# Spreadsheet Features import DocCardList from '@theme/DocCardList'; import {useCurrentSidebarCategory} from '@docusaurus/theme-common'; Even for basic features like date storage, the official Excel formats store the same content in different ways. The parsers are expected to convert from the underlying file format representation to the Common Spreadsheet Format. Writers are expected to serialize SheetJS workbooks in the underlying file format. The following topics are covered in sub-pages: ## Row and Column Properties
Format Support (click to show) **Row Properties**: XLSX/M, XLSB, BIFF8 XLS, XLML, SYLK, DOM, ODS **Column Properties**: XLSX/M, XLSB, BIFF8 XLS, XLML, SYLK, DOM
Row and Column properties are not extracted by default when reading from a file and are not persisted by default when writing to a file. The option `cellStyles: true` must be passed to the relevant read or write function. _Column Properties_ The `!cols` array in each worksheet, if present, is a collection of `ColInfo` objects which have the following properties: ```typescript type ColInfo = { /* visibility */ hidden?: boolean; // if true, the column is hidden /* column width is specified in one of the following ways: */ wpx?: number; // width in screen pixels width?: number; // width in Excel "Max Digit Width", width*256 is integral wch?: number; // width in characters /* other fields for preserving features from files */ level?: number; // 0-indexed outline / group level MDW?: number; // Excel "Max Digit Width" unit, always integral }; ``` _Row Properties_ The `!rows` array in each worksheet, if present, is a collection of `RowInfo` objects which have the following properties: ```typescript type RowInfo = { /* visibility */ hidden?: boolean; // if true, the row is hidden /* row height is specified in one of the following ways: */ hpx?: number; // height in screen pixels hpt?: number; // height in points level?: number; // 0-indexed outline / group level }; ``` _Outline / Group Levels Convention_ The Excel UI displays the base outline level as `1` and the max level as `8`. Following JS conventions, SheetJS uses 0-indexed outline levels wherein the base outline level is `0` and the max level is `7`.
Why are there three width types? (click to show) There are three different width types corresponding to the three different ways spreadsheets store column widths: SYLK and other plain text formats use raw character count. Contemporaneous tools like Visicalc and Multiplan were character based. Since the characters had the same width, it sufficed to store a count. This tradition was continued into the BIFF formats. SpreadsheetML (2003) tried to align with HTML by standardizing on screen pixel count throughout the file. Column widths, row heights, and other measures use pixels. When the pixel and character counts do not align, Excel rounds values. XLSX internally stores column widths in a nebulous "Max Digit Width" form. The Max Digit Width is the width of the largest digit when rendered (generally the "0" character is the widest). The internal width must be an integer multiple of the width divided by 256. ECMA-376 describes a formula for converting between pixels and the internal width. This represents a hybrid approach. Read functions attempt to populate all three properties. Write functions will try to cycle specified values to the desired type. In order to avoid potential conflicts, manipulation should delete the other properties first. For example, when changing the pixel width, delete the `wch` and `width` properties.
Implementation details (click to show) _Row Heights_ Excel internally stores row heights in points. The default resolution is 72 DPI or 96 PPI, so the pixel and point size should agree. For different resolutions they may not agree, so the library separates the concepts. Even though all of the information is made available, writers are expected to follow the priority order: 1) use `hpx` pixel height if available 2) use `hpt` point height if available _Column Widths_ Given the constraints, it is possible to determine the `MDW` without actually inspecting the font! The parsers guess the pixel width by converting from width to pixels and back, repeating for all possible `MDW` and selecting the value that minimizes the error. XLML actually stores the pixel width, so the guess works in the opposite direction. Even though all of the information is made available, writers are expected to follow the priority order: 1) use `width` field if available 2) use `wpx` pixel width if available 3) use `wch` character count if available
