archaic browser compatibility and testing

IE11 Compatibility View levels 5 and 7 (see #952)
Firefox 5.0+ passes browser test (see #950)
This commit is contained in:
reviewher 2018-01-11 03:01:25 -05:00
parent 1d74977718
commit c654a2656b
28 changed files with 335 additions and 271 deletions

@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ function utf16beread(data/*:string*/)/*:string*/ {
var debom = function(data/*:string*/)/*:string*/ {
var c1 = data.charCodeAt(0), c2 = data.charCodeAt(1);
if(c1 == 0xFF && c2 == 0xFE) return utf16leread(data.substr(2));
if(c1 == 0xFE && c2 == 0xFF) return utf16beread(data.substr(2));
if(c1 == 0xFEFF) return data.substr(1);
if(c1 == 0xFF && c2 == 0xFE) return utf16leread(data.slice(2));
if(c1 == 0xFE && c2 == 0xFF) return utf16beread(data.slice(2));
if(c1 == 0xFEFF) return data.slice(1);
return data;
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ var _getchar = function _gc1(x/*:number*/)/*:string*/ { return String.fromCharCo
if(typeof cptable !== 'undefined') {
set_cp = function(cp/*:number*/) { current_codepage = cp; };
debom = function(data/*:string*/) {
if(data.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFF && data.charCodeAt(1) === 0xFE) { return cptable.utils.decode(1200, char_codes(data.substr(2))); }
if(data.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFF && data.charCodeAt(1) === 0xFE) { return cptable.utils.decode(1200, char_codes(data.slice(2))); }
return data;
_getchar = function _gc2(x/*:number*/)/*:string*/ {

@ -24,6 +24,15 @@ function arr2str(data/*:any*/)/*:string*/ {
var o/*:Array<string>*/ = []; for(var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) o[i] = _chr(data[i]); return o.join("");
function ab2a(data/*:ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array*/)/*:Array<number>*/ {
if(typeof ArrayBuffer == 'undefined') throw new Error("Unsupported");
if(data instanceof ArrayBuffer) return ab2a(new Uint8Array(data));
/*:: if(data instanceof ArrayBuffer) throw new Error("unreachable"); */
var o = new Array(data.length);
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) o[i] = data[i];
return o;
var bconcat = function(bufs) { return [].concat.apply([], bufs); };
var chr0 = /\u0000/g, chr1 = /[\u0001-\u0006]/g;

@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ function parse_isodur(s) {
if(!m[i]) continue;
mt = 1;
if(i > 3) time = true;
switch(m[i].substr(m[i].length-1)) {
switch(m[i].slice(m[i].length-1)) {
case 'Y':
throw new Error("Unsupported ISO Duration Field: " + m[i].substr(m[i].length-1));
throw new Error("Unsupported ISO Duration Field: " + m[i].slice(m[i].length-1));
case 'D': mt *= 24;
/* falls through */
case 'H': mt *= 60;
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@ function cc2str(arr/*:Array<number>*/)/*:string*/ {
function dup(o/*:any*/)/*:any*/ {
if(typeof JSON != 'undefined' && !Array.isArray(o)) return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(o));
if(typeof o != 'object' || o == null) return o;
if(o instanceof Date) return new Date(o.getTime());
var out = {};
for(var k in o) if(o.hasOwnProperty(k)) out[k] = dup(o[k]);
return out;

@ -7,24 +7,24 @@ function parsexmltag(tag/*:string*/, skip_root/*:?boolean*/)/*:any*/ {
var z = ({}/*:any*/);
var eq = 0, c = 0;
for(; eq !== tag.length; ++eq) if((c = tag.charCodeAt(eq)) === 32 || c === 10 || c === 13) break;
if(!skip_root) z[0] = tag.substr(0, eq);
if(!skip_root) z[0] = tag.slice(0, eq);
if(eq === tag.length) return z;
var m = tag.match(attregexg), j=0, v="", i=0, q="", cc="", quot = 1;
if(m) for(i = 0; i != m.length; ++i) {
cc = m[i];
for(c=0; c != cc.length; ++c) if(cc.charCodeAt(c) === 61) break;
q = cc.substr(0,c).trim();
q = cc.slice(0,c).trim();
while(cc.charCodeAt(c+1) == 32) ++c;
quot = ((eq=cc.charCodeAt(c+1)) == 34 || eq == 39) ? 1 : 0;
v = cc.substring(c+1+quot, cc.length-quot);
v = cc.slice(c+1+quot, cc.length-quot);
for(j=0;j!=q.length;++j) if(q.charCodeAt(j) === 58) break;
if(j===q.length) {
if(q.indexOf("_") > 0) q = q.substr(0, q.indexOf("_")); // from ods
if(q.indexOf("_") > 0) q = q.slice(0, q.indexOf("_")); // from ods
z[q] = v;
else {
var k = (j===5 && q.substr(0,5)==="xmlns"?"xmlns":"")+q.substr(j+1);
if(z[k] && q.substr(j-3,3) == "ext") continue; // from ods
var k = (j===5 && q.slice(0,5)==="xmlns"?"xmlns":"")+q.slice(j+1);
if(z[k] && q.slice(j-3,j) == "ext") continue; // from ods
z[k] = v;

@ -227,9 +227,9 @@ function write_BrtColor(color, o) {
o.write_shift(1, 0);
} else {
var rgb = (color.rgb || 'FFFFFF');
o.write_shift(1, parseInt(rgb.substr(0,2),16));
o.write_shift(1, parseInt(rgb.substr(2,2),16));
o.write_shift(1, parseInt(rgb.substr(4,2),16));
o.write_shift(1, parseInt(rgb.slice(0,2),16));
o.write_shift(1, parseInt(rgb.slice(2,4),16));
o.write_shift(1, parseInt(rgb.slice(4,6),16));
o.write_shift(1, 0xFF);
return o;

