version bump 1.2.2

This commit is contained in:
SheetJS 2022-04-06 02:45:11 -04:00
parent 0e33eb6e13
commit ad93f76a36
15 changed files with 720 additions and 599 deletions

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ bits/31_version.js: package.json
.PHONY: clean
clean: ## Remove targets and build artifacts
rm -f $(TARGET) $(FLOWTARGET) xlscfb.js xlscfb.flow.js
.PHONY: clean-data
@ -46,13 +46,15 @@ init: ## Initial setup for development
.PHONY: dist
dist: dist-deps $(TARGET) ## Prepare JS files for distribution
cp $(TARGET) dist/
mkdir -p dist
cp LICENSE dist/
cp $(TARGET) dist/
uglifyjs $(TARGET) $(UGLIFYOPTS) -o dist/$(LIB).min.js --source-map dist/$(LIB) --preamble "$$(head -n 1 bits/00_header.js)"
misc/ dist/$(LIB).min.js
.PHONY: dist-deps
dist-deps: xlscfb.js ## Copy dependencies for distribution
mkdir -p dist
cp xlscfb.flow.js dist/xlscfb.js
.PHONY: aux
@ -61,15 +63,15 @@ aux: $(AUXTARGETS)
.PHONY: xls
xls: xlscfb.js
XLSSKIP=bits/08_blob.js bits/04_base64.js bits/05_buf.js
XLSDEPS=misc/suppress_export.js $(filter-out $(XLSSKIP),$(DEPS))
XLSSKIP=bits/08_blob.js bits/04_base64.js bits/05_buf.js bits/98_exports.js
XLSDEPS=misc/xlscfb.js $(filter-out $(XLSSKIP),$(DEPS))
xlscfb.flow.js: $(XLSDEPS) ## Build support library
cat $^ | tr -d '\15\32' > $@
cat $^ | tr -d '\15\32' | grep -v DO_NOT_EXPORT_CFB > $@
BYTEFILE=dist/cfb.min.js dist/xlscfb.js
.PHONY: bytes
bytes: ## Display minified and gzipped file sizes
for i in $(BYTEFILE); do printj "%-30s %7d %10d" $$i $$(wc -c < $$i) $$(gzip --best --stdout $$i | wc -c); done
for i in $(BYTEFILE); do npx printj "%-30s %7d %10d" $$i $$(wc -c < $$i) $$(gzip --best --stdout $$i | wc -c); done
## Testing
@ -93,23 +95,23 @@ fullint: lint old-lint tslint flow mdlint ## Run all checks
.PHONY: lint
lint: $(TARGET) $(AUXTARGETS) ## Run eslint checks
@eslint --ext .js,.njs,.json,.html,.htm $(TARGET) $(CMDS) $(HTMLLINT) package.json
if [ -e $(CLOSURE) ]; then java -jar $(CLOSURE) $(REQS) $(FLOWTARGET) --jscomp_warning=reportUnknownTypes >/dev/null; fi
@./node_modules/.bin/eslint --ext .js,.njs,.json,.html,.htm $(TARGET) $(CMDS) $(HTMLLINT) package.json
@if [ -x "$(CLOSURE)" ]; then java -jar $(CLOSURE) $(REQS) $(FLOWTARGET) --jscomp_warning=reportUnknownTypes >/dev/null; fi
.PHONY: old-lint
old-lint: $(TARGET) $(AUXTARGETS) ## Run jshint and jscs checks
@jshint --show-non-errors $(TARGET) $(AUXTARGETS)
@jshint --show-non-errors $(CMDS)
@jshint --show-non-errors package.json test.js
@jshint --show-non-errors --extract=always $(HTMLLINT)
@jscs $(TARGET) $(AUXTARGETS) test.js
if [ -e $(CLOSURE) ]; then java -jar $(CLOSURE) $(REQS) $(FLOWTARGET) --jscomp_warning=reportUnknownTypes >/dev/null; fi
@./node_modules/.bin/jscs $(TARGET) $(AUXTARGETS) test.js
@./node_modules/.bin/jshint --show-non-errors $(TARGET) $(AUXTARGETS)
@./node_modules/.bin/jshint --show-non-errors $(CMDS)
@./node_modules/.bin/jshint --show-non-errors package.json test.js
@./node_modules/.bin/jshint --show-non-errors --extract=always $(HTMLLINT)
@if [ -x "$(CLOSURE)" ]; then java -jar $(CLOSURE) $(REQS) $(FLOWTARGET) --jscomp_warning=reportUnknownTypes >/dev/null; fi
.PHONY: tslint
tslint: $(TARGET) ## Run typescript checks
#@npm install dtslint typescript
#@npm run-script dtslint
dtslint types
./node_modules/.bin/dtslint types
.PHONY: flow
flow: lint ## Run flow checker

View File

@ -1,26 +1,29 @@
var has_buf = (typeof Buffer !== 'undefined' && typeof process !== 'undefined' && typeof process.versions !== 'undefined' && process.versions.node);
var has_buf = /*#__PURE__*/(function() { return typeof Buffer !== 'undefined' && typeof process !== 'undefined' && typeof process.versions !== 'undefined' && !!process.versions.node; })();
var Buffer_from = /*::(*/function(){}/*:: :any)*/;
var Buffer_from = /*#__PURE__*/(function() {
if(typeof Buffer !== 'undefined') {
var nbfs = !Buffer.from;
if(!nbfs) try { Buffer.from("foo", "utf8"); } catch(e) { nbfs = true; }
return nbfs ? function(buf, enc) { return (enc) ? new Buffer(buf, enc) : new Buffer(buf); } : Buffer.from.bind(Buffer);
return function() {};
if(typeof Buffer !== 'undefined') {
var nbfs = !Buffer.from;
if(!nbfs) try { Buffer.from("foo", "utf8"); } catch(e) { nbfs = true; }
Buffer_from = /*::((*/nbfs ? function(buf, enc) { return (enc) ? new Buffer(buf, enc) : new Buffer(buf); } : Buffer.from.bind(Buffer)/*::) :any)*/;
// $FlowIgnore
if(!Buffer.alloc) Buffer.alloc = function(n) { var b = new Buffer(n); b.fill(0); return b; };
// $FlowIgnore
if(!Buffer.allocUnsafe) Buffer.allocUnsafe = function(n) { return new Buffer(n); };
function new_raw_buf(len/*:number*/) {
/* jshint -W056 */
return has_buf ? Buffer.alloc(len) : new Array(len);
if(has_buf) {
if(Buffer.alloc) return Buffer.alloc(len);
var b = new Buffer(len); b.fill(0); return b;
return typeof Uint8Array != "undefined" ? new Uint8Array(len) : new Array(len);
/* jshint +W056 */
function new_unsafe_buf(len/*:number*/) {
/* jshint -W056 */
return has_buf ? Buffer.allocUnsafe(len) : new Array(len);
if(has_buf) return Buffer.allocUnsafe ? Buffer.allocUnsafe(len) : new Buffer(len);
return typeof Uint8Array != "undefined" ? new Uint8Array(len) : new Array(len);
/* jshint +W056 */

View File

@ -1 +1 @@
exports.version = '1.2.1';
exports.version = '1.2.2';

