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==================== B A S I C T Y P E S ======================
Defines an element with no content or attributes.
Defines a type with values of on or off.
Defines a property with values of on or off.
Gets or sets the Boolean value of either on or off.
Defines a type with values of yes or no.
Defines a 4-byte hexadecimal number that is 8 hexadecimal digits in length.
Defines a property that uses a 4-byte hexadecimal number that is 8 hexadecimal digits in length.
Gets or sets the value of a 4-byte hexadecimal number that is 8 hexadecimal digits in length.
Defines a 2-byte hexadecimal number that is 4 hexadecimal digits in length.
Defines a property that uses a 2-byte hexadecimal number that is 4 hexadecimal digits in length.
Gets or sets the value of a 2-byte hexadecimal number that is 4 hexadecimal digits in length.
Defines a 3-byte hexadecimal number that is 6 hexadecimal digits in length.
Defines a property that uses a 3-byte hexadecimal number that is 6 hexadecimal digits in length.
Gets or sets the value of a 3-byte hexadecimal number that is 6 hexadecimal digits in length.
Defines a 1-byte hexadecimal number that is 2 hexadecimal digits in length.
Defines a property that uses a 1-byte hexadecimal number that is 2 hexadecimal digits in length.
Gets or sets the value of a 1-byte hexadecimal number that is 2 hexadecimal digits in length.
Defines a decimal number.
Defines a property that uses a decimal number.
Gets or sets the value of a decimal number.
Defines a positive measurement in twips (twentieths of a point, 1/1440 of an inch).
Defines a property that uses a positive measurement in twips (twentieths of a point, 1/1440 of an inch).
Gets or sets the value of a positive measurement in twips (twentieths of a point, 1/1440 of an inch).
Defines a measurement in twips (twentieths of a point, 1/1440 of an inch) that can be positive or negative.
Defines a property that uses a measurement in twips (twentieths of a point, 1/1440 of an inch) that can be positive or negative.
Gets or sets the value of a measurement in twips (twentieths of a point, 1/1440 of an inch) that can be positive or negative.
Defines a measurement in pixels (screen units).
Defines a property that uses a measurement in pixels (screen units).
Gets or sets the value of a measurement in pixels (screen units).
Defines a measurement in points (1/72 of an inch).
Defines a property that uses a measurement in points (1/72 of an inch).
Gets or sets the value of a measurement in points (1/72 of an inch).
Defines a positive measurement in half-points (1/144 of an inch).
Defines a property that uses a positive measurement in half-points (1/144 of an inch).
Gets or sets the value of a positive measurement in half-points (1/144 of an inch).
Defines a measurement in half-points (1/144 of an inch) that can be positive or negative.
Defines a property that can be a measurement in half-points (1/144 of an inch) that can be positive or negative.
Gets or sets the value of a measurement in half-points (1/144 of an inch) that can be positive or negative.
Defines a border-width measurement. For art page borders, values are measured in points (1/72 of an inch) and must be between 1 and 31. For borders that are using a border style instead of art, values are measured in 1/8 of a point and must be between 2 and 96 (1/4 pt and 12 pt).
Defines a measurement in eighths of a point (1/576 of an inch).
Defines a string.
Defines a property that uses a string.
Gets or sets the value of a string.
Defines a text-scale percentage value (1 to 600).
Defines a property that uses a text-scale percentage value (1 to 600).
Gets or sets a text-scale percentage value (1 to 600).
Defines a highlight-color value.
Defines a property that uses a highlight-color value.
Gets or sets a highlight-color value.
Defines a hexadecimal color value.
Defines a property that uses a hexadecimal color value.
Gets or sets a hexadecimal color value in the format of RRGGBB or auto.
Defines an ISO-6391-letter code or 4-digit hexadecimal code for a language.
Defines a property that uses an ISO-6391-letter code or 4-digit hexadecimal code for a language.
Gets or sets an ISO-6391-letter code or 4-digit hexadecimal code for a language.
Defines an underline style.
Defines a property that uses an underline style.
Gets or sets an underline style.
Gets or sets an underline color.
Defines text-effect style values.
Defines a property that uses text-effect style values.
Gets or sets text-effect style values.
Defines border-style values.
Defines a property that uses border-style values.
Gets or sets border-style values.
Gets or sets the border color.
Gets or sets the border width.
This is the html equivalent of the border width, in points. this takes into account different internal border styles and represents the appropriate final presentation width.
Gets or sets the border space in eighths of a point.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether the border has a shadow.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to create a frame effect by reversing the border.
Defines shading-style values.
Defines a property that uses shading-style values.
Gets or sets shading-style values.
Gets or sets a foreground-shading color value.
Gets or sets a background-fill color value.
The HTML equivalent of the background color. This takes into account various shading settings and represents the appropriate final presentation color.
Defines the possible settings for vertical alignment of a run of text.
Returns the text in this run to the baseline and returns it to the original font size.
Raises the text in this run above the baseline and changes it to a smaller size, if a smaller size is available.
Lowers the text in this run below the baseline and changes it to a smaller size, if a smaller size is available.
Defines a property that uses settings for vertical alignment of a run of text.
Gets or sets the vertical-alignment setting.
Defines the width of space into which a run of text should fit.
Gets or sets the width of space into which a run of text should fit.
Gets or sets a unique internal ID that associates multiple runs of fit text.
Defines hyphenation options.
Defines a property that uses hyphenation options.
Gets or sets the hyphen character.
Gets or sets the hyphenation rule.
Defines the emphasis mark.
Defines a property that uses the emphasis mark.
Gets or sets the type of emphasis mark.
Defines language-related settings.
Gets or sets Latin-language settings
Gets or sets Asian-language settings.
Gets or sets complex-scripts language settings.
Specifies bracket style to put around combined text.
Specifies combining of either lines or letters.
Defines a text layout for Asian languages.
Gets or sets a unique internal ID that associates multiple runs of Asian text.
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to combine lines or letters.
Gets or sets bracket style to put around combined text.
Gets or sets a rotation value for Asian half-width characters so that they appear properly as vertical text.
Gets or sets a compression value for the rotated text so it fits within one character unit.
Defines horizontal (x-axis) alignment values.
Defines vertical (y-axis) alignment values.
Specifies how height (h) should be interpreted.
Height is automatically calculated.
Height should be the exact value specified.
Height should be at least the value specified.
Defines text-wrapping values.
Auto wrapping
Places object at insertion point in line of text in the document.
Wrap text around frame.
Wrap text around object instead of bounding box.
Places object behind text and removes text wrapping.
Places object in front of text and removes text wrapping.
Defines vertical-anchor values.
Measure from edge of paragraph
Measure from edge of margin
Measure from edge of page
Defines horizontal-anchor values.
Defines drop cap settings.
Not a drop cap
Dropped in text.
Dropped in margin
Defines frame settings.
Gets or sets the position for a drop cap.
Gets or sets the lines to drop for a drop cap.
Gets or sets frame width.
Gets or sets frame height.
Gets or sets distance between frame and text above and below the frame.
Gets or sets distance between frame and text to the right and left of the frame.
Gets or sets text wrapping (valid: none and around).
Gets or sets the point from which to measure horizontal position/alignment.
Gets or sets the point from which to measure vertical position/alignment.
Gets or sets horizontal position
Gets or sets horizontal alignment (overrides position).
Gets or sets vertical position.
Gets or sets vertical alignment (overrides position).
Gets or sets how should height (h) be interpreted.
Locks the anchor of the frame to the paragraph that currently contains it.
Defines tab-justification settings.
Clear the tab that appears at this position due to inherited properties from a style.
Extend text to the right of the tab stop.
Center text at the tab stop.
Extend text to the left of the tab stop.
Align a decimal point at the tab stop.
Insert a vertical line at the tab stop.
Special tab stop used for lists only.
Defines a tab-leader character.
No leader line
Dotted leader line
Dashed leader line
Solid leader line
Heavy solid leader line (appears as middle-dot in Word 2000 and beyond)
Bullet character leader line
Defines a tab stop.
Gets or sets tab alignment (or clear).
Gets or sets style of the empty space in front of the tab.
Gets or sets position.
Defines a line-spacing rule.
Defines a property that uses line-spacing rules.
Gets or sets amount of space above paragraph.
Gets or sets number of lines before paragraph (when using character units).
Gets or sets whether space/lines before a paragraph is automatic.
Gets or sets amount of space below paragraph.
Gets or sets number of lines after paragraph (when using character units)
Gets or sets whether space/lines after a paragraph is automatic.
Gets or sets amount of vertical spacing between lines of text.
Specifies interpretation of line attribute.
Defines indentation settings.
Specifies space between left margin and text. Negative values move text into margin.
Specifies character spaces between left margin and text (when using character units). Negative values move text into margin.
Specifies space between text and right margin. Negative values move text into margin.
Specifies character spaces between text and right margin (when using character units). Negative values move text into margin.
