remove flow array comment workarounds

- XLSB use #REF! for unsupported defined name ref (fixes #3059 h/t @NenadC2)
This commit is contained in:
SheetJS 2024-02-02 01:52:14 -05:00
parent d4d4ff3da2
commit e4a66516e4
29 changed files with 1954 additions and 1872 deletions

@ -6,26 +6,26 @@ var $cptable;
var VALID_ANSI = [ 874, 932, 936, 949, 950, 1250, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1254, 1255, 1256, 1257, 1258, 10000 ];
/* ECMA-376 Part I 18.4.1 charset to codepage mapping */
var CS2CP = ({
/*::[*/0/*::]*/: 1252, /* ANSI */
/*::[*/1/*::]*/: 65001, /* DEFAULT */
/*::[*/2/*::]*/: 65001, /* SYMBOL */
/*::[*/77/*::]*/: 10000, /* MAC */
/*::[*/128/*::]*/: 932, /* SHIFTJIS */
/*::[*/129/*::]*/: 949, /* HANGUL */
/*::[*/130/*::]*/: 1361, /* JOHAB */
/*::[*/134/*::]*/: 936, /* GB2312 */
/*::[*/136/*::]*/: 950, /* CHINESEBIG5 */
/*::[*/161/*::]*/: 1253, /* GREEK */
/*::[*/162/*::]*/: 1254, /* TURKISH */
/*::[*/163/*::]*/: 1258, /* VIETNAMESE */
/*::[*/177/*::]*/: 1255, /* HEBREW */
/*::[*/178/*::]*/: 1256, /* ARABIC */
/*::[*/186/*::]*/: 1257, /* BALTIC */
/*::[*/204/*::]*/: 1251, /* RUSSIAN */
/*::[*/222/*::]*/: 874, /* THAI */
/*::[*/238/*::]*/: 1250, /* EASTEUROPE */
/*::[*/255/*::]*/: 1252, /* OEM */
/*::[*/69/*::]*/: 6969 /* MISC */
0: 1252, /* ANSI */
1: 65001, /* DEFAULT */
2: 65001, /* SYMBOL */
77: 10000, /* MAC */
128: 932, /* SHIFTJIS */
129: 949, /* HANGUL */
130: 1361, /* JOHAB */
134: 936, /* GB2312 */
136: 950, /* CHINESEBIG5 */
161: 1253, /* GREEK */
162: 1254, /* TURKISH */
163: 1258, /* VIETNAMESE */
177: 1255, /* HEBREW */
178: 1256, /* ARABIC */
186: 1257, /* BALTIC */
204: 1251, /* RUSSIAN */
222: 874, /* THAI */
238: 1250, /* EASTEUROPE */
255: 1252, /* OEM */
69: 6969 /* MISC */
var set_ansi = function(cp/*:number*/) { if(VALID_ANSI.indexOf(cp) == -1) return; current_ansi = CS2CP[0] = cp; };

@ -68,7 +68,12 @@ function Base64_encode_arr(input) {
function Base64_decode(input) {
var o = "";
var c1 = 0, c2 = 0, c3 = 0, e1 = 0, e2 = 0, e3 = 0, e4 = 0;
input = input.replace(/^data:([^\/]+\/[^\/]+)?;base64\,/, "").replace(/[^\w\+\/\=]/g, "");
if (input.slice(0, 5) == "data:") {
var i = input.slice(0, 1024).indexOf(";base64,");
if (i > -1)
input = input.slice(i + 8);
input = input.replace(/[^\w\+\/\=]/g, "");
for (var i = 0; i < input.length; ) {
e1 = Base64_map.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));
e2 = Base64_map.indexOf(input.charAt(i++));

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ function write_dl(fname/*:string*/, payload/*:any*/, enc/*:?string*/) {
var out = File(fname);"w"); out.encoding = "binary";
if(Array.isArray(payload)) payload = a2s(payload);
out.write(payload); out.close(); return payload;
} catch(e) { if(!e.message || !e.message.match(/onstruct/)) throw e; }
} catch(e) { if(!e.message || e.message.indexOf("onstruct") == -1) throw e; }
throw new Error("cannot save file " + fname);
@ -71,6 +71,6 @@ function read_binary(path/*:string*/) {
var infile = File(path);"r"); infile.encoding = "binary";
var data =; infile.close();
return data;
} catch(e) { if(!e.message || !e.message.match(/onstruct/)) throw e; }
} catch(e) { if(!e.message || e.message.indexOf("onstruct") == -1) throw e; }
throw new Error("Cannot access file " + path);

@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ function fuzzydate(s/*:string*/)/*:Date*/ {
M = lnos.match(FDRE2);
if(M) return fuzzytime2(M);
M = lnos.match(pdre3);
if(M) return new Date(Date.UTC(+M[1], +M[2]-1, +M[3], +M[4], +M[5], ((M[6] && parseInt(M[6].slice(1), 10))|| 0), ((M[7] && parseInt(M[7].slice(1), 10))||0)));
if(M) return new Date(Date.UTC(+M[1], +M[2]-1, +M[3], +M[4], +M[5], ((M[6] && parseInt(M[6].slice(1), 10))|| 0), ((M[7] && parseInt((M[7] + "0000").slice(1,4), 10))||0)));
var o = new Date(utc_append_works && s.indexOf("UTC") == -1 ? s + " UTC": s), n = new Date(NaN);
var y = o.getYear(), m = o.getMonth(), d = o.getDate();
if(isNaN(d)) return n;
@ -223,3 +223,96 @@ function utc_to_local(utc) {
function local_to_utc(local) {
return new Date(Date.UTC(local.getFullYear(), local.getMonth(), local.getDate(), local.getHours(), local.getMinutes(), local.getSeconds(), local.getMilliseconds()));
/* str.match(/<!--[\s\S]*?-->/g) --> str_match_ng(str, "<!--", "-->") */
function str_match_ng(str, s, e) {
var out = [];
var si = str.indexOf(s);
while(si > -1) {
var ei = str.indexOf(e, si + s.length);
if(ei == -1) break;
out.push(str.slice(si, ei + e.length));
si = str.indexOf(s, ei + e.length);
return out.length > 0 ? out : null;
/* str.replace(/<!--[\s\S]*?-->/g, "") --> str_remove_ng(str, "<!--", "-->") */
function str_remove_ng(str, s, e) {
var out = [], last = 0;
var si = str.indexOf(s);
if(si == -1) return str;
while(si > -1) {
out.push(str.slice(last, si));
var ei = str.indexOf(e, si + s.length);
if(ei == -1) break;
if((si = str.indexOf(s, (last = ei + e.length))) == -1) out.push(str.slice(last));
return out.join("");
/* str.match(/<tag[^>]*?>([\s\S]*?)</tag>/) --> str_match_xml(str, "tag") */
function str_match_xml(str, tag) {
var si = str.indexOf('<' + tag);
if(si === -1) return null;
var sf = str.indexOf(">", si);
if(sf === -1) return null;
var et = "</" + tag + ">";
var ei = str.indexOf(et, sf);
if(ei == -1) return null;
return [str.slice(si, ei + et.length), str.slice(sf + 1, ei)];
var str_match_xml_ns = /*#__PURE__*/(function() {
var str_match_xml_ns_cache = {};
return function str_match_xml_ns(str, tag) {
var res = str_match_xml_ns_cache[tag];
if(!res) str_match_xml_ns_cache[tag] = res = [
new RegExp('<(?:\\w+:)?'+tag+'[^>]*>', "g"),
new RegExp('</(?:\\w+:)?'+tag+'>', "g")
res[0].lastIndex = res[1].lastIndex = 0;
var m = res[0].exec(str);
if(!m) return null;
var si = m.index;
var sf = res[0].lastIndex;
res[1].lastIndex = res[0].lastIndex;
m = res[1].exec(str);
if(!m) return null;
var ei = m.index;
var ef = res[1].lastIndex;
return [str.slice(si, ef), str.slice(sf, ei)];
var str_match_xml_ns_g = /*#__PURE__*/(function() {
var str_match_xml_ns_cache = {};
return function str_match_xml_ns(str, tag) {
var out = [];
var res = str_match_xml_ns_cache[tag];
if(!res) str_match_xml_ns_cache[tag] = res = [
new RegExp('<(?:\\w+:)?'+tag+'[^>]*>', "g"),
new RegExp('</(?:\\w+:)?'+tag+'>', "g")
res[0].lastIndex = res[1].lastIndex = 0;
var m;
while((m = res[0].exec(str))) {
var si = m.index;
var sf = res[0].lastIndex;
res[1].lastIndex = res[0].lastIndex;
m = res[1].exec(str);
if(!m) return null;
var ei = m.index;
var ef = res[1].lastIndex;
out.push(str.slice(si, ef));
res[0].lastIndex = res[1].lastIndex;
return out.length == 0 ? null : out;

