14698 lines
558 KiB
14698 lines
558 KiB
enum .TN.PageOrder {
PageOrderTopToBottom = 0;
PageOrderLeftToRight = 1;
enum .TN.PageLayoutDirection {
PageLayoutDirectionLeftToRight = 0;
PageLayoutDirectionRightToLeft = 1;
message .TN.SheetUIStateArchive {
required float view_scale = 1;
required .TSP.Point scroll_position = 2;
optional float previous_view_scale = 3;
optional bool scroll_position_is_unscaled = 4;
optional .TSP.Point previous_scroll_position = 5;
optional bool scroll_position_valid = 6;
optional bool previous_scroll_position_valid = 7;
optional .TSP.Size visible_size = 8;
optional .TSP.Size previous_visible_size = 9;
optional uint32 device_idiom = 10;
optional .TSK.SelectionPathArchive selection_path = 11;
optional .TSP.Reference selection_path_transformer = 12;
message .TN.SheetUIStateDictionaryEntryArchive {
required .TSP.Reference sheet = 1;
required .TN.SheetUIStateArchive sheet_uistate = 2;
message .TN.UUIDSheetUIStateDictionaryArchive {
required .TSP.UUID sheet_uuid = 1;
required .TN.SheetUIStateArchive sheet_uistate = 2;
message .TN.UIStateArchive {
enum InspectorPaneViewMode {
kInspectorPaneViewModeFormat = 0;
kInspectorPaneViewModeFilter = 1;
required uint32 active_sheet_index = 1 [deprecated = true];
repeated .TSP.Reference selected_info = 2 [deprecated = true];
repeated .TN.SheetUIStateDictionaryEntryArchive sheet_uistate_dictionary_entry = 3 [deprecated = true];
optional .TST.SelectionArchive table_selection = 4 [deprecated = true];
optional uint32 editing_sheet_index = 5 [deprecated = true];
optional int32 document_mode = 6;
repeated .TN.SheetUIStateDictionaryEntryArchive edit_mode_sheet_uistate_dictionary_entry = 7 [deprecated = true];
optional int32 table_editing_mode = 8 [deprecated = true];
optional uint32 form_focused_record_index = 9 [deprecated = true];
optional uint32 form_focused_field_index = 10 [deprecated = true];
optional bool in_chart_mode = 11;
optional .TN.ChartSelectionArchive chart_selection = 12 [deprecated = true];
optional .TSP.Reference sheet_selection = 13 [deprecated = true];
optional bool inspector_pane_visible = 14 [default = true];
optional .TN.UIStateArchive.InspectorPaneViewMode inspector_pane_view_mode = 15 [default = kInspectorPaneViewModeFormat];
repeated uint32 selected_quick_calc_functions = 16;
optional bool removed_all_quick_calc_functions = 17;
optional bool show_canvas_guides = 18;
optional bool shows_comments = 19;
optional .TSP.Point desktop_window_origin = 20;
optional .TSP.Size desktop_window_size = 21;
optional .TSP.Size desktop_screen_size = 22;
repeated .TSCH.ChartUIState chart_ui_state = 23;
optional .TSK.SelectionPathArchive selection_path = 24;
optional bool inspector_pane_autohidden = 25;
optional bool shows_sidebar = 26 [deprecated = true];
optional bool shows_rulers = 27;
repeated .TN.UUIDSheetUIStateDictionaryArchive uuid_sheet_uistate_dictionary = 28;
optional .TSP.Reference freehand_drawing_toolkit_state = 29;
optional .TSP.Reference selection_path_transformer = 30;
optional bool editing_disabled = 31;
optional bool sidebar_visible = 32;
optional float sidebar_width = 33;
message .TN.SheetSelectionArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference sheet = 1;
optional bool paginated = 2;
message .TN.FormSelectionArchive {
required uint32 record_index = 1;
required uint32 field_index = 2;
message .TN.FormBuilderSelectionArchive {
optional uint32 viewing_record_index = 1;
message .TN.FormTableChooserSelectionArchive {
message .TN.UndoRedoStateArchive {
required .TN.UIStateArchive ui_state = 1;
message .TN.DocumentArchive {
repeated .TSP.Reference sheets = 1;
required .TSA.DocumentArchive super = 8;
optional .TSP.Reference calculation_engine = 3 [deprecated = true];
required .TSP.Reference stylesheet = 4;
required .TSP.Reference sidebar_order = 5;
required .TSP.Reference theme = 6;
optional .TN.UIStateArchive uistate = 7;
optional .TSP.Reference custom_format_list = 9;
optional string printer_id = 10 [deprecated = true];
optional string paper_id = 11;
optional .TSP.Size page_size = 12;
message .TN.PlaceholderArchive {
required .TSWP.ShapeInfoArchive super = 1;
message .TN.SheetArchive {
required string name = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference drawable_infos = 2;
optional bool in_portrait_page_orientation = 3;
optional bool show_repeating_headers = 4 [deprecated = true];
optional bool show_page_numbers = 5;
optional bool is_autofit_on = 6;
optional float content_scale = 7;
optional .TN.PageOrder page_order = 8;
optional .TSD.EdgeInsetsArchive print_margins = 10;
optional bool using_start_page_number = 11;
optional int32 start_page_number = 12;
optional float page_header_inset = 13;
optional float page_footer_inset = 14;
optional .TSP.Reference header_storage = 15 [deprecated = true];
optional .TSP.Reference footer_storage = 16 [deprecated = true];
optional .TSP.Reference userDefinedGuideStorage = 17;
repeated .TSP.Reference headers = 18;
repeated .TSP.Reference footers = 19;
optional bool uses_single_header_footer = 20;
optional .TN.PageLayoutDirection layout_direction = 21 [default = PageLayoutDirectionLeftToRight];
optional .TSP.Reference style = 22;
optional bool print_backgrounds = 23;
optional bool should_print_comments = 24;
message .TN.SheetStylePropertiesArchive {
optional .TSD.FillArchive fill = 1;
message .TN.SheetStyleArchive {
required .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
optional uint32 override_count = 2;
optional .TN.SheetStylePropertiesArchive sheet_properties = 3;
message .TN.FormBasedSheetArchive {
required .TN.SheetArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.CFUUIDArchive table_id = 2;
message .TN.ThemeArchive {
required .TSS.ThemeArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference prototypes = 2;
message .TN.PasteboardNativeStorageArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference sheet = 1;
optional .TN.SheetUIStateArchive ui_state = 2;
message .TN.ChartMediatorFormulaStorage {
repeated .TSCE.FormulaArchive data_formulae = 1;
repeated .TSCE.FormulaArchive row_label_formulae = 3;
repeated .TSCE.FormulaArchive col_label_formulae = 4;
optional int32 direction = 5;
repeated .TSCE.FormulaArchive error_custom_pos_formulae = 6;
repeated .TSCE.FormulaArchive error_custom_neg_formulae = 7;
repeated .TSCE.FormulaArchive error_custom_pos_scatterX_formulae = 8;
repeated .TSCE.FormulaArchive error_custom_neg_scatterX_formulae = 9;
optional int32 scheme = 10;
message .TN.ChartMediatorArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartMediatorArchive super = 1;
required string entity_id = 2;
optional .TN.ChartMediatorFormulaStorage formulas = 3;
optional bool columns_are_series = 4;
optional bool is_registered_with_calc_engine = 5 [deprecated = true];
message .TN.ChartSelectionArchive {
optional .TSCE.RangeReferenceArchive reference = 1;
optional .TSCH.ChartSelectionArchive deprecated_super = 2 [deprecated = true];
optional .TSP.Reference chart = 3;
optional .TSD.DrawableSelectionArchive super = 4;
message .TN.FormCommandActivityBehaviorArchive {
required .TSCK.CommandActivityBehaviorArchive super = 1;
message .TNSOS.InducedVerifyDocumentWithServerCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.UUID sheet_id_list = 2;
optional bool sheet_id_list_undefined = 3;
message .TNSOS.InducedVerifyDrawableZOrdersWithServerCommandArchive {
required .TSASOS.InducedVerifyDrawableZOrdersWithServerCommandArchive super = 1;
message .TNSOS.SheetStylePropertyChangeSetArchive {
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive fill = 1;
optional bool fill_undefined = 2;
message .TN.CommandFormChooseTargetTableArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUID table_id = 2;
optional .TSP.UUID previous_table_id = 3;
required string sheet_name = 4;
optional string previous_sheet_name = 5;
required .TSP.UUID sheet_id = 6;
message .TN.CommandSheetInsertDrawablesArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUID sheet_id = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference drawables = 3;
repeated .TSCK.AddIdOperationArgs args_list = 4;
optional bool forPaste = 5;
repeated .TSP.UUID custom_format_keys = 6;
optional .TSP.Reference drawable_undo_object = 7;
optional .TSP.Reference formula_rewrite_command_for_undo = 9;
optional uint32 saved_next_untitled_resolver_index = 10;
repeated .TSP.UUID chart_entity_uid_for_backing_tables = 11;
repeated .TSP.Reference backing_tables = 12;
message .TN.CommandSheetRemoveDrawablesArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUID sheet_id = 2;
repeated .TSCK.RemoveIdOperationArgs args_list = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference drawables = 4;
repeated .TSP.UUID chart_entity_uid_for_backing_tables = 6;
repeated .TSP.UUID backing_table_uids = 7;
message .TN.CommandSheetMoveDrawableZOrderArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUID sheet_id = 2;
repeated .TSCK.RearrangeIdOperationArgs args_list = 3;
message .TN.CommandDocumentInsertSheetArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSCK.AddIdOperationArgs argsList = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference sheets = 3;
optional bool allowSameSheetNameAsForms = 4;
repeated .TSP.UUID custom_format_keys = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference drawable_undo_object = 6;
repeated .TN.UUIDSheetUIStateDictionaryArchive sheet_uistates = 7;
optional bool for_paste = 8;
message .TN.CommandDocumentRemoveSheetArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSCK.RemoveIdOperationArgs argsList = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference sheets = 3;
required string rescueId = 4;
repeated .TN.UUIDSheetUIStateDictionaryArchive sheet_uistates = 5;
optional bool is_undo_paste = 6;
message .TN.CommandDocumentReorderSheetArchive {
repeated .TSCK.RearrangeIdOperationArgs argsList = 1;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 2;
message .TN.CommandSetSheetNameArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required string newname = 2;
required .TSP.UUID sheet_uid = 3;
optional string oldname = 4;
message .TN.CommandSetSheetShouldPrintCommentsArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required bool new_should_print_comments = 2;
required .TSP.UUID sheet_uid = 3;
required bool old_should_print_comments = 4;
message .TN.CommandSetSheetDirectionArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TN.PageLayoutDirection newDirection = 2;
required .TSP.UUID sheet_uid = 3;
optional .TN.PageLayoutDirection oldDirection = 4;
message .TN.CommandSetPageOrientationArchive {
required bool in_portrait_page_orientation = 1;
required .TSP.UUID sheet_uid = 2;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 3;
required bool prev_in_portrait_page_orientation = 4;
message .TN.CommandSetShowPageNumbersValueArchive {
required bool show_page_numbers = 1;
required .TSP.Reference sheet = 2;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 3;
message .TN.CommandSetRepeatingHeadersValueArchive {
required bool show_repeating_headers = 1;
required .TSP.Reference sheet = 2;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 3;
message .TN.CommandSetContentScaleArchive {
optional float old_content_scale = 2;
required float content_scale = 3;
required .TSP.UUID sheet_uid = 4;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 5;
required bool toggled_auto_fit = 6;
message .TN.CommandSetDocumentPaperSize {
required string paper_id = 1;
required .TSP.Size page_size = 2;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 3;
required string old_paper_id = 4;
required .TSP.Size old_page_size = 5;
message .TN.CommandEnterPrintPreviewModeArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
message .TN.CommandExitPrintPreviewModeArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
message .TN.CommandSetPrinterMarginsArchive {
required .TSD.EdgeInsetsArchive new_print_margins = 1;
optional .TSD.EdgeInsetsArchive old_print_margins = 2;
required .TSP.UUID sheet_uid = 3;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 4;
message .TN.CommandSetPrintBackgroundsArchive {
required .TSP.UUID sheet_uid = 1;
required bool print_backgrounds = 2;
required bool old_print_backgrounds = 3;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 4;
message .TN.CommandSetHeaderFooterInsetsArchive {
optional float old_header_inset = 1;
optional float old_footer_inset = 2;
required float header_inset = 3;
required float footer_inset = 4;
required .TSP.UUID sheet_uid = 5;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 6;
message .TN.CommandSetPageOrderArchive {
required uint32 old_page_order = 1;
required uint32 page_order = 2;
required .TSP.UUID sheet_uid = 3;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 4;
message .TN.CommandSetUsingStartPageNumberArchive {
required bool using_start_page_number = 1;
required .TSP.UUID sheet_uid = 2;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 3;
required bool prev_using_start_page_number = 4;
message .TN.CommandSetStartPageNumberArchive {
required int32 old_start_page_number = 1;
required int32 start_page_number = 2;
required .TSP.UUID sheet_uid = 3;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 4;
message .TN.CommandReorderSidebarItemChildrenAchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference sheet = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference old_children = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference new_children = 4;
message .TN.CommandChartMediatorSetEditingState {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TN.ChartMediatorFormulaStorage old_formulas = 3;
optional .TN.ChartMediatorFormulaStorage new_formulas = 4;
optional int32 old_direction = 5;
optional int32 new_direction = 6;
optional int32 old_scatter_format = 7;
optional int32 new_scatter_format = 8;
optional bool for_formula_rewrite = 9;
message .TN.CommandChartMediatorSetGridDirection {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
required uint32 old_direction = 2;
required uint32 new_direction = 3;
optional .TN.ChartMediatorFormulaStorage old_formula_storage = 4;
message .TN.CommandChartMediatorSetSeriesOrder {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.UUID series_id = 2;
optional .TSP.UUID preceding_series_id = 3;
optional .TSP.UUID inverse_series_id = 4;
optional .TSP.UUID inverse_preceding_series_id = 5;
required int32 undo_current_index = 6;
required int32 undo_new_index = 7;
optional .TN.ChartMediatorFormulaStorage old_formula_storage = 8;
message .TN.CommandChartMediatorUpdateForEntityDelete {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference cmd = 3;
message .TN.CommandChartMediatorSetFormula {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
required int32 model_update_data_type = 2;
repeated .TSCE.FormulaArchive formulae = 3;
repeated .TSCE.FormulaArchive old_formulae = 4;
required uint32 series_index = 5;
required int32 axis_type = 6;
message .TN.CommandSheetSetBackgroundFillArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUID sheet_id = 2;
required .TSD.FillArchive new_fill = 3;
required .TSD.FillArchive old_fill = 4;
message .TN.CommandSheetSetStyleArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUID sheet_id = 2;
required .TSP.Reference sheet_style = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference old_sheet_style = 4;
message .TN.DocumentSelectionTransformerArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference document_selection = 1;
message .TN.SheetSelectionTransformerArchive {
optional .TSP.UUID sheet_uuid = 1;
required bool paginated = 2;
message .TN.FormSheetSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .TN.SheetSelectionTransformerArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.UUID table_uuid = 2;
message .TN.CanvasSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCollectionSelectionTransformerHelperArchive transformer_helper = 1;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath header_storage_uuid_path = 2;
message .TN.FormTableChooserSelectionTransformerArchive {
message .TN.FormBuilderSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .TSP.UUID table_uuid = 1;
required .TSP.UUID viewing_record_uuid = 2;
required .TSP.UUID field_uuid = 3;
message .TN.FormViewerSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .TSP.UUID table_uuid = 1;
required .TSP.UUID record_uuid = 2;
required .TSP.UUID field_uuid = 3;
message .TN.SheetChangeBaseArchive {
required .TSP.UUID sheet_id = 1;
message .TN.SheetChangeSheetNameArchive {
required .TN.SheetChangeBaseArchive super = 1;
required string sheet_name = 2;
message .TN.CommandInducedSheetChangeArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TN.SheetChangeSheetNameArchive sheet_changes = 2;
enum .TSWP.SelectionType {
SelectionType_Normal_DEPRECATED = 0;
SelectionType_ListLabel = 1;
SelectionType_ListTopic = 2;
SelectionType_Replace = 3;
SelectionType_CopyPasteStyle = 4;
SelectionType_Replace2 = 5;
SelectionType_SmartField = 6;
SelectionType_Visual = 7;
SelectionType_Logical = 8;
enum .TSWP.StyleInsertionBehavior {
StyleInsertionBehavior_NoGrow = 0;
StyleInsertionBehavior_GrowLeft = 1;
StyleInsertionBehavior_GrowRight = 2;
enum .TSWP.CaretAffinity {
CaretAffinity_Start = 0;
CaretAffinity_End = 1;
enum .TSWP.WritingDirectionType {
kWritingDirectionNatural = -1;
kWritingDirectionLeftToRight = 0;
kWritingDirectionRightToLeft = 1;
message .TSWP.SelectionArchive {
required .TSWP.SelectionType deprecated_type = 1 [deprecated = true];
required .TSP.Range visual_definition_range = 2;
required .TSWP.StyleInsertionBehavior styleInsertionBehavior = 3;
required .TSWP.CaretAffinity caretAffinity = 4;
required .TSP.Range smart_field_range = 5 [deprecated = true];
optional bool leading_edge = 6;
optional uint32 leading_char_index = 7;
optional .TSWP.SelectionType type = 8;
repeated .TSP.Range ranges = 9;
message .TSWP.ObjectAttributeTable {
message ObjectAttribute {
required uint32 character_index = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference object = 2;
repeated .TSWP.ObjectAttributeTable.ObjectAttribute entries = 1;
message .TSWP.StringAttributeTable {
message StringAttribute {
required uint32 character_index = 1;
optional string object = 2;
repeated .TSWP.StringAttributeTable.StringAttribute entries = 1;
message .TSWP.ParaDataAttributeTable {
message ParaDataAttribute {
required uint32 character_index = 1;
required uint32 first = 2;
required uint32 second = 3;
repeated .TSWP.ParaDataAttributeTable.ParaDataAttribute entries = 1;
message .TSWP.OverlappingFieldAttributeTable {
message OverlappingFieldAttribute {
required .TSP.Range range = 1;
required .TSP.Reference field = 2;
repeated .TSWP.OverlappingFieldAttributeTable.OverlappingFieldAttribute entries = 1;
message .TSWP.StorageArchive {
enum KindType {
BODY = 0;
NOTE = 4;
CELL = 5;
optional .TSWP.StorageArchive.KindType kind = 1 [default = TEXTBOX];
optional .TSP.Reference style_sheet = 2;
repeated string text = 3;
optional bool has_itext = 4 [default = false];
optional bool in_document = 10 [default = false];
optional .TSWP.ObjectAttributeTable table_para_style = 5;
optional .TSWP.ParaDataAttributeTable table_para_data = 6;
optional .TSWP.ObjectAttributeTable table_list_style = 7;
optional .TSWP.ObjectAttributeTable table_char_style = 8;
optional .TSWP.ObjectAttributeTable table_attachment = 9;
optional .TSWP.ObjectAttributeTable table_smartfield = 11;
optional .TSWP.ObjectAttributeTable table_layout_style = 12;
optional .TSWP.ParaDataAttributeTable table_para_starts = 14;
optional .TSWP.ObjectAttributeTable table_bookmark = 15;
optional .TSWP.ObjectAttributeTable table_footnote = 16;
optional .TSWP.ObjectAttributeTable table_section = 17;
optional .TSWP.ObjectAttributeTable table_rubyfield = 18;
optional .TSWP.StringAttributeTable table_language = 19;
optional .TSWP.StringAttributeTable table_dictation = 20;
optional .TSWP.ObjectAttributeTable table_insertion = 21;
optional .TSWP.ObjectAttributeTable table_deletion = 22;
optional .TSWP.ObjectAttributeTable table_highlight = 23;
optional .TSWP.ParaDataAttributeTable table_para_bidi = 24;
optional .TSWP.OverlappingFieldAttributeTable table_overlapping_highlight = 25;
optional .TSWP.OverlappingFieldAttributeTable table_pencil_annotation = 26;
optional .TSWP.ObjectAttributeTable table_tatechuyoko = 27;
optional .TSWP.ObjectAttributeTable table_drop_cap_style = 28;
message .TSWP.HighlightArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference commentStorage = 1;
optional string text_attribute_uuid_string = 2;
message .TSWP.PencilAnnotationArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference pencil_annotation_storage = 1;
optional string text_attribute_uuid_string = 2;
message .TSWP.FontFeatureArchive {
required uint32 feature_type = 1;
required uint32 feature_selector = 2;
message .TSWP.CharacterStylePropertiesArchive {
enum CapitalizationType {
kNoCaps = 0;
kAllCaps = 1;
kSmallCaps = 2;
kTitled = 3;
enum UnderlineType {
kNoUnderline = 0;
kSingleUnderline = 1;
kDoubleUnderline = 2;
kWavyUnderline = 3;
enum LigaturesType {
kRequiredLigatures = 0;
kStandardLigatures = 1;
kAllLigatures = 2;
enum StrikethruType {
kNoStrikethru = 0;
kSingleStrikethru = 1;
kDoubleStrikethru = 2;
kTripleStrikethru = 3;
enum SuperscriptType {
kNoScript = 0;
kSuperscript = 1;
kSubscript = 2;
optional bool bold = 1;
optional bool italic = 2;
optional float font_size = 3;
optional bool font_name_null = 4;
optional string font_name = 5;
optional bool font_color_null = 6;
optional .TSP.Color font_color = 7;
optional bool language_null = 8;
optional string language = 9;
optional .TSWP.CharacterStylePropertiesArchive.SuperscriptType superscript = 10;
optional .TSWP.CharacterStylePropertiesArchive.UnderlineType underline = 11;
optional .TSWP.CharacterStylePropertiesArchive.StrikethruType strikethru = 12;
optional .TSWP.CharacterStylePropertiesArchive.CapitalizationType capitalization = 13;
optional float baseline_shift = 14;
optional float kerning = 15;
optional .TSWP.CharacterStylePropertiesArchive.LigaturesType ligatures = 16;
optional bool outline_color_null = 17;
optional .TSP.Color outline_color = 18;
optional float outline = 19;
optional bool shadow_null = 20;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive shadow = 21;
optional bool strikethru_color_null = 22;
optional .TSP.Color strikethru_color = 23;
optional float strikethru_width = 24;
optional bool background_color_null = 25;
optional .TSP.Color background_color = 26;
optional float tracking = 27;
optional bool underline_color_null = 28;
optional .TSP.Color underline_color = 29;
optional float underline_width = 30;
optional bool word_strikethru = 31;
optional bool word_underline = 32;
optional bool font_features_null = 33;
repeated .TSWP.FontFeatureArchive font_features = 34;
optional .TSWP.WritingDirectionType writing_direction = 35 [default = kWritingDirectionNatural];
optional bool emphasis_marks_null = 36;
optional string emphasis_marks = 37;
optional bool compatibility_font_name_null = 38;
optional string compatibility_font_name = 39;
optional bool is_named_point_size = 40;
optional bool capitalization_uses_linguistics = 41;
optional bool tate_chu_yoko = 42;
optional bool tsd_stroke_null = 43;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tsd_stroke = 44;
optional bool tsd_fill_null = 45;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tsd_fill = 46;
optional bool tsd_fill_should_fill_text_container = 47;
message .TSWP.CharacterStyleArchive {
required .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
optional uint32 override_count = 10 [default = 0];
optional .TSWP.CharacterStylePropertiesArchive char_properties = 11;
message .TSWP.TabArchive {
enum TabAlignmentType {
kTabAlignmentLeft = 0;
kTabAlignmentCenter = 1;
kTabAlignmentRight = 2;
kTabAlignmentDecimal = 3;
optional float position = 1;
optional .TSWP.TabArchive.TabAlignmentType alignment = 2;
optional string leader = 3;
message .TSWP.TabsArchive {
repeated .TSWP.TabArchive tabs = 1;
message .TSWP.LineSpacingArchive {
enum LineSpacingModeType {
kRelativeLineSpacing = 0;
kMinimumLineSpacing = 1;
kExactLineSpacing = 2;
kMaximumLineSpacing = 3;
kSpaceBetweenLineSpacing = 4;
optional .TSWP.LineSpacingArchive.LineSpacingModeType mode = 1;
optional float amount = 2;
optional float baselineRule = 3;
message .TSWP.ParagraphStylePropertiesArchive {
enum TextAlignmentType {
TATvalue0 = 0;
TATvalue1 = 1;
TATvalue2 = 2;
TATvalue3 = 3;
TATvalue4 = 4;
enum DeprecatedParagraphBorderType {
PBTvalue0 = 0;
PBTvalue1 = 1;
PBTvalue2 = 2;
PBTvalue3 = 3;
PBTvalue4 = 4;
PBTvalue5 = 8;
PBTvalue6 = 9;
PBTvalue7 = 10;
PBTvalue8 = 11;
PBTvalue9 = 16;
PBTvalue10 = 17;
PBTvalue11 = 18;
PBTvalue12 = 19;
PBTvalue13 = 24;
PBTvalue14 = 25;
PBTvalue15 = 26;
enum OutlineStyleType {
OSTvalue0 = 0;
OSTvalue1 = 1;
OSTvalue2 = 2;
optional .TSWP.ParagraphStylePropertiesArchive.TextAlignmentType alignment = 1;
optional bool decimal_tab_null = 2;
optional string decimal_tab = 3;
optional float default_tab_stops = 4;
optional bool fill_null = 5;
optional .TSP.Color fill = 6;
optional float first_line_indent = 7;
optional bool hyphenate = 8;
optional bool keep_lines_together = 9;
optional bool keep_with_next = 10;
optional float left_indent = 11;
optional bool line_spacing_null = 12;
optional .TSWP.LineSpacingArchive line_spacing = 13;
optional bool page_break_before = 14;
optional .TSWP.ParagraphStylePropertiesArchive.DeprecatedParagraphBorderType deprecated_borders = 15;
optional bool historical_rule_offset_null = 16;
optional .TSP.Point historical_rule_offset = 17;
optional float rule_width = 18;
optional float right_indent = 19;
optional float space_after = 20;
optional float space_before = 21;
optional bool tabs_null = 24;
optional .TSWP.TabsArchive tabs = 25;
optional bool widow_control = 26;
optional uint32 outline_level = 27;
optional .TSWP.ParagraphStylePropertiesArchive.OutlineStyleType outline_style = 28;
optional bool following_style_id_null = 29;
optional string following_style_id = 30;
optional bool stroke_null = 31;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive stroke = 32;
optional bool show_in_toc = 33;
optional bool toc_style_id_null = 34;
optional string toc_style_id = 35;
optional .TSWP.WritingDirectionType writing_direction = 38 [default = kWritingDirectionNatural];
optional bool list_style_null = 39;
optional .TSP.Reference list_style = 40;
optional bool following_style_null = 41;
optional .TSP.Reference following_style = 42;
optional bool show_in_bookmarks_list = 43;
optional bool show_in_toc_navigator = 44;
optional int32 border_positions = 45;
optional bool rounded_corners = 46;
message .TSWP.ParagraphStyleArchive {
required .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
optional uint32 override_count = 10 [default = 0];
optional .TSWP.CharacterStylePropertiesArchive char_properties = 11;
optional .TSWP.ParagraphStylePropertiesArchive para_properties = 12;
message .TSWP.ListStyleArchive {
message LabelGeometry {
optional float scale = 1 [default = 1];
optional float baseline_offset = 2 [default = 0];
optional bool scale_with_text = 3 [default = true];
message LabelImage {
optional .TSP.DataReference image = 3;
optional bool image_null = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference database_image = 1;
enum LabelType {
kNone = 0;
kImage = 1;
kString = 2;
kNumber = 3;
enum NumberType {
kNumericDecimal = 0;
kNumericDoubleParen = 1;
kNumericRightParen = 2;
kRomanUpperDecimal = 3;
kRomanUpperDoubleParen = 4;
kRomanUpperRightParen = 5;
kRomanLowerDecimal = 6;
kRomanLowerDoubleParen = 7;
kRomanLowerRightParen = 8;
kAlphaUpperDecimal = 9;
kAlphaUpperDoubleParen = 10;
kAlphaUpperRightParen = 11;
kAlphaLowerDecimal = 12;
kAlphaLowerDoubleParen = 13;
kAlphaLowerRightParen = 14;
kIdeographicJapaneseDecimalKind = 15;
kIdeographicJapaneseDoubleParenKind = 16;
kIdeographicJapaneseRightParenKind = 17;
kHiraganaDecimalKind = 18;
kHiraganaDoubleParenKind = 19;
kHiraganaRightParenKind = 20;
kKatakanaDecimalKind = 21;
kKatakanaDoubleParenKind = 22;
kKatakanaRightParenKind = 23;
kHiraganaIrohaDecimalKind = 24;
kHiraganaIrohaDoubleParenKind = 25;
kHiraganaIrohaRightParenKind = 26;
kKatakanaIrohaDecimalKind = 27;
kKatakanaIrohaDoubleParenKind = 28;
kKatakanaIrohaRightParenKind = 29;
kIdeographicSimplifiedChineseDecimalKind = 30;
kIdeographicSimplifiedChineseDoubleParenKind = 31;
kIdeographicSimplifiedChineseRightParenKind = 32;
kIdeographicTraditionalChineseDecimalKind = 33;
kIdeographicTraditionalChineseDoubleParenKind = 34;
kIdeographicTraditionalChineseRightParenKind = 35;
kIdeographicFormalJapaneseDecimalKind = 36;
kIdeographicFormalJapaneseDoubleParenKind = 37;
kIdeographicFormalJapaneseRightParenKind = 38;
kIdeographicFormalSimplifiedChineseDecimalKind = 39;
kIdeographicFormalSimplifiedChineseDoubleParenKind = 40;
kIdeographicFormalSimplifiedChineseRightParenKind = 41;
kIdeographicFormalTraditionalChineseDecimalKind = 42;
kIdeographicFormalTraditionalChineseDoubleParenKind = 43;
kIdeographicFormalTraditionalChineseRightParenKind = 44;
kKoreanAlphabetDecimalKind = 45;
kKoreanAlphabetDoubleParenKind = 46;
kKoreanAlphabetRightParenKind = 47;
kCircledNumberKind = 48;
kArabianNumericDecimalKind = 49;
kArabianNumericDoubleParenKind = 50;
kArabianNumericRightParenKind = 51;
kArabianAlphaDecimalKind = 52;
kArabianAlphaDoubleParenKind = 53;
kArabianAlphaRightParenKind = 54;
kArabianAbjadDecimalKind = 55;
kArabianAbjadDoubleParenKind = 56;
kArabianAbjadRightParenKind = 57;
kHebrewAlphaDecimalKind = 58;
kHebrewAlphaDoubleParenKind = 59;
kHebrewAlphaRightParenKind = 60;
kHebrewBiblicalStandardKind = 61;
kHebrewBiblicalDecimalKind = 62;
kHebrewBiblicalDoubleParenKind = 63;
kHebrewBiblicalRightParenKind = 64;
required .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
optional uint32 override_count = 10 [default = 0];
repeated .TSWP.ListStyleArchive.LabelType label_types = 11;
repeated float text_indents = 12;
repeated float indents = 13;
repeated .TSWP.ListStyleArchive.LabelGeometry geometries = 14;
repeated .TSWP.ListStyleArchive.NumberType number_types = 15;
repeated string strings = 16;
repeated .TSWP.ListStyleArchive.LabelImage images = 17;
optional bool shadow_null = 18;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive shadow = 19;
optional bool font_color_null = 20;
optional .TSP.Color font_color = 21;
optional bool font_name_null = 22;
optional string font_name = 23;
optional .TSWP.WritingDirectionType writing_direction = 24 [default = kWritingDirectionNatural];
repeated bool tiered_numbers = 25;
message .TSWP.TextStylePresetArchive {
optional string preset_identifier = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference paragraph_style = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference list_style = 3;
message .TSWP.ColumnsArchive {
message EqualColumnsArchive {
optional uint32 count = 1;
optional float gap = 2;
message NonEqualColumnsArchive {
message GapWidthArchive {
required float gap = 1;
required float width = 2;
required float first = 1;
repeated .TSWP.ColumnsArchive.NonEqualColumnsArchive.GapWidthArchive following = 2;
optional .TSWP.ColumnsArchive.EqualColumnsArchive equal_columns = 1;
optional .TSWP.ColumnsArchive.NonEqualColumnsArchive non_equal_columns = 2;
message .TSWP.PaddingArchive {
optional float left = 1;
optional float top = 2;
optional float right = 3;
optional float bottom = 4;
message .TSWP.ColumnStylePropertiesArchive {
enum VerticalAlignmentType {
kFrameAlignTop = 0;
kFrameAlignMiddle = 1;
kFrameAlignBottom = 2;
kFrameAlignJustify = 3;
optional bool continuous = 1;
optional bool shrink_to_fit = 2;
optional bool vertical_text = 3;
optional float min_horizontal_inset = 4;
optional .TSWP.ColumnStylePropertiesArchive.VerticalAlignmentType vertical_alignment = 5;
optional bool columns_null = 6;
optional .TSWP.ColumnsArchive columns = 7;
optional bool margins_null = 8;
optional .TSWP.PaddingArchive margins = 9;
optional bool padding_null = 10;
optional .TSWP.PaddingArchive padding = 11;
optional .TSWP.WritingDirectionType writing_direction = 12 [default = kWritingDirectionNatural];
message .TSWP.ColumnStyleArchive {
required .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
optional uint32 override_count = 10 [default = 0];
optional .TSWP.ColumnStylePropertiesArchive column_properties = 11;
message .TSWP.ShapeStylePropertiesArchive {
enum VerticalAlignmentType {
kFrameAlignTop = 0;
kFrameAlignMiddle = 1;
kFrameAlignBottom = 2;
kFrameAlignJustify = 3;
optional bool shrink_to_fit = 1;
optional .TSWP.ShapeStylePropertiesArchive.VerticalAlignmentType vertical_alignment = 2;
optional bool columns_null = 3;
optional .TSWP.ColumnsArchive columns = 4;
optional bool padding_null = 5;
optional .TSWP.PaddingArchive padding = 6;
optional uint32 default_text_preset_index = 7;
optional bool vertical_text = 8;
optional bool paragraph_style_null = 9;
optional .TSP.Reference paragraph_style = 10;
optional bool vertical_text_40 = 11;
message .TSWP.ShapeStyleArchive {
required .TSD.ShapeStyleArchive super = 1;
optional uint32 override_count = 10 [default = 0];
optional .TSWP.ShapeStylePropertiesArchive shape_properties = 11;
message .TSWP.ThemePresetsArchive {
repeated .TSP.Reference list_style_presets = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference text_style_presets = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference imported_text_style_presets = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference toc_entry_style_presets = 4;
repeated .TSP.Reference toc_settings_presets = 5;
repeated .TSP.Reference character_style_presets = 6;
repeated .TSP.Reference paragraph_style_presets = 7;
repeated .TSP.Reference dropcap_style_presets = 8;
extend .TSS.ThemeArchive {
optional .TSWP.ThemePresetsArchive extension = 110;
message .TSWP.TextPresetDisplayItemArchive {
required .TSP.Reference preset = 1;
required string display_name = 2;
message .TSWP.TOCEntryStylePropertiesArchive {
optional bool page_number_style_null = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference page_number_style = 2;
optional bool show_page_number = 3;
message .TSWP.TOCEntryStyleArchive {
required .TSWP.ParagraphStyleArchive super = 1;
optional .TSWP.TOCEntryStylePropertiesArchive toc_properties = 2;
message .TSWP.TOCSettingsArchive {
message TOCEntryData {
optional .TSP.Reference paragraph_style = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference toc_entry_style = 2;
optional bool show_in_toc = 3;
optional string toc_name = 1;
optional uint32 toc_scope = 2;
repeated .TSWP.TOCSettingsArchive.TOCEntryData entries = 3;
message .TSWP.TOCEntryInstanceArchive {
required uint32 paragraph_index = 1;
required uint32 page_number = 2;
required uint32 number_format = 3;
required string heading = 4;
required .TSP.Reference indexed_style = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference indexed_list_style = 6;
optional uint32 indexed_list_start = 7;
optional uint32 indexed_paragraph_level = 8;
optional string number_format_name = 9;
message .TSWP.UndoTransaction {
message GenericTransaction {
required uint32 value1 = 1;
required uint32 value2 = 2;
required uint32 value3 = 3;
message TextTransaction {
required uint32 insert_location = 1;
required uint32 insert_length = 2;
optional string string_to_delete = 3;
message CharIndexTransaction {
required uint32 char_index = 1;
required uint32 count = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference object = 3;
message ReplaceCharIndexTransaction {
required uint32 attribute_index = 1;
required uint32 char_index = 2;
message AttributeIndexTransaction {
required uint32 attribute_index = 1;
required uint32 char_index = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference object = 3;
optional string string = 4;
message InsertAttributeTransaction {
required uint32 attribute_index = 1;
required uint32 attribute_count = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference object = 3;
optional string string = 4;
message InsertNilTransaction {
required uint32 attribute_index = 1;
required uint32 attribute_count = 2;
message CharDeltaTransaction {
required uint32 char_index = 1;
required uint32 attribute_index = 2;
required sint32 char_delta = 3;
message ParagraphDataTransaction {
required uint32 attribute_index = 1;
required uint32 first = 2;
required uint32 second = 3;
required uint32 char_index = 4;
message ObjectDOLCTransaction {
required uint32 flags = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference object = 2;
message CTDateTransaction {
required uint32 attribute_index = 1;
optional .TSP.Date date = 2;
message UnionTransaction {
required .TSWP.UndoTransaction.UndoKind kind = 1;
optional uint32 table = 2;
optional .TSWP.UndoTransaction.GenericTransaction generic = 5;
optional .TSWP.UndoTransaction.TextTransaction text = 6;
optional .TSWP.UndoTransaction.CharIndexTransaction char_index = 7;
optional .TSWP.UndoTransaction.ReplaceCharIndexTransaction replace_char_index = 8;
optional .TSWP.UndoTransaction.AttributeIndexTransaction attribute_index = 9;
optional .TSWP.UndoTransaction.InsertNilTransaction insert_nil = 10;
optional .TSWP.UndoTransaction.InsertAttributeTransaction insert_attribute = 11;
optional .TSWP.UndoTransaction.CharDeltaTransaction char_delta = 12;
optional .TSWP.UndoTransaction.ParagraphDataTransaction paragraph_data = 13;
optional .TSWP.UndoTransaction.ObjectDOLCTransaction object_dolc = 14;
optional .TSWP.UndoTransaction.CTDateTransaction ct_date = 15;
message StorageAction {
required .TSWP.UndoTransaction.ActionKind kind = 1;
optional uint32 flags = 2;
optional uint32 table = 3;
optional .TSP.Range range = 4;
optional string string = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference object = 6;
optional .TSP.Date date = 7;
optional uint32 paragraph_level = 8;
optional uint32 paragraph_flags = 9;
optional uint32 paragraph_value = 10;
optional int32 placement_index = 11;
optional string placement_uuid_path = 12;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_object = 13;
message StorageActionGroup {
required .TSWP.UndoTransaction.ActionGroupKind kind = 1;
repeated .TSWP.UndoTransaction.StorageAction forward_actions = 3;
repeated .TSWP.UndoTransaction.StorageAction inverse_forward_actions = 4;
repeated .TSWP.UndoTransaction.StorageAction inverse_detail_actions = 6;
enum UndoKind {
CT_DATE = 10;
enum ActionKind {
enum ActionGroupKind {
repeated .TSWP.UndoTransaction.UnionTransaction entries = 1;
repeated .TSWP.UndoTransaction.StorageActionGroup group_entries = 2;
optional uint32 flags = 3;
optional uint32 version = 4;
message .TSWP.UndoTransactionWrapperArchive {
required .TSWP.UndoTransaction undo_transaction = 1;
message .TSWP.ShapeInfoArchive {
required .TSD.ShapeArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference deprecated_storage = 2 [deprecated = true];
optional .TSP.Reference text_flow = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference owned_storage = 4;
optional bool is_text_box = 6;
message .TSWP.CommentInfoArchive {
required .TSWP.ShapeInfoArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference comment_storage = 2;
message .TSWP.TOCInfoArchive {
required .TSWP.ShapeInfoArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference toc_settings = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference toc_entry_data = 3;
repeated .TSP.Range page_number_ranges = 4;
optional bool sync_toc_settings_with_toc_navigator = 5;
message .TSWP.TOCLayoutHintArchive {
required .TSP.Range charRange = 1;
message .TSWP.EquationInfoArchive {
extend .TSD.ImageArchive {
optional string equation_source_old = 100;
optional .TSWP.CharacterStylePropertiesArchive equation_text_properties = 101;
optional float equation_depth = 102;
optional string equation_source_text = 103;
message .TSWP.TextualAttachmentArchive {
enum Kind {
kKindPageNumber = 0;
kKindPageCount = 1;
kKindFootnoteMark = 2;
optional string string_equivalent = 1;
optional .TSWP.TextualAttachmentArchive.Kind kind = 2;
message .TSWP.TSWPTOCPageNumberAttachmentArchive {
optional .TSWP.TextualAttachmentArchive super = 1;
optional string page_number = 2;
optional string bookmark_name = 3;
message .TSWP.UIGraphicalAttachment {
message .TSWP.DrawableAttachmentArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference drawable = 1;
optional uint32 h_offset_type = 2;
optional float h_offset = 3;
optional uint32 v_offset_type = 4;
optional float v_offset = 5;
message .TSWP.TOCAttachmentArchive {
required .TSWP.DrawableAttachmentArchive super = 1;
message .TSWP.FootnoteReferenceAttachmentArchive {
optional .TSWP.TextualAttachmentArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference contained_storage = 2;
optional string custom_mark_string = 3;
message .TSWP.NumberAttachmentArchive {
optional .TSWP.TextualAttachmentArchive super = 1;
optional uint32 number_format = 2;
optional string string_value = 3;
optional string number_format_name = 4;
message .TSWP.SmartFieldArchive {
optional string text_attribute_uuid_string = 1;
message .TSWP.HyperlinkFieldArchive {
optional .TSWP.SmartFieldArchive super = 1;
optional string url_ref = 2;
message .TSWP.PlaceholderSmartFieldArchive {
optional .TSWP.SmartFieldArchive super = 1;
optional bool localizable = 2;
optional string script_tag = 3;
message .TSWP.UnsupportedHyperlinkFieldArchive {
optional .TSWP.PlaceholderSmartFieldArchive super = 1;
optional string url_ref = 2;
optional string url_original_ref = 3;
message .TSWP.BibliographySmartFieldArchive {
optional .TSWP.SmartFieldArchive super = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference citation_records = 2;
optional bool localizable = 4;
optional .TSWP.PlaceholderSmartFieldArchive old_super = 1;
message .TSWP.CitationRecordArchive {
optional string endnote_xml = 1;
optional bool hide_author_names = 2;
optional bool hide_year = 3;
optional string page_range = 4;
optional string prefix = 5;
optional string suffix = 6;
optional string authors_string = 7;
optional string title = 8;
optional string year = 9;
optional string type = 10;
message .TSWP.CitationSmartFieldArchive {
optional .TSWP.SmartFieldArchive super = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference citation_records = 2;
optional bool localizable = 4;
optional .TSWP.PlaceholderSmartFieldArchive old_super = 1;
message .TSWP.DateTimeSmartFieldArchive {
enum DateTimeUpdatePlan {
kDateTimeUpdatePlanNever = 0;
kDateTimeUpdatePlanAuto = 1;
kDateTimeUpdatePlanOnce = 2;
enum DateTimeFormatterStyle {
kDateTimeFormatterStyleNone = 0;
kDateTimeFormatterStyleShort = 1;
kDateTimeFormatterStyleMedium = 2;
kDateTimeFormatterStyleLong = 3;
kDateTimeFormatterStyleFull = 4;
optional .TSWP.SmartFieldArchive super = 1;
optional string format = 2;
optional string locale_identifier = 3;
optional .TSWP.DateTimeSmartFieldArchive.DateTimeFormatterStyle date_style = 4;
optional .TSWP.DateTimeSmartFieldArchive.DateTimeFormatterStyle time_style = 5;
optional .TSWP.DateTimeSmartFieldArchive.DateTimeUpdatePlan update_plan = 6;
optional bool needs_update = 7;
optional .TSP.Date date = 8;
message .TSWP.BookmarkFieldArchive {
optional .TSWP.SmartFieldArchive super = 1;
optional string name = 2;
optional uint32 ranged = 3;
optional uint32 hidden = 4;
message .TSWP.FilenameSmartFieldArchive {
optional .TSWP.PlaceholderSmartFieldArchive super = 1;
optional uint32 display_flags = 2;
message .TSWP.MergeFieldTypeArchive {
optional string contacts_property = 2;
optional string contacts_key = 3;
optional string contacts_label = 4;
optional string table_key = 5;
message .TSWP.MergeSmartFieldArchive {
enum MergeCategory {
kMergeCategoryTo = 0;
kMergeCategoryFrom = 1;
optional .TSWP.PlaceholderSmartFieldArchive super = 1;
optional string contacts_property = 2;
optional string contacts_key = 3;
optional string contacts_label = 4;
optional .TSWP.MergeSmartFieldArchive.MergeCategory category = 5;
optional bool requires_following_whitespace = 6;
optional string whitespace = 7;
optional string guid = 8;
optional string table_key = 9;
optional .TSWP.MergeFieldTypeArchive field_type = 10;
optional bool has_custom_text = 11;
message .TSWP.TOCSmartFieldArchive {
message TOCEntry {
optional string bookmark_name = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference target_style = 2;
optional .TSP.Range range = 3;
optional .TSWP.PlaceholderSmartFieldArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSWP.TOCSmartFieldArchive.TOCEntry toc_entries = 2;
message .TSWP.RubyFieldArchive {
optional .TSWP.SmartFieldArchive super = 1;
optional string ruby_text = 2;
message .TSWP.TateChuYokoFieldArchive {
optional .TSWP.SmartFieldArchive super = 1;
message .TSWP.ChangeArchive {
enum ChangeKind {
kChangeKindInsertion = 1;
kChangeKindDeletion = 2;
optional .TSWP.ChangeArchive.ChangeKind kind = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference session = 2;
optional .TSP.Date date = 3;
optional string text_attribute_uuid_string = 4;
message .TSWP.ChangeSessionArchive {
optional uint32 session_uid = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference author = 2;
optional .TSP.Date date = 3;
message .TSWP.SectionPlaceholderArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference parent_storage = 1;
message .TSWP.HyperlinkSelectionArchive {
message .TSWP.DateTimeSelectionArchive {
message .TSWP.FlowInfoArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference text_storage = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference textboxes = 2;
optional uint32 user_interface_identifier = 3;
message .TSWP.FlowInfoContainerArchive {
repeated .TSP.Reference flow_infos = 1;
optional uint32 next_user_interface_identifier = 2;
message .TSWP.DropCapArchive {
enum DropCapType {
TSWPDropCapTypeText = 0;
TSWPDropCapTypeShape = 1;
TSWPDropCapTypeImage = 2;
enum DropCapWrapType {
TSWPDropCapWrapTypeRectangular = 0;
TSWPDropCapWrapTypeContour = 1;
TSWPDropCapWrapTypeNone = 2;
optional .TSWP.DropCapArchive.DropCapType type = 1 [default = TSWPDropCapTypeText];
optional uint32 number_of_lines = 2 [default = 3];
optional uint32 number_of_raised_lines = 3 [default = 0];
optional float deprecated_outdent = 4;
optional double outdent = 11 [default = 0];
optional float deprecated_padding = 5;
optional double padding = 12 [default = 0];
optional .TSWP.DropCapArchive.DropCapWrapType wrap_type = 6 [default = TSWPDropCapWrapTypeRectangular];
optional bool shape_enabled = 7 [default = false];
optional float deprecated_corner_radius = 8;
optional double corner_radius = 13 [default = 0];
optional float deprecated_character_scale = 9;
optional double character_scale = 14 [default = 1];
optional uint32 number_of_characters = 10 [default = 1];
message .TSWP.DropCapStylePropertiesArchive {
optional .TSWP.DropCapArchive drop_cap = 1;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive drop_cap_shape_stroke = 3;
optional bool drop_cap_shape_fill_null = 4;
optional .TSD.FillArchive drop_cap_shape_fill = 5;
message .TSWP.DropCapStyleArchive {
required .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
optional uint32 override_count = 10 [default = 0];
optional .TSWP.CharacterStylePropertiesArchive char_properties = 11;
optional .TSWP.DropCapStylePropertiesArchive drop_cap_properties = 12;
message .TSWP.CollaboratorTextCursorSubselectionArchive {
optional .TSWP.SelectionArchive text_selection = 1;
extend .TSCK.CollaboratorCursorArchive {
optional .TSWP.CollaboratorTextCursorSubselectionArchive text_cursor_subselection = 100;
extend .TSS.CommandPropertyEntryArchive {
optional .TSWP.PaddingArchive padding = 100;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecSetCharacterStyleArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference character_style = 1;
required bool unset = 2;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecSetColumnsArchive {
optional .TSWP.ColumnsArchive columns = 1;
required bool unset = 2;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecSetDropCapArchive {
optional .TSWP.DropCapArchive drop_cap = 1;
required bool unset = 2;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecSetFontFeaturesArchive {
repeated .TSWP.FontFeatureArchive font_features = 1;
optional bool font_features_undefined = 2;
required bool unset = 3;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecSetLineSpacingArchive {
optional .TSWP.LineSpacingArchive line_spacing = 1;
required bool unset = 2;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecSetListStyleArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference list_style = 1;
required bool unset = 2;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecSetListStyleBoolArrayArchive {
repeated bool list_style_bool_array = 1;
optional bool list_style_bool_array_undefined = 2;
required bool unset = 3;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecSetListStyleFloatArrayArchive {
repeated float list_style_float_array = 1;
optional bool list_style_float_array_undefined = 2;
required bool unset = 3;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecSetListStyleImageDataArrayArchive {
repeated .TSWP.ListStyleArchive.LabelImage list_style_image_data_array = 1;
optional bool list_style_image_data_array_undefined = 2;
required bool unset = 3;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecSetListStyleListLabelGeometryArrayArchive {
repeated .TSWP.ListStyleArchive.LabelGeometry list_style_list_label_geometry_array = 1;
optional bool list_style_list_label_geometry_array_undefined = 2;
required bool unset = 3;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecSetListStyleListLabelTypeArrayArchive {
repeated .TSWP.ListStyleArchive.LabelType list_style_list_label_type_array = 1;
optional bool list_style_list_label_type_array_undefined = 2;
required bool unset = 3;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecSetListStyleListNumberTypeArrayArchive {
repeated .TSWP.ListStyleArchive.NumberType list_style_list_number_type_array = 1;
optional bool list_style_list_number_type_array_undefined = 2;
required bool unset = 3;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecSetListStyleStringArrayArchive {
repeated string list_style_string_array = 1;
optional bool list_style_string_array_undefined = 2;
required bool unset = 3;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecSetPaddingArchive {
optional .TSWP.PaddingArchive padding = 1;
required bool unset = 2;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecSetParagraphStyleArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference paragraph_style = 1;
required bool unset = 2;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecSetRuleOffsetArchive {
optional .TSP.Point rule_offset = 1;
required bool unset = 2;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecSetTabsArchive {
optional .TSWP.TabsArchive tabs = 1;
required bool unset = 2;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecCharacterStyleArchive {
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecSetCharacterStyleArchive spec_set_character_style = 1;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecColumnsArchive {
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecSetColumnsArchive spec_set_columns = 1;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecDropCapArchive {
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecSetDropCapArchive spec_set_drop_cap = 1;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecFontFeaturesArchive {
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecSetFontFeaturesArchive spec_set_font_features = 1;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecLineSpacingArchive {
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecSetLineSpacingArchive spec_set_line_spacing = 1;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecListStyleArchive {
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecSetListStyleArchive spec_set_list_style = 1;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecListStyleBoolArrayArchive {
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecSetListStyleBoolArrayArchive spec_set_list_style_bool_array = 1;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecListStyleFloatArrayArchive {
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecSetListStyleFloatArrayArchive spec_set_list_style_float_array = 1;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecListStyleImageDataArrayArchive {
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecSetListStyleImageDataArrayArchive spec_set_list_style_image_data_array = 1;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecListStyleListLabelGeometryArrayArchive {
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecSetListStyleListLabelGeometryArrayArchive spec_set_list_style_list_label_geometry_array = 1;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecListStyleListLabelTypeArrayArchive {
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecSetListStyleListLabelTypeArrayArchive spec_set_list_style_list_label_type_array = 1;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecListStyleListNumberTypeArrayArchive {
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecSetListStyleListNumberTypeArrayArchive spec_set_list_style_list_number_type_array = 1;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecListStyleStringArrayArchive {
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecSetListStyleStringArrayArchive spec_set_list_style_string_array = 1;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecPaddingArchive {
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecSetPaddingArchive spec_set_padding = 1;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecParagraphStyleArchive {
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecSetParagraphStyleArchive spec_set_paragraph_style = 1;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecRuleOffsetArchive {
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecSetRuleOffsetArchive spec_set_rule_offset = 1;
message .TSWPSOS.SpecTabsArchive {
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecSetTabsArchive spec_set_tabs = 1;
message .TSWPSOS.CharacterStylePropertyChangeSetArchive {
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive baseline_shift = 1;
optional bool baseline_shift_undefined = 2;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive capitalization = 3;
optional bool capitalization_undefined = 4;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecStringArchive compatibility_font_name = 5;
optional bool compatibility_font_name_undefined = 6;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecStringArchive emphasis_marks = 7;
optional bool emphasis_marks_undefined = 8;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive bold = 9;
optional bool bold_undefined = 10;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive italic = 11;
optional bool italic_undefined = 12;
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecFontFeaturesArchive font_features = 13;
optional bool font_features_undefined = 14;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecStringArchive font_name = 15;
optional bool font_name_undefined = 16;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive font_size = 17;
optional bool font_size_undefined = 18;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive font_size_delta = 19;
optional bool font_size_delta_undefined = 20;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive kerning = 21;
optional bool kerning_undefined = 22;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecStringArchive language = 23;
optional bool language_undefined = 24;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive ligatures = 25;
optional bool ligatures_undefined = 26;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive text_shadow = 27;
optional bool text_shadow_undefined = 28;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecColorArchive strikethru_color = 29;
optional bool strikethru_color_undefined = 30;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive strikethru = 31;
optional bool strikethru_undefined = 32;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive strikethru_width = 33;
optional bool strikethru_width_undefined = 34;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive superscript = 35;
optional bool superscript_undefined = 36;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecColorArchive text_background = 37;
optional bool text_background_undefined = 38;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive tracking = 39;
optional bool tracking_undefined = 40;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecColorArchive underline_color = 41;
optional bool underline_color_undefined = 42;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive underline = 43;
optional bool underline_undefined = 44;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive underline_width = 45;
optional bool underline_width_undefined = 46;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive word_strikethru = 47;
optional bool word_strikethru_undefined = 48;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive word_underline = 49;
optional bool word_underline_undefined = 50;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive writing_direction = 51;
optional bool writing_direction_undefined = 52;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive is_named_point_size = 53;
optional bool is_named_point_size_undefined = 54;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive capitalization_uses_linguistics = 55;
optional bool capitalization_uses_linguistics_undefined = 56;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive character_stroke = 57;
optional bool character_stroke_undefined = 58;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive character_fill = 59;
optional bool character_fill_undefined = 60;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive character_fill_should_fill_text_container = 61;
optional bool character_fill_should_fill_text_container_undefined = 62;
message .TSWPSOS.ColumnStylePropertyChangeSetArchive {
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecColumnsArchive columns = 1;
optional bool columns_undefined = 2;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive continuous = 3;
optional bool continuous_undefined = 4;
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecPaddingArchive margins = 5;
optional bool margins_undefined = 6;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive min_horizontal_inset = 7;
optional bool min_horizontal_inset_undefined = 8;
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecPaddingArchive padding = 9;
optional bool padding_undefined = 10;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive shrink_to_fit = 11;
optional bool shrink_to_fit_undefined = 12;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive vertical_alignment = 13;
optional bool vertical_alignment_undefined = 14;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive vertical_text = 15;
optional bool vertical_text_undefined = 16;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive writing_direction = 17;
optional bool writing_direction_undefined = 18;
message .TSWPSOS.DropCapSpecificStylePropertyChangeSetArchive {
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecDropCapArchive drop_cap_model = 1;
optional bool drop_cap_model_undefined = 2;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive drop_cap_shape_stroke = 3;
optional bool drop_cap_shape_stroke_undefined = 4;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive drop_cap_shape_fill = 5;
optional bool drop_cap_shape_fill_undefined = 6;
message .TSWPSOS.DropCapStylePropertyChangeSetArchive {
required .TSWPSOS.CharacterStylePropertyChangeSetArchive super = 1;
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecDropCapArchive drop_cap_model = 2;
optional bool drop_cap_model_undefined = 3;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive drop_cap_shape_stroke = 4;
optional bool drop_cap_shape_stroke_undefined = 5;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive drop_cap_shape_fill = 6;
optional bool drop_cap_shape_fill_undefined = 7;
message .TSWPSOS.ListStylePropertyChangeSetArchive {
optional .TSSSOS.SpecColorArchive list_font_color = 1;
optional bool list_font_color_undefined = 2;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecStringArchive font_name = 3;
optional bool font_name_undefined = 4;
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecListStyleFloatArrayArchive list_classic_text_indent_array = 5;
optional bool list_classic_text_indent_array_undefined = 6;
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecListStyleListLabelGeometryArrayArchive list_label_geometry_array = 7;
optional bool list_label_geometry_array_undefined = 8;
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecListStyleImageDataArrayArchive list_label_image_data_array = 9;
optional bool list_label_image_data_array_undefined = 10;
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecListStyleFloatArrayArchive list_label_indent_array = 11;
optional bool list_label_indent_array_undefined = 12;
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecListStyleListNumberTypeArrayArchive list_label_number_array = 13;
optional bool list_label_number_array_undefined = 14;
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecListStyleBoolArrayArchive list_label_tiered_number_array = 15;
optional bool list_label_tiered_number_array_undefined = 16;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive text_shadow = 17;
optional bool text_shadow_undefined = 18;
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecListStyleStringArrayArchive list_label_string_array = 19;
optional bool list_label_string_array_undefined = 20;
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecListStyleFloatArrayArchive list_text_indent_array = 21;
optional bool list_text_indent_array_undefined = 22;
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecListStyleListLabelTypeArrayArchive list_label_type_array = 23;
optional bool list_label_type_array_undefined = 24;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive writing_direction = 25;
optional bool writing_direction_undefined = 26;
message .TSWPSOS.ParagraphSpecificStylePropertyChangeSetArchive {
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive alignment = 1;
optional bool alignment_undefined = 2;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecStringArchive decimal_tab = 3;
optional bool decimal_tab_undefined = 4;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default_tab_stops = 5;
optional bool default_tab_stops_undefined = 6;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecColorArchive paragraph_fill = 7;
optional bool paragraph_fill_undefined = 8;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive first_line_indent = 9;
optional bool first_line_indent_undefined = 10;
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecParagraphStyleArchive following_paragraph_style = 11;
optional bool following_paragraph_style_undefined = 12;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive hyphenate = 13;
optional bool hyphenate_undefined = 14;
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecListStyleArchive initial_list_style = 15;
optional bool initial_list_style_undefined = 16;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive keep_lines_together = 17;
optional bool keep_lines_together_undefined = 18;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive keep_with_next = 19;
optional bool keep_with_next_undefined = 20;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive left_indent = 21;
optional bool left_indent_undefined = 22;
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecLineSpacingArchive line_spacing = 23;
optional bool line_spacing_undefined = 24;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive outline_level = 25;
optional bool outline_level_undefined = 26;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive outline_style_type = 27;
optional bool outline_style_type_undefined = 28;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive page_break_before = 29;
optional bool page_break_before_undefined = 30;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive border_positions = 31;
optional bool border_positions_undefined = 32;
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecRuleOffsetArchive paragraph_rule_offset = 33;
optional bool paragraph_rule_offset_undefined = 34;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive rounded_corners = 35;
optional bool rounded_corners_undefined = 36;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive paragraph_rule_width = 37;
optional bool paragraph_rule_width_undefined = 38;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive right_indent = 39;
optional bool right_indent_undefined = 40;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive space_after = 41;
optional bool space_after_undefined = 42;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive space_before = 43;
optional bool space_before_undefined = 44;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive paragraph_stroke = 45;
optional bool paragraph_stroke_undefined = 46;
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecTabsArchive tabs = 47;
optional bool tabs_undefined = 48;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive widow_control = 49;
optional bool widow_control_undefined = 50;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive show_in_bookmarks_list = 51;
optional bool show_in_bookmarks_list_undefined = 52;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive show_in_t_o_c_navigator = 53;
optional bool show_in_t_o_c_navigator_undefined = 54;
message .TSWPSOS.ParagraphStylePropertyChangeSetArchive {
required .TSWPSOS.CharacterStylePropertyChangeSetArchive super = 1;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive alignment = 2;
optional bool alignment_undefined = 3;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecStringArchive decimal_tab = 4;
optional bool decimal_tab_undefined = 5;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default_tab_stops = 6;
optional bool default_tab_stops_undefined = 7;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecColorArchive paragraph_fill = 8;
optional bool paragraph_fill_undefined = 9;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive first_line_indent = 10;
optional bool first_line_indent_undefined = 11;
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecParagraphStyleArchive following_paragraph_style = 12;
optional bool following_paragraph_style_undefined = 13;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive hyphenate = 14;
optional bool hyphenate_undefined = 15;
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecListStyleArchive initial_list_style = 16;
optional bool initial_list_style_undefined = 17;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive keep_lines_together = 18;
optional bool keep_lines_together_undefined = 19;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive keep_with_next = 20;
optional bool keep_with_next_undefined = 21;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive left_indent = 22;
optional bool left_indent_undefined = 23;
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecLineSpacingArchive line_spacing = 24;
optional bool line_spacing_undefined = 25;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive outline_level = 26;
optional bool outline_level_undefined = 27;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive outline_style_type = 28;
optional bool outline_style_type_undefined = 29;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive page_break_before = 30;
optional bool page_break_before_undefined = 31;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive border_positions = 32;
optional bool border_positions_undefined = 33;
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecRuleOffsetArchive paragraph_rule_offset = 34;
optional bool paragraph_rule_offset_undefined = 35;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive rounded_corners = 36;
optional bool rounded_corners_undefined = 37;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive paragraph_rule_width = 38;
optional bool paragraph_rule_width_undefined = 39;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive right_indent = 40;
optional bool right_indent_undefined = 41;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive space_after = 42;
optional bool space_after_undefined = 43;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive space_before = 44;
optional bool space_before_undefined = 45;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive paragraph_stroke = 46;
optional bool paragraph_stroke_undefined = 47;
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecTabsArchive tabs = 48;
optional bool tabs_undefined = 49;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive widow_control = 50;
optional bool widow_control_undefined = 51;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive show_in_bookmarks_list = 52;
optional bool show_in_bookmarks_list_undefined = 53;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive show_in_t_o_c_navigator = 54;
optional bool show_in_t_o_c_navigator_undefined = 55;
message .TSWPSOS.ShapeStylePropertyChangeSetArchive {
required .TSDSOS.BaseShapeStylePropertyChangeSetArchive super = 1;
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecColumnsArchive columns = 2;
optional bool columns_undefined = 3;
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecPaddingArchive padding = 4;
optional bool padding_undefined = 5;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive shrink_text_to_fit = 6;
optional bool shrink_text_to_fit_undefined = 7;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive vertical_alignment = 8;
optional bool vertical_alignment_undefined = 9;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive vertical_text = 10;
optional bool vertical_text_undefined = 11;
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecParagraphStyleArchive default_paragraph_style = 12;
optional bool default_paragraph_style_undefined = 13;
message .TSWPSOS.TOCEntryStylePropertyChangeSetArchive {
required .TSWPSOS.ParagraphStylePropertyChangeSetArchive super = 1;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive toc_show_page_number = 2;
optional bool toc_show_page_number_undefined = 3;
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecCharacterStyleArchive toc_page_number_style = 4;
optional bool toc_page_number_style_undefined = 5;
message .TSWPSOS.StyleDiffArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference style = 1;
optional .TSWPSOS.CharacterStylePropertyChangeSetArchive character_change_set = 2;
optional .TSWPSOS.ParagraphStylePropertyChangeSetArchive paragraph_change_set = 3;
optional .TSWPSOS.ShapeStylePropertyChangeSetArchive shape_change_set = 4;
enum .TSWP.ObjectPropertyType {
kObjectPropertyTypeBool = 0;
kObjectPropertyTypeFloat = 1;
kObjectPropertyTypeInteger = 2;
kObjectPropertyTypeString = 3;
kObjectPropertyTypeIdPath = 4;
kObjectPropertyTypeFill = 5;
kObjectPropertyTypeColor = 6;
kObjectPropertyTypeShadow = 7;
message .TSWP.DummyCommandArchive {
required uint32 foo = 1;
message .TSWP.TextCommandArchive {
enum Kind {
kKindContained = 0;
kKindReplaceText = 1;
kKindPaste = 2;
kKindParagraphStyle = 3;
kKindListStyle = 4;
kKindIndentParagraphLevel = 5;
kKindDragText = 6;
kKindPasteStyle = 7;
kKindApplyChangesInRange = 8;
kKindInsertCitationField = 10;
kKindInsertBibliographyEntry = 11;
kKindFormatCitationFields = 12;
kKindInsertTOCSmartField = 13;
kKindInsertDateTimeField = 14;
kKindUpdateDateTimeField = 15;
kKindSetParagraphFirstTopicNumber = 16;
kKindCharacterStyle = 17;
kKindRevertStyles = 18;
kKindSetParagraphBidi = 19;
optional .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference storage = 2;
optional .TSWP.UndoTransaction undo_transaction = 3;
optional uint32 restore_range_location = 4;
optional uint32 restore_range_length = 5;
optional uint32 redo_restore_range_location = 6;
optional uint32 redo_restore_range_length = 7;
optional uint32 text_command_flags = 9;
optional .TSWP.TextCommandArchive.Kind kind = 10 [default = kKindContained];
message .TSWP.StorageActionCommandArchive {
enum Kind {
kKindContained = 0;
kKindReplaceText = 1;
kKindPaste = 2;
kKindParagraphStyle = 3;
kKindListStyle = 4;
kKindIndentParagraphLevel = 5;
kKindDragText = 6;
kKindPasteStyle = 7;
kKindApplyChangesInRange = 8;
kKindInsertCitationField = 10;
kKindInsertBibliographyEntry = 11;