Specifies hanging indent for all lines after first.
Specifies character-space hanging indent for all lines after first (when using character units).
Specifies indent for first line only (cannot be used with hanging attribute).
Specifies character spacing indent for first line only (cannot be used with hanging-chars attribute).
Defines a justification setting.
Both left and right justified.
Defines a property that uses a justification setting.
Gets or sets the value of a justification setting.
Defines view modes in Word.
No view specified.
Print Layout view is an editing view that displays your document as it will print. Print layout view uses more system memory, so scrolling may be slower, especially if your document contains many pictures or complex formatting.
A view in which you can examine and work with the structure of your file in classic outline form. Work in outline view when you need to organize and develop the content of your file.
A view similar to outline view, but designed for master documents which contain subdocuments.
The default document view for most word-processing tasks, such as typing, editing, and formatting.
Web Layout view is an editing view that displays your document as it will appear in a Web browser.
Controls the view mode in Word.
Gets or sets view mode in Word.
Defines zoom modes in Word.
No zoom specified.
Reduces the display so the entire page fits within the document window. This option is available only if you are in print layout view.
Reduces or enlarges the display of your document so that it fits within the left and right margins. 'best-fit' (Page width) displays your document so you don't have to scroll horizontally to see a whole line of text.
Reduces or enlarges the display of your document to the width of the text on the page.
Controls how large or small the document appears on the screen.
Gets or sets a zoom value based on the size of the window.
Gets or sets the percentage (between 10 and 500) at which you want to view your document.
Defines the writing style you want Word to use to check grammar in this document (Spelling and Grammar option).
Gets or sets writing-style language.
Gets or sets writing-style DLL vendor ID.
Gets or sets writing-style DLL version.
Specifies whether the DLL is NLCheck or not.
Gets or sets the rule set for the writing style.
Defines the values for the state of proofing tools.
The proofing tool finished checking this document. Errors are marked and only the errors will be rechecked on open.
The proofing tool did not finish checking this document. The entire document will have to be rechecked on open.
Defines the state of proofing tools in this document.
Gets or sets the state of the spelling checker in this document.
Gets or sets the state of the grammar checker in this document.
Defines a document type.
Defines a property that uses a document type.
Gets or sets document type.
Defines document-protection editing-restriction values.
No document protection; reviewers may make any changes to the document.
Let's reviewers make no changes to the document.
Let's reviewers insert comments but does not let reviewers change the contents of the document.
Let's reviewers change a document but highlights all changes so that the author can track changes. While a document is protected for tracked changes, you cannot turn orr changes tracking nor can you accept or reject tracked changes.
Protects a document from changes except in form fields or unprotected sections. To turn protection on or off for a section see the 'FormProt' element inside 'sectPr'.
Helps prevent unintentional changes to all or part of an online form or document as specified.
Gets or sets editing restrictions. Helps prevent unintentional editing changes as specified.
Gets or sets formatting restrictions. Prevents unintentional formatting changes except as allowed. This setting does not have an effect unless the formattingEnabled attribute is on.
Gets or sets whether the specified restrictions are currently being enforced for this document.
Gets or sets password key to unprotect this document from unintentional formatting/editing changes. This password is not secure.
Defines a document type for a mail-merge operation.
Mailing Labels
Form Letters
Defines a property that uses a document type for a mail-merge operation.
Gets or sets the value of a document type for a mail-merge operation.
Defines a data type for a mail-merge operation.
Defines a property that uses a data type for a mail-merge operation.
Gets or sets the value of a data type for a mail-merge operation.
Defines a destination for a mail-merge operation.
Defines a property that uses a destination for a mail-merge operation.
Gets or sets the value of a destination for a mail-merge operation.
Defines Office Data Source Object field types for a mail-merge operation.
Defines a property that uses Office Data Source Object field types for a mail-merge operation.
Gets or sets the value of Office Data Source Object field types for a mail-merge operation.
Defines style reference that is a document property.
Gets or sets a built-in style's unique numerical identifier.
Gets or sets the style name as show to the user at save time.
Defines view settings for revision tracking in the document.
Gets or sets displays track changes markup in document. Defaults to true if not specified.
When viewing markup, displays annotations (comments) in document. Defaults to true if not specified.
When viewing markup, displays track insertions and deletions in document. Defaults to true if not specified.
When viewing markup, displays formatting changes markup in document. Defaults to true if not specified.
When viewing markup, displays annotations (comments) in document. Defaults to true if not specified.
Specifies characters that are restricted from ending a line (Asian Typography option).
Gets or sets the language.
Gets or sets a string containing the restriction characters.
Defines a text-direction setting.
Left To Right; Top to Bottom
Top to Bottom; Right to Left
Bottom to Top; Left to Right
Left to Right, Top to Bottom Rotated
Top to Bottom; Right to Left Rotated
Defines a property that uses a text-direction setting.
Gets or sets the value for a text-direction setting.
Defines a text-alignment setting.
Defines a property that uses a text-alignment setting.
Gets or sets the value of a text-alignment setting.
When bookmarks border Structured Document Tags (SDTs), this attribute ensures that bookmarks are inserted into the document next to the SDTs. We use this attribute because SDTs appear in our XML how they logically appear in the Word document, but not necessarily in the same location as they are in the document. When we displace the SDTs, we also displace the bookmarks next to them so that the intended result is in the XML file.
Represents the Word element expressed by this Annotation Markup Language (AML) annotation tag.
Gets or sets the Word element expressed by this Annotation Markup Language (AML) annotation tag.
For bookmarks, specifies the bookmark name.
For bookmarks denoting the range of a comment, specifies the initials of the comment's author.
For table bookmarks, specifies the column this bookmark begins in.
For table bookmarks, specifies the column this bookmark ends in.
Gets or sets the original numbering on display field revision marking.
When bookmarks border Structured Document Tags (SDTs), this attribute ensures that bookmarks are inserted into the document next to the SDTs. We use this attribute because SDTs appear in our XML how they logically appear in the Word document, but not necessarily in the same location as they are in the document. When we displace the SDTs, we also displace the bookmarks next to them so that the intended result is in the XML file.
Defines a list.
Represents list-level number.
Represents list instantiation (matches lists).
The textual representation of this list level.
The font of the list level.
Revision marking of these list properties.
Defines a paragraph border.
Represents top border.
Represents left border.
Represents bottom border.
Represents right border.
Represents between border.
Represents bar border.
Defines a collection of tab stops.
Represents a tab stop.
Indicates that the XML tag was an auto-recognized smart tag.
Gets or sets placeholder text, a Word attribute on user-defined tags.
Defines a collection of paragraph settings.
Represents paragraph style.
Represents Keep with Next Paragraph option: Prevents a page break between this paragraph and the next.
Represents Keep Lines Together option: Prevents a page break in this paragraph.
Represents Page Break Before option: Forces a page break before this paragraph.
Represents text frame and drop cap properties.
Represents Widow/Orphan Control option: Prevents Word from printing the last line of a paragraph by itself at the top of the page (widow) or the first line of a paragraph at the bottom of a page (orphan).
Represents list properties.
Prevents line numbers from appearing next to paragraph. This setting has no effect in documents or sections with no line numbers.
Represents borders for the paragraph.
Represents paragraph shading.
Represents tab stop list.
Prevents automatic hyphenation.
Use East Asian typography and line-breaking rules to determine which characters begin and end a line on a page (Asian Typography option).
Allows a line to break in the middle of a Latin word (Asian Typography option).
Allows punctuation to continue one character beyond the alignment of other lines in the paragraph. If you do not use this option, all lines and punctuation must be perfectly aligned (Asian Typography option).
Allows punctuation to compress at the start of a line, which lets subsequent characters move in closer (Asian Typography option).
Automatically adjusts character spacing between East Asian and Latin text (Asian Typography option).
Automatically adjusts character spacing between East Asian text and numbers (Asian Typography option).
Sets the alignment and reading order for a paragraph to right-to-left.
Automatically adjusts the right indent when you are using the document grid.
Aligns text to document grid (when grid is defined).
Represents spacing between lines and paragraphs.
Represents paragraph indentation.
Specifies not to add space between paragraphs of the same style.
Specifies not to allow this frame to overlap.
Represents paragraph alignment.
Represents orientation for the paragraph in the current cell, text box, or text frame.
Determines the vertical alignment of all text in a line (Asian Typography option).
Represents outline level.
Represents ID of HTML DIV element this paragraph is currently in.
A string representation of a binary bitmask that represents the conditional formatting results for this paragraph within a table cell (left to right): FirstRow, LastRow, FirstColumn, LastColumn, Band1Vertical, Band2Vertical, Band1Horizontal, Band2Horizontal, NE Cell, NW Cell, SE Cell, SW Cell.
Represents run properties for the paragraph mark.
Represents section properties for section that terminates at this paragraph mark.
