Compare commits


1 Commits

17 changed files with 11610 additions and 1192 deletions

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
/* eslint-env commonjs */
module.exports = {
env: { browser: true, es2020: true },
extends: [
@ -10,9 +9,6 @@ module.exports = {
parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: 'latest', sourceType: 'module' },
plugins: ['react-refresh'],
rules: {
'@typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any': 'off',
'react-hooks/exhaustive-deps': 'off',
'react-refresh/only-export-components': 'warn',
'no-regex-spaces': 'off',

.gitignore vendored

@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
# Logs

@ -4,22 +4,12 @@ build:
.PHONY: dev
npm run dev -- --host
.PHONY: init
npm i
npm run dev
.PHONY: deps
deps: deps-protos deps-messages
.PHONY: deps-protos
# protos
deno run -rA misc/otorp.ts > public/protos
.PHONY: deps-messages
# src/messages
deno run -rA misc/dump_registry.ts /Applications/ > src/messages/numbers.ts
deno run -rA misc/dump_registry.ts /Applications/ > src/messages/keynote.ts


@ -4,189 +4,22 @@ source for <>
`iwa-inspector` is a tool for inspecting iWork archives.
<> covers the high-level structure of files.
This inspector performs the top-level extraction of messages and parses using
extracted Protocol Buffer definitions.
When a file is loaded, a table will display the messages in the file.
## Usage
The sections are separated by a light gray horizontal line and a light gray
vertical line. Panels can be resized by click-dragging the line.
### Selecting a File
The file input element in the top-left corner of the page is limited to the IWA
file types: `.numbers`, `.key`, and `.pages`.
The site automatically fetches a sample file on load.
### Message Table
The message table is shown just below the header bar. The column headers are:
| name | description |
| `id` | Message ID |
| `type` | Numeric Message Type |
| `message` | Absolute Message Type |
| `path` | Location of Message |
The table can be sorted by clicking on the column headers.
### Searching for Messages
The search text box in the top-right corner of the page is a plaintext search
over the parsed messages. Searches will match field names, string values and
UUID fields of message type `.TSP.UUID`.
### Selecting a Message
When a row in the table is selected, the bottom-left panel will display the
Protocol Buffers definition for the message and the bottom-right panel will
display the parsed contents.
### Message Structure
The bottom-right panel shows the following information:
- "Message": parsed information following the message definition
- "Metadata": parsed information from the message metadata
- "Dependents": list of messages that list the current message as a dependency.
Clicking on a message name in the inspector will show the message definition in
the left pane. A "Return" link returns to the base message definition.
When a message is selected, the page will display the Protocol Buffers
definition for the message as well as an inspector for the message and metadata.
Clicking on a `.TSP.Reference` ID will jump to the referenced message.
### Exporting Data
Right-clicking a custom message type will show a context menu with options to
copy the raw byte representation (array of numbers) or parsed object (JSON).
## Development
### Website
`make dev` starts the dev server.
`make build` generates the static site.
`make init` installs dependencies.
## Refreshing data
### Protos and Messages
`make deps` requires a SIP-disabled Mac with Keynote + Numbers + Pages.
The dependencies were refreshed on 2024-12-18 against version 14.3 (7042.0.76).
Due to breaking changes, Deno must be rolled back to version 1.46.3. The scripts
are not compatible with Deno 2!
14.2 deprecated message 0x847 (`.TSWP.UpdateDateTimeFieldCommandArchive`).
Curiously the message definition was retained in the protobuf definitions. The
message type has been preserved in the messages list.
#### Software License Agreements
Before refreshing, each app must be launched once and the software license
agreements must be accepted.
In the 14.3 update, Keynote and Pages clearly state:
> By clicking Continue you agree to the terms of the Keynote Software License Agreement
#### Disabling SIP
1) Enter Recovery mode:
On Intel Macs, shut down and restart while holding down Command+R keys.
On Apple Silicon Macs, shut down and restart while holding down the Touch ID.
It will display a message "Continue holding for startup options". Let go once
the message changes to "Loading startup options"
Select "Options" in the boot window and click the "Continue" button.
2) Open a terminal window (Utilities > Terminal) and run the following command:
csrutil disable
If there is no error, restart the machine.
**Apple Silicon Extra Steps**
If the command fails with a message like
csrutil: The OS environment does not allow changing security configuration options.
Ensure that the system was booted into Recovery OS via the standard user action.
3) Run the following command:
csrutil clear
4) Open the "Startup Security Utility" (in the Utilities menu)
5) Click "Security Policy..." and select "Permissive Security". Click "OK".
6) Reboot into recovery mode (explained in Step 1)
7) Open a terminal window (Utilities > Terminal) and run:
csrutil disable
**Remember to re-enable SIP after updating messages!**
#### Developer Tools error
Note: Runs may fail with an error like
error: Uncaught (in promise) "Could not find map!"
Running the command a second time typically shows a popup:
> Developer Tools Access needs to take control of another process for debugging to continue
It will ask for Touch ID or password. After authorization, the build should run.
## Protocol Buffer Details
Note that the `message` field is absolute. For example, `TSTArchives.proto`
specifies the `.TST.TileStorage` as follows:
package TST;
message TileStorage {
message Tile {
required uint32 tileid = 1;
required .TSP.Reference tile = 2;
repeated .TST.TileStorage.Tile tiles = 1;
optional uint32 tile_size = 2;
optional bool should_use_wide_rows = 3;
The protobuf extractor rewrites the message names using the absolute form:
message .TST.TileStorage {
message Tile {
required uint32 tileid = 1;
required .TSP.Reference tile = 2;
repeated .TST.TileStorage.Tile tiles = 1;
optional uint32 tile_size = 2;
optional bool should_use_wide_rows = 3;
`make deps` requires a SIP-disabled Intel Mac. The last run used v13.0 apps.

@ -4,10 +4,8 @@
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-title" content="IWA Inspector">
<link rel="canonical" href="" />
<title>SheetJS IWA Inspector</title>
<link rel="canonical" href="" />
<div id="root"></div>

@ -2,36 +2,26 @@
/*! dump_registry.ts (C) 2022-present SheetJS LLC -- */
NOTE: this script requires a SIP-disabled Mac, Numbers, LLDB, and Deno
NOTE: this script requires an Intel Mac, Numbers, LLDB, and Deno
USAGE: deno run -A
if( != "darwin") throw `Must run in macOS!`;
if( != "x86_64") throw `Must run on Intel Mac (Apple Silicon currently unsupported)`;
const arch_map = {
"x86_64": "x86_64",
"aarch64": "arm64"
if(!arch_map[]) throw `Unsupported architecture ${}`;
const cmd = Deno?.args?.[0] || "/Applications/";
try { Deno.statSync(cmd); } catch(e) { throw `Could not find ${cmd}!`; }
/* test if SIP is disabled */
const p ={cmd:["csrutil","status"],stdin:"piped",stdout:"piped" });
const [status, stdout] = await Promise.all([ p.status(), p.output() ]);
await p.close();
const data = new TextDecoder().decode(stdout);
if(!data.includes("disabled")) throw `SIP must be disabled!`;
//if(data.includes("enabled")) throw `SIP must be disabled!`;
/* start debugger */
const p ={ cmd: `lldb ${cmd} -a ${arch_map[]}`.split(" "), stdin: "piped", stdout: "piped" });
const p ={ cmd: `lldb ${Deno?.args?.[0] || "/Applications/"} -a x86_64`.split(" "),
stdin: "piped", stdout: "piped"
/* run commands */
const doit = (x: string) => p?.stdin?.write(new TextEncoder().encode(x))
const cmds = [
@ -47,26 +37,21 @@ const cmds = [
for(const cmd of cmds) await doit(cmd + "\n");
/* LLDB does not exit normally, setTimeout workaround */
setTimeout(() => p.kill("SIGKILL"), 30000)
setTimeout(() => p.kill("SIGKILL"), 15000)
/* wait for debugger */
const [status, stdout] = await Promise.all([ p.status(), p.output() ]);
await p.close();
/* search for _messageTypeToPrototypeMap */
const data = new TextDecoder().decode(stdout);
const res = data.match(/_messageTypeToPrototypeMap = {([^]*?)}/m)?.[1];
if(!res) throw `Could not find map!`;
/* extract records and sort by ID */
if(!res) throw `Could not find map!`
const rows = res.split(/[\r\n]+/).map(r => r.trim().split(/\s+/)).filter(x => x.length > 1);
rows.sort((l, r) => +l[0] - +r[0]);
/* emit code */
console.log(`export default {`);
rows.forEach(r => {
/* setDeprecatedMessageType */
if(r[3] == "null") return;
console.log(` ${r[0]}: ".${r[3]}",`);
console.log(`} as {[key: number]: string};`);
//console.log(Object.fromEntries( => [r[0], r[3]]).filter(r => r[1] != "null")));

package-lock.json generated Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -14,26 +14,26 @@
"dependencies": {
"cfb": "1.2.2",
"printj": "",
"react": "18.3.1",
"printj": "1.3.1",
"react": "18.2.0",
"react-contexify": "6.0.0",
"react-dom": "18.3.1",
"react-inspector": "6.0.2",
"react-resizable-panels": "2.0.19",
"react-dom": "18.2.0",
"react-inspector": "6.0.1",
"react-resizable-panels": "0.0.45",
"react-toastify": "9.1.3",
"xlsx": ""
"xlsx": ""
"devDependencies": {
"@types/react": "18.3.3",
"@types/react-dom": "18.3.0",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "7.13.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "7.13.0",
"@vitejs/plugin-react": "4.3.1",
"eslint": "8.56.0",
"eslint-plugin-react-hooks": "4.6.2",
"eslint-plugin-react-refresh": "0.4.7",
"typescript": "5.4.5",
"vite": "5.3.0",
"vite-plugin-pwa": "0.20.0"
"@types/react": "18.2.6",
"@types/react-dom": "18.2.4",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "5.59.5",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "5.59.5",
"@vitejs/plugin-react": "4.0.0",
"eslint": "8.40.0",
"eslint-plugin-react-hooks": "4.6.0",
"eslint-plugin-react-refresh": "0.3.5",
"typescript": "5.0.4",
"vite": "4.3.5",
"vite-plugin-pwa": "0.14.7"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
box-sizing: border-box;
html, body {
width: 100vw;
html, body {
width: 100vw;
min-height: 100vh;
#root {
width: 100vw;
width: 100vw;
height: 100vh;
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr;
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ th {
top: 0;
width: 100vw;
max-width: 100%;
position: sticky;
position: sticky;
box-shadow: 0 -5px 15px 0 #ced4da;
background: white;
z-index: 10;

