--- title: Merged Cells sidebar_position: 11 ---
File Format Support (click to show) By default, no cells are merged. Merge metadata is ignored when exporting to a file format that does not support merge cells. Formats store the actual contents of a merged cell in the "top-left" corner (first row and first column of the merge range). Some formats can hold data for cells that are covered by the merge range. | Formats | Merge | Covered | |:----------|:-----:|:-------:| | XLSX/XLSM | ✔ | ✔ | | XLSB | ✔ | ✔ | | XLML | ✔ | ✔ | | BIFF8 XLS | ✔ | ✔ | | ODS/FODS | ✔ | ✔ | | NUMBERS | ✔ | ✔ | | HTML | ✔ | | There are multiple representations of merge cells in the NUMBERS file format. Writers use the simplified `.TST.MergeRegionMapArchive` representation. Parsers understand the classic form and the modern `.TST.MergeOwnerArchive` form.
Modern spreadsheet software typically allow users to combine blocks of cells into a single unit. This unit can span multiple columns and rows. As shown in the following table, HTML TH and TD elements use `colspan` and `rowspan` attributes to effectuate merging:
This title spans four columns
:::tip pass This feature was expanded in version `0.20.3`. It is strongly recommended to [upgrade to the latest version](/docs/getting-started/installation/). ::: ## Storage The `!merges` property of the worksheet object is expected to be an array of [SheetJS range objects](/docs/csf/general#sheetjs-range). Each range object corresponds to a merged range in the worksheet. The following snippet creates a merge range spanning `A1:B2` : ```js title="Merge the range A1:B2 in a worksheet" ws["!merges"] = [ { s: { c: 0, r: 0 }, e: { c: 1, r: 1 } } // A1:B2 ]; ``` :::caution pass **Overlapping merges are not automatically detected!** ::: ### Range The [`decode_range`](/docs/csf/general#cell-ranges-1) method creates range objects from A1-style range strings. The following snippet creates a merge range spanning `A1:B2` : ```js title="Merge the range A1:B2 in a worksheet" ws["!merges"] = [ XLSX.utils.decode_range("A1:B2") ]; ``` ### Overlap When adding merges to an existing workbook, it is strongly recommended to scan the merges array and test for collisions: ```js title="Add a merged range to a worksheet" function sheet_add_merge(ws, range) { /* if `range` is a string, parse into a range object */ var merge = typeof range == "string" ? XLSX.utils.decode_range(range) : range; /* create array merge if it does not exist */ if(!ws["!merges"]) ws["!merges"] = []; /* check if the new merge collides with any existing merge */ ws["!merges"].forEach(function(range) { if(merge.e.r < range.s.r) return; if(range.e.r < merge.s.r) return; if(merge.e.c < range.s.c) return; if(range.e.c < merge.s.c) return; throw new Error(XLSX.utils.encode_range(merge)+" overlaps "+XLSX.utils.encode_range(range)); }); /* add merge */ ws["!merges"].push(merge); } ``` ### Cells Spreadsheet tools will store and use the top-left cell of a merge range. For example, if the range `B2:C5` is merged, the cell corresponding to the range will be stored in the worksheet in cell `B2`. #### Covered Cells Spreadsheet tools can store cells that are covered by a merged cell. The [SheetJS worksheet object](/docs/csf/sheet) can store covered cells. [API Functions](#functions) may omit or include covered cells. ## Live Demo This example generates a worksheet that matches the following screenshot: ![screenshot](pathname:///files/merges.png) The merge ranges are `A1:B2`, `C1:C2`, `A3:B3`, `D1:D2`, and `A4:B4`. ```jsx live function SheetJSMergeCellsExport() { return (); } ``` ## Functions #### HTML [`table_to_sheet` and `table_to_book`](/docs/api/utilities/html#html-table-input) will generate worksheets that include merged ranges:
Live Demo (click to show) ```jsx live function SheetJSDOMMergedCells() { const ref = React.useRef(null); const [ merges, setMerges ] = React.useState([]); React.useEffect(() => { if(ref.current) { const tbl = ref.current.getElementsByTagName("TABLE"); if(!tbl || !tbl[0]) return; const ws = XLSX.utils.table_to_sheet(tbl[0]); console.log(ws["!merges"]) setMerges(ws["!merges"] || []); } }, [ref]) const ws = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet([ ["A1:B1 is merged", "This cell is covered" ], ["A2 is not merged", "B2 is not merged"] ]); ws["!merges"] = [XLSX.utils.decode_range("A1:B1")]; const __html = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_html(ws); return ( <> Table:
{merges ? merges.map(m =>  XLSX.utils.encode_range(m)).join("\n") : ""}
); } ```
[`sheet_to_html`](/docs/api/utilities/html#html-table-output) will generate HTML strings that use `colspan` and `rowspan` for merged ranges:
Live Demo (click to show) ```jsx live function SheetJSHTMLMergedCells() { const ws = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet([ ["A1:B1 is merged", "This cell is covered" ], ["A2 is not merged", "B2 is not merged"] ]); ws["!merges"] = [XLSX.utils.decode_range("A1:B1")]; const __html = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_html(ws); return (
); } ```
#### Reading Files [`read` and `readFile`](/docs/api/parse-options) will extract merge metadata from supported files. #### Writing Files [`write` and `writeFile`](/docs/api/write-options) will attempt to write merge metadata when exporting to file formats that support merged ranges. When writing to CSV and other formats that do not support merged ranges, every cell in the range will be exported. This includes covered cells!
Live Demo (click to show) ```jsx live function SheetJSCSVMergedCells() { const ws = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet([ ["A1:B1 is merged", "This cell is covered" ], ["A2 is not merged", "B2 is not merged"] ]); ws["!merges"] = [XLSX.utils.decode_range("A1:B1")]; const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new(ws, "Sheet1"); const csv = XLSX.write(wb, { type: "string", bookType: "csv"}); return (
); } ```
#### Exporting Data [`sheet_to_csv`](/docs/api/utilities/csv#delimiter-separated-output) and [`sheet_to_json`](/docs/api/utilities/array#array-output) do not support merged ranges. The exports will include covered cells:
Live Demo (click to show) ```jsx live function SheetJSAOAMergedCells() { const ws = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet([ ["A1:B1 is merged", "This cell is covered" ], ["A2 is not merged", "B2 is not merged"] ]); ws["!merges"] = [XLSX.utils.decode_range("A1:B1")]; const aoa = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws, {header:1}); return (
); } ```