SheetJS 0121708499 version bump 0.6.0: windows support
- MakeEncoding.cs program pulls from .NET encodings (tested with Windows 7)
  (outputs stored at dotnet/out and misc/err)
- Many new codepages and improvements
- coverage + coveralls
- better environment handling (h/t @xch89820)
- cpexcel.js for the formats recognized by excel
- decode endian option removed (implicit from codepage definition)
NOTE: utf7 encode can be more space efficient
2014-04-14 13:45:36 -07:00

4 lines
175 B

if [ ! -e dotnet/out ]; then exit; fi
<dotnet/out tr -s ' ' '\t' | awk 'NF>2 {if(outfile) close(outfile); outfile="codepages/" $1 ".TBL"} NF==2 {print > outfile}'