Permission to copy, display and distribute the contents of this document (the “Specification”), in any medium for any purpose without fee or royalty is hereby granted, provided that you include the following notice on ALL copies of the Specification, or portions thereof, that you make: Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Permission to copy, display and distribute this document is available at: No right to create modifications or derivatives of this Specification is granted herein. There is a separate patent license available to parties interested in implementing software programs that can read and write files that conform to the Specification. This patent license is available at this location: THE SPECIFICATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND MICROSOFT MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NON-INFRINGEMENT, OR TITLE; THAT THE CONTENTS OF THE SPECIFICATION ARE SUITABLE FOR ANY PURPOSE; NOR THAT THE IMPLEMENTATION OF SUCH CONTENTS WILL NOT INFRINGE ANY THIRD PARTY PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS, TRADEMARKS OR OTHER RIGHTS. MICROSOFT WILL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF OR RELATING TO ANY USE OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE SPECIFICATION. The name and trademarks of Microsoft may NOT be used in any manner, including advertising or publicity pertaining to the Specification or its contents without specific, written prior permission. Title to copyright in the Specification will at all times remain with Microsoft. No other rights are granted by implication, estoppel or otherwise. The definition of the time phased data block. The type of task timephased data. Values are: 1=Assignment Remaining Work 2=Assignment Actual Work 3=Assignment Actual Overtime Work 4=Assignment Baseline Work 5=Assignment Baseline Cost 6=Assignment Actual Cost 7=Resource Baseline Work 8=Resource Baseline Cost 9=Task Baseline Work 10=Task Baseline Cost 11=Task Percent Complete 16=Assignment Baseline 1 Work 17=Assignment Baseline 1 Cost 18=Task Baseline 1 Work 19=Task Baseline 1 Cost 20=Resource Baseline 1 Work 21=Resource Baseline 1 Cost 22=Assignment Baseline 2 Work 23=Assignment Baseline 2 Cost 24=Task Baseline 2 Work 25=Task Baseline 2 Cost 26=Resource Baseline 2 Work 27=Resource Baseline 2 Cost 28=Assignment Baseline 3 Work 29=Assignment Baseline 3 Cost 30=Task Baseline 3 Work 31=Task Baseline 3 Cost 32=Resource Baseline 3 Work 33=Resource Baseline 3 Cost 34=Assignment Baseline 4 Work 35=Assignment Baseline 4 Cost 36=Task Baseline 4 Work 37=Task Baseline 4 Cost 38=Resource Baseline 4 Work 39=Resource Baseline 4 Cost 40=Assignment Baseline 5 Work 41=Assignment Baseline 5 Cost 42=Task Baseline 5 Work 43=Task Baseline 5 Cost 44=Resource Baseline 5 Work 45=Resource Baseline 5 Cost 46=Assignment Baseline 6 Work 47=Assignment Baseline 6 Cost 48=Task Baseline 6 Work 49=Task Baseline 6 Cost 50=Resource Baseline 6 Work 51=Resource Baseline 6 Cost 52=Assignment Baseline 7 Work 53=Assignment Baseline 7 Cost 54=Task Baseline 7 Work 55=Task Baseline 7 Cost 56=Resource Baseline 7 Work 57=Resource Baseline 7 Cost 58=Assignment Baseline 8 Work 59=Assignment Baseline 8 Cost 60=Task Baseline 8 Work 61=Task Baseline 8 Cost 62=Resource Baseline 8 Work 63=Resource Baseline 8 Cost 64=Assignment Baseline 9 Work 65=Assignment Baseline 9 Cost 66=Task Baseline 9 Work 67=Task Baseline 9 Cost 68=Resource Baseline 9 Work 69=Resource Baseline 9 Cost 70=Assignment Baseline 10 Work 71=Assignment Baseline 10 Cost 72=Task Baseline 10 Work 73=Task Baseline 10 Cost 74=Resource Baseline 10 Work 75=Resource Baseline 10 Cost 76=Physical Percent Complete The unique identifier of the timephased data record. The start date of the timephased data period. The finish date of the timephased data period. The time unit of the timephased data period. Values are: 0=m, 1=h, 2=d, 3=w, 5=mo, 8=y The value per unit of time for the timephased data period. The project is the top level element of the document. The unique ID of the project. The name of the project. The title of the project. The subject of the project. The category of the project. The company that owns the project. The manager of the project. The author of the project. The date that the project was created. The number of times a project has been saved. The date that the project was last saved. Whether the project is schduled from the start date or finish date. The start date of the project. Required if ScheduleFromStart is true. The finish date of the