--- title: Lume pagination_prev: demos/extensions/index pagination_next: demos/gsheet sidebar_custom_props: type: native --- Lume is a lightweight, fast and flexible static site generator. The official [Sheets plugin](https://lume.land/plugins/sheets/) uses SheetJS to load data from spreadsheets. New users should consult the official docs. Lume supports refreshing data during development. The generated static sites include the raw data without referencing the underlying spreadsheet files. ## Lume Demo :::note This was tested against `lume v1.14.2` on 2022 December 27. This example uses the Nunjucks template format. Lume plugins support additional template formats, including Markdown and JSX. ::: 1) Create a stock site: ```bash mkdir -p sheetjs-lume cd sheetjs-lume deno run -Ar https://deno.land/x/lume/init.ts ``` When prompted, enter the following options: - `Use TypeScript for the configuration file`: press Enter (use default `N`) - `Do you want to use plugins`: type `sheets` and press Enter The project will be configured and modules will be installed. 2) Download and place in a `_data` folder: ```bash mkdir -p _data curl -L -o _data/pres.numbers https://sheetjs.com/pres.numbers ``` 3) Create a `index.njk` file that references the file. Since the file is `pres.numbers`, the parameter name is `pres`: ```liquid title="index.njk"


{% for row in pres %}{% if (loop.index >= 1) %} {% endif %}{% endfor %}
{{ row.Name }} {{ row.Index }}
``` 4) Run the development server: ```bash deno task lume --serve ``` To verify it works, access http://localhost:3000 from your web browser. Adding a new row and saving `pres.numbers` should refresh the data 5) Stop the server (press `CTRL+C` in the terminal window) and run ```bash deno task lume ``` This will create a static site in the `_site` folder, which can be served with: ```bash npx http-server _site ``` Accessing the page http://localhost:8080 will show the page contents. This site is self-contained and ready for deployment!