updating to 0.9.13

This commit is contained in:
SheetJS 2017-04-30 12:28:24 -04:00
parent 583b51692d
commit eb6561dc7d
4 changed files with 684 additions and 210 deletions

@ -80,6 +80,17 @@ var N2 = 'XLSB';
var N3 = 'XLS';
var N4 = 'XML';
function get_cell(ws/*:Worksheet*/, addr/*:string*/) {
if(!Array.isArray(ws)) return ws[addr];
var a = X.utils.decode_cell(addr);
return (ws[a.r]||[])[a.c];
function each_cell(ws, f) {
if(Array.isArray(ws)) ws.forEach(function(row) { if(row) row.forEach(f); });
else Object.keys(ws).forEach(function(addr) { if(addr[0] === "!" || !ws.hasOwnProperty(addr)) return; f(ws[addr]); });
/* comments_stress_test family */
function check_comments(wb) {
var ws0 = wb.Sheets.Sheet2;
@ -516,12 +527,12 @@ describe('parse features', function() {
var wb4=X.read(fs.readFileSync(paths.swcxml), {type:"binary"});
[wb1,wb2,wb3,wb4].map(function(wb) { return wb.Sheets[sheet]; }).forEach(function(ws, i) {
assert.equal(ws.B1.c.length, 1,"must have 1 comment");
assert.equal(ws.B1.c[0].a, "Yegor Kozlov","must have the same author");
assert.equal(ws.B1.c[0].t.replace(/\r\n/g,"\n").replace(/\r/g,"\n"), "Yegor Kozlov:\nfirst cell", "must have the concatenated texts");
assert.equal(get_cell(ws, "B1").c.length, 1,"must have 1 comment");
assert.equal(get_cell(ws, "B1").c[0].a, "Yegor Kozlov","must have the same author");
assert.equal(get_cell(ws, "B1").c[0].t, "Yegor Kozlov:\nfirst cell", "must have the concatenated texts");
if(i > 0) return;
assert.equal(ws.B1.c[0].r, '<r><rPr><b/><sz val="8"/><color indexed="81"/><rFont val="Tahoma"/></rPr><t>Yegor Kozlov:</t></r><r><rPr><sz val="8"/><color indexed="81"/><rFont val="Tahoma"/></rPr><t xml:space="preserve">\r\nfirst cell</t></r>', "must have the rich text representation");
assert.equal(ws.B1.c[0].h, '<span style="font-weight: bold;">Yegor Kozlov:</span><span style=""><br/>first cell</span>', "must have the html representation");
assert.equal(get_cell(ws, "B1").c[0].r, '<r><rPr><b/><sz val="8"/><color indexed="81"/><rFont val="Tahoma"/></rPr><t>Yegor Kozlov:</t></r><r><rPr><sz val="8"/><color indexed="81"/><rFont val="Tahoma"/></rPr><t xml:space="preserve">\r\nfirst cell</t></r>', "must have the rich text representation");
assert.equal(get_cell(ws, "B1").c[0].h, '<span style="font-size:8;"><b>Yegor Kozlov:</b></span><span style="font-size:8;"><br/>first cell</span>', "must have the html representation");
@ -612,11 +623,7 @@ describe('parse features', function() {
if(typeof before != 'undefined') before(bef);
else it('before', bef);
it('should have "!cols"', function() {
[wb1, wb2, wb3, wb4, wb5].forEach(function(wb) { assert(wb.Sheets.Sheet1['!cols']); });
it('should have correct widths', function() {
[wb1, wb2, wb3, wb4, wb5].map(function(x) { return x.Sheets.Sheet1['!cols']; }).forEach(function(x) {
@ -809,6 +816,56 @@ describe('parse features', function() {
describe('write features', function() {
describe('props', function() {
describe('core', function() {
var ws, baseprops;
var bef = (function() {
X = require(modp);
ws = X.utils.aoa_to_sheet([["a","b","c"],[1,2,3]]);
baseprops = {
Category: "C4tegory",
ContentStatus: "C0ntentStatus",
Keywords: "K3ywords",
LastAuthor: "L4stAuthor",
LastPrinted: "L4stPrinted",
RevNumber: 6969,
AppVersion: 69,
Author: "4uth0r",