project. Required if ScheduleFromStart is false. Fiscal Year starting month. Values are: 1=January, 2=February, 3=March, 4=April, 5=May, 6=June, 7=July, 8=August, 9=September, 10=October, 11=November, 12=December The number of days past its end date that a task can go before Microsoft Project marks that task as a critical task. The number of digits after the decimal symbol. The currency symbol used in the project. The position of the currency symbol. Values are: 0=Before, 1=After, 2=Before With Space, 3=After with space. The project calendar. Refers to a valid UID in the Calendars element of the Microsoft Project XML Schema. The default start time of new tasks. The default finish time of new tasks. The number of minutes per day. The number of minutes per week. The number of days per month. The default type of new tasks. Values are: 0=Fixed Units, 1=Fixed Duration, 2=Fixed Work. The default from where fixed costs are accrued. Values are: 1=Start, 2=Prorated, 3=End The default standard rate for new resources. The default overtime rate for new resources. The format for expressing the bulk duration. Values are: 3=m, 4=em, 5=h, 6=eh, 7=d, 8=ed, 9=w, 10=ew, 11=mo, 12=emo, 19=%, 20=e%, 21=null, 35=m?, 36=em?, 37=h?, 38=eh?, 39=d?, 40=ed?, 41=w?, 42=ew?, 43=mo?, 44=emo?, 51=%?, 52=e%? and 53=null. The default work unit format. Values are: 1=m, 2=h, 3=d, 4=w, 5=mo Whether or not actual costs are editable. Whether tasks honour their constraint dates. The default method for calculating earned value. Values are: 0=Percent Complete, 1=Physical Percent Complete Whether to calculate subtasks as summary tasks. Whether multiple critical paths are calculated. Whether new tasks are effort driven. Whether to show the estimated duration by default. Whether in-progress tasks can be split. Whether actual costs are spread to the status date. Whether percent complete is spread to the status date. Whether updates to tasks update resources. Specifies whether to use fiscal year numbering Start day of the week. Values are: 0=Sunday, 1=Monday, 2=Tuesday, 3=Wednesday, 4=Thursday, 5=Friday, 6=Saturday Specifies whether the end of completed portions of tasks scheduled to begin after the status date but begun early should be moved back to the status date. Specifies whether the beginning of remaining portions of tasks scheduled to begin after the status date but begun early should be moved back to the status date. Specifies whether the beginning of remaining portions of tasks scheduled to have begun late should be moved up to the status date. Specifies whether the end of completed portions of tasks scheduled to have been completed before the status date but begun late should be moved up to the status date. The specific baseline used to calculate Variance values. Values are: 0=Baseline, 1=Baseline 1, 2=Baseline 2, 3=Baseline 3, 4=Baseline 4, 5=Baseline 5, 6=Baseline 6, 7=Baseline 7, 8=Baseline 8, 9=Baseline 9, 10=Baseline 10 Whether to automatically add new resources to the resource pool. Date used for calculation and reporting. The system date that the XML was generated. Whether the project was created by a Project Server user as opposed to an NT user. Whether to autolink inserted or moved tasks. The default date for new tasks start. Values are: 0=Project Start Date, 1=Current Date The default earned value method for tasks. Values are: 0=Percent Complete, 1=Physical Percent Complete Whether the project XML was edited. Date used for calculation and reporting. Whether all actual work has been synchronized with the project. Whether to remove all file properties on save. Whether the project is an administrative project. The collection of outline code definitions associated with the project. These codes may be associated only with this project, or may be common among several projects (enterprise codes). The individual outline codes. Coresponds to the field number of outline code. The name of the custom outline code. The alias of the custom outline code. The phonetic pronunciation of the alias of the custom outline code. The values of the table associated with this outline code. The individual values. The unique ID of the outline code value across the project. The value of the parent node of the outline code. The actual value. A description of this value. Indicates whether the custom outline code is an enterprise custom outline code. A reference to another custom field for which this is an alias. Whether the custom outline code can be used by the Resource Substitution Wizard in Microsoft