--- title: Salesforce LWC pagination_prev: demos/local/index pagination_next: demos/extensions/index --- import current from '/version.js'; import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'; import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem'; import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock'; [Salesforce](https://www.salesforce.com/) is a suite of cloud-based software systems for Customer Relationship Management (CRM). "Lightning Web Components" (LWC) is a robust JavaScript extension platform available to Salesforce apps[^1]. [SheetJS](https://sheetjs.com) is a JavaScript library for reading and writing data from spreadsheets. This demo explores the LWC scripting features in Salesforce. We'll explore how to install SheetJS scripts in Lightning Web Components and build a sample app for exporting lists to XLSX workbooks. :::caution pass Salesforce may change the platform in backwards-incompatible ways, so the demo may require some adjustments. The official documentation should be consulted. ::: :::note Tested Deployments This demo was tested in the following deployments: | Lightning API | Date | |:--------------|:-----------| | `61.0` | 2024-10-06 | ::: :::danger Telemetry The Salesforce developer tools embed telemetry. It can be disabled by setting the environment variable `SF_DISABLE_TELEMETRY` to `true` or running a command: ```bash npx @salesforce/cli config set disable-telemetry=true --global ``` ::: ## Integration Details Lightning Web Components can load scripts stored in static resources. ### Installation The [SheetJS Standalone scripts](/docs/getting-started/installation/standalone) can be downloaded and added as a static resource. :::info pass Due to Salesforce name restrictions, the script must be renamed to `sheetjs.js`. ::: :::caution Lightning Web Security Performance Degradation There are known performance regressions with the new Lightning Web Security. SheetJS users have reported that sub-second exports using the older Lightning Locker Service will take over 20 seconds using the new system. **This is a bug in Salesforce Lightning Web Security!** Until Salesforce fixes the bug, it is strongly recommended to disable the broken "Lightning Web Security" and use the battle-tested "Lightning Locker Service": 0) Switch to the Salesforce Classic view. If a profile icon appears in the top-right corner of the Salesforce page, click on the icon and select "Switch to Salesforce Classic" in the popover menu: ![Switch to Salesforce Classic](pathname:///salesforce/l2c.png) 1) Click the "Setup" link in the right side of the top bar. 2) In the "Quick Find" box, type "Session" and select "Session Settings". 3) Scroll down to "Lightning Web Security" and uncheck the box next to > Use Lightning Web Security for Lightning web components and Aura components ![Disable Lightning Web Security](pathname:///salesforce/lws.png) 4) Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Save". ::: ### Loading SheetJS Assuming the script was renamed to `sheetjs.js`, the name of the resource will be `sheetjs`. `async` functions can use `loadScript` to fetch and load the library. The script will define the variable `XLSX`[^2] It is recommended to load the library in a callback. For example, the following `@api` method loads the library and exports sample data to a spreadsheet file: ```js title="Sample LWC component to export a sample dataset" import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc'; import { loadScript } from 'lightning/platformResourceLoader'; // highlight-next-line import sheetjs from '@salesforce/resourceUrl/sheetjs'; export default class SheetComponent extends LightningElement { @api async download() { // highlight-next-line await loadScript(this, sheetjs); // load the library // At this point, the library is accessible with the `XLSX` variable /* Create worksheet */ var ws = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet([ [ "S", "h", "e", "e", "t", "J"," S" ], [ 5 , 4 , 3 , 3 , 7 , 9 , 5 ] ]); /* Create workbook and add worksheet */ var wb = XLSX.utils.book_new(); XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Data"); /* Export data and attempt to download a XLSX workbook */ XLSX.writeFile(wb, "SheetForceExport.xlsx"); } } ``` ### Exporting Data from SF List Using the LWC Wire Service, components receive data in separate events.