kKindFormatCitationFields = 12;
kKindInsertTOCSmartField = 13;
kKindInsertDateTimeField = 14;
kKindUpdateDateTimeField = 15;
kKindSetParagraphFirstTopicNumber = 16;
kKindCharacterStyle = 17;
kKindRevertStyles = 18;
kKindSetParagraphBidi = 19;
kKindFormatText = 20;
kKindInsertAttachment = 21;
kKindCreateHyperlink = 22;
kKindModifyHyperlink = 23;
kKindRemoveHyperlink = 24;
kKindApplyHighlightText = 25;
kKindPropagateStyleChanges = 26;
kKindMovedAnchoredDrawableInline = 27;
kKindMoveDrawablesAttached = 28;
kKindMoveMoveDrawablesFloating = 29;
kKindMoveInlineDrawableAnchored = 30;
kKindAnchorAttachment = 31;
kKindBookmark = 32;
kKindReplaceSection = 33;
kKindApplyPencilAnnotation = 34;
kKindApplyRuby = 35;
kKindModifyRuby = 36;
kKindRemoveRuby = 37;
kKindTateChuYoko = 38;
kKindDropCapStyle = 39;
kKindMergeField = 40;
kKindModifyMergeField = 41;
kKindMergeFieldTypeReplace = 42;
kKindApplyPlaceholderText = 43;
optional .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath storage = 2;
optional .TSWP.UndoTransaction undo_transaction = 3;
optional uint32 text_command_flags = 4;
optional .TSWP.StorageActionCommandArchive.Kind kind = 5 [default = kKindContained];
repeated .TSP.UUID custom_format_keys = 6;
optional bool is_forward_inverse_command = 7;
optional bool coalesceable = 8;
optional bool coalescing_text = 9;
optional bool should_migrate_styles = 10;
optional .TSK.DataReferenceRecord changed_data_reference_record = 11;
optional string coalescing_property = 12;
optional .TSWP.StorageArchive.KindType wp_kind = 13;
message .TSWP.SetColumnStyleCommandArchive {
optional .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference storage = 2;
optional .TSWP.UndoTransaction undo_transaction = 3;
message .TSWP.ReplaceAllUsesOfStyleCommandArchive {
optional .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference storage = 2;
optional .TSWP.UndoTransaction undo_transaction = 3;
message .TSWP.InsertColumnsCommandArchive {
optional .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference storage = 2;
optional uint32 column_index = 3;
optional uint32 column_count = 4;
optional .TSWP.UndoTransaction undo_transaction = 5;
message .TSWP.InsertRowsCommandArchive {
optional .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference storage = 2;
optional uint32 row_index = 3;
optional uint32 row_count = 4;
optional .TSWP.UndoTransaction undo_transaction = 5;
message .TSWP.RemoveColumnsCommandArchive {
optional .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference storage = 2;
optional uint32 column_index = 3;
optional uint32 column_count = 4;
optional .TSWP.UndoTransaction undo_transaction = 5;
message .TSWP.RemoveRowsCommandArchive {
optional .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference storage = 2;
optional uint32 row_index = 3;
optional uint32 row_count = 4;
optional .TSWP.UndoTransaction undo_transaction = 5;
message .TSWP.MergeCellsCommandArchive {
optional .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference storage = 2;
optional uint32 row = 3;
optional uint32 column = 4;
optional uint32 row_count = 5;
optional uint32 column_count = 6;
optional .TSWP.UndoTransaction undo_transaction = 7;
message .TSWP.ApplyPlaceholderTextCommandArchive {
optional .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference storage = 2;
optional uint32 selection_range_location = 3;
optional uint32 selection_range_length = 4;
optional .TSWP.UndoTransaction undo_transaction = 5;
optional string script_tag = 6;
message .TSWP.UpdateDateTimeFieldCommandArchive {
optional .TSWP.TextCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference date_time_field = 2;
optional .TSP.Date date = 3;
optional .TSWP.DateTimeSmartFieldArchive.DateTimeFormatterStyle date_style = 4;
optional .TSWP.DateTimeSmartFieldArchive.DateTimeFormatterStyle time_style = 5;
message .TSWP.ApplyRubyTextCommandArchive {
optional .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference storage = 2;
optional uint32 selection_range_location = 3;
optional uint32 selection_range_length = 4;
optional string ruby_text = 5;
optional .TSWP.UndoTransaction undo_transaction = 6;
message .TSWP.ModifyRubyTextCommandArchive {
optional .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference ruby_field = 2;
optional string ruby_text = 3;
optional string base_text = 4;
optional .TSWP.UndoTransaction undo_transaction = 5;
message .TSWP.ModifyTOCSettingsBaseCommandArchive {
optional .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference old_toc_settings = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference new_toc_settings = 3;
message .TSWP.ModifyTOCSettingsForTOCInfoCommandArchive {
optional .TSWP.ModifyTOCSettingsBaseCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath toc_info_uuid_path = 2;
message .TSWP.ModifyTOCSettingsPresetForThemeCommandArchive {
optional .TSWP.ModifyTOCSettingsBaseCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference theme = 2;
optional uint32 preset_index = 3;
message .TSWP.AnchorAttachmentCommandArchive {
optional .TSWP.StorageActionCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference attachment = 2;
optional uint32 h_offset_type = 3;
optional float h_offset = 4;
optional uint32 v_offset_type = 5;
optional float v_offset = 6;
optional bool is_html_wrap = 7;
optional uint32 undo_h_offset_type = 8;
optional float undo_h_offset = 9;
optional uint32 undo_v_offset_type = 10;
optional float undo_v_offset = 11;
optional bool undo_is_html_wrap = 12;
message .TSWP.TextApplyThemeCommandArchive {
optional .TSS.ApplyThemeChildCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference storage = 2;
optional .TSWP.UndoTransaction undo_transaction = 6;
message .TSWP.MoveColumnsCommandArchive {
optional .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference storage = 2;
optional uint32 src_index = 3;
optional uint32 dst_index = 4;
optional uint32 count = 5;
optional .TSWP.UndoTransaction undo_transaction = 6;
message .TSWP.MoveRowsCommandArchive {
optional .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference storage = 2;
optional uint32 src_index = 3;
optional uint32 dst_index = 4;
optional uint32 count = 5;
optional .TSWP.UndoTransaction undo_transaction = 6;
message .TSWP.ShapeApplyPresetCommandArchive {
required .TSD.BaseApplyPresetCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_style = 2;
message .TSWP.StyleBaseCommandArchive {
optional .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference theme = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference style = 3;
message .TSWP.StyleCreateCommandArchive {
optional .TSWP.StyleBaseCommandArchive super = 1;
optional uint32 preset_index = 2;
message .TSWP.StyleRenameCommandArchive {
optional .TSWP.StyleBaseCommandArchive super = 1;
optional string updated_name = 2;
optional string old_name = 3;
message .TSWP.StyleUpdateCommandArchive {
optional .TSWP.StyleBaseCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference original_style = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference updated_style = 3;
message .TSWP.StyleDeleteCommandArchive {
optional .TSWP.StyleBaseCommandArchive super = 1;
optional uint32 old_preset_index = 2;
message .TSWP.StyleReorderCommandArchive {
optional .TSWP.StyleBaseCommandArchive super = 1;
optional uint32 old_preset_index = 2;
optional uint32 new_preset_index = 3;
message .TSWP.StyleUpdatePropertyMapCommandArchive {
required .TSS.StyleUpdatePropertyMapCommandArchive super = 1;
message .TSWP.ShapeStyleSetValueCommandArchive {
required .TSD.BaseStyleSetValueCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSWPSOS.ShapeStylePropertyChangeSetArchive change = 4;
message .TSWP.SelectionTransformerArchive {
required .TSP.UUIDPath storage_uuid_path = 1;
required .TSP.Reference selection = 2;
optional bool transformed_to_noop = 3;
message .TSWP.PencilAnnotationSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .TSP.UUIDPath storage_uuid_path = 1;
required string text_pencil_annotation_uuid = 2;
message .TSWP.ShapeSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .TSD.ShapeSelectionTransformerArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath storage_uuid_path = 2;
message .TSWP.ShapeContentDescription {
required .TSD.DrawableContentDescription super = 1;
optional uint32 text_range_location = 2;
optional uint32 text_range_length = 3;
message .TSWP.ObjectPropertyArchive {
required string name = 1;
required .TSWP.ObjectPropertyType type = 2;
optional bool bool_value = 3;
optional float float_value = 4;
optional int32 integer_value = 5;
optional string string_value = 6;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath id_path_value = 7;
optional .TSD.FillArchive fill_value = 8;
optional .TSP.Color color_value = 9;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive shadow_value = 10;
message .TSWP.SetObjectPropertiesCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUIDPath object_uuid_path = 2;
repeated .TSWP.ObjectPropertyArchive properties = 3;
optional string action_string = 4;
repeated .TSWP.ObjectPropertyArchive old_properties = 5;
message .TSWP.UpdateFlowInfoCommandArchive {
enum Mode {
kModeRearrange = 0;
kModeAdd = 1;
kModeRemove = 2;
kModeCompensate = 3;
optional .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSWP.UpdateFlowInfoCommandArchive.Mode command_mode = 2 [default = kModeRearrange];
optional .TSP.UUIDPath flow_info_uuid_path = 3;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath text_box_id_path_to_add_or_remove = 4;
repeated .TSP.UUIDPath text_box_id_paths_at_start = 5;
repeated .TSP.UUIDPath suggested_text_box_id_paths_at_end = 6;
repeated .TSP.Reference undo_text_boxes_to_restore = 7;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_added_shape_info = 8;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_removed_shape_info = 9;
message .TSWP.AddFlowInfoCommandArchive {
optional .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference flow_info_to_add = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference flow_info_archive = 3;
optional uint32 undo_user_interface_identifier_to_restore = 4;
optional uint32 undo_next_user_interface_identifier_to_restore = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference working_undo_object = 6;
message .TSWP.RemoveFlowInfoCommandArchive {
optional .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath flow_info_uuid_path = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_object = 3;
optional uint32 undo_user_interface_identifier_to_restore = 4;
optional uint32 undo_next_user_interface_identifier_to_restore = 5;
message .TSWP.TextCommentReplyCommandArchive {
optional .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath storage_uuid_path = 2;
optional string annotation_uuid = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference forward_comment = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference inverse_comment = 5;
optional .TSD.CommentCommandVariant forward_variant = 6;
optional .TSD.CommentCommandVariant inverse_variant = 7;
message .TSWP.ContainedObjectsCommandArchive {
message AddBehaviorArgs {
repeated .TSCK.AddIdOperationArgs args_list = 1;
message RemoveBehaviorArgs {
repeated .TSCK.RemoveIdOperationArgs args_list = 1;
message RearrangeBehaviorArgs {
repeated .TSCK.RearrangeIdOperationArgs args_list = 1;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference target = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference objects = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_object_for_commit = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_object_for_make_inverse = 5;
optional .TSWP.ContainedObjectsCommandArchive.AddBehaviorArgs add_behavior_args = 6;
optional .TSWP.ContainedObjectsCommandArchive.RemoveBehaviorArgs remove_behavior_args = 7;
optional .TSWP.ContainedObjectsCommandArchive.RearrangeBehaviorArgs rearrange_behavior_args = 8;
optional string container_name = 9;
message .TSWP.EquationInfoGeometryCommandArchive {
optional .TSD.MediaInfoGeometryCommandArchive super = 1;
message .TSWP.CharacterStyleChangePropertyCommand_GArchive {
required .TSWP.StorageActionCommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.Range range_list = 2;
optional bool range_list_undefined = 3;
repeated .TSWPSOS.CharacterStylePropertyChangeSetArchive change_list = 4;
optional bool change_list_undefined = 5;
required bool disable_character_style_promotion = 6;
message .TSWP.ParagraphStyleChangePropertyCommand_GArchive {
required .TSWP.StorageActionCommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.Range range_list = 2;
optional bool range_list_undefined = 3;
repeated .TSWPSOS.ParagraphStylePropertyChangeSetArchive change_list = 4;
optional bool change_list_undefined = 5;
enum .TSCH.TextureTilingMode {
textureTilingModeNone = 0;
textureTilingModeTallest = 1;
enum .TSCH.TextureTilingFace {
textureTilingFaceAll = 0;
textureTilingFaceTopAndBottom = 1;
textureTilingFaceSide = 2;
enum .TSCH.TextureTilingWrap {
textureTilingWrapProjected = 0;
textureTilingWrapFaceWrap = 1;
enum .TSCH.TextureTilingXPosition {
textureTilingXPositionLeft = 0;
textureTilingXPositionCenter = 1;
textureTilingXPositionRight = 2;
enum .TSCH.TextureTilingYPosition {
textureTilingYPositionTop = 0;
textureTilingYPositionMiddle = 1;
textureTilingYPositionBottom = 2;
enum .TSCH.TextureTilingContinuity {
textureTilingContinuityNone = 0;
textureTilingContinuityGlobal = 1;
textureTilingContinuitySeries = 2;
textureTilingContinuityJittered = 3;
enum .TSCH.FillPropertyType {
fillPropertyTypeUndefined = 0;
fillPropertyTypeArea = 1;
fillPropertyTypeBar = 2;
fillPropertyTypeColumn = 3;
fillPropertyTypeLine = 4;
fillPropertyTypePie = 5;
message .TSCH.Chart3DEnvironmentPackageArchive {
repeated .TSCH.Chart3DEnvironmentMaterialArchive materials = 1;
message .TSCH.Chart3DFillArchive {
optional .TSCH.Chart3DLightingModelArchive lightingmodel = 1;
optional string textureset_id = 2;
optional .TSCH.FillPropertyType fill_type = 3;
optional uint32 series_index = 4;
message .TSCH.Chart3DPointLightArchive {
required .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive position = 1;
message .TSCH.Chart3DDirectionalLightArchive {
required .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive direction = 1;
message .TSCH.Chart3DSpotLightArchive {
required .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive position = 1;
required .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive direction = 2;
required float cutoff = 3;
required float dropoff = 4;
message .TSCH.Chart3DLightArchive {
required string name = 1;
required .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive ambient_color = 2;
required .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive diffuse_color = 3;
required .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive specular_color = 4;
required float intensity = 5;
required .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive attenuation = 6;
required uint32 coordinate_space = 7;
required bool enabled = 8;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DPointLightArchive point_light = 9;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DDirectionalLightArchive directional_light = 10;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DSpotLightArchive spot_light = 11;
message .TSCH.Chart3DLightingModelArchive {
optional .TSCH.Chart3DPhongLightingModelArchive phong = 1;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DFixedFunctionLightingModelArchive fixed_function = 2;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DEnvironmentPackageArchive environment = 3;
message .TSCH.Chart3DLightingPackageArchive {
required string name = 1;
repeated .TSCH.Chart3DLightArchive lights = 2;
message .TSCH.Chart3DTexturesMaterialArchive {
required .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive color = 1;
repeated .TSCH.Chart3DTSPImageDataTextureArchive textures = 2;
message .TSCH.Chart3DEmissiveMaterialArchive {
required .TSCH.Chart3DTexturesMaterialArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSCH.Chart3DImageTextureTilingArchive tilings = 2;
message .TSCH.Chart3DDiffuseMaterialArchive {
required .TSCH.Chart3DTexturesMaterialArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSCH.Chart3DImageTextureTilingArchive tilings = 2;
message .TSCH.Chart3DModulateMaterialArchive {
required .TSCH.Chart3DTexturesMaterialArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSCH.Chart3DImageTextureTilingArchive tilings = 2;
message .TSCH.Chart3DSpecularMaterialArchive {
required .TSCH.Chart3DTexturesMaterialArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSCH.Chart3DImageTextureTilingArchive tilings = 2;
message .TSCH.Chart3DShininessMaterialArchive {
required .TSCH.Chart3DTexturesMaterialArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSCH.Chart3DImageTextureTilingArchive tilings = 2;
message .TSCH.Chart3DEnvironmentMaterialArchive {
required .TSCH.Chart3DTexturesMaterialArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSCH.Chart3DBaseImageTextureTilingArchive OBSOLETE_tilings = 2;
optional bool decalMode = 3;
repeated .TSCH.Chart3DImageTextureTilingArchive tilings = 4;
message .TSCH.Chart3DFixedFunctionLightingModelArchive {
required .TSCH.Chart3DPhongMaterialPackageArchive materials = 1;
message .TSCH.Chart3DPhongLightingModelArchive {
required .TSCH.Chart3DPhongMaterialPackageArchive materials = 1;
message .TSCH.Chart3DPhongMaterialPackageArchive {
optional .TSCH.Chart3DEmissiveMaterialArchive emissive = 1;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DDiffuseMaterialArchive diffuse = 2;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DModulateMaterialArchive modulate = 3;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DSpecularMaterialArchive specular = 4;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DShininessMaterialArchive shininess = 5;
message .TSCH.Chart3DTSPImageDataTextureArchive {
optional .TSP.DataReference data = 3;
optional .TSP.DataReference mipmapdata = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference database_data = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference database_mipmapdata = 2;
message .TSCH.Chart3DBaseImageTextureTilingArchive {
optional .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive scale = 1;
optional float rotation = 2;
message .TSCH.Chart3DImageTextureTilingArchive {
required .TSCH.Chart3DBaseImageTextureTilingArchive super = 1;
optional .TSCH.TextureTilingMode mode = 2;
optional .TSCH.TextureTilingWrap wrap = 3;
optional .TSCH.TextureTilingFace face = 4;
optional .TSCH.TextureTilingXPosition xposition = 5;
optional .TSCH.TextureTilingYPosition yposition = 6;
optional .TSCH.TextureTilingContinuity scontinuity = 7;
optional .TSCH.TextureTilingContinuity tcontinuity = 8;
optional bool reveal = 9;
message .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive {
required float x = 1;
required float y = 2;
required float z = 3;
required float w = 4;
extend .TSD.FillArchive {
optional .TSCH.Chart3DFillArchive fill3d = 100;
enum .TSCH.ChartType {
undefinedChartType = 0;
columnChartType2D = 1;
barChartType2D = 2;
lineChartType2D = 3;
areaChartType2D = 4;
pieChartType2D = 5;
stackedColumnChartType2D = 6;
stackedBarChartType2D = 7;
stackedAreaChartType2D = 8;
scatterChartType2D = 9;
mixedChartType2D = 10;
twoAxisChartType2D = 11;
columnChartType3D = 12;
barChartType3D = 13;
lineChartType3D = 14;
areaChartType3D = 15;
pieChartType3D = 16;
stackedColumnChartType3D = 17;
stackedBarChartType3D = 18;
stackedAreaChartType3D = 19;
multiDataColumnChartType2D = 20;
multiDataBarChartType2D = 21;
bubbleChartType2D = 22;
multiDataScatterChartType2D = 23;
multiDataBubbleChartType2D = 24;
donutChartType2D = 25;
donutChartType3D = 26;
radarChartType2D = 27;
enum .TSCH.AxisType {
axis_type_unknown = 0;
axis_type_x = 1;
axis_type_y = 2;
axis_type_pie = 3;
axis_type_size = 4;
axis_type_polar_radius = 5;
axis_type_polar_angle = 6;
enum .TSCH.ScatterFormat {
scatter_format_unknown = 0;
scatter_format_separate_x = 1;
scatter_format_shared_x = 2;
enum .TSCH.SeriesDirection {
series_direction_unknown = 0;
series_direction_by_row = 1;
series_direction_by_column = 2;
enum .TSCH.NumberValueType {
numberValueTypeDecimal = 0;
numberValueTypeCurrency = 1;
numberValueTypePercentage = 2;
numberValueTypeScientific = 3;
numberValueTypeFraction = 4;
numberValueTypeBase = 5;
numberValueTypeUnknown = -999;
enum .TSCH.NegativeNumberStyle {
negativeNumberStyleMinus = 0;
negativeNumberStyleRed = 1;
negativeNumberStyleParentheses = 2;
negativeNumberStyleRedAndParentheses = 3;
negativeNumberStyleNone = 4;
enum .TSCH.FractionAccuracy {
fractionAccuracyConflicting = 0;
fractionAccuracyUpToOneDigit = -1;
fractionAccuracyUpToTwoDigits = -2;
fractionAccuracyUpToThreeDigits = -3;
fractionAccuracyHalves = 2;
fractionAccuracyQuarters = 4;
fractionAccuracyEighths = 8;
fractionAccuracySixteenths = 16;
fractionAccuracyTenths = 10;
fractionAccuracyHundredths = 100;
message .TSCH.RectArchive {
required .TSP.Point origin = 1;
required .TSP.Size size = 2;
message .TSCH.ChartsNSNumberDoubleArchive {
optional double number_archive = 1;
message .TSCH.ChartsNSArrayOfNSNumberDoubleArchive {
repeated double numbers = 1;
message .TSCH.DEPRECATEDChart3DFillArchive {
optional .TSD.FillArchive fill = 1;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DLightingModelArchive lightingmodel = 2;
optional string textureset_id = 3;
optional .TSCH.FillPropertyType fill_type = 4;
optional uint32 series_index = 5;
message .TSCH.ChartStyleArchive {
optional .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
extensions 10000 to 536870911;
message .TSCH.ChartNonStyleArchive {
optional .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
extensions 10000 to 536870911;
message .TSCH.LegendStyleArchive {
optional .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
extensions 10000 to 536870911;
message .TSCH.LegendNonStyleArchive {
optional .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
extensions 10000 to 536870911;
message .TSCH.ChartAxisStyleArchive {
optional .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
extensions 10000 to 536870911;
message .TSCH.ChartAxisNonStyleArchive {
optional .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
extensions 10000 to 536870911;
message .TSCH.ChartSeriesStyleArchive {
optional .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
extensions 10000 to 536870911;
message .TSCH.ChartSeriesNonStyleArchive {
optional .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
extensions 10000 to 536870911;
message .TSCH.GridValue {
optional double numeric_value = 1;
optional double date_value_1_0 = 2;
optional double duration_value = 3;
optional double date_value = 4;
message .TSCH.GridRow {
repeated .TSCH.GridValue value = 1;
message .TSCH.ReferenceLineStyleArchive {
optional .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
extensions 10000 to 536870911;
message .TSCH.ReferenceLineNonStyleArchive {
optional .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
extensions 10000 to 536870911;
message .TSCH.Generated.ChartStyleArchive {
optional float tschchartinfodefault3dchartopacity = 1;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DLightingPackageArchive tschchartinfoarea3dlightingpackage = 2;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DLightingPackageArchive tschchartinfobar3dlightingpackage = 3;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DLightingPackageArchive tschchartinfocolumn3dlightingpackage = 4;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DLightingPackageArchive tschchartinfodefault3dlightingpackage = 5;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DLightingPackageArchive tschchartinfoline3dlightingpackage = 6;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DLightingPackageArchive tschchartinfopie3dlightingpackage = 7;
optional bool tschchartinfodefaultaxisanchorlabelatends = 124;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartinfodefaultbackgroundfill = 8;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartinfodefaultbackgroundstroke = 9;
optional float tschchartinfodefaultborderopacity = 10;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartinfodefaultbordershadow = 11;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartinfodefaultborderstroke = 12;
optional bool tschchartinfodefaultcombinelayers = 13;
optional int32 tschchartinfodefaultdatasetnameparagraphstyleindex = 21;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartinfodefaultgridbackgroundfill = 14;
optional float tschchartinfodefaultgridbackgroundopacity = 15;
optional float tschchartinfodefaultinterbargap = 16;
optional float tschchartinfodefaultintersetgap = 17;
optional bool tschchartinfodefaultradarradiusgridlinecurve = 29;
optional bool tschchartinfodefaultroundedcornerouterendonly = 123;
optional float tschchartinfodefaultroundedcornerradius = 122;
optional bool tschchartinfodefaultshowborder = 18;
optional float tschchartinfodefaultsummarylabeloffset = 32;
optional int32 tschchartinfodefaultsummarylabelparagraphstyleindex = 30;
optional int32 tschchartinfodefaultsummarylabelvaluelabelspacing = 31;
optional .TSP.Color tschchartinfodefaulttitlecolor = 19;
optional int32 tschchartinfodefaulttitleparagraphstyleindex = 20;
extend .TSCH.ChartStyleArchive {
optional .TSCH.Generated.ChartStyleArchive current = 10000;
message .TSCH.Generated.ChartNonStyleArchive {
optional int32 tschchartinfodefault3dbarshape = 1;
optional bool tschchartinfodefault3dbeveledges = 2;
optional float tschchartinfodefault3dintersetdepthgap = 3;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive tschchartinfodefault3drotation = 4;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive tschchartinfoarea3dscale = 5;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive tschchartinfobar3dscale = 6;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive tschchartinfocolumn3dscale = 7;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive tschchartinfodefault3dscale = 8;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive tschchartinfoline3dscale = 9;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive tschchartinfopie3dscale = 10;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive tschchartinfodefault3dviewport = 11;
optional int32 tschchartinfoareacalloutlinetype = 112;
optional int32 tschchartinfobarcalloutlinetype = 113;
optional int32 tschchartinfobubblecalloutlinetype = 114;
optional int32 tschchartinfodefaultcalloutlinetype = 119;
optional int32 tschchartinfolinecalloutlinetype = 115;
optional int32 tschchartinfopiecalloutlinetype = 111;
optional int32 tschchartinfoscattercalloutlinetype = 116;
optional int32 tschchartinfostackedareacalloutlinetype = 117;
optional int32 tschchartinfostackedbarcalloutlinetype = 118;
optional bool tschchartinfodefaultdeprecatedroundedcornerouterendonly = 121;
optional float tschchartinfodefaultdeprecatedroundedcornerradius = 120;
optional int32 tschchartinfodefaultdatasetnamelocation = 24;
optional bool tschchartinfodefaultdonutplacetitleatcenter = 28;
optional float tschchartinfodefaultinnerradius = 27;
optional int32 tschchartinfodefaultmultidatacontroltype = 25;
optional float tschchartinfodefaultpiestartangle = 19;
optional float tschchartinfodefaultradarstartangle = 29;
optional bool tschchartinfodefaultshowlegend = 20;
optional bool tschchartinfodefaultshowtitle = 21;
optional bool tschchartinfodefaultskiphiddendata = 22;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartinfodefaultsummarylabeldateformat = 33;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartinfodefaultsummarylabeldurationformat = 34;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartinfodefaultsummarylabelnumberformat = 32;
optional int32 tschchartinfodefaultsummarylabelnumberformattype = 31;
optional bool tschchartinfodefaultsummarylabelshowlabels = 30;
optional string tschchartinfodefaulttitle = 23;
extend .TSCH.ChartNonStyleArchive {
optional .TSCH.Generated.ChartNonStyleArchive current = 10000;
message .TSCH.Generated.LegendStyleArchive {
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschlegendmodeldefaultfill = 1;
optional int32 tschlegendmodeldefaultlabelparagraphstyleindex = 2;
optional float tschlegendmodeldefaultopacity = 3;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschlegendmodeldefaultshadow = 4;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschlegendmodeldefaultstroke = 5;
extend .TSCH.LegendStyleArchive {
optional .TSCH.Generated.LegendStyleArchive current = 10000;
message .TSCH.Generated.LegendNonStyleArchive {
extend .TSCH.LegendNonStyleArchive {
optional .TSCH.Generated.LegendNonStyleArchive current = 10000;
message .TSCH.Generated.ChartAxisStyleArchive {
optional float tschchartaxiscategory3dgridlineopacity = 1;
optional float tschchartaxisvalue3dgridlineopacity = 2;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartaxiscategory3dgridlinestroke = 3;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartaxisvalue3dgridlinestroke = 4;
optional int32 tschchartaxiscategoryhorizontalspacing = 5;
optional int32 tschchartaxisdefaultlabelanglebaselinedirection = 46;
optional int32 tschchartaxiscategorylabelparagraphstyleindex = 6;
optional int32 tschchartaxisdefaultlabelparagraphstyleindex = 7;
optional int32 tschchartaxisvaluelabelparagraphstyleindex = 8;
optional float tschchartaxiscategorylabelsorientation = 9;
optional float tschchartaxisdefaultlabelsorientation = 10;
optional float tschchartaxisvaluelabelsorientation = 11;
optional float tschchartaxiscategorymajorgridlineopacity = 12;
optional float tschchartaxisvaluemajorgridlineopacity = 13;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartaxiscategorymajorgridlineshadow = 14;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartaxisvaluemajorgridlineshadow = 15;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartaxiscategorymajorgridlinestroke = 16;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartaxisvaluemajorgridlinestroke = 17;
optional float tschchartaxiscategoryminorgridlineopacity = 18;
optional float tschchartaxisvalueminorgridlineopacity = 19;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartaxiscategoryminorgridlineshadow = 20;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartaxisvalueminorgridlineshadow = 21;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartaxiscategoryminorgridlinestroke = 22;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartaxisvalueminorgridlinestroke = 23;
optional bool tschchartaxiscategoryshowaxis = 24;
optional bool tschchartaxisvalueshowaxis = 25;
optional bool tschchartaxisdefaultshowextensionlines = 47;
optional bool tschchartaxiscategoryshowgridlinetickmarks = 42;
optional bool tschchartaxisvalueshowgridlinetickmarks = 43;
optional bool tschchartaxiscategoryshowlastlabel = 26;
optional bool tschchartaxiscategoryshowmajorgridlines = 27;
optional bool tschchartaxispolarcategoryshowmajorgridlines = 44;
optional bool tschchartaxisvalueshowmajorgridlines = 28;
optional bool tschchartaxiscategoryshowmajortickmarks = 29;
optional bool tschchartaxisvalueshowmajortickmarks = 30;
optional bool tschchartaxisvalueshowminimumlabel = 31;
optional bool tschchartaxiscategoryshowminorgridlines = 32;
optional bool tschchartaxisvalueshowminorgridlines = 33;
optional bool tschchartaxiscategoryshowminortickmarks = 34;
optional bool tschchartaxisvalueshowminortickmarks = 35;
optional int32 tschchartaxiscategorytickmarklocation = 36;
optional int32 tschchartaxisvaluetickmarklocation = 37;
optional int32 tschchartaxiscategorytitleparagraphstyleindex = 38;
optional int32 tschchartaxisdefaulttitleparagraphstyleindex = 39;
optional int32 tschchartaxisvaluetitleparagraphstyleindex = 40;
optional int32 tschchartaxiscategoryverticalspacing = 41;
extend .TSCH.ChartAxisStyleArchive {
optional .TSCH.Generated.ChartAxisStyleArchive current = 10000;
message .TSCH.Generated.ChartAxisNonStyleArchive {
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartaxisdefault1_0dateformat = 20;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartaxisdefault1_0numberformat = 2;
optional int32 tschchartaxisdefault3dlabelposition = 1;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartaxisdefaultdateformat = 22;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartaxisdefaultdurationformat = 21;
optional float tschchartaxisdefaultlabelexplosion = 23;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartaxisdefaultnumberformat = 42;
optional int32 tschchartaxisdefaultnumberformattype = 3;
optional int32 tschchartaxisvaluenumberofdecades = 4;
optional int32 tschchartaxisvaluenumberofmajorgridlines = 5;
optional int32 tschchartaxisvaluenumberofminorgridlines = 6;
optional bool tschchartaxiscategoryplottoedges = 7;
optional int32 tschchartaxisvaluescale = 8;
optional bool tschchartaxiscategoryshowlabels = 9;
optional bool tschchartaxisdefaultshowlabels = 10;
optional bool tschchartaxisvalueshowlabels = 11;
optional bool tschchartaxiscategoryshowserieslabels = 12;
optional bool tschchartaxismultidatashowserieslabels = 19;
optional bool tschchartaxiscategoryshowtitle = 13;
optional bool tschchartaxisvalueshowtitle = 14;
optional string tschchartaxiscategorytitle = 15;
optional string tschchartaxisvaluetitle = 16;
optional .TSCH.ChartsNSNumberDoubleArchive tschchartaxisdefaultusermax = 17;
optional .TSCH.ChartsNSNumberDoubleArchive tschchartaxisdefaultusermin = 18;
extend .TSCH.ChartAxisNonStyleArchive {
optional .TSCH.Generated.ChartAxisNonStyleArchive current = 10000;
message .TSCH.Generated.ChartSeriesStyleArchive {
optional .TSD.LineEndArchive tschchartseriesdefaultcalloutlineendlineend = 130;
optional .TSD.LineEndArchive tschchartseriesdefaultcalloutlinestartlineend = 129;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesdefaultcalloutlinestrokestyle = 128;
optional .TSD.LineEndArchive tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarlineend = 1;
optional .TSD.LineEndArchive tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarlineendscatterx = 2;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarshadow = 3;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarspacing = 98;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarspacingscatterx = 99;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarstroke = 4;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarstrokescatterx = 5;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseries3dareafill = 6;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseries3dbarfill = 7;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseries3dcolumnfill = 8;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseries3dlinefill = 9;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseries3dpiefill = 10;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseriesareafill = 11;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseriesbarfill = 12;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseriescolumnfill = 13;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseriesdefaultfill = 14;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseriesmixedareafill = 15;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseriesmixedcolumnfill = 16;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseriespiefill = 17;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseriesradarareafill = 165;
optional float tschchartseriesradarareafilluseseriesstrokealphamultiplier = 189;
optional bool tschchartseriesradarareafilluseseriesstroke = 188;
optional int32 tschchartseriesarealabelparagraphstyleindex = 18;
optional int32 tschchartseriesbarlabelparagraphstyleindex = 19;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaultlabelparagraphstyleindex = 20;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdonutlabelparagraphstyleindex = 152;
optional int32 tschchartserieslinelabelparagraphstyleindex = 21;
optional int32 tschchartseriesmixedlabelparagraphstyleindex = 22;
optional int32 tschchartseriespielabelparagraphstyleindex = 23;
optional int32 tschchartseriesradarlabelparagraphstyleindex = 167;
optional float tschchartseriesdefaultopacity = 24;
optional int32 tschchartseriesareaoutsidelabelparagraphstyleindex = 25;
optional int32 tschchartseriesbaroutsidelabelparagraphstyleindex = 26;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaultoutsidelabelparagraphstyleindex = 27;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdonutoutsidelabelparagraphstyleindex = 153;
optional int32 tschchartseriesmixedoutsidelabelparagraphstyleindex = 28;
optional int32 tschchartseriespieoutsidelabelparagraphstyleindex = 29;
optional int32 tschchartseriesradaroutsidelabelparagraphstyleindex = 168;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseries3dareashadow = 30;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseries3dbarshadow = 31;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseries3dcolumnshadow = 32;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseries3dlineshadow = 33;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseries3dpieshadow = 34;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseriesareashadow = 35;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseriesbarshadow = 36;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseriesbubbleshadow = 37;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseriesdefaultshadow = 38;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartserieslineshadow = 39;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseriesmixedareashadow = 40;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseriesmixedcolumnshadow = 41;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseriesmixedlineshadow = 42;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseriespieshadow = 43;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseriesradarareashadow = 169;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseriesscattershadow = 44;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesareastroke = 45;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesbarstroke = 46;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesbubblestroke = 47;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartserieslinestroke = 48;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesmixedareastroke = 49;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesmixedcolumnstroke = 50;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesmixedlinestroke = 51;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriespiestroke = 52;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesradarareastroke = 172;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesscatterstroke = 53;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseriesareasymbolfill = 54;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseriesbubblesymbolfill = 55;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartserieslinesymbolfill = 56;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseriesmixedareasymbolfill = 57;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseriesmixedlinesymbolfill = 58;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseriesradarareasymbolfill = 175;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseriesscattersymbolfill = 59;
optional bool tschchartseriesareasymbolfilluseseriesfill = 60;
optional bool tschchartserieslinesymbolfilluseseriesfill = 61;
optional bool tschchartseriesmixedareasymbolfilluseseriesfill = 62;
optional bool tschchartseriesmixedlinesymbolfilluseseriesfill = 63;
optional bool tschchartseriesradarareasymbolfilluseseriesfill = 177;
optional bool tschchartseriesareasymbolfilluseseriesstroke = 64;
optional bool tschchartseriesbubblesymbolfilluseseriesstroke = 65;
optional bool tschchartserieslinesymbolfilluseseriesstroke = 66;
optional bool tschchartseriesmixedareasymbolfilluseseriesstroke = 67;
optional bool tschchartseriesmixedlinesymbolfilluseseriesstroke = 68;
optional bool tschchartseriesradarareasymbolfilluseseriesstroke = 179;
optional bool tschchartseriesscattersymbolfilluseseriesstroke = 69;
optional float tschchartseriesareasymbolsize = 70;
optional float tschchartserieslinesymbolsize = 71;
optional float tschchartseriesmixedareasymbolsize = 72;
optional float tschchartseriesmixedlinesymbolsize = 73;
optional float tschchartseriesradarareasymbolsize = 181;
optional float tschchartseriesscattersymbolsize = 74;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesareasymbolstroke = 75;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesbubblesymbolstroke = 76;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartserieslinesymbolstroke = 77;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesmixedareasymbolstroke = 78;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesmixedlinesymbolstroke = 79;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesradarareasymbolstroke = 183;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesscattersymbolstroke = 80;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlineshadow = 85;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlinestroke = 86;
optional float tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlineequationopacity = 81;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlineequationparagraphstyleindex = 82;
optional float tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlinersquaredopacity = 83;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlinersquaredparagraphstyleindex = 84;
optional int32 tschchartseriesareavaluelabelposition = 87;
optional int32 tschchartseriesbarvaluelabelposition = 88;
optional int32 tschchartseriesbubblevaluelabelposition = 89;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaultvaluelabelposition = 90;
optional int32 tschchartserieslinevaluelabelposition = 91;
optional int32 tschchartseriesmixedareavaluelabelposition = 92;
optional int32 tschchartseriesmixedcolumnvaluelabelposition = 93;
optional int32 tschchartseriesmixedlinevaluelabelposition = 94;
optional int32 tschchartseriesradarareavaluelabelposition = 185;
optional int32 tschchartseriesscattervaluelabelposition = 95;
optional int32 tschchartseriesstackedareavaluelabelposition = 96;
optional int32 tschchartseriesstackedbarvaluelabelposition = 97;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaultvaluelabelspacing = 100;
extend .TSCH.ChartSeriesStyleArchive {
optional .TSCH.Generated.ChartSeriesStyleArchive current = 10000;
message .TSCH.Generated.ChartSeriesNonStyleArchive {
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartseriesdefault1_0dateformat = 69;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartseriesdefault1_0numberformat = 21;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartseriespie1_0numberformat = 22;
optional float tschchartseriespie2_3labelexplosion = 16;
optional float tschchartseriesbubbleadjustmentscale = 1;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartseriesdefaultdateformat = 71;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartseriesdefaultdurationformat = 70;
optional int32 tschchartseriesareaenablecalloutline = 103;
optional int32 tschchartseriesbarenablecalloutline = 104;
optional int32 tschchartseriesbubbleenablecalloutline = 105;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaultenablecalloutline = 110;
optional int32 tschchartserieslineenablecalloutline = 106;
optional int32 tschchartseriespieenablecalloutline = 102;
optional int32 tschchartseriesscatterenablecalloutline = 107;
optional int32 tschchartseriesstackedareaenablecalloutline = 108;
optional int32 tschchartseriesstackedbarenablecalloutline = 109;
optional .TSCH.ChartsNSArrayOfNSNumberDoubleArchive tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarcustomnegativedata = 2;
optional .TSCH.ChartsNSArrayOfNSNumberDoubleArchive tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarcustomnegativedatascatterx = 3;
optional .TSCH.ChartsNSArrayOfNSNumberDoubleArchive tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarcustompositivedata = 4;
optional .TSCH.ChartsNSArrayOfNSNumberDoubleArchive tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarcustompositivedatascatterx = 5;
optional float tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarfixedvalue = 6;
optional float tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarfixedvaluescatterx = 7;
optional float tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarpercentvalue = 8;
optional float tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarpercentvaluescatterx = 9;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarsetting = 10;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarsettingscatterx = 11;
optional float tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarstddevvalue = 12;
optional float tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarstddevvaluescatterx = 13;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbartype = 14;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbartypescatterx = 15;
optional float tschchartseriespielabelexplosion = 147;
optional int32 tschchartseriesbubblelinetype = 17;
optional int32 tschchartserieslinelinetype = 18;
optional int32 tschchartseriesmixedlinelinetype = 19;
optional int32 tschchartseriesradararealinetype = 189;
optional int32 tschchartseriesscatterlinetype = 20;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartseriesdefaultnumberformat = 98;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartseriespienumberformat = 99;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaultnumberformattype = 23;
optional int32 tschchartseriespienumberformattype = 24;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartseriesstackedpercentnumberformat = 25;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaultseriestype = 26;
optional bool tschchartseriesdefaultshowerrorbar = 27;
optional bool tschchartseriesdefaultshowerrorbarscatterx = 28;
optional bool tschchartseriesbubbleshowlabelsinfront = 101;
optional bool tschchartseriesdefaultshowlabelsinfront = 100;
optional bool tschchartseriesscattershowline = 29;
optional bool tschchartseriesbubbleshownegativedata = 30;
optional bool tschchartseriesbubbleshowserieslabels = 65;
optional bool tschchartseriespieshowserieslabels = 31;
optional bool tschchartseriesscattershowserieslabels = 67;
optional bool tschchartseriesareashowsymbol = 32;
optional bool tschchartserieslineshowsymbol = 33;
optional bool tschchartseriesmixedareashowsymbol = 34;
optional bool tschchartseriesmixedlineshowsymbol = 35;
optional bool tschchartseriesradarareashowsymbol = 160;
optional bool tschchartseriesscattershowsymbol = 36;
optional bool tschchartseriesdefaultshowtrendline = 37;
optional bool tschchartseriesareashowvaluelabels = 38;
optional bool tschchartseriesbarshowvaluelabels = 39;
optional bool tschchartseriesbubbleshowvaluelabels = 40;
optional bool tschchartseriesdefaultshowvaluelabels = 41;
optional bool tschchartserieslineshowvaluelabels = 42;
optional bool tschchartseriesmixedshowvaluelabels = 43;
optional bool tschchartseriespieshowvaluelabels = 44;
optional bool tschchartseriesradarshowvaluelabels = 162;
optional bool tschchartseriesscattershowvaluelabels = 45;
optional int32 tschchartseriesbubblesizedimension = 46;
optional bool tschchartseriesareastacklabels = 139;
optional bool tschchartseriesbarstacklabels = 140;
optional bool tschchartseriesbubblestacklabels = 141;
optional bool tschchartseriesdefaultstacklabels = 146;
optional bool tschchartserieslinestacklabels = 142;
optional bool tschchartseriespiestacklabels = 138;
optional bool tschchartseriesscatterstacklabels = 143;
optional bool tschchartseriesstackedareastacklabels = 144;
optional bool tschchartseriesstackedbarstacklabels = 145;
optional int32 tschchartseriesareasymboltype = 47;
optional int32 tschchartserieslinesymboltype = 48;
optional int32 tschchartseriesmixedareasymboltype = 49;
optional int32 tschchartseriesmixedlinesymboltype = 50;
optional int32 tschchartseriesradarareasymboltype = 163;
optional int32 tschchartseriesscattersymboltype = 51;
optional float tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlineequationoffsetx = 52;
optional float tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlineequationoffsety = 53;
optional string tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlinelabelstring = 54;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlineorder = 55;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlineperiod = 56;
optional float tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlinersquaredoffsetx = 57;
optional float tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlinersquaredoffsety = 58;
optional bool tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlineshowequation = 59;
optional bool tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlineshowlabel = 60;
optional bool tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlineshowr2value = 61;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlinetype = 62;
optional int32 tschchartseriesbubblevaluelabelsaxis = 66;
optional int32 tschchartseriesscattervaluelabelsaxis = 68;
optional float tschchartseriespiewedgeexplosion = 63;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaultyaxisordinal = 64;
extend .TSCH.ChartSeriesNonStyleArchive {
optional .TSCH.Generated.ChartSeriesNonStyleArchive current = 10000;
message .TSCH.Generated.ReferenceLineStyleArchive {
optional int32 tschreferencelinedefaultlabelparagraphstyleindex = 3;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschreferencelinedefaultshadow = 2;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschreferencelinedefaultstroke = 1;
optional int32 tschreferencelinedefaultvaluelabelparagraphstyleindex = 4;
extend .TSCH.ReferenceLineStyleArchive {
optional .TSCH.Generated.ReferenceLineStyleArchive current = 10000;
message .TSCH.Generated.ReferenceLineNonStyleArchive {
optional .TSCH.ChartsNSNumberDoubleArchive tschreferencelinedefaultcustomvalue = 6;
optional string tschreferencelinedefaultlabel = 5;
optional bool tschreferencelinedefaultshowlabel = 3;
optional bool tschreferencelinedefaultshowline = 2;
optional bool tschreferencelinedefaultshowvaluelabel = 4;
optional int32 tschreferencelinedefaulttype = 1;
extend .TSCH.ReferenceLineNonStyleArchive {
optional .TSCH.Generated.ReferenceLineNonStyleArchive current = 10000;
message .TSCH.Generated.ChartGenericPropertyMapArchive {
optional int32 tschchartinfo3dbarshape = 1;
optional bool tschchartinfo3dbeveledges = 2;
optional float tschchartinfo3dchartopacity = 3;
optional float tschchartinfo3dintersetdepthgap = 4;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DLightingPackageArchive tschchartinfo3dlightingpackage = 5;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive tschchartinfo3drotation = 6;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive tschchartinfo3dscale = 7;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive tschchartinfo3dviewport = 8;
optional bool tschchartinfoaxisanchorlabelatends = 9;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartinfobackgroundfill = 10;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartinfobackgroundstroke = 11;
optional float tschchartinfoborderopacity = 12;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartinfobordershadow = 13;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartinfoborderstroke = 14;
optional int32 tschchartinfocalloutlinetype = 15;
optional bool tschchartinfocombinelayers = 16;
optional bool tschchartinfodeprecatedroundedcornerouterendonly = 17;
optional float tschchartinfodeprecatedroundedcornerradius = 18;
optional int32 tschchartinfodatasetnamelocation = 19;
optional int32 tschchartinfodatasetnameparagraphstyleindex = 20;
optional bool tschchartinfodonutplacetitleatcenter = 21;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartinfogridbackgroundfill = 22;
optional float tschchartinfogridbackgroundopacity = 23;
optional float tschchartinfoinnerradius = 24;
optional float tschchartinfointerbargap = 25;
optional float tschchartinfointersetgap = 26;
optional int32 tschchartinfomultidatacontroltype = 27;
optional float tschchartinfopiestartangle = 28;
optional bool tschchartinforadarradiusgridlinecurve = 29;
optional float tschchartinforadarstartangle = 30;
optional bool tschchartinforoundedcornerouterendonly = 31;
optional float tschchartinforoundedcornerradius = 32;
optional bool tschchartinfoshowborder = 33;
optional bool tschchartinfoshowlegend = 34;
optional bool tschchartinfoshowtitle = 35;
optional bool tschchartinfoskiphiddendata = 36;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartinfosummarylabeldateformat = 37;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartinfosummarylabeldurationformat = 38;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartinfosummarylabelnumberformat = 39;
optional int32 tschchartinfosummarylabelnumberformattype = 40;
optional float tschchartinfosummarylabeloffset = 41;
optional int32 tschchartinfosummarylabelparagraphstyleindex = 42;
optional bool tschchartinfosummarylabelshowlabels = 43;
optional int32 tschchartinfosummarylabelvaluelabelspacing = 44;
optional .TSP.Color tschchartinfotitlecolor = 45;
optional string tschchartinfotitle = 46;
optional int32 tschchartinfotitleparagraphstyleindex = 47;
message .TSCH.Generated.LegendGenericPropertyMapArchive {
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschlegendmodelfill = 1;
optional int32 tschlegendmodellabelparagraphstyleindex = 2;
optional float tschlegendmodelopacity = 3;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschlegendmodelshadow = 4;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschlegendmodelstroke = 5;
message .TSCH.Generated.ChartAxisGenericPropertyMapArchive {
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartaxis1_0dateformat = 1;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartaxis1_0numberformat = 2;
optional float tschchartaxis3dgridlineopacity = 3;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartaxis3dgridlinestroke = 4;
optional int32 tschchartaxis3dlabelposition = 5;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartaxisdateformat = 6;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartaxisdurationformat = 7;
optional int32 tschchartaxishorizontalspacing = 8;
optional int32 tschchartaxislabelanglebaselinedirection = 9;
optional float tschchartaxislabelexplosion = 10;
optional int32 tschchartaxislabelparagraphstyleindex = 11;
optional float tschchartaxislabelsorientation = 12;
optional float tschchartaxismajorgridlineopacity = 13;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartaxismajorgridlineshadow = 14;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartaxismajorgridlinestroke = 15;
optional float tschchartaxisminorgridlineopacity = 16;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartaxisminorgridlineshadow = 17;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartaxisminorgridlinestroke = 18;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartaxisnumberformat = 19;
optional int32 tschchartaxisnumberformattype = 20;
optional int32 tschchartaxisnumberofdecades = 21;
optional int32 tschchartaxisnumberofmajorgridlines = 22;
optional int32 tschchartaxisnumberofminorgridlines = 23;
optional bool tschchartaxisplottoedges = 24;
optional int32 tschchartaxisscale = 25;
optional bool tschchartaxisshowaxis = 26;
optional bool tschchartaxisshowextensionlines = 27;
optional bool tschchartaxisshowgridlinetickmarks = 28;
optional bool tschchartaxisshowlabels = 29;
optional bool tschchartaxisshowlastlabel = 30;
optional bool tschchartaxisshowmajorgridlines = 31;
optional bool tschchartaxisshowmajortickmarks = 32;
optional bool tschchartaxisshowminimumlabel = 33;
optional bool tschchartaxisshowminorgridlines = 34;
optional bool tschchartaxisshowminortickmarks = 35;
optional bool tschchartaxisshowserieslabels = 36;
optional bool tschchartaxisshowtitle = 37;
optional int32 tschchartaxistickmarklocation = 38;
optional string tschchartaxistitle = 39;
optional int32 tschchartaxistitleparagraphstyleindex = 40;
optional .TSCH.ChartsNSNumberDoubleArchive tschchartaxisusermax = 41;
optional .TSCH.ChartsNSNumberDoubleArchive tschchartaxisusermin = 42;
optional int32 tschchartaxisverticalspacing = 43;
message .TSCH.Generated.ChartSeriesGenericPropertyMapArchive {
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartseries1_0dateformat = 1;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartseries1_0numberformat = 2;
optional float tschchartseries2_3labelexplosion = 3;
optional float tschchartseriesadjustmentscale = 4;
optional .TSD.LineEndArchive tschchartseriescalloutlineendlineend = 5;
optional .TSD.LineEndArchive tschchartseriescalloutlinestartlineend = 6;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriescalloutlinestrokestyle = 7;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartseriesdateformat = 8;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartseriesdurationformat = 9;
optional int32 tschchartseriesenablecalloutline = 10;
optional .TSCH.ChartsNSArrayOfNSNumberDoubleArchive tschchartserieserrorbarcustomnegativedata = 11;
optional .TSCH.ChartsNSArrayOfNSNumberDoubleArchive tschchartserieserrorbarcustomnegativedatascatterx = 12;
optional .TSCH.ChartsNSArrayOfNSNumberDoubleArchive tschchartserieserrorbarcustompositivedata = 13;
optional .TSCH.ChartsNSArrayOfNSNumberDoubleArchive tschchartserieserrorbarcustompositivedatascatterx = 14;
optional float tschchartserieserrorbarfixedvalue = 15;
optional float tschchartserieserrorbarfixedvaluescatterx = 16;
optional .TSD.LineEndArchive tschchartserieserrorbarlineend = 17;
optional .TSD.LineEndArchive tschchartserieserrorbarlineendscatterx = 18;
optional float tschchartserieserrorbarpercentvalue = 19;
optional float tschchartserieserrorbarpercentvaluescatterx = 20;
optional int32 tschchartserieserrorbarsetting = 21;
optional int32 tschchartserieserrorbarsettingscatterx = 22;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartserieserrorbarshadow = 23;
optional int32 tschchartserieserrorbarspacing = 24;
optional int32 tschchartserieserrorbarspacingscatterx = 25;
optional float tschchartserieserrorbarstddevvalue = 26;
optional float tschchartserieserrorbarstddevvaluescatterx = 27;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartserieserrorbarstroke = 28;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartserieserrorbarstrokescatterx = 29;
optional int32 tschchartserieserrorbartype = 30;
optional int32 tschchartserieserrorbartypescatterx = 31;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseriesfill = 32;
optional float tschchartseriesfilluseseriesstrokealphamultiplier = 33;
optional bool tschchartseriesfilluseseriesstroke = 34;
optional float tschchartserieslabelexplosion = 35;
optional int32 tschchartserieslabelparagraphstyleindex = 36;
optional int32 tschchartserieslinetype = 37;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartseriesnumberformat = 38;
optional int32 tschchartseriesnumberformattype = 39;
optional float tschchartseriesopacity = 40;
optional int32 tschchartseriesoutsidelabelparagraphstyleindex = 41;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive tschchartseriespercentnumberformat = 42;
optional int32 tschchartseriesseriestype = 43;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseriesshadow = 44;
optional bool tschchartseriesshowerrorbar = 45;
optional bool tschchartseriesshowerrorbarscatterx = 46;
optional bool tschchartseriesshowlabelsinfront = 47;
optional bool tschchartseriesshowline = 48;
optional bool tschchartseriesshownegativedata = 49;
optional bool tschchartseriesshowserieslabels = 50;
optional bool tschchartseriesshowsymbol = 51;
optional bool tschchartseriesshowtrendline = 52;
optional bool tschchartseriesshowvaluelabels = 53;
optional int32 tschchartseriessizedimension = 54;
optional bool tschchartseriesstacklabels = 55;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesstroke = 56;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseriessymbolfill = 57;
optional bool tschchartseriessymbolfilluseseriesfill = 58;
optional bool tschchartseriessymbolfilluseseriesstroke = 59;
optional float tschchartseriessymbolsize = 60;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriessymbolstroke = 61;
optional int32 tschchartseriessymboltype = 62;
optional float tschchartseriestrendlineequationoffsetx = 63;
optional float tschchartseriestrendlineequationoffsety = 64;
optional string tschchartseriestrendlinelabelstring = 65;
optional int32 tschchartseriestrendlineorder = 66;
optional int32 tschchartseriestrendlineperiod = 67;
optional float tschchartseriestrendlinersquaredoffsetx = 68;
optional float tschchartseriestrendlinersquaredoffsety = 69;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseriestrendlineshadow = 70;
optional bool tschchartseriestrendlineshowequation = 71;
optional bool tschchartseriestrendlineshowlabel = 72;
optional bool tschchartseriestrendlineshowr2value = 73;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriestrendlinestroke = 74;
optional int32 tschchartseriestrendlinetype = 75;
optional float tschchartseriestrendlineequationopacity = 76;
optional int32 tschchartseriestrendlineequationparagraphstyleindex = 77;
optional float tschchartseriestrendlinersquaredopacity = 78;
optional int32 tschchartseriestrendlinersquaredparagraphstyleindex = 79;
optional int32 tschchartseriesvaluelabelposition = 80;
optional int32 tschchartseriesvaluelabelspacing = 81;
optional int32 tschchartseriesvaluelabelsaxis = 82;
optional float tschchartserieswedgeexplosion = 83;
optional int32 tschchartseriesyaxisordinal = 84;
message .TSCH.Generated.ReferenceLineGenericPropertyMapArchive {
optional .TSCH.ChartsNSNumberDoubleArchive tschreferencelinecustomvalue = 1;
optional string tschreferencelinelabel = 2;
optional int32 tschreferencelinelabelparagraphstyleindex = 3;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschreferencelineshadow = 4;
optional bool tschreferencelineshowlabel = 5;
optional bool tschreferencelineshowline = 6;
optional bool tschreferencelineshowvaluelabel = 7;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschreferencelinestroke = 8;
optional int32 tschreferencelinetype = 9;
optional int32 tschreferencelinevaluelabelparagraphstyleindex = 10;
message .TSCHSOS.SpecSetChart3dLightingPackageArchive {
optional .TSCH.Chart3DLightingPackageArchive chart3d_lighting_package = 1;
required bool unset = 2;
message .TSCHSOS.SpecSetChart3dVectorArchive {
optional .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive chart3d_vector = 1;
required bool unset = 2;
message .TSCHSOS.SpecSetChartErrorBarCustomDataArchive {
optional .TSCH.ChartsNSArrayOfNSNumberDoubleArchive chart_error_bar_custom_data = 1;
required bool unset = 2;
message .TSCHSOS.SpecSetChartsOptionalDoubleArchiveArchive {
optional .TSCH.ChartsNSNumberDoubleArchive charts_optional_double_archive = 1;
required bool unset = 2;
message .TSCHSOS.SpecSetFormatObjectArchive {
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive format_object = 1;
required bool unset = 2;
message .TSCHSOS.SpecSetNumberFormatArchive {
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive number_format = 1;
required bool unset = 2;
message .TSCHSOS.SpecChart3dLightingPackageArchive {
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecSetChart3dLightingPackageArchive spec_set_chart3d_lighting_package = 1;
message .TSCHSOS.SpecChart3dVectorArchive {
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecSetChart3dVectorArchive spec_set_chart3d_vector = 1;
message .TSCHSOS.SpecChartErrorBarCustomDataArchive {
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecSetChartErrorBarCustomDataArchive spec_set_chart_error_bar_custom_data = 1;
message .TSCHSOS.SpecChartsOptionalDoubleArchiveArchive {
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecSetChartsOptionalDoubleArchiveArchive spec_set_charts_optional_double_archive = 1;
message .TSCHSOS.SpecFormatObjectArchive {
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecSetFormatObjectArchive spec_set_format_object = 1;
message .TSCHSOS.SpecNumberFormatArchive {
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecSetNumberFormatArchive spec_set_number_format = 1;
message .TSCHSOS.ChartAxisNonStylePropertyChangeSetArchive {
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecFormatObjectArchive default10_date_format = 1;
optional bool default10_date_format_undefined = 2;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecNumberFormatArchive default10_number_format = 3;
optional bool default10_number_format_undefined = 4;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default3d_label_position = 5;
optional bool default3d_label_position_undefined = 6;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecFormatObjectArchive default_date_format = 7;
optional bool default_date_format_undefined = 8;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecFormatObjectArchive default_duration_format = 9;
optional bool default_duration_format_undefined = 10;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default_label_explosion = 11;
optional bool default_label_explosion_undefined = 12;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecNumberFormatArchive default_number_format = 13;
optional bool default_number_format_undefined = 14;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_number_format_type = 15;
optional bool default_number_format_type_undefined = 16;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive value_number_of_decades = 17;
optional bool value_number_of_decades_undefined = 18;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive value_number_of_major_gridlines = 19;
optional bool value_number_of_major_gridlines_undefined = 20;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive value_number_of_minor_gridlines = 21;
optional bool value_number_of_minor_gridlines_undefined = 22;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive category_plot_to_edges = 23;
optional bool category_plot_to_edges_undefined = 24;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive value_scale = 25;
optional bool value_scale_undefined = 26;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive category_show_labels = 27;
optional bool category_show_labels_undefined = 28;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive default_show_labels = 29;
optional bool default_show_labels_undefined = 30;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive value_show_labels = 31;
optional bool value_show_labels_undefined = 32;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive category_show_series_labels = 33;
optional bool category_show_series_labels_undefined = 34;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive multi_data_show_series_labels = 35;
optional bool multi_data_show_series_labels_undefined = 36;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive category_show_title = 37;
optional bool category_show_title_undefined = 38;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive value_show_title = 39;
optional bool value_show_title_undefined = 40;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecStringArchive category_title = 41;
optional bool category_title_undefined = 42;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecStringArchive value_title = 43;
optional bool value_title_undefined = 44;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecChartsOptionalDoubleArchiveArchive default_user_max = 45;
optional bool default_user_max_undefined = 46;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecChartsOptionalDoubleArchiveArchive default_user_min = 47;
optional bool default_user_min_undefined = 48;
message .TSCHSOS.ChartAxisStylePropertyChangeSetArchive {
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive category3d_gridline_opacity = 1;
optional bool category3d_gridline_opacity_undefined = 2;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive value3d_gridline_opacity = 3;
optional bool value3d_gridline_opacity_undefined = 4;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive category3d_gridline_stroke = 5;
optional bool category3d_gridline_stroke_undefined = 6;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive value3d_gridline_stroke = 7;
optional bool value3d_gridline_stroke_undefined = 8;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive category_horizontal_spacing = 9;
optional bool category_horizontal_spacing_undefined = 10;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_label_angle_baseline_direction = 11;
optional bool default_label_angle_baseline_direction_undefined = 12;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive category_label_paragraph_style_index = 13;
optional bool category_label_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 14;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_label_paragraph_style_index = 15;
optional bool default_label_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 16;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive value_label_paragraph_style_index = 17;
optional bool value_label_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 18;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive category_labels_orientation = 19;
optional bool category_labels_orientation_undefined = 20;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default_labels_orientation = 21;
optional bool default_labels_orientation_undefined = 22;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive value_labels_orientation = 23;
optional bool value_labels_orientation_undefined = 24;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive category_major_gridline_opacity = 25;
optional bool category_major_gridline_opacity_undefined = 26;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive value_major_gridline_opacity = 27;
optional bool value_major_gridline_opacity_undefined = 28;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive category_major_gridline_shadow = 29;
optional bool category_major_gridline_shadow_undefined = 30;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive value_major_gridline_shadow = 31;
optional bool value_major_gridline_shadow_undefined = 32;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive category_major_gridline_stroke = 33;
optional bool category_major_gridline_stroke_undefined = 34;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive value_major_gridline_stroke = 35;
optional bool value_major_gridline_stroke_undefined = 36;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive category_minor_gridline_opacity = 37;
optional bool category_minor_gridline_opacity_undefined = 38;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive value_minor_gridline_opacity = 39;
optional bool value_minor_gridline_opacity_undefined = 40;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive category_minor_gridline_shadow = 41;
optional bool category_minor_gridline_shadow_undefined = 42;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive value_minor_gridline_shadow = 43;
optional bool value_minor_gridline_shadow_undefined = 44;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive category_minor_gridline_stroke = 45;
optional bool category_minor_gridline_stroke_undefined = 46;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive value_minor_gridline_stroke = 47;
optional bool value_minor_gridline_stroke_undefined = 48;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive category_show_axis = 49;
optional bool category_show_axis_undefined = 50;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive value_show_axis = 51;
optional bool value_show_axis_undefined = 52;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive default_show_extension_lines = 53;
optional bool default_show_extension_lines_undefined = 54;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive category_show_gridline_tickmarks = 55;
optional bool category_show_gridline_tickmarks_undefined = 56;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive value_show_gridline_tickmarks = 57;
optional bool value_show_gridline_tickmarks_undefined = 58;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive category_show_last_label = 59;
optional bool category_show_last_label_undefined = 60;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive category_show_major_gridlines = 61;
optional bool category_show_major_gridlines_undefined = 62;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive polar_category_show_major_gridlines = 63;