Project. Whether or not values specified in this outline code field must be leaf values. New codes must have all levels present. Not available for Enterprise Codes. Whether values specified must come from values table. The table of entries that define the outline code mask. The four elements of the mask constitute the format in which the outline code must appear. The level of the mask. The type of mask. Values are: 0=Numbers, 1=Upper Case Letters, 2=Lower Case Letters, 3=Characters The maximum length in characters of the outline code values. If length is any, the value is zero. The separator value of the code values. The table of entries that define the outline code mask. Whether WBS codes are unique for new tasks. Whether WBS codes are generated for new tasks. The prefix for all WBS codes. The WBS Mask that is applied to all tasks in the Project. The level of the mask. The type of the node value. The values are: 0=Numbers, 1=Uppercase Letters, 2=Lowercase Letters, 3=Characters. The maximum length in characters. This element is omitted when length is "any". The separator character of the node. The collection of extended attribute (custom field) definitions associated with the project. Each of the individual entries in the extended attributes definition collection. There are no limits to the number of children that may appear, but project will only understand Flag1-Flag10, etc. This must appear once in each ExtendedAttributes collection. This corresponds to the PID of the custom field. The name of the custom field. The alias of the custom field The phonetic pronunciation of the alias of the custom field How rollups are calculated. Values are: 0=Maximum (OR for flag fields), 1=Minimum (AND for flag fields), 2=Count all, 3=Sum, 4=Average, 5=Average First Sublevel, 6=Count First Sublevel, 7=Count Nonsummaries Whether rollups are calculated for task and group summary rows. Values are: 0=None, 1=Rollup, 2=Calculation The formula that Microsoft Project uses to populate the custom task field. If RestrictValues=True then only values in the list are allowed in the file How value lists are sorted. Values are: 0=Descending, 1=Ascending If AppendNewValues=True then any new values added in a project are automatically appended to the list. This points to the default value in the list. Not present if no default is set. When values of extended attributes are specified as properties of elements in the schema, they may either be specified by values or by references to the values contained in this list. Applications may assume ordering of the list by ordering specified here. The values that make up the value list. Unique ID of value across the project. The actual value. The description of the value in the list. The collection of calendars that is associated with the project. Calendars are used to define standard working and non-working times. Projects must have one base calendar. Tasks and resources may have their own non-base calendars which are based on a base calendar. The unique identifier of the calendar. The name of the calendar. Whether the calendar is a base calendar. The unique identifier of the base calendar on which this calendar depends. Only applicable if the calendar is not a base calendar. The collection of Weekdays that defines this calendar. A weekday either defines regular days of the week or exception days in the calendar. The type of day. Values are: 0=Exception, 1=Monday, 2=Tuesday, 3=Wednesday, 4=Thursday, 5=Friday, 6=Saturday, 7=Sunday Whether the specified date or day type is working. Defines a contiguous set of exception days. The beginning of the exception time. The end of the exception time. The collection of working times that define the time worked on the weekday. One of these must be present, and there may be no more than five. Defines the working time during the weekday. The beginning of the working time. The end of the working time. The collection of tasks that make up the project. There must be at least one task in each Tasks collection. The unique ID of the task. The position identifier of the task within the list of tasks. The name of the task. The type of task. Values are: 0=Fixed Units, 1=Fixed Duration, 2=Fixed Work. Specifies whether the task is null. The date that the task was created. The contact person for the task. The work breakdown structure code of the task. The rightmost WBS level of the task. The outline number of the task. The outline level of the task. The priority of the task from 0 to 1000. The scheduled start date