[^3] Event handlers typically store the updated data in component state, ensuring the data is available when a spreadsheet export is requested. #### Getting Account Data This demo uses the deprecated `getListUi` function[^4] to pull account data. `getListUi` requires the name of the LWC object (`objectApiName` property) and name of the LWC list view (`listViewApiName` property) The following snippet receives data from the "All Accounts" list view: ```js title="Pulling Account data using the LWC Wire Service (sketch)" import { LightningElement, wire } from 'lwc'; import { getListUi } from 'lightning/uiListApi'; import ACCOUNT_OBJECT from '@salesforce/schema/Account'; // ... export default class SheetComponent extends LightningElement { @wire(getListUi, { objectApiName: ACCOUNT_OBJECT.objectApiName, listViewApiName: 'AllAccounts' }) listInfo({ error, data }) { // LIST DATA AVAILABLE HERE }; // ... } ``` #### Array of Arrays SheetJS most reliably translates "arrays of arrays"[^5], a nested array which directly maps to individual cell addresses. For example, using the Accounts list, each row represents one account. Each column represents the account name, phone number, or another field. ```js title="Sample Array of Arrays based on Account info" var aoa = [ ["Name", "Phone"], // row 1 -- column titles ["Mike Jones", "(281) 330-8004"], // row 2 -- first data row ["Jenny Sheets", "(201) 867-5309"] // row 3 -- second data row ]; ``` The APIs typically return nested objects, so the array of arrays must be manually constructed by iterating over the data. :::tip pass The ["Export Tutorial"](/docs/getting-started/examples/export) covers JavaScript array methods and transformation in more detail. :::
Salesforce Representation (click to show) The `data` parameter in the callback has a deep structure. Typically one would set a property in the component and display data in a template: ```js title="Storing records in LWC Component state (sketch)" // ... // declare records variable in the component records; @wire(getListUi, { objectApiName: ACCOUNT_OBJECT.objectApiName, listViewApiName: 'AllAccounts' }) listInfo({ error, data }) { if (data) { // data.records.records is the array of interest this.records = data.records.records; this.error = undefined; } } // ... ``` The template itself would iterate across the records: ```html title="Generating HTML Tables in a LWC Template" ```
A suitable SheetJS array of arrays can be constructed by mapping across records: ```js title="Constructing an array of arrays from Salesforce data (snippet)" var headers = [ "Name", "Phone" ]; // First row of the spreadsheet var aoa = [headers].concat(data.records.records.map(record => [ record.fields.Name.value, // Name field record.fields.Phone.value, // Phone field ])); ``` #### State This data is available in a wire service callback, but it is common to export the data in a separate API event. This flow is handled with a state variable: ```js export default class SheetComponent extends LightningElement { // highlight-next-line aoa; // will hold data for export @wire(getListUi, { objectApiName: ACCOUNT_OBJECT.objectApiName, listViewApiName: 'AllAccounts' }) listInfo({ error, data }) { if (data) { var headers = [ "Name", "Phone" ]; // create AOA var _aoa = [headers].concat(data.records.records.map(record => [ record.fields.Name.value, // Name field record.fields.Phone.value, // Phone field ])); // assign to state // highlight-next-line this.aoa = _aoa; } else if (error) console.log(error); }; } ``` #### Exporting Data Data is readily exported to a spreadsheet in a callback function. Starting from the array of arrays, the SheetJS `aoa_to_sheet` method[^6] generates a SheetJS sheet object[^7]. A workbook object[^8] is created with `book_new`[^9] and the sheet is added with `book_append_sheet`[^10]. Finally, the SheetJS `writeFile` method creates a XLSX file and initiates a download[^11]. ```js @api async download() { await loadScript(this, sheetjs); // load the library // get data from state // highlight-next-line var _aoa = this.aoa; // create workbook var wb = XLSX.utils.book_new(); var ws = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet(_aoa); XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Data"); // export XLSX.writeFile(wb, "SheetForceExport.xlsx"); }; ``` ## Complete Example :::info pass This demo was built on a "Developer Edition" account. At the time of writing, an [account can be created for free.](https://developer.salesforce.com/signup) ::: 0) Create a "Developer Edition" account. Take note of the unique Username ### Configure Tools 1) Install [NodeJS LTS](https://nodejs.org/en/download). 2) Disable telemetry: ```bash npx @salesforce/cli config set disable-telemetry=true --global ``` 3) Confirm the CLI tool works by checking version information: ```bash npx @salesforce/cli --version ``` :::note pass When the demo was last tested, the command printed ``` @salesforce/cli/2.60.13 darwin-arm64 node-v20.18.0 ``` ::: 4) Log into the org from the CLI tool: ```bash npx @salesforce/cli org login web ``` This will open a web browser. Sign in and authorize the application. ### Create Project 5) Create the "SheetForce" sample project with the `project generate` command: ```bash npx @salesforce/cli project generate -n SheetForce ``` Enter the project directory: ```bash cd SheetForce ``` 6) Create a LWC component with the `lightning generate component` command: ```bash npx @salesforce/cli lightning generate component --type lwc -n sheetComponent -d force-app/main/default/lwc ``` 7) Replace `force-app\main\default\lwc\sheetComponent\sheetComponent.html` with the following template code: ```html title="force-app\main\default\lwc\sheetComponent\sheetComponent.html (add highlighted lines)" ``` 8) Replace `force-app\main\default\lwc\sheetComponent\sheetComponent.js-meta.xml` with the following XML: ```xml