version bump 0.9.12
`cellText` parse option controls `.w` output (fixes #640 h/t @SCullman)
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# [:green_book: SheetJS js-xlsx](
# [SheetJS js-xlsx](
Parser and writer for various spreadsheet formats. Pure-JS cleanroom
implementation from official specifications, related documents, and test files.
@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ if(program.all) {
opts.cellFormula = true;
opts.bookVBA = true;
opts.cellNF = true;
opts.cellHTML = true;
opts.cellStyles = true;
opts.sheetStubs = true;
opts.cellDates = true;
@ -1 +1 @@
XLSX.version = '0.9.11';
XLSX.version = '0.9.12';
@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ function safe_format(p, fmtid, fillid, opts, themes, styles) {
if(p.t === 'z') return;
if(p.t === 'd' && typeof p.v === 'string') p.v = parseDate(p.v);
try {
if(opts.cellNF) p.z = SSF._table[fmtid];
} catch(e) { if(opts.WTF) throw e; }
if(!opts || opts.cellText !== false) try {
if(p.t === 'e') p.w = p.w || BErr[p.v];
else if(fmtid === 0) {
if(p.t === 'n') {
@ -70,7 +73,6 @@ function safe_format(p, fmtid, fillid, opts, themes, styles) {
else if(p.t === 'd') p.w = SSF.format(fmtid,datenum(p.v),_ssfopts);
else p.w = SSF.format(fmtid,p.v,_ssfopts);
if(opts.cellNF) p.z = SSF._table[fmtid];
} catch(e) { if(opts.WTF) throw e; }
if(fillid) try {
p.s = styles.Fills[fillid];
@ -334,7 +334,9 @@ return function parse_ws_xml_data(sdata, s, opts, guess, themes, styles) {
if(!opts.cellDates) { p.v = datenum(parseDate(p.v)); p.t = 'n'; }
/* error string in .w, number in .v */
case 'e': p.w = p.v; p.v = RBErr[p.v]; break;
case 'e':
if(opts && opts.cellText === false) p.w = p.v;
p.v = RBErr[p.v]; break;
/* formatting */
fmtid = fillid = 0;
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ function xlml_set_custprop(Custprops, Rn, cp, val/*:string*/) {
function safe_format_xlml(cell/*:Cell*/, nf, o) {
if(cell.t === 'z') return;
try {
if(!o || o.cellText !== false) try {
if(cell.t === 'e') { cell.w = cell.w || BErr[cell.v]; }
else if(nf === "General") {
if(cell.t === 'n') {
@ -69,6 +69,8 @@ function safe_format_xlml(cell/*:Cell*/, nf, o) {
else cell.w = SSF._general(cell.v);
else cell.w = xlml_format(nf||"General", cell.v);
} catch(e) { if(o.WTF) throw e; }
try {
var z = XLMLFormatMap[nf]||nf||"General";
if(o.cellNF) cell.z = z;
if(o.cellDates && cell.t == 'n' && SSF.is_date(z)) {
@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ function safe_format_xf(p/*:any*/, opts/*:ParseOpts*/, date1904/*:?boolean*/) {
if(!p.XF) return;
try {
var fmtid = p.XF.ifmt||0;
if(opts.cellNF) p.z = SSF._table[fmtid];
if(p.t === 'e'){}
else if(fmtid === 0) {
if(p.t === 'n') {
@ -70,7 +71,6 @@ function safe_format_xf(p/*:any*/, opts/*:ParseOpts*/, date1904/*:?boolean*/) {
if(opts.cellDates && fmtid && p.t == 'n' && SSF.is_date(SSF._table[fmtid])) {
var _d = SSF.parse_date_code(p.v); if(_d) { p.t = 'd'; p.v = new Date(Date.UTC(_d.y, _d.m-1,_d.d,_d.H,_d.M,_d.S,_d.u)); }
if(opts.cellNF) p.z = SSF._table[fmtid];
} catch(e) { if(opts.WTF) throw e; }
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ var fix_read_opts = fix_opts_func([
['cellHTML', true], /* emit html string as .h */