of the task. The scheduled finish date of the task. The planned duration of the task. The format for expressing the Duration of the Task. Values are: 3=m, 4=em, 5=h, 6=eh, 7=d, 8=ed, 9=w, 10=ew, 11=mo, 12=emo, 19=%, 20=e%, 21=null, 35=m?, 36=em?, 37=h?, 38=eh?, 39=d?, 40=ed?, 41=w?, 42=ew?, 43=mo?, 44=emo?, 51=%?, 52=e%? and 53=null. The amount of scheduled work for the task. The date that the task was stopped. The date that the task resumed. Whether the task can be resumed. Whether the task is effort-driven. Whether the task is a recurring task. Whether the task is overallocated. This element is informational only. Whether the task is estimated. Whether the task is a milestone. Whether the task is a summary task. Whether the task is in the critical chain. Whether the task is an inserted project. Whether the inserted project is read-only. The source location of the inserted project. Whether the task is external. The source location and task identifier of the external task. The early start date of the task. The early finish date of the task. The late start date of the task. The late finish date of the task. The variance of the task start date from the baseline start date as minutes x 1000. The variance of the task finish date from the baseline finish date as minutes x 1000. The variance of task work from the baseline task work as minutes x 1000. The amount of free slack. The amount of total slack. The fixed cost of the task. How the fixed cost is accrued against the task. Values are: 1=Start, 2=Prorated and 3=End. The percentage of the task duration completed. The percentage of the task work completed. The projected or scheduled cost of the task. The sum of the actual and remaining overtime cost of the task. The amount of overtime work scheduled for the task. The actual start date of the task. The actual finish date of the task. The actual duration of the task. The actual cost of the task. The actual overtime cost of the task. The actual work for the task. The actual overtime work for the task. The amount of non-overtime work scheduled for the task. The amount of time required to complete the unfinished portion of the task. The remaining projected cost of completing the task. The remaining work scheduled to complete the task. The remaining overtime cost projected to finish the task. The remaining overtime work scheduled to finish the task. The actual cost of work performed on the task to-date. Earned value cost variance. The constraint on the start or finish date of the task. Values are: 0=As Soon As Possible, 1=As Late As Possible, 2=Must Start On, 3=Must Finish On, 4=Start No Earlier Than, 5=Start No Later Than, 6=Finish No Earlier Than and 7=Finish No Later Than The task calendar.Refers to a valid UID in the Calendars element of the Microsoft Project XML Schema. The date argument for the task constraint type. The deadline for the task to be completed. Whether leveling can adjust assignments. Whether leveling can split the task. The delay caused by leveling the task. The format for expressing the duration of the delay. Values are: 3=m, 4=em, 5=h, 6=eh, 7=d, 8=ed, 9=w, 10=ew, 11=mo, 12=emo, 19=%, 20=e%, 21=null, 35=m?, 36=em?, 37=h?, 38=eh?, 39=d?, 40=ed?, 41=w?, 42=ew?, 43=mo?, 44=emo?, 51=%?, 52=e%? and 53=null. The start date of the task before it was leveled. The finish date of the task before it was leveled. The title of the hyperlink associated with the task. The hyperlink associated with the task. The document bookmark of the hyperlink associated with the task. Whether the task ignores the resource calendar. Text notes associated with the task. Whether the GANTT bar of the task is hidden when displayed in Microsoft Project. Whether the task is rolled up. The budgeted cost of work scheduled for the task. The budgeted cost of work performed on the task to-date. The percentage complete value entered by the Project Manager. This can be used as an alternative for calculating BCWP. The method for calculating earned value. Values are: 0=Percent Complete, 1=Physical Percent Complete Defines the predecessor task of the task that contains it. The unique identifier of the predecessor task. The link type. Values are 0=FF, 1=FS, 2=SF and 3=SS Whether the predecessor is part of another project. The external predecessor project. The amount of lag in tenths of a minute. The format for expressing the lag format. Values are: 3=m, 4=em, 5=h, 6=eh, 7=d, 8=ed, 9=w, 10=ew, 11=mo, 12=emo, 19=%, 20=e%, 35=m?, 36=em?, 37=h?, 38=eh?, 39=d?, 40=ed?, 41=w?, 42=ew?, 