/* crc32.js (C) 2014-present SheetJS -- http://sheetjs.com */ /* eslint-env node */ /* vim: set ts=2 ft=javascript: */ /*jshint node:true */ /// /* node type definition is missing writable stream _writev */ interface Chunk { chunk: any; encoding: string; } type CBType = () => void; import X = require("crc-32"); import 'exit-on-epipe'; import fs = require('fs'); import stream = require('stream'); import { sprintf } from "printj"; const help = (): number => { [ "usage: crc32 [options] [filename]", "", "Options:", " -h, --help output usage information", " -V, --version output the version number", " -S, --seed= use integer seed as starting value (rolling CRC)", " -H, --hex-seed= use hex seed as starting value (rolling CRC)", " -d, --signed print result with format `%d` (default)", " -u, --unsigned print result with format `%u`", " -x, --hex print result with format `%0.8x`", " -X, --HEX print result with format `%0.8X`", " -F, --format= use specified printf format", "", "Set filename = '-' or pipe data into crc32 to read from stdin", "Default output mode is signed (-d)", "" ].forEach(function(l) { console.log(l); }); return 0; }; const version = (): number => { console.log(X.version); return 0; }; const die = (msg: string, ec?: number): void => { console.error(msg); process.exit(ec || 0); }; const args/*:Array*/ = process.argv.slice(2); let filename/*:string*/ = ""; let fmt/*:string*/ = ""; let seed = 0, r = 10; for(let i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { const arg = args[i]; if(arg.charCodeAt(0) !== 45) { if(filename === "") filename = arg; continue; } const m = arg.indexOf("=") === -1 ? arg : arg.substr(0, arg.indexOf("=")); switch(m) { case "-": filename = "-"; break; case "--help": case "-h": process.exit(help()); break; case "--version": case "-V": process.exit(version()); break; case "--signed": case "-d": fmt = "%d"; break; case "--unsigned": case "-u": fmt = "%u"; break; case "--hex": case "-x": fmt = "%0.8x"; break; case "--HEX": case "-X": fmt = "%0.8X"; break; case "--format": case "-F": fmt = ((m!==arg) ? arg.substr(m.length+1) : args[++i])||""; break; case "--hex-seed": case "-H": r = 16; /* falls through */ case "--seed": case "-S": seed=parseInt((m!==arg) ? arg.substr(m.length+1) : args[++i], r)||0; break; default: die("crc32: unrecognized option `" + arg + "'", 22); } } if(!process.stdin.isTTY) filename = filename || "-"; if(filename.length===0) die("crc32: must specify a filename ('-' for stdin)",1); let crc32 = seed; // $FlowIgnore -- Writable is callable but type sig disagrees const writable = new stream.Writable(); writable._write = (chunk: any, e: string, cb: CBType) => { crc32 = X.buf(chunk, crc32); cb(); }; (writable)._writev = (chunks: Chunk[], cb: CBType) => { chunks.forEach(function(c) { crc32 = X.buf(c.chunk, crc32);}); cb(); }; writable.on('finish', () => { console.log(fmt === "" ? crc32 : sprintf(fmt, crc32)); }); if(filename === "-") process.stdin.pipe(writable); else if(fs.existsSync(filename)) fs.createReadStream(filename).pipe(writable); else die("crc32: " + filename + ": No such file or directory", 2);