2023-10-31 02:07:43 -04:00

115 lines
3.4 KiB

const pg = require("pg"), format = require("pg-format");
const XLSX = require("xlsx");
const opts = {
host: "", // localhost
port: 5432,
//user: "",
//password: ""
/* create table and load data given an array of objects and a PostgreSQL client */
async function aoo_to_pg_table(client, aoo, table_name) {
/* define types that can be converted (e.g. boolean can be stored in float) */
const T_FLOAT = ["float8", "boolean"];
const T_BOOL = ["boolean"];
/* types is a map from column headers to Knex schema column type */
const types = {};
/* names is an ordered list of the column header names */
const names = [];
/* loop across each row object */
aoo.forEach(row =>
/* Object.entries returns a row of [key, value] pairs */
Object.entries(row).forEach(([k,v]) => {
/* If this is first occurrence, mark unknown and append header to names */
if(!types[k]) { types[k] = ""; names.push(k); }
/* skip null and undefined values */
if(v == null) return;
/* check and resolve type */
switch(typeof v) {
/* change type if it is empty or can be stored in a float */
case "number": if(!types[k] || T_FLOAT.includes(types[k])) types[k] = "float8"; break;
/* change type if it is empty or can be stored in a boolean */
case "boolean": if(!types[k] || T_BOOL.includes(types[k])) types[k] = "boolean"; break;
/* no other type can hold strings */
case "string": types[k] = "text"; break;
default: types[k] = "text"; break;
/* Delete table if it exists in the DB */
const query = format("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS %I;", table_name);
await client.query(query);
/* Create table */
const entries = Object.entries(types);
const Istr = => format(`%I ${e[1]}`, e[0])).join(", ");
let query = format.withArray(`CREATE TABLE %I (${Istr});`, [ table_name ]);
await client.query(query);
/* Insert each row */
for(let row of aoo) {
const ent = Object.entries(row);
const Istr = Array.from({length: ent.length}, ()=>"%I").join(", ");
const Lstr = Array.from({length: ent.length}, ()=>"%L").join(", ");
let query = format.withArray(
`INSERT INTO %I (${Istr}) VALUES (${Lstr});`,
[ table_name, => x[0]), => x[1]) ]
await client.query(query);
return client;
(async() => {
/* read file and get first worksheet */
const oldwb = XLSX.readFile("pres.numbers");
const oldws = oldwb.Sheets[oldwb.SheetNames[0]];
/* import data to postgres */
let client = new pg.Client(opts);
try {
/* open connection to PostgreSQL database */
await client.connect();
/* generate array of objects from worksheet */
const aoo = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(oldws);
/* create table and load data */
await aoo_to_pg_table(client, aoo, "Presidents");
} finally {
/* disconnect */
await client.end();
/* export data to xlsx */
client = new pg.Client(opts);
try {
/* open connection to PostgreSQL database */
await client.connect();
/* fetch all data from specified table */
const res = await client.query(format(`SELECT * FROM %I`, "Presidents"));
/* export to file */
const newws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(res.rows);
const newwb = XLSX.utils.book_new();
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(newwb, newws, "Export");
XLSX.writeFile(newwb, "SheetJSPGExport.xlsx");
} finally {
/* disconnect */
await client.end();