View File

@ -4,73 +4,68 @@
/*exported CFB */
/*global module, require:false, process:false, Buffer:false, Uint8Array:false, Uint16Array:false */
var Base64 = (function make_b64(){
var map = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
return {
encode: function(input/*:string*/)/*:string*/ {
var o = "";
var c1=0, c2=0, c3=0, e1=0, e2=0, e3=0, e4=0;
for(var i = 0; i < input.length; ) {
c1 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
e1 = (c1 >> 2);
c2 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
e2 = ((c1 & 3) << 4) | (c2 >> 4);
c3 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
e3 = ((c2 & 15) << 2) | (c3 >> 6);
e4 = (c3 & 63);
if (isNaN(c2)) { e3 = e4 = 64; }
else if (isNaN(c3)) { e4 = 64; }
o += map.charAt(e1) + map.charAt(e2) + map.charAt(e3) + map.charAt(e4);
return o;
decode: function b64_decode(input/*:string*/)/*:string*/ {
var o = "";
var c1=0, c2=0, c3=0, e1=0, e2=0, e3=0, e4=0;
input = input.replace(/[^\w\+\/\=]/g, "");
for(var i = 0; i < input.length;) {
e1 = map.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
e2 = map.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
c1 = (e1 << 2) | (e2 >> 4);
o += String.fromCharCode(c1);
e3 = map.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
c2 = ((e2 & 15) << 4) | (e3 >> 2);
if (e3 !== 64) { o += String.fromCharCode(c2); }
e4 = map.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
c3 = ((e3 & 3) << 6) | e4;
if (e4 !== 64) { o += String.fromCharCode(c3); }
return o;
var has_buf = (typeof Buffer !== 'undefined' && typeof process !== 'undefined' && typeof process.versions !== 'undefined' && process.versions.node);
var Buffer_from = /*::(*/function(){}/*:: :any)*/;
if(typeof Buffer !== 'undefined') {
var nbfs = !Buffer.from;
if(!nbfs) try { Buffer.from("foo", "utf8"); } catch(e) { nbfs = true; }
Buffer_from = /*::((*/nbfs ? function(buf, enc) { return (enc) ? new Buffer(buf, enc) : new Buffer(buf); } : Buffer.from.bind(Buffer)/*::) :any)*/;
// $FlowIgnore
if(!Buffer.alloc) Buffer.alloc = function(n) { var b = new Buffer(n); b.fill(0); return b; };
// $FlowIgnore
if(!Buffer.allocUnsafe) Buffer.allocUnsafe = function(n) { return new Buffer(n); };
var Base64_map = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
function Base64_encode(input/*:string*/)/*:string*/ {
var o = "";
var c1 = 0, c2 = 0, c3 = 0, e1 = 0, e2 = 0, e3 = 0, e4 = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; ) {
c1 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
e1 = (c1 >> 2);
c2 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
e2 = ((c1 & 3) << 4) | (c2 >> 4);
c3 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
e3 = ((c2 & 15) << 2) | (c3 >> 6);
e4 = (c3 & 63);
if (isNaN(c2)) e3 = e4 = 64;
else if (isNaN(c3)) e4 = 64;
o += Base64_map.charAt(e1) + Base64_map.charAt(e2) + Base64_map.charAt(e3) + Base64_map.charAt(e4);
return o;
function Base64_decode(input/*:string*/)/*:string*/ {
var o = "";
var c1 = 0, c2 = 0, c3 = 0, e1 = 0, e2 = 0, e3 = 0, e4 = 0;
input = input.replace(/[^\w\+\/\=]/g, "");
for (var i = 0; i < input.length;) {
e1 = Base64_map.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
e2 = Base64_map.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
c1 = (e1 << 2) | (e2 >> 4);
o += String.fromCharCode(c1);
e3 = Base64_map.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
c2 = ((e2 & 15) << 4) | (e3 >> 2);
if (e3 !== 64) o += String.fromCharCode(c2);
e4 = Base64_map.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
c3 = ((e3 & 3) << 6) | e4;
if (e4 !== 64) o += String.fromCharCode(c3);
return o;
var has_buf = /*#__PURE__*/(function() { return typeof Buffer !== 'undefined' && typeof process !== 'undefined' && typeof process.versions !== 'undefined' && !!process.versions.node; })();
var Buffer_from = /*#__PURE__*/(function() {
if(typeof Buffer !== 'undefined') {
var nbfs = !Buffer.from;
if(!nbfs) try { Buffer.from("foo", "utf8"); } catch(e) { nbfs = true; }
return nbfs ? function(buf, enc) { return (enc) ? new Buffer(buf, enc) : new Buffer(buf); } : Buffer.from.bind(Buffer);
return function() {};
function new_raw_buf(len/*:number*/) {
/* jshint -W056 */
return has_buf ? Buffer.alloc(len) : new Array(len);
if(has_buf) {
if(Buffer.alloc) return Buffer.alloc(len);
var b = new Buffer(len); b.fill(0); return b;
return typeof Uint8Array != "undefined" ? new Uint8Array(len) : new Array(len);
/* jshint +W056 */
function new_unsafe_buf(len/*:number*/) {
/* jshint -W056 */
return has_buf ? Buffer.allocUnsafe(len) : new Array(len);
if(has_buf) return Buffer.allocUnsafe ? Buffer.allocUnsafe(len) : new Buffer(len);
return typeof Uint8Array != "undefined" ? new Uint8Array(len) : new Array(len);
/* jshint +W056 */
@ -191,21 +186,18 @@ type SectorList = {
type CFBFiles = {[n:string]:CFBEntry};
/* crc32.js (C) 2014-present SheetJS -- */
/*! crc32.js (C) 2014-present SheetJS -- */
/* vim: set ts=2: */
/*exported CRC32 */
var CRC32;
(function (factory) {
/*jshint ignore:start */
/*eslint-disable */
factory(CRC32 = {});
/*eslint-enable */
/*jshint ignore:end */
}(function(CRC32) {
CRC32.version = '1.2.0';
/* see perf/crc32table.js */
var CRC32 = /*#__PURE__*/(function() {
var CRC32 = {};
CRC32.version = '1.2.1';
type ABuf = Array<number> | Buffer | Uint8Array;
type CRC32TableType = Array<number> | Int32Array;
/*global Int32Array */
function signed_crc_table()/*:any*/ {
function signed_crc_table()/*:CRC32TableType*/ {
var c = 0, table/*:Array<number>*/ = new Array(256);
for(var n =0; n != 256; ++n){
@ -224,78 +216,77 @@ function signed_crc_table()/*:any*/ {
return typeof Int32Array !== 'undefined' ? new Int32Array(table) : table;
var T = signed_crc_table();
function crc32_bstr(bstr/*:string*/, seed/*:number*/)/*:number*/ {
var C = seed ^ -1, L = bstr.length - 1;
for(var i = 0; i < L;) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^bstr.charCodeAt(i++))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^bstr.charCodeAt(i++))&0xFF];
var T0 = signed_crc_table();
function slice_by_16_tables(T) {
var c = 0, v = 0, n = 0, table/*:Array<number>*/ = typeof Int32Array !== 'undefined' ? new Int32Array(4096) : new Array(4096) ;
for(n = 0; n != 256; ++n) table[n] = T[n];
for(n = 0; n != 256; ++n) {
v = T[n];
for(c = 256 + n; c < 4096; c += 256) v = table[c] = (v >>> 8) ^ T[v & 0xFF];
if(i === L) C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ bstr.charCodeAt(i))&0xFF];
return C ^ -1;
var out = [];
for(n = 1; n != 16; ++n) out[n - 1] = typeof Int32Array !== 'undefined' ? table.subarray(n * 256, n * 256 + 256) : table.slice(n * 256, n * 256 + 256);
return out;
var TT = slice_by_16_tables(T0);
var T1 = TT[0], T2 = TT[1], T3 = TT[2], T4 = TT[3], T5 = TT[4];
var T6 = TT[5], T7 = TT[6], T8 = TT[7], T9 = TT[8], Ta = TT[9];
var Tb = TT[10], Tc = TT[11], Td = TT[12], Te = TT[13], Tf = TT[14];
function crc32_bstr(bstr/*:string*/, seed/*:?number*/)/*:number*/ {
var C = seed/*:: ? 0 : 0 */ ^ -1;
for(var i = 0, L = bstr.length; i < L;) C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C^bstr.charCodeAt(i++))&0xFF];
return ~C;
function crc32_buf(buf/*:Uint8Array|Array<number>*/, seed/*:number*/)/*:number*/ {
if(buf.length > 10000) return crc32_buf_8(buf, seed);
var C = seed ^ -1, L = buf.length - 3;
for(var i = 0; i < L;) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
while(i < L+3) C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
return C ^ -1;
function crc32_buf(B/*:ABuf*/, seed/*:?number*/)/*:number*/ {
var C = seed/*:: ? 0 : 0 */ ^ -1, L = B.length - 15, i = 0;
for(; i < L;) C =
Tf[B[i++] ^ (C & 255)] ^
Te[B[i++] ^ ((C >> 8) & 255)] ^
Td[B[i++] ^ ((C >> 16) & 255)] ^
Tc[B[i++] ^ (C >>> 24)] ^
Tb[B[i++]] ^ Ta[B[i++]] ^ T9[B[i++]] ^ T8[B[i++]] ^
T7[B[i++]] ^ T6[B[i++]] ^ T5[B[i++]] ^ T4[B[i++]] ^
T3[B[i++]] ^ T2[B[i++]] ^ T1[B[i++]] ^ T0[B[i++]];
L += 15;
while(i < L) C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C^B[i++])&0xFF];
return ~C;
function crc32_buf_8(buf/*:Uint8Array|Array<number>*/, seed/*:number*/)/*:number*/ {
var C = seed ^ -1, L = buf.length - 7;
for(var i = 0; i < L;) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
while(i < L+7) C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
return C ^ -1;
function crc32_str(str/*:string*/, seed/*:number*/)/*:number*/ {
var C = seed ^ -1;
for(var i = 0, L=str.length, c, d; i < L;) {
function crc32_str(str/*:string*/, seed/*:?number*/)/*:number*/ {
var C = seed/*:: ? 0 : 0 */ ^ -1;
for(var i = 0, L = str.length, c = 0, d = 0; i < L;) {
c = str.charCodeAt(i++);
if(c < 0x80) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ c)&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C^c)&0xFF];
} else if(c < 0x800) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (192|((c>>6)&31)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|(c&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (192|((c>>6)&31)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|(c&63)))&0xFF];
} else if(c >= 0xD800 && c < 0xE000) {
c = (c&1023)+64; d = str.charCodeAt(i++)&1023;
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (240|((c>>8)&7)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|((c>>2)&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|((d>>6)&15)|((c&3)<<4)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|(d&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (240|((c>>8)&7)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|((c>>2)&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|((d>>6)&15)|((c&3)<<4)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|(d&63)))&0xFF];
} else {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (224|((c>>12)&15)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|((c>>6)&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|(c&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (224|((c>>12)&15)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|((c>>6)&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|(c&63)))&0xFF];
return C ^ -1;
return ~C;
CRC32.table = T;
CRC32.table = T0;
CRC32.bstr = crc32_bstr;
CRC32.buf = crc32_buf;
CRC32.str = crc32_str;
return CRC32;
/* [MS-CFB] v20171201 */
var CFB = (function _CFB(){
var CFB = /*#__PURE__*/(function _CFB(){
var exports/*:CFBModule*/ = /*::(*/{}/*:: :any)*/;
exports.version = '1.2.1';
exports.version = '1.2.2';
/* [MS-CFB] 2.6.4 */
function namecmp(l/*:string*/, r/*:string*/)/*:number*/ {
var L = l.split("/"), R = r.split("/");
@ -595,7 +586,7 @@ function sleuth_fat(idx/*:number*/, cnt/*:number*/, sectors/*:Array<RawBytes>*/,
if((q = __readInt32LE(sector,i*4)) === ENDOFCHAIN) break;
sleuth_fat(__readInt32LE(sector,ssz-4),cnt - 1, sectors, ssz, fat_addrs);
if(cnt >= 1) sleuth_fat(__readInt32LE(sector,ssz-4),cnt - 1, sectors, ssz, fat_addrs);
@ -713,7 +704,7 @@ function read(blob/*:RawBytes|string*/, options/*:CFBReadOpts*/) {
switch(type || "base64") {
case "file": /*:: if(typeof blob !== 'string') throw "Must pass a filename when type='file'"; */return read_file(blob, options);
case "base64": /*:: if(typeof blob !== 'string') throw "Must pass a base64-encoded binary string when type='file'"; */return parse(s2a(Base64.decode(blob)), options);
case "base64": /*:: if(typeof blob !== 'string') throw "Must pass a base64-encoded binary string when type='file'"; */return parse(s2a(Base64_decode(blob)), options);
case "binary": /*:: if(typeof blob !== 'string') throw "Must pass a binary string when type='file'"; */return parse(s2a(blob), options);
return parse(/*::typeof blob == 'string' ? new Buffer(blob, 'utf-8') : */blob, options);
@ -771,7 +762,9 @@ function rebuild_cfb(cfb/*:CFBContainer*/, f/*:?boolean*/)/*:void*/ {
for(i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
var dad = dirname(data[i][0]);
s = fullPaths[dad];
if(!s) {
while(!s) {
while(dirname(dad) && !fullPaths[dirname(dad)]) dad = dirname(dad);
data.push([dad, ({
name: filename(dad).replace("/",""),
type: 1,
@ -779,8 +772,12 @@ function rebuild_cfb(cfb/*:CFBContainer*/, f/*:?boolean*/)/*:void*/ {
ct: now, mt: now,
content: null
// Add name to set
fullPaths[dad] = true;
dad = dirname(data[i][0]);
s = fullPaths[dad];
@ -828,7 +825,6 @@ function _write(cfb/*:CFBContainer*/, options/*:CFBWriteOpts*/)/*:RawBytes|strin
for(var i = 0; i < cfb.FileIndex.length; ++i) {
var file = cfb.FileIndex[i];
if(!file.content) continue;
/*:: if(file.content == null) throw new Error("unreachable"); */
var flen = file.content.length;
if(flen > 0){
if(flen < 0x1000) mini_size += (flen + 0x3F) >> 6;
@ -919,6 +915,10 @@ function _write(cfb/*:CFBContainer*/, options/*:CFBWriteOpts*/)/*:RawBytes|strin
file = cfb.FileIndex[i];
if(i === 0) file.start = file.size ? file.start - 1 : ENDOFCHAIN;
var _nm/*:string*/ = (i === 0 && _opts.root) ||;
if(_nm.length > 32) {
console.error("Name " + _nm + " will be truncated to " + _nm.slice(0,32));
_nm = _nm.slice(0, 32);
flen = 2*(_nm.length+1);
o.write_shift(64, _nm, "utf16le");
o.write_shift(2, flen);
@ -1036,7 +1036,7 @@ function write(cfb/*:CFBContainer*/, options/*:CFBWriteOpts*/)/*:RawBytes|string
switch(options && options.type || "buffer") {
case "file": get_fs(); fs.writeFileSync(options.filename, (o/*:any*/)); return o;
case "binary": return typeof o == "string" ? o : a2s(o);
case "base64": return Base64.encode(typeof o == "string" ? o : a2s(o));
case "base64": return Base64_encode(typeof o == "string" ? o : a2s(o));
case "buffer": if(has_buf) return Buffer.isBuffer(o) ? o : Buffer_from(o);
/* falls through */
case "array": return typeof o == "string" ? s2a(o) : o;
@ -1226,15 +1226,16 @@ if(!use_typed_arrays) {
for(; i<=279; i++) clens.push(7);
for(; i<=287; i++) clens.push(8);
build_tree(clens, fix_lmap, 288);
})();var _deflateRaw = (function() {
})();var _deflateRaw = /*#__PURE__*/(function _deflateRawIIFE() {
var DST_LN_RE = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint8Array(0x8000) : [];
for(var j = 0, k = 0; j < DST_LN.length; ++j) {
var j = 0, k = 0;
for(; j < DST_LN.length - 1; ++j) {
for(; k < DST_LN[j+1]; ++k) DST_LN_RE[k] = j;
for(;k < 32768; ++k) DST_LN_RE[k] = 29;
var LEN_LN_RE = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint8Array(0x102) : [];
for(j = 0, k = 0; j < LEN_LN.length; ++j) {
var LEN_LN_RE = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint8Array(0x103) : [];
for(j = 0, k = 0; j < LEN_LN.length - 1; ++j) {
for(; k < LEN_LN[j+1]; ++k) LEN_LN_RE[k] = j;
@ -1447,14 +1448,12 @@ function inflate(data, usz/*:number*/) {
var sz = data[boff>>>3] | data[(boff>>>3)+1]<<8;
boff += 32;
/* push sz bytes */
if(!usz && OL < woff + sz) { outbuf = realloc(outbuf, woff + sz); OL = outbuf.length; }
if(typeof data.copy === 'function') {
// $FlowIgnore
data.copy(outbuf, woff, boff>>>3, (boff>>>3)+sz);
woff += sz; boff += 8*sz;
} else while(sz-- > 0) { outbuf[woff++] = data[boff>>>3]; boff += 8; }
if(sz > 0) {
if(!usz && OL < woff + sz) { outbuf = realloc(outbuf, woff + sz); OL = outbuf.length; }
while(sz-- > 0) { outbuf[woff++] = data[boff>>>3]; boff += 8; }
} else if((header >>> 1) == 1) {
} else if((header >> 1) == 1) {
/* Fixed Huffman */
max_len_1 = 9; max_len_2 = 5;
} else {
@ -1499,7 +1498,8 @@ function inflate(data, usz/*:number*/) {
return [usz ? outbuf : outbuf.slice(0, woff), (boff+7)>>>3];
if(usz) return [outbuf, (boff+7)>>>3];
return [outbuf.slice(0, woff), (boff+7)>>>3];
function _inflate(payload, usz) {
@ -1746,7 +1746,7 @@ function get_content_type(fi/*:CFBEntry*/, fp/*:string*/)/*:string*/ {
/* 76 character chunks TODO: intertwine encoding */
function write_base64_76(bstr/*:string*/)/*:string*/ {
var data = Base64.encode(bstr);
var data = Base64_encode(bstr);
var o = [];
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i+= 76) o.push(data.slice(i, i+76));
return o.join("\r\n") + "\r\n";
@ -1807,7 +1807,7 @@ function parse_quoted_printable(data/*:Array<string>*/)/*:RawBytes*/ {
/* decode */
for(var oi = 0; oi < o.length; ++oi) o[oi] = o[oi].replace(/=[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}/g, function($$) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt($$.slice(1), 16)); });
for(var oi = 0; oi < o.length; ++oi) o[oi] = o[oi].replace(/[=][0-9A-Fa-f]{2}/g, function($$) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt($$.slice(1), 16)); });
return s2a(o.join("\r\n"));
@ -1827,7 +1827,7 @@ function parse_mime(cfb/*:CFBContainer*/, data/*:Array<string>*/, root/*:string*
switch(cte.toLowerCase()) {
case 'base64': fdata = s2a(Base64.decode(data.slice(di).join(""))); break;
case 'base64': fdata = s2a(Base64_decode(data.slice(di).join(""))); break;
case 'quoted-printable': fdata = parse_quoted_printable(data.slice(di)); break;
default: throw new Error("Unsupported Content-Transfer-Encoding " + cte);