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ var RELS = ({
/* 9.3.3 Representing Relationships */
function get_rels_path(file/*:string*/)/*:string*/ {
var n = file.lastIndexOf("/");
return file.substr(0,n+1) + '_rels/' + file.substr(n+1) + ".rels";
return file.slice(0,n+1) + '_rels/' + file.slice(n+1) + ".rels";
function parse_rels(data/*:?string*/, currentFilePath/*:string*/) {

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ var CORE_PROPS_REGEX/*:Array<RegExp>*/ = (function() {
var r = new Array(CORE_PROPS.length);
for(var i = 0; i < CORE_PROPS.length; ++i) {
var f = CORE_PROPS[i];
var g = "(?:"+ f[0].substr(0,f[0].indexOf(":")) +":)"+ f[0].substr(f[0].indexOf(":")+1);
var g = "(?:"+ f[0].slice(0,f[0].indexOf(":")) +":)"+ f[0].slice(f[0].indexOf(":")+1);
r[i] = new RegExp("<" + g + "[^>]*>([\\s\\S]*?)<\/" + g + ">");
return r;

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ function parse_cust_props(data/*:string*/, opts) {
case '</property>': name = null; break;
default: if (x.indexOf('<vt:') === 0) {
var toks = x.split('>');
var type = toks[0].substring(4), text = toks[1];
var type = toks[0].slice(4), text = toks[1];
/* (CT_Variant). Omit the binary types from 22.4 (Variant Types) */
switch(type) {
case 'lpstr': case 'bstr': case 'lpwstr':
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ function parse_cust_props(data/*:string*/, opts) {
if(type.slice(-1) == '/') break;
if(opts.WTF && typeof console !== 'undefined') console.warn('Unexpected', x, type, toks);
} else if(x.substr(0,2) === "</") {/* empty */
} else if(x.slice(0,2) === "</") {/* empty */
} else if(opts.WTF) throw new Error(x);

@ -312,6 +312,7 @@ function parse_ShortXLUnicodeString(blob, length, opts) {
} else if(opts.biff == 12) {
width = 2; encoding = 'wstr';
if(opts.biff >= 2 && opts.biff <= 5) encoding = 'cpstr';
var o = cch ? blob.read_shift(cch, encoding) : "";
current_codepage = cp;
return o;
@ -342,7 +343,7 @@ function parse_XLUnicodeRichExtendedString(blob) {
function parse_XLUnicodeStringNoCch(blob, cch, opts) {
var retval;
if(opts) {
if(opts.biff >= 2 && opts.biff <= 5) return blob.read_shift(cch, 'sbcs-cont');
if(opts.biff >= 2 && opts.biff <= 5) return blob.read_shift(cch, 'cpstr');
if(opts.biff >= 12) return blob.read_shift(cch, 'dbcs-cont');
var fHighByte = blob.read_shift(1);
@ -362,7 +363,7 @@ function parse_XLUnicodeString2(blob, length, opts) {
if(opts.biff > 5) return parse_XLUnicodeString(blob, length, opts);
var cch = blob.read_shift(1);
if(cch === 0) { blob.l++; return ""; }
return blob.read_shift(cch, opts.biff == 4 ? 'cpstr' : 'sbcs-cont');
return blob.read_shift(cch, (opts.biff <= 4 || !blob.lens ) ? 'cpstr' : 'sbcs-cont');
/* TODO: BIFF5 and lower, codepage awareness */
function write_XLUnicodeString(str, opts, o) {