@ -161,16 +161,6 @@ var utf8write/*:StringConv*/ = has_buf ? function(data) { return Buffer_from(dat
return out.join("");
// matches <foo>...</foo> extracts content
var matchtag = /*#__PURE__*/(function() {
var mtcache/*:{[k:string]:RegExp}*/ = ({}/*:any*/);
return function matchtag(f/*:string*/,g/*:?string*/)/*:RegExp*/ {
var t = f+"|"+(g||"");
if(mtcache[t]) return mtcache[t];
return (mtcache[t] = new RegExp('<(?:\\w+:)?'+f+'(?: xml:space="preserve")?(?:[^>]*)>([\\s\\S]*?)</(?:\\w+:)?'+f+'>',((g||"")/*:any*/)));
var htmldecode/*:{(s:string):string}*/ = /*#__PURE__*/(function() {
var entities/*:Array<[RegExp, string]>*/ = [
['nbsp', ' '], ['middot', '·'],
@ -195,16 +185,11 @@ var htmldecode/*:{(s:string):string}*/ = /*#__PURE__*/(function() {
var vtregex = /*#__PURE__*/(function(){ var vt_cache = {};
return function vt_regex(bt) {
if(vt_cache[bt] !== undefined) return vt_cache[bt];
return (vt_cache[bt] = new RegExp("<(?:vt:)?" + bt + ">([\\s\\S]*?)</(?:vt:)?" + bt + ">", 'g') );
var vtvregex = /<\/?(?:vt:)?variant>/g, vtmregex = /<(?:vt:)([^>]*)>([\s\S]*)</;
function parseVector(data/*:string*/, opts)/*:Array<{v:string,t:string}>*/ {
var h = parsexmltag(data);
var matches/*:Array<string>*/ = data.match(vtregex(h.baseType))||[];
var matches/*:Array<string>*/ = str_match_xml_ns_g(data, h.baseType)||[];
var res/*:Array<any>*/ = [];
if(matches.length != h.size) {
if(opts.WTF) throw new Error("unexpected vector length " + matches.length + " != " + h.size);

