iam unable to export table in excel format with following code in LWC (Salesforce) #3040

opened 2023-12-03 16:30:51 +00:00 by murali · 6 comments


				<td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium" colspan="3">Actual Change in</td>
				<td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium">% Change in the </td>
				<td> </td>
				<td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium">% Change in the</td>
				<td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium" colspan="3">Actual Change in </td>
				<td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium">HDD</td>
				<td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium">CDD</td>
				<td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium">TDD</td>
				<td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium">TDD</td>
				<td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium">Month</td>
				<td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium">TDD</td>
				<td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium">HDD</td>
				<td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium">CDD</td>
				<td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium">TDD</td>
            <template for:each={details} for:item="wsRec">
                <tr key={wsRec}>
                    <td class="slds-text-align_center">{wsRec.actualHDD} {wsRec.percentage}</td>
                    <td class="slds-text-align_center">{wsRec.actualCDD} {wsRec.percentage}</td>
                    <td class="slds-text-align_center">{wsRec.actualTDD} {wsRec.percentage}</td>
                    <td class="slds-text-align_center">{wsRec.actualPerTDD} %</td>
                    <td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium">{wsRec.month}</td>
					<td class="slds-text-align_center">{wsRec.normalPerTDD}%</td>
                    <td class="slds-text-align_center">{wsRec.normalHDD} {wsRec.percentage}</td>
                    <td class="slds-text-align_center">{wsRec.normalCDD} {wsRec.percentage}</td>
                    <td class="slds-text-align_center">{wsRec.normalTDD} {wsRec.percentage}</td>
{weatherStationName} Weather Station
Actual & Percent Variation in Heating, Cooling & Total Degree Days
From Year 2022 to Year 2023 From NOAA "Normal" to Year 2023

Java ScriptCode:

import { LightningElement, api, wire,track } from 'lwc';
import getWSAPVariation from "@salesforce/apex/WeatherStationReport.getWSAPReport";
import XLSX from '@salesforce/resourceUrl/SheetJS';
import { loadScript, loadStyle } from 'lightning/platformResourceLoader';
import TabularCSS from '@salesforce/resourceUrl/tabulatorCSS';
import TabularJS from '@salesforce/resourceUrl/tabulatorJS';
export default class WsActualPercentVariationReport extends LightningElement {
@api weatherStationName;
@track isFound = false;
details = [];

@wire(getWSAPVariation, {weatherStationName: '$weatherStationName'})
retrievedData({error, data}){
        this.details = data;
        this.isFound = true;
    } else if(error){
        console.log('error: ', error);

async connectedCallback() {
    await loadStyle(this,TabularCSS);
     await loadScript(this, TabularJS);
    await loadScript(this, XLSX); // load the library
    // At this point, the library is accessible with the `XLSX` variable
    this.version = XLSX.version;
    console.log('version: '+this.version);      
  exportData() {
   const table = this.template.querySelector('[data-id="myTable"]');
    if (table){
        const ws = XLSX.utils.table_to_sheet(table);
        const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();
        XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Sheet1");
        XLSX.writeFile(wb, "output.xlsx");
         console.log('didnt get referrence'); 


