88 lines
2.4 KiB

import { google } from "googleapis";
/* Change this import statement to point to the credentials JSON file */
import creds from './sheetjs-test-726272627262.json' assert { type: "json" };
/* Change this to the primary account address, NOT THE SERVICE ACCOUNT */
const acct = "";
/* connect to google services */
const jwt = new google.auth.JWT({
email: creds.client_email,
key: creds.private_key,
scopes: [
const sheets = google.sheets({ version: "v4", auth: jwt });
const drive ={version: "v3", auth: jwt });
/* create new google workbook */
const [id, sheet0id] = await (async() => {
const res = await sheets.spreadsheets.create({
requestBody: {
properties: {
title: "SheetJS Test"
const id =;
const sheet0id =[0].properties.sheetId;
return [id, sheet0id];
console.log(`Created Google Workbook ${id}`);
/* create new google worksheet and delete initial sheet */
const [sheet1id, sheet2id] = await (async() => {
const res = await sheets.spreadsheets.batchUpdate({
spreadsheetId: id,
requestBody: { requests: [
/* add SheetJS1 */
{ addSheet: { properties: { title: "SheetJS1" } } },
/* add SheetJS2 */
{ addSheet: { properties: { title: "SheetJS2" } } },
/* remove default sheet */
{ deleteSheet: { sheetId: sheet0id } },
] }
console.log(`Created Google Worksheets "SheetJS1" and "SheetJS2"`);
return,2).map(r =>;
await sheets.spreadsheets.values.update({
spreadsheetId: id,
range: "SheetJS1!A1",
valueInputOption: "USER_ENTERED",
resource: { values: [
["Sheet", "JS"],
[72, 62]
await sheets.spreadsheets.values.update({
spreadsheetId: id,
range: "SheetJS2!A1",
valueInputOption: "USER_ENTERED",
resource: { values: [
["Area Code", "Part 1", "Part 2"],
[201, 867, 5309],
[281, 330, 8004],
/* Share new Document with the primary account */
try {
await drive.permissions.create({
fileId: id,
fields: "id",
requestBody: {
type: "user",
role: "writer",
emailAddress: acct
console.log(`Shared ${id} with ${acct}`);
} catch(e) { console.log(e); }