Revision marking of these paragraph properties
Defines the binary data that represents a movie or object.
Gets or sets the name of the binary data in this element.
Defines the basic type for base64-encoded binary data.
OCX Type
Contains data for the OCX control this object represents.
Gets or sets an OCX control ID.
Gets or sets the name.
Gets or sets the class ID.
Gets or sets the shape ID.
Gets or sets the class name.
Gets or sets the width.
Gets or sets the height.
Gets or sets the alignment.
Gets or sets OCX control data.
A hint as to whether this OCX supports IPersistPropertyBag
Defines document-background settings.
Gets or sets the background color for this document.
Gets or sets the name of the background.
Defines a picture.
Contains the binary data representing this object.
Contains the binary data representing this movie.
Represents the background for this document.
Contains data for the Java applet this object represents
Contains data for the Access Web Bot this object represents.
Contains data for the script anchor this object represents.
Contains data for the OCX control this object represents.
Defines an applet.
Contains Java applet arguments.
Contains text for the Java applet.
Defines a script in the document.
Represents script ID.
Represents script language.
Represents script arguments.
Represents script text.
Defines a field in the document.
Represents field data.
Represents the run element. This is the leaf container for data in a Word document -- text, pictures, and so on.
Represents simple Word field (with plain text instructions). These fields are run-time calculated entities in Word (for example, page numbers).
Represents hyperlink element (analogous to HTML <a href=...> tag).
Gets or sets instruction text for a field.
Gets or sets whether the field is locked from being recalculated.
Defines a property that uses a field character type.
Defines a field-delimiting character.
Represents field data.
Specifies whether this field-delimiting character begins a field definition, separates the field definition from the field instructions, or ends the field definition.
Gets or sets whether the field is locked from being recalculated.
Defines a hyperlink in the document.
Represents the run element. This is the leaf container for data in a Word document -- text, pictures, and so.
Represents simple Word field (with plain text instructions). These fields are run-time calculated entities in Word (for example, page numbers).
Represents the hyperlink element (analogous to HTML <a href=...> tag).
Specifies the bookmark location in the document that the hyperlink will jump to.
Specifies the frame target for the hyperlink (that is, the frameset).
Specifies the text to show as a ScreenTip for this hyperlink.
Tracks locations in documents that have no bookmark targets. Used internally by Word.
Gets or sets whether to add this target to the history list when it is navigated to.
Gets or sets the hyperlink destination.
Defines section type.
Breaks the page so that the next section starts at the top of the next page.
Breaks the column so that the next section starts at the top of the next column.
Starts a new section immediately without breaking the page.
Breaks the page so that the next section starts on the next even numbered page. If this section break falls on an even numbered page, Word leaves the next odd numbered page blank.
Breaks the page so that the next section start on the next on the next odd numbered page. If this section break falls on an odd numbered page, Word leaves the next page blank.
Defines section type.
Gets or sets section type.
Defines source for paper in printer.
Gets or sets code for the printer tray from which you want the first page of each section to print.
Gets or sets code for the printer tray from which you want to print the second and subsequent pages in each section.
Defines number format values for automatic numbering.
Defines page orientation.
Prints the document so that the short edge of the paper is the top of the page.
Prints document so that the long edge of the paper is the top of the page.
Defines page size.
Gets or sets width of the page.
Gets or sets height of the page.
Gets or sets page orientation.
Gets or sets internal paper code to ensure the proper type is chosen if size matches size of multiple paper types supported by your printer.
Defines page margins (the blank space around the edges of the page).
Gets or sets the distance between the top edge of the page and the top of the first line on the page.
Gets or sets the distance between the right edge of the page and the right end of a line with no right indent.
Gets or sets distance between the bottom edge of the page and the bottom of the last line on the page.
Gets or sets the distance between the left edge of the page and the left edge of unindented lines.
Gets or sets the distance from the top edge of the paper to the top edge of the header.
Gets or sets the distance from the bottom edge of the paper to the bottom edge of the footer.
Gets or sets the amount of extra space added to the margin for document binding.
Specifies where the page border is positioned relative to intersecting text or objects.
Places the page border in front of any text or object that intersects the page border.
Places the page border in back of any text or object that intersects the page border.
Specifies which pages the page border is printed on.
Page border is printed on all pages.
Page border is printed on the first page only.
Page border is printed on all pages except the first page.
Specifies the positioning of the page border relative to the page margin.
Outside edge of page border is positioned relative to the edge of the page.
Inside edge of page border is positioned relative to the page margin.
Specifies the page borders.
Represents the top page border.
Represents the left page border.
Represents the bottom page border.
Represents the right page border.
Specifies where the page border is positioned relative to intersecting texts and objects.
Specifies which pages the page border is printed on.
Specifies positioning of page border relative to page margin.
Defines the separator character that appears between the chapter and page number.
Hyphen '-'
Period '.'
Colon ':'
Em Dash '-'
En Dash '-'
Specifies when to reset the line number to the start value.
Starts line numbering at the beginning of each page with the 'start' value.
Starts line numbering at the beginning of each section with the 'start' value.
Starts line numbering at the beginning of the document with the 'start' value and numbers lines continuously through the document.
Specifies line numbers in the left margin of the section.
Gets or sets number to count by.
Gets or sets starting number.
Gets or sets distance between the right edge of line numbers and the left edge of the document.
Specifies when to reset the line number to the start value.
Specifies the page numbering options.
Gets or sets number format.
Gets or sets page number to appear on the first page of the section. If left blank, numbering will continue from previous section.
Gets or sets heading style applied to chapter titles in the document. If you are using chapter numbers, this heading style must be used only for chapter headings.
Gets or sets the separator character that appears between the chapter and page number.
Describes a column.
Gets or sets the width of the column.
Gets or sets the space between this column and the next column. Not required for the last column.
Specifies the column properties for this section.
Represents a column in a section. If all columns are not of equal width, a col element is required for each column and the space and num attributes of the cols element should not exist.
Specifies whether all columns are of equal width.
If all columns are of equal width, gets or sets the amount of space between each column.
If all columns are of equal width, gets or sets the number of columns.
Adds a vertical line between columns.
Defines vertical alignment for text between top and bottom margins.
Vertically aligns text to the top margin.
Vertically aligns text centered between top and bottom margins.
Vertically aligns text to both top and bottom margins. This only affects full pages. Word aligns partial pages with the top margin.
Vertically aligns text to the bototm margin.
Sets alignment for text vertically between the top and bottom margins.
Gets or sets vertical alignment for text between top and bottom margins.
Defines the grid type.
No grid unless one is specified by default.
Line grid only.
Line and character grid.
Grid where text characters are automatically aligned.
Specifies the document line and character grid.
Gets or sets the grid type.
Gets or sets the line pitch and space between lines. The number of lines per page will automatically be adjusted to fit the space between the lines.
Gets or sets the number of characters per line for a document.
Specifies the header type.
Header will occur on all even numbered pages.
Header will occur on all odd numbered pages.
Header will occur on the first page of each section.
Specifies the footer type.
Footer will occur on all even numbered pages.
Footer will occur on all odd numbered pages.
Footer will occur on the first page of each section.
Specifies the footnote type.
Normal footnote.
Separates document text from footnotes.
Is printed above footnotes on the next page when footnotes overflow onto the next page.
A notice to let readers now that the footnotes have continued on the next page.
Specifies the endnote type.
Normal endnote.
Separates document text from endnotes.
Is printed above endnotes on the next page when endnotes overflow onto the next page.
A notice to let readers now that the endnotes have continued on the next page.
Defines the header area in the top margin of each page in the current section.
Specifies the header type.
Defines the footer area in the bottom margin of each page in the current section.
Specifies the footer type.
Defines print settings for a section of the document.
Represents the headers that appear at the top of pages in this section.
Represents the footers that appear at the bottom of pages in this section.
Represents the footnote properties for this section.
Represents the endnote properties for this section.
Represents the section type.
Specifies the size and orientation of this page.
Specifies the page margins.
Specifies where the paper is located in the printer.
Specifies the page borders.
Specifies the line numbering.
Specifies the page-numbering options.
Specifies the column properties for this section. If all the columns are of the same width, you need only to specify the number of columns (in the num attribute) and the space between columns (in the space attribute).
Turns protection on for this section alone.
Sets alignment for text vertically between the top and bottom margins.
Suppresses endnotes that would ordinarily appear at the end of this section.
Specifies that the first page of this section is different and will have different headers and footers.
Specifies the text flow.
Specifies that this section contains bidirectional (complex scripts) text.
Positions the gutter at the right of the document.
Specifies the document grid.
Revision marking for the section properties.
Revision save id for the formatting applied to the section mark.
Revision save id for the text for the deletion of section mark.
Revision save id for the text of this section mark.
Revision save id for the section properties.
Specifies the break type.
Specifies the line break mode for the break.
Defines a text-wrapping break.
