import React, { useState } from 'react'; import ResponseDisplay from '../ResponseDisplay/ResponseDisplay'; import DataForm from './DataForm/DataForm'; const Proxy = () => { const [type, setType] = useState('csv'); const [apiResponse, setApiResponse] = useState(); return (


Send a request to /api/data to convert the spreadsheet at `url` to a simpler format

  • url=<url> the url to request
  • N=<idx> the sheet index to use (-1 returns a list of sheet names in the workbook)
  • t=<type> export type: default is csv, "json" for json, "html" for html, "file" is to download the file
  • addr=<cell address> the address of the cell that you want to change the value of
  • val=<value> the value you want in that cell
  • name=<name for file> the name you want to give to a file for downloading

); } export default (Proxy);