### Streaming Read
Why is there no Streaming Read API? (click to show) The most common and interesting formats (XLS, XLSX/M, XLSB, ODS) are ultimately ZIP or CFB containers of files. Neither format puts the directory structure at the beginning of the file: ZIP files place the Central Directory records at the end of the logical file, while CFB files can place the storage info anywhere in the file! As a result, to properly handle these formats, a streaming function would have to buffer the entire file before commencing. That belies the expectations of streaming, so we do not provide any streaming read API.
When dealing with Readable Streams, the easiest approach is to buffer the stream and process the whole thing at the end. This can be done with a temporary file or by explicitly concatenating the stream:
Explicitly concatenating streams (click to show) ```js var fs = require('fs'); var XLSX = require('xlsx'); function process_RS(stream/*:ReadStream*/, cb/*:(wb:Workbook)=>void*/)/*:void*/{ var buffers = []; stream.on('data', function(data) { buffers.push(data); }); stream.on('end', function() { var buffer = Buffer.concat(buffers); var workbook = XLSX.read(buffer, {type:"buffer"}); /* DO SOMETHING WITH workbook IN THE CALLBACK */ cb(workbook); }); } ``` More robust solutions are available using modules like `concat-stream`.
Writing to filesystem first (click to show) This example uses [`tempfile`](https://npm.im/tempfile) for filenames: ```js var fs = require('fs'), tempfile = require('tempfile'); var XLSX = require('xlsx'); function process_RS(stream/*:ReadStream*/, cb/*:(wb:Workbook)=>void*/)/*:void*/{ var fname = tempfile('.sheetjs'); console.log(fname); var ostream = fs.createWriteStream(fname); stream.pipe(ostream); ostream.on('finish', function() { var workbook = XLSX.readFile(fname); fs.unlinkSync(fname); /* DO SOMETHING WITH workbook IN THE CALLBACK */ cb(workbook); }); } ```