title="force-app\main\default\lwc\sheetComponent\sheetComponent.js-meta.xml (replace highlighted lines)" 61.0 true SheetForce SheetJS Demo lightning__AppPage ``` ### Deploy Sample Project 9) Deploy the project from the CLI. You will need the Salesforce unique Username. For example, if the Username was `SF@USER.NAME`, the command is: ```bash npx @salesforce/cli project deploy start -d force-app -o SF@USER.NAME ``` 10) Find the new component: To find the new component in "Lightning Experience" view: A) In the Salesforce site, click on the gear icon in the top-right corner of the page and select "Setup" (Setup for current app). B) Type "Custom Code" in the left sidebar search box. Expand "Custom Code", expand "Lightning Components" and click "Lightning Components". :::caution pass With certain security settings, Salesforce will show an error: > We can't display this page because your browser blocks cross-domain cookies, but you can view this page in Salesforce Classic. Click the link to open the page in Salesforce Classic. ::: A) Click the "Setup" link in the top-right corner of the page. B) Type "Lightning" in the left sidebar search box. Expand "Develop", expand "Lightning Components" and click "Lightning Components". The page in Salesforce Classic will look like the screenshot below: ![Custom Component](pathname:///salesforce/custcomp.png) ### Initialize App Page #### Create App Page 11) Create an "App Page" in the "Lightning App Builder": A) In the Salesforce site, click on the gear icon in the top-right corner of the page and select "Setup" (Setup for current app). B) Type "App Build" in the left sidebar search box. Expand "User Interface" and click "Lightning App Builder". :::caution pass With certain security settings, Salesforce will show an error: > We can't display this page because your browser blocks cross-domain cookies, but you can view this page in Salesforce Classic. Click the link to open the page in Salesforce Classic. ::: C) Click the "New" button. A) Click the "Setup" link in the top-right corner of the page. B) Type "App Build" in the left search box and select "Lightning App Builder". C) Click the "New" button. #### App Wizard D) Select "App Page" in the left list and click "Next" E) Type "SheetJS Demo" in the Label textbox and click "Next" F) Select "One Region" in the left list and click "Done" #### App Builder 12) Add the "SheetForce" component to the App Page. In the left "Components" sidebar, under the "Custom" section, there should be a "SheetForce" entry. Click and drag "SheetForce" into the "Add Component(s) Here" frame in the app builder main view to add it to the page. Click "Save". 13) Activate the page. When the "Page Saved" modal is displayed, click "Activate". The following options should be set: - Click "Change..." next to "Icon" and pick a memorable icon - Under "Lightning Experience" click "LightningBolt" then "Add page to app" Click "Save" to activate the page. 14) Open the demo page. Click the left arrow in the top-left corner of the page to return to Setup. If there is a "Switch to Lightning Experience" at the top, click the link. Click the App Launcher (`᎒᎒᎒`) and search for "SheetJS". Under "Items", the new "SheetJS Demo" will be listed, Click "SheetJS Demo". The app will display the "SheetForce demo" text from the component template: ![Demo](pathname:///salesforce/initial.png) ### Add SheetJS
  1. Download {"https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-" + current + "/package/dist/xlsx.full.min.js"}

:::danger pass **DO NOT "COPY AND PASTE"!** The file should be explicitly downloaded. Copying and pasting corrupts the source code and the component will fail in subtle ways. The easiest approach is to right-click the link and select "Save Link As..." ::: The following command can be run in PowerShell or `bash`: {`\ curl -o xlsx.full.min.js https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-${current}/package/dist/xlsx.full.min.js`} 16) Move the file to the `force-app/main/default/staticresources/` folder and rename the file to `sheetjs.js`. If the file was downloaded from the previous command, `mv` can move and rename: ```bash mv xlsx.full.min.js force-app/main/default/staticresources/sheetjs.js ``` 17) Create `force-app/main/default/staticresources/sheetjs.resource-meta.xml` (`sheetjs.resource-meta.xml` in the folder from step 2) with the following XML: ```xml title="force-app/main/default/staticresources/sheetjs.resource-meta.xml" Private application/javascript ``` 18) Deploy the project again with the same command from step 9: ```bash npx @salesforce/cli project deploy start -d force-app -o SF@USER.NAME ``` Replace `SF@USER.NAME` with the unique Username. 