This commit is contained in:
SheetJS 2022-09-27 00:45:46 -04:00
parent efbb38f80e
commit ca3b497fe7
2 changed files with 217 additions and 26 deletions

@ -94,8 +94,8 @@ references do not include message type info, so readers and writers must be
aware of the message types and their interpretations.
Each framework is responsible for registering message types with the master
registry by sending a message to the `TSPRegistry`. The actual types can be
discovered from the frameworks. Some common message types are listed below:
registry by sending specific messages like `setMessageType`. Some relevant
message types for Numbers files are listed below:
| type | message |
@ -125,10 +125,30 @@ message .TST.TableModelArchive {
The reference in field 2 from `.TST.TableInfoArchive` is expected to be of type
`.TST.TableModelArchive` so the latter must be registered.
`.TST.DataStore` is the type of field 4 from `.TST.TableModelArchive`. Since it
`.TST.DataStore` is the type of field 4 from `.TST.TableModelArchive`. Since it
is not referenced indirectly, the message type does not have to be registered.
## Data Storage in Numbers files
_Discovering the registry mapping_
There are two approaches to discovering the registry mapping:
1) Search in the frameworks for places where `setMessageType` is sent.
2) Run the program in a debugger and inspect `[TSPRegistry sharedRegistry]`:
The latter approach was publicly documented by Sean Patrick O'Brien. A fully
automated script runs on Intel Macs:
deno run -A
## Document Structure
The iWork apps start from the `DocumentArchive` message, whose definition
varies between formats.
### Numbers
The root message (type 1) has the following structure:
@ -148,7 +168,9 @@ message .TN.SheetArchive {
`name` is the name of the worksheet. Each worksheet can contain multiple tables.
The messages referenced in field 2 (type 6000) refer to `.TST.TableInfoArchive`
### Table Storage in iWork
## Table Storage in iWork
_Protobuf Structure_
Table structure is shared across iWork apps. The protobuf definitions are
identical. The root element for tables is the `.TST.TableInfoArchive`:
@ -170,9 +192,7 @@ message .TST.TableModelArchive {
message .TST.DataStore {
required .TST.TileStorage tiles = 3;
required .TSP.Reference stringTable = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference formulaErrorTable = 12;
optional .TSP.Reference rich_text_table = 17;
required .TST.TableRBTree rowTileTree = 9;
// ...
@ -186,9 +206,6 @@ message .TST.TileStorage {
Numbers uses a "shared string table" like Excel. Excel stores both plaintext and
rich strings in the same table, while Numbers has two separate tables.
The message referenced in the tiles (type 6002) has the following structure:
@ -202,6 +219,8 @@ message .TST.TileRowInfo {
required uint32 cell_count = 2;
required bytes cell_storage_buffer_pre_bnc = 3;
required bytes cell_offsets_pre_bnc = 4;
optional bytes cell_storage_buffer = 6;
optional bytes cell_offsets = 7;
// ...
@ -209,11 +228,55 @@ message .TST.TileRowInfo {
Each `.TST.TileRowInfo` message holds the data and property references for a
single row in the table.
The placement of rows in the table is governed by the tree in field 9:
message .TST.TableRBTree {
message Node {
required uint32 key = 1;
required uint32 value = 2;
repeated .TST.TableRBTree.Node nodes = 1;
Each node `key` is a row offset and `value` is an index into the tile array.
For larger tables, tiles are generally expected to hold 256 rows.
### Data Storage
Non-numeric data values are stored in lists referenced from `.TST.DataStore`:
message .TST.DataStore {
required .TSP.Reference stringTable = 4;
optional .TSP.Reference formulaErrorTable = 12;
optional .TSP.Reference rich_text_table = 17;
// ...
iWork uses a "shared string table" like Excel. Excel stores both plaintext and
rich strings in the same table, while iWork has two separate tables.
### Cell Storage
The cell offset fields are an array of 16-bit integers that describe offsets
within the respective storage buffers. `0xFFFF` indicates that the column index
for the given row is not included.