43=mo?, 44=emo?, 51=%? and 52=e%? Specifies the duration through which actual work is protected. Specifies the duration through which actual overtime work is protected. The value of an extended attribute. Two pieces of data are necessary - a pointer back to the extended attribute table which is specified either by the unique ID or the Field ID, and the value which is specified either with the value, or a pointer back to the value list. The unique ID of the value in the extended attribute collection. The PID of the custom field. The actual value of the extended attribute. The ID of the value in the extended attribut lookup table. The format for expressing the bulk duration. Values are: 3=m, 4=em, 5=h, 6=eh, 7=d, 8=ed, 9=w, 10=ew, 11=mo, 12=emo, 19=%, 20=e%, 21=null, 35=m?, 36=em?, 37=h?, 38=eh?, 39=d?, 40=ed?, 41=w?, 42=ew?, 43=mo?, 44=emo?, 51=%?, 52=e%? and 53=null. The collection of baseline values of the task. The time phased data block associated with the task baseline. The unique number of the baseline data record. Whether this is an Interim Baseline. The scheduled start date of the task when the baseline was saved. The scheduled finish date of the task when the baseline was saved. The scheduled duration of the task when the baseline was saved. The format for expressing the Duration of the Task baseline. Values are: 3=m, 4=em, 5=h, 6=eh, 7=d, 8=ed, 9=w, 10=ew, 11=mo, 12=emo, 19=%, 20=e%, 21=null, 35=m?, 36=em?, 37=h?, 38=eh?, 39=d?, 40=ed?, 41=w?, 42=ew?, 43=mo?, 44=emo?, 51=%?, 52=e%? and 53=null. Whether the baseline duration of the task was estimated. The scheduled work of the task when the baseline was saved. The projected cost of the task when the baseline was saved. The budgeted cost of work scheduled for the task. The budgeted cost of work performed on the task to-date. The value of an outline code. Two pieces of data are necessary - a pointer back to the outline code table which is specified either by the unique ID or the Field ID, and the value which is specified either with the value, or a pointer back to the value list. The unique ID of the value in the outline code collection. The field ID in the localised language. The unique ID in the value list associated with the definition in the outline code collection. The time phased data block associated with the task. The collection of resources that make up the project. There must be at least one resource in each Resources collection. The unique identifier of the resource. The position identifier of the resource within the list of resources. The name of the resource. The type of resource. Values are: 0=Material, 1=Work Specifies whether the resource is null. The initials of the resource. The phonetic spelling of the resource name. For use with Japanese only. The NT account associated with the resource. The unit of measure for the material resource. The code or other information about the resource. The group to which the resource belongs. The type of workgroup to which the resource belongs. Values are: 0=Default, 1=None, 2=Email, 3=Web The email address of the resource. The title of the hyperlink associated with the resource. The hyperlink associated with the resource. The document bookmark of the hyperlink associated with the resource. The maximum number of units that the resource is available. The largest number of units assigned to the resource at any time. Whether the resource is overallocated. The first date that the resource is available. The last date the resource is available. The scheduled start date of the resource. The scheduled finish date of the resource. Whether the resource can be leveled. How cost is accrued against the resource. Values are: 1=Start, 2=End, 3=Prorated The total work assigned to the resource across all assigned tasks. The amount of non-overtime work assigned to the resource. The amount of overtime work assigned to the resource. The amount of actual work performed by the resource. The amount of remaining work required to complete all assigned tasks. The amount of actual overtime work performed by the resource. The amount of remaining overtime work required to complete all tasks. The percentage of work completed across all tasks. The standard rate of the resource. This value is as of the current date if a rate table exists for the resource. The units used by Microsoft Project to display the standard rate. 1=m, 2=h, 3=d, 4=w, 5=mo, 7=y, 8=material resource rate (or blank symbol specified) The total project cost for the resource across all assigned tasks. The