['cellFormula', true], /* emit formulae as .f */
['cellStyles', false], /* emits style/theme as .s */
['cellText', true], /* emit formatted text as .w */
['cellDates', false], /* emit date cells with type `d` */
['sheetStubs', false], /* emit empty cells */
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
/*exported XLSX */
var XLSX = {};
(function make_xlsx(XLSX){
XLSX.version = '0.9.11';
XLSX.version = '0.9.12';
var current_codepage = 1200, current_cptable;
if(typeof module !== "undefined" && typeof require !== 'undefined') {
if(typeof cptable === 'undefined') cptable = require('./dist/cpexcel.js');
@ -2052,6 +2052,77 @@ var make_offcrypto = function(O, _crypto) {
make_offcrypto(OFFCRYPTO, typeof crypto !== "undefined" ? crypto : undefined);
function decode_row(rowstr) { return parseInt(unfix_row(rowstr),10) - 1; }
function encode_row(row) { return "" + (row + 1); }
function fix_row(cstr) { return cstr.replace(/([A-Z]|^)(\d+)$/,"$1$$$2"); }
function unfix_row(cstr) { return cstr.replace(/\$(\d+)$/,"$1"); }
function decode_col(colstr) { var c = unfix_col(colstr), d = 0, i = 0; for(; i !== c.length; ++i) d = 26*d + c.charCodeAt(i) - 64; return d - 1; }
function encode_col(col) { var s=""; for(++col; col; col=Math.floor((col-1)/26)) s = String.fromCharCode(((col-1)%26) + 65) + s; return s; }
function fix_col(cstr) { return cstr.replace(/^([A-Z])/,"$$$1"); }
function unfix_col(cstr) { return cstr.replace(/^\$([A-Z])/,"$1"); }
function split_cell(cstr) { return cstr.replace(/(\$?[A-Z]*)(\$?\d*)/,"$1,$2").split(","); }
function decode_cell(cstr) { var splt = split_cell(cstr); return { c:decode_col(splt[0]), r:decode_row(splt[1]) }; }
function encode_cell(cell) { return encode_col(cell.c) + encode_row(cell.r); }
function fix_cell(cstr) { return fix_col(fix_row(cstr)); }
function unfix_cell(cstr) { return unfix_col(unfix_row(cstr)); }
function decode_range(range) { var x =range.split(":").map(decode_cell); return {s:x[0],e:x[x.length-1]}; }
function encode_range(cs,ce) {
if(typeof ce === 'undefined' || typeof ce === 'number') {
return encode_range(cs.s, cs.e);
if(typeof cs !== 'string') cs = encode_cell((cs));
if(typeof ce !== 'string') ce = encode_cell((ce));
return cs == ce ? cs : cs + ":" + ce;
function safe_decode_range(range) {
var o = {s:{c:0,r:0},e:{c:0,r:0}};
var idx = 0, i = 0, cc = 0;
var len = range.length;
for(idx = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if((cc=range.charCodeAt(i)-64) < 1 || cc > 26) break;
idx = 26*idx + cc;
o.s.c = --idx;
for(idx = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if((cc=range.charCodeAt(i)-48) < 0 || cc > 9) break;
idx = 10*idx + cc;
o.s.r = --idx;
if(i === len || range.charCodeAt(++i) === 58) { o.e.c=o.s.c; o.e.r=o.s.r; return o; }
for(idx = 0; i != len; ++i) {
if((cc=range.charCodeAt(i)-64) < 1 || cc > 26) break;
idx = 26*idx + cc;
o.e.c = --idx;
for(idx = 0; i != len; ++i) {
if((cc=range.charCodeAt(i)-48) < 0 || cc > 9) break;
idx = 10*idx + cc;
o.e.r = --idx;
return o;
function safe_format_cell(cell, v) {
var q = (cell.t == 'd' && v instanceof Date);
if(cell.z != null) try { return (cell.w = SSF.format(cell.z, q ? datenum(v) : v)); } catch(e) { }
try { return (cell.w = SSF.format((cell.XF||{}).ifmt||(q ? 14 : 0), q ? datenum(v) : v)); } catch(e) { return ''+v; }
function format_cell(cell, v, o) {
if(cell == null || cell.t == null || cell.t == 'z') return "";
if(cell.w !== undefined) return cell.w;
if(cell.t == 'd' && !cell.z && o && o.dateNF) cell.z = o.dateNF;
if(v == undefined) return safe_format_cell(cell, cell.v, o);
return safe_format_cell(cell, v, o);
function sheet_to_workbook(sheet, opts) {
var n = opts && opts.sheet ? opts.sheet : "Sheet1";
var sheets = {}; sheets[n] = sheet;
@ -5601,7 +5672,7 @@ var parse_rs = (function parse_rs_factory() {
var tregex = matchtag("t"), rpregex = matchtag("rPr"), rregex = /<(?:\w+:)?r>/g, rend = /<\/(?:\w+:)?r>/, nlregex = /\r\n/g;
/* 18.4.7 rPr CT_RPrElt */
var parse_rpr = function parse_rpr(rpr, intro, outro) {
var font = {}, cp = 65001;
var font = {}, cp = 65001, align = "";
var m = rpr.match(tagregex), i = 0;
if(m) for(;i!=m.length; ++i) {
var y = parsexmltag(m[i]);
@ -5615,9 +5686,11 @@ var parse_rs = (function parse_rs_factory() {
/* 18.8.36 shadow CT_BooleanProperty */
/* ** not required . */
case '<shadow':
if(!y.val) break;
/* falls through */
case '<shadow>':
case '<shadow/>': break;
case '<shadow/>': font.shadow = 1; break;
case '</shadow>': break;
/* 18.4.1 charset CT_IntProperty TODO */
case '<charset':
@ -5627,9 +5700,11 @@ var parse_rs = (function parse_rs_factory() {
/* 18.4.2 outline CT_BooleanProperty TODO */
case '<outline':
if(!y.val) break;
/* falls through */
case '<outline>':
case '<outline/>': break;
case '<outline/>': font.outline = 1; break;
case '</outline>': break;
/* 18.4.5 rFont CT_FontName */
case '<rFont': = y.val; break;
@ -5647,7 +5722,12 @@ var parse_rs = (function parse_rs_factory() {
/* 18.4.13 u CT_UnderlineProperty */
case '<u':
if(y.val == '0') break;
if(!y.val) break;
switch(y.val) {
case 'double': font.uval = "double"; break;
case 'singleAccounting': font.uval = "single-accounting"; break;
case 'doubleAccounting': font.uval = "double-accounting"; break;
/* falls through */
case '<u>':
case '<u/>': font.u = 1; break;
@ -5678,7 +5758,7 @@ var parse_rs = (function parse_rs_factory() {
case '<family': = y.val; break;
/* 18.4.14 vertAlign CT_VerticalAlignFontProperty TODO */
case '<vertAlign': break;
case '<vertAlign': align = y.val; break;
/* 18.8.35 scheme CT_FontScheme TODO */
case '<scheme': break;
@ -5688,9 +5768,22 @@ var parse_rs = (function parse_rs_factory() {
var style = [];
if(font.b) style.push("font-weight: bold;");
if(font.i) style.push("font-style: italic;");
if(font.u) style.push("text-decoration: underline;");
if(font.uval) style.push("text-underline-style:" + font.uval + ";");
if( style.push("font-size:" + + ";");
if(font.outline) style.push("text-effect: outline;");
if(font.shadow) style.push("text-shadow: auto;");
intro.push('<span style="' + style.join("") + '">');
if(font.b) { intro.push("<b>"); outro.push("</b>"); }
if(font.i) { intro.push("<i>"); outro.push("</i>"); }
if(font.strike) { intro.push("<s>"); outro.push("</s>"); }
if(align == "superscript") align = "sup";
else if(align == "subscript") align = "sub";
if(align != "") { intro.push("<" + align + ">"); outro.push("</" + align + ">"); }
return cp;
@ -6644,6 +6737,7 @@ function parse_sty_bin(data, themes, opts) {
for(var y in SSF._table) styles.NumberFmt[y] = SSF._table[y];
styles.CellXf = [];
styles.Fonts = [];
var state = [];
var pass = false;
recordhopper(data, function hopper_sty(val, R_n, RT) {
@ -6651,7 +6745,9 @@ function parse_sty_bin(data, themes, opts) {
case 0x002C: /* 'BrtFmt' */
styles.NumberFmt[val[0]] = val[1]; SSF.load(val[1], val[0]);
case 0x002B: /* 'BrtFont' */ break;
case 0x002B: /* 'BrtFont' */
case 0x0401: /* 'BrtKnownFonts' */ break;
case 0x002D: /* 'BrtFill' */ break;
case 0x002E: /* 'BrtBorder' */ break;
@ -6823,6 +6919,7 @@ function parse_theme_xml(data, opts) {
function write_theme(Themes, opts) {
if(opts && opts.themeXLSX) return opts.themeXLSX;
var o = [XML_HEADER];
o[o.length] = '<a:theme xmlns:a="" name="Office Theme">';
o[o.length] = '<a:themeElements>';
@ -9791,6 +9888,9 @@ function safe_format(p, fmtid, fillid, opts, themes, styles) {
if(p.t === 'z') return;
if(p.t === 'd' && typeof p.v === 'string') p.v = parseDate(p.v);
try {
if(opts.cellNF) p.z = SSF._table[fmtid];
} catch(e) { if(opts.WTF) throw e; }
if(!opts || opts.cellText !== false) try {
if(p.t === 'e') p.w = p.w || BErr[p.v];
else if(fmtid === 0) {
if(p.t === 'n') {
@ -9807,7 +9907,6 @@ function safe_format(p, fmtid, fillid, opts, themes, styles) {
else if(p.t === 'd') p.w = SSF.format(fmtid,datenum(p.v),_ssfopts);
else p.w = SSF.format(fmtid,p.v,_ssfopts);
if(opts.cellNF) p.z = SSF._table[fmtid];
} catch(e) { if(opts.WTF) throw e; }
if(fillid) try {
p.s = styles.Fills[fillid];
@ -9966,6 +10065,10 @@ function parse_ws_xml_margins(margin) {
return o;
function write_ws_xml_margins(margin) {
return writextag('pageMargins', null, margin);
function parse_ws_xml_cols(columns, cols) {
var seencol = false;
@ -10087,7 +10190,7 @@ return function parse_ws_xml_data(sdata, s, opts, guess, themes, styles) {
} else ++tagc;
for(i = 0; i != x.length; ++i) if(x.charCodeAt(i) === 62) break; ++i;
tag = parsexmltag(x.substr(0,i), true);
if(!tag.r) tag.r = utils.encode_cell({r:tagr-1, c:tagc});
if(!tag.r) tag.r = encode_cell({r:tagr-1, c:tagc});
d = x.substr(i);
p = ({t:""});
@ -10153,7 +10256,9 @@ return function parse_ws_xml_data(sdata, s, opts, guess, themes, styles) {
if(!opts.cellDates) { p.v = datenum(parseDate(p.v)); p.t = 'n'; }
/* error string in .w, number in .v */
case 'e': p.w = p.v; p.v = RBErr[p.v]; break;
case 'e':
if(opts && opts.cellText === false) p.w = p.v;
p.v = RBErr[p.v]; break;
/* formatting */
fmtid = fillid = 0;
@ -10275,7 +10380,7 @@ function write_ws_xml(idx, opts, wb, rels) {
delete ws['!links'];
/* printOptions */
/* pageMargins */
if (ws['!margins'] != null) o[o.length] = write_ws_xml_margins(ws['!margins'])
/* pageSetup */
var hfidx = o.length;
@ -11914,7 +12019,7 @@ function xlml_set_custprop(Custprops, Rn, cp, val) {
function safe_format_xlml(cell, nf, o) {
if(cell.t === 'z') return;
try {
if(!o || o.cellText !== false) try {
if(cell.t === 'e') { cell.w = cell.w || BErr[cell.v]; }
else if(nf === "General") {
if(cell.t === 'n') {
@ -11924,6 +12029,8 @@ function safe_format_xlml(cell, nf, o) {
else cell.w = SSF._general(cell.v);
else cell.w = xlml_format(nf||"General", cell.v);
} catch(e) { if(o.WTF) throw e; }
try {
var z = XLMLFormatMap[nf]||nf||"General";
if(o.cellNF) cell.z = z;
if(o.cellDates && cell.t == 'n' && SSF.is_date(z)) {
@ -12879,6 +12986,7 @@ function safe_format_xf(p, opts, date1904) {
if(!p.XF) return;
try {
var fmtid = p.XF.ifmt||0;
if(opts.cellNF) p.z = SSF._table[fmtid];
if(p.t === 'e'){}
else if(fmtid === 0) {
if(p.t === 'n') {
@ -12891,7 +12999,6 @@ function safe_format_xf(p, opts, date1904) {
if(opts.cellDates && fmtid && p.t == 'n' && SSF.is_date(SSF._table[fmtid])) {
var _d = SSF.parse_date_code(p.v); if(_d) { p.t = 'd'; p.v = new Date(Date.UTC(_d.y, _d.m-1,_d.d,_d.H,_d.M,_d.S,_d.u)); }
if(opts.cellNF) p.z = SSF._table[fmtid];
} catch(e) { if(opts.WTF) throw e; }
@ -15709,6 +15816,7 @@ var fix_read_opts = fix_opts_func([
['cellHTML', true], /* emit html string as .h */
['cellFormula', true], /* emit formulae as .f */
['cellStyles', false], /* emits style/theme as .s */
['cellText', true], /* emit formatted text as .w */
['cellDates', false], /* emit date cells with type `d` */
['sheetStubs', false], /* emit empty cells */
@ -16254,77 +16362,6 @@ function writeFileAsync(filename, wb, opts, cb) {
var _cb = cb; if(!(_cb instanceof Function)) _cb = (opts);
return _fs.writeFile(filename, writeSync(wb, o), _cb);
function decode_row(rowstr) { return parseInt(unfix_row(rowstr),10) - 1; }
function encode_row(row) { return "" + (row + 1); }
function fix_row(cstr) { return cstr.replace(/([A-Z]|^)(\d+)$/,"$1$$$2"); }
function unfix_row(cstr) { return cstr.replace(/\$(\d+)$/,"$1"); }
function decode_col(colstr) { var c = unfix_col(colstr), d = 0, i = 0; for(; i !== c.length; ++i) d = 26*d + c.charCodeAt(i) - 64; return d - 1; }
function encode_col(col) { var s=""; for(++col; col; col=Math.floor((col-1)/26)) s = String.fromCharCode(((col-1)%26) + 65) + s; return s; }
function fix_col(cstr) { return cstr.replace(/^([A-Z])/,"$$$1"); }
function unfix_col(cstr) { return cstr.replace(/^\$([A-Z])/,"$1"); }
function split_cell(cstr) { return cstr.replace(/(\$?[A-Z]*)(\$?\d*)/,"$1,$2").split(","); }
function decode_cell(cstr) { var splt = split_cell(cstr); return { c:decode_col(splt[0]), r:decode_row(splt[1]) }; }
function encode_cell(cell) { return encode_col(cell.c) + encode_row(cell.r); }
function fix_cell(cstr) { return fix_col(fix_row(cstr)); }
function unfix_cell(cstr) { return unfix_col(unfix_row(cstr)); }
function decode_range(range) { var x =range.split(":").map(decode_cell); return {s:x[0],e:x[x.length-1]}; }
function encode_range(cs,ce) {
if(typeof ce === 'undefined' || typeof ce === 'number') {
return encode_range(cs.s, cs.e);
if(typeof cs !== 'string') cs = encode_cell((cs));
if(typeof ce !== 'string') ce = encode_cell((ce));
return cs == ce ? cs : cs + ":" + ce;
function safe_decode_range(range) {
var o = {s:{c:0,r:0},e:{c:0,r:0}};
var idx = 0, i = 0, cc = 0;
var len = range.length;
for(idx = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if((cc=range.charCodeAt(i)-64) < 1 || cc > 26) break;
idx = 26*idx + cc;
o.s.c = --idx;
for(idx = 0; i < len; ++i) {
if((cc=range.charCodeAt(i)-48) < 0 || cc > 9) break;
idx = 10*idx + cc;
o.s.r = --idx;
if(i === len || range.charCodeAt(++i) === 58) { o.e.c=o.s.c; o.e.r=o.s.r; return o; }
for(idx = 0; i != len; ++i) {
if((cc=range.charCodeAt(i)-64) < 1 || cc > 26) break;
idx = 26*idx + cc;
o.e.c = --idx;
for(idx = 0; i != len; ++i) {
if((cc=range.charCodeAt(i)-48) < 0 || cc > 9) break;
idx = 10*idx + cc;
o.e.r = --idx;
return o;
function safe_format_cell(cell, v) {
var q = (cell.t == 'd' && v instanceof Date);
if(cell.z != null) try { return (cell.w = SSF.format(cell.z, q ? datenum(v) : v)); } catch(e) { }
try { return (cell.w = SSF.format((cell.XF||{}).ifmt||(q ? 14 : 0), q ? datenum(v) : v)); } catch(e) { return ''+v; }
function format_cell(cell, v, o) {
if(cell == null || cell.t == null || cell.t == 'z') return "";
if(cell.w !== undefined) return cell.w;
if(cell.t == 'd' && !cell.z && o && o.dateNF) cell.z = o.dateNF;
if(v == undefined) return safe_format_cell(cell, cell.v, o);
return safe_format_cell(cell, v, o);
function sheet_to_json(sheet, opts){
if(sheet == null || sheet["!ref"] == null) return [];
var val = {t:'n',v:0}, header = 0, offset = 1, hdr = [], isempty = true, v=0, vv="";
@ -16429,7 +16466,7 @@ function make_csv_row(sheet, r, R, cols, fs, rs, FS, o) {
function sheet_to_csv(sheet, opts) {
var out = "";
var out = [];
var o = opts == null ? {} : opts;
if(sheet == null || sheet["!ref"] == null) return "";
var r = safe_decode_range(sheet["!ref"]);
@ -16443,10 +16480,10 @@ function sheet_to_csv(sheet, opts) {
row = make_csv_row(sheet, r, R, cols, fs, rs, FS, o);
if(row == null) { continue; }
if(o.strip) row = row.replace(endregex,"");
out += row + RS;
out.push(row + RS);
delete o.dense;
return out;
return out.join("");
function sheet_to_txt(sheet, opts) {
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# [:green_book: SheetJS js-xlsx](
# [SheetJS js-xlsx](
Parser and writer for various spreadsheet formats. Pure-JS cleanroom
implementation from official specifications, related documents, and test files.
@ -6,9 +6,10 @@ The exported `read` and `readFile` functions accept an options argument:
| :---------- | ------: | :--------------------------------------------------- |
| type | | Input data encoding (see Input Type below) |
| cellFormula | true | Save formulae to the .f field |
| cellHTML | true | Parse rich text and save HTML to the .h field |
| cellNF | false | Save number format string to the .z field |
| cellStyles | false | Save style/theme info to the .s field |
| cellHTML | true | Parse rich text and save HTML to the `.h` field |
| cellNF | false | Save number format string to the `.z` field |
| cellStyles | false | Save style/theme info to the `.s` field |
| cellText | true | Generated formatted text to the `.w` field |
| cellDates | false | Store dates as type `d` (default is `n`) |
| sheetStubs | false | Create cell objects of type `z` for stub cells |
| sheetRows | 0 | If >0, read the first `sheetRows` rows ** |
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "xlsx",
"version": "0.9.11",
"version": "0.9.12",
"author": "sheetjs",
"description": "Excel (XLSB/XLSX/XLSM/XLS/XML) and ODS (ODS/FODS/UOS) spreadsheet parser and writer",
