/* cfb.js (C) 2013-present SheetJS -- http://sheetjs.com */ /* vim: set ts=2: */ /*jshint mocha:true */ /* eslint-env mocha */ /*global process, require */ /*:: declare type EmptyFunc = (() => void) | null; declare type DescribeIt = { (desc:string, test:EmptyFunc):void; skip(desc:string, test:EmptyFunc):void; }; declare var describe : DescribeIt; declare var it: DescribeIt; declare var before:(test:EmptyFunc)=>void; */ var CFB; var fs = require('fs'); describe('source', function() { it('should load', function() { CFB = require('./'); if(zlibify) CFB.utils.use_zlib(require("zlib")); }); }); var CRC32 = require('crc-32'); var WTF = !!process.env.WTF; var zlibify = !!process.env.ZLIB; var ex = [".xls",".doc",".ppt"]; if(process.env.FMTS) ex=process.env.FMTS.split(":").map(function(x){return x[0]==="."?x:"."+x;}); if(process.env.FMTS === "full") process.env.FMTS = ex.join(":"); if(process.env.FMTS) ex=process.env.FMTS.split(":").map(function(x){return x[0]==="."?x:"."+x;}); var ffunc = function(x){return (ex.indexOf(x.substr(-4))>=0 || ex.indexOf(x.substr(-3))>=0) && fails.indexOf(x) === -1;}; var fails = fs.existsSync('./fails.lst') ? fs.readFileSync('./fails.lst', 'utf-8').split("\n") : []; var files = fs.readdirSync('test_files').filter(ffunc); var f2011 = fs.readdirSync('test_files/2011').filter(ffunc); var f2013 = fs.readdirSync('test_files/2013').filter(ffunc); var fpres = fs.readdirSync('test_files_pres').filter(ffunc); var fxlsx = fs.readdirSync('test_files').filter(function(x) { return x.slice(-5) == ".xlsx" && fails.indexOf(x) === -1; }); var dir = "./test_files/"; var TYPE = "buffer"; var names/*:Array>*/ = [ ["!DocumentSummaryInformation", "\u0005"], ["!SummaryInformation", "\u0005"], ["!CompObj", "\u0001"], ["/!DataSpaces/Version", "\u0006"], ["!DRMContent", "\u0009"], ["!DRMViewerContent", "\u0009"], ["!Ole", "\u0001"] ].map(function(x) { return [x[0], x[0].replace("!", x[1])]; }); /* [ rel, abs ] */ var ENTRIES/*:Array>*/ = [ /* DOC */ ["WordDocument", "/WordDocument"], /* PPT */ ["PowerPoint Document", "/PowerPoint Document"], /* XLS */ ["Workbook", "/Workbook"], ["Book", "/Book"], /* OPC */ ["[Content_Types].xml", "/[Content_Types].xml"], /* ODF */ ["content.xml", "/content.xml"], /* XLSX */ ["workbook.xml", "/xl/workbook.xml"], /* Encrypted */ ["EncryptedPackage", "/EncryptedPackage"], ["EncryptionInfo", "/EncryptionInfo"] ]; var REL_FILES = ENTRIES.map(function(e) { return e[0]; }); var ABS_FILES = ENTRIES.map(function(e) { return e[1]; }); function has_file(cfb, files/*:Array*/)/*:string*/ { for(var i = 0; i < files.length; ++i) if(CFB.find(cfb, files[i])) return files[i]; return ""; } function zero_dates(cfb) { cfb.FileIndex.forEach(function(f) { delete f.mt; delete f.ct; }); } function parsetest(x, cfb) { describe(x + ' should have basic parts', function() { it('should find relative path', function() { if(!has_file(cfb, REL_FILES)) throw new Error("Cannot find content for " + x); }); it('should find absolute path', function() { if(!has_file(cfb, ABS_FILES)) throw new Error("Cannot find content for " + x); }); it('should handle "!" aliases', function() { names.forEach(function(n) { if(CFB.find(cfb,n[0]) != CFB.find(cfb,n[1])) throw new Error("Bad name: " + n.join(" != ")); }); }); it('should handle size < 0', function() { cfb.FileIndex.forEach(function(p, i) { if(p.size < 0) throw new Error(cfb.FullPaths[i] + " size=" + p.size); }); }); }); describe(x + ' should roundtrip', function() { var datacfb, newcfb; var datazip, newzip; var datacmp, newcmp; before(function() { /* cfb */ zero_dates(cfb); datacfb = CFB.write(cfb, {type:TYPE}); newcfb = CFB.read(datacfb, {type:TYPE}); zero_dates(newcfb); /* zip */ zero_dates(cfb); datazip = CFB.write(cfb, {type:TYPE, fileType:"zip"}); newzip = CFB.read(datazip, {type:TYPE}); zero_dates(newzip); /* zip with compression */ zero_dates(cfb); datacmp = CFB.write(cfb, {type:TYPE, fileType:"zip", compression:1}); newcmp = CFB.read(datacmp, {type:TYPE}); zero_dates(newcmp); }); it('should preserve content', function() { var path = has_file(cfb, REL_FILES); var _old = CFB.find(cfb, path); var _cfb = CFB.find(newcfb, path); var _zip = CFB.find(newzip, path); var _cmp = CFB.find(newcmp, path); /*:: if(!