@ -44,118 +44,118 @@ var VT_CUSTOM = [VT_STRING, VT_USTR];
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/*::[*/0x0e/*::]*/: { n: 'Manager', t: VT_STRING },
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0x0c: { n: 'HeadingPairs', t: VT_VECTOR_VARIANT /* VT_VECTOR | VT_VARIANT */ },
0x0d: { n: 'TitlesOfParts', t: VT_VECTOR_LPSTR /* VT_VECTOR | VT_LPSTR */ },
0x0e: { n: 'Manager', t: VT_STRING },
0x0f: { n: 'Company', t: VT_STRING },
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0x1D: { n: 'Version', t: VT_STRING },
0xFF: {},
/* [MS-OLEPS] 2.18 */
/*::[*/0x80000000/*::]*/: { n: 'Locale', t: VT_UI4 },
/*::[*/0x80000003/*::]*/: { n: 'Behavior', t: VT_UI4 },
/*::[*/0x72627262/*::]*/: {}
0x80000000: { n: 'Locale', t: VT_UI4 },
0x80000003: { n: 'Behavior', t: VT_UI4 },
0x72627262: {}
/* [MS-OSHARED] Summary Information Property Set PIDSI */
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/*::[*/0x02/*::]*/: { n: 'Title', t: VT_STRING },
/*::[*/0x03/*::]*/: { n: 'Subject', t: VT_STRING },
/*::[*/0x04/*::]*/: { n: 'Author', t: VT_STRING },
/*::[*/0x05/*::]*/: { n: 'Keywords', t: VT_STRING },
/*::[*/0x06/*::]*/: { n: 'Comments', t: VT_STRING },
/*::[*/0x07/*::]*/: { n: 'Template', t: VT_STRING },
/*::[*/0x08/*::]*/: { n: 'LastAuthor', t: VT_STRING },
/*::[*/0x09/*::]*/: { n: 'RevNumber', t: VT_STRING },
/*::[*/0x0A/*::]*/: { n: 'EditTime', t: VT_FILETIME },
/*::[*/0x0B/*::]*/: { n: 'LastPrinted', t: VT_FILETIME },
/*::[*/0x0C/*::]*/: { n: 'CreatedDate', t: VT_FILETIME },
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/*::[*/0x11/*::]*/: { n: 'Thumbnail', t: VT_CF },
/*::[*/0x12/*::]*/: { n: 'Application', t: VT_STRING },
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/*::[*/0xFF/*::]*/: {},
0x01: { n: 'CodePage', t: VT_I2 },
0x02: { n: 'Title', t: VT_STRING },
0x03: { n: 'Subject', t: VT_STRING },
0x04: { n: 'Author', t: VT_STRING },
0x05: { n: 'Keywords', t: VT_STRING },
0x06: { n: 'Comments', t: VT_STRING },
0x07: { n: 'Template', t: VT_STRING },
0x08: { n: 'LastAuthor', t: VT_STRING },
0x09: { n: 'RevNumber', t: VT_STRING },
0x0A: { n: 'EditTime', t: VT_FILETIME },
0x0B: { n: 'LastPrinted', t: VT_FILETIME },
0x0C: { n: 'CreatedDate', t: VT_FILETIME },
0x0D: { n: 'ModifiedDate', t: VT_FILETIME },
0x0E: { n: 'PageCount', t: VT_I4 },
0x0F: { n: 'WordCount', t: VT_I4 },
0x10: { n: 'CharCount', t: VT_I4 },
0x11: { n: 'Thumbnail', t: VT_CF },
0x12: { n: 'Application', t: VT_STRING },
0x13: { n: 'DocSecurity', t: VT_I4 },
0xFF: {},
/* [MS-OLEPS] 2.18 */
/*::[*/0x80000000/*::]*/: { n: 'Locale', t: VT_UI4 },
/*::[*/0x80000003/*::]*/: { n: 'Behavior', t: VT_UI4 },
/*::[*/0x72627262/*::]*/: {}
0x80000000: { n: 'Locale', t: VT_UI4 },
0x80000003: { n: 'Behavior', t: VT_UI4 },
0x72627262: {}
/* [MS-XLS] 2.4.63 Country/Region codes */
var CountryEnum = {
/*::[*/0x0001/*::]*/: "US", // United States
/*::[*/0x0002/*::]*/: "CA", // Canada
/*::[*/0x0003/*::]*/: "", // Latin America (except Brazil)
/*::[*/0x0007/*::]*/: "RU", // Russia
/*::[*/0x0014/*::]*/: "EG", // Egypt
/*::[*/0x001E/*::]*/: "GR", // Greece
/*::[*/0x001F/*::]*/: "NL", // Netherlands
/*::[*/0x0020/*::]*/: "BE", // Belgium
/*::[*/0x0021/*::]*/: "FR", // France
/*::[*/0x0022/*::]*/: "ES", // Spain
/*::[*/0x0024/*::]*/: "HU", // Hungary
/*::[*/0x0027/*::]*/: "IT", // Italy
/*::[*/0x0029/*::]*/: "CH", // Switzerland
/*::[*/0x002B/*::]*/: "AT", // Austria
/*::[*/0x002C/*::]*/: "GB", // United Kingdom
/*::[*/0x002D/*::]*/: "DK", // Denmark
/*::[*/0x002E/*::]*/: "SE", // Sweden
/*::[*/0x002F/*::]*/: "NO", // Norway
/*::[*/0x0030/*::]*/: "PL", // Poland
/*::[*/0x0031/*::]*/: "DE", // Germany
/*::[*/0x0034/*::]*/: "MX", // Mexico
/*::[*/0x0037/*::]*/: "BR", // Brazil
/*::[*/0x003d/*::]*/: "AU", // Australia
/*::[*/0x0040/*::]*/: "NZ", // New Zealand
/*::[*/0x0042/*::]*/: "TH", // Thailand
/*::[*/0x0051/*::]*/: "JP", // Japan
/*::[*/0x0052/*::]*/: "KR", // Korea
/*::[*/0x0054/*::]*/: "VN", // Viet Nam
/*::[*/0x0056/*::]*/: "CN", // China
/*::[*/0x005A/*::]*/: "TR", // Turkey
/*::[*/0x0069/*::]*/: "JS", // Ramastan
/*::[*/0x00D5/*::]*/: "DZ", // Algeria
/*::[*/0x00D8/*::]*/: "MA", // Morocco
/*::[*/0x00DA/*::]*/: "LY", // Libya
/*::[*/0x015F/*::]*/: "PT", // Portugal
/*::[*/0x0162/*::]*/: "IS", // Iceland
/*::[*/0x0166/*::]*/: "FI", // Finland
/*::[*/0x01A4/*::]*/: "CZ", // Czech Republic
/*::[*/0x0376/*::]*/: "TW", // Taiwan
/*::[*/0x03C1/*::]*/: "LB", // Lebanon
/*::[*/0x03C2/*::]*/: "JO", // Jordan
/*::[*/0x03C3/*::]*/: "SY", // Syria
/*::[*/0x03C4/*::]*/: "IQ", // Iraq
/*::[*/0x03C5/*::]*/: "KW", // Kuwait
/*::[*/0x03C6/*::]*/: "SA", // Saudi Arabia
/*::[*/0x03CB/*::]*/: "AE", // United Arab Emirates
/*::[*/0x03CC/*::]*/: "IL", // Israel
/*::[*/0x03CE/*::]*/: "QA", // Qatar
/*::[*/0x03D5/*::]*/: "IR", // Iran
/*::[*/0xFFFF/*::]*/: "US" // United States
0x0001: "US", // United States
0x0002: "CA", // Canada
0x0003: "", // Latin America (except Brazil)
0x0007: "RU", // Russia
0x0014: "EG", // Egypt
0x001E: "GR", // Greece
0x001F: "NL", // Netherlands
0x0020: "BE", // Belgium
0x0021: "FR", // France
0x0022: "ES", // Spain
0x0024: "HU", // Hungary
0x0027: "IT", // Italy
0x0029: "CH", // Switzerland
0x002B: "AT", // Austria
0x002C: "GB", // United Kingdom
0x002D: "DK", // Denmark
0x002E: "SE", // Sweden
0x002F: "NO", // Norway
0x0030: "PL", // Poland
0x0031: "DE", // Germany
0x0034: "MX", // Mexico
0x0037: "BR", // Brazil
0x003d: "AU", // Australia
0x0040: "NZ", // New Zealand
0x0042: "TH", // Thailand
0x0051: "JP", // Japan
0x0052: "KR", // Korea
0x0054: "VN", // Viet Nam
0x0056: "CN", // China
0x005A: "TR", // Turkey
0x0069: "JS", // Ramastan
0x00D5: "DZ", // Algeria
0x00D8: "MA", // Morocco
0x00DA: "LY", // Libya
0x015F: "PT", // Portugal
0x0162: "IS", // Iceland
0x0166: "FI", // Finland
0x01A4: "CZ", // Czech Republic
0x0376: "TW", // Taiwan
0x03C1: "LB", // Lebanon
0x03C2: "JO", // Jordan
0x03C3: "SY", // Syria
0x03C4: "IQ", // Iraq
0x03C5: "KW", // Kuwait
0x03C6: "SA", // Saudi Arabia
0x03CB: "AE", // United Arab Emirates
0x03CC: "IL", // Israel
0x03CE: "QA", // Qatar
0x03D5: "IR", // Iran
0xFFFF: "US" // United States
/* [MS-XLS] 2.5.127 */
@ -281,15 +281,15 @@ var XLSIcv = /*#__PURE__*/dup(_XLSIcv);
/* [MS-XLSB] */
var BErr = {
/*::[*/0x00/*::]*/: "#NULL!",
/*::[*/0x07/*::]*/: "#DIV/0!",
/*::[*/0x0F/*::]*/: "#VALUE!",
/*::[*/0x17/*::]*/: "#REF!",
/*::[*/0x1D/*::]*/: "#NAME?",
/*::[*/0x24/*::]*/: "#NUM!",
/*::[*/0x2A/*::]*/: "#N/A",
/*::[*/0x2B/*::]*/: "#GETTING_DATA",
/*::[*/0xFF/*::]*/: "#WTF?"
0x00: "#NULL!",
0x07: "#DIV/0!",
0x0F: "#VALUE!",
0x17: "#REF!",
0x1D: "#NAME?",
0x24: "#NUM!",
0x2A: "#N/A",
0xFF: "#WTF?"
//var RBErr = evert_num(BErr);
var RBErr = {