@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ function dbf_to_aoa(buf, opts)/*:AOA*/ {
out[R][C] = out[R][C].trim();
case 'D':
if(s.length === 8) out[R][C] = new Date(+s.substr(0,4), +s.substr(4,2)-1, +s.substr(6,2));
if(s.length === 8) out[R][C] = new Date(+s.slice(0,4), +s.slice(4,6)-1, +s.slice(6,8));
else out[R][C] = s;
case 'F': out[R][C] = parseFloat(s.trim()); break;
@ -325,18 +325,18 @@ var SYLK = (function() {
case 'O': break; /* options? */
case 'P':
if(record[1].charAt(0) == 'P')
formats.push(rstr.substr(3).replace(/;;/g, ";"));
formats.push(rstr.slice(3).replace(/;;/g, ";"));
case 'C':
for(rj=1; rj<record.length; ++rj) switch(record[rj].charAt(0)) {
case 'X': C = parseInt(record[rj].substr(1))-1; break;
case 'X': C = parseInt(record[rj].slice(1))-1; break;
case 'Y':
R = parseInt(record[rj].substr(1))-1; C = 0;
R = parseInt(record[rj].slice(1))-1; C = 0;
for(j = arr.length; j <= R; ++j) arr[j] = [];
case 'K':
val = record[rj].substr(1);
if(val.charAt(0) === '"') val = val.substr(1,val.length - 2);
val = record[rj].slice(1);
if(val.charAt(0) === '"') val = val.slice(1,val.length - 1);
else if(val === 'TRUE') val = true;
else if(val === 'FALSE') val = false;
else if(!isNaN(fuzzynum(val))) {
@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ var SYLK = (function() {
next_cell_format = null;
case 'E':
var formula = rc_to_a1(record[rj].substr(1), {r:R,c:C});
var formula = rc_to_a1(record[rj].slice(1), {r:R,c:C});
arr[R][C] = [arr[R][C], formula];
default: if(opts && opts.WTF) throw new Error("SYLK bad record " + rstr);
@ -357,31 +357,31 @@ var SYLK = (function() {
case 'F':
var F_seen = 0;
for(rj=1; rj<record.length; ++rj) switch(record[rj].charAt(0)) {
case 'X': C = parseInt(record[rj].substr(1))-1; ++F_seen; break;
case 'X': C = parseInt(record[rj].slice(1))-1; ++F_seen; break;
case 'Y':
R = parseInt(record[rj].substr(1))-1; /*C = 0;*/
R = parseInt(record[rj].slice(1))-1; /*C = 0;*/
for(j = arr.length; j <= R; ++j) arr[j] = [];
case 'M': Mval = parseInt(record[rj].substr(1)) / 20; break;
case 'M': Mval = parseInt(record[rj].slice(1)) / 20; break;
case 'F': break; /* ??? */
case 'P':
next_cell_format = formats[parseInt(record[rj].substr(1))];
next_cell_format = formats[parseInt(record[rj].slice(1))];
case 'S': break; /* cell style */
case 'D': break; /* column */
case 'N': break; /* font */
case 'W':
cw = record[rj].substr(1).split(" ");
cw = record[rj].slice(1).split(" ");
for(j = parseInt(cw[0], 10); j <= parseInt(cw[1], 10); ++j) {
Mval = parseInt(cw[2], 10);
colinfo[j-1] = Mval === 0 ? {hidden:true}: {wch:Mval}; process_col(colinfo[j-1]);
} break;
case 'C': /* default column format */
C = parseInt(record[rj].substr(1))-1;
C = parseInt(record[rj].slice(1))-1;
if(!colinfo[C]) colinfo[C] = {};
case 'R': /* row properties */
R = parseInt(record[rj].substr(1))-1;
R = parseInt(record[rj].slice(1))-1;
if(!rowinfo[R]) rowinfo[R] = {};
if(Mval > 0) { rowinfo[R].hpt = Mval; rowinfo[R].hpx = pt2px(Mval); }
else if(Mval === 0) rowinfo[R].hidden = true;
@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ var DIF = (function() {
else arr[R][C] = value;
++C; break;
case 1:
data = data.substr(1,data.length-2);
data = data.slice(1,data.length-1);
arr[R][C++] = data !== '' ? data : null;
@ -761,8 +761,8 @@ var PRN = (function() {
var ws/*:Worksheet*/ = o.dense ? ([]/*:any*/) : ({}/*:any*/);
var range/*:Range*/ = ({s: {c:0, r:0}, e: {c:0, r:0}}/*:any*/);
if(str.substr(0,4) == "sep=" && str.charCodeAt(5) == 10) { sep = str.charAt(4); str = str.substr(6); }
else sep = guess_sep(str.substr(0,1024));
if(str.slice(0,4) == "sep=" && str.charCodeAt(5) == 10) { sep = str.charAt(4); str = str.slice(6); }
else sep = guess_sep(str.slice(0,1024));
var R = 0, C = 0, v = 0;
var start = 0, end = 0, sepcc = sep.charCodeAt(0), instr = false, cc=0;
str = str.replace(/\r\n/mg, "\n");
@ -776,7 +776,7 @@ var PRN = (function() {
else if(s.trim().length === 0) { cell.t = 's'; cell.v = s; }
else if(s.charCodeAt(0) == 0x3D) {
if(s.charCodeAt(1) == 0x22 && s.charCodeAt(s.length - 1) == 0x22) { cell.t = 's'; cell.v = s.slice(2,-1).replace(/""/g,'"'); }
else if(fuzzyfmla(s)) { cell.t = 'n'; cell.f = s.substr(1); }
else if(fuzzyfmla(s)) { cell.t = 'n'; cell.f = s.slice(1); }
else { cell.t = 's'; cell.v = s; } }
else if(s == "TRUE") { cell.t = 'b'; cell.v = true; }
else if(s == "FALSE") { cell.t = 'b'; cell.v = false; }
@ -846,7 +846,7 @@ var PRN = (function() {
var coord = encode_cell({r:R,c:C});
cell = dense ? (ws[R]||[])[C] : ws[coord];
if(!cell || cell.v == null) { oo.push(" "); continue; }
var w = (cell.w || (format_cell(cell), cell.w) || "").substr(0,10);
var w = (cell.w || (format_cell(cell), cell.w) || "").slice(0,10);
while(w.length < 10) w += " ";
oo.push(w + (C === 0 ? " " : ""));

@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ var WK_ = (function() {
case 0x06: refguess = val; break; /* RANGE */
case 0x0F: /* LABEL */
if(!o.qpro) val[1].v = val[1].v.substr(1);
if(!o.qpro) val[1].v = val[1].v.slice(1);
/* falls through */
case 0x0D: /* INTEGER */
case 0x0E: /* NUMBER */
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ var WK_ = (function() {
} else switch(RT) {
case 0x16: /* LABEL16 */
val[1].v = val[1].v.substr(1);
val[1].v = val[1].v.slice(1);
/* falls through */
case 0x17: /* NUMBER17 */
case 0x18: /* NUMBER18 */

@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ var parse_rs = (function parse_rs_factory() {
/* color CT_Color TODO: tint, theme, auto, indexed */
case '<color':
if(y.rgb) font.color = y.rgb.substr(2,6);
if(y.rgb) font.color = y.rgb.slice(2,8);
/* 18.8.18 family ST_FontFamily */

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
function hex2RGB(h) {
var o = h.substr(h[0]==="#"?1:0,6);
return [parseInt(o.substr(0,2),16),parseInt(o.substr(2,2),16),parseInt(o.substr(4,2),16)];
var o = h.slice(h[0]==="#"?1:0).slice(0,6);
return [parseInt(o.slice(0,2),16),parseInt(o.slice(2,4),16),parseInt(o.slice(4,6),16)];
function rgb2Hex(rgb) {
for(var i=0,o=1; i!=3; ++i) o = o*256 + (rgb[i]>255?255:rgb[i]<0?0:rgb[i]);
return o.toString(16).toUpperCase().substr(1);
return o.toString(16).toUpperCase().slice(1);
function rgb2HSL(rgb) {

@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ function parse_clrScheme(t, themes, opts) {
color = {};
} else { = y[0].substring(3, y[0].length - 1); = y[0].slice(3, y[0].length - 1);