Specifies the break type.
Specifies the line break mode for the Japanese carriage return.
Defines a symbol character.
Gets or sets the symbol font.
Gets or sets the character code of the symbol.
Defines a type of proofing error.
We take the negative value of ptl and then subtract one to get the end constant.
We take the negative value of ptl and then subtract one to get the end constant.
Defines a proofing error.
Gets or sets the type of the proofing error -- either spelling or grammar.
Defines a group with edit permissions.
Defines a permission for the document.
Gets or sets the ID for this permission.
When bookmarks border Structured Document Tags (SDTs), this attribute ensures that bookmarks are inserted into the document next to the SDTs. We use this attribute because SDTs appear in our XML how they logically appear in the Word document, but not necessarily in the same location as they are in the document. When we displace the SDTs, we also displace the bookmarks next to them so that the intended result is in the XML file.
Defines the range protection permission start.
Gets or sets the group with edit permissions
Gets or sets the user with edit permissions
For table range permissions, specifies the beginning column for the permission.
For table range permissions, specifies the ending column for the permission.
Defines a subdocument within the document.
Gets or sets the path and file name of the subdocument.
Defines a tab stop.
This is the width (in twips) of the tab.
This is the tab leader character hint.
This is the count of cTlc that this tab evaluates to
Defines this run of content (text, picture, and so on) and groups run properties with the content.
Represents properties of the contents of this run.
Insertions, Deletions, or Bookmarks
Represents a text-wrapping break.
Represents text content.
Represents revision-deleted text content. Using this element instead of the t element does not make text revision-marked deleted. The delText element should be inside an Annotation Markup Language (AML) Word.Deletion block.
Represents field instruction content
Represents revision-deleted field-instruction content. Using this element instead of the instrText element does not make field-instruction text revision-marked deleted. The delInstrText element should be inside an Annotation Markup Language (AML) Word.Deletion block.
Represents a nonbreaking hyphen
Represents a soft-hyphen (optional hyphen).
Represents an annotation reference mark.
Represents a footnote reference mark.
Represents an endnote reference mark.
Represents a footnote or endnote separator mark.
Represents a footnote or endnote continuation separator mark.
Represents a footnote that appears at this point in the document. The contents of the footnote are in this element.
Represents an endnote that appears at this point in the document. The contents of the endnote are in this element.
Represents a symbol character.
Represents a page number at display time.
Specifies that this paragraph mark isn't a paragraph mark -- it's just a carriage return in the paragraph.
Represents a tab character.
Represents a picture or other binary object that appears at this point in the document.
Represents a field-delimiting character
Represents the Asian Layout option Phonetic Guide (Ruby Text).
Hint of the ignore text for a field.
Revision save id for the formatting of this run.
Revision save id for the text for the deletion of this run.
Revision save id for the text of this run.
Provides a hint to Word regarding which font to use for display.
Defines the fonts for this run.
Gets or sets a hint to Word as to which font to use for display.
Gets or sets the ASCII font.
Gets or sets the high ANSI font.
Gets or sets the font used for East Asian characters.
Gets or sets the font used for complex scripts.
Defines the properties of the contents of this run.
Represents a character style for this run.
Represents the fonts for this run.
Hint as to which Font Word used to display this run.
Hint that this run resolves this single symbol.
Sets Latin and Asian characters to bold.
Sets complex scripts characters to bold.
Sets Latin and Asian characters to italic.
Sets complex scripts characters to italic.
Formats lowercase text as capital letters. Does not affect numbers, punctuation, non-alphabetic characters, or uppercase letters.
Formats lowercase text as capital letters and reduces their size. Does not affect numbers, punctuation, non-alphabetic characters, or uppercase letters.
Draws a line through the text.
Draws a double line through the text.
Displays the inner and outer borders of each character.
Adds a shadow behind the text, beneath and to the right of the text.
Makes text appear as if it is raised off the page in relief.
Makes selected text appear to be imprinted or pressed into page (also referred to as engrave).
Formats the text so that spelling and grammar errors are ignored in this run.
Sets the number of characters per line to match the number of characters specified in the docGrid element of the current section's properties.
Prevents the text in this run from being displayed or printed.
Prevents the text in this run from being displayed when this document is saved as a Web page.
Specifies either an automatic color or a hexadecimal color code for this run.
Represents the amount by which the spacing between characters is expanded or condensed.
Stretches or compresses text horizontally as a percentage of its current size.
Represents the smallest font size for which kerning should be automatically adjusted.
Represents the amount by which text should be raised or lowered in relation to the baseline.
Represents the font size for the Asian and Latin fonts in this run.
Represents the font size for complex script fonts in this run.
Marks text as highlighted so it stands out from the surrounding text.
Represents the underline formatting for this run.
Represents the animated text effect for this run.
Represents the border for characters in this run.
Represents the shading for characters in this run.
Represents the width of the space that this run to fit into.
Adjusts the vertical position of the text relative to the baseline and changes the font size if possible. To raise or lower the text without reducing the font size, use the position element.
Sets the alignment and reading order for this run to right-to-left.
Specifies if text in this run is complex scripts text (true or false).
Sets the type of emphasis mark for this run.
Represents the hyphenation style for this run.
Represents the languages for this run.
Represents special Asian Layout formatting properties.
Represents the special hidden property that makes text in this run always hidden.
Revision marking of run properties.
Defines a context-free chunk, which allows in-line definition of style sheet, font, and list items (as well as document content).
Represents list definitions (for example, the Bullets and Numbering options).
Represents style definitions.
Represents font definitions.
Defines ruby text justification (Asian Layout option).
Defines a property that uses ruby text justification (Asian Layout option).
Gets or sets the alignment for ruby text (Asian Layout option).
Defines the properties specific to ruby text (Asian Layout option).
Represents the alignment for ruby text (Asian Layout option)
Represents the size of ruby text (Asian Layout option).
Represents the distance from the base text and the ruby text (Asian Layout option).
Represents the size of the base text.
Represents the language ID for the ruby text (Asian Layout option).
Defines the phonetic guide text (the ruby text) (Asian Layout option).
Represents a run element. This is the leaf container for data in a document -- text, pictures, and so on.
Defines a run of data in a document.
Represents these are the properties specific to ruby text (Asian Layout option).
Represents the phonetic guide text (the ruby text) -- Asian Layout option.
Represents the base text of the ruby text (Asian Layout option).
Defines a paragraph.
Represents the paragraph properties.
Represents a run element. This is the leaf container for data in a Word document -- text, pictures, and so on.
Represents a simple Word field (with plain text instructions). Simple fields are run-time calculated entities in Word (for example, page numbers).
Represents a hyperlink element (analogous to HTML <a href=...> tag).
Represents a link from a master document to a subdocument.
Revision save id for this paragraph.
Revision save id for this paragragh mark.
Revision save id if this para is deleted.
Revision save id of the PAP.
The default run rsid for this paragraph.
Defines a property that uses a table-width value.
Not set; if width is 0, treat as 'none'; if nonzero, treat as ftsDxa
Defines a property that uses a height value.
Gets or sets the height value.
Gets or sets the rule that determines how to use the height value.
Defines a property that uses a table-width value.
Gets or sets the table width. The type of this value is dependent on the w:type value; twips or nil means twips; auto means automatic (w is ignored), and pct means 1/50 percent (for example, 5000 = 100%, 4975 = 99.5%, and so on).
Gets or sets determines how to interpret the width.
Defines the column settings for a table grid.
Gets or sets the column width (in twips).
Defines a table grid.
Defines a single grid entry. For more information, see tblGrid.
Defines the table grid cell borders.
Defines the top border of the cell.
Defines the left border of the cell.
Defines the bottom border of the cell.
Defines the right border of the cell.
Represents the horizontal border between two cells. Only used in table-style conditional formatting.
Represents the vertical border between two cells. Only used in table-style conditional formatting.
Defines the top-left to bottom-right diagonal border of the cell.
Defines the top-left to bottom-right diagonal border of the cell.
Defines the table cell margins.
Maps to CSS padding-top property.
Maps to CSS padding-left property.
Maps to CSS padding-bottom property.
Maps to CSS padding-right property.
Defines the options for vertical merging of table cells.
Defines a property that uses options for vertical merging of table cells.
Specifies whether this cell is part of (or the beginning of) a vertically merged region.
Defines options for horizontal merging of table cells.
Defines a property that uses options for horizontal merging of table cells.
Specifies whether this cell is part of (or the beginning of) a vertically merged region.
Defines the table cell properties.
A string representation of a binary bitmask representing the conditional formatting results for this table cell (left to right): FirstRow, LastRow, FirstColumn, LastColumn, Band1Vertical, Band2Vertical, Band1Horizontal, Band2Horizontal, NE Cell, NW Cell, SE Cell, SW Cell.
Represents the preferred width for this cell.
Represents the number of grid units this cell consumes -- assumed to be 1.