Comments: "C0mments",
Identifier: "1d",
Language: "L4nguage",
Subject: "Subj3ct",
Title: "T1tle"
if(typeof before != 'undefined') before(bef);
else it('before', bef);
['xlml', 'xlsx', 'xlsb'].forEach(function(w) { it(w, function() {
wb = {
Props: {},
SheetNames: ["Sheet1"],
Sheets: {Sheet1: ws}
Object.keys(baseprops).forEach(function(k) { wb.Props[k] = baseprops[k]; });
var wb2 = X.read(X.write(wb, {bookType:w, type:"binary"}), {type:"binary"});
Object.keys(baseprops).forEach(function(k) { assert.equal(baseprops[k], wb2.Props[k]); });
var wb3 = X.read(X.write(wb2, {bookType:w, type:"binary", Props: {Author:"SheetJS"}}), {type:"binary"});
assert.equal("SheetJS", wb3.Props.Author);
}); });
describe('HTML', function() {
it('should use `h` value when present', function() {
var sheet = X.utils.aoa_to_sheet([["abc"]]);
get_cell(sheet, "A1").h = "<b>abc</b>";
var wb = {SheetNames:["Sheet1"], Sheets:{Sheet1:sheet}};
var str = X.write(wb, {bookType:"html", type:"binary"});
assert(str.indexOf("<b>abc</b>") > 0);
function seq(end, start) {
var s = start || 0;
var o = new Array(end - s);
@ -895,8 +952,8 @@ describe('roundtrip features', function() {
describe('should preserve hyperlink', function() { [
['xlml', paths.hlxml],
//['xlsx', paths.hlxlsx], // TODO
//['xlsb', paths.hlxlsb] // TODO
['xlsx', paths.hlxlsx],
['xlsb', paths.hlxlsb]
].forEach(function(w) {
it(w[0], function() {
var wb1 = X.read(fs.readFileSync(w[1]), {type:"binary"});
@ -926,6 +983,39 @@ describe('roundtrip features', function() {
describe('should preserve column properties', function() { [
'xlml', /*'biff2', */ 'xlsx', 'xlsb', 'slk'
].forEach(function(w) { it(w, function() {
var ws1 = X.utils.aoa_to_sheet([["hpx12", "hpt24", "hpx48", "hidden"]]);
ws1['!cols'] = [{wch:9},{wpx:100},{width:80},{hidden:true}];
var wb1 = {SheetNames:["Sheet1"], Sheets:{Sheet1:ws1}};
var wb2 = X.read(X.write(wb1, {bookType:w, type:"binary"}), {type:"binary", cellStyles:true});
var ws2 = wb2.Sheets.Sheet1;
assert.equal(ws2['!cols'][3].hidden, true);
assert.equal(ws2['!cols'][0].wch, 9);
if(w == 'slk') return;
assert.equal(ws2['!cols'][1].wpx, 100);
/* xlml stores integral pixels -> approximate width */
if(w == 'xlml') assert.equal(Math.round(ws2['!cols'][2].width), 80);
else assert.equal(ws2['!cols'][2].width, 80);
}); });
describe('should preserve row properties', function() { [
'xlml', /*'biff2', */ 'xlsx', 'xlsb', 'slk'
].forEach(function(w) { it(w, function() {
var ws1 = X.utils.aoa_to_sheet([["hpx12"],["hpt24"],["hpx48"],["hidden"]]);
ws1['!rows'] = [{hpx:12},{hpt:24},{hpx:48},{hidden:true}];
var wb1 = {SheetNames:["Sheet1"], Sheets:{Sheet1:ws1}};
var wb2 = X.read(X.write(wb1, {bookType:w, type:"binary"}), {type:"binary", cellStyles:true});
var ws2 = wb2.Sheets.Sheet1;
assert.equal(ws2['!rows'][0].hpx, 12);
assert.equal(ws2['!rows'][1].hpt, 24);
assert.equal(ws2['!rows'][2].hpx, 48);
assert.equal(ws2['!rows'][3].hidden, true);
}); });
describe('should preserve cell comments', function() { [
['xlsx', paths.cstxlsx],
['xlsb', paths.cstxlsb],

xlsx.core.min.js vendored

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

xlsx.full.min.js vendored

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long


File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff