/* JS has no concept of pointers so interpret the `l` key as an address */ case /*p*/ 112: Vnum = typeof arg == "number" ? arg : arg ? Number(arg.l) : -1; if(isnan(Vnum)) Vnum = -1; if(alt) O = Vnum.toString(10); else { CONV_SIZE_T(Vnum) O = "0x" + SIZE_T_TO_HEX(Vnum).toLowerCase(); } break; /* store length in the `len` key */ case /*n*/ 110: if(arg) { arg.len = o.length; } //if(arg) { arg.len=0; for(var oo/*:number*/ = 0; oo < o.length; ++oo) arg.len += o[oo].length; } continue; /* process error */ case /*m*/ 109: if(!(arg instanceof Error)) O = "Success"; else if(arg.message) O = arg.message; else if(arg.errno) O = "Error number " + arg.errno; else O = "Error " + String(arg); break; /* JS-specific conversions (extension) */ case /*J*/ 74: O = (alt ? u_inspect : JSON.stringify)(arg); break; case /*V*/ 86: O = arg == null ? "null" : String(arg.valueOf()); break; case /*T*/ 84: if(alt) { /* from '[object %s]' extract %s */ O = Object.prototype.toString.call(arg).substr(8); O = O.substr(0, O.length - 1); } else O = typeof arg; break; /* boolean (extension) */ case /*Y*/ 89: case /*y*/ 121: O = (arg) ? (alt ? "yes" : "true") : (alt ? "no" : "false"); if(c == /*Y*/ 89) O = O.toUpperCase(); PREC_STR(O, prec) WIDTH(O, width, flags) break;