Specifies whether this cell is part of (or the beginning of) a horizontally merged region.
Specifies whether this cell is part of (or the beginning of) a vertically merged region.
Defines the borders for this cell -- these definitions override the definitions given by the table borders.
Represents the underlying shading for this cell.
If present, specifies that the contents of this cell should never wrap.
Defines the margins for this cell (maps to CSS padding property). Overrides any definitions given in the table properties.
Defines the text flow for this cell.
Visually reduces the size of font characters so that all text within the cell fits within the column width. The more text, the smaller the font appears on the screen. The actual font size does not change.
Specifies where you want the text in the cells to be aligned, whether it is at the top, center, or bottom.
Cell property revision marking.
Defines a table cell. Note that all table cells must terminate with a paragraph. That paragraph will get collapsed into the cell mark and will not be displayed unless there is content in that paragraph.
Represents the table cell properties.
Defines the conditional formatting settings.
A string representation of a binary bitmask representing the conditional formatting results (left to right): FirstRow, LastRow, FirstColumn, LastColumn, Band1Vertical, Band2Vertical, Band1Horizontal, Band2Horizontal, NE Cell, NW Cell, SE Cell, SW Cell.
Defines the table row properties.
A string representation of a binary bitmask representing the conditional formatting results for this table row (left to right): FirstRow, LastRow, FirstColumn, LastColumn, Band1Vertical, Band2Vertical, Band1Horizontal, Band2Horizontal, NE Cell, NW Cell, SE Cell, SW Cell.
Defines what HTML DIV element this row belongs within.
Represents the number of grid units consumed before the first cell; assumed to be zero.
Represents the number of grid units consumed after the last cell; assumed to be zero.
Represents the preferred width before the table row.
Represents the preferred width after the table row.
Specifies that a page cannot split this row.
Represents the height of this row.
Specifies that this row belongs to the collection of header rows that will repeat at the top of every page and will get any special header row formatting from the table style. If this row is not contiguously connected with the first row of the table (that is, if it isn't either the first row itself, or all of the rows between this row and the first row are marked as header rows), this property will be ignored.
Represents HTML Cellspacing for the table (the spacing between individual cells). this is allowed on a row because, in some obscure cases, we allow row-specific cell-spacing
Represents the table alignment.
Row property revision marking.
Defines a row in a table.
Represents exceptions to the table properties, which generally apply to every row in the table. For example, a row can have its own set of table properties, which override the table-wide properties. These exceptions are found under this element.
Represents the table row properties.
Represents the table cell element; analogous to HTML <td> tag.
Revision save id for this paragraph.
Revision save id for this paragragh mark.
Revision save id if this para is deleted.
Revision save id of the paragraph properties.
Defines the layout type settings for a table.
Defines the layout type settings for a table.
Specifies whether the table layout is AutoFit or fixed-width.
Defines the overlap settings for a table.
Defines a property that uses overlap settings for a table.
Specifies whether this table should avoid overlapping another table.
Defines the table position (tblp).
Gets or sets the distance between the left table border and the surrounding text (for wrapping tables).
Gets or sets the distance between the right table border and the surrounding text (for wrapping tables).
Gets or sets the distance between the top table border and the surrounding text (for wrapping tables).
Gets or sets the distance between bottom-left table border and the surrounding text (for wrapping tables).
Defines how this table is vertically anchored.
Defines how this table is horizontally anchored.
Gets or sets the horizontal alignment (for example, center, left, or right); overrides position set by other formatting options (for example, page layout options).
Gets or sets the horizontal distance from anchor.
Gets or sets the vertical alignment (for example, top or bottom); overrides position set by other formatting options (for example, page layout options).
Gets or sets the vertical distance from anchor.
Defines the table cell margins.
Represents the top cell margin (maps directly to CSS padding-top property).
Represents the left cell margin (maps directly to CSS padding-left property).
Represents the bottom cell margin (maps directly to CSS padding-bottom property).
Represents the right cell margin (maps directly to CSS padding-right property).
Defines the settings for the visual direction of a table.
Defines the visual direction of a table.
Gets or sets the visual direction for the table -- right-to-left or left-to-right.
Defines the borders of a table.
Represents the top border of a table
Represents the left border of a table.
Represents the bottom border of a table.
Represents the right border of a table.
Represents the inside horizontal border of a table (this is the border that is applied to all horizontal borders except the top-most and bottom-most borders).
Represents the inside vertical border of table (this is the border that is applied to all vertical borders except the left-most and right-most borders).
Defines the table properties.
Represents the style for this table.
Represents the table-positioning properties (for floating tables).
Specifies whether this table should avoid overlapping another table during layout. If this tag is not specified, floating tables will be allowed to overlap.
Specifies whether this is a right-to-left table (logical right-to-left not visual right-to-left). This element is used only to persist settings from Word 9.0/2000 and is not recommended for use. Use bidiVisual instead.
Specifies that this is not a logical right-to-left table (visual right-to-left, not logical right-to-left).
When a style specifies the format for a band for rows in a table (a set of contiguous rows), this specifies the number of rows in a band.
When a style specifies the format for a band of columns in a table (a set of contiguous columns), this specifies the number of columns in a band.
Represents the preferred width of the table.
Represents the table alignment.
Represents HTML cellspacing attribute for the table (the spacing between individual cells).
Represents the width that the table should be indented by.
Represents the border definitions for the table.
Represents the table shading; applies to the cellspacing gaps.
Specifies whether the table is of fixed width. If not specified, the contents of the table will be taken in to account during layout.
Represents the cell margin defaults for this table's cells.
Specifies what aspects of the table styles should be included. This is a bitmask of options: 0x0020=Apply header row formatting; 0x0040=Apply last row formatting; 0x0080=Apply header column formatting; 0x0100=Apply last column formatting.
Table property revision marking.
Defines specific exceptions to the table properties for this row.
Represents the preferred width of the table.
Represents the table alignment.
Represents the HTML cellspacing attribute for the table (the spacing between individual cells).
Represents the width that the table should be indented by.
Represents the border definitions for the table.
Represents the table shading; applies to the cellspacing gaps.
Specifies whether the table is of fixed width. If not specified, the contents of the table will be taken in to account during layout.
Represents the cell margin defaults for this table's cells.
Specifies what aspects of table styles should be included. This is a bitmask of options: 0x0020=Apply header row formatting; 0x0040=Apply last row formatting; 0x0080=Apply header column formatting; 0x0100=Apply last column formatting.
Table property row exceptions revision marking.
Represents the table element, which is analogous to the HTML <table> tag.
Table Bookmarks
Defines the table-wide properties.
Defines the grid for the table. All columns (including the space before and after a row) will reference this grid. All columns assume one grid unit unless otherwise stated. All before or after values assume zero grid units unless otherwise stated.
Represents the table row data.
Defines the footnote or endnote position.
Endnotes are printed after the last line of the section in which the note reference mark appears. Not a valid property for footnotes.
Footnotes are printed at the bottom margin of the page on which the note reference mark appears. Not a valid property for endnotes.
Footnotes are printed immediately after the last line of text on the page on which the note reference mark appears.
Endnotes are printed at the end of the document.
Defines the footnote or endnote position.
Gets or sets the footnote or endnote position.
Defines the number format for automatically numbered footnotes and endnotes.
Gets or sets the number format for automatically numbered footnotes and endnotes.
Determines when automatic numbering restarts.
Automatic numbering does not restart for this section.
Automatic numbering restarts each section.
Automatic numbering restarts every page.
Defines when automatic numbering restarts.
Determines when automatic numbering restarts.
Represents a footnote that appears at this point in the document. The contents of the footnote are in this element.
Gets or sets the footnote type. This attribute is required if this is a footnote separator.
Suppresses automatic insertion of a footnote reference character.
Represents an endnote that appears at this point in the document. The contents of the endnote are in this element.
Gets or sets the endnote type. This attribute is required if this is an endnote separator.
Suppresses automatic insertion of an endnote reference character.
Defines the footnote or endnote properties for this section.
Represents the footnote or endnote position.
Represents the number format for automatically numbered footnotes or endnotes.
Represents the starting number or character for the first automatically numbered footnotes or endnotes.
Determines when automatic numbering restarts.
Defines the default footnote properties for the document.
Represents the footnote separator, continuation separator, and continuation notice. If the document has footnotes, these are required.
Defines the default endnote properties for the document.
Represents the endnote separator, continuation separator, and continuation notice. If the document has endnotes, these are required.
Defines the Office Data Source Object recipient data.
Represents whether this record is active.
Represents the hash code for this record.
Represents the unique database column number this record is for.
Represents the unique tag to ID this record.
Defines the Office Data Source Object field-mapping data.
Represents the field type.
Represents the field name for all field types to be displayed.
Represents the canonical field name (if one exists and it is different from the name element).
Represents the index of the column this field map data refers to.
Represents the language id
Specifies whether to dynamically create the address field order based on the country.
Defines an Office Data Source Object instance.
Represents the Universal Data Link (UDL) string.
Represents the table name.
Represents source file
Represents the filter data.
Represents the sort data.
Represents the field mapping data.
Represents the delimiter to be used for columns (only used for text data sources).
Represents the JOLT DSO type.
Specifies whether the first row of the table is a header row with column names.
Represents the recipient data.
Defines the collection of settings for a mail-merge operation.
Specifies a mail-merge main document type. The main document is the document that contains information that is the same for each version of the merged document -- for example, the return address in a form letter.
Specifies whether a mail-merge main document contains a query to its data source. If specified, the mail-merge document does not link to the data source by means of Microsoft Query.
Specifies the type of mail-merge data source (such as an Excel spreadsheet or Access database) and the method of data access (for example, by means of ODBC or DDE).
Specifies whether the mail merge will use the default SQL query string.
Represents the connection string used to open an external data source.
Contains the query that is run against the data source.
Specifies the path to the mail-merge data source.
Specifies the path to the mail-merge header source.
Causes Word not to print blank lines when a data field is empty.
Specifies the output of a mail merge.
Contains the name of the data field with the destination e-mail or fax address.
Contains the text that appears in the subject line of the mail-merge destination e-mail or fax.
Sends the merged document to e-mail recipients as an attachment.
Specifies that merge data is displayed.
Specifies the active record that a main mail-merge document displays.
Specifies which mail-merge error checking and reporting option runs. 1) Simulate the merge and report errors in a new document. 2) (default) Complete the merge, pausing to report each error as it occurs. 3) Complete the merge without pausing; report errors in a new document.
Contains settings related to the Office Data Source Object.
Defines the settings for the target screen size for a Save as Web Page operation.
Defines the target screen size for a Save as Web Page operation.
Gets or sets the screen size for the monitor on which Web pages will be displayed when saving this document as a Web page.
Defines the application compatibility settings.
Specifies whether to combine table borders as is done in Word 5.x for the Macintosh.
Specifies whether to do full justification as is done WordPerfect 6.x for Windows.
Specifies not to an add automatic tab stop for a hanging indent.
Specifies not to add leading (extra space) between rows of text.
Specifies to add space for underlines.
Specifies not to balance columns for continuous section starts.
Specifies whether to balance the single-byte-character set (SBCS) and the double-byte-character set (DBCS).
Specifies whether to blank the area behind metafile pictures.
Specifies whether to center exact line height lines.
Specifies whether to convert backslash characters into yen signs.
Specifies whether to draw an underline on trailing spaces.
Specifies whether to expand character spaces on the line ending in SHIFT+RETURN.
Specifies whether to expand or condense spacing by a whole number of points.
Specifies whether to wrap lines as is done in Word 6.0/95.
Specifies whether to print body text before a header or footer.
Specifies whether to print colors as black on noncolor printers.
Specifies whether to set the width of a space as is done in WordPerfect 5.x.
Specifies whether to show hard page or column breaks in frames.
Specifies whether to substitute fonts based on font size.
Specifies whether to suppress extra line spacing at bottom of page.
Specifies whether to suppress extra line spacing at top of page.
Specifies whether to suppress extra line spacing at the top of a page as is done in Word 5.x for the Macintosh.
Specifies whether to suppress extra line spacing as is done in WordPerfect 5.x.
Specifies whether to suppress the space before after a hard page or column break.
Specifies whether to swap left and right borders on odd facing pages.
Specifies whether to treat \ as in mail-merge data sources.
Specifies whether to truncate the font height.
Specifies whether to use larger small caps as is done in Word 5.x for the Macintosh.
Specifies whether to use printer metrics to lay out the document.
Specifies whether to use the Word 6.0/95 border rules.
Specifies whether to wrap trailing spaces to the next line.
Specifies whether to layout footnotes as is done in Word 6.0/95 and Word 7.0/97.
Specifies whether to shape the layout as is done in Word 7.0/97.
Specifies whether to align table rows independently.
Specifies whether to forget last tab alignment
Specifies whether to adjust the line height to the grid height in the table.
Specifies whether to auto space as is done in Word 6.0/95.
Specifies whether to add extra space for raised or lowered characters.
Specifies whether to use HTML paragraph auto spacing.
Specifies whether to lay out tables with raw width.
Specifies whether to allow table rows to lay out apart.
Specifies whether to use the Word 7.0/97 line-breaking rules for Asian text.
Specifies whether to break wrapped tables across pages.
Specifies whether to snap text to grid inside tables with inline objects.
Specifies whether to select an entire field including the first or last character.
Specifies whether to use line-breaking rules.
Specifies whether to wrap text with punctuation.
Specifies whether to use Asian rules for line breaks with the character grid.
Specifies whether to use the Word 10.0/2002 rules for table styles.
Specifies whether to autofit tables into the page margins.
Specifies whether to lay out this document to support complex scripts.
Defines a document variable.
Gets or sets document variable name.
Gets or sets document variable value.
Defines document variables from documents created in Word version 6.0/95 or earlier
Represents document variables from documents created in Word version 6.0/95 or earlier
Defines character-spacing control values.
Do not compress spacing between characters.
Compress only punctuation within the text.
Compress both characters and punctuation.
Defines a property that uses character-spacing control values.
Sets the compression option you want for Asian characters (Asian Typography option). In HTML, this is equivalent to setting text-justify-trim on the BODY element.
Defines the settings for applying a custom transform when saving a document as XML.
Gets or sets the custom transform to apply when saving document as XML.
Gets or sets the solution ID for this transform.
Defines the document properties.
Controls the view mode in Word.
Controls how large or small the document appears on the screen in Word.
Helps avoid unintentionally distributing hidden information, such as the document's author or the names associated with comments or tracked changes (Security option).
Turns off display of the space between the top of the text and the top edge of the page (View option).
Controls display of the background shape in print layout view (View option).
Allows PostScript code in PRINT fields in a document to print on top of the document text instead of underneath it (Print option). This elements setting has no effect if a document does not contain PRINT fields.
Word for the Macintosh setting that has no effect in other versions of Word (Print option).
Prints the data entered into an online form without printing the online form (Print option).
Stores the TrueType fonts used to create this document along with the document (Save option). Others who open the document will be able to view and print it with the fonts used to create it, even if those fonts aren't installed on their computer. (NOTE: TrueType fonts are not embedded in XML files.)
For the TrueType fonts in your document, does not embed fonts that are likely to already be installed on a computer (Save option). This option takes effect only when Embed TrueType Fonts option is on.
For the TrueType fonts in your document, embeds only the font styles you actually used in the document, which may decrease the file size of your document (Save option). If you used 32 or fewer characters of a font, Word embeds only those characters. This option takes effect only when Embed TrueType Fonts option is on.
Saves the data entered in an online form as a single, tab-delimited record so you can use it in a database. Word saves the file in Text Only file format.
For multiple page documents, swaps left and right margins on facing pages (Page Setup Margins option).
Aligns paragraph borders and tables with the page border throughout the document (Page Border option). Setting this element to on eliminates any gaps between adjoining borders. However, Word aligns, or snaps, text to the edge of a table only if the text is one character width (10.5 points) or less from the page border.
Causes the page border to exclude the header (Page Border option).
Causes the page border to exclude the footer (Page Border option).
Positions the gutter at the top of a document (Page Setup Margins option). If you have set up your document with facing pages or two pages per sheet (by selecting the Mirror margins, Book fold, or 2 pages per sheet setting for the Multiple Pages list in the Page Setup dialog box), gutterAtTop is ignored.
Hides the wavy red line under possible spelling errors in your document (Spelling and Grammar option).
Hides the wavy green line under possible grammatical errors in your document (Spelling and Grammar option).
Specifies the writing style you want Word to use to when checking grammar in this document (Spelling and Grammar option)
Represents the state of the proofing tools in this document: clean (no errors found) or dirty (errors present in the document).
Specifies whether the document is in forms design mode. In this mode, you can edit or create a form by using the ActiveX controls in the Control Toolbox toolbar.
Specifies the template that's attached to this document (Templates and Add-Ins option)
Updates the styles in this document to match the styles in the attached template each time you open the document (Templates and Add-Ins option). This ensures that your document contains up-to-date style formatting.
Represents a bitmask that controls the display of styles in the Styles and Formatting task pane.
Specifies the document type used by the AutoFormat feature.
Contains the elements that hold mail-merge information for this document.
Determines how document revisions are viewed.
Marks changes in the current document and keeps track of each change by reviewer name.
Helps prevent unintentional changes to all or part of an online form or document, as specified (Protect Document option).
Allows the AutoFormat feature to override formatting restrictions (Protect Document option).
Specifies the default spacing between tab stops (Format Tabs option).
Automatically hyphenates the document as you type (Language Hyphenation option).