@ -690,8 +690,8 @@ var PtgBinOp = {
PtgPower: "^",
PtgSub: "-"
function formula_quote_sheet_name(sname/*:string*/)/*:string*/ {
if(!sname) throw new Error("empty sheet name");
function formula_quote_sheet_name(sname/*:string*/, opts)/*:string*/ {
if(!sname && !(opts && opts.biff <= 5 && opts.biff >= 2)) throw new Error("empty sheet name");
if(sname.indexOf(" ") > -1) return "'" + sname + "'";
return sname;
@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ function get_ixti_raw(supbooks, ixti/*:number*/, opts)/*:string*/ {
function get_ixti(supbooks, ixti/*:number*/, opts)/*:string*/ {
return formula_quote_sheet_name(get_ixti_raw(supbooks, ixti, opts));
return formula_quote_sheet_name(get_ixti_raw(supbooks, ixti, opts), opts);
function stringify_formula(formula/*Array<any>*/, range, cell/*:any*/, supbooks, opts)/*:string*/ {
var _range = /*range != null ? range :*/ {s:{c:0, r:0},e:{c:0, r:0}};

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
/* Part 3 TODO: actually parse formulae */
function ods_to_csf_formula(f/*:string*/)/*:string*/ {
if(f.substr(0,3) == "of:") f = f.substr(3);
if(f.slice(0,3) == "of:") f = f.slice(3);
/* 5.2 Basic Expressions */
if(f.charCodeAt(0) == 61) {
f = f.substr(1);
if(f.charCodeAt(0) == 61) f = f.substr(1);
f = f.slice(1);
if(f.charCodeAt(0) == 61) f = f.slice(1);
f = f.replace(/COM\.MICROSOFT\./g, "");
/* Part 3 Section 5.8 References */

@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ function parse_ws_xml(data/*:?string*/, opts, idx/*:number*/, rels, wb/*:WBWBPro
var data1 = "", data2 = "";
var mtch/*:?any*/ = data.match(sheetdataregex);
if(mtch) {
data1 = data.substr(0, mtch.index);
data2 = data.substr(mtch.index + mtch[0].length);
data1 = data.slice(0, mtch.index);
data2 = data.slice(mtch.index + mtch[0].length);
} else data1 = data2 = data;
/* sheetPr CT_SheetPr */
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ function parse_ws_xml(data/*:?string*/, opts, idx/*:number*/, rels, wb/*:WBWBPro
// $FlowIgnore
var ridx = (data1.match(/<(?:\w*:)?dimension/)||{index:-1}).index;
if(ridx > 0) {
var ref = data1.substr(ridx,50).match(dimregex);
var ref = data1.slice(ridx,ridx+50).match(dimregex);
if(ref) parse_ws_xml_dim(s, ref[1]);
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ function parse_ws_xml(data/*:?string*/, opts, idx/*:number*/, rels, wb/*:WBWBPro
var merges/*:Array<Range>*/ = [];
var _merge = data2.match(mergecregex);
if(_merge) for(ridx = 0; ridx != _merge.length; ++ridx)
merges[ridx] = safe_decode_range(_merge[ridx].substr(_merge[ridx].indexOf("\"")+1));
merges[ridx] = safe_decode_range(_merge[ridx].slice(_merge[ridx].indexOf("\"")+1));
/* hyperlinks CT_Hyperlinks */
var hlink = data2.match(hlinkregex);
@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ function write_ws_xml_cell(cell/*:Cell*/, ref, ws, opts, idx, wb)/*:string*/ {
if(cell.t != oldt) { cell.t = oldt; cell.v = oldv; }
if(cell.f) {
var ff = cell.F && cell.F.substr(0, ref.length) == ref ? {t:"array", ref:cell.F} : null;
var ff = cell.F && cell.F.slice(0, ref.length) == ref ? {t:"array", ref:cell.F} : null;
v = writextag('f', escapexml(cell.f), ff) + (cell.v != null ? v : "");
if(cell.l) ws['!links'].push([ref, cell.l]);
@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ return function parse_ws_xml_data(sdata/*:string*/, s, opts, guess/*:Range*/, th
/* row CT_Row */
for(ri = 0; ri < xlen; ++ri) if(x.charCodeAt(ri) === 62) break; ++ri;
tag = parsexmltag(x.substr(0,ri), true);
tag = parsexmltag(x.slice(0,ri), true);
tagr = tag.r != null ? parseInt(tag.r, 10) : tagr+1; tagc = -1;
if(opts.sheetRows && opts.sheetRows < tagr) continue;
if(guess.s.r > tagr - 1) guess.s.r = tagr - 1;
@ -298,12 +298,12 @@ return function parse_ws_xml_data(sdata/*:string*/, s, opts, guess/*:Range*/, th
/* c CT_Cell */
cells = x.substr(ri).split(cellregex);
cells = x.slice(ri).split(cellregex);
for(ri = 0; ri != cells.length; ++ri) {
x = cells[ri].trim();
if(x.length === 0) continue;
cref = x.match(rregex); idx = ri; i=0; cc=0;
x = "<c " + (x.substr(0,1)=="<"?">":"") + x;
x = "<c " + (x.slice(0,1)=="<"?">":"") + x;
if(cref != null && cref.length === 2) {
idx = 0; d=cref[1];
for(i=0; i != d.length; ++i) {
@ -314,9 +314,9 @@ return function parse_ws_xml_data(sdata/*:string*/, s, opts, guess/*:Range*/, th
tagc = idx;
} else ++tagc;
for(i = 0; i != x.length; ++i) if(x.charCodeAt(i) === 62) break; ++i;
tag = parsexmltag(x.substr(0,i), true);
tag = parsexmltag(x.slice(0,i), true);
if(!tag.r) tag.r = encode_cell({r:tagr-1, c:tagc});
d = x.substr(i);
d = x.slice(i);
p = ({t:""}/*:any*/);
if((cref=d.match(match_v))!= null && /*::cref != null && */cref[1] !== '') p.v=unescapexml(cref[1]);
@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ function write_ws_xml(idx/*:number*/, opts, wb/*:Workbook*/, rels)/*:string*/ {
rId = add_rels(rels, -1, escapexml(l[1].Target).replace(/#.*$/, ""), RELS.HLINK);
rel["r:id"] = "rId"+rId;
if((relc = l[1].Target.indexOf("#")) > -1) rel.location = escapexml(l[1].Target.substr(relc+1));
if((relc = l[1].Target.indexOf("#")) > -1) rel.location = escapexml(l[1].Target.slice(relc+1));
if(l[1].Tooltip) rel.tooltip = escapexml(l[1].Tooltip);
o[o.length] = writextag("hyperlink",null,rel);