overtime rate of the resource. This value is as of the current date if a rate table exists for the resource. The units used by Microsoft Project to display the overtime rate. 1=m, 2=h, 3=d, 4=w, 5=mo, 7=y The total overtime cost for the resource including actual and remaining overtime costs. The cost per use of the resource. This value is as of the current date if a rate table exists for the resource. The actual cost incurred by the resource across all assigned tasks. The actual overtime cost incurred by the resource across all assigned tasks. The remaining projected cost of the resource to complete all assigned tasks. The remaining projected overtime cost of the resource to complete all assigned tasks. The difference between the baseline work and the work as minutes x 1000. The difference between the baseline cost and the cost. Earned value schedule variance, through the project status date. Earned value cost variance, through the project status date. The actual cost of the work performed by the resource for the project to-date. The resource calendar.Refers to a valid UID in the Calendars element of the Microsoft Project XML Schema. Text notes associated with the resource. The budget cost of work scheduled for the resource. The budgeted cost of of the work performed by the resource for the project to-date. Specifies whether the resource is generic. Specifies whether the resource is set to inactive. Specifies whether the resource is an Enterprise resource. Specifies the booking type of the resource. 1=Commited, 2=Proposed Specifies the duration through which actual work is protected. Specifies the duration through which actual overtime work is protected. The Active Directory GUID for the resource. The date that the resource was created. The value of an extended attribute. Two pieces of data are necessary - a pointer back to the extended attribute table which is specified either by the unique ID or the Field ID, and the value which is specified either with the value, or a pointer back to the value list. The unique ID of the value in the extended attribute collection. The PID of the custom field. The actual value of the extended attribute. The ID of the value in the extended attribut lookup table. The format for expressing the bulk duration. Values are: 3=m, 4=em, 5=h, 6=eh, 7=d, 8=ed, 9=w, 10=ew, 11=mo, 12=emo, 19=%, 20=e%, 21=null, 35=m?, 36=em?, 37=h?, 38=eh?, 39=d?, 40=ed?, 41=w?, 42=ew?, 43=mo?, 44=emo?, 51=%?, 52=e%? and 53=null. The baseline values for the resources. The unique number of the baseline data record. The work assigned the resource when the baseline is saved. The projected cost for the resource when the baseline was saved. The budget cost of work scheduled for the resource. The budgeted cost of of the work performed by the resource for the project to-date. The value of an outline code. Two pieces of data are necessary - a pointer back to the outline code table which is specified either by the unique ID or the Field ID, and the value which is specified either with the value, or a pointer back to the value list. The unique ID of the value in the outline code collection. The field ID in the localised language. The unique ID in the value list associated with the definition in the outline code collection. A collection of periods during which the resource is available. The period the resource is available. The date that the resource becomes available for the specified period. The last date that the resource is available for the specified period. The percentage that the resource is available during the specified period. A collection of periods and the rates associated with each one. The definition of a time period, and the rates applicable for the resource during that period. The date that the rate becomes effective. The last date that the rate is effective. The unique identifier of the rate table for the resource. Values are: 0=A, 1=B, 2=C, 3=D, 4=E The standard rate for the resource for the period specified. The units used by Microsoft Project to display the standard rate. 1=m, 2=h, 3=d, 4=w, 5=mo, 7=y The overtime rate for the resource for the period specified. The units used by Microsoft Project to display the overtime rate. 1=m, 2=h, 3=d, 4=w, 5=mo, 7=y The cost per use of the resource. This value is as of the current date if a rate table exists for the resource. The time phased data The collection of assignments that make up the project. There must be at least one assignment in each Assignments collection. The unique identifier of the