/* index.d.ts (C) 2013-present SheetJS */ // TypeScript Version: 2.2 /** Version string */ export const version: string; /** Parse a buffer or array */ export function parse(f: CFB$Blob, options?: CFBParsingOptions): CFBContainer; /** Read a blob or file or binary string */ export function read(f: CFB$Blob | string, options?: CFBParsingOptions): CFBContainer; /** Find a file entry given a path or file name */ export function find(cfb: CFBContainer, path: string): CFBEntry | null; /** Generate a container file */ export function write(cfb: CFBContainer, options?: any): any; /** Write a container file to the filesystem */ export function writeFile(cfb: CFBContainer, filename: string, options?: any): any; /** Utility functions */ export const utils: CFB$Utils; /** Options for read and readFile */ export interface CFBParsingOptions { /** Input data encoding */ type?: 'base64' | 'binary' | 'buffer' | 'file' | 'array'; /** If true, throw errors when features are not understood */ WTF?: boolean; /** If true, include raw data in output */ raw?: boolean; } export type CFB$Blob = Buffer | number[] | Uint8Array; export enum CFBEntryType { unknown, storage, stream, lockbytes, property, root } export enum CFBStorageType { fat, minifat } /** CFB File Entry Object */ export interface CFBEntry { /** Case-sensitive internal name */ name: string; /** CFB type (salient types: stream, storage) -- see CFBEntryType */ type: number; /** Raw Content (Buffer when available, Array of bytes otherwise) */ content: CFB$Blob; /** Creation Time */ ct?: Date; /** Modification Time */ mt?: Date; /** Red/Black Tree color: 0 = red, 1 = black */ color: number; /** Class ID represented as hex string */ clsid: string; /** User-Defined State Bits */ state: number; /** Starting Sector */ start: number; /** Data Size */ size: number; /** Storage location -- see CFBStorageType */ storage?: string; } /* cfb.FullPathDir Directory object */ export interface CFBDirectory { /* cfb.FullPathDir keys are paths; cfb.Directory keys are file names */ [key: string]: CFBEntry; } /* File object */ export interface CFBContainer { /* list of streams and storages */ FullPaths: string[]; /* Path -> CFB object mapping */ FullPathDir: CFBDirectory; /* Array of entries in the same order as FullPaths */ FileIndex: CFBEntry[]; /* Raw Content, in chunks (Buffer when available, Array of bytes otherwise) */ raw?: { header: CFB$Blob, sectors: CFB$Blob[]; }; } /** General utilities */ export interface CFB$Utils { cfb_new(opts?: any): CFBContainer; cfb_add(cfb: CFBContainer, name: string, content: any, opts?: any): CFBEntry; cfb_del(cfb: CFBContainer, name: string): boolean; cfb_mov(cfb: CFBContainer, old_name: string, new_name: string): boolean; cfb_gc(cfb: CFBContainer): void; ReadShift(size: number, t?: string): number|string; WarnField(hexstr: string, fld?: string): void; CheckField(hexstr: string, fld?: string): void; prep_blob(blob: any, pos?: number): CFB$Blob; bconcat(bufs: any[]): any; }