SheetJS 9a3294c955 phasing out patterns with side effects
- add ssf test to actions
- support for threaded comments (fixes #2542)
2022-03-14 02:51:33 -04:00

180 lines
6.4 KiB

function parse_comments_xml(data/*:string*/, opts)/*:Array<RawComment>*/ {
/* 18.7.6 CT_Comments */
if(data.match(/<(?:\w+:)?comments *\/>/)) return [];
var authors/*:Array<string>*/ = [];
var commentList/*:Array<RawComment>*/ = [];
var authtag = data.match(/<(?:\w+:)?authors>([\s\S]*)<\/(?:\w+:)?authors>/);
if(authtag && authtag[1]) authtag[1].split(/<\/\w*:?author>/).forEach(function(x) {
if(x === "" || x.trim() === "") return;
var a = x.match(/<(?:\w+:)?author[^>]*>(.*)/);
if(a) authors.push(a[1]);
var cmnttag = data.match(/<(?:\w+:)?commentList>([\s\S]*)<\/(?:\w+:)?commentList>/);
if(cmnttag && cmnttag[1]) cmnttag[1].split(/<\/\w*:?comment>/).forEach(function(x) {
if(x === "" || x.trim() === "") return;
var cm = x.match(/<(?:\w+:)?comment[^>]*>/);
if(!cm) return;
var y = parsexmltag(cm[0]);
var comment/*:RawComment*/ = ({ author: y.authorId && authors[y.authorId] || "sheetjsghost", ref: y.ref, guid: y.guid }/*:any*/);
var cell = decode_cell(y.ref);
if(opts.sheetRows && opts.sheetRows <= cell.r) return;
var textMatch = x.match(/<(?:\w+:)?text>([\s\S]*)<\/(?:\w+:)?text>/);
var rt = !!textMatch && !!textMatch[1] && parse_si(textMatch[1]) || {r:"",t:"",h:""};
comment.r = rt.r;
if(rt.r == "<t></t>") rt.t = rt.h = "";
comment.t = (rt.t||"").replace(/\r\n/g,"\n").replace(/\r/g,"\n");
if(opts.cellHTML) comment.h = rt.h;
return commentList;
function write_comments_xml(data/*::, opts*/) {
var o = [XML_HEADER, writextag('comments', null, { 'xmlns': XMLNS_main[0] })];
var iauthor/*:Array<string>*/ = [];
data.forEach(function(x) { x[1].forEach(function(w) { var a = escapexml(w.a);
if(iauthor.indexOf(a) == -1) {
o.push("<author>" + a + "</author>");
if(w.T && w.ID && iauthor.indexOf("tc=" + w.ID) == -1) {
iauthor.push("tc=" + w.ID);
o.push("<author>" + "tc=" + w.ID + "</author>");
}); });
if(iauthor.length == 0) { iauthor.push("SheetJ5"); o.push("<author>SheetJ5</author>"); }
data.forEach(function(d) {
/* 18.7.3 CT_Comment */
var lastauthor = 0, ts = [];
if(d[1][0] && d[1][0].T && d[1][0].ID) lastauthor = iauthor.indexOf("tc=" + d[1][0].ID);
else d[1].forEach(function(c) {
if(c.a) lastauthor = iauthor.indexOf(escapexml(c.a));
o.push('<comment ref="' + d[0] + '" authorId="' + lastauthor + '"><text>');
if(ts.length <= 1) o.push(writetag("t", escapexml(ts[0]||"")));
else {
/* based on Threaded Comments -> Comments projection */
var t = "Comment:\n " + (ts[0]) + "\n";
for(var i = 1; i < ts.length; ++i) t += "Reply:\n " + ts[i] + "\n";
o.push(writetag("t", escapexml(t)));
if(o.length>2) { o[o.length] = ('</comments>'); o[1]=o[1].replace("/>",">"); }
return o.join("");
/* [MS-XLSX] 2.1.17 */
function parse_tcmnt_xml(data/*:string*/, opts)/*:Array<RawComment>*/ {
var out = [];
var pass = false, comment = {}, tidx = 0;
data.replace(tagregex, function xml_tcmnt(x, idx) {
var y/*:any*/ = parsexmltag(x);
