remove unneeded len assign

why you assigning lent = ... to out when on next line you are slicing it and overwrite the out whit the sliced one
This commit is contained in:
Elin Angelov 2015-09-18 12:05:30 +03:00
parent 2a654168f1
commit f8e7b6613f

@ -386,7 +386,6 @@
default: throw new Error("Unsupported magic: " + cp + " " + magic[cp]);
else throw new Error("Unrecognized CP: " + cp);
out.length = j;
out = out.slice(0,j);
if(typeof Buffer === 'undefined') return (ofmt == 'str') ?"") : out;
if(ofmt === undefined || ofmt === 'buf') return out;