@ -1,22 +1,20 @@
/* TODO:
- history
- find example and correctly handle "merge" messages
- filter table by message type or path
- messages referencing selected msg
- sort and filter table
- loading icons
- expand referenced object in place or accordian
- expand referenced object in place
- paste bytes -> analyze
- edit fields / files?
- different menu for message / enum / extend / literal
- display integers in base16 and base10
- search bytes?
- highlight results in inspector
import { useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import type { MouseEvent as ReactMouseEvent, ChangeEventHandler, ChangeEvent } from 'react';
import './App.css';
import { ObjectInspector, ObjectLabel, ObjectName, ObjectValue } from 'react-inspector';
import { PanelGroup, Panel, PanelResizeHandle } from 'react-resizable-panels';
import { process, read, ParsedFile, TableItem } from './iwa';
import { process, read, ParsedFile } from './iwa';
import { parse_protos, ProtoMap } from './messages';
import type { $_TSP_MessageInfo, $_TSP_Reference } from './messages';
import { Menu, Item, Separator, useContextMenu } from 'react-contexify';
@ -24,47 +22,24 @@ import 'react-contexify/dist/ReactContexify.css';
import { ToastContainer, toast } from 'react-toastify';
import 'react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.css';
const uuid2str = (l: bigint, u: bigint): string => [
((l >> 0n) & 0xFFn).toString(16).padStart(2, "0"),
((l >> 8n) & 0xFFn).toString(16).padStart(2, "0"),
((l >> 16n) & 0xFFn).toString(16).padStart(2, "0"),
((l >> 24n) & 0xFFn).toString(16).padStart(2, "0"),
((l >> 32n) & 0xFFn).toString(16).padStart(2, "0"),
((l >> 40n) & 0xFFn).toString(16).padStart(2, "0"),
((l >> 48n) & 0xFFn).toString(16).padStart(2, "0"),
((l >> 56n) & 0xFFn).toString(16).padStart(2, "0"),
((u >> 0n) & 0xFFn).toString(16).padStart(2, "0"),
((u >> 8n) & 0xFFn).toString(16).padStart(2, "0"),
((u >> 16n) & 0xFFn).toString(16).padStart(2, "0"),
((u >> 24n) & 0xFFn).toString(16).padStart(2, "0"),
((u >> 32n) & 0xFFn).toString(16).padStart(2, "0"),
((u >> 40n) & 0xFFn).toString(16).padStart(2, "0"),
((u >> 48n) & 0xFFn).toString(16).padStart(2, "0"),
((u >> 56n) & 0xFFn).toString(16).padStart(2, "0"),
//#region Xxd
import { vsprintf } from 'printj';
const X = "%02hhx", Y = X + X + " ";
//import { vsprintf } from 'printj';
/*const X = "%02hhx", Y = X + X + " ";
const FMT = [...Array.from({length:16}).map((_,i) =>
Y.repeat(i>>1) + (i%2 ? X:" ") + " " + " ".repeat(7 - (i >> 1)) + "|" + "%c".repeat(i) + " ".repeat(16-i) + "|\n"
), Y.repeat(8) + "|" + "%c".repeat(16) + "|\n"];
const xxd = (u8: Uint8Array): string => {
const out: string[] = [];
let out: string[] = [];
for(let i = 0; i < u8.length; i+=16) {
const d = [...u8.slice(i, i+16)];
let d = [...u8.slice(i, i+16)];
out.push(vsprintf(`%04x: ${FMT[d.length]}`, [i, ...d, => String.fromCharCode(x).replace(/[^\x20-\x7E]/g,"."))]))
return out.join("");
/*type XxdProps = {
type XxdProps = {
data?: Uint8Array;
@ -81,23 +56,19 @@ type TableViewProps = {
id?: string;
data: any[];
cols: string[];
sort?: string;
desc?: boolean;
filter?: (row: any, R: number) => boolean;
rowclick?: (row: any, R: number, e: ReactMouseEvent<HTMLTableRowElement, MouseEvent>) => void;
cellclick?: (value: any, R: number, C: number, e: ReactMouseEvent<HTMLTableCellElement, MouseEvent>) => void;
onsort?: (sort: string) => void;
function TableView({id, data, cols, filter, rowclick, cellclick, sort, desc, onsort}: TableViewProps) {
function TableView({id, data, cols, rowclick, cellclick}: TableViewProps) {
return (
<tr>{,idx) => (
<th key={idx} onClick={()=>{ if(onsort) onsort(c); }}>{c} {sort == c ? (desc ? "\u25BC" : "\u25B2") : ""}</th>
<th key={idx}>{c}</th>
<tbody>{data.filter(filter || (()=>true)).map((row, R) => (
<tbody>{, R) => (
<tr id={`tr-${R}`} key={R}
{...(rowclick ? {onClick: (e) => {e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); rowclick(row, R, e)}} : {})}
{...(row["id"] == id ? {style: {backgroundColor: "#646cff", color: "#FFFFFF" }} : {})}
@ -126,9 +97,8 @@ interface ContextMenuProps {
onClickCopyByteArray?: ({props}: any)=>void;
onClickCopyJSON: ({props}: any)=>void;
showProtoDef: ({props}: any)=>void;
showXXD: ({props}: any) => void;
const ContextMenu = ({ID, menuType, menuField, menuId, onClickId, onClickCopyByteArray, onClickCopyJSON, showProtoDef, showXXD}: ContextMenuProps) => (
const ContextMenu = ({ID, menuType, menuField, menuId, onClickId, onClickCopyByteArray, onClickCopyJSON, showProtoDef}: ContextMenuProps) => (
<Menu id={ID}>
{menuField && (<Item disabled><b>{menuField}</b></Item>)}
<Item disabled><b>{menuType}</b></Item>
@ -136,53 +106,11 @@ const ContextMenu = ({ID, menuType, menuField, menuId, onClickId, onClickCopyByt
<Separator />
<Item onClick={onClickCopyByteArray}>Copy byte array</Item>
<Item onClick={onClickCopyJSON}>Copy JSON</Item>
<Item hidden={()=>menuType == "bytes"} onClick={showProtoDef}>Show Definition</Item>
<Item hidden={()=>menuType != "bytes"} onClick={showXXD}>Dump XXD to console</Item>
<Item onClick={showProtoDef}>Show Definition</Item>
</Menu> );
//#region preparse
const replacer = (_: string, v: any): any => {
switch(true) {
case (typeof v == "bigint"): return v.toString();
case (v instanceof Uint8Array): return [...v];
case (v != null && typeof v.lower == "bigint" && typeof v.upper == "bigint"): return uuid2str(v.lower, v.upper);
return v;
/* parse if message has not been parsed */
const preparse = (id: any, message: string, f: ParsedFile, p: ProtoMap) => {
const item =[+id][0];
if(!item.parsed) {
item.parsed = process(, message, p);
item.pre = JSON.stringify(item.parsed, replacer);
if(!item.parsedmeta) {
const m: $_TSP_MessageInfo = item.parsedmeta = process(item.rawmeta, ".TSP.MessageInfo", p);
/* .TSP.MessageInfo */
if(m.object_references) m.$object_references = bigint) => {
/* create a fake reference for the inspector */
const o: $_TSP_Reference = ({ identifier: n });
Object.defineProperty(o, "PB_TYPE", {value: ".TSP.Reference", enumerable: false});
return o;
if(m.field_infos) m.field_infos.forEach((fi) => {
/* .TSP.FieldInfo */
if(fi.object_references) fi.$object_references = bigint) => {
/* create a fake reference for the inspector */
const o: $_TSP_Reference = ({ identifier: n });
Object.defineProperty(o, "PB_TYPE", {value: ".TSP.Reference", enumerable: false});
return o;
function App() {
/* selected message ID */
const [id, setId] = useState<string>("0");
@ -192,8 +120,6 @@ function App() {
const [obj, setObj] = useState<any>({});
/* current meta */
const [meta, setMeta] = useState<$_TSP_MessageInfo>({} as any);
/* current deps */
const [deps, setDeps] = useState<any[]>([]);
/* protobuf definitions */
const [protos, setProtos] = useState<ProtoMap>({});
/* selected message type */
@ -202,12 +128,6 @@ function App() {
const [__html, setProto] = useState<string>("Select a Row");
/* "dirty" if inspecting a subfield */
const [dirty, setDirty] = useState<boolean>(false);
/* loading */
const [loading, setLoading] = useState<boolean>(true);
/* search */
const [search, setSearch] = useState<string>("");
/* level */
const [level, setLevel] = useState<number>(1);
/* history stack */
const [stack, setStack] = useState<string[]>([]);
/* react-contexify */
@ -217,44 +137,13 @@ function App() {
const [menuType, setMenuType] = useState<string>("");
const [menuId, setMenuId] = useState<string>("");
const tblRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
/* sorting */
const [ sort, setSort ] = useState<string>("");
const [ desc, setDesc ] = useState<boolean>(false);
/* scroll to selected row */
const tblScroll = (R: number) => {
if(R == -1) return;
const rowelt = document.getElementById(`tr-${R}`);
const top = rowelt?.offsetTop || 0;
if(tblRef.current) {
const tbl = tblRef.current;
if(top > tbl.scrollTop + tbl.clientHeight - (rowelt?.clientHeight||0) || top < tbl.scrollTop + (rowelt?.clientHeight||0)) tbl.scrollTop = Math.max(0, top - tbl.clientHeight/2 - (rowelt?.clientHeight||0)/2);
/* Sorting machinations */
const onsort = (s: string) => {
let d = false;
console.log(sort == s, desc);
if(sort == s) setDesc(d = !desc);
else {
setDesc(d = false);
file.tbl.sort((x: any, y: any) => (typeof x[s] == "number" ? x[s] - y[s] : String(x[s]).localeCompare(String(y[s]))) * (d ? -1 : 1));
useEffect(() => {
if(id) tblScroll(file.tbl.findIndex(row => row["id"] == +id));
}, [sort, desc]);
/* update selection based on table row */
const doitRow = (row: TableItem, R: number, reset?: boolean) => {
const doitRow = (row: any, R: number, reset?: boolean) => {
let obj: any, meta: $_TSP_MessageInfo;
try {
preparse(, row.message, file, protos);
const item =[][0];
obj = item.parsed;
meta = item.parsedmeta as $_TSP_MessageInfo;
obj = process([][0].data, row.message, protos);
meta = process([][0].rawmeta, ".TSP.MessageInfo", protos);
} catch(e) {
console.error(row, e); toast.error(`Could not parse ${} (${row.type})`, {position: toast.POSITION.TOP_CENTER}); return;
@ -263,19 +152,36 @@ function App() {
setProto(protos[row.message] || "");
/* .TSP.MessageInfo */
if(meta.object_references) meta.$object_references = BigInt) => {
/* create a fake reference for the inspector */
var o: $_TSP_Reference = ({ identifier: n });
Object.defineProperty(o, "PB_TYPE", {value: ".TSP.Reference", enumerable: false});
return o;
if(meta.field_infos) meta.field_infos.forEach((fi) => {
/* .TSP.FieldInfo */
if(fi.object_references) fi.$object_references = BigInt) => {
/* create a fake reference for the inspector */
var o: $_TSP_Reference = ({ identifier: n });
Object.defineProperty(o, "PB_TYPE", {value: ".TSP.Reference", enumerable: false});
return o;
setDeps(file.tbl.filter(r => (([][0].parsedmeta?.object_references||[])?.indexOf(BigInt( > -1)).map(v => {
/* this copy uses non-enumerable fields */
const o = {}; Object.entries(v).forEach(([k,v])=> Object.defineProperty(o, k, { enumerable: false, value: v })); return o;
var rowelt = document.getElementById(`tr-${R}`);
var top = rowelt?.offsetTop || 0;
if(tblRef.current) {
let tbl = tblRef.current;
if(top > tbl.scrollTop + tbl.clientHeight - (rowelt?.clientHeight||0) || top < tbl.scrollTop + (rowelt?.clientHeight||0)) tbl.scrollTop = Math.max(0, top - tbl.clientHeight/2 - (rowelt?.clientHeight||0)/2);
/* click event handler for the messages table */
const rowclick = (row: any, R: number) => { doitRow(row, R, true); };
/* helper for .TSP.Reference */
const gotoRef = (id: string) => {
const R = file.tbl.findIndex(t => == +id);
var R = file.tbl.findIndex(t => == +id);
if (R == -1) throw new Error(`Message ${id} not found`);
doitRow(file.tbl[R], R, false);
@ -285,61 +191,34 @@ function App() {
const pop = () => {
const oldId = stack.pop()||"0";
const R = file.tbl.findIndex(t => == +oldId);
var R = file.tbl.findIndex(t => == +oldId);
if (R == -1) throw new Error(`Message ${oldId} not found`);
doitRow(file.tbl[R], R);
/* filter message table */
const filter = (row: any) => {
if(!search) return true;
preparse(, row.message, file, protos);
return ([][0].pre||"").toLowerCase().indexOf(search.toLowerCase()) > -1;
//return row.message == ".TN.SheetArchive";
/* load file */
const process_ab = (ab: ArrayBuffer, p: ProtoMap = protos) => {
const f = read(ab);
f.tbl.forEach(row => preparse(, row.message, f, p));
/* on page load, get protobuf definitions and process the test file */
/* on load, get protobuf definitions and process the test file */
useEffect(() => {
const id = toast.loading(`Processing test.numbers`);
let ignore = false;
(async () => {
await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 100)); // "sleep" to give toast a chance to shine
const protos = await (await fetch("protos")).text();
const testfile = await (await fetch("test.numbers")).arrayBuffer();
if(ignore) return;
const p = parse_protos(protos);
process_ab(testfile, p);
return () => { ignore = true; toast.dismiss(id); }
return () => { ignore = true; }
}, []);
useEffect(() => { if(file.tbl[0]) doitRow(file.tbl[0], 0, true); }, [file]);
const onChange: ChangeEventHandler<HTMLInputElement> = async (e: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
if(! { toast.error("must select a file!"); throw new Error("No file selected!"); setLoading(false); }
try {
const id = toast.loading(`Processing ${[0].name}`);
await new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, 100)); // "sleep" to give toast a chance to shine
} catch(e) {
if(! { toast.error("must select a file!"); throw new Error("No file selected!"); }
let data: ParsedFile;
try { data = read(await[0].arrayBuffer()); } catch(e) {
if((e as any).message?.includes("Failed to read archive")) toast.error("Please select an iWork file", { position: toast.POSITION.TOP_CENTER });
else toast.error(e && (e as any).message || e, { position: toast.POSITION.TOP_CENTER });
} finally { = "";
console.error(e); return;
/* Menu machinations */
@ -357,7 +236,7 @@ function App() {
function onClickId(){ gotoRef(menuId); }
function onClickCopyByteArray({ props }: {props: MenuProps}){
const _data = props?.data?.PB_RAW?.data || ( == +id) &&[+id][0].data;
var _data = props?.data?.PB_RAW?.data || ( == +id) &&[+id][0].data;
if(!_data) throw new Error("Could not find raw data");
navigator.clipboard.writeText("[" + [..._data].map(x => "0x" + x.toString(16).toUpperCase().padStart(2,"0")).join(", ") + "]");
@ -366,9 +245,7 @@ function App() {
navigator.clipboard.writeText(JSON.stringify(, (_,v) => typeof v == "bigint" ? v.toString() : v instanceof Uint8Array ? [...v]: v));
function showProtoDef({props}: {props: MenuProps}) { selectProto(props.type); }
function showXXD({props}: {props: MenuProps}) { console.log(xxd(; }
/* Inspector machinations */
type NodeRendererProps = {
depth: number;
name: string;
@ -387,30 +264,15 @@ function App() {
<b>{data.PB_ENUM && <> = {data.PB_ENUM}</>} [{data.PB_TYPE}]</b>
</a> );
if(data.PB_TYPE == ".TSP.Reference") {
const id = String(data?.identifier);
let id = String(data?.identifier);
return ( <span onContextMenu={(e) => {displayMenu(e, { type: data.PB_TYPE, id, data, field: data.PB_FIELD })}}>
<ObjectName name={name} />: <b>{frag} -&gt; <a onClick={() => {gotoRef(id)}}><b>{id}</b></a></b>
</span> );
if(data.PB_TYPE == ".TSP.UUID") {
const uuid = uuid2str(data.lower, data.upper);
return ( <span onContextMenu={(e) => {displayMenu(e, { type: data.PB_TYPE, id, data, field: data.PB_FIELD })}}>
<ObjectName name={name} />: <b>{frag} -&gt; {uuid}</b>
</span> );
return ( <span onContextMenu={(e) => {displayMenu(e, { type: data.PB_TYPE, id, data, field: data.PB_FIELD })}}>
<ObjectName name={name} />: {frag}
</span> );
if(data instanceof Uint8Array) return (
<span onContextMenu={(e) => {displayMenu(e, { type: "bytes", id, data, field: (data as any).PB_FIELD })}}>
<ObjectLabel name={name} data={data} isNonenumerable={isNonenumerable} />
// Uncomment to show hex representation of unsigned 32-bit ints
//if(typeof data == "number" && (data>>>0) == data) return ( <>
// <ObjectName name={name} />: <ObjectValue object={data} /> 0x{data.toString(16)}
return ( <ObjectLabel name={name} data={data} isNonenumerable={isNonenumerable} /> );
const metaRenderer = ({ depth, name, data, isNonenumerable }: NodeRendererProps) => {
@ -424,7 +286,7 @@ function App() {
<b>{data.PB_ENUM && <> = {data.PB_ENUM}</>} [{data.PB_TYPE}]</b>
</a> );
if(data.PB_TYPE == ".TSP.Reference") {
const id = String(data?.identifier);
let id = String(data?.identifier);
return ( <span onContextMenu={(e) => {displayMenu(e, { type: data.PB_TYPE, id, data, field: data.PB_FIELD })}}>
<ObjectName name={name} />: <b>{frag} -&gt; <a onClick={() => {gotoRef(id)}}><b>{id}</b></a></b>
</span> );
@ -435,37 +297,28 @@ function App() {
return ( <ObjectLabel name={name} data={data} isNonenumerable={isNonenumerable} /> );
const depsRenderer = ({ depth, data, isNonenumerable }: NodeRendererProps) => {
if(depth === 0) return ( <b>Dependents</b> );
return ( <a onClick={()=>gotoRef(}><ObjectLabel name={} data={data.message} isNonenumerable={isNonenumerable} /></a> );
const showHelp = () => {<a href="" target="_blank">Click for more info</a>); }
return ( <>
{/* header */}
<div id="header" className="header" style={{display: "grid", gridTemplateColumns: "repeat(3, 1fr)", alignItems:"center"}}>
<div style={{display: "flex", justifyContent: "flex-start"}}><input type="file" id="file" onChange={onChange} disabled={loading} accept=".numbers,.key,.pages"/></div>
<div><b><a href="">SheetJS</a> IWA Inspector</b> <b onClick={showHelp}>(?)</b></div>
<div style={{display: "flex", justifyContent: "flex-end"}}><input type="text" value={search} placeholder="search for text" onChange={(e)=>setSearch(}/></div>
<div id="header" className="header"><b><a href="">SheetJS</a> IWA Inspector <input type="file" id="file" onChange={onChange} /></b></div>
<div className="page">
<PanelGroup direction='vertical'>
<Panel defaultSize={25}><div className="overflow" ref={tblRef}>
{/* message table */}
<TableView data={file.tbl} cols={["id", "type", "message", "path"]} filter={filter} id={id} rowclick={rowclick} sort={sort} desc={desc} onsort={onsort}/>
<TableView data={file.tbl} cols={["id", "type", "message", "path"]} id={id} rowclick={rowclick} />
<PanelResizeHandle style={{ height: "3px", backgroundColor: "#EEEEEE" }} />
<Panel><div className="overflow" style={{display: "grid", gridTemplateColumns: "1fr", gridTemplateRows: "max-content 1fr"}}>
<Panel><div className="overflow">
{/* selected message bar */}
<div style={{boxShadow: "0 2px 2px -1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)", height: "24px"}}>{sel ? (<>
<b>Selected message {(stack.length > 4 ? [...stack.slice(0,2), "...", ...stack.slice(-1)] : stack).map(i => i + " > ").join("")} {id} ({sel}) {[+id]?.[0]?.data?.length || 0} bytes {stack.length && <a onClick={pop}>Return to {stack[stack.length - 1]}</a> || ""}</b>
</>) : "Select a message to see the contents"}</div>
<div className='overflow'><PanelGroup direction='horizontal'>
<div style={{width: "100%", height: "calc(100% - 24px)", overflow: "auto"}}><PanelGroup direction='horizontal'>
<Panel><div className='overflow'>
{/* proto definition */}
@ -480,18 +333,13 @@ function App() {
<PanelResizeHandle style={{ width: "2px", backgroundColor: "#EEEEEE" }} />
<Panel><div className="overflow" style={{textAlign: "left", marginTop: "5px", paddingLeft: "5px"}}>
<Panel><div className="overflow" style={{textAlign: "left", marginTop: "13px", marginLeft: "10px", marginBottom: "13px", "paddingBottom": "12px"}}>
{/* inspector */}
<b>Message</b> (showing {level} level{level > 1 ? "s" : ""})
{ level >= 5 ? void 0 : <span onClick={() => setLevel(level + 1)}> (+) </span> }
{ level <= 1 ? void 0 : <span onClick={() => setLevel(level - 1)}> (-) </span> }
<ObjectInspector data={obj} expandLevel={level} nodeRenderer={nodeRenderer} key={level} />
<ObjectInspector data={obj} expandLevel={1} nodeRenderer={nodeRenderer} />
<ObjectInspector data={meta} expandLevel={1} nodeRenderer={metaRenderer} />
{deps.length && <ObjectInspector data={deps} expandLevel={1} nodeRenderer={depsRenderer} /> || void 0}
<div style={{height:"13px"}}></div>
@ -500,7 +348,7 @@ function App() {
{/* Menu */}
<ContextMenu ID={MENU_ID} menuField={menuField} menuType={menuType} menuId={menuId} onClickId={onClickId} onClickCopyByteArray={onClickCopyByteArray} onClickCopyJSON={onClickCopyJSON} showProtoDef={showProtoDef} showXXD={showXXD} />
<ContextMenu ID={MENU_ID} menuField={menuField} menuType={menuType} menuId={menuId} onClickId={onClickId} onClickCopyByteArray={onClickCopyByteArray} onClickCopyJSON={onClickCopyJSON} showProtoDef={showProtoDef} />
{/* Toast */}
<ToastContainer />
@ -508,4 +356,4 @@ function App() {
</> );
export default App;
export default App

