/* writing feature test -- look for TEST: in comments */ /* vim: set ts=2: */ /* original data */ var data = [ [1,2,3], [true, false, null, "sheetjs"], ["foo","bar",new Date("2014-02-19T14:30Z"), "0.3"], ["baz", null, "qux", 3.14159] ]; var ws_name = "SheetJS"; var wscols = [ {wch:6}, // "characters" {wpx:50}, // "pixels" {wch:10}, {wpx:125} ]; console.log("Sheet Name: " + ws_name); console.log("Data: "); for(var i=0; i!=data.length; ++i) console.log(data[i]); console.log("Columns :"); for(i=0; i!=wscols.length;++i) console.log(wscols[i]); /* require XLSX */ if(typeof XLSX === "undefined") { try { XLSX = require('./'); } catch(e) { XLSX = require('../'); } } /* blank workbook constructor */ var wb = { SheetNames: [], Sheets: {} }; /* convert an array of arrays in JS to a CSF spreadsheet */ var ws = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet(data, {cellDates:true}); /* TEST: add worksheet to workbook */ wb.SheetNames.push(ws_name); wb.Sheets[ws_name] = ws; /* TEST: simple formula */ ws['C1'].f = "A1+B1"; ws['C2'] = {t:'n', f:"A1+B1"}; /* TEST: single-cell array formula */ ws['D1'] = {t:'n', f:"SUM(A1:C1*A1:C1)", F:"D1:D1"}; /* TEST: multi-cell array formula */ ws['E1'] = {t:'n', f:"TRANSPOSE(A1:D1)", F:"E1:E4"}; ws['E2'] = {t:'n', F:"E1:E4"}; ws['E3'] = {t:'n', F:"E1:E4"}; ws['E4'] = {t:'n', F:"E1:E4"}; ws["!ref"] = "A1:E4"; /* TEST: column widths */ ws['!cols'] = wscols; /* TEST: hyperlink note: Excel does not automatically style hyperlinks */ ws['A3'].l = { Target: "http://sheetjs.com", Tooltip: "Visit us " }; /* TEST: built-in format */ //ws['A1'].z = "0%"; wb.SSF[9] = "0%"; // Format Code 9 /* TEST: custom format */ //ws['B2'].z = "0.0"; wb.SSF[60] = "0.0"; // Custom console.log("JSON Data: "); console.log(XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(ws, {header:1})); console.log("Worksheet Model:") console.log(ws); /* write file */ XLSX.writeFile(wb, 'sheetjs.xlsx', {bookSST:true}); XLSX.writeFile(wb, 'sheetjs.xlsm'); XLSX.writeFile(wb, 'sheetjs.xlsb'); // no formula XLSX.writeFile(wb, 'sheetjs.xls', {bookType:'biff2'}); // no formula XLSX.writeFile(wb, 'sheetjs.xml.xls', {bookType:'xlml'}); XLSX.writeFile(wb, 'sheetjs.ods'); XLSX.writeFile(wb, 'sheetjs.fods'); XLSX.writeFile(wb, 'sheetjs.csv'); /* test by reading back files */ XLSX.readFile('sheetjs.xlsx'); XLSX.readFile('sheetjs.xlsm'); XLSX.readFile('sheetjs.xlsb'); XLSX.readFile('sheetjs.xls'); XLSX.readFile('sheetjs.xml.xls'); XLSX.readFile('sheetjs.ods'); XLSX.readFile('sheetjs.fods'); //XLSX.readFile('sheetjs.csv');