Specifies the maximum number of consecutive lines of text that can end with a hyphen (Language Hyphenation option).
Specifies the distance from the right margin within which you want to hyphenate your document (Language Hyphenation option). Word hyphenates words that fall into the hyphenation zone. A smaller zone reduces the raggedness of the right margin, but more words may require hyphens. A larger zone increases the raggedness of the right margin, but fewer words may require hyphens.
Causes Word to not hyphenate words written in all capital letters (Language Hyphenation option).
Displays the Microsoft Office Outlook e-mail header in a document.
Specifies the size for an automatic document summary (AutoSummary option).
Specifies the style to be used when automatically formatting paragraphs as a result of double-clicking any open area in the document (Edit option).
Specifies the default table style for new documents (Table AutoFormat option).
Creates one header or footer for even-numbered pages and a different header or footer for odd-numbered pages (Page Setup Layout option).
For multiple-page documents, specifies whether to print the document as a reverse book fold (Page Setup Margin option).
For multiple-page documents, specifies whether to print the document as a book fold (Page Setup Margin option).
For multiple-page documents with book fold and reverse book fold printing, sets the number of sheets per booklet (Page Setup Margin option).
Specifies the amount of horizontal space between vertical gridlines (Drawing Grid option).
Specifies the amount of vertical space between horizontal gridlines (Drawing Grid option).
Specifies the amount of space between horizontal gridlines drawn on the screen (Drawing Grid option).
Specifies the amount of space between vertical gridlines drawn on the screen (Drawing Grid option).
If set to on overrides the settings for drawingGridHorizontalOrigin and drawingGridVerticalOrigin and sets the upper-left corner of the document area within the margins as the grid origin (Drawing Grid option).
Specifies the point at the left edge of the page where you want the invisible grid to begin (Drawing Grid option). This setting is ignored when useMarginsForDrawingGridOrigin is set to on.
Specifies the point at the top edge of the page where you want the invisible grid to begin (Drawing Grid option). This setting is ignored when useMarginsForDrawingGridOrigin is set to on.
Specifies whether to turn off the gray shading on form fields.
When kerning for Latin text is turned on, also kern punctuation text (Asian Typography option).
Sets the blank-space compression option you want for Asian characters (Asian Typography option). The equivalent in HTML is setting text-justify-trim on the BODY element.
For multiple page documents, prints two pages per sheet (Page Setup Margins option).
Specifies whether to use standard characters to start and end lines of text (Asian Typography option).
Specifies which characters are restricted from ending a line (Asian Typography option).
Specifies which characters are restricted from starting a line (Asian Typography option).
Specifies the encoding you want to use when you save as a Web page (Web option).
Specifies whether to disable features not supported by Web browsers (Web option).
Specifies whether to rely on Vector Markup Language (VML) for displaying graphics in browsers (Web option).
Specifies whether to allow Portable Network Graphics (PNG ) as a graphic format (Web option).
Turns off cascading style sheets (CSS) for font formatting of Web pages (Web option).
When saving this file as a Web page, does not save as a single-file Web page (MHTML) (Web option).
When saving as a Web page, causes all supporting files such as bullets, background textures, and graphics to be stored in the same folder as the Web page.
Disables long file names for Web pages, which forces a file name of no more than eight characters (Web option).
The number of pixels per inch that you want for the display of pictures in Web pages (Web option). The size that you select affects the size of graphics relative to the size of text on the screen.
Specifies the monitor resolution (screen size) that you are optimizing your Web pages for (Web option). The screen size that you specify can affect the size and layout of images on Web pages.
Saves a picture of the first page of the file for previewing (Document Properties Summary option). This option has no effect if the document is saved as XML.
Validates document against attached schemas (Templates and Add-Ins XML Schema option).
Specifies whether to allow saving as XML even if the XML is not valid (Templates and Add-Ins XML Schema option).
Specifies whether save and validate ignores all text not in leaf nodes (Templates and Add-Ins XML Schema option).
Turns on display of placeholder text for all empty leaf elements.
Turns off wavy underline of schema violations in document (Templates and Add-Ins XML Schema option).
Saves data only, removing all elements in the WordprocessingML Schema when saving as XML (XML Save option).
Specifies whether to apply a custom transform when saving the document as XML (XML Save option).
Specifies the custom transform to apply when saving document as XML (XML Save option).
Turns on display of XML elements in document.
Controls how empty namespace elements that do not belong to a schema are handled. If set to on, these elements will not be removed. If set to off, they will be removed.
Represents wrapper for the shape defaults of the headers and footers.
Represents document-wide footnote properties, including footnote separators.
Represents document-wide endnote properties, including endnote separators.
Contains compatibility options (that is, the user preferences entered on the Compatibility tab of the Options dialog in Word).
Contains document variables from documents created in Word version 6.0/95 or earlier.
A table of all the rsids used in this document.
Defines a property that uses binary data.
Holds the binary representation of the VBA project. The binData element is a child element of the docSuppData element.
Defines settings for the scrollbar in a frame.
Defines a property that uses settings for the scrollbar in a frame.
Specifies how to display the scrollbar for this frame.
Defines a frame.
Represents the HTML frameset size designation
Represents the frame name.
Represents the path and file name of the frame source.
Represents the margin width.
Represents the margin height.
Specifies how to display the scrollbar for this frame.
Specifies not to resize borders in the Web browser.
Represents whether a frame is linked to a file.
Defines the settings for the frame layout.
Defines the settings for the frame layout.
Specifies the frame layout type.
Defines the splitter for a frameset.
Represents the width of the splitter.
Represents the color of the splitter.
Specifies whether the splitter has no border or has a border.
Specifies whether the splitter has a flat border or a 3-D border.
Defines an HTML frameset.
Represents the HTML frameset size designation
Specifies the properties of the splitter between the frames in this frameset.
Specifies the layout of the frames in this frameset.
Specifies a nested frameset.
Specifies one of the frames in this frameset.
Defines the picture used for a list bullet.
Represents the picture data for the picture bullet.
Gets or sets the picture bullet ID
Specifies what follows the list number (for example, a tab, a space, or nothing).
Defines what follows the list number (for example, a tab, a space, or nothing).
Specifies what follows the list number.
Specifies the text for the level.
Gets or sets the number format text.
Specifies whether the string is null. A null string is different from an empty string. If the level text is a string with only a null character, set the null attribute to on.
Specifies that the list level is from Word 6.0/95 or earlier.
Specifies whether this list level is from Word 6.0/95 or earlier. If set to on, the list level is from Word 6.0/95 or earlier.
Specifies how much space to insert between the number and the text (for Word 6.0/95 or earlier).
Specifies how much space to indent the number by (for Word 6.0/95 or earlier).
Defines a list level.
Represents the starting number for this list.
Specifies the number style used for a list.
Represents the number at which to restart the list numbering.
Represents the paragraph style for the list numbers.
Specifies whether this level is following the legal numbering rules.
Specifies what follows the list number.
Represents the number format text.
Represents the picture bullet ID.
Specifies whether the list level is from Word 6.0/95 or earlier.
Represents justification of the actual number
Represents the paragraph properties
Represents the run properties for the list numbers.
Gets or sets the level number.
Gets or sets the template code, which is used to figure out which gallery item to display in bullets and numbering.
Specifies whether the level's format is still tentative.
Defines the type of list (single, multi, or hybrid).
Defines the type of list (single, multi, hybrid).
Defines the type of list (single, multi, or hybrid).
Defines the base list definitions. These definitions will not be directly used in the document. Instead, they will be referenced by list elements.
Represents the list ID.
Specifies the list type.
Specifies the list template used for formatting the list.
Represents the list's name.
Represents the name of the list style defined by this list.
Represents the name of the list style that the list is referencing.
Defines a level in this list.
Gets or sets the identifier of this list definition.
Defines the settings for the list level.
Represents the number this level starts at (overrides the list starting number).
Defines a list level.
Gets or sets the list level number.
Defines a list.
Represents the identifier of which list definition this list uses (not the lsid element).
Defines a list level that overrides a previously defined list level.
Gets or sets the identifier of which list this is in the document.
Defines a collection of lists.
Represents pictures used by picture bullet lists
Represents the base list definitions. These definitions will not be directly used in the document. Instead, they will be referenced by list elements.
Represents the definitions of the lists that are used in the document. The definitions build on top of listDef elements.
Represents the optional index of the last list when a list cleanup was attempted. This element is used to prevent trying to clean up the lists again.
Defines what part of the table these override properties apply to.
Defines the table-style conditional-override properties.
Represents the paragraph properties to override in the table style.
Represents the character properties to override in the table style.
Represents the table properties to override in the table style.
Represents the row properties to override in the table style.
Represents the cell properties to override in the table style.
Gets or sets which part of the table these properties apply to.
Defines the settings for the kind of style.
Defines a property that uses the settings for a kind of style.
Specifies the style kind.