A 32-bit flag is stored at offset 4, describing which fields are in the cell:
#### Old Storage
The "pre-BNC" storages are specified in fields 3 and 4
The first byte of the storage is the version number. There are three known
versions for the old storage: `V1` (0-1), `V3` (2-3), and `V4` (4).
_Field Mask_
A bitmask is stored at offset 4, describing which fields are in the cell:
| field description | bit mask | size | notes |
@ -223,18 +286,11 @@ A 32-bit flag is stored at offset 4, describing which fields are in the cell:
| Double value | `0x0020` | 8 | raw value (IEEE754 double) |
| Datetime value | `0x0040` | 8 | number of seconds since 1/1/2001 |
The starting offset depends on the cell storage version (`0-1` or `2-3`), which
is stored in the first byte of each cell:
The size of the bitmask is 2 bytes in `V1` and 4 bytes in `V3` and `V4`.
| description | v1 offset | v3 offset |
| Error index |`8 + POPCNT(f & 0x008E) * 4`|`12 + POPCNT(f & 0x0C8E) * 4`|
| Rich text index |`8 + POPCNT(f & 0x018E) * 4`|`12 + POPCNT(f & 0x0D8E) * 4`|
| Plaintext index |`8 + POPCNT(f & 0x138E) * 4`|`12 + POPCNT(f & 0x3F8E) * 4`|
| Double value |`8 + POPCNT(f & 0x139E) * 4`|`12 + POPCNT(f & 0x3F9E) * 4`|
| Datetime value |`8 + POPCNT(f & 0x13BE) * 4`|`12 + POPCNT(f & 0x3FBE) * 4`|
_Cell Type_
The cell type is stored at byte offset 2:
The cell type is stored at byte offset 2 in `V1` / `V3` and offset 1 in `V4`:
| type | value |
@ -247,12 +303,105 @@ The cell type is stored at byte offset 2:
| `8` | get error from formula error table at "Error index" |
| `9` | get value from rich shared string table at "Rich text index" |
`V1` fields start at offset 8, while `V3` and `V4` start at offset 12. Fields
are enumerated in order that the data appears in the storage.
| field mask | versions | size | description |
| `0x000002` | all | 4 | cell style ID |
| `0x000080` | all | 4 | text style ID |
| `0x000400` | V3 / V4 | 4 | conditional style ID |
| `0x000800` | V3 / V4 | 4 | conditional style applied rule |
| `0x000004` | all | 4 | current format ID |
| `0x000008` | all | 4 | formula ID |
| `0x000100` | all | 4 | formula syntax error ID |
| `0x000200` | all | 4 | rich text ID |
| `0x001000` | all | 4 | comment storage ID |
| `0x002000` | V3 / V4 | 4 | import warning set ID |
| `0x000010` | all | 4 | string ID |
| `0x000020` | all | 8 | double value |
| `0x000040` | all | 8 | date time value |
| `0x010000` | V3 / V4 | 4 | number format ID |
| `0x080000` | V3 / V4 | 4 | currency format ID |
| `0x020000` | V3 / V4 | 4 | date format ID |
| `0x040000` | V3 / V4 | 4 | duration format ID |
| `0x100000` | V3 / V4 | 4 | control format ID |
| `0x200000` | V3 / V4 | 4 | custom format ID |
| `0x400000` | V3 / V4 | 4 | base format ID |
| `0x800000` | V3 / V4 | 4 | multiple choice list format ID |
#### New Storage
The "BNC" ("post-BNC"?) storages are specified in fields 6 and 7
The first byte of the storage is the version number. At the time of writing,
the only version is `V5` (5).
