- `aoa_to_sheet` function (fixes#314 h/t @fonzy2013 @rvdwijngaard)
- `writeFileAsync` function (fixes#396 h/t @barbalex)
- `sheet_to_json` tests + docs + blankrows (fixes#602 h/t @EEaglehouse)
- write number format scan now includes every index >= 50
- propagate SSF IE8 fixes (fixes#171 h/t @sheetjsdev)
- update shim for extendscript (see #603 h/t @firas3d)
- more flow type definitions
The optional ODS module has been completely merged into xlsx.js and the
corresponding scripts have been removed. The new xlsx.js file provides
appropriate ODS exports, so fixing is a matter of removing ods.js refs.
- codepage updated to 1.6.0 (latest)
- clean up Makefile
- adapted .travis.yml to support 0.8
- removed test files that drifted from baseline
- removed XLSB pseudo-inverse tests due to fails in node 4+
- parsexmltag and other hot functions now better optimized for v8
- monomorphic functions (different types -> different funcs)
- more efficient decode_range implementation when source is trusted
- regular expressions cached and simplified without breaking correctness
- more efficient utf8 techniques when available
- XLSX: large functions broken down into sub-functions (e.g. `parse_ws_xml`)
- XLSB: avoid unnecessary binds
- XLSB: assume no exotic codepage exists (no one else tries to write XLSB)
- demo exposes rABS / worker / transferable options
- more tests
- jszip updated to 2.3.0
- SSF updated to 0.8.1
- codepage updated to 1.3.1
- jscs linting to check for trailing comma issues (h/t @altkatz)
- IE: phased out lazy string indexing in favor of charCodeAt
- XLSX: replaced certain operations in hot functions with faster alternatives
- updated SSF to 0.7.1
- improved coverage in tests
- all utilities are now wrapped in XLSX object
- codepage handling (h/t @xch89820)
- formula tag attributes (h/t @shaunthomas999)
- hyperlink support (h/t @sysarchitect, fixes#55)
- coverage test spinner (to prevent travis timeouts)