300 lines
11 KiB

import {themes as prismThemes} from 'prism-react-renderer';
const math = require('remark-math');
const katex = require('rehype-katex');
// @ts-check
// Note: type annotations allow type checking and IDEs autocompletion
/** @typedef { import('prism-react-renderer').PrismTheme['styles'] } PrismThemeStyle */
/** @typedef { import('prism-react-renderer').PrismTheme['styles'][number]['style'] } PrismThemeEntry */
Updates styles array from prisma theme based off token type
@type {(theme: PrismThemeStyle, replace: Record<string, PrismThemeEntry>) => PrismThemeStyle}
const updateThemeStyles = (styles, replace) => {
const copy = structuredClone(styles);
const types = Object.keys(replace)
copy.forEach(style => {
types.forEach((type) => {
if (style.types.includes(type)) { = {, ...replace[type]}
return copy
const lightCodeTheme = prismThemes.github;
const darkCodeTheme = prismThemes.dracula;
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// Please change this to your repo.
// Remove this to remove the "edit this page" links.
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href: '',
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// label: 'Blog',
// to: '/blog',
label: 'SheetJS Pro',
href: '',
label: 'Source',
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// Dracula dark theme by default has keyword and variable font style set to italic
// reset to normal to be consistent with the light theme (github)
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'keyword': {
fontStyle: "normal"
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{ from: '/docs/demos/bigdata/ml', to: '/docs/demos/math/' },
{ from: '/docs/demos/engines/pandas', to: '/docs/demos/math/pandas/' },
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module.exports = config;