@ -18,22 +18,12 @@ var CORE_PROPS/*:Array<Array<string> >*/ = [
["dcterms:modified", "ModifiedDate", 'date']
var CORE_PROPS_REGEX/*:Array<RegExp>*/ = /*#__PURE__*/(function() {
var r = new Array(CORE_PROPS.length);
for(var i = 0; i < CORE_PROPS.length; ++i) {
var f = CORE_PROPS[i];
var g = "(?:"+ f[0].slice(0,f[0].indexOf(":")) +":)"+ f[0].slice(f[0].indexOf(":")+1);
r[i] = new RegExp("<" + g + "[^>]*>([\\s\\S]*?)<\/" + g + ">");
return r;
function parse_core_props(data) {
var p = {};
data = utf8read(data);
for(var i = 0; i < CORE_PROPS.length; ++i) {
var f = CORE_PROPS[i], cur = data.match(CORE_PROPS_REGEX[i]);
var f = CORE_PROPS[i], cur = str_match_xml(data, f[0]);
if(cur != null && cur.length > 0) p[f[1]] = unescapexml(cur[1]);
if(f[2] === 'date' && p[f[1]]) p[f[1]] = parseDate(p[f[1]]);

@ -71,12 +71,12 @@ function parse_ext_props(data, p, opts) {
data = utf8read(data);
EXT_PROPS.forEach(function(f) {
var xml = (data.match(matchtag(f[0]))||[])[1];
var xml = (str_match_xml_ns(data, f[0])||[])[1];
switch(f[2]) {
case "string": if(xml) p[f[1]] = unescapexml(xml); break;
case "bool": p[f[1]] = xml === "true"; break;
case "raw":
var cur = data.match(new RegExp("<" + f[0] + "[^>]*>([\\s\\S]*?)<\/" + f[0] + ">"));
var cur = str_match_xml(data, f[0]);
if(cur && cur.length > 0) q[f[1]] = cur[1];

@ -122,25 +122,25 @@ function parse_FtCf(blob) {
/* [MS-XLS] 2.5.140 - 2.5.154 and friends */
function parse_FtSkip(blob) { blob.l += 2; blob.l += blob.read_shift(2); }
var FtTab = {
/*::[*/0x00/*::]*/: parse_FtSkip, /* FtEnd */
/*::[*/0x04/*::]*/: parse_FtSkip, /* FtMacro */
/*::[*/0x05/*::]*/: parse_FtSkip, /* FtButton */
/*::[*/0x06/*::]*/: parse_FtSkip, /* FtGmo */
/*::[*/0x07/*::]*/: parse_FtCf, /* FtCf */
/*::[*/0x08/*::]*/: parse_FtSkip, /* FtPioGrbit */
/*::[*/0x09/*::]*/: parse_FtSkip, /* FtPictFmla */
/*::[*/0x0A/*::]*/: parse_FtSkip, /* FtCbls */
/*::[*/0x0B/*::]*/: parse_FtSkip, /* FtRbo */
/*::[*/0x0C/*::]*/: parse_FtSkip, /* FtSbs */
/*::[*/0x0D/*::]*/: parse_FtNts, /* FtNts */
/*::[*/0x0E/*::]*/: parse_FtSkip, /* FtSbsFmla */
/*::[*/0x0F/*::]*/: parse_FtSkip, /* FtGboData */
/*::[*/0x10/*::]*/: parse_FtSkip, /* FtEdoData */
/*::[*/0x11/*::]*/: parse_FtSkip, /* FtRboData */
/*::[*/0x12/*::]*/: parse_FtSkip, /* FtCblsData */
/*::[*/0x13/*::]*/: parse_FtSkip, /* FtLbsData */
/*::[*/0x14/*::]*/: parse_FtSkip, /* FtCblsFmla */
/*::[*/0x15/*::]*/: parse_FtCmo
0x00: parse_FtSkip, /* FtEnd */
0x04: parse_FtSkip, /* FtMacro */
0x05: parse_FtSkip, /* FtButton */
0x06: parse_FtSkip, /* FtGmo */
0x07: parse_FtCf, /* FtCf */
0x08: parse_FtSkip, /* FtPioGrbit */
0x09: parse_FtSkip, /* FtPictFmla */
0x0A: parse_FtSkip, /* FtCbls */
0x0B: parse_FtSkip, /* FtRbo */
0x0C: parse_FtSkip, /* FtSbs */
0x0D: parse_FtNts, /* FtNts */
0x0E: parse_FtSkip, /* FtSbsFmla */
0x0F: parse_FtSkip, /* FtGboData */
0x10: parse_FtSkip, /* FtEdoData */
0x11: parse_FtSkip, /* FtRboData */
0x12: parse_FtSkip, /* FtCblsData */
0x13: parse_FtSkip, /* FtLbsData */
0x14: parse_FtSkip, /* FtCblsFmla */
0x15: parse_FtCmo
function parse_FtArray(blob, length/*::, ot*/) {
var tgt = blob.l + length;

