# crc32 Standard CRC-32 algorithm implementation in JS (for the browser and nodejs). Emphasis on correctness, performance, and IE6+ support. ## Installation With [npm](https://www.npmjs.org/package/crc-32): ```bash $ npm install crc-32 ``` In the browser: ```html ``` The browser exposes a variable `CRC32`. When installed globally, npm installs a script `crc32` that computes the checksum for a specified file or standard input. The script will manipulate `module.exports` if available (e.g. in a CommonJS `require` context). This is not always desirable. To prevent the behavior, define `DO_NOT_EXPORT_CRC`. ## Usage In all cases, the relevant function takes an argument representing data and an optional second argument representing the starting "seed" (for rolling CRC). The return value is a signed 32-bit integer. - `CRC32.buf(byte array or buffer[, seed])` assumes the argument is a sequence of 8-bit unsigned integers (e.g. nodejs `Buffer` or simple array of ints). - `CRC32.bstr(binary string[, seed])` assumes the argument is a "binary" string where byte `i` is the low byte of the UCS-2 char: `str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF` - `CRC32.str(string[, seed])` assumes the argument is a standard string and calculates the CRC32 of the UTF-8 encoding. For example: ```js // var CRC32 = require('crc-32'); // uncomment this line if in node CRC32.str("SheetJS") // -1647298270 CRC32.bstr("SheetJS") // -1647298270 CRC32.buf([ 83, 104, 101, 101, 116, 74, 83 ]) // -1647298270 crc32 = CRC32.buf([83, 104]) // -1826163454 "Sh" crc32 = CRC32.str("eet", crc32) // 1191034598 "Sheet" CRC32.bstr("JS", crc32) // -1647298270 "SheetJS" [CRC32.str("\u2603"), CRC32.str("\u0003")] // [ -1743909036, 1259060791 ] [CRC32.bstr("\u2603"), CRC32.bstr("\u0003")] // [ 1259060791, 1259060791 ] [CRC32.buf([0x2603]), CRC32.buf([0x0003])] // [ 1259060791, 1259060791 ] ``` ## Testing `make test` will run the nodejs-based test. To run the in-browser tests, run a local server and go to the `ctest` directory. `make ctestserv` will start a python `SimpleHTTPServer` server on port 8000. To update the browser artifacts, run `make ctest`. To generate the bits file, use the `crc32` function from python zlib: ```python >>> from zlib import crc32 >>> x="foo bar baz٪☃🍣" >>> crc32(x) 1531648243 >>> crc32(x+x) -218791105 >>> crc32(x+x+x) 1834240887 ``` The included `crc32.njs` script can process files or stdin: ```bash $ echo "this is a test" > t.txt $ bin/crc32.njs t.txt 1912935186 ``` For comparison, the included `crc32.py` script uses python zlib: ```bash $ bin/crc32.py t.txt 1912935186 ``` On OSX the command `cksum` generates unsigned CRC-32 with Algorithm 3: ```bash $ cksum -o 3 < IE8.Win7.For.Windows.VMware.zip 1891069052 4161613172 $ crc32 --unsigned ~/Downloads/IE8.Win7.For.Windows.VMware.zip 1891069052 ``` ## Performance `make perf` will run algorithmic performance tests (which should justify certain decisions in the code). [js-adler32](http://git.io/adler32) has more performance notes ## License Please consult the attached LICENSE file for details. All rights not explicitly granted by the Apache 2.0 license are reserved by the Original Author. ## Badges [![Sauce Test Status](https://saucelabs.com/browser-matrix/crc32.svg)](https://saucelabs.com/u/crc32) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/SheetJS/js-crc32.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/SheetJS/js-crc32) [![Coverage Status](http://img.shields.io/coveralls/SheetJS/js-crc32/master.svg)](https://coveralls.io/r/SheetJS/js-crc32?branch=master) [![Analytics](https://ga-beacon.appspot.com/UA-36810333-1/SheetJS/js-crc32?pixel)](https://github.com/SheetJS/js-crc32)