# Webpack This library is built with some dynamic logic to determine if it is invoked in a script tag or in nodejs. Webpack does not understand those feature tests, so by default it will do some strange things. ## Suppressing the Node shims The library properly guards against accidental leakage of node features in the browser but webpack disregards those. The config should explicitly suppress: ```js node: { fs: false, process: false, Buffer: false } ``` ## Exporting the XLSX variable This library will not assign to module.exports if it is run in the browser. To convince webpack, set `output` in the webpack config: ```js output: { libraryTarget: 'var', library: 'XLSX' } ``` ## Omitting optional dependencies The `codepage` is needed in certain special cases, including files generated by non-US-English versions of Excel, but may not be needed. To reduce build size, the module can be omitted by aliasing the dependency: ```js resolve: { alias: { "./dist/cpexcel.js": "" } }, ``` ## Bower and minified versions The minified versions, used in Bower, require `module.noParse` configuration: ```js module: { noParse: [ /xlsx.core.min.js/, /xlsx.full.min.js/ ] } ```