import React, { useEffect, useState, ChangeEvent } from "react"; import DataGrid, { textEditor, Column } from "react-data-grid"; import { read, utils, WorkSheet, writeFile } from "xlsx"; import 'react-data-grid/lib/styles.css'; import './App.css'; type DataSet = { [index: string]: WorkSheet; }; type Row = any[]; type AOAColumn = Column; type RowCol = { rows: Row[]; columns: AOAColumn[]; }; function arrayify(rows: any[]): Row[] { return => { if(Array.isArray(row)) return row; var length = Object.keys(row).length; for(; length > 0; --length) if(row[length-1] != null) break; return Array.from({length, ...row}); }); } /* this method returns `rows` and `columns` data for sheet change */ const getRowsCols = ( data: DataSet, sheetName: string ): RowCol => ({ rows: utils.sheet_to_json(data[sheetName], {header:1}), columns: Array.from({ length: utils.decode_range(data[sheetName]["!ref"]||"A1").e.c + 1 }, (_, i) => ({ key: String(i), name: utils.encode_col(i), editor: textEditor })) }); export default function App() { const [rows, setRows] = useState([]); // data rows const [columns, setColumns] = useState([]); // columns const [workBook, setWorkBook] = useState({} as DataSet); // workbook const [sheets, setSheets] = useState([]); // list of sheet names const [current, setCurrent] = useState(""); // selected sheet /* called when sheet dropdown is changed */ function selectSheet(name: string) { /* update workbook cache in case the current worksheet was changed */ workBook[current] = utils.aoa_to_sheet(arrayify(rows)); /* get data for desired sheet and update state */ const { rows: new_rows, columns: new_columns } = getRowsCols(workBook, name); setRows(new_rows); setColumns(new_columns); setCurrent(name); } /* this method handles refreshing the state with new workbook data */ async function handleAB(file: ArrayBuffer): Promise { /* read file data */ const data = read(file); /* update workbook state */ setWorkBook(data.Sheets); setSheets(data.SheetNames); /* select the first worksheet */ const name = data.SheetNames[0]; const { rows: new_rows, columns: new_columns } = getRowsCols(data.Sheets, name); setRows(new_rows); setColumns(new_columns); setCurrent(name); } /* called when file input element is used to select a new file */ async function handleFile(ev: ChangeEvent): Promise { const file = await[0]?.arrayBuffer(); if(file) await handleAB(file); } /* when page is loaded, fetch and processs worksheet */ useEffect(() => { (async () => { const f = await fetch(""); await handleAB(await f.arrayBuffer()); })(); }, []); /* method is called when one of the save buttons is clicked */ function saveFile(ext: string): void { console.log(rows); /* update current worksheet in case changes were made */ workBook[current] = utils.aoa_to_sheet(arrayify(rows)); /* construct workbook and loop through worksheets */ const wb = utils.book_new(); sheets.forEach((n) => { utils.book_append_sheet(wb, workBook[n], n); }); /* generate a file and download it */ writeFile(wb, "SheetJSRDG." + ext); } return ( <>

SheetJS × React-Data-Grid Demo

{sheets.length > 0 && ( <>

Use the dropdown to switch to a worksheet: 

Current Sheet: {current}

Click one of the buttons to create a new file with the modified data

{["xlsx", "xlsb", "xls"].map((ext) => ( ))}
)} ); }