_Field Mask_
A bitmask is stored at offset 8, describing which fields are in the cell:
| field description | bit mask | size | notes |
| Error index | `0x0800` | 4 | index into formula error table |
| Rich text index | `0x0010` | 4 | index into rich shared string table |
| Plaintext index | `0x0008` | 4 | index into shared string table |
| Double value | `0x0002` | 8 | raw value (IEEE754 double) |
| Datetime value | `0x0004` | 8 | number of seconds since 1/1/2001 |
| Decimal128 value | `0x0001` | 16 | raw value (128-bit floating point) |
_Cell Type_
The cell type is stored at byte offset 1:
| type | value |
| `0` | "blank cell" (no value) |
| `2` | "Decimal value" (generally converted back to float) |
| `3` | get value from shared string table at "Plaintext index" |
| `5` | interpret "Datetime value" as number of seconds since 1/1/2001 |
| `6` | `true` if "Double value" is greater than zero, `false` otherwise |
| `7` | interpret "Double value" as number of seconds (Duration) |
| `8` | get error from formula error table at "Error index" |
| `9` | get value from rich shared string table at "Rich text index" |
Fields start at offset 12. The fields are in the same order as the bit flags.
| field mask | size | description |
| `0x000001` | 16 | Decima128 value |
| `0x000002` | 8 | double value |
| `0x000004` | 8 | date time value |
| `0x000008` | 4 | string ID |
| `0x000010` | 4 | rich text ID |
| `0x000020` | 4 | cell style ID |
| `0x000040` | 4 | text style ID |
| `0x000080` | 4 | conditional style ID |
| `0x000100` | 4 | conditional style applied rule |
| `0x000200` | 4 | formula ID |
| `0x000400` | 4 | control cell spec ID |
| `0x000800` | 4 | formula syntax error ID |
| `0x001000` | 4 | suggest cell format kind |
| `0x002000` | 4 | number format ID |
| `0x004000` | 4 | currency format ID |
| `0x008000` | 4 | date format ID |
| `0x010000` | 4 | duration format ID |
| `0x020000` | 4 | text format ID |
| `0x040000` | 4 | boolean format ID |
| `0x080000` | 4 | comment storage ID |
| `0x100000` | 4 | import warning set ID |
## Misc
### Determining File Type
All three file types use the same message tag (1) for the root `DocumentArchive`
message. However, the required fields vary between formats.
The root `DocumentArchive` message fields vary between formats.
In the 12.1 apps, the required fields are:
@ -271,13 +420,13 @@ message .TN.DocumentArchive {
required .TSP.Reference theme = 6;
// Pages optional fields 2 - 7, 11 - 14, 16, 17, 20, 21, 30 - 50
// Pages optional fields 2 - 7, 11 - 14, 16, 17, 20, 21, 30 - 49
message .TP.DocumentArchive {
required .TSA.DocumentArchive super = 15;
Pages is the only format to use and require field 15. Keynote requires field 2,
Pages is the only format to use and require field 15. Keynote requires field 2,
a field that does not appear in Numbers.

iwa/dump_registry.ts Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S deno run -A
/*! dump_registry.ts (C) 2022-present SheetJS LLC -- */
NOTE: this script requires an Intel Mac, Numbers, LLDB, and Deno
USAGE: deno run -A
if( != "darwin") throw `Must run in macOS!`;
if( != "x86_64") throw `Must run on Intel Mac (Apple Silicon currently unsupported)`;
const p ={ cmd: "lldb /Applications/ -a x86_64".split(" "),
stdin: "piped", stdout: "piped"
const doit = (x: string) => p?.stdin?.write(new TextEncoder().encode(x))
const cmds = [
"b -[NSApplication _sendFinishLaunchingNotification]",
"settings set auto-confirm 1",
"breakpoint command add 1.1",
"po [TSPRegistry sharedRegistry]",
"process kill",
for(const cmd of cmds) await doit(cmd + "\n");
/* LLDB does not exit normally, setTimeout workaround */
setTimeout(() => p.kill("SIGKILL"), 30000)
const [status, stdout] = await Promise.all([ p.status(), p.output() ]);
await p.close();
const data = new TextDecoder().decode(stdout);
const res = data.match(/_messageTypeToPrototypeMap = {([^]*?)}/m)?.[1];
if(!res) throw `Could not find map!`
const rows = res.split(/[\r\n]+/).map(r => r.trim().split(/\s+/)).filter(x => x.length > 1);
rows.sort((l, r) => +l[0] - +r[0]);
console.log(Object.fromEntries( => [r[0], r[3]]).filter(r => r[1] != "null")));