View File

@ -40,29 +40,32 @@ function Base64_decode(input) {
return o;
var has_buf = (typeof Buffer !== 'undefined' && typeof process !== 'undefined' && typeof process.versions !== 'undefined' && process.versions.node);
var has_buf = (function() { return typeof Buffer !== 'undefined' && typeof process !== 'undefined' && typeof process.versions !== 'undefined' && !!process.versions.node; })();
var Buffer_from = function(){};
var Buffer_from = (function() {
if(typeof Buffer !== 'undefined') {
var nbfs = !Buffer.from;
if(!nbfs) try { Buffer.from("foo", "utf8"); } catch(e) { nbfs = true; }
return nbfs ? function(buf, enc) { return (enc) ? new Buffer(buf, enc) : new Buffer(buf); } : Buffer.from.bind(Buffer);
return function() {};
if(typeof Buffer !== 'undefined') {
var nbfs = !Buffer.from;
if(!nbfs) try { Buffer.from("foo", "utf8"); } catch(e) { nbfs = true; }
Buffer_from = nbfs ? function(buf, enc) { return (enc) ? new Buffer(buf, enc) : new Buffer(buf); } : Buffer.from.bind(Buffer);
// $FlowIgnore
if(!Buffer.alloc) Buffer.alloc = function(n) { var b = new Buffer(n); b.fill(0); return b; };
// $FlowIgnore
if(!Buffer.allocUnsafe) Buffer.allocUnsafe = function(n) { return new Buffer(n); };
function new_raw_buf(len) {
/* jshint -W056 */
return has_buf ? Buffer.alloc(len) : new Array(len);
if(has_buf) {
if(Buffer.alloc) return Buffer.alloc(len);
var b = new Buffer(len); b.fill(0); return b;
return typeof Uint8Array != "undefined" ? new Uint8Array(len) : new Array(len);
/* jshint +W056 */
function new_unsafe_buf(len) {
/* jshint -W056 */
return has_buf ? Buffer.allocUnsafe(len) : new Array(len);
if(has_buf) return Buffer.allocUnsafe ? Buffer.allocUnsafe(len) : new Buffer(len);
return typeof Uint8Array != "undefined" ? new Uint8Array(len) : new Array(len);
/* jshint +W056 */
@ -261,7 +264,7 @@ return CRC32;
/* [MS-CFB] v20171201 */
var CFB = (function _CFB(){
var exports = {};
exports.version = '1.2.1';
exports.version = '1.2.2';
/* [MS-CFB] 2.6.4 */
function namecmp(l, r) {
var L = l.split("/"), R = r.split("/");

