bodyStructure.childNodes) { if(bs.disposition?.toLowerCase() != "attachment") continue; // look for attachments with certain extensions if(!/\.(numbers|xls[xbm]?)$/i.test(bs?.parameters?.name)) continue; // download data const { content } = await client.download('*', bs.part); const buf = await concat_RS(content); // parse const wb = XLSX.read(buf); // print file name and CSV of first sheet const wsname = wb.SheetNames[0]; console.log(bs.parameters.name); console.log(XLSX.utils.sheet_to_csv(wb.Sheets[wsname])); } } finally { lock.release(); } await client.logout(); })(); ``` 3) Edit `SheetJSIMAP.js` and replace the highlighted lines: - `user: "**",` the value should be the account address - `pass: "**"` the value should be the app password from earlier - `host: 'imap.gmail.com',` the value should be the host name: | Service | `host` value | |:---------------|:--------------------| | `gmail.com` | `imap.gmail.com` | 4) Download https://docs.sheetjs.com/pres.numbers . 5) Send an email to the test account and attach `pres.numbers` from step 4. 6) Wait until the test account receives the email. 7) Run the script: ```bash node SheetJSIMAP.js ``` The output should include the file name (`pres.numbers`) and the CSV: ``` pres.numbers Name,Index Bill Clinton,42 GeorgeW Bush,43 Barack Obama,44 Donald Trump,45 Joseph Biden,46 ``` ## Data Files Electronic discovery commonly involves email spelunking. There are a number of proprietary mail and email account file formats. ### PST **[The exposition has been moved to a separate page.](/docs/demos/net/email/pst)** [^1]: The list of services can be found in [`lib/well-known/services.json`](https://github.com/nodemailer/nodemailer/blob/master/lib/well-known/services.json) in the NodeMailer project.