**HTML:** <template> <template if:true={error}> <lightning-formatted-rich-text value={error}></lightning-formatted-rich-text> </template> <template if:true={isFound}> <div class="slds-theme_default" style="overflow: overlay"> <lightning-button label="Export" title="Export" onclick={exportData}></lightning-button> <table class="table table-bordered table-hover table-condensed" border="1" data-id="myTable"> <thead> <tr> <td class="slds-card__body slds-card__body_inner slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium" colspan="9" title="Field #1">{weatherStationName} Weather Station</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="slds-card__body slds-card__body_inner slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium color-text-brand" colspan="9">Actual &amp; Percent Variation in Heating, Cooling &amp; Total Degree Days</td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium" colspan="4">From Year 2022 to Year 2023</td> <td></td> <td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium" colspan="4">From NOAA &quot;Normal&quot; to Year 2023</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium" colspan="3">Actual Change in</td> <td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium">% Change in the </td> <td> </td> <td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium">% Change in the</td> <td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium" colspan="3">Actual Change in </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium">HDD</td> <td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium">CDD</td> <td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium">TDD</td> <td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium">TDD</td> <td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium">Month</td> <td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium">TDD</td> <td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium">HDD</td> <td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium">CDD</td> <td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium">TDD</td> </tr> <template for:each={details} for:item="wsRec"> <tr key={wsRec}> <td class="slds-text-align_center">{wsRec.actualHDD} {wsRec.percentage}</td> <td class="slds-text-align_center">{wsRec.actualCDD} {wsRec.percentage}</td> <td class="slds-text-align_center">{wsRec.actualTDD} {wsRec.percentage}</td> <td class="slds-text-align_center">{wsRec.actualPerTDD} %</td> <td class="slds-text-align_center slds-text-heading_medium">{wsRec.month}</td> <td class="slds-text-align_center">{wsRec.normalPerTDD}%</td> <td class="slds-text-align_center">{wsRec.normalHDD} {wsRec.percentage}</td> <td class="slds-text-align_center">{wsRec.normalCDD} {wsRec.percentage}</td> <td class="slds-text-align_center">{wsRec.normalTDD} {wsRec.percentage}</td> </tr> </template> </tbody> </table> </div> </template> </template> **Java ScriptCode:** import { LightningElement, api, wire,track } from 'lwc'; import getWSAPVariation from "@salesforce/apex/WeatherStationReport.getWSAPReport"; import XLSX from '@salesforce/resourceUrl/SheetJS'; import { loadScript, loadStyle } from 'lightning/platformResourceLoader'; import TabularCSS from '@salesforce/resourceUrl/tabulatorCSS'; import TabularJS from '@salesforce/resourceUrl/tabulatorJS'; export default class WsActualPercentVariationReport extends LightningElement { @api weatherStationName; @track isFound = false; details = []; @wire(getWSAPVariation, {weatherStationName: '$weatherStationName'}) retrievedData({error, data}){ if(data){ this.details = data; this.isFound = true; } else if(error){ console.log('error: ', error); } } async connectedCallback() { await loadStyle(this,TabularCSS); await loadScript(this, TabularJS); await loadScript(this, XLSX); // load the library // At this point, the library is accessible with the `XLSX` variable this.version = XLSX.version; console.log('version: '+this.version); } exportData() { const table = this.template.querySelector('[data-id="myTable"]'); if (table){ console.log('entered'); const ws = XLSX.utils.table_to_sheet(table); const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new(); XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Sheet1"); XLSX.writeFile(wb, "output.xlsx"); }else{ console.log('didnt get referrence'); } } }

Which part is failing? Does the Salesforce LWC demo (https://docs.sheetjs.com/docs/demos/cloud/salesforce) work for you?

Which part is failing? Does the Salesforce LWC demo (https://docs.sheetjs.com/docs/demos/cloud/salesforce) work for you?

The compiler returning at this line
const ws = XLSX.utils.table_to_sheet(table);

Is it possible to export the HTML table to excel file in LWC?

The compiler returning at this line const ws = XLSX.utils.table_to_sheet(table); Is it possible to export the HTML table to excel file in LWC?

It may be a LWC limitation. We'll take another look when we revisit the salesforce demo

https://docs.sheetjs.com/docs/demos/cloud/salesforce#exporting-data-from-sf-list It might be easier to directly inspect and export the captured data (details in your example). Read the linked section of the demo to see how to transform the data

It may be a LWC limitation. We'll take another look when we revisit the salesforce demo https://docs.sheetjs.com/docs/demos/cloud/salesforce#exporting-data-from-sf-list It might be easier to directly inspect and export the captured data (`details` in your example). Read the linked section of the demo to see how to transform the data

Thank you for your prompt response.

Is it possible to export data in given excel file format (with styles) by using community edition of sheetJS?. Can you please refer the attachment and confirm

Thank you for your prompt response. Is it possible to export data in given excel file format (with styles) by using community edition of sheetJS?. Can you please refer the attachment and confirm

Hello @murali,

Are you able to download file but in a format other than excel or you are not able to download file at all?

I'm having this issue currently.

I have some LWCs used in a community which are rendering some tables with data. I'm able to download table contents, but it does not work all the time.

It works well in Development and Testing environments, but not in Production.
I noticed it does not work for in Chrome and MS Edge browsers in normal window, but it is working in Incognito window.
I tried in Firefox and it works well.

For other developers in my team it works well in all browsers.

I tried to clear cache of the browsers, relaunch them and even set back to default settings but it still does not download the file in right format.