dist/cfb.js vendored
View File

@ -4,73 +4,68 @@
/*exported CFB */
/*global module, require:false, process:false, Buffer:false, Uint8Array:false, Uint16Array:false */
var Base64 = (function make_b64(){
var map = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
return {
encode: function(input) {
var o = "";
var c1=0, c2=0, c3=0, e1=0, e2=0, e3=0, e4=0;
for(var i = 0; i < input.length; ) {
c1 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
e1 = (c1 >> 2);
c2 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
e2 = ((c1 & 3) << 4) | (c2 >> 4);
c3 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
e3 = ((c2 & 15) << 2) | (c3 >> 6);
e4 = (c3 & 63);
if (isNaN(c2)) { e3 = e4 = 64; }
else if (isNaN(c3)) { e4 = 64; }
o += map.charAt(e1) + map.charAt(e2) + map.charAt(e3) + map.charAt(e4);
return o;
decode: function b64_decode(input) {
var o = "";
var c1=0, c2=0, c3=0, e1=0, e2=0, e3=0, e4=0;
input = input.replace(/[^\w\+\/\=]/g, "");
for(var i = 0; i < input.length;) {
e1 = map.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
e2 = map.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
c1 = (e1 << 2) | (e2 >> 4);
o += String.fromCharCode(c1);
e3 = map.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
c2 = ((e2 & 15) << 4) | (e3 >> 2);
if (e3 !== 64) { o += String.fromCharCode(c2); }
e4 = map.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
c3 = ((e3 & 3) << 6) | e4;
if (e4 !== 64) { o += String.fromCharCode(c3); }
return o;
var has_buf = (typeof Buffer !== 'undefined' && typeof process !== 'undefined' && typeof process.versions !== 'undefined' && process.versions.node);
var Buffer_from = function(){};
if(typeof Buffer !== 'undefined') {
var nbfs = !Buffer.from;
if(!nbfs) try { Buffer.from("foo", "utf8"); } catch(e) { nbfs = true; }
Buffer_from = nbfs ? function(buf, enc) { return (enc) ? new Buffer(buf, enc) : new Buffer(buf); } : Buffer.from.bind(Buffer);
// $FlowIgnore
if(!Buffer.alloc) Buffer.alloc = function(n) { var b = new Buffer(n); b.fill(0); return b; };
// $FlowIgnore
if(!Buffer.allocUnsafe) Buffer.allocUnsafe = function(n) { return new Buffer(n); };
var Base64_map = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
function Base64_encode(input) {
var o = "";
var c1 = 0, c2 = 0, c3 = 0, e1 = 0, e2 = 0, e3 = 0, e4 = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; ) {
c1 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
e1 = (c1 >> 2);
c2 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
e2 = ((c1 & 3) << 4) | (c2 >> 4);
c3 = input.charCodeAt(i++);
e3 = ((c2 & 15) << 2) | (c3 >> 6);
e4 = (c3 & 63);
if (isNaN(c2)) e3 = e4 = 64;
else if (isNaN(c3)) e4 = 64;
o += Base64_map.charAt(e1) + Base64_map.charAt(e2) + Base64_map.charAt(e3) + Base64_map.charAt(e4);
return o;
function Base64_decode(input) {
var o = "";
var c1 = 0, c2 = 0, c3 = 0, e1 = 0, e2 = 0, e3 = 0, e4 = 0;
input = input.replace(/[^\w\+\/\=]/g, "");
for (var i = 0; i < input.length;) {
e1 = Base64_map.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
e2 = Base64_map.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
c1 = (e1 << 2) | (e2 >> 4);
o += String.fromCharCode(c1);
e3 = Base64_map.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
c2 = ((e2 & 15) << 4) | (e3 >> 2);
if (e3 !== 64) o += String.fromCharCode(c2);
e4 = Base64_map.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
c3 = ((e3 & 3) << 6) | e4;
if (e4 !== 64) o += String.fromCharCode(c3);
return o;
var has_buf = (function() { return typeof Buffer !== 'undefined' && typeof process !== 'undefined' && typeof process.versions !== 'undefined' && !!process.versions.node; })();
var Buffer_from = (function() {
if(typeof Buffer !== 'undefined') {
var nbfs = !Buffer.from;
if(!nbfs) try { Buffer.from("foo", "utf8"); } catch(e) { nbfs = true; }
return nbfs ? function(buf, enc) { return (enc) ? new Buffer(buf, enc) : new Buffer(buf); } : Buffer.from.bind(Buffer);
return function() {};
function new_raw_buf(len) {
/* jshint -W056 */
return has_buf ? Buffer.alloc(len) : new Array(len);
if(has_buf) {
if(Buffer.alloc) return Buffer.alloc(len);
var b = new Buffer(len); b.fill(0); return b;
return typeof Uint8Array != "undefined" ? new Uint8Array(len) : new Array(len);
/* jshint +W056 */
function new_unsafe_buf(len) {
/* jshint -W056 */
return has_buf ? Buffer.allocUnsafe(len) : new Array(len);
if(has_buf) return Buffer.allocUnsafe ? Buffer.allocUnsafe(len) : new Buffer(len);
return typeof Uint8Array != "undefined" ? new Uint8Array(len) : new Array(len);
/* jshint +W056 */
@ -173,19 +168,12 @@ function new_buf(sz) {
return o;
/* crc32.js (C) 2014-present SheetJS -- */
/*! crc32.js (C) 2014-present SheetJS -- */
/* vim: set ts=2: */
/*exported CRC32 */
var CRC32;
(function (factory) {
/*jshint ignore:start */
/*eslint-disable */
factory(CRC32 = {});
/*eslint-enable */
/*jshint ignore:end */
}(function(CRC32) {
CRC32.version = '1.2.0';
/* see perf/crc32table.js */
var CRC32 = (function() {
var CRC32 = {};
CRC32.version = '1.2.1';
/*global Int32Array */
function signed_crc_table() {
var c = 0, table = new Array(256);
@ -206,78 +194,77 @@ function signed_crc_table() {
return typeof Int32Array !== 'undefined' ? new Int32Array(table) : table;
var T = signed_crc_table();
var T0 = signed_crc_table();
function slice_by_16_tables(T) {
var c = 0, v = 0, n = 0, table = typeof Int32Array !== 'undefined' ? new Int32Array(4096) : new Array(4096) ;
for(n = 0; n != 256; ++n) table[n] = T[n];
for(n = 0; n != 256; ++n) {
v = T[n];
for(c = 256 + n; c < 4096; c += 256) v = table[c] = (v >>> 8) ^ T[v & 0xFF];
var out = [];
for(n = 1; n != 16; ++n) out[n - 1] = typeof Int32Array !== 'undefined' ? table.subarray(n * 256, n * 256 + 256) : table.slice(n * 256, n * 256 + 256);
return out;
var TT = slice_by_16_tables(T0);
var T1 = TT[0], T2 = TT[1], T3 = TT[2], T4 = TT[3], T5 = TT[4];
var T6 = TT[5], T7 = TT[6], T8 = TT[7], T9 = TT[8], Ta = TT[9];
var Tb = TT[10], Tc = TT[11], Td = TT[12], Te = TT[13], Tf = TT[14];
function crc32_bstr(bstr, seed) {
var C = seed ^ -1, L = bstr.length - 1;
for(var i = 0; i < L;) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^bstr.charCodeAt(i++))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^bstr.charCodeAt(i++))&0xFF];
if(i === L) C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ bstr.charCodeAt(i))&0xFF];
return C ^ -1;
var C = seed ^ -1;
for(var i = 0, L = bstr.length; i < L;) C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C^bstr.charCodeAt(i++))&0xFF];
return ~C;
function crc32_buf(buf, seed) {
if(buf.length > 10000) return crc32_buf_8(buf, seed);
var C = seed ^ -1, L = buf.length - 3;
for(var i = 0; i < L;) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
while(i < L+3) C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
return C ^ -1;
function crc32_buf_8(buf, seed) {
var C = seed ^ -1, L = buf.length - 7;
for(var i = 0; i < L;) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
while(i < L+7) C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
return C ^ -1;
function crc32_buf(B, seed) {
var C = seed ^ -1, L = B.length - 15, i = 0;
for(; i < L;) C =
Tf[B[i++] ^ (C & 255)] ^
Te[B[i++] ^ ((C >> 8) & 255)] ^
Td[B[i++] ^ ((C >> 16) & 255)] ^
Tc[B[i++] ^ (C >>> 24)] ^
Tb[B[i++]] ^ Ta[B[i++]] ^ T9[B[i++]] ^ T8[B[i++]] ^
T7[B[i++]] ^ T6[B[i++]] ^ T5[B[i++]] ^ T4[B[i++]] ^
T3[B[i++]] ^ T2[B[i++]] ^ T1[B[i++]] ^ T0[B[i++]];
L += 15;
while(i < L) C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C^B[i++])&0xFF];
return ~C;
function crc32_str(str, seed) {
var C = seed ^ -1;
for(var i = 0, L=str.length, c, d; i < L;) {
for(var i = 0, L = str.length, c = 0, d = 0; i < L;) {
c = str.charCodeAt(i++);
if(c < 0x80) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ c)&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C^c)&0xFF];
} else if(c < 0x800) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (192|((c>>6)&31)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|(c&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (192|((c>>6)&31)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|(c&63)))&0xFF];
} else if(c >= 0xD800 && c < 0xE000) {
c = (c&1023)+64; d = str.charCodeAt(i++)&1023;
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (240|((c>>8)&7)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|((c>>2)&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|((d>>6)&15)|((c&3)<<4)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|(d&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (240|((c>>8)&7)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|((c>>2)&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|((d>>6)&15)|((c&3)<<4)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|(d&63)))&0xFF];
} else {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (224|((c>>12)&15)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|((c>>6)&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|(c&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (224|((c>>12)&15)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|((c>>6)&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|(c&63)))&0xFF];
return C ^ -1;
return ~C;
CRC32.table = T;
CRC32.table = T0;
CRC32.bstr = crc32_bstr;
CRC32.buf = crc32_buf;
CRC32.str = crc32_str;
return CRC32;
/* [MS-CFB] v20171201 */
var CFB = (function _CFB(){
var exports = {};
exports.version = '1.2.1';
exports.version = '1.2.2';
/* [MS-CFB] 2.6.4 */
function namecmp(l, r) {
var L = l.split("/"), R = r.split("/");
@ -577,7 +564,7 @@ function sleuth_fat(idx, cnt, sectors, ssz, fat_addrs) {
if((q = __readInt32LE(sector,i*4)) === ENDOFCHAIN) break;
sleuth_fat(__readInt32LE(sector,ssz-4),cnt - 1, sectors, ssz, fat_addrs);
if(cnt >= 1) sleuth_fat(__readInt32LE(sector,ssz-4),cnt - 1, sectors, ssz, fat_addrs);
@ -695,7 +682,7 @@ function read(blob, options) {
switch(type || "base64") {
case "file": return read_file(blob, options);
case "base64": return parse(s2a(Base64.decode(blob)), options);
case "base64": return parse(s2a(Base64_decode(blob)), options);
case "binary": return parse(s2a(blob), options);
return parse(blob, options);
@ -753,7 +740,9 @@ function rebuild_cfb(cfb, f) {
for(i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
var dad = dirname(data[i][0]);
s = fullPaths[dad];
if(!s) {
while(!s) {
while(dirname(dad) && !fullPaths[dirname(dad)]) dad = dirname(dad);
data.push([dad, ({
name: filename(dad).replace("/",""),
type: 1,
@ -761,8 +750,12 @@ function rebuild_cfb(cfb, f) {
ct: now, mt: now,
content: null
// Add name to set
fullPaths[dad] = true;
dad = dirname(data[i][0]);
s = fullPaths[dad];
@ -810,7 +803,7 @@ function _write(cfb, options) {
for(var i = 0; i < cfb.FileIndex.length; ++i) {
var file = cfb.FileIndex[i];
if(!file.content) continue;
var flen = file.content.length;
var flen = file.content.length;
if(flen > 0){
if(flen < 0x1000) mini_size += (flen + 0x3F) >> 6;
else fat_size += (flen + 0x01FF) >> 9;
@ -898,6 +891,10 @@ flen = file.content.length;
file = cfb.FileIndex[i];
if(i === 0) file.start = file.size ? file.start - 1 : ENDOFCHAIN;
var _nm = (i === 0 && _opts.root) ||;
if(_nm.length > 32) {
console.error("Name " + _nm + " will be truncated to " + _nm.slice(0,32));
_nm = _nm.slice(0, 32);
flen = 2*(_nm.length+1);
o.write_shift(64, _nm, "utf16le");
o.write_shift(2, flen);
@ -1012,7 +1009,7 @@ function write(cfb, options) {
switch(options && options.type || "buffer") {
case "file": get_fs(); fs.writeFileSync(options.filename, (o)); return o;
case "binary": return typeof o == "string" ? o : a2s(o);
case "base64": return Base64.encode(typeof o == "string" ? o : a2s(o));
case "base64": return Base64_encode(typeof o == "string" ? o : a2s(o));
case "buffer": if(has_buf) return Buffer.isBuffer(o) ? o : Buffer_from(o);
/* falls through */
case "array": return typeof o == "string" ? s2a(o) : o;
@ -1202,15 +1199,16 @@ if(!use_typed_arrays) {
for(; i<=279; i++) clens.push(7);
for(; i<=287; i++) clens.push(8);
build_tree(clens, fix_lmap, 288);
})();var _deflateRaw = (function() {
})();var _deflateRaw = (function _deflateRawIIFE() {
var DST_LN_RE = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint8Array(0x8000) : [];
for(var j = 0, k = 0; j < DST_LN.length; ++j) {
var j = 0, k = 0;
for(; j < DST_LN.length - 1; ++j) {
for(; k < DST_LN[j+1]; ++k) DST_LN_RE[k] = j;
for(;k < 32768; ++k) DST_LN_RE[k] = 29;
var LEN_LN_RE = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint8Array(0x102) : [];
for(j = 0, k = 0; j < LEN_LN.length; ++j) {
var LEN_LN_RE = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint8Array(0x103) : [];
for(j = 0, k = 0; j < LEN_LN.length - 1; ++j) {
for(; k < LEN_LN[j+1]; ++k) LEN_LN_RE[k] = j;
@ -1423,14 +1421,12 @@ function inflate(data, usz) {
var sz = data[boff>>>3] | data[(boff>>>3)+1]<<8;
boff += 32;
/* push sz bytes */
if(!usz && OL < woff + sz) { outbuf = realloc(outbuf, woff + sz); OL = outbuf.length; }
if(typeof data.copy === 'function') {
// $FlowIgnore
data.copy(outbuf, woff, boff>>>3, (boff>>>3)+sz);
woff += sz; boff += 8*sz;
} else while(sz-- > 0) { outbuf[woff++] = data[boff>>>3]; boff += 8; }
if(sz > 0) {
if(!usz && OL < woff + sz) { outbuf = realloc(outbuf, woff + sz); OL = outbuf.length; }
while(sz-- > 0) { outbuf[woff++] = data[boff>>>3]; boff += 8; }
} else if((header >>> 1) == 1) {
} else if((header >> 1) == 1) {
/* Fixed Huffman */
max_len_1 = 9; max_len_2 = 5;
} else {
@ -1475,7 +1471,8 @@ function inflate(data, usz) {
return [usz ? outbuf : outbuf.slice(0, woff), (boff+7)>>>3];
if(usz) return [outbuf, (boff+7)>>>3];
return [outbuf.slice(0, woff), (boff+7)>>>3];
function _inflate(payload, usz) {
@ -1722,7 +1719,7 @@ function get_content_type(fi, fp) {
/* 76 character chunks TODO: intertwine encoding */
function write_base64_76(bstr) {
var data = Base64.encode(bstr);
var data = Base64_encode(bstr);
var o = [];
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i+= 76) o.push(data.slice(i, i+76));
return o.join("\r\n") + "\r\n";
@ -1783,7 +1780,7 @@ function parse_quoted_printable(data) {
/* decode */
for(var oi = 0; oi < o.length; ++oi) o[oi] = o[oi].replace(/=[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}/g, function($$) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt($$.slice(1), 16)); });
for(var oi = 0; oi < o.length; ++oi) o[oi] = o[oi].replace(/[=][0-9A-Fa-f]{2}/g, function($$) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt($$.slice(1), 16)); });
return s2a(o.join("\r\n"));
@ -1803,7 +1800,7 @@ function parse_mime(cfb, data, root) {
switch(cte.toLowerCase()) {
case 'base64': fdata = s2a(Base64.decode(data.slice(di).join(""))); break;
case 'base64': fdata = s2a(Base64_decode(data.slice(di).join(""))); break;
case 'quoted-printable': fdata = parse_quoted_printable(data.slice(di)); break;
default: throw new Error("Unsupported Content-Transfer-Encoding " + cte);

