--- sidebar_position: 20 title: Content and Site Generation --- With the advent of server-side frameworks and content management systems, it is possible to build sites whose source of truth is a spreadsheet! This demo explores a number of approaches. ## GatsbyJS [`gatsby-transformer-excel`](https://www.gatsbyjs.com/plugins/gatsby-transformer-excel/) generates nodes for each data row of each worksheet. The official documentation includes examples and more detailed usage instructions. :::note `gatsby-transformer-excel` is maintained by the Gatsby core team and all bugs should be directed to the main Gatsby project. If it is determined to be a bug in the parsing logic, issues should then be raised with the SheetJS project. ::: ## NuxtJS `@nuxt/content` is a file-based CMS for Nuxt, enabling static-site generation and on-demand server rendering powered by spreadsheets. #### nuxt.config.js configuration Through an override in `nuxt.config.js`, Nuxt Content will use custom parsers. Differences from a stock `create-nuxt-app` config are shown below: ```js // highlight-start import { readFile, utils } from 'xlsx'; // This will be called when the files change const parseSheet = (file, { path }) => { // `path` is a path that can be read with `XLSX.readFile` const wb = readFile(path); const o = wb.SheetNames.map(name => ({ name, data: utils.sheet_to_json(wb.Sheets[name])})); return { data: o }; } // highlight-end export default { // ... // highlight-start // content.extendParser allows us to hook into the parsing step content: { extendParser: { // the keys are the extensions that will be matched. The "." is required ".numbers": parseSheet, ".xlsx": parseSheet, ".xls": parseSheet, // can add other extensions like ".fods" as desired } }, // highlight-end // ... } ``` #### Template Use When a spreadsheet is placed in the `content` folder, Nuxt will find it. The data can be referenced in a view with `asyncData`. The name should not include the extension, so `"sheetjs.numbers"` would be referenced as `"sheetjs"`: ```js async asyncData ({$content}) { return { // $content('sheetjs') will match files with extensions in nuxt.config.js data: await $content('sheetjs').fetch() }; } ``` In the template, `data.data` is an array of objects. Each object has a `name` property for the worksheet name and a `data` array of row objects. This maps neatly with nested `v-for`: ```xml
{{ row.Name }} {{ row.Index }}
``` ### Nuxt Content Demo
Complete Example (click to show) :::note This was tested against `create-nuxt-app v4.0.0` on 2022 August 13. ::: 1) Create a stock app: ```bash npx create-nuxt-app SheetJSNuxt ``` When prompted, enter the following options: - `Project name`: press Enter (use default SheetJSNuxt) - `Programming language`: press Down Arrow (`TypeScript` selected) then Enter - `Package manager`: select `Npm` and press Enter - `UI framework`: select `None` and press Enter - `Nuxt.js modules`: scroll to `Content`, select with Space, then press Enter - `Linting tools`: press Enter (do not select any Linting tools) - `Testing framework`: select `None` and press Enter - `Rendering mode`: select `Universal (SSR / SSG)` and press Enter - `Deployment target`: select `Static (Static/Jamstack hosting)` and press Enter - `Development tools`: press Enter (do not select any Development tools) - `What is your GitHub username?`: press Enter - `Version control system`: select `None` The project will be configured and modules will be installed. 2) Install the SheetJS library and start the dev server: ```bash cd SheetJSNuxt npm i --save https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-latest/xlsx-latest.tgz npm run dev ``` When the build finishes, the terminal will display a URL like: ``` ℹ Listening on: http://localhost:64688/ 05:41:11 No issues found. 05:41:11 ``` The dev server is listening on that URL. Open the link in a web browser. 3) Download and move to the `content` folder. 4) Modify `nuxt.config.js` as described [earlier](#nuxtconfigjs-configuration) 5) Replace `pages/index.vue` with the following: ```html ``` The browser should refresh to show the contents of the spreadsheet. If it does not, click Refresh manually or open a new browser window. ![Nuxt Demo end of step 5](pathname:///nuxt/nuxt5.png) 6) To verify that hot loading works, open `pres.xlsx` from the `content` folder in Excel. Add a new row to the bottom and save the file: ![Adding a new line to `pres.xlsx`](pathname:///nuxt/nuxl6.png) The dev server terminal should show a line like: ``` ℹ Updated ./content/pres.xlsx @nuxt/content 05:43:37 ``` The page should automatically refresh with the new content: ![Nuxt Demo end of step 6](pathname:///nuxt/nuxt6.png) 7) Stop the dev server (press `CTRL+C` in the terminal window) and run ```bash npm run generate ``` This will create a static site in the `dist` folder, which can be served with: ```bash npx http-server dist ``` Accessing the page http://localhost:8080 will show the page contents. Verifying the static nature is trivial: make another change in Excel and save. The page will not change.