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<title>SheetJS fetch Demo</title>
<style>TABLE { border-collapse: collapse; } TD { border: 1px solid; }</style>
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function Titel(props) { return ( <h3>{props.name}</h3> ); }

function Tabeller(props) {
  /* the workbook object is the state */
  const [workbook, setWorkbook] = React.useState(XLSX.utils.book_new());

  React.useEffect(() => { (async() => {
    /* fetch and parse workbook -- see the fetch example for details */
    const wb = XLSX.read(await (await fetch("https://sheetjs.com/pres.numbers")).arrayBuffer());
  })(); });

  return workbook.SheetNames.map((name, idx) => ( <div key={idx}>
    <Titel name={name} />
    <div dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{
      /* this __html mantra is needed to set the inner HTML */
      __html: XLSX.utils.sheet_to_html(workbook.Sheets[name])
    }} />

ReactDOM.render( <Tabeller/> , root );