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
import * as CFB from 'cfb';
import Messages, { $_TSP_MessageInfo, MessageTypes } from "./messages/";
import Messages, { MessageTypes } from "./messages/";
/* see -- affects iOS Safari */
declare const Buffer: any; // Buffer is typeof-guarded but TS still needs this :(
const subarray: "subarray" | "slice" = (() => {
declare var Buffer: any; // Buffer is typeof-guarded but TS still needs this :(
var subarray: "subarray" | "slice" = (() => {
try {
if(typeof Uint8Array == "undefined") return "slice";
if(typeof Uint8Array.prototype.subarray == "undefined") return "slice";
@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ const subarray: "subarray" | "slice" = (() => {
/** Concatenate Uint8Arrays */
function u8concat(u8a: Uint8Array[]): Uint8Array {
let len = 0;
for(let i = 0; i < u8a.length; ++i) len += u8a[i].length;
const out = new Uint8Array(len);
let off = 0;
for(let i = 0; i < u8a.length; ++i) {
const u8 = u8a[i], L = u8.length;
if(L < 250) { for(let j = 0; j < L; ++j) out[off++] = u8[j]; }
var len = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < u8a.length; ++i) len += u8a[i].length;
var out = new Uint8Array(len);
var off = 0;
for(i = 0; i < u8a.length; ++i) {
var u8 = u8a[i], L = u8.length;
if(L < 250) { for(var j = 0; j < L; ++j) out[off++] = u8[j]; }
else { out.set(u8, off); off += L; }
return out;
@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ interface Ptr { l: number; }
/** Parse an integer from the varint that can be exactly stored in a double */
function parse_varint49(buf: Uint8Array, ptr: Ptr): number {
let l = ptr.l;
let usz = buf[l] & 0x7F;
var l = ptr.l;
var usz = buf[l] & 0x7F;
varint: if(buf[l++] >= 0x80) {
usz |= (buf[l] & 0x7F) << 7; if(buf[l++] < 0x80) break varint;
usz |= (buf[l] & 0x7F) << 14; if(buf[l++] < 0x80) break varint;
@ -51,15 +51,15 @@ function parse_varint49(buf: Uint8Array, ptr: Ptr): number {
/** Parse a repeated varint [packed = true] field */
function parse_packed_varints(buf: Uint8Array): number[] {
const ptr: Ptr = {l: 0};
const out: number[] = [];
var ptr: Ptr = {l: 0};
var out: number[] = [];
while(ptr.l < buf.length) out.push(parse_varint49(buf, ptr));
return out;
/** Parse a BigInt from the varint */
function parse_varint64(buf: Uint8Array, ptr: Ptr): bigint {
let l = ptr.l;
let usz = BigInt(buf[l] & 0x7F);
function parse_varint64(buf: Uint8Array, ptr: Ptr): BigInt {
var l = ptr.l;
var usz = BigInt(buf[l] & 0x7F);
varint: if(buf[l++] >= 0x80) {
usz += BigInt(buf[l] & 0x7F) << 7n; if(buf[l++] < 0x80) break varint;
usz += BigInt(buf[l] & 0x7F) << 14n; if(buf[l++] < 0x80) break varint;
@ -75,15 +75,15 @@ function parse_varint64(buf: Uint8Array, ptr: Ptr): bigint {
return usz;
/** Parse a repeated varint [packed = true] field */
function parse_packed_varint64(buf: Uint8Array): bigint[] {
const ptr: Ptr = {l: 0};
const out: bigint[] = [];
function parse_packed_varint64(buf: Uint8Array): BigInt[] {
var ptr: Ptr = {l: 0};
var out: BigInt[] = [];
while(ptr.l < buf.length) out.push(parse_varint64(buf, ptr));
return out;
/** Parse a 32-bit signed integer from the raw varint */
function varint_to_i32(buf: Uint8Array): number {
let l = 0,
var l = 0,
i32 = (buf[l] & 0x7F) ; if(buf[l++] < 0x80) return i32;
i32 |= (buf[l] & 0x7F) << 7; if(buf[l++] < 0x80) return i32;
i32 |= (buf[l] & 0x7F) << 14; if(buf[l++] < 0x80) return i32;
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ function varint_to_i32(buf: Uint8Array): number {
/** Parse a 64-bit unsigned integer as a pair */
function varint_to_u64(buf: Uint8Array): [number, number] {
let l = 0, lo = buf[l] & 0x7F, hi = 0;
var l = 0, lo = buf[l] & 0x7F, hi = 0;
varint: if(buf[l++] >= 0x80) {
lo |= (buf[l] & 0x7F) << 7; if(buf[l++] < 0x80) break varint;
lo |= (buf[l] & 0x7F) << 14; if(buf[l++] < 0x80) break varint;
@ -119,9 +119,6 @@ interface IWAMessage {
meta: ProtoMessage;
rawmeta: Uint8Array;
data: Uint8Array;
pre?: string;
parsed?: any;
parsedmeta?: $_TSP_MessageInfo;
interface IWAArchiveInfo {
id: number;
@ -130,14 +127,13 @@ interface IWAArchiveInfo {
/** Shallow parse of a Protobuf message */
function parse_shallow(buf: Uint8Array): ProtoMessage {
const out: ProtoMessage = [], ptr: Ptr = {l: 0};
var out: ProtoMessage = [], ptr: Ptr = {l: 0};
while(ptr.l < buf.length) {
const off = ptr.l;
let num = parse_varint49(buf, ptr);
const type = num & 0x07;
num = (num / 8)|0;
let data: Uint8Array;
let l = ptr.l;
var off = ptr.l;
var num = parse_varint49(buf, ptr);
var type = num & 0x07; num = (num / 8)|0;
var data: Uint8Array;
var l = ptr.l;
switch(type) {
case 0: {
while(buf[l++] >= 0x80);
@ -146,14 +142,14 @@ function parse_shallow(buf: Uint8Array): ProtoMessage {
} break;
case 1: { data = buf[subarray](l, l + 8); ptr.l = l + 8; } break;
case 2: {
const len = parse_varint49(buf, ptr);
var len = parse_varint49(buf, ptr);
data = buf[subarray](ptr.l, ptr.l + len);
ptr.l += len;
} break;
case 5: { data = buf[subarray](l, l + 4); ptr.l = l + 4; } break;
default: throw new Error(`PB Type ${type} for Field ${num} at offset ${off}`);
const v: ProtoItem = { data, type };
var v: ProtoItem = { data, type };
if(out[num] == null) out[num] = [];
@ -162,21 +158,21 @@ function parse_shallow(buf: Uint8Array): ProtoMessage {
/** Extract all messages from a IWA file */
function parse_iwa_file(buf: Uint8Array): IWAArchiveInfo[] {
const out: IWAArchiveInfo[] = [], ptr: Ptr = {l: 0};
var out: IWAArchiveInfo[] = [], ptr: Ptr = {l: 0};
while(ptr.l < buf.length) {
/* .TSP.ArchiveInfo */
const len = parse_varint49(buf, ptr);
const ai = parse_shallow(buf[subarray](ptr.l, ptr.l + len));
var len = parse_varint49(buf, ptr);
var ai = parse_shallow(buf[subarray](ptr.l, ptr.l + len));
ptr.l += len;
const res: IWAArchiveInfo = {
var res: IWAArchiveInfo = {
/* TODO: technically ID is optional */
id: varint_to_i32(ai[1][0].data),
messages: []
ai[2].forEach(b => {
const mi = parse_shallow(;
const fl = varint_to_i32(mi[3][0].data);
var mi = parse_shallow(;
var fl = varint_to_i32(mi[3][0].data);
meta: mi,
@ -193,18 +189,18 @@ function parse_iwa_file(buf: Uint8Array): IWAArchiveInfo[] {
/** Decompress a snappy chunk */
function parse_snappy_chunk(type: number, buf: Uint8Array): Uint8Array[] {
if(type != 0) throw new Error(`Unexpected Snappy chunk type ${type}`);
const ptr: Ptr = {l: 0};
var ptr: Ptr = {l: 0};
const usz = parse_varint49(buf, ptr);
let chunks: Uint8Array[] = [];
let l = ptr.l;
var usz = parse_varint49(buf, ptr);
var chunks: Uint8Array[] = [];
var l = ptr.l;
while(l < buf.length) {
const tag = buf[l] & 0x3;
var tag = buf[l] & 0x3;
if(tag == 0) {
let len = buf[l++] >> 2;
var len = buf[l++] >> 2;
if(len < 60) ++len;
else {
const c = len - 59;
var c = len - 59;
len = buf[l];
if(c > 1) len |= (buf[l+1]<<8);
if(c > 2) len |= (buf[l+2]<<16);
@ -214,7 +210,7 @@ function parse_snappy_chunk(type: number, buf: Uint8Array): Uint8Array[] {
chunks.push(buf[subarray](l, l + len)); l += len; continue;
} else {
let offset = 0, length = 0;
var offset = 0, length = 0;
if(tag == 1) {
length = ((buf[l] >> 2) & 0x7) + 4;
offset = (buf[l++] & 0xE0) << 3;
@ -225,7 +221,7 @@ function parse_snappy_chunk(type: number, buf: Uint8Array): Uint8Array[] {
else { offset = (buf[l] | (buf[l+1]<<8) | (buf[l+2]<<16) | (buf[l+3]<<24))>>>0; l += 4; }
if(offset == 0) throw new Error("Invalid offset 0");
let j = chunks.length - 1, off = offset;
var j = chunks.length - 1, off = offset;
while(j >=0 && off >= chunks[j].length) { off -= chunks[j].length; --j; }
if(j < 0) {
if(off == 0) off = chunks[(j = 0)].length;
@ -241,7 +237,7 @@ function parse_snappy_chunk(type: number, buf: Uint8Array): Uint8Array[] {
if(chunks.length > 25) chunks = [u8concat(chunks)];
let clen = 0; for(let u8i = 0; u8i < chunks.length; ++u8i) clen += chunks[u8i].length;
var clen = 0; for(var u8i = 0; u8i < chunks.length; ++u8i) clen += chunks[u8i].length;
if(clen != usz) throw new Error(`Unexpected length: ${clen} != ${usz}`);
return chunks;
@ -249,12 +245,12 @@ function parse_snappy_chunk(type: number, buf: Uint8Array): Uint8Array[] {
/** Decompress IWA file */
function decompress_iwa_file(buf: Uint8Array): Uint8Array {
if(Array.isArray(buf)) buf = new Uint8Array(buf);
const out: Uint8Array[] = [];
let l = 0;
var out: Uint8Array[] = [];
var l = 0;
while(l < buf.length) {
const t = buf[l++];
const len = buf[l] | (buf[l+1]<<8) | (buf[l+2] << 16); l += 3;
out.push(...parse_snappy_chunk(t, buf[subarray](l, l + len)));
var t = buf[l++];
var len = buf[l] | (buf[l+1]<<8) | (buf[l+2] << 16); l += 3;
out.push.apply(out, parse_snappy_chunk(t, buf[subarray](l, l + len)));
l += len;
if(l !== buf.length) throw new Error("data is not a valid framed stream!");
@ -271,21 +267,21 @@ interface ParsedFile {
function parse_iwa(cfb: CFB.CFB$Container): ParsedFile {
const M: MessageSpace = {}, indices: number[] = [], tbl: TableItem[] = [];
var M: MessageSpace = {}, indices: number[] = [], tbl: TableItem[] = [];
cfb.FullPaths.forEach(p => { if(p.match(/\.iwpv2/)) throw new Error(`Unsupported password protection`); });
let root!: TableItem, rootmsg!: IWAMessage;
var root!: TableItem, rootmsg!: IWAMessage;
/* collect entire message space */
cfb.FileIndex.forEach((s, idx) => {
if(!\.iwa$/)) return;
if(s.content[0] != 0) return; // TODO: this should test if the iwa follows the framing format
let o: Uint8Array;
var o: Uint8Array;
try { o = decompress_iwa_file(s.content as Uint8Array); } catch(e: any) { return console.log("?? " + s.content.length + " " + ((e as Error).message || e)); }
let packets: IWAArchiveInfo[];
var packets: IWAArchiveInfo[];
try { packets = parse_iwa_file(o); } catch(e: any) { return console.log("## " + ((e as Error).message || e)); }
packets.forEach(packet => { M[] = packet.messages; indices.push(;
const type = varint_to_i32(packet.messages[0].meta[1][0].data);
const item = {
var type = varint_to_i32(packet.messages[0].meta[1][0].data);
var item = {
path:cfb.FullPaths[idx].replace(/Root Entry/, ""),
@ -297,7 +293,7 @@ function parse_iwa(cfb: CFB.CFB$Container): ParsedFile {
if(!indices.length) throw new Error("File has no messages");
if(!root) throw new Error(`Root element (id 1) missing!`);
let type: MessageTypes = "N";
var type: MessageTypes = "N";
if(root.type == 10000) type = "P";
else if(parse_shallow([2]?.[0]) type = "K";
@ -308,18 +304,17 @@ function parse_iwa(cfb: CFB.CFB$Container): ParsedFile {
function process_item(item: {data: Uint8Array; type: number}, type: string, protos: any) {
switch(item.type) {
case 0: {
const varint = parse_varint49(, {l:0});
case 0:
var varint = parse_varint49(, {l:0});
switch(type) {
case "bool": return !!+varint;
case "uint32": return varint;
case "int32": return varint | 0;
case "sint32": return (-(varint&1))^(varint>>1);
case "uint64": { const u64 = varint_to_u64(; return (BigInt(u64[1])<<32n) + BigInt(u64[0]); }
case "int64": { const u64 = varint_to_u64(; return new BigInt64Array([(BigInt(u64[1])<<32n) + BigInt(u64[0])])[0]; }
case "sint64": { const u64 = varint_to_u64(; const bi = (BigInt(u64[1])<<32n) + BigInt(u64[0]); return (-(bi&1n))^(bi>>1n); }
} break;
case "uint64": var u64 = varint_to_u64(; return (BigInt(u64[1])<<32n) + BigInt(u64[0]);
case "int64": var u64 = varint_to_u64(; return new BigInt64Array([(BigInt(u64[1])<<32n) + BigInt(u64[0])])[0];
case "sint64": var u64 = varint_to_u64(; var bi = (BigInt(u64[1])<<32n) + BigInt(u64[0]); return (-(bi&1n))^(bi>>1n);
} break;
case 1: switch(type) {
case "fixed64": return new BigUint64Array(new Uint8Array([]).buffer)[0];
case "sfixed64": return new BigInt64Array(new Uint8Array([]).buffer)[0];
@ -341,15 +336,15 @@ function process_item(item: {data: Uint8Array; type: number}, type: string, prot
function process_enum(data: Uint8Array, message: string, protos: any) {
let val = parse_varint49(data, {l: 0});
var val = parse_varint49(data, {l: 0});
if(val >= 4294967296) val |= 0;
const msg = protos[message].split("\n");
for(const m of msg) {
var msg = protos[message].split("\n");
for(let m of msg) {
if(m.startsWith("enum")) continue;
if(m.indexOf("=")> -1) {
const [field, , value] = m.trim().split(" ");
let [field, , value] = m.trim().split(" ");
if(val == parseInt(value, 10)) {
const res = {}
var res = {}
Object.defineProperty(res, "value", { get: () => val});
Object.defineProperty(res, "PB_ENUM", { value: field, enumerable: false})
return res;
@ -361,20 +356,20 @@ function process_enum(data: Uint8Array, message: string, protos: any) {
function process(data: Uint8Array, message: string, protos: any) {
if(!protos[message]) return parse_shallow(data);
const shallow = parse_shallow(data);
const proto: string[] = protos[message].split("\n");
const out: any = {};
var shallow = parse_shallow(data);
var proto: string[] = protos[message].split("\n");
var out: any = {};
if(proto[0].startsWith("enum")) return process_enum(data, message, protos);
proto.forEach(line => {
if(!line.startsWith(" ") || line.indexOf("=") == -1 || line.startsWith(" ")) return;
const [freq, type, name, , idx] = line.trim().split(/\s+/);
const i = parseInt(idx, 10);
var i = parseInt(idx, 10);
if(isNaN(i)) return;
if(!shallow[i]?.length) return;
switch(freq) {
case "repeated": {
if(/packed\s*=\s*true/.test(line)) {
/* these are the known types as of iwa 13.2 */
/* these are the known types as of iwa 13.0 */
switch(type) {
case "uint32": out[name] = parse_packed_varints(shallow[i][0].data); break;
case "uint64": out[name] = parse_packed_varint64(shallow[i][0].data); break;
@ -389,16 +384,16 @@ function process(data: Uint8Array, message: string, protos: any) {
default: throw `unsupported frequency ${freq}`;
if(type.startsWith(".")) {
if(freq == "repeated") out[name].forEach((n: any) => {try { Object.defineProperty(n, "PB_TYPE", {value: type, enumerable: false}); } catch(e){/*empty*/}});
else try { Object.defineProperty(out[name], "PB_TYPE", {value: type, enumerable: false}); } catch(e) {/*empty*/}
if(freq == "repeated") out[name].forEach((n: any) => {try { Object.defineProperty(n, "PB_TYPE", {value: type, enumerable: false}); } catch(e){}});
else try { Object.defineProperty(out[name], "PB_TYPE", {value: type, enumerable: false}); } catch(e) {}
try {
if(freq == "repeated") out[name].forEach((n: any, idx:number) => {try { Object.defineProperty(n, "PB_RAW", {value: shallow[i][idx], enumerable: false}); } catch(e){/*empty*/}});
else try { Object.defineProperty(out[name], "PB_RAW", {value: shallow[i][0], enumerable: false}); } catch(e) {/*empty*/}
if(freq == "repeated") out[name].forEach((n: any, idx:number) => {try { Object.defineProperty(n, "PB_RAW", {value: shallow[i][idx], enumerable: false}); } catch(e){}});
else try { Object.defineProperty(out[name], "PB_RAW", {value: shallow[i][0], enumerable: false}); } catch(e) {}
} catch(e){console.log(e);}
try {
if(freq == "repeated") out[name].forEach((n: any, idx:number) => {try { Object.defineProperty(n, "PB_FIELD", {value: `${name}[${idx}]` , enumerable: false}); } catch(e){/*empty*/}});
else try { Object.defineProperty(out[name], "PB_FIELD", {value: name, enumerable: false}); } catch(e) {/*empty*/}
if(freq == "repeated") out[name].forEach((n: any, idx:number) => {try { Object.defineProperty(n, "PB_FIELD", {value: `${name}[${idx}]` , enumerable: false}); } catch(e){}});
else try { Object.defineProperty(out[name], "PB_FIELD", {value: name, enumerable: false}); } catch(e) {}
} catch(e){console.log(e);}
return out;

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export default Messages;
type ProtoMap = {[key: string]: string};
const post_process = (buf: string, key: string, out: ProtoMap) => {
let payload = "", nested = false;
var payload = "", nested = false;
buf.split("\n").forEach(row => {
if(row.startsWith(" message") || row.startsWith(" enum")) {
nested = true
@ -23,13 +23,12 @@ const post_process = (buf: string, key: string, out: ProtoMap) => {
payload += row + "\n";
nested = false;
payload = payload.replace(/^ /mg, "");
let new_key = "";
var new_key = "";
payload = payload.replace(/^(message|enum) ([\S]*)/, (_, $1, $2) => {
new_key = key + "." + $2;
return $1 + " " + key + "." + $2
out[new_key] = payload;
post_process(payload, new_key, out);
payload = "";
} else if(nested) payload += row + "\n";
@ -49,7 +48,7 @@ const parse_protos = (text: string): ProtoMap => {
out[key] = buf;
post_process(buf, key, out);
else if(!line){/*empty*/}
else if(!line){}
else if(line.startsWith("extend")) {
key = line.split(" ")[1];
buf = out[key] + "\n" + line + "\n";
@ -63,7 +62,7 @@ export { parse_protos };
export type { ProtoMap };
interface $_TSP_Reference {
identifier: bigint;
identifier: BigInt;
interface $_TSP_FieldPath {
path?: number[];
@ -72,8 +71,8 @@ interface $_TSP_FieldInfo {
path: $_TSP_FieldPath;
type?: number;
unknown_field_rule?: number;
object_references?: bigint[];
data_references?: bigint[];
object_references?: BigInt[];
data_references?: BigInt[];
known_field_rule?: number;
known_field_version?: number[];
known_field_feature_identifier?: string;
@ -84,8 +83,8 @@ interface $_TSP_MessageInfo {
version: number[];
length: number;
field_infos?: $_TSP_FieldInfo[];
object_references?: bigint[];
data_references?: bigint[];
object_references?: BigInt[];
data_references?: BigInt[];
base_message_index?: number;
diff_merge_version?: number[];
diff_field_path?: $_TSP_FieldPath;