optional bool polar_category_show_major_gridlines_undefined = 64;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive value_show_major_gridlines = 65;
optional bool value_show_major_gridlines_undefined = 66;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive category_show_major_tickmarks = 67;
optional bool category_show_major_tickmarks_undefined = 68;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive value_show_major_tickmarks = 69;
optional bool value_show_major_tickmarks_undefined = 70;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive value_show_minimum_label = 71;
optional bool value_show_minimum_label_undefined = 72;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive category_show_minor_gridlines = 73;
optional bool category_show_minor_gridlines_undefined = 74;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive value_show_minor_gridlines = 75;
optional bool value_show_minor_gridlines_undefined = 76;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive category_show_minor_tickmarks = 77;
optional bool category_show_minor_tickmarks_undefined = 78;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive value_show_minor_tickmarks = 79;
optional bool value_show_minor_tickmarks_undefined = 80;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive category_tickmark_location = 81;
optional bool category_tickmark_location_undefined = 82;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive value_tickmark_location = 83;
optional bool value_tickmark_location_undefined = 84;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive category_title_paragraph_style_index = 85;
optional bool category_title_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 86;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_title_paragraph_style_index = 87;
optional bool default_title_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 88;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive value_title_paragraph_style_index = 89;
optional bool value_title_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 90;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive category_vertical_spacing = 91;
optional bool category_vertical_spacing_undefined = 92;
message .TSCHSOS.ChartLegendNonStylePropertyChangeSetArchive {
message .TSCHSOS.ChartLegendStylePropertyChangeSetArchive {
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive default_fill = 1;
optional bool default_fill_undefined = 2;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_label_paragraph_style_index = 3;
optional bool default_label_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 4;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default_opacity = 5;
optional bool default_opacity_undefined = 6;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive default_shadow = 7;
optional bool default_shadow_undefined = 8;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive default_stroke = 9;
optional bool default_stroke_undefined = 10;
message .TSCHSOS.ChartNonStylePropertyChangeSetArchive {
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default3d_bar_shape = 1;
optional bool default3d_bar_shape_undefined = 2;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive default3d_bevel_edges = 3;
optional bool default3d_bevel_edges_undefined = 4;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default3d_inter_set_depth_gap = 5;
optional bool default3d_inter_set_depth_gap_undefined = 6;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecChart3dVectorArchive default3d_rotation = 7;
optional bool default3d_rotation_undefined = 8;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecChart3dVectorArchive area3d_scale = 9;
optional bool area3d_scale_undefined = 10;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecChart3dVectorArchive bar3d_scale = 11;
optional bool bar3d_scale_undefined = 12;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecChart3dVectorArchive column3d_scale = 13;
optional bool column3d_scale_undefined = 14;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecChart3dVectorArchive default3d_scale = 15;
optional bool default3d_scale_undefined = 16;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecChart3dVectorArchive line3d_scale = 17;
optional bool line3d_scale_undefined = 18;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecChart3dVectorArchive pie3d_scale = 19;
optional bool pie3d_scale_undefined = 20;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecChart3dVectorArchive default3d_viewport = 21;
optional bool default3d_viewport_undefined = 22;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive area_callout_line_type = 23;
optional bool area_callout_line_type_undefined = 24;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive bar_callout_line_type = 25;
optional bool bar_callout_line_type_undefined = 26;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive bubble_callout_line_type = 27;
optional bool bubble_callout_line_type_undefined = 28;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_callout_line_type = 29;
optional bool default_callout_line_type_undefined = 30;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive line_callout_line_type = 31;
optional bool line_callout_line_type_undefined = 32;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive pie_callout_line_type = 33;
optional bool pie_callout_line_type_undefined = 34;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive scatter_callout_line_type = 35;
optional bool scatter_callout_line_type_undefined = 36;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive stacked_area_callout_line_type = 37;
optional bool stacked_area_callout_line_type_undefined = 38;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive stacked_bar_callout_line_type = 39;
optional bool stacked_bar_callout_line_type_undefined = 40;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive default_d_e_p_r_e_c_a_t_e_d_rounded_corner_outer_end_only = 41;
optional bool default_d_e_p_r_e_c_a_t_e_d_rounded_corner_outer_end_only_undefined = 42;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default_d_e_p_r_e_c_a_t_e_d_rounded_corner_radius = 43;
optional bool default_d_e_p_r_e_c_a_t_e_d_rounded_corner_radius_undefined = 44;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_data_set_name_location = 45;
optional bool default_data_set_name_location_undefined = 46;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive default_donut_place_title_at_center = 47;
optional bool default_donut_place_title_at_center_undefined = 48;
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optional bool default_inner_radius_undefined = 50;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_multi_data_control_type = 51;
optional bool default_multi_data_control_type_undefined = 52;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default_pie_start_angle = 53;
optional bool default_pie_start_angle_undefined = 54;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default_radar_start_angle = 55;
optional bool default_radar_start_angle_undefined = 56;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive default_show_legend = 57;
optional bool default_show_legend_undefined = 58;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive default_show_title = 59;
optional bool default_show_title_undefined = 60;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive default_skip_hidden_data = 61;
optional bool default_skip_hidden_data_undefined = 62;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecFormatObjectArchive default_summary_label_date_format = 63;
optional bool default_summary_label_date_format_undefined = 64;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecFormatObjectArchive default_summary_label_duration_format = 65;
optional bool default_summary_label_duration_format_undefined = 66;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecNumberFormatArchive default_summary_label_number_format = 67;
optional bool default_summary_label_number_format_undefined = 68;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_summary_label_number_format_type = 69;
optional bool default_summary_label_number_format_type_undefined = 70;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive default_summary_label_show_labels = 71;
optional bool default_summary_label_show_labels_undefined = 72;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecStringArchive default_title = 73;
optional bool default_title_undefined = 74;
message .TSCHSOS.ChartReferenceLineNonStylePropertyChangeSetArchive {
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecChartsOptionalDoubleArchiveArchive default_custom_value = 1;
optional bool default_custom_value_undefined = 2;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecStringArchive default_label = 3;
optional bool default_label_undefined = 4;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive default_show_label = 5;
optional bool default_show_label_undefined = 6;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive default_show_line = 7;
optional bool default_show_line_undefined = 8;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive default_show_value_label = 9;
optional bool default_show_value_label_undefined = 10;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_type = 11;
optional bool default_type_undefined = 12;
message .TSCHSOS.ChartReferenceLineStylePropertyChangeSetArchive {
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_label_paragraph_style_index = 1;
optional bool default_label_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 2;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive default_shadow = 3;
optional bool default_shadow_undefined = 4;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive default_stroke = 5;
optional bool default_stroke_undefined = 6;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_value_label_paragraph_style_index = 7;
optional bool default_value_label_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 8;
message .TSCHSOS.ChartSeriesNonStylePropertyChangeSetArchive {
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecFormatObjectArchive default10_date_format = 1;
optional bool default10_date_format_undefined = 2;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecNumberFormatArchive default10_number_format = 3;
optional bool default10_number_format_undefined = 4;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecNumberFormatArchive pie10_number_format = 5;
optional bool pie10_number_format_undefined = 6;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive pie23_label_explosion = 7;
optional bool pie23_label_explosion_undefined = 8;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive bubble_adjustment_scale = 9;
optional bool bubble_adjustment_scale_undefined = 10;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecFormatObjectArchive default_date_format = 11;
optional bool default_date_format_undefined = 12;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecFormatObjectArchive default_duration_format = 13;
optional bool default_duration_format_undefined = 14;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive area_enable_callout_line = 15;
optional bool area_enable_callout_line_undefined = 16;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive bar_enable_callout_line = 17;
optional bool bar_enable_callout_line_undefined = 18;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive bubble_enable_callout_line = 19;
optional bool bubble_enable_callout_line_undefined = 20;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_enable_callout_line = 21;
optional bool default_enable_callout_line_undefined = 22;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive line_enable_callout_line = 23;
optional bool line_enable_callout_line_undefined = 24;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive pie_enable_callout_line = 25;
optional bool pie_enable_callout_line_undefined = 26;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive scatter_enable_callout_line = 27;
optional bool scatter_enable_callout_line_undefined = 28;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive stacked_area_enable_callout_line = 29;
optional bool stacked_area_enable_callout_line_undefined = 30;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive stacked_bar_enable_callout_line = 31;
optional bool stacked_bar_enable_callout_line_undefined = 32;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecChartErrorBarCustomDataArchive default_error_bar_custom_negative_data = 33;
optional bool default_error_bar_custom_negative_data_undefined = 34;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecChartErrorBarCustomDataArchive default_error_bar_custom_negative_data_scatter_x = 35;
optional bool default_error_bar_custom_negative_data_scatter_x_undefined = 36;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecChartErrorBarCustomDataArchive default_error_bar_custom_positive_data = 37;
optional bool default_error_bar_custom_positive_data_undefined = 38;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecChartErrorBarCustomDataArchive default_error_bar_custom_positive_data_scatter_x = 39;
optional bool default_error_bar_custom_positive_data_scatter_x_undefined = 40;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default_error_bar_fixed_value = 41;
optional bool default_error_bar_fixed_value_undefined = 42;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default_error_bar_fixed_value_scatter_x = 43;
optional bool default_error_bar_fixed_value_scatter_x_undefined = 44;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default_error_bar_percent_value = 45;
optional bool default_error_bar_percent_value_undefined = 46;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default_error_bar_percent_value_scatter_x = 47;
optional bool default_error_bar_percent_value_scatter_x_undefined = 48;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_error_bar_setting = 49;
optional bool default_error_bar_setting_undefined = 50;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_error_bar_setting_scatter_x = 51;
optional bool default_error_bar_setting_scatter_x_undefined = 52;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default_error_bar_std_dev_value = 53;
optional bool default_error_bar_std_dev_value_undefined = 54;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default_error_bar_std_dev_value_scatter_x = 55;
optional bool default_error_bar_std_dev_value_scatter_x_undefined = 56;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_error_bar_type = 57;
optional bool default_error_bar_type_undefined = 58;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_error_bar_type_scatter_x = 59;
optional bool default_error_bar_type_scatter_x_undefined = 60;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive pie_label_explosion = 61;
optional bool pie_label_explosion_undefined = 62;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive bubble_line_type = 63;
optional bool bubble_line_type_undefined = 64;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive line_line_type = 65;
optional bool line_line_type_undefined = 66;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive mixed_line_line_type = 67;
optional bool mixed_line_line_type_undefined = 68;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive radar_area_line_type = 69;
optional bool radar_area_line_type_undefined = 70;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive scatter_line_type = 71;
optional bool scatter_line_type_undefined = 72;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecNumberFormatArchive default_number_format = 73;
optional bool default_number_format_undefined = 74;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecNumberFormatArchive pie_number_format = 75;
optional bool pie_number_format_undefined = 76;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_number_format_type = 77;
optional bool default_number_format_type_undefined = 78;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive pie_number_format_type = 79;
optional bool pie_number_format_type_undefined = 80;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecNumberFormatArchive stacked_percent_number_format = 81;
optional bool stacked_percent_number_format_undefined = 82;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_series_type = 83;
optional bool default_series_type_undefined = 84;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive default_show_error_bar = 85;
optional bool default_show_error_bar_undefined = 86;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive default_show_error_bar_scatter_x = 87;
optional bool default_show_error_bar_scatter_x_undefined = 88;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive bubble_show_labels_in_front = 89;
optional bool bubble_show_labels_in_front_undefined = 90;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive default_show_labels_in_front = 91;
optional bool default_show_labels_in_front_undefined = 92;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive scatter_show_line = 93;
optional bool scatter_show_line_undefined = 94;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive bubble_show_negative_data = 95;
optional bool bubble_show_negative_data_undefined = 96;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive bubble_show_series_labels = 97;
optional bool bubble_show_series_labels_undefined = 98;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive pie_show_series_labels = 99;
optional bool pie_show_series_labels_undefined = 100;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive scatter_show_series_labels = 101;
optional bool scatter_show_series_labels_undefined = 102;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive area_show_symbol = 103;
optional bool area_show_symbol_undefined = 104;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive line_show_symbol = 105;
optional bool line_show_symbol_undefined = 106;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive mixed_area_show_symbol = 107;
optional bool mixed_area_show_symbol_undefined = 108;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive mixed_line_show_symbol = 109;
optional bool mixed_line_show_symbol_undefined = 110;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive radar_area_show_symbol = 111;
optional bool radar_area_show_symbol_undefined = 112;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive scatter_show_symbol = 113;
optional bool scatter_show_symbol_undefined = 114;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive default_show_trend_line = 115;
optional bool default_show_trend_line_undefined = 116;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive area_show_value_labels = 117;
optional bool area_show_value_labels_undefined = 118;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive bar_show_value_labels = 119;
optional bool bar_show_value_labels_undefined = 120;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive bubble_show_value_labels = 121;
optional bool bubble_show_value_labels_undefined = 122;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive default_show_value_labels = 123;
optional bool default_show_value_labels_undefined = 124;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive line_show_value_labels = 125;
optional bool line_show_value_labels_undefined = 126;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive mixed_show_value_labels = 127;
optional bool mixed_show_value_labels_undefined = 128;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive pie_show_value_labels = 129;
optional bool pie_show_value_labels_undefined = 130;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive radar_show_value_labels = 131;
optional bool radar_show_value_labels_undefined = 132;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive scatter_show_value_labels = 133;
optional bool scatter_show_value_labels_undefined = 134;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive bubble_size_dimension = 135;
optional bool bubble_size_dimension_undefined = 136;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive area_stack_labels = 137;
optional bool area_stack_labels_undefined = 138;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive bar_stack_labels = 139;
optional bool bar_stack_labels_undefined = 140;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive bubble_stack_labels = 141;
optional bool bubble_stack_labels_undefined = 142;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive default_stack_labels = 143;
optional bool default_stack_labels_undefined = 144;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive line_stack_labels = 145;
optional bool line_stack_labels_undefined = 146;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive pie_stack_labels = 147;
optional bool pie_stack_labels_undefined = 148;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive scatter_stack_labels = 149;
optional bool scatter_stack_labels_undefined = 150;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive stacked_area_stack_labels = 151;
optional bool stacked_area_stack_labels_undefined = 152;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive stacked_bar_stack_labels = 153;
optional bool stacked_bar_stack_labels_undefined = 154;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive area_symbol_type = 155;
optional bool area_symbol_type_undefined = 156;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive line_symbol_type = 157;
optional bool line_symbol_type_undefined = 158;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive mixed_area_symbol_type = 159;
optional bool mixed_area_symbol_type_undefined = 160;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive mixed_line_symbol_type = 161;
optional bool mixed_line_symbol_type_undefined = 162;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive radar_area_symbol_type = 163;
optional bool radar_area_symbol_type_undefined = 164;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive scatter_symbol_type = 165;
optional bool scatter_symbol_type_undefined = 166;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default_trend_line_equation_offset_x = 167;
optional bool default_trend_line_equation_offset_x_undefined = 168;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default_trend_line_equation_offset_y = 169;
optional bool default_trend_line_equation_offset_y_undefined = 170;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecStringArchive default_trend_line_label_string = 171;
optional bool default_trend_line_label_string_undefined = 172;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_trend_line_order = 173;
optional bool default_trend_line_order_undefined = 174;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_trend_line_period = 175;
optional bool default_trend_line_period_undefined = 176;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default_trend_line_r_squared_offset_x = 177;
optional bool default_trend_line_r_squared_offset_x_undefined = 178;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default_trend_line_r_squared_offset_y = 179;
optional bool default_trend_line_r_squared_offset_y_undefined = 180;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive default_trend_line_show_equation = 181;
optional bool default_trend_line_show_equation_undefined = 182;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive default_trend_line_show_label = 183;
optional bool default_trend_line_show_label_undefined = 184;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive default_trend_line_show_r2_value = 185;
optional bool default_trend_line_show_r2_value_undefined = 186;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_trend_line_type = 187;
optional bool default_trend_line_type_undefined = 188;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive bubble_value_labels_axis = 189;
optional bool bubble_value_labels_axis_undefined = 190;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive scatter_value_labels_axis = 191;
optional bool scatter_value_labels_axis_undefined = 192;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive pie_wedge_explosion = 193;
optional bool pie_wedge_explosion_undefined = 194;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_y_axis_ordinal = 195;
optional bool default_y_axis_ordinal_undefined = 196;
message .TSCHSOS.ChartSeriesStylePropertyChangeSetArchive {
optional .TSDSOS.SpecLineEndArchive default_callout_line_end_line_end = 1;
optional bool default_callout_line_end_line_end_undefined = 2;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecLineEndArchive default_callout_line_start_line_end = 3;
optional bool default_callout_line_start_line_end_undefined = 4;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive default_callout_line_stroke_style = 5;
optional bool default_callout_line_stroke_style_undefined = 6;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecLineEndArchive default_error_bar_line_end = 7;
optional bool default_error_bar_line_end_undefined = 8;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecLineEndArchive default_error_bar_line_end_scatter_x = 9;
optional bool default_error_bar_line_end_scatter_x_undefined = 10;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive default_error_bar_shadow = 11;
optional bool default_error_bar_shadow_undefined = 12;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_error_bar_spacing = 13;
optional bool default_error_bar_spacing_undefined = 14;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_error_bar_spacing_scatter_x = 15;
optional bool default_error_bar_spacing_scatter_x_undefined = 16;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive default_error_bar_stroke = 17;
optional bool default_error_bar_stroke_undefined = 18;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive default_error_bar_stroke_scatter_x = 19;
optional bool default_error_bar_stroke_scatter_x_undefined = 20;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive area3d_fill = 21;
optional bool area3d_fill_undefined = 22;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive bar3d_fill = 23;
optional bool bar3d_fill_undefined = 24;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive column3d_fill = 25;
optional bool column3d_fill_undefined = 26;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive line3d_fill = 27;
optional bool line3d_fill_undefined = 28;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive pie3d_fill = 29;
optional bool pie3d_fill_undefined = 30;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive area_fill = 31;
optional bool area_fill_undefined = 32;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive bar_fill = 33;
optional bool bar_fill_undefined = 34;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive column_fill = 35;
optional bool column_fill_undefined = 36;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive default_fill = 37;
optional bool default_fill_undefined = 38;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive mixed_area_fill = 39;
optional bool mixed_area_fill_undefined = 40;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive mixed_column_fill = 41;
optional bool mixed_column_fill_undefined = 42;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive pie_fill = 43;
optional bool pie_fill_undefined = 44;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive radar_area_fill = 45;
optional bool radar_area_fill_undefined = 46;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive radar_area_fill_use_series_stroke_alpha_multiplier = 47;
optional bool radar_area_fill_use_series_stroke_alpha_multiplier_undefined = 48;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive radar_area_fill_use_series_stroke = 49;
optional bool radar_area_fill_use_series_stroke_undefined = 50;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive area_label_paragraph_style_index = 51;
optional bool area_label_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 52;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive bar_label_paragraph_style_index = 53;
optional bool bar_label_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 54;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_label_paragraph_style_index = 55;
optional bool default_label_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 56;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive donut_label_paragraph_style_index = 57;
optional bool donut_label_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 58;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive line_label_paragraph_style_index = 59;
optional bool line_label_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 60;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive mixed_label_paragraph_style_index = 61;
optional bool mixed_label_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 62;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive pie_label_paragraph_style_index = 63;
optional bool pie_label_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 64;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive radar_label_paragraph_style_index = 65;
optional bool radar_label_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 66;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default_opacity = 67;
optional bool default_opacity_undefined = 68;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive area_outside_label_paragraph_style_index = 69;
optional bool area_outside_label_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 70;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive bar_outside_label_paragraph_style_index = 71;
optional bool bar_outside_label_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 72;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_outside_label_paragraph_style_index = 73;
optional bool default_outside_label_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 74;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive donut_outside_label_paragraph_style_index = 75;
optional bool donut_outside_label_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 76;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive mixed_outside_label_paragraph_style_index = 77;
optional bool mixed_outside_label_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 78;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive pie_outside_label_paragraph_style_index = 79;
optional bool pie_outside_label_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 80;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive radar_outside_label_paragraph_style_index = 81;
optional bool radar_outside_label_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 82;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive area3d_shadow = 83;
optional bool area3d_shadow_undefined = 84;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive bar3d_shadow = 85;
optional bool bar3d_shadow_undefined = 86;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive column3d_shadow = 87;
optional bool column3d_shadow_undefined = 88;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive line3d_shadow = 89;
optional bool line3d_shadow_undefined = 90;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive pie3d_shadow = 91;
optional bool pie3d_shadow_undefined = 92;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive area_shadow = 93;
optional bool area_shadow_undefined = 94;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive bar_shadow = 95;
optional bool bar_shadow_undefined = 96;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive bubble_shadow = 97;
optional bool bubble_shadow_undefined = 98;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive default_shadow = 99;
optional bool default_shadow_undefined = 100;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive line_shadow = 101;
optional bool line_shadow_undefined = 102;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive mixed_area_shadow = 103;
optional bool mixed_area_shadow_undefined = 104;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive mixed_column_shadow = 105;
optional bool mixed_column_shadow_undefined = 106;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive mixed_line_shadow = 107;
optional bool mixed_line_shadow_undefined = 108;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive pie_shadow = 109;
optional bool pie_shadow_undefined = 110;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive radar_area_shadow = 111;
optional bool radar_area_shadow_undefined = 112;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive scatter_shadow = 113;
optional bool scatter_shadow_undefined = 114;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive area_stroke = 115;
optional bool area_stroke_undefined = 116;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive bar_stroke = 117;
optional bool bar_stroke_undefined = 118;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive bubble_stroke = 119;
optional bool bubble_stroke_undefined = 120;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive line_stroke = 121;
optional bool line_stroke_undefined = 122;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive mixed_area_stroke = 123;
optional bool mixed_area_stroke_undefined = 124;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive mixed_column_stroke = 125;
optional bool mixed_column_stroke_undefined = 126;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive mixed_line_stroke = 127;
optional bool mixed_line_stroke_undefined = 128;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive pie_stroke = 129;
optional bool pie_stroke_undefined = 130;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive radar_area_stroke = 131;
optional bool radar_area_stroke_undefined = 132;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive scatter_stroke = 133;
optional bool scatter_stroke_undefined = 134;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive area_symbol_fill = 135;
optional bool area_symbol_fill_undefined = 136;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive bubble_symbol_fill = 137;
optional bool bubble_symbol_fill_undefined = 138;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive line_symbol_fill = 139;
optional bool line_symbol_fill_undefined = 140;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive mixed_area_symbol_fill = 141;
optional bool mixed_area_symbol_fill_undefined = 142;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive mixed_line_symbol_fill = 143;
optional bool mixed_line_symbol_fill_undefined = 144;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive radar_area_symbol_fill = 145;
optional bool radar_area_symbol_fill_undefined = 146;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive scatter_symbol_fill = 147;
optional bool scatter_symbol_fill_undefined = 148;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive area_symbol_fill_use_series_fill = 149;
optional bool area_symbol_fill_use_series_fill_undefined = 150;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive line_symbol_fill_use_series_fill = 151;
optional bool line_symbol_fill_use_series_fill_undefined = 152;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive mixed_area_symbol_fill_use_series_fill = 153;
optional bool mixed_area_symbol_fill_use_series_fill_undefined = 154;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive mixed_line_symbol_fill_use_series_fill = 155;
optional bool mixed_line_symbol_fill_use_series_fill_undefined = 156;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive radar_area_symbol_fill_use_series_fill = 157;
optional bool radar_area_symbol_fill_use_series_fill_undefined = 158;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive area_symbol_fill_use_series_stroke = 159;
optional bool area_symbol_fill_use_series_stroke_undefined = 160;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive bubble_symbol_fill_use_series_stroke = 161;
optional bool bubble_symbol_fill_use_series_stroke_undefined = 162;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive line_symbol_fill_use_series_stroke = 163;
optional bool line_symbol_fill_use_series_stroke_undefined = 164;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive mixed_area_symbol_fill_use_series_stroke = 165;
optional bool mixed_area_symbol_fill_use_series_stroke_undefined = 166;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive mixed_line_symbol_fill_use_series_stroke = 167;
optional bool mixed_line_symbol_fill_use_series_stroke_undefined = 168;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive radar_area_symbol_fill_use_series_stroke = 169;
optional bool radar_area_symbol_fill_use_series_stroke_undefined = 170;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive scatter_symbol_fill_use_series_stroke = 171;
optional bool scatter_symbol_fill_use_series_stroke_undefined = 172;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive area_symbol_size = 173;
optional bool area_symbol_size_undefined = 174;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive line_symbol_size = 175;
optional bool line_symbol_size_undefined = 176;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive mixed_area_symbol_size = 177;
optional bool mixed_area_symbol_size_undefined = 178;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive mixed_line_symbol_size = 179;
optional bool mixed_line_symbol_size_undefined = 180;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive radar_area_symbol_size = 181;
optional bool radar_area_symbol_size_undefined = 182;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive scatter_symbol_size = 183;
optional bool scatter_symbol_size_undefined = 184;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive area_symbol_stroke = 185;
optional bool area_symbol_stroke_undefined = 186;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive bubble_symbol_stroke = 187;
optional bool bubble_symbol_stroke_undefined = 188;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive line_symbol_stroke = 189;
optional bool line_symbol_stroke_undefined = 190;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive mixed_area_symbol_stroke = 191;
optional bool mixed_area_symbol_stroke_undefined = 192;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive mixed_line_symbol_stroke = 193;
optional bool mixed_line_symbol_stroke_undefined = 194;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive radar_area_symbol_stroke = 195;
optional bool radar_area_symbol_stroke_undefined = 196;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive scatter_symbol_stroke = 197;
optional bool scatter_symbol_stroke_undefined = 198;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive default_trend_line_shadow = 199;
optional bool default_trend_line_shadow_undefined = 200;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive default_trend_line_stroke = 201;
optional bool default_trend_line_stroke_undefined = 202;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default_trendline_equation_opacity = 203;
optional bool default_trendline_equation_opacity_undefined = 204;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_trendline_equation_paragraph_style_index = 205;
optional bool default_trendline_equation_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 206;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default_trendline_r_squared_opacity = 207;
optional bool default_trendline_r_squared_opacity_undefined = 208;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_trendline_r_squared_paragraph_style_index = 209;
optional bool default_trendline_r_squared_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 210;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive area_value_label_position = 211;
optional bool area_value_label_position_undefined = 212;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive bar_value_label_position = 213;
optional bool bar_value_label_position_undefined = 214;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive bubble_value_label_position = 215;
optional bool bubble_value_label_position_undefined = 216;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_value_label_position = 217;
optional bool default_value_label_position_undefined = 218;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive line_value_label_position = 219;
optional bool line_value_label_position_undefined = 220;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive mixed_area_value_label_position = 221;
optional bool mixed_area_value_label_position_undefined = 222;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive mixed_column_value_label_position = 223;
optional bool mixed_column_value_label_position_undefined = 224;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive mixed_line_value_label_position = 225;
optional bool mixed_line_value_label_position_undefined = 226;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive radar_area_value_label_position = 227;
optional bool radar_area_value_label_position_undefined = 228;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive scatter_value_label_position = 229;
optional bool scatter_value_label_position_undefined = 230;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive stacked_area_value_label_position = 231;
optional bool stacked_area_value_label_position_undefined = 232;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive stacked_bar_value_label_position = 233;
optional bool stacked_bar_value_label_position_undefined = 234;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_value_label_spacing = 235;
optional bool default_value_label_spacing_undefined = 236;
message .TSCHSOS.ChartStylePropertyChangeSetArchive {
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default3d_chart_opacity = 1;
optional bool default3d_chart_opacity_undefined = 2;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecChart3dLightingPackageArchive area3d_lighting_package = 3;
optional bool area3d_lighting_package_undefined = 4;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecChart3dLightingPackageArchive bar3d_lighting_package = 5;
optional bool bar3d_lighting_package_undefined = 6;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecChart3dLightingPackageArchive column3d_lighting_package = 7;
optional bool column3d_lighting_package_undefined = 8;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecChart3dLightingPackageArchive default3d_lighting_package = 9;
optional bool default3d_lighting_package_undefined = 10;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecChart3dLightingPackageArchive line3d_lighting_package = 11;
optional bool line3d_lighting_package_undefined = 12;
optional .TSCHSOS.SpecChart3dLightingPackageArchive pie3d_lighting_package = 13;
optional bool pie3d_lighting_package_undefined = 14;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive default_axis_anchor_label_at_ends = 15;
optional bool default_axis_anchor_label_at_ends_undefined = 16;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive default_background_fill = 17;
optional bool default_background_fill_undefined = 18;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive default_background_stroke = 19;
optional bool default_background_stroke_undefined = 20;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default_border_opacity = 21;
optional bool default_border_opacity_undefined = 22;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive default_border_shadow = 23;
optional bool default_border_shadow_undefined = 24;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive default_border_stroke = 25;
optional bool default_border_stroke_undefined = 26;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive default_combine_layers = 27;
optional bool default_combine_layers_undefined = 28;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_data_set_name_paragraph_style_index = 29;
optional bool default_data_set_name_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 30;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive default_grid_background_fill = 31;
optional bool default_grid_background_fill_undefined = 32;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default_grid_background_opacity = 33;
optional bool default_grid_background_opacity_undefined = 34;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default_inter_bar_gap = 35;
optional bool default_inter_bar_gap_undefined = 36;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default_inter_set_gap = 37;
optional bool default_inter_set_gap_undefined = 38;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive default_radar_radius_gridline_curve = 39;
optional bool default_radar_radius_gridline_curve_undefined = 40;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive default_rounded_corner_outer_end_only = 41;
optional bool default_rounded_corner_outer_end_only_undefined = 42;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default_rounded_corner_radius = 43;
optional bool default_rounded_corner_radius_undefined = 44;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive default_show_border = 45;
optional bool default_show_border_undefined = 46;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive default_summary_label_offset = 47;
optional bool default_summary_label_offset_undefined = 48;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_summary_label_paragraph_style_index = 49;
optional bool default_summary_label_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 50;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_summary_label_value_label_spacing = 51;
optional bool default_summary_label_value_label_spacing_undefined = 52;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecColorArchive default_title_color = 53;
optional bool default_title_color_undefined = 54;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive default_title_paragraph_style_index = 55;
optional bool default_title_paragraph_style_index_undefined = 56;
message .TSCH.PreUFF.ChartInfoArchive {
required .TSD.DrawableArchive super = 1;
required .TSCH.PreUFF.ChartModelArchive chart_model = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference style = 3;
required .TSCH.ChartType chart_type = 4;
optional .TSCH.PreUFF.LegendModelArchive legend_model = 5;
required .TSCH.RectArchive inner_chart_frame = 6;
repeated .TSP.Reference value_axis_styles = 7;
repeated .TSP.Reference category_axis_styles = 8;
repeated .TSP.Reference value_axis_nonstyles = 9;
repeated .TSP.Reference category_axis_nonstyles = 10;
repeated .TSP.Reference series_theme_styles = 11;
optional .TSP.SparseReferenceArray series_private_styles = 12;
optional .TSP.SparseReferenceArray series_non_styles = 13;
optional .TSP.Reference non_style = 14;
optional .TSP.Reference mediator = 15;
optional .TSP.Point cde_preview_origin = 16;
optional .TSP.Reference chart_style_preset = 17;
repeated .TSP.Reference paragraph_styles = 18;
optional int32 last_row_sected_in_the_cde = 19;
optional int32 last_column_sected_in_the_cde = 20;
optional int32 chart_style_preset_index = 21;
optional bool needs_calc_engine_deferred_import_action = 22;
message .TSCH.PreUFF.LegendModelArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference info = 1;
required .TSCH.RectArchive frame = 2;
required .TSP.Reference style = 3;
required .TSP.Reference non_style = 4;
message .TSCH.PreUFF.ChartModelArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference info = 1;
required .TSP.Reference grid = 2;
repeated uint32 series_types = 3;
optional uint32 scatter_format = 4;
optional .TSCH.PreUFF.ChartGridArchive inline_grid = 5;
optional uint32 multidataset_index = 6;
message .TSCH.PreUFF.ChartGridArchive {
message ValueRow {
repeated double value = 1;
required int32 direction = 1;
repeated string row_name = 2;
repeated string column_name = 3;
repeated .TSCH.PreUFF.ChartGridArchive.ValueRow value_row = 4;
required bool dirty = 6;
message .TSCH.PreUFF.ChartsNumberFormatArchive {
required .TSCH.NumberValueType value_type = 1;
optional string format_string = 2;
required uint32 decimal_places = 3;
optional string currency_code = 4;
required .TSCH.NegativeNumberStyle negative_style = 5;
required bool show_thousands_separator = 6;
required .TSCH.FractionAccuracy fraction_accuracy = 7;
optional string suffix_string = 8;
required uint32 base = 9;
required uint32 base_places = 10;
required bool base_use_minus_sign = 11;
required bool use_accounting_style = 12;
required bool is_custom = 13;
required double scale_factor = 14;
repeated string interstitial_strings = 15;
required .TSP.IndexSet interstitial_string_insertion_indexes = 16;
required uint32 index_from_right_of_last_digit_placeholder = 17;
required bool is_text_format = 18;
required uint32 minimum_integer_width = 19;
required uint32 decimal_width = 20;
required uint32 number_of_non_space_integer_placeholder_digits = 21;
required uint32 number_of_non_space_decimal_placeholder_digits = 22;
optional string format_name = 23;
optional string prefix_string = 24;
message .TSCH.PreUFF.ChartStyleArchive {
required .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartinfodefaultbackgroundfill = 10;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartinfodefaultbackgroundstroke = 11;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartinfodefaultgridbackgroundfill = 12;
optional float tschchartinfodefaultintersetgap = 13;
optional float tschchartinfodefaultinterbargap = 14;
optional bool tschchartinfodefaultshowborder = 15;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartinfodefaultborderstroke = 16;
optional .TSP.Color tschchartinfodefaulttitlecolor = 18;
optional float tschchartinfodefaultgridbackgroundopacity = 19;
optional bool tschchartinfodefaultcombinelayers = 20;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartinfodefaultbordershadow = 21;
optional float tschchartinfodefaultborderopacity = 22;
optional int32 tschchartinfodefaulttitleparagraphstyleindex = 23;
optional string tschchartinfodefaultdeprecatedmainfontfamily = 24;
optional int32 tschchartinfodefaultdeprecatedmainfontnamedsize = 25;
optional int32 tschchartinfodefaultdeprecatedtrendlineequationparagraphstyleindex = 30;
optional int32 tschchartinfodefaultdeprecatedtrendlinersquaredparagraphstyleindex = 31;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartinfodefaultdeprecatedtrendlineequationshadow = 32;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartinfodefaultdeprecatedtrendlinersquaredshadow = 33;
optional float tschchartinfodefaultdeprecatedtrendlineequationopacity = 34;
optional float tschchartinfodefaultdeprecatedtrendlinersquaredopacity = 35;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartinfobardeprecated3dshadow = 308;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartinfocolumndeprecated3dshadow = 309;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartinfolinedeprecated3dshadow = 310;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartinfoareadeprecated3dshadow = 311;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartinfopiedeprecated3dshadow = 312;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DLightingPackageArchive tschchartinfodefault3dlightingpackage = 313;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DLightingPackageArchive tschchartinfocolumn3dlightingpackage = 314;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DLightingPackageArchive tschchartinfobar3dlightingpackage = 315;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DLightingPackageArchive tschchartinfoline3dlightingpackage = 316;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DLightingPackageArchive tschchartinfoarea3dlightingpackage = 317;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DLightingPackageArchive tschchartinfopie3dlightingpackage = 318;
optional bool tschchartinfodefaultdeprecated3dbeveledges = 326;
optional bool tschchartinfopiedeprecated3dbeveledges = 327;
optional bool tschchartinfobardeprecated3dbeveledges = 328;
optional bool tschchartinfocolumndeprecated3dbeveledges = 329;
optional int32 tschchartinfodefaultdeprecated3dbarshape = 330;
optional float tschchartinfodefault3dchartopacity = 335;
message .TSCH.PreUFF.ChartNonStyleArchive {
required .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
optional string tschchartinfodefaulttitle = 10;
optional bool tschchartinfodefaultshowlegend = 11;
optional float tschchartinfodefaultpiestartangle = 12;
optional bool tschchartinfodefaultshowtitle = 13;
optional int32 tschchartinfodefaultdeprecatedagainmainfontnamedsize = 25;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive tschchartinfodefault3drotation = 300;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive tschchartinfodefault3dscale = 301;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive tschchartinfocolumn3dscale = 302;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive tschchartinfobar3dscale = 303;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive tschchartinfoline3dscale = 304;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive tschchartinfoarea3dscale = 305;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive tschchartinfopie3dscale = 306;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DVectorArchive tschchartinfodefault3dviewport = 313;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DLightingPackageArchive tschchartinfodefaultdeprecated3dlightingpackage = 320;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DLightingPackageArchive tschchartinfocolumndeprecated3dlightingpackage = 321;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DLightingPackageArchive tschchartinfobardeprecated3dlightingpackage = 322;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DLightingPackageArchive tschchartinfolinedeprecated3dlightingpackage = 323;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DLightingPackageArchive tschchartinfoareadeprecated3dlightingpackage = 324;
optional .TSCH.Chart3DLightingPackageArchive tschchartinfopiedeprecated3dlightingpackage = 325;
optional bool tschchartinfodefaultskiphiddendata = 326;
optional bool tschchartinfodefault3dbeveledges = 327;
optional int32 tschchartinfodefault3dbarshape = 336;
optional float tschchartinfodefault3dintersetdepthgap = 331;
message .TSCH.PreUFF.LegendStyleArchive {
required .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschlegendmodeldefaultfill = 10;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschlegendmodeldefaultstroke = 11;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschlegendmodeldefaultshadow = 14;
optional float tschlegendmodeldefaultopacity = 15;
optional int32 tschlegendmodeldefaultlabelparagraphstyleindex = 16;
message .TSCH.PreUFF.LegendNonStyleArchive {
required .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
message .TSCH.PreUFF.ChartAxisStyleArchive {
required .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
optional bool tschchartaxisvalueshowmajorgridlines = 10;
optional bool tschchartaxisvalueshowminorgridlines = 11;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartaxisvaluemajorgridlinestroke = 12;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartaxisvalueminorgridlinestroke = 13;
optional int32 tschchartaxisvaluetickmarklocation = 14;
optional bool tschchartaxisvalueshowmajortickmarks = 15;
optional bool tschchartaxisvalueshowminortickmarks = 16;
optional float tschchartaxisvaluelabelsorientation = 17;
optional bool tschchartaxisvalueshowminimumlabel = 18;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartaxisvaluemajorgridlineshadow = 21;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartaxisvalueminorgridlineshadow = 22;
optional float tschchartaxisvaluemajorgridlineopacity = 23;
optional float tschchartaxisvalueminorgridlineopacity = 24;
optional bool tschchartaxisvalueshowaxis = 25;
optional bool tschchartaxiscategoryshowmajorgridlines = 50;
optional bool tschchartaxiscategoryshowminorgridlines = 51;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartaxiscategorymajorgridlinestroke = 52;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartaxiscategoryminorgridlinestroke = 53;
optional int32 tschchartaxiscategorytickmarklocation = 54;
optional bool tschchartaxiscategoryshowmajortickmarks = 55;
optional bool tschchartaxiscategoryshowminortickmarks = 56;
optional float tschchartaxiscategorylabelsorientation = 57;
optional int32 tschchartaxiscategoryhorizontalspacing = 58;
optional int32 tschchartaxiscategoryverticalspacing = 59;
optional bool tschchartaxiscategoryshowlastlabel = 60;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartaxiscategorymajorgridlineshadow = 63;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartaxiscategoryminorgridlineshadow = 64;
optional float tschchartaxiscategorymajorgridlineopacity = 65;
optional float tschchartaxiscategoryminorgridlineopacity = 66;
optional bool tschchartaxiscategoryshowaxis = 67;
optional float tschchartaxisdefaultlabelsorientation = 102;
optional int32 tschchartaxisdefaulttitleparagraphstyleindex = 110;
optional int32 tschchartaxisdefaultlabelparagraphstyleindex = 111;
optional int32 tschchartaxisvaluetitleparagraphstyleindex = 112;
optional int32 tschchartaxisvaluelabelparagraphstyleindex = 113;
optional int32 tschchartaxiscategorytitleparagraphstyleindex = 114;
optional int32 tschchartaxiscategorylabelparagraphstyleindex = 115;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartaxisvalue3dgridlinestroke = 331;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartaxiscategory3dgridlinestroke = 332;
optional float tschchartaxisvalue3dgridlineopacity = 333;
optional float tschchartaxiscategory3dgridlineopacity = 334;
message .TSCH.PreUFF.ChartAxisNonStyleArchive {
required .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
optional .TSCH.ChartsNSNumberDoubleArchive tschchartaxisdefaultusermin = 11;
optional .TSCH.ChartsNSNumberDoubleArchive tschchartaxisdefaultusermax = 12;
optional .TSCH.PreUFF.ChartsNumberFormatArchive tschchartaxisdefaultnumberformat = 13;
optional bool tschchartaxisdefaultshowlabels = 14;
optional int32 tschchartaxisvaluenumberofminorgridlines = 50;
optional int32 tschchartaxisvaluescale = 51;
optional int32 tschchartaxisvaluenumberofdecades = 52;
optional bool tschchartaxisvalueshowlabels = 53;
optional bool tschchartaxisvalueshowtitle = 54;
optional int32 tschchartaxisvaluenumberofmajorgridlines = 55;
optional string tschchartaxisvaluetitle = 56;
optional bool tschchartaxiscategoryshowlabels = 100;
optional bool tschchartaxiscategoryshowserieslabels = 101;
optional bool tschchartaxiscategoryshowtitle = 102;
optional string tschchartaxiscategorytitle = 103;
optional int32 tschchartaxisdefaultnumberformattype = 120;
optional int32 tschchartaxisdefault3dlabelposition = 336;
optional bool tschchartaxiscategoryplottoedges = 116;
message .TSCH.PreUFF.ChartSeriesStyleArchive {
required .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlineequationparagraphstyleindex = 201;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlinersquaredparagraphstyleindex = 202;
optional float tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlineequationopacity = 205;
optional float tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlinersquaredopacity = 206;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseriesbarfill = 10;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesbarstroke = 11;
optional int32 tschchartseriesbarvaluelabelposition = 13;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartserieslinestroke = 16;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartserieslinesymbolfill = 17;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartserieslinesymbolstroke = 18;
optional float tschchartserieslinesymbolsize = 20;
optional int32 tschchartserieslinevaluelabelposition = 22;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseriesareafill = 25;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesareastroke = 26;
optional int32 tschchartseriesareavaluelabelposition = 28;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseriesareasymbolfill = 29;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesareasymbolstroke = 30;
optional float tschchartseriesareasymbolsize = 32;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseriespiefill = 35;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriespiestroke = 36;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesscatterstroke = 40;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseriesscattersymbolfill = 41;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesscattersymbolstroke = 42;
optional float tschchartseriesscattersymbolsize = 44;
optional int32 tschchartseriesscattervaluelabelposition = 46;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseriesdefaultfill = 50;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaultvaluelabelposition = 52;
optional bool tschchartseriespiedeprecatedserieslabelson = 60;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseriescolumnfill = 62;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseriespieshadow = 100;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseriesbarshadow = 101;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseriesareashadow = 102;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseriesscattershadow = 103;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseriesmixedlineshadow = 104;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseriesmixedareashadow = 105;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseriesmixedcolumnshadow = 106;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartserieslineshadow = 107;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseriesdefaultshadow = 108;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseriesbubblesymbolfill = 207;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesbubblestroke = 211;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesbubblesymbolstroke = 212;
optional int32 tschchartseriesbubblevaluelabelposition = 213;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseriesbubbleshadow = 214;
optional bool tschchartseriesbubblesymbolfilluseseriesstroke = 215;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseries3dbarshadow = 306;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseries3dcolumnshadow = 307;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseries3dlineshadow = 308;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseries3dareashadow = 309;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseries3dpieshadow = 310;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaultlabelparagraphstyleindex = 110;
optional int32 tschchartseriesbarlabelparagraphstyleindex = 111;
optional int32 tschchartserieslinelabelparagraphstyleindex = 112;
optional int32 tschchartseriesarealabelparagraphstyleindex = 113;
optional int32 tschchartseriespielabelparagraphstyleindex = 114;
optional int32 tschchartseriesmixedlabelparagraphstyleindex = 115;
optional float tschchartseriesdefaultopacity = 116;
optional bool tschchartserieslinesymbolfilluseseriesstroke = 117;
optional bool tschchartseriesareasymbolfilluseseriesstroke = 118;
optional bool tschchartseriesscattersymbolfilluseseriesstroke = 119;
optional bool tschchartseriesmixedlinesymbolfilluseseriesstroke = 120;
optional bool tschchartseriesmixedareasymbolfilluseseriesstroke = 121;
optional bool tschchartserieslinesymbolfilluseseriesfill = 122;
optional bool tschchartseriesareasymbolfilluseseriesfill = 123;
optional bool tschchartseriesmixedlinesymbolfilluseseriesfill = 124;
optional bool tschchartseriesmixedareasymbolfilluseseriesfill = 125;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseriesmixedcolumnfill = 130;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseriesmixedareafill = 131;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesmixedcolumnstroke = 132;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesmixedlinestroke = 133;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesmixedareastroke = 134;
optional float tschchartseriesmixedlinesymbolsize = 135;
optional float tschchartseriesmixedareasymbolsize = 136;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseriesmixedlinesymbolfill = 137;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseriesmixedareasymbolfill = 138;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesmixedlinesymbolstroke = 139;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesmixedareasymbolstroke = 140;
optional int32 tschchartseriesmixedcolumnvaluelabelposition = 141;
optional int32 tschchartseriesmixedlinevaluelabelposition = 142;
optional int32 tschchartseriesmixedareavaluelabelposition = 143;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaultoutsidelabelparagraphstyleindex = 150;
optional int32 tschchartseriesbaroutsidelabelparagraphstyleindex = 151;
optional int32 tschchartseriesareaoutsidelabelparagraphstyleindex = 153;
optional int32 tschchartseriespieoutsidelabelparagraphstyleindex = 154;
optional int32 tschchartseriesmixedoutsidelabelparagraphstyleindex = 155;
optional int32 tschchartseriesstackedbarvaluelabelposition = 156;
optional int32 tschchartseriesstackedareavaluelabelposition = 157;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlinestroke = 167;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlineshadow = 168;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarshadow = 180;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarstroke = 181;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarstrokescatterx = 182;
optional .TSD.LineEndArchive tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarlineend = 183;
optional .TSD.LineEndArchive tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarlineendscatterx = 184;
optional .TSCH.DEPRECATEDChart3DFillArchive tschchartseriesdefaultdeprecated3dfill = 300;
optional .TSCH.DEPRECATEDChart3DFillArchive tschchartseriesbardeprecated3dfill = 301;
optional .TSCH.DEPRECATEDChart3DFillArchive tschchartseriescolumndeprecated3dfill = 302;
optional .TSCH.DEPRECATEDChart3DFillArchive tschchartserieslinedeprecated3dfill = 303;
optional .TSCH.DEPRECATEDChart3DFillArchive tschchartseriesareadeprecated3dfill = 304;
optional .TSCH.DEPRECATEDChart3DFillArchive tschchartseriespiedeprecated3dfill = 305;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseries3dbarfill = 320;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseries3dcolumnfill = 321;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseries3dlinefill = 322;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseries3dareafill = 323;
optional .TSD.FillArchive tschchartseries3dpiefill = 324;
message .TSCH.PreUFF.ChartSeriesNonStyleArchive {
required .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
optional .TSCH.PreUFF.ChartsNumberFormatArchive tschchartseriesdefaultnumberformat = 10;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaultnumberformattype = 11;
optional bool tschchartseriesbarshowvaluelabels = 12;
optional int32 tschchartserieslinesymboltype = 19;
optional bool tschchartserieslineshowsymbol = 20;
optional bool tschchartserieslineshowvaluelabels = 21;
optional bool tschchartseriesareashowvaluelabels = 27;
optional int32 tschchartserieslinelinetype = 30;
optional int32 tschchartseriesareasymboltype = 31;
optional bool tschchartseriesareashowsymbol = 32;
optional bool tschchartseriespieshowvaluelabels = 37;
optional bool tschchartseriesscattershowvaluelabels = 45;
optional float tschchartseriespiewedgeexplosion = 50;
optional bool tschchartseriesdefaultshowvaluelabels = 51;
optional .TSCH.PreUFF.ChartsNumberFormatArchive tschchartseriespienumberformat = 52;
optional int32 tschchartseriespienumberformattype = 53;
optional float tschchartseriespielabelexplosion = 54;
optional bool tschchartseriesmixedlineshowsymbol = 58;
optional bool tschchartseriesmixedareashowsymbol = 59;
optional int32 tschchartseriesmixedlinesymboltype = 60;
optional int32 tschchartseriesmixedareasymboltype = 61;
optional bool tschchartseriesmixedshowvaluelabels = 62;
optional int32 tschchartseriesmixedlinelinetype = 63;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaultyaxisordinal = 65;
optional bool tschchartseriespieshowserieslabels = 66;
optional bool tschchartseriesscattershowsymbol = 69;
optional int32 tschchartseriesscattersymboltype = 70;
optional int32 tschchartseriesscatterlinetype = 71;
optional bool tschchartseriesscattershowline = 72;
optional .TSCH.PreUFF.ChartsNumberFormatArchive tschchartseriesstackedpercentnumberformat = 90;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaultseriestype = 126;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlinetype = 160;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlineorder = 161;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlineperiod = 162;
optional bool tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlineshowlabel = 163;
optional string tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlinelabelstring = 164;
optional bool tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlineshowequation = 165;
optional bool tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlineshowr2value = 166;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarsetting = 170;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarsettingscatterx = 171;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbartype = 172;
optional int32 tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbartypescatterx = 173;
optional float tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarfixedvalue = 174;
optional float tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarfixedvaluescatterx = 175;
optional float tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarpercentvalue = 176;
optional float tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarpercentvaluescatterx = 177;
optional float tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarstddevvalue = 178;
optional float tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarstddevvaluescatterx = 179;
optional .TSCH.ChartsNSArrayOfNSNumberDoubleArchive tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarcustompositivedata = 190;
optional .TSCH.ChartsNSArrayOfNSNumberDoubleArchive tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarcustompositivedatascatterx = 191;
optional .TSCH.ChartsNSArrayOfNSNumberDoubleArchive tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarcustomnegativedata = 192;
optional .TSCH.ChartsNSArrayOfNSNumberDoubleArchive tschchartseriesdefaulterrorbarcustomnegativedatascatterx = 193;
optional float tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlineequationoffsetx = 194;
optional float tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlineequationoffsety = 195;
optional float tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlinersquaredoffsetx = 196;
optional float tschchartseriesdefaulttrendlinersquaredoffsety = 197;
optional bool tschchartseriesdefaultshowtrendline = 198;
optional bool tschchartseriesdefaultshowerrorbar = 199;
optional bool tschchartseriesdefaultshowerrorbarscatterx = 200;
optional int32 tschchartseriesbubblesizedimension = 208;
optional bool tschchartseriesbubbleshowvaluelabels = 209;
optional int32 tschchartseriesbubblelinetype = 210;
optional bool tschchartseriesbubbleshownegativedata = 216;
optional float tschchartseriesbubbleadjustmentscale = 217;
message .TSCH.ChartDrawableArchive {
optional .TSD.DrawableArchive super = 1;
extensions 10000 to 536870911;
message .TSCH.ChartArchive {
optional .TSCH.ChartType chart_type = 1;
optional .TSCH.ScatterFormat scatter_format = 2;
optional .TSCH.RectArchive legend_frame = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference preset = 4;
optional .TSCH.SeriesDirection series_direction = 5;
optional bool contains_default_data = 6;
optional .TSCH.ChartGridArchive grid = 7;
optional .TSP.Reference mediator = 8;
optional .TSP.Reference chart_style = 9;
optional .TSP.Reference chart_non_style = 10;
optional .TSP.Reference legend_style = 11;
optional .TSP.Reference legend_non_style = 12;
repeated .TSP.Reference value_axis_styles = 13;
repeated .TSP.Reference value_axis_nonstyles = 14;
repeated .TSP.Reference category_axis_styles = 15;
repeated .TSP.Reference category_axis_nonstyles = 16;
repeated .TSP.Reference series_theme_styles = 17;
optional .TSP.SparseReferenceArray series_private_styles = 18;
optional .TSP.SparseReferenceArray series_non_styles = 19;
repeated .TSP.Reference paragraph_styles = 20;
optional uint32 multidataset_index = 21;
optional bool needs_calc_engine_deferred_import_action = 22;
optional .TSP.Reference owned_preset = 23;
optional bool is_dirty = 24;
extensions 10000 to 536870911;
extend .TSCH.ChartDrawableArchive {
optional .TSCH.ChartArchive unity = 10000;
message .TSCH.ChartMultiDataIndexUpgrade {
extend .TSCH.ChartArchive {
optional bool upgraded_to_ui_state = 10021;
message .TSCH.ChartGarlicMinMaxUpgrade {
optional double horizontal_min = 1;
optional double horizontal_max = 2;
optional double value_min = 3;
optional double value_max = 4;
extend .TSCH.ChartArchive {
optional .TSCH.ChartGarlicMinMaxUpgrade garlic_min_max_upgrade = 10010;
message .TSCH.ChartGarlicLabelFormatUpgrade {
optional string value_prefix = 1;
optional string value_suffix = 2;
optional bool value_use_separator = 3;
optional string horizontal_prefix = 4;
optional string horizontal_suffix = 5;
optional bool horizontal_use_separator = 6;
extend .TSCH.ChartArchive {
optional .TSCH.ChartGarlicLabelFormatUpgrade garlic_label_format_upgrade = 10011;
message .TSCH.ChartPasteboardAdditionsArchive {
extend .TSCH.ChartArchive {
optional uint32 preset_index_for_pasteboard = 10000;
optional bytes preset_uuid_for_pasteboard = 10001;
optional .TSP.Reference custom_format_list_for_pasteboard = 10003;
message .TSCH.ChartPreserveAppearanceForPresetArchive {
extend .TSCH.ChartArchive {
optional bool appearance_preserved_for_preset = 10023;
message .TSCH.ChartSupportsProportionalBendedCalloutLinesArchive {
extend .TSCH.ChartArchive {
optional bool supports_proportional_bended_callout_lines = 10024;
message .TSCH.ChartSupportsRoundedCornersArchive {
extend .TSCH.ChartArchive {
optional bool deprecated_supports_rounded_corners = 10025;
optional bool supports_rounded_corners = 10026;
message .TSCH.ChartSupportsSeriesPropertySpacingArchive {
extend .TSCH.ChartArchive {
optional bool supports_series_value_label_spacing = 10027;
optional bool supports_series_error_bar_spacing = 10028;
message .TSCH.ChartSupportsStackedSummaryLabelsArchive {
extend .TSCH.ChartArchive {
optional bool supports_stacked_summary_labels = 10029;
message .TSCH.ChartGridArchive {
message ChartGridRowColumnIdMap {
message Entry {
required string uniqueId = 1;
required uint32 index = 2;
repeated .TSCH.ChartGridArchive.ChartGridRowColumnIdMap.Entry row_id_map = 1;
repeated .TSCH.ChartGridArchive.ChartGridRowColumnIdMap.Entry column_id_map = 2;
repeated string row_name = 1;
repeated string column_name = 2;
repeated .TSCH.GridRow grid_row = 3;
optional .TSCH.ChartGridArchive.ChartGridRowColumnIdMap idMap = 4;
message .TSCH.ChartMediatorArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference info = 1;
repeated uint32 local_series_indexes = 2;
repeated uint32 remote_series_indexes = 3;
message .TSCH.ChartFillSetArchive {
required string identifier = 1;
required string lookup_string = 2;
optional uint32 number_of_theme_series_styles = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference series_styles = 4;
message .TSCH.ChartStylePreset {
optional .TSP.Reference chart_style = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference legend_style = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference value_axis_styles = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference category_axis_styles = 4;
repeated .TSP.Reference series_styles = 5;
repeated .TSP.Reference paragraph_styles = 6;
optional bytes uuid = 7;
extensions 10000 to 536870911;
message .TSCH.ChartPresetsArchive {
repeated .TSP.Reference chart_presets = 1;
extend .TSS.ThemeArchive {
optional .TSCH.ChartPresetsArchive extension = 120;
message .TSCH.PropertyValueStorageContainerArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference chart_style = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference chart_nonstyle = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference legend_style = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference legend_nonstyle = 4;
optional .TSP.SparseReferenceArray value_axis_styles = 5;
optional .TSP.SparseReferenceArray value_axis_nonstyles = 6;
optional .TSP.SparseReferenceArray category_axis_styles = 7;
optional .TSP.SparseReferenceArray category_axis_nonstyles = 8;
optional .TSP.SparseReferenceArray series_theme_styles = 9;
optional .TSP.SparseReferenceArray series_private_styles = 10;
optional .TSP.SparseReferenceArray series_nonstyles = 11;
optional .TSP.SparseReferenceArray paragraph_styles = 12;
extensions 10000 to 536870911;
message .TSCH.StylePasteboardDataArchive {
optional .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
optional .TSCH.PropertyValueStorageContainerArchive style_network = 2;
optional bool copied_from_entire_chart = 3;
message .TSCH.ChartSelectionPathTypeArchive {
optional string path_type = 1;
optional string path_name = 2;
message .TSCH.ChartAxisIDArchive {
optional .TSCH.AxisType axis_type = 1;
optional uint32 ordinal = 2;
message .TSCH.ChartSelectionPathArgumentArchive {
optional uint32 number = 1;
optional .TSCH.ChartAxisIDArchive axis_id = 2;
message .TSCH.ChartSelectionPathArchive {
optional .TSCH.ChartSelectionPathTypeArchive path_type = 1;
optional .TSCH.ChartSelectionPathArchive sub_selection = 2;
repeated .TSCH.ChartSelectionPathArgumentArchive arguments = 3;
message .TSCH.ChartSelectionArchive {
optional .TSD.DrawableSelectionArchive super = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference chart = 1;
repeated .TSCH.ChartSelectionPathArchive paths = 2;
message .TSCH.ChartCDESelectionArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference chart = 1;
optional int32 selection_type = 2;
optional uint32 row_location = 3;
optional uint32 row_length = 4;
optional uint32 column_location = 5;
optional uint32 column_length = 6;
message .TSCH.ChartUIState {
optional .TSP.Reference chart = 1;
optional int32 cde_last_row_selected = 2;
optional int32 cde_last_col_selected = 3;
optional int32 cde_last_row_count = 4;
optional int32 cde_last_col_count = 5;
optional bool cde_use_full_keyboard = 6;
optional int32 multi_data_set_index = 7;
optional bool is_valid_multi_data_set_index = 8;
extensions 10000 to 536870911;
message .TSCH.ChartUIStateMultiDataIndexUpgrade {
extend .TSCH.ChartUIState {
optional bool upgraded_from_model = 10022;
message .TSCH.ChartFormatStructExtensions {
extend .TSK.FormatStructArchive {
optional string prefix = 10000;
optional string suffix = 10001;
message .TSCH.ChartReferenceLineNonStyleItem {
required .TSP.Reference non_style = 1;
required .TSP.UUID uuid = 2;
message .TSCH.ChartAxisReferenceLineNonStylesArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartAxisIDArchive axis_id = 1;
repeated .TSCH.ChartReferenceLineNonStyleItem reference_line_non_style_items = 2;
message .TSCH.ChartAxisReferenceLineStylesArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartAxisIDArchive axis_id = 1;
optional .TSP.SparseReferenceArray reference_line_styles = 2;
message .TSCH.ChartReferenceLinesArchive {
repeated .TSCH.ChartAxisReferenceLineNonStylesArchive reference_line_non_styles_map = 1;
repeated .TSCH.ChartAxisReferenceLineStylesArchive reference_line_styles_map = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference theme_preset_reference_line_style = 3;
message .TSCH.ChartPresetReferenceLineStylesArchive {
repeated .TSP.Reference reference_line_styles = 1;
message .TSCH.ChartAxisReferenceLineSparseNonStylesArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartAxisIDArchive axis_id = 1;
repeated .TSCH.ChartReferenceLineNonStyleItem reference_line_non_style_items = 2;
message .TSCH.PropertyValueStorageContainerReferenceLinesArchive {
repeated .TSCH.ChartAxisReferenceLineSparseNonStylesArchive reference_line_non_styles_map = 1;
repeated .TSCH.ChartAxisReferenceLineStylesArchive reference_line_styles_map = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference theme_preset_reference_line_style = 3;
message .TSCH.CollaboratorCDECursorSubselectionArchive {
optional int32 row_location = 1;
optional int32 row_length = 2;
optional int32 column_location = 3;
optional int32 column_length = 4;
extend .TSCK.CollaboratorCursorArchive {
optional .TSCH.CollaboratorCDECursorSubselectionArchive cde_cursor_subselection = 300;
message .TSCH.CollaboratorChartTitleCursorSubselectionArchive {
optional bool chart_title_selected = 1;
extend .TSCK.CollaboratorCursorArchive {
optional .TSCH.CollaboratorChartTitleCursorSubselectionArchive chart_title_cursor_subselection = 301;
message .TSCH.CachedAxisDataFormatterPersistableStyleObject {
optional .TSCH.ChartAxisIDArchive axis_id = 1;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive style_object = 2;
message .TSCH.CachedSeriesDataFormatterPersistableStyleObject {
optional int32 series_index = 1;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive style_object = 2;
message .TSCH.CachedDataFormatterPersistableStyleObjects {
repeated .TSCH.CachedAxisDataFormatterPersistableStyleObject axis_data_formatter_list = 1;
repeated .TSCH.CachedSeriesDataFormatterPersistableStyleObject series_data_formatter_list = 2;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive summary_label_style_object = 3;
extend .TSCH.ChartArchive {
optional .TSCH.CachedDataFormatterPersistableStyleObjects cached_data_formatter_persistable_style_objects = 10030;
extend .TSCH.ChartArchive {
optional bool scene3d_settings_constant_depth = 10002;
optional string last_applied_fill_set_lookup_string = 10004;
extend .TSCH.ChartStyleArchive {
optional bool chart_supports_series_summary_labels = 10001;
extend .TSCH.ChartSeriesStyleArchive {
optional bool series_supports_donut = 10001;
optional bool series_supports_radar = 10002;
extend .TSCH.ChartSeriesNonStyleArchive {
optional bool series_supports_custom_number_format = 10001;
optional bool series_supports_custom_date_format = 10002;
optional bool series_supports_callout_lines = 10003;
extend .TSCH.ChartAxisStyleArchive {
optional bool axis_supports_radar = 10001;
extend .TSCH.ChartAxisNonStyleArchive {
optional bool axis_supports_custom_number_format = 10001;
optional bool axis_supports_custom_date_format = 10002;
extend .TSCH.ChartArchive {
optional .TSCH.ChartReferenceLinesArchive reference_lines = 10005;
extend .TSCH.ChartStylePreset {
optional .TSCH.ChartPresetReferenceLineStylesArchive preset_reference_line_styles = 10000;
extend .TSCH.PropertyValueStorageContainerArchive {
optional .TSCH.PropertyValueStorageContainerReferenceLinesArchive property_value_storage_container_reference_lines = 10000;
enum .TSCH.StyleOwnerType {
chart_info = 1;
legend_model = 2;
chart_axis = 3;
chart_series = 4;
reference_line = 5;
enum .TSCH.StyleSwapType {
chart_style = 1;
chart_non_style = 2;
legend_style = 3;
legend_non_style = 4;
value_axis_style = 5;
value_axis_non_style = 6;
category_axis_style = 7;
category_axis_non_style = 8;
series_theme_style = 9;
series_private_style = 10;
series_non_style = 11;
paragraph_style = 12;
reference_line_style = 13;
reference_line_non_style = 14;
reference_line_theme_style = 15;
enum .TSCH.ApplyPresetBehavior {
remove_overrides = 1;
preserve_overrides = 2;
preserve_appearance = 3;
message .TSCH.StyleOwnerPath {
repeated .TSP.UUID uuids = 1;
message .TSCH.CommandSetChartTypeArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSCH.ChartType new_chart_type = 2;
optional .TSCH.ChartType old_chart_type = 3;
optional .TSCH.ChartType rollback_chart_type = 4;
repeated .TSP.UUID row_ids = 5;
repeated .TSP.UUID column_ids = 6;
repeated .TSP.UUID old_row_ids = 7;
repeated .TSP.UUID old_column_ids = 8;
repeated .TSP.UUID rollback_row_ids = 9;
repeated .TSP.UUID rollback_column_ids = 10;
optional bool uses_captured_data = 11;
optional bool use_default_data = 12;
message .TSCH.StyleSwapUndoTupleArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference chart_info = 1;
optional .TSCH.StyleSwapType swap_type = 2;
optional uint32 index = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference old_value = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference new_value = 5;
optional .TSP.UUID ref_line_uuid = 6;
message .TSCH.StyleSwapUndoTuplesArchive {
repeated .TSCH.StyleSwapUndoTupleArchive swap_tuples = 1;
message .TSCH.CommandStyleSwapArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSCH.StyleSwapUndoTupleArchive undo_tuples = 2;
message .TSCH.CommandMutatePropertiesArchive {
message GenericPropertyDeltaMap {
message GenericMapUnion {
optional .TSCH.Generated.ChartGenericPropertyMapArchive chart_map = 2;
optional .TSCH.Generated.LegendGenericPropertyMapArchive legend_map = 3;
optional .TSCH.Generated.ChartAxisGenericPropertyMapArchive axis_map = 4;
optional .TSCH.Generated.ChartSeriesGenericPropertyMapArchive series_map = 5;
optional .TSCH.Generated.ReferenceLineGenericPropertyMapArchive reference_line_map = 6;
optional .TSCH.StyleOwnerPath style_owner_path = 1;
optional .TSCH.CommandMutatePropertiesArchive.GenericPropertyDeltaMap.GenericMapUnion forward_map = 2;
optional .TSCH.CommandMutatePropertiesArchive.GenericPropertyDeltaMap.GenericMapUnion reverse_map = 3;
message ParagraphStyleDeltaMap {
message ParagraphStylePropertyMapArchive {
optional .TSWP.CharacterStylePropertiesArchive char_properties = 1;
optional .TSWP.ParagraphStylePropertiesArchive para_properties = 2;
optional .TSCH.StyleOwnerPath style_owner_path = 1;
optional uint32 paragraph_style_index_property = 2;
optional .TSCH.CommandMutatePropertiesArchive.ParagraphStyleDeltaMap.ParagraphStylePropertyMapArchive forward_map = 3;
optional .TSCH.CommandMutatePropertiesArchive.ParagraphStyleDeltaMap.ParagraphStylePropertyMapArchive reverse_map = 4;
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference rollback_cmd = 2;
repeated .TSCH.CommandMutatePropertiesArchive.GenericPropertyDeltaMap generic_property_delta_maps = 3;
repeated .TSCH.CommandMutatePropertiesArchive.ParagraphStyleDeltaMap paragraph_style_delta_maps = 4;
optional bool initiatedOnWeb = 5;
message .TSCH.CommandScaleAllTextArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference rollback_cmd = 2;
optional double scale_factor = 3;
message .TSCH.CommandSetFontFamilyArchive {
message StyleSemanticTag {
optional .TSCH.StyleSwapType swap_type = 1;
optional uint32 index = 2;
message SemanticParagraphStyleMutationMap {
message ParagraphStylePropertyMapArchive {
optional .TSWP.CharacterStylePropertiesArchive char_properties = 1;
optional .TSWP.ParagraphStylePropertiesArchive para_properties = 2;
optional .TSCH.CommandSetFontFamilyArchive.StyleSemanticTag style_semantic_tag = 1;
optional uint32 paragraph_style_index_property = 2;
optional .TSCH.CommandSetFontFamilyArchive.SemanticParagraphStyleMutationMap.ParagraphStylePropertyMapArchive forward_map = 3;
optional .TSCH.CommandSetFontFamilyArchive.SemanticParagraphStyleMutationMap.ParagraphStylePropertyMapArchive reverse_map = 4;
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference rollback_cmd = 2;
optional string new_font_family = 3;
optional string old_font_family = 4;
repeated .TSCH.CommandSetFontFamilyArchive.SemanticParagraphStyleMutationMap paragraph_style_delta_maps = 5;
required bool is_bold = 6;
required bool is_italic = 7;
message .TSCH.CommandApplyFillSetArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSCH.ChartType chart_type = 2;
required .TSCH.ChartFillSetArchive fill_set = 3;
optional .TSCH.ChartFillSetArchive old_fill_set = 4;
optional string prior_last_applied_fill_set_lookup_string = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference rollback_cmd = 6;
message .TSCH.CommandSetSeriesNameArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
required uint32 seriesIndex = 2;
optional string oldName = 3;
required string newName = 4;
message .TSCH.CommandSetCategoryNameArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
required uint32 categoryIndex = 2;
optional string oldName = 3;
required string newName = 4;
optional bool isMultiDataIndex = 5;
message .TSCH.CommandAddGridRowsArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.UUID row_id = 2;
repeated .TSP.UUID row_id_list = 3;
repeated string row_name_list = 4;
optional .TSP.UUID undo_deletion_start_id = 5;
optional .TSP.UUID undo_deletion_end_id = 6;
message .TSCH.CommandAddGridColumnsArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.UUID column_id = 2;
repeated .TSP.UUID column_id_list = 3;
repeated string column_name_list = 4;
optional .TSP.UUID undo_deletion_start_id = 5;
optional .TSP.UUID undo_deletion_end_id = 6;
message .TSCH.CommandMoveGridRowsArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUID start_row_id = 2;
required .TSP.UUID end_row_id = 3;
optional .TSP.UUID after_row_id = 4;
optional .TSP.UUID undo_after_row_id = 5;
message .TSCH.CommandMoveGridColumnsArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUID start_column_id = 2;
required .TSP.UUID end_column_id = 3;
optional .TSP.UUID after_column_id = 4;
optional .TSP.UUID undo_after_column_id = 5;
message .TSCH.CommandDeleteGridRowsArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUID start_row_id = 2;
required .TSP.UUID end_row_id = 3;
repeated string cut_row_names = 4;
repeated .TSCH.GridRow cut_values = 5;
optional bool undo_discards_values = 6;
optional .TSP.UUID undo_column_insertion_id = 7;
optional .TSP.UUID undo_row_insertion_id = 8;
repeated .TSP.UUID undo_row_id_list = 9;
repeated string cut_column_names = 11;
repeated .TSP.UUID undo_column_id_list = 12;
message .TSCH.CommandDeleteGridColumnsArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUID start_column_id = 2;
required .TSP.UUID end_column_id = 3;
repeated string cut_names = 4;
repeated .TSCH.GridRow cut_values = 5;
optional bool undo_discards_values = 6;
optional .TSP.UUID undo_column_insertion_id = 7;
optional .TSP.UUID undo_row_insertion_id = 8;
repeated .TSP.UUID undo_column_id_list = 9;
repeated string cut_row_names = 11;
repeated .TSP.UUID undo_row_id_list = 12;
message .TSCH.CommandSetGridValueArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
required uint32 rowindex = 2;
required uint32 columnindex = 3;
required double oldvalue = 4;
required double newvalue = 5;
message .TSCH.CommandSetGridDirectionArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
required uint32 old_direction = 2;
required uint32 new_direction = 3;
message .TSCH.CommandSetSeriesTypeArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
required uint32 seriesindex = 2;
required uint32 oldtype = 3;
required uint32 newtype = 4;
message .TSCH.CommandSetScatterFormatArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
required uint32 oldformat = 3;
required uint32 newformat = 4;
message .TSCH.CommandSetMultiDataSetIndexArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
required uint32 oldindex = 2;
required uint32 newindex = 3;
message .TSCH.CommandSetLegendFrameArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSCH.RectArchive old_legend_frame = 2;
required .TSCH.RectArchive new_legend_frame = 3;
message .TSCH.CommandSetPieWedgeExplosion {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
repeated uint32 series_indices = 2;
repeated double wedge_explosions = 3;
repeated uint32 old_series_indices = 5;
repeated double old_wedge_explosions = 6;
optional .TSP.Reference rollback_cmd = 7;
message .TSCH.CommandChartApplyTheme {
required .TSS.ApplyThemeChildCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference info = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference swap_command = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference preset = 4;
message .TSCH.CommandChartApplyPreset {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSCH.ApplyPresetBehavior behavior = 2 [default = remove_overrides];
optional .TSP.Reference preset = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference old_preset = 4;
optional bool should_apply_swap_tuples = 5;
optional bool are_swap_tuples_valid = 6;
repeated .TSCH.StyleSwapUndoTupleArchive swap_tuples = 7;
repeated .TSCH.StyleSwapUndoTupleArchive inverse_swap_tuples = 8;
optional .TSP.Reference rollback_preset = 9;
repeated .TSCH.StyleSwapUndoTupleArchive rollback_swap_tuples = 10;
message .TSCH.CommandCleanupGeometryArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference info_geometry_command = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference anchor_attachment_command = 3;
optional .TSCH.RectArchive original_legend_rect = 4;
message .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference chart_info = 2;
optional bool original_dirty_state = 3;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath chart_info_id_path = 4;
optional bool is_for_forward_undo_redo = 5;
message .TSCH.CommandReplaceGridValuesArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSCH.GridRow old_data_rows = 4;
repeated .TSCH.GridRow new_data_rows = 5;
repeated string old_row_names = 6;
repeated string new_row_names = 7;
repeated string old_col_names = 8;
repeated string new_col_names = 9;
repeated .TSP.UUID update_row_uuids = 10;
repeated .TSP.UUID update_column_uuids = 11;
repeated .TSP.UUID add_row_uuids = 12;
repeated .TSP.UUID add_column_uuids = 13;
repeated .TSP.UUID delete_row_uuids = 14;
repeated .TSP.UUID delete_column_uuids = 15;
optional bool set_series_direction = 16;
optional uint32 new_series_direction = 17;
message .TSCH.CommandReplaceThemePresetArchive {
message StyleAndIdentifierPair {
required .TSP.Reference style = 1;
required string identifier = 2;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference theme = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference old_preset = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference new_preset = 4;
repeated .TSCH.CommandReplaceThemePresetArchive.StyleAndIdentifierPair identifiers = 5;
optional uint64 old_preset_index = 6;
message .TSCH.CommandInvalidateWPCaches {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
message .TSCH.CommandReplaceCustomFormatArchive {
message FormatObjectMutation {
optional .TSCH.StyleOwnerType style_owner_type = 1;
optional uint32 style_owner_index = 2;
optional uint32 format_object_property = 3;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive format_object = 4;
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference rollback_cmd = 2;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive old_format_object = 3;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive new_format_object = 4;
repeated .TSCH.CommandReplaceCustomFormatArchive.FormatObjectMutation forward_mutations = 5;
repeated .TSCH.CommandReplaceCustomFormatArchive.FormatObjectMutation reverse_mutations = 6;
message .TSCH.CommandAddReferenceLineArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSCH.ChartAxisIDArchive axis_id = 2;
optional .TSP.UUID uuid = 3;
required .TSP.Reference non_style = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference style = 5;
repeated .TSP.Reference paragraph_styles = 6;
repeated .TSP.Reference rollback_commands = 7;
message .TSCH.CommandDeleteReferenceLineArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSCH.ChartAxisIDArchive axis_id = 2;
required .TSP.UUID uuid = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference non_style = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference style = 5;
repeated .TSP.Reference paragraph_styles = 6;
optional .TSP.Reference style_swap_command = 7;
message .TSCH.CommandPasteStyleArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference style_swap_command = 2;
optional .TSCH.PropertyValueStorageContainerArchive inverse_chart_style_state = 3;
optional .TSCH.PropertyValueStorageContainerArchive chart_style_state = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference shape_style = 5;
repeated .TSCH.ChartSelectionPathArchive subselection = 6;
message .TSCH.CommandReplaceImageDataArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference style_swap_command = 2;
optional .TSCH.PropertyValueStorageContainerArchive inverse_chart_style_state = 3;
optional .TSCH.PropertyValueStorageContainerArchive chart_style_state = 4;
message .TSCH.CommandInducedReplaceChartGrid {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
message .TSCH.CommandInduced3DChartGeometry {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
message .TSCH.ChartTextSelectionTransformerArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference selection = 1;
message .TSCH.ChartDrawableSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .TSD.DrawableSelectionTransformerArchive super = 1;
message .TSCH.ChartSubselectionTransformerHelperArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference selection = 1;
message .TSCH.ChartRefLineSubselectionTransformerHelperArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartSubselectionTransformerHelperArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.UUID selected_reference_line_uuids = 2;
message .TSCH.ChartSubselectionIdentityTransformerHelperArchive {
required .TSCH.ChartSubselectionTransformerHelperArchive super = 1;
message .TSCH.ChartSubselectionTransformerArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference selection = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference helper = 2;
message .TSCH.CDESelectionTransformerArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference cde_selection = 1;
enum .TSS.ValueType {
ObjectType = 0;
IntType = 1;
FloatType = 2;
DoubleType = 3;
enum .TSS.PropertyType {
InvalidPropertyType = 1;
NullPropertyType = 2;
IntegerPropertyType = 3;
FloatPropertyType = 4;
DoublePropertyType = 5;
NSStringPropertyType = 6;
TSPObjectPropertyType = 7;
message .TSS.StyleArchive {
optional string name = 1;
optional string style_identifier = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference parent = 3;
optional bool is_variation = 4 [default = false];
optional .TSP.Reference stylesheet = 5;
message .TSS.StylesheetArchive {
message IdentifiedStyleEntry {
required string identifier = 1;
required .TSP.Reference style = 2;
message StyleChildrenEntry {
required .TSP.Reference parent = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference children = 2;
message VersionedStyles {
repeated .TSP.Reference styles = 1;
repeated .TSS.StylesheetArchive.IdentifiedStyleEntry identifier_to_style_map = 2;
repeated .TSS.StylesheetArchive.StyleChildrenEntry parent_to_children_style_map = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference styles = 1;
repeated .TSS.StylesheetArchive.IdentifiedStyleEntry identifier_to_style_map = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference parent = 3;
optional bool is_locked = 4 [default = true];
repeated .TSS.StylesheetArchive.StyleChildrenEntry parent_to_children_style_map = 5;
optional bool can_cull_styles = 6 [default = false];
optional .TSS.StylesheetArchive.VersionedStyles styles_for_10_0 = 7;
optional .TSS.StylesheetArchive.VersionedStyles styles_for_10_1 = 8;
optional .TSS.StylesheetArchive.VersionedStyles styles_for_10_2 = 9;
optional .TSS.StylesheetArchive.VersionedStyles styles_for_11_0 = 10;
optional .TSS.StylesheetArchive.VersionedStyles styles_for_11_1 = 11;
optional .TSS.StylesheetArchive.VersionedStyles styles_for_11_2 = 12;
optional .TSS.StylesheetArchive.VersionedStyles styles_for_12_0 = 13;
optional .TSS.StylesheetArchive.VersionedStyles styles_for_12_1 = 14;
optional .TSS.StylesheetArchive.VersionedStyles styles_for_12_2 = 15;
optional .TSS.StylesheetArchive.VersionedStyles styles_for_13_0 = 16;
optional .TSS.StylesheetArchive.VersionedStyles styles_for_13_1 = 17;
optional .TSS.StylesheetArchive.VersionedStyles styles_for_13_2 = 18;
optional .TSS.StylesheetArchive.VersionedStyles styles_for_14_0 = 19;
optional .TSS.StylesheetArchive.VersionedStyles styles_for_14_1 = 20;
message .TSS.ThemeArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference legacy_stylesheet = 1;
optional string theme_identifier = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference document_stylesheet = 4;
repeated .TSP.UUID old_uuids_for_preset_replacements = 5;
repeated .TSP.UUID new_uuids_for_preset_replacements = 6;
repeated .TSP.Color color_presets = 10;
extensions 100 to 536870911;
message .TSS.ApplyThemeCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference commands = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference old_theme = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference new_theme = 4;
message .TSS.ApplyThemeChildCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference parent = 2;
message .TSS.StyleUpdatePropertyMapCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference current_style = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference style_with_old_property_map = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference style_with_new_property_map = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference style_diff = 7;
optional bool notify_for_style_clients = 6 [default = true];
message .TSS.ThemeReplacePresetCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference preset = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference oldPreset = 4;
required uint32 index = 5;
message .TSS.ThemeReplaceColorPresetCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference theme = 2;
required .TSP.Color color = 3;
required .TSP.Color old_color = 4;
required uint32 index = 5;
message .TSS.ThemeAddStylePresetCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference theme = 2;
required .TSP.Reference preset = 3;
required string preset_kind = 4;
optional string identifier = 5;
optional bool add_preset_to_stylesheet = 6;
message .TSS.ThemeRemoveStylePresetCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference theme = 2;
required .TSP.Reference preset = 3;
required uint32 preset_index = 4;
required string preset_kind = 5;
optional string identifier = 6;
optional .TSP.Reference replacement_preset = 7;
message .TSS.ThemeMovePresetCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference theme = 2;
required .TSP.UUID preset_id = 3;
required uint32 new_index = 4;
required uint32 old_index = 5;
message .TSS.ThemeReplaceStylePresetAndDisconnectStylesCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference preset = 2;
required .TSP.Reference replacement_preset = 3;
message .TSS.CommandPropertyEntryArchive {
required uint32 property = 1;
required int32 type = 2;
optional int32 integer_value = 3;
optional float float_value = 4;
optional double double_value = 5;
optional string string_value = 6;
optional .TSP.Reference tsp_reference = 7;
extensions 8 to 2000;
message .TSS.CommandPropertyMapArchive {
repeated .TSS.CommandPropertyEntryArchive property_entries = 1;
extend .TSS.CommandPropertyEntryArchive {
optional .TSP.Color color = 8;
message .TSSSOS.SpecSetBoolArchive {
required bool value = 1;
required bool unset = 2;
message .TSSSOS.SpecSetColorArchive {
optional .TSP.Color color = 1;
required bool unset = 2;
message .TSSSOS.SpecSetDoubleArchive {
required double value = 1;
required bool unset = 2;
message .TSSSOS.SpecSetIntegerArchive {
required int32 value = 1;
required bool unset = 2;
message .TSSSOS.SpecSetStringArchive {
optional string value = 1;
required bool unset = 2;
message .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive {
optional .TSSSOS.SpecSetBoolArchive spec_set_bool = 1;
message .TSSSOS.SpecColorArchive {
optional .TSSSOS.SpecSetColorArchive spec_set_color = 1;
message .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive {
optional .TSSSOS.SpecSetDoubleArchive spec_set_double = 1;
message .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive {
optional .TSSSOS.SpecSetIntegerArchive spec_set_integer = 1;
message .TSSSOS.SpecStringArchive {
optional .TSSSOS.SpecSetStringArchive spec_set_string = 1;
enum .TSD.LineJoin {
MiterJoin = 0;
RoundJoin = 1;
BevelJoin = 2;
message .TSD.EdgeInsetsArchive {
required float top = 1;
required float left = 2;
required float bottom = 3;
required float right = 4;
message .TSD.GeometryArchive {
optional .TSP.Point position = 1;
optional .TSP.Size size = 2;
optional uint32 flags = 3;
optional float angle = 4;
message .TSD.PointPathSourceArchive {
enum PointPathSourceType {
kTSDLeftSingleArrow = 0;
kTSDRightSingleArrow = 1;
kTSDDoubleArrow = 10;
kTSDStar = 100;
kTSDPlus = 200;
optional .TSD.PointPathSourceArchive.PointPathSourceType type = 1;
optional .TSP.Point point = 2;
optional .TSP.Size naturalSize = 3;
message .TSD.ScalarPathSourceArchive {
enum ScalarPathSourceType {
kTSDRoundedRectangle = 0;
kTSDRegularPolygon = 1;
kTSDChevron = 2;
optional .TSD.ScalarPathSourceArchive.ScalarPathSourceType type = 1;
optional float scalar = 2;
optional .TSP.Size naturalSize = 3;
optional bool is_curve_continuous = 4;
message .TSD.BezierPathSourceArchive {
optional string path_string = 1 [deprecated = true];
optional .TSP.Size naturalSize = 2;
optional .TSP.Path path = 3;
message .TSD.CalloutPathSourceArchive {
optional .TSP.Size natural_size = 1;
optional .TSP.Point tail_position = 2;
optional float tail_size = 3;
optional float corner_radius = 4;
optional bool center_tail = 5;
message .TSD.ConnectionLinePathSourceArchive {
enum ConnectionLinePathSourceType {
kTSDConnectionLineTypeQuadratic = 0;
kTSDConnectionLineTypeOrthogonal = 1;
required .TSD.BezierPathSourceArchive super = 1;
optional .TSD.ConnectionLinePathSourceArchive.ConnectionLinePathSourceType type = 2;
optional float outset_from = 3;
optional float outset_to = 4;
message .TSD.EditableBezierPathSourceArchive {
message Node {
required .TSP.Point inControlPoint = 1;
required .TSP.Point nodePoint = 2;
required .TSP.Point outControlPoint = 3;
required .TSD.EditableBezierPathSourceArchive.NodeType type = 4;
message Subpath {
repeated .TSD.EditableBezierPathSourceArchive.Node nodes = 1;
required bool closed = 2;
enum NodeType {
sharp = 1;
bezier = 2;
smooth = 3;
repeated .TSD.EditableBezierPathSourceArchive.Subpath subpaths = 1;
optional .TSP.Size naturalSize = 2;
message .TSD.PathSourceArchive {
optional bool horizontalFlip = 1;
optional bool verticalFlip = 2;
optional .TSD.PointPathSourceArchive point_path_source = 3;
optional .TSD.ScalarPathSourceArchive scalar_path_source = 4;
optional .TSD.BezierPathSourceArchive bezier_path_source = 5;
optional .TSD.CalloutPathSourceArchive callout_path_source = 6;
optional .TSD.ConnectionLinePathSourceArchive connection_line_path_source = 7;
optional .TSD.EditableBezierPathSourceArchive editable_bezier_path_source = 8;
optional string localizationKey = 9;
optional string userDefinedName = 10;
message .TSD.AngleGradientArchive {
optional float gradientangle = 2;
message .TSD.TransformGradientArchive {
optional .TSP.Point start = 1;
optional .TSP.Point end = 2;
optional .TSP.Size baseNaturalSize = 3;
message .TSD.GradientArchive {
message GradientStop {
optional .TSP.Color color = 1;
optional float fraction = 2;
optional float inflection = 3;
enum GradientType {
Linear = 0;
Radial = 1;
optional .TSD.GradientArchive.GradientType type = 1;
repeated .TSD.GradientArchive.GradientStop stops = 2;
optional float opacity = 3;
optional bool advancedGradient = 4;
optional .TSD.AngleGradientArchive anglegradient = 5;
optional .TSD.TransformGradientArchive transformgradient = 6;
message .TSD.ImageFillArchive {
enum ImageFillTechnique {
NaturalSize = 0;
Stretch = 1;
Tile = 2;
ScaleToFill = 3;
ScaleToFit = 4;
optional .TSP.DataReference imagedata = 6;
optional .TSD.ImageFillArchive.ImageFillTechnique technique = 2 [default = NaturalSize];
optional .TSP.Color tint = 3;
optional .TSP.Size fillsize = 4;
optional .TSP.DataReference originalimagedata = 7 [deprecated = true];
optional bool interpretsUntaggedImageDataAsGeneric = 8;
optional .TSP.Color referencecolor = 9;
optional .TSP.Reference database_imagedata = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference database_originalimagedata = 5;
message .TSD.FillArchive {
optional .TSP.Color color = 1;
optional .TSD.GradientArchive gradient = 2;
optional .TSD.ImageFillArchive image = 3;
extensions 100 to 536870911;
message .TSD.StrokePatternArchive {
enum StrokePatternType {
TSDPattern = 0;
TSDSolidPattern = 1;
TSDEmptyPattern = 2;
optional .TSD.StrokePatternArchive.StrokePatternType type = 1;
optional float phase = 2;
optional uint32 count = 3;
repeated float pattern = 4;
message .TSD.StrokeArchive {
enum LineCap {
ButtCap = 0;
RoundCap = 1;
SquareCap = 2;
optional .TSP.Color color = 1;
optional float width = 2;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive.LineCap cap = 3;
optional .TSD.LineJoin join = 4;
optional float miter_limit = 5;
optional .TSD.StrokePatternArchive pattern = 6;
optional .TSD.SmartStrokeArchive smart_stroke = 7;
optional .TSD.FrameArchive frame = 8;
optional .TSD.PatternedStrokeArchive patterned_stroke = 9;
message .TSD.SmartStrokeArchive {
optional string stroke_name = 2;
optional uint32 random_seed = 3;
optional .TSP.ReferenceDictionary parameterValues = 4;
optional double pattern_offset_distance = 5;
message .TSD.FrameArchive {
optional string frameName = 2;
optional float assetScale = 3;
message .TSD.PatternedStrokeArchive {
optional string pattern_name = 2;
message .TSD.LineEndArchive {
optional .TSP.Path path = 1;
optional .TSD.LineJoin line_join = 2 [default = MiterJoin];
optional .TSP.Point end_point = 3;
optional bool is_filled = 4;
optional string identifier = 5;
message .TSD.ShadowArchive {
enum ShadowType {
TSDDropShadow = 0;
TSDContactShadow = 1;
TSDCurvedShadow = 2;
optional .TSP.Color color = 1;
optional float angle = 2 [default = 315];
optional float offset = 3 [default = 5];
optional int32 radius = 4 [default = 1];
optional float opacity = 5 [default = 1];
optional bool is_enabled = 6 [default = true];
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive.ShadowType type = 7 [default = TSDDropShadow];
optional .TSD.DropShadowArchive dropShadow = 8;
optional .TSD.ContactShadowArchive contactShadow = 9;
optional .TSD.CurvedShadowArchive curvedShadow = 10;
message .TSD.DropShadowArchive {
message .TSD.ContactShadowArchive {
optional float height = 2 [default = 0.2];
optional float offset = 4 [default = 0];
message .TSD.CurvedShadowArchive {
optional float curve = 1 [default = 0.6];
message .TSD.ReflectionArchive {
optional float opacity = 1 [default = 0.5];
message .TSD.ImageAdjustmentsArchive {
optional float exposure = 1;
optional float saturation = 2;
optional float contrast = 3;
optional float highlights = 4;
optional float shadows = 5;
optional float sharpness = 6;
optional float denoise = 7;
optional float temperature = 8;
optional float tint = 9;
optional float bottom_level = 10;
optional float top_level = 11 [default = 1];
optional float gamma = 12;
optional bool enhance = 13 [default = false];
optional bool represents_sage_adjustments = 14 [default = false];
message .TSD.ShapeStylePropertiesArchive {
optional .TSD.FillArchive fill = 1;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive stroke = 2;
optional float opacity = 3;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive shadow = 4;
optional .TSD.ReflectionArchive reflection = 5;
optional .TSD.LineEndArchive head_line_end = 6;
optional .TSD.LineEndArchive tail_line_end = 7;
message .TSD.ShapeStyleArchive {
required .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
optional uint32 override_count = 10 [default = 0];
optional .TSD.ShapeStylePropertiesArchive shape_properties = 11;
message .TSD.MediaStylePropertiesArchive {
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive stroke = 1;
optional float opacity = 2;
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive shadow = 3;
optional .TSD.ReflectionArchive reflection = 4;
message .TSD.MediaStyleArchive {
required .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
optional uint32 override_count = 10 [default = 0];
optional .TSD.MediaStylePropertiesArchive media_properties = 11;
message .TSD.ThemePresetsArchive {
repeated .TSD.FillArchive gradient_fill_presets = 1;
repeated .TSD.FillArchive image_fill_presets = 2;
repeated .TSD.ShadowArchive shadow_presets = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference line_style_presets = 4;
repeated .TSP.Reference shape_style_presets = 5;
repeated .TSP.Reference textbox_style_presets = 6;
repeated .TSP.Reference image_style_presets = 7;
repeated .TSP.Reference movie_style_presets = 8;
repeated .TSP.Reference drawing_line_style_presets = 9;
extend .TSS.ThemeArchive {
optional .TSD.ThemePresetsArchive extension = 100;
message .TSD.ThemeReplaceFillPresetCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference theme = 2;
required .TSD.FillArchive fill = 3;
required .TSD.FillArchive old_fill = 4;
required uint32 index = 5;
message .TSD.DrawableArchive {
optional .TSD.GeometryArchive geometry = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference parent = 2;
optional .TSD.ExteriorTextWrapArchive exterior_text_wrap = 3;
optional string hyperlink_url = 4;
optional bool locked = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference comment = 6;
optional bool aspect_ratio_locked = 7;
optional string accessibility_description = 8;
repeated .TSP.Reference pencil_annotations = 9;
optional .TSP.Reference title = 10;
optional .TSP.Reference caption = 11;
optional bool title_hidden = 12;
optional bool caption_hidden = 13;
message .TSD.ContainerArchive {
optional .TSD.GeometryArchive geometry = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference parent = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference children = 3;
message .TSD.GroupArchive {
required .TSD.DrawableArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference children = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference fake_shape_for_empty_group = 3;
extensions 100 to 536870911;
message .TSD.FreehandDrawingAnimationArchive {
optional double duration = 1;
optional bool should_loop = 2;
message .TSD.FreehandDrawingArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference spacer_shape = 1;
optional double opacity = 2;
optional .TSD.FreehandDrawingAnimationArchive animation = 3;
optional double last_clamped_scale = 4;
extend .TSD.GroupArchive {
optional .TSD.FreehandDrawingArchive freehand_drawing_archive = 100;
message .TSD.ShapeArchive {
required .TSD.DrawableArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference style = 2;
optional .TSD.PathSourceArchive pathsource = 3;
optional .TSD.LineEndArchive head_line_end = 4 [deprecated = true];
optional .TSD.LineEndArchive tail_line_end = 5 [deprecated = true];
optional float strokePatternOffsetDistance = 6;
message .TSD.ConnectionLineArchive {
required .TSD.ShapeArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference connected_from = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference connected_to = 3;
optional .TSP.UUID connected_to_uuid = 4;
optional .TSP.UUID connected_from_uuid = 5;
message .TSD.ImageArchive {
required .TSD.DrawableArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.DataReference data = 11;
optional .TSP.Reference style = 3;
optional .TSP.Size originalSize = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference mask = 5;
optional .TSP.DataReference thumbnailData = 12;
optional uint32 flags = 7;
optional .TSP.DataReference originalData = 13;
optional .TSP.DataReference originalSVGData = 23;
optional .TSP.Size naturalSize = 9;
optional .TSP.Path instantAlphaPath = 10;
optional .TSD.ImageAdjustmentsArchive imageAdjustments = 14;
optional .TSP.DataReference enhancedImageData = 17;
optional .TSP.DataReference adjustedImageData = 15;
optional .TSP.DataReference thumbnailAdjustedImageData = 16;
optional bool interpretsUntaggedImageDataAsGeneric = 18;
optional .TSP.Reference database_data = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference database_thumbnailData = 6;
optional .TSP.Reference database_originalData = 8;
optional .TSP.Path traced_path = 19;
optional .TSD.Attribution attribution = 20;
optional bool should_trace_pdf_content = 21;
optional bool background_removed = 22;
extensions 100 to 999;
message .TSD.MaskArchive {
required .TSD.DrawableArchive super = 1;
optional .TSD.PathSourceArchive pathsource = 2;
message .TSD.ImageDataAttributes {
optional .TSP.Size pixel_size = 1;
optional bool image_is_srgb = 2;
optional bool should_be_interpreted_as_generic_if_untagged = 3;
extend .TSP.DataAttributes {
optional .TSD.ImageDataAttributes image_data_attributes = 100;
message .TSD.MovieArchive {
enum MovieLoopOption {
None = 0;
Repeat = 1;
BackAndForth = 2;
required .TSD.DrawableArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.DataReference movieData = 14;
optional .TSP.DataReference importedAuxiliaryMovieData = 22;
optional string imported_auxiliary_movie_data_original_filename = 25;
optional string movieRemoteURL = 17;
optional float startTime = 3;
optional float endTime = 4;
optional float posterTime = 5;
optional uint32 loopOptionAsInteger = 6 [deprecated = true];
optional .TSD.MovieArchive.MovieLoopOption loop_option = 24 [default = None];
optional float volume = 7;
optional bool autoPlay = 8 [deprecated = true];
optional bool audioOnly = 9;
optional bool streaming = 18;
optional bool nativeAudioRecording = 27;
optional bool playsAcrossSlides = 28;
optional .TSP.DataReference posterImageData = 15;
optional .TSP.DataReference audioOnlyImageData = 16;
optional bool poster_image_generated_with_alpha_support = 23;
optional uint32 playableState = 12;
optional uint32 flags = 13;
optional .TSP.Reference database_movieData = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference database_posterImageData = 10;
optional .TSP.Reference database_audioOnlyImageData = 11;
optional .TSP.Reference style = 19;
optional .TSP.Size originalSize = 20;
optional .TSP.Size naturalSize = 21;
optional .TSD.Attribution attribution = 26;
optional .TSD.MovieFingerprint fingerprint = 29;
optional bool is_live_video = 30 [default = false];
extensions 100 to 999;
message .TSD.ExteriorTextWrapArchive {
optional uint32 type = 1;
optional uint32 direction = 2;
optional uint32 fit_type = 3;
optional float margin = 4;
optional float alpha_threshold = 5;
optional bool is_html_wrap = 6;
message .TSD.DrawableContentDescription {
optional uint32 element_kind = 1;
optional bool is_anchored_to_text = 2;
optional bool is_floating_above_text = 3;
optional bool is_inline_with_text = 4;
message .TSD.FreehandDrawingContentDescription {
required .TSD.DrawableContentDescription super = 1;
optional bool source_doc_wanted_spacer_shape = 2;
message .TSD.FreehandDrawingToolkitUIState {
enum FreehandDrawingToolType {
Pen = 0;
Pencil = 1;
Crayon = 2;
Fill = 3;
Eraser = 4;
MarqueeSelect = 5;
optional .TSP.Color current_color = 1 [deprecated = true];
optional .TSD.FreehandDrawingToolkitUIState.FreehandDrawingToolType most_recent_restorable_tool_type = 2 [default = Pen];
optional float pen_tool_opacity = 3;
optional float pen_tool_unscaled_width = 4;
optional float pencil_tool_opacity = 5;
optional float pencil_tool_unscaled_width = 6;
optional float crayon_tool_opacity = 7;
optional float crayon_tool_unscaled_width = 8;
optional float fill_tool_opacity = 9;
optional float eraser_tool_scaled_width = 10;
optional bool eraser_tool_erases_whole_objects = 11;
optional .TSP.Color pen_tool_color = 12;
optional .TSP.Color pencil_tool_color = 13;
optional .TSP.Color crayon_tool_color = 14;
optional .TSP.Color fill_tool_color = 15;
message .TSD.StandinCaptionArchive {
message .TSD.GuideArchive {
enum GuideType {
Horizontal = 0;
Vertical = 1;
optional .TSD.GuideArchive.GuideType type = 1;
optional float offset = 2;
optional float start = 3;
optional float end = 4;
optional bool dynamic = 5;
optional bool infinite = 6;
message .TSD.UserDefinedGuideArchive {
enum GuideType {
Horizontal = 0;
Vertical = 1;
optional .TSD.UserDefinedGuideArchive.GuideType type = 1;
optional float position = 2;
message .TSD.GuideStorageArchive {
repeated .TSD.UserDefinedGuideArchive userDefinedGuides = 1;
message .TSD.CanvasSelectionArchive {
repeated .TSP.Reference infos = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference non_interactive_infos = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference container = 2 [deprecated = true];
message .TSD.DrawableSelectionArchive {
repeated .TSP.Reference infos = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference non_interactive_infos = 3;
message .TSD.GroupSelectionArchive {
required .TSD.DrawableSelectionArchive super = 1;
optional bool has_selected_infos_in_non_group_container = 2;
message .TSD.PathSelectionArchive {
message .TSD.InfoHyperlinkSelectionArchive {
message .TSD.CommentStorageArchive {
optional string text = 1;
optional .TSP.Date creation_date = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference author = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference replies = 4;
optional .TSP.UUID storage_uuid = 5;
message .TSD.ReplaceAnnotationAuthorCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference old_annotation_author = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference new_annotation_author = 3;
message .TSD.PencilAnnotationArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference pencil_annotation_storage = 1;
message .TSD.PencilAnnotationSelectionArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference pencil_annotation = 1;
message .TSD.PencilAnnotationStorageArchive {
optional int32 attached_location = 1;
optional .TSP.Point markup_offset = 2;
optional .TSP.DataReference rasterized_image = 3;
optional .TSP.DataReference legacy_encoded_drawing = 4;
optional .TSP.Path drawing_path = 5;
optional .TSP.Point strokes_bounding_box_origin = 6;
optional .TSP.Size strokes_bounding_box_size = 7;
optional int32 attached_type = 8;
optional .TSP.Size original_attached_size = 9;
optional double percent_of_pa_contained_in_parent_rep = 10;
optional uint64 text_baselines_touched_count = 11;
optional uint64 visible_strokes_count = 12;
optional .TSP.Color pen_color = 13;
optional int32 tool_type = 14;
repeated .TSP.Reference callout_sub_storages = 15;
optional .TSP.Date creation_date = 16;
optional double pencil_annotation_drawing_scale = 17;
optional int32 compound_annotation_type = 18;
repeated .TSP.Reference sub_storages = 19;
optional .TSP.DataReference encoded_drawing = 20;
optional .TSP.Point stroke_points_frame_origin = 21;
optional .TSP.Size stroke_points_frame_size = 22;
optional .TSP.Point rendered_frame_origin = 23;
optional .TSP.Size rendered_frame_size = 24;
message .TSD.SpecColorFillSetColorArchive {
required .TSP.Color color = 1;
message .TSD.SpecFrameSetAssetScaleArchive {
required double asset_scale = 1;
message .TSD.SpecGradientFillSetAngleArchive {
required double angle = 1;
message .TSD.SpecImageFillSetTechniqueArchive {
required int32 technique = 1;
message .TSD.SpecReflectionSetOpacityArchive {
required double opacity = 1;
message .TSD.SpecShadowSetAngleArchive {
required double angle = 1;
message .TSD.SpecShadowSetColorArchive {
required .TSP.Color color = 1;
message .TSD.SpecShadowSetOffsetArchive {
required double offset = 1;
message .TSD.SpecShadowSetOpacityArchive {
required double opacity = 1;
message .TSD.SpecShadowSetRadiusArchive {
required int32 radius = 1;
message .TSD.SpecStrokeSetColorArchive {
required .TSP.Color color = 1;
message .TSD.SpecStrokeSetPatternArchive {
optional int32 line_cap = 1;
optional int32 line_join = 2;
optional double miter_limit = 3;
optional double width = 4;
optional .TSP.Color color = 5;
required .TSD.StrokePatternArchive pattern = 6;
message .TSD.SpecStrokeSetWidthArchive {
required double width = 1;
message .TSD.Attribution {
optional string title = 1;
optional string description_text = 2;
optional string external_url = 3;
optional string author_name = 4;
optional string author_url = 5;
message .TSD.MovieFingerprint {
repeated .TSD.MovieFingerprintTrack tracks = 1;
repeated uint32 version = 2 [packed = true];
message .TSD.MovieFingerprintTrack {
optional string media_type = 1;
optional bool enabled = 2;
optional int64 total_sample_data_length = 3;
optional string sample_data_digest_string = 4;
optional int64 time_range_start_value = 5;
optional int32 time_range_start_timescale = 6;
optional bool time_range_start_is_valid = 7;
optional int64 time_range_duration_value = 8;
optional int32 time_range_duration_timescale = 9;
optional bool time_range_duration_is_valid = 10;
optional .TSP.Size natural_size = 11;
optional double preferred_transform_a = 12;
optional double preferred_transform_b = 13;
optional double preferred_transform_c = 14;
optional double preferred_transform_d = 15;
optional double preferred_transform_tx = 16;
optional double preferred_transform_ty = 17;
optional double preferred_volume = 18;
optional string language_code = 19;
optional string extended_language_tag = 20;
extend .TSS.CommandPropertyEntryArchive {
optional .TSD.FillArchive fill = 200;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive stroke = 201;
message .TSDSOS.SpecSetFillArchive {
optional .TSD.FillArchive fill = 1;
required bool unset = 2;
message .TSDSOS.SpecSetLineEndArchive {
optional .TSD.LineEndArchive line_end = 1;
required bool unset = 2;
message .TSDSOS.SpecSetReflectionArchive {
optional .TSD.ReflectionArchive reflection = 1;
required bool unset = 2;
message .TSDSOS.SpecSetShadowArchive {
optional .TSD.ShadowArchive shadow = 1;
required bool unset = 2;
message .TSDSOS.SpecSetStrokeArchive {
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive stroke = 1;
required bool unset = 2;
message .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive {
optional .TSD.SpecColorFillSetColorArchive spec_color_fill_set_color = 1;
optional .TSD.SpecGradientFillSetAngleArchive spec_gradient_fill_set_angle = 2;
optional .TSD.SpecImageFillSetTechniqueArchive spec_image_fill_set_technique = 3;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecSetFillArchive spec_set_fill = 4;
message .TSDSOS.SpecLineEndArchive {
optional .TSDSOS.SpecSetLineEndArchive spec_set_line_end = 1;
message .TSDSOS.SpecReflectionArchive {
optional .TSD.SpecReflectionSetOpacityArchive spec_reflection_set_opacity = 1;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecSetReflectionArchive spec_set_reflection = 2;
message .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive {
optional .TSDSOS.SpecSetShadowArchive spec_set_shadow = 1;
optional .TSD.SpecShadowSetAngleArchive spec_shadow_set_angle = 2;
optional .TSD.SpecShadowSetColorArchive spec_shadow_set_color = 3;
optional .TSD.SpecShadowSetOffsetArchive spec_shadow_set_offset = 4;
optional .TSD.SpecShadowSetOpacityArchive spec_shadow_set_opacity = 5;
optional .TSD.SpecShadowSetRadiusArchive spec_shadow_set_radius = 6;
message .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive {
optional .TSD.SpecFrameSetAssetScaleArchive spec_frame_set_asset_scale = 1;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecSetStrokeArchive spec_set_stroke = 2;
optional .TSD.SpecStrokeSetColorArchive spec_stroke_set_color = 3;
optional .TSD.SpecStrokeSetPatternArchive spec_stroke_set_pattern = 4;
optional .TSD.SpecStrokeSetWidthArchive spec_stroke_set_width = 5;
message .TSDSOS.BaseShapeStylePropertyChangeSetArchive {
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive fill = 1;
optional bool fill_undefined = 2;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive stroke = 3;
optional bool stroke_undefined = 4;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive opacity = 5;
optional bool opacity_undefined = 6;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive shadow = 7;
optional bool shadow_undefined = 8;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecReflectionArchive reflection = 9;
optional bool reflection_undefined = 10;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecLineEndArchive head_line_end = 11;
optional bool head_line_end_undefined = 12;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecLineEndArchive tail_line_end = 13;
optional bool tail_line_end_undefined = 14;
message .TSDSOS.MediaStylePropertyChangeSetArchive {
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive stroke = 1;
optional bool stroke_undefined = 2;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive opacity = 3;
optional bool opacity_undefined = 4;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecShadowArchive shadow = 5;
optional bool shadow_undefined = 6;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecReflectionArchive reflection = 7;
optional bool reflection_undefined = 8;
enum .TSD.CommentCommandVariant {
BaseComment = 0;
AddReply = 1;
EditReply = 2;
DeleteReply = 3;
enum .TSD.CaptionOrTitleKind {
Caption = 1;
Title = 2;
message .TSD.UndoObjectArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference stylesheet = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference objects = 1;
repeated string keys = 3;
repeated uint32 counts = 4;
message .TSD.GroupDrawablesCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference drawables = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference group = 3;
message .TSD.UngroupGroupCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference drawables = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference group = 3;
message .TSD.ContainerRemoveChildrenCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath container_id_path = 2;
repeated .TSCK.RemoveIdOperationArgs args_list = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference children = 4;
message .TSD.ContainerRemoveDrawablesCommandArchive {
required .TSD.ContainerRemoveChildrenCommandArchive super = 1;
message .TSD.ContainerInsertChildrenCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath container_id_path = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference children = 3;
repeated .TSCK.AddIdOperationArgs args_list = 4;
repeated .TSP.UUID custom_format_keys = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_object = 6;
message .TSD.ContainerInsertDrawablesCommandArchive {
required .TSD.ContainerInsertChildrenCommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference drawables = 2;
message .TSD.ContainerReorderChildrenCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath container_id_path = 2;
repeated .TSCK.RearrangeIdOperationArgs args_list = 3;
message .TSD.GroupUngroupInformativeCommandArchive {
enum CommandType {
Group = 0;
Ungroup = 1;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference removed_infos = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference inserted_infos = 3;
optional .TSD.GroupUngroupInformativeCommandArchive.CommandType command_type = 4;
message .TSD.InfoCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath info_id_path = 2;
message .TSD.ConnectionLineConnectCommandArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.UUID connected_from_id = 4;
optional .TSP.UUID connected_to_id = 5;
optional .TSP.UUID old_connected_to_id = 6;
optional .TSP.UUID old_connected_from_id = 7;
message .TSD.InfoGeometryCommandArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSD.GeometryArchive newGeometry = 2;
optional .TSD.GeometryArchive oldGeometry = 3;
optional bool matchObjectPlaceholderGeometry = 4;
optional bool oldMatchObjectPlaceholderGeometry = 5;
optional bool shouldTriggerRtuAnimation = 6;
optional bool initiatedOnWeb = 7;
message .TSD.DrawablePathSourceCommandArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSD.PathSourceArchive old_path_source = 2;
optional .TSD.PathSourceArchive new_path_source = 3;
message .TSD.InstantAlphaCommandArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Path oldpath = 2;
optional .TSP.Path newpath = 3;
message .TSD.DrawableApplyThemeCommandArchive {
required .TSS.ApplyThemeChildCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference info = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference style = 3;
message .TSD.AbstractStyleCommandArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCommandArchive super = 1;
message .TSD.StyledInfoSetStyleCommandArchive {
required .TSD.AbstractStyleCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference new_style = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference rollback_style = 4;
message .TSD.BaseApplyPresetCommandArchive {
required .TSD.AbstractStyleCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference preset_style = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference rollback_style = 4;
message .TSD.ShapeApplyPresetCommandArchive {
required .TSD.BaseApplyPresetCommandArchive super = 1;
message .TSD.MediaApplyPresetCommandArchive {
required .TSD.BaseApplyPresetCommandArchive super = 1;
message .TSD.ShapeStyleSetValueCommandArchive {
required .TSD.BaseStyleSetValueCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSDSOS.BaseShapeStylePropertyChangeSetArchive change = 4;
message .TSD.BaseStyleSetValueCommandArchive {
required .TSD.AbstractStyleCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference old_style = 4;
required bool is_border_change = 5;
message .TSD.MovieSetValueCommandArchive {
message PropertyValue {
optional double starttime = 1;
optional double endtime = 2;
optional double postertime = 3;
optional .TSP.DataReference posterimagedata = 4;
optional bool autoplay = 5;
optional .TSD.MovieSetValueCommandArchive.LoopOption loopOption = 6;
optional float volume = 7;
optional .TSP.DataReference media = 8;
optional bool playsAcrossSlides = 9;
enum LoopOption {
None = 0;
Repeat = 1;
BackAndForth = 2;
required .TSD.InfoCommandArchive super = 1;
optional int32 property = 2;
optional .TSD.MovieSetValueCommandArchive.PropertyValue value = 3;
optional .TSD.MovieSetValueCommandArchive.PropertyValue oldValue = 4;
optional .TSP.DataReference importedauxiliarymedia = 5;
optional .TSP.DataReference oldimportedauxiliarymedia = 6;
message .TSD.MediaStyleSetValueCommandArchive {
required .TSD.BaseStyleSetValueCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSDSOS.MediaStylePropertyChangeSetArchive change = 4;
message .TSD.ImageMediaCommandArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.DataReference newImageData = 8;
optional .TSP.DataReference oldImageData = 9;
optional .TSP.DataReference oldOriginalImageData = 10;
optional .TSP.Size oldNaturalSize = 6;
optional .TSP.DataReference newOriginalImageData = 11;
optional .TSD.ImageAdjustmentsArchive oldImageAdjustments = 12;
optional .TSP.DataReference oldAdjustedImageData = 13;
optional .TSP.DataReference oldEnhancedImageData = 14;
optional .TSD.ImageAdjustmentsArchive imageAdjustments = 15;
optional .TSP.DataReference adjustedImageData = 16;
optional .TSP.DataReference enhancedImageData = 17;
optional .TSP.DataReference newThumbnailImageData = 18;
optional .TSP.DataReference oldThumbnailImageData = 19;
optional .TSP.DataReference thumbnailAdjustedImageData = 20;
optional .TSP.DataReference oldThumbnailAdjustedImageData = 21;
optional .TSP.Reference database_newImageData = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference database_oldImageData = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference database_oldOriginalImageData = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference database_newOriginalImageData = 7;
message .TSD.MediaOriginalSizeCommandArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Size newOriginalSize = 2;
optional .TSP.Size oldOriginalSize = 3;
required string propertyName = 4;
message .TSD.MediaInfoGeometryCommandArchive {
required .TSD.InfoGeometryCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Size newOriginalSize = 2;
required .TSP.Size oldOriginalSize = 3;
message .TSD.ImageNaturalSizeCommandArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Size new_natural_size = 2;
optional .TSP.Size old_natural_size = 3;
message .TSD.ImageMaskCommandArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference newMaskInfo = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference oldMaskInfo = 3;
optional bool background_removed = 4;
optional bool old_background_removed = 5;
message .TSD.ImageAdjustmentsCommandArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSD.ImageAdjustmentsArchive old_image_adjustments = 2;
optional .TSD.ImageAdjustmentsArchive new_image_adjustments = 3;
optional .TSP.DataReference adjustedImageData = 4;
optional .TSP.DataReference replacedAdjustedImageData = 5;
optional .TSP.DataReference enhancedImageData = 6;
optional .TSP.DataReference replacedEnhancedImageData = 7;
optional .TSP.DataReference thumbnailAdjustedImageData = 8;
optional .TSP.DataReference replacedThumbnailAdjustedImageData = 9;
message .TSD.MediaFlagsCommandArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCommandArchive super = 1;
optional bool was_media_replaced = 5;
optional bool is_placeholder = 6;
optional bool old_was_media_replaced = 7;
optional bool old_is_placeholder = 8;
required string property_name = 4;
message .TSD.DrawablesCommandGroupArchive {
enum DrawablesCommandGroupType {
Constructive = 1;
Destructive = 2;
InPlace = 3;
required .TSK.CommandGroupArchive super = 1;
optional .TSD.CanvasSelectionArchive obsolete_selection = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference modelforselection = 3;
optional .TSD.DrawablesCommandGroupArchive.DrawablesCommandGroupType type = 4;
optional bool forDrag = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference archivedselection = 6;
message .TSD.ExteriorTextWrapCommandArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSD.ExteriorTextWrapArchive old_exterior_text_wrap = 3;
optional uint32 type = 4;
optional uint32 direction = 5;
optional uint32 fit_type = 6;
optional float margin = 7;
optional float alpha_threshold = 8;
optional bool is_html_wrap = 9;
message .TSD.DrawableHyperlinkCommandArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCommandArchive super = 1;
optional string oldhyperlink_url = 2;
optional string newhyperlink_url = 3;
message .TSD.CommentInvalidatingCommandSelectionBehaviorArchive {
required .TSK.CommandSelectionBehaviorArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference annotation_displaying_command = 2;
optional bool begin_editing_on_undo = 3;
optional bool begin_editing_on_redo = 4;
optional bool should_invalidate_on_undo = 5;
optional bool should_invalidate_on_redo = 6;
message .TSD.ImageReplaceCommandArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.DataReference new_image_data = 2;
optional .TSP.DataReference new_original_image_data = 3;
optional .TSP.DataReference old_image_data = 4;
optional .TSP.DataReference old_original_image_data = 5;
optional .TSP.Path instant_alpha_path = 6;
optional .TSP.Path old_instant_alpha_path = 7;
optional .TSP.Size natural_size_for_IAPath = 8;
optional .TSP.Size old_natural_size_for_IAPath = 9;
optional .TSD.GeometryArchive target_image_geometry = 10;
optional .TSD.GeometryArchive old_target_image_geometry = 12;
optional .TSD.GeometryArchive target_mask_geometry = 13;
optional .TSD.GeometryArchive old_target_mask_geometry = 14;
optional .TSD.ImageAdjustmentsArchive image_adjustments = 15;
optional .TSP.DataReference adjusted_image_data = 16;
optional .TSP.DataReference enhanced_image_data = 17;
optional .TSD.ImageAdjustmentsArchive old_image_adjustments = 18;
optional .TSP.DataReference old_adjusted_image_data = 19;
optional .TSP.DataReference old_enhanced_image_data = 20;
optional .TSP.DataReference thumbnail_image_data = 21;
optional .TSP.DataReference old_thumbnail_image_data = 22;
optional .TSP.DataReference thumbnail_adjusted_image_data = 23;
optional .TSP.DataReference old_thumbnail_adjusted_image_data = 24;
optional .TSP.Size natural_size = 25;
optional .TSP.Size old_natural_size = 26;
message .TSD.DrawableLockCommandArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCommandArchive super = 1;
optional bool locked = 2;
optional bool was_locked = 3;
message .TSD.DrawableInfoCommentCommandArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference old_comment = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference new_comment = 3;
optional .TSD.CommentCommandVariant forward_variant = 4;
optional .TSD.CommentCommandVariant inverse_variant = 5;
message .TSD.DrawablePencilAnnotationCommandArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference pencil_annotation_to_add = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference pencil_annotation_to_remove = 3;
message .TSD.AbstractGuideCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSD.UserDefinedGuideArchive old_guides = 7;
repeated .TSD.UserDefinedGuideArchive new_guides = 8;
message .TSD.GuideCommandArchive {
required .TSD.AbstractGuideCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUIDPath storage_id_path = 2;
message .TSD.DrawableAspectRatioLockedCommandArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCommandArchive super = 1;
optional bool aspect_ratio_locked = 2;
optional bool was_aspect_ratio_locked = 3;
message .TSD.DrawableAccessibilityDescriptionCommandArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCommandArchive super = 1;
optional string accessibility_description = 2;
optional string old_accessibility_description = 3;
message .TSD.PasteStyleCommandArchive {
required .TSD.AbstractStyleCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference new_style = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference rollback_style = 5;
optional bool tail_end_on_left = 4;
message .TSD.ImageInfoAbstractGeometryCommandArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSD.GeometryArchive new_image_geometry = 2;
optional .TSD.GeometryArchive old_image_geometry = 3;
optional .TSD.GeometryArchive new_mask_geometry = 4;
optional .TSD.GeometryArchive old_mask_geometry = 5;
optional .TSD.PathSourceArchive new_mask_path_source = 6;
optional .TSD.PathSourceArchive old_mask_path_source = 7;
optional .TSP.Size new_image_original_size = 8;
optional .TSP.Size old_image_original_size = 9;
optional bool background_removed = 10;
optional bool old_background_removed = 11;
message .TSD.ImageInfoGeometryCommandArchive {
required .TSD.ImageInfoAbstractGeometryCommandArchive super = 1;
message .TSD.ImageInfoMaskGeometryCommandArchive {
required .TSD.ImageInfoAbstractGeometryCommandArchive super = 1;
message .TSD.InfoCollectionSelectionTransformerHelperArchive {
repeated .TSP.UUIDPath info_uuid_path_list = 1;
message .TSD.DrawableSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCollectionSelectionTransformerHelperArchive transformer_helper = 1;
required .TSP.Reference untransformed_drawable_selection = 2;
message .TSD.InfoHyperlinkSelectionTransformerArchive {
message .TSD.CanvasSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCollectionSelectionTransformerHelperArchive transformer_helper = 1;
message .TSD.PathSelectionTransformerArchive {
message .TSD.ShapeSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .TSD.DrawableSelectionTransformerArchive super = 1;
message .TSD.GroupSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .TSD.DrawableSelectionTransformerArchive super = 1;
message .TSD.PencilAnnotationSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .TSP.UUID pencil_annotation_uuid = 1;
message .TSD.FreehandDrawingOpacityCommandArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCommandArchive super = 1;
optional double opacity = 2;
optional double old_opacity = 3;
message .TSD.FreehandDrawingAnimationCommandArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSD.FreehandDrawingAnimationArchive animation = 2;
optional .TSD.FreehandDrawingAnimationArchive old_animation = 3;
message .TSD.InsertCaptionOrTitleCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath drawable_info_id_path = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference caption_or_title_info = 3;
optional .TSP.UUID added_caption_or_title_uuid = 4;
optional .TSD.CaptionOrTitleKind caption_or_title_kind = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_object = 6;
message .TSD.RemoveCaptionOrTitleCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath drawable_info_id_path = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference removed_caption_or_title_info = 3;
optional .TSP.UUID removed_caption_or_title_uuid = 4;
optional .TSD.CaptionOrTitleKind caption_or_title_kind = 5;
message .TSD.SetCaptionOrTitleVisibilityCommandArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSD.CaptionOrTitleKind caption_or_title_kind = 2;
optional bool hidden = 3;
optional bool was_hidden = 4;
enum .TSK.StructuredTextImportType {
ImportType_UNKNOWN = 0;
ImportType_DELIMITED = 1;
ImportType_FIXEDWIDTH = 2;
message .TSK.TreeNode {
optional string name = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference children = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference object = 3;
message .TSK.LocalCommandHistoryItem {
optional .TSP.Reference command = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference behavior = 2;