@ -2,60 +2,60 @@ var DBF_SUPPORTED_VERSIONS = [0x02, 0x03, 0x30, 0x31, 0x83, 0x8B, 0x8C, 0xF5];
var DBF = /*#__PURE__*/(function() {
var dbf_codepage_map = {
/* Code Pages Supported by Visual FoxPro */
/*::[*/0x01/*::]*/: 437, /*::[*/0x02/*::]*/: 850,
/*::[*/0x03/*::]*/: 1252, /*::[*/0x04/*::]*/: 10000,
/*::[*/0x64/*::]*/: 852, /*::[*/0x65/*::]*/: 866,
/*::[*/0x66/*::]*/: 865, /*::[*/0x67/*::]*/: 861,
/*::[*/0x68/*::]*/: 895, /*::[*/0x69/*::]*/: 620,
/*::[*/0x6A/*::]*/: 737, /*::[*/0x6B/*::]*/: 857,
/*::[*/0x78/*::]*/: 950, /*::[*/0x79/*::]*/: 949,
/*::[*/0x7A/*::]*/: 936, /*::[*/0x7B/*::]*/: 932,
/*::[*/0x7C/*::]*/: 874, /*::[*/0x7D/*::]*/: 1255,
/*::[*/0x7E/*::]*/: 1256, /*::[*/0x96/*::]*/: 10007,
/*::[*/0x97/*::]*/: 10029, /*::[*/0x98/*::]*/: 10006,
/*::[*/0xC8/*::]*/: 1250, /*::[*/0xC9/*::]*/: 1251,
/*::[*/0xCA/*::]*/: 1254, /*::[*/0xCB/*::]*/: 1253,
0x01: 437, 0x02: 850,
0x03: 1252, 0x04: 10000,
0x64: 852, 0x65: 866,
0x66: 865, 0x67: 861,
0x68: 895, 0x69: 620,
0x6A: 737, 0x6B: 857,
0x78: 950, 0x79: 949,
0x7A: 936, 0x7B: 932,
0x7C: 874, 0x7D: 1255,
0x7E: 1256, 0x96: 10007,
0x97: 10029, 0x98: 10006,
0xC8: 1250, 0xC9: 1251,
0xCA: 1254, 0xCB: 1253,
/* shapefile DBF extension */
/*::[*/0x00/*::]*/: 20127, /*::[*/0x08/*::]*/: 865,
/*::[*/0x09/*::]*/: 437, /*::[*/0x0A/*::]*/: 850,
/*::[*/0x0B/*::]*/: 437, /*::[*/0x0D/*::]*/: 437,
/*::[*/0x0E/*::]*/: 850, /*::[*/0x0F/*::]*/: 437,
/*::[*/0x10/*::]*/: 850, /*::[*/0x11/*::]*/: 437,
/*::[*/0x12/*::]*/: 850, /*::[*/0x13/*::]*/: 932,
/*::[*/0x14/*::]*/: 850, /*::[*/0x15/*::]*/: 437,
/*::[*/0x16/*::]*/: 850, /*::[*/0x17/*::]*/: 865,
/*::[*/0x18/*::]*/: 437, /*::[*/0x19/*::]*/: 437,
/*::[*/0x1A/*::]*/: 850, /*::[*/0x1B/*::]*/: 437,
/*::[*/0x1C/*::]*/: 863, /*::[*/0x1D/*::]*/: 850,
/*::[*/0x1F/*::]*/: 852, /*::[*/0x22/*::]*/: 852,
/*::[*/0x23/*::]*/: 852, /*::[*/0x24/*::]*/: 860,
/*::[*/0x25/*::]*/: 850, /*::[*/0x26/*::]*/: 866,
/*::[*/0x37/*::]*/: 850, /*::[*/0x40/*::]*/: 852,
/*::[*/0x4D/*::]*/: 936, /*::[*/0x4E/*::]*/: 949,
/*::[*/0x4F/*::]*/: 950, /*::[*/0x50/*::]*/: 874,
/*::[*/0x57/*::]*/: 1252, /*::[*/0x58/*::]*/: 1252,
/*::[*/0x59/*::]*/: 1252, /*::[*/0x6C/*::]*/: 863,
/*::[*/0x86/*::]*/: 737, /*::[*/0x87/*::]*/: 852,
/*::[*/0x88/*::]*/: 857, /*::[*/0xCC/*::]*/: 1257,
0x00: 20127, 0x08: 865,
0x09: 437, 0x0A: 850,
0x0B: 437, 0x0D: 437,
0x0E: 850, 0x0F: 437,
0x10: 850, 0x11: 437,
0x12: 850, 0x13: 932,
0x14: 850, 0x15: 437,
0x16: 850, 0x17: 865,
0x18: 437, 0x19: 437,
0x1A: 850, 0x1B: 437,
0x1C: 863, 0x1D: 850,
0x1F: 852, 0x22: 852,
0x23: 852, 0x24: 860,
0x25: 850, 0x26: 866,
0x37: 850, 0x40: 852,
0x4D: 936, 0x4E: 949,
0x4F: 950, 0x50: 874,
0x57: 1252, 0x58: 1252,
0x59: 1252, 0x6C: 863,
0x86: 737, 0x87: 852,
0x88: 857, 0xCC: 1257,
/*::[*/0xFF/*::]*/: 16969
0xFF: 16969
var dbf_reverse_map = evert({
/*::[*/0x01/*::]*/: 437, /*::[*/0x02/*::]*/: 850,
/*::[*/0x03/*::]*/: 1252, /*::[*/0x04/*::]*/: 10000,
/*::[*/0x64/*::]*/: 852, /*::[*/0x65/*::]*/: 866,
/*::[*/0x66/*::]*/: 865, /*::[*/0x67/*::]*/: 861,
/*::[*/0x68/*::]*/: 895, /*::[*/0x69/*::]*/: 620,
/*::[*/0x6A/*::]*/: 737, /*::[*/0x6B/*::]*/: 857,
/*::[*/0x78/*::]*/: 950, /*::[*/0x79/*::]*/: 949,
/*::[*/0x7A/*::]*/: 936, /*::[*/0x7B/*::]*/: 932,
/*::[*/0x7C/*::]*/: 874, /*::[*/0x7D/*::]*/: 1255,
/*::[*/0x7E/*::]*/: 1256, /*::[*/0x96/*::]*/: 10007,
/*::[*/0x97/*::]*/: 10029, /*::[*/0x98/*::]*/: 10006,
/*::[*/0xC8/*::]*/: 1250, /*::[*/0xC9/*::]*/: 1251,
/*::[*/0xCA/*::]*/: 1254, /*::[*/0xCB/*::]*/: 1253,
/*::[*/0x00/*::]*/: 20127
0x01: 437, 0x02: 850,
0x03: 1252, 0x04: 10000,
0x64: 852, 0x65: 866,
0x66: 865, 0x67: 861,
0x68: 895, 0x69: 620,
0x6A: 737, 0x6B: 857,
0x78: 950, 0x79: 949,
0x7A: 936, 0x7B: 932,
0x7C: 874, 0x7D: 1255,
0x7E: 1256, 0x96: 10007,
0x97: 10029, 0x98: 10006,
0xC8: 1250, 0xC9: 1251,
0xCA: 1254, 0xCB: 1253,
0x00: 20127
/* TODO: find an actual specification */
function dbf_to_aoa(buf, opts)/*:AOA*/ {
@ -404,9 +404,9 @@ var SYLK = /*#__PURE__*/(function() {
KC:'Ç', Kc:'ç', q:'æ', z:'œ', a:'Æ', j:'Œ',
DN:209, Dn:241, Hy:255,
S:169, c:170, R:174, "B ":180,
/*::[*/0/*::]*/:176, /*::[*/1/*::]*/:177, /*::[*/2/*::]*/:178,
/*::[*/3/*::]*/:179, /*::[*/5/*::]*/:181, /*::[*/6/*::]*/:182,
/*::[*/7/*::]*/:183, Q:185, k:186, b:208, i:216, l:222, s:240, y:248,
0:176, 1:177, 2:178,
3:179, 5:181, 6:182,
7:183, Q:185, k:186, b:208, i:216, l:222, s:240, y:248,
"!":161, '"':162, "#":163, "(":164, "%":165, "'":167, "H ":168,
"+":171, ";":187, "<":188, "=":189, ">":190, "?":191, "{":223
@ -941,18 +941,18 @@ var PRN = /*#__PURE__*/(function() {
// List of accepted CSV separators
var guess_seps = {
/*::[*/0x2C/*::]*/: ',',
/*::[*/0x09/*::]*/: "\t",
/*::[*/0x3B/*::]*/: ';',
/*::[*/0x7C/*::]*/: '|'
0x2C: ',',
0x09: "\t",
0x3B: ';',
0x7C: '|'
// CSV separator weights to be used in case of equal numbers
var guess_sep_weights = {
/*::[*/0x2C/*::]*/: 3,
/*::[*/0x09/*::]*/: 2,
/*::[*/0x3B/*::]*/: 1,
/*::[*/0x7C/*::]*/: 0
0x2C: 3,
0x09: 2,
0x3B: 1,
0x7C: 0
function guess_sep(str) {

