SheetJS 0e33eb6e13 unify changes with main sheetjs project
- Fixed issue #14 h/t @wisekaa03
- CFB write truncate file names exceeding 32 characters

Co-authored-by: Stanislav Vyaliy <wisekaa03@gmail.com>
2022-03-31 04:57:58 -04:00

167 lines
5.3 KiB

/* modified inflate function also moves original read head */
var dyn_lmap = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint16Array(32768) : zero_fill_array(32768);
var dyn_dmap = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint16Array(32768) : zero_fill_array(32768);
var dyn_cmap = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint16Array(128) : zero_fill_array(128);
var dyn_len_1 = 1, dyn_len_2 = 1;
/* 5.5.3 Expanding Huffman Codes */
function dyn(data, boff/*:number*/) {
/* nomenclature from RFC1951 refers to bit values; these are offset by the implicit constant */
var _HLIT = read_bits_5(data, boff) + 257; boff += 5;
var _HDIST = read_bits_5(data, boff) + 1; boff += 5;
var _HCLEN = read_bits_4(data, boff) + 4; boff += 4;
var w = 0;
/* grab and store code lengths */
var clens = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint8Array(19) : zero_fill_array(19);
var ctree = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ];
var maxlen = 1;
var bl_count = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint8Array(8) : zero_fill_array(8);
var next_code = use_typed_arrays ? new Uint8Array(8) : zero_fill_array(8);
var L = clens.length; /* 19 */
for(var i = 0; i < _HCLEN; ++i) {
clens[CLEN_ORDER[i]] = w = read_bits_3(data, boff);
if(maxlen < w) maxlen = w;
boff += 3;
/* build code tree */
var ccode = 0;
bl_count[0] = 0;
for(i = 1; i <= maxlen; ++i) next_code[i] = ccode = (ccode + bl_count[i-1])<<1;
for(i = 0; i < L; ++i) if((ccode = clens[i]) != 0) ctree[i] = next_code[ccode]++;
/* cmap[7 bits from stream] = (off&7) + (lit<<3) */
var cleni = 0;
for(i = 0; i < L; ++i) {
cleni = clens[i];
if(cleni != 0) {
ccode = bitswap8[ctree[i]]>>(8-cleni);
for(var j = (1<<(7-cleni))-1; j>=0; --j) dyn_cmap[ccode|(j<<cleni)] = (cleni&7) | (i<<3);
/* read literal and dist codes at once */
var hcodes/*:Array<number>*/ = [];
maxlen = 1;
for(; hcodes.length < _HLIT + _HDIST;) {
ccode = dyn_cmap[read_bits_7(data, boff)];
boff += ccode & 7;
switch((ccode >>>= 3)) {
case 16:
w = 3 + read_bits_2(data, boff); boff += 2;
ccode = hcodes[hcodes.length - 1];
while(w-- > 0) hcodes.push(ccode);
case 17:
w = 3 + read_bits_3(data, boff); boff += 3;
while(w-- > 0) hcodes.push(0);
case 18:
w = 11 + read_bits_7(data, boff); boff += 7;
while(w -- > 0) hcodes.push(0);
if(maxlen < ccode) maxlen = ccode;
/* build literal / length trees */
var h1 = hcodes.slice(0, _HLIT), h2 = hcodes.slice(_HLIT);
for(i = _HLIT; i < 286; ++i) h1[i] = 0;
for(i = _HDIST; i < 30; ++i) h2[i] = 0;
dyn_len_1 = build_tree(h1, dyn_lmap, 286);
dyn_len_2 = build_tree(h2, dyn_dmap, 30);
return boff;
/* return [ data, bytesRead ] */
function inflate(data, usz/*:number*/) {
/* shortcircuit for empty buffer [0x03, 0x00] */
if(data[0] == 3 && !(data[1] & 0x3)) { return [new_raw_buf(usz), 2]; }
/* bit offset */
var boff = 0;
/* header includes final bit and type bits */
var header = 0;
var outbuf = new_unsafe_buf(usz ? usz : (1<<18));
var woff = 0;
var OL = outbuf.length>>>0;
var max_len_1 = 0, max_len_2 = 0;
while((header&1) == 0) {
header = read_bits_3(data, boff); boff += 3;
if((header >>> 1) == 0) {
/* Stored block */
if(boff & 7) boff += 8 - (boff&7);
/* 2 bytes sz, 2 bytes bit inverse */
var sz = data[boff>>>3] | data[(boff>>>3)+1]<<8;
boff += 32;
/* push sz bytes */
if(sz > 0) {
if(!usz && OL < woff + sz) { outbuf = realloc(outbuf, woff + sz); OL = outbuf.length; }
while(sz-- > 0) { outbuf[woff++] = data[boff>>>3]; boff += 8; }
} else if((header >> 1) == 1) {
/* Fixed Huffman */
max_len_1 = 9; max_len_2 = 5;
} else {
/* Dynamic Huffman */
boff = dyn(data, boff);
max_len_1 = dyn_len_1; max_len_2 = dyn_len_2;
for(;;) { // while(true) is apparently out of vogue in modern JS circles
if(!usz && (OL < woff + 32767)) { outbuf = realloc(outbuf, woff + 32767); OL = outbuf.length; }
/* ingest code and move read head */
var bits = read_bits_n(data, boff, max_len_1);
var code = (header>>>1) == 1 ? fix_lmap[bits] : dyn_lmap[bits];
boff += code & 15; code >>>= 4;
/* 0-255 are literals, 256 is end of block token, 257+ are copy tokens */
if(((code>>>8)&0xFF) === 0) outbuf[woff++] = code;
else if(code == 256) break;
else {
code -= 257;
var len_eb = (code < 8) ? 0 : ((code-4)>>2); if(len_eb > 5) len_eb = 0;
var tgt = woff + LEN_LN[code];
/* length extra bits */
if(len_eb > 0) {
tgt += read_bits_n(data, boff, len_eb);
boff += len_eb;
/* dist code */
bits = read_bits_n(data, boff, max_len_2);
code = (header>>>1) == 1 ? fix_dmap[bits] : dyn_dmap[bits];
boff += code & 15; code >>>= 4;
var dst_eb = (code < 4 ? 0 : (code-2)>>1);
var dst = DST_LN[code];
/* dist extra bits */
if(dst_eb > 0) {
dst += read_bits_n(data, boff, dst_eb);
boff += dst_eb;
/* in the common case, manual byte copy is faster than TA set / Buffer copy */
if(!usz && OL < tgt) { outbuf = realloc(outbuf, tgt + 100); OL = outbuf.length; }
while(woff < tgt) { outbuf[woff] = outbuf[woff - dst]; ++woff; }
if(usz) return [outbuf, (boff+7)>>>3];
return [outbuf.slice(0, woff), (boff+7)>>>3];
function _inflate(payload, usz) {
var data = payload.slice(payload.l||0);
var out = inflate(data, usz);
payload.l += out[1];
return out[0];