@ -107,8 +107,8 @@ export default {
211: ".TSK.DocumentSupportArchive",
212: ".TSK.AnnotationAuthorArchive",
213: ".TSK.AnnotationAuthorStorageArchive",
215: ".TSCK.SetAnnotationAuthorColorCommandArchive",
218: ".TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistory",
215: ".TSK.SetAnnotationAuthorColorCommandArchive",
218: ".TSK.CollaborationCommandHistory",
219: ".TSK.DocumentSelectionArchive",
220: ".TSK.CommandSelectionBehaviorArchive",
221: ".TSK.NullCommandArchive",
@ -116,54 +116,54 @@ export default {
223: ".TSK.GroupCommitCommandArchive",
224: ".TSK.InducedCommandCollectionArchive",
225: ".TSK.InducedCommandCollectionCommitCommandArchive",
226: ".TSCK.CollaborationDocumentSessionState",
227: ".TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistoryCoalescingGroup",
228: ".TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistoryCoalescingGroupNode",
229: ".TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistoryOriginatingCommandAcknowledgementObserver",
230: ".TSCK.DocumentSupportCollaborationState",
226: ".TSK.CollaborationDocumentSessionState",
227: ".TSK.CollaborationCommandHistoryCoalescingGroup",
228: ".TSK.CollaborationCommandHistoryCoalescingGroupNode",
229: ".TSK.CollaborationCommandHistoryOriginatingCommandAcknowledgementObserver",
230: ".TSK.DocumentSupportCollaborationState",
231: ".TSK.ChangeDocumentPackageTypeCommandArchive",
232: ".TSK.UpgradeDocPostProcessingCommandArchive",
233: ".TSK.FinalCommandPairArchive",
234: ".TSK.OutgoingCommandQueueItem",
235: ".TSCK.TransformerEntry",
238: ".TSCK.CreateLocalStorageSnapshotCommandArchive",
235: ".TSK.TransformerEntry",
238: ".TSK.CreateLocalStorageSnapshotCommandArchive",
240: ".TSK.SelectionPathTransformerArchive",
241: ".TSK.NativeContentDescription",
242: ".TSD.PencilAnnotationStorageArchive",
245: ".TSCK.OperationStorage",
246: ".TSCK.OperationStorageEntryArray",
247: ".TSCK.OperationStorageEntryArraySegment",
248: ".TSCK.BlockDiffsAtCurrentRevisionCommand",
249: ".TSCK.OutgoingCommandQueue",
250: ".TSCK.OutgoingCommandQueueSegment",
245: ".TSK.OperationStorage",
246: ".TSK.OperationStorageEntryArray",
247: ".TSK.OperationStorageEntryArraySegment",
248: ".TSK.BlockDiffsAtCurrentRevisionCommand",
249: ".TSK.OutgoingCommandQueue",
250: ".TSK.OutgoingCommandQueueSegment",
251: ".TSK.PropagatedCommandCollectionArchive",
252: ".TSK.LocalCommandHistoryItem",
253: ".TSK.LocalCommandHistoryArray",
254: ".TSK.LocalCommandHistoryArraySegment",
255: ".TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistoryItem",
256: ".TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistoryArray",
257: ".TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistoryArraySegment",
255: ".TSK.CollaborationCommandHistoryItem",
256: ".TSK.CollaborationCommandHistoryArray",
257: ".TSK.CollaborationCommandHistoryArraySegment",
258: ".TSK.PencilAnnotationUIState",
259: ".TSCKSOS.FixCorruptedDataCommandArchive",
260: ".TSCK.CommandAssetChunkArchive",
261: ".TSCK.AssetUploadStatusCommandArchive",
262: ".TSCK.AssetUnmaterializedOnServerCommandArchive",
259: ".TSKSOS.FixCorruptedDataCommandArchive",
260: ".TSK.CommandAssetChunkArchive",
261: ".TSK.AssetUploadStatusCommandArchive",
262: ".TSK.AssetUnmaterializedOnServerCommandArchive",
263: ".TSK.CommandBehaviorArchive",
264: ".TSK.CommandBehaviorSelectionPathStorageArchive",
265: ".TSCK.CommandActivityBehaviorArchive",
273: ".TSCK.ActivityOnlyCommandArchive",
275: ".TSCK.SetActivityAuthorShareParticipantIDCommandArchive",
279: ".TSCK.ActivityAuthorCacheArchive",
280: ".TSCK.ActivityStreamArchive",
281: ".TSCK.ActivityArchive",
282: ".TSCK.ActivityCommitCommandArchive",
283: ".TSCK.ActivityStreamActivityArray",
284: ".TSCK.ActivityStreamActivityArraySegment",
285: ".TSCK.ActivityStreamRemovedAuthorAuditorPendingStateArchive",
286: ".TSCK.ActivityAuthorArchive",
287: ".TSCKSOS.ResetActivityStreamCommandArchive",
288: ".TSCKSOS.RemoveAuthorIdentifiersCommandArchive",
289: ".TSCK.ActivityCursorCollectionPersistenceWrapperArchive",
265: ".TSK.CommandActivityBehaviorArchive",
273: ".TSK.ActivityOnlyCommandArchive",
275: ".TSK.SetActivityAuthorShareParticipantIDCommandArchive",
279: ".TSK.ActivityAuthorCacheArchive",
280: ".TSK.ActivityStreamArchive",
281: ".TSK.ActivityArchive",
282: ".TSK.ActivityCommitCommandArchive",
283: ".TSK.ActivityStreamActivityArray",
284: ".TSK.ActivityStreamActivityArraySegment",
285: ".TSK.ActivityStreamRemovedAuthorAuditorPendingStateArchive",
286: ".TSK.ActivityAuthorArchive",
287: ".TSKSOS.ResetActivityStreamCommandArchive",
288: ".TSKSOS.RemoveAuthorIdentifiersCommandArchive",
289: ".TSK.ActivityCursorCollectionPersistenceWrapperArchive",
400: ".TSS.StyleArchive",
401: ".TSS.StylesheetArchive",
402: ".TSS.ThemeArchive",
@ -208,9 +208,6 @@ export default {
637: ".TSA.GalleryInfoRemoveItemsCommandArchive",
638: ".TSASOS.VerifyActivityStreamWithServerCommandArchive",
639: ".TSASOS.InducedVerifyActivityStreamWithServerCommandArchive",
640: ".TSASOS.VerifyTransformHistoryWithServerCommandArchive",
641: ".TSA.Object3DInfoSetValueCommandArchive",
642: ".TSA.Object3DInfoCommandArchive",
2001: ".TSWP.StorageArchive",
2002: ".TSWP.SelectionArchive",
2003: ".TSWP.DrawableAttachmentArchive",
@ -283,7 +280,6 @@ export default {
2410: ".TSWP.FlowInfoArchive",
2411: ".TSWP.FlowInfoContainerArchive",
2412: ".TSWP.PencilAnnotationSelectionTransformerArchive",
2413: ".TSWP.DateTimeSelectionArchive",
3002: ".TSD.DrawableArchive",
3003: ".TSD.ContainerArchive",
3004: ".TSD.ShapeArchive",