dist/cfb.min.js vendored

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

dist/ vendored

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

dist/xlscfb.js vendored
View File

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
var DO_NOT_EXPORT_CFB = true;
declare var Base64:any;
declare var ReadShift:any;
declare var CheckField:any;
declare var prep_blob:any;
@ -25,7 +23,6 @@ declare var Buffer_from:any;
/*global module, require:false, process:false, Buffer:false, Uint8Array:false, Uint16Array:false */
declare var DO_NOT_EXPORT_CFB:?boolean;
type SectorEntry = {
@ -39,21 +36,18 @@ type SectorList = {
type CFBFiles = {[n:string]:CFBEntry};
/* crc32.js (C) 2014-present SheetJS -- */
/*! crc32.js (C) 2014-present SheetJS -- */
/* vim: set ts=2: */
/*exported CRC32 */
var CRC32;
(function (factory) {
/*jshint ignore:start */
/*eslint-disable */
factory(CRC32 = {});
/*eslint-enable */
/*jshint ignore:end */
}(function(CRC32) {
CRC32.version = '1.2.0';
/* see perf/crc32table.js */
var CRC32 = /*#__PURE__*/(function() {
var CRC32 = {};
CRC32.version = '1.2.1';
type ABuf = Array<number> | Buffer | Uint8Array;
type CRC32TableType = Array<number> | Int32Array;
/*global Int32Array */
function signed_crc_table()/*:any*/ {
function signed_crc_table()/*:CRC32TableType*/ {
var c = 0, table/*:Array<number>*/ = new Array(256);
for(var n =0; n != 256; ++n){
@ -72,78 +66,77 @@ function signed_crc_table()/*:any*/ {
return typeof Int32Array !== 'undefined' ? new Int32Array(table) : table;
var T = signed_crc_table();
function crc32_bstr(bstr/*:string*/, seed/*:number*/)/*:number*/ {
var C = seed ^ -1, L = bstr.length - 1;
for(var i = 0; i < L;) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^bstr.charCodeAt(i++))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^bstr.charCodeAt(i++))&0xFF];
var T0 = signed_crc_table();
function slice_by_16_tables(T) {
var c = 0, v = 0, n = 0, table/*:Array<number>*/ = typeof Int32Array !== 'undefined' ? new Int32Array(4096) : new Array(4096) ;
for(n = 0; n != 256; ++n) table[n] = T[n];
for(n = 0; n != 256; ++n) {
v = T[n];
for(c = 256 + n; c < 4096; c += 256) v = table[c] = (v >>> 8) ^ T[v & 0xFF];
if(i === L) C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ bstr.charCodeAt(i))&0xFF];
return C ^ -1;
var out = [];
for(n = 1; n != 16; ++n) out[n - 1] = typeof Int32Array !== 'undefined' ? table.subarray(n * 256, n * 256 + 256) : table.slice(n * 256, n * 256 + 256);
return out;
var TT = slice_by_16_tables(T0);
var T1 = TT[0], T2 = TT[1], T3 = TT[2], T4 = TT[3], T5 = TT[4];
var T6 = TT[5], T7 = TT[6], T8 = TT[7], T9 = TT[8], Ta = TT[9];
var Tb = TT[10], Tc = TT[11], Td = TT[12], Te = TT[13], Tf = TT[14];
function crc32_bstr(bstr/*:string*/, seed/*:?number*/)/*:number*/ {
var C = seed/*:: ? 0 : 0 */ ^ -1;
for(var i = 0, L = bstr.length; i < L;) C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C^bstr.charCodeAt(i++))&0xFF];
return ~C;
function crc32_buf(buf/*:Uint8Array|Array<number>*/, seed/*:number*/)/*:number*/ {
if(buf.length > 10000) return crc32_buf_8(buf, seed);
var C = seed ^ -1, L = buf.length - 3;
for(var i = 0; i < L;) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
while(i < L+3) C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
return C ^ -1;
function crc32_buf(B/*:ABuf*/, seed/*:?number*/)/*:number*/ {
var C = seed/*:: ? 0 : 0 */ ^ -1, L = B.length - 15, i = 0;
for(; i < L;) C =
Tf[B[i++] ^ (C & 255)] ^
Te[B[i++] ^ ((C >> 8) & 255)] ^
Td[B[i++] ^ ((C >> 16) & 255)] ^
Tc[B[i++] ^ (C >>> 24)] ^
Tb[B[i++]] ^ Ta[B[i++]] ^ T9[B[i++]] ^ T8[B[i++]] ^
T7[B[i++]] ^ T6[B[i++]] ^ T5[B[i++]] ^ T4[B[i++]] ^
T3[B[i++]] ^ T2[B[i++]] ^ T1[B[i++]] ^ T0[B[i++]];
L += 15;
while(i < L) C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C^B[i++])&0xFF];
return ~C;
function crc32_buf_8(buf/*:Uint8Array|Array<number>*/, seed/*:number*/)/*:number*/ {
var C = seed ^ -1, L = buf.length - 7;
for(var i = 0; i < L;) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
while(i < L+7) C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
return C ^ -1;
function crc32_str(str/*:string*/, seed/*:number*/)/*:number*/ {
var C = seed ^ -1;
for(var i = 0, L=str.length, c, d; i < L;) {
function crc32_str(str/*:string*/, seed/*:?number*/)/*:number*/ {
var C = seed/*:: ? 0 : 0 */ ^ -1;
for(var i = 0, L = str.length, c = 0, d = 0; i < L;) {
c = str.charCodeAt(i++);
if(c < 0x80) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ c)&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C^c)&0xFF];
} else if(c < 0x800) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (192|((c>>6)&31)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|(c&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (192|((c>>6)&31)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|(c&63)))&0xFF];
} else if(c >= 0xD800 && c < 0xE000) {
c = (c&1023)+64; d = str.charCodeAt(i++)&1023;
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (240|((c>>8)&7)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|((c>>2)&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|((d>>6)&15)|((c&3)<<4)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|(d&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (240|((c>>8)&7)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|((c>>2)&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|((d>>6)&15)|((c&3)<<4)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|(d&63)))&0xFF];
} else {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (224|((c>>12)&15)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|((c>>6)&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|(c&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (224|((c>>12)&15)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|((c>>6)&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|(c&63)))&0xFF];
return C ^ -1;
return ~C;
CRC32.table = T;
CRC32.table = T0;
CRC32.bstr = crc32_bstr;
CRC32.buf = crc32_buf;
CRC32.str = crc32_str;
return CRC32;
/* [MS-CFB] v20171201 */
var CFB = (function _CFB(){
var CFB = /*#__PURE__*/(function _CFB(){
var exports/*:CFBModule*/ = /*::(*/{}/*:: :any)*/;
exports.version = '1.2.1';
exports.version = '1.2.2';
/* [MS-CFB] 2.6.4 */
function namecmp(l/*:string*/, r/*:string*/)/*:number*/ {
var L = l.split("/"), R = r.split("/");
@ -443,7 +436,7 @@ function sleuth_fat(idx/*:number*/, cnt/*:number*/, sectors/*:Array<RawBytes>*/,
if((q = __readInt32LE(sector,i*4)) === ENDOFCHAIN) break;
sleuth_fat(__readInt32LE(sector,ssz-4),cnt - 1, sectors, ssz, fat_addrs);
if(cnt >= 1) sleuth_fat(__readInt32LE(sector,ssz-4),cnt - 1, sectors, ssz, fat_addrs);
@ -561,7 +554,7 @@ function read(blob/*:RawBytes|string*/, options/*:CFBReadOpts*/) {
switch(type || "base64") {
case "file": /*:: if(typeof blob !== 'string') throw "Must pass a filename when type='file'"; */return read_file(blob, options);
case "base64": /*:: if(typeof blob !== 'string') throw "Must pass a base64-encoded binary string when type='file'"; */return parse(s2a(Base64.decode(blob)), options);
case "base64": /*:: if(typeof blob !== 'string') throw "Must pass a base64-encoded binary string when type='file'"; */return parse(s2a(Base64_decode(blob)), options);
case "binary": /*:: if(typeof blob !== 'string') throw "Must pass a binary string when type='file'"; */return parse(s2a(blob), options);
return parse(/*::typeof blob == 'string' ? new Buffer(blob, 'utf-8') : */blob, options);
@ -619,7 +612,9 @@ function rebuild_cfb(cfb/*:CFBContainer*/, f/*:?boolean*/)/*:void*/ {
for(i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
var dad = dirname(data[i][0]);
s = fullPaths[dad];
if(!s) {
while(!s) {
while(dirname(dad) && !fullPaths[dirname(dad)]) dad = dirname(dad);
data.push([dad, ({
name: filename(dad).replace("/",""),
type: 1,
@ -627,8 +622,12 @@ function rebuild_cfb(cfb/*:CFBContainer*/, f/*:?boolean*/)/*:void*/ {
ct: now, mt: now,
content: null
// Add name to set
fullPaths[dad] = true;
dad = dirname(data[i][0]);
s = fullPaths[dad];
@ -676,7 +675,6 @@ function _write(cfb/*:CFBContainer*/, options/*:CFBWriteOpts*/)/*:RawBytes|strin
for(var i = 0; i < cfb.FileIndex.length; ++i) {
var file = cfb.FileIndex[i];
if(!file.content) continue;
/*:: if(file.content == null) throw new Error("unreachable"); */
var flen = file.content.length;
if(flen > 0){
if(flen < 0x1000) mini_size += (flen + 0x3F) >> 6;
@ -767,6 +765,10 @@ function _write(cfb/*:CFBContainer*/, options/*:CFBWriteOpts*/)/*:RawBytes|strin
file = cfb.FileIndex[i];
if(i === 0) file.start = file.size ? file.start - 1 : ENDOFCHAIN;
var _nm/*:string*/ = (i === 0 && _opts.root) ||;
if(_nm.length > 32) {
console.error("Name " + _nm + " will be truncated to " + _nm.slice(0,32));
_nm = _nm.slice(0, 32);
flen = 2*(_nm.length+1);
o.write_shift(64, _nm, "utf16le");
o.write_shift(2, flen);
@ -884,7 +886,7 @@ function write(cfb/*:CFBContainer*/, options/*:CFBWriteOpts*/)/*:RawBytes|string
switch(options && options.type || "buffer") {
case "file": get_fs(); fs.writeFileSync(options.filename, (o/*:any*/)); return o;
case "binary": return typeof o == "string" ? o : a2s(o);
case "base64": return Base64.encode(typeof o == "string" ? o : a2s(o));
case "base64": return Base64_encode(typeof o == "string" ? o : a2s(o));
case "buffer": if(has_buf) return Buffer.isBuffer(o) ? o : Buffer_from(o);
/* falls through */
case "array": return typeof o == "string" ? s2a(o) : o;
@ -1074,15 +1076,16 @@ if(!use_typed_arrays) {
for(; i<=279; i++) clens.push(7);
for(; i<=287; i++) clens.push(8);
build_tree(clens, fix_lmap, 288);
})();var _deflateRaw = (function() {
})();var _deflateRaw = /*#__PURE__*/(function _deflateRawIIFE() {
var DST_LN_RE = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint8Array(0x8000) : [];
for(var j = 0, k = 0; j < DST_LN.length; ++j) {
var j = 0, k = 0;
for(; j < DST_LN.length - 1; ++j) {
for(; k < DST_LN[j+1]; ++k) DST_LN_RE[k] = j;
for(;k < 32768; ++k) DST_LN_RE[k] = 29;
var LEN_LN_RE = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint8Array(0x102) : [];
for(j = 0, k = 0; j < LEN_LN.length; ++j) {
var LEN_LN_RE = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint8Array(0x103) : [];
for(j = 0, k = 0; j < LEN_LN.length - 1; ++j) {
for(; k < LEN_LN[j+1]; ++k) LEN_LN_RE[k] = j;
@ -1295,14 +1298,12 @@ function inflate(data, usz/*:number*/) {
var sz = data[boff>>>3] | data[(boff>>>3)+1]<<8;
boff += 32;
/* push sz bytes */
if(!usz && OL < woff + sz) { outbuf = realloc(outbuf, woff + sz); OL = outbuf.length; }
if(typeof data.copy === 'function') {
// $FlowIgnore
data.copy(outbuf, woff, boff>>>3, (boff>>>3)+sz);
woff += sz; boff += 8*sz;
} else while(sz-- > 0) { outbuf[woff++] = data[boff>>>3]; boff += 8; }
if(sz > 0) {
if(!usz && OL < woff + sz) { outbuf = realloc(outbuf, woff + sz); OL = outbuf.length; }
while(sz-- > 0) { outbuf[woff++] = data[boff>>>3]; boff += 8; }
} else if((header >>> 1) == 1) {
} else if((header >> 1) == 1) {
/* Fixed Huffman */
max_len_1 = 9; max_len_2 = 5;
} else {
@ -1347,7 +1348,8 @@ function inflate(data, usz/*:number*/) {
return [usz ? outbuf : outbuf.slice(0, woff), (boff+7)>>>3];
if(usz) return [outbuf, (boff+7)>>>3];
return [outbuf.slice(0, woff), (boff+7)>>>3];
function _inflate(payload, usz) {
@ -1594,7 +1596,7 @@ function get_content_type(fi/*:CFBEntry*/, fp/*:string*/)/*:string*/ {
/* 76 character chunks TODO: intertwine encoding */
function write_base64_76(bstr/*:string*/)/*:string*/ {
var data = Base64.encode(bstr);
var data = Base64_encode(bstr);
var o = [];
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i+= 76) o.push(data.slice(i, i+76));
return o.join("\r\n") + "\r\n";
@ -1655,7 +1657,7 @@ function parse_quoted_printable(data/*:Array<string>*/)/*:RawBytes*/ {
/* decode */
for(var oi = 0; oi < o.length; ++oi) o[oi] = o[oi].replace(/=[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}/g, function($$) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt($$.slice(1), 16)); });
for(var oi = 0; oi < o.length; ++oi) o[oi] = o[oi].replace(/[=][0-9A-Fa-f]{2}/g, function($$) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt($$.slice(1), 16)); });
return s2a(o.join("\r\n"));
@ -1675,7 +1677,7 @@ function parse_mime(cfb/*:CFBContainer*/, data/*:Array<string>*/, root/*:string*
switch(cte.toLowerCase()) {
case 'base64': fdata = s2a(Base64.decode(data.slice(di).join(""))); break;
case 'base64': fdata = s2a(Base64_decode(data.slice(di).join(""))); break;
case 'quoted-printable': fdata = parse_quoted_printable(data.slice(di)); break;
default: throw new Error("Unsupported Content-Transfer-Encoding " + cte);
@ -1852,4 +1854,3 @@ exports.utils = {
return exports;
if(typeof require !== 'undefined' && typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof DO_NOT_EXPORT_CFB === 'undefined') { module.exports = CFB; }