@ -763,68 +763,68 @@ var WK_ = /*#__PURE__*/(function() {
var WK1Enum = {
/*::[*/0x0000/*::]*/: { n:"BOF", f:parseuint16 },
/*::[*/0x0001/*::]*/: { n:"EOF" },
/*::[*/0x0002/*::]*/: { n:"CALCMODE" },
/*::[*/0x0003/*::]*/: { n:"CALCORDER" },
/*::[*/0x0004/*::]*/: { n:"SPLIT" },
/*::[*/0x0005/*::]*/: { n:"SYNC" },
/*::[*/0x0006/*::]*/: { n:"RANGE", f:parse_RANGE },
/*::[*/0x0007/*::]*/: { n:"WINDOW1" },
/*::[*/0x0008/*::]*/: { n:"COLW1" },
/*::[*/0x0009/*::]*/: { n:"WINTWO" },
/*::[*/0x000A/*::]*/: { n:"COLW2" },
/*::[*/0x000B/*::]*/: { n:"NAME" },
/*::[*/0x000C/*::]*/: { n:"BLANK" },
/*::[*/0x000D/*::]*/: { n:"INTEGER", f:parse_INTEGER },
/*::[*/0x000E/*::]*/: { n:"NUMBER", f:parse_NUMBER },
/*::[*/0x000F/*::]*/: { n:"LABEL", f:parse_LABEL },
/*::[*/0x0010/*::]*/: { n:"FORMULA", f:parse_FORMULA },
/*::[*/0x0018/*::]*/: { n:"TABLE" },
/*::[*/0x0019/*::]*/: { n:"ORANGE" },
/*::[*/0x001A/*::]*/: { n:"PRANGE" },
/*::[*/0x001B/*::]*/: { n:"SRANGE" },
/*::[*/0x001C/*::]*/: { n:"FRANGE" },
/*::[*/0x001D/*::]*/: { n:"KRANGE1" },
/*::[*/0x0020/*::]*/: { n:"HRANGE" },
/*::[*/0x0023/*::]*/: { n:"KRANGE2" },
/*::[*/0x0024/*::]*/: { n:"PROTEC" },
/*::[*/0x0025/*::]*/: { n:"FOOTER" },
/*::[*/0x0026/*::]*/: { n:"HEADER" },
/*::[*/0x0027/*::]*/: { n:"SETUP" },
/*::[*/0x0028/*::]*/: { n:"MARGINS" },
/*::[*/0x0029/*::]*/: { n:"LABELFMT" },
/*::[*/0x002A/*::]*/: { n:"TITLES" },
/*::[*/0x002B/*::]*/: { n:"SHEETJS" },
/*::[*/0x002D/*::]*/: { n:"GRAPH" },
/*::[*/0x002E/*::]*/: { n:"NGRAPH" },
/*::[*/0x002F/*::]*/: { n:"CALCCOUNT" },
/*::[*/0x0030/*::]*/: { n:"UNFORMATTED" },
/*::[*/0x0031/*::]*/: { n:"CURSORW12" },
/*::[*/0x0032/*::]*/: { n:"WINDOW" },
/*::[*/0x0033/*::]*/: { n:"STRING", f:parse_STRING },
/*::[*/0x0037/*::]*/: { n:"PASSWORD" },
/*::[*/0x0038/*::]*/: { n:"LOCKED" },
/*::[*/0x003C/*::]*/: { n:"QUERY" },
/*::[*/0x003D/*::]*/: { n:"QUERYNAME" },
/*::[*/0x003E/*::]*/: { n:"PRINT" },
/*::[*/0x003F/*::]*/: { n:"PRINTNAME" },
/*::[*/0x0040/*::]*/: { n:"GRAPH2" },
/*::[*/0x0041/*::]*/: { n:"GRAPHNAME" },
/*::[*/0x0042/*::]*/: { n:"ZOOM" },
/*::[*/0x0043/*::]*/: { n:"SYMSPLIT" },
/*::[*/0x0044/*::]*/: { n:"NSROWS" },
/*::[*/0x0045/*::]*/: { n:"NSCOLS" },
/*::[*/0x0046/*::]*/: { n:"RULER" },
/*::[*/0x0047/*::]*/: { n:"NNAME" },
/*::[*/0x0048/*::]*/: { n:"ACOMM" },
/*::[*/0x0049/*::]*/: { n:"AMACRO" },
/*::[*/0x004A/*::]*/: { n:"PARSE" },
0x0000: { n:"BOF", f:parseuint16 },
0x0001: { n:"EOF" },
0x0002: { n:"CALCMODE" },
0x0003: { n:"CALCORDER" },
0x0004: { n:"SPLIT" },
0x0005: { n:"SYNC" },
0x0006: { n:"RANGE", f:parse_RANGE },
0x0007: { n:"WINDOW1" },
0x0008: { n:"COLW1" },
0x0009: { n:"WINTWO" },
0x000A: { n:"COLW2" },
0x000B: { n:"NAME" },
0x000C: { n:"BLANK" },
0x000D: { n:"INTEGER", f:parse_INTEGER },
0x000E: { n:"NUMBER", f:parse_NUMBER },
0x000F: { n:"LABEL", f:parse_LABEL },
0x0010: { n:"FORMULA", f:parse_FORMULA },
0x0018: { n:"TABLE" },
0x0019: { n:"ORANGE" },
0x001A: { n:"PRANGE" },
0x001B: { n:"SRANGE" },
0x001C: { n:"FRANGE" },
0x001D: { n:"KRANGE1" },
0x0020: { n:"HRANGE" },
0x0023: { n:"KRANGE2" },
0x0024: { n:"PROTEC" },
0x0025: { n:"FOOTER" },
0x0026: { n:"HEADER" },
0x0027: { n:"SETUP" },
0x0028: { n:"MARGINS" },
0x0029: { n:"LABELFMT" },
0x002A: { n:"TITLES" },
0x002B: { n:"SHEETJS" },
0x002D: { n:"GRAPH" },
0x002E: { n:"NGRAPH" },
0x002F: { n:"CALCCOUNT" },
0x0030: { n:"UNFORMATTED" },
0x0031: { n:"CURSORW12" },
0x0032: { n:"WINDOW" },
0x0033: { n:"STRING", f:parse_STRING },
0x0037: { n:"PASSWORD" },
0x0038: { n:"LOCKED" },
0x003C: { n:"QUERY" },
0x003D: { n:"QUERYNAME" },
0x003E: { n:"PRINT" },
0x003F: { n:"PRINTNAME" },
0x0040: { n:"GRAPH2" },
0x0041: { n:"GRAPHNAME" },
0x0042: { n:"ZOOM" },
0x0043: { n:"SYMSPLIT" },
0x0044: { n:"NSROWS" },
0x0045: { n:"NSCOLS" },
0x0046: { n:"RULER" },
0x0047: { n:"NNAME" },
0x0048: { n:"ACOMM" },
0x0049: { n:"AMACRO" },
0x004A: { n:"PARSE" },
// 0x0064
/*::[*/0x0066/*::]*/: { n:"PRANGES??" },
/*::[*/0x0067/*::]*/: { n:"RRANGES??" },
/*::[*/0x0068/*::]*/: { n:"FNAME??" },
/*::[*/0x0069/*::]*/: { n:"MRANGES??" },
0x0066: { n:"PRANGES??" },
0x0067: { n:"RRANGES??" },
0x0068: { n:"FNAME??" },
0x0069: { n:"MRANGES??" },
// 0x0096
// 0x0099
// 0x009A
@ -833,160 +833,160 @@ var WK_ = /*#__PURE__*/(function() {
// 0x00C0
// 0x00C7
// 0x00C9
/*::[*/0x00CC/*::]*/: { n:"SHEETNAMECS", f:parse_SHEETNAMECS },
0x00CC: { n:"SHEETNAMECS", f:parse_SHEETNAMECS },
// 0x00CD
/*::[*/0x00DE/*::]*/: { n:"SHEETNAMELP", f:parse_SHEETNAMELP },
/*::[*/0x00FF/*::]*/: { n:"BOF", f:parseuint16 },
/*::[*/0x5402/*::]*/: { n:"WKSNF", f:parseuint16 },
/*::[*/0xFFFF/*::]*/: { n:"" }
0x00DE: { n:"SHEETNAMELP", f:parse_SHEETNAMELP },
0x00FF: { n:"BOF", f:parseuint16 },
0x5402: { n:"WKSNF", f:parseuint16 },
0xFFFF: { n:"" }
var WK3Enum = {
/*::[*/0x0000/*::]*/: { n:"BOF" },
/*::[*/0x0001/*::]*/: { n:"EOF" },
/*::[*/0x0002/*::]*/: { n:"PASSWORD" },
/*::[*/0x0003/*::]*/: { n:"CALCSET" },
/*::[*/0x0004/*::]*/: { n:"WINDOWSET" },
/*::[*/0x0005/*::]*/: { n:"SHEETCELLPTR" },
/*::[*/0x0006/*::]*/: { n:"SHEETLAYOUT" },
/*::[*/0x0007/*::]*/: { n:"COLUMNWIDTH" },
/*::[*/0x0008/*::]*/: { n:"HIDDENCOLUMN" },
/*::[*/0x0009/*::]*/: { n:"USERRANGE" },
/*::[*/0x000A/*::]*/: { n:"SYSTEMRANGE" },
/*::[*/0x000B/*::]*/: { n:"ZEROFORCE" },
/*::[*/0x000C/*::]*/: { n:"SORTKEYDIR" },
/*::[*/0x000D/*::]*/: { n:"FILESEAL" },
/*::[*/0x000E/*::]*/: { n:"DATAFILLNUMS" },
/*::[*/0x000F/*::]*/: { n:"PRINTMAIN" },
/*::[*/0x0010/*::]*/: { n:"PRINTSTRING" },
/*::[*/0x0011/*::]*/: { n:"GRAPHMAIN" },
/*::[*/0x0012/*::]*/: { n:"GRAPHSTRING" },
/*::[*/0x0013/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0014/*::]*/: { n:"ERRCELL" },
/*::[*/0x0015/*::]*/: { n:"NACELL" },
/*::[*/0x0016/*::]*/: { n:"LABEL16", f:parse_LABEL_16},
/*::[*/0x0017/*::]*/: { n:"NUMBER17", f:parse_NUMBER_17 },
/*::[*/0x0018/*::]*/: { n:"NUMBER18", f:parse_NUMBER_18 },
/*::[*/0x0019/*::]*/: { n:"FORMULA19", f:parse_FORMULA_19},
/*::[*/0x001A/*::]*/: { n:"FORMULA1A" },
/*::[*/0x001B/*::]*/: { n:"XFORMAT", f:parse_XFORMAT },
/*::[*/0x001C/*::]*/: { n:"DTLABELMISC" },
/*::[*/0x001D/*::]*/: { n:"DTLABELCELL" },
/*::[*/0x001E/*::]*/: { n:"GRAPHWINDOW" },
/*::[*/0x001F/*::]*/: { n:"CPA" },
/*::[*/0x0020/*::]*/: { n:"LPLAUTO" },
/*::[*/0x0021/*::]*/: { n:"QUERY" },
/*::[*/0x0022/*::]*/: { n:"HIDDENSHEET" },
/*::[*/0x0023/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0025/*::]*/: { n:"NUMBER25", f:parse_NUMBER_25 },
/*::[*/0x0026/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0027/*::]*/: { n:"NUMBER27", f:parse_NUMBER_27 },
/*::[*/0x0028/*::]*/: { n:"FORMULA28", f:parse_FORMULA_28 },
/*::[*/0x008E/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0093/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0096/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0097/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0098/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0099/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x009A/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x009B/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x009C/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x00A3/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x00AE/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x00AF/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x00B0/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x00B1/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x00B8/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x00B9/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x00BA/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x00BB/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x00BC/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x00C3/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x00C9/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x00CC/*::]*/: { n:"SHEETNAMECS", f:parse_SHEETNAMECS },