## Sheet Visibility
Format Support (click to show) **Hidden Sheets**: XLSX/M, XLSB, BIFF8/BIFF5 XLS, XLML **Very Hidden Sheets**: XLSX/M, XLSB, BIFF8/BIFF5 XLS, XLML
Excel enables hiding sheets in the lower tab bar. The sheet data is stored in the file but the UI does not readily make it available. Standard hidden sheets are revealed in the "Unhide" menu. Excel also has "very hidden" sheets which cannot be revealed in the menu. It is only accessible in the VB Editor! The visibility setting is stored in the `Hidden` property of sheet props array. | Value | Definition | VB Editor "Visible" Property | |:-----:|:------------|:-----------------------------| | 0 | Visible | `-1 - xlSheetVisible` | | 1 | Hidden | ` 0 - xlSheetHidden` | | 2 | Very Hidden | ` 2 - xlSheetVeryHidden` | If the respective Sheet entry does not exist or if the `Hidden` property is not set, the worksheet is visible. **List all worksheets and their visibility settings** ```js wb.Workbook.Sheets.map(function(x) { return [x.name, x.Hidden] }) // [ [ 'Visible', 0 ], [ 'Hidden', 1 ], [ 'VeryHidden', 2 ] ] ``` **Check if worksheet is visible** Non-Excel formats do not support the Very Hidden state. The best way to test if a sheet is visible is to check if the `Hidden` property is logical truth: ```js wb.Workbook.Sheets.map(function(x) { return [x.name, !x.Hidden] }) // [ [ 'Visible', true ], [ 'Hidden', false ], [ 'VeryHidden', false ] ] ```
Live Example (click to show) [This test file](pathname:///files/sheet_visibility.xlsx) has three sheets: - "Visible" is visible - "Hidden" is hidden - "VeryHidden" is very hidden ![Screenshot](pathname:///files/sheet_visibility.png) **Live demo** ```jsx live function Visibility(props) { const [sheets, setSheets] = React.useState([]); const names = [ "Visible", "Hidden", "Very Hidden" ]; React.useEffect(async() => { const f = await fetch("/files/sheet_visibility.xlsx"); const ab = await f.arrayBuffer(); const wb = XLSX.read(ab); /* State will be set to the `Sheets` property array */ setSheets(wb.Workbook.Sheets); }, []); return ({sheets.map((x,i) => ())}
{x.name} {x.Hidden} - {names[x.Hidden]} {!x.Hidden ? "No" : "Yes"}
); } ```
## VBA and Macros
Format Support (click to show) **VBA Modules**: XLSM, XLSB, BIFF8 XLS
VBA Macros are stored in a special data blob that is exposed in the `vbaraw` property of the workbook object when the `bookVBA` option is `true`. They are supported in `XLSM`, `XLSB`, and `BIFF8 XLS` formats. The supported format writers automatically insert the data blobs if it is present in the workbook and associate with the worksheet names. The `vbaraw` property stores raw bytes. [SheetJS Pro](https://sheetjs.com/pro) offers a special component for extracting macro text from the VBA blob, editing the VBA project, and exporting new VBA blobs. #### Round-tripping Macro Enabled Files In order to preserve macro when reading and writing files, the `bookVBA` option must be set to true when reading and when writing. In addition, the output file format must support macros. `XLSX` notably does not support macros, and `XLSM` should be used in its place: ```js /* Reading data */ var wb = XLSX.read(data, { bookVBA: true }); // read file and distill VBA blob var vbablob = wb.vbaraw; ``` #### Code Names Excel will use `ThisWorkbook` (or a translation like `DieseArbeitsmappe`) as the default Code Name for the workbook. Each worksheet will be identified using the default `Sheet#` naming pattern even if the worksheet names have changed. A custom workbook code name will be stored in `wb.Workbook.WBProps.CodeName`. For exports, assigning the property will override the default value. Worksheet and Chartsheet code names are in the worksheet properties object at `wb.Workbook.Sheets[i].CodeName`. Macrosheets and Dialogsheets are ignored. The readers and writers preserve the code names, but they have to be manually set when adding a VBA blob to a different workbook. #### Macrosheets Older versions of Excel also supported a non-VBA "macrosheet" sheet type that stored automation commands. These are exposed in objects with the `!type` property set to `"macro"`. Under the hood, Excel treats Macrosheets as normal worksheets with special interpretation of the function expressions. #### Detecting Macros in Workbooks The `vbaraw` field will only be set if macros are present. Macrosheets will be explicitly flagged. Combining the two checks yields a simple function: ```js function wb_has_macro(wb/*:workbook*/)/*:boolean*/ { if(!!wb.vbaraw) return true; const sheets = wb.SheetNames.map((n) => wb.Sheets[n]); return sheets.some((ws) => !!ws && ws['!type']=='macro'); } ```