assignment. The unique identifier of the task. The unique identifier of the resource. The amount of work completed on the assignment. The actual cost incurred on the assignment. The actual finish date of the assignment. The actual overtime cost incurred on the assignment. The actual amount of overtime work incurred on the assignment. The actual start date of the assignment. The actual amount of work incurred on the assignment. The actual cost of work performed on the assignment to-date. Whether the Resource has accepted all of his or her assignments. The projected or scheduled cost of the assignment. The cost rate table used for the assignment. The difference between the cost and baseline cost for a resource. Earned value cost variance. The amount that the assignment is delayed. The scheduled finish date of the assignment. The variance of the assignment finish date from the baseline finish date. The title of the hyperlink associated with the assignment. The hyperlink associated with the assignment. The document bookmark of the hyperlink associated with the assignment. The variance of assignment work from the baseline work as minutes x 1000. Whether the Units are Fixed Rate. Whether the consumption of the assigned material resource occurs in a single, fixed amount. The delay caused by leveling. The format for expressing the duration of the delay. Values are: 3=m, 4=em, 5=h, 6=eh, 7=d, 8=ed, 9=w, 10=ew, 11=mo, 12=emo, 19=%, 20=e%, 21=null, 35=m?, 36=em?, 37=h?, 38=eh?, 39=d?, 40=ed?, 41=w?, 42=ew?, 43=mo?, 44=emo?, 51=%?, 52=e%? and 53=null. Whether the Project is linked to another OLE object. Whether the assignment is a milestone. Text notes associated with the assignment. Whether the assignment is overallocated. The sum of the actual and remaining overtime cost of the assignment. The scheduled overtime work scheduled for the assignment. The amount of non-overtime work scheduled for the assignment. The remaining projected cost of completing the assignment. The remaining projected overtime cost of completing the assignment. The remaining overtime work scheduled to complete the assignment. The remaining work scheduled to complete the assignment. True if a response has not been received for a TeamAssign message. The scheduled start date of the assignment. The date that the assignment was stopped. The date that the assignment resumed. The variance of the assignment start date from the baseline start date. The number of units for the assignment. True if the resource assigned to a task needs to be updated as to the status of the task. The difference between basline cost and total cost. The amount of scheduled work for the assignment. The work contour of the assignment. Values are: 0=Flat, 1=Back Loaded, 2=Front Loaded, 3=Double Peak, 4=Early Peak, 5=Late Peak, 6=Bell, 7=Turtle, 8=Contoured The budgeted cost of work on the assignment. The budgeted cost of work performed on the assignment to-date. Specifies the booking type of the assignment. 1=Commited, 2=Proposed Specifies the duration through which actual work is protected. Specifies the duration through which actual overtime work is protected. The date that the assignment was created. The value of an extended attribute. Two pieces of data are necessary - a pointer back to the extended attribute table which is specified either by the unique ID or the Field ID, and the value which is specified either with the value, or a pointer back to the value list. The unique ID of the value in the extended attribute collection. The field ID in the localised language. The actual value of the extended attribute. The ID of the value in the extended attribut lookup table. The format for expressing the bulk duration. Values are: 3=m, 4=em, 5=h, 6=eh, 7=d, 8=ed, 9=w, 10=ew, 11=mo, 12=emo, 19=%, 20=e%, 21=null, 35=m?, 36=em?, 37=h?, 38=eh?, 39=d?, 40=ed?, 41=w?, 42=ew?, 43=mo?, 44=emo?, 51=%?, 52=e%? and 53=null. The collection of baseline values associated with the assignment. The time phased data associated with the Baseline. The unique number of the baseline data record. The scheduled start date of the assignment when the baseline was saved. The scheduled finish date of the assignment when the baseline was saved. The total amount of work scheduled on the assignment when the baseline was saved. The total projected cost of the assignment when the baseline was saved. The budgeted cost of work on the assignment. The budgeted cost of work performed on the assignment to-date. The time phased data associated with the assignment.