/*::[*/0x00CD/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x00CE/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x00CF/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x00D0/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0100/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0103/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0104/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0105/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0106/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0107/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0109/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x010A/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x010B/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x010C/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x010E/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x010F/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0180/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0185/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0186/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0189/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x018C/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0200/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0202/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0201/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0204/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0205/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0280/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0281/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0282/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0283/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0284/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0285/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0286/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0287/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0288/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0292/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0293/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0294/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0295/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0296/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0299/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x029A/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0300/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0304/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0601/*::]*/: { n:"SHEETINFOQP", f:parse_SHEETINFOQP },
/*::[*/0x0640/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0642/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0701/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0702/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0703/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0704/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0780/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0800/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0801/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0804/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x0A80/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x2AF6/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x3231/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x6E49/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0x6F44/*::]*/: { n:"??" },
/*::[*/0xFFFF/*::]*/: { n:"" }
0x0000: { n:"BOF" },
0x0001: { n:"EOF" },
0x0002: { n:"PASSWORD" },
0x0003: { n:"CALCSET" },
0x0004: { n:"WINDOWSET" },
0x0005: { n:"SHEETCELLPTR" },
0x0006: { n:"SHEETLAYOUT" },
0x0007: { n:"COLUMNWIDTH" },
0x0008: { n:"HIDDENCOLUMN" },
0x0009: { n:"USERRANGE" },
0x000A: { n:"SYSTEMRANGE" },
0x000B: { n:"ZEROFORCE" },
0x000C: { n:"SORTKEYDIR" },
0x000D: { n:"FILESEAL" },
0x000E: { n:"DATAFILLNUMS" },
0x000F: { n:"PRINTMAIN" },
0x0010: { n:"PRINTSTRING" },
0x0011: { n:"GRAPHMAIN" },
0x0012: { n:"GRAPHSTRING" },
0x0013: { n:"??" },
0x0014: { n:"ERRCELL" },
0x0015: { n:"NACELL" },
0x0016: { n:"LABEL16", f:parse_LABEL_16},
0x0017: { n:"NUMBER17", f:parse_NUMBER_17 },
0x0018: { n:"NUMBER18", f:parse_NUMBER_18 },
0x0019: { n:"FORMULA19", f:parse_FORMULA_19},
0x001A: { n:"FORMULA1A" },
0x001B: { n:"XFORMAT", f:parse_XFORMAT },
0x001C: { n:"DTLABELMISC" },
0x001D: { n:"DTLABELCELL" },
0x001E: { n:"GRAPHWINDOW" },
0x001F: { n:"CPA" },
0x0020: { n:"LPLAUTO" },
0x0021: { n:"QUERY" },
0x0022: { n:"HIDDENSHEET" },
0x0023: { n:"??" },
0x0025: { n:"NUMBER25", f:parse_NUMBER_25 },
0x0026: { n:"??" },
0x0027: { n:"NUMBER27", f:parse_NUMBER_27 },
0x0028: { n:"FORMULA28", f:parse_FORMULA_28 },
0x008E: { n:"??" },
0x0093: { n:"??" },
0x0096: { n:"??" },
0x0097: { n:"??" },
0x0098: { n:"??" },
0x0099: { n:"??" },
0x009A: { n:"??" },
0x009B: { n:"??" },
0x009C: { n:"??" },
0x00A3: { n:"??" },
0x00AE: { n:"??" },
0x00AF: { n:"??" },
0x00B0: { n:"??" },
0x00B1: { n:"??" },
0x00B8: { n:"??" },
0x00B9: { n:"??" },
0x00BA: { n:"??" },
0x00BB: { n:"??" },
0x00BC: { n:"??" },
0x00C3: { n:"??" },
0x00C9: { n:"??" },
0x00CC: { n:"SHEETNAMECS", f:parse_SHEETNAMECS },
0x00CD: { n:"??" },
0x00CE: { n:"??" },
0x00CF: { n:"??" },
0x00D0: { n:"??" },
0x0100: { n:"??" },
0x0103: { n:"??" },
0x0104: { n:"??" },
0x0105: { n:"??" },
0x0106: { n:"??" },
0x0107: { n:"??" },
0x0109: { n:"??" },
0x010A: { n:"??" },
0x010B: { n:"??" },
0x010C: { n:"??" },
0x010E: { n:"??" },
0x010F: { n:"??" },
0x0180: { n:"??" },
0x0185: { n:"??" },
0x0186: { n:"??" },
0x0189: { n:"??" },
0x018C: { n:"??" },
0x0200: { n:"??" },
0x0202: { n:"??" },
0x0201: { n:"??" },
0x0204: { n:"??" },
0x0205: { n:"??" },
0x0280: { n:"??" },
0x0281: { n:"??" },
0x0282: { n:"??" },
0x0283: { n:"??" },
0x0284: { n:"??" },
0x0285: { n:"??" },
0x0286: { n:"??" },
0x0287: { n:"??" },
0x0288: { n:"??" },
0x0292: { n:"??" },
0x0293: { n:"??" },
0x0294: { n:"??" },
0x0295: { n:"??" },
0x0296: { n:"??" },
0x0299: { n:"??" },
0x029A: { n:"??" },
0x0300: { n:"??" },
0x0304: { n:"??" },
0x0601: { n:"SHEETINFOQP", f:parse_SHEETINFOQP },
0x0640: { n:"??" },
0x0642: { n:"??" },
0x0701: { n:"??" },
0x0702: { n:"??" },
0x0703: { n:"??" },
0x0704: { n:"??" },
0x0780: { n:"??" },
0x0800: { n:"??" },
0x0801: { n:"??" },
0x0804: { n:"??" },
0x0A80: { n:"??" },
0x2AF6: { n:"??" },
0x3231: { n:"??" },
0x6E49: { n:"??" },
0x6F44: { n:"??" },
0xFFFF: { n:"" }
/* TODO: fill out and verify this table across QP versions */
var QPWNFTable = {
/*::[*/0x05/*::*/: "dd-mmm-yy",
/*::[*/0x06/*::*/: "dd-mmm",
/*::[*/0x07/*::*/: "mmm-yy",
/*::[*/0x08/*::*/: "mm/dd/yy", // Long Date Intl
/*::[*/0x0A/*::*/: "hh:mm:ss AM/PM",
/*::[*/0x0B/*::*/: "hh:mm AM/PM",
/*::[*/0x0E/*::*/: "dd-mmm-yyyy",
/*::[*/0x0F/*::*/: "mmm-yyyy",
0x05: "dd-mmm-yy",
0x06: "dd-mmm",
0x07: "mmm-yy",
0x08: "mm/dd/yy", // Long Date Intl
0x0A: "hh:mm:ss AM/PM",
0x0B: "hh:mm AM/PM",
0x0E: "dd-mmm-yyyy",
0x0F: "mmm-yyyy",
/* It is suspected that the the low nybble specifies decimal places */
/*::[*/0x0022/*::*/: "0.00",
/*::[*/0x0032/*::*/: "0.00;[Red]0.00",
/*::[*/0x0042/*::*/: "0.00;\(0.00\)",
/*::[*/0x0052/*::*/: "0.00;[Red]\(0.00\)",
/*::[*/0x00A2/*::*/: '"$"#,##0.00;\\("$"#,##0.00\\)',
/*::[*/0x0120/*::*/: '0%',
/*::[*/0x0130/*::*/: '0E+00',
/*::[*/0x0140/*::*/: '# ?/?'
0x0022: "0.00",
0x0032: "0.00;[Red]0.00",
0x0042: "0.00;\(0.00\)",
0x0052: "0.00;[Red]\(0.00\)",
0x00A2: '"$"#,##0.00;\\("$"#,##0.00\\)',
0x0120: '0%',
0x0130: '0E+00',
0x0140: '# ?/?'
function parse_qpw_str(p) {

