SheetJS 009946339c version bump 0.7.5: more performance
- eliminated functional constructs in hot functions
- format try-catch block extracted into new function
- cpexcel + codepage updated to 1.2.0
- more efficient (and correct) clean implementation of RGB/HSL/tint algorithms
- xlsx binary --all option enables every extra formatting and saving option
- column widths parsed and saved (requires cellStyles:true)
2014-06-02 01:19:07 -04:00

67 lines
2.3 KiB

/* ECMA-376 Part II 11.1 Core Properties Part */
/* [MS-OSHARED][1-2].1 (PIDSI/PIDDSI) */
var CORE_PROPS = [
["cp:category", "Category"],
["cp:contentStatus", "ContentStatus"],
["cp:keywords", "Keywords"],
["cp:lastModifiedBy", "LastAuthor"],
["cp:lastPrinted", "LastPrinted"],
["cp:revision", "RevNumber"],
["cp:version", "Version"],
["dc:creator", "Author"],
["dc:description", "Comments"],
["dc:identifier", "Identifier"],
["dc:language", "Language"],
["dc:subject", "Subject"],
["dc:title", "Title"],
["dcterms:created", "CreatedDate", 'date'],
["dcterms:modified", "ModifiedDate", 'date']
function parse_core_props(data) {
var p = {};
CORE_PROPS.forEach(function(f) {
var g = "(?:"+ f[0].substr(0,f[0].indexOf(":")) +":)"+ f[0].substr(f[0].indexOf(":")+1);
var cur = data.match(new RegExp("<" + g + "[^>]*>(.*)<\/" + g + ">"));
if(cur && cur.length > 0) p[f[1]] = cur[1];
if(f[2] === 'date' && p[f[1]]) p[f[1]] = new Date(p[f[1]]);
return p;
var CORE_PROPS_XML_ROOT = writextag('cp:coreProperties', null, {
//'xmlns': XMLNS.CORE_PROPS,
'xmlns:cp': XMLNS.CORE_PROPS,
'xmlns:dc': XMLNS.dc,
'xmlns:dcterms': XMLNS.dcterms,
'xmlns:dcmitype': XMLNS.dcmitype,
'xmlns:xsi': XMLNS.xsi
function write_core_props(cp, opts) {
var o = [], p = {};
if(!cp) return o.join("");
var doit = function(f, g, h) {
if(p[f] || typeof g === 'undefined' || g === "") return;
if(typeof g !== 'string') g = String(g); /* TODO: remove */
p[f] = g;
o.push(h ? writextag(f,g,h) : writetag(f,g));
if(typeof cp.CreatedDate !== 'undefined') doit("dcterms:created", typeof cp.CreatedDate === "string" ? cp.CreatedDate : write_w3cdtf(cp.CreatedDate, opts.WTF), {"xsi:type":"dcterms:W3CDTF"});
if(typeof cp.ModifiedDate !== 'undefined') doit("dcterms:modified", typeof cp.ModifiedDate === "string" ? cp.ModifiedDate : write_w3cdtf(cp.ModifiedDate, opts.WTF), {"xsi:type":"dcterms:W3CDTF"});
CORE_PROPS.forEach(function(f) { doit(f[0], cp[f[1]]); });
if(o.length>2){ o.push('</cp:coreProperties>'); o[1]=o[1].replace("/>",">"); }
return o.join("");