It is downloading a weird file with a weird system name (e.g. bc563f4c-de88-4ad8-8e31-e16a5808f361).

Most likely it's not related to the library, because it's working for other team members, but any idea to what it could be related? @sheetjs

Hello @murali, Are you able to download file but in a format other than excel or you are not able to download file at all? I'm having this issue currently. I have some LWCs used in a community which are rendering some tables with data. I'm able to download table contents, but it does not work all the time. It works well in Development and Testing environments, but not in Production. I noticed it does not work for in Chrome and MS Edge browsers in normal window, but it is working in Incognito window. I tried in Firefox and it works well. For other developers in my team it works well in all browsers. I tried to clear cache of the browsers, relaunch them and even set back to default settings but it still does not download the file in right format. It is downloading a weird file with a weird system name (e.g. bc563f4c-de88-4ad8-8e31-e16a5808f361). Most likely it's not related to the library, because it's working for other team members, but any idea to what it could be related? @sheetjs

Retested the LWC demo against version 59.0 and it appears to work as expected. That example exports a SF list to SheetForceExport.xlsx

To test the HTML table case:

  1. Follow https://docs.sheetjs.com/docs/demos/cloud/salesforce and produce the final component and page.

  2. Replace force-app/main/default/lwc/sheetComponent/sheetComponent.html with the following:

	<table class="sheetjs-export"><tr><td>SheetJS LWC Export HTML Table</td></tr></table>
  <button onclick={download}><b>Click to Export!</b></button>

(it has a simple HTML table with a known class)

  1. Replace force-app/main/default/lwc/sheetComponent/sheetComponent.js with the following:
import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc';
import { loadScript } from 'lightning/platformResourceLoader';

import sheetjs from '@salesforce/resourceUrl/sheetjs';

export default class SheetComponent extends LightningElement {
  @api async download() {
    await loadScript(this, sheetjs); // load the library
    const elt = this.template.querySelector(".sheetjs-export");
    var wb = XLSX.utils.table_to_book(elt);
    XLSX.writeFile(wb, "SheetForceExport.xlsx");
  1. Deploy the project again. Replace SF@USER.NAME with the unique Username:
npx @salesforce/cli project deploy start -d force-app -o SF@USER.NAME
  1. Refresh the page and click the button to create the new file.

Note how the table is identified. The assigned ID in the component HTML may be changed by LWC, so the recommended approach involves other DOM properties (e.g. class names or data- attributes on the TABLE element)

@dan.cojocari there are known issues where Chrome may mangle the name of the export. As the library uses standard browser APIs to initiate a download, it is unclear how to address the issue without using nonstandard browser behaviors.

Retested the LWC demo against version 59.0 and it appears to work as expected. That example exports a SF list to `SheetForceExport.xlsx` --- To test the HTML table case: 1) Follow https://docs.sheetjs.com/docs/demos/cloud/salesforce and produce the final component and page. 2) Replace `force-app/main/default/lwc/sheetComponent/sheetComponent.html` with the following: ```html <template> <table class="sheetjs-export"><tr><td>SheetJS LWC Export HTML Table</td></tr></table> <button onclick={download}><b>Click to Export!</b></button> </template> ``` (it has a simple HTML table with a known class) 3) Replace `force-app/main/default/lwc/sheetComponent/sheetComponent.js` with the following: ```js import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc'; import { loadScript } from 'lightning/platformResourceLoader'; import sheetjs from '@salesforce/resourceUrl/sheetjs'; export default class SheetComponent extends LightningElement { @api async download() { await loadScript(this, sheetjs); // load the library const elt = this.template.querySelector(".sheetjs-export"); console.log(elt); var wb = XLSX.utils.table_to_book(elt); XLSX.writeFile(wb, "SheetForceExport.xlsx"); }; } ``` 4) Deploy the project again. Replace `SF@USER.NAME` with the unique Username: ```bash npx @salesforce/cli project deploy start -d force-app -o SF@USER.NAME ``` 5) Refresh the page and click the button to create the new file. Note how the table is identified. The assigned ID in the component HTML may be changed by LWC, so the recommended approach involves other DOM properties (e.g. class names or `data-` attributes on the TABLE element) --- @dan.cojocari there are known issues where Chrome may mangle the name of the export. As the library uses standard browser APIs to initiate a download, it is unclear how to address the issue without using nonstandard browser behaviors.
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Reference: sheetjs/sheetjs#3040
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