switch(strip_ns(y[0])) {
case '<?xml': break;
/* 2.6.207 ThreadedComments CT_ThreadedComments */
case '<ThreadedComments': break;
case '</ThreadedComments>': break;
/* 2.6.205 threadedComment CT_ThreadedComment */
case '<threadedComment': comment = {author: y.personId, guid:, ref: y.ref, T: 1}; break;
case '</threadedComment>': if(comment.t != null) out.push(comment); break;
case '<text>': case '<text': tidx = idx + x.length; break;
case '</text>': comment.t = data.slice(tidx, idx).replace(/\r\n/g, "\n").replace(/\r/g, "\n"); break;
/* 2.6.206 mentions CT_ThreadedCommentMentions TODO */
case '<mentions': case '<mentions>': pass = true; break;
case '</mentions>': pass = false; break;
/* 2.6.202 mention CT_Mention TODO */
/* 18.2.10 extLst CT_ExtensionList ? */
case '<extLst': case '<extLst>': case '</extLst>': case '<extLst/>': break;
/* 18.2.7 ext CT_Extension + */
case '<ext': pass=true; break;
case '</ext>': pass=false; break;
default: if(!pass && opts.WTF) throw new Error('unrecognized ' + y[0] + ' in threaded comments');
return x;
return out;
function write_tcmnt_xml(comments, people, opts) {
var o = [XML_HEADER, writextag('ThreadedComments', null, { 'xmlns': XMLNS.TCMNT }).replace(/[\/]>/, ">")];
comments.forEach(function(carr) {
var rootid = "";
(carr[1] || []).forEach(function(c, idx) {
if(!c.T) { delete c.ID; return; }
if(c.a && people.indexOf(c.a) == -1) people.push(c.a);
var tcopts = {
ref: carr[0],
id: "{54EE7951-7262-4200-6969-" + ("000000000000" + opts.tcid++).slice(-12) + "}"
if(idx == 0) rootid =;
else tcopts.parentId = rootid;
c.ID =;
if(c.a) tcopts.personId = "{54EE7950-7262-4200-6969-" + ("000000000000" + people.indexOf(c.a)).slice(-12) + "}";
o.push(writextag('threadedComment', writetag('text', c.t||""), tcopts));
return o.join("");
/* [MS-XLSX] 2.1.18 */
function parse_people_xml(data/*:string*/, opts) {
var out = [];
var pass = false, tidx = 0;
data.replace(tagregex, function xml_tcmnt(x, idx) {
var y/*:any*/ = parsexmltag(x);
switch(strip_ns(y[0])) {
case '<?xml': break;
/* 2.4.85 personList CT_PersonList */
case '<personList': break;
case '</personList>': break;
/* 2.6.203 person CT_Person TODO: providers */
case '<person': out.push({name: y.displayname, id: }); break;
case '</person>': break;
/* 18.2.10 extLst CT_ExtensionList ? */
case '<extLst': case '<extLst>': case '</extLst>': case '<extLst/>': break;
/* 18.2.7 ext CT_Extension + */
case '<ext': pass=true; break;
case '</ext>': pass=false; break;
default: if(!pass && opts.WTF) throw new Error('unrecognized ' + y[0] + ' in threaded comments');
return x;
return out;
function write_people_xml(people, opts) {
var o = [XML_HEADER, writextag('personList', null, {
'xmlns': XMLNS.TCMNT,
'xmlns:x': XMLNS_main[0]
}).replace(/[\/]>/, ">")];
people.forEach(function(person, idx) {
o.push(writextag('person', null, {
displayName: person,
id: "{54EE7950-7262-4200-6969-" + ("000000000000" + idx).slice(-12) + "}",
userId: person,
providerId: "None"
return o.join("");