message .TSK.LocalCommandHistoryArray {
required .TSP.LargeArray large_array = 1;
message .TSK.LocalCommandHistoryArraySegment {
required .TSP.LargeObjectArraySegment large_object_array_segment = 1;
message .TSK.LocalCommandHistory {
required uint32 undo_count = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference items_array = 2;
optional bool fixed_radar_13365177 = 10;
message .TSK.DocumentArchive {
optional string locale_identifier = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference annotation_author_storage = 7;
repeated .TSP.Reference activity_log_entries = 8;
optional string creation_locale_identifier = 9;
optional bool prevent_image_conversion_on_open = 10;
optional bool has_floating_locale = 11;
optional bool has_user_defined_locale = 12;
optional .TSP.Reference collaboration_operation_history = 14;
optional bool should_measure_negatively_tracked_text_correctly = 15;
optional bool use_optimized_text_vertical_alignment = 16;
optional .TSK.FormattingSymbolsArchive formatting_symbols = 17;
optional .TSP.Reference activity_stream = 199;
message .TSK.FormattingSymbolsArchive {
message CurrencySymbol {
required string code = 1;
required string symbol = 2;
optional string version = 1;
optional string calendar = 2;
optional string numbering_system = 3;
repeated string months = 4;
repeated string standalone_months = 5;
repeated string short_months = 6;
repeated string standalone_short_months = 7;
repeated string weekdays = 8;
repeated string standalone_weekdays = 9;
repeated string short_weekdays = 10;
repeated string standalone_short_weekdays = 11;
optional string am_symbol = 12;
optional string pm_symbol = 13;
repeated string tiny_months = 14;
repeated string standalone_tiny_months = 15;
repeated string tiny_weekdays = 16;
repeated string standalone_tiny_weekdays = 17;
repeated string quarters = 18;
repeated string standalone_quarters = 19;
repeated string short_quarters = 20;
repeated string standalone_short_quarters = 21;
repeated string eras = 22;
repeated string long_eras = 23;
optional string short_date_pattern = 24;
optional string medium_date_pattern = 25;
optional string long_date_pattern = 26;
optional string full_date_pattern = 27;
optional string short_time_pattern = 28;
optional string medium_time_pattern = 29;
optional string long_time_pattern = 30;
optional string full_time_pattern = 31;
optional string decimal_separator = 32;
optional string grouping_separator = 33;
optional string currency_decimal_separator = 34;
optional string currency_grouping_separator = 35;
optional string plus_sign = 36;
optional string minus_sign = 37;
optional string exponential_symbol = 38;
optional string percent_symbol = 39;
optional string per_mille_symbol = 40;
optional string infinity_symbol = 41;
optional string nan_symbol = 42;
optional string decimal_pattern = 43;
optional string scientific_pattern = 44;
optional string percent_pattern = 45;
optional string currency_pattern = 46;
optional string currency_code = 47;
repeated .TSK.FormattingSymbolsArchive.CurrencySymbol currency_symbols = 48;
message .TSK.DocumentSupportArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference command_history = 1;
optional uint32 undo_count = 4;
optional uint32 redo_count = 5;
optional string undo_action_string = 6;
optional string redo_action_string = 7;
optional .TSP.Reference web_state = 8;
optional bool is_in_collaboration_mode = 9 [default = false];
optional string action_string_localization = 12;
optional .TSP.Reference collaboration_state = 13;
optional .TSP.Reference activity_notification_map = 14;
optional .TSP.Reference removed_author_auditor_pending_state = 15;
optional .TSP.Reference command_selection_behavior_history = 2 [deprecated = true];
optional .TSP.Reference view_state = 3 [deprecated = true];
optional .TSP.Reference collaboration_command_history = 10 [deprecated = true];
optional .TSP.Reference collaboration_session_state = 11 [deprecated = true];
message .TSK.ViewStateArchive {
required .TSP.Reference view_state_root = 1;
optional int32 document_revision_sequence = 2;
optional string document_revision_identifier = 3;
message .TSK.CommandArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference undoRedoState = 1 [deprecated = true];
optional .TSP.Reference undoCollection = 2;
optional bool shadowed_by_transform = 3;
optional bool shadowed_by_commit = 4;
optional bool remote = 5;
optional bool should_hold_until_group_commit = 6;
optional bool server_originated = 7;
message .TSK.CommandGroupArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference commands = 2;
optional .TSP.IndexSet process_results = 3;
optional string action_string = 4;
optional bool can_coalesce_group = 5;
message .TSK.InducedCommandCollectionArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference inducing_command = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference induced_commands = 3;
optional .TSP.IndexSet indexes_of_processed_induced_commands = 4;
message .TSK.PropagatedCommandCollectionArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference propagatable_command = 2;
optional bool propagatable_command_process_result = 3 [default = false];
required .TSP.Reference propagating_command = 4;
optional bool propagating_command_process_result = 5 [default = false];
message .TSK.FinalCommandPairArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference command = 2;
optional bool command_process_result = 3 [default = false];
required .TSP.Reference final_command = 4;
optional bool final_command_process_result = 5 [default = false];
message .TSK.CommandContainerArchive {
repeated .TSP.Reference commands = 1;
message .TSK.ProgressiveCommandGroupArchive {
required .TSK.CommandGroupArchive super = 1;
message .TSK.FormatStructArchive {
optional uint32 format_type = 1;
optional uint32 decimal_places = 2;
optional string currency_code = 3;
optional uint32 negative_style = 4;
optional bool show_thousands_separator = 5;
optional bool use_accounting_style = 6;
optional uint32 duration_style = 7;
optional uint32 base = 8;
optional uint32 base_places = 9;
optional bool base_use_minus_sign = 10;
optional uint32 fraction_accuracy = 11;
optional bool suppress_date_format = 12;
optional bool suppress_time_format = 13;
optional string date_time_format = 14;
optional uint32 duration_unit_largest = 15;
optional uint32 duration_unit_smallest = 16;
optional uint32 custom_id = 17;
optional string custom_format_string = 18;
optional double scale_factor = 19;
optional bool requires_fraction_replacement = 20;
optional double control_minimum = 21;
optional double control_maximum = 22;
optional double control_increment = 23;
optional uint32 control_format_type = 24;
optional uint32 slider_orientation = 25;
optional uint32 slider_position = 26;
optional uint32 decimal_width = 27;
optional uint32 min_integer_width = 28;
optional uint32 num_nonspace_integer_digits = 29;
optional uint32 num_nonspace_decimal_digits = 30;
optional uint32 index_from_right_last_integer = 31;
repeated string interstitial_strings = 32;
optional .TSP.IndexSet inters_str_insertion_indexes = 33;
optional uint32 num_hash_decimal_digits = 34;
optional uint32 total_num_decimal_digits = 35;
optional bool is_complex = 36;
optional bool contains_integer_token = 37;
optional uint32 multiple_choice_list_initial_value = 38;
optional uint32 multiple_choice_list_id = 39;
optional bool use_automatic_duration_units = 40;
optional .TSP.UUID custom_uid = 41;
optional .TSK.CustomFormatArchive custom_format = 42;
optional bool uses_plus_sign = 43;
optional string bool_true_string = 44;
optional string bool_false_string = 45;
extensions 10000 to 19999;
message .TSK.CustomFormatArchive {
message Condition {
required uint32 condition_type = 1;
optional float condition_value = 2;
required .TSK.FormatStructArchive condition_format = 3;
optional double condition_value_dbl = 4;
required string name = 1;
required uint32 format_type_pre_bnc = 2;
required .TSK.FormatStructArchive default_format = 3;
repeated .TSK.CustomFormatArchive.Condition conditions = 4;
optional uint32 format_type = 5;
message .TSK.CustomFormatListArchive {
repeated .TSP.UUID uuids = 1;
repeated .TSK.CustomFormatArchive custom_formats = 2;
message .TSK.AnnotationAuthorArchive {
optional string name = 1;
optional .TSP.Color color = 2;
optional string public_id = 3;
optional bool is_public_author = 4;
repeated string public_ids = 5;
message .TSK.DeprecatedChangeAuthorArchive {
optional string name = 1;
optional .TSP.Color change_color = 2;
message .TSK.AnnotationAuthorStorageArchive {
repeated .TSP.Reference annotation_author = 1;
message .TSK.CommandBehaviorSelectionPathStorageArchive {
optional .TSK.SelectionPathArchive archived_selection = 1;
optional .TSK.SelectionPathArchive archived_old_selection = 2;
optional .TSK.SelectionPathArchive archived_new_selection = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference forward_selection_path_transformer = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference reverse_selection_path_transformer = 5;
message .TSK.CommandBehaviorArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference selection_behavior = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference activity_behavior = 2;
message .TSK.CommandSelectionBehaviorArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference selection_path_storage = 1;
optional uint64 selection_flags = 2;
optional uint64 additional_forward_selection_flags = 3;
optional uint64 additional_reverse_selection_flags = 4;
repeated .TSP.Reference additional_selection_behaviors = 5;
message .TSK.SelectionPathTransformerArchive {
repeated .TSP.Reference selection_transformers = 1;
message .TSK.SelectionPathArchive {
repeated .TSP.Reference ordered_selections = 1;
message .TSK.DocumentSelectionArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference document_root = 1;
message .TSK.NullCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
message .TSK.GroupCommitCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional bool can_coalesce_group = 2;
message .TSK.UpgradeDocPostProcessingCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
message .TSK.InducedCommandCollectionCommitCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
message .TSK.ChangeDocumentPackageTypeCommandArchive {
enum PackageType {
Default = 0;
Directory = 1;
SingleFile = 2;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSK.ChangeDocumentPackageTypeCommandArchive.PackageType new_package_type = 2;
required .TSK.ChangeDocumentPackageTypeCommandArchive.PackageType old_package_type = 3;
message .TSK.RangeAddress {
repeated uint64 address_identifier = 1;
repeated uint32 range_list = 2;
message .TSK.Operation {
enum OperationType {
Add = 0;
Remove = 1;
Placement = 2;
Rearrange = 3;
UpdateId = 4;
UpdateRange = 5;
ReplaceRange = 6;
optional .TSK.Operation.OperationType type = 1 [default = ReplaceRange];
optional bool noop = 2 [default = false];
repeated fixed64 address_identifier = 3 [packed = true];
optional uint64 insert_length = 4 [default = 1];
optional bool preserve_lower_priority_location = 5 [default = false];
repeated uint32 range_list = 6 [packed = true];
optional uint32 transform_behavior = 7 [default = 7];
optional uint32 property_id = 8;
optional int32 from_index = 9 [default = -1];
optional int32 to_index = 10 [default = -1];
optional bool dominating = 11 [default = false];
optional int32 object_count = 12 [default = -1];
optional int32 object_counter_space = 13 [default = 0];
message .TSK.OperationTransformer {
required bool higher_priority = 1;
repeated .TSK.Operation operations = 2;
message .TSK.OutgoingCommandQueueItem {
optional .TSP.Reference command = 1;
optional string serialized_json_without_data_base64_encoded_string = 2;
optional .TSP.DataReference serialized_json_without_data_base64_encoded_data = 4;
repeated .TSK.OutgoingCommandQueueItemUUIDToDataMapEntry uuid_to_data_map_entries = 3;
repeated .TSP.DataReference large_data_list = 5;
message .TSK.OutgoingCommandQueueItemUUIDToDataMapEntry {
required .TSP.UUID uuid = 1;
required .TSP.DataReference data = 2;
message .TSK.NativeContentDescription {
optional string app_name = 1;
optional string app_version = 2;
optional string document_id = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference drawable_descriptions = 4;
message .TSK.StructuredTextImportSettings {
required .TSK.StructuredTextImportType type = 1;
required int32 starting_row = 2;
repeated string decimal_separators = 3;
repeated string thousands_separators = 4;
optional bool transpose_rows_and_columns = 5;
repeated string delimiters = 6;
repeated string text_qualifiers = 7;
optional bool collapse_consecutive = 8;
optional .TSP.IndexSet column_offsets = 9;
optional bool automatic_delimiters = 10;
optional bool automatic_offsets = 11;
optional uint64 source_encoding = 12;
message .TSK.OperationStorageCommandOperationsEntry {
optional bool command_identifier_same_as_revision_identifier = 1;
repeated fixed64 command_identifier = 2 [packed = true];
repeated .TSK.Operation operations = 3;
optional bool server_originated = 4;
optional uint64 coalesced_command_entry_count = 5;
message .TSK.OperationStorageEntry {
repeated fixed64 document_revision_identifier = 1 [packed = true];
optional int32 document_revision_sequence_delta = 2;
repeated .TSK.OperationStorageCommandOperationsEntry command_operation_entries = 3;
optional double first_entry_creation_time = 4;
optional int32 creation_time_diff_bucket = 5;
repeated uint32 file_format_version = 6 [packed = true];
message .TSK.DataReferenceRecord {
message ContainerUUIDToReferencedDataPair {
required .TSP.UUID container_uuid = 1;
required .TSP.DataReference referenced_data = 2;
required uint32 reference_count = 3;
repeated .TSK.DataReferenceRecord.ContainerUUIDToReferencedDataPair added_container_uuid_to_referenced_data_pairs = 1;
repeated .TSK.DataReferenceRecord.ContainerUUIDToReferencedDataPair removed_container_uuid_to_referenced_data_pairs = 2;
repeated .TSP.DataReference unbounded_referenced_datas = 3;
message .TSK.PencilAnnotationUIState {
enum PencilAnnotationToolType {
Pen = 0;
Highlighter = 1;
optional .TSK.PencilAnnotationUIState.PencilAnnotationToolType current_tool_type = 1 [default = Pen];
optional .TSP.Color pen_tool_color = 2;
optional float pen_tool_opacity = 3;
optional float pen_tool_width = 4;
optional .TSP.Color highlighter_tool_color = 5;
optional float highlighter_tool_opacity = 6;
optional float highlighter_tool_width = 7;
message .TSCKSOS.FixCorruptedDataCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated string corrupted_digest_list = 2;
optional bool corrupted_digest_list_undefined = 3;
message .TSCKSOS.RemoveAuthorIdentifiersCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.UUID author_identifiers = 2;
optional bool author_identifiers_undefined = 3;
message .TSCKSOS.ResetActivityStreamCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
message .TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistoryArray {
required .TSP.LargeArray large_array = 1;
message .TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistoryArraySegment {
required .TSP.LargeObjectArraySegment large_object_array_segment = 1;
message .TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistory {
message ItemList {
optional .TSP.Reference items_array = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference transformer_entries = 2;
optional .TSP.UUID local_identifier = 1;
optional .TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistory.ItemList undo_items = 2;
optional .TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistory.ItemList redo_items = 3;
message .TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistoryItem {
optional .TSP.Reference command = 1;
optional string action_string = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference behavior = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference coalescing_group = 4;
optional uint64 revision_sequence = 5;
message .TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistoryCoalescingGroup {
repeated .TSP.Reference nodes = 1;
optional bool did_coalesce_all_commands = 2 [default = false];
message .TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistoryCoalescingGroupNode {
optional .TSP.Reference command = 1;
message .TSCK.CollaborationCommandHistoryOriginatingCommandAcknowledgementObserver {
optional .TSP.Reference coalescing_group = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference node = 2;
message .TSCK.DocumentSupportCollaborationState {
optional .TSP.Reference collaboration_command_history = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference collaboration_session_state = 2;
message .TSCK.SetAnnotationAuthorColorCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference annotation_author = 2;
optional .TSP.Color color = 3;
optional .TSP.Color old_color = 4;
message .TSCK.SetActivityAuthorShareParticipantIDCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference activity_author = 2;
optional string share_participant_id = 3;
optional string old_share_participant_id = 4;
message .TSCK.IdOperationArgs {
required .TSP.UUIDPath id_path = 1;
message .TSCK.AddIdOperationArgs {
required .TSCK.IdOperationArgs super = 1;
required int32 index = 2;
message .TSCK.RemoveIdOperationArgs {
required .TSCK.IdOperationArgs super = 1;
required int32 index = 2;
message .TSCK.RearrangeIdOperationArgs {
required .TSCK.IdOperationArgs super = 1;
required int32 from_index = 2;
required int32 to_index = 3;
message .TSCK.IdPlacementOperationArgs {
required .TSCK.IdOperationArgs super = 1;
required int32 from_index = 2;
required int32 to_index = 3;
message .TSCK.ActivityCommitCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference activity = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference author = 3;
optional bool was_activity_committed = 4 [default = true];
message .TSCK.ExecuteTestBetweenRollbackAndReapplyCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
message .TSCK.CreateLocalStorageSnapshotCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional string snapshot_id = 2;
message .TSCK.BlockDiffsAtCurrentRevisionCommand {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
message .TSCK.TransformerEntry {
required uint64 sequence = 1;
required double creation_time = 2;
required .TSK.OperationTransformer transformer = 3;
message .TSCK.CollaborationAppliedCommandDocumentRevisionMapping {
optional .TSP.Reference command = 1;
optional .TSP.UUID document_revision_identifier = 2;
optional int32 document_revision_sequence = 3;
repeated .TSK.Operation remaining_command_operations = 4;
optional .TSP.Date timestamp = 5;
message .TSCK.CollaborationDocumentSessionState {
message AcknowledgementObserverEntry {
required .TSP.UUID command_identifier = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference acknowledgement_observers = 2;
repeated string collaborator_ids = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference rsvp_command_queue_items = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference collaborator_cursor_transformer_entries = 4;
repeated .TSP.Reference acknowledged_commands_pending_resume_process_diffs = 5;
repeated .TSP.Reference unprocessed_commands_pending_resume_process_diffs = 6;
repeated .TSCK.CollaborationDocumentSessionState.AcknowledgementObserverEntry command_acknowledgement_observer_entries = 7;
repeated .TSP.Reference transformer_from_unprocessed_command_operations_entries = 8;
optional int32 mailbox_request_document_revision_sequence = 10;
optional .TSP.UUID mailbox_request_document_revision_identifier = 11;
optional bool last_send_pending_command_queue_item_was_moved_from_rsvp_command_queue = 12 [default = false];
optional int32 last_command_send_marker_sequence = 13;
optional .TSP.UUID last_command_send_marker_identifier = 14;
repeated .TSP.Reference skipped_acknowledged_commands_pending_resume_process_diffs = 15;
optional .TSP.UUID last_too_old_command_identifier = 16;
optional .TSP.Reference unprocessed_operation_entries_pending_resume_process_diffs = 17;
optional .TSP.Reference send_pending_command_queue = 18;
optional uint64 count_of_send_pending_command_queue_items_moved_from_rsvp_queue = 19 [default = 0];
optional .TSP.UUID last_enqueued_document_load_command_identifier = 20;
repeated .TSCK.CollaborationAppliedCommandDocumentRevisionMapping applied_command_document_revision_mappings_to_notify_pending_resume_process_diffs = 21;
optional uint64 count_of_command_queue_items_in_last_outgoing_command_group = 22 [default = 0];
message .TSCK.OperationStorageEntryArray {
optional .TSP.LargeArray large_array = 1;
message .TSCK.OperationStorageEntryArraySegment {
optional .TSP.LargeArraySegment large_array_segment = 1;
repeated .TSK.OperationStorageEntry elements = 2;
optional int32 last_document_revision_sequence_before_segment = 3;
optional int32 last_document_revision_sequence = 4;
optional double segment_first_entry_creation_time = 5;
message .TSCK.OperationStorage {
required .TSP.Reference entries = 1;
required uint64 operation_count = 2;
optional int32 last_document_revision_sequence = 3;
repeated fixed64 last_document_revision_identifier = 4 [packed = true];
optional int32 last_unskippable_document_revision_before_entries_sequence = 5;
repeated fixed64 last_unskippable_document_revision_before_entries_identifier = 6 [packed = true];
optional int32 last_unskippable_document_revision_in_entries_sequence = 7;
repeated fixed64 last_unskippable_document_revision_in_entries_identifier = 8 [packed = true];
optional .TSP.IndexSet days_with_an_entry = 9;
message .TSCK.OutgoingCommandQueue {
optional .TSP.LargeObjectArray large_object_array = 1;
message .TSCK.OutgoingCommandQueueSegment {
optional .TSP.LargeObjectArraySegment large_object_array_segment = 1;
message .TSCK.CommandAssetChunkArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional string digest = 2;
optional string asset_chunk = 3;
required int64 asset_chunk_length = 4;
required int64 resume_position = 5;
required int64 materialized_length = 6;
message .TSCK.AssetUploadStatusCommandArchive {
message AssetUploadStatusInfo {
optional string digest = 1;
optional .TSP.DataUploadStatus upload_status = 2;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSCK.AssetUploadStatusCommandArchive.AssetUploadStatusInfo info_list = 2;
message .TSCK.AssetUnmaterializedOnServerCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated string digest_list = 2;
message .TSCK.CollaboratorCursorArchive {
optional .TSP.UUIDPath id_path = 1;
extensions 100 to 999;
message .TSCK.ActivityStreamArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference acknowledged_activity_array = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference unacknowledged_local_activity_array = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference author_cache = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference unacknowledged_remote_activity_array = 5;
optional bool did_upgrade_comments_to_activities = 6;
optional .TSCK.ActivityStreamTransformationStateArchive activity_stream_transformation_state = 15;
optional .TSCK.ActivityStreamActivityCounterArchive activity_counter = 16;
message .TSCK.ActivityStreamActivityArray {
optional .TSP.LargeObjectArray large_array = 1;
message .TSCK.ActivityStreamActivityArraySegment {
optional .TSP.LargeObjectArraySegment large_array_segment = 1;
message .TSCK.ActivityArchive {
repeated .TSP.Reference cursor_collection_persistence_wrappers = 1;
optional .TSP.UUID author_identifier = 2;
optional int32 nondirectional_action_type = 3;
optional int32 direction = 4;
optional bool should_send_notification = 5;
optional .TSP.Date timestamp = 6;
optional int32 revision_sequence = 7;
optional .TSCK.ActivityNavigationInfoArchive additional_navigation_info = 8;
optional bool did_prepare_serialized_string_on_server = 9;
optional int32 oldest_revision_sequence_of_next_activities = 10;
optional int32 action_sub_type = 11 [default = 0];
repeated uint32 min_updatable_version = 12 [packed = true];
message .TSCK.ActivityAuthorArchive {
optional string name = 1;
optional .TSP.Color color = 2;
repeated string public_ids = 3;
optional bool is_public_author = 4;
optional string share_participant_id = 5;
message .TSCK.CommandActivityBehaviorArchive {
enum ActionType {
Unknown = 0;
FirstJoin = 1;
Add = 2;
Modify = 3;
Comment = 4;
Reply = 5;
Paste = 6;
Password = 7;
Restore = 8;
Remove = 9;
EditText = 10;
Group = 11;
Ungroup = 12;
Replace = 13;
enum ActionSubType {
None = 0;
FilterTable = 1;
SortTable = 2;
CategorizeTable = 3;
ChangeTemplateSlide = 4;
ChangeChartType = 5;
MoveDrawable = 6;
ResizeDrawable = 7;
AddOrRemovePage = 8;
Hyperlink = 9;
SkipSlide = 10;
UnskipSlide = 11;
ChangeBackground = 12;
ChangePageTemplate = 13;
InsertPageNumber = 14;
RefreshPivotTable = 15;
AddPassword = 16;
ChangePassword = 17;
RemovePassword = 18;
Bookmark = 19;
Equation = 20;
SectionBreak = 21;
MoveColumn = 22;
LinkTextbox = 23;
NewTextboxThread = 24;
ChangeTextboxThread = 25;
ConditionalHighlightTableCell = 26;
DataFormatTableCell = 27;
repeated .TSP.Reference selection_path_storages = 1;
optional .TSCK.CommandActivityBehaviorArchive.ActionType action_type = 2;
optional bool should_send_notification = 3;
optional .TSCK.ActivityNavigationInfoArchive additional_navigation_info = 4;
optional .TSCK.CommandActivityBehaviorArchive.ActionSubType action_sub_type = 5 [default = None];
message .TSCK.ActivityCursorCollectionArchive {
repeated .TSCK.CollaboratorCursorArchive id_cursors = 1;
optional .TSCK.CollaboratorCursorArchive text_cursor = 2;
optional .TSCK.CollaboratorCursorArchive table_cursor = 3;
optional .TSCK.CollaboratorCursorArchive cde_cursor = 4;
optional .TSCK.CollaboratorCursorArchive chart_title_cursor = 5;
optional .TSCK.CollaboratorCursorArchive gallery_item_cursor = 6;
message .TSCK.ActivityCursorCollectionPersistenceWrapperArchive {
optional .TSCK.ActivityCursorCollectionArchive activity_cursor_collection = 1;
message .TSCK.ActivityNavigationInfoArchive {
extensions 100 to 999;
message .TSCK.CommentActivityNavigationInfoArchive {
required string comment_id = 1;
required .TSP.UUID parent_uuid = 2;
required .TSP.UUID storage_uuid = 3;
extend .TSCK.ActivityNavigationInfoArchive {
optional .TSCK.CommentActivityNavigationInfoArchive comment_activity_navigation_info = 100;
message .TSCK.ActivityAuthorCacheArchive {
message ShareParticipantIDCache {
required .TSP.UUID identifier = 1;
required string share_participant_id = 2;
message PublicIDCache {
required .TSP.UUID identifier = 1;
required string public_identifier = 2;
message IndexCache {
required .TSP.UUID identifier = 1;
required uint64 author_index = 2;
message FirstJoinCache {
required .TSP.UUID identifier = 1;
optional .TSP.Date first_join_date = 2;
repeated .TSCK.ActivityAuthorCacheArchive.ShareParticipantIDCache share_participant_id_cache = 1;
repeated .TSCK.ActivityAuthorCacheArchive.PublicIDCache fallback_public_id_cache = 3;
repeated .TSCK.ActivityAuthorCacheArchive.IndexCache index_cache = 4;
repeated .TSCK.ActivityAuthorCacheArchive.FirstJoinCache first_join_cache = 5;
repeated .TSP.Reference authors = 6;
optional .TSP.Date last_audit_date = 7;
repeated .TSP.UUID author_identifiers_to_remove = 8;
message .TSCK.ActivityOnlyCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
message .TSCK.ActivityNotificationItemArchive {
required int32 type = 1;
required .TSP.UUID unique_identifier = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference activities = 3;
optional .TSP.Date first_timestamp = 4;
message .TSCK.ActivityNotificationParticipantCacheArchive {
message UniqueIdentifierAndAttempts {
required .TSP.UUID unique_identifier = 1;
required uint32 attempts = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference notification_items = 1;
optional .TSP.Date last_edit_notification_item_sent_date = 2;
repeated .TSCK.ActivityNotificationParticipantCacheArchive.UniqueIdentifierAndAttempts sender_failed_to_enqueue_attempts = 3;
required string private_id = 4;
optional .TSP.Date last_comment_notification_item_sent_date = 5;
message .TSCK.ActivityNotificationQueueArchive {
repeated .TSP.Reference unprocessed_notification_items = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference pending_participant_caches = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference sent_participant_caches = 5;
message .TSCK.ActivityStreamTransformationStateArchive {
enum ActionType {
Trasnform = 0;
Coalesce = 1;
required int32 next_activity_to_transform_index = 1;
optional int32 oldest_revision_sequence_after_transformed = 2;
optional .TSP.Date last_activity_coalesced_date = 3;
optional .TSCK.ActivityStreamTransformationStateArchive.ActionType action_type = 4;
optional int32 transform_to_document_revision_sequence = 5;
repeated fixed64 transform_to_document_revision_identifier = 6 [packed = true];
optional double timestamp_of_last_activity_when_last_activity_coalescing = 7;
optional bool preserving_revision_sequence_order = 8;
message .TSCK.ActivityStreamActivityCounterArchive {
message ActionTypeCounter {
optional int32 action_type = 1;
optional uint32 count = 2;
message CursorTypeCounter {
optional int32 cursor_type = 1;
optional uint32 count = 2;
repeated .TSCK.ActivityStreamActivityCounterArchive.ActionTypeCounter action_type_counter = 1;
repeated .TSCK.ActivityStreamActivityCounterArchive.CursorTypeCounter cursor_type_counter = 2;
message .TSCK.ActivityStreamRemovedAuthorAuditorPendingStateArchive {
message DateToAuditAndType {
required .TSP.Date date_to_audit = 1;
required int32 type = 2;
repeated .TSP.UUID current_author_identifiers = 1;
repeated .TSCK.ActivityStreamRemovedAuthorAuditorPendingStateArchive.DateToAuditAndType dates_to_audit = 3;
enum .TSA.GalleryInfoCaptionMode {
GalleryInfoCaptionModeNone = 0;
GalleryInfoCaptionModePerImage = 1;
GalleryInfoCaptionModeAllImages = 2;
enum .TSA.GalleryInfoProperty {
GalleryInfoCaptionProperty = 0;
enum .TSA.GalleryCaptionMode {
GalleryCaptionModeNone = 0;
GalleryCaptionModePerImage = 1;
GalleryCaptionModeAllImages = 2;
enum .TSA.GalleryItemProperty {
GalleryItemPropertyImageData = 0;
GalleryItemPropertyThumbnailImageData = 1;
GalleryItemPropertyAccessibilityDescription = 2;
message .TSA.DocumentArchive {
required .TSK.DocumentArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSWP.TextPresetDisplayItemArchive text_preset_display_items = 2;
optional string document_language = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference calculation_engine = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference view_state = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference function_browser_state = 6;
optional .TSP.Reference tables_custom_format_list = 7;
optional bool needs_media_compatibility_upgrade = 8;
optional string template_identifier = 9;
optional .TSP.Reference shortcut_controller = 10;
optional .TSP.Reference annotation_cache_deprecated = 11;
optional .TSP.Reference custom_format_list = 12;
optional .TSP.Reference annotation_cache_deprecated_2 = 13;
optional bool collaborative_media_compatibility_upgrade_did_fail = 14;
optional bool can_use_hevc = 15;
optional bool is_content_source = 16;
message .TSA.FunctionBrowserStateArchive {
repeated uint32 recent_functions = 1;
repeated uint32 back_functions = 2;
repeated uint32 forward_functions = 3;
optional uint32 current_function = 4;
message .TSA.ThemePresetsArchive {
repeated .TSP.Reference caption_style_presets = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference svg_import_style_presets = 2;
extend .TSS.ThemeArchive {
optional .TSA.ThemePresetsArchive extension = 210;
message .TSA.ShortcutControllerArchive {
message ShortcutMapEntry {
required string shortcut = 1;
required .TSP.Reference style = 2;
repeated .TSA.ShortcutControllerArchive.ShortcutMapEntry entries = 1;
message .TSA.PropagatePresetCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference preset_change_command = 2;
required bool always_preserve_appearance = 3;
message .TSA.ShortcutCommandArchive {
optional .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference old_style = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference new_style = 3;
optional string old_shortcut = 4;
optional string new_shortcut = 5;
message .TSA.AddCustomFormatCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSK.CustomFormatArchive custom_format = 2;
optional .TSP.UUID custom_format_key = 3;
message .TSA.UpdateCustomFormatCommandArchive {
optional .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSK.CustomFormatArchive custom_format = 2;
optional .TSK.CustomFormatArchive old_custom_format = 3;
optional .TSP.UUID custom_format_key = 4;
message .TSA.ReplaceCustomFormatCommandArchive {
optional .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSK.CustomFormatArchive custom_format = 2;
optional .TSP.UUID custom_format_key = 3;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive replacement_format = 4;
message .TSA.NeedsMediaCompatibilityUpgradeCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional bool needs_media_compatibility_upgrade = 2;
optional bool old_needs_media_compatibility_upgrade = 3;
optional bool collaborative_media_compatibility_upgrade_did_fail = 4;
optional bool old_collaborative_media_compatibility_upgrade_did_fail = 5;
optional bool can_use_hevc = 6;
optional bool old_can_use_hevc = 7;
message .TSA.ChangeDocumentLocaleCommandArchive {
optional .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional string old_locale_id = 2;
optional string new_locale_id = 3;
optional .TSK.FormattingSymbolsArchive old_formatting_symbols = 4;
optional .TSK.FormattingSymbolsArchive new_formatting_symbols = 5;
message .TSA.InducedVerifyObjectsWithServerCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.UUID object_id_list = 2;
optional bool object_id_list_undefined = 3;
repeated string server_object_s_o_s_string_list = 4;
optional bool server_object_s_o_s_string_list_undefined = 5;
required bool pending_recalc = 6;
required double remote_data_sync_key = 7;
message .TSA.InducedVerifyTransformHistoryWithServerCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSK.OperationStorageEntry server_operation_storage_entries = 2;
optional bool server_operation_storage_entries_undefined = 3;
message .TSA.StyleUpdatePropertyMapCommandArchive {
optional .TSWP.StyleUpdatePropertyMapCommandArchive super = 1;
message .TSA.RemoteDataChangeCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSCE.RemoteDataValueMapArchive value_map = 2;
repeated .TSCE.StockArchive quotes = 3;
required double remote_data_sync_key = 4;
message .TSA.GalleryInfoSetValueCommandArchive {
message PropertyValue {
optional .TSA.GalleryInfoCaptionMode caption_mode = 1;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath info_id_path = 2;
optional .TSA.GalleryInfoProperty property = 3;
optional .TSA.GalleryInfoSetValueCommandArchive.PropertyValue value = 4;
optional .TSA.GalleryInfoSetValueCommandArchive.PropertyValue old_value = 5;
message .TSA.GalleryInfoInsertItemsCommandArchive {
required .TSD.ContainerInsertChildrenCommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference items = 2;
message .TSA.GalleryInfoRemoveItemsCommandArchive {
required .TSD.ContainerRemoveChildrenCommandArchive super = 1;
message .TSA.GalleryItemSetGeometryCommand {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath item_id_path = 2;
optional .TSP.Point offset = 3;
optional float scale = 4 [default = 1];
optional .TSP.Point old_offset = 5;
optional float old_scale = 6;
message .TSA.GalleryItem {
optional .TSP.Point offset = 1;
optional float scale = 2;
optional .TSP.DataReference image_data = 3;
optional .TSP.DataReference thumbnail_image_data = 4;
optional .TSD.ImageAdjustmentsArchive image_adjustments = 5;
optional .TSP.DataReference adjusted_image_data = 6;
optional .TSP.DataReference thumbnail_adjusted_image_data = 7;
optional .TSP.Reference caption_storage = 8;
optional string accessibility_description = 9;
message .TSA.GalleryInfo {
repeated .TSP.Reference items = 1;
optional .TSA.GalleryCaptionMode caption_mode = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference caption_storage = 3;
extend .TSD.ImageArchive {
optional .TSA.GalleryInfo gallery_info = 200;
message .TSA.GallerySelectionTransformer {
required .TSD.DrawableSelectionTransformerArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath gallery_uuid_path = 2;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath caption_storage_uuid_path = 3;
message .TSA.GalleryItemSelection {
optional .TSP.Reference displayed_item = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference items = 2;
message .TSA.GalleryItemSelectionTransformer {
optional .TSA.GalleryItemSelectionTransformerHelper transformer_helper = 1;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath caption_storage_uuid_path = 2;
message .TSA.GalleryItemSelectionTransformerHelper {
optional .TSP.UUIDPath displayed_item_uuid_path = 1;
repeated .TSP.UUIDPath item_uuid_paths = 2;
message .TSA.GalleryItemSetValueCommand {
message PropertyValue {
optional .TSP.DataReference image_data = 1;
optional string accessibility_description = 2;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath item_id_path = 2;
optional .TSA.GalleryItemProperty property = 3;
optional .TSA.GalleryItemSetValueCommand.PropertyValue value = 4;
optional .TSA.GalleryItemSetValueCommand.PropertyValue old_value = 5;
message .TSA.CollaboratorGalleryItemCursor {
optional .TSP.UUID displayed_item_id = 1;
repeated .TSP.UUID item_ids = 2;
extend .TSCK.CollaboratorCursorArchive {
optional .TSA.CollaboratorGalleryItemCursor gallery_item_cursor = 400;
message .TSA.WebVideoInfo {
optional string url = 1;
optional .TSP.DataReference poster_image_data = 2;
optional .TSD.Attribution attribution = 3;
extend .TSD.ImageArchive {
optional .TSA.WebVideoInfo web_video_info = 300;
message .TSA.CaptionPlacementArchive {
optional int32 caption_anchor_location = 1;
optional int32 drawable_anchor_location = 2;
message .TSA.CaptionInfoArchive {
required .TSWP.ShapeInfoArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference placement = 2;
optional .TSD.CaptionOrTitleKind childInfoKind = 3;
message .TSA.TitlePlacementCommandArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSD.CaptionOrTitleKind placing_child_info_kind = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference placement = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference old_placement = 4;
message .TSA.Object3DInfo {
optional .TSP.DataReference object_data = 1;
optional bool plays_animations = 2;
optional .TSP.Pose3D pose3d = 3;
optional .TSP.Rect boundingRect = 4;
optional .TSP.DataReference thumbnail_image_data = 5;
optional bool embedded_animations = 6;
optional .TSP.Path tracedPath = 7;
extend .TSD.MovieArchive {
optional .TSA.Object3DInfo object_3D_info = 200;
message .TSA.Object3DInfoCommandArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference info = 2;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath info_id_path = 3;
optional .TSP.DataReference thumbnail_image_data = 4;
optional .TSP.DataReference old_thumbnail_image_data = 5;
optional .TSP.Pose3D pose3d = 6;
optional .TSP.Pose3D old_pose3d = 7;
optional .TSP.Rect boundingRect = 8;
optional .TSP.Rect oldBoundingRect = 9;
optional .TSP.Path tracedPath = 10;
optional .TSP.Path oldTracedPath = 11;
message .TSA.Object3DInfoSetValueCommandArchive {
message PropertyValue {
optional bool plays_animations = 4;
optional float opacity = 10;
enum Property {
PlaysAnimations = 3;
Opacity = 9;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUIDPath object_3d_info_id_path = 2;
required .TSA.Object3DInfoSetValueCommandArchive.Property property = 3;
optional .TSA.Object3DInfoSetValueCommandArchive.PropertyValue value = 4;
optional .TSA.Object3DInfoSetValueCommandArchive.PropertyValue old_value = 5;
message .TSASOS.InducedVerifyActivityStreamWithServerCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference server_activities = 2;
optional bool server_activities_undefined = 3;
required double timestamp_of_last_activity_when_last_activity_coalescing = 4;
required int32 next_activity_to_transform_index = 5;
repeated .TSP.UUID author_identifiers_to_verify = 6;
optional bool author_identifiers_to_verify_undefined = 7;
message .TSASOS.DrawableZOrderListArchive {
optional .TSP.UUID container_id = 1;
repeated .TSP.UUID drawable_id_list = 2;
optional bool drawable_id_list_undefined = 3;
message .TSASOS.InducedVerifyDrawableZOrdersWithServerCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSASOS.DrawableZOrderListArchive server_drawable_z_order_lists = 2;
optional bool server_drawable_z_order_lists_undefined = 3;
message .TSASOS.PropagateMasterChangeCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.UUID uuids_of_previously_visited_objects = 2;
optional bool uuids_of_previously_visited_objects_undefined = 3;
message .TSASOS.CommandReapplyMasterArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.UUID items_to_visit = 2;
optional bool items_to_visit_undefined = 3;
required bool is_undo = 4;
message .TSASOS.VerifyActivityStreamWithServerCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
message .TSASOS.VerifyDocumentWithServerCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
message .TSASOS.VerifyDrawableZOrdersWithServerCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.UUID drawable_id_list = 2;
optional bool drawable_id_list_undefined = 3;
message .TSASOS.VerifyObjectsWithServerCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.UUID object_id_list = 2;
optional bool object_id_list_undefined = 3;
message .TSASOS.VerifyTransformHistoryWithServerCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required int32 sequence_start = 2;
required int32 sequence_end = 3;
enum .TSP.DataUploadStatus {
DataUploadStatus_Pending = 0;
DataUploadStatus_Reserved = 1;
DataUploadStatus_UnableToReserve = 2;
DataUploadStatus_Corrupted = 3;
DataUploadStatus_DocumentMayExceedDocumentSizeLimit = 4;
DataUploadStatus_Expired = 5;
enum .TSP.SpotlightMetadataType {
None = 0;
Text = 1;
Author = 2;
Font = 3;
Table = 4;
Sheet = 5;
Chart = 6;
Media = 7;
message .TSP.Reference {
required uint64 identifier = 1;
optional int32 deprecated_type = 2;
optional bool deprecated_is_external = 3;
message .TSP.DataReference {
required uint64 identifier = 1;
message .TSP.SparseReferenceArray {
message Entry {
required uint32 index = 1;
required .TSP.Reference reference = 2;
required uint32 count = 1;
repeated .TSP.SparseReferenceArray.Entry entries = 2;
message .TSP.Point {
required float x = 1;
required float y = 2;
message .TSP.Pose3D {
required float yaw = 1;
required float pitch = 2;
required float roll = 3;
message .TSP.Rect {
required .TSP.Point origin = 1;
required .TSP.Size size = 2;
message .TSP.Size {
required float width = 1;
required float height = 2;
message .TSP.Range {
required uint32 location = 1;
required uint32 length = 2;
message .TSP.Date {
required double seconds = 1;
message .TSP.IndexSet {
repeated .TSP.Range ranges = 1;
message .TSP.Color {
enum ColorModel {
rgb = 1;
cmyk = 2;
white = 3;
enum RGBColorSpace {
srgb = 1;
p3 = 2;
required .TSP.Color.ColorModel model = 1;
optional float r = 3;
optional float g = 4;
optional float b = 5;
optional .TSP.Color.RGBColorSpace rgbspace = 12;
optional float a = 6 [default = 1];
optional float c = 7;
optional float m = 8;
optional float y = 9;
optional float k = 10;
optional float w = 11;
message .TSP.Path {
message Element {
required .TSP.Path.ElementType type = 1;
repeated .TSP.Point points = 2;
enum ElementType {
moveTo = 1;
lineTo = 2;
quadCurveTo = 3;
curveTo = 4;
closeSubpath = 5;
repeated .TSP.Path.Element elements = 1;
message .TSP.ReferenceDictionary {
message Entry {
required .TSP.Reference key = 1;
required .TSP.Reference value = 2;
repeated .TSP.ReferenceDictionary.Entry entries = 1;
message .TSP.UUID {
required uint64 lower = 1;
required uint64 upper = 2;
message .TSP.CFUUIDArchive {
optional bytes uuid_bytes = 1;
optional uint32 uuid_w0 = 2;
optional uint32 uuid_w1 = 3;
optional uint32 uuid_w2 = 4;
optional uint32 uuid_w3 = 5;
message .TSP.UUIDSetArchive {
repeated .TSP.UUID uids = 1;
message .TSP.UUIDMapArchive {
repeated .TSP.UUID source = 1;
repeated .TSP.UUID target = 2;
message .TSP.UUIDMultiMapArchive {
repeated .TSP.UUID source = 1;
repeated .TSP.UUID target = 2;
message .TSP.UUIDCoordArchive {
required .TSP.UUID row_uid = 1;
required .TSP.UUID column_uid = 2;
message .TSP.UUIDRectArchive {
repeated .TSP.UUID column_uids = 1;
repeated .TSP.UUID row_uids = 2;
message .TSP.SparseUUIDArray {
message Entry {
required uint32 index = 1;
required .TSP.UUID uuid = 2;
required uint32 count = 1;
repeated .TSP.SparseUUIDArray.Entry entries = 2;
message .TSP.UUIDPath {
repeated .TSP.UUID uuids = 1;
message .TSP.SparseUUIDPathArray {
message Entry {
required uint32 index = 1;
required .TSP.UUIDPath uuid_path = 2;
required uint32 count = 1;
repeated .TSP.SparseUUIDPathArray.Entry entries = 2;
message .TSP.PasteboardObject {
optional .TSP.Reference stylesheet = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference drawables = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference styles = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference wp_storage = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference guide_storage = 9;
optional .TSP.Reference app_native_object = 6;
optional bool is_text_primary = 7 [default = false];
optional bool is_smart = 8 [default = false];
repeated .TSP.Reference presets = 10;
repeated .TSP.Reference top_level_objects = 11;
optional .TSP.Reference native_content_description = 12;
repeated .TSP.Range text_ranges = 13;
message .TSP.ObjectCollection {
repeated .TSP.Reference objects = 1;
message .TSP.ObjectContainer {
optional uint32 identifier = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference objects = 2;
message .TSP.DataAttributes {
extensions 100 to 536870911;
message .TSP.LargeArraySegment {
optional bool should_delay_archiving = 1;
optional uint32 delayed_archiving_priority = 2;
optional string package_locator = 3;
message .TSP.LargeNumberArraySegment {
optional .TSP.LargeArraySegment large_array_segment = 1;
repeated double elements = 2;
message .TSP.LargeStringArraySegment {
message OptionalElement {
optional string element = 1;
optional .TSP.LargeArraySegment large_array_segment = 1;
repeated .TSP.LargeStringArraySegment.OptionalElement elements = 2;
message .TSP.LargeUUIDArraySegment {
optional .TSP.LargeArraySegment large_array_segment = 1;
repeated .TSP.UUID elements = 2;
message .TSP.LargeLazyObjectArraySegment {
optional .TSP.LargeArraySegment large_array_segment = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference elements = 2;
message .TSP.LargeObjectArraySegment {
optional .TSP.LargeArraySegment large_array_segment = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference elements = 2;
message .TSP.LargeArray {
repeated .TSP.Range ranges = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference segments = 2;
optional uint64 max_segment_element_count = 3;
optional uint64 max_segment_size = 4;
optional bool should_delay_archiving = 5;
optional uint32 delayed_archiving_priority = 6;
optional bool store_outside_object_archive = 7;
optional uint64 estimated_byte_size = 8;
optional uint64 max_segment_cost = 9;
message .TSP.LargeNumberArray {
optional .TSP.LargeArray large_array = 1;
message .TSP.LargeStringArray {
optional .TSP.LargeArray large_array = 1;
message .TSP.LargeLazyObjectArray {
optional .TSP.LargeArray large_array = 1;
message .TSP.LargeObjectArray {
optional .TSP.LargeArray large_array = 1;
message .TSP.LargeUUIDArray {
optional .TSP.LargeArray large_array = 1;
message .TSP.FieldOptions {
optional .TSP.SpotlightMetadataType metadata_type = 1;
extend .google.protobuf.FieldOptions {
optional .TSP.FieldOptions field_options = 51234;
message .TSP.DatabaseData {
required .TSP.DataReference data = 1;
message .TSP.DatabaseDataArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference data = 1;
optional string app_relative_path = 2;
required string display_name = 3;
optional uint64 length = 4;
optional uint32 hash = 5;
required bool sharable = 6 [default = true];
message .TSP.DatabaseImageDataArchive {
enum ImageType {
unknown = 0;
bitmap = 1;
pdf = 2;
required .TSP.DatabaseDataArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.DatabaseImageDataArchive.ImageType type = 2;
message .TSP.ArchiveInfo {
optional uint64 identifier = 1;
repeated .TSP.MessageInfo message_infos = 2;
optional bool should_merge = 3;
message .TSP.MessageInfo {
required uint32 type = 1;
repeated uint32 version = 2 [packed = true];
required uint32 length = 3;
repeated .TSP.FieldInfo field_infos = 4;
repeated uint64 object_references = 5 [packed = true];
repeated uint64 data_references = 6 [packed = true];
optional uint32 base_message_index = 7;
repeated uint32 diff_merge_version = 8 [packed = true];
optional .TSP.FieldPath diff_field_path = 9;
repeated .TSP.FieldPath fields_to_remove = 10;
repeated uint32 diff_read_version = 11 [packed = true];
message .TSP.FieldInfo {
enum Type {
Value = 0;
ObjectReference = 1;
DataReference = 2;
Message = 3;
enum UnknownFieldRule {
IgnoreAndPreserveUntilModified = 0;
IgnoreAndPreserve = 1;
MustUnderstand = 2;
NotSupported = -1;
enum KnownFieldRule {
None = 0;
PreserveNewerValueUntilModified = 1;
PreserveNewerValue = 2;
required .TSP.FieldPath path = 1;
optional .TSP.FieldInfo.Type type = 2 [default = Value];
optional .TSP.FieldInfo.UnknownFieldRule unknown_field_rule = 3 [default = IgnoreAndPreserveUntilModified];
repeated uint64 object_references = 4 [packed = true];
repeated uint64 data_references = 5 [packed = true];
optional .TSP.FieldInfo.KnownFieldRule known_field_rule = 6 [default = None];
repeated uint32 known_field_version = 7 [packed = true];
optional string known_field_feature_identifier = 8;
message .TSP.FieldPath {
repeated uint32 path = 1 [packed = true];
message .TSP.ComponentInfo {
required uint64 identifier = 1;
required string preferred_locator = 2;
optional string locator = 3;
repeated uint32 document_read_version = 4 [packed = true];
repeated uint32 document_write_version = 5 [packed = true];
repeated .TSP.ComponentExternalReference external_references = 6;
repeated .TSP.ComponentDataReference data_references = 7;
optional bool is_stored_outside_object_archive = 10 [default = false];
repeated .TSP.ObjectUUIDMapEntry object_uuid_map_entries = 11;
optional uint64 save_token = 12 [default = 0];
repeated .TSP.FeatureInfo feature_infos = 13;
repeated uint32 component_read_version = 14 [packed = true];
repeated uint32 component_required_version = 15 [packed = true];
optional uint32 compression_algorithm = 16;
optional bool can_be_dropped = 17;
repeated .TSP.ComponentExternalReference versioned_external_references = 18;
optional bool is_wasteful = 19;
repeated uint64 ambiguous_object_identifiers = 20 [packed = true];
optional uint32 required_package_identifier = 21;
message .TSP.ComponentExternalReference {
required uint64 component_identifier = 1;
optional uint64 object_identifier = 2;
optional bool is_weak = 3;
message .TSP.ComponentDataReference {
message ObjectReference {
required uint64 object_identifier = 1;
required uint32 count = 2;
required uint64 data_identifier = 1;
repeated .TSP.ComponentDataReference.ObjectReference object_reference_list = 2;
message .TSP.ObjectUUIDMapEntry {
required uint64 identifier = 1;
required .TSP.UUID uuid = 2;
message .TSP.FeatureInfo {
required string identifier = 1;
repeated uint32 read_version = 2 [packed = true];
repeated uint32 write_version = 3 [packed = true];
message .TSP.PackageMetadata {
enum PackageType {
Default = 0;
Directory = 1;
SingleFile = 2;
required uint64 last_object_identifier = 1;
optional .TSP.DocumentRevision revision = 2;
repeated .TSP.ComponentInfo components = 3;
repeated .TSP.DataInfo datas = 4;
repeated uint32 read_version = 5 [packed = true];
repeated uint32 write_version = 6 [packed = true];
repeated uint32 file_format_version = 7 [packed = true];
optional uint64 save_token = 8 [default = 0];
optional .TSP.PackageMetadata.PackageType preferred_package_type = 9 [default = Default];
optional .TSP.Reference data_metadata_map = 10;
repeated .TSP.ComponentInfo versioned_components = 11;
message .TSP.DocumentRevision {
optional int32 sequence_32 = 3 [default = 0];
optional string identifier = 2;
optional uint64 sequence_64 = 1 [default = 0];
message .TSP.PasteboardMetadata {
repeated uint32 version = 1 [packed = true];
required string app_name = 2;
repeated .TSP.DataInfo datas = 3;
optional .TSP.UUID source_document_uuid = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference data_metadata_map = 6;
repeated uint32 read_version = 7 [packed = true];
message .TSP.DataInfo {
enum DownloadPriority {
High = 0;
Default = 1;
required uint64 identifier = 1;
required bytes digest = 2;
required string preferred_file_name = 3;
optional string file_name = 4;
optional string document_resource_locator = 5;
optional bytes source_bookmark_data = 6;
optional string remote_url = 7;
optional bool can_download = 8 [default = false];
optional .TSP.DataInfo.DownloadPriority download_priority = 9 [default = Default];
optional .TSP.DataAttributes attributes = 10;
optional .TSP.EncryptionInfo encryption_info = 11;
optional bytes last_mismatched_digest = 12;
optional .TSP.IndexSet unmaterialized_ranges = 13;
optional uint64 remote_data_length = 14;
optional bool remote_data_has_package_storage = 15 [default = false];
optional .TSP.DataUploadStatus upload_status = 16 [default = DataUploadStatus_Pending];
optional double remote_data_mtime = 17;
optional uint64 materialized_length = 18;
optional string pasteboard_external_file_path = 99;
message .TSP.DataMetadataMap {
message DataMetadataMapEntry {
required uint64 data_identifier = 1;
required .TSP.Reference data_metadata = 2;
repeated .TSP.DataMetadataMap.DataMetadataMapEntry data_metadata_entries = 1;
message .TSP.DataMetadata {
optional .TSP.Color fallback_color = 1;
message .TSP.EncryptionInfo {
optional uint64 decoded_length = 1;
optional uint64 preferred_block_size = 2;
repeated .TSP.EncryptionBlockInfo block_infos = 3;
message .TSP.EncryptionBlockInfo {
required uint64 encoded_length = 1;
optional uint64 decoded_length = 2;
message .TSP.ViewStateMetadata {
repeated uint32 version = 1 [packed = true];
optional .TSP.UUID version_uuid = 4;
required .TSP.ComponentInfo component = 3;
repeated .TSP.ObjectUUIDMapEntry external_object_uuid_map_entries = 5;
repeated uint32 read_version = 6 [packed = true];
message .TSP.ObjectSerializationMetadata {
repeated uint32 version = 1 [packed = true];
optional .TSP.UUID source_document_uuid = 2;
optional .TSP.UUID version_uuid = 3;
required .TSP.ComponentInfo component = 4;
repeated .TSP.DataInfo datas = 5;
repeated .TSP.ObjectUUIDMapEntry external_object_uuid_map_entries = 6;
optional .TSP.Reference data_metadata_map = 7;
repeated uint32 read_version = 8 [packed = true];
message .TSP.ObjectSerializationDirectory {
message Entry {
required string locator = 1;
required uint64 offset = 2;
required uint64 size = 3;
repeated .TSP.ObjectSerializationDirectory.Entry entries = 1;
message .TSP.DataPropertiesEntryV1 {
required bytes digest = 1;
optional bool expects_matched_digest = 2;
optional double creation_time_interval_since_1970 = 3;
repeated uint32 creation_version = 4 [packed = true];
optional bytes last_mismatched_digest = 5;
message .TSP.DataPropertiesV1 {
repeated .TSP.DataPropertiesEntryV1 properties = 1;
message .TSP.DocumentMetadata {
optional bool is_in_collaboration_mode = 1;
optional .TSP.DataPropertiesV1 data_properties_v1 = 3;
message .TSP.SupportMetadata {
message DataCollaborationProperties {
required bytes digest = 1;
optional bool acknowledged_by_server = 2 [default = false];
optional bool materialized_on_server = 3 [default = false];
optional int32 revision_sequence_for_materialized_on_server = 5 [default = 0];
optional .TSP.DataUploadStatus upload_status = 4 [default = DataUploadStatus_Pending];
optional bool is_remote_data_ever = 6 [default = false];
optional int32 revision_sequence_for_acknowledged_by_server = 7 [default = 0];
optional bool is_in_collaboration_mode = 1;
repeated .TSP.SupportMetadata.DataCollaborationProperties data_collaboration_properties = 2;
message .TSCE.CellReferenceArchive {
required uint32 column = 1;
required uint32 row = 2;
required .TSP.CFUUIDArchive table_id = 3;
message .TSCE.InternalCellReferenceArchive {
required .TSCE.CellCoordinateArchive coordinate = 1;
required uint32 owner_id = 2;
message .TSCE.RelativeCellRefArchive {
optional int32 relative_row_offset = 1;
optional int32 relative_column_offset = 2;
optional .TSP.UUID table_uid = 3;
optional bool preserve_column = 4;
optional bool preserve_row = 5;
optional bool is_spanning_column = 6;
optional bool is_spanning_row = 7;
message .TSCE.RangeReferenceArchive {
required .TSP.CFUUIDArchive table_id = 1;
required uint32 top_left_column = 2;
required uint32 top_left_row = 3;
required uint32 bottom_right_column = 4;
required uint32 bottom_right_row = 5;
message .TSCE.InternalRangeReferenceArchive {
required uint32 owner_id = 1;
required .TSCE.RangeCoordinateArchive range = 2;
message .TSCE.IndexSetArchive {
message IndexSetEntry {
required int32 range_begin = 1;
optional int32 range_end = 2;
repeated .TSCE.IndexSetArchive.IndexSetEntry entries = 1;
message .TSCE.CellCoordSetArchive {
message ColumnEntry {
required uint32 column = 1;
required .TSCE.IndexSetArchive row_set = 2;
repeated .TSCE.CellCoordSetArchive.ColumnEntry column_entries = 1;
message .TSCE.InternalCellRefSetArchive {
message OwnerEntry {
required uint32 owner_id = 1;
required .TSCE.CellCoordSetArchive coord_set = 2;
repeated .TSCE.InternalCellRefSetArchive.OwnerEntry owner_entries = 1;
message .TSCE.ColumnRowSize {
optional uint32 num_columns = 1 [default = 1];
optional uint32 num_rows = 2 [default = 1];
message .TSCE.CellRectArchive {
required .TSCE.CellCoordinateArchive origin = 1;
required .TSCE.ColumnRowSize size = 2;
message .TSCE.CellRefSetArchive {
message OwnerEntry {
required .TSP.UUID owner_uid = 1;
required .TSCE.CellCoordSetArchive coord_set = 2;
repeated .TSCE.CellRefSetArchive.OwnerEntry owner_entries = 1;
message .TSCE.UidCoordSetArchive {
message ColumnEntry {
required .TSP.UUID column = 1;
repeated .TSP.UUID row_set = 2;
repeated .TSCE.UidCoordSetArchive.ColumnEntry column_entries = 1;
message .TSCE.UidCellRefSetArchive {
message OwnerEntry {
required .TSP.UUID owner_uid = 1;
required .TSCE.UidCoordSetArchive coord_set = 2;
repeated .TSCE.UidCellRefSetArchive.OwnerEntry owner_entries = 1;
message .TSCE.ReferencesToDirtyArchive {
optional .TSCE.IndexSetArchive to_dirty_owner_ids = 1;
optional .TSCE.InternalCellRefSetArchive to_dirty_cells = 2;
optional .TSCE.InternalCellRefSetArchive to_dirty_cells_additional = 3;
repeated .TSCE.InternalRangeReferenceArchive to_dirty_range_refs = 4;
optional .TSCE.InternalCellRefSetArchive calc_in_progress_cells = 6;
optional .TSCE.InternalCellRefSetArchive to_update_precedents_cells = 7;
message .TSCE.CoordMapperArchive {
message BaseToViewEntry {
required uint32 base_column_or_row = 1;
required uint32 view_column_or_row = 2;
message SummaryToViewEntry {
required uint32 summary_column_or_row = 1;
required uint32 view_column_or_row = 2;
required .TSP.UUID table_uid = 1;
optional .TSCE.IndexSetArchive summary_rows_set = 2;
optional .TSCE.IndexSetArchive summary_columns_set = 3;
optional .TSCE.IndexSetArchive label_rows_set = 4;
repeated .TSCE.CoordMapperArchive.BaseToViewEntry base_to_view_row_map = 5;
repeated .TSCE.CoordMapperArchive.BaseToViewEntry base_to_view_column_map = 6;
repeated .TSCE.CoordMapperArchive.SummaryToViewEntry summary_to_view_row_map = 7;
repeated .TSCE.CoordMapperArchive.SummaryToViewEntry summary_to_view_column_map = 8;
message .TSCE.ReferenceArchive {
enum ReferenceType {
required .TSCE.ReferenceArchive.ReferenceType reference_type = 1;
optional .TSCE.CellReferenceArchive cell_reference = 2;
optional .TSCE.RangeReferenceArchive range_reference = 3;
message .TSCE.EdgeArchive {
required uint32 column = 1;
required uint32 row = 2;
required bool is_precedent = 3;
optional .TSP.CFUUIDArchive owner_id = 4;
message .TSCE.EdgesArchive {
repeated uint32 packed_edge_without_owner = 9;
repeated uint32 packed_edge_with_owner = 10;
repeated .TSP.CFUUIDArchive owner_id_for_edge = 11;
repeated uint32 internal_owner_id_for_edge = 12;
message .TSCE.ExpandedEdgesArchive {
repeated uint32 edge_without_owner_rows = 1;
repeated uint32 edge_without_owner_columns = 2;
repeated uint32 edge_with_owner_rows = 3;
repeated uint32 edge_with_owner_columns = 4;
repeated uint32 internal_owner_id_for_edge = 5;
message .TSCE.CellRecordArchive {
required uint32 column = 1;
required uint32 row = 2;
optional uint64 dirty_self_plus_precedents_count = 3 [default = 0];
optional bool is_in_a_cycle = 4 [default = false];
repeated .TSCE.EdgeArchive edge = 5 [deprecated = true];
optional bool contains_a_formula = 6 [default = true];
optional bool has_calculated_precedents = 7 [default = false];
optional bool calculate_precedents_on_next_recalc = 8 [default = false, deprecated = true];
optional bool translate_for_excel_import_on_next_recalc = 10 [default = false];
optional .TSCE.EdgesArchive edges = 9;
message .TSCE.CellDependenciesArchive {
repeated .TSCE.CellRecordArchive cell_record = 1;
optional uint32 num_dirty_cells = 2;
message .TSCE.CellRecordExpandedArchive {
required uint32 column = 1;
required uint32 row = 2;
optional uint64 dirty_self_plus_precedents_count = 3 [default = 0];
optional bool is_in_a_cycle = 4 [default = false];
optional bool has_calculated_precedents = 5 [default = false];
optional .TSCE.ExpandedEdgesArchive expanded_edges = 6;
message .TSCE.CellDependenciesExpandedArchive {
repeated .TSCE.CellRecordExpandedArchive cell_record = 1;
message .TSCE.CellRecordTileArchive {
required uint32 internal_owner_id = 1;
required uint32 tile_column_begin = 2;
required uint32 tile_row_begin = 3;
repeated .TSCE.CellRecordExpandedArchive cell_records = 4;
message .TSCE.CellDependenciesTiledArchive {
repeated .TSP.Reference cell_record_tiles = 1;
message .TSCE.VolatileDependenciesArchive {
repeated uint32 volatile_time_cell_column = 1;
repeated uint32 volatile_time_cell_row = 2;
repeated uint32 volatile_random_cell_column = 3;
repeated uint32 volatile_random_cell_row = 4;
repeated uint32 volatile_locale_cell_column = 15;
repeated uint32 volatile_locale_cell_row = 16;
repeated uint32 volatile_location_cell_column = 5;
repeated uint32 volatile_location_cell_row = 6;
repeated uint32 volatile_compass_cell_column = 7;
repeated uint32 volatile_compass_cell_row = 8;
repeated uint32 volatile_remote_data_cell_column = 19;
repeated uint32 volatile_remote_data_cell_row = 20;
repeated uint32 volatile_sheet_table_name_cell_column = 17;
repeated uint32 volatile_sheet_table_name_cell_row = 18;
repeated uint32 calculated_dependency_cell_column = 9;
repeated uint32 calculated_dependency_cell_row = 10;
repeated .TSCE.CellReferenceArchive volatile_geometry_cell_reference = 13;
repeated .TSCE.CellCoordinateArchive volatile_geometry_cell = 11;
message .TSCE.VolatileDependenciesExpandedArchive {
optional .TSCE.CellCoordSetArchive volatile_time_cells = 1;
optional .TSCE.CellCoordSetArchive volatile_random_cells = 2;
optional .TSCE.CellCoordSetArchive volatile_locale_cells = 3;
optional .TSCE.CellCoordSetArchive volatile_sheet_table_name_cells = 4;
optional .TSCE.CellCoordSetArchive volatile_remote_data_cells = 5;
optional .TSCE.InternalCellRefSetArchive volatile_geometry_cell_refs = 7;
message .TSCE.RTreeInternalNodeContentsArchive {
repeated uint32 min = 1;
repeated uint32 max = 2;
required .TSCE.RTreeNodeArchive child = 3;
message .TSCE.RTreeLeafNodeContentsArchive {
repeated uint32 min = 1;
repeated uint32 max = 2;
required .TSCE.CellReferenceArchive cell_reference = 3;
message .TSCE.RTreeNodeArchive {
required uint32 level = 1;
required uint32 count = 2;
repeated .TSCE.RTreeInternalNodeContentsArchive internal_node_contents = 3;
repeated .TSCE.RTreeLeafNodeContentsArchive leaf_node_contents = 4;
message .TSCE.RTreeArchive {
required uint32 data_file_id = 1;
required uint32 data_size = 2;
required uint32 data_num_dims = 3;
required uint32 data_elem_size = 4;
required uint32 data_elem_real_size = 5;
required uint32 data_max_nodes = 6;
required uint32 data_min_nodes = 7;
required .TSCE.RTreeNodeArchive root = 8;
message .TSCE.RangeBackDependencyArchive {
required uint32 cell_coord_row = 1;
required uint32 cell_coord_column = 2;
optional .TSCE.RangeReferenceArchive range_reference = 3;
optional .TSCE.InternalRangeReferenceArchive internal_range_reference = 4;
message .TSCE.RangeDependenciesArchive {
repeated .TSCE.RangeBackDependencyArchive back_dependency = 2;
message .TSCE.RangePrecedentsTileArchive {
message FromToRangeArchive {
required .TSCE.CellCoordinateArchive from_coord = 1;
required .TSCE.CellRectArchive refers_to_rect = 2;
required uint32 to_owner_id = 1;
repeated .TSCE.RangePrecedentsTileArchive.FromToRangeArchive from_to_range = 2;
message .TSCE.RangeDependenciesTiledArchive {
repeated .TSP.Reference range_precedents_tile = 1;
message .TSCE.SpanningDependenciesArchive {
message ReferringColumnToLocalCells {
required uint32 column = 1;
required .TSCE.SpanningDependenciesArchive.RangeContext range_context = 2;
repeated .TSCE.CellCoordinateArchive cell_coordinate = 3;
message ReferringColumnToRemoteCells {
required uint32 column = 1;
required .TSCE.SpanningDependenciesArchive.RangeContext range_context = 2;
repeated .TSCE.InternalCellReferenceArchive internal_cell_reference = 3;
enum RangeContext {
repeated uint32 column = 1;
repeated .TSCE.SpanningDependenciesArchive.RangeContext range_context = 2;
repeated .TSCE.CellReferenceArchive cell = 3;
optional .TSCE.RangeCoordinateArchive total_range_for_deleted_table = 4;
optional .TSCE.RangeCoordinateArchive body_range_for_deleted_table = 5;
repeated .TSCE.SpanningDependenciesArchive.ReferringColumnToLocalCells referring_column_to_local_cells = 6;
repeated .TSCE.SpanningDependenciesArchive.ReferringColumnToRemoteCells referring_column_to_remote_cells = 7;
message .TSCE.SpanningDependenciesExpandedArchive {
message ExtentRange {
required uint32 extent_begin = 1;
optional uint32 extent_end = 2;
message ExtentRangeWithTableWithContext {
required uint32 owner_id = 1;
required .TSCE.SpanningDependenciesExpandedArchive.RangeContext range_context = 2;
repeated .TSCE.SpanningDependenciesExpandedArchive.ExtentRange ranges = 3;
message CellCoordRefersToExtents {
required .TSCE.CellCoordinateArchive coordinate = 1;
repeated .TSCE.SpanningDependenciesExpandedArchive.ExtentRangeWithTableWithContext ranges_by_table_context = 2;
enum RangeContext {
repeated .TSCE.SpanningDependenciesExpandedArchive.CellCoordRefersToExtents coord_refers_to_spans = 1;
optional .TSCE.RangeCoordinateArchive total_range_for_table = 2;
optional .TSCE.RangeCoordinateArchive body_range_for_table = 3;
message .TSCE.WholeOwnerDependenciesArchive {
repeated .TSCE.InternalCellReferenceArchive dependent_cell = 1;
message .TSCE.WholeOwnerDependenciesExpandedArchive {
optional .TSCE.InternalCellRefSetArchive dependent_cells = 1;
message .TSCE.CellErrorsArchive {
message ErrorForCell {
required .TSCE.CellCoordinateArchive coordinate = 1;
required .TSCE.CellErrorsArchive.ErrorFlavor error_flavor = 2;
optional .TSCE.InternalCellReferenceArchive err_due_to_cell = 3;
enum ErrorFlavor {
NONE = 0;
ERROR = 1;
repeated .TSCE.CellErrorsArchive.ErrorForCell errors = 1;
message .TSCE.UuidReferencesArchive {
message TableRef {
required .TSP.UUID owner_uuid = 1;
optional .TSCE.CellCoordSetArchive coord_set = 2;
message UuidRef {
required .TSP.UUID uuid = 1;
optional .TSCE.CellCoordSetArchive coord_set = 2;
message TableWithUuidRef {
required .TSP.UUID owner_uuid = 1;
repeated .TSCE.UuidReferencesArchive.UuidRef uuid_refs = 2;
repeated .TSCE.UuidReferencesArchive.TableRef table_refs = 1;
repeated .TSCE.UuidReferencesArchive.TableWithUuidRef table_uuid_refs = 2;
message .TSCE.FormulaOwnerDependenciesArchive {
required .TSP.UUID formula_owner_uid = 1;
required uint32 internal_formula_owner_id = 2;
optional uint32 owner_kind = 3 [default = 0];
optional .TSCE.CellDependenciesExpandedArchive cell_dependencies = 4;
optional .TSCE.RangeDependenciesArchive range_dependencies = 5;
optional .TSCE.VolatileDependenciesExpandedArchive volatile_dependencies = 6;
optional .TSCE.SpanningDependenciesExpandedArchive spanning_column_dependencies = 7;
optional .TSCE.SpanningDependenciesExpandedArchive spanning_row_dependencies = 8;
optional .TSCE.WholeOwnerDependenciesExpandedArchive whole_owner_dependencies = 9;
optional .TSCE.CellErrorsArchive cell_errors = 10;
optional .TSP.Reference formula_owner = 11;
optional .TSP.UUID base_owner_uid = 12;
optional .TSCE.CellDependenciesTiledArchive tiled_cell_dependencies = 13;
optional .TSCE.UuidReferencesArchive uuid_references = 14;
optional .TSCE.RangeDependenciesTiledArchive tiled_range_dependencies = 15;
message .TSCE.FormulaOwnerInfoArchive {
required .TSP.CFUUIDArchive formula_owner_id = 1;
optional .TSCE.CellDependenciesArchive cell_dependencies = 2;
optional .TSCE.RangeDependenciesArchive range_dependencies = 3;
optional .TSCE.VolatileDependenciesArchive volatile_dependencies = 4;
optional .TSCE.SpanningDependenciesArchive spanning_column_dependencies = 5;
optional .TSCE.SpanningDependenciesArchive spanning_row_dependencies = 6;
optional .TSCE.WholeOwnerDependenciesArchive whole_owner_dependencies = 8;
optional .TSCE.CellErrorsArchive cell_errors = 9;
optional .TSP.Reference formula_owner = 7;
message .TSCE.SubFormulaOwnerIDArchive {
required .TSP.UUID base_owner_uid = 1;
required uint32 owner_kind = 2;
message .TSCE.OwnerIDMapArchive {
message OwnerIDMapArchiveEntry {
required uint32 internal_owner_id = 1;
required .TSP.CFUUIDArchive owner_id = 2;
repeated .TSCE.OwnerIDMapArchive.OwnerIDMapArchiveEntry map_entry = 1;
repeated uint32 unregistered_internal_owner_id = 2;
message .TSCE.UidLookupListArchive {
repeated .TSP.UUID uuids = 1;
message .TSCE.DependencyTrackerArchive {
repeated .TSCE.FormulaOwnerInfoArchive formula_owner_info = 1;
repeated .TSCE.CellReferenceArchive dirty_leaf = 2 [deprecated = true];
optional .TSCE.OwnerIDMapArchive owner_id_map = 3;
repeated .TSCE.InternalCellReferenceArchive internal_dirty_leaf = 4 [deprecated = true];
optional uint64 number_of_formulas = 5;
repeated .TSP.Reference formula_owner_dependencies = 6;
message .TSCE.RemoteDataSpecifierArchive {
required uint32 function_index = 1;
required string symbol = 2;
required uint32 attribute = 3;
optional double date = 4;
message .TSCE.RemoteDataValueMapArchive {
message RemoteDataMapEntry {
required .TSCE.RemoteDataSpecifierArchive specifier = 1;
required .TSCE.CellValueArchive value = 2;
repeated .TSCE.RemoteDataValueMapArchive.RemoteDataMapEntry entry = 1;
message .TSCE.StockArchive {
message AttributeEntry {
required uint32 attribute = 1;
required string value = 2;
required string symbol = 1;
optional double date = 2;
repeated .TSCE.StockArchive.AttributeEntry attribute = 3;
message .TSCE.RemoteDataStoreArchive {
required .TSCE.RemoteDataValueMapArchive value_map = 1;
repeated .TSCE.StockArchive stocks = 2;
message .TSCE.NameTrackedReferencePair {
required string name = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference tracked_reference = 2;
optional uint32 tracked_reference_id = 3;
message .TSCE.NamesByTrackedReferenceArchive {
required .TSP.CFUUIDArchive table_id = 1;
repeated .TSCE.NameTrackedReferencePair name_tracked_reference_pair = 2;
message .TSCE.NamedReferenceManagerArchive {
required .TSP.Reference reference_tracker = 1;
repeated .TSCE.NamesByTrackedReferenceArchive names_by_tracked_reference_by_table = 2 [deprecated = true];
message .TSCE.UuidSetStoreArchive {
message UuidSet {
repeated .TSP.UUID uuid = 1;
required uint32 index_of_set = 2;
repeated .TSCE.UuidSetStoreArchive.UuidSet uuidSet = 1;
message .TSCE.UuidReferenceMapArchive {
message CellRefsForUuid {
required .TSP.UUID uuid = 1;
repeated .TSCE.InternalCellReferenceArchive cell_ref = 2;
optional .TSCE.InternalCellRefSetArchive cell_refs = 3;
repeated .TSCE.UuidReferenceMapArchive.CellRefsForUuid cell_refs_for_uuid = 1;
message .TSCE.GroupByNodeMapArchive {
message CellRefsForGroupNode {
required .TSP.UUID group_node_uid = 1;
