var fs = require('fs'), assert = require('assert'), vm = require('vm'); var cptable, sbcs; describe('source', function() { it('should load node', function() { cptable = require('./'); }); it('should load sbcs', function() { sbcs = require('./sbcs'); }); it('should load excel', function() { excel = require('./cpexcel'); }); it('should process bits', function() { var files = fs.readdirSync('bits').filter(function(x){return x.substr(-3)==".js";}); files.forEach(function(x) { vm.runInThisContext(fs.readFileSync('./bits/' + x)); }); }); }); describe('README', function() { var readme = function() { var unicode_cp10000_255 = cptable[10000].dec[255]; // ˇ assert.equal(unicode_cp10000_255, "ˇ"); var cp10000_711 = cptable[10000].enc[String.fromCharCode(711)]; // 255 assert.equal(cp10000_711, 255); var b1 = [0xbb,0xe3,0xd7,0xdc]; var 汇总 = cptable.utils.decode(936, b1); var buf = cptable.utils.encode(936, 汇总); assert.equal(汇总,"汇总"); assert.equal(buf.length, 4); for(var i = 0; i != 4; ++i) assert.equal(b1[i], buf[i]); }; it('should be correct', function() { cptable.utils.cache.encache(); readme(); cptable.utils.cache.decache(); readme(); }); }); describe('consistency', function() { cptable = require('./'); U = cptable.utils; var chk = function(cptable, cacheit) { return function(x) { it('should consistently process CP ' + x, function() { var cp = cptable[x], D = cp.dec, E = cp.enc; if(cacheit) cptable.utils.cache.encache(); else cptable.utils.cache.decache(); Object.keys(D).forEach(function(d) { if(E[D[d]] != d) { if(typeof E[D[d]] !== "undefined") return; if(D[d].charCodeAt(0) == 0xFFFD) return; if(D[E[D[d]]] === D[d]) return; throw new Error(x + " e.d[" + d + "] = " + E[D[d]] + "; d[" + d + "]=" + D[d] + "; d.e.d[" + d + "] = " + D[E[D[d]]]); } }); Object.keys(E).forEach(function(e) { if(D[E[e]] != e) { throw new Error(x + " d.e[" + e + "] = " + D[E[e]] + "; e[" + e + "]=" + E[e] + "; e.d.e[" + e + "] = " + E[D[E[e]]]); } }); var corpus = ["foobar"]; corpus.forEach(function(w){ assert.equal(U.decode(x,U.encode(x,w)),w); }); cptable.utils.cache.encache(); }); }; }; Object.keys(cptable).filter(function(w) { return w != "utils"; }).forEach(chk(cptable, true)); Object.keys(cptable).filter(function(w) { return w != "utils"; }).forEach(chk(cptable, false)); }); describe('entry conditions', function() { it('should fail to load utils if cptable unavailable', function() { var sandbox = {}; var ctx = vm.createContext(sandbox); assert.throws(function() { vm.runInContext(fs.readFileSync('cputils.js','utf8'),ctx); }); }); it('should load utils if cptable is available', function() { var sandbox = {}; var ctx = vm.createContext(sandbox); vm.runInContext(fs.readFileSync('cpexcel.js','utf8'),ctx); vm.runInContext(fs.readFileSync('cputils.js','utf8'),ctx); }); var chken = function(cp, i) { var c = function(cp, i, e) { var str = cptable.utils.encode(cp,i,e); var arr = cptable.utils.encode(cp,i.split(""),e); assert.deepEqual(str,arr); if(typeof Buffer === 'undefined') return; var buf = cptable.utils.encode(cp,new Buffer(i),e); assert.deepEqual(str,buf); }; cptable.utils.cache.encache(); c(cp,i); c(cp,i,'buf'); c(cp,i,'arr'); c(cp,i,'str'); cptable.utils.cache.decache(); c(cp,i); c(cp,i,'buf'); c(cp,i,'arr'); c(cp,i,'str'); }; describe('encode', function() { it('CP 1252 : sbcs', function() { chken(1252,"foobar"); }); it('CP 708 : sbcs', function() { chken(708,"ت and ث smiley faces");}); it('CP 936 : dbcs', function() { chken(936, "这是中文字符测试");}); }); var chkde = function(cp, i) { var c = function(cp, i) { var s; if(typeof Buffer !== 'undefined' && i instanceof Buffer) s = [], function(s){return String.fromCharCode(s); }); else s=( ?{return String.fromCharCode(s); }) : i; var str = cptable.utils.decode(cp,i); var arr = cptable.utils.decode(cp,s.join?s.join(""):s); assert.deepEqual(str,arr); if(typeof Buffer === 'undefined') return; var buf = cptable.utils.decode(cp,new Buffer(i)); assert.deepEqual(str,buf); }; cptable.utils.cache.encache(); c(cp,i); cptable.utils.cache.decache(); c(cp,i); }; describe('decode', function() { it('CP 1252 : sbcs', function() { chkde(1252,[0x66, 0x6f, 0x6f, 0x62, 0x61, 0x72]); }); /* "foobar" */ if(typeof Buffer !