@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ function write_BrtHLink(l, rId) {
write_UncheckedRfX({s:decode_cell(l[0]), e:decode_cell(l[0])}, o);
write_RelID("rId" + rId, o);
var locidx = l[1].Target.indexOf("#");
var loc = locidx == -1 ? "" : l[1].Target.substr(locidx+1);
var loc = locidx == -1 ? "" : l[1].Target.slice(locidx+1);
write_XLWideString(loc || "", o);
write_XLWideString(l[1].Tooltip || "", o);
write_XLWideString("", o);

@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ function write_wb_xml(wb/*:Workbook*/, opts/*:?WriteOpts*/)/*:string*/ {
o[o.length] = "<sheets>";
var sheets = wb.Workbook && wb.Workbook.Sheets || [];
for(var i = 0; i != wb.SheetNames.length; ++i) {
var sht = ({name:escapexml(wb.SheetNames[i].substr(0,31))}/*:any*/);
var sht = ({name:escapexml(wb.SheetNames[i].slice(0,31))}/*:any*/);
sht.sheetId = ""+(i+1);
sht["r:id"] = "rId"+(i+1);
if(sheets[i]) switch(sheets[i].Hidden) {

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ function write_BrtBundleSh(data, o) {
o.write_shift(4, data.Hidden);
o.write_shift(4, data.iTabID);
write_RelID(data.strRelID, o);
write_XLWideString(,31), o);
write_XLWideString(,31), o);
return o.length > o.l ? o.slice(0, o.l) : o;

@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ function xlml_parsexmltag(tag/*:string*/, skip_root/*:?boolean*/) {
if(m) for(i = 0; i != m.length; ++i) {
y = m[i].match(attregex2);
/*:: if(!y || !y[2]) continue; */
if((j=y[1].indexOf(":")) === -1) z[y[1]] = y[2].substr(1,y[2].length-2);
if((j=y[1].indexOf(":")) === -1) z[y[1]] = y[2].slice(1,y[2].length-1);
else {
if(y[1].substr(0,6) === "xmlns:") w = "xmlns"+y[1].substr(6);
else w = y[1].substr(j+1);
z[w] = y[2].substr(1,y[2].length-2);
if(y[1].slice(0,6) === "xmlns:") w = "xmlns"+y[1].slice(6);
else w = y[1].slice(j+1);
z[w] = y[2].slice(1,y[2].length-1);
return z;
@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ function xlml_parsexmltagobj(tag/*:string*/) {
if(m) for(i = 0; i != m.length; ++i) {
y = m[i].match(attregex2);
/*:: if(!y || !y[2]) continue; */
if((j=y[1].indexOf(":")) === -1) z[y[1]] = y[2].substr(1,y[2].length-2);
if((j=y[1].indexOf(":")) === -1) z[y[1]] = y[2].slice(1,y[2].length-1);
else {
if(y[1].substr(0,6) === "xmlns:") w = "xmlns"+y[1].substr(6);
else w = y[1].substr(j+1);
z[w] = y[2].substr(1,y[2].length-2);
if(y[1].slice(0,6) === "xmlns:") w = "xmlns"+y[1].slice(6);
else w = y[1].slice(j+1);
z[w] = y[2].slice(1,y[2].length-1);
return z;
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ function parse_xlml_data(xml, ss, data, cell/*:any*/, base, styles, csty, row, a
if(cell.Formula) {
var fstr = unescapexml(cell.Formula);
/* strictly speaking, the leading = is required but some writers omit */
if(fstr.charCodeAt(0) == 61 /* = */) fstr = fstr.substr(1);
if(fstr.charCodeAt(0) == 61 /* = */) fstr = fstr.slice(1);
cell.f = rc_to_a1(fstr, base);
delete cell.Formula;
if(cell.ArrayRange == "RC") cell.F = rc_to_a1("RC:RC", base);
@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ function parse_xlml_xml(d, _opts)/*:Workbook*/ {
var _NamedRange = parsexmltag(Rn[0]);
var _DefinedName/*:DefinedName*/ = ({
Name: _NamedRange.Name,
Ref: rc_to_a1(_NamedRange.RefersTo.substr(1), {r:0, c:0})
Ref: rc_to_a1(_NamedRange.RefersTo.slice(1), {r:0, c:0})
if(Workbook.Sheets.length>0) _DefinedName.Sheet=Workbook.Sheets.length-1;
/*:: if(Workbook.Names) */Workbook.Names.push(_DefinedName);
@ -1017,8 +1017,8 @@ function write_ws_xlml_cell(cell, ref/*:string*/, ws, opts, idx/*:number*/, wb,
var attr = {};
if(cell.f) attr["ss:Formula"] = "=" + escapexml(a1_to_rc(cell.f, addr));
if(cell.F && cell.F.substr(0, ref.length) == ref) {
var end = decode_cell(cell.F.substr(ref.length + 1));
if(cell.F && cell.F.slice(0, ref.length) == ref) {
var end = decode_cell(cell.F.slice(ref.length + 1));
attr["ss:ArrayRange"] = "RC:R" + (end.r == addr.r ? "" : "[" + (end.r - addr.r) + "]") + "C" + (end.c == addr.c ? "" : "[" + (end.c - addr.c) + "]");

@ -14,13 +14,13 @@ var HTML_ = (function() {
var merges/*:Array<Range>*/ = [], midx = 0;
for(i = 0; i < rows.length; ++i) {
var row = rows[i].trim();
var hd = row.substr(0,3).toLowerCase();
var hd = row.slice(0,3).toLowerCase();
if(hd == "<tr") { ++R; C = 0; continue; }
if(hd != "<td") continue;
var cells = row.split(/<\/td>/i);
for(j = 0; j < cells.length; ++j) {
var cell = cells[j].trim();
if(cell.substr(0,3).toLowerCase() != "<td") continue;
if(cell.slice(0,3).toLowerCase() != "<td") continue;
var m = cell, cc = 0;
/* TODO: parse styles etc */
while(m.charAt(0) == "<" && (cc = m.indexOf(">")) > -1) m = m.slice(cc+1);

@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ var write_content_ods/*:{(wb:any, opts:any):string}*/ = (function() {
if(cell && cell.f) {
ct['table:formula'] = escapexml(csf_to_ods_formula(cell.f));
if(cell.F) {
if(cell.F.substr(0, ref.length) == ref) {
if(cell.F.slice(0, ref.length) == ref) {
var _Fref = decode_range(cell.F);
ct['table:number-matrix-columns-spanned'] = (_Fref.e.c - _Fref.s.c + 1);
ct['table:number-matrix-rows-spanned'] = (_Fref.e.r - _Fref.s.r + 1);

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ function firstbyte(f/*:RawData*/,o/*:?TypeOpts*/)/*:Array<number>*/ {
var x = "";
switch((o||{}).type || "base64") {
case 'buffer': return [f[0], f[1], f[2], f[3]];
case 'base64': x = Base64.decode(f.substr(0,24)); break;
case 'base64': x = Base64.decode(f.slice(0,24)); break;
case 'binary': x = f; break;
case 'array': return [f[0], f[1], f[2], f[3]];
default: throw new Error("Unrecognized type " + (o && o.type || "undefined"));
@ -79,6 +79,12 @@ function readSync(data/*:RawData*/, opts/*:?ParseOpts*/)/*:Workbook*/ {
if(!o.type) o.type = (has_buf && Buffer.isBuffer(data)) ? "buffer" : "base64";
if(o.type == "file") { o.type = "buffer"; d = _fs.readFileSync(data); }
if(o.type == "string") { str = true; o.type = "binary"; d = bstrify(data); }
if(o.type == 'array' && typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined' && data instanceof Uint8Array) {
// $FlowIgnore
var ab=new ArrayBuffer(3), vu=new Uint8Array(ab);"bar";
// $FlowIgnore
if(! {o=dup(o); o.type='array'; return readSync(ab2a(d), o);}
switch((n = firstbyte(d, o))[0]) {
case 0xD0: return read_cfb(, o), o);
case 0x09: return parse_xlscfb(d, o);


@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ function parsetest(x/*:string*/, wb/*:Workbook*/, full/*:boolean*/, ext/*:?strin
describe(x + ext + ' should generate correct JSON output', function() {
if(typeof JSON !== 'undefined') describe(x + ext + ' should generate correct JSON output', function() {
wb.SheetNames.forEach(function(ws, i) {
var rawjson = getfile(dir, x, i, ".rawjson");
if(fs.existsSync(rawjson)) it('#' + i + ' (' + ws + ')', function() {
@ -601,15 +601,21 @@ describe('input formats', function() {
it('should read base64 strings', function() { artifax.forEach(function(p) {, 'base64'), {type: 'base64'});
}); });
var k = browser ? 'array' : 'buffer';
(typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined' ? it : it.skip)('should read ' + k + 's', function() { artifax.forEach(function(p) {, browser ? 'buffer' : null), {type: k});
}); });
(typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined' ? it : it.skip)('should read array', function() { artifax.forEach(function(p) {, 'binary').split("").map(function(x) { return x.charCodeAt(0); }), {type:'array'});, 'binary').split("").map(function(x) { return x.charCodeAt(0); }), {type:'array'});
}); });
((browser || typeof Buffer === 'undefined') ? it.skip : it)('should read Buffers', function() { artifax.forEach(function(p) {, {type: 'buffer'});
}); });
(typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined' ? it : it.skip)('should read ArrayBuffer / Uint8Array', function() { artifax.forEach(function(p) {
var payload = fs.readFileSync(p, browser ? 'buffer' : null);
var ab = new ArrayBuffer(payload.length), vu = new Uint8Array(ab);
for(var i = 0; i < payload.length; ++i) vu[i] = payload[i];, {type: 'array'});, {type: 'array'});
}); });
it('should throw if format is unknown', function() { artifax.forEach(function(p) {
assert.throws(function() {, {type: 'dafuq'}); });
assert.throws(function() {, {type: 'dafuq'}); });
}); });
var T = browser ? 'base64' : 'buffer';
@ -1011,8 +1017,8 @@ describe('parse features', function() {
var wb1, wb2;
var bef = (function() {
X = require(modp);
wb1 = { return, {type:TYPE}); });
wb2 = { return, {type:TYPE}); });
wb1 = { return, {type:TYPE, WTF:1}); });
wb2 = { return, {type:TYPE, WTF:1}); });
if(typeof before != 'undefined') before(bef);
else it('before', bef);
@ -1127,7 +1133,7 @@ describe('parse features', function() {
var wbs=[];
var bef = (function() {
if(!fs.existsSync(paths.pmxls)) return;
wbs = { return, {type:TYPE}); });
wbs = { return, {type:TYPE, WTF:1}); });
if(typeof before != 'undefined') before(bef);
else it('before', bef);
@ -1550,6 +1556,7 @@ describe('invalid files', function() {
describe('json output', function() {
function seeker(json, keys, val) {
if(typeof keys == "string") keys = keys.split("");
for(var i = 0; i != json.length; ++i) {
for(var j = 0; j != keys.length; ++j) {
if(json[i][keys[j]] === val) throw new Error("found " + val + " in row " + i + " key " + keys[j]);
@ -2031,7 +2038,7 @@ describe('corner cases', function() {
assert.doesNotThrow(function(x) { return X.SSF.format(f, 12345.6789);});
it('SSF oddities', function() {
if(typeof JSON !== 'undefined') it('SSF oddities', function() {
// $FlowIgnore
var ssfdata = require('./misc/ssf.json');
var cb = function(d, j) { return function() { return X.SSF.format(d[0], d[j][0]); }; };

tests/core.js generated

@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ function parsetest(x/*:string*/, wb/*:Workbook*/, full/*:boolean*/, ext/*:?strin
describe(x + ext + ' should generate correct JSON output', function() {
if(typeof JSON !== 'undefined') describe(x + ext + ' should generate correct JSON output', function() {
wb.SheetNames.forEach(function(ws, i) {
var rawjson = getfile(dir, x, i, ".rawjson");
if(fs.existsSync(rawjson)) it('#' + i + ' (' + ws + ')', function() {
@ -601,15 +601,21 @@ describe('input formats', function() {
it('should read base64 strings', function() { artifax.forEach(function(p) {, 'base64'), {type: 'base64'});
}); });
var k = browser ? 'array' : 'buffer';
(typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined' ? it : it.skip)('should read ' + k + 's', function() { artifax.forEach(function(p) {, browser ? 'buffer' : null), {type: k});
}); });
(typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined' ? it : it.skip)('should read array', function() { artifax.forEach(function(p) {, 'binary').split("").map(function(x) { return x.charCodeAt(0); }), {type:'array'});, 'binary').split("").map(function(x) { return x.charCodeAt(0); }), {type:'array'});
}); });
((browser || typeof Buffer === 'undefined') ? it.skip : it)('should read Buffers', function() { artifax.forEach(function(p) {, {type: 'buffer'});
}); });
(typeof Uint8Array !== 'undefined' ? it : it.skip)('should read ArrayBuffer / Uint8Array', function() { artifax.forEach(function(p) {
var payload = fs.readFileSync(p, browser ? 'buffer' : null);
var ab = new ArrayBuffer(payload.length), vu = new Uint8Array(ab);
for(var i = 0; i < payload.length; ++i) vu[i] = payload[i];, {type: 'array'});, {type: 'array'});
}); });
it('should throw if format is unknown', function() { artifax.forEach(function(p) {
assert.throws(function() {, {type: 'dafuq'}); });
assert.throws(function() {, {type: 'dafuq'}); });
}); });
var T = browser ? 'base64' : 'buffer';
@ -1011,8 +1017,8 @@ describe('parse features', function() {
var wb1, wb2;
var bef = (function() {
X = require(modp);
wb1 = { return, {type:TYPE}); });
wb2 = { return, {type:TYPE}); });
wb1 = { return, {type:TYPE, WTF:1}); });
wb2 = { return, {type:TYPE, WTF:1}); });
if(typeof before != 'undefined') before(bef);
else it('before', bef);
@ -1127,7 +1133,7 @@ describe('parse features', function() {
var wbs=[];
var bef = (function() {
if(!fs.existsSync(paths.pmxls)) return;
wbs = { return, {type:TYPE}); });
wbs = { return, {type:TYPE, WTF:1}); });
if(typeof before != 'undefined') before(bef);
else it('before', bef);
@ -1550,6 +1556,7 @@ describe('invalid files', function() {
describe('json output', function() {
function seeker(json, keys, val) {
if(typeof keys == "string") keys = keys.split("");
for(var i = 0; i != json.length; ++i) {
for(var j = 0; j != keys.length; ++j) {
if(json[i][keys[j]] === val) throw new Error("found " + val + " in row " + i + " key " + keys[j]);
@ -2031,7 +2038,7 @@ describe('corner cases', function() {
assert.doesNotThrow(function(x) { return X.SSF.format(f, 12345.6789);});
it('SSF oddities', function() {
if(typeof JSON !== 'undefined') it('SSF oddities', function() {
// $FlowIgnore
var ssfdata = require('./misc/ssf.json');
var cb = function(d, j) { return function() { return X.SSF.format(d[0], d[j][0]); }; };