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
<!-- vim: set ts=2: -->
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>JS-CFB Live Demo</title>
@ -41,14 +42,12 @@ Use readAsBinaryString: (when available) <input type="checkbox" name="userabs" c
<br />
<script src="shim.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="cfb.js"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="dist/cfb.min.js"></script>
/*jshint browser:true */
/* eslint-env browser */
/*global Uint8Array, ArrayBuffer */
/*global CFB, out, PRINTJ, saveAs */
/*global CFB, out, PRINTJ */
/* exported savefile, download_file */
/* eslint no-use-before-define:0 */
var global_cfb;
@ -140,6 +139,14 @@ var do_file = (function() {
drop.addEventListener('drop', handleDrop, false);
function saveAs(blob, fname) {
var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
var a = document.createElement("a"); = fname; a.href = url; document.body.appendChild(a);;
/*:: if(document.body == null) throw new Error("unreachable"); */ document.body.removeChild(a);
if(URL.revokeObjectURL && typeof setTimeout !== 'undefined') setTimeout(function() { URL.revokeObjectURL(url); }, 60000);
var savefile = (function() {
var s2ab = function s2ab(s) {
var buf, i=0;
@ -160,6 +167,8 @@ var savefile = (function() {
if(typeof console !== 'undefined') console.log(global_cfb);
var data = CFB.write(global_cfb, {type:'binary', fileType: type});
if(typeof console !== 'undefined') console.log(data);
var newcfb =, {type:'binary'});
var fname = "SheetJSCFBDemo." + type;
var blob = new Blob([s2ab(data)],{type:"application/octet-stream"});
@ -180,7 +189,9 @@ var download_file = (function() {
if(!global_cfb) return alert("Must load a file first!");
if(typeof console !== 'undefined') console.log(global_cfb);
var file = global_cfb.FileIndex[i], data = file.content;
saveAs(new Blob([a2ab(data)],{type:"application/octet-stream"}),;
var blob = new Blob([a2ab(data)],{type:"application/octet-stream"});
if(typeof navigator !== 'undefined' && navigator.msSaveBlob) return navigator.msSaveBlob(blob,;
var _gaq = _gaq || [];

View File

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
var DO_NOT_EXPORT_CFB = true;
declare var Base64:any;
declare var ReadShift:any;
declare var CheckField:any;
declare var prep_blob:any;

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "cfb",
"version": "1.2.1",
"version": "1.2.2",
"author": "sheetjs",
"description": "Compound File Binary File Format extractor",
"keywords": [
@ -21,10 +21,16 @@
"devDependencies": {
"@sheetjs/uglify-js": "~2.7.3",
"@types/commander": "^2.9.0",
"@types/node": "^8.10.25",
"acorn": "7.4.1",
"alex": "8.1.1",
"blanket": "~1.2.3",
"dtslint": "~0.1.2",
"eslint": "7.23.0",
"eslint-plugin-html": "^6.1.2",
"eslint-plugin-json": "^2.1.2",
"jscs": "3.0.7",
"jshint": "2.13.4",
"mocha": "~2.5.3",
"typescript": "2.2.0"

View File

@ -1,6 +1,41 @@
/* shim.js (C) 2013-present SheetJS -- */
/*! shim.js (C) 2013-present SheetJS -- */
/* ES3/5 Compatibility shims and other utilities for older browsers. */
// From
if(!Object.keys) Object.keys = (function() {
var hasOwnProperty = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
hasDontEnumBug = !({toString: null}).propertyIsEnumerable('toString'),
dontEnums = [
dontEnumsLength = dontEnums.length;
return function(obj) {
if(typeof obj !== 'object' && typeof obj !== 'function' || obj === null) throw new TypeError('Object.keys called on non-object');
var result = [];
for(var prop in obj) if(, prop)) result.push(prop);
for(var i=0; i < dontEnumsLength; ++i)
if(, dontEnums[i])) result.push(dontEnums[i]);
return result;
if(!String.prototype.trim) String.prototype.trim = function() {
var s = this.replace(/^\s+/, '');
for(var i = s.length - 1; i >=0 ; --i) if(!s.charAt(i).match(/^\s/)) return s.slice(0,i+1);
return "";
if(!Array.prototype.forEach) Array.prototype.forEach = function(cb) {
var len = (this.length>>>0), self = (arguments[1]||void 0);
for(var i=0; i<len; ++i) if(i in this) self ?, this[i], i, this) : cb(this[i], i, this);
@ -26,6 +61,23 @@ if(!Array.prototype.lastIndexOf) Array.prototype.lastIndexOf = function(needle)
if(!Array.isArray) Array.isArray = function(obj) { return === "[object Array]"; };
if(!Date.prototype.toISOString) Date.prototype.toISOString = (function() {
function p(n,i) { return ('0000000' + n).slice(-(i||2)); }
return function _toISOString() {
var y = this.getUTCFullYear(), yr = "";
if(y>9999) yr = '+' + p( y, 6);
else if(y<0) yr = '-' + p(-y, 6);
else yr = p( y, 4);
return [
yr, p(this.getUTCMonth()+1), p(this.getUTCDate())
].join('-') + 'T' + [
p(this.getUTCHours()), p(this.getUTCMinutes()), p(this.getUTCSeconds())
].join(':') + '.' + p(this.getUTCMilliseconds(),3) + 'Z';
if(typeof ArrayBuffer !== 'undefined' && !ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice) ArrayBuffer.prototype.slice = function(start, end) {
if(start == null) start = 0;
if(start < 0) { start += this.byteLength; if(start < 0) start = 0; }
@ -53,3 +105,50 @@ if(typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined' && !Uint8Array.prototype.slice) Uint8Array.
while(start <= --end) out[end - start] = this[end];
return out;
// VBScript + ActiveX fallback for IE5+
var IE_SaveFile = (function() { try {
if(typeof IE_SaveFile_Impl == "undefined") document.write([
'<script type="text/vbscript" language="vbscript">',
'IE_GetProfileAndPath_Key = "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\User Shell Folders\\"',
'Function IE_GetProfileAndPath(key): Set wshell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell"): IE_GetProfileAndPath = wshell.RegRead(IE_GetProfileAndPath_Key & key): IE_GetProfileAndPath = wshell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%USERPROFILE%") & "!" & IE_GetProfileAndPath: End Function',
'Function IE_SaveFile_Impl(FileName, payload): Dim data, plen, i, bit: data = CStr(payload): plen = Len(data): Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"): fso.CreateTextFile FileName, True: Set f = fso.GetFile(FileName): Set stream = f.OpenAsTextStream(2, 0): For i = 1 To plen Step 3: bit = Mid(data, i, 2): stream.write Chr(CLng("&h" & bit)): Next: stream.Close: IE_SaveFile_Impl = True: End Function',
if(typeof IE_SaveFile_Impl == "undefined") return void 0;
var IE_GetPath = (function() {
var DDP1 = "";
try { DDP1 = IE_GetProfileAndPath("{374DE290-123F-4565-9164-39C4925E467B}"); } catch(e) { try { DDP1 = IE_GetProfileAndPath("Personal"); } catch(e) { try { DDP1 = IE_GetProfileAndPath("Desktop"); } catch(e) { throw e; }}}
var o = DDP1.split("!");
DDP = o[1].replace("%USERPROFILE%", o[0]);
return function(path) { return DDP + "\\" + path; };
function fix_data(data) {
var out = [];
var T = typeof data == "string";
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) out.push(("00"+(T ? data.charCodeAt(i) : data[i]).toString(16)).slice(-2));
var o = out.join("|");
return o;
return function(data, filename) { return IE_SaveFile_Impl(IE_GetPath(filename), fix_data(data)); };
} catch(e) { return void 0; }})();
var IE_LoadFile = (function() { try {
if(typeof IE_LoadFile_Impl == "undefined") document.write([
'<script type="text/vbscript" language="vbscript">',
'Function IE_LoadFile_Impl(FileName): Dim out(), plen, i, cc: Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"): Set f = fso.GetFile(FileName): Set stream = f.OpenAsTextStream(1, 0): plen = f.Size: ReDim out(plen): For i = 1 To plen Step 1: cc = Hex(Asc( If Len(cc) < 2 Then: cc = "0" & cc: End If: out(i) = cc: Next: IE_LoadFile_Impl = Join(out,""): End Function',
if(typeof IE_LoadFile_Impl == "undefined") return void 0;
function fix_data(data) {
var out = [];
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i+=2) out.push(String.fromCharCode(parseInt(data.slice(i, i+2), 16)));
var o = out.join("");
return o;
return function(filename) { return fix_data(IE_LoadFile_Impl(filename)); };
} catch(e) { return void 0; }})();
// getComputedStyle polyfill from
if(typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.getComputedStyle !== 'function') {
window.getComputedStyle = function(e,t){return this.el=e,this.getPropertyValue=function(t){var n=/(\-([a-z]){1})/g;return t=="float"&&(t="styleFloat"),n.test(t)&&(t=t.replace(n,function(){return arguments[2].toUpperCase()})),e.currentStyle[t]?e.currentStyle[t]:null},this}