@ -107,15 +107,14 @@ function parse_rpr(rpr) {
var parse_rs = /*#__PURE__*/(function() {
var tregex = matchtag("t"), rpregex = matchtag("rPr");
/* 18.4.4 r CT_RElt */
function parse_r(r) {
/* 18.4.12 t ST_Xstring */
var t = r.match(tregex)/*, cp = 65001*/;
var t = str_match_xml_ns(r, "t")/*, cp = 65001*/;
if(!t) return {t:"s", v:""};
var o/*:Cell*/ = ({t:'s', v:unescapexml(t[1])}/*:any*/);
var rpr = r.match(rpregex);
var rpr = str_match_xml_ns(r, "rPr");
if(rpr) o.s = parse_rpr(rpr[1]);
return o;

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ function rtf_to_sheet_str(str, opts) {
var dense = o.dense;
if (dense)
ws["!data"] = [];
var rows = str.match(/\\trowd[\s\S]*?\\row\b/g);
var rows = str_match_ng(str, "\\trowd", "\\row");
if (!rows)
throw new Error("RTF missing table");
var range = { s: { c: 0, r: 0 }, e: { c: 0, r: rows.length - 1 } };

@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ var bordersRegex = /<(?:\w+:)?borders([^>]*)>[\S\s]*?<\/(?:\w+:)?borders>/;
return function parse_sty_xml(data, themes, opts) {