optional .TSCE.InternalCellRefSetArchive cell_refs = 3;
message GroupNodesForGroupBy {
required .TSP.UUID group_by_uid = 1;
repeated .TSCE.GroupByNodeMapArchive.CellRefsForGroupNode refs_for_group_node = 2;
repeated .TSCE.GroupByNodeMapArchive.GroupNodesForGroupBy refs_for_group_by = 1;
message .TSCE.CalculationEngineArchive {
enum ExcelImportDateMode {
DATE_MODE_1900 = 1;
optional bool base_date_1904 = 1;
required .TSCE.DependencyTrackerArchive dependency_tracker = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference named_reference_manager = 3;
optional .TSCE.CalculationEngineArchive.ExcelImportDateMode excel_import_date_mode = 4 [default = DATE_MODE_1900];
optional string saved_locale_identifier_for_4_2 = 5;
optional uint64 document_random_seed = 6;
optional .TSCE.UuidReferenceMapArchive uuid_reference_map = 7;
optional double document_timestamp = 9;
optional string document_timezone = 10;
optional .TSCE.RewriteTableUIDInfoArchive table_uid_history = 11;
optional .TSP.Reference remote_data_store = 12;
optional .TSCE.GroupByNodeMapArchive group_node_map = 13;
optional .TSP.Reference header_name_manager = 14;
optional .TSP.Reference refs_to_dirty = 15;
optional string saved_locale_identifier = 16;
repeated .TSP.UUID begin_tracking_names_legacy_nrm = 17;
repeated .TSP.UUID end_tracking_names_legacy_nrm = 18;
message .TSCE.PreserveColumnRowFlagsArchive {
required bool begin_row_is_absolute = 1;
required bool begin_column_is_absolute = 2;
optional bool end_row_is_absolute = 3;
optional bool end_column_is_absolute = 4;
message .TSCE.CategoryReferenceArchive {
message CatRefUidList {
repeated .TSP.UUID uid = 1;
required .TSP.UUID group_by_uid = 1;
required .TSP.UUID column_uid = 2;
required uint32 aggregate_type = 3;
required sint32 group_level = 4;
optional .TSCE.CategoryReferenceArchive.CatRefUidList group_uids = 6;
optional .TSCE.PreserveColumnRowFlagsArchive preserve_flags = 7;
optional int32 relative_column = 8;
optional .TSP.UUID relative_group_uid = 9;
optional .TSP.UUID absolute_group_uid = 10;
optional bool option_refers_to_pivot_rows = 11;
optional bool option_refers_to_pivot_columns = 12;
optional uint32 agg_index_level = 13;
optional bool option_show_aggregate_name = 14;
message .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive {
message ASTLocalCellReferenceNodeArchive {
required uint32 row_handle = 1;
required uint32 column_handle = 2;
required uint32 row_is_sticky = 3;
required uint32 column_is_sticky = 4;
message ASTCrossTableCellReferenceNodeArchive {
required uint32 row_handle = 1;
required uint32 column_handle = 2;
required uint32 row_is_sticky = 3;
required uint32 column_is_sticky = 4;
required .TSP.CFUUIDArchive table_id = 5;
optional string AST_reference_whitespace_after_sheet_name = 6;
optional string AST_reference_whitespace_before_table_name = 7;
optional string AST_reference_whitespace_after_table_name = 8;
optional string AST_reference_whitespace_before_cell_address = 9;
message ASTColumnCoordinateArchive {
required sint32 column = 1;
optional bool absolute = 2 [default = false];
message ASTRowCoordinateArchive {
required sint32 row = 1;
optional bool absolute = 2 [default = false];
message ASTUidList {
repeated .TSP.UUID uid = 1;
message ASTUidTract {
required .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive.ASTUidList columnUids = 1;
required .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive.ASTUidList rowUids = 2;
optional bool is_range_ref = 3;
optional .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive.ASTUidTractPurpose purpose = 4;
optional bool preserve_rectangular = 5 [default = true];
message ASTStickyBits {
required bool begin_row_is_absolute = 1;
required bool begin_column_is_absolute = 2;
required bool end_row_is_absolute = 3;
required bool end_column_is_absolute = 4;
message ASTUidTractList {
repeated .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive.ASTUidTract tract = 1;
required .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive.ASTStickyBits sticky_bits = 2;
message ASTUidCoordinateArchive {
required .TSP.UUID column_uid = 1;
required .TSP.UUID row_uid = 2;
required bool column_absolute = 3;
required bool row_absolute = 4;
message ASTCategoryLevels {
required uint32 AST_column_group_level = 1;
required uint32 AST_row_group_level = 2;
optional uint32 AST_agg_index_level = 3;
message ASTCategoryReferenceArchive {
required .TSCE.CategoryReferenceArchive category_ref = 1;
message ASTColonTractArchive {
message ASTColonTractRelativeRangeArchive {
required int32 range_begin = 1;
optional int32 range_end = 2;
message ASTColonTractAbsoluteRangeArchive {
required uint32 range_begin = 1;
optional uint32 range_end = 2;
repeated .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive.ASTColonTractArchive.ASTColonTractRelativeRangeArchive relative_column = 1;
repeated .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive.ASTColonTractArchive.ASTColonTractRelativeRangeArchive relative_row = 2;
repeated .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive.ASTColonTractArchive.ASTColonTractAbsoluteRangeArchive absolute_column = 3;
repeated .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive.ASTColonTractArchive.ASTColonTractAbsoluteRangeArchive absolute_row = 4;
optional bool preserve_rectangular = 5 [default = true];
message ASTCrossTableReferenceExtraInfoArchive {
required .TSP.CFUUIDArchive table_id = 1;
optional string AST_reference_whitespace_after_sheet_name = 2;
optional string AST_reference_whitespace_before_table_name = 3;
optional string AST_reference_whitespace_after_table_name = 4;
optional string AST_reference_whitespace_before_cell_address = 5;
message ASTLetNodeWhitespace {
optional string AST_let_whitespace_after_let = 1;
optional string AST_let_whitespace_after_identifier = 2;
optional string AST_let_whitespace_after_equals = 3;
optional string AST_let_whitespace_after_delimiter = 4;
message ASTNodeArchive {
required .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive.ASTNodeType AST_node_type = 1;
optional uint32 AST_function_node_index = 2;
optional uint32 AST_function_node_numArgs = 3;
optional double AST_number_node_number = 4;
optional bool AST_boolean_node_boolean = 5;
optional string AST_string_node_string = 6;
optional double AST_date_node_dateNum = 7;
optional bool AST_date_node_suppress_date_format = 19;
optional bool AST_date_node_suppress_time_format = 20;
optional string AST_date_node_date_time_format = 21;
optional double AST_duration_node_unitNum = 8;
optional int32 AST_duration_node_unit = 9;
optional uint32 AST_duration_node_style = 22;
optional uint32 AST_duration_node_duration_unit_largest = 23;
optional uint32 AST_duration_node_duration_unit_smallest = 24;
optional bool AST_duration_node_use_automatic_units = 29;
optional bool AST_token_node_boolean = 10;
optional uint32 AST_array_node_numCol = 11;
optional uint32 AST_array_node_numRow = 12;
optional uint32 AST_list_node_numArgs = 13;
optional .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive AST_thunk_node_array = 14;
optional .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive.ASTLocalCellReferenceNodeArchive AST_local_cell_reference_node_reference = 15;
optional .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive.ASTCrossTableCellReferenceNodeArchive AST_cross_table_cell_reference_node_reference = 16;
optional string AST_unknown_function_node_string = 17;
optional uint32 AST_unknown_function_node_numArgs = 18;
optional string AST_whitespace = 25;
optional .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive.ASTColumnCoordinateArchive AST_column = 26;
optional .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive.ASTRowCoordinateArchive AST_row = 27;
optional .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive.ASTCrossTableReferenceExtraInfoArchive AST_cross_table_reference_extra_info = 28;
optional .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive.ASTUidCoordinateArchive AST_uid_coordinate = 30;
optional .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive.ASTStickyBits AST_sticky_bits = 33;
optional .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive.ASTStickyBits AST_frozen_sticky_bits = 41;
optional string AST_let_identifier = 34;
optional .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive AST_let_e2 = 35;
optional .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive.ASTLetNodeWhitespace AST_let_whitespace = 36;
optional uint32 AST_symbol = 37;
optional .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive.ASTUidTractList AST_tract_list = 38;
optional .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive.ASTCategoryReferenceArchive AST_category_ref = 39;
optional .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive.ASTColonTractArchive AST_colon_tract = 40;
optional uint64 AST_number_node_decimal_low = 42;
optional uint64 AST_number_node_decimal_high = 43;
optional .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive.ASTCategoryLevels AST_category_levels = 44;
enum ASTNodeType {
enum ASTUidTractPurpose {
repeated .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive.ASTNodeArchive AST_node = 1;
message .TSCE.FormulaTranslationFlagsArchive {
optional bool excel_import_translation = 1 [default = false];
optional bool number_to_date_coercion_removal_translation = 2 [default = false];
optional bool contains_uid_form_references = 3 [default = false];
optional bool contains_frozen_references = 4 [default = false];
optional bool returns_percent_formatted = 5 [default = false];
message .TSCE.FormulaArchive {
required .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive AST_node_array = 1;
optional uint32 host_column = 2;
optional uint32 host_row = 3;
optional bool host_column_is_negative = 4 [default = false];
optional bool host_row_is_negative = 5 [default = false];
optional .TSCE.FormulaTranslationFlagsArchive translation_flags = 6;
optional .TSP.UUID host_table_uid = 7;
optional .TSP.UUID host_column_uid = 8;
optional .TSP.UUID host_row_uid = 9;
message .TSCE.FunctorArchive {
required .TSCE.FormulaArchive formula = 1;
required uint32 num_args = 2;
message .TSCE.FormatStructArchive {
required uint32 format_type = 1;
optional uint32 decimal_places = 2;
optional string currency_code = 3;
optional uint32 negative_style = 4;
optional bool show_thousands_separator = 5;
optional bool use_accounting_style = 6;
optional uint32 duration_style = 7;
optional uint32 base = 8;
optional uint32 base_places = 9;
optional bool base_use_minus_sign = 10;
optional uint32 fraction_accuracy = 11;
optional bool suppress_date_format = 12;
optional bool suppress_time_format = 13;
optional string date_time_format = 14;
optional uint32 duration_unit_largest = 15;
optional uint32 duration_unit_smallest = 16;
message .TSCE.RangeCoordinateArchive {
required uint32 top_left_column = 1;
required uint32 top_left_row = 2;
required uint32 bottom_right_column = 3;
required uint32 bottom_right_row = 4;
message .TSCE.TableTransposeInfoArchive {
required uint32 number_of_footer_rows = 3;
required .TSCE.RangeCoordinateArchive body_range_for_transposed_table = 4;
message .TSCE.MergeOriginMovedArchive {
repeated uint32 src_column = 1;
repeated uint32 src_row = 2;
repeated uint32 dst_column = 3;
repeated uint32 dst_row = 4;
message .TSCE.OwnerUIDMapperArchive {
required .TSP.UUID table_uid = 1;
required .TSP.UUID next_table_uid = 2;
required .TSP.UUID hidden_state_for_rows_owner_uid = 3;
required .TSP.UUID next_hidden_state_for_rows_owner_uid = 4;
required .TSP.UUID hidden_state_for_columns_owner_uid = 5;
required .TSP.UUID next_hidden_state_for_columns_owner_uid = 6;
required .TSP.UUID conditional_style_owner_uid = 7;
required .TSP.UUID next_conditional_style_owner_uid = 8;
required .TSP.UUID sort_rule_reference_tracker_owner_uid = 9;
required .TSP.UUID next_sort_rule_reference_tracker_owner_uid = 10;
required .TSP.UUID merge_owner_uid = 11;
required .TSP.UUID next_merge_owner_uid = 12;
required .TSP.UUID category_aggregates_owner_uid = 15;
required .TSP.UUID next_category_aggregates_owner_uid = 16;
required .TSP.UUID group_by_uid = 17;
required .TSP.UUID next_group_by_uid = 18;
required .TSP.UUID pencil_annotation_owner_uid = 19;
required .TSP.UUID next_pencil_annotation_owner_uid = 20;
message .TSCE.RewriteTableUIDInfoArchive {
message TableUIDMapEntryArchive {
required .TSP.UUID prev_table_uid = 1;
required .TSP.UUID new_table_uid = 2;
repeated .TSCE.RewriteTableUIDInfoArchive.TableUIDMapEntryArchive table_uid_map = 1;
message .TSCE.GroupByChangeArchive {
message GroupingColumnChangeArchive {
required uint32 old_level = 1;
required uint32 new_level = 2;
enum ChangeType {
NONE = 0;
required .TSCE.GroupByChangeArchive.ChangeType change_type = 1;
required .TSP.UUID group_by_uid = 2;
optional uint32 previous_level = 3;
optional uint32 updated_level = 4;
optional .TSP.UUIDMapArchive previous_to_updated_map = 5;
optional .TSP.UUIDMapArchive updated_to_previous_map = 6;
repeated .TSP.UUID removed_group_uids = 7;
repeated .TSCE.GroupByChangeArchive.GroupingColumnChangeArchive grouping_column_changes = 8;
message .TSCE.RewriteGroupNodeUIDInfoArchive {
optional .TSP.UUID group_by_uid = 1;
required .TSP.UUIDMapArchive group_node_uid_map = 2;
message .TSCE.IndexedUidsArchive {
message IndexedUid {
required .TSP.UUID uid_for_index = 1;
required uint32 index_for_uid = 2;
repeated .TSCE.IndexedUidsArchive.IndexedUid uids = 1;
message .TSCE.RewriteRangeEntryArchive {
required uint32 range_location = 1;
required uint32 range_length = 2;
repeated .TSP.UUID range_uids = 3;
required uint32 offset = 4;
message .TSCE.ColumnOrRowUuidsInfoArchive {
required bool is_rows = 1;
required .TSP.UUID table_uid = 2;
required .TSP.UUID cond_style_owner_uid = 3;
required .TSP.UUID group_by_uid = 4;
required .TSCE.IndexedUidsArchive uids = 5;
repeated .TSCE.RewriteRangeEntryArchive range_entries = 6;
required .TSCE.RangeCoordinateArchive table_range = 7;
optional .TSP.UUID insert_at_uid = 8;
optional .TSP.UUID insert_opposite_uid = 9;
message .TSCE.RegionInfoArchive {
required .TSP.UUID table_uid = 1;
required .TSCE.IndexedUidsArchive column_uids = 2;
required .TSCE.IndexedUidsArchive row_uids = 3;
message .TSCE.RegionMovedInfoArchive {
required .TSCE.RegionInfoArchive src_region = 1;
required .TSCE.RegionInfoArchive dst_region = 2;
optional bool span_rows = 3;
optional bool span_columns = 4;
optional .TSCE.RegionInfoArchive original_src_region = 5;
optional .TSP.UUID final_dest_table_uid = 6;
message .TSCE.MergeSourceArchive {
required uint32 coord_column = 1;
required uint32 coord_row = 2;
message .TSCE.HauntedOwnerArchive {
required .TSP.UUID owner_uid = 1;
message .TSCE.CellCoordinateArchive {
optional fixed32 packedData = 1;
optional uint32 column = 2;
optional uint32 row = 3;
message .TSCE.CellCoordinateVectorArchive {
repeated .TSCE.CellCoordinateArchive cell_coord = 1;
message .TSCE.ExpandedCellRefObjectPairArchive {
required .TSCE.CellReferenceArchive cell_ref = 1;
required .TSP.Reference object = 2;
message .TSCE.ExpandedCellRefObjectMapArchive {
repeated .TSCE.ExpandedCellRefObjectPairArchive cell_ref_object_pair = 1;
message .TSCE.FormulaAtCoordArchive {
required uint32 column = 1;
required uint32 row = 2;
optional .TSCE.FormulaArchive formula = 3;
optional bool repeat_previous_formula = 4 [default = false];
message .TSCE.FormulaCoordPairsByOwnerArchive {
required uint32 owner_kind = 1;
optional .TSP.UUID owner_uid = 2;
repeated .TSCE.FormulaAtCoordArchive formula_at_coords = 3;
message .TSCE.FormulasForUndoArchive {
repeated .TSCE.FormulaCoordPairsByOwnerArchive formulas_for_owner = 1;
message .TSCE.FormulaRewriteCommandArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference table_rewrite_command = 1;
optional .TSK.CommandArchive super = 2;
message .TSCE.TrackedReferenceArchive {
required .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive ast = 1;
required uint32 formula_id = 2;
message .TSCE.ExpandedTrackedReferenceArchive {
required .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive ast = 1;
required uint32 formula_column = 2;
required uint32 formula_row = 3;
message .TSCE.TrackedReferenceStoreArchive {
required .TSP.CFUUIDArchive uuid = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference tracked_reference = 2 [deprecated = true];
repeated .TSCE.TrackedReferenceArchive contained_tracked_reference = 3;
repeated .TSCE.ExpandedTrackedReferenceArchive contained_expanded_tracked_reference = 4;
message .TSCE.ViewTractRefArchive {
required .TSP.UUID table_uid = 1;
optional .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive.ASTUidTract uid_tract = 2;
optional .TSCE.PreserveColumnRowFlagsArchive preserve_flags = 3;
optional uint32 agg_index_level = 4;
optional sint32 column_group_level = 5;
optional sint32 row_group_level = 6;
message .TSCE.BooleanCellValueArchive {
required bool value = 1;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive format = 2;
optional bool format_is_explicit = 3 [default = false];
message .TSCE.DateCellValueArchive {
required double value = 1;
required .TSK.FormatStructArchive format = 2;
optional bool format_is_implicit = 3 [deprecated = true];
optional bool format_is_explicit = 4 [default = false];
message .TSCE.NumberCellValueArchive {
optional double value = 1;
optional int32 unit_index = 2;
optional string currency_code = 5;
required .TSK.FormatStructArchive format = 3;
optional bool format_is_implicit = 4 [deprecated = true];
optional bool format_is_explicit = 6 [default = false];
optional uint64 decimal_low = 7;
optional uint64 decimal_high = 8;
message .TSCE.StringCellValueArchive {
required string value = 1;
required .TSK.FormatStructArchive format = 2;
optional bool format_is_implicit = 3 [deprecated = true];
optional bool format_is_explicit = 4 [default = false];
optional bool is_regex = 5 [default = false];
optional bool is_case_sensitive_regex = 6 [default = false];
message .TSCE.ErrorCellValueArchive {
required int32 error_type = 1;
optional int32 extra_info_int = 3;
optional string extra_info_string = 4;
optional double extra_info_double = 5;
message .TSCE.CellValueArchive {
enum CellValueType {
required .TSCE.CellValueArchive.CellValueType cell_value_type = 1;
optional .TSCE.BooleanCellValueArchive boolean_value = 2;
optional .TSCE.DateCellValueArchive date_value = 3;
optional .TSCE.NumberCellValueArchive number_value = 4;
optional .TSCE.StringCellValueArchive string_value = 5;
optional .TSCE.ErrorCellValueArchive error_value = 6;
message .TST.Deprecated_TableStrokeArchive {
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive stroke = 1;
optional bool background = 2 [deprecated = true];
optional float opacity = 3 [deprecated = true];
optional bool empty = 4 [deprecated = true];
message .TST.CellStylePropertiesArchive {
optional .TSD.FillArchive cell_fill = 1;
optional bool text_wrap = 3;
optional .TST.Deprecated_TableStrokeArchive deprecated_top_stroke = 4;
optional .TST.Deprecated_TableStrokeArchive deprecated_right_stroke = 5;
optional .TST.Deprecated_TableStrokeArchive deprecated_bottom_stroke = 6;
optional .TST.Deprecated_TableStrokeArchive deprecated_left_stroke = 7;
optional int32 vertical_alignment = 8;
optional .TSWP.PaddingArchive padding = 9;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive top_stroke = 10;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive right_stroke = 11;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive bottom_stroke = 12;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive left_stroke = 13;
message .TST.Deprecated_StrokePresetDataArchive {
required .TST.Deprecated_TableStrokeArchive deprecated_horizontal_stroke = 2;
required .TST.Deprecated_TableStrokeArchive deprecated_vertical_stroke = 1;
required .TST.Deprecated_TableStrokeArchive deprecated_exterior_stroke = 3;
required int32 deprecated_visible_mask = 5;
message .TST.StrokePresetDataArchive {
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive horizontal_stroke = 1;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive vertical_stroke = 2;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive exterior_stroke = 3;
optional int32 visible_mask = 4;
message .TST.StrokePresetListArchive {
required int32 count = 1;
repeated .TST.Deprecated_StrokePresetDataArchive deprecated_preset = 2;
repeated .TST.StrokePresetDataArchive preset = 3;
message .TST.TableStylePropertiesArchive {
optional bool banded_rows = 1;
optional .TSD.FillArchive banded_fill = 2;
optional bool behaves_like_spreadsheet = 21;
optional bool auto_resize = 22;
optional .TST.Deprecated_TableStrokeArchive deprecated_header_row_separator_stroke = 4;
optional .TST.Deprecated_TableStrokeArchive deprecated_header_row_border_stroke = 5;
optional .TST.Deprecated_TableStrokeArchive deprecated_header_row_horizontal_stroke = 23;
optional .TST.Deprecated_TableStrokeArchive deprecated_header_row_vertical_stroke = 24;
optional .TST.Deprecated_TableStrokeArchive deprecated_header_column_border_stroke = 7;
optional .TST.Deprecated_TableStrokeArchive deprecated_header_column_separator_stroke = 8;
optional .TST.Deprecated_TableStrokeArchive deprecated_header_column_horizontal_stroke = 25;
optional .TST.Deprecated_TableStrokeArchive deprecated_header_column_vertical_stroke = 26;
optional .TST.Deprecated_TableStrokeArchive deprecated_footer_row_separator_stroke = 10;
optional .TST.Deprecated_TableStrokeArchive deprecated_footer_row_border_stroke = 11;
optional .TST.Deprecated_TableStrokeArchive deprecated_footer_row_horizontal_stroke = 27;
optional .TST.Deprecated_TableStrokeArchive deprecated_footer_row_vertical_stroke = 28;
optional .TST.Deprecated_TableStrokeArchive deprecated_table_body_horizontal_border_stroke = 12;
optional .TST.Deprecated_TableStrokeArchive deprecated_table_body_vertical_border_stroke = 29;
optional .TST.Deprecated_TableStrokeArchive deprecated_table_body_horizontal_stroke = 30;
optional .TST.Deprecated_TableStrokeArchive deprecated_table_body_vertical_stroke = 31;
optional .TST.StrokePresetListArchive stroke_preset_list = 32;
optional bool v_strokes_visible = 33;
optional bool h_strokes_visible = 34;
optional bool hr_separator_visible = 35;
optional bool hc_separator_visible = 36;
optional bool footer_separator_visible = 37;
optional bool table_border_visible = 38;
optional bool table_header_border_visible = 39;
optional bool table_hc_divider_visible = 42;
optional bool table_hr_divider_visible = 43;
optional bool table_footer_divider_visible = 44;
optional int32 OBSOLETE_master_font_size = 40;
optional string master_font_family = 41;
optional .TSWP.WritingDirectionType writing_direction = 45;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive header_row_separator_stroke = 46;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive header_row_border_stroke = 47;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive header_row_horizontal_stroke = 48;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive header_row_vertical_stroke = 49;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive header_column_border_stroke = 50;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive header_column_separator_stroke = 51;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive header_column_horizontal_stroke = 52;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive header_column_vertical_stroke = 53;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive footer_row_separator_stroke = 54;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive footer_row_border_stroke = 55;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive footer_row_horizontal_stroke = 56;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive footer_row_vertical_stroke = 57;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive table_body_horizontal_border_stroke = 58;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive table_body_vertical_border_stroke = 59;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive table_body_horizontal_stroke = 60;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive table_body_vertical_stroke = 61;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive category_level1_top_stroke = 62;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive category_level2_top_stroke = 63;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive category_level3_top_stroke = 64;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive category_level4_top_stroke = 65;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive category_level5_top_stroke = 66;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive category_level1_bottom_stroke = 67;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive category_level2_bottom_stroke = 68;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive category_level3_bottom_stroke = 69;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive category_level4_bottom_stroke = 70;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive category_level5_bottom_stroke = 71;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive category_level1_interior_stroke = 72;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive category_level2_interior_stroke = 73;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive category_level3_interior_stroke = 74;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive category_level4_interior_stroke = 75;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive category_level5_interior_stroke = 76;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive category_level1_label_separator_stroke = 77;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive category_level2_label_separator_stroke = 78;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive category_level3_label_separator_stroke = 79;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive category_level4_label_separator_stroke = 80;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive category_level5_label_separator_stroke = 81;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive table_body_pivot_group_horizontal_stroke = 82;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive table_body_pivot_group_vertical_stroke = 83;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive table_body_pivot_deemphasis_horizontal_stroke = 84;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive table_body_pivot_emphasis_vertical_stroke = 85;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive header_column_pivot_group_horizontal_stroke = 86;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive header_column_pivot_group_deemphasis_stroke = 87;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive header_column_pivot_separator_stroke = 88;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive header_row_pivot_group_vertical_stroke = 89;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive header_row_pivot_group_deemphasis_stroke = 90;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive header_row_pivot_title_stroke = 91;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive footer_row_pivot_group_vertical_stroke = 92;
message .TST.TableStylePresetArchive {
optional int32 index = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference image = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference style_network = 3;
message .TST.TableStrokePresetArchive {
required int32 index = 1;
message .TST.ThemePresetsArchive {
repeated .TSP.Reference table_style_presets = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference table_cell_stroke_presets = 2;
extend .TSS.ThemeArchive {
optional .TST.ThemePresetsArchive extension = 200;
enum .TST.CellType {
genericCellType = 0;
spanCellType = 1;
numberCellType = 2;
textCellType = 3;
formulaCellType = 4;
dateCellType = 5;
boolCellType = 6;
durationCellType = 7;
formulaErrorCellType = 8;
automaticCellType = 9;
enum .TST.CellValueType {
emptyCellValueType = 0;
numberCellValueType = 1;
stringCellValueType = 2;
providedCellValueType = 3;
dateCellValueType = 4;
boolCellValueType = 5;
durationCellValueType = 6;
errorCellValueType = 7;
richTextCellType = 8;
currencyCellValueType = 9;
enum .TST.TableDimensionArchive {
dimensionNeither = -1;
dimensionRow = 0;
dimensionColumn = 1;
enum .TST.SelectionTypeArchive {
deprecatedCellSelectionType = 0;
rowSelectionType = 1;
columnSelectionType = 2;
deprecatedCellEditingSelectionType = 3;
deprecatedTableNameSelectionType = 4;
deprecatedTableSelectionType = 5;
regionSelectionType = 6;
noSelectionType = 7;
enum .TST.FillDirectionArchive {
kTSTFillDownArchive = 1;
kTSTFillUpArchive = 2;
kTSTFillRightArchive = 3;
kTSTFillLeftArchive = 4;
enum .TST.MergeActionArchive {
mergeActionInsert = 1;
mergeActionRemove = 2;
mergeActionShrink = 3;
mergeActionGrow = 4;
enum .TST.HideShowActionArchive {
hideShowActionHide = 0;
hideShowActionShow = 1;
message .TST.CellID {
required fixed32 packedData = 1;
optional .TSCE.CellCoordinateArchive expanded_coord = 2;
message .TST.CellUIDLookupListArchive {
optional .TSCE.UidLookupListArchive column_uids = 1;
optional .TSCE.UidLookupListArchive row_uids = 2;
repeated int32 column_indexes = 3;
repeated int32 row_indexes = 4;
message .TST.CellUIDListArchive {
repeated .TSP.UUID row_uids = 1;
repeated .TSP.UUID column_uids = 2;
repeated int32 compressed_row_indexes = 3;
repeated int32 compressed_column_indexes = 4;
optional .TST.CellUIDLookupListArchive uncompressed_lookup_list = 5;
message .TST.TableSize {
required fixed32 packedData = 1;
optional uint32 num_columns = 2;
optional uint32 num_rows = 3;
message .TST.ExpandedTableSize {
required uint32 num_columns = 1;
required uint32 num_rows = 2;
message .TST.CellRange {
required .TST.CellID origin = 1;
required .TST.TableSize size = 2;
message .TST.ExpandedCellRange {
required .TSCE.CellCoordinateArchive origin = 1;
required .TST.ExpandedTableSize size = 2;
message .TST.TableSelection {
required .TST.CellRange cellRange = 1;
required .TST.CellRange extendedCellRange = 2;
required bool extendedCellRangeValid = 3;
required .TST.SelectionTypeArchive selection_type = 4;
message .TST.TileRowInfo {
required uint32 tile_row_index = 1;
required uint32 cell_count = 2;
required bytes cell_storage_buffer_pre_bnc = 3;
required bytes cell_offsets_pre_bnc = 4;
optional uint32 storage_version = 5;
optional bytes cell_storage_buffer = 6;
optional bytes cell_offsets = 7;
optional bool has_wide_offsets = 8;
message .TST.Tile {
required uint32 maxColumn = 1;
required uint32 maxRow = 2;
required uint32 numCells = 3;
required uint32 numrows = 4;
repeated .TST.TileRowInfo rowInfos = 5;
optional uint32 storage_version = 6;
optional bool last_saved_in_BNC = 7;
optional bool should_use_wide_rows = 8;
message .TST.TileStorage {
message Tile {
required uint32 tileid = 1;
required .TSP.Reference tile = 2;
repeated .TST.TileStorage.Tile tiles = 1;
optional uint32 tile_size = 2;
optional bool should_use_wide_rows = 3;
message .TST.PopUpMenuModel {
message CellValue {
required .TST.PopUpMenuModel.CellValueType cell_value_type = 1;
optional .TSCE.BooleanCellValueArchive boolean_value = 2;
optional .TSCE.DateCellValueArchive date_value = 3;
optional .TSCE.NumberCellValueArchive number_value = 4;
optional .TSCE.StringCellValueArchive string_value = 5;
enum CellValueType {
repeated .TST.PopUpMenuModel.CellValue item = 1 [deprecated = true];
repeated .TSCE.CellValueArchive tsce_item = 2;
message .TST.ImportWarningSetArchive {
message FormulaImportWarning {
required .TST.ImportWarningSetArchive.FormulaWarningType formula_warning_type = 1;
optional string original_formula = 2;
optional string supplementary_text = 3;
optional int32 formula_warning_type_int = 4;
enum FormulaWarningType {
optional .TST.ImportWarningSetArchive.FormulaImportWarning formula_import_warning = 1;
optional bool cond_format_above_avg_equal_avg = 2 [default = false];
optional bool cond_format_above_avg_std_dev = 3 [default = false];
optional bool cond_format_complex_formula = 4 [default = false];
optional bool cond_format_contains_errors = 5 [default = false];
optional bool cond_format_expr = 6 [default = false];
optional bool cond_format_not_contains_errors = 7 [default = false];
optional bool cond_format_parameters_not_all_same_type = 8 [default = false];
optional bool cond_format_stop_if_true = 9 [default = false];
optional bool cond_format_unsupported_operator = 10 [default = false];
optional bool cond_format_unsupported_styling = 11 [default = false];
optional bool cond_format_unsupported_time_period = 12 [default = false];
optional bool error_cell_with_no_formula = 13 [default = false];
optional bool unsupported_cond_format = 14 [default = false];
optional string original_data_format = 15;
optional bool formula_warning_filtered_column_formula_not_copied = 16 [default = false];
optional bool duration_format_range_changed = 17 [default = false];
message .TST.CellRefImportWarningSetPairArchive {
required .TSCE.CellReferenceArchive cell_ref = 1;
optional .TST.ImportWarningSetArchive warning_set = 3;
message .TST.ImportWarningSetByCellRefArchive {
repeated .TST.CellRefImportWarningSetPairArchive cellref_warning_set_pair = 1;
message .TST.TableDataList {
message ListEntry {
required uint32 key = 1;
required uint32 refcount = 2;
optional string string = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference reference = 4;
optional .TSCE.FormulaArchive formula = 5;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive format = 6;
optional .TSK.CustomFormatArchive custom_format = 8;
optional .TSP.Reference rich_text_payload = 9;
optional .TSP.Reference comment_storage = 10;
optional .TST.ImportWarningSetArchive import_warning_set = 11;
optional .TST.CellSpecArchive cell_spec = 12;
enum ListType {
STYLE = 4;
required .TST.TableDataList.ListType listType = 1;
required uint32 nextListID = 2;
repeated .TST.TableDataList.ListEntry entries = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference segments = 4;
optional bool is_new_for_bnc = 5;
message .TST.TableDataListSegment {
required .TST.TableDataList.ListType list_type = 1;
required .TSP.Range key_range = 2;
repeated .TST.TableDataList.ListEntry entries = 3;
message .TST.TableRBTree {
message Node {
required uint32 key = 1;
required uint32 value = 2;
repeated .TST.TableRBTree.Node nodes = 1;
message .TST.HeaderStorageBucket {
message Header {
required uint32 index = 1;
required float size = 2;
required uint32 hidingState = 3;
required uint32 numberOfCells = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference cell_style = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference text_style = 6;
required uint32 bucketHashFunction = 1;
repeated .TST.HeaderStorageBucket.Header headers = 2;
message .TST.HeaderStorage {
required uint32 bucketHashFunction = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference buckets = 2;
message .TST.DataStore {
required .TST.HeaderStorage rowHeaders = 1;
required .TSP.Reference columnHeaders = 2;
required .TST.TileStorage tiles = 3;
required .TSP.Reference stringTable = 4;
required .TSP.Reference styleTable = 5;
required .TSP.Reference formula_table = 6;
optional .TSP.Reference formulaErrorTable = 12;
required .TSP.Reference format_table_pre_bnc = 11;
optional .TSP.Reference multipleChoiceListFormatTable = 16;
optional .TSP.Reference merge_region_map = 13;
optional .TSP.Reference deprecated_custom_format_table = 15;
required uint32 nextRowStripID = 7;
required uint32 nextColumnStripID = 8;
required .TST.TableRBTree rowTileTree = 9;
required .TST.TableRBTree columnTileTree = 10;
optional uint32 storage_version_pre_bnc = 14;
optional .TSP.Reference rich_text_table = 17;
optional .TSP.Reference conditionalstyletable = 18;
optional .TSP.Reference commentStorageTable = 19;
optional .TSP.Reference importWarningSetTable = 20;
optional .TSP.Reference control_cell_spec_table = 21;
optional .TSP.Reference format_table = 22;
message .TST.TableInfoArchive {
required .TSD.DrawableArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference tableModel = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference editing_state = 3 [deprecated = true];
optional .TSP.Reference summary_model = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference category_order = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference view_column_row_uids = 6;
optional .TSP.UUID group_by_uuid = 7;
optional .TSP.UUID hidden_states_uuid = 8;
optional uint32 formula_coord_space_in_pre40 = 9 [deprecated = true];
optional uint32 formula_coord_space = 10;
optional .TSCE.CoordMapperArchive pasteboard_coord_mapper = 13;
optional .TST.LayoutEngineArchive layout_engine = 14;
optional .TSP.Reference pivot_data_model = 15;
optional bool is_a_pivot_table = 16;
optional .TSP.Reference pivot_order = 17;
message .TST.CategoryInfoArchive {
required .TSD.DrawableArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference tableModel = 2;
message .TST.WPTableInfoArchive {
required .TST.TableInfoArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference storage = 2;
message .TST.TableStyleNetworkArchive {
required .TSP.Reference body_text_style = 1;
required .TSP.Reference header_row_text_style = 2;
required .TSP.Reference header_column_text_style = 3;
required .TSP.Reference footer_row_text_style = 4;
required .TSP.Reference body_cell_style = 5;
required .TSP.Reference header_row_style = 6;
required .TSP.Reference header_column_style = 7;
required .TSP.Reference footer_row_style = 8;
required .TSP.Reference table_style = 9;
optional .TSP.Reference table_name_style = 10;
optional .TSP.Reference table_name_shape_style = 11;
optional uint32 preset_id = 12;
optional .TSP.Reference category_level_1_text_style = 13;
optional .TSP.Reference category_level_2_text_style = 14;
optional .TSP.Reference category_level_3_text_style = 15;
optional .TSP.Reference category_level_4_text_style = 16;
optional .TSP.Reference category_level_5_text_style = 17;
optional .TSP.Reference category_level_1_style = 18;
optional .TSP.Reference category_level_2_style = 19;
optional .TSP.Reference category_level_3_style = 20;
optional .TSP.Reference category_level_4_style = 21;
optional .TSP.Reference category_level_5_style = 22;
optional .TSP.Reference label_level_1_text_style = 23;
optional .TSP.Reference label_level_2_text_style = 24;
optional .TSP.Reference label_level_3_text_style = 25;
optional .TSP.Reference label_level_4_text_style = 26;
optional .TSP.Reference label_level_5_text_style = 27;
optional .TSP.Reference label_level_1_style = 28;
optional .TSP.Reference label_level_2_style = 29;
optional .TSP.Reference label_level_3_style = 30;
optional .TSP.Reference label_level_4_style = 31;
optional .TSP.Reference label_level_5_style = 32;
optional .TSP.Reference pivot_body_summary_row_style = 33;
optional .TSP.Reference pivot_body_summary_column_style = 34;
optional .TSP.Reference pivot_header_column_summary_style = 35;
message .TST.TableGroupSortOrderUIDArchive {
message GroupSortRuleUIDArchive {
enum Direction {
ascending = 0;
descending = 1;
optional .TSP.UUID grouping_column_uid = 1;
optional .TSP.UUID column_uid = 2;
optional .TST.TableGroupSortOrderUIDArchive.GroupSortRuleUIDArchive.Direction direction = 3;
repeated .TST.TableGroupSortOrderUIDArchive.GroupSortRuleUIDArchive group_sort_rules = 1;
message .TST.TableSortOrderArchive {
message SortRuleArchive {
enum Direction {
ascending = 0;
descending = 1;
required uint32 index = 1;
required .TST.TableSortOrderArchive.SortRuleArchive.Direction direction = 2;
enum SortType {
entire_table = 0;
row_range = 1;
required .TST.TableSortOrderArchive.SortType type = 1;
repeated .TST.TableSortOrderArchive.SortRuleArchive rules = 2;
message .TST.TableSortOrderUIDArchive {
message SortRuleArchive {
enum Direction {
ascending = 0;
descending = 1;
required .TSP.UUID column_uid = 1;
required .TST.TableSortOrderUIDArchive.SortRuleArchive.Direction direction = 2;
enum SortType {
entire_table = 0;
row_range = 1;
required .TST.TableSortOrderUIDArchive.SortType type = 1;
repeated .TST.TableSortOrderUIDArchive.SortRuleArchive rules = 2;
message .TST.SortRuleReferenceTrackerArchive {
required .TSP.Reference reference_tracker = 1;
message .TST.CellRegion {
repeated .TST.CellRange cell_ranges = 1;
message .TST.CellUIDRegionArchive {
repeated .TSP.UUIDRectArchive cell_uid_ranges = 1;
message .TST.StructuredTextImportRecord {
required .TSK.StructuredTextImportSettings import_settings = 1;
optional string import_source = 2;
optional double import_date = 3;
optional bytes source_data = 4;
optional uint64 source_encoding = 5;
optional float confidence = 6;
optional .TST.CellRegion imported_region = 7;
optional uint64 source_row_count = 8;
optional uint64 source_column_count = 9;
message .TST.TableModelArchive {
required string table_id = 1;
optional string from_table_id = 43;
optional bool was_cut = 50;
required .TSP.Reference table_style = 3;
required .TSP.Reference body_text_style = 24;
required .TSP.Reference header_row_text_style = 25;
required .TSP.Reference header_column_text_style = 26;
required .TSP.Reference footer_row_text_style = 27;
required .TSP.Reference body_cell_style = 18;
required .TSP.Reference header_row_style = 19;
required .TSP.Reference header_column_style = 20;
required .TSP.Reference footer_row_style = 21;
optional .TSP.Reference table_name_style = 30;
optional .TSP.Reference table_name_shape_style = 36;
optional .TSP.Reference table_style_preset = 48;
optional uint32 preset_index = 28;
required .TST.DataStore base_data_store = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference provider = 5;
required uint32 number_of_rows = 6;
required uint32 number_of_columns = 7;
required string table_name = 8;
optional bool table_name_enabled = 22;
optional double table_name_height = 33;
optional bool table_name_border_enabled = 37;
optional uint32 number_of_header_rows = 9;
optional uint32 number_of_header_columns = 10;
optional uint32 number_of_footer_rows = 11;
optional bool header_rows_frozen = 12;
optional bool header_columns_frozen = 13;
optional uint32 number_of_hidden_rows = 14;
optional uint32 number_of_hidden_columns = 15;
optional uint32 number_of_user_hidden_rows = 41;
optional uint32 number_of_user_hidden_columns = 42;
optional uint32 number_of_filtered_rows = 40;
required double default_row_height = 16;
required double default_column_width = 17;
optional .TST.CellID origin_offset = 23 [deprecated = true];
optional bool repeating_header_rows_enabled = 29;
optional bool style_apply_clears_all = 31;
optional bool repeating_header_columns_enabled = 32;
optional .TSP.Reference hidden_state_formula_owner_for_columns = 34;
optional .TSP.Reference hidden_state_formula_owner_for_rows = 35;
optional .TSP.Reference row_filter_set_pre_pivot = 38;
optional .TSP.CFUUIDArchive conditional_style_formula_owner_id = 39;
optional .TST.TableSortOrderArchive sort_order = 44;
optional .TST.SortRuleReferenceTrackerArchive sort_rule_reference_tracker = 45;
optional .TSP.Reference base_column_row_uids = 46;
optional .TST.MergeOwnerArchive merge_owner = 47;
optional .TSP.Reference stroke_sidecar = 49;
optional bool preset_needs_strong_ownership = 51;
optional .TST.StructuredTextImportRecord text_import_record = 52;
optional .TSP.Reference category_level_1_style = 60;
optional .TSP.Reference category_level_2_style = 61;
optional .TSP.Reference category_level_3_style = 62;
optional .TSP.Reference category_level_4_style = 63;
optional .TSP.Reference category_level_5_style = 64;
optional .TSP.Reference category_level_1_text_style = 65;
optional .TSP.Reference category_level_2_text_style = 66;
optional .TSP.Reference category_level_3_text_style = 67;
optional .TSP.Reference category_level_4_text_style = 68;
optional .TSP.Reference category_level_5_text_style = 69;
optional .TST.HiddenStatesOwnerArchive hidden_states_owner = 70;
optional .TSP.Reference label_level_1_style = 71;
optional .TSP.Reference label_level_2_style = 72;
optional .TSP.Reference label_level_3_style = 73;
optional .TSP.Reference label_level_4_style = 74;
optional .TSP.Reference label_level_5_style = 75;
optional .TSP.Reference label_level_1_text_style = 76;
optional .TSP.Reference label_level_2_text_style = 77;
optional .TSP.Reference label_level_3_text_style = 78;
optional .TSP.Reference label_level_4_text_style = 79;
optional .TSP.Reference label_level_5_text_style = 80;
optional .TST.CategoryOwnerArchive category_owner_deprecated = 81;
optional .TST.PencilAnnotationOwnerArchive pencil_annotation_owner = 82;
optional string from_group_by_uid = 83;
optional .TSCE.HauntedOwnerArchive haunted_owner = 84;
optional .TSP.Reference pivot_owner = 85;
optional .TSP.Reference category_owner = 86;
optional .TSP.Reference pivot_body_summary_row_style = 87;
optional .TSP.Reference pivot_body_summary_column_style = 88;
optional .TSP.Reference pivot_header_column_summary_style = 89;
repeated uint32 pivot_value_types_by_col = 90;
repeated uint32 pivot_date_grouping_columns = 91;
repeated uint32 pivot_date_grouping_types = 92;
message .TST.SummaryModelArchive {
required .TSP.Reference table_info = 1;
optional .TST.DataStore data_store = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference column_row_uids = 3;
optional .TSP.UUID aggregate_formula_owner_uuid = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference summary_cell_vendor = 5;
optional double category_column_width = 10;
optional double summary_row_level_1_height = 11 [deprecated = true];
optional double summary_row_level_2_height = 12 [deprecated = true];
optional double summary_row_level_3_height = 13 [deprecated = true];
optional double summary_row_level_4_height = 14 [deprecated = true];
optional double summary_row_level_5_height = 15 [deprecated = true];
optional double summary_label_row_level_1_height = 16 [deprecated = true];
optional double summary_label_row_level_2_height = 17 [deprecated = true];
optional double summary_label_row_level_3_height = 18 [deprecated = true];
optional double summary_label_row_level_4_height = 19 [deprecated = true];
optional double summary_label_row_level_5_height = 20 [deprecated = true];
optional uint32 label_row_visibility_1 = 21 [deprecated = true];
optional uint32 label_row_visibility_2 = 22 [deprecated = true];
optional uint32 label_row_visibility_3 = 23 [deprecated = true];
optional uint32 label_row_visibility_4 = 24 [deprecated = true];
optional uint32 label_row_visibility_5 = 25 [deprecated = true];
repeated double summary_row_height_list = 26;
repeated double label_row_height_list = 27;
repeated uint32 label_row_visibility_list = 28;
optional .TST.TableGroupSortOrderUIDArchive group_sort_order = 29;
message .TST.SummaryModelGroupByChangeStateArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference cell_map = 1;
repeated double summary_row_height_list = 2;
repeated double label_row_height_list = 3;
repeated uint32 label_row_visibility_list = 4;
message .TST.ColumnRowUIDMapArchive {
repeated .TSP.UUID sorted_column_uids = 1;
repeated uint32 column_index_for_uid = 2;
repeated uint32 column_uid_for_index = 3;
repeated .TSP.UUID sorted_row_uids = 4;
repeated uint32 row_index_for_uid = 5;
repeated uint32 row_uid_for_index = 6;
message .TST.StrokeLayerArchive {
message StrokeRunArchive {
optional int32 origin = 1;
optional uint32 length = 2;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive stroke = 3;
optional uint32 order = 4;
optional uint32 row_column_index = 1;
repeated .TST.StrokeLayerArchive.StrokeRunArchive stroke_runs = 2;
message .TST.StrokeSidecarArchive {
optional uint32 max_order = 1;
optional uint32 column_count = 2;
optional uint32 row_count = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference left_column_stroke_layers = 4;
repeated .TSP.Reference right_column_stroke_layers = 5;
repeated .TSP.Reference top_row_stroke_layers = 6;
repeated .TSP.Reference bottom_row_stroke_layers = 7;
message .TST.DurationWrapperArchive {
message .TST.Cell {
required .TST.CellValueType valueType = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference cell_style = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference text_style = 4;
optional double numberValue = 5;
optional string stringValue = 6;
optional bool boolValue = 7;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive current_format = 9;
optional .TSP.Reference formulaError = 10;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive number_format = 11;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive currency_format = 12;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive duration_format = 13;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive date_format = 14;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive custom_format = 16;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive base_format = 17;
optional uint32 explicit_format_flags = 19;
optional .TSP.Reference richText = 20;
optional .TSP.Reference conditional_style = 21;
optional .TSP.Reference comment_storage = 23;
optional uint32 conditional_style_applied_rule = 24;
optional .TST.ImportWarningSetArchive import_warning_set = 25;
optional .TSK.CustomFormatArchive custom_format_object = 26;
optional .TST.CellBorderArchive cell_border = 27;
optional .TST.CellSpecArchive cell_spec = 28;
optional uint32 cell_format_kind = 29;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive text_format = 30;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive boolean_format = 31;
optional uint64 decimal_value_low = 32;
optional uint64 decimal_value_high = 33;
message .TST.MergeRegionMapArchive {
repeated .TST.CellRange cell_range = 1;
message .TST.CellMapArchive {
repeated .TSP.Reference cell_tiles = 2;
required bool uid_based = 3;
repeated .TSCE.CellCoordinateArchive expanded_cell_ids = 14;
optional .TST.CellUIDListArchive cell_uid_list = 5;
repeated .TSP.UUIDRectArchive merge_uid_ranges = 7;
repeated .TSP.UUIDRectArchive unmerge_uid_ranges = 9;
repeated .TST.MergeOperationArchive merge_actions = 13;
optional bool may_modify_formulas_in_cells = 10 [default = true];
optional bool may_modify_values_referenced_by_formulas = 11 [default = true];
message .TST.CellListArchive {
message OptionalCell {
optional .TST.Cell cell = 1;
repeated .TST.CellListArchive.OptionalCell cells = 1;
optional uint32 trailing_empty_cell_count = 2;
message .TST.ConcurrentCellMapArchive {
repeated .TSP.Reference cell_lists = 1;
required bool uid_based = 2;
repeated .TST.MergeOperationArchive merge_actions = 3;
optional bool may_modify_formulas_in_cells = 4 [default = true];
optional bool may_modify_values_referenced_by_formulas = 5 [default = true];
optional bool affects_cell_borders = 6 [default = true];
message .TST.ConcurrentCellListArchive {
message OptionalCell {
optional .TST.Cell cell = 1;
repeated .TST.ConcurrentCellListArchive.OptionalCell cells = 1;
optional .TSP.UUIDRectArchive cell_uid_range = 2;
optional .TST.CellRange cell_range = 3;
message .TST.CellFormatAndValueArchive {
required .TST.CellValueType valueType = 1;
optional double numberValue = 2;
optional string stringValue = 3;
optional bool boolValue = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference richTextStorage = 5;
required bool use_all_spare_formats = 6;
required uint32 explicit_flags = 7;
required uint32 cell_format_kind = 8;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive number_format = 10;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive currency_format = 11;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive date_format = 12;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive duration_format = 13;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive text_format = 14;
optional .TSK.FormatStructArchive boolean_format = 15;
optional string formatted_value = 16;
optional .TSP.Reference formatted_rich_text_value = 17;
required bool apply_spare_format_only = 18;
required bool spare_format_type = 19;
optional uint64 decimal_low = 20;
optional uint64 decimal_high = 21;
optional bool suppress_apply_value = 22;
message .TST.CellSpecArchive {
required uint32 interaction_type = 1;
optional .TSCE.FormulaArchive formula = 2;
optional double range_control_min = 3;
optional double range_control_max = 4;
optional double range_control_inc = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference chooser_control_popup_model = 6;
optional bool chooser_control_start_w_first = 7;
optional bool category_summary_should_display_label = 8 [deprecated = true];
message .TST.CommentStorageWrapperArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference comment_storage = 1;
message .TST.CellDiffArchive {
required .TSS.CommandPropertyMapArchive property_map_to_set = 1;
required .TSS.CommandPropertyMapArchive property_map_to_reset = 2;
message .TST.CellDiffArray {
optional .TSP.LargeArray large_array = 1;
message .TST.CellDiffArraySegment {
optional .TSP.LargeArraySegment large_array_segment = 1;
repeated .TST.CellDiffArchive elements = 2;
message .TST.CellDiffMapArchive {
required bool uid_based = 1;
repeated .TSCE.CellCoordinateArchive expanded_cell_ids = 2;
required .TST.CellUIDListArchive cell_uids = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference cell_diff_array = 4;
message .TST.HierarchicalCellDiffMapArchive {
message BoxedRow {
required .TSP.IndexSet column_index_set = 1;
repeated .TST.CellDiffArchive cell_diff_list = 2;
required int32 num_row_rules = 1;
required int32 num_column_rules = 2;
repeated .TSP.UUID row_header_uids = 3;
repeated .TSP.UUID column_header_uids = 4;
repeated .TSP.UUID aggregate_rule_uids = 5;
required .TST.TableDimensionArchive active_flattening_dimension = 6;
repeated .TSP.UUID row_value_uids = 7;
repeated uint32 row_level_preorder = 8;
repeated .TSP.UUID column_value_uids = 9;
repeated uint32 column_level_preorder = 10;
repeated .TST.HierarchicalCellDiffMapArchive.BoxedRow cell_diff_storage = 11;
repeated double row_sizes = 12;
repeated double column_sizes = 13;
message .TST.DoubleStyleMapArchive {
message DoubleStyleMapEntryArchive {
required .TST.CellID cell_id = 1;
required .TSP.Reference old_style = 2;
required .TSP.Reference new_style = 3;
required uint32 capacity = 1;
required uint32 count = 2;
repeated .TST.DoubleStyleMapArchive.DoubleStyleMapEntryArchive cell_map_entry = 3;
message .TST.StyleTableMapArchive {
message StyleTableMapEntryArchive {
required uint32 key = 1;
required .TSP.Reference old_style = 2;
required .TSP.Reference new_style = 3;
required uint32 capacity = 1;
required uint32 count = 2;
repeated .TST.StyleTableMapArchive.StyleTableMapEntryArchive map_entry = 3;
message .TST.SelectionArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference tableModel = 1 [deprecated = true];
required .TST.SelectionTypeArchive selection_type = 4;
optional .TST.CellID anchor_cell = 5;
repeated .TST.CellRange cell_ranges = 6;
repeated .TST.CellRange base_ranges = 7;
optional .TST.CellID cursor_cell = 8;
optional .TSP.Reference table_info = 9;
optional .TST.CellUIDRegionArchive cell_uid_region = 10;
optional .TST.CellUIDRegionArchive base_uid_region = 11;
optional .TSP.UUIDCoordArchive anchor_cell_uid = 12;
optional .TSP.UUIDCoordArchive cursor_cell_uid = 13;
message .TST.DeathhawkRdar39989167CellSelectionArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference table_info = 1;
optional .TST.SelectionTypeArchive selection_type = 2;
optional .TST.CellUIDRegionArchive cell_uid_region = 3;
optional .TST.CellUIDRegionArchive base_uid_region = 4;
optional .TSP.UUIDCoordArchive anchor_cell_uid = 5;
optional .TSP.UUIDCoordArchive cursor_cell_uid = 6;
message .TST.StrokeSelectionArchive {
optional int32 mask = 1;
message .TST.ControlCellSelectionArchive {
message .TST.StockCellSelectionArchive {
message .TST.TableNameSelectionArchive {
message .TST.AutofillSelectionArchive {
optional .TST.CellRange source_cell_range = 1;
optional .TST.CellRange target_cell_range = 2;
message .TST.FilterRulePrePivotArchive {
required .TST.FormulaPredicatePrePivotArchive predicate = 1;
optional bool disabled = 2;
message .TST.FilterRuleArchive {
required .TST.FormulaPredicateArchive predicate = 1;
message .TST.TableStyleArchive {
required .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
optional uint32 override_count = 10 [default = 0];
optional .TST.TableStylePropertiesArchive table_properties = 11;
message .TST.CellStyleArchive {
required .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
optional uint32 override_count = 10 [default = 0];
optional .TST.CellStylePropertiesArchive cell_properties = 11;
message .TST.FormulaPredArgDataArchive {
optional double double_value = 1;
optional uint64 decimal_low = 2;
optional uint64 decimal_high = 3;
optional string string_value = 4;
optional double date_value = 5;
optional double duration_timeinterval = 6;
optional int32 duration_units = 7;
optional bool boolean_value = 8;
message .TST.FormulaPredArgArchive {
required int32 arg_type = 1;
optional .TST.FormulaPredArgDataArchive arg_value = 2;
optional .TSCE.CellReferenceArchive base_cell_ref = 3;
optional .TSCE.RelativeCellRefArchive relative_cell_ref = 4;
optional .TSCE.CategoryReferenceArchive category_ref = 5;
optional .TSCE.ASTNodeArrayArchive.ASTUidTractList uid_tract_list = 6;
optional .TSCE.CellCoordinateArchive host_cell_coord = 7;
optional bool preserve_row = 8;
optional bool preserve_column = 9;
repeated .TST.FormulaPredArgDataArchive list_entries = 10;
optional .TSCE.ViewTractRefArchive view_tract_ref = 11;
message .TST.FormulaPredicatePrePivotArchive {
required .TSCE.FormulaArchive formula = 1;
required int32 predicate_type = 2;
required int32 qualifier1 = 3;
required int32 qualifier2 = 4;
required int32 param_index1 = 5;
required int32 param_index2 = 6;
required int32 param_index0 = 7;
message .TST.FormulaPredicateArchive {
required int32 predicate_type = 1;
required int32 qualifier1 = 2;
required int32 qualifier2 = 3;
optional .TST.FormulaPredArgArchive param_value0 = 4;
optional .TST.FormulaPredArgArchive param_value1 = 5;
optional .TST.FormulaPredArgArchive param_value2 = 6;
optional .TSCE.FormulaArchive formula = 7;
optional bool for_conditional_style = 8;
optional .TSP.UUID host_table_uid = 9;
optional .TSP.UUID host_column_uid = 10;
optional .TSP.UUID host_row_uid = 11;
message .TST.ConditionalStyleSetArchive {
message ConditionalStyleRulePrePivot {
required .TST.FormulaPredicatePrePivotArchive predicate = 1;
required .TSP.Reference cell_style = 2;
required .TSP.Reference text_style = 3;
message ConditionalStyleRule {
optional .TST.FormulaPredicateArchive predicate = 1;
required .TSP.Reference cell_style = 2;
required .TSP.Reference text_style = 3;
message ConditionalStyleRules {
repeated .TST.ConditionalStyleSetArchive.ConditionalStyleRule rule = 1;
required uint32 ruleCount = 1;
repeated .TST.ConditionalStyleSetArchive.ConditionalStyleRulePrePivot rules_prepivot = 2;
optional .TST.ConditionalStyleSetArchive.ConditionalStyleRules rules = 3;
message .TST.FilterSetArchive {
enum FilterSetType {
FilterSetArchiveTypeAll = 0;
FilterSetArchiveTypeAny = 1;
optional .TST.FilterSetArchive.FilterSetType type = 1 [default = FilterSetArchiveTypeAll];
optional bool is_enabled = 2 [default = true];
repeated .TST.FilterRulePrePivotArchive filter_rules_prepivot = 3;
optional bool needs_formula_rewrite_for_import = 4 [default = false];
repeated uint32 filter_offsets = 5;
repeated bool filter_enabled = 6;
repeated .TST.FilterRuleArchive filter_rules = 7;
message .TST.UniqueIndexArchive {
message UniqueIndexEntryArchive {
required string string_value = 1;
repeated .TSP.UUID row_uids = 2;
required .TSP.UUID column_uid = 1;
repeated .TST.UniqueIndexArchive.UniqueIndexEntryArchive unique_entries = 2;
message .TST.HiddenStateExtentArchive {
message RowOrColumnState {
required .TSP.UUID row_or_column_uid = 1;
optional bool user_hidden = 2;
optional bool filtered = 3;
optional bool pivot_hidden = 4;
enum RowOrColumnDirection {
ColumnDirection = 0;
RowDirection = 1;
required .TSP.UUID hidden_state_extent_uid = 1;
repeated .TST.HiddenStateExtentArchive.RowOrColumnState base_hidden_states = 2;
required .TST.HiddenStateExtentArchive.RowOrColumnDirection row_or_column_direction = 3;
repeated .TSCE.CellValueArchive threshold_value = 5;
optional bool needs_to_update_filter_set_for_import = 6 [default = false];
repeated .TSP.UUID collapsed_group_uids = 7;
optional .TSP.Reference filter_set = 8;
optional .TSCE.IndexSetArchive summary_pivot_hidden_indexes = 9;
optional .TSCE.IndexSetArchive summary_filtered_indexes = 10;
repeated .TST.UniqueIndexArchive unique_indexes = 11;
repeated .TST.HiddenStateExtentArchive.RowOrColumnState summary_hidden_states = 12;
message .TST.HiddenStatesArchive {
required .TSP.UUID hidden_states_uid = 1;
required .TST.HiddenStateExtentArchive column_hidden_state_extent = 2;
required .TST.HiddenStateExtentArchive row_hidden_state_extent = 3;
message .TST.HiddenStatesOwnerArchive {
required .TSP.UUID owner_uid = 1;
repeated .TST.HiddenStatesArchive hidden_states = 2;
message .TST.ExpandCollapseStateArchive {
repeated .TSP.UUID uids_collapsed = 1;
repeated .TSP.UUID uids_expanded = 2;
optional .TST.TableDimensionArchive dimension = 3;
message .TST.TokenAttachmentArchive {
required .TSWP.UIGraphicalAttachment super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference expressionNode = 2;
message .TST.FormulaArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference expressionTree = 1;
message .TST.ExpressionNodeArchive {
repeated .TSP.Reference children = 1;
optional uint64 first_index = 2 [default = 0];
optional uint64 last_index = 3 [default = 0];
message .TST.BooleanNodeArchive {
required .TST.ExpressionNodeArchive super = 1;
required bool value = 2;
message .TST.NumberNodeArchive {
required .TST.ExpressionNodeArchive super = 1;
optional double number = 2;
optional uint64 decimal_low = 3;
optional uint64 decimal_high = 4;
message .TST.StringNodeArchive {
required .TST.ExpressionNodeArchive super = 1;
required string value = 2;
message .TST.IdentifierNodeArchive {
required .TST.ExpressionNodeArchive super = 1;
optional string identifier = 2;
optional uint32 symbol = 3;
message .TST.ArrayNodeArchive {
required .TST.ExpressionNodeArchive super = 1;
optional uint32 columns = 2;
optional uint32 rows = 3;
message .TST.ListNodeArchive {
required .TST.ExpressionNodeArchive super = 1;
message .TST.OperatorNodeArchive {
required .TST.ExpressionNodeArchive super = 1;
required uint32 operatorChar = 2;
message .TST.PostfixOperatorNodeArchive {
required .TST.OperatorNodeArchive super = 1;
message .TST.PrefixOperatorNodeArchive {
required .TST.OperatorNodeArchive super = 1;
message .TST.FunctionNodeArchive {
required .TST.ExpressionNodeArchive super = 1;
required uint32 functionIndex = 2;
optional string invalidFunctionName = 3;
message .TST.FunctionEndNodeArchive {
required .TST.ExpressionNodeArchive super = 1;
message .TST.DateNodeArchive {
required .TST.ExpressionNodeArchive super = 1;
required string value = 2;
optional string format = 3;
message .TST.ReferenceNodeArchive {
required .TST.ExpressionNodeArchive super = 1;
optional .TSCE.RangeReferenceArchive rangeReference = 2;
required uint32 preserve_flags = 3;
optional string hostTableID = 4;
optional .TSCE.CellReferenceArchive host_cell_ref = 10;
optional .TSP.UUID table_uid = 5;
optional .TSP.UUIDCoordArchive range_top_left = 6;
optional .TSP.UUIDCoordArchive range_bottom_right = 7;
optional .TSCE.CategoryReferenceArchive category_ref = 8;
optional .TSP.UUIDRectArchive uid_range_rect = 9;
message .TST.DurationNodeArchive {
required .TST.ExpressionNodeArchive super = 1;
required double timeinterval = 2;
required uint32 smallest = 3;
required uint32 largest = 4;
required uint32 style = 5;
message .TST.ArgumentPlaceholderNodeArchive {
required .TST.ExpressionNodeArchive super = 1;
optional uint32 functionIndex = 2;
optional uint32 argumentIndex = 3;
optional uint32 mode = 4;
message .TST.EmptyExpressionNodeArchive {
required .TST.ExpressionNodeArchive super = 1;
message .TST.LetNodeArchive {
required .TST.ExpressionNodeArchive super = 1;
optional string whitespace_after_let = 2;
optional string whitespace_after_identifier = 3;
optional string whitespace_after_equals = 4;
optional string whitespace_after_delimiter = 5;
message .TST.InNodeArchive {
required .TST.ExpressionNodeArchive super = 1;
message .TST.VariableNodeArchive {
required .TST.ExpressionNodeArchive super = 1;
required string identifier = 2;
required uint32 symbol = 3;
message .TST.LayoutHintArchive {
required bool isValid = 1;
optional .TST.CellRange cellRange = 2;
optional .TST.CellID hintID = 3;
required .TSP.Size maximumSize = 4;
required uint32 partitionPosition = 5;
required bool horizontal = 6;
optional .TSP.Size effectiveSize = 7;
optional uint32 partitioningPass = 8;
message .TST.CompletionTokenAttachmentArchive {
required .TST.TokenAttachmentArchive super = 1;
optional string completionText = 2;
optional uint32 caretPosition = 3;
optional uint32 prefixStart = 4;
message .TST.HiddenStateFormulaOwnerArchive {
optional .TSP.CFUUIDArchive owner_id = 1;
repeated .TSCE.CellValueArchive threshold_value = 2;
optional bool needs_to_update_filter_set_for_import = 3 [default = false];
message .TST.FormulaStoreArchive {
message FormulaStorePair {
required uint32 formula_index = 1;
required .TSCE.FormulaArchive formula = 2;
required uint32 next_formula_index = 2;
repeated .TST.FormulaStoreArchive.FormulaStorePair formulas = 3;
message .TST.MergeOperationArchive {
required .TST.MergeActionArchive merge_type = 1;
repeated .TSP.UUIDRectArchive merge_ranges = 2;
repeated .TSCE.FormulaArchive merge_formulas = 3;
repeated uint32 merge_formula_indexes = 4;
message .TST.MergeOwnerArchive {
required .TSP.CFUUIDArchive owner_id = 1;
optional .TST.FormulaStoreArchive formula_store = 2;
message .TST.PencilAnnotationArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference table_info = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference pencil_annotation_storage = 2;
message .TST.PencilAnnotationOwnerArchive {
required .TSP.CFUUIDArchive owner_id = 1;
optional .TST.FormulaStoreArchive formula_store = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference annotations = 3;
message .TST.AccumulatorArchive {
optional uint32 bool_count = 1;
optional uint32 number_count = 2;
optional uint32 date_count = 3;
optional uint32 duration_count = 4;
optional uint32 string_count = 5;
required .TSCE.CellValueArchive min_value = 6;
required .TSCE.CellValueArchive max_value = 7;
required .TSCE.CellValueArchive number_total_value = 8;
optional .TSCE.CellValueArchive first_date_seen = 9;
optional double total_secs_since_ref_date = 10;
optional double secs_to_add = 11;
optional uint32 bool_true_count = 12;
optional uint32 error_count = 13;
optional bool is_circular_ref = 14;
optional .TSCE.CellValueArchive product_value = 15;
optional uint32 no_content_count = 16;
message .TST.GroupColumnArchive {
required .TSP.UUID column_uid = 1;
required uint32 grouping_type = 2;
optional .TSCE.FunctorArchive grouping_functor = 3;
optional .TSP.UUID grouping_column_uid = 4;
message .TST.GroupColumnListArchive {
repeated .TST.GroupColumnArchive group_column = 1;
message .TST.ColumnAggregateArchive {
required .TSP.UUID column_uid = 1;
required uint32 level = 2;
required uint32 agg_type = 3;
optional uint32 show_as_type = 4;
optional .TSP.UUID column_aggregate_uid = 5;
optional .TSP.UUID running_total_group_column_uid = 6;
message .TST.ColumnAggregateListArchive {
repeated .TST.ColumnAggregateArchive aggregates = 1;
message .TST.GroupByArchive {
message AggNodeArchive {
required .TSCE.CellCoordinateArchive formula_coord = 1;
optional .TST.AccumulatorArchive accum = 2;
repeated .TST.GroupByArchive.AggNodeArchive child = 3;
message AggregatorArchive {
required .TSP.UUID column_uid = 1;
optional .TST.GroupByArchive.AggNodeArchive agg_node = 2;
message GroupNodeArchive {
message FormatManagerArchive {
message RowSetArchive {
repeated .TSP.UUID row_uids = 1;
optional .TSCE.CellValueArchive cell_value = 1;
repeated .TSK.FormatStructArchive formats = 2;
repeated .TST.GroupByArchive.GroupNodeArchive.FormatManagerArchive.RowSetArchive row_sets = 3;
repeated .TSCE.IndexSetArchive row_uid_lookup_sets = 4;
required .TSP.UUID group_uid = 1;
repeated .TST.GroupByArchive.GroupNodeArchive child = 3;
repeated .TSP.UUID row_uid = 4;
repeated .TSCE.CellCoordinateArchive agg_formula_coords = 5;
optional .TST.GroupByArchive.GroupNodeArchive.FormatManagerArchive format_manager = 6;
optional .TSCE.CellValueArchive group_cell_value = 7;
optional .TSCE.IndexSetArchive row_indexes = 8;
optional .TSCE.IndexSetArchive row_lookup_uids = 9;
repeated .TSP.Reference child_ref = 10;
required .TSP.UUID group_by_uid = 1;
repeated .TST.GroupColumnArchive group_column = 2;
optional .TST.GroupByArchive.GroupNodeArchive group_node_root = 3;
repeated .TST.GroupByArchive.AggregatorArchive aggregator = 4;
repeated .TST.ColumnAggregateArchive column_agg_type = 5;
required bool is_enabled = 6;
optional .TSCE.CellCoordinateArchive indirect_agg_type_change_formula = 7;
optional .TSCE.CellCoordinateArchive grouping_columns_formula = 8;
optional .TSCE.CellCoordinateArchive aggs_in_group_root_formula = 9;
optional .TSCE.CellCoordinateArchive grouping_column_headers_formula = 10;
optional .TSCE.CellCoordinateArchive column_order_changed_formula = 11;
optional .TSCE.CellCoordinateArchive row_order_changed_formula = 12;
optional .TSCE.CellCoordinateArchive row_order_changed_ignoring_recalc_formula = 13;
optional int32 owner_index = 14 [default = 8];
optional .TSCE.UidLookupListArchive row_uid_lookup = 15;
optional .TSCE.CellCoordinateArchive hidden_states_changed_formula = 16;
repeated .TSP.Reference aggregator_ref = 17;
optional .TSP.Reference group_node_root_ref = 18;
message .TST.CategoryOwnerArchive {
required .TSP.UUID owner_uid = 1;
repeated .TST.GroupByArchive group_by = 2;
message .TST.CategoryOwnerRefArchive {
repeated .TSP.Reference group_by = 1;
message .TST.PivotGroupingColumnOptionsMapArchive {
repeated .TSP.UUID uids = 1;
repeated uint32 flags = 2;
repeated .TSP.UUID aggregate_rule_uids = 4;
message .TST.PivotOwnerArchive {
optional .TSP.UUID pivot_owner_uid = 2;
optional .TST.GroupColumnListArchive grouping_columns_for_rows = 3;
optional .TST.GroupColumnListArchive grouping_columns_for_columns = 4;
optional .TST.ColumnAggregateListArchive aggregate_columns = 5;
optional int32 flattening_dimension = 6;
optional bool is_empty_pivot = 7;
optional .TSP.UUID source_table_uid = 8;
optional double refresh_timestamp = 9;
optional .TSP.Reference grpg_col_options_map = 10;
optional bool hide_grand_total_rows = 11;
optional string source_table_name = 12;
optional bool hide_grand_total_columns = 13;
optional .TST.FormulaStoreArchive formula_store = 17;
optional .TSP.UUID refresh_uid = 18;
optional .TSP.UUID row_column_rule_change_uid = 19;
optional .TSP.UUID aggregate_rule_change_uid = 20;
message .TST.RichTextPayloadArchive {
required .TSP.Reference storage = 1;
optional .TSP.Range range = 2;
required .TST.CellID cellid = 3;
message .TST.FormulaEqualsTokenAttachmentArchive {
required .TSWP.UIGraphicalAttachment super = 1;
message .TST.CellFillStandIn {
required .TSD.FillArchive fill = 1;
optional bool type_is_mixed = 2;
optional bool color_has_been_modified = 3;
optional bool color_is_mixed = 4;
optional bool first_color_has_been_modified = 5;
optional bool first_color_is_mixed = 6;
optional bool last_color_has_been_modified = 7;
optional bool last_color_is_mixed = 8;
optional bool gradient_type_has_been_modified = 9;
optional bool gradient_type_is_mixed = 10;
optional bool gradient_angle_has_been_modified = 11;
optional bool gradient_angle_is_mixed = 12;
optional bool image_data_has_been_modified = 13;
optional bool image_data_is_mixed = 14;
optional bool tint_color_has_been_modified = 15;
optional bool tint_color_is_mixed = 16;
optional bool scale_has_been_modified = 17;
optional bool scale_is_mixed = 18;
optional bool technique_has_been_modified = 19;
optional bool technique_is_mixed = 20;
message .TST.FormulaSelectionArchive {
required .TSWP.SelectionArchive super = 1;
optional uint32 activeTokenCharIndex = 2;
message .TST.CellBorderArchive {
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive top_stroke = 1;
optional int32 top_stroke_order = 2;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive right_stroke = 3;
optional int32 right_stroke_order = 4;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive bottom_stroke = 5;
optional int32 bottom_stroke_order = 6;
optional .TSD.StrokeArchive left_stroke = 7;
optional int32 left_stroke_order = 8;
message .TST.DefaultCellStylesContainerArchive {