"keywords": [ "excel", "xls", "xlsx", "xlsb", "xlsm", "ods", "office", "spreadsheet" ],
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
"pattern": "xlsx.js"
"homepage": "",
"homepage": "",
"bugs": { "url": "" },
"license": "Apache-2.0",
"engines": { "node": ">=0.8" }
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
/*exported XLSX */
var XLSX = {};
(function make_xlsx(XLSX){
XLSX.version = '0.9.11';
XLSX.version = '0.9.12';
var current_codepage = 1200, current_cptable;
/*:: declare var cptable:any; */
if(typeof module !== "undefined" && typeof require !== 'undefined') {
@ -9950,6 +9950,9 @@ function safe_format(p, fmtid, fillid, opts, themes, styles) {
if(p.t === 'z') return;
if(p.t === 'd' && typeof p.v === 'string') p.v = parseDate(p.v);
try {
if(opts.cellNF) p.z = SSF._table[fmtid];
} catch(e) { if(opts.WTF) throw e; }
if(!opts || opts.cellText !== false) try {
if(p.t === 'e') p.w = p.w || BErr[p.v];
else if(fmtid === 0) {
if(p.t === 'n') {
@ -9966,7 +9969,6 @@ function safe_format(p, fmtid, fillid, opts, themes, styles) {
else if(p.t === 'd') p.w = SSF.format(fmtid,datenum(p.v),_ssfopts);
else p.w = SSF.format(fmtid,p.v,_ssfopts);
if(opts.cellNF) p.z = SSF._table[fmtid];
} catch(e) { if(opts.WTF) throw e; }
if(fillid) try {
p.s = styles.Fills[fillid];
@ -10316,7 +10318,9 @@ return function parse_ws_xml_data(sdata, s, opts, guess, themes, styles) {
if(!opts.cellDates) { p.v = datenum(parseDate(p.v)); p.t = 'n'; }
/* error string in .w, number in .v */
case 'e': p.w = p.v; p.v = RBErr[p.v]; break;
case 'e':
if(opts && opts.cellText === false) p.w = p.v;
p.v = RBErr[p.v]; break;
/* formatting */
fmtid = fillid = 0;
@ -12079,7 +12083,7 @@ function xlml_set_custprop(Custprops, Rn, cp, val/*:string*/) {
function safe_format_xlml(cell/*:Cell*/, nf, o) {
if(cell.t === 'z') return;
try {
if(!o || o.cellText !== false) try {
if(cell.t === 'e') { cell.w = cell.w || BErr[cell.v]; }
else if(nf === "General") {
if(cell.t === 'n') {
@ -12089,6 +12093,8 @@ function safe_format_xlml(cell/*:Cell*/, nf, o) {
else cell.w = SSF._general(cell.v);
else cell.w = xlml_format(nf||"General", cell.v);
} catch(e) { if(o.WTF) throw e; }
try {
var z = XLMLFormatMap[nf]||nf||"General";
if(o.cellNF) cell.z = z;
if(o.cellDates && cell.t == 'n' && SSF.is_date(z)) {
@ -13046,6 +13052,7 @@ function safe_format_xf(p/*:any*/, opts/*:ParseOpts*/, date1904/*:?boolean*/) {
if(!p.XF) return;
try {
var fmtid = p.XF.ifmt||0;
if(opts.cellNF) p.z = SSF._table[fmtid];
if(p.t === 'e'){}
else if(fmtid === 0) {
if(p.t === 'n') {
@ -13058,7 +13065,6 @@ function safe_format_xf(p/*:any*/, opts/*:ParseOpts*/, date1904/*:?boolean*/) {
if(opts.cellDates && fmtid && p.t == 'n' && SSF.is_date(SSF._table[fmtid])) {
var _d = SSF.parse_date_code(p.v); if(_d) { p.t = 'd'; p.v = new Date(Date.UTC(_d.y, _d.m-1,_d.d,_d.H,_d.M,_d.S,_d.u)); }
if(opts.cellNF) p.z = SSF._table[fmtid];
} catch(e) { if(opts.WTF) throw e; }
@ -15877,6 +15883,7 @@ var fix_read_opts = fix_opts_func([
['cellHTML', true], /* emit html string as .h */
['cellFormula', true], /* emit formulae as .f */
['cellStyles', false], /* emits style/theme as .s */