@ -12,8 +12,8 @@ export default {
211: ".TSK.DocumentSupportArchive",
212: ".TSK.AnnotationAuthorArchive",
213: ".TSK.AnnotationAuthorStorageArchive",
215: ".TSCK.SetAnnotationAuthorColorCommandArchive",
218: ".TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistory",
215: ".TSK.SetAnnotationAuthorColorCommandArchive",
218: ".TSK.CollaborationCommandHistory",
219: ".TSK.DocumentSelectionArchive",
220: ".TSK.CommandSelectionBehaviorArchive",
221: ".TSK.NullCommandArchive",
@ -21,54 +21,54 @@ export default {
223: ".TSK.GroupCommitCommandArchive",
224: ".TSK.InducedCommandCollectionArchive",
225: ".TSK.InducedCommandCollectionCommitCommandArchive",
226: ".TSCK.CollaborationDocumentSessionState",
227: ".TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistoryCoalescingGroup",
228: ".TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistoryCoalescingGroupNode",
229: ".TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistoryOriginatingCommandAcknowledgementObserver",
230: ".TSCK.DocumentSupportCollaborationState",
226: ".TSK.CollaborationDocumentSessionState",
227: ".TSK.CollaborationCommandHistoryCoalescingGroup",
228: ".TSK.CollaborationCommandHistoryCoalescingGroupNode",
229: ".TSK.CollaborationCommandHistoryOriginatingCommandAcknowledgementObserver",
230: ".TSK.DocumentSupportCollaborationState",
231: ".TSK.ChangeDocumentPackageTypeCommandArchive",
232: ".TSK.UpgradeDocPostProcessingCommandArchive",
233: ".TSK.FinalCommandPairArchive",
234: ".TSK.OutgoingCommandQueueItem",
235: ".TSCK.TransformerEntry",
238: ".TSCK.CreateLocalStorageSnapshotCommandArchive",
235: ".TSK.TransformerEntry",
238: ".TSK.CreateLocalStorageSnapshotCommandArchive",
240: ".TSK.SelectionPathTransformerArchive",
241: ".TSK.NativeContentDescription",
242: ".TSD.PencilAnnotationStorageArchive",
245: ".TSCK.OperationStorage",
246: ".TSCK.OperationStorageEntryArray",
247: ".TSCK.OperationStorageEntryArraySegment",
248: ".TSCK.BlockDiffsAtCurrentRevisionCommand",
249: ".TSCK.OutgoingCommandQueue",
250: ".TSCK.OutgoingCommandQueueSegment",
245: ".TSK.OperationStorage",
246: ".TSK.OperationStorageEntryArray",
247: ".TSK.OperationStorageEntryArraySegment",
248: ".TSK.BlockDiffsAtCurrentRevisionCommand",
249: ".TSK.OutgoingCommandQueue",
250: ".TSK.OutgoingCommandQueueSegment",
251: ".TSK.PropagatedCommandCollectionArchive",
252: ".TSK.LocalCommandHistoryItem",
253: ".TSK.LocalCommandHistoryArray",
254: ".TSK.LocalCommandHistoryArraySegment",
255: ".TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistoryItem",
256: ".TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistoryArray",
257: ".TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistoryArraySegment",
255: ".TSK.CollaborationCommandHistoryItem",
256: ".TSK.CollaborationCommandHistoryArray",
257: ".TSK.CollaborationCommandHistoryArraySegment",
258: ".TSK.PencilAnnotationUIState",
259: ".TSCKSOS.FixCorruptedDataCommandArchive",
260: ".TSCK.CommandAssetChunkArchive",
261: ".TSCK.AssetUploadStatusCommandArchive",
262: ".TSCK.AssetUnmaterializedOnServerCommandArchive",
259: ".TSKSOS.FixCorruptedDataCommandArchive",
260: ".TSK.CommandAssetChunkArchive",
261: ".TSK.AssetUploadStatusCommandArchive",
262: ".TSK.AssetUnmaterializedOnServerCommandArchive",
263: ".TSK.CommandBehaviorArchive",
264: ".TSK.CommandBehaviorSelectionPathStorageArchive",
265: ".TSCK.CommandActivityBehaviorArchive",
273: ".TSCK.ActivityOnlyCommandArchive",
275: ".TSCK.SetActivityAuthorShareParticipantIDCommandArchive",
279: ".TSCK.ActivityAuthorCacheArchive",
280: ".TSCK.ActivityStreamArchive",
281: ".TSCK.ActivityArchive",
282: ".TSCK.ActivityCommitCommandArchive",
283: ".TSCK.ActivityStreamActivityArray",
284: ".TSCK.ActivityStreamActivityArraySegment",
285: ".TSCK.ActivityStreamRemovedAuthorAuditorPendingStateArchive",
286: ".TSCK.ActivityAuthorArchive",
287: ".TSCKSOS.ResetActivityStreamCommandArchive",
288: ".TSCKSOS.RemoveAuthorIdentifiersCommandArchive",
289: ".TSCK.ActivityCursorCollectionPersistenceWrapperArchive",
265: ".TSK.CommandActivityBehaviorArchive",
273: ".TSK.ActivityOnlyCommandArchive",
275: ".TSK.SetActivityAuthorShareParticipantIDCommandArchive",
279: ".TSK.ActivityAuthorCacheArchive",
280: ".TSK.ActivityStreamArchive",
281: ".TSK.ActivityArchive",
282: ".TSK.ActivityCommitCommandArchive",
283: ".TSK.ActivityStreamActivityArray",
284: ".TSK.ActivityStreamActivityArraySegment",
285: ".TSK.ActivityStreamRemovedAuthorAuditorPendingStateArchive",
286: ".TSK.ActivityAuthorArchive",
287: ".TSKSOS.ResetActivityStreamCommandArchive",
288: ".TSKSOS.RemoveAuthorIdentifiersCommandArchive",
289: ".TSK.ActivityCursorCollectionPersistenceWrapperArchive",
400: ".TSS.StyleArchive",
401: ".TSS.StylesheetArchive",
402: ".TSS.ThemeArchive",
@ -113,9 +113,6 @@ export default {
637: ".TSA.GalleryInfoRemoveItemsCommandArchive",
638: ".TSASOS.VerifyActivityStreamWithServerCommandArchive",
639: ".TSASOS.InducedVerifyActivityStreamWithServerCommandArchive",
640: ".TSASOS.VerifyTransformHistoryWithServerCommandArchive",
641: ".TSA.Object3DInfoSetValueCommandArchive",
642: ".TSA.Object3DInfoCommandArchive",
2001: ".TSWP.StorageArchive",
2002: ".TSWP.SelectionArchive",
2003: ".TSWP.DrawableAttachmentArchive",
@ -188,7 +185,6 @@ export default {
2410: ".TSWP.FlowInfoArchive",
2411: ".TSWP.FlowInfoContainerArchive",
2412: ".TSWP.PencilAnnotationSelectionTransformerArchive",
2413: ".TSWP.DateTimeSelectionArchive",
3002: ".TSD.DrawableArchive",
3003: ".TSD.ContainerArchive",
3004: ".TSD.ShapeArchive",