required .TSP.Reference table_style_network = 1;
repeated .TSP.UUID row_uids = 2;
repeated .TSP.UUID column_uids = 3;
repeated uint32 row_types = 4;
repeated uint32 column_types = 5;
optional bool is_a_pivot_table = 6;
message .TST.MultiTableRemapperArchive {
enum Purpose {
required .TST.MultiTableRemapperArchive.Purpose mapping_purpose = 1;
required bool should_steal_references = 2;
required bool can_reuse_table_names = 3;
repeated .TSCE.OwnerUIDMapperArchive owner_uid_mapper = 4;
required .TSP.UUIDMapArchive backing_tables_for_charts = 5;
required bool cross_document_paste = 6;
required bool nested_inner_mapper = 7;
message .TST.ChangePropagationMapWrapper {
required int32 replacement_behavior = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference style_replace_prototypes = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference style_replace_replacements = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference style_modify_styles = 4;
repeated .TSP.Reference style_modify_old_prop_maps = 5;
repeated .TSP.Reference style_modify_new_prop_maps = 6;
repeated .TSP.Reference style_delete_prototypes = 7;
repeated .TSP.Reference style_delete_replacements = 8;
optional .TSP.Reference table_preset_replace_prototype = 9;
optional .TSP.Reference table_preset_replace_replacement = 10;
optional .TSP.Reference table_preset_delete_prototype = 11;
optional .TSP.Reference table_preset_delete_replacement = 12;
message .TST.SummaryCellVendorArchive {
message SummaryCellEntry {
required .TSP.UUID wildcardUID = 1;
required .TSP.UUID columnUID = 2;
required .TST.Cell cell = 3;
required .TSP.Reference table_info = 1;
repeated .TST.SummaryCellVendorArchive.SummaryCellEntry entries = 2;
message .TST.CategoryOrderArchive {
required .TSP.Reference table_info = 1;
required .TSP.Reference uid_map = 2;
message .TST.PivotOrderArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference uid_map = 1;
message .TST.HeaderNameMgrTileArchive {
message NameFragmentArchive {
required string name_fragment = 1;
required .TSCE.CellCoordinateArchive name_precedent = 2;
optional .TSCE.UidCellRefSetArchive uses_of_name_fragment = 3;
required string first_fragment = 1;
required string last_fragment = 2;
repeated .TST.HeaderNameMgrTileArchive.NameFragmentArchive name_frag_entries = 3;
message .TST.HeaderNameMgrArchive {
message PerTableArchive {
required .TSP.UUID table_uid = 1;
required .TSCE.CellCoordinateArchive per_table_precedent = 2;
optional bool is_deleted = 3;
repeated .TSP.UUID header_row_uids = 5;
repeated .TSP.UUID header_column_uids = 6;
repeated .TSP.UUID update_header_row_uids = 7;
repeated .TSP.UUID update_header_column_uids = 8;
required .TSP.UUID owner_uid = 1;
optional .TSP.UUID nrm_owner_uid = 2;
repeated .TST.HeaderNameMgrArchive.PerTableArchive per_tables = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference name_frag_tiles = 4;
message .TST.WidthHeightCacheFittingEntry {
optional uint32 fitting_index = 1;
optional float fitting_size = 2;
message .TST.WidthHeightCache {
repeated .TST.WidthHeightCacheFittingEntry rows_fitting_entries = 1;
optional uint32 columns_count = 3;
message .TST.LayoutEngineArchive {
optional .TST.WidthHeightCache width_height_cache = 1;
message .TST.CollaboratorTableCursorSubselectionArchive {
optional .TST.CellUIDListArchive cell_uid_list = 1;
optional .TST.SelectionTypeArchive selection_type = 3;
repeated .TSP.UUID row_column_uid_list = 4;
extend .TSCK.CollaboratorCursorArchive {
optional .TST.CollaboratorTableCursorSubselectionArchive table_cursor_subselection = 200;
extend .TSS.CommandPropertyEntryArchive {
optional .TST.ImportWarningSetArchive import_warning_set = 500;
optional .TST.CellFormatAndValueArchive format_and_value = 501;
optional .TST.CellBorderArchive cell_border = 503;
optional .TST.CommentStorageWrapperArchive comment_storage = 504;
optional .TST.CellSpecArchive cell_spec = 505;
message .TSTSOS.SpecSetTableStrokePresetListArchive {
optional .TST.StrokePresetListArchive table_stroke_preset_list = 1;
required bool unset = 2;
message .TSTSOS.SpecTableStrokePresetListArchive {
optional .TSTSOS.SpecSetTableStrokePresetListArchive spec_set_table_stroke_preset_list = 1;
message .TSTSOS.TableCellStylePropertyChangeSetArchive {
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive text_wrap = 1;
optional bool text_wrap_undefined = 2;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive type = 3;
optional bool type_undefined = 4;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive fill = 5;
optional bool fill_undefined = 6;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive vertical_alignment = 7;
optional bool vertical_alignment_undefined = 8;
optional .TSWPSOS.SpecPaddingArchive padding = 9;
optional bool padding_undefined = 10;
message .TSTSOS.TableStylePropertyChangeSetArchive {
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive auto_resize = 1;
optional bool auto_resize_undefined = 2;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive banded_rows = 3;
optional bool banded_rows_undefined = 4;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive banded_cell_fill = 5;
optional bool banded_cell_fill_undefined = 6;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive behaves_like_spreadsheet = 7;
optional bool behaves_like_spreadsheet_undefined = 8;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive body_horizontal_border_stroke = 9;
optional bool body_horizontal_border_stroke_undefined = 10;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive body_vertical_border_stroke = 11;
optional bool body_vertical_border_stroke_undefined = 12;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive body_horizontal_stroke = 13;
optional bool body_horizontal_stroke_undefined = 14;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive body_vertical_stroke = 15;
optional bool body_vertical_stroke_undefined = 16;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive header_column_border_stroke = 17;
optional bool header_column_border_stroke_undefined = 18;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive header_column_vertical_stroke = 19;
optional bool header_column_vertical_stroke_undefined = 20;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive header_column_horizontal_stroke = 21;
optional bool header_column_horizontal_stroke_undefined = 22;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive header_column_separator_stroke = 23;
optional bool header_column_separator_stroke_undefined = 24;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive header_row_border_stroke = 25;
optional bool header_row_border_stroke_undefined = 26;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive header_row_horizontal_stroke = 27;
optional bool header_row_horizontal_stroke_undefined = 28;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive header_row_vertical_stroke = 29;
optional bool header_row_vertical_stroke_undefined = 30;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive header_row_separator_stroke = 31;
optional bool header_row_separator_stroke_undefined = 32;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive footer_row_border_stroke = 33;
optional bool footer_row_border_stroke_undefined = 34;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive footer_row_horizontal_stroke = 35;
optional bool footer_row_horizontal_stroke_undefined = 36;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive footer_row_vertical_stroke = 37;
optional bool footer_row_vertical_stroke_undefined = 38;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive footer_row_separator_stroke = 39;
optional bool footer_row_separator_stroke_undefined = 40;
optional .TSTSOS.SpecTableStrokePresetListArchive stroke_preset_list_object = 41;
optional bool stroke_preset_list_object_undefined = 42;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive vertical_strokes_visible = 43;
optional bool vertical_strokes_visible_undefined = 44;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive horizontal_strokes_visible = 45;
optional bool horizontal_strokes_visible_undefined = 46;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive header_row_sep_visible = 47;
optional bool header_row_sep_visible_undefined = 48;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive header_row_verticals_visible = 49;
optional bool header_row_verticals_visible_undefined = 50;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive header_col_sep_visible = 51;
optional bool header_col_sep_visible_undefined = 52;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive header_col_horizontals_visible = 53;
optional bool header_col_horizontals_visible_undefined = 54;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive footer_sep_visible = 55;
optional bool footer_sep_visible_undefined = 56;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive footer_verticals_visible = 57;
optional bool footer_verticals_visible_undefined = 58;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive border_strokes_visible = 59;
optional bool border_strokes_visible_undefined = 60;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecStringArchive master_font_family = 61;
optional bool master_font_family_undefined = 62;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive writing_direction = 63;
optional bool writing_direction_undefined = 64;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive category_level1_top_stroke = 65;
optional bool category_level1_top_stroke_undefined = 66;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive category_level2_top_stroke = 67;
optional bool category_level2_top_stroke_undefined = 68;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive category_level3_top_stroke = 69;
optional bool category_level3_top_stroke_undefined = 70;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive category_level4_top_stroke = 71;
optional bool category_level4_top_stroke_undefined = 72;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive category_level5_top_stroke = 73;
optional bool category_level5_top_stroke_undefined = 74;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive category_level1_label_separator_stroke = 75;
optional bool category_level1_label_separator_stroke_undefined = 76;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive category_level2_label_separator_stroke = 77;
optional bool category_level2_label_separator_stroke_undefined = 78;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive category_level3_label_separator_stroke = 79;
optional bool category_level3_label_separator_stroke_undefined = 80;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive category_level4_label_separator_stroke = 81;
optional bool category_level4_label_separator_stroke_undefined = 82;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive category_level5_label_separator_stroke = 83;
optional bool category_level5_label_separator_stroke_undefined = 84;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive category_level1_bottom_stroke = 85;
optional bool category_level1_bottom_stroke_undefined = 86;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive category_level2_bottom_stroke = 87;
optional bool category_level2_bottom_stroke_undefined = 88;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive category_level3_bottom_stroke = 89;
optional bool category_level3_bottom_stroke_undefined = 90;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive category_level4_bottom_stroke = 91;
optional bool category_level4_bottom_stroke_undefined = 92;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive category_level5_bottom_stroke = 93;
optional bool category_level5_bottom_stroke_undefined = 94;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive category_level1_interior_stroke = 95;
optional bool category_level1_interior_stroke_undefined = 96;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive category_level2_interior_stroke = 97;
optional bool category_level2_interior_stroke_undefined = 98;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive category_level3_interior_stroke = 99;
optional bool category_level3_interior_stroke_undefined = 100;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive category_level4_interior_stroke = 101;
optional bool category_level4_interior_stroke_undefined = 102;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive category_level5_interior_stroke = 103;
optional bool category_level5_interior_stroke_undefined = 104;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive body_pivot_group_horizontal_stroke = 105;
optional bool body_pivot_group_horizontal_stroke_undefined = 106;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive body_pivot_group_vertical_stroke = 107;
optional bool body_pivot_group_vertical_stroke_undefined = 108;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive body_pivot_de_emphasis_horizontal_stroke = 109;
optional bool body_pivot_de_emphasis_horizontal_stroke_undefined = 110;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive body_pivot_emphasis_vertical_stroke = 111;
optional bool body_pivot_emphasis_vertical_stroke_undefined = 112;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive header_column_pivot_group_horizontal_stroke = 113;
optional bool header_column_pivot_group_horizontal_stroke_undefined = 114;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive header_column_pivot_group_de_emphasis_stroke = 115;
optional bool header_column_pivot_group_de_emphasis_stroke_undefined = 116;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive header_column_pivot_separator_stroke = 117;
optional bool header_column_pivot_separator_stroke_undefined = 118;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive header_row_pivot_group_vertical_stroke = 119;
optional bool header_row_pivot_group_vertical_stroke_undefined = 120;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive header_row_pivot_group_de_emphasis_stroke = 121;
optional bool header_row_pivot_group_de_emphasis_stroke_undefined = 122;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive header_row_pivot_title_stroke = 123;
optional bool header_row_pivot_title_stroke_undefined = 124;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecStrokeArchive footer_row_pivot_group_vertical_stroke = 125;
optional bool footer_row_pivot_group_vertical_stroke_undefined = 126;
enum .TST.TableArea {
TableAreaBody = 1;
TableAreaHeaderRow = 2;
TableAreaHeaderColumn = 3;
TableAreaFooterRow = 4;
enum .TST.TableAreaTransition {
TableAreaTransitionHeaderRowToBody = 1;
TableAreaTransitionBodyToHeaderRow = 2;
TableAreaTransitionFooterRowToBody = 3;
TableAreaTransitionBodyToFooterRow = 4;
TableAreaTransitionHeaderColumnToBody = 5;
TableAreaTransitionBodyToHeaderColumn = 6;
enum .TST.ColumnRowBundleItemTypeEnum {
ColumnRowTypeAnchor = 0;
ColumnRowTypeHeaderRow = 1;
ColumnRowTypeBodyRow = 2;
ColumnRowTypeFooterRow = 3;
ColumnRowTypeHeaderColumn = 4;
ColumnRowTypeBodyColumn = 5;
message .TST.TableCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUIDPath table_info_id_path = 2;
optional string commandname = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference default_cell_styles_container = 4;
optional double timestamp = 5;
optional uint32 random_seed_lo = 6;
optional uint32 random_seed_hi = 7;
optional bool is_inverse = 8;
optional double old_timestamp = 9;
optional uint64 old_random_seed = 10;
message .TST.CommandApplyCellContentsArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference cell_diff_map = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference rollback_cell_diff_map = 3;
repeated .TSP.UUID custom_format_keys = 4;
optional string action_string = 5;
message .TST.CommandApplyCellDiffMapArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference cell_diff_map = 2;
required bool should_allow_merge_fragments = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference inverse_cell_diff_map = 4;
repeated .TSP.UUID custom_format_keys = 5;
message .TST.CommandApplyCellMapArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference redo_cell_map = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_cell_map = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_formula_rewrite_command = 4;
repeated .TSP.UUID custom_format_keys = 5;
optional uint32 merge_owner_rollback_index = 6;
required bool is_from_paste = 7;
repeated .TSP.Reference formula_rewrite_commands = 8;
message .TST.CommandApplyConcurrentCellMapArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference redo_concurrent_cell_map = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_concurrent_cell_map = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_formula_rewrite_command = 4;
repeated .TSP.UUID custom_format_keys = 5;
optional uint32 merge_owner_rollback_index = 6;
required bool is_from_paste = 7;
repeated .TSP.Reference formula_rewrite_commands = 8;
message .TST.CommandChangeFreezeHeaderStateArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TST.TableDimensionArchive direction = 2;
required bool new_freeze_state = 3;
required bool prev_freeze_state = 4;
message .TST.CommandDeleteCellsArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
optional bool invalidate_comments = 5;
optional bool invalidate_comments_valid = 6;
optional .TST.CellUIDRegionArchive cell_uid_region = 7;
optional .TST.CellUIDListArchive summary_cell_uid_list = 8;
optional .TSP.Reference inverse_concurrent_cell_map = 9;
message .TST.CommandDeleteCellContentsArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TST.CellUIDListArchive cell_uid_list = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference inverse_cell_diff_map = 3;
message .TST.CommandMutateCellFormatArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TST.CellUIDListArchive cell_uid_list = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference inverse_cell_diff_map = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference whole_format_diff_map = 4;
required uint32 intended_format_type = 5;
message .TST.CommandSetAutomaticDurationUnitsArchive {
required .TST.CommandMutateCellFormatArchive super = 1;
optional bool automatic_units = 4;
message .TST.CommandSetDurationStyleArchive {
required .TST.CommandMutateCellFormatArchive super = 1;
optional uint32 duration_style = 2;
message .TST.CommandSetDurationUnitSmallestLargestArchive {
required .TST.CommandMutateCellFormatArchive super = 1;
optional uint32 smallest_unit = 2;
optional uint32 largest_unit = 3;
message .TST.CommandReplaceCustomFormatArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference undo_diff_map = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference commit_diff_map = 2;
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 6;
message .TST.CommandMoveCellsArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUIDPath dst_table_info_id_path = 2;
required .TSP.UUIDRectArchive src_uid_range = 3;
required .TSP.UUIDRectArchive dst_uid_range = 4;
optional .TST.TableDimensionArchive table_dimension = 5;
required .TSP.Reference src_cell_map = 6;
optional .TSP.Reference dst_cell_map = 7;
optional .TSP.Reference dst_cell_styles_container = 8;
optional .TSP.Reference src_undo_cell_map = 9;
optional .TSP.Reference dst_undo_cell_map = 10;
required uint32 dst_merge_owner_rollback_index = 11;
repeated .TSP.Reference formula_rewrite_commands = 12;
optional .TST.MergeOperationArchive merge_action_to_restore = 13;
optional .TST.CellUIDListArchive comment_cell_uids_to_restore = 14;
repeated .TSP.Reference comment_storages_to_restore = 15;
message .TST.ColumnRowMetadataArchive {
required double size = 1;
required uint32 hiding_action = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference cell_style = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference text_style = 4;
optional .TSP.UUID uuid = 5;
message .TST.CommandInsertColumnsOrRowsArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TST.ColumnRowBundleArchive bundle = 2;
required .TSP.Reference concurrent_cell_map = 15;
required .TSP.Reference categories_cell_map = 16;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_commands = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_concurrent_cell_map = 17;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_categories_cell_map = 18;
optional .TST.TableSortOrderUIDArchive sort_order = 6;
optional .TST.TableGroupSortOrderUIDArchive group_sort_order = 14;
optional .TSP.Reference filter_set = 7;
optional bool should_edge_expand_formula_ranges = 8;
optional bool was_categorized = 9;
repeated .TSP.UUID undo_order = 10;
required .TSP.UUID src_row_column_uid = 11;
required .TSP.UUID opp_row_column_uid = 12;
optional .TST.ColumnRowBundleArchive undo_bundle = 13;
message .TST.ColumnRowBundleArchive {
required bool is_row = 1;
repeated .TSP.UUID view_uid_list = 2;
repeated .TST.ColumnRowBundleItemTypeEnum view_type_list = 3;
repeated .TSP.UUID base_uid_list = 4;
repeated .TST.ColumnRowBundleItemTypeEnum base_type_list = 5;
repeated .TSP.UUID category_order_uid_list = 6;
repeated .TST.ColumnRowBundleItemTypeEnum category_order_type_list = 7;
repeated .TST.ColumnRowMetadataArchive metadata_list = 8;
message .TST.CommandRemoveColumnsOrRowsArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TST.ColumnRowBundleArchive bundle = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference concurrent_cell_map = 11;
optional .TSP.Reference categories_cell_map = 12;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_concurrent_cell_map = 13;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_categories_cell_map = 14;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_filter_set = 5;
optional .TST.TableSortOrderUIDArchive undo_sort_order = 6;
optional .TST.TableGroupSortOrderUIDArchive undo_group_sort_order = 10;
optional .TSP.Reference formula_rewrite_command_for_undo = 7;
optional bool inverse_should_edge_expand_formula_ranges = 8;
repeated .TSP.UUID undo_order = 9;
message .TST.CommandRowColumnRangeArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.UUID uids = 2;
required bool is_row = 3;
message .TST.CommandResizeColumnOrRowArchive {
required .TST.CommandRowColumnRangeArchive super = 1;
repeated float sizes = 2;
repeated float sizes_for_undo = 3;
message .TST.CommandCategoryResizeColumnOrRowArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
repeated float category_row_sizes = 2;
repeated float category_row_sizes_for_undo = 3;
repeated float category_label_row_sizes = 4;
repeated float category_label_row_sizes_for_undo = 5;
optional double category_column_size = 6;
optional double category_column_size_for_undo = 7;
message .TST.CommandHideShowArchive {
required .TST.CommandRowColumnRangeArchive super = 1;
required .TST.HideShowActionArchive hide_show_action = 2;
required uint32 hiding_action = 3;
repeated .TST.HideShowActionArchive hide_show_action_for_undo = 4;
message .TST.CommandTextPreflightInsertCellArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference coalesced_textcommand = 6;
optional .TSP.Reference postflightcommand = 8;
optional bool grouped_with_postflight = 9;
required .TST.Cell editing_cell = 10;
required .TSP.Reference editing_storage = 11;
optional uint32 last_column_hit_by_tap = 12;
required .TSP.UUIDCoordArchive cell_uid = 13;
optional .TSK.SelectionPathArchive archived_initial_selection_path = 14;
message .TST.CommandPostflightSetCellArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference childcommandundo = 4;
required .TST.Cell editing_cell = 6;
required .TST.Cell new_cell = 7;
required .TSP.Reference editing_storage = 8;
optional uint32 last_column_hit_by_tap = 9;
required .TSP.UUIDCoordArchive cell_uid = 10;
message .TST.CommandChangeTableAreaForColumnOrRowArchive {
required .TST.CommandRowColumnRangeArchive super = 1;
required .TST.TableAreaTransition table_area_transition = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference cell_diff_map = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_cell_diff_map = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_commands = 5;
optional string action_string = 6;
message .TST.CommandSetPencilAnnotationsArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference annotations = 2;
repeated .TSCE.FormulaArchive formulas = 3;
repeated uint64 formula_indexes = 4;
repeated .TSCE.FormulaArchive inverse_formulas = 5;
repeated uint64 inverse_formula_indexes = 6;
optional uint64 rollback_index = 7;
message .TST.CommandSetTableNameArchive {
required string newtablename = 1;
optional string oldtablename = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference newstyle = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference oldstyle = 4;
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference old_shape_style = 6;
optional .TSP.Reference new_shape_style = 7;
optional bool old_table_name_border_enabled = 8;
optional bool new_table_name_border_enabled = 9;
message .TST.CommandSetTableNameEnabledArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required bool table_name_enabled = 2;
optional bool prev_table_name_enabled = 3;
message .TST.CommandSetTableFontSizeArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required bool is_increase = 2;
required int32 font_size_diff = 3;
repeated double font_size_list = 4;
repeated double inverse_font_size_list = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference cell_diff_map = 6;
optional .TSP.Reference inverse_cell_diff_map = 7;
required bool styles_container_refresh_done = 8;
message .TST.CommandSetTableFontNameArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required string font_name = 2;
required bool preserve_face = 3;
optional string previous_font_name = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference previous_table_style = 5;
repeated .TSP.Reference previous_text_styles = 6;
required .TSP.Reference cell_diff_map = 7;
optional .TSP.Reference inverse_cell_diff_map = 8;
message .TST.CommandSetTableNameHeightArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required double old_table_name_height = 2;
required double new_table_name_height = 3;
message .TST.CommandSetNowArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
message .TST.CommandSetWasCutArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUID from_table_uid = 2;
required .TSP.UUID prev_from_table_uid = 3;
required bool was_cut = 4;
required bool prev_was_cut = 5;
required .TSP.UUID from_group_by_uid = 6;
required .TSP.UUID prev_from_group_by_uid = 7;
message .TST.CommandStyleCellsArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.ReferenceDictionary format_properties = 2;
required .TST.SelectionArchive selection = 3;
required .TSP.Reference undo_cell_map = 4;
required .TSP.Reference redo_cell_map = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference text_undo = 6;
message .TST.CommandStyleTableArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.ReferenceDictionary format_properties = 2;
optional .TSTSOS.TableStylePropertyChangeSetArchive old_style = 3;
optional .TSTSOS.TableStylePropertyChangeSetArchive new_style = 4;
message .TST.CommandSetRepeatingHeaderEnabledArchive {
required bool repeating_header_enabled = 1;
required .TST.TableDimensionArchive direction = 2;
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 3;
optional bool prev_repeating_header_enabled = 4;
message .TST.CommandSetFiltersEnabledArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required bool new_filters_enabled = 2;
optional bool old_filters_enabled = 3;
repeated .TSP.UUID rollback_uid_list = 4;
message .TST.CommandAddTableStylePresetArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required int32 preset_index = 2;
required .TSP.Reference table_styles = 3;
required bool send_notification = 4;
message .TST.CommandRemoveTableStylePresetArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference theme = 2;
required .TSP.Reference removed_table_styles = 3;
required int32 preset_id = 4;
required int32 preset_index_in_theme = 5;
message .TST.CommandReplaceTableStylePresetArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference theme = 2;
required .TSP.Reference old_table_styles = 3;
required .TSP.Reference new_table_styles = 4;
message .TST.CommandApplyTableStylePresetArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference preset = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference styles = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_preset = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_styles = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference cell_diff_map = 6;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_cell_diff_map = 7;
required int32 apply_preset_option = 8;
required bool table_clears_all_flag = 11;
required bool undo_table_clears_all_flag = 12;
repeated .TST.ColumnRowMetadataArchive row_col_styles = 13;
repeated .TST.ColumnRowMetadataArchive undo_row_col_styles = 14;
optional .TSP.Reference change_prop_map_wrapper = 15;
message .TST.CommandSetBaseArchive {
required .TST.CommandMutateCellFormatArchive super = 1;
required uint32 base = 2;
message .TST.CommandSetBasePlacesArchive {
required .TST.CommandMutateCellFormatArchive super = 1;
required uint32 base_places = 2;
message .TST.CommandSetBaseUseMinusSignArchive {
required .TST.CommandMutateCellFormatArchive super = 1;
required bool base_use_minus_sign = 2;
message .TST.CommandSetCurrencyCodeArchive {
required .TST.CommandMutateCellFormatArchive super = 1;
required string currency_code = 2;
message .TST.CommandSetFractionAccuracyArchive {
required .TST.CommandMutateCellFormatArchive super = 1;
required uint32 fraction_accuracy = 2;
message .TST.CommandSetNegativeNumberStyleArchive {
required .TST.CommandMutateCellFormatArchive super = 1;
required uint32 negative_number_style = 2;
message .TST.CommandSetNumberOfDecimalPlacesArchive {
required .TST.CommandMutateCellFormatArchive super = 1;
required uint32 decimal_places = 2;
message .TST.CommandSetDateTimeFormatArchive {
required .TST.CommandMutateCellFormatArchive super = 1;
optional string date_format_string = 2;
optional string time_format_string = 3;
message .TST.CommandSetShowThousandsSeparatorArchive {
required .TST.CommandMutateCellFormatArchive super = 1;
required bool show_thousands_separator = 2;
message .TST.CommandSetUseAccountingStyleArchive {
required .TST.CommandMutateCellFormatArchive super = 1;
required bool use_accounting_style = 2;
message .TST.CommandSetRangeControlMinMaxIncArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
optional double minimum = 2;
optional double maximum = 3;
optional double increment = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference cell_diff_map = 5;
optional .TST.CellUIDListArchive cell_uid_list = 6;
optional .TSP.Reference inverse_cell_diff_map = 7;
required bool is_first_commit = 8;
message .TST.CommandMoveColumnsOrRowsArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUID dest_uid = 2;
required bool before = 3;
required .TSP.UUID undo_dest_uid = 4;
required bool undo_before = 5;
repeated .TSP.UUID uids = 6;
required .TST.TableDimensionArchive direction = 7;
optional .TSP.Reference formula_rewrite_command = 8;
message .TST.CommandSortArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.UUID from_row_uids = 2;
repeated .TSP.UUID to_row_uids = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference formula_rewrite_command = 4;
message .TST.FormulaRewriteSpecArchive {
required uint32 rewrite_type = 1;
optional .TSP.UUID table_uid = 2;
optional .TSP.UUID cond_style_owner_uid = 3;
optional .TSP.UUID group_by_uid = 4;
optional bool is_inverse = 5;
optional .TSCE.ColumnOrRowUuidsInfoArchive column_or_row_uuids_info = 6;
optional .TSCE.ColumnOrRowUuidsInfoArchive aux_column_or_row_uuids_info = 7;
optional .TSCE.RegionMovedInfoArchive region_moved_info = 8;
optional .TSCE.RegionInfoArchive region_info = 9;
optional .TSCE.RewriteTableUIDInfoArchive rewrite_table_id_info = 10;
optional .TSCE.TableTransposeInfoArchive transposed_table_info = 11;
optional .TSCE.MergeOriginMovedArchive merge_origin_moved_info = 12;
optional .TSCE.MergeSourceArchive merge_source = 13;
optional .TSCE.RewriteGroupNodeUIDInfoArchive group_node_info = 14;
optional .TSCE.GroupByChangeArchive groupby_change = 15;
message .TST.CommandRewriteFormulasForTransposeArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TST.FormulaRewriteSpecArchive rewrite_spec = 2;
required .TSCE.FormulasForUndoArchive formulas_to_rewrite = 3;
optional .TST.ImportWarningSetByCellRefArchive warningset_map = 4;
message .TST.CommandRewriteTableFormulasForRewriteSpecArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TST.FormulaRewriteSpecArchive rewrite_spec = 2;
required .TSCE.FormulasForUndoArchive formulas_to_rewrite = 3;
message .TST.CommandRewriteMergeFormulasArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TST.FormulaRewriteSpecArchive rewrite_spec = 2;
required .TSCE.FormulasForUndoArchive formulas_to_rewrite = 3;
message .TST.CommandRewriteCategoryFormulasArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TST.FormulaRewriteSpecArchive rewrite_spec = 2;
required .TSCE.FormulasForUndoArchive formulas_to_rewrite = 3;
message .TST.CommandRewriteFilterFormulasForTableResizeArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
message .TST.CommandRewriteFilterFormulasForRewriteSpecArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference filter_set = 2;
required .TST.FormulaRewriteSpecArchive rewrite_spec = 3;
message .TST.CommandRewriteConditionalStylesForRewriteSpecArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TST.FormulaRewriteSpecArchive rewrite_spec = 2;
optional .TSCE.FormulasForUndoArchive formulas_to_rewrite = 3;
optional .TSCE.ExpandedCellRefObjectMapArchive conditional_style_sets = 4;
message .TST.CommandRewritePivotOwnerFormulasArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TST.FormulaRewriteSpecArchive rewrite_spec = 2;
required .TSCE.FormulasForUndoArchive formulas_to_rewrite = 3;
message .TST.CommandMergeArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TST.CellUIDListArchive cell_uid_list = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_cell_map = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_formula_rewrite_command = 4;
optional uint32 merge_owner_rollback = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference commit_cell_map = 6;
message .TST.CommandInverseMergeArchive {
required .TST.CommandApplyCellMapArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUIDCoordArchive merge_source_cell_uid = 2;
message .TST.CommandUnmergeArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.UUIDRectArchive unmerge_uid_ranges = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_cell_map = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_formula_rewrite_command = 4;
message .TST.CommandChooseTableIdRemapperArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TST.MultiTableRemapperArchive table_id_mapper = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference formula_rewrite_command_for_undo = 3;
required bool apply_and_clear = 4;
message .TST.CommandCategorySetGroupingColumnsArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required int32 new_enabled_changing = 2;
required int32 old_enabled_changing = 3;
required .TST.GroupColumnListArchive new_grouping_columns = 4;
optional .TST.GroupColumnListArchive old_grouping_columns = 5;
required bool restore_base_order = 6;
repeated .TSP.UUID base_row_order = 7;
required bool undo_restore_base_order = 8;
repeated .TSP.UUID undo_base_row_order = 9;
required bool restore_view_order = 10;
repeated .TSP.UUID view_row_order = 11;
required bool undo_restore_view_order = 12;
repeated .TSP.UUID undo_view_row_order = 13;
repeated .TSP.UUID collapse_state = 14;
repeated .TSP.UUID undo_collapse_state = 15;
optional .TST.SummaryModelGroupByChangeStateArchive summary_change_state = 16;
optional .TST.SummaryModelGroupByChangeStateArchive undo_summary_change_state = 17;
optional .TST.ColumnAggregateListArchive new_column_aggregates = 18;
optional .TST.ColumnAggregateListArchive old_column_aggregates = 19;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_set_enabled_rewrite_command = 20;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_set_columns_rewrite_command = 21;
required bool force_restore_all_states = 22;
optional .TSP.Reference cell_diff_map = 23;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_cell_diff_map = 24;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_set_group_sort_order_command = 25;
message .TST.FormulaEditingCommandGroupArchive {
required .TSK.ProgressiveCommandGroupArchive super = 1;
required bool undoSelectionValid = 2;
required uint32 undoSelectionStart = 3;
required uint32 undoSelectionLength = 4;
required uint32 undoActiveToken = 5;
required bool redoSelectionValid = 6;
required uint32 redoSelectionStart = 7;
required uint32 redoSelectionLength = 8;
required uint32 redoActiveToken = 9;
message .TST.FormulaEditingCommandSelectionBehaviorArchive {
required .TSK.CommandSelectionBehaviorArchive super = 1;
optional uint32 undoActiveToken = 2;
optional uint32 redoActiveToken = 3;
message .TST.TableCommandSelectionBehaviorArchive {
required .TSK.CommandSelectionBehaviorArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference table_info = 2;
optional .TSP.UUID last_column_uid_hit_by_tap = 3;
optional uint32 invalidate_comments = 4;
message .TST.CommandApplyCellCommentArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUIDCoordArchive cell_uid = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference old_comment_storage = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference new_comment_storage = 4;
optional .TSD.CommentCommandVariant forward_variant = 5;
optional .TSD.CommentCommandVariant inverse_variant = 6;
message .TST.CommandSetFormulaTokenizationArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required bool tokenization = 2;
message .TST.CommandSetFilterSetTypeArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TST.FilterSetArchive.FilterSetType old_filter_set_type = 2;
required .TST.FilterSetArchive.FilterSetType new_filter_set_type = 3;
repeated .TSP.UUID rollback_uid_list = 4;
message .TST.CommandSetTextStyleArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference cell_diff_map = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference inverse_cell_diff_map = 3;
message .TST.CommandSetTextStylePropertiesArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference cell_diff_map = 2;
repeated bool cell_was_rich_text = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference inverse_cell_diff_map = 4;
message .TST.CommandJustForNotifyingArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required uint32 change_descriptor_type = 2;
message .TST.CommandSetStorageLanguageArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference storage = 2;
required string language = 3;
required uint32 range_location = 4;
required uint32 range_length = 5;
optional .TSWP.UndoTransaction undo_transaction = 6;
message .TST.CommandSetSortOrderArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TST.TableSortOrderArchive old_sort_order = 2;
optional .TST.TableSortOrderArchive new_sort_order = 3;
message .TST.CommandSetGroupSortOrderArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TST.TableGroupSortOrderUIDArchive old_group_sort_order = 2;
optional .TST.TableGroupSortOrderUIDArchive new_group_sort_order = 3;
message .TST.CommandRewriteSortOrderForTableResizeArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TST.TableSortOrderArchive old_sort_order = 2;
optional .TST.TableSortOrderArchive new_sort_order = 3;
message .TST.CommandRewriteSortOrderForRewriteSpecArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TST.FormulaRewriteSpecArchive rewrite_spec = 2;
optional .TST.TableSortOrderArchive old_sort_order = 3;
optional .TST.TableSortOrderArchive new_sort_order = 4;
message .TST.CommandSetFilterSetArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference new_filter_set = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference old_filter_set = 3;
repeated .TSP.UUID rollback_uid_list = 4;
message .TST.ColumnRowRestoreDataArchive {
repeated .TSP.UUID uid_list = 1;
repeated .TST.ColumnRowMetadataArchive metadatas = 2;
message .TST.CommandTransposeTableArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TST.ExpandedCellRange original_table_range = 2;
required .TSP.Reference original_cell_map = 3;
required uint32 original_footer_row_count = 4;
repeated float original_column_widths = 5;
repeated float original_row_heights = 6;
repeated .TST.CellRange ineligible_merge_list = 7;
required .TSP.Reference transposed_cell_map = 8;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_formula_rewrite_command = 9;
optional .TSP.Reference rich_text_subcommands = 10;
optional .TST.ColumnRowRestoreDataArchive column_restore_data = 11;
optional .TST.ColumnRowRestoreDataArchive row_restore_data = 12;
message .TST.CommandSetStructuredTextImportRecordArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TST.StructuredTextImportRecord new_import_record = 2;
optional .TST.StructuredTextImportRecord old_import_record = 3;
message .TST.CommandCategoryCollapseExpandGroupArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required bool is_collapsing = 2;
required .TST.GroupColumnListArchive grouping_columns = 3;
required .TST.ExpandCollapseStateArchive collapse_state = 4;
optional .TST.ExpandCollapseStateArchive undo_collapse_state = 5;
message .TST.CommandCategoryChangeSummaryAggregateType {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required uint32 aggregate_type = 2;
required uint32 undo_aggregate_type = 3;
required .TSP.UUID column_uid = 4;
required sint32 group_level = 5;
message .TST.CommandCategorySetLabelRowVisibility {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required uint32 group_level = 2;
required uint32 label_row_visibility = 3;
required uint32 undo_label_row_visibility = 4;
message .TST.CommandCategoryWillChangeGroupValue {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUID group_node_uid = 2;
optional .TSP.UUID undo_group_node_uid = 3;
optional .TSCE.CellValueArchive group_value = 4;
optional .TSCE.CellValueArchive undo_group_value = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference rewrite_command_for_undo = 6;
message .TST.IdempotentSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .TSP.Reference archived_selection = 1;
message .TST.WPSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .TST.TableSubSelectionTransformerBaseArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference archived_selection = 2;
optional .TSP.UUIDCoordArchive origin_cell_uid = 3;
message .TST.TableSubSelectionTransformerBaseArchive {
required .TSP.UUIDPath table_info_id_path = 1;
message .TST.TableNameSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .TST.TableSubSelectionTransformerBaseArchive super = 1;
message .TST.ControlCellSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .TST.TableSubSelectionTransformerBaseArchive super = 1;
optional .TST.CellUIDListArchive cell_uids = 2;
optional .TSP.UUIDCoordArchive origin_cell_uid = 3;
required .TSCE.CellCoordinateArchive origin_cell_id = 4;
message .TST.StockCellSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .TST.TableSubSelectionTransformerBaseArchive super = 1;
optional .TST.CellUIDListArchive cell_uids = 2;
optional .TSP.UUIDCoordArchive origin_cell_uid = 3;
required .TSCE.CellCoordinateArchive origin_cell_id = 4;
message .TST.RegionSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .TST.TableSubSelectionTransformerBaseArchive super = 1;
optional .TST.CellUIDListArchive cell_uids = 2;
optional .TSP.UUIDCoordArchive origin_cell_uid = 3;
required .TSP.UUIDCoordArchive anchor_cell_uid = 4;
required .TSP.UUIDCoordArchive cursor_cell_uid = 5;
message .TST.StrokeSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .TST.TableSubSelectionTransformerBaseArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference archived_selection = 2;
message .TST.RowColumnSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .TST.TableSubSelectionTransformerBaseArchive super = 1;
required .TST.SelectionTypeArchive selection_type = 2;
repeated .TSP.UUID row_col_uids = 3;
message .TST.CommandCategoryMoveRowsArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required uint32 action_type = 2;
repeated .TSP.UUID category_row_order = 3;
repeated .TSP.UUID undo_category_row_order = 4;
required .TSP.Reference cell_diff_map = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_cell_diff_map = 6;
optional .TST.GroupColumnListArchive grouping_columns = 7;
message .TST.CommandRewriteHiddenStatesForGroupByChangeArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSCE.GroupByChangeArchive group_by_change = 2;
optional .TST.ExpandCollapseStateArchive collapsed_state = 3;
message .TST.CommandRewritePencilAnnotationFormulasArchive {
message AnnotationPair {
required uint64 index = 1;
required .TSP.Reference annotation = 2;
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TST.FormulaRewriteSpecArchive rewrite_spec = 2;
required .TSCE.FormulasForUndoArchive formulas_to_rewrite = 3;
repeated .TST.CommandRewritePencilAnnotationFormulasArchive.AnnotationPair annotations_for_undo = 4;
message .TST.CommandPivotSetPivotRulesArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.UUID new_target_pivot_refresh_uid = 2;
optional .TST.GroupColumnListArchive new_row_groupings = 3;
optional .TST.GroupColumnListArchive old_row_groupings = 4;
optional .TST.GroupColumnListArchive new_column_groupings = 5;
optional .TST.GroupColumnListArchive old_column_groupings = 6;
optional .TST.ColumnAggregateListArchive new_aggregates = 7;
optional .TST.ColumnAggregateListArchive old_aggregates = 8;
optional .TST.TableDimensionArchive new_flattening_dimension = 9;
optional .TST.TableDimensionArchive old_flattening_dimension = 10;
optional .TSP.Reference new_pivot_data_model = 11;
optional .TSP.Reference old_pivot_data_model = 12;
optional .TSP.UUID new_pivot_refresh_uid = 13;
optional .TSP.UUID old_pivot_refresh_uid = 14;
optional double new_pivot_refresh_timestamp = 15;
optional double old_pivot_refresh_timestamp = 16;
optional .TSP.Reference new_options_map = 17;
optional .TSP.Reference old_options_map = 18;
repeated .TSP.UUID new_view_row_order = 19;
repeated .TSP.UUID old_view_row_order = 20;
repeated .TSP.UUID new_view_column_order = 21;
repeated .TSP.UUID old_view_column_order = 22;
repeated .TSP.UUID new_collapsed_row_groups = 23;
repeated .TSP.UUID old_collapsed_row_groups = 24;
repeated .TSP.UUID new_collapsed_column_groups = 25;
repeated .TSP.UUID old_collapsed_column_groups = 26;
optional .TST.HierarchicalCellDiffMapArchive new_hierarchical_cell_diff_map = 27;
optional .TST.HierarchicalCellDiffMapArchive old_hierarchical_cell_diff_map = 28;
optional .TSP.Reference formula_rewrite_command_for_undo = 29;
optional .TSP.UUIDRectArchive new_body_uid_tract = 30;
optional .TSP.UUIDRectArchive old_body_uid_tract = 31;
optional .TSP.UUID old_target_pivot_refresh_uid = 32;
optional .TSP.UUID new_target_pivot_row_column_rule_change_uid = 33;
optional .TSP.UUID old_target_pivot_row_column_rule_change_uid = 34;
optional .TSP.UUID new_target_pivot_aggregate_rule_change_uid = 35;
optional .TSP.UUID old_target_pivot_aggregate_rule_change_uid = 36;
optional bool is_order_finalized = 37;
optional .TSP.Reference new_filter_set = 39;
optional .TSP.Reference old_filter_set = 40;
optional bool use_small_table_limits = 41;
optional int32 setting_filters_enabled = 42;
optional int32 undo_setting_filters_enabled = 43;
message .TST.CommandPivotSetGroupingColumnOptionsArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.UUID grouping_column_uid = 2;
optional uint32 non_sorting_flag = 3;
optional bool bool_value = 4;
optional bool undo_bool_value = 5;
message .TST.CommandPivotHideShowGrandTotalsArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TST.TableDimensionArchive dimension = 2;
optional bool is_hiding = 3;
optional bool undo_is_hiding = 4;
message .TST.CommandPivotSortArchive {
required .TST.TableCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TST.TableDimensionArchive dimension = 2;
repeated .TSP.UUID column_order = 3;
repeated .TSP.UUID undo_column_order = 4;
repeated .TSP.UUID row_order = 5;
repeated .TSP.UUID undo_row_order = 6;
required .TSP.UUID target_pivot_row_column_rule_change_uid = 7;
required .TSP.UUID target_pivot_aggregate_rule_change_uid = 8;
required .TSP.UUID target_pivot_data_refresh_uid = 9;
optional .TSP.UUID grouping_column_uid = 10;
optional uint32 sorting_flags = 11;
optional uint32 undo_sorting_flags = 12;
optional .TSP.UUID sorting_aggregate_rule_uid = 13;
optional .TSP.UUID undo_sorting_aggregate_rule_uid = 14;
required bool is_order_finalized = 15;
message .TST.CommandRewriteTrackedReferencesArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TST.FormulaRewriteSpecArchive rewrite_spec = 2;
message .TST.CommandExtendTableIDHistoryArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TST.FormulaRewriteSpecArchive rewrite_spec = 2;
optional .TSCE.RewriteTableUIDInfoArchive table_uid_history_rollback = 3;
message .KN.AnimationAttributesArchive {
optional string animation_type = 1;
optional string effect = 2;
optional double duration = 3;
optional uint32 direction = 4;
optional double delay = 5;
optional bool is_automatic = 6;
optional .TSP.Color color = 7;
optional .TSD.PathSourceArchive custom_effect_timing_curve_1 = 8;
optional .TSD.PathSourceArchive custom_effect_timing_curve_2 = 9;
optional .TSD.PathSourceArchive custom_effect_timing_curve_3 = 10;
optional uint32 random_number_seed = 11;
optional double custom_detail = 12;
optional string custom_effect_timing_curve_theme_name_1 = 13;
optional string custom_effect_timing_curve_theme_name_2 = 14;
optional string custom_effect_timing_curve_theme_name_3 = 15;
optional bool writing_direction_is_rtl = 16;
message .KN.TransitionAttributesArchive {
enum TransitionCustomAttributesTimingCurveType {
TransitionCustomAttributesTimingCurveTypeLinear = 1;
TransitionCustomAttributesTimingCurveTypeEaseIn = 2;
TransitionCustomAttributesTimingCurveTypeEaseOut = 3;
TransitionCustomAttributesTimingCurveTypeEaseInEaseOut = 4;
TransitionCustomAttributesTimingCurveTypeCustom = 5;
enum TransitionCustomAttributesTextDeliveryType {
TransitionCustomAttributesTextDeliveryTypeByObject = 1;
TransitionCustomAttributesTextDeliveryTypeByWord = 2;
TransitionCustomAttributesTextDeliveryTypeByCharacter = 3;
TransitionCustomAttributesTextDeliveryTypeByLine = 4;
optional .KN.AnimationAttributesArchive animationAttributes = 8;
optional float custom_twist = 9;
optional uint32 custom_mosaic_size = 10;
optional uint32 custom_mosaic_type = 11;
optional bool custom_bounce = 12;
optional bool custom_magic_move_fade_unmatched_objects = 13;
optional .KN.TransitionAttributesArchive.TransitionCustomAttributesTimingCurveType custom_timing_curve = 15;
optional .KN.TransitionAttributesArchive.TransitionCustomAttributesTextDeliveryType custom_text_delivery_type = 16;
optional bool custom_motion_blur = 17;
optional float custom_travel_distance = 18;
optional string database_animation_type = 1 [deprecated = true];
optional string database_effect = 2 [deprecated = true];
optional double database_duration = 3 [deprecated = true];
optional uint32 database_direction = 4 [deprecated = true];
optional float database_delay = 5 [deprecated = true];
optional bool database_is_automatic = 6 [deprecated = true];
optional .TSP.Color database_color = 7 [deprecated = true];
message .KN.TransitionArchive {
required .KN.TransitionAttributesArchive attributes = 2;
message .KN.BuildChunkArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference build = 1;
optional uint32 index = 2 [deprecated = true];
optional double delay = 3;
optional double duration = 4;
optional bool automatic = 5;
optional bool referent = 6;
optional .KN.BuildChunkIdentifierArchive build_chunk_identifier = 7;
optional .TSP.UUID build_id = 8;
message .KN.BuildChunkIdentifierArchive {
optional .TSP.UUID build_id = 1;
optional int32 build_chunk_id = 2;
message .KN.BuildAttributeValueArchive {
enum BuildAttributeValueType {
k_integer = 0;
k_double = 2;
k_bool = 3;
k_string = 4;
k_path_source = 5;
k_color = 6;
optional uint32 integer_value = 1;
optional double double_value = 2;
optional bool bool_value = 3;
optional string string_value = 4;
optional .TSD.PathSourceArchive path_source_value = 5;
optional .TSP.Color color_value = 6;
optional .KN.BuildAttributeValueArchive.BuildAttributeValueType type = 7;
message .KN.BuildAttributeTupleArchive {
optional string property = 1;
optional .KN.BuildAttributeValueArchive value = 2;
optional .TSP.UUID build_id = 3;
optional .KN.BuildChunkIdentifierArchive build_chunk_identifier = 4;
message .KN.BuildAttributesArchive {
enum BuildAttributesAcceleration {
kNone = 0;
kEaseIn = 1;
kEaseOut = 2;
kEaseBoth = 3;
kCustom = 4;
enum BuildAttributesRotationDirection {
kClockwise = 31;
kCounterclockwise = 32;
enum BuildAttributesCurveStyle {
kStraight = 0;
kCurved = 1;
enum BuildAttributesTextDelivery {
kTextDeliveryUndefined = 0;
kTextDeliveryByObject = 1;
kTextDeliveryByWord = 2;
kTextDeliveryByCharacter = 3;
kTextDeliveryByLine = 4;
enum BuildAttributesDeliveryOption {
kDeliveryOptionUndefined = 0;
kDeliveryOptionForward = 1;
kDeliveryOptionBackward = 2;
kDeliveryOptionFromCenter = 3;
kDeliveryOptionFromEdges = 4;
kDeliveryOptionRandom = 5;
enum ActionBuildAttributesJiggleIntensity {
kJiggleIntensitySmall = 0;
kJiggleIntensityMedium = 1;
kJiggleIntensityLarge = 2;
optional .KN.AnimationAttributesArchive animationAttributes = 18;
optional uint32 eventTrigger = 4;
optional double delayAutomaticAfter = 6 [deprecated = true];
optional double delayAutomaticWith = 7 [deprecated = true];
optional .KN.BuildAttributesArchive.BuildAttributesCurveStyle curveStyle = 14;
optional double ChartRotation3D = 17;
optional uint32 startOffset = 27;
optional uint32 endOffset = 28;
optional double action_rotationAngle = 9;
optional .KN.BuildAttributesArchive.BuildAttributesRotationDirection action_rotationDirection = 10;
optional double action_scaleSize = 11;
optional double action_colorAlpha = 12;
optional .KN.BuildAttributesArchive.BuildAttributesAcceleration action_acceleration = 13;
optional .TSD.PathSourceArchive action_motionPathSource = 22;
optional bool custom_bounce = 19;
optional .KN.BuildAttributesArchive.BuildAttributesTextDelivery custom_textDelivery = 20;
optional .KN.BuildAttributesArchive.BuildAttributesDeliveryOption custom_deliveryOption = 21;
optional bool custom_action_decay = 23;
optional uint32 custom_action_repeatCount = 24;
optional double custom_action_scale = 25;
optional .KN.BuildAttributesArchive.ActionBuildAttributesJiggleIntensity custom_action_jiggleIntensity = 26;
optional bool custom_motion_blur = 29;
optional bool custom_include_endpoints = 30;
optional bool custom_shine = 33;
optional double custom_scale_amount = 34;
optional double custom_travel_distance = 35;
optional bool custom_cursor = 36;
optional bool custom_align_to_path = 37;
optional string database_animationType = 1 [deprecated = true];
optional string database_effect = 2 [deprecated = true];
optional uint32 database_direction = 3 [deprecated = true];
optional double database_delay = 5 [deprecated = true];
optional double database_duration = 8 [deprecated = true];
optional .TSP.Color database_color = 16 [deprecated = true];
optional string motionPathString = 15 [deprecated = true];
message .KN.BuildArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference drawable = 1;
required string delivery = 2;
optional double duration = 3 [deprecated = true];
required .KN.BuildAttributesArchive attributes = 4;
optional int32 chunk_id_seed = 5;
message .KN.PlaceholderArchive {
enum Kind {
kKindPlaceholder = 0;
kKindSlideNumberPlaceholder = 1;
kKindTitlePlaceholder = 2;
kKindBodyPlaceholder = 3;
kKindObjectPlaceholder = 4;
required .TSWP.ShapeInfoArchive super = 1;
optional .KN.PlaceholderArchive.Kind kind = 2 [default = kKindPlaceholder];
message .KN.NoteArchive {
required .TSP.Reference containedStorage = 1;
message .KN.ClassicStylesheetRecordArchive {
repeated .TSS.StylesheetArchive.IdentifiedStyleEntry identifier_to_style_map = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference deprecated_theme = 2 [deprecated = true];
message .KN.ClassicThemeRecordArchive {
optional string uuid = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference stylesheetRecord = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference templates = 3;
message .KN.SlideArchive {
message SageTagMapEntry {
required string tag = 1;
required .TSP.Reference info = 2;
message InstructionalTextMap {
message InstructionalTextMapEntry {
optional .TSP.Reference info = 1;
required string instructional_text = 2;
repeated .KN.SlideArchive.InstructionalTextMap.InstructionalTextMapEntry instructional_text_for_infos = 1;
required .TSP.Reference style = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference builds = 2;
repeated .KN.BuildChunkArchive buildChunkArchives = 3 [deprecated = true];
repeated .TSP.Reference buildChunks = 43;
required .KN.TransitionArchive transition = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference titlePlaceholder = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference bodyPlaceholder = 6;
optional .TSP.Reference objectPlaceholder = 30;
optional .TSP.Reference slideNumberPlaceholder = 20;
repeated .TSP.Reference owned_drawables = 7;
repeated .TSP.Reference drawables_z_order = 42;
repeated .KN.SlideArchive.SageTagMapEntry sage_tag_to_info_map = 28;
optional .KN.SlideArchive.InstructionalTextMap instructional_text_map = 45;
optional string name = 10;
optional .TSD.GeometryArchive titlePlaceholderGeometry = 11;
optional uint32 titlePlaceholderShapeStyleIndex = 12;
optional uint32 titlePlaceholderTextStyleIndex = 13;
optional .TSWP.ShapeStylePropertiesArchive titleLayoutProperties = 24;
optional .TSD.GeometryArchive bodyPlaceholderGeometry = 14;
optional uint32 bodyPlaceholderShapeStyleIndex = 15;
optional uint32 bodyPlaceholderTextStyleIndex = 16;
optional .TSWP.ShapeStylePropertiesArchive bodyLayoutProperties = 25;
optional .TSD.GeometryArchive slideNumberPlaceholderGeometry = 21;
optional uint32 slideNumberPlaceholderShapeStyleIndex = 22;
optional uint32 slideNumberPlaceholderTextStyleIndex = 23;
optional .TSWP.ShapeStylePropertiesArchive slideNumberLayoutProperties = 26;
optional .TSP.Reference classicStylesheetRecord = 29;
repeated .TSP.Reference bodyParagraphStyles = 31;
repeated .TSP.Reference bodyListStyles = 35;
optional string thumbnailTextForTitlePlaceholder = 37;
optional string thumbnailTextForBodyPlaceholder = 38;
optional bool slide_objects_layer_with_template = 41 [default = false];
optional .TSP.Reference template_slide = 17;
repeated .TSD.GuideArchive staticGuides = 18;
optional .TSP.Reference userDefinedGuideStorage = 36;
required bool inDocument = 19;
optional .TSP.Reference note = 27;
repeated .TSP.Reference infos_using_object_placeholder_geometry = 44;
optional bool deprecated_objectPlaceholderVisibleForExport = 34;
optional .TSP.Reference info_using_object_placeholder_geometry = 39;
optional bool info_using_object_placeholder_geometry_matches_object_placeholder_geometry = 40;
message .KN.SlideNodeArchive {
message SlideSpecificHyperlinkMapEntry {
required string slideNodeIDString = 1;
repeated string infoOrStorageIDString = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference children = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference slide = 2;
optional uint32 depth = 21 [default = 1];
repeated .TSP.DataReference thumbnails = 16;
repeated .TSP.Size thumbnailSizes = 10;
optional bool thumbnailsAreDirty = 14;
repeated string digests_for_datas_needing_download_for_thumbnail = 25;
required bool isSkipped = 4;
optional bool isCollapsed = 5 [deprecated = true];
optional bool isCollapsedInOutlineView = 17 [deprecated = true];
optional bool hasBodyInOutlineView = 19 [deprecated = true];
required bool hasBuilds = 6 [deprecated = true];
required bool hasTransition = 7;
optional bool hasNote = 8;
optional bool isSlideNumberVisible = 18 [default = false];
optional string uniqueIdentifier = 11 [deprecated = true];
optional string copyFromSlideIdentifier = 12;
optional uint32 slideSpecificHyperlinkCount = 13 [deprecated = true];
optional uint32 build_event_count = 15;
optional uint32 build_event_count_cache_version = 26;
optional bool build_event_count_is_up_to_date = 22 [deprecated = true];
optional bool has_explicit_builds = 20;
optional uint32 has_explicit_builds_cache_version = 27;
optional bool has_explicit_builds_is_up_to_date = 23 [deprecated = true];
repeated .KN.SlideNodeArchive.SlideSpecificHyperlinkMapEntry slideSpecificHyperlinkMap = 24;
optional bool background_is_no_fill_or_color_fill_with_alpha = 28;
optional .TSP.UUID template_slide_id = 29;
repeated .TSP.UUID live_video_source_ids = 30;
repeated .KN.LiveVideoSourceUsageEntry live_video_source_usage_entries = 31;
optional .TSP.Reference database_thumbnail = 3 [deprecated = true];
repeated .TSP.Reference database_thumbnails = 9 [deprecated = true];
message .KN.DesktopUILayoutArchive {
enum SidebarViewMode {
kSidebarViewModeNavigator = 0;
kSidebarViewModeOutline = 1;
enum InspectorPaneViewMode {
kInspectorPaneViewModeFormat = 0;
kInspectorPaneViewModeAnimate = 1;
kInspectorPaneViewModeSetup = 2;
optional bool sidebar_visible = 1;
optional .KN.DesktopUILayoutArchive.SidebarViewMode sidebar_view_mode = 2;
optional bool notes_visible = 3;
optional bool light_table_visible = 5;
optional bool inspector_pane_visible = 6 [default = true];
optional .KN.DesktopUILayoutArchive.InspectorPaneViewMode inspector_pane_view_mode = 7 [default = kInspectorPaneViewModeFormat];
optional bool showing_template_slides = 8;
optional bool inspector_pane_autohidden = 9;
optional bool element_list_visible = 10;
optional bool activity_stream_visible = 11;
optional bool activity_stream_was_visible = 12;
message .KN.UIStateArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference slideNodeToEdit = 1 [deprecated = true];
optional .TSP.Reference deprecated_template_slide_node_to_apply = 2;
optional .TSP.Size deprecated_slideThumbnailSize = 3;
optional float canvasViewScale = 4;
optional .TSP.Point canvasOffset = 5;
repeated .TSP.Reference selectedSlideNodes = 6 [deprecated = true];
optional float iPhoneCanvasViewScale = 7 [deprecated = true];
optional .TSP.Point iPhoneCanvasOffset = 8 [deprecated = true];
optional float iPhone568CanvasViewScale = 9 [deprecated = true];
optional .TSP.Point iPhone568CanvasOffset = 10 [deprecated = true];
optional .TSP.Reference desktop_ui_layout = 11;
optional bool desktop_slide_view_content_fits_window = 12;
optional float desktop_canvas_view_scale = 13;
optional .TSP.Point desktop_canvas_offset = 21;
optional float light_table_zoom_scale = 14;
repeated .TSCH.ChartUIState chart_ui_state = 15;
optional bool show_slide_guides = 16;
optional bool show_template_guides = 17;
optional bool shows_comments = 18;
optional bool comments_printing_toggle_enabled = 39;
repeated .TSP.Reference collapsed_slide_nodes = 19;
repeated .TSP.Reference outline_collapsed_slide_nodes = 28;
repeated .TSP.Reference outline_has_body_slide_nodes = 30;
optional bool shows_ruler = 20;
optional float desktop_navigator_view_width = 22;
optional float desktop_outline_view_width = 23;
optional bool desktop_outline_view_default_fixed = 31;
optional .TSP.Size desktop_main_content_size = 24;
optional float desktop_presenter_notes_view_height = 25;
optional .TSP.Point desktop_main_window_origin = 26;
optional bool light_table_hides_skipped_slides = 27;
optional .TSK.SelectionPathArchive selection_path = 29;
optional float desktop_element_list_view_width = 32;
repeated .TSP.Reference element_list_expanded_groups = 33;
optional bool shows_mobile_light_table = 34;
optional float mobile_light_table_zoom_scale = 35;
optional bool mobile_light_table_hides_skipped_slides = 36;
optional .TSP.Reference freehand_drawing_toolkit_state = 37;
optional .TSP.Reference selection_path_transformer = 38;
optional bool shows_mobile_outline = 40;
optional bool editing_disabled = 41;
optional float desktop_activity_stream_view_width = 42;
message .KN.IOSRestorableViewStateRootArchive {
optional .KN.IOSSavedPlaybackStateArchive saved_playback_state = 1;
message .KN.IOSSavedPlaybackStateArchive {
enum PresentationType {
Manual = 1;
Record = 2;
PlayRecording = 3;
Rehearse = 4;
Showcast_DEPRECATED = 5;
optional .KN.IOSSavedPlaybackStateArchive.PresentationType presentation_type = 1;
optional uint32 slide_node_index = 2;
optional uint32 event_index = 3;
repeated string breadcrumb_trail = 4;
optional bool had_external_display = 5;
optional bool is_elapsed_time_started = 6;
optional double elapsed_time_start_time = 7;
optional double recording_playback_current_time = 8;
optional bool should_show_slide_navigator = 9;
optional bool is_multi_presenter_show = 10;
message .KN.CanvasSelectionArchive {
repeated .TSP.Reference infos = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference non_interactive_infos = 5;
repeated .TSP.Reference infos_for_action_ghost_indexes = 6;
repeated .TSP.IndexSet action_ghost_indexes = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference build_chunks = 4;
repeated uint32 database_action_ghost_indexes = 2 [deprecated = true];
message .KN.ActionGhostSelectionArchive {
message .KN.ThemeCustomTimingCurveArchive {
required string name = 1;
required .TSD.PathSourceArchive curve = 2;
message .KN.ThemeArchive {
required .TSS.ThemeArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference templates = 2;
optional string uuid = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference classicThemeRecords = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference default_template_slide_node = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference default_template_slide_node_reference = 6;
optional bool default_template_slide_node_is_our_best_guess = 7;
repeated .KN.ThemeCustomTimingCurveArchive custom_effect_timing_curves = 8;
optional .TSP.Reference live_video_source_collection = 9;
repeated .TSP.Reference motion_background_style_presets = 10;
message .KN.SlideTreeArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference rootSlideNode = 1 [deprecated = true];
repeated .TSP.Reference slides = 2;
message .KN.ShowArchive {
enum KNShowMode {
kKNShowModeNormal = 0;
kKNShowModeAutoPlay = 1;
kKNShowModeHyperlinksOnly = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference uiState = 1;
required .TSP.Reference theme = 2;
required .KN.SlideTreeArchive slideTree = 3;
required .TSP.Size size = 4;
required .TSP.Reference stylesheet = 5;
optional bool slideNumbersVisible = 6;
optional .TSP.Reference recording = 7;
optional bool loop_presentation = 8;
optional .KN.ShowArchive.KNShowMode mode = 9 [default = kKNShowModeNormal];
optional double autoplay_transition_delay = 10 [default = 5];
optional double autoplay_build_delay = 11 [default = 2];
optional bool idle_timer_active = 15;
optional double idle_timer_delay = 16 [default = 900];
optional .TSP.Reference soundtrack = 17;
optional bool automatically_plays_upon_open = 18;
optional .TSP.Reference slideList = 19;
message .KN.DocumentArchive {
required .TSA.DocumentArchive super = 3;
required .TSP.Reference show = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference tables_custom_format_list = 4;
message .KN.SlideStylePropertiesArchive {
optional .TSD.FillArchive fill = 1;
optional .KN.TransitionAttributesArchive transition = 2;
optional bool transition_null = 3;
optional bool titlePlaceholderVisibility = 4;
optional bool bodyPlaceholderVisibility = 5;
optional bool objectPlaceholderVisibility = 7;
optional bool slideNumberPlaceholderVisibility = 6;
message .KN.SlideStyleArchive {
required .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
optional uint32 override_count = 10 [default = 0];
optional .KN.SlideStylePropertiesArchive slide_properties = 11;
message .KN.PasteboardNativeStorageArchive {
message LiveVideoSourcePair {
optional .TSP.Reference live_video_info = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference live_video_source = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference drawables = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference builds = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference buildChunks = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference slideNodes = 4;
repeated .TSP.Reference displayed_slide_nodes = 12;
repeated .TSP.Reference template_slide_nodes = 9;
repeated .TSP.Reference collapsedSlideNodes = 10;
repeated .TSP.Reference outlineCollapsedSlideNodes = 11;
repeated .TSP.Reference outlineHasBodySlideNodes = 13;
optional .TSP.Size originalShowSize = 5;
repeated .TSP.Range titleRanges = 6;
repeated .TSD.GeometryArchive geometries_in_root = 7;
optional string slide_node_unique_identifier = 8;
repeated .KN.ThemeCustomTimingCurveArchive custom_effect_timing_curves = 14;
repeated string original_slide_node_UUIDs = 15;
optional bool slide_nodes_have_datas_needing_download = 16;
optional .KN.TransitionArchive transition = 17;
repeated .KN.PasteboardNativeStorageArchive.LiveVideoSourcePair live_video_sources = 18;
message .KN.PrototypeForUndoTemplateChangeArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference slide_style = 1;
required .TSP.UUID template_slide_id = 2;
repeated .TSP.UUID drawable_info_id_list = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference placeholders = 4;
repeated string placeholder_tags_list = 5;
message .KN.RecordingArchive {
enum RecordingSyncStateEnum {
kRecordingSyncStateInSyncWithShow = 0;
kRecordingSyncStateOutOfSyncWithShow = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference event_tracks = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference movie_track = 2;
optional double duration = 3;
optional .KN.RecordingArchive.RecordingSyncStateEnum sync_state_enum = 4 [default = kRecordingSyncStateInSyncWithShow, deprecated = true];
optional .TSP.Date modification_date = 5;
optional .KN.RecordingSyncState sync_state = 6;
optional .KN.RecordingCorrectionHistory correction_history = 7;
message .KN.RecordingSyncState {
optional .TSP.UUID out_of_sync_token = 1;
optional bool can_clear_out_of_sync_token = 2 [default = false];
message .KN.RecordingCorrectionHistory {
optional bool did_add_missing_events_for_radar_49654305 = 1;
message .KN.RecordingEventTrackArchive {
optional string type = 1;
repeated .KN.RecordingEventArchive events = 2;
message .KN.RecordingEventArchive {
optional double start_time = 1 [default = -1];
optional .KN.RecordingNavigationEventArchive navigation_event_archive = 1000;
optional .KN.RecordingLaserEventArchive laser_event_archive = 1001;
optional .KN.RecordingPauseEventArchive pause_event_archive = 1002;
optional .KN.RecordingMovieEventArchive movie_event_archive = 1003;
message .KN.RecordingNavigationEventArchive {
enum RecordingNavigationEventAnimationPhase {
kRecordingNavigationEventAnimationNone = 0;
kRecordingNavigationEventAnimationStart = 1;
kRecordingNavigationEventAnimationEnd = 2;
optional .TSP.UUID target_slide_node_id = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference target_slide_node_reference = 1;
optional uint32 target_event_index = 2;
optional .KN.RecordingNavigationEventArchive.RecordingNavigationEventAnimationPhase animation_phase = 3 [default = kRecordingNavigationEventAnimationNone];
message .KN.RecordingLaserEventArchive {
optional .TSP.Point unscaled_location = 1 [deprecated = true];
optional .TSP.Point unit_location = 2;
message .KN.RecordingPauseEventArchive {
enum RecordingPauseEventType {
kRecordingPauseEventTypeResume = 0;
kRecordingPauseEventTypePause = 1;
kRecordingPauseEventTypeConcealWithBlack = 2;
kRecordingPauseEventTypeConcealWithWhite = 3;
optional .KN.RecordingPauseEventArchive.RecordingPauseEventType pause_event_type = 1 [default = kRecordingPauseEventTypeResume];
message .KN.RecordingMovieEventArchive {
enum RecordingMovieEventType {
kRecordingMovieEventNone = 0;
kRecordingMovieEventSeek = 1;
kRecordingMovieEventSetRate = 2;
kRecordingMovieEventStartPlayback = 3;
kRecordingMovieEventStopPlayback = 4;
kRecordingMovieEventBeginScrubbing = 5;
kRecordingMovieEventEndScrubbing = 6;
optional .TSP.Reference movie_info_reference = 1;
optional .KN.RecordingMovieEventArchive.RecordingMovieEventType movie_event_type = 2 [default = kRecordingMovieEventSeek];