_old || !_cfb || !_zip || !_cmp) throw "unreachable"; */ var c1 = CRC32.buf(_old.content); var c2 = CRC32.buf(_cfb.content); var c3 = CRC32.buf(_zip.content); var c4 = CRC32.buf(_cmp.content); if(c1 != c2) throw new Error(x + " failed CFB roundtrip test"); if(c1 != c3) throw new Error(x + " failed ZIP roundtrip test"); if(c1 != c4) throw new Error(x + " failed ZIP compression roundtrip test"); }); it('should be idempotent', function() { var dat2 = CFB.write(newcfb, {type:TYPE}); if(CRC32.buf(datacfb) != CRC32.buf(dat2)) throw new Error(x + " failed CFB idempotent test"); var dat2zip = CFB.write(newzip, {type:TYPE, fileType:"zip"}); if(CRC32.buf(datazip) != CRC32.buf(dat2zip)) throw new Error(x + " failed ZIP idempotent test"); var dat2cmp = CFB.write(newcmp, {type:TYPE, fileType:"zip", compression:1}); if(CRC32.buf(datacmp) != CRC32.buf(dat2cmp)) throw new Error(x + " failed ZIP idempotent test"); }); }); } describe('should parse test files', function() { files.forEach(function(x) { it('should parse ' + x, function() { var cfb = CFB.read('./test_files/' + x, {type: "file", WTF: WTF}); parsetest(x, cfb); }); }); fpres.forEach(function(x) { it('should parse ' + x, function() { var cfb = CFB.read('./test_files_pres/' + x, {type: "file", WTF: WTF}); parsetest(x, cfb); }); }); f2011.forEach(function(x) { it('should parse ' + x, function() { var cfb = CFB.read('./test_files/2011/' + x, {type: "file", WTF: WTF}); parsetest(x, cfb); }); }); f2013.forEach(function(x) { it('should parse ' + x, function() { var cfb = CFB.read('./test_files/2013/' + x, {type: "file", WTF: WTF}); parsetest(x, cfb); }); }); fxlsx.forEach(function(x) { it('should parse ' + x, function() { try { var cfb = CFB.read('./test_files/' + x, {type: "file", WTF: WTF}); parsetest(x, cfb); } catch(e) { if(e.message.match(/CFB file size /)) return; if(!e.message.match(/Header Signature: Expected d0cf11e0a1b11ae1 saw /)) throw e; } }); }); it('should recognize correct magic number', function() { var cfb = CFB.read('./test_files/AutoFilter.xls', {type: "file"}); if(!CFB.find(cfb, '!CompObj')) throw new Error("Could not find !CompObj"); if(!CFB.find(cfb, '\u0001CompObj')) throw new Error("Could not find 1CompObj"); if(CFB.find(cfb, '\u0005CompObj')) throw new Error("Found 5CompObj"); if(!CFB.find(cfb, '!DocumentSummaryInformation')) throw new Error("Could not find !DSI"); if(!CFB.find(cfb, '\u0005DocumentSummaryInformation')) throw new Error("Could not find 5DSI"); if(CFB.find(cfb, '\u0001DocumentSummaryInformation')) throw new Error("Found 1DSI"); }); }); var cp = 'custom_properties.xls'; var xl = 'custom_properties.xlsx'; describe('input formats', function() { it('should read binary strings', function() { CFB.read(fs.readFileSync(dir + '/' + cp, 'binary'), {type: 'binary'}); CFB.read(fs.readFileSync(dir + '/' + xl, 'binary'), {type: 'binary'}); }); it('should read base64 strings', function() { CFB.read(fs.readFileSync(dir + '/' + cp, 'base64'), {type: 'base64'}); CFB.read(fs.readFileSync(dir + '/' + xl, 'base64'), {type: 'base64'}); }); it('should read buffers', function() { CFB.read(fs.readFileSync(dir + '/' + cp), {type: 'buffer'}); CFB.read(fs.readFileSync(dir + '/' + xl), {type: 'buffer'}); }); }); describe('output formats', function() { it('should write binary strings', function() { var t = [ [ "CFB", CFB.write(CFB.read(fs.readFileSync(dir + '/' + cp, 'binary'), {type: 'binary'}), {type: 'binary'})], [ "ZIP", CFB.write(CFB.read(fs.readFileSync(dir + '/' + xl, 'binary'), {type: 'binary'}), {type: 'binary', fileType: 'zip'})] ]; t.forEach(function(r) { if(typeof r[1] != "string") throw new Error(r[0] + " binary write failed"); var good = false; for(var i = 0; i < r[1].length; ++i) { if(r[1].charCodeAt(i) == 0x00) good = true; else if(r[1].charCodeAt(i) > 0xFF) { good = false; break; } } if(!good) throw new Error(r[0] + " binary write failed"); }); }); it('should write base64 strings', function() { var t = [ [ "CFB", CFB.write(CFB.read(fs.readFileSync(dir + '/' + cp, 'base64'), {type: 'base64'}), {type: 'base64'})], [ "ZIP", CFB.write(CFB.read(fs.readFileSync(dir + '/' + xl, 'base64'), {type: 'base64'}), {type: 'base64', fileType: 'zip'})] ]; t.forEach(function(r) { if(typeof r[1] != "string") throw new Error(r[0] + " base64 write failed"); var good = false; if(r[1].match(/[^a-zA-Z0-9+\/\+\.=]/)) throw new Error(r[0] + " base64 write failed"); }); }); it('should write buffers', function() { var t1 = CFB.write(CFB.read(fs.readFileSync(dir + '/' + cp), {type: 'buffer'}), {type: 'buffer'}); var t2 = CFB.write(CFB.read(fs.readFileSync(dir + '/' + xl), {type: 'buffer'}), {type: 'buffer'}); if(!Buffer.isBuffer(t1)) throw new Error("CFB buffer write failed"); if(!Buffer.isBuffer(t2)) throw new Error("ZIP buffer write failed"); }); }); describe('api', function() { it('should generate a file with custom root', function() { var cfb = CFB.utils.cfb_new({root:'SheetJS'}); if(cfb.FileIndex[0].name != 'SheetJS') throw new Error("Bad root name"); var newcfb = CFB.read(CFB.write(cfb, {type:'base64'}), {type:'base64'}); if(newcfb.FileIndex[0].name != 'SheetJS') throw new Error("Bad root name"); }); it('should be able to delete a file', function() { var cfb = CFB.read(fs.readFileSync(dir + '/' + cp, 'binary'), {type: 'binary'}); if(!CFB.find(cfb, '/Workbook')) throw new Error("Cannot find /Workbook"); CFB.utils.cfb_del(cfb, '/Workbook'); if(CFB.utils.cfb_del(cfb, '/Workbook')) throw new Error("Found /Workbook"); if(CFB.find(cfb, '/Workbook')) throw new Error("Failed deleting /Workbook"); var newcfb = CFB.read(CFB.write(cfb, {type:'binary'}), {type:'binary'}); if(CFB.find(newcfb, '/Workbook')) throw new Error("Found /Workbook"); }); it('should be able to move a file', function() { var cfb = CFB.read(fs.readFileSync(dir + '/' + cp, 'binary'), {type: 'binary'}); if(!CFB.find(cfb, '/Workbook')) throw new Error("Cannot find /Workbook"); CFB.utils.cfb_mov(cfb, '/Workbook', '/Book'); if(CFB.utils.cfb_mov(cfb, '/Workbook', '/Work')) throw new Error("Found /Workbook"); if(CFB.find(cfb, '/Workbook')) throw new Error("Failed deleting /Workbook"); var newcfb = CFB.read(CFB.write(cfb, {type:'binary'}), {type:'binary'}); if(CFB.find(newcfb, '/Workbook')) throw new Error("Found /Workbook"); }); it('should be able to add a file', function() { var cfb = CFB.read(fs.readFileSync(dir + '/' + cp, 'binary'), {type: 'binary'}); CFB.utils.cfb_add(cfb, '/dafuq', [1,2,3]); var newcfb = CFB.read(CFB.write(cfb, {type:'binary'}), {type:'binary'}); var file = CFB.find(cfb, '/dafuq'); if(!file || !file.content) throw new Error("Cannot find /dafuq"); if(file.content.length != 3) throw new Error("Bad content length " + file.content.length); file = CFB.find(newcfb, '/dafuq'); if(!file || !file.content) throw new Error("Cannot find /dafuq"); if(file.content.length != 3) throw new Error("Bad content length " + file.content.length); }); });