@ -9,8 +9,8 @@ export default {
211: ".TSK.DocumentSupportArchive",
212: ".TSK.AnnotationAuthorArchive",
213: ".TSK.AnnotationAuthorStorageArchive",
215: ".TSCK.SetAnnotationAuthorColorCommandArchive",
218: ".TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistory",
215: ".TSK.SetAnnotationAuthorColorCommandArchive",
218: ".TSK.CollaborationCommandHistory",
219: ".TSK.DocumentSelectionArchive",
220: ".TSK.CommandSelectionBehaviorArchive",
221: ".TSK.NullCommandArchive",
@ -18,54 +18,54 @@ export default {
223: ".TSK.GroupCommitCommandArchive",
224: ".TSK.InducedCommandCollectionArchive",
225: ".TSK.InducedCommandCollectionCommitCommandArchive",
226: ".TSCK.CollaborationDocumentSessionState",
227: ".TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistoryCoalescingGroup",
228: ".TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistoryCoalescingGroupNode",
229: ".TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistoryOriginatingCommandAcknowledgementObserver",
230: ".TSCK.DocumentSupportCollaborationState",
226: ".TSK.CollaborationDocumentSessionState",
227: ".TSK.CollaborationCommandHistoryCoalescingGroup",
228: ".TSK.CollaborationCommandHistoryCoalescingGroupNode",
229: ".TSK.CollaborationCommandHistoryOriginatingCommandAcknowledgementObserver",
230: ".TSK.DocumentSupportCollaborationState",
231: ".TSK.ChangeDocumentPackageTypeCommandArchive",
232: ".TSK.UpgradeDocPostProcessingCommandArchive",
233: ".TSK.FinalCommandPairArchive",
234: ".TSK.OutgoingCommandQueueItem",
235: ".TSCK.TransformerEntry",
238: ".TSCK.CreateLocalStorageSnapshotCommandArchive",
235: ".TSK.TransformerEntry",
238: ".TSK.CreateLocalStorageSnapshotCommandArchive",
240: ".TSK.SelectionPathTransformerArchive",
241: ".TSK.NativeContentDescription",
242: ".TSD.PencilAnnotationStorageArchive",
245: ".TSCK.OperationStorage",
246: ".TSCK.OperationStorageEntryArray",
247: ".TSCK.OperationStorageEntryArraySegment",
248: ".TSCK.BlockDiffsAtCurrentRevisionCommand",
249: ".TSCK.OutgoingCommandQueue",
250: ".TSCK.OutgoingCommandQueueSegment",
245: ".TSK.OperationStorage",
246: ".TSK.OperationStorageEntryArray",
247: ".TSK.OperationStorageEntryArraySegment",
248: ".TSK.BlockDiffsAtCurrentRevisionCommand",
249: ".TSK.OutgoingCommandQueue",
250: ".TSK.OutgoingCommandQueueSegment",
251: ".TSK.PropagatedCommandCollectionArchive",
252: ".TSK.LocalCommandHistoryItem",
253: ".TSK.LocalCommandHistoryArray",
254: ".TSK.LocalCommandHistoryArraySegment",
255: ".TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistoryItem",
256: ".TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistoryArray",
257: ".TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistoryArraySegment",
255: ".TSK.CollaborationCommandHistoryItem",
256: ".TSK.CollaborationCommandHistoryArray",
257: ".TSK.CollaborationCommandHistoryArraySegment",
258: ".TSK.PencilAnnotationUIState",
259: ".TSCKSOS.FixCorruptedDataCommandArchive",
260: ".TSCK.CommandAssetChunkArchive",
261: ".TSCK.AssetUploadStatusCommandArchive",
262: ".TSCK.AssetUnmaterializedOnServerCommandArchive",
259: ".TSKSOS.FixCorruptedDataCommandArchive",
260: ".TSK.CommandAssetChunkArchive",
261: ".TSK.AssetUploadStatusCommandArchive",
262: ".TSK.AssetUnmaterializedOnServerCommandArchive",
263: ".TSK.CommandBehaviorArchive",
264: ".TSK.CommandBehaviorSelectionPathStorageArchive",
265: ".TSCK.CommandActivityBehaviorArchive",
273: ".TSCK.ActivityOnlyCommandArchive",
275: ".TSCK.SetActivityAuthorShareParticipantIDCommandArchive",
279: ".TSCK.ActivityAuthorCacheArchive",
280: ".TSCK.ActivityStreamArchive",
281: ".TSCK.ActivityArchive",
282: ".TSCK.ActivityCommitCommandArchive",
283: ".TSCK.ActivityStreamActivityArray",
284: ".TSCK.ActivityStreamActivityArraySegment",
285: ".TSCK.ActivityStreamRemovedAuthorAuditorPendingStateArchive",
286: ".TSCK.ActivityAuthorArchive",
287: ".TSCKSOS.ResetActivityStreamCommandArchive",
288: ".TSCKSOS.RemoveAuthorIdentifiersCommandArchive",
289: ".TSCK.ActivityCursorCollectionPersistenceWrapperArchive",
265: ".TSK.CommandActivityBehaviorArchive",
273: ".TSK.ActivityOnlyCommandArchive",
275: ".TSK.SetActivityAuthorShareParticipantIDCommandArchive",
279: ".TSK.ActivityAuthorCacheArchive",
280: ".TSK.ActivityStreamArchive",
281: ".TSK.ActivityArchive",
282: ".TSK.ActivityCommitCommandArchive",
283: ".TSK.ActivityStreamActivityArray",
284: ".TSK.ActivityStreamActivityArraySegment",
285: ".TSK.ActivityStreamRemovedAuthorAuditorPendingStateArchive",
286: ".TSK.ActivityAuthorArchive",
287: ".TSKSOS.ResetActivityStreamCommandArchive",
288: ".TSKSOS.RemoveAuthorIdentifiersCommandArchive",
289: ".TSK.ActivityCursorCollectionPersistenceWrapperArchive",
400: ".TSS.StyleArchive",
401: ".TSS.StylesheetArchive",
402: ".TSS.ThemeArchive",
@ -110,9 +110,6 @@ export default {
637: ".TSA.GalleryInfoRemoveItemsCommandArchive",
638: ".TSASOS.VerifyActivityStreamWithServerCommandArchive",
639: ".TSASOS.InducedVerifyActivityStreamWithServerCommandArchive",
640: ".TSASOS.VerifyTransformHistoryWithServerCommandArchive",
641: ".TSA.Object3DInfoSetValueCommandArchive",
642: ".TSA.Object3DInfoCommandArchive",
2001: ".TSWP.StorageArchive",
2002: ".TSWP.SelectionArchive",
2003: ".TSWP.DrawableAttachmentArchive",
@ -185,7 +182,6 @@ export default {
2410: ".TSWP.FlowInfoArchive",
2411: ".TSWP.FlowInfoContainerArchive",
2412: ".TSWP.PencilAnnotationSelectionTransformerArchive",
2413: ".TSWP.DateTimeSelectionArchive",
3002: ".TSD.DrawableArchive",
3003: ".TSD.ContainerArchive",
3004: ".TSD.ShapeArchive",