@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ function utf16beread(data/*:string*/)/*:string*/ {
var debom = function(data/*:string*/)/*:string*/ {
var c1 = data.charCodeAt(0), c2 = data.charCodeAt(1);
if(c1 == 0xFF && c2 == 0xFE) return utf16leread(data.substr(2));
if(c1 == 0xFE && c2 == 0xFF) return utf16beread(data.substr(2));
if(c1 == 0xFEFF) return data.substr(1);
if(c1 == 0xFF && c2 == 0xFE) return utf16leread(data.slice(2));
if(c1 == 0xFE && c2 == 0xFF) return utf16beread(data.slice(2));
if(c1 == 0xFEFF) return data.slice(1);
return data;
@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ var _getchar = function _gc1(x/*:number*/)/*:string*/ { return String.fromCharCo
if(typeof cptable !== 'undefined') {
set_cp = function(cp/*:number*/) { current_codepage = cp; };
debom = function(data/*:string*/) {
if(data.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFF && data.charCodeAt(1) === 0xFE) { return cptable.utils.decode(1200, char_codes(data.substr(2))); }
if(data.charCodeAt(0) === 0xFF && data.charCodeAt(1) === 0xFE) { return cptable.utils.decode(1200, char_codes(data.slice(2))); }
return data;
_getchar = function _gc2(x/*:number*/)/*:string*/ {
@ -146,6 +146,15 @@ function arr2str(data/*:any*/)/*:string*/ {
var o/*:Array<string>*/ = []; for(var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) o[i] = _chr(data[i]); return o.join("");
function ab2a(data/*:ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array*/)/*:Array<number>*/ {
if(typeof ArrayBuffer == 'undefined') throw new Error("Unsupported");
if(data instanceof ArrayBuffer) return ab2a(new Uint8Array(data));
/*:: if(data instanceof ArrayBuffer) throw new Error("unreachable"); */
var o = new Array(data.length);
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) o[i] = data[i];
return o;
var bconcat = function(bufs) { return [].concat.apply([], bufs); };
var chr0 = /\u0000/g, chr1 = /[\u0001-\u0006]/g;
@ -1892,9 +1901,9 @@ function parse_isodur(s) {
if(!m[i]) continue;
mt = 1;
if(i > 3) time = true;
switch(m[i].substr(m[i].length-1)) {
switch(m[i].slice(m[i].length-1)) {
case 'Y':
throw new Error("Unsupported ISO Duration Field: " + m[i].substr(m[i].length-1));
throw new Error("Unsupported ISO Duration Field: " + m[i].slice(m[i].length-1));
case 'D': mt *= 24;
/* falls through */
case 'H': mt *= 60;
@ -1943,6 +1952,7 @@ function cc2str(arr/*:Array<number>*/)/*:string*/ {
function dup(o/*:any*/)/*:any*/ {
if(typeof JSON != 'undefined' && !Array.isArray(o)) return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(o));
if(typeof o != 'object' || o == null) return o;
if(o instanceof Date) return new Date(o.getTime());
var out = {};
for(var k in o) if(o.hasOwnProperty(k)) out[k] = dup(o[k]);
return out;
@ -2063,24 +2073,24 @@ function parsexmltag(tag/*:string*/, skip_root/*:?boolean*/)/*:any*/ {
var z = ({}/*:any*/);
var eq = 0, c = 0;
for(; eq !== tag.length; ++eq) if((c = tag.charCodeAt(eq)) === 32 || c === 10 || c === 13) break;
if(!skip_root) z[0] = tag.substr(0, eq);
if(!skip_root) z[0] = tag.slice(0, eq);
if(eq === tag.length) return z;
var m = tag.match(attregexg), j=0, v="", i=0, q="", cc="", quot = 1;
if(m) for(i = 0; i != m.length; ++i) {
cc = m[i];
for(c=0; c != cc.length; ++c) if(cc.charCodeAt(c) === 61) break;
q = cc.substr(0,c).trim();
q = cc.slice(0,c).trim();
while(cc.charCodeAt(c+1) == 32) ++c;
quot = ((eq=cc.charCodeAt(c+1)) == 34 || eq == 39) ? 1 : 0;
v = cc.substring(c+1+quot, cc.length-quot);
v = cc.slice(c+1+quot, cc.length-quot);
for(j=0;j!=q.length;++j) if(q.charCodeAt(j) === 58) break;
if(j===q.length) {
if(q.indexOf("_") > 0) q = q.substr(0, q.indexOf("_")); // from ods
if(q.indexOf("_") > 0) q = q.slice(0, q.indexOf("_")); // from ods
z[q] = v;
else {
var k = (j===5 && q.substr(0,5)==="xmlns"?"xmlns":"")+q.substr(j+1);
if(z[k] && q.substr(j-3,3) == "ext") continue; // from ods
var k = (j===5 && q.slice(0,5)==="xmlns"?"xmlns":"")+q.slice(j+1);
if(z[k] && q.slice(j-3,j) == "ext") continue; // from ods
z[k] = v;
@ -3061,9 +3071,9 @@ function write_BrtColor(color, o) {
o.write_shift(1, 0);
} else {
var rgb = (color.rgb || 'FFFFFF');
o.write_shift(1, parseInt(rgb.substr(0,2),16));
o.write_shift(1, parseInt(rgb.substr(2,2),16));
o.write_shift(1, parseInt(rgb.substr(4,2),16));
o.write_shift(1, parseInt(rgb.slice(0,2),16));
o.write_shift(1, parseInt(rgb.slice(2,4),16));
o.write_shift(1, parseInt(rgb.slice(4,6),16));
o.write_shift(1, 0xFF);
return o;
@ -3697,7 +3707,7 @@ var RELS = ({
/* 9.3.3 Representing Relationships */
function get_rels_path(file/*:string*/)/*:string*/ {
var n = file.lastIndexOf("/");
return file.substr(0,n+1) + '_rels/' + file.substr(n+1) + ".rels";
return file.slice(0,n+1) + '_rels/' + file.slice(n+1) + ".rels";
function parse_rels(data/*:?string*/, currentFilePath/*:string*/) {
@ -3844,7 +3854,7 @@ var CORE_PROPS_REGEX/*:Array<RegExp>*/ = (function() {
var r = new Array(CORE_PROPS.length);
for(var i = 0; i < CORE_PROPS.length; ++i) {
var f = CORE_PROPS[i];
var g = "(?:"+ f[0].substr(0,f[0].indexOf(":")) +":)"+ f[0].substr(f[0].indexOf(":")+1);
var g = "(?:"+ f[0].slice(0,f[0].indexOf(":")) +":)"+ f[0].slice(f[0].indexOf(":")+1);
r[i] = new RegExp("<" + g + "[^>]*>([\\s\\S]*?)<\/" + g + ">");
return r;
@ -4024,7 +4034,7 @@ function parse_cust_props(data/*:string*/, opts) {
case '</property>': name = null; break;
default: if (x.indexOf('<vt:') === 0) {
var toks = x.split('>');
var type = toks[0].substring(4), text = toks[1];
var type = toks[0].slice(4), text = toks[1];
/* (CT_Variant). Omit the binary types from 22.4 (Variant Types) */
switch(type) {
case 'lpstr': case 'bstr': case 'lpwstr':
@ -4049,7 +4059,7 @@ function parse_cust_props(data/*:string*/, opts) {
if(type.slice(-1) == '/') break;
if(opts.WTF && typeof console !== 'undefined') console.warn('Unexpected', x, type, toks);
} else if(x.substr(0,2) === "</") {/* empty */
} else if(x.slice(0,2) === "</") {/* empty */
} else if(opts.WTF) throw new Error(x);