19) Look for the static resource: A) In the Salesforce site, click on the gear icon in the top-right corner of the page and select "Setup" (Setup for current app). B) Type "Static" in the left sidebar search box. Click "Static Resources" :::caution pass With certain security settings, Salesforce will show an error: > We can't display this page because your browser blocks cross-domain cookies, but you can view this page in Salesforce Classic. Click the link to open the page in Salesforce Classic. ::: A) Click the "Setup" link in the top-right corner of the page. B) Type "Static" in the left sidebar search box. Click "Static Resources" The page in Salesforce Classic will look like the screenshot below: ![Static Resources](pathname:///salesforce/static.png) ### Test the Static Resource 20) Replace `force-app/main/default/lwc/sheetComponent/sheetComponent.js` with the following script: ```js title="force-app/main/default/lwc/sheetComponent/sheetComponent.js (replace script)" import { LightningElement } from 'lwc'; import { loadScript } from 'lightning/platformResourceLoader'; import sheetjs from '@salesforce/resourceUrl/sheetjs'; export default class SheetComponent extends LightningElement { version = "???"; // start with ??? async connectedCallback() { await loadScript(this, sheetjs); // load the library // At this point, the library is accessible with the `XLSX` variable this.version = XLSX.version; } } ``` This component exposes a `version` property based on the SheetJS version. 21) Replace `force-app/main/default/lwc/sheetComponent/sheetComponent.html` with the following template: ```html title="force-app/main/default/lwc/sheetComponent/sheetComponent.html (replace line)" ``` This template references the `version` property. 22) Deploy the project again with the same command from step 9: ```bash npx @salesforce/cli project deploy start -d force-app -o SF@USER.NAME ``` Replace `SF@USER.NAME` with the unique Username. 23) Reload the "SheetJS Demo" page. The page should display the SheetJS version: ![Version number](pathname:///salesforce/version.png) :::info pass It may take a few minutes for Salesforce to refresh. If the demo still shows the original "SheetForce demo" text after refreshing, close and reopen the demo app. ::: ### Export Data from SF Lists 24) Add a button to `sheetComponent.html` that will call a `download` callback: ```html title="force-app/main/default/lwc/sheetComponent/sheetComponent.html (replace page)" ``` 25) Replace `sheetComponent.js` with the following: ```js title="force-app/main/default/lwc/sheetComponent/sheetComponent.js (replace script)" import { LightningElement, wire, api } from 'lwc'; import { loadScript } from 'lightning/platformResourceLoader'; import { getListUi } from 'lightning/uiListApi'; import ACCOUNT_OBJECT from '@salesforce/schema/Account'; import sheetjs from '@salesforce/resourceUrl/sheetjs'; export default class SheetComponent extends LightningElement { aoa; // will hold data for export @wire(getListUi, { objectApiName: ACCOUNT_OBJECT.objectApiName, listViewApiName: 'AllAccounts' }) listInfo({ error, data }) { if (data) { var headers = [ "Name", "Phone" ]; // create AOA and assign to `aoa` property this.aoa = [headers].concat(data.records.records.map(record => [ record.fields.Name.value, // Name field record.fields.Phone.value, // Phone field ])); } else if (error) console.log(error); }; @api async download() { await loadScript(this, sheetjs); // load the library // create workbook var wb = XLSX.utils.book_new(); var ws = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet(this.aoa); XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Data"); // export XLSX.writeFile(wb, "SheetForceExport.xlsx"); }; } ``` 26) Deploy the project again with the same command from step 9: ```bash npx @salesforce/cli project deploy start -d force-app -o SF@USER.NAME ``` Replace `SF@USER.NAME` with the unique Username. 27) Reload the "SheetJS Demo" page. The page should include a button for export: ![SF Export Button](pathname:///salesforce/export.png) 28) Click the "Click to Export!" button. The app will attempt to download a file. The simple export includes all of the data: ![Excel Export](pathname:///salesforce/xl.png) :::tip pass [SheetJS Pro](https://sheetjs.com/pro) offers additional styling options like cell styling, automatic column width calculations, and frozen rows. ::: [^1]: It is strongly recommended to review the [detailed introduction in the Salesforce documentation](https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/platform/lwc/guide/get-started-introduction.html) [^2]: The `XLSX` variable is the main global for the SheetJS library. It exposes methods as described in ["API Reference"](/docs/api/) [^3]: See ["Understand the Wire Service"](https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/platform/lwc/guide/data-wire-service-about.html) in the Salesforce LWC documentation. [^4]: See [`getListUI`](https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/platform/lwc/guide/reference-get-list-ui.html) in the Salesforce LWC documentation. [^5]: See ["Array of Arrays" in "Utilities"](/docs/api/utilities/array#array-of-arrays) for more details. [^6]: See [`aoa_to_sheet` in "Utilities"](/docs/api/utilities/array#array-of-arrays-input) [^7]: See ["Sheet Objects"](/docs/csf/sheet) [^8]: See ["Workbook Object"](/docs/csf/book) [^9]: See [`book_new` in "Utilities"](/docs/api/utilities/wb) [^10]: See [`book_append_sheet` in "Utilities"](/docs/api/utilities/wb) [^11]: See [`writeFile` in "Writing Files"](/docs/api/write-options)