types.ts Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
/// <reference path="../../types/index.d.ts"/>
declare type RawData = Uint8Array | number[];
interface BinaryRecord {
n?: string;
f: any;
T?: -1 | 1;
p?: number;
r?: number;
declare function recordhopper(data: RawData, cb:(val: any, R: BinaryRecord, RT: number)=>void): void;
declare interface ReadableData {
l: number;
read_shift(t: 4): number;
read_shift(t: any): any;
declare type ParseFunc<T> = (data: ReadableData, length: number) => T;
declare var parse_XLWideString: ParseFunc<string>;
declare interface WritableData {
l: number;
write_shift(t: 4, val: number): void;
write_shift(t: number, val: string|number, f?: string): any;
declare type WritableRawData = WritableData & RawData;
interface BufArray {
end(): RawData;
next(sz: number): WritableData;
push(buf: RawData): void;
declare function buf_array(): BufArray;
declare function write_record(ba: BufArray, type: number, payload?: RawData, length?: number): void;
declare function new_buf(sz: number): RawData & WritableData & ReadableData;
declare var tagregex: RegExp;
declare var XML_HEADER: string;
declare var RELS: any;
declare function parsexmltag(tag: string, skip_root?: boolean, skip_LC?: boolean): object;
declare function strip_ns(x: string): string;
declare function write_UInt32LE(x: number, o?: WritableData): RawData;
declare function write_XLWideString(data: string, o?: WritableData): RawData;
declare function writeuint16(x: number): RawData;
declare function utf8read(x: string): string;
declare function utf8write(x: string): string;
declare function a2s(a: RawData): string;
declare function s2a(s: string): RawData;
interface ParseXLMetaOptions {
WTF?: number|boolean;
interface XLMDT {
name: string;
offsets?: number[];
interface XLMetaRef {
type: string;
index: number;
interface XLMeta {
Types: XLMDT[];
Cell: XLMetaRef[];
Value: XLMetaRef[];