== 'undefined') it('CP 708 : sbcs', function() { chkde(708, new Buffer([0xca, 0x20, 0x61, 0x6e, 0x64, 0x20, 0xcb, 0x20, 0x73, 0x6d, 0x69, 0x6c, 0x65, 0x79, 0x20, 0x66, 0x61, 0x63, 0x65, 0x73])); }); /* ("ت and ث smiley faces") */ it('CP 936 : dbcs', function() { chkde(936, [0xd5, 0xe2, 0xca, 0xc7, 0xd6, 0xd0, 0xce, 0xc4, 0xd7, 0xd6, 0xb7, 0xfb, 0xb2, 0xe2, 0xca, 0xd4]);}); /* "这是中文字符测试" */ }); }); function testfile(f,cp,type,skip) { var d = fs.readFileSync(f); var x = fs.readFileSync(f, type); var a = x.split(""); var chk = function(cp) { var y = cptable.utils.decode(cp, d); assert.equal(x,y); var z = cptable.utils.encode(cp, x); if(z.length != d.length) throw new Error(f + " " + JSON.stringify(z) + " != " + JSON.stringify(d) + " : " + z.length + " " + d.length); for(var i = 0; i != d.length; ++i) if(d[i] !== z[i]) throw new Error("" + i + " " + d[i] + "!=" + z[i]); if(skip) return; z = cptable.utils.encode(cp, a); if(z.length != d.length) throw new Error(f + " " + JSON.stringify(z) + " != " + JSON.stringify(d) + " : " + z.length + " " + d.length); for(var i = 0; i != d.length; ++i) if(d[i] !== z[i]) throw new Error("" + i + " " + d[i] + "!=" + z[i]); } cptable.utils.cache.encache(); chk(cp); if(skip) return; cptable.utils.cache.decache(); chk(cp); cptable.utils.cache.encache(); } describe('node natives', function() { var node = [[65001, 'utf8',1], [1200, 'utf16le',1], [20127, 'ascii',0]]; var unicodefiles = ['','','cptable.js']; var asciifiles = ['cputils.js']; node.forEach(function(w) { describe(w[1], function() { cptable = require('./'); asciifiles.forEach(function(f) { it('should process ' + f, function() { testfile('./misc/'+f+'.'+w[1],w[0],w[1]); }); }); if(!w[2]) return; unicodefiles.forEach(function(f) { it('should process ' + f, function() { testfile('./misc/'+f+'.'+w[1],w[0],w[1]); }); }); if(w[1] === 'utf8') it('should process bits', function() { var files = fs.readdirSync('bits').filter(function(x){return x.substr(-3)==".js";}); files.forEach(function(f) { testfile('./bits/' + f,w[0],w[1],true); }); }); }); }); }); var m = cptable.utils.magic; function cmp(x,z) { assert.equal(x.length, z.length); for(var i = 0; i != z.length; ++i) assert.equal(i+"/"+x.length+""+x[i], i+"/"+z.length+""+z[i]); } Object.keys(m).forEach(function(t){if(t != 16969) describe(m[t], function() { it("should process" + m[t], fs.existsSync('./misc/' + m[t]) ? function() { var b = fs.readFileSync('./misc/', "utf8"); if(m[t] === "ascii") b = b.replace(/[\u0080-\uffff]*/g,""); var x = fs.readFileSync('./misc/' + m[t]); var y, z; cptable.utils.cache.encache(); y = cptable.utils.decode(t, x); assert.equal(y,b); z = cptable.utils.encode(t, y); if(t != 65000) cmp(x,z); else { assert.equal(y, cptable.utils.decode(t, z)); } cptable.utils.cache.decache(); y = cptable.utils.decode(t, x); assert.equal(y,b); z = cptable.utils.encode(t, y); if(t != 65000) cmp(x,z); else { assert.equal(y, cptable.utils.decode(t, z)); } cptable.utils.cache.encache(); } : null); it("should process" + m[t], fs.existsSync('./misc/' + m[t]) ? function() { var b = fs.readFileSync('./misc/', "utf8"); if(m[t] === "ascii") b = b.replace(/[\u0080-\uffff]*/g,""); var x = fs.readFileSync('./misc/' + m[t]); x = []; cptable.utils.cache.encache(); var y = cptable.utils.decode(t, x); assert.equal(y,b); cptable.utils.cache.decache(); var y = cptable.utils.decode(t, x); assert.equal(y,b); cptable.utils.cache.encache(); } : null); });}); describe('failures', function() { it('should fail to find CP 6969', function() { assert.throws(function(){cptable[6969].dec}); assert.throws(function(){cptable[6969].enc}); }); it('should fail using utils', function() { assert(!cptable.utils.hascp(6969)); assert.throws(function(){return cptable.utils.encode(6969, "foobar"); }); assert.throws(function(){return cptable.utils.decode(6969, [0x20]); }); }); it('should fail with black magic', function() { assert(cptable.utils.hascp(16969)); assert.throws(function(){return cptable.utils.encode(16969, "foobar"); }); assert.throws(function(){return cptable.utils.decode(16969, [0x20]); }); }); it('should fail when presented with invalid char codes', function() { assert.throws(function(){cptable.utils.cache.decache(); return cptable.utils.encode(20127, [String.fromCharCode(0xAA)]);}); }); });