['cellText', true], /* emit formatted text as .w */
['cellDates', false], /* emit date cells with type `d` */
['sheetStubs', false], /* emit empty cells */
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
/*exported XLSX */
var XLSX = {};
(function make_xlsx(XLSX){
XLSX.version = '0.9.11';
XLSX.version = '0.9.12';
var current_codepage = 1200, current_cptable;
if(typeof module !== "undefined" && typeof require !== 'undefined') {
if(typeof cptable === 'undefined') cptable = require('./dist/cpexcel.js');
@ -9888,6 +9888,9 @@ function safe_format(p, fmtid, fillid, opts, themes, styles) {
if(p.t === 'z') return;
if(p.t === 'd' && typeof p.v === 'string') p.v = parseDate(p.v);
try {
if(opts.cellNF) p.z = SSF._table[fmtid];
} catch(e) { if(opts.WTF) throw e; }
if(!opts || opts.cellText !== false) try {
if(p.t === 'e') p.w = p.w || BErr[p.v];
else if(fmtid === 0) {
if(p.t === 'n') {
@ -9904,7 +9907,6 @@ function safe_format(p, fmtid, fillid, opts, themes, styles) {
else if(p.t === 'd') p.w = SSF.format(fmtid,datenum(p.v),_ssfopts);
else p.w = SSF.format(fmtid,p.v,_ssfopts);
if(opts.cellNF) p.z = SSF._table[fmtid];
} catch(e) { if(opts.WTF) throw e; }
if(fillid) try {
p.s = styles.Fills[fillid];
@ -10254,7 +10256,9 @@ return function parse_ws_xml_data(sdata, s, opts, guess, themes, styles) {
if(!opts.cellDates) { p.v = datenum(parseDate(p.v)); p.t = 'n'; }
/* error string in .w, number in .v */
case 'e': p.w = p.v; p.v = RBErr[p.v]; break;
case 'e':
if(opts && opts.cellText === false) p.w = p.v;
p.v = RBErr[p.v]; break;
/* formatting */
fmtid = fillid = 0;
@ -12015,7 +12019,7 @@ function xlml_set_custprop(Custprops, Rn, cp, val) {
function safe_format_xlml(cell, nf, o) {
if(cell.t === 'z') return;
try {
if(!o || o.cellText !== false) try {
if(cell.t === 'e') { cell.w = cell.w || BErr[cell.v]; }
else if(nf === "General") {
if(cell.t === 'n') {
@ -12025,6 +12029,8 @@ function safe_format_xlml(cell, nf, o) {
else cell.w = SSF._general(cell.v);
else cell.w = xlml_format(nf||"General", cell.v);
} catch(e) { if(o.WTF) throw e; }
try {
var z = XLMLFormatMap[nf]||nf||"General";
if(o.cellNF) cell.z = z;
if(o.cellDates && cell.t == 'n' && SSF.is_date(z)) {
@ -12980,6 +12986,7 @@ function safe_format_xf(p, opts, date1904) {
if(!p.XF) return;
try {
var fmtid = p.XF.ifmt||0;
if(opts.cellNF) p.z = SSF._table[fmtid];
if(p.t === 'e'){}
else if(fmtid === 0) {
if(p.t === 'n') {
@ -12992,7 +12999,6 @@ function safe_format_xf(p, opts, date1904) {
if(opts.cellDates && fmtid && p.t == 'n' && SSF.is_date(SSF._table[fmtid])) {
var _d = SSF.parse_date_code(p.v); if(_d) { p.t = 'd'; p.v = new Date(Date.UTC(_d.y, _d.m-1,_d.d,_d.H,_d.M,_d.S,_d.u)); }
if(opts.cellNF) p.z = SSF._table[fmtid];
} catch(e) { if(opts.WTF) throw e; }
@ -15810,6 +15816,7 @@ var fix_read_opts = fix_opts_func([
['cellHTML', true], /* emit html string as .h */
['cellFormula', true], /* emit formulae as .f */
['cellStyles', false], /* emits style/theme as .s */
['cellText', true], /* emit formatted text as .w */
['cellDates', false], /* emit date cells with type `d` */
['sheetStubs', false], /* emit empty cells */
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