This commit is contained in:
SheetJS 2023-09-24 15:48:44 -04:00
parent 74312fbaf4
commit 1b7dde139d
5 changed files with 105 additions and 17 deletions

.gitignore vendored

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
# Logs

@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ build:
npm run dev -- --host
.PHONY: init
npm i
.PHONY: deps
# protos

@ -65,17 +65,81 @@ copy the raw byte representation (array of numbers) or parsed object (JSON).
## Development
### Website
`make dev` starts the dev server.
`make build` generates the static site.
## Refreshing Protos and Messages
`make init` installs dependencies.
`make deps` requires a SIP-disabled Intel Mac with Keynote + Numbers + Pages.
### Protos and Messages
`make deps` requires a SIP-disabled Mac with Keynote + Numbers + Pages.
The last run was on 2023-09-24 against version 13.2 (7038.0.87)
Each app should be run at least once before refreshing artifacts.
#### Software License Agreements
Before refreshing, each app must be launched once and the software license
agreements must be accepted.
In the 13.2 update, Keynote clearly states
> By clicking Continue you agree to the terms of the Keynote Software License Agreement
Curiously, the Numbers "What's New in Numbers" popup does not have a similar
disclaimer. It is suspected that clicking "Continue" in Numbers and Pages serves
a similar purpose.
#### Disabling SIP
1) Enter Recovery mode:
On Intel Macs, shut down and restart while holding down Command+R keys.
On Apple Silicon Macs, shut down and restart while holding down the Touch ID.
It will display a message "Continue holding for startup options". Let go once
the message changes to "Loading startup options"
Select "Options" in the boot window and click the "Continue" button.
2) Open a terminal window (Utilities > Terminal) and run the following command:
csrutil disable
If there is no error, restart the machine.
**Apple Silicon Extra Steps**
If the command fails with a message like
csrutil: The OS environment does not allow changing security configuration options.
Ensure that the system was booted into Recovery OS via the standard user action.
3) Run the following command:
csrutil clear
4) Open the "Startup Security Utility" (in the Utilities menu)
5) Click "Security Policy..." and select "Permissive Security". Click "OK".
6) Reboot into recovery mode (explained in Step 1)
7) Open a terminal window (Utilities > Terminal) and run:
csrutil disable
**Remember to re-enable SIP after updating messages!**
#### Developer Tools error
@ -85,10 +149,13 @@ Note: Runs may fail with an error like
error: Uncaught (in promise) "Could not find map!"
Developer tools permissions must be granted. Running the command a second time
typically shows a popup asking for Touch ID or password. After authorization,
the build should run successfully.
Running the command a second time typically shows a popup:
Developer Tools Access needs to take control of another process for debugging to continue
It will ask for Touch ID or password. After authorization, the build should run.
## Protocol Buffer Details

@ -2,26 +2,36 @@
/*! dump_registry.ts (C) 2022-present SheetJS LLC -- */
NOTE: this script requires an Intel Mac, Numbers, LLDB, and Deno
NOTE: this script requires a SIP-disabled Mac, Numbers, LLDB, and Deno
USAGE: deno run -A
if( != "darwin") throw `Must run in macOS!`;
if( != "x86_64") throw `Must run on Intel Mac (Apple Silicon currently unsupported)`;
const arch_map = {
"x86_64": "x86_64",
"aarch64": "arm64"
if(!arch_map[]) throw `Unsupported architecture ${}`;
const cmd = Deno?.args?.[0] || "/Applications/";
try { Deno.statSync(cmd); } catch(e) { throw `Could not find ${cmd}!`; }
/* test if SIP is disabled */
const p ={cmd:["csrutil","status"],stdin:"piped",stdout:"piped" });
const [status, stdout] = await Promise.all([ p.status(), p.output() ]);
await p.close();
const data = new TextDecoder().decode(stdout);
//if(data.includes("enabled")) throw `SIP must be disabled!`;
if(!data.includes("disabled")) throw `SIP must be disabled!`;
const p ={ cmd: `lldb ${Deno?.args?.[0] || "/Applications/"} -a x86_64`.split(" "),
stdin: "piped", stdout: "piped"
/* start debugger */
const p ={ cmd: `lldb ${cmd} -a ${arch_map[]}`.split(" "), stdin: "piped", stdout: "piped" });
/* run commands */
const doit = (x: string) => p?.stdin?.write(new TextEncoder().encode(x))
const cmds = [
@ -37,21 +47,26 @@ const cmds = [
for(const cmd of cmds) await doit(cmd + "\n");
/* LLDB does not exit normally, setTimeout workaround */
setTimeout(() => p.kill("SIGKILL"), 15000)
setTimeout(() => p.kill("SIGKILL"), 30000)
/* wait for debugger */
const [status, stdout] = await Promise.all([ p.status(), p.output() ]);
await p.close();
/* search for _messageTypeToPrototypeMap */
const data = new TextDecoder().decode(stdout);
const res = data.match(/_messageTypeToPrototypeMap = {([^]*?)}/m)?.[1];
if(!res) throw `Could not find map!`
if(!res) throw `Could not find map!`;
/* extract records and sort by ID */
const rows = res.split(/[\r\n]+/).map(r => r.trim().split(/\s+/)).filter(x => x.length > 1);
rows.sort((l, r) => +l[0] - +r[0]);
/* emit code */
console.log(`export default {`);
rows.forEach(r => {
/* setDeprecatedMessageType */
if(r[3] == "null") return;
console.log(` ${r[0]}: ".${r[3]}",`);
console.log(`} as {[key: number]: string};`);
//console.log(Object.fromEntries( => [r[0], r[3]]).filter(r => r[1] != "null")));

@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ function process(data: Uint8Array, message: string, protos: any) {
switch(freq) {
case "repeated": {
if(/packed\s*=\s*true/.test(line)) {
/* these are the known types as of iwa 13.0 */
/* these are the known types as of iwa 13.2 */
switch(type) {
case "uint32": out[name] = parse_packed_varints(shallow[i][0].data); break;
case "uint64": out[name] = parse_packed_varint64(shallow[i][0].data); break;