# Container File Blobs Pure JS implementation of various container file formats, including ZIP and CFB. 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If additional names are supplied, only the listed files will be extracted. - `cfb -l file` lists the contained files (following `unzip -l` "short format") - `cfb -r file` attempts to repair by reading and re-writing the file. This fixes some issues with files generated by non-standard tools. - `cfb -c file [files...]` creates a new file containing the listed files. The default root entry name is `Root Entry`. - `cfb -a file [files...]` adds the listed files to the original file. - `cfb -d file [files...]` deletes the listed files from the original file. ## JS API TypeScript definitions are maintained in `types/index.d.ts`. The CFB object exposes the following methods and properties: `CFB.parse(blob)` takes a nodejs Buffer or an array of bytes and returns an parsed representation of the data. `CFB.read(blob, opts)` wraps `parse`. `CFB.find(cfb, path)` performs a case-insensitive match for the path (or file name, if there are no slashes) and returns an entry object or null if not found. `CFB.write(cfb, opts)` generates a file based on the container. `CFB.writeFile(cfb, filename, opts)` creates a file with the specified name. ### Parse Options `CFB.read` takes an options argument. `opts.type` controls the behavior: | `type` | expected input | |------------|:----------------------------------------------------------------| | `"base64"` | string: Base64 encoding of the file | | `"binary"` | string: binary string (byte `n` is `data.charCodeAt(n)`) | | `"file"` | string: path of file that will be read (nodejs only) | | (default) | buffer or array of 8-bit unsigned int (byte `n` is `data[n]`) | ### Write Options `CFB.write` and `CFB.writeFile` take options argument. `opts.type` controls the behavior: | `type` | output | |------------|:----------------------------------------------------------------| | `"base64"` | string: Base64 encoding of the file | | `"binary"` | string: binary string (byte `n` is `data.charCodeAt(n)`) | | `"file"` | string: path of file that will be created (nodejs only) | | (default) | buffer if available, array of 8-bit unsigned int otherwise | `opts.fileType` controls the output file type: | `fileType` | output | |:-------------------|:--------------| | `'cfb'` (default) | CFB container | | `'zip'` | ZIP file | `opts.compression` enables DEFLATE compression for ZIP file type. ## Utility Functions The utility functions are available in the `CFB.utils` object. Functions that accept a `name` argument strictly deal with absolute file names: - `.cfb_new(?opts)` creates a new container object. - `.cfb_add(cfb, name, ?content, ?opts)` adds a new file to the `cfb`. Set the option `{unsafe:true}` to skip existence checks (for bulk additions) - `.cfb_del(cfb, name)` deletes the specified file - `.cfb_mov(cfb, old_name, new_name)` moves the old file to new path and name - `.use_zlib(require("zlib"))` loads a nodejs `zlib` instance. By default, the library uses a pure JS inflate/deflate implementation. NodeJS `zlib.InflateRaw` exposes the number of bytes read in versions after `8.11.0`. If a supplied `zlib` does not support the required features, a warning will be displayed in the console and the pure JS fallback will be used. ## Container Object Description The objects returned by `parse` and `read` have the following properties: - `.FullPaths` is an array of the names of all of the streams (files) and storages (directories) in the container. The paths are properly prefixed from the root entry (so the entries are unique) - `.FileIndex` is an array, in the same order as `.FullPaths`, whose values are objects following the schema: ```typescript interface CFBEntry { name: string; /** Case-sensitive internal name */ type: number; /** 1 = dir, 2 = file, 5 = root ; see [MS-CFB] 2.6.1 */ content: Buffer | number[] | Uint8Array; /** Raw Content */ ct?: Date; /** Creation Time */ mt?: Date; /** Modification Time */ } ``` ## License Please consult the attached LICENSE file for details. All rights not explicitly granted by the Apache 2.0 License are reserved by the Original Author. ## References - `MS-CFB`: Compound File Binary File Format - ZIP `APPNOTE.TXT`: .ZIP File Format Specification - RFC1951: https://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1951.txt