(* vdc.m -- van der Corput script *) (* Copyright (C) 2013 SheetJS *) (* vim: set ft=mma: *) (* Usage: math -script vdc.m *) (* read arguments from command line *) argdigs=ToExpression[$CommandLine[[-3]]]; argbase=ToExpression[$CommandLine[[-2]]]; argelts=ToExpression[$CommandLine[[-1]]]; d={argdigs,argdigs}; (* van der Corput sequence generation in mathematica: http://reference.wolfram.com/mathematica/CUDALink/tutorial/Applications.html this function returns a table of the form [iteration, fraction] *) VanDerCorput[base_][len_]:=Table[ {n, With[{digits = Reverse@IntegerDigits[n, base]}, N[Sum[argbase^(-ii)*digits[[ii]], {ii, Length[digits]}],d]]}, {n, len}]; (* print table form *) data=VanDerCorput[argbase][argelts]; Print[Grid[data]//OutputForm]