Defines a document style.
Represents the primary name of style. Built-in style names are converted to a language-independent form.
Represents the secondary names of a style, separated by commas
A hint as to the name for this style as it appears to the user in Word.
Represents the built-in style's unique numerical identifier.
Represents the styleId (name of style) this style is based on.
Represents the styleId name of the next-paragraph-style; used only for paragraph styles.
Represents the styleId of the linked style; used only for linked paragraph and character styles.
Specifies whether this style can be automatically redefined when appropriate.
Specifies whether to show this style to the user.
Specifies not to show this style to users unless they request to see it.
Restricts this style from use by the end user.
Specifies whether this is another user's HTML threading personal style.
Specifies whether this is another user's HTML threading compose style.
Specifies whether this is another user's HTML threading reply style.
Represents the Revision Save ID for this style, which is a unique identifier used to track when the style was last changed.
Represents the paragraph properties for the style, if any.
Represents the character properties for the style, if any.
Represents the table properties for the style.
Represents the row properties for the style.
Represents the cell properties for the style.
Represents the table-style conditional-override properties.
Gets or sets the type of style.
Gets or sets the name used to refer to this style within XML. This name is unique within the file. This attribute is otherwise unused.
Specifies whether this style is the default for this type of style.
Defines a specific instance of a latent style (the attributes give information about the locked state).
Gets or sets the built-in style name for this latent style. If this name doesn't match a built-in Word style, this attribute will be ignored.
Overrides the default locked state if a specific value is specified for this attribute.
Defines a specific instance of a latent style (the attributes give information about the locked state).
Represents a specific instance of a latent style (the attributes give information about the locked state).
Gets or sets defines the default locked state.
If not zero, represents the number of latent styles that should be initialized to the given defaults.
Defines a collection of styles.
Represents the version of the built-in style names. If the name of a built-in style changes, this version number is incremented.
Represents information about latent (not-yet-instantiated built-in) styles.
Represents the style definition.
Defines the PANOSE number of a font.
Defines the PANOSE number of a font.
Gets or sets the PANOSE typeface classification number.
Defines the font family settings.
Specifies a novelty font. An example is Old English.
Specifies a monospace font with or without serifs. Monospace fonts are usually modern; examples include Pica, Elite, and Courier New.
Specifies a proportional font with serifs. An example is Times New Roman.
Specifies a font that is designed to look like handwriting; examples include Script and Cursive.
Specifies a proportional font without serifs. An example is Arial.
Specifies a generic family name. This name is used when information about a font does not exist or does not matter. The default font is used.
Defines a property that uses font family settings.
Gets or sets the specified font family.
Defines the font pitch settings.
A fixed pitch..
A variable pitch.
A default pitch.
Defines the font pitch settings.
Gets or sets the specified font pitch.
Defines the font signature of a font.
Provides the first 32 bits of the 128-bit Unicode subset bitfield (USB). Each bit, except the two most significant bits, represents a single subrange. The most significant bit is always 1 and identifies the bitfield as a font signature. The second most significant bit is reserved and must be 0. Unicode subranges are numbered in accordance with the ISO 10646 standard.
Provides the second 32 bits of the 128-bit Unicode subset bitfield (USB). Each bit, except the two most significant bits, represents a single subrange. The most significant bit is always 1 and identifies the bitfield as a font signature. The second most significant bit is reserved and must be 0. Unicode subranges are numbered in accordance with the ISO 10646 standard.
Provides the third 32 bits of the 128-bit Unicode subset bitfield (USB). Each bit, except the two most significant bits, represents a single subrange. The most significant bit is always 1 and identifies the bitfield as a font signature. The second most significant bit is reserved and must be 0. Unicode subranges are numbered in accordance with the ISO 10646 standard.
Provides the last 32 bits of the 128-bit Unicode subset bitfield (USB). Each bit, except the two most significant bits, represents a single subrange. The most significant bit is always 1 and identifies the bitfield as a font signature. The second most significant bit is reserved and must be 0. Unicode subranges are numbered in accordance with the ISO 10646 standard.
Provides the first 32 bits of the 64-bit code-page bitfield (CPB) that identifies a specific character set or code page. Code pages are in the lower 32 bits of this bitfield. The high 32 bits are used for non-Windows code pages. The graphics device interface (GDI) relies on Windows code pages fitting within a 32-bit value. Note that the highest 2 bits within this value are reserved for GDI internal use, and may not be assigned to code pages.
Provides the last 32 bits of the 64-bit code-page bitfield (CPB) that identifies a specific character set or code page. Code pages are in the lower 32 bits of this bitfield. The high 32 bits are used for non-Windows code pages. The graphics device interface (GDI) relies on Windows code pages fitting within a 32-bit value. Note that the highest 2 bits within this value are reserved for GDI internal use, and may not be assigned to code pages.
Defines a font.
Represents the alternate name for the font.
Represents the PANOSE typeface classification number, which is a compact 10-byte description of a fonts critical visual characteristics, such as contrast, weight, and serif style. The digits represent Family Kind, Serif Style, Weight, Proportion, Contrast, Stroke Variation, Arm Style, Letterform, Midline, and X-Height.
Represents the character set for the font.
Represents the font family this font belongs to. A font family is a set of fonts having common stroke width and serif characteristics. There are five font families. A sixth family allows Word to use the default font.
Represents indicates that this font is not a TrueType or OpenType font, but rather a raster or vector font.
Represents specified the font pitch. The pitch indicates if the font is fixed pitch, proportionally spaced, or relies on a default setting.
Contains information identifying the code pages and Unicode subranges for which a specified font provides glyphs.
Gets or sets the face name of this font.
Defines a collection of fonts.
Represents the default fonts for this document.
Represents one of the fonts used in the document.
Defines the borders of a DIV element.
Represents the style of the top border.
Represents the style of the left border.
Represents the style of the bottom border.
Represents the style of the right border.
Defines a DIV element.
Specifies whether this DIV element is a BlockQuote.
Specifies whether this is a body DIV element or not.
Specifies the left margin of the DIV element.
Specifies the right margin of the DIV element.
Specifies the top margin of the DIV element.
Specifies the bottom margin of the DIV element.
Represents the styles of the DIV element's borders.
Represents the child DIV elements of the current DIV element.
Gets or sets the unique identifying number used for this DIV element.
Defines a collection of DIV elements.
Represents one of the HTML DIV elements in the document.
Defines text box content.
Gets or sets the text box style.
Gets or sets the text box class.
Represents the contents of a text box. The contents will appear inside Vector Markup Language (VML) (urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml) textbox elements.
Block level elements that can occur inside a cfChunk and other places.
Represents a paragraph element; analogous to the HTML <p> tag.
Represents a table element; analogous to the HTML <table> tag.
Elements that can occur anywhere where we start a new block, such inside the body, comments, headers, textboxes, etc.
Represents a context-free chunk -- allows in-line definition of style sheet, font, and list items.
Represents the state of the proofing tools (grammar, spelling, and so on).
Represents the range protection permission start.
Represents the range protection permission end.
Defines the body of the document.
Represents the section properties for the very last section in the document.
Defines the default shape values.
Contains the binary data for the shape defaults.
Defines a Microsoft Office Word 2003 document.
Specifies whether to ignore an element and its contents. If a namespace is specified for the ignoreSubtree element's val attribute (val=uri), when Word encounters an element in this namespace, Word will ignore the element and all of its contents.
Specifies whether to ignore an element, but process its contents. If a namespace is specified for the ignoreElements element's val attribute (val=uri), when Word encounters an element in this namespace, Word ignores only the element (all of the element's contents will be processed).
Describes a Smart Tag type used in this document.
Office Document Properties
Contains Custom Office Document Properties
Defines a collection of schemas that comprise a document's schema library.
Represents the font definitions.
Specifies the HTML framesets in this document.
Represents the list definitions (for example, the Bullets and Numbering options).
Represents the style definitions.
Represents the HTML DIV elements in the document.
Represents oledata.mso store, base64 encoded. Contains storages for OLE objects.
Represents editdata.mso store, base64 encoded. Contains toolbar customizations, envelope data, and the Visual Basic project.
Represents the wrapper for the shape defaults.
Represents background picture information.
Represents the document properties.
Contains the body of the document.
Indicates that macros are present in the document. If the macrosPresent attribute is missing or if its set to no, Word wont load a document that has a docSuppData element. This attribute is strictly enforced.
Indicates that an OCX control may have been used in the document. If the embeddedObjPresent attribute is missing or if its set to no, Word wont load a document that has a docOleData element. This attribute is not, however, strictly enforced. If the attribute is present and is set to yes, but Word doesnt find a docOleData element before the body element, Word will still load the document.
Indicates that an OCX control may have been used in the document. If this file contains any OCX tags and this attribute is not present and set to yes, the file is corrupt.
White space is significant in WordML.
Represents the root element for the document.