optional double movie_event_value = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference movie_info_that_played_across_slides_reference = 4;
optional .TSP.UUID movie_slide_node_id = 5;
message .KN.RecordingMovieTrackArchive {
repeated .KN.MovieSegmentArchive movie_segments = 1;
optional bool is_movie_segment_data_trimmed_to_duration = 2;
message .KN.MovieSegmentArchive {
optional .TSP.DataReference movie_data = 3;
optional double start_time = 2 [default = -1];
optional .TSP.Reference database_movie_data = 1;
message .KN.Soundtrack {
enum SoundtrackMode {
kKNSoundtrackModePlayOnce = 0;
kKNSoundtrackModeLoop = 1;
kKNSoundtrackModeDoNotPlay = 2;
optional double volume = 1;
optional .KN.Soundtrack.SoundtrackMode mode = 2 [default = kKNSoundtrackModePlayOnce];
repeated .TSP.DataReference movie_media = 3;
message .KN.SlideNumberAttachmentArchive {
required .TSWP.TextualAttachmentArchive super = 1;
message .KN.SlideCollectionSelectionArchive {
message OutlineSelection {
required .TSP.Reference slide_node = 1;
required .TSP.IndexSet selected_paragraph_indexes = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference slide_nodes = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference slide_node_to_edit = 2;
repeated .KN.SlideCollectionSelectionArchive.OutlineSelection selected_paragraph_indexes_for_slide_nodes = 3;
optional .TSP.Range range_in_selected_paragraph = 4;
message .KN.PresenterNotesSelectionArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference slide_node = 1;
message .KN.MixedIdOperationArgs {
enum ArgsListKind {
Add = 0;
Remove = 1;
ShowPlaceholder = 2;
HidePlaceholder = 3;
repeated .KN.MixedIdOperationArgs.ArgsListKind args_list_types = 1;
repeated .TSCK.AddIdOperationArgs add_args_list = 2;
repeated .TSCK.IdPlacementOperationArgs show_placeholder_args_list = 3;
repeated .TSCK.RemoveIdOperationArgs remove_args_list = 4;
repeated .TSCK.IdPlacementOperationArgs hide_placeholder_args_list = 5;
message .KN.LiveVideoInfo {
optional .TSP.UUID source_id = 1;
optional bool is_placeholder = 2;
optional double scale = 3;
optional .TSP.Point normalized_offset = 4;
optional int32 mask_kind = 5;
optional double mask_corner_radius = 6;
optional int32 background_kind = 7;
optional .TSD.FillArchive background_fill = 8;
extend .TSD.MovieArchive {
optional .KN.LiveVideoInfo live_video_info = 100;
message .KN.LiveVideoSource {
optional string name = 1;
optional .KN.LiveVideoCaptureDeviceDescription capture_device_description = 2;
optional .KN.LiveVideoSourceCollaborationCommandUsageState collaboration_command_usage_state = 3;
optional .TSP.DataReference poster_image_data = 4;
optional string symbol_abbreviation_text = 5;
optional int32 symbol_image_identifier = 6;
optional int32 symbol_tint_color_identifier = 7;
optional bool is_default_source = 8;
message .KN.LiveVideoSourceCollaborationCommandUsageState {
optional .TSP.UUID single_collaboration_command_usage_token = 1;
optional bool has_multiple_collaboration_command_usage_tokens = 2;
message .KN.LiveVideoCaptureDeviceDescription {
enum Position {
Unspecified = 0;
Back = 1;
Front = 2;
optional string unique_id = 1;
optional .KN.LiveVideoCaptureDeviceDescription.Position position = 2;
optional string device_type = 3;
optional string localized_name = 4;
optional bool is_ios_screen_recording_device = 5;
optional string model_id = 6;
optional .TSP.Size default_video_resolution = 7;
message .KN.LiveVideoSourceCollection {
repeated .TSP.Reference sources = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference default_source = 2;
message .KN.LiveVideoSourceUsageEntry {
repeated int32 background_kinds = 1;
message .KN.MotionBackgroundStylePropertiesArchive {
optional string background_name = 1;
optional string variant = 2;
optional .TSD.FillArchive color_gradient = 3;
optional int32 random_number_seed = 10;
optional double color_blur_sigma = 11;
optional double noise_amplitude = 12;
optional double noise_octaves = 13;
optional double noise_scale = 14;
optional double noise_speed = 15;
optional double color_palette_offset = 16;
optional double zoom = 17;
optional bool invert = 18;
optional string blend_mode = 19;
optional string source_blend_factor = 20;
optional string dest_blend_factor = 21;
optional string motion = 22;
optional .TSP.Color background_color = 23;
optional .TSP.Color foreground_color = 24;
optional .TSP.Color line_color = 25;
optional .TSP.Color point_color = 26;
optional double alpha = 27;
optional double border = 28;
optional double blend = 29;
optional double brightness = 30;
optional double border_lightness = 31;
optional double contrast = 32;
optional double damping = 33;
optional double density = 34;
optional double diffuse_power = 35;
optional double distortion = 36;
optional double entropy = 37;
optional double exposure = 38;
optional double filter = 39;
optional double fog_distance = 40;
optional double fog_power = 41;
optional double gamma = 42;
optional double grain_amount = 43;
optional double grain_intensity = 44;
optional double hue = 45;
optional double lightness = 46;
optional double line_alpha = 47;
optional double line_center = 48;
optional double line_fade = 49;
optional double line_fade_power = 50;
optional double line_length = 51;
optional double line_width = 52;
optional double noise_size_scale = 53;
optional double noise_size_weight = 54;
optional double noise_variance = 55;
optional double offset = 56;
optional double motion_background_opacity = 57;
optional double point_depth_alpha = 58;
optional double point_size = 59;
optional double radius = 60;
optional double refraction = 61;
optional double resolution = 62;
optional double saturation = 63;
optional double scale = 64;
optional double shadow_alpha = 65;
optional double shadow_angle = 66;
optional double shadow_offset = 67;
optional double shadow_scale = 68;
optional double shadow_value = 69;
optional double speed = 70;
optional double texture_power = 71;
optional double time = 72;
optional bool draw_points = 73;
optional bool draw_lines = 74;
optional bool draw_shadows = 75;
optional uint32 pixels_per_division = 76;
optional bool symmetry = 77;
optional bool lock_focus = 78;
optional double amplitude = 79;
optional double envelope = 80;
optional double y_offset = 81;
optional double focus = 82;
optional double blur = 83;
optional double grain_speed = 84;
optional .TSP.Color mesh_color = 85;
optional double angle = 86;
optional double mesh_line_width = 87;
optional double delta_time = 88;
optional double time_start = 89;
optional double color_contrast = 90;
optional double color_gamma = 91;
optional double color_saturation = 92;
optional double color_brightness = 93;
optional double color_hue = 94;
optional double color_vibrance = 95;
optional double noise_movement = 96;
optional double power = 97;
optional double threshold = 98;
optional double noise_scale_horizontal = 99;
optional double noise_scale_vertical = 100;
optional double noise_gain = 101;
optional double noise_lacunarity = 102;
optional int32 instance_count = 103;
optional double extrusion = 104;
optional double noise_offset = 105;
optional double color_hue_offset = 106;
optional double shadow_hue = 107;
optional double shadow_hue_offset = 108;
optional double shadow_saturation = 109;
optional double shadow_brightness = 110;
optional double shadow_intensity = 111;
optional double shadow_power = 112;
optional int32 noise_octaves_iterations = 113;
message .KN.MotionBackgroundStyleArchive {
required .TSS.StyleArchive super = 1;
optional uint32 override_count = 10 [default = 0];
optional .KN.MotionBackgroundStylePropertiesArchive slide_properties = 11;
optional .TSP.DataReference poster_frame_data = 12;
message .KN.MotionBackgroundFillArchive {
required .TSP.Reference motion_background_style = 1;
extend .TSD.FillArchive {
optional .KN.MotionBackgroundFillArchive motionBackgroundFill = 200;
message .KNSOS.SpecSetTransitionAttributesArchive {
optional .KN.TransitionAttributesArchive transition_attributes = 1;
required bool unset = 2;
message .KNSOS.SpecTransitionAttributesArchive {
optional .KNSOS.SpecSetTransitionAttributesArchive spec_set_transition_attributes = 1;
message .KNSOS.MotionBackgroundStylePropertyChangeSetArchive {
optional .TSSSOS.SpecStringArchive name = 1;
optional bool name_undefined = 2;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecStringArchive variant = 3;
optional bool variant_undefined = 4;
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive color_gradient = 5;
optional bool color_gradient_undefined = 6;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive random_seed = 7;
optional bool random_seed_undefined = 8;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive color_blur_sigma = 9;
optional bool color_blur_sigma_undefined = 10;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive color_contrast = 11;
optional bool color_contrast_undefined = 12;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive color_gamma = 13;
optional bool color_gamma_undefined = 14;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive color_saturation = 15;
optional bool color_saturation_undefined = 16;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive color_brightness = 17;
optional bool color_brightness_undefined = 18;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive color_hue = 19;
optional bool color_hue_undefined = 20;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive color_vibrance = 21;
optional bool color_vibrance_undefined = 22;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive noise_amplitude = 23;
optional bool noise_amplitude_undefined = 24;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive noise_movement = 25;
optional bool noise_movement_undefined = 26;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive noise_octaves = 27;
optional bool noise_octaves_undefined = 28;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive noise_scale = 29;
optional bool noise_scale_undefined = 30;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive noise_scale_horizontal = 31;
optional bool noise_scale_horizontal_undefined = 32;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive noise_scale_vertical = 33;
optional bool noise_scale_vertical_undefined = 34;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive noise_gain = 35;
optional bool noise_gain_undefined = 36;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive noise_lacunarity = 37;
optional bool noise_lacunarity_undefined = 38;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive noise_speed = 39;
optional bool noise_speed_undefined = 40;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive color_palette_offset = 41;
optional bool color_palette_offset_undefined = 42;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive zoom = 43;
optional bool zoom_undefined = 44;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive invert = 45;
optional bool invert_undefined = 46;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecStringArchive blend_mode = 47;
optional bool blend_mode_undefined = 48;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecStringArchive source_blend_factor = 49;
optional bool source_blend_factor_undefined = 50;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecStringArchive dest_blend_factor = 51;
optional bool dest_blend_factor_undefined = 52;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecStringArchive motion = 53;
optional bool motion_undefined = 54;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecColorArchive background_color = 55;
optional bool background_color_undefined = 56;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecColorArchive foreground_color = 57;
optional bool foreground_color_undefined = 58;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecColorArchive line_color = 59;
optional bool line_color_undefined = 60;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecColorArchive point_color = 61;
optional bool point_color_undefined = 62;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive alpha = 63;
optional bool alpha_undefined = 64;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive border = 65;
optional bool border_undefined = 66;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive blend = 67;
optional bool blend_undefined = 68;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive brightness = 69;
optional bool brightness_undefined = 70;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive border_lightness = 71;
optional bool border_lightness_undefined = 72;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive contrast = 73;
optional bool contrast_undefined = 74;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive damping = 75;
optional bool damping_undefined = 76;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive density = 77;
optional bool density_undefined = 78;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive diffuse_power = 79;
optional bool diffuse_power_undefined = 80;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive distortion = 81;
optional bool distortion_undefined = 82;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive entropy = 83;
optional bool entropy_undefined = 84;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive exposure = 85;
optional bool exposure_undefined = 86;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive filter = 87;
optional bool filter_undefined = 88;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive fog_distance = 89;
optional bool fog_distance_undefined = 90;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive fog_power = 91;
optional bool fog_power_undefined = 92;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive gamma = 93;
optional bool gamma_undefined = 94;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive grain_amount = 95;
optional bool grain_amount_undefined = 96;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive grain_intensity = 97;
optional bool grain_intensity_undefined = 98;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive hue = 99;
optional bool hue_undefined = 100;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive lightness = 101;
optional bool lightness_undefined = 102;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive line_alpha = 103;
optional bool line_alpha_undefined = 104;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive line_center = 105;
optional bool line_center_undefined = 106;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive line_fade = 107;
optional bool line_fade_undefined = 108;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive line_fade_power = 109;
optional bool line_fade_power_undefined = 110;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive line_length = 111;
optional bool line_length_undefined = 112;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive line_width = 113;
optional bool line_width_undefined = 114;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive noise_size_scale = 115;
optional bool noise_size_scale_undefined = 116;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive noise_size_weight = 117;
optional bool noise_size_weight_undefined = 118;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive noise_variance = 119;
optional bool noise_variance_undefined = 120;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive offset = 121;
optional bool offset_undefined = 122;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive motion_background_opacity = 123;
optional bool motion_background_opacity_undefined = 124;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive point_depth_alpha = 125;
optional bool point_depth_alpha_undefined = 126;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive point_size = 127;
optional bool point_size_undefined = 128;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive power = 129;
optional bool power_undefined = 130;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive radius = 131;
optional bool radius_undefined = 132;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive refraction = 133;
optional bool refraction_undefined = 134;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive resolution = 135;
optional bool resolution_undefined = 136;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive saturation = 137;
optional bool saturation_undefined = 138;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive scale = 139;
optional bool scale_undefined = 140;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive shadow_alpha = 141;
optional bool shadow_alpha_undefined = 142;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive shadow_angle = 143;
optional bool shadow_angle_undefined = 144;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive shadow_offset = 145;
optional bool shadow_offset_undefined = 146;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive shadow_scale = 147;
optional bool shadow_scale_undefined = 148;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive shadow_value = 149;
optional bool shadow_value_undefined = 150;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive speed = 151;
optional bool speed_undefined = 152;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive texture_power = 153;
optional bool texture_power_undefined = 154;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive time = 155;
optional bool time_undefined = 156;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive draw_points = 157;
optional bool draw_points_undefined = 158;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive draw_lines = 159;
optional bool draw_lines_undefined = 160;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive draw_shadows = 161;
optional bool draw_shadows_undefined = 162;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive pixels_per_division = 163;
optional bool pixels_per_division_undefined = 164;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive symmetry = 165;
optional bool symmetry_undefined = 166;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecBoolArchive lock_focus = 167;
optional bool lock_focus_undefined = 168;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive amplitude = 169;
optional bool amplitude_undefined = 170;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive envelope = 171;
optional bool envelope_undefined = 172;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive y_offset = 173;
optional bool y_offset_undefined = 174;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive focus = 175;
optional bool focus_undefined = 176;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive blur = 177;
optional bool blur_undefined = 178;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive grain_speed = 179;
optional bool grain_speed_undefined = 180;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecColorArchive mesh_color = 181;
optional bool mesh_color_undefined = 182;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive angle = 183;
optional bool angle_undefined = 184;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive mesh_line_width = 185;
optional bool mesh_line_width_undefined = 186;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive delta_time = 187;
optional bool delta_time_undefined = 188;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive threshold = 189;
optional bool threshold_undefined = 190;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive time_start = 191;
optional bool time_start_undefined = 192;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive instance_count = 193;
optional bool instance_count_undefined = 194;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive extrusion = 195;
optional bool extrusion_undefined = 196;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive noise_offset = 197;
optional bool noise_offset_undefined = 198;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive color_hue_offset = 199;
optional bool color_hue_offset_undefined = 200;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive shadow_hue = 201;
optional bool shadow_hue_undefined = 202;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive shadow_hue_offset = 203;
optional bool shadow_hue_offset_undefined = 204;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive shadow_saturation = 205;
optional bool shadow_saturation_undefined = 206;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive shadow_brightness = 207;
optional bool shadow_brightness_undefined = 208;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive shadow_intensity = 209;
optional bool shadow_intensity_undefined = 210;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecDoubleArchive shadow_power = 211;
optional bool shadow_power_undefined = 212;
optional .TSSSOS.SpecIntegerArchive noise_octaves_iterations = 213;
optional bool noise_octaves_iterations_undefined = 214;
message .KNSOS.SlideStylePropertyChangeSetArchive {
optional .TSDSOS.SpecFillArchive fill = 1;
optional bool fill_undefined = 2;
optional .KNSOS.SpecTransitionAttributesArchive slide_transition = 3;
optional bool slide_transition_undefined = 4;
enum .KN.AnimationReferent {
kRelativeToStart = 1;
kRelativeToEnd = 2;
message .KN.UIStateCommandGroupArchive {
required .TSK.CommandGroupArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference uiState = 2;
required string property = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference slideNodesToEdit = 4;
repeated .TSP.Reference template_slide_nodes_to_apply = 5;
repeated .TSP.Size thumbnailSizes = 6;
repeated .TSP.Reference selectedSlideNodes = 7;
repeated .TSP.Reference restoreSelectedSlideNodes = 8;
message .KN.CommandSlideInsertDrawablesArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUID slide_id = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference drawables = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference working_drawables = 18;
optional .KN.MixedIdOperationArgs args_list = 4;
required bool update_geometry_to_match_object_placeholder = 5;
repeated .TSP.UUID ids_of_drawables_using_object_placeholder_geometry = 6;
repeated string sage_placeholder_tags_list = 7;
repeated string instructional_text_list = 20;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_archive = 8;
optional bool is_pasting = 9;
repeated .TSP.Reference insert_build_descriptions = 10;
repeated .TSP.Reference working_insert_build_descriptions = 19;
repeated .TSP.Reference remove_build_descriptions = 11;
optional bool remove_slide_specific_hyperlinks = 12;
repeated .TSP.UUID custom_format_keys = 13;
optional uint32 saved_next_untitled_resolver_index = 16;
optional .TSD.GeometryArchive geometry_of_object_placeholder_for_comparison_to_restore_link = 17;
message .KN.CommandSlideSetPlaceholdersForTagsArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUID slide_id = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference infos = 3;
repeated string tags = 4;
repeated .TSP.Reference old_infos = 6;
repeated string old_tags = 5;
message .KN.CommandTemplateSlideSetPlaceholderForTagArchive {
required .KN.CommandSlideSetPlaceholdersForTagsArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUID placeholder_id = 2;
optional string tag = 3;
message .KN.CommandSlidePropagateSetPlaceholderForTagArchive {
required .KN.CommandSlideSetPlaceholdersForTagsArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUID placeholder_id = 2;
required .TSP.UUID original_id = 3;
message .KN.CommandSlideRemoveDrawableArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUID slide_id = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference sortedDrawables = 3;
required .KN.MixedIdOperationArgs args_list = 4;
repeated uint32 drawable_indexes_for_undo = 10;
repeated string placeholderTags = 5;
repeated string instructional_text_list = 11;
repeated .TSP.Reference insert_build_descriptions = 6;
repeated .TSP.Reference remove_build_descriptions = 7;
repeated .TSP.Reference drawables_using_object_placeholder_geometry = 8;
repeated .TSP.Reference inverse_insert_hyperlink_commands = 9;
message .KN.CommandSlideMoveDrawableZOrderArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference old_ordered_infos = 4;
repeated .TSCK.RearrangeIdOperationArgs args_list = 6;
required .TSP.UUID slide_id = 7;
repeated .TSP.Reference old_ordered_infos_on_slide_for_undo = 8;
message .KN.CommandSlideNodeSetPropertyArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUIDPath slide_node_id_path = 2;
required string property = 3;
required bool old_value = 4;
required bool value = 5;
message .KN.CommandSlideNodeSetViewStatePropertyArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUIDPath slide_node_id_path = 2;
required string property = 3;
required bool old_value = 4;
required bool value = 5;
message .KN.CommandSlideSetBackgroundFillArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUIDPath slide_id_path = 2;
optional .TSD.FillArchive old_fill = 3;
required .TSD.FillArchive new_fill = 4;
message .KN.CommandSlideSetStyleArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUIDPath slide_id_path = 2;
required .TSP.Reference slide_style = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference old_slide_style = 4;
message .KN.CommandShowMarkOutOfSyncRecordingArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference show = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference old_recording = 3;
optional bool old_is_recording_out_of_sync = 4 [default = false];
optional bool new_is_recording_out_of_sync = 5 [default = false];
optional .TSP.Date old_modification_date = 6;
optional .TSP.Date new_modification_date = 7;
message .KN.CommandShowMarkOutOfSyncRecordingIfNeededArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.UUID out_of_sync_token = 2;
message .KN.CommandShowRemoveRecordingArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference show = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference old_recording = 3;
message .KN.CommandShowReplaceRecordingArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference show = 2;
required .TSP.Reference replacement_recording = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference old_recording = 5;
message .KN.CommandShowSetValueArchive {
message PropertyValue {
optional bool bool_value = 1;
optional double double_value = 2;
optional .KN.ShowArchive.KNShowMode show_mode_value = 3;
optional .TSP.Size size_value = 4;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference show = 2;
required string property = 3;
required .KN.CommandShowSetValueArchive.PropertyValue old_value = 4;
required .KN.CommandShowSetValueArchive.PropertyValue new_value = 5;
message .KN.CommandShowInsertSlideArchive {
enum Kind {
kKindInsertSlide = 0;
kKindInsertSlideForPaste = 1;
kKindInsertSlideForDuplicate = 2;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference slide_nodes_being_inserted = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference working_slide_nodes_being_inserted = 14;
repeated .TSCK.AddIdOperationArgs inserted_args_list = 3;
repeated .TSP.UUID ids_of_slide_nodes_with_depth_changes = 4;
repeated uint32 depths_of_slide_nodes_with_depth_changes = 5;
repeated uint32 old_depths_of_slide_nodes_with_depth_changes = 6;
repeated .TSP.Reference slide_nodes_for_depth_fix_up = 7;
repeated uint32 depths_of_slide_nodes_for_depth_fix_up = 8;
repeated uint32 old_depths_of_slide_nodes_for_depth_fix_up = 9;
optional .KN.CommandShowInsertSlideArchive.Kind kind = 10 [default = kKindInsertSlide];
repeated .TSP.Reference template_slide_nodes_being_inserted = 11;
repeated .TSP.UUID custom_format_keys = 12;
repeated bool collapsed_state_of_slide_nodes_being_inserted = 13;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_archive = 15;
message .KN.CommandShowMoveSlideArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference slide_nodes_being_moved_linearly = 2;
repeated .TSCK.RearrangeIdOperationArgs rearranged_args_list = 3;
repeated .TSP.UUID ids_of_slide_nodes_with_depth_changes = 4;
repeated uint32 depths_of_slide_nodes_with_depth_changes = 5;
repeated uint32 old_depths_of_slide_nodes_with_depth_changes = 6;
repeated .TSP.Reference slide_nodes_for_depth_fix_up = 7;
repeated uint32 depths_of_slide_nodes_for_depth_fix_up = 8;
repeated uint32 old_depths_of_slide_nodes_for_depth_fix_up = 9;
message .KN.CommandShowRemoveSlideArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference slide_nodes_being_removed = 2;
repeated .TSCK.RemoveIdOperationArgs removed_args_list = 3;
repeated .TSP.UUID ids_of_slide_nodes_with_depth_changes = 4;
repeated uint32 depths_of_slide_nodes_with_depth_changes = 5;
repeated uint32 old_depths_of_slide_nodes_with_depth_changes = 6;
repeated .TSP.Reference slide_nodes_for_depth_fix_up = 7;
repeated uint32 depths_of_slide_nodes_for_depth_fix_up = 8;
repeated uint32 old_depths_of_slide_nodes_for_depth_fix_up = 9;
repeated bool collapsed_state_of_slide_nodes_being_removed = 11;
message .KN.CommandShowChangeThemeArchive {
message IdentifierToStyleMap {
repeated .TSS.StylesheetArchive.IdentifiedStyleEntry styles = 1;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference show = 2;
required .TSP.Reference theme = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference old_theme = 4;
optional string template_identifier = 5;
optional string old_template_identifier = 6;
optional .KN.CommandShowChangeThemeArchive.IdentifierToStyleMap identifier_to_style_map = 7;
optional .KN.CommandShowChangeThemeArchive.IdentifierToStyleMap old_identifier_to_style_map = 8;
message .KN.CommandShowChangeSlideSizeArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Size size = 2;
message .KN.CommandSetThemeCustomEffectTimingCurveArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional string name = 2;
optional .TSD.PathSourceArchive path_source = 3;
optional .TSD.PathSourceArchive old_path_source = 4;
message .KN.CommandMoveTemplatesArchive {
required .TSD.ContainerReorderChildrenCommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference template_slides = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference previous_indexes_keys = 4;
repeated uint32 previous_indexes_values = 5;
repeated .TSP.Reference final_template_arrangement = 6;
message .KN.CommandInsertTemplateArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference undo_template_change_commands = 7;
required bool set_inserted_slide_as_default_template_slide = 8;
optional .TSP.Reference undo_replacement_template_slide_node = 9;
message .KN.CommandPrimitiveInsertTemplateArchive {
required .TSD.ContainerInsertChildrenCommandArchive super = 1;
required bool was_inserted_with_drop = 2;
repeated .TSP.UUID custom_format_keys = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference previous_classic_theme_records = 4;
message .KN.CommandRemoveTemplateArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference replacement_template_slide_node = 5;
repeated .TSP.Reference template_change_commands = 6;
optional bool default_template_slide_node_was_replaced = 7;
message .KN.CommandPrimitiveRemoveTemplateArchive {
required .TSD.ContainerRemoveChildrenCommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference previous_classic_theme_records = 3;
message .KN.CommandSlideInsertBuildArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference insert_build_description = 2;
optional .KN.BuildChunkIdentifierArchive identifier_for_chunk_to_insert_after = 3;
optional bool should_create_chunks = 4;
repeated .TSP.Reference old_tuples_to_update = 5;
optional bool was_initialized_over_the_wire = 6;
optional bool has_been_committed = 7;
message .KN.InsertBuildDescriptionArchive {
required .TSP.UUID slide_id = 1;
required .TSP.Reference build_to_insert = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference chunks_to_insert = 3;
required bool should_assign_chunk_identifiers = 4;
repeated .KN.BuildChunkIdentifierArchive identifers_for_chunks_to_insert_after = 5;
repeated .TSP.Reference tuples_to_update = 6;
repeated .KN.BuildChunkIdentifierArchive fallback_chunk_identifiers = 7;
required bool is_for_paste = 8;
message .KN.UndoObjectArchive {
required .TSD.UndoObjectArchive super = 1;
message .KN.CommandSlideRemoveBuildArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Reference remove_build_description = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference build = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference chunks_to_insert = 4;
repeated .KN.BuildChunkIdentifierArchive identifiers_for_chunks_to_insert_after = 5;
repeated .TSP.Reference old_tuples_to_update = 6;
repeated .KN.BuildChunkIdentifierArchive fallback_chunk_identifiers = 7;
message .KN.RemoveBuildDescriptionArchive {
optional .TSP.UUID slide_id = 1;
optional .TSP.UUID build_id = 2;
optional bool should_remove_chunks = 3;
optional bool should_remove_chunk_identifiers = 4;
repeated .TSP.Reference tuples_to_update = 5;
message .KN.CommandSlideInsertBuildChunkArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUID slide_id = 2;
required .TSP.Reference chunk_to_insert = 3;
optional .KN.BuildChunkIdentifierArchive identifier_for_chunk_to_insert_after = 4;
repeated .TSP.Reference tuples_to_update = 5;
repeated .TSP.Reference old_tuples_to_update = 6;
optional bool needs_selection_update = 7;
optional bool should_assign_chunk_identifier = 8;
message .KN.CommandSlideRemoveBuildChunkArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUID slide_id = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference removed_chunk = 3;
optional .KN.BuildChunkIdentifierArchive identifier_for_chunk_to_remove = 4;
optional .KN.BuildChunkIdentifierArchive identifier_for_chunk_to_insert_after = 5;
repeated .TSP.Reference tuples_to_update = 6;
repeated .TSP.Reference old_tuples_to_update = 7;
optional bool needs_selection_update = 8;
message .KN.CommandSlideMoveBuildChunksArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .KN.BuildChunkIdentifierArchive identifiers_for_chunks_to_move = 2;
repeated .KN.BuildChunkIdentifierArchive identifiers_for_chunks_to_move_after = 3;
repeated .KN.BuildChunkIdentifierArchive identifiers_for_chunks_to_move_after_for_undo = 4;
repeated .TSP.Reference tuples_to_update = 5;
repeated .TSP.Reference old_tuples_to_update = 6;
repeated .KN.BuildChunkIdentifierArchive identifiers_for_chunks_to_move_including_clustered_inactive_chunks = 7;
message .KN.CommandBuildSetValueArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference tuple = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference chunks_to_add = 3;
repeated .KN.BuildChunkIdentifierArchive identifiers_for_chunks_to_insert_after = 4;
repeated .KN.BuildChunkIdentifierArchive identifiers_for_chunks_to_remove = 5;
repeated .TSP.Reference tuples_to_update = 6;
optional .TSP.Reference old_tuple_for_main_property = 7;
repeated .TSP.Reference old_tuples_to_update_for_sub_commands = 8;
repeated .KN.BuildChunkIdentifierArchive identifiers_for_added_chunks = 9;
repeated .KN.BuildChunkIdentifierArchive generated_identifiers = 10;
repeated .TSP.Reference removed_chunks = 11;
repeated .KN.BuildChunkIdentifierArchive identifiers_for_chunks_prior_to_removed_chunks = 12;
optional uint32 old_chunk_ID_seed = 13;
repeated .KN.BuildChunkIdentifierArchive old_chunk_identifiers = 14;
repeated .TSP.Reference chunks_removed_during_undo = 15;
message .KN.CommandBuildUpdateChunkReferentsArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUID build_id = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference tuples_to_update = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference old_tuples_to_update = 4;
message .KN.CommandBuildUpdateChunkCountArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUID slide_id = 2;
repeated .TSP.UUID drawable_ids = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference expected_delivery_style_tuples = 4;
repeated .TSP.Reference chunks_to_add = 5;
repeated .KN.BuildChunkIdentifierArchive identifiers_for_chunks_to_insert_after = 6;
repeated .KN.BuildChunkIdentifierArchive identifiers_for_chunks_to_remove = 7;
repeated .TSP.Reference tuples_to_update = 8;
optional bool needs_async_process_changes_selection_update = 9;
repeated .TSP.Reference old_tuples_to_update = 10;
repeated .KN.BuildChunkIdentifierArchive identifiers_for_added_chunks = 11;
repeated .KN.BuildChunkIdentifierArchive generated_identifiers = 12;
repeated .TSP.Reference removed_chunks = 13;
repeated .KN.BuildChunkIdentifierArchive identifiers_for_chunks_prior_to_removed_chunks = 14;
repeated .TSP.Reference old_delivery_style_tuples = 15;
repeated uint32 old_chunk_ID_seeds = 16;
repeated .KN.BuildChunkIdentifierArchive old_chunk_identifiers = 17;
repeated .TSP.Reference working_builds = 18;
repeated .TSP.Reference chunks_removed_during_undo = 19;
repeated .TSP.Reference chunks_added_during_undo = 20;
message .KN.CommandBuildChunkSetValueArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference tuples_to_update = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference old_tuples_to_update = 3;
message .KN.CommandTransitionSetValueArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUIDPath slide_node_id_path = 2;
optional .KN.TransitionAttributesArchive old_attributes = 3;
optional .KN.TransitionAttributesArchive attributes = 4;
optional string property = 5;
message .KN.CommandShowSetSlideNumberVisibilityArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required bool slide_numbers_visible = 3;
repeated .TSP.UUID ids_of_slide_nodes_to_skip = 4;
repeated .TSP.UUID ids_of_slide_nodes_already_correct = 5;
required bool is_undo = 6;
message .KN.CommandTemplateSetThumbnailTextArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUID template_id = 2;
required bool is_body = 3;
optional string new_text = 4;
optional string old_text = 5;
message .KN.CommandTemplateSetBodyStylesArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUID template_id = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference new_paragraph_styles = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference new_list_styles = 4;
repeated .TSP.Reference old_paragraph_styles = 5;
repeated .TSP.Reference old_list_styles = 6;
message .KN.CommandChangeTemplateSlideArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUIDPath slide_id_path = 2;
required .TSP.Reference template_slide_node = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference old_template_slide_node = 4;
required bool is_undo_redo = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference target_prototype = 6;
message .KN.CommandSlidePrimitiveSetTemplateArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUIDPath slide_id_path = 2;
required .TSP.UUID template_id = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference old_template_slide_node = 4;
message .KN.CommandSlideResetTemplateBackgroundObjectsArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath slide_id_path = 2;
message .KN.CommandShowSetSoundtrack {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference show = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference soundtrack = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference old_soundtrack = 4;
message .KN.CommandSoundtrackSetValue {
message PropertyValue {
optional double double_value = 1;
optional .KN.Soundtrack.SoundtrackMode mode_value = 2;
repeated .TSP.DataReference media_reference_values = 3;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.UUID soundtrack_id = 2;
optional string property = 3;
optional .KN.CommandSoundtrackSetValue.PropertyValue old_value = 4;
optional .KN.CommandSoundtrackSetValue.PropertyValue new_value = 5;
message .KN.CommandSlideUpdateTemplateDrawables {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUID slide_id = 2;
repeated .TSCK.IdPlacementOperationArgs id_placement_operation_args = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference old_child_infos_for_undo = 4;
message .KN.ChartInfoGeometryCommandArchive {
required .TSD.InfoGeometryCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.Point previous_legend_offset = 2;
required .TSP.Size previous_legend_size = 3;
required .TSP.Point adjusted_legend_offset = 4;
required .TSP.Size adjusted_legend_size = 5;
message .KN.CanvasSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCollectionSelectionTransformerHelperArchive transformer_helper = 1;
repeated .KN.BuildChunkIdentifierArchive build_chunk_ids = 2;
repeated .TSP.UUID action_build_ids = 3;
repeated .TSP.UUID originally_selected_drawable_uuids = 4;
message .KN.ActionGhostSelectionTransformerArchive {
message .KN.DocumentSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .TSP.Reference document_selection = 1;
message .KN.NoteCanvasSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .TSD.InfoCollectionSelectionTransformerHelperArchive transformer_helper = 1;
message .KN.OutlineCanvasSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .TSP.Reference canvas_selection_transformer = 1;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath storage_uuid_path = 2;
message .KN.SlideCollectionSelectionTransformerHelperArchive {
repeated .TSP.UUIDPath slide_nodes = 1;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath slide_node_to_edit = 2;
optional bool slide_collection_is_theme = 3 [default = false];
optional uint32 previous_primary_selected_index = 4;
message .KN.SlideCollectionSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .KN.SlideCollectionSelectionTransformerHelperArchive transformer_helper = 1;
message .KN.OutlineSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .KN.SlideCollectionSelectionTransformerHelperArchive transformer_helper = 1;
optional bool can_have_range_in_selected_paragraph = 2 [default = false];
repeated .TSK.RangeAddress selection_range_addresses = 3;
message .KN.CommandLiveVideoInfoApplyPreset {
required .TSD.BaseApplyPresetCommandArchive super = 1;
message .KN.CommandLiveVideoInfoSetSource {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUIDPath live_video_info_id_path = 2;
optional .TSP.UUID source_id = 3;
optional .TSP.UUID local_collaboration_command_usage_token = 4;
optional .KN.LiveVideoSourceCollaborationCommandUsageState working_source_old_collaboration_command_usage_state = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference old_source = 6;
optional .TSP.UUID old_source_id = 7;
message .KN.CommandLiveVideoInfoSetValue {
message PropertyValue {
optional double scale = 1;
optional .TSP.Point normalized_offset = 2;
optional int32 mask_kind = 3;
optional double mask_corner_radius = 4;
optional bool is_placeholder = 5;
optional int32 background_kind = 6;
optional .TSD.FillArchive background_fill = 7;
enum Property {
Scale = 0;
NormalizedOffset = 1;
MaskKind = 2;
MaskCornerRadius = 3;
IsPlaceholder = 4;
BackgroundKind = 5;
BackgroundFill = 6;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUIDPath live_video_info_id_path = 2;
required .KN.CommandLiveVideoInfoSetValue.Property property = 3;
optional .KN.CommandLiveVideoInfoSetValue.PropertyValue value = 4;
optional .KN.CommandLiveVideoInfoSetValue.PropertyValue old_value = 5;
message .KN.CommandLiveVideoSourceSetValue {
message PropertyValue {
optional string name = 1;
optional .KN.LiveVideoCaptureDeviceDescription capture_device_description = 2;
optional .TSP.DataReference poster_image_data = 3;
optional string symbol_abbreviation_text = 4;
optional int32 symbol_image_identifier = 5;
optional int32 symbol_tint_color_identifier = 6;
enum Property {
SourceName = 0;
CaptureDeviceDescription = 1;
PosterImageData = 2;
SymbolAbbreviationText = 3;
SymbolImageIdentifier = 4;
SymbolTintColorIdentifier = 5;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUID live_video_source_id = 2;
required .KN.CommandLiveVideoSourceSetValue.Property property = 3;
optional .KN.CommandLiveVideoSourceSetValue.PropertyValue value = 4;
optional .KN.CommandLiveVideoSourceSetValue.PropertyValue old_value = 5;
message .KN.CommandLiveVideoStyleSetValue {
required .TSD.BaseStyleSetValueCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSDSOS.MediaStylePropertyChangeSetArchive change = 2;
message .KN.CommandThemeAddLiveVideoSource {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference live_video_source = 2;
optional bool is_implicit = 3;
message .KN.CommandThemeRemoveLiveVideoSource {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUID live_video_source_id = 2;
optional bool is_implicit = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference removed_live_video_source = 4;
message .KN.CommandMotionBackgroundStyleSetValueArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUIDPath slide_id_path = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference old_style = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference old_slide_style = 5;
optional .KNSOS.MotionBackgroundStylePropertyChangeSetArchive change = 3;
optional .KNSOS.MotionBackgroundStylePropertyChangeSetArchive undo_property_change = 6;
message .KN.CommandMotionBackgroundStyleUpdatePosterFrameDataArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference motion_background_style = 2;
optional .TSP.DataReference poster_image_data = 3;
optional .TSP.DataReference old_poster_image_data = 4;
message .KNSOS.InducedVerifyDocumentWithServerCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.UUID slide_node_id_list = 2;
optional bool slide_node_id_list_undefined = 3;
repeated .TSP.UUID template_slide_node_id_list = 4;
optional bool template_slide_node_id_list_undefined = 5;
message .KNSOS.InducedVerifyDrawableZOrdersWithServerCommandArchive {
required .TSASOS.InducedVerifyDrawableZOrdersWithServerCommandArchive super = 1;
message .KNSOS.CommandSlideReapplyTemplateSlideArchive {
required .TSASOS.CommandReapplyMasterArchive super = 1;
enum .TP.ViewScaleMode {
ViewScaleMode_UserDefined = 0;
ViewScaleMode_FitWidth = 1;
ViewScaleMode_FirPage = 2;
enum .TP.ViewScaleModeiOS {
ViewScaleModeiOS_Undefined = 0;
ViewScaleModeiOS_UserDefined = 1;
ViewScaleModeiOS_FitWidth = 2;
ViewScaleModeiOS_FitMinimum = 3;
ViewScaleModeiOS_FitPortraitWidth = 4;
enum .TP.PageViewState {
PageViewState_OneUp = 0;
PageViewState_TwoUp = 1;
message .TP.DocumentArchive {
required .TSA.DocumentArchive super = 15;
optional .TSP.Reference stylesheet = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference floating_drawables = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference body_storage = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference section = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference theme = 6;
optional .TSP.Reference settings = 7;
optional .TSP.Reference deprecated_layout_state = 11;
optional .TSP.Reference deprecated_view_state = 12;
repeated .TSP.Reference citation_records = 13;
repeated .TSP.Reference toc_styles = 14;
repeated .TSP.Reference change_sessions = 16;
optional .TSP.Reference most_recent_change_session = 17;
optional .TSP.Reference drawables_zorder = 20;
optional bool uses_single_header_footer = 21;
optional float page_width = 30;
optional float page_height = 31;
optional float left_margin = 32;
optional float right_margin = 33;
optional float top_margin = 34;
optional float bottom_margin = 35;
optional float header_margin = 36;
optional float footer_margin = 37;
optional float page_scale = 38;
optional bool lays_out_body_vertically = 39;
optional bool change_tracking_enabled = 40;
optional .TSP.Reference tables_custom_format_list = 41;
optional uint32 orientation = 42 [default = 0];
optional string printer_id = 43;
optional string paper_id = 44;
optional .TSP.DataReference equation_environment = 45;
optional bool show_in_bookmarks_list_paragraph_styles_property_initialized = 46 [default = false];
optional .TSP.Reference flow_info_container = 47;
repeated .TSP.Reference page_templates = 48;
optional bool should_use_anchored_drawable_wrap_slop = 49;
optional .TSP.Reference merge_data = 50;
message .TP.ThemeArchive {
required .TSS.ThemeArchive super = 1;
message .TP.SettingsArchive {
enum FootnoteKind {
kFootnoteKindFootnotes = 0;
kFootnoteKindDocumentEndnotes = 1;
kFootnoteKindSectionEndnotes = 2;
enum FootnoteFormat {
kFootnoteFormatNumeric = 0;
kFootnoteFormatRoman = 1;
kFootnoteFormatSymbolic = 2;
kFootnoteFormatJapaneseNumeric = 3;
kFootnoteFormatJapaneseIdeographic = 4;
kFootnoteFormatArabicNumeric = 5;
enum FootnoteNumbering {
kFootnoteNumberingContinuous = 0;
kFootnoteNumberingRestartEachPage = 1;
kFootnoteNumberingRestartEachSection = 2;
optional bool body = 1 [default = true];
optional bool headers = 2 [default = true];
optional bool footers = 3 [default = true];
optional bool preview = 4 [default = true];
optional bool copy_movies = 5 [default = true];
optional bool copy_assets = 6 [default = true];
optional bool placeholder_authoring = 7 [default = false];
optional bool links_enabled = 8 [default = true];
optional bool hyphenation = 9 [default = false];
optional bool use_ligatures = 10 [default = false];
optional bool toc_links_enabled = 11 [default = false];
optional bool show_ct_markup = 12 [default = true];
optional bool show_ct_deletions = 13 [default = true];
optional int32 ct_bubbles_visibility = 14;
optional bool change_bars_visible = 15 [default = true];
optional bool format_changes_visible = 16 [default = true];
optional bool annotations_visible = 17 [default = true];
optional bool document_is_rtl = 18 [default = false];
optional string decimal_tab = 20;
optional string language = 21;
optional string hyphenation_language = 22;
optional string creation_locale = 23;
optional string last_locale = 24;
optional string orig_template = 25;
optional string creation_date = 26;
optional string bibliography_format = 27;
optional .TP.SettingsArchive.FootnoteKind footnote_kind = 30;
optional .TP.SettingsArchive.FootnoteFormat footnote_format = 31;
optional .TP.SettingsArchive.FootnoteNumbering footnote_numbering = 32;
optional int32 footnote_gap = 33;
optional bool facing_pages = 34 [default = false];
optional bool section_authoring = 40 [default = false];
message .TP.PlaceholderArchive {
required .TSWP.ShapeInfoArchive super = 1;
message .TP.DrawableTagPairsArchive {
message DrawableTagPair {
required string tag = 1;
required .TSP.Reference drawable = 2;
repeated .TP.DrawableTagPairsArchive.DrawableTagPair drawable_tag_pairs = 1;
message .TP.FloatingDrawablesArchive {
message DrawableEntry {
optional .TSP.Reference drawable = 1;
message PageGroup {
required uint32 page_index = 1;
repeated .TP.FloatingDrawablesArchive.DrawableEntry background_drawables = 2;
repeated .TP.FloatingDrawablesArchive.DrawableEntry foreground_drawables = 3;
repeated .TP.FloatingDrawablesArchive.DrawableEntry drawables = 4;
repeated .TP.FloatingDrawablesArchive.PageGroup page_groups = 1;
optional .TP.DrawableTagPairsArchive drawable_tag_pairs = 2;
message .TP.DrawablesZOrderArchive {
repeated .TSP.Reference drawables = 1;
message .TP.SectionTemplateArchive {
repeated .TSP.Reference headers = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference footers = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference section_template_drawables = 3;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath page_template_uuidpath = 4;
message .TP.PageTemplateArchive {
message TagDrawablePair {
required string tag = 1;
required .TSP.Reference drawable = 2;
required uint32 z_index = 3;
optional string name = 1;
repeated .TSP.Reference section_template_drawables = 2;
repeated .TP.PageTemplateArchive.TagDrawablePair placeholder_drawables = 3;
required bool headers_footers_match_previous_page = 4;
optional bool hide_headers_footers = 5;
optional .TSD.FillArchive background_fill = 6;
optional .TSP.Reference guide_storage = 7;
message .TP.SectionArchive {
optional bool OBSOLETE_shows_header = 1;
optional bool OBSOLETE_shows_footer = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference OBSOLETE_headers = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference OBSOLETE_footers = 4;
optional float OBSOLETE_left_margin = 5;
optional float OBSOLETE_right_margin = 6;
optional float OBSOLETE_top_margin = 7;
optional float OBSOLETE_bottom_margin = 8;
optional float OBSOLETE_header_padding = 9;
optional float OBSOLETE_footer_padding = 10;
optional float OBSOLETE_paper_width = 11;
optional float OBSOLETE_paper_height = 12;
optional bool OBSOLETE_landscape_mode = 13;
repeated .TSP.Reference OBSOLETE_section_template_drawables = 14;
optional float OBSOLETE_header_margin = 15;
optional float OBSOLETE_footer_margin = 16;
optional bool inherit_previous_header_footer = 17;
optional bool section_template_first_page_different = 18;
optional bool section_template_even_odd_pages_different = 19;
optional uint32 section_start_kind = 20;
optional uint32 section_page_number_kind = 21;
optional uint32 section_page_number_start = 22;
optional .TSP.Reference first_section_template_page = 23;
optional .TSP.Reference even_section_template_page = 24;
optional .TSP.Reference odd_section_template_page = 25;
optional string name = 26;
optional bool section_template_first_page_hides_header_footer = 28;
optional .TSP.Reference user_defined_guide_storage = 29;
optional .TSD.FillArchive background_fill = 30;
optional .TSP.UUID section_hyperlink_uuid = 31;
message .TP.DoublePoint {
required double x = 1;
required double y = 2;
message .TP.DoubleSize {
required double width = 1;
required double height = 2;
message .TP.AnchorPosArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference attachment = 1 [deprecated = true];
optional .TSP.Point position = 2;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath drawable_uuid_path = 3;
optional .TP.DoublePoint double_position = 4;
message .TP.TargetHintArchive {
optional .TSP.Point frame_origin = 1;
optional .TSP.Size frame_size = 2;
optional .TSP.Range range = 3;
optional uint32 next_widow_pulls_down_from_char_index = 4;
optional .TSP.Range anchored_range = 5;
optional uint32 column_count = 6;
optional uint32 line_fragment_count = 7;
optional .TP.DoublePoint double_origin = 8;
optional .TP.DoubleSize double_size = 9;
optional bool end_of_layout = 10;
optional bool last_line_is_empty_and_has_list_label = 11;
optional bool text_is_vertical = 12;
optional bool terminated_by_break = 13;
message .TP.PageHintArchive {
enum PageKind {
kPageKindNone = 0;
kPageKindText = 1;
kPageKindFiller = 2;
kPageKindOrphan = 3;
kPageKindEndnote = 4;
kPageKindDirty = 5;
kTPPageKindPageLayout = 6;
enum PageSide {
kTPPageSideUnknown = 0;
kTPPageSideLeft = 1;
kTPPageSideRight = 2;
optional .TP.PageHintArchive.PageKind page_kind = 1;
repeated .TP.TargetHintArchive target_hints = 2;
optional .TSP.Range footnote_auto_number_range = 3;
optional .TSP.Range footnote_layout_range = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference first_child_hint = 6 [deprecated = true];
optional .TSP.Reference last_child_hint = 7 [deprecated = true];
repeated .TP.AnchorPosArchive anchored_attachments_map = 8;
optional uint32 version_number = 10;
optional uint32 platform_id = 11;
repeated .TSP.Reference child_hints = 12;
repeated .TSP.UUID partitioned_attachment_uuids = 13;
repeated .TSP.Reference text_flows = 14;
repeated .TP.TargetHintArchive flow_hints = 15;
optional .TP.PageHintArchive.PageSide page_side = 17 [deprecated = true];
optional uint32 page_column = 18;
optional uint32 page_row = 19;
optional .TP.TopicNumberHintsArchive topic_number_hints = 20;
repeated .TP.TopicNumberHintsArchive flow_topic_number_hints = 21;
message .TP.NullChildHintArchive {
message .TP.SectionHintArchive {
repeated .TP.PageHintArchive page_hints = 1;
optional uint32 start_page_index = 2;
message .TP.TextboxHintArchive {
required .TSP.Range range = 1;
required .TSP.Size size = 2;
message .TP.TopicNumberHintLevelDataArchive {
required uint32 number = 1;
required uint32 label_type = 2;
required uint32 number_type = 3;
required bool is_tiered = 4;
message .TP.TopicNumberHintEntryArchive {
required .TSP.Reference list_style = 1;
repeated .TP.TopicNumberHintLevelDataArchive topic_numbers = 2;
message .TP.TopicNumberHintsArchive {
repeated .TP.TopicNumberHintEntryArchive topic_numbers_map = 2;
message .TP.LayoutStateArchive {
optional uint32 section_index = 1;
optional uint32 section_page_index = 2;
optional uint32 document_page_index = 3;
optional uint32 last_page_count = 4;
repeated .TP.SectionHintArchive section_hints = 5;
optional uint32 body_length = 6;
repeated string missing_fonts = 7;
optional int32 os_version = 8;
message .TP.CanvasSelectionArchive {
required .TSWP.SelectionType deprecated_type = 1 [deprecated = true];
required .TSP.Range visual_definition_range = 2;
required .TSWP.StyleInsertionBehavior style_insertion_behavior = 3;
required .TSWP.CaretAffinity caret_affinity = 4;
repeated .TSP.Reference infos = 5;
repeated .TSP.Reference excluded_infos = 6;
repeated .TSP.Reference additional_infos = 7;
optional .TSP.Reference deprecated_container = 8;
optional bool leading_edge = 9;
optional uint32 leading_char_index = 10;
optional .TSWP.SelectionType type = 11;
repeated .TSP.Range ranges = 12;
message .TP.AllFootnoteSelectionArchive {
message .TP.UIStateArchive {
optional float OBSOLETE_view_scale = 1;
optional .TSP.Point visible_rect_origin = 2;
optional bool OBSOLETE_landscape = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference selection = 4 [deprecated = true];
optional .TSP.Reference selection_model = 5 [deprecated = true];
optional bool section_template_drawables_selectable = 6;
optional .TSP.Size visible_rect_size = 7;
repeated .TSCH.ChartUIState chart_ui_state = 8;
optional bool ruler_visible = 9 [default = true];
optional bool layout_borders_visible = 10 [default = false];
optional bool word_count_hud_visible = 11 [default = false];
optional bool shows_comments = 12 [default = true];
optional bool shows_page_navigator = 13 [default = false];
optional .TP.ViewScaleMode view_scale_mode = 14 [default = ViewScaleMode_UserDefined];
optional float view_scale = 15 [default = 1.25];
optional .TSP.Point window_frame_origin = 16;
optional .TSP.Size window_frame_size = 17;
optional string selected_inspector_switch_segment_identifier = 18;
optional bool inspector_hidden = 19;
optional uint32 word_count_hud_type = 20;
optional float word_count_hud_x_position = 21;
optional float word_count_hud_y_position = 22;
optional bool show_user_defined_guides = 23 [default = true];
optional bool should_show_comment_sidebar = 24 [default = false];
optional .TSK.SelectionPathArchive compatibility_selection_path = 25;
optional bool shows_ctmarkup = 26 [default = true];
optional bool shows_ctdeletions = 27 [default = true];
optional bool change_tracking_paused = 28 [default = false];
optional .TSK.SelectionPathArchive compatibility_2_selection_path = 29;
optional string filtered_author_name = 30;
optional .TP.ViewScaleModeiOS view_scale_mode_ios = 31 [default = ViewScaleModeiOS_UserDefined];
optional .TSP.Reference filtered_author = 32;
optional .TP.PageViewState page_view_state = 33;
optional bool pencil_annotations_hidden = 34 [default = false];
optional .TSP.Reference freehand_drawing_toolkit_state = 35;
optional float presentation_auto_scroll_speed = 36;
optional .TSP.Reference selection_path_transformer = 37;
optional bool shows_toc_navigator = 38 [default = false];
optional bool show_user_defined_page_template_guides = 39 [default = true];
optional bool editing_disabled = 40;
optional .TSP.Reference pencil_annotation_ui_state = 41;
optional bool shows_flow_mode = 42 [default = false];
optional .TP.MailMergeSettingsArchive mail_merge_settings = 43;
optional bool shows_activity_stream = 44 [default = false];
optional float toc_or_page_nav_width = 45;
optional float activity_or_annotation_width = 46;
optional .TSK.SelectionPathArchive selection_path = 47;
message .TP.ViewStateRootArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference layout_state = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference view_state = 2;
message .TP.UserDefinedGuideMapArchive {
message UserDefinedGuide {
required uint32 page_index = 1;
required .TSP.Reference guide_storage = 2;
repeated .TP.UserDefinedGuideMapArchive.UserDefinedGuide user_defined_guide_storages = 1;
message .TP.SectionSelectionArchive {
repeated .TSP.Reference sections = 1;
message .TP.SectionSelectionTransformerArchive {
optional .TSP.Reference original_selection = 1;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath storage_uuid_path = 2;
repeated .TSP.UUIDPath section_uuid_paths = 3;
message .TP.SectionPasteboardObjectArchive {
message PageDrawables {
required uint32 page_index = 1;
required .TP.DrawableTagPairsArchive drawable_tag_pairs = 2;
required .TSP.Reference text_storage = 1;
required uint32 page_count = 2;
repeated .TP.SectionPasteboardObjectArchive.PageDrawables page_drawables = 3;
repeated .TSP.Reference ordered_drawables = 4;
message .TP.SectionsAppNativeObjectArchive {
message PageTemplatesEntry {
required .TSP.UUID key = 1;
required .TSP.Reference value = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference section_pasteboard_objects = 1;
repeated .TP.SectionsAppNativeObjectArchive.PageTemplatesEntry page_templates = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference flows = 3;
message .TP.MailMergeSettingsArchive {
message NumbersDataSourceArchive {
optional bytes bookmark_data = 1;
optional .TSP.UUID table_uuid = 2;
optional .TSP.UUID document_uuid = 4;
repeated .TSWP.MergeFieldTypeArchive merge_field_types = 3;
message ContactsFieldsMapEntry {
optional string key = 1;
optional .TSWP.MergeFieldTypeArchive value = 2;
message NumbersFieldsMapEntry {
optional string key = 1;
optional .TSWP.MergeFieldTypeArchive value = 2;
enum CurrentDataSource {
kContactsDataSource = 0;
kNumbersDataSource = 1;
optional bool substitute_closest = 1 [default = true];
optional bool data_has_header_row = 2 [default = true];
optional .TP.MailMergeSettingsArchive.CurrentDataSource current_data_source = 3 [default = kContactsDataSource];
optional string contacts_group_identifier = 4;
optional string numbers_document_url = 5 [deprecated = true];
optional .TSP.UUID numbers_table_uuid = 6 [deprecated = true];
optional bytes numbers_bookmark_data = 7 [deprecated = true];
optional .TP.MailMergeSettingsArchive.NumbersDataSourceArchive numbers_data_source = 8;
optional .TP.MailMergeSettingsArchive.NumbersDataSourceArchive merging_numbers_data_source = 9;
repeated .TP.MailMergeSettingsArchive.ContactsFieldsMapEntry contacts_fields_map = 10;
repeated .TP.MailMergeSettingsArchive.NumbersFieldsMapEntry numbers_fields_map = 11;
message .TPSOS.InducedVerifyDocumentWithServerCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSP.UUID drawables_z_order_list = 2;
optional bool drawables_z_order_list_undefined = 3;
message .TPSOS.InducedVerifyDrawableZOrdersWithServerCommandArchive {
required .TSASOS.InducedVerifyDrawableZOrdersWithServerCommandArchive super = 1;
message .TPSOS.ReapplyPageTemplateCommandArchive {
required .TSASOS.CommandReapplyMasterArchive super = 1;
message .TP.InsertDrawablesCommandArchive {
enum InsertionType {
InsertingPrototype = 0;
Pasting = 1;
Cloning = 2;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional bool for_paste = 2 [deprecated = true];
optional .TP.InsertDrawablesCommandArchive.InsertionType insertion_type = 10;
repeated .TSCK.AddIdOperationArgs args_list = 3;
repeated uint32 page_index_list = 4;
repeated .TSP.Reference drawable_info_list = 5;
repeated string placeholder_tags_list = 9;
repeated .TSP.UUID custom_format_keys = 6;
optional .TSP.Reference drawable_undo_object = 7;
optional uint32 saved_next_untitled_resolver_index = 8;
message .TP.MoveDrawablesPageIndexCommandArchive {
message Drawable {
optional .TSP.Reference drawable = 1;
optional uint32 z_order = 2;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional uint32 page_index = 2 [deprecated = true];
repeated .TP.MoveDrawablesPageIndexCommandArchive.Drawable drawables = 3 [deprecated = true];
optional bool maintain_z_order = 4 [deprecated = true];
repeated .TSP.UUIDPath drawable_info_id_path_list = 5;
repeated uint32 page_index_list = 6;
repeated uint32 original_page_index_list = 7;
repeated string tags_list = 8;
repeated string original_tags_list = 9;
optional bool preserve_tags = 10;
message .TP.InsertSectionBreakCommandArchive {
required .TSWP.StorageActionCommandArchive super = 1;
message .TP.MoveDrawableZOrderCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSCK.RearrangeIdOperationArgs args_list = 2;
optional uint32 action_string_index = 3;
message .TP.RemoveDrawablesCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSCK.RemoveIdOperationArgs args_list = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference drawable_info_list = 3;
repeated uint32 page_index_list = 4;
repeated string tags_list = 5;
message .TP.ChangeSectionMarginsCommandArchive {
enum SectionMargin {
kSectionMarginLeft = 0;
kSectionMarginRight = 1;
kSectionMarginTop = 2;
kSectionMarginBottom = 3;
kSectionMarginHeader = 4;
kSectionMarginFooter = 5;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference section = 2;
optional .TP.ChangeSectionMarginsCommandArchive.SectionMargin margin = 3;
optional float margin_value = 4;
message .TP.InsertSectionTemplateDrawablesCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference OBSOLETE_section = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference section_template_drawables = 3;
optional uint32 drawable_index = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference section_template_drawable_provider = 5;
repeated .TSP.UUID custom_format_keys = 6;
message .TP.MoveSectionTemplateDrawableZOrderCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference OBSOLETE_section = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference section_template_drawables = 3;
repeated uint32 indexes = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference section_template_drawable_provider = 5;
message .TP.RemoveSectionTemplateDrawablesCommandArchive {
message SectionTemplateDrawable {
optional .TSP.Reference drawable = 1;
optional uint32 drawable_index = 2;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference OBSOLETE_section = 2;
repeated .TP.RemoveSectionTemplateDrawablesCommandArchive.SectionTemplateDrawable section_template_drawables = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference section_template_drawable_provider = 4;
message .TP.PasteSectionTemplateDrawablesCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.Reference section = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference section_template_drawables = 3;
optional uint32 drawable_index = 4;
message .TP.MoveDrawablesAttachedCommandArchive {
message GSSPCharIndexAndPosition {
optional int32 char_index = 1;
optional uint32 h_offset_type = 2;
optional float h_offset = 3;
optional uint32 v_offset_type = 4;
optional float v_offset = 5;
required .TSWP.StorageActionCommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSCK.IdPlacementOperationArgs args_list = 2;
repeated .TSP.Range range_list = 3;
repeated .TSP.UUIDPath drawable_info_id_path_list = 4;
repeated .TP.MoveDrawablesAttachedCommandArchive.GSSPCharIndexAndPosition position_list = 5;
repeated .TSD.ExteriorTextWrapArchive exterior_text_wrap_list = 6;
repeated uint32 original_page_index_list = 7;
repeated .TSD.ExteriorTextWrapArchive original_exterior_text_wrap_list = 8;
repeated .TSP.Reference original_attachment_list = 9;
message .TP.MoveDrawablesFloatingCommandArchive {
required .TSWP.StorageActionCommandArchive super = 1;
repeated .TSCK.IdPlacementOperationArgs args_list = 2;
repeated .TSP.Range range_list = 3;
repeated .TSP.UUIDPath drawable_info_id_path_list = 4;
repeated uint32 page_index_list = 5;
repeated .TSD.ExteriorTextWrapArchive exterior_text_wrap_list = 6;
repeated .TSP.Reference original_attachment_list = 7;
repeated .TSD.ExteriorTextWrapArchive original_exterior_text_wrap_list = 8;
message .TP.ChangeFootnoteFormatCommandArchive {
enum FootnoteFormat {
kFootnoteFormatNumeric = 0;
kFootnoteFormatRoman = 1;
kFootnoteFormatSymbolic = 2;
kFootnoteFormatJapaneseNumeric = 3;
kFootnoteFormatJapaneseIdeographic = 4;
kFootnoteFormatArabicNumeric = 5;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TP.ChangeFootnoteFormatCommandArchive.FootnoteFormat format = 2;
message .TP.ChangeFootnoteKindCommandArchive {
enum FootnoteKind {
kFootnoteKindFootnotes = 0;
kFootnoteKindDocumentEndnotes = 1;
kFootnoteKindSectionEndnotes = 2;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TP.ChangeFootnoteKindCommandArchive.FootnoteKind kind = 2;
optional .TSWP.UndoTransaction undo_transaction = 3;
message .TP.ChangeFootnoteNumberingCommandArchive {
enum FootnoteNumbering {
kFootnoteNumberingContinuous = 0;
kFootnoteNumberingRestartEachPage = 1;
kFootnoteNumberingRestartEachSection = 2;
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TP.ChangeFootnoteNumberingCommandArchive.FootnoteNumbering numbering = 2;
message .TP.ChangeFootnoteSpacingCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional int32 footnote_spacing = 2;
message .TP.MoveInlineDrawableAnchoredCommandArchive {
required .TSWP.StorageActionCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSCK.IdPlacementOperationArgs id_placement_operation_args = 2;
optional uint32 replacement_range_location = 3;
optional uint32 replacement_range_length = 4;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath drawable_info_id_path = 5;
optional .TSD.ExteriorTextWrapArchive exterior_text_wrap = 6;
optional .TSD.ExteriorTextWrapArchive original_exterior_text_wrap = 7;
message .TP.MoveAnchoredDrawableInlineCommandArchive {
required .TSWP.StorageActionCommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSCK.IdPlacementOperationArgs id_placement_operation_args = 2;
optional uint32 replacement_range_location = 3;
optional uint32 replacement_range_length = 4;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath drawable_info_id_path = 5;
optional .TSD.ExteriorTextWrapArchive exterior_text_wrap = 6;
optional .TSD.ExteriorTextWrapArchive original_exterior_text_wrap = 7;
message .TP.InsertFootnoteCommandArchive {
required .TSWP.StorageActionCommandArchive super = 1;
message .TP.ToggleBodyLayoutDirectionCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional bool new_direction_is_vertical = 2;
message .TP.TrackChangesCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional bool track_changes = 2;
repeated .TSP.Reference change_session_history = 3;
optional bool paused = 4 [deprecated = true];
optional .TSP.Reference most_recent_change_session = 5;
optional bool old_track_changes = 6;
repeated .TSP.Reference old_change_session_history = 7;
optional .TSP.Reference old_most_recent_change_session = 8;
message .TP.PauseChangeTrackingCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional bool paused = 2 [deprecated = true];
message .TP.SectionGuideCommandArchive {
required .TSD.AbstractGuideCommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUIDPath section_id_path = 2;
required uint32 page_index = 3;
message .TP.ReplaceHeaderFooterStorageCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath header_footer_storage_id_path = 2;
optional .TSP.Reference replacement_header_footer_storage = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference replacement_header_footer_storage_undo_object = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference old_header_footer_storage = 5;
message .TP.PrototypeForUndoChangePageTemplateForSection {
optional .TSP.UUIDPath id_path_for_template_in_document = 1;
required .TSP.Reference internal_page_template = 2;
message .TP.ChangePageTemplateForSectionCommandArchive {
required .TSK.CommandArchive super = 1;
required .TSP.UUIDPath section_id_path = 2;
required .TSP.Reference page_template = 3;
optional .TSP.Reference old_page_template = 4;
required bool is_undo_redo = 5;
optional .TSP.Reference target_prototype = 6;
message .TP.AllFootnoteSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .TSP.Reference all_footnote_selection = 1;
message .TP.DocumentSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .TSP.Reference document_selection = 1;
required .TSP.UUIDPath storage_uuid_path = 2;
message .TP.CanvasSelectionTransformerArchive {
required .TSWP.SelectionTransformerArchive super = 1;
required .TSD.InfoCollectionSelectionTransformerHelperArchive infos_collection_helper = 2;
required .TSD.InfoCollectionSelectionTransformerHelperArchive excluded_infos_collection_helper = 3;
required .TSD.InfoCollectionSelectionTransformerHelperArchive additional_infos_collection_helper = 4;
optional .TSP.UUIDPath header_or_footnote_storage_uuid_path = 5;