View File

@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
var DO_NOT_EXPORT_CFB = true;
declare var Base64:any;
declare var ReadShift:any;
declare var CheckField:any;
declare var prep_blob:any;
@ -25,7 +23,6 @@ declare var Buffer_from:any;
/*global module, require:false, process:false, Buffer:false, Uint8Array:false, Uint16Array:false */
declare var DO_NOT_EXPORT_CFB:?boolean;
type SectorEntry = {
@ -39,21 +36,18 @@ type SectorList = {
type CFBFiles = {[n:string]:CFBEntry};
/* crc32.js (C) 2014-present SheetJS -- */
/*! crc32.js (C) 2014-present SheetJS -- */
/* vim: set ts=2: */
/*exported CRC32 */
var CRC32;
(function (factory) {
/*jshint ignore:start */
/*eslint-disable */
factory(CRC32 = {});
/*eslint-enable */
/*jshint ignore:end */
}(function(CRC32) {
CRC32.version = '1.2.0';
/* see perf/crc32table.js */
var CRC32 = /*#__PURE__*/(function() {
var CRC32 = {};
CRC32.version = '1.2.1';
type ABuf = Array<number> | Buffer | Uint8Array;
type CRC32TableType = Array<number> | Int32Array;
/*global Int32Array */
function signed_crc_table()/*:any*/ {
function signed_crc_table()/*:CRC32TableType*/ {
var c = 0, table/*:Array<number>*/ = new Array(256);
for(var n =0; n != 256; ++n){
@ -72,78 +66,77 @@ function signed_crc_table()/*:any*/ {
return typeof Int32Array !== 'undefined' ? new Int32Array(table) : table;
var T = signed_crc_table();
function crc32_bstr(bstr/*:string*/, seed/*:number*/)/*:number*/ {
var C = seed ^ -1, L = bstr.length - 1;
for(var i = 0; i < L;) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^bstr.charCodeAt(i++))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^bstr.charCodeAt(i++))&0xFF];
var T0 = signed_crc_table();
function slice_by_16_tables(T) {
var c = 0, v = 0, n = 0, table/*:Array<number>*/ = typeof Int32Array !== 'undefined' ? new Int32Array(4096) : new Array(4096) ;
for(n = 0; n != 256; ++n) table[n] = T[n];
for(n = 0; n != 256; ++n) {
v = T[n];
for(c = 256 + n; c < 4096; c += 256) v = table[c] = (v >>> 8) ^ T[v & 0xFF];
if(i === L) C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ bstr.charCodeAt(i))&0xFF];
return C ^ -1;
var out = [];
for(n = 1; n != 16; ++n) out[n - 1] = typeof Int32Array !== 'undefined' ? table.subarray(n * 256, n * 256 + 256) : table.slice(n * 256, n * 256 + 256);
return out;
var TT = slice_by_16_tables(T0);
var T1 = TT[0], T2 = TT[1], T3 = TT[2], T4 = TT[3], T5 = TT[4];
var T6 = TT[5], T7 = TT[6], T8 = TT[7], T9 = TT[8], Ta = TT[9];
var Tb = TT[10], Tc = TT[11], Td = TT[12], Te = TT[13], Tf = TT[14];
function crc32_bstr(bstr/*:string*/, seed/*:?number*/)/*:number*/ {
var C = seed/*:: ? 0 : 0 */ ^ -1;
for(var i = 0, L = bstr.length; i < L;) C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C^bstr.charCodeAt(i++))&0xFF];
return ~C;
function crc32_buf(buf/*:Uint8Array|Array<number>*/, seed/*:number*/)/*:number*/ {
if(buf.length > 10000) return crc32_buf_8(buf, seed);
var C = seed ^ -1, L = buf.length - 3;
for(var i = 0; i < L;) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
while(i < L+3) C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
return C ^ -1;
function crc32_buf(B/*:ABuf*/, seed/*:?number*/)/*:number*/ {
var C = seed/*:: ? 0 : 0 */ ^ -1, L = B.length - 15, i = 0;
for(; i < L;) C =
Tf[B[i++] ^ (C & 255)] ^
Te[B[i++] ^ ((C >> 8) & 255)] ^
Td[B[i++] ^ ((C >> 16) & 255)] ^
Tc[B[i++] ^ (C >>> 24)] ^
Tb[B[i++]] ^ Ta[B[i++]] ^ T9[B[i++]] ^ T8[B[i++]] ^
T7[B[i++]] ^ T6[B[i++]] ^ T5[B[i++]] ^ T4[B[i++]] ^
T3[B[i++]] ^ T2[B[i++]] ^ T1[B[i++]] ^ T0[B[i++]];
L += 15;
while(i < L) C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C^B[i++])&0xFF];
return ~C;
function crc32_buf_8(buf/*:Uint8Array|Array<number>*/, seed/*:number*/)/*:number*/ {
var C = seed ^ -1, L = buf.length - 7;
for(var i = 0; i < L;) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
while(i < L+7) C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
return C ^ -1;
function crc32_str(str/*:string*/, seed/*:number*/)/*:number*/ {
var C = seed ^ -1;
for(var i = 0, L=str.length, c, d; i < L;) {
function crc32_str(str/*:string*/, seed/*:?number*/)/*:number*/ {
var C = seed/*:: ? 0 : 0 */ ^ -1;
for(var i = 0, L = str.length, c = 0, d = 0; i < L;) {
c = str.charCodeAt(i++);
if(c < 0x80) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ c)&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C^c)&0xFF];
} else if(c < 0x800) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (192|((c>>6)&31)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|(c&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (192|((c>>6)&31)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|(c&63)))&0xFF];
} else if(c >= 0xD800 && c < 0xE000) {
c = (c&1023)+64; d = str.charCodeAt(i++)&1023;
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (240|((c>>8)&7)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|((c>>2)&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|((d>>6)&15)|((c&3)<<4)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|(d&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (240|((c>>8)&7)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|((c>>2)&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|((d>>6)&15)|((c&3)<<4)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|(d&63)))&0xFF];
} else {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (224|((c>>12)&15)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|((c>>6)&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|(c&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (224|((c>>12)&15)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|((c>>6)&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|(c&63)))&0xFF];
return C ^ -1;
return ~C;
CRC32.table = T;
CRC32.table = T0;
CRC32.bstr = crc32_bstr;
CRC32.buf = crc32_buf;
CRC32.str = crc32_str;
return CRC32;
/* [MS-CFB] v20171201 */
var CFB = (function _CFB(){
var CFB = /*#__PURE__*/(function _CFB(){
var exports/*:CFBModule*/ = /*::(*/{}/*:: :any)*/;
exports.version = '1.2.1';
exports.version = '1.2.2';
/* [MS-CFB] 2.6.4 */
function namecmp(l/*:string*/, r/*:string*/)/*:number*/ {
var L = l.split("/"), R = r.split("/");
@ -443,7 +436,7 @@ function sleuth_fat(idx/*:number*/, cnt/*:number*/, sectors/*:Array<RawBytes>*/,
if((q = __readInt32LE(sector,i*4)) === ENDOFCHAIN) break;
sleuth_fat(__readInt32LE(sector,ssz-4),cnt - 1, sectors, ssz, fat_addrs);
if(cnt >= 1) sleuth_fat(__readInt32LE(sector,ssz-4),cnt - 1, sectors, ssz, fat_addrs);
@ -561,7 +554,7 @@ function read(blob/*:RawBytes|string*/, options/*:CFBReadOpts*/) {
switch(type || "base64") {
case "file": /*:: if(typeof blob !== 'string') throw "Must pass a filename when type='file'"; */return read_file(blob, options);
case "base64": /*:: if(typeof blob !== 'string') throw "Must pass a base64-encoded binary string when type='file'"; */return parse(s2a(Base64.decode(blob)), options);
case "base64": /*:: if(typeof blob !== 'string') throw "Must pass a base64-encoded binary string when type='file'"; */return parse(s2a(Base64_decode(blob)), options);
case "binary": /*:: if(typeof blob !== 'string') throw "Must pass a binary string when type='file'"; */return parse(s2a(blob), options);
return parse(/*::typeof blob == 'string' ? new Buffer(blob, 'utf-8') : */blob, options);
@ -619,7 +612,9 @@ function rebuild_cfb(cfb/*:CFBContainer*/, f/*:?boolean*/)/*:void*/ {
for(i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
var dad = dirname(data[i][0]);
s = fullPaths[dad];
if(!s) {
while(!s) {
while(dirname(dad) && !fullPaths[dirname(dad)]) dad = dirname(dad);
data.push([dad, ({
name: filename(dad).replace("/",""),
type: 1,
@ -627,8 +622,12 @@ function rebuild_cfb(cfb/*:CFBContainer*/, f/*:?boolean*/)/*:void*/ {
ct: now, mt: now,
content: null
// Add name to set
fullPaths[dad] = true;
dad = dirname(data[i][0]);
s = fullPaths[dad];
@ -676,7 +675,6 @@ function _write(cfb/*:CFBContainer*/, options/*:CFBWriteOpts*/)/*:RawBytes|strin
for(var i = 0; i < cfb.FileIndex.length; ++i) {
var file = cfb.FileIndex[i];
if(!file.content) continue;
/*:: if(file.content == null) throw new Error("unreachable"); */
var flen = file.content.length;
if(flen > 0){
if(flen < 0x1000) mini_size += (flen + 0x3F) >> 6;
@ -767,6 +765,10 @@ function _write(cfb/*:CFBContainer*/, options/*:CFBWriteOpts*/)/*:RawBytes|strin
file = cfb.FileIndex[i];
if(i === 0) file.start = file.size ? file.start - 1 : ENDOFCHAIN;
var _nm/*:string*/ = (i === 0 && _opts.root) ||;
if(_nm.length > 32) {
console.error("Name " + _nm + " will be truncated to " + _nm.slice(0,32));
_nm = _nm.slice(0, 32);
flen = 2*(_nm.length+1);
o.write_shift(64, _nm, "utf16le");
o.write_shift(2, flen);
@ -884,7 +886,7 @@ function write(cfb/*:CFBContainer*/, options/*:CFBWriteOpts*/)/*:RawBytes|string
switch(options && options.type || "buffer") {
case "file": get_fs(); fs.writeFileSync(options.filename, (o/*:any*/)); return o;
case "binary": return typeof o == "string" ? o : a2s(o);
case "base64": return Base64.encode(typeof o == "string" ? o : a2s(o));
case "base64": return Base64_encode(typeof o == "string" ? o : a2s(o));
case "buffer": if(has_buf) return Buffer.isBuffer(o) ? o : Buffer_from(o);
/* falls through */
case "array": return typeof o == "string" ? s2a(o) : o;
@ -1074,15 +1076,16 @@ if(!use_typed_arrays) {
for(; i<=279; i++) clens.push(7);
for(; i<=287; i++) clens.push(8);
build_tree(clens, fix_lmap, 288);
})();var _deflateRaw = (function() {
})();var _deflateRaw = /*#__PURE__*/(function _deflateRawIIFE() {
var DST_LN_RE = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint8Array(0x8000) : [];
for(var j = 0, k = 0; j < DST_LN.length; ++j) {
var j = 0, k = 0;
for(; j < DST_LN.length - 1; ++j) {
for(; k < DST_LN[j+1]; ++k) DST_LN_RE[k] = j;
for(;k < 32768; ++k) DST_LN_RE[k] = 29;
var LEN_LN_RE = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint8Array(0x102) : [];
for(j = 0, k = 0; j < LEN_LN.length; ++j) {
var LEN_LN_RE = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint8Array(0x103) : [];
for(j = 0, k = 0; j < LEN_LN.length - 1; ++j) {
for(; k < LEN_LN[j+1]; ++k) LEN_LN_RE[k] = j;
@ -1295,14 +1298,12 @@ function inflate(data, usz/*:number*/) {
var sz = data[boff>>>3] | data[(boff>>>3)+1]<<8;
boff += 32;
/* push sz bytes */
if(!usz && OL < woff + sz) { outbuf = realloc(outbuf, woff + sz); OL = outbuf.length; }
if(typeof data.copy === 'function') {
// $FlowIgnore
data.copy(outbuf, woff, boff>>>3, (boff>>>3)+sz);
woff += sz; boff += 8*sz;
} else while(sz-- > 0) { outbuf[woff++] = data[boff>>>3]; boff += 8; }
if(sz > 0) {
if(!usz && OL < woff + sz) { outbuf = realloc(outbuf, woff + sz); OL = outbuf.length; }
while(sz-- > 0) { outbuf[woff++] = data[boff>>>3]; boff += 8; }
} else if((header >>> 1) == 1) {
} else if((header >> 1) == 1) {
/* Fixed Huffman */
max_len_1 = 9; max_len_2 = 5;
} else {
@ -1347,7 +1348,8 @@ function inflate(data, usz/*:number*/) {
return [usz ? outbuf : outbuf.slice(0, woff), (boff+7)>>>3];
if(usz) return [outbuf, (boff+7)>>>3];
return [outbuf.slice(0, woff), (boff+7)>>>3];
function _inflate(payload, usz) {
@ -1594,7 +1596,7 @@ function get_content_type(fi/*:CFBEntry*/, fp/*:string*/)/*:string*/ {
/* 76 character chunks TODO: intertwine encoding */
function write_base64_76(bstr/*:string*/)/*:string*/ {
var data = Base64.encode(bstr);
var data = Base64_encode(bstr);
var o = [];
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i+= 76) o.push(data.slice(i, i+76));
return o.join("\r\n") + "\r\n";
@ -1655,7 +1657,7 @@ function parse_quoted_printable(data/*:Array<string>*/)/*:RawBytes*/ {
/* decode */
for(var oi = 0; oi < o.length; ++oi) o[oi] = o[oi].replace(/=[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}/g, function($$) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt($$.slice(1), 16)); });
for(var oi = 0; oi < o.length; ++oi) o[oi] = o[oi].replace(/[=][0-9A-Fa-f]{2}/g, function($$) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt($$.slice(1), 16)); });
return s2a(o.join("\r\n"));
@ -1675,7 +1677,7 @@ function parse_mime(cfb/*:CFBContainer*/, data/*:Array<string>*/, root/*:string*
switch(cte.toLowerCase()) {
case 'base64': fdata = s2a(Base64.decode(data.slice(di).join(""))); break;
case 'base64': fdata = s2a(Base64_decode(data.slice(di).join(""))); break;
case 'quoted-printable': fdata = parse_quoted_printable(data.slice(di)); break;
default: throw new Error("Unsupported Content-Transfer-Encoding " + cte);
@ -1852,4 +1854,3 @@ exports.utils = {
return exports;
if(typeof require !== 'undefined' && typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof DO_NOT_EXPORT_CFB === 'undefined') { module.exports = CFB; }

View File

@ -1,23 +1,15 @@
var DO_NOT_EXPORT_CFB = true;
/* cfb.js (C) 2013-present SheetJS -- */
/* vim: set ts=2: */
/*jshint eqnull:true */
/*exported CFB */
/*global module, require:false, process:false, Buffer:false, Uint8Array:false, Uint16Array:false */
/* crc32.js (C) 2014-present SheetJS -- */
/*! crc32.js (C) 2014-present SheetJS -- */
/* vim: set ts=2: */
/*exported CRC32 */
var CRC32;
(function (factory) {
/*jshint ignore:start */
/*eslint-disable */
factory(CRC32 = {});
/*eslint-enable */
/*jshint ignore:end */
}(function(CRC32) {
CRC32.version = '1.2.0';
/* see perf/crc32table.js */
var CRC32 = (function() {
var CRC32 = {};
CRC32.version = '1.2.1';
/*global Int32Array */
function signed_crc_table() {
var c = 0, table = new Array(256);
@ -38,78 +30,77 @@ function signed_crc_table() {
return typeof Int32Array !== 'undefined' ? new Int32Array(table) : table;
var T = signed_crc_table();
var T0 = signed_crc_table();
function slice_by_16_tables(T) {
var c = 0, v = 0, n = 0, table = typeof Int32Array !== 'undefined' ? new Int32Array(4096) : new Array(4096) ;
for(n = 0; n != 256; ++n) table[n] = T[n];
for(n = 0; n != 256; ++n) {
v = T[n];
for(c = 256 + n; c < 4096; c += 256) v = table[c] = (v >>> 8) ^ T[v & 0xFF];
var out = [];
for(n = 1; n != 16; ++n) out[n - 1] = typeof Int32Array !== 'undefined' ? table.subarray(n * 256, n * 256 + 256) : table.slice(n * 256, n * 256 + 256);
return out;
var TT = slice_by_16_tables(T0);
var T1 = TT[0], T2 = TT[1], T3 = TT[2], T4 = TT[3], T5 = TT[4];
var T6 = TT[5], T7 = TT[6], T8 = TT[7], T9 = TT[8], Ta = TT[9];
var Tb = TT[10], Tc = TT[11], Td = TT[12], Te = TT[13], Tf = TT[14];
function crc32_bstr(bstr, seed) {
var C = seed ^ -1, L = bstr.length - 1;
for(var i = 0; i < L;) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^bstr.charCodeAt(i++))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^bstr.charCodeAt(i++))&0xFF];
if(i === L) C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ bstr.charCodeAt(i))&0xFF];
return C ^ -1;
var C = seed ^ -1;
for(var i = 0, L = bstr.length; i < L;) C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C^bstr.charCodeAt(i++))&0xFF];
return ~C;
function crc32_buf(buf, seed) {
if(buf.length > 10000) return crc32_buf_8(buf, seed);
var C = seed ^ -1, L = buf.length - 3;
for(var i = 0; i < L;) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
while(i < L+3) C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
return C ^ -1;
function crc32_buf_8(buf, seed) {
var C = seed ^ -1, L = buf.length - 7;
for(var i = 0; i < L;) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
while(i < L+7) C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C^buf[i++])&0xFF];
return C ^ -1;
function crc32_buf(B, seed) {
var C = seed ^ -1, L = B.length - 15, i = 0;
for(; i < L;) C =
Tf[B[i++] ^ (C & 255)] ^
Te[B[i++] ^ ((C >> 8) & 255)] ^
Td[B[i++] ^ ((C >> 16) & 255)] ^
Tc[B[i++] ^ (C >>> 24)] ^
Tb[B[i++]] ^ Ta[B[i++]] ^ T9[B[i++]] ^ T8[B[i++]] ^
T7[B[i++]] ^ T6[B[i++]] ^ T5[B[i++]] ^ T4[B[i++]] ^
T3[B[i++]] ^ T2[B[i++]] ^ T1[B[i++]] ^ T0[B[i++]];
L += 15;
while(i < L) C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C^B[i++])&0xFF];
return ~C;
function crc32_str(str, seed) {
var C = seed ^ -1;
for(var i = 0, L=str.length, c, d; i < L;) {
for(var i = 0, L = str.length, c = 0, d = 0; i < L;) {
c = str.charCodeAt(i++);
if(c < 0x80) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ c)&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C^c)&0xFF];
} else if(c < 0x800) {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (192|((c>>6)&31)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|(c&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (192|((c>>6)&31)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|(c&63)))&0xFF];
} else if(c >= 0xD800 && c < 0xE000) {
c = (c&1023)+64; d = str.charCodeAt(i++)&1023;
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (240|((c>>8)&7)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|((c>>2)&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|((d>>6)&15)|((c&3)<<4)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|(d&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (240|((c>>8)&7)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|((c>>2)&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|((d>>6)&15)|((c&3)<<4)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|(d&63)))&0xFF];
} else {
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (224|((c>>12)&15)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|((c>>6)&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T[(C ^ (128|(c&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (224|((c>>12)&15)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|((c>>6)&63)))&0xFF];
C = (C>>>8) ^ T0[(C ^ (128|(c&63)))&0xFF];
return C ^ -1;
return ~C;
CRC32.table = T;
CRC32.table = T0;
CRC32.bstr = crc32_bstr;
CRC32.buf = crc32_buf;
CRC32.str = crc32_str;
return CRC32;
/* [MS-CFB] v20171201 */
var CFB = (function _CFB(){
var exports = {};
exports.version = '1.2.1';
exports.version = '1.2.2';
/* [MS-CFB] 2.6.4 */
function namecmp(l, r) {
var L = l.split("/"), R = r.split("/");
@ -409,7 +400,7 @@ function sleuth_fat(idx, cnt, sectors, ssz, fat_addrs) {
if((q = __readInt32LE(sector,i*4)) === ENDOFCHAIN) break;
sleuth_fat(__readInt32LE(sector,ssz-4),cnt - 1, sectors, ssz, fat_addrs);
if(cnt >= 1) sleuth_fat(__readInt32LE(sector,ssz-4),cnt - 1, sectors, ssz, fat_addrs);
@ -527,7 +518,7 @@ function read(blob, options) {
switch(type || "base64") {
case "file": return read_file(blob, options);
case "base64": return parse(s2a(Base64.decode(blob)), options);
case "base64": return parse(s2a(Base64_decode(blob)), options);
case "binary": return parse(s2a(blob), options);
return parse(blob, options);
@ -585,7 +576,9 @@ function rebuild_cfb(cfb, f) {
for(i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
var dad = dirname(data[i][0]);
s = fullPaths[dad];
if(!s) {
while(!s) {
while(dirname(dad) && !fullPaths[dirname(dad)]) dad = dirname(dad);
data.push([dad, ({
name: filename(dad).replace("/",""),
type: 1,
@ -593,8 +586,12 @@ function rebuild_cfb(cfb, f) {
ct: now, mt: now,
content: null
// Add name to set
fullPaths[dad] = true;
dad = dirname(data[i][0]);
s = fullPaths[dad];
@ -642,7 +639,7 @@ function _write(cfb, options) {
for(var i = 0; i < cfb.FileIndex.length; ++i) {
var file = cfb.FileIndex[i];
if(!file.content) continue;
var flen = file.content.length;
var flen = file.content.length;
if(flen > 0){
if(flen < 0x1000) mini_size += (flen + 0x3F) >> 6;
else fat_size += (flen + 0x01FF) >> 9;
@ -730,6 +727,10 @@ flen = file.content.length;
file = cfb.FileIndex[i];
if(i === 0) file.start = file.size ? file.start - 1 : ENDOFCHAIN;
var _nm = (i === 0 && _opts.root) ||;
if(_nm.length > 32) {
console.error("Name " + _nm + " will be truncated to " + _nm.slice(0,32));
_nm = _nm.slice(0, 32);
flen = 2*(_nm.length+1);
o.write_shift(64, _nm, "utf16le");
o.write_shift(2, flen);
@ -844,7 +845,7 @@ function write(cfb, options) {
switch(options && options.type || "buffer") {
case "file": get_fs(); fs.writeFileSync(options.filename, (o)); return o;
case "binary": return typeof o == "string" ? o : a2s(o);
case "base64": return Base64.encode(typeof o == "string" ? o : a2s(o));
case "base64": return Base64_encode(typeof o == "string" ? o : a2s(o));
case "buffer": if(has_buf) return Buffer.isBuffer(o) ? o : Buffer_from(o);
/* falls through */
case "array": return typeof o == "string" ? s2a(o) : o;
@ -1034,15 +1035,16 @@ if(!use_typed_arrays) {
for(; i<=279; i++) clens.push(7);
for(; i<=287; i++) clens.push(8);
build_tree(clens, fix_lmap, 288);
})();var _deflateRaw = (function() {
})();var _deflateRaw = (function _deflateRawIIFE() {
var DST_LN_RE = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint8Array(0x8000) : [];
for(var j = 0, k = 0; j < DST_LN.length; ++j) {
var j = 0, k = 0;
for(; j < DST_LN.length - 1; ++j) {
for(; k < DST_LN[j+1]; ++k) DST_LN_RE[k] = j;
for(;k < 32768; ++k) DST_LN_RE[k] = 29;
var LEN_LN_RE = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint8Array(0x102) : [];
for(j = 0, k = 0; j < LEN_LN.length; ++j) {
var LEN_LN_RE = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint8Array(0x103) : [];
for(j = 0, k = 0; j < LEN_LN.length - 1; ++j) {
for(; k < LEN_LN[j+1]; ++k) LEN_LN_RE[k] = j;
@ -1255,14 +1257,12 @@ function inflate(data, usz) {
var sz = data[boff>>>3] | data[(boff>>>3)+1]<<8;
boff += 32;
/* push sz bytes */
if(!usz && OL < woff + sz) { outbuf = realloc(outbuf, woff + sz); OL = outbuf.length; }
if(typeof data.copy === 'function') {
// $FlowIgnore
data.copy(outbuf, woff, boff>>>3, (boff>>>3)+sz);
woff += sz; boff += 8*sz;
} else while(sz-- > 0) { outbuf[woff++] = data[boff>>>3]; boff += 8; }
if(sz > 0) {
if(!usz && OL < woff + sz) { outbuf = realloc(outbuf, woff + sz); OL = outbuf.length; }
while(sz-- > 0) { outbuf[woff++] = data[boff>>>3]; boff += 8; }
} else if((header >>> 1) == 1) {
} else if((header >> 1) == 1) {
/* Fixed Huffman */
max_len_1 = 9; max_len_2 = 5;
} else {
@ -1307,7 +1307,8 @@ function inflate(data, usz) {
return [usz ? outbuf : outbuf.slice(0, woff), (boff+7)>>>3];
if(usz) return [outbuf, (boff+7)>>>3];
return [outbuf.slice(0, woff), (boff+7)>>>3];
function _inflate(payload, usz) {
@ -1554,7 +1555,7 @@ function get_content_type(fi, fp) {
/* 76 character chunks TODO: intertwine encoding */
function write_base64_76(bstr) {
var data = Base64.encode(bstr);
var data = Base64_encode(bstr);
var o = [];
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i+= 76) o.push(data.slice(i, i+76));
return o.join("\r\n") + "\r\n";
@ -1615,7 +1616,7 @@ function parse_quoted_printable(data) {
/* decode */
for(var oi = 0; oi < o.length; ++oi) o[oi] = o[oi].replace(/=[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}/g, function($$) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt($$.slice(1), 16)); });
for(var oi = 0; oi < o.length; ++oi) o[oi] = o[oi].replace(/[=][0-9A-Fa-f]{2}/g, function($$) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt($$.slice(1), 16)); });
return s2a(o.join("\r\n"));
@ -1635,7 +1636,7 @@ function parse_mime(cfb, data, root) {
switch(cte.toLowerCase()) {
case 'base64': fdata = s2a(Base64.decode(data.slice(di).join(""))); break;
case 'base64': fdata = s2a(Base64_decode(data.slice(di).join(""))); break;
case 'quoted-printable': fdata = parse_quoted_printable(data.slice(di)); break;
default: throw new Error("Unsupported Content-Transfer-Encoding " + cte);
@ -1811,4 +1812,3 @@ exports.utils = {
return exports;
if(typeof require !== 'undefined' && typeof module !== 'undefined' && typeof DO_